#aerin's avatars
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 10 months
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redid my avatar layout for like the gazillionth time bc i was happy my dog silvio came home🩵
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outofangband · 1 year
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extremely productive morning...
I swear I’ll have something actually substantial later I just had to
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An unhinged attempt to fit deaths in the Silm into the 15 Fears/Entities of The Magnus Archives
So in all honesty I struggled to put Fingolfin in one of the others, but he’s here because he was figuratively weighed down by the weight of the ruin of the Noldor… and Morgoth crushed him under his weight, which was “like a fallen hill.”
She dies to a poisoned wound inflicted by her husband, which is very symbolic of an entity associated with infection and unhealthy love.
Eluréd & Elurín
They are taken by monsters into a dark forest, and their death is a fate unknown in the dark… I’m not crying… MAG 173 vibes.
This works so well and was what originally sparked (ha) this idea. Throwing yourself into a “gaping chasm filled with fire” is exactly what a victim of the Lightless Flame would do. This fear is the manifestation of pain, loss and unthinking/cruel destruction, especially of potential. Maedhros both experiences this and is the perpetrator of this on countless occasions. His death is the consequence of these actions – his last sensations are “pain unbearable”, “anguish”, and “despair”.
Also, the parallels to Agnes Montague! Both are angsty redheads who were held up as the hope of a people only to fail in that role completely and die a meaningless self-inflicted death…
(I promise the others won’t be as long oops)
Aegnor & Angrod
Really all deaths in the Dagor Bragollach fit here – dying in despair in dragon fire is very Desolation.
Unlike the others I don’t believe she ever gave into utter despair, and her death by fire has some defiant rage in it. Yet her life was marked by pointless pain and her death by destruction; she burns herself alive to avoid the revenge of the Easterlings.
He’s haunted by inevitable death throughout the narrative - the unstoppable end of all his brothers, cousins and Beleriand itself. Assuming he fades, he dies the closest to a mortal death from old age of any elf.
She dies nearly as soon as Hurin finds her on the grave of her children, one of the last of the Beorians, a ‘dead’ people.
As Thingol tells him “for he that seeth through Morgoth’s eyes, willing or unwilling, seeth all things crooked”. A figure that keeps constant watch and horrible knowledge that may destroy you are both of the Eye.
The Fall of Gondolin represents that final extinction of all Noldor culture, power and craft in Beleriand – and it was brought down by a Noldo (Maeglin). Destruction by our own doing is very Extinction.
(Yes I know he doesn’t technically die in the Silm sshhh) But being made into a human banner and paraded by the enemy is quintessentially Flesh fears of reshaping and mutilation.
She was “fastened to a tree with a spear”, which is the sort of physical mutilation this entity represents.
He killed a werewolf … with his hands and teeth. Yeah.
This boy is the biggest avatar of the Hunt. He literally canonically served the god of hunting. And his hunting after the silmaril led to the second kinslaying and his death.
If we go with the idea their own followers turned on them and killed them at Sirion, it has the Hunt energy of predator becoming prey.
Kind of leaning into popular fanon here (because it has been a while since I read tfog) but his betrayal of Gondolin links with his isolation as Eöl’s son, Sindarin and the way he was raised in Nan Elmoth. Plus his whole being a creep for Idril thing as a desire to not be alone.
The sudden, awful violence of the second kinslaying basically.
His death signifies to me the pure, horrifying, unmotivated violence of war which the Slaughter represents. They “beat him into the dust with their maces, and his banner, blue and silver, they trod into the mire of his blood.”
There’s the lies spread by Morgoth, Feanor’s own deceit of Fingolfin at Losgar and his description as “fey”, all which lead to his death, and lies, false friendships, deceit and madness are all characteristics of the Spiral.
He was mad to speak to the dwarves like that and not expect consequences lol. Also his obsession with the silmaril is a little like madness. And I guess you could say the dwarves ‘deceived’ him as they never intended to give him the Nauglamir.
Case 1.0 of Túrin killing a love interest because of mistaken identity.
Case 2.0 of Túrin ‘killing’ a love interest because of mistaken identity. Feat. Accidental incest. Also Nienor experiences the creeping sense of knowing something is not right but not how.
He gets yeeted to death. Simon Fairchild is jealous.
Dying an ‘insignificant’ death in the unfathomably deep and barren void of the Helcaraxë is very indicative of the Vast.
He is the poster child for being trapped in a machination, and not knowing it, Morgoth makes his will not his own with the curse. With his many names he tries to escape the web Glaurung and Morgoth cast over him, but to the end he only furthers his own doom – “master of doom by doom mastered”. (Even his sword was working against him RIP.)
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that-angry-noldo · 6 months
....silmarillion magnus archives au???? (<- knows next to nothing about tma or whether this would work at all)
ehehe thank you >:) this is actually something i'm slowly working on so i will avoid spoilers but here's a few bits of worldbuilding
Dread Powers, no matter what some say, are not domains of the Valar. It is not known when exactly did the Fourteen come into existance; it is entirely possible they were created during the Great Music, possibly even the Discord, but it also may be that they started to emerge slowly, with the developing of fears. Some claim the Powers came with the disruption of the world that came with Ungolianth and destroying of the Trees. However, it is not true, as it is known The Dark existed far before the elves even stepped in Aman; the oral records of its various manifestations, as well as manifestations of The Stranger and The Hunt are present in the oldest folklore of Cuiviénen, which adds points to the theory of the slow emerging.
Similarly, the Dread Powers are not the creation of Melkor, just as they are not created by any of the Valar. However, out of all the Valar Melkor is the one to exploit them most often, his favorites to manipulate being the Dark, the Filth, the Desolation, the Buried, the Hunt, and the Slaughter. In the case of Hùrin and his children, for example, many powers are at play, most of them believed to be orchestrated by Melkor: the Eye for Hùrin, made to watch the slow demise of his family; the Web and, in some ways, the Slaughter for Tùrin (also applied to Hùrin post-angband); the Desolation for Aerin, the Stranger for Morwen.
However, not only Melkor uses the Powers, as many of them can be traced to various other Valar. The followers of Oromë, for example, are most often than not devout avatars of the Hunt; many manifestations of Filth, also known as Decay, appear in domains of Yavanna, and the Eye is Manwë's brand at this point.
Many fears vary from race to race. As was established by Finrod Felagund and various Bëorians he was in touch with, the Filth and the End are present in humans much more often than in elves, and the Stranger, as "Athrabeth" suggests, was the first fear the humans ever experienced. Similarly, the Buried is present in the Noldor, known miners, much more often than in the Teleri; however, the Teleri are more often subject to the Vast and the Lonely. Helcaraxë and the Darkening were the first times the End was experienced by the Amanyar en massé, though most theorize Fëanor was touched by it through his entire life.
The Extinction comes into play during the second age in Numenor. It is not known if it has died with the island or if it adapted to feed om the elves who decided to stay in Beleriand and slowly fade.
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suoirallesalta · 3 years
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A Masterlist of all @suoirallesalta edits!
Every edit is tagged under #suoiredits. edits are sorted acc to their books! enjoy
click here for my art masterlist!
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Making Sabina in the Character without using Character’s assets style (edit challenge
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Kepler, in only the harness. 
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Jen in her dress including the lingerie
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Simon Montjoy in Ava’s dress
younger Mitzi Montjoy
AVSP MC as on the cover
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💫 Nia Ellarious
the perfect pair? (Nia x MC in an AME crossover)
Goddess of the Sea (Nia x Sunkissed edit)
Nia and Imtura with... moustaches
Nia with TE Alma’s hair and MTFL Ava’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Nia as Neisha (new avatar)
Starry Nia (#BladesAW)
Empress of The Shadow (#BladesAW)
Nia as BloodBound women: Kamilah (#BladesAW)
Nia as BloodBound women: Rheya (#BladesAW) 
the pretty young girl next door (#BladesAW)
Quartermaster Nia Ellarious (#BladesAW)
Nia Ellarious as TE MC (#BladesAW)
Nia Ellarious as Shreya (#BladesAW) 
Nia Ellarious in her dress including her lingerie
nia ellarious hot goth girlfriend
The Priestess (GIF edit) (Nia in RC outfit)
Tyril Starfury
cold and broody™ vampire elf (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ bodyguard (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ elementalist (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ orc (#BladesAW)
cold and broody™ designer; feat. f!Tyril (#BladesAW)
f!Tyril (#BladesAW)
Tyril with f!Blaine’s hair (#BladesAW)
rogue-ish Tyril Starfury (with a beard)
The Mage (GIF edit) (in RC outfit)
Scream(o)s from the inside (Kade album cover edit)
Bald-ur (#BladesAW)
Damn those elves and their magicks (Mal - Aerin hairswap)
Modern Rogue-ish Mal Volari (with a beard)
Blades of Lust and Sensuality
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Jax Tora and Robin Matsuo (face swap)
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Duke Richards in the banana mascot outfit from Platinum.
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Charlie Smith
A relaxing day at the waterfall! (edit inspired by Charlie Premium Scene!)
Quartermaster of the Dreadlord (DSAW)
Quartermaster of the Flotillan Pirates (DSAW)
Siren of The Light (DSAW)
Charlie as Atlas, Eli and Shreya from TE (DSAW)
Maggie! M-Maggie? (MM and DS Maggie Crossover)
Maggie with HC Hazel’s hair and QB Poppy’s outfit. (#suoirandom request)
Oliver Cochrane
Oliver Cochrane as Luke Hemmings
oliver cock rain (DSAW)
f!Oliver (DSAW)
Distant Sores (Charlie x Edward face swap)
DS MC using BaBu2 sprite (DSAW)
Distant Couture // Hot Shores (DS x HC crossover, DSAW)
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Ayna Seth
student!Ayna and professor!Ayna
Ayna as Imogen from ILB
buff ayna
Ayna as Jackie in the Open Heart 3 CG
Ayna Seth
Ayna Seth as a Lovelink Match
Ayna Seth as Robin Tora
aynia ellarious
TA meets TA (Ayna - Aiyana Midthunder crossover)
Blaine Hayes
m!Blaine in f!Blaine’s dress
f!Blaine as m!Blaine
Blaine with PT Raleigh’s Hair and MOTY MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Blaine Hayes edit inspired by @aestheteasteria’s icon
Tatum Mendoza
John Somerset x Tatum Mendoza crossover
Tatum in Ayna’s dress / Tatum as Ayna
politics reporter and student (FA mc x WT mc)
MC with ATV Pax’s hair and TNA Robin’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Ayna x MC
Bodyguard Murphy (lmao)
Murphy Icons <3
I think I got the address to the wrong Murphy
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Skye Crandall x Gerard Way
Dark Mage Ajay (choicedits challenge)
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Power Duo (Luz x MC)
Bridgette Gardner with TRH Cedric Vescovi’s hair and PM Hayden’s Outfit (#suoirandom edit)
Luz Estrada in her dress including the lingerie
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Noah Marshall in the banana outfit (edit request)
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Sadie McGraw
Sadie McGraw (in the TNA MC’s Golden Dress)
A bit younger Sadie McGraw
Sadie McGraw (in casual(?) outfit)
Aislinn Tanaka
Aislinn Tanaka in QB Poppy’s outfit and diff black hair
aislinn tanaka hot goth girlfriend
aislinn tanaka hot goth girlfriend 2
aislinn tanaka girlfriend
aislinn tanaka’s v short hair
Gabe and MC as Mal and Nia
Babe Ricci with long hair
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The Boys
Ava as Britney from ILITW
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IGHT (NB face swap)
MC with TE MC’s hair and BB MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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bryce.. lahela .. and,, uh.. bryce sterling..
Rookie Ramsey
Rookie Varma
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Raleigh Carrera
Raleigh Carrera with AME Mackenzie’s hair and VOS Naomi’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
An exclusive sneak-peek at Raleigh Carrera’s fuck-the-stereotype Vinyls look that has got the fandom in meltdown!
Raleigh Carrera with BOLAS MC’s hair and THM Eris’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
A Very Wilshere Christmas! (Album Cover)
The Hottest Couple of the Industry (Avery x MC)
Poppy is just angry Avery
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Zoey Wade
“Besties!” (mc and Zoey as Mc and Ava from MTFL)
priestess zoey wade
zoey in floral
zoey in floral (beach-wear edition)
TA Zoey Wade
Zoey Wade as Atlas Ernhardt
Zoey Wade in TE MC’s gala outfit
zoey in the dress she gave to mc in the first chapter
Ina/Ian Kingsley
Ina Kingsley with TF Becca's hair and BB Kamilah's outfit. (edit request)
Ina Kingsley with TNA Sam’s hair and WT MC’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Veronica with TNA Sofia’s hair and ACOR Sabina’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
MC with BP Courtney’s hair and QB Poppy’s outfit.
how (ridiculous) mc would look if she actually wore that ligerie under that dress
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📰 Robin Tora
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL (#2)
Asian Robin as Ava Lawrence from MTFL (#3)
Robin as Mikasa Ackerman from Attack on Titan
Jax Tora and Robin Matsuo (face swap)
Robin in an oversized baggy shirt
wait, wrong Robin- shit (Sofia TNA edit)
Robin Tora as Robin Tora and Robin Tora as Robin Tora
Robin as Cassian in Witness
Robins at the beach
robin hood
asian f!robin tora as blaine hayes
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Flame the Crow & Me : One Boob (TC&TF face swap)
Annia Adairious (TCTF AW)
orc!Val (TCTF AW)
Kenna Rys with NB Katherine’s hair and HSS Principal Rivera’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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🌙 Atlas Ernhardt
Atlas Ellarious
Atlas, the adventurous elf
Queen of Vampires, Atlas, of Clan Ernhardt
Vampire Queen Atlas (edit #2)
Atlas, the Snow Princess
Atlas, the Moon Princess
Atlas in genderfluid flag colors!
m!Atlas in f!Atlas’s Gala dress
f and m!Atlas swapped
☀️ Eli Solaris Russell (my mc)
Eli’s first (accidental) spell cast!
Eli’s momentous first day at Penderghast
⚙️ Beckett Harrington
“Small dapper Beckett… confirmed.”
Beckett as Connor from Detroit: Become Human
Shreya Mistry
Shreya “Wonder Woman” Mistry
❣️ Pend Pals
“All dressed in black.”
Pend Gals on a night out in matching black outfits (#1)
Pend Gals on a night out in matching black outfits (#2)
Magick Docs (OH crossover)
Pend Pals in Belvoire attire
Pend Gals on a night out after the Amorelia Day Gala (faceapp faceswap edit)
The Elementalists - Across the Dimension (2D art crossover)
💞 Shreya x Atlas
“your eyes, they shine so bright”
“Hey Shreya.. Marry Me”
“Wedding Day!”
💞 Beckett x Eli/MC
Beckett and Eli in a western setting
Eli x Beckett face swap
Eli x Beckett in Robin x Sofia art (lmao)
🌟 Double Trouble (Eli/MC + Atlas)
Hydrobreath (Eli + Atlas)
“my younger twin sister” (double trouble x mtfl edit)
Blood of the Sun (a spinoff movie poster)
Coolness of metal and water-atts (meme)
Alma with FA Dionne’s hair and D&D MC’s outfit (#suoirandom edit)
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Sam Dalton
Sam Dalton as Sam Dalton and Sam Dalton as Sam Dalton
Sam Dalton with BB Serafine’s hair and TCTF Val’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Sofia as Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil
the cake on sofia’s skirt works as floral print
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John Somerset x Tatum Mendoza crossover
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Vampire Harlenay
Flynn o’Malley in fem VOS characters’ hair 
Flynn o’Malley in fem outfits
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Anna Koishi
Anna Koishi, at the club, with short pink hair
Anna Koishi with TE Atlas’s hair and PT Avery’s outfit. (#suoirandom edit)
Anna Koishi as Atlas Ernhardt
politics reporter and student (FA mc x WT mc)
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Asian f!Dakota with Hispanic f!Dakota’s hair
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Daenerys, the mother of dragons (using TRR mc)
TRR mc as Daenerys (edit #2)
the greatest witch of our time (BB mc as Hermione Granger)
me before you (poster edit with TRR Mc and AME Adam)
Aquaman (ft Cassian and Ava)
Wolf Bride wolf in Poppy’s outfit
Imogen Dragons
rip fallen books
The Crew (DSAW)
Wizards of Waverley Place (THOBM edit)
omg a hit tweet (pb meme)
Choicedits Challenges
ACOR Sabina without using her assets
OpH Jackie without using her assets
Harry Potter and Hermione Granger using Choices assets
Priestesses of the Light
Coldplay’s Higher Power album cover using only Choices assets
Asian Wolf Bride MC as TE MC
Lovelink Edits
Nicholas Adley in Pirate Outfit
Jamie Grant in multiple outfits from HERO
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imogenwescott · 4 years
ur brand is like i will change him
also if you think about it aerin was envious of his brother and having to be overshadowed by him so he could represent the avatar of envy 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
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absynthe--minded · 5 years
Ten Characters from Ten Things
I was tagged by @arofili, thanks!
Nelyafinwë Russandol Maitimo Fëanárion, The Silmarillion and other Histories of Middle-Earth
Dot, The Sea Fairies
Veralidaine Sarrasri, The Immortals
Felicity Worthington, Gemma Doyle
Aerin-sol, The Hero and the Crown
Jadzia Dax, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Padmé Naberrie Amidala, Star Wars
Katara, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Alice Verney, Dark Angels
Zanja na’Tarwein, Elemental Logic
tagging @esmeraldablazingsky, @peredhel, @monstrousgourmandizingcats, @iidrils, @peredain, and @soilrockslove!!
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always loved the hair on the left but just always kept my avatar with the one on the right bc it feels like it matches the general colors/aesthetic way better,, still too attached to the color scheme and general layout of this one to change it lol,,
the lil tiara she's got on now is from yves' 2nd bday story ♡
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outofangband · 3 years
Morwen, for the character ask?
Sexuality headcanon: bi and arospec. I headcanon her as having Alexithymia though so that has an affect on how she approaches orientation even if there as the same vocabulary in their context
OTP: Húrin. I love their relationship so much.
Favorite friendship: Húrin also? But I've also read lovely fic about her and Rían, her younger cousin. And Aerin ❤️
NOTP: I mean I can think of characters that she'd probably be miserable in a relationship with but I feel silly calling ships that don't currently exist a NOTP if that makes sense
This reminds me of a time where I saw someone making post after post raging about an avatar ship that does not actually exist, like I checked multiple archives
First headcanon that comes into my head: she didn't speak until she was almost six
One way I relate to this character: I've also gotten falsely accused of witchcraft! For antisemitic reasons but still
More seriously though I also am blunt and direct sometimes too much. And of course I also love Húrin! I relate to Morwen very much in that.
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about the character? I mean there are things that make me shake my head and think 'Morwen I'm not sure that was the best approach' but not really embarrassment and also certainly with the knowledge that I've said similar to worse
Cinnamon role or problematic fave: neither. I love her and she's my favorite female character in the legendarium
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that-angry-noldo · 1 year
Bold of you to assume Brodda isn’t already scared of the moon tbh. If you’ve seen Avatar, he gives me Zhao vibes except (cruel, creepy imperialists with regressive beliefs) I hate to say it but Zhao might be braver. Brodda does literally flee from Morwen because she looked at him. I’m 99% sure he describes this as a near death experience
Also @thelordofgifs your ask was amazing
brodda IS scared of the moon but he could never even imagine his wife cheats on him with the moon. if he knew he'd invent witch burning solely for aerin.
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flo-nelja · 7 years
E: Enjolras, Eponine (Les Misérables), Eowyn (Lord of the Rings), Electra (Nadia), Eden (Heroes), Eboshi (Mononoke hime)
L: L (Death Note), Loki (mythologie nordique, Lelouch (Code Geass), Lust (FMA 1st anime), Legato (Trigun)
I: Illyana (New Mutants), Iroh (Avatar), Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park), Iria (Seimaden), Inigo Montoya (Princess Bride)
S: Already done! Subaru from Tokyo Babylon will always be first, and the second one is Scorpius from Farscape
A: Antigone, Aerin (The Hero and the Crown), Ally McBeal, Amélie Poulain, Andrew (Buffy), Alceste (Le Misanthrope)
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elissastillstands · 7 years
Thanks to @frxstguardian for tagging me in this! The prompt was to list my ten favorite characters from ten different fandoms, in no particular order, so cue the trumpet fanfare, I guess?
Toby Daye - the October Daye series by Seanan McGuire
Bedelia Du Maurier - Hannibal
Martha Jones - Doctor Who
Aerin Dragon-Killer - The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley
Helena G. Wells - Warehouse 13
Korra - The Legend of Korra
Magneto - the X-Men franchise
Azula - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Clytemnestra - Aeschylus' Oresteia
Jessica Jones - Marvel's Jessica Jones
Gahhh, it was so hard to narrow them down. This blog is all of a couple weeks old, so I don't have anyone to tag. If any of you all want to do this, go for it!
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New avatar look bc why not, just really liked how this dress looks, so here we are 🤭💕
> Pretty sure it was from comte bday story sale
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The original on the left looks much neater, but I like having my icons kinda match the color scheme of the blog, so I tried my best lol
Really like how it ended up changing the eyes and lashes a little bit to make em look darker
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his voice lines are so sweet i literally never want him to shut up ever again-
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 5 months
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the many silly variations I've had of my most recent ikepri layout 🤭 almost tempted to finally change things up again but... too much fun~
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