#aegon ii targaryen x tyrell!reader
lcverwrites · 1 month
the lovers ― aegon targaryen
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summary ... aegon had never known the tender touch of love, from the cradle as a babe, he was cursed to be unlovable. his mother held no love for him, only the safety he provided her. his father never spared him a glance, to sickness struck to see past his golden daughter. his siblings were indifferent to him, never really having the want to dig past his drunkard front. but then came her... aegon never understood why she loved him, what she saw in him that others could not, what he could not see in himself. but thank the gods above, there was nothing he wouldn't do to keep her devotion, because the unlovable had finally found someone who loved him; and who he loved in turn. pairing ... aegon ii targaryen x tyrell!reader (wife reader) warnings ... self loathing, talks of being unlovable, strained family dynamics, targcest (mentioned, but not seen), hurt/comfort, angst, trying to heal from unhealthy relationships, mentions of drinking, supportive wife mode note ... I want this fictional man a healthy amount, as you can clearly see. I might make some more things for this couple in the future, cause they've been on my mind for a loooong time. I just want to love this man for a second, after the shit storm they put him through this season. Let me know if you want more of aegon x tryell!reader, perhaps some smut between these two lovers 😏🫶🏻
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⠀⠀⠀Voices spoke muffled words around Aegon, drowning him in their monotonous sounds, unimportant and distant from his thoughts. Aegon knew he should have been listening to his merriment of council members, they were talking about the needs of the realm, the wants of the smallfolk, the unwarranted needs of the already wealthy lords and ladies in his court, the impending doom awaiting them across the sees, with his sister plotting to take the crown from his very head.
The crown she was once promised, The Realms Delight was worlds away now, and the crown snuggly sat upon Aegon's head, the doing of the Mother and Grandsire, the controlling hands that guided Aegon under the guise of their affection and want to see him succeed, to bring the promised peace Viserys once spoke about.
But Aegon knew better now.
His mother held no love for her eldest son. She held him at arms length, with contempt, her lips pursed as if she couldn't ever fathom smiling at her own son. With a faux guiding hand, never reaching for a tender touch, only a harsh slap to awaken him from thoughts of straying from the path laid out for him. Alicent Hightower liked to believe she loved her children to the best of her ability, but Aegon knew better, knew that her love came with conditions, and Aegon's was to keep the safety of her family, even if he was killed in the process.
His Grandsire was a bitter old man, who reached above his station as hand of the king, all but ready to snatch the crown from Aegon himself. He was the driving force for Aegon's ascension, seeing the malleable drunk as a way to reach his ultimate prize, to be King through Aegon. There wasn't a bone in Otto Hightower that cared for Aegon past the power he could bring him.
Aegon could hear his mothers docile voice, sweeter than those of the men whom sat around her. Her words blurred into a flurry of movement, her lips parts around the words he wasn't taking in.
He watched his mother. Seeing his lips in her mirror image, full and pink, a slight downtick in the right corner, a frown always threatening to take her tender disposition by the throat. He could see the shape of her eyes, wide like a doe, but all innocence was washed away by a bland rage that barely simmered beneath their dark pools of amber liquid, subdued and boring. She could see her picking at the skin of her nailbeds, a bad habit she never outgrew in her youth, a habit she passed onto Aegon, if his red and raw nails were a certain sign.
He could see so much of himself in Alicent, in his own mother, a mirror into Aegon's soul. But all she could see in Aegon was his father, and she despised him for it.
His gaze traversed from his mother, to the stoic statue was his brother. Foreboding and concealed all at the same time, Aemond was a fearsome foe.
Aemond spoke little, hums of approval passed his sealed lips, displeased puffs of air fled from his nose. When words did leave his lips, they were precise, vicious and cold in the manner, strait to the point, never one to flounder and flaunt with unnecessary grandeur. He spoke as if he were a worldlier man, knew the bitterments was war and what was required to secure their victory, through fire and blood, through destruction and death. Aegon didn't know if it meant their own destruction or their foes, Aemond's want for power knew now bounds.
It's what desired him to his Grandsire.
He saw a likeness in Aemond that he didn't see in Aegon, and he held hatred and resentment for his oldest grandson.
Aemond paid no mind to Aegon, as if he was not there, the chare beneath him empty, no figurehead to be seen. He spoke to the counsel with the convection of a King, hand perched on the hilt of his sword, as if ready to strike at any given moment, lest one of the lords spoke against him, as if it were treason.
As young boys, Aegon and Aemond were like most boys he supposed. They poked and prodded at one another, until one of them bled, pleading for the other for mercy, running and crying to their mother. Often it was Aegon tormenting Aemond for his lack of dragon, for being the boring little know it all, smacking him against in the training yard in the name of bettering his skills, but Aegon wanted his little brother to feel even just a moment of the bitter resentment he felt feasting in his insides, sloshing around with the sweetened wine he drank himself into a stupor with.
He wanted his brother to feel small, unwanted, unloved, just as he felt. But no matter what Aegon did, his brother would always have their mother behind him, caressing his with the tender touch he craved. The lick his wounds with her tender voice, chaste kisses to the crown to his head, all the while berating Aegon in the same breath.
Aegon knew he shouldn't have treated Aemond so, they were both circumstance of their family, they were the only people who could truly understand each other, but resentment flooded Aegon's bones, strengthening his hatred for everyone whom shared his blood, and couldn't taste the bitter bite of his flesh.
Aemond resented Aegon for what he was given, just because he had the audacity to be born first. He was given the crown of their founding family, he was given the undeserving respect of the smallfolk, he was given the time and energy the the King's counsel. He was given the best tutors and training teachers, but he never respected what has trust upon him, not in the way Aemond would have welcomed him. Now his brothers days were spent on the throne he desired so, drunk in his cups and stupidly stuttering around like the idiot Aemond has always known Aegon to be.
Aegon leaned back in his uncomfortable chair, hand reaching out to play with the ball before him, the marble feeling cool beneath his heated palms. He felt as of he were just melting into the wood beneath him, and no one seemed to notice.
A hand reached for his arm, a delicate little thing, decorated with gentle rings that glimmered in the afternoon light, shimmering shades of glittering gold, azure blue and brilliant emerald. The smooth skin of a palm caressed his forearm, thumb digging into the malleable skin beneath his wrist, as if she knew he was slowly floating away, grounding him to this moment, to her touch.
Oh but she....
She was a marvellous thing. Aegon hadn't seen anything so precious in his life, so delicate, so wonderfully beautiful. There weren't enough words in the world for Aegon to describe her, nothing could ever truly do her justice, and he had tried, many a times, much to her amusement.
The Lady Tyrell had been a gift Aegon knew he wasn't deserving of, it was as if the gods were cursing him to gaze upon the mirror of the Maiden, but never being good enough, strong enough, smart enough to be worthy of even a glimpse in his direction. Aegon would only think himself lucky enough to dream about her gentle touch, to be the lucky man whom would receive her affection, to have her smile at him in a manner he'd never seen a maiden smile before.
Her smile started small, only an upward pulling in the right corner of her lips, inch by inch, her pretty pink lips would stretch in the most delicious curve, revealing the pearls of her teeth, little creased would dip in the skin of her cheeks as she would freely smile, a crinkle would form in her nose, her eyes would glitter with a golden looking happiness, as if you were the centre of her world in that very moment, the very reason she was smiling, like you were the only thing that could make her happy.
Aegon wished he could bottle the feeling her smile encapsulated, pure and true happiness unlike anything Aegon has felt before.
How could a persons smile be so contagious?
Despite his reservations, the Lady Tyrell held no contempt for him. She gazed upon him as if she were seeing him for what he was and she was willing to accept him, bitter soul and all.
The Lady Tyrell squeezed his arm, only once, and it was enough to have Aegon retreating from the narrow tunnel he was burrowing himself into. His gazed picked up from the marble to look upon the visage of his wife.
His Wife.
They'd been married when they were ten and three respectively, much to young to be married, but as is the way Aegon supposed. He hadn't even been given the chance to speak with her, before it was announced in the King's Counsel that they were to be married.
But they've come a long way from those scared children they had been all those years ago.
But the one thing that hadn't changed, was the devotion and love she had bestowed upon Aegon. Day in and day out, there wasn't a moment in time where she didn't love him.
"Perhaps the counsel should take a breath" Her melodic voice pierced through his muffled thoughts, like it always did, his every being was tuned into every sound and moment she made.
"Pardon, your grace?" Lord Lannister paused a moment, looking at her with a look of confusion.
"You have been discussing for hours now" She mildly replied, keeping an easy smile on her lips, looking like the pliant woman they demanded she be. "If we were to be attacked by our foes, they would have done so already, surely you all see this"
"Just because it hasn't happened, does not mean it will not happen" Otto Hightower's condescending voice bounced around the room, looking down upon the Lady Tyrell, as if she were a speck of dirt on his boot.
Aegon clenched his fist, loathing that she was rained down upon by Otto's hatred because she was connected to Aegon.
She never seemed to waiver beneath his gaze, nodding demurely at the Hand, as if she were bending to his whims.
"I do not disagree my Lord" She announced. "But perhaps we have spoken on the themes of war for much to long"
"Your Grace, forgive me for speaking so candidly--"
"Then do not"
All eyes turned to Aegon, who for the first time since the counsel had gathered, had found himself voicing the words that had been rattling around in the back of his throat.
"The Queen has excused you" Aegon bluntly replied, leaning further back in his seat, pulling his arm along with him, turning it just so, allowing his palm to slide right along her. Their fingers gliding together like magnets pulling them together, locking them in place.
Aegon relished the feeling of her warm palm beneath his own, smooth skin against his own rough calloused skin, like silk against leather. The cool metal of her rings biting into his warm skin, a zinging shock to his system.
"Aegon, the counsel needs to speak about--" Alicent tried to gage her son back into the conversation, but Aegon was already detached from everything that was her.
"Your King has dismissed you" Aegon interrupted his mother.
Aegon looked to his mother, seeing her lips parted in surprise. She wasn't used to Aegon snapping at her so, he had always been so willing to bow to his mother, wishing for her affection in return.
But he now knew what love without restraints and conditions tasted like, he craved the affections of his wife, whom would willingly allow him to be loved without limits.
"Fuck off" Aegon waved off the counsel.
He didn't even watch as each member grumbled up their breath about something or the other. He didn't notice the shared look of concern on his Mother and Grandsires faces, he didn't see the glare Aemond had wagered his way, icy and void of any brotherly affection. He didn't see any of it, and if he had, he wasn't sure he would care.
Not when she was gazing upon him as she always had.
With love.
"You may have been too crass my love" She smiled as the last of the counsel left the room, the foreboding doors slamming closed behind Otto Hightower himself, sealing himself out of reach of the King.
"They are a bunch of power hungry cunts" Aegon shrugged.
"Be that as it may" She conceded with a soft smile. She pushed herself from her seat, keeping her hand within Aegon's, walking around her corner of the table, until she was standing directly beside the chair Aegon was currently lounging in. "They are here because they support your cause"
Aegon huffed a breath through his nose.
He used their connected hand to haul his wife's body into his lap, she fell willingly into his embrace, wrapping her free arm around his shoulders.
"I do not wish to speak about them anymore" Aegon announced, shifting his wife further into his lap, until the side of her body was pressed firmly against his chest, the warmth of her body radiating through the thick fabric of her dress.
"Then we shall not" She decided, resting her forehead against his temple.
In this moment, Aegon hadn't ever imagine he would feel a love like this. He couldn't have ever pictured someone would love him for what he was, not for what he could give them.
He placed a gentle kiss against her cheek, enticing a soft smile to paint her pink lips.
Whatever god had decided to bring the two lovers together, he was praying that nothing would bring them apart.
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baelarys · 2 months
Could you take a shot of aegon x Tyrell? Where she is married to some reach gentleman and ends up having an affair with aegon and resulting in a pregnancy. And when the baby is born and everyone sees that he is platinum, oc's husband freaks out and questions aegon who answers with sarcasm that he may have a dragonrider son and does not like his wife
✾𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞✾
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Aegon ii targaryen x Reader Tyrell
word count :990
Warning : Infidelity, pregnancy, bad words , anguts.
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It had not stopped raining since morning, and your screams echoed in the room, accompanying the constant rhythm of the rain. You paced back and forth, trying to mitigate the intense pain that came in relentless waves. The midwives followed you, advising you to lie down, but you pushed them away.
You prayed to the gods fervently, begging for their mercy and to help the baby be born healthy. Your red hair stuck to your sweat-beaded forehead, while tears of desperation and effort ran down your cheeks. As you walked, resting a hand on your bulging belly, you felt a sudden release of fluids that soaked the floor of the room.
The pain was unbearable, but it was all worth it when the midwives finally placed the newborn on your chest. You noticed the thin layer of platinum hair that covered his head, an unmistakable feature, but at the time you didn't care. You kissed your son's head as happy tears fell down your cheeks. The baby was crying loudly, his little fists clenched
Your husband entered the room looking with amazement and horror at the newborn he was holding in your arms, before he could say anything you stopped him.
"Luthor, please" you begged with a trembling voice, your eyes filling with tears "This is our son. I beg you to accept it."
The knight stood still, his fists clenched and his face hardened with anger and betrayal. "Don't do it for me… do it for him" you said, holding the newborn into his arms.
Luthor hesitated, his gaze moving from the baby's serene face to your pleading eyes. The room was filled with tension, the air thick with the mix of emotions and the distant sound of the rain that continued to hit the windows. Finally, with a mixture of resignation and hopelessness, he reached out and took the child.
You spent the next few days in your chambers, surrounded only by your husband, a few midwives, and little Edmund. No one else had seen the newborn. His platinum hair and brown eyes, just like yours, looked around with endless curiosity.
You and Luthor didn't discuss the topic of the baby's paternity, and you both decided not to mention it to anyone. However, it was not surprising that rumors were already spreading in the corridors from the rats of the Red Keep. The gossip spread like a slow fire, and even if it wasn't openly discussed, you knew that many eyes were on your family.
It wasn't until a heated argument between Prince Aegon and your husband that Lord Tyrell burst into your room, his face burning with fury, declaring that they would return to Highgarden. You were surprised, since you had come to King's Landing on court business and you did not expect such a hasty return.
"Prepare your things, we leave at dawn" Luthor ordered, his voice trembling with suppressed anger. His eyes flashed with a mix of pain and determination that disturbed you deeply.
You tried to stay calm as you processed his words. "What happened? ,Why are we coming back so soon?" you asked softly, although you already knew the answer, Luthor strode over, his face grim and his fists still clenched.
"Aegon" he began in a harsh voice. "He had the audacity to say that you should be grateful to have fathered the son of a dragon rider" That insolence was the last straw.
The air became thick and heavy in the room. You instantly understood the impact of those words on your husband. The humiliation and betrayal had been too much for him, and Aegon, with his arrogance, had pushed Luthor over the edge.
"Luthor" you said, trying to reach for his hand to offer comfort, but he jerked away, his gaze fixed on the floor.
"There is nothing more to discuss" he replied in a sharp voice. "Highgarden is our home, far from the viperous tongues and inquisitive eyes of this rotten court."
You sighed, resigned. You knew that insisting would only make things worse. As you prepared to leave, your mind was filled with worries about the future. How would you face life in Highgarden with the stigma of infidelity and the birth of Edmund? However, the innocence of your son and his future were your main concern.
While leaving King's Landing meant escaping immediate scrutiny, it also meant facing suspicion and judgment in the Tyrell ancestral home.
You decided to take one last walk through the halls of the Red Keep before leaving. You wanted to record in your memory every corner, every detail of that place that had witnessed your most intense and complex moments. With every step, you felt the weight of the decisions made and the consequences you would face upon returning to Highgarden.
You turned into a hallway and suddenly, someone slammed you against the wall, holding you firmly by the waist. The impact left you momentarily breathless and before you could react, you felt lips smash against yours in a rough and messy manner.
Your first instinct was to resist, but the unmistakable platinum hair and the intensity of his gaze piercing you confirmed it was Aegon.
The force of his kiss spoke of desperation and desire, an attempt to hold on to something he knew he was about to lose.
"Aegon" you tried to say between their kisses, but he didn't let you finish, his mouth covering yours again, silencing any protests. His hands gripped your waist with palpable need, as if he could prevent your departure with his touch.
Finally, you managed to pull away slightly, panting with the effort. "I have to go" you whispered, your words barely audible as you tried to regain your composure.
"I can't let you go like this" Aegon rasped, his forehead resting against yours. —You know this isn't fair, that I need you here.
"I can't stay here anymore" you whispered, barely containing the emotion in your voice. You felt Aegon bury his face in your neck, leaving a trail of sloppy and desperate kisses over your skin.
"Don't say that" Aegon murmured against your neck, his voice vibrating with a mix of sadness and desire. His hands gripped your waist tightly, as if his touch could prevent the inevitable.
"I must go" you insisted softly, trying to remain firm in your decision. You felt his lips move slowly over your skin, his kisses leaving a burning trail that contrasted with the cold of the stone behind your back
Aegon pulled away slightly, his intense gaze searching yours. "Is this really what you want?" he asked with a voice heavy with pain. "Leave everything we've had here?"
You took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "It's not a matter of wanting" you finally said. "It's what I should do for my family. I can't continue living in this chaos"
You pulled away from Aegon gently, leaving one last kiss on his lips. "See you, my prince" you whispered, saying goodbye with a mixture of resignation and a spark of amusement in your eyes.
You turned around and started walking down the hallway, feeling his gaze on your back. Each step towards the exit of the Red Keep felt lighter than the last. You had decided to face the future with a more optimistic attitude, knowing that this farewell was necessary.
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
Okay, I want a list of characters in your opinion from loudest to quietest during sex 💖
Loud, and shameless: Aegon, Margaery, Tyrion, Theon
Loud and embarrassed: Podrick, Jon, Sansa, Helaena
Moans, but isn't crazy about it: Daenerys, Rhaenyra, Robb, Jace, Alicent
Sighs, and groans: Aemond, Ramsey, Daemon
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theredquill · 1 year
✧˚ · . SOUND & FURY, hotd fic
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“ i was more of a seasnake than a dragon ”
fc: sofia wylie / pairing: aegon targaryen
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“ i’m no southern lady, i’m aryana stark of winterfell and i’ll die with a sword in my hand ”
pairing: lynesse targaryen / fc: ruby cruz
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“ all i’ve ever wanted was to make someone in this family proud ”
pairing: arya stark / fc: tamzin merchant
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“ our banners are as green as yours, your grace ”
fc: ellie bamber / pairing: aemond targaryen
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
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Lady Targeryen ( previous surname Tyrell )
I would like to hear your ideas. If you have any suggestions for drawing, please feel free to write.
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ophelieverse · 2 years
Is there a part 2 of "of monsters and flowers"?
Not yet,but there will be 💕🥰
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violetrainbow412-blog · 3 months
From hate to love… or something like that
Aegon II Targaryen x fem!reader
word count: 15.7k (sorrrryyyy)
warnings: arranged marriage, hate-to-love, mentions of rape, mentions of incest, mentions of suicidal thoughts, drinking alcohol, mommy issues, daddy issues, mentions of sex without love, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), porn with plot (but something cheap, tbh) and I probably forgot something but I think that makes it clear that this shit is not for minors, so MINORS DNI :)
A/N: I started this since the second season premiere started so if you find any canon-like scenes I completely promise it wasn't intentional. I also want to make it clear that you are responsible for what you read and if you don't like something please just let it go, that would be very kind of you!
And this doesn't make me team green at all, I'm a defender of the rightful queen to the death… it's just that her brother is too sexy to ignore 🫦
taglist (who I thought might be interested): @barcelonaloverf1life @ilovequeen978
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Finding a wife for Prince Aegon II was probably one of the most difficult tasks Alicent Hightower had to face.
The engagement with his sister Helaena had been broken after a more tempting offer for the princess, which would get them a permanent alliance with the Lannister house that they couldn’t refuse. Viserys himself had agreed to accept and the queen consort had no choice but to give her little daughter in marriage to a blonde lord. The problem was that her son was left without a fiancée.
Aemond didn't worry her, after all he was growing up quite quickly and she knew that he was more inclined to become a warrior than to fulfill his marital responsibilities. But Aegon, however, was a lost cause.
It was no secret that Alicent had always felt disappointed in her eldest son. He was careless, lazy, and a hopeless alcoholic, qualities that couldn’t be celebrated at all. Now that her beloved father had returned, the queen didn’t hesitate to consult him on the matter, hoping that the man had a solution for the problem that afflicted her, and together they analyzed what was the best option to unite the king's first-born son. Especially after, years ago, Rhaenyra and Daemon got married and moved to Dragonstone indefinitely.
“It must be someone we completely trust, someone who cannot dare to hurt us because they know that their blood is linked to ours.”
The Arryns were loyal to the future queen Rhaenyra and some of the houses south of Vale were too. The Westerlands was the richest section of the Seven Kingdoms and was already secured, so it seemed prudent to the king's hand to go for the next widest section: The Reach. The most formidable options within this area were the Hightower and the Tyrell. Obviously taking the first option would be a waste since the members of that house would support Aegon without complaint due to their kinship, so the decision was made with the direct heir of Highgarden.
King Viserys agreed to the idea without putting up many obstacles, since poppy milk clouded his judgment most of the time and also the affairs of his first son had never interested him much.
The union was sealed as soon as the deal was offered to Lyonel Tyrell, who was extremely happy to be able to assure his family a future with said marriage. It was thus that he gave you, his only daughter, to Prince Aegon II Targaryen.
And the second the boy saw you, he absolutely hated you.
He had come to the idea (very unpleasant, by the way) of marrying his younger sister and now that his mother was forcing him to marry a complete stranger, he couldn't be angrier. In a short time he would turn twenty and it seemed pathetic to him that at that point he would have to offer shows like those before the kingdom. Because the wedding wasn’t simple, of course, but thousands and thousands of guests were present at the banquet that Alicent forced the king to prepare, claiming by saying that he had done the same for Princess Rhaenyra's wedding.
“It is a pleasure to finally see each other, your grace. They have told me a lot about you”
You had said those precise words the first time you had met, when his mother organized a walk so that you could 'get to know each other better', although supervised by her own eyes that were behind you, making sure that her son didn’t commit any indecency. But no matter how sweetly you smiled and spoke them, Aegon could sense that you were lying.
There was hatred in your eyes and a clear resentment towards the life from which you were torn, as if it weren’t an honor to have the opportunity to marry the prince of the seven kingdoms. Your hypocritical words represented an insult to the boy and that is why he decided from the first moment that he would hate you deeply.
With your mere existence you would have deprived him of his freedom, his entertainment, his youth. He would be tied to you for future occasions, he would have to take you to all the events, secure your food, your clothes. share the same roof and pretend to be nice to you in the eyes of others. And, besides, he could have thought of a lot of candidates better than you, physically speaking. Your beauty was quite ordinary for his taste, as if he were looking at any painting; cheap and repetitive.
“I regret to admit that I am not so fortunate, Lady Tyrell. But I am happy for the union of our houses” he lied, in the same way that you had done.
And it was obvious that this didn’t go unnoticed by you, that you had the same critical eye as your recent fiancé but that you sought to maintain composure in the presence of your future mother-in-law.
On the wedding day Aegon had a good time only because he was able to drown himself in monumental quantities of liquor and because he was able to eat as much as he wanted of the exquisite banquet. He didn't even pay a bit of attention to how you looked in the wedding dress that the royal seamstresses had been in charge of making in record time, because when the time came he flattered you superficially and then ignored the matter. The ceremony kiss was the first you shared, and it was so fleeting and awkward that the prince felt disappointed. On the wedding night he was so drunk that he didn't even look at you.
You knew that the unfortunate day would come when you would have to carnally please the young man and the simple thought of being defiled in this way caused you terror and nausea in equal parts.
It was a stranger whom you had married, of whom the only thing you knew was his noble title and name.
In the days following your marriage, unfortunately or fortunately, Aegon didn’t even speak to you. You didn't have to share a room, so it was easier for him to completely ignore you while he went about his ways.
You had to admit that the only good thing about having taken this trip was the beautiful landscapes that King's Landing offered you. Your room had a direct view of Blackwater Bay and you spent several days looking out the window at the beautiful sea. Sometimes you could watch Prince Aemond ride his dragon, and honestly, the size of the beast scared you a little. You hadn't had the chance to observe Aegon in Sunfyre yet but if he was as impressive as Vhagar, then he would be quite a sight.
A week passed, then another and another where you were nothing more than a guest in the palace. You didn't talk to anyone, you ate dinner alone, you barely saw the outside of the castle. Sometimes you went to the Sept, pretending to pray, but really just killing the endless boring hours of the day. You were somewhat lucky if you found Helaena, the most sensible and calm within the royal family, because you had pleasant conversations with her. When you met the queen it was a little more difficult, because she asked you endless questions in which you had to fake the answers. How could you be fulfilling your parenting responsibilities if the capricious prince wouldn't deign to lay a finger on you?
After a month, Alicent seemed to take matters into her own hands and forced her eldest son to take you to sleep in the same room as him. However, Aegon seemed to want to blame you for something you hadn't chosen. He never spoke to you and every time you went to bed, he would stand with his back to you as far away as possible. And as if that weren’t enough, he had explicitly ordered his guards not to allow you to leave the room unless it was in his company. It was his way of punishing you, of getting even for the complaints of his mother and grandfather regarding his lack of interest in marriage.
“My mother wants us to attend a dinner tonight” you were so unaccustomed to hearing his voice addressing you that it took you a second to process what he was telling you “I will talk to the maids to bring you a suitable dress.”
You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to go to that dinner, nor did you want to be with him, or wear one of those tight, annoying dresses. Aegon, noticing your silence, deigned to look at you and in your eyes he could see the aversion you felt for him. It was something difficult to mask and he had seen it on so many faces that it was nothing new.
“As you wish, prince.”
A bitter laugh came from your husband's throat.
“Don't be a hypocrite, for God's sake. I know you hate me as much as I hate you. Save appearances for guests, not in the chambers."
You wouldn’t have had the courage to admit out loud what his majesty had said, but you didn’t dare to contradict him either. You had to play the role of a self-sacrificing and suitable wife for the man if you wanted to keep your honor, but above all your head.
You tried, with all your might, to see some quality in Aegon that you liked so that you could treat him in a better way, which always resulted in something useless. Perhaps if he had been nicer to you, you could have known how to forgive his faults, but even that wasn’t granted to you.
The dinner was mostly family-oriented, with the guest of honor being from House Baratheon whose purpose was to discuss some political matters with the king and queen. Due to his health, Viserys didn’t usually leave his room more than necessary, however, that night the occasion warranted it.
“Lady Tyrell, how is your stay in King's Landing?”
The king had a reputation for being gentle with his guests and was the first person to ask you a personal question, so the smile you showed him was genuine.
“Very pleasant, your grace. The servants treat me as well as possible and I must admit that the views from my room are beautiful. Your dragon is impressive, Prince Aemond, by the way.”
The boy, who wasn't all that expressive, just looked at you for a moment and tilted his head down slightly.
“I'm glad you like it, princess.”
"And my son? How is our Aegon treating you?”
That question was more complicated to answer, since it required expressing a lie. Everyone present focused their attention on you, except your husband who had been staring into nothingness for a long time.
“Very well, my king. He’s a good husband and I am happy to have been able to unite our houses.”
The aforementioned snorted, incredulous at what you were saying at the table, and took a long drink from his glass of wine.
“And I hope very soon you can give us strong and beautiful heirs.”
Although that was intended as a compliment, you felt the weight of that responsibility pressing down on you again.
“I wish the same. It will be an honor to serve the crown and bear the progeny of a house as formidable as yours."
The queen was pleased with your answer and for a moment felt sorry for you. She knew her son well, so deep down she knew that it wasn’t a gift from the gods to be married to him. The rest of the table looked at you curiously, wondering if you were serious, trying to be ironic, or just trying to play the good girl role.
Aegon, as expected, became intoxicated during dinner and when Queen Alicent announced that she was going to retire to sleep you thought it prudent to do the same. Your husband, however, had other wishes.
“Stay here,” he asked, his voice serious.
When he was drunk he looked you up and down, probably evaluating how worth it would be to decide to strip you naked and fuck you once and for all. Your body in the dress you were wearing looked better with a few drinks on him.
“I think it would be best to retire, my husband. This way you can stay with the men to chat and… drink”
“But I want you to stay here to keep me company,” he insisted, holding your wrist tightly “Or don't you want to please your prince?”
It wasn’t a loving request, but one for control. He wanted to have you there only to demonstrate his power over you, without paying attention to you or talking; only as an ornament.
“Aegon, enough,” Alicent interrupted, observing the scene that had begun to unfold. “Daughter, let's go to sleep. “I will accompany you”
“Fine, do whatever you want,” he spat contemptuously, abruptly releasing the wrist that was holding you. There was hatred in his eyes, but also pride.
The queen said goodbye to everyone present and then offered you her hand to take you away from there. You spent most of the way in silence, walking through the long, wide corridors of the fortress followed only by the faithful footsteps of Ser Criston Cole.
“You must be patient with him” he began to say “He is a particular man and sometimes… difficult, but I know that with your docile character you will be able to deal with his temperament.”
What did she know about your character? She didn't know you at all.
“So it shall be, Queen Alicent.”
“I understand what you are going through, dear. We both come from the same lands to endure the difficult task of accompanying a monarch. But it is our duty to carry it out with all the honor and temper worthy of our homes. Of course, I can trust that as a woman you will be able to help him fulfill another of the most important marital commitments, such as having children, to maintain the lineage and blood. For a virgin like you, Aegon may be rough, but... patience and resilience are among the best virtues. A woman in royalty must endure these things to give the best to the people.”
You had never wanted to be a princess. And just when you thought the queen was showing you compassion, you realized that she was only looking out for her interests and those of her family.
"Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind"
She smiled and immediately left a kiss on your forehead, which could have been taken as a maternal kiss but which you didn't like at all. The longer you can postpone suffering, the better. If Aegon didn't even want to look at you, it was perfect.
That night, as soon as you touched the mattress and the silk sheets that decorated it, you began to cry until you fell asleep.
Time passed again and although the punishment of not leaving your room was not revoked, you found multiple activities with which to entertain yourself in the prince's absence. You filled your mornings and afternoons with reading, writing, knitting and embroidering. The nights were even more boring because most of the time your husband wasn't there either.
Rumors that you hadn’t yet consummated the marriage had spread through the halls of the palace and soon the smallfolk would murmur too. After all, the people couldn’t entertain themselves with anything more than the gossip and the plays that were going on in the poor neighborhoods, making fun of royal affairs.
You no longer even had the energy to deny those accusations and Aegon had given you the perfect opportunity by throwing you out of his room and refusing to leave the four walls of yours: if you didn't leave there, there was no way anyone would question you. And since you didn't have family inside the Keep, you didn't have any visitors either.
One night, however, your husband surprised you by entering your room. It had been days since you two had seen each other and his staggering around the room warned you that he was drunk again. You often wondered how he resisted drinking so much and the long-term effects it would have on his health, but right now your mind could only focus on the fear of what he might want in that state.
“Good night, dear,” he drawled, sounding as sarcastic as possible.
You were in your nightgown and you were carrying in your hand an old book that you had been reading and that you threw on the nightstand as soon as you saw him approaching you. You didn't have time to say or do anything else when he had already approached you in giant steps to grab you by the back of your neck and start kissing you. He was abrupt, careless, with his mouth smelling of wine and tasting even worse. You wanted to cry from helplessness.
“It's what everyone wants, isn't it?” he murmured, separating himself from you, but still holding you by the hair at the back of your neck. “A marriage arranged in a couple of days to form alliances. And that's it, my life was ruined thanks to my father wanting your stupid castle to expand his domain."
The truth is that couldn't be further from the truth. Viserys’s ambition had never been that, as he had been so little involved in the process that he simply didn’t care who his children were or were not married to. Except for Rhaenyra, of course.
Aegon continued:
"I didn’t want this. I didn't want to marry you, or anyone..."
“And you think I do?” you confronted him.
You were tired of the insult, the humiliation and him ignoring you as if you were worthless; even if that was what a husband did. And the most likely thing was that your words would be forgotten due to alcohol or that they would put an end to the wait for your suffering to begin and Aegon decided to take you once and for all.
“You have nothing to lose, prince,” you continued. “You get drunk as much as you want, you run away from your responsibilities and walk everywhere when I have to stay locked up here all day just because you want me to. I have to endure the suspicious looks of everyone because I still don't have an heir in the womb while you go and fuck your whores."
“I'm the prince and I fuck whoever I want, did you hear me?” he hissed. The grip on your hair had already begun to become painful and a few tears slipped down your cheeks “And I stop fucking whoever I want too. I'm not going to please anyone by getting you pregnant. There they will see if they come and force me to put my cock in you”
“Do you doubt that, your grace?” you exclaimed bitterly “Doubts that will force us to conceive?”
“So that's what you want? Do you want me to do it?”
“I want to go home. That is what I want. But my father used me as a bargaining chip and that's why I can't do anything."
“I'm sorry it was like that. If I had chosen my wife, I would surely have chosen someone prettier and more educated than you, but I can't do much either."
Once again, the man pushed you until your lips joined his and the same discomfort settled in you. He didn't kiss you with love, but with fury and violence to the point that you had to push him away when he bit you so hard that a trickle of blood began to come out of your lower lip. Aegon was also stained by it and with an acidic smile he ran the tip of his tongue all over his mouth to remove any traces.
Looking at you he didn't look happy, but he didn't look angry either. He just seemed fed up.
Everyone knew, or suspected, that the prince was very capable of taking sexual advantage of any woman. He had done it before with maids and prostitutes and had slept peacefully throughout that time. However, there was something about you that encouraged him not to. He didn't even think it was something about you specifically but about the situation, because he wanted to do the opposite of what he was ordered: if everyone ordered him to take you to have an heir, it automatically became an unpleasant act and at the same time that he refused.
He was hurt, not because of you but because of years and years of abuse and neglect. He didn't really know you at all, he only knew what you represented.
You were just the unlucky one who had married him.
"I hate you. I hate that you are my wife and you are not worthy of me even touching you” he snapped with disdain. You were still fighting to keep the tears inside your eyes and his vision had also blurred slightly “I wish I had never met you.”
“The feeling is mutual, your grace,” you expressed, your voice breaking. If it was an offense to the crown, you wouldn't even care anymore and if he killed you right there you wouldn't regret it too much either.
Aegon looked at you one last time before staggering back out the door without another word, closing it behind him with a loud gesture and leaving you alone in the room. The reality that you had escaped, once again, from being raped by the man fell on you like a bucket of cold water and your knees weakened until you fell to the floor.
You were hurt, tired, and defeated by the stress of the situation and the fear that had washed over you the entire time. Luckily he was gone, otherwise you didn't know if you would have endured what he had to do to you. It was better to have him busy in a brothel than to have to endure him in your bed.
You wished you could talk to someone and cry on a loved one’s shoulder, only to realize a second later that that was impossible. Aegon was your new family, now you belonged to the Targaryens and you would have to do as they wished.
Anger completely overwhelmed you to the point where you stood up from your seat and began throwing pieces of glassware all over the room, in a violent outburst at what had just happened and the way you felt. None of the guards outside your door dared to come in to check on you and soon enough you fell back to the ground, exhausted from the effort.
As you cried, perhaps for the umpteenth time since you had been married, you thought about how you would never be able to love Prince Aegon. Not even if you tried.
After months, the inevitable arrived. The truth was that the first time you felt sorrow and anger, but the following times it became more tolerable. Not because it was better, but because you began to get used to it. Aegon didn't change his attitude towards you one bit. You indeed spent more time together, although that didn’t mean that you got along better or that you had begun to have more sympathy for each other.
The only advantage was that you had started to be friends with some people in the palace. Your sister-in-law, to begin with, as well as some of the maids who were in charge of looking after you, as they turned out to be your only company during those days. Those distractions were more than enough for you, considering the situation you were in, and they kept you sane as time went by.
Almost like a punishment from heaven, it seemed that you weren’t pregnant yet, since your biological processes seemed to continue working to the letter. That meant that, unfortunately, you would have to keep trying; when Aegon was lost enough to forget who you were and you had to stand still as a statue to let him loom over you.
You often liked to imagine what your life would have been like if you had stayed in Highgarden. Nobody knew it yet, but there you had found your first love and although it never went beyond a few kisses, you treasured the memory with particular affection. You had always wanted to marry a sweet man who loved and respected you, who would give you your place as a wife and adore you day and night; someone with whom you could feel protected, cared for, but above all happy. You thought, naively, that that boy you had met and who was nothing more than a commoner could have given you that life, but all those possibilities were nothing more than fantasies in which you tried to lock yourself in to feel less miserable with your unpleasant reality.
One night Helaena had invited you to a modest dinner in her company that you couldn't refuse, since none of your husbands were present and some time with friends could clear your mind. You didn't even know where the prince was, although it was expected that he was spending some time in the town with his friends.
“Sometimes I feel sad about our situation,” said the blonde. You were in the privacy of her chambers, not even with the maids present, so confessions like that were allowed “But I am happy that you are my friend, something that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.”
“I'm glad to talk to you too,” you smiled sincerely. “You're the best thing I've found around here.”
“My brothers aren't that bad, they're just… well, we've had a hard life. And that's why they behave like that."
“I think there is no justification for being a…” idiot, you wanted to say, but you had to remember that you were in the presence of the princess, “a person who is rude to others. But I guess that happens with royalty, right? They do what they want without consequences”
"I guess so. Kings, princes, the heirs, lords, dukes…”
“Okay, I get it,” you laughed bitterly “It's probably a masculine quality.”
You never thought your sister-in-law would have that kind of humor and to be honest, most of the time she was a comic relief for the situations you two were going through. Sometimes her prophecies scared you, especially the way she phrased them, but you wanted to think that her premonitions would never affect you directly.
When you finally got tired of chatting and the food was finished, you decided to return to your room, so you could have a peaceful night's rest. It was raining outside and thunder echoed in the distance, making the atmosphere slightly gloomy, but at the same time cooling every corner of King's landing.
The novelty of your position was no longer important enough to require you to be escorted by guards twenty-four hours a day, so you were able to slowly walk through all the corridors that led to your sanctuary. It was modest but cute, although not on the level of Aegon’s.
A man was guarding the door and you bowed your head to him to let you pass, which he did without any opposition. Once inside you got rid of your shoes and unbuttoned your corset, not caring that the room was almost in darkness; only the moonlight illuminated from the window. You took a few steps forward and squealed when you discovered that there was another person in the room, sitting at the small table with a drink in his hand. You would have started screaming for help if you hadn't noticed that said intruder had silver hair falling like a curtain over his face.
"Your grace?" you asked cautiously.
It isn’t usual for Aegon to drink in your room, as he preferred other places with more interesting company, and when you didn’t receive an answer you approached slowly. You thought that at best he had simply fallen asleep and at worst he would be dead.
At first his long, wavy hair covered your view of his face, but when he noticed your presence he raised his head and then you could see him. His features became clearer as lightning illuminated him from the outside and for a second you were horrified.
His cheek was red and a trickle of blood was dripping from his nose, however, what surprised you the most was seeing his eyes completely swollen.
“For the seven, I… I'll go call a maester”
“Don't even think about it,” he exclaimed hoarsely, seeing that you were already rushing towards the door.
Your husband didn't sound like his usual angry tone, but rather he seemed... hurt.
You thought for a second about what the appropriate reaction to the situation was. You couldn't leave the room because, in addition to the guards murmuring, it would be impolite to leave him in that state; also, where would you go? If you ignored him, he would probably take it as an insult and he had already made it clear that he didn't want to see someone who could take care of those injuries.
You hated him, it was true, but you weren't an insensitive monster either.
"Who did this to you?"
Aegon was surprised by how soft, even kind, your question sounded and the intoxication gave him some courage to answer.
“My mother and my grandfather. Mostly my mother, my grandfather rather dedicated his efforts to reminding me how useless I am”
You didn't know what to say. You never believed that the queen would be capable of hitting one of her sons like that. You didn't believe it from any mother, actually.
With some trepidation you took one of the chairs and placed it in front of him, expecting him to immediately push you away or ask you to get out of his sight. However, the prince didn't seem to have enough energy to do any of those things.
He had a lost look on his face and tears began to run down his face.
“Nothing… nothing I do pleases her. Neither to her, nor to my grandfather. All the time they are pressuring me, demanding me, yelling at me. Apparently Otto still hopes that my father will name me king, but I've never wanted that. They blame me for drinking all the time and how do they expect them not to? My father cares so little about me and my mother hates me. All his life he has hated me. She does it, my brothers… and so do you. My own wife hates me. Everyone… everyone who knows me does it”
You were silent for a moment.
There were mixed feelings inside you, because you couldn't forget the mistreatment that the man had given you during those months, nor the way he used you for his pleasure. He was right when he said you hated him. However, there was a compassionate part of you, deep down, that felt sorry for the man's state.
“And sometimes I just want to be dead. I just wish all the shit would go away and drowning in alcohol and dying would take away Alicent's problem and allow her to focus her attention on something better”
His gaze lifted and he looked at you with crystallized eyes.
“Maybe you should poison me one day. So your suffering would also end”
“Your highness, I cannot do that”
“But would you like it? Do you hate me enough to wish me dead?”
“Of course not,” you said quickly.
"Liar. You lie like everyone else. You want me dead”
You knew that saying something negative at that moment, in the state he was in, could result in him making some incoherence that you would be blamed for the next morning. So it was best to act cautiously.
“I don't think anyone wants that”
“My mother does. My father, Rhaenyra does it, and so does her stupid new husband…”
“Your grace…” you interrupted him harshly. Listening to him sink into his self-indulgence was too much to bear “You better go to sleep, don't you think? Now you're not thinking clearly, you'll feel better in the morning."
But Aegon seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, oblivious to anything you had to say to him.
“I guess I just wish someone wouldn't completely detest my existence, you know?”
Aegon had done terrible things to you, of course, but seeing him at that moment made you wonder if all of this was the product of poor parenting and psychological abuse that had been perpetuated for twenty long years. You couldn't say your father loved you, not after what he had done, but at least he hadn't constantly hurt you as the man in front of you had. You knew better than anyone that hate had to be healed with empathy and for a brief moment you felt soft for him.
Once Aegon was a small child, without sins, without accumulated hatred, without evil... and apparently that frightened child hadn’t been completely buried, because it was him who cried inconsolably and saw death as a viable alternative to end that suffering. However, there is no redemption without guilt, right? You don't get to heaven without first repenting.
You stayed silent for a long time, listening to him sob, and when you gathered the courage you spoke:
“Prince, can I be honest with you?”
You had spoken in a low and benevolent voice, while you slid from your chair until you were kneeling in front of him. The boy didn't even want to take advantage of that position for a sexual act, he was simply too tired and drained to think. You placed your hands on his knees and seeing that he nodded, you continued:
“You say you wish someone wouldn't hate you, but have you ever made an effort to do so? Or have you even wondered why people feel that way about you?”
“It's something natural for them”
“I didn't feel it,” you said, honestly. You hated the idea of getting married out of obligation, but if he had been different from the beginning maybe your feelings for him would be too “And you made me feel it. With your contempt, your humiliations, your punishments…”
“If everyone thinks you're a monster, what's the point of contradicting them?”
“And then you prefer to agree with them?”
You were probably taking too many liberties with the prince, but you would never have a chance to talk to him like that again. He was vulnerable and therefore less defensive than normal.
“Every person is responsible for their actions,” you continued. “You can't change how the queen or king feels about you, but you can choose to offer something better to others. If it’s your desire that people not hate you, that won’t happen overnight just because you tell it to. It takes time, effort and above all it requires kindness. If you live regretting the concept that people have of you, without doing anything to change it, then you will live a lifetime of dissatisfaction. If you seriously want someone to feel happy about your existence then pursue that goal, don’t expect it to be granted to you as a divine work.”
A deeper cry began to well up from the man and you almost thought he would lean down for your hug. Still, he didn't.
“I don't know how to be someone else. I have always been this”
“Not always, that's for sure. Water that stagnates rots and becomes a swamp. The one that runs, on the other hand, becomes a river and flows into the ocean.”
You raised the handkerchief you always carried and, in an act of kindness that was also intended to be an offering of peace, you gently wiped the tears and dried blood from his face. Aegon squirmed as he had never experienced that kind of care.
“You just have to ask yourself: what do you choose to be?”
For an endless moment he watched you. His judgment was clouded by drunkenness, but he wondered if he wasn't hallucinating and you were simply the voice of his conscience telling him something he had never wanted to accept.
It was easier to blame others for his mistakes, to justify himself by saying that everything about him was his mother's fault and that if he behaved the way he did it was only a defense mechanism. Aegon had never thought about how his treatment of women was a direct consequence of Alicent's upbringing: if his own mother had hurt him, why wouldn't other women do the same to him? And since he was convinced that they were all going to do it, he preferred to turn them into objects that he could use for his benefit.
He was so drunk and so exhausted from all the crying he had shed that he simply pushed your hand away from his face and stood up from the chair, without saying a word. You, now standing, saw him begin to undress and the first thing you thought was that he would seek to heal his sorrows by having sex with you. However, he only got rid of the essentials and then lay on his stomach on the bed. Without any choice, you took off your clothes for the day, put on a nightgown and also lay down on the mattress to sleep.
You were sure that the next day Aegon wouldn’t remember anything and you weighed the possibility of the whole story repeating itself, in an endless and painful loop for the two of you. And if you were right, it would be a shame if you had to live like this for the rest of your days.
“Do you know where Meryna is?” you asked one of the maids who had come in to change your bedding.
“No, your grace”
“I'm starting to get hungry and she still hasn't brought my breakfast,” you exclaimed sadly.
You had woken up a while ago and had gotten dressed to go for a walk after eating, to see if this would cheer you up a little. It had been a few days since Aegon had opened up in the privacy of your room and after that you had barely seen him, much less spoken to him. You believed that everything was due to a matter of pride or even shame for what you had witnessed and you simply didn’t give it importance, because you knew that eventually he would approach you again. You just had to wait for him to want to do it.
Almost as if by summons, the black-haired girl appeared through the door, looking agitated and embarrassed by the delay. Furthermore, she came empty-handed.
“Didn't you bring breakfast?” you asked, still sounding cordial but slightly surprised.
“I'm very sorry, it's just that Prince Aegon asked me to bring the food to the royal dining room. He is waiting for you there, he told me to come and get you.”
He hadn’t mentioned requiring your presence for any breakfast and, according to you, there were no guests in the palace to accompany. The two women noticed your dismay and Meryna stood waiting for a response.
“Did he tell you why?”
“No, your grace”
"Good. Then tell him I'll be there in a moment."
You only took a few minutes to change your dress, one more suitable for being in the presence of the prince and in case there was a guest you didn't know about. There were no guards at your door so you were able to walk to the dining room by yourself and were surprised to see that only your husband was at the table. He had an expression that you interpreted as a mix of impatience and nerves.
“Oh, you finally arrived. Sit down. You, bring the princess something to drink,” he ordered a maid. He used to call you that in the presence of guests, but it was rare for him to have that courtesy when alone.
“Are we waiting for someone?”
"No. I just thought you might want to have breakfast together.”
You were already sitting next to him, and for a second you watched him with a frown. Had he hit his head somewhere or why was he acting so strange?
“Do you prefer juice or wine, your highness?
“And bring her some strawberries,” Aegon exclaimed.
There was something about the situation that scared you, because you imagined that he wouldn't be treating you so kindly without wanting something in return. But you were already his wife and he did whatever he wanted with you, what more could he want from you?
You looked him up and down, as if searching for some sign, but he looked completely normal. He was wearing one of those full black robes he was used to, with a golden chain with emeralds decorating the hem of his neck and a belt accentuating his figure. The dark circles in his eyes were pronounced, as always, but the look was not that of someone angry; you would even say that he looked somewhat passive, even sleepy.
While you were thinking about all that, you remembered the last conversation you had had with him. You feared that madness had finally exploded in your husband and the food you were about to eat was poisoned, as he had suggested at the time. Perhaps out of courtesy he was waiting for you to take the first bite and, trying to control the trembling in your hands, you took a portion of the cold cuts on your plate to put it in your mouth. Luckily the food didn't taste different and after seeing that the man ate it with the utmost calmness, you assumed that it didn't contain any poison either.
There was freshly baked bread, jam, some cheeses, the aforementioned cold cuts, a variety of fruits, scrambled eggs with fresh herbs and chives, as well as some stuffed buns for dessert. It was a mini banquet and as you ate it you couldn't help but wonder why this show of kindness was due.
Aegon didn't seem to have any intention of talking and you didn't try to force him, not wanting to either. The atmosphere was one of peace and tranquility, one you had not experienced since your wedding day until now, and it was a very different but strangely pleasant feeling.
It was just a couple sharing breakfast time, but for two people who come from such a broken home it felt like a totally new experience.
You continued in silence until most of the things served were finished, leaving only what wasn’t to your palate's liking or that your body was simply no longer able to ingest.
“Do you need anything else, your majesty?”
“Clear this table, we won't eat anymore,” he said to the maid, nonchalantly pointing to the leftovers you had left. Then he looked at you “Satisfied?”
"I am. Everything was delicious”
“I want us to do the same tomorrow. I will send a maid for you, so get ready soon,” he said decisively.
Then he got up from his chair, stretched a little, and left the room without saying anything else to you.
You didn't see your husband the rest of the day, but the next morning he kept his promise without fail. Although the breakfast menu was different the routine was the same and again it made you wonder what the reason for it was.
The next day he also requested your presence for breakfast and you concluded that he intended to make it a habit. For the rest of the morning you were supposed to dedicate yourself to your activities, but after a week of following that routine Aegon informed you that he had other plans for you.
“I want you to come with me for a walk.”
"To the exterior?"
"Yeah. I have training with Ser Criston but I don't wish to attend, so you will be my excuse. I'll tell him that the princess wanted to go for a walk and that I couldn't let her go alone."
He was telling you that lie almost like a childish prank and you would swear he was about to smile.
“Huh, okay. If you want it, we will”
You were still confused by his actions, because in all the time you had been there it was the first time he treated you decently. You didn't know if he was still drinking in large quantities, but at least when he went to sleep he no longer reeked of liquor in the same way. And all that week he hadn't forced you to have sex with him.
What had motivated the prince to change his way of behaving towards you?
"Do you want to go to the beach? I will order a couple of horses to be saddled for us” he exclaimed when you had already left the dining room.
You couldn't refuse to go to the bay, because in your entire life you had never seen the ocean and your curiosity was greater than any other feeling. Besides, you loved horses, and being with them might even make you feel better.
Aegon did as he told you and soon enough you were in the stable. He had ordered a beautiful white mare for you, with a silver mane the color of your husband's hair and a formidable build.
You approached to pet the animal, carefully, and tensed completely when you felt another body behind yours. Until that moment you hadn't realized how warm your husband was.
“She's pretty, right?”
His voice sounded at your ear level, as he had also reached out to touch Frostfire’s hair.
"She is"
“I guess you know how to ride,” he muttered under his breath and you let out an offended sigh.
“Of course I do. Highgarden is the heart of the chivalry of the seven kingdoms”
After saying that you turned your head just a little and met his gaze, indigo eyes with hints of lilac looking at you carefully. You could feel his breath against yours and at that closeness your cheeks had already turned red involuntarily.
He separated from you and then went to choose his horse, a black thoroughbred with beautiful braids, to get on it and ask the guards to open the door for you. You almost managed to sneak away, but Ser Criston stopped the two of you just before you could do so, claiming that he had a scheduled practice with the prince.
“I'm taking my wife to Blackwater, she hasn't had a chance to visit since her arrival.”
“But your grace, your father…”
“We will continue with training later, Ser Criston,” he said firmly.
“Will you go to Blackwater without an escort?”
“I will”
"That's impossible"
“Don't worry, I don't want to be accompanied. Just rest for now.”
“But you are the prince.”
"Exactly. I am the prince and I want my orders to be respected."
The boy was a smug son of a bitch when he put his mind to it, just like now. The man had no choice but to obey the words and then the two of you were able to leave. You could get there on foot, but Aegon had felt like riding and had wanted an alternative to quickly escape if something went wrong.
You walked along a path that still belonged to the Red Keep grounds, so there was no great danger of being attacked along the way, and you soon reached the bay. It was even more beautiful up close and as soon as you got off the mare you forgot any courtesy towards your husband, as you rushed towards the shore to watch the waves crash. Your pumps and dress were soaked when the water reached your calves, but it didn't bother you too much because you were happy for the reason.
“Have you never been to the ocean?”
“I'm afraid not, your grace. There was never any business that required me to be on the coast of The Reach and I have always lived surrounded by hills and forests. I had seen some rivers, but…”
Before you could continue your story you staggered because of a wave and to avoid falling you tried to hold on to whatever was within reach, which turned out to be the man next to you. He supported you from the elbows with his strong arms.
“Oh, I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he laughed. For the first time in your presence, he had laughed “But we should get away from the shore. I wouldn't want to take you back to the castle all soaked”
You heeded the boy's advice and, still leaning on him, walked towards the sand. The sky was slightly cloudy, so the weather was perfect for walking around without any discomfort.
“I've never visited Highgarden, is it as impressive as rumored?” he asked, as he began to walk in the opposite direction of the Red Keep.
Although you never believed that the prince would be interested in such things, you began to talk to him about your hometown with particular emotion. You told him about his surroundings, about the castle and you also told in greater detail the gardens that once belonged to you and were full of golden roses, as was the emblem of your house.
You were surprised by how attentive the boy was to everything you had to say to him and for the first time since your arrival, you didn't feel like a stranger in your own skin. Talking about your home was like remembering a part of yourself, as if you were showing him your insides through stories of the beautiful hills where you had ridden so many times.
“Everything sounds wonderful,” he concluded. The sea breeze had already ruffled both of your hair and he took advantage of this to brush a strand out of your face “Someday I should go visit it”
“Yes, maybe you would like that” you exclaimed smiling. You had come too far and it was time to walk back, towards where you had left Frostfire and Moonshadow tied up “Your grace, may I ask you a question?”
You opened your mouth to ask him why he was doing all that and why he had suddenly started showing so much interest in you. You wanted to know the reason for his unexpected kindness and his abstinence from activities that weren’t very pleasant for you. But before you could speak, you took a moment to observe him. His skin looked paler in the light outside and his silver hair waved in the wind, however, what caught your attention the most was the serene expression on his face.
Although you couldn't say that you knew Aegon, the time you had lived together had shown you that his personality was extremely challenging. If you pointed out that he was being nicer to you and questioned him about it, he would most likely revert to his old behavior towards you simply on a whim. So no, you couldn't ask him about anything or you'd ruin the minuscule part of a good relationship you had managed to build.
“I was thinking... Do you think we can one day bring golden roses to the royal gardens? Green and gold are part of your emblem too and that would beautify the place. I could take care of them, if you want.”
“That's a good idea,” he exclaimed happily. You had already turned around to return and you calculated that it must be after noon “I will order them to be brought in as soon as possible, in the hope that the hot weather at King's landing will not ruin them”
“I hope not,” you said, although a little less enthusiastic than before.
You had been lost in thought after the appearance of that question that you did not verbalize and suddenly Aegon feared that he had made some mistake. You walked a few meters in silence, until this state was unbearable for his majesty and he stopped you by holding your shoulders. You were about to ask what had happened when he pulled you against his lips, stealing your breath. It was still a rough kiss, but this time less desperate than before. His hands went down to your waist and held you to his body until there wasn’t even a centimeter of distance left, with your belly touching the heat of his stomach.
“Still no signs that you are pregnant?”
You thought that, perhaps, your answer was in that question and that the only thing the man wanted was to convince you to hurry up the matter of producing an heir.
“I'm sorry to say no. It's very unfortunate."
“We'll have to keep trying,” he said, shrugging his shoulders as if he wanted to downplay the matter “Mother insists on it.”
“Has your mother always been like this to you?”
"What are you talking about?"
“It's just… she seems to have everything under control all the time.”
You couldn't be further from the truth and rather than describing it that way Aegon would have said that she was controlling. She wanted to have things under control, but she couldn't and as an example was the eldest prince himself, whom she had never been able to persuade to behave the way he did.
“Well, she is the queen. I guess that's how she must be” he exclaimed without much encouragement. He was still holding you by the waist and was surprised by how intimate that position was. “But we better get back, they must be wondering where we are”
“Maybe they even think I ran away, taking advantage of the fact that you weren't there to watch me,” you joked.
"Would you do it?"
"Do what?"
“Run away”
You looked at the man, incredulous, because it was stupid to think that if you were planning to run away you would just tell him like that. That was the characteristic of it, that it was surprising and hidden.
“Why would I do, your grace?”
“Maybe because I'm a bad husband,” he said quietly. You weren't understanding the game Aegon was playing and it was driving you crazy.
“I wouldn't dare do it. I have nowhere to go and I know I couldn't even get through the doors without your majesty noticing,” you replied.
The prince didn’t want pragmatic reasons like that, but rather his question was more aimed at whether it was your will to abandon him.
Against all odds a couple of raindrops began to fall and very soon a storm had already brewed over your head. It was useless to run, but you did it anyway and Aegon held your hand to prevent either of you from falling due to a trip. Somewhere along the way you lost one of your pumps and at this you began to laugh and he, infected by your joy, did the same. It amused you greatly to think of the face the queen would make when she saw you enter the castle, with her eldest son soaked from head to toe and your clothing incomplete. But you also laughed from the joy of feeling so alive in that moment. You felt like a girl playing in the rain and despite the coldness of the falling water, you felt a certain warmth traveling from the tips of your fingers to your chest.
Although he was sure that you were an excellent rider, your husband insisted on taking you on his own horse to avoid any accidents and you agreed without complaint. His body sheltered you all the way to the Red Keep and once there, under the roof, he helped you down from the chair with extreme care. You didn't think he was that strong until you felt him grab your waist and place you on the floor effortlessly.
“Ask the maids to prepare a bath for you, or you will catch a cold,” he said, putting on your back a cloak he had found hanging on one of the walls.
There was the hint of a smile on his face and seeing him behave like this towards you made you feel weird. You almost felt like he was trying to be affectionate with you, even though he wasn't quite succeeding.
“You should do the same,” you exclaimed softly.
Motivated by the kind moment you had shared, you reached out to brush away the wet hair that had stuck to his face and he shivered at your touch. It was the first time you touched him that way, out of conviction and with care.
“Your majesty, Lord Hand is looking for you. He says he needs to talk to you urgently."
“My grandfather,” he sighed at you, as if wanting to apologize for the words the guard behind you had just said.
He gave the man Moonshadow's reins and then explained that someone had to go get the horse you had left in the bay, so you assumed your presence there was no longer necessary. You were about to leave when he stopped you, grabbing your arm somewhat roughly and looking at you with a feeling that you couldn't decipher.
“I'll go to your room tonight,” he informed.
You felt a little disappointed by the reality of having to share a bed with him, after so long without having done so, but you were grateful that he was at least warning you.
You nodded your goodbyes and he did the same, forming an unspoken agreement. You thought maybe that was why he had been polite to you, so he could get back under your bed sheets. But there was no point in doing it, he wasn't courting you to win your hand, but you were already his wife and he had made it very clear that he could do with you whatever he wanted.
Still a little confused, you were escorted to your bedroom, where you hoped that a tub with hot water and essences would be enough to appease all those doubts that were growing in you.
At some point Aegon would get tired of all this, you were sure. But while that moment arrived, you were thoroughly enjoying all kinds of attention you received from your husband. He kept his promise to bring golden roses for the gardens and although the queen wasn’t very happy, in the end they adorned some of the busiest sections of the place. You took that as an act of good faith, so you thought that maybe the thought of repaying him for some of the decency he was showing you wouldn't kill you.
There wasn’t a single breakfast that you skipped, except when the prince was required for political matters or had to travel. You were too proud to admit that you had begun to genuinely enjoy his company, as you still had some distrust due to how temperamental the man was. It wasn't all sunshine and flowers, as the young man still had some outbursts that made you fear him and reminded you that this was who you were really talking to.
His drinking habits hadn’t changed much, since although he was able to handle it during the first week after that period, it was inevitable that he would go back to his old ways and drink an entire jug of wine in a couple of minutes. With sex it was the same, because he continued to fuck you without signs of care and regularly when he was lost in drink. It amused you to think that perhaps that was the reason why you still didn't carry a child in your womb; that he was too drunk when you tried to be of any use.
However, as your relationship strengthened you could notice slight (you almost swore they were imaginary) changes when having sex. He was no longer as rough towards your body as before and tried to thrust into you a little slower, as if he wanted to lengthen the moment and not just unload into you and sleep like a baby after that. Maybe it was just that the drink made him lethargic, but he had even started seeking your lips in the middle of the act or kissing everything within reach of the skin on your neck. You didn't intend to spend much time analyzing his behavior because for you it already represented a victory that he had stopped hurting you after every time you had sex and, honestly, you didn't want to inquire about it. Once again you thought it was more prudent not to question the prince and simply let him continue behaving that way.
Until one night, things looked different for you.
When you heard your husband open the door, quite late at night, and saw him approach your bed, you knew that the same dynamic of nighttime visits would take place. Aegon, already hard as a rock, would kiss you a few times, undress, order you to undress, and then position on top of you to satisfy himself. Needless to say, under the confidence that being in the dark gave you and your husband's lack of interest, you looked away or concentrated on something else while your martyrdom was carried out. He would finish, lie naked next to you, and then sleep soundly with no memory the next morning of what had happened.
Aegon called your name, just to check that you were awake or otherwise wake you up, and you were surprised to hear that his voice sounded quite normal. He wasn't slurring his words like usual.
"Your grace?" you called back, propping yourself up on your elbows so you could look at him.
He did what was expected and as soon as he was far enough away, he started kissing you. You must have known something was wrong from that first moment, when he grabbed your cheek with his wide hand and offered you the most passionate kiss you had ever had. It is reiterated that Aegon was always somewhat careless in intimacy, but this first contact hadn’t felt as impatient as others, but rather was something more careful and planned.
Only one other man had kissed you like that in your life and although the feeling brewing in your chest must have been pleasant, the truth was that it wasn't. You had endured too much abuse from the white-haired man so your body didn't know how to react otherwise. That's why when he continued kissing you for longer than usual and then laid you down meekly, you couldn't do anything but tense uncomfortably.
You were only in your nightgown so there wasn't much difficulty in sliding the straps to the side, almost exposing your tits. Suddenly Aegon lowered his kisses to your neck, where his stubble scratched your skin. Knowing that he would be busy in that area, you turned your head away to focus your gaze on a tapestry on the wall. However, you got a surprise when you felt the prince move away from you and then a bigger one when he took your face between his fingers, placing his index finger and thumb on each of your cheeks to force you to look at him. At first you thought there was anger in his eyes, but after looking at them for a second more you concluded that the feeling was more like that of someone insulted. And why? you asked yourself. What had you done that had offended the prince?
“Why are you looking away?”
His question had a certain aggressive tone, but, at the same time, he sounded hurt. With that you confirmed that he wasn’t drunk or that, if he was, he had drunk just enough to make him feel slightly dizzy. You couldn't tell the way your eyes looked at him, but Aegon interpreted your expression as one of disdain.
Unbeknownst to you, he had his own whirlwind of feelings inside him, one that was driving him crazy and causing him to look you up and down while still holding you. He’d never been like this on another night, so you were at the mercy of knowing how good or bad that would turn out.
Suddenly he seemed upset, you would even say disgusted, and surprisingly stood up from his position. The cold air hit you where he had been before and you sat on the bed to watch him, completely confused by the way he was behaving.
"What's going on…?"
“You don't want this,” he spoke firmly. It was obvious that you didn't want to and you wondered how he had barely realized it. “Not like that… I… no. Not this way"
His babbling confused you even more and when you saw him walk away with exaggerated steps until he left through the door, you couldn't help but feel totally amazed.
What was the reason for what your husband had just done?
The feeling of being abandoned was more hopeless than having him fuck you would have been, and for a moment you even felt ashamed. Maybe he didn't like you anymore or he would just go and cure his frustration in the bed of a woman you didn't know.
He had watched you very strangely and the whole scene wasn't like him. You even pinched yourself just to check that it wasn't some strange dream, getting a moan of pain in response to your question. You thought that perhaps you were acting impulsively, but barely a minute later you put on a green robe over your nightgown and headed towards the door, still not knowing exactly what you were going to do.
“Where are you going, your grace?” the guard on duty asked, putting his voluptuous body in your way.
“Prince Aegon, do you know where he went?”
“In that direction, your majesty. But I'm afraid I must recommend that you return to your room, it is dangerous to walk around the palace at this time."
“But I wish to see my husband,” you said firmly.
The man let out a sigh and then slid to the side of the hallway, leaving you a clear path. Even so, when you started walking you felt his footsteps following you because he probably wanted to make sure that something didn't happen to you. You walked for a while, but you knew it was useless when all you found were locked doors that you couldn't knock on and that you couldn't open either. If Aegon was in any of those rooms, you wouldn't know it. Defeated, you returned to your room and, as expected, found it empty again.
The next morning there wasn’t a single word about that event, but it was present in your mind throughout the day. You had already lived with him enough to realize that something was bothering him, however, upon noticing that he was less talkative during your usual breakfast, you decided to give him time.
You were about to leave the table when he stopped you, asking you to take your seat again and looking at you seriously.
“I have to travel for a couple of weeks,” he informed you. You were surprised to hear that he almost sounded sad “The king is required on some business and since my father can no longer travel, I will have to do it.”
“I hope the entire journey is favorable and the visit profitable, your grace,” you exclaimed cordially. However, your husband didn’t seem pleased with it.
One of his hands slid to hold yours, with a strength that surprised you. There was urgency in his grip, like he needed to hold on to something.
“Is that all you have to say?”
A couple of wrinkles appeared on your brow, as you clearly weren't understanding what he expected of you. Accompanying him would be reckless and you didn't know if he wanted you to keep him there at King's landing.
During those last months something had changed in the man's face, because those eyes surrounded by purple marks no longer saw you with the same aversion as the first time. And it disheartened Aegon that his attempts to please you were yielding no apparent fruit. He was giving you time, effort, and being kind to you like you had said was necessary, but he still couldn't help but feel that you still considered him a stranger.
He had been patient because he thought that, as time went by, you would begin to seek him out or not shy away from his touch. Aegon cared a lot about the physical, so every time he sneaked into your room he did so with the hope that you would welcome him with open arms and give yourself to him willingly. Countless nights he waited in his own room for you to show up to keep him warm and love him throughout the night. But it never happened and a part of him couldn't blame you either.
However, he was already tired of it. He wanted to make it clear to you that he not only wanted to give, but also receive. But forcing you to do anything would ruin everything; you had to want it.
“Have I said something that offended you, prince?”
“I just thought you would say you were going to miss me”
A laugh echoed in your throat at those words and for a second Aegon felt hurt, like you were mocking you. He was going to let go of your hand and walk away, insulted, but you squeezed his hand harder as a sign that you didn't want him to do that.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh at you. I just didn't think that if I harbored feelings of that kind they would be of interest to your majesty."
“Do you miss me when you don't see me?” he asked now, allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of you “Or are you glad to have me away?”
You didn't know what those direct questions were about, because you didn't expect that a man like him would be plagued by uncertainty about knowing the answers.
“Not at all. I will always be willing to be with you whenever you want.”
“And you want to be with me?” he insisted.
“I think that what I want is not important”
“But I'm trying to make it so. I thought I was making it clear enough,”
He was angry, but not for the reasons you might think. It frustrated him that he was trying hard to improve and that your eyes continued to see him like that first time. Too many people were already observing him like that and he thought that, perhaps, since you were the most recent to do it, you could also be the first in whom he could manage to modify it.
You, however, were still too confused by his signs. Sometimes his attitude didn’t coincide with the intentions he had, since antipathy was often the only emotion with which he allowed himself to express and feel, accustomed to what he received during all his years of life.
All those months of effort were a direct product of the talk you had had with him, of that moment of weakness in which, instead of ignoring him like everyone else did, you had stayed with him. Aegon was aware that the treatment towards you was sometimes inhumane and he couldn’t explain how despite this you had wiped away his tears with such care, expressing nothing more than an act of integrity. Sometimes he even just imposed things on you to see if he could push you to the limit and he was surprised to see that you endured everything with honor and decency. You were good, something he could never be.
He didn't want to hear anything more and then let go of your hand, feeling rejected again.
"It's getting late. I have to go feed Sunfyre so he can endure the trip.”
“Will you travel by dragon?”
“How else would a Targaryen do it?” expressed obviously.
You were silent for a moment and then he stood up, ready to fulfill his obligations. In the afternoon he had already left, without emotional goodbyes or anything like that.
You had those weeks alone to reflect on everything that had been happening. You firmly believed that a cruel and evil person would always be that way, even if they hid it, because humans can’t change from one day to the next. Still, you had to allow Aegon the courtesy of admitting that he wasn't being a complete jerk lately.
You tried to think of any unpleasant moments with him during that week and although you found a couple, you realized that they had all been because of minor arguments or simply that one of the two of you had woken up in a bad mood. The hatred for the boy had been so ingrained in you that now it was difficult to decipher how much of it was due to things that were really happening and how much of it was a resentment carried from the past, at the beginning of that harmful relationship that existed between you.
He was no longer a mean man to you, he just sometimes had those logical slips for anyone who has never been taught to love. He didn't know how to care for you, how to talk to you, or even how to touch you properly. He had always existed alone and could still be seen reflected in his incessant desire for you to be the one to look for him, in his longing to know that you would miss him during his absence and in wanting you to look forward to his return. He wanted you to pay attention to him. He needed it.
One fine afternoon the vision of Sunfyre finally appeared in the bright blue of the sky, with you watching from the huge window of your room. He looked majestic, flying deftly and confidently with the rider above him grinning from ear to ear. Aegon had once confessed to you that he loved to fly on his dragon and he spoke about it with a devotion that completely touched you.
You thought about going to look for him, grateful that he had returned, but you were afraid that your presence would bother him or, in that case, that there would be murmurs about you. You didn't want to seem like a desperate wife so you thought it would be best to look for him at dinner time and in case he wanted to see you before, you stayed in your room all afternoon.
Once night fell, you put on one of your prettiest dresses and went to the royal dining room hoping to find him there, but it was in vain. Luckily one of the cooks had seen him and he told you that he was in his room, since he had ordered that something to eat and drink be brought there.
Determined, you made your way there and took a moment before entering. You hoped that the time away from King's landing had not hardened your lover's character, because it would be a shame to waste what you had built for some time and have to start over, or not do it at all, which would be even worse. Since there were no guards at the door, you were able to push the wood without any hindrance and then you saw it.
Aegon was sitting near the fireplace, his back to the entrance and leaning against a table that had a jug that you assumed was full (or not so full anymore) of wine. When he heard your footsteps he turned slightly and when he saw you, he kept a serene expression on his face.
“Hey,” he exclaimed quietly.
“The maids informed me that you were here” you explained and he nodded.
You noticed that he no longer wore his black doublet with the Targaryen emblem, he only kept the breeches of the same color and a mint-colored linen shirt that left part of his chest exposed. His white hair had some natural curls that fell delicately over her shoulders.
“Yeah. I don't feel like seeing my parents.”
“I understand” you assumed that if he hadn't wanted to see you he wouldn't have hesitated to tell you, so you approached him. Undecided whether you should greet him with a kiss or just stay to the side, you placed your hands on his shoulders and leaned a little to look at him “How was the trip?”
“It was good,” he responded with reluctance. “But my body feels completely crushed”
“Hm. It shows” you whispered, amused. The tension in his body was palpable and that's why you began to massage him, pressing hard just where he needed it. Aegon, feeling your skilled hands doing this, let out a satisfied grunt and leaned his head back with his eyes closed.
Doing that wasn’t something you had planned when you went there, it had only happened out of the heat of the moment and the reality that your husband's body was taking its toll on him for the hours he had spent riding his dragon.
With each passing second Aegon's burden felt lighter and lighter, wondering where you had learned those movements and how your hands were strong enough to exert the right pressure.
"Feel better?" you asked kindly and he nodded immediately, eyes still closed.
Suddenly one of your hands slid lower, towards his chest, to caress him. This time your fingers were light as feathers, sending an electrical current up and down the man's spine under your touch. No whore had ever touched him like that, with that force and at the same time so delicately.
But it was clear that you were not a whore. You were his wife.
“Come here,” he said firmly, reaching out to wrap his hand around your wrist and pulling you directly into his lap.
It was extremely painful to admit that he had missed you. He was physically frustrated because he hadn't dared to take any other woman in your absence. It had been a long time since he had frequented pleasure houses, since his appetite was awakened only by being with you.
What the hell had you done to him?
“The cook told me that you ordered some food, but I only see wine around here. Have you already eaten anything?”
“Mhmm,” he said absently. Your legs dangled to the side and one of his hands came up to your face, brushing your loose hair away from it. The other one surrounded you until it planted itself firmly on your belly. “Still no signs of anything?”
“Honestly, I don't know. The maesters can’t say with certainty… I am sorry”
“What if you are sterile?” the mere possibility of it made you nervous and you wondered what your fate would be if that was the case. Aegon didn't look so worried “What a disappointment for Alicent.”
You didn't know how to take that, because on the one hand it could be that your husband was amused by the irony of the matter and on the other hand it was that he would never have wanted to have children with you. For a moment you thought that the tranquility of the environment had been fragmented by this, but it turned out that the man couldn't care less. He was completely focused on your lips, almost as if hypnotized.
“I trust that is not the case, your grace. Just… it was a streak of bad luck.”
“I guess so,” he murmured nonchalantly. He was still watching your mouth when you spoke “But now I don’t care much about that.”
He carefully grabbed you by the back of your neck and brought you closer to shorten the distance, giving you an eager kiss that took your breath away. The hand that was on your waist pulled you closer to his body, leaving practically no separation between you and him. You could feel the desperation on his lips and in his touch, like he was eager to make you his. And at the same time, he was kissing you like he had never done before: it was sweet, yearning, passionate. You felt like he really wanted you.
He separated from you so you could breathe and, as best he could, he maneuvered to lift your body until he placed you on the table, where it was easier for him to place himself in the space between your legs. You instinctively placed your hands around his neck and wrapped one of your legs around his body.
“I longed for you. These weeks” you finally confessed. You heard him, and felt him, breathe more erratically at this because your words had fallen on him with the force of an axe.
From there, Aegon acted solely driven by the feeling of knowing that you had wanted to see him as much as he had wanted to see you.
His entire body leaned over you to kiss you, with the same urgency as at the beginning. While he did that he grabbed you by the lower back, pulling you until your body collided with his crotch which, if it wasn't already hard, wouldn't take long.
His kisses were clumsy due to urgency and after a while he moved away from your mouth to descend to your neck. Sometimes he left a kiss or two, at most, but this time he seemed to want to take his time. His tongue ran all over your skin, freshly washed, and he spread caresses without restraint. Every place the dragon's lips touched lit up with fire and his hips grinding against you weren't doing much for the blush on your cheeks. Inevitably you began to sigh from so many stimuli, right at the level of his ear, which only motivated him to continue.
As best he could he pulled the laces on the back of your dress and it didn't take long to get rid of the restraints. He slid one of your sleeves over your shoulder to begin kissing that section, the same way he had done with your neck. An indiscreet moan escaped you as your husband bit into your soft flesh and you could feel him smile against your skin.
“You're mine, right?” he sighed brokenly. You had tilted your head back to give him more space and he took the opportunity to lower the entire torso of your dress. “Only mine…”
With the same devotion he took care of your breasts and you couldn't do anything but continue alternating between sighs and some muffled moans. You could feel how he longed for you, eager to be able to kiss every inch of your skin even if it took him the entire night. Suddenly your body had become a temple, an object worthy of worship. The prince continued to distribute kisses that each time descended towards your belly, until with one hand he violently threw everything that was on the table and you ended up lying completely on it. Then he walked away.
You were about to ask what had happened when he took care of taking off your ballerina flats and throwing them somewhere far away in the room, only to stretch your leg up to the height of his torso to start kissing it. No one, not even him, had ever done that to you, so it was natural for you to be dismayed. His kisses moved quickly up your thigh and once he did that, he dropped to his knees in front of you. The skirt of your dress blocked your view and when you tried to get up something made you scream. Aegon had bitten into the tender flesh of your thighs, quite close to your crotch and with more force than he had hit your shoulder. You could only imagine his face when he carefully licked the mark he had surely left on you, once again making your chest exhale a moan.
What he did next and the sensation it caused, you could never have even imagined. That mouth, which most of the time was used for ironic puns and sloppy kisses, was now taking expert care of all of your pussy. Aegon was devouring you completely, touching just where it was necessary to make you squirm on the table. He wasn't careful at all; it was a touch hungry and extremely dirty.
You wanted to hold on as much as you could to keep yourself attached to reality, but it was difficult with your husband eating you like that. One of his arms wrapped around your leg and placed it over his shoulder, probably to give him better access. You had never moaned like that in his presence and it only made him harder and harder beneath the tight fabric of his breeches.
The pleasure was barely getting to your head when he stopped and a dissatisfied grunt escaped you shamelessly. Aegon laughed unabashedly at this, pleased at the control he had gained over you, and then went up again to kiss you hungrily. You couldn't do anything but welcome his salty lips and you moaned against him as he leaned against your body and you could feel his crotch, not knowing if it was your own wetness or his that was present.
He held you from behind and, without stopping kissing you, carried you until he placed you on the bed. You considered it somewhat unfair that your husband already had you trembling beneath him and still hadn't taken off a single piece of clothing, but your complaints were silenced when he hurriedly pulled his shirt over his head and took off his breeches in record time. In the same way, he pulled your dress towards your legs so that a second later it ended up on the floor, along with everything else.
He knelt down on the mattress and spread your legs roughly, lining himself up with your entrance. He began to rub the tip of his member up and down your already wet center and that did nothing but drive you crazy again.
When a delicate, pleading, «please» escaped your swollen lips, Aegon knew it was more stimulating to have you begging for him than to worry about only satisfying himself.
He played with you for a while longer, smiling from ear to ear at the sight of his delicate, pretty wife vibrating from having him close, until he finally plunged into you. For the first time there was enough wetness in you that the stroke felt satisfying rather than painful and both of you let out a delicious moan.
He set the pace, slow at first, but after a while his movements became more desperate. He wanted to get to the core of you, he wanted to fill you completely so you knew that only he could make you feel that way. When his body began to ache he leaned towards you, resting each of his arms on the side of your head and looking directly at you. You had stopped looking away from him, now you were looking at him with your mouth open with pleasure, your eyes watery and your pupils dilated on your completely flushed cheeks.
“Aegon,” you sobbed pathetically, clouded by everything you were experiencing and proving that it wasn't long before you reached your orgasm.
You had never called him by his name. You always referred to him as «your grace», «prince» or «husband», at best. So hearing his name come out of your lips like that, under those circumstances, was too much for him to bear.
Knowing that he couldn't last much longer, one of his hands moved down to rest his thumb on your clit and once there he began to make erratic circles. You closed your eyes, completely seized by pleasure and a couple more thrusts were enough to make you lose the battle. Hearing your whimpers, combined with the way your walls squeezed him, was enough to make him cum too. With trembling legs you felt the warm liquid filling you and, for the first time, it was comforting.
When Aegon plopped down next to you, you immediately missed his body warmth. Both of you were breathing heavily, trying to catch the breath that the orgasm had taken from you. You could clearly feel your heartbeat bouncing off your bare chest and the stinging sensation coming from your crotch and running through your entire body was something you could get used to. Your hair had stuck to your face from the sweat and not to mention your lips, which you felt were burning from your husband's attention.
Aegon had already had many orgasms in his life so this time he decided to turn his gaze a little to see you enjoying yours. The mere idea that he was responsible for your condition made him completely shake.
“You look beautiful,” he blurted out suddenly. You thought he had heard wrong because of the rush, but from the way he was smiling at you, you highly doubted it. “Just like that”
“Like what?”
“Freshly fucked. Well fucked” he corrected himself.
A laugh bubbled up from within you and you blushed even more, if that was possible, perhaps from the nerves and elation of what had just happened. The man stood up a little from his seat and leaned down to kiss you, although this time he did it with a calm and affection that you never thought you would see in him. It was just that he couldn't deny it anymore; from that moment on he would become an open book for you, where you could see all his feelings, desires and fears.
“I don't know why you're doing this,” you suddenly murmured and Aegon pulled away enough to look at you “And I don't know why you've been acting like this these past few months. But I like it. I think it's a good time for you to know."
“You said I could choose who I am,” he said meekly. One of his hands grabbed your chin and stole another fleeting kiss from you. “I haven't forgotten, every word is present in my head. It's just... sometimes it's hard. And I thought I would have a better chance with you, even with the things I did to you when we got married”
You smiled at him and were happy to know that the change in his behavior was because of the talk you once had with him. If he continued like this, ignoring the demons inside him and trying to be better, then your marriage had a chance to become more than just a condemnation.
Driven by the pleasant feeling growing in your chest you reached out towards him to reward him with a kiss. The man's breath hitched when you pushed him to the side and reversed roles, now you being the one pampering him while he was lying down. There was a playful glint in your husband's eyes as you looked at him.
“Do you know this is the first time you kissed me?” he exhaled softly.
You couldn't believe that was possible and for a few seconds you tried to remember so you could contradict him. But every time you remembered you realized that it was always him who initiated the contact to which you only responded, so, effectively, it was the first kiss you gave him out of conviction.
Maybe it was an omen that something good was coming.
Still happy with how everything had turned out, you snuggled into his side, your head resting on his chest while he hugged you and threw a sheet over your bodies. You planted a hand on his bare skin and began drumming your fingers, alternating with small circles made with the greatest delicacy.
You were silent for a long time, you even thought that your husband had fallen asleep until you heard him speak again:
“It's also the first time I'm doing this.”
“Are you talking about sex, your grace?”
“No, I'm talking about cuddling,” he confessed softly, his hand caressing your back the same way you did with him, “And don't call me your majesty anymore. I am Aegon. Or my prince, at any rate. But my is important”
With the affection worthy of a wife, you raised your head to place a kiss on his cheek and assured him that from now on you would call him that in the privacy of your chambers.
Suddenly, after another moment of silence, Aegon pulled you close to him as if afraid you were going to suddenly evaporate. Intending to calm his fears, you climbed until you were on top of his body, hiding your head in his neck so that the distance became minimal.
There was silence for another couple of minutes.
“Do you think I can ever be forgiven?”
Apparently the atmosphere of the moment had managed to soften the boy's heart.
“We can all be absolved, Aegon.”
"And you?"
"Me what?"
“Do you think you can ever love me?” you were quiet for a second, thinking about your response. Then, he added “Or could you at least try? It would be a nice detail for me. No one has ever done it before.”
Not wanting to ruin the mood with a false word you decided to kiss his neck gently and that was enough of an answer for him. He would have to trust in your goodwill and that he could continue to restrain his impulses to keep this newly discovered gem that was his wife. With some luck you could even be that person he prayed for so much all his life, one with whom he could feel safe.
The slowing of the man's breathing revealed to you that he had already fallen asleep and you discovered that it seemed not so bad to find yourself in that position, sheltered by your lover's arms.
Under that scenario, the idea of eventually loving Prince Aegon Targaryen no longer sounded so far-fetched.
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hisfavegiri · 5 months
You’re Mine - Aegon II Targaryen x Sister!Reader
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Warning : typical inscet Targaryen, breeding kink, breast slapping, rough sex, jealous Aegon.
Summary: On Aegon's name day, you spent time dancing with everyone. But there is someone who is always watching you
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You laughed out loud while dancing to the song, you deliberately didn't accept invitations from all the lords because you didn't really like it.
Your mother and father are watching you with smiles on their faces, as is your grandfather who is sitting at the head of the royal table.
"Good evening princess, I hope you enjoy the party"
You turned your head and found Brandon Tyrell standing behind you, you smiled and nodded slowly.
"Good evening Brandon, yes I really enjoyed this party"
"Glad to know that princess, may I ask you to dance?"
You hesitated but then you accepted his invitation and started dancing with him. Without you realizing it, Aegon had been watching you intently.
"He won't stop dancing with her if you just look at them from here" Aemond's voice made Aegon turn towards him.
Aemond was right, but Aegon was not in the mood to dance. but seeing you laughing and dancing with other people makes his blood boil. Then Aegon stood up making your mother look at him with a confused look.
"I'll be right back," he said and stepped towards you, his steps were very heavy but also fast.
"So Brandon, do any of the women in this palace catch your attention?"
"So far I have only looked at you princess, there is no other woman as beautiful as you"
You laughed at his words, until the sound of a cough distracted you. "Evening Sir Brandon, can I dance with my sister?"
You looked at Aegon in shock, then Brandon nodded and walked away from the two of you. now you and Aegon started dancing
“What did you talk to him about? I saw you were very cheerful and laughing out loud earlier. “You could clearly hear the dislike and jealousy in his tone, you just smiled and shook your head.
“Why do you want to know? It doesn't matter Aegon” you said quietly, you really liked it when he saw him jealous.
Aegon snorted and squeezed your waist, his eyes staring at you sharply and deeply.
"Don't play with me sister, you know I don't like it when people touch anything that's mine."
You shivered when he whispered his last words, your bodies were so close together now. you could see many eyes watching the two of you, including your father and mother.
you heard Aegon chuckle softly, “did the dragon get your tongue darling?”
“Aegon, everyone’s starting at us” you whisper back to him, and he looks around then he smiles and he looks back at you. "Let them, so everyone know that you are mine"
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Once alone, Aegon closed the door behind them, trapping you within his gaze. His voice was commanding, laced with possessive desire. "You looked stunning out there, sister. But remember this, you're mine, and no one else's." Aegon caressing your neck while whispering close to your ears.
You felt a shiver run down your spine at the intensity in Aegon eyes. "Aegon, what are you trying to do?," you protested, but your words were cut off as he moved closer, his proximity overwhelming you.
And as he stepped in front of large mirrors in his chambers, he stared into the reflection looking back at your silhouette. your hair was messy, your face was glimmering underneath his sweat and as he moved away your long and silky hair. Then he release your dress slowly by murmurs his breath afterwards he is revealing your body in naked.
He lets his eyes go wide and his expression softens for full persuasive effect, you huffs, leaning in again. Then, Aegon presses their lips together. He’s firm, making the most of the brief moment afforded to you. He parts his lips and lets out a soft sigh before finally pulling away, your face a shade or two redder than when she had first leaned in.
Aegon reaches out let you to sit between his spread going slow to make sure his sister is comfortable with the new position. Aegin hands slide down your sides and he tenses as they brush past your core, “Ng— Aegon..”
Aegon other hand slowly tracing down from your lips and trickles through your naked breast. You silently admires Aegon’ broad chest and toned shoulder as you casts your full attention on him. You can feel your cheeks slowly heat up as you senses Aegon bores his focus on your figure as well.
“All mine.”
Aegon low voice breaks the silence, magically captivating you and makes your hand wander to touch his collarbones, expression lightens up in fascination despite your reddening face. You lowers your palm to caress his stomach, then up to his chest and lets it lingers there. Aegon lips curl up into a gentle smile at the action. He remains in that position, enjoying the warm touch of his sister.
Then you squealed softly as Aegon pulled you to his bed, you both laughed softly and you kissed his lips. You looked at Aegon's face and stroked his cheeks, he looked at you.
“On your stomach, now” You sulked and reluctantly laying down. Aegon slowly stroked your bottom, smirking a bit. You shivered at the sensation, a whimper leaving your lips.
“You've been a bad girl, haven't you love? talking to other man, making me jealous” Aegon asked, playing with his sister ass. You reluctantly nodded your head. "Y-yes I have..." you muttered out quitely.
Aegon chuckled. "You know what bad girls get? They get punishments? And you're about to get yours." you shuddered, bringing your ass up for him viewing pleasure. He groaned. "Eager as always, aren't we?" He teased, before unexpectedly spanking you. You yelped, tears threatening to leave your eyes from the force.
Aegon affectionately rubbed your behind and gave you another slap. "One." He counted. He spanked her once more. "Two." Another slap echoed through the room. "Three." He said. By the tenth spank, you was a whining mess, begging him to stop. Aegon picked you up and sat you on his lap. He kissed your cheek and rubbed your thigh. "There there dove, it's all done." He said, ending his words with a peck on your lips.
Then he lays you down and climbs on top of you, kissing your whole face gently until he stops at your lips and kisses them softly. “let me take care off you love” as he looked at your bare body on his bed.
You absolutely never fails to leave Aegon awestruck by your ethereal attractiveness, especially when you’re underneath him without any fabrics concealed your curves. He rotates his hips slightly after his length is fully sunk into her, eliciting an obscene moan from the opposite side.
As their gazes collide, Aegon’s hand discovere new purchase around the smaller's neck and squeezes slightly. Then, he applies additional pressure to the sides, feeling your throat constricts and your breath hitches down. After a moment, Aegon lets go and picks up a steady pace. His palm drifting to cradle your jaw before dragging his thumb across your lower tier. Under Aegon’s fingers, your lips flutter with warm  breath as you basks in the pleasure.
"Fuck i love the way your walls squeeze me, the way you taking me so well"
You couldn't help but sigh because his pace became more faster also becoming hard and Aegon kept hitting the spot that made your toes curl. He smirked, when looking at you who's holding down at the sheet. You threw your head back as Aegon’s kept on pounding into you. You shut your eyes as the knot inside your stomach grew tighter, signaling that you was about to come.
"Look at me baby, look at me when I'm fuck you good" You looked at his eyes and bite your lower lips, His thrusts were relentless, his pace was brutal. He leaning down to kiss your neck. You whined when he hit that certain spot, she could feel the smug smile against your neck.
"That's the spot huh?" you can't even answer, your eyes are roll back from the pleasure.
"Only my cock that will keep filling you, and i will remind you that everyday." He said, and continued rubbing your swollen clit. you let out a whine, "Ngh—yes yes please ..." you replies breathlessly, squeezing your eyes shut as Aegon keep pistoning his hips toward yours.
"I'll fuck you whenever I want, wherever I want, and will breed you over and over again. My seed will fill your womb, and grow in your belly. I can't wait." Aegon growled with every thrust. “gonna make you swollen with my babies”
your mind goes crazy as you imagine you swell with his child, letting everyone know that you only belong to him. “yes yes yes, please”
Aegon chuckled. "make everyone now that you’re mine, just mine, All mine" He says while slapping your breast lightly, which made you moan.
“ohh P-please..." you rasped. He groaned, he was near his peak.
"Shit, I'm close baby" He said. Your body began to shake with unimaginable pleasure.
"Fuck, now make a mess for me. Cum for me" you let out a high pitched moan as you reached your peak, thrn he thrusted a few more times to make sure that he’s seeds is deep inside you "now you can sleep love" he chuckled and kissed her forehead.
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— tag list : @danytar
let me now if you want to be on my tag list for the new story 🙌🏻😉
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divinesolas · 2 months
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r.q: Hello, I don't know if you are taking requirements, but I haven't seen too many good one shots about Aegon II 😃, I really like your writing and I would like to read one where the protagonist was a Tyrell And they are both married because of all that alliance stuff and so on, maybe with a little angst and Aegon's nonsense. (Sorry for my description, I really don't know how to do this 🥲)
aegon ii targaryen x fem!tyrell!reader
wrds: 843
a.n: I ACCIDENTALLY DELETED THE REQUEST AND I DONT REMEMBER YOUR @ IM SO SORRY BUT I HOPE YOU SEE THIS !! my take on the scene where alicent went to go comfort aegon but couldnt so you come to do it instead <3 *you only have one kid
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you dont love him.
if you had known when you went to go return to see your mother in high garden you would return to this you would not have gone at all. or maybe not even chosen to return.
Aegon crowned and war on the horizon you had no clue what was going on, just quickly rushed into the keep and presented before the court. The worst news came quickly, your son had been murdered the night before you had returned. You could only stand in horror with silent tears cascading down your face as you watch your husband yell at every council man in the room for the death of his son and he did not even spare you a word as he walked out of the room.
You went to helaenas room who offered you her bed to lay on and a hand on your back as you sobbed into her pillow. you did not know what to do. You son is gone. your only son. Your only child. and now you were lost. You should go see him, even if he did not want to see you even if you did not really want to see him. You had to atleast speak to him about this.
So you went and walked your way slowly to his room. When you went to open the door you jumped back as alicent walked out. She was staring at you, you can feel the shame and guilt in her veins seeping over her eyes. she looks back at the closed door then looks at you, opening her mouth as if she wished to say something. but she doesnt merely speed walking away from you without a word as tears ran down her face.
You almost wished to chase after her. you did not ever truly get along with her well but you could tell shes taking this news badly, probably worse than you are. yet you open the door and walk into the room you see your husband trembling with sobs at his desk. the room was a mess, clothes, glass and all other sorts of stuff strewing about the room.
You stand frozen as you watch him. You and your husband are certainly not close by any means. You do your marital duty and stay apart from each other. but right now he needs you yet you have no clue how to go about this. You slowly walk over and place a hand on his shoulder he slowly cranes his head up to look at you and he stares at you as some shaky breaths leave him.
You place your hand out and he grabs it, letting you to pull him to the bed where he quickly crawls on top of you and presses his face against your chest as he cries. “ill kill them.” you shush him and rub his back. “my son, my legacy.” you ignore the fact he does not say he was your son, our son. but you say nothing. You know he is more hurt over his pride than the actual life lost though you doubt he knows that himself.
“im with child.” He freezes and his head shoots up to look at you. “what?” you look off to the side and stare out the window as the sun rises. “i was feeling sick in highgarden and went to the maesters, they say i am with child. A little over two moons they say.”
He says nothing for awhile but you can feel his stare on your face. You let your curiosity get the better of you and turn to look at him. He is staring at you in wonder. Like a newborn looks up at its mother. “you lie.” he does not want to believe you. “i do not. i planned to tell you on my arrival but obviously we were preoccupied.”
This is normally the moment where he would kiss you, tell you how overjoyed he was and how amazing you were. But he does not say anything but you can feel his grip on you tighten. “you will not go anywhere without atleast two guards presence, you are not permitted to leave the keep under any circumstances.” You are sure this is his way of expressing himself to you, he wants you safe no matter what. he grips your face and peers down at you, “do you understand?” you nod and slap his hands off your face.
He looks like a kicked puppy You understand him, his worries and doubts. you let him lay against you, him listening to your heartbeat. He falls asleep youre sure he is to be woken up soon to go take his seat at the council. Based on the bags under his eyes this is probably the first time he is sleeping in awhile so when a maid walks in you shoo her away and whisper youll deal with the consequences of it.
you do not love him. but you can see him. and that’s enough for him.
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fairysluna · 10 months
Aegon was unable to keep his love for you as a secret, but he did not expect for you to shatter his heart into pieces after realizing you do not feel the same way.
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PAIRING — Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader.
TAGS — angst, unrequited love, inspired by THAT scene from little women, hurt/no comfort, a bit of miscommunication, one sided love, a lot of crying, guilt, cursing, aegon was named heir. If something is missing, let me know!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE — i was sad, i was watching little women, and then i remembered that i haven't written angst in a very long time. It's short, but well, it is what it is. I'm trying to escape the writer's block so bear with me if this isn't perfect, hope you all like it!🤍
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤenglish is not my first language.
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There was something in the way his eyes looked at you that should have warned you about what was going to happen. Maybe the way his company felt slightly different, or the way he purposely brushed his hand as he walked beside you along the shore of Dragonstone.
A peaceful silence reigned between you two, where only the sound of the sea and seagulls were heard. There was never a need to be talkative whenever you were with him, you two did not need words to express to one another, just a single glance at him and you would be able to read him as if he was a book. It had always been that way. Aegon had never attempted to hide how much he enjoyed your company; no matter how many duties and responsibilities his position might have, he would always find some time during the day to make you company. The mere sound of your cheerful laughter was enough for him to feel whole. Happy.
Your friendship with Aegon began unexpectedly; you were a Lady of a small house, bannermen of the Tyrells. Not even in a million years you would have thought you were going to be one of the heir's closest friends. But you were, and Aegon loved it. You were not like other maidens, you always saw beyond his royal title, beyond the power he would once hold. You saw him as Aegon, Egg as you would sometimes prefer to call him. He loved that you were a breeze of fresh air that would wake him up from his torment every time he felt too overwhelmed.
You were everything for him, an escape of the four wall prison that would often be disguised as a castle. You set him free.
Aegon, inevitably, fell for you in the most beautiful of ways; slowly and unexpectedly. One day he woke up and felt the urge to hold you in his arms each morning; he could not stand another minute without you by his side - it felt almost unnatural to be without your company. His heart found a reason to beat with your presence, his brain would often overshadow his thoughts with silly daydreams about you.
You, you, you. It's always you. It has always been you.
Now, as you were complaining about your Septa scolding you that same morning, Aegon was in awe, mesmerized by you doing such a mundane thing like talking. And, bewitched by the way your lips moved, he stopped his pace. Salty air filling his lungs as he encouraged himself to say what he has been dying to say to you.
You did not realize about it until you were a few steps further than him, and you turned around. He was just looking at you; his puppy, lilac eyes staring at your face almost without blinking. You chuckled nervously, confused about what was happening. You smiled awkwardly, feeling a bit too exposed all of the sudden.
“Is something wrong?” You asked, frowning.
He did not reply, but you saw it in his eyes.
Your smile slowly faded away once the realization hit you, and the atmosphere changed immediately.
“Aegon…” You mentioned his name so differently, it felt almost foreign due to the way it left your lips. It was a plea, you were begging him to not say the words that were about to be pronounced.
He took a step closer; the dreamy glow in his eyes was still there, as if he had not seen the look on your face yet.
“Please, don't,” you managed to say, breathlessly. Your heart was beating so fast that you felt tired. Exhausted, even. You desperately tried to stop it before it was too late.
But you failed.
The weight in your chest became heavier, almost unbearable. Your lower lip was shaking, your legs trembling. You were heartbroken because you knew what you would have to do. Shaking your head, you refused to let him speak, both of you interrupted your words as a desperate attempt to silence each other.
“You need to hear me-”
“-stop this, Aegon-”
“-there’s no use to keep hiding it-”
“-don’t do this-”
“-you know what I'm about to say-”
“-Aegon, please-”
“-I love you.”
The heat of the burning sun was not enough to vanish the coldness that suddenly grew between you two. You closed your eyes, defeated. The silence became painfully awkward, and in that moment Aegon knew the truth.
His heart shattered.
You lifted your head to meet his eyes; they were covered by a layer of tears that were reluctant to escape. He was trying so hard not to fall apart, almost shaking as he stood as stiff as a rock.
“I love you,” he repeated in a whisper, thinking you might have not heard it the first time. “Please… please say it back.”
“Please,” he pleaded. His voice was broken and weak, trembling as he choked on a sob. “Please, say it.”
“You cannot do this to me-”
“I have loved you since the first day,” he confessed. “I’ve been trying to deny my feelings, trying to convince myself that it was nothing more, but it is. I need you, I love you more than words could tell, and my heart cannot bear another day without you being mine.”
“Aegon, I don't- I can't-”
“I want you to be my queen, my life companion,” he continued, watching you as you kept shaking your head. “My love, I want everything with you. I want to rule this fucking kingdom with you by my side. Please…”
“Aegon, I'm not fit to rule-”
“Me neither, but we can be a great team, I- I know that-”
“I can't be a queen, I can't marry you,” you interrupted him, trying to make understand your point.
You hated the prohibitions of a title. You see how Aegon was trapped in an invisible cage without escape, and you did not want that for yourself. You wanted freedom, you wanted to travel, to cross the Narrow Sea and meet foreign lands. As a queen, you would be caged; and as a wife to a king, you would be forced to provide him with heirs you do not wish to have yet.
It was selfish, you thought, but it was the thing that would make you happy.
“Aegon, this would never work,” she murmured as she grabbed his hands. He took a sharp breath when he felt your touch. “We're too different, we do not wish for the same things.”
“I know you love me too…. I know you do,” he told you. Some part of himself knew that it was a desperate attempt to try and convince himself that his words were true. But, deep inside, he knew it was not the case; one single glance at you would tell him what he's too afraid to accept.
“You are my best friend, you are the person that I trust the most, you-”
“Because you love me!” he raised his voice.
“I don't, Aegon…” you stopped him before he could say more. His nostrils twitched once he felt the itch on his nose, his lips trembling. “I don't love you like that.”
There was another silence. It was torturous. Aegon pulled his hands away from you. You quickly wiped the rebel tear that fell down your cheek.
“I know you think I'm the one, but I'm not. We would never work, this would only make you miserable-”
“You're the one for me,” he murmured, his eyes lost in the ground.
“I'm not,” you said, trying to reach him, but he just took another step back. “You'll find someone who will love you, who truly deserves you-”
“Am I not worthy of your love?” He suddenly asked, your heart aching at his broken voice.
Gods, you were about to explode.
“You're much more than what I truly deserve, Aegon, you're way better than-”
“I want you, I don't want another. I love you, I could never love anyone else the way I love you!”
“But you will!” you raised your voice to match his. “You will love someone else, and you will forget about me.”
“I can't ever forget about you,” he muttered. He remained quiet for a while before he looked down at you, noticing your teary eyes; a part of him hated himself for making you cry. After a few seconds he said, “I figured you would love me too… After everything we've lived and felt together. I thought we were gonna be happy-”
“You will be happy, Aegon. You'll find a fine young maiden who will give your life a purpose, but that is not me. It cannot be me.”
“You were my purpose,” he murmured, his face covered in tears as his puppy eyes would not look at you.
He felt embarrassed for how broken he was. For how naive he had been to even dare to believe you could possibly love him back. He wondered how he could be so foolish.
“I wish I could be the woman you want, I wish I didn't have to say these things- Aegon!”
He walked away, not wanting to hear any other of your excuses. It hurted enough as it is, your words would only wound him even more.
You tried to stop him, to grab his arm, yelling his name, and try to make him understand you, but he just walked away leaving his footprint on the wet sand as you stood there.
Tears were streaming down your face as you watched him go, one of your hands pressed against your chest as if you were trying to take the pain away. It hurted you to see him so broken, especially when you know it was you the one who caused it.
You had just lost your best friend, and there was no returning point from that.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤfollow @by-fairysluna for more updates!
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phntmeii · 1 year
✰ Phntmeii's Headcanon Masterlist ✰
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✰ You can request general ideas or characters you want to see more of or specific requests. (EX: 'Vinsome Sanji Fluff'. Or request 'Jon Snow x Wildling!Reader at the Wall headcanons'.)
✰ NSFW content will often be AFAB or GN for readers and often have a Dom!Character unless specified otherwise. (AMAB terms are unfamiliar to me so may not me fulfilled). Minors DNI. Will be blocked.
✰ I will only write for characters that I know to not provide too OOC content. Please refer to my current fixation list for fandoms that I'm apart of or the already listed fandoms I've done headcanons for!
✰ Headcanons/Requests may not be fulfilled in order! I will generally bounce around different lists based on my preference so it may take a bit to get around to certain characters!
✰ Regular Headcanon Lists generally range from 25-35 bullet points with sections that include characters' love languages. Compilation Headcanon Lists have a scenario listed with characters listed under a specific reaction.(Can be a simple sentence or two or a drabble for each character.)
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REQUESTS: Working on current submitted requests!
✰ Current Fixations: Across the Spider-Verse, COD:MWII, Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, Live Action One Piece, Horror Slashers, Mortal Kombat 1
NSFW Headcanons are highlighted in RED. WIP Headcanons are highlighted in PINK. This list will be updated as time goes on with more characters and links directly to the posts. Compilation Headcanons with several characters are highlighted in PURPLE.
Aegon II Targaryen Aemond Targaryen Jaime Lannister [Kingslayer] Jaime Lannister [Redemption] Margaery Tyrell x Snow!Reader Robb Stark Sandor Clegane Sandor Clegane x Snow!Reader (20% Done)
Hobie Brown Miguel O’Hara Miles Morales Miles Morales x SelfHarming!Reader Miles Morales [E42]
One Piece Live Action:
Luffy w/ Breeding Kink OPLA Characters and Physical Touch OPLA Characters Makeout Sessions OPLA Characters “Only One Bed” Trope OPLA Characters "Only One Bed" Trope PT. 2 (Coming Soon) OPLA Characters x disabled!Reader Possessive!OPLA Characters x shy!Reader (Coming Soon)
Random things OPLA Characters would Do Roronoa Zoro w/ Breeding Kink Sanji Cooking w/ Reader (Coming Soon) Sanji w/ Breeding Kink Sanji x Reader w/ ED (Coming Soon) Sanji x shy!Reader (Coming Soon) Jealous!Sanji x Pirate!GN!Reader Straw Hat Crew when You’re Sick Usopp w/ Breeding Kink
Angela Baker Brahms Heelshire Bo Sinclair NSFW Alphabet Corey Cunningham Hannibal Lecter (Coming Soon) RZ!Michael Myers (Coming Soon) RZ!Michael Myers x Russian!SO Sinclair Twins [Artist!Reader + Bimbo!Reader] Slashers and Hanahaki Disease Slashers Thoughts on Having Kids Slashers x depressed!Reader (Coming Soon) Slashers x Fanfic Reading SO Slashers x Naive!Sunshine!SO Slashers x Shy!SO Slashers x StrictLatina!SO Slashers x Petite!Strong!SO Thomas Hewitt
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HOTD Texts:
Aemond's Texts After Season 1 HOTD x SO!Reader: "Are You Cheating on Me?” HOTD x SO!Reader: "Would you still love me if I was a worm?” Team Green Incorrect Quotes
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⤷ divider credits: @cafekitsune
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giorno-plays-piano · 1 year
House of Chains
Part IV
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x mage!reader
Warnings: noncon, smut, yandere, obsession, canon-typical violence, chase scenes, death of minor characters.
Words: 1.5k
Summary: In return for help to come back to your home world, you have been faithfully supporting the Greens to put Aegon on the throne. But when your promise is fulfilled, neither Otto nor Aemond are keen on letting you go.
Part I
Part II
Part III
You lie on your bed in silence, disheveled Aemond right next to you, shoulders touching, as you both stare at the high ceiling, unable to sleep. It hurts there, between your thighs, although not as bad as you expected. He had prepared you in the end.
It wasn't that painful. Physically, that is. Aemond really isn't a hero-lover, but he was surprisingly attentive, at least not seeking to injure you as a sort of revenge. He kissed you and whispered words of comfort, his large, calloused hand brushing your hair away from your forehead, and it made you feel like a little girl when he craddled your head. Then you cried, and he stopped right away, and you asked him not to. You asked him to do that again through tears, and in that moment, you finally saw his handsome face twisted in regret.
It hurt you the most.
You make yourself unclech your jaw and take a deep breath as you blink, returning to reality. Luckily, your power continues to recover, and it's almost enough to cast a sleeping spell. But what then? How do you evade all those guards behind your doors? Otto must have tripled them in hopes of detaining you, and you can't use invisibility incantation and keep it until you leave the castle. It would take you a day to recover enough magic, and by then, God knows what the Greens would do to you. Besides, just because you become invisible, it doesn't mean you will just slip through the gate like a ghost with no one noticing.
Slip through the gates. Or, perhaps, through the castle walls. There is a spell for that, too, and you don't need much magic if you can concentrate properly. Why take the corridor if you can make yourself slip directly through the stone floors and keep going until you are in the dungeons? The third level has enough empty cells for you to hide and wait out until your magic is replenished, and neither Otto nor Aemond will ever think of the dungeons as your hiding place.
Fantastic. You couldn't have thought of a more perfect plan, you think as you grin to yourself. Now, the only difficulty would be to concentrate on the incantation and not make yourself stuck in the stone floor, which would instantly kill you...
"What was your happiest day in this world?" Aemond asks quietly, his head turned to you, and you flinch.
You have almost forgotten that he is still awake. Aemond has been having insomnia even before you came to this place, but you doubt he'd fall asleep under these circumstances, anyway.
Furrowing your brows, you try to focus on his question.
"The night when Tyrells came," you mutter, gazing at the milky canopy above your head. "We held a welcoming ceremony for them."
Aemond shifts slightly, his face unreadable in the dark. "Yes?"
"It was my first time seeing your people dancing, and I thought it was lovely. The way you dressed the room in green and gold... and lit candles everywhere. The musicians with their flutes and tamburines, people laughing... I loved every second of it," you speak softly even when it feels like you're suffocating yourself with words. "I remember wanting to dance so badly, but no one would ask me out. Haha, of course, why would they when your grandfather looked like he'd kill anyone who says a word to me?"
You force yourself to swallow a lump in your throat, your eyes growing suspiciously wet as you keep staring up, afraid to turn your head towards the man you have to share your bed with tonight.
"And then... and then you saw me distressed and took me to dance."
Unfortunately, regardless of your resolve, you can't stop yourself from crying. You don't even know why you are telling him this. What will he understand? He is a Targaryen prince itching to sit on the Iron Throne. Your words won't change anything.
As you curl into a tight ball, hiding your face in your knees, Aemond is right beside you, his arm sneaking in to hug you by the waist from behind, pressing himself to your back. If you weren't trembling from wailing, you'd feel him shaking a little, too.
By the time you cast a spell on him, you have already worked out a plan. Picking up your clothes from the floor, you wince in pain, your womanhood aching, and force yourself to keep moving. You can't risk anyone walking in your chamber when you can't defend yourself. Besides, the earlier you move down the dungeons, the more the chance everyone will be asleep: you don't want to think what's going to happen is some maid sees you emerging through the ceiling.
You look back at peacefully sleeping Aemond on your bed. You hold a knife in your hand, and for a second, you think of slashing his throat in revenge for what he's done to you. This is how those who offend a mage pay in your world, and you know no one from the Tower would question your choice.
But Aemond stirrs slightly, his long, milky white hair shifting to the side, revealing his serene face, and in this very moment, he looks like a boy again, harmless and pure. He curls into himself just like you did not so long ago, and you feel it with all your being: killing him won't diminish your pain. If anything, it will only make it worse because there is still a small part of you hoping Aemond is not a power-crazed monster who's following in Otto's footsteps. Maybe he'll understand. Maybe one day he'll make a different choice.
You grab your carefully assembled sac and begin chanting.
You are able to escape only three days after. It takes you a long, long time to recover your magic to the maximum in the dungeons smelling of blood and rot below Red Keep. Ironically, it is the only place in the whole castle where you were able to fall asleep. Choosing the farthest cell that has been empy for a while, you dream in the dark, seeing faces of those you murdered for the Greens' sake.
But hiding in the dungeons is worth it: you are able to maintain the invisibility spell nearly until reaching Flea Bottom, itching to leave the city before Otto catches you. The number of guards you see on the street has grown three times under the pretense of searching for supporters of Rhaenyra - which might as well be true - but you know he searches for you with even more vigor.
You prefer not to think of Aemond. Hopefully, he didn't take Vhagar and fly right to Dragonstone as some sort of suicide mission just to find you.
Not that what you are doing can be called something else.
When you arrive to the island, masked as one of Kingsguard who swore loaylty to Rhaenyra and left King's Landing in secret, you are more than half-drained: changing your appearance isn't easy, especially so drastically. Neither do you enjoy wearing armor and a heavy sword while pretending to laugh at dumb soldiers' jokes and then keep a gloomy facade because of the war looming dangerously close. You are concerned, yes, but for a different reason.
By the time you are marching to the castle, you have enough magic to keep an invisibility spell for half an hour at best and a little more for a small shield against dragon's breath if something goes wrong. But that's all you have left, and if something truly goes wrong, you will most likely be eaten by an angry dragon.
Should have brought some poison, you think with bitterness as you blend in with other white cloaks before you chant an invisibility spell, trying to navigate an unknown castle that you immediately hate as much as the Red Keep with its stony walls and cold winds blowing throw every crack and crevice. Were it up to you, you would burn this place.
Perhaps Aemond will. The thought immediately sours your already foul mood.
Here they are, the fancy chambers of Targaryens on the top floor. Rhaenyra's and Daemon's ones are empty, likely because they are holding a council with everyone they were able to summon at such short notice, but it's not them you are seeking. Not right now, at least.
Lucerys is the first one you catch, returning to his chambers. It isn't hard to get inside his room right after him, and there are no guards who follow. How absurd, you snort, cocking an eyebrow at the boy. Do they truly think Dragonstone is so impenetrable anyone is safe here? Have the assassins go extinct, perhaps? Or do they believe in their dragons that much? Otto has Ser Christon follow Aemond like a loyal dog, and many kingsguards trail Aegon to keep him on a tight leash. Unlike them, Helaena doesn't have a dozen of escort knights, but maids are always with her, and you know how many of them are not what they seem.
How utterly, utterly foolish, you conclude as you unsheathe your dagger, closing the distance between the bastard prince and you. Indeed, Rhaenyra's greatest flaw is her entitlement to everything, including the safety of her kin.
Part V
Tags: @heavenly1927 @yazzzmints @devils-blackrose @lost-and-founds @kennafild
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bucknastysbabe · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/bucknastysbabe/715885981170057216/thinking-bout-voyeur-criston-while-banging-aegon biting screaming crying PLEASE
It is time. Incel Knight and Drunk Prince. Here’s some sheet metal to bite if I have satisfied you.
My Word is My Honor - Aegon II X Targ!afab x Ser Cole
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Dead dove themes, Voyeur!dark!Criston, Hightower scheming, Dark!Aegon’s dumbass ideas, Aemond is tired, Targ princess reader, pnv!sex, loss of virginity, cumming in pants, TW: so much manipulation
Taglist: @ilikeitbetterangsty @godrakin @lovelykhaleesiii @fairysluna @borikenlove @connorsui
Alicent had come to Criston to watch over her second daughter while they were searching for a betrothal. She mentioned Aegon being a nuisance. The knight raised his brows and stated, “Forgive me my queen, but those two don’t mix.” Complete opposites really. The green queen demurely put a hand on his chest, uttering, “Trust me on my his one, yes?”
He kneeled. “Yes my queen. My word as my honor.”
He wouldn’t fail her. That heavenly woman. But Criston wrinkled his nose knowing where he would find the sweet princess next. The cavernous Dragonpit, where Cole’s horse whinnied and stamped upon the smell of Dragon.
The second princess spent most of her time with or on her beloved he-dragon Crimsontail. An apt name, as the beast was a burnished copper that faded into a bright red tail. Criston ordered a dragonkeeper to lead him to Crimsontail’s nest. He grew wary of the sounds of the beasts all around.
There she was, attentive to her dragon, brushing him with something. Criston remembered her demonstrating that dragons shed and would have issues along their backs and tails, sometimes hind legs. He rolled his eyes, between Aemond and her he wasn’t sure who spent more time researching Ancient Valyria. So why was Alicent so worried about Aegon?
She had blossomed in a beautiful young woman at 10-and-8. She took after the Targaryen side in looks, angular features furrowed as she focused on the task at hand. Her dark blonde hair was braided up. Nothing like the doe eyes and soft cheeks of Aegon and Helaena. Some likened her to the ruggedly beautiful Queen Who Never Was, Rhaenys.
Finding her a match was going to be…difficult. Alicent was combing through the Reach lords, even some Dornish. House Tyrell was out of the equation with their lord as a toddling babe. The princess was painfully shy around lords and ladies. She spoke to the boys in the yard and her family minus Aegon. Criston and the girl were close.
She chirped, shucking down thick scales, “Ser Criston, what brings you here? Just straightening out Crimsontail so we can fly soon.” The knight loved to see her fly, twirling and dipping above the Blackwater. Alicent had restricted most of that since familial tensions were growing.
“You do remember what-,”
“Yes I know Ser Cole. Keep the flying to a minimum. Don’t want to smell of dragon when being presented to the Reach lords. Why can’t you just marry me to Aemond or something? That’s what us Targaryen’s do right?”
Criston frowned. He didn’t want her off in the Reach either, chained up and unable to fly. Didn’t really want her with stuffy Aemond either.-l
She continued, “I just want to ride, like Rhaena or Rhaenys. Explore the world! Not be a broodmare for whatever schemes we have planned.” Another thick chunk of dragon skin sloughed off, Crimsontail snuffling in pleasure.
“I’m sorry my princess. I’ll see if I can discuss anything. But I need you back and cleaned up in the keep. I have a horse for you.”
She ripped off another section before patting her beast and hopping off the stool, moving it away. The princess looked splendid in her leathers, meant to be a dragon rider. Her usually solemn face looked disturbed as she asked Criston, “Will they send me to some fat lord’s bed? That’s what Aegon said.”
Criston bristled at the mention of the little shit. Making everyone miserable for his own benefit. He wrapped an arm around her and hummed, “You know not to listen to Aegon. Let’s get back to the keep, and I’ll give him a talking to. Little brat, that one.”
She snickered and hopped on the horse, rest of the ride quiet.
Upon returning to the Red Keep, Criston could estimate Aegon was probably still sleeping off a hangover in his chambers. Beelining towards the wayward prince’s chambers he busted open the door with a pauldron. Aegon flailed and sat his bed-mussed head up.
“Fuck, ugh, what Cole?”
Criston stepped forward and seethed, “Stop spreading shite to stress your sister out. She’s nerve wracked as is with the potential betrothals.”
Aegon snorted, laying back down laughing, “S’not bullshit Cole, mum will shuck her off with a Redwyne, they’re very keen and have that fleet.” Criston exhaled sharply through his nose, “Don’t interact with her, okay?” He stomped out, slamming the door, Aegon’s delirious laugh echoing.
Criston frowned once again. Looked like he was going to do some servant quarters rounds tonight. Because those two interacting was strange. Aegon used to make the poor thing cry all the time and she once gathered a bag of dragon shit and hid it in his quarters until the eldest Prince had a meltdown gagging and sobbing. They simply didn’t mix. On very different wavelengths.
Criston couldn’t ever say it out loud but he held a possessive streak over the princess. He coveted her and beat his back bloody over it every night. To think that disease ridden worm would touch her made him want to get…stabby.
Criston reported his findings to Alicent and she gave him the go ahead to infiltrate the servants quarters no armor needed. But he had to watch over dinner, dark eyes looking for any…anomalies. But there was none. Aegon and Aemond argued over inane things, Helaena chatted with Otto, Alicent was quietly talking to the younger princess. Who did not look happy, mouth turned down as if she might cry.
Aegon’s voice grew dim. Criston watched him look over at his non-married sister and stare for a second too long. Aemond brought him back with a flick to the shoulder, bickering beginning again. More fodder for Criston’s investigation. Then she exploded, “I don’t want to marry that old man mother! Why cannot I marry Aemond? We are of like age, powerful riders, it will keep the blood strong.”
She wept as Otto and Alicent explained the need for their power when the cunt on Dragonstone struck. Aegon added, “That’s shite, we need more dragons hatched, marry her to the weed here.” Aemond remained silent, always in agreement with the Hightowers, Helaena trying to console her sibling.
Dinner ended with an abrupt snap from the Queen, sending everyone their separate ways. Only she and Criston remained. Alicent picked and chewed at her nails, the knight reminding her to stop. Doe eyes stared up at him, beseeching, “I don’t. I don’t want to do that to her. But I must.” Criston nodded in understanding.
“Our future must be secured. She may grow to love the man yet. The dragon is close to Old Town and Daeron. Aegon is too interested in schemes like this. I shall be infiltrating his quarters around the hour of the wolf. I will inform Steffon of the princess.” He knelt and kissed Alicent’s shaking hand, murmuring, “We will get this under control my Queen.” She nodded, frayed and shaken, leaving the room to walk with Lord Hand Otto.
He needed to change now.
Criston slunk through the servant’s hallways, tight and stuffy from the heat. He wiped sweat from his brow, checking his map. The knight drew near to Aegon’s quarters. As he got closer, muffled noises were heard. At the door, Criston stopped. Like a force beyond him stilled his hand.
“Aegon, I don’t know, I want to support the family.”
That was his sweet princess.
“Fuck the family, they’re sending you off for the grand war they want. The arbor, pfft, maybe you’ll see Daeron.”
He heard soft weeping again. Covers rustled and Aegon spoke, unusually syrupy sweet. Criston eased back the slat for one eye to look through. She was still clothed, Aegon in his small clothes. Softling, with a rounded belly, any muscle stemmed from his thighs from riding Sunfyre. He held her gently, pale hand in her darker blonde hair.
“Do you want to go to the Arbor or stay here?”
She whined, “H-h-here Aegon, you know that!”
He murmured, “I have an idea, a good one, for fucking once.”
She peeled back, eyes narrowing. “And what is that?” He hummed, “You want to be married to Aemond yes?”
She shrugged, “Better him than there, yes. What are you getting at?”
His hand trailed down to her stomach, eyes intense. He rasped, “I get you pregnant, we put the blame on Aemond. He wouldn’t leave you with a bastard, too honorable and hates them. So then a quick wedding and you don’t leave.”
She blinked some tears away, so naive sometimes. Criston was beginning to fume. But he didn’t want the princess to go either. Always so selfish, he was. The female pled, “Okay, we can do that, just be gentle Aeg. You haven’t always been very kind.”
Aegon’s act made Criston feel volatile. The crown Prince held and cooed, “I’ll make it good, you know I will sweet sister. I know how it feels to be a pawn, a plaything.” She nodded and threw her arms around his shoulders, heaving, “Oh thank you Aegon, oh!” The knight’s fists clenched when Aegon’s sullen lips turned into a smirk.
Criston wrestled in agony between busting the door down or letting it happen— stuck in suspended animation as the scene unfolded. Clothes being sensually removed, Aegon’s roaming lips, her soft sighs.
The Prince was above her now, hands deep on her thighs, keeping her wide. She threw an arm over her eyes, whimpering, “Ah-Aegon, please don’t!” He shushed, “Hm, no darling, you’re gorgeous. All Targaryen’s are. Wet for me too. I’m going to stretch you out okay?”
“Be gentle!”
He grinned under the candlelight, “I will sweet sister.”
Thick fingers, somewhat calloused from riding, swirled around between her thighs, flicking up once to catch her clit. She yelped and whimpering, chiding. Aegon slid a pointed finger in her cunt, sighing in ecstasy. “You’re a wet one. Aemond might enjoy this.” He pumped for a bit, added a second. The princess squirmed and rode his hand, panting, “Aeg, Aeg? I uh, I need to pee? Mmm! Oh stop it stop it!” He groaned and sped up, her slick noises heady.
Criston was ready to try again at her pleas of mercy until he realized. She howled Aegon’s name, gushing on his pumping hand and the bed below. The softling rasped, “That’s a good girl, baby sister should be ready for my cock now, hm?” He climbed atop of her slim frame and kissed the princess, likely rutting his stiff prick between her wet folds.
The knight’s cock was fit to burst, straining his brown breeches. His left hand itched to touch. No. No. He wouldn’t. He would leave after and report to Alicent. Be good. Not an oathbreaker.
They kissed and caressed eachother, moaning those carnal sounds, slick and emotional. She whimpered, “M’ready, want your cock big brother, help me, you’re going to help me.” He half-wheezed, “Yes my sweet sister, I am, I’ll make sure the seed takes. Pretty blonde babe, they won’t know the difference.”
Criston stifled his own heavy breathing at the sound of his cock penetrating her virgin cunt. She cried out in pain, clinging to Aegon. He kissed her tears away, shushing and promising how it gets better. And it did.
He fucked her in smooth glides, expertly knowing all the spots that drove a woman mad. She whimpered and clawed at his back, legs wrapped around his fatty hips. The princess moaned, “Yes, gods yes, so good! Full!” Aegon fucked into her harder, slurring dirty words and fondling, suckling, nipping her teats.
“I hope I don’t get too jealous when you get ripe with my seed, on that one-eyed fuck’s arms.”
“I’m yours, yours,” she babbled deliriously.
Criston closed his eyes and pretended her needy warbles were for him, shamefully palming his prick. Aegon’s hips were smacking roughly now, his hands on her waist. He growled, “Yeah you are, should’ve been mine earlier. Tis’ no matter, I’ll fuck you every night until your moon blood stops.” She arched and clawed at him, pussy slick and needy.
“Fuuuck, oh you’re gonna milk me dry sweetling, c’mon and let your brother fill you up, cum on his cock yeah?”
“Yes! Fuck yes!,” she yowled, Aegon clamping down on her mouth. Criston panted softly now, his breeches stained and cheeks red. This was all he needed to see. The flagellation awaited then he would report in the morning. He had to walk away, couldn’t stand to see that lovey nonsense afterward— that he craved badly.
The princess was sent away to the Arbor after recovering from a strange illness and a check from the Maester claiming her maiden hood was intact, just worn from riding the dragon so much. She hugged him bye, weeping before getting on Crimsontail. Her wide lilac eyes were painful to bear as she sobbed, “I-I will miss you Ser Criston, I don’t know if I can bear it.”
“I’ll send a raven dear princess, go on now. Daeron will be waiting.”
The goodbyes to the rest of the family were short. Aegon received a long look and she hopped upon the dragon, heading southwest. Criston thought about walking into the sea. Aegon thought about following her. She thought about burning it all.
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justmymindandstuff · 8 months
Dragons and Roses
- Aegon II x Y/N Tyrell (Reader) Part 1
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Summary: You are Helaena's childhood friend, your job at court is it to entertain the princess and be a friend to her. Your life is actually quite pleasant, if it weren't for your friend's husband-brother Aegon, who gets on your nerves terribly, but somehow you can't get him out of your head (Part 1/ 2)
Words: 6.412
Warnings: canon typical violence, canon typical misogyny, attempted rape (kind of), enemies to friends to lovers, (maybe slow burn idk, we have 6.412 words and 2 parts soo?)
and as always english is not my native language, no beta reader so all mistakes are mine. GIF not mine.
Have fun :)
You can also read this on AO3
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Otto sights, he has more important problems than that but his daughter, the Queen, has demand to talk with him, but it wasn´t an important matter. It was just about the princess.
"She needs a friend."
"She has brothers and cousins."
"Their are all boys, but Helaena needs a girl friend, a sister like Rhaenyra and me are sisters."
"Fine. That I will find a nobel girl how can be a friend for the princess."
"I thought about Y/N Tyrell, she is only a few moons older than Helaena."
Otto noods. "I will write a letter to the Tyrells. Your Grace."
Alicent nods satisfied and leaves the room. Otto looks at his daughter and sights again, than he does what his Queen demands and writes a letter to the Tyrells.
Y/N Tyrell runs through the Red Keep. You actually wanted to go for a walk with Helaena, but your father wanted to talk to you and now it's already too late, but you still want to visit your friend. So now you run to Helaena's chambers. You open the door without knocking and run straight into Aegon. "Please excuse me." you curtsey half-hearted.
"Lady Y/N." he says boredly.
You take a step to the side. "You were just about to leave?" You happily make room for him to leave the chambers.
"Yes. I was just about to head out for some more fun activities. Will you accompany me, my lady?" His breath smells like wine and you wrinkle your nose.
"No. I have a meeting with your sister."
"She's an idiot."
"She's not. You should just really listen to her."
Aegon rolls his eyes. "Nonsense." he walks past you and leaves the chambers. You glare after him angrily. You just can't stand the prince! You close the door behind him and turn to Helaena. Your poor friend is sitting on her bed, wearing only a nightgown. The dress she wore today is torn on the floor. You sigh and walk over to her and take her hand.
"Everything okay?" you ask.
Helaena looks at you, and you feel as if she's just now noticing that you're there. Your job was actually to be a friend to her. But Helaena doesn't need a friend, she needs someone to protect her. And you try to do this.
“Do you want to take a bath?” you ask after she doesn´t answer you.
"Yes. The dragon sleeps in the water."
"What dragon?"
"He sleeps in the water."
You call for the maid and tell her to draw a bath for the princess. She immediately gets to work. Helaena gets up from the bed and you lead her to the small stool in front of the mirror. You open her braid and her blonde hair falls over her shoulders. You carefully comb through her hair and then tie it up. "Which dragon sleeps in the water?" you ask again. But Helaena doesn't answer you. After the bath is prepared, you help Helaena out of her nightgown and into the bathtub. You notice the bruises on her body and arms.
"Did he hurt you?"
"No." says Helena. "He was the same as always. Drunk. He doesn't look at my face, he always turns me around." the princess splashes her hands on the surface of the water. You're getting mad at Aegon again. You'd like to wring the prince's neck. How can he treat his sister and also his wife like that? Even if you don't understand why Targaryen siblings marry eachother, it's none of your business.
After Helaena finishes her bath, you re-braid her hair and she goes to bed. “Sleep well, dear friend.” Helaena says and then turns around to go to sleep. You blow out the candle and then leave her chambers. Deep sympathy grips you. Helaena doesn't deserve any of this.
You're so angry at Aegon that you don't really think about what you're doing and now you're standing in front of his bedroom door. You push it open and enter without him inviting you. You know it's completely inappropriate. He is a prince, and you are just a Tyrell, but he treats your friend badly! So you don´t give a shit about etiquette.
"What do you want here?" Aegon sits at his table, holding a cup of wine in his hand. You walk towards him, glaring at him.
"You won't hurt Helaena anymore." you demand.
"You think you can give me orders?" He laughs, stands up and comes towards you. He's very close to you, but you resist the urge to pull away. Aegom tilts his head and finishes his cup. Then he just throws it away. "Who do you think you are Little Rose?"
"I'm your wife's best friend or your sister's best friend. Whatever."
"Sister. I didn't want to marry her." his voice drips with venom.
"Do you want pity little prince? You can wait a long time for that."
He grabs your arm firmly, so that it is painful. But you don't show him your pain. "What did you just say?" he shouts, normally you would be scared of him, but not this time. This time you are just angry. Angry at his arrogance and angry with his behavior.
"Little Prince." You repeat, holding his gaze.
"You stuck-up little bitch. You strut around here like it's your palace and insult me. Me! The prince!"
"You're not a prince. Just an arrogant little boy who doesn't know where his place in the world is. The eldest son but still not the heir." You know it's his weak point, but you just don't care. You can't quite interpret the emotions flickering across his face. But you recognize his anger.
"Cunt." he shouts angrily. Grabs you and pushes you onto the table. "It's time someone taught you manners." You try to free yourself from his grip, but he is stronger than you. Ageon forces himself between your legs and pushes you onto the table. You swing at him, but he grabs your hands with his other hand. Panic rises within you.
“Let me go.”
"AGEON!" the queen's voice rings through the room and you've never been so happy to see her. Ageon lets you go, gives you another disparaging look and then leaves his room. You slip off the table and immediately sink into a curtsy.
"Your Grace." your voice and your whole body is shaking.
"My poor child." the queen comes up to you and takes you in her arms. You start crying bitterly. "It's okay. I'm so sorry." the queen sounds weak. "Everything is going to be alright."
"I didn't encourage him."
"I know. I don't blame you. Go to your room now, I'll talk to the prince, he won't come close to you again."
"Thank you, your Grace." You leave the prince's chambers with quick steps, for a second you are afraid that he is standing in the dark hallway but it is only a knight of the king's guard.
It's been a few days since the incident with the prince and you're trying to avoid him. And because his interests are limited to whores and wine and you mostly spend your time reading, walking and taking short trips with Helaena, there are no overlaps.
Helaena and you walk through the beautiful gardens of the Red Keep. The sun is shining, and if you make an effort you can forget any worries.
"Did you dream again?" you ask the princess . There are stories about the Targaryens seeing the future in their dreams, and you believe Heleana does just that.
"No." she says. "Just the sleeping dragon." You nod. Helaena's riddels are like a puzzle for you that you can solve. Even if you're bad at it.
"I want to visit Dreamfyre." says Helena.
"Than lets go." you say, even if you don´t want to visit the monster in the dragon pit. A few servants prepare your carriage and you are taken to the dragon pit. You're rarely here, because Helaena is rarely here, and because you're a little afraid of the fire-breathing monsters. When you got out of the carriage you wanted to turn around straight away. Aegon stands at the entrance, his golden dragon, Sunfyre, next to him. When he sees Helaena and you, he rolls his eyes and ignores you.
"Aegon." Helaena says happily when she sees her brother-husband. "Sister." he says coldly, not even looking at you. But that doesn't bother you. You don´t want to interact with him neither. One of the Dragonkeepers comes to you and bows slightly to the princess. Helaena says something in High Valyrian. Of course you don't understand what she's saying. The Dragonkeeper nods and motions for Helaena to follow him.
"Are you not coming?" the princess asks as you stop in front of the drogon pit. You're too scared to go in there.
"I'll wait here." You say, smiling at her. Helaena nods and goes into the dragon pit.
"I would like to apologize."
You turn to Aegon in surprise. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I want to apologize. For attacking you."
You snort snidely and not really ladylike. Aegon rolls his eyes again. "I'm trying to be nice here."
"No, you don't. You do what your mother told you."
"How do you know that?"
"Didn't she tell you to apologize?"
"Yes she did."
"So, no serious apology."
"You think you're the smartest person in the world or what?" he sounds angry and a bit like a child.
"I do not think so!" you say now, a little angry too. Why don't you just not care about Aegon? Why does he manage to make you angry so quickly?
"So why do you think my apology isn't serious?"
"Because an apology isn't just saying I'm sorry. You then change the behavior that hurt the other person. And I doubt that you've changed your entire character in just a few days."
After your words, Sunfyre roars once and you flinch away from the dragon in fright.
Ageon laughs briefly. "You don't have to be afraid of him. I have him under control."
"That's exactly what I'm afraid of."
Ageon shakes his head. "Why are you so mean? I am nice to you and you just insult me."
Now you're rolling your eyes. "You don't know what being nice means."
"You do not even know me."
"I know exactly who you are, you are an arrogant prince who always gets everything he wants because no one dares to contradict you. You hurt your sister, you hurt your mother, you hurt everyone in your life. Simply because you're bored." you shout at him.
Aegon looks at you for a moment longer. Then he gets on the back of his dragon and just flies away. You stand in front of the dragon pit, alone with your anger. And because you don't know how to express it any other way, you just scream once.
In the afternoon you come back to the Red Keep with Helaena. The queen comes towards you, when she sees her daughter she smiles. You curtsy. "Hello your Grace."
“Hello Helaena, Hello Lady Y/N." the Queen wrinkles her nose. "You should take a bath my child, you smell like a dragon."
"I was with Dreamfyre."
The Queen nods and waves to a few servants. They accompany Helaena to her chambers.
“Lady Y/N, I have spoken to Aegon.”
"I know your Grace, he apologized. Thank you for taking care of the matter."
Queen Alicent smiles at you. "I asked your family to send you here. I am responsible for you, and I am sorry that my son put you in such an unpleasant situation."
You nod. "I'm grateful to you for everything you do for me."
Alicent nods. "I still have work to do. If there is anything else, you can always come to me, dear child."
"Thank you, Your Grace." you curtsey and the queen leaves you alone. You don't know what to think of the queen, on the one hand she tries to keep her children in check and build a relationship with them, but on the other hand she allows many mistakes, especially from Aegon and Aemond. You make your way to your chambers. You're a little tired, and the weird interaction with Aegon gave you a lot to think about. It's unusual for him to apologize. But he listens to his mother, at least when it suits him. You go to your room, there is a letter from your mother from Highgarden on your desk. But before you can open the letter there is a knock on the door. "Yes." A servant enters your room.
"Lady Y/N. I bring a gift."
"A gift?" you ask surprised.
"From the prince." The servant hands you something wrapped in silk. You pull the silk aside and a gold necklace appears with a large sapphire in the middle. You are totally surprised by this gift. But something seems strange to you. Is he trying to buy your forgiveness for almost raping you?
"You can return the gift to the prince." you say and put the package back into the servant's hand. "Thank you very much." you say goodbye to him. The servant nods, bows slightly and leaves your room again.
It wasn't until the morning that you found the peace to answer your mother. In her letter she told you about your brother's engagement. But you hardly care, you can't feel more than a little joy for him. Your brother, your mother, your cousins ​​in Highgarden are strangers to you. Since you were a small child you have lived in King's Landing, far away from them. Nevertheless, you write to your mother how happy you are and ask her to pass on your congratulations. Because that's what your mother expects of you. When you finish your letter you call your maid to help you dress. She pulls the straps of your dress so tight that you find it difficult to breathe. But you don't say anything, as a Lady you are expected to dress appropriately and fashionably. After you get dressed, you make your way to Heleana's chambers. As you enter you can already hear the voice of her brother, Aemond. The prince sits with his sister in front of the fireplace and reads something to her. He looks up as you close the door behind you, but he doesn't stop reading. You curtsey slightly to the prince, then take a seat next to Helaena and reach for your embroidery. Aemond's voice is pleasant and he reads from one of your favorite books. Helaena barely listens to her brother as she embroiders a spider while you concentrate on your roses. After all, you are a Tyrell. The peace and pleasant atmosphere is interrupted when the door to the chambers is opened again. This time Aegon enters and you roll your eyes. Aemond stops reading and looks at his brother.
"What do you want here?"
"What do you want here?" Aegon replies, annoyed with his brother.
"I'm spending time with our sister." Aemond says and then just starts reading again. Aegon helps himself with the wine and fills his cup. Then he sits down next to you in front of the fireplace. The mood is tense now and you wish he would just leave again.
“Didn’t you like the necklace?” Aegon asks quietly. Aemond pauses briefly in his words, but then continues reading. You know exactly that he is listening to you.
"It was very beautiful."
"Then why did you send it back?"
"Because I don't want any gifts from you."
"I just wanted to show that I was serious about my apology."
"By buying my forgiveness?"
"I didn't mean ..." You don't let him finish, you just stand up. Your handiwork falls on the floor, but you don't care.
"If you'll excuse me, I have a headache." you curtsy in Aemond's direction, ignoring his brother.
"Red Roses in the rain." says Heleana, but you don't have the time or nerve to concentrate on her riddles or think about what it means. You weren't really listening to her.
You leave the rooms again. It makes you angry that Aegon manages to ruin your mood. Why don't you just not care about him? Why can't he just leave you alone?
Apparently the prince has made it his mission to get on your nerves. The next day a servant comes with an invitation to take a walk with the prince. You decline and go for a walk with Heleana instead.
"You seem unhappy."
"Your brother is getting on my nerves."
"What has he done?"
"His normal behavior. But I think he will get bored in a few days and will leave me alone."
"Maybe but not today." Heleana says and nods towards the castle entrance. Aegon comes towards you and stops in front of you. “Sister. Lady Y/N." he greets you without the arrogance in his voice that you're so used from him. "Did you not receive my invitation?"
"Yes I did. However, I chose to ignore it." you said, link arms with Heleana and pull her away from her brother to walk along the well-maintained paths.
"Don't turn your back on me!" he spits angrily, and you can't stop yourself from smiling. Maybe he gets under your skin, but you are also capable of angering him.
Heleana stops. "Please don't argue."
"We're not argueing, don't worry. He's not important enough to me to argue with him." Aegon snorts angrily behind you, making you turn back around. "What do you want?"
"Can we speak privately?"
"Oh Y/N. Please don't be so mean to him. Listen what he has to say." You sigh, Heleana is just way too good.
"Fine. Five minutes." you give in to Heleanas request.
"I'll have our tea prepared in that time." Heleana releases her arm from yours and walks back to the Red Keep. You would like to follow her, but Aegon takes Heleana's place and hooks his arm under yours, you immediately flinch and glare at him. "Do not touch me." Aegon looks at you, surprised by your violent reaction.
"I am sorry. I will not touch you again." and then he takes a step to the side and gestures for you to start walking. You start moving slowly, always making sure that there is at least two steps between you.
"So talk." you say to him, but you don´t want to look at him, so you rather concentrate on your surroundings. It reassures you that there are many people in the gardens, servants, gardeners, noble men and women. You don't want to be alone with Aegon, not after the incident in his chambers.
"First I want to make clear that I didn't want to buy your forgiveness with the necklace. I thought you wanted me to show you that I was serious about my apology."
"Fine. I accept your apology. Please leave me alone now."
"Y/N please listen to me. Yes mother told me to apologize. But I also know myself that it was wrong. I shouldn't have attacked you. But I was drunk and angry. That's no reason I know. But I really thought about what you said before the Dragonpit. I know I hurt my family with my behavior, I hurt you. But I don't really want to be like that. I don't even know why I behave like this, it just happens."
You look at him and you realize he's telling the truth. He really thought about it. It makes you a little proud that you managed to get through to him. But this doesn´t made up for his behavior the last years. "It is not my problem that you can´t control your behavior."
"I know. But I want you to know that I have really listen to you and I try to change my behavior, so can we be friends again?"
His question makes you incredibly angry. Does he really think you were friends before his attack? Does he really think this is how friends behave?
"I am not your friend, I never was. You have no friends. Only yes sayers and servants." And when you see his sad face you suddenly feel sorry for him. He is all alone in this cruel world. But you pull yourself together and push the feeling out of your mind. He doesn't deserve your pity.
"Is there anything else?"
"No." he doesn't look at you, so you just turn around and leave him there. Before you even reach the entrance to the castle, you vow to yourself that you simply ignore his entire existence. You don't want to think about him anymore, you don't want to see him anymore and you especially don't want to talk to him anymore.
Over the next few weeks your plan seems to be working, Aegon doesn't bother you anymore. He tends to avoid you. Nevertheless, he regularly sends gifts that you always send straight back.
It is a sunny day and you sit outside the Red Keep with Heleana, you brought a picnic. There are cakes and sweet wine, as well as grapes and nuts. A musician plays a few tunes for you. Helaena is telling you about the different types of a beetle while an insect climbs over her hand. You listen to her, even if you don't share her love of creepy crawlies, they no longer disgust you. For a while, you even wrote down all the facts she told you in a book. But at some point the project became too boring for you and so a Beetle book you've started lies in Helaena's chambers. At some point you would finish writing it.
“Sister, Lady Y/N.” you didn't even notice that Aemond had come to you.
"Prince Aemond." you want to stand up to show Aemond proper respect and curtsy. But he shows you with a quick wave of his hand that that's not necessary, so you stay seated on the blanket. Aemond sits down on the blanket next to Heleana and takes one of the small cakes. He asks about Heleana's and your well-being and has small talk with you for a while.
“Was the seamstress with you yet?”
"Yes, but my dress didn't fit me." Heleana replies while still letting the bug run over her hand. "But it will be ready in time for tonight." In the evening there would be a feast to celebrate the anniversary of King Visery's accession to the throne.
"What about your dress?"
"It's been ready for a few days." you answer. "I'm looking forward to tonight. A little variety and dancing."
Aemond laughs briefly. "Mother wants me to choose a bride today." Helena looks up from her beetle.
"How nice." she says. "Marriage isn't that bad." Aemond and you exchange a quick look. Even though Aegon hasn't spoken to Heleana much in the last few weeks, and you haven't noticed any new bruises either, did he even visit her in her chambers?, Aemond and you both know that Heleana and Aegon's marriage is not a good example to convince someone to marry.
"You don't want to get married?" you asks.
"I will do my duty."
You nod, not knowing what to say. Your conversations with Heleana are always natural, familiar and without pleasantries. The conversations with Aemond are usually punctuated by pauses, stiff but always pleasant. You've known him almost your whole life, but you still can't always assess him. "My Lady Sister, My Lady Y/N. Thank you for the cake and the conversation." he says with a slight smile. "I'm going to Vhagar before I have to get ready for the celebration. Lady Y/N, can you save me a dance later?" he stands up elegantly. Just the thought of the gigantic monster under his control makes you shiver in fear.
"Gladly." you answer, Aemond says goodbye with a nod and then disappears towards the Red Keep. "Where is Vhagar?"you ask.
"I don't know. But Ameond will find her, or rather she will find him." The monster is too big for the Dragon Pit, so the dragon lives somewhere in the Kings Landing area. Heleana lets the beetle crawl from her hand back into the grass. "I'm looking forward to the party today." she then says.
"Me too."
"I hope my dress gets ready in time. Odd that it doesn't fit me, I didn´t eat that much cake in the last few weeks."
"The tailors are working hard to get your dress ready. You are the princess." Heleana laughs briefly and then her eyes become distant. You know that she thrinks about her last vision. You sometimes wish you could see the future, but that's an ability few Targaryens have and you have no magical dragon blood in your family.
"The rose is not red, it bleeds."
"What?" Heleana is now looking at you carefully again. "We need to get ready."
"There's still time. What do you mean bleeding roses?"
"I don't know." Helaena's visions always come in riddles, in images. And the rose is the symbol of your house. It worries you that she sees bleeding roses. Will something happen to your family?
"Heleana please concentrate. What about bleeding roses?"
"The rose bleeds in the rain." she replies. You sigh. On the one hand, you are curious about what Heleana's vision means, but on the other hand, you know from your experience, that if you continue to put pressure on her now, it will confuse and upset her.
"Fine." you say, maybe she'll dream more later and would tell you. "Let´s get ready for today." You clumsily get up from the soft blanket and then help Heleana to her feet. Together you go back inside the Red Keep. Inside it's as busy as ever, but you're used to it by now. First you go to Heleana's chambers, when Heleana notices the finished dress she is visibly relieved. You call the maids so they can help the princess get ready. After that you go back to your chambers to get ready yourself.
In the evening you sit next to your father at the banquet in honor of the king. The Queen and Hand of the King, Lord Hightower, give a speech in honor of the King and then the banquet opens. There is the finest food and good wine. You thought that the king's eldest daughter, Princess Rhaenyra, would also come, but she stayed on Dragonstone with her children and her uncle-husband. After the banquet music is played and the first people line up to dance. To your surprise, you watch as Aegon also asks Heleana if she would like to dance with him. Your friend looks at her brother in surprise, but then happily agrees. You are happy when you see that Heleana is visibly happy about her brother's attention and niceness.
“Would you like to dance too, my child?” your father asks you.
"Yes gladly." Your father raises his hand and one of his men's sons comes to you and asks you to dance. You stand up and let him lead you to the dance floor. He smiles shyly at you, and his steps are a bit insecure.
"My Name is Macen." he says.
"I know, we meet eachother before."
"I know, but I wasn´t sure if you would remember me."
"Of course I rememberd you." Why souldn´t you? It´s not like you meet much new people every day.
"Because I tripped and fell over my own feet at our first meeting?" You can´t remember that but you smile at him. "Lets hope you don´t trip now."
"You should hope that I don´t step on your feet my Lady Y/N. I´m not a very good dancer."
"Me neither. But I love to dance, so lets just have fun."
Macen smiles at you, it´s a kind smile and you have the feeling he is not that insecure anymore. You two starts to dance. Even though Macen is really not a good dancer you have fun. He steps on your feet twice during your first dance, but you smile away the pain and reassure him that it's okay and doesn't hurt. Nevertheless, he apologizes five more times. After the dance changes to a slightly slower sequence of steps, your feet are spared. Macen leads you through the next figure and you turn to the music. At this point in the dance there is a brief exchange of partners, as you come out of the turn, Aegon suddenly stands in front of you. Actually, he should now take yours with one hand and place the other on your back, but he hesitates and holds out his hand to you. You would like to turn around again and leave the dance floor. But that would just draw unnecessary attention to you. So you take a deep breath and take his hand. He quickly pulled you closer to him and led you through the next figure.
"Are you having a nice evening?"
"We don't need to talk." you reply coldly. You don't want to talk to him.
"I just asked a question."
"But you don't care about the answer."
"That's not true." The next figure is supposed to take you back to your original dance partner, but Aegon stops you in your dance step and gives Macen quick look, so that he shrinks back from the prince and turns away. Aegon lets you turn once and step back into his arms.
"What are you doing?" You say slightly angry. You don't want to talk to him, and you don't want to dance with him either. You look around briefly for Macen, but he had left the dance floor. On the one hand, you wished that he would free you from Aegon and insist on doing the dance properly and swapping partners again. On the other hand, you know that Aegon is the prince and Macen can do absolutely nothing against him.
"I thought we were talking. For the last few weeks you've been ignoring me and returning all my presents."
"Because I don't want any gifts from you."
“Don’t you like them?” He just ignores your statement.
"I'm not unpacking them." A brief glimmer of disappointment crosses his face.
"Please stop sending me gifts."
"But I want to show you that I can change."
"If you really wanted to change, you would respect my wishes. Friends do that." Even if he isn´t your friend, he insists on this assumption and maybe you can use this as a way to get rid of the giftsending.
"Okay, I undestood." Finally the dance is over and you free yourself from Aegon's grip. He lets you go, and when his hand slips from your lower back, you only notice the warmth it has given off, as a cold shiver runs down your spine. Aegon nods his head slightly. “Thank you for the dance My Lady Y/N.” he smiles but you just turn away and go back to your seat next to your father.
"You danced with the prince." he says unnecessarily.
"Yes father."
"Did you have a good time?"
Your father's gaze is on Aegon, who is walking back to the high table. You watch him too and see him pouring himself a cup of wine. And then you notice that his breath didn't smell like alcohol during your dance. The festival continues but you can't really enjoy it anymore. The dance with Aegon confused you. You've lived in the Red Keep since you were a young girl and not once has he danced with you. Heleana and you used to dance almost all evening at every party. Aemond has also asked you to dance a few times. But Aegon? No. He usually never dances. Not that he couldn't do it. You just noticed that and you know that he, like his siblings, had regular dance lessons. So why today? Why is he so unegonish lately? Is it really because he wants to change? Or is it all just a game for him? Does he act like he wants to change because he's bored? No! You saw in his eyes that he was serious. You sigh and reach for your cup of wine. Your father always allows you a maximum of 3 cups. But that doesn't bother you. Although you enjoy wine, you don't like its effect on you. Aemond comes to you at some point and asks about his promised dance. And as you move lightly with him across the dance floor, you feel your father's tense gaze on your back and, strangely enough, Aegon's too. You think about asking Aemond about Aegon's strange behavior, but you don't really have the courage. What would Aemond think? And would he tell Aegon that you asked about him? Of course he would. Even though the two argue often, they are extremely close. You don't really understand their relationship. It's late when you say goodbye to your father to go to bed.
"Sleep well my child, you did well today." You don't know what he means, but you're too tired to ask, so you just nod and leave the banquet hall. The corridors of the Red Keep are significantly colder compared to the hall and you shiver. You walk quickly through the empty hallways to your chambers. But you don't get far, suddenly you hear footsteps behind you and when you turn around Aegon comes towards you. Fear crawls up your neck, but he stops a few meters in front of you.
"You just disappeared."
"I'm tired and want to go to bed." you answer, taking another step backwards. You can't assess the situation, but Aegon doesn´t come close. "What do you want?" You are tired and have had a long day, now you no longer have the energy to argue with Aegon. Or to become angry and he has that way about him that makes you angry easily.
"Y/N, please. I want you to show me how to make friends."
You start laugh.
"I'm serious. I'm begging you."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't like you."
"But why not?"
"I've already given you a thousand reasons, maybe you should listen better."
"I have listen to you. You wanted me to change my behavior, so I did. I'm nice to Heleana, I won't hurt her anymore. I try to be nice to yoz, but you doesn´t like my gifts and you always turn away when I try to talk to you."
You take a deep breath. He didn't understand what you were trying to tell him at all.
"I didn't mean that you should give me something and you shouldn't change your behavior because I tell you to, but because you want to change it."
"But I want to change my behavior. "
"Why? Why is this suddenly so important to you?"
"I don't know! Okay, I don't know why it's important to me. I don't understand it myself. But I know you were right. I don't have a single friend in this world. Nobody is ever honest with me, except you. You were honest. And I want you to be my friend. I don´t no why. Please Y/N I really try."
You look him in the eyes and try to tell if he's lying. But his eyes only reflect honesty. And desperation? You're not sure. You sigh. You don't understand why he suddenly wants to change like that. Why he suddenly wants to be your friend. But apparently neither does he. Why don't you actually want to help him? Yes, he attacked you. Yes, he is a drinking, fornicating, arrogant prince. But he's also your best friend's brother. It's not really like you can avoid him for long. The Red Keep is big, but not so big that you can ignore Aegon's existence. You tried. And if he's really trying to change, why shouldn't you help him? It would make Heleana's life more pleasant, and it would make your life more pleasant. “Fine,” you agree now. Aegon looks at you surprised, even though it's the answer he wanted. Maybe he wasn't expecting it after all these weeks.
"Yes I will help you." His eyes begin to sparkle slightly and a smile appears on his beautiful features.
"Thank you."
You nod. "But not today, I'm tired."
"I can accompany you to your chambers."
You're not entirely comfortable with the idea of ​​walking with him through the dark Red Keep to your chambers. Yes, he says he wants to change, but he still attacked you. And you're still not 100% sure if he's serious or just pretending.
"No thanks. But we can go for a walk tomorrow at lunchtime?"
"It's late and you shouldn't be walking around alone."
"What was that about friends respecting each other's wishes?" you remind him of your words from before.
Aegon nods. "Right. So we're friends now?"
"Not yet." you answer him and sigh again. "
You don't just decide whether you're friends or not. We're not 5 years old anymore. Things like that take time."
"Understood." You're not sure if he really understands, but you give him a small smile anyway.
"Goodnight Aegon." you then say and turn away.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
The next afternoon you actually meet Aegon in the gardens. You don't really know what to expect from this meeting. He's waiting for you and as you approach him he smiles. This time he doesn't just grab your arm but stays two steps away from you as you walk through the sunny gardens.
"Thank you for coming." You nod.
"Rule Nr. 2 in friendships. Be reliable." You say, Aegon nods intently and his look makes you laugh.
"Are you laughing about me?" his voice suddenly sounds angry and his muscles tense. The laughter gets stuck in your throat.
"No! No, of course not. I'm sorry." You notice that Aegon is sensitive beneath his arrogant shell. "I won't laugh at you Aegon. I promise." He looks at you skeptically, but then nods. You sigh, maybe you've overreached yourself a bit by showing Aegon how to make friends. At least you can help Heleana and maybe Aegon in some way. You thought about your conservation for a while last night. You realized that Aegon was actually just a scared boy who was all alone. And you feel sorry for him and you want to help him. No one should be alone, especially not here in the Red Keep.
Part 2
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ASOIAF Masterlist
does not include series' * means it includes smut dividers from saradika
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House of the Dragon taglist
Rhaenyra Targaryen
fics: - Lavander Haze - Mastermind - alpha!rhaenyra claims sister, ii* (request) - Yandere alpha!rhaenyra x omega half-sister betrothal (request) - Yandere Rhaenyra takes half-sister from greens power play* (request) - Yandere Rhaenyra punishes omega reader after lords flirt with her* (request) - Alpha!rhaenyra x soft shy omega!sister x alpha!daemon* (request) - Pearls* – sugar mommy rhaenyra au (ft. alicent) - Of Lances and Thorns – male!hightower reader (pending) - A Sunset Seal – male!martell reader (pending) - Perfect – fem!tully reader (pending) - My One and Only, My Lifeline - rhaenicent band au (pending) - Young Dragon (request) (pending) - One Flesh, One Heart, One soul (request) (pending)
headcanons: - Yandere Rhaenyra x Lady-in-waiting (request) - Yandere Rhaenyra takes half-sister from greens* (request) - Yandere Rhaenyra x female dragonseed*  ii* (request) - Yandere Daemon joins Rhaenyra x half-sister (request) - Dragonseed reader saves Rhaenyra from execution & Aegon the young (request) - Yandere Rhaenyra x Valyrian sorceress reader* (request) - Short Valentines Day headcanons - Alpha Rhaenyra and omega Aegon headcanons (request) - Platonic Yandere Rhaenyra x Aegon (platonic) (request) (pending) - rhaenyra and laenor x aemond headcanons (request) (pending) - rhaenyra looking after her siblings instead (request) (pending) - rhaenys looking after the kids (request) (pending) - Alpha rhaenyra x omega half sister parenting their kids (request) (pending) - Yandere rhaenyra x daemons bastard daughter (request) (pending) - Yandere rhaenyra x yandere laenor x son reader (request) (pending) - Yandere rhaenyra x laenor son (request) (pending) - Yandere rhaenyra x handmaiden (request) (pending) - yandere rhaenyra x female dragonkeeper (request) (pending) - yandere mom rhaenyra x orphan reader (request) (pending) - alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryon reader (request) (pending) - alpha rhaenyra x omega hightower reader (request) (pending) - rhaenyra targaryen x velaryon reader (request) (pending) - alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (request) (pending) - yandere rhaenyra x aegon headcanons (request) (pending) - yandere rhaenyra x helaena (request) (pending)
Alicent Hightower
fics: - Only Queen - Last Kiss - Pearls* – sugar mommy rhaenyra x reader x sugar mommy alicent (ft. rhaenyra) (pending) - The Set-Up – male!velaryon reader (pending) - A Breeze of Decay (pending) - My One and Only, My Lifeline - rhaenicent band au (pending)
headcanons: - Short Valentines Day headcanons
Jacaerys Velaryon
fics: - Everybody Wants you - Namesday* (ft. aemond x reader) - The Heart Bestowed – tyrell!reader - No Rest For The Dragons (request) - Too Much, Too Little* (request) (pending)
headcanons: - Short Valentines Day headcanons - Haelena x Jacaerys headcanons (request) (pending)
Aemond Targaryen
fics: - Some Thread Of Time - Namesday* (ft jacaerys x reader) - Sweet Girl* (ft aegon x reader) - Crystals* (ft alys rivers x reader) (pending)
headcanons: - Short Valentines Day headcanons
Aegon Targaryen
fics: - Gold Rush - Sweet Girl* (ft. aemond x reader) - Prince of Rouge – moulin rouge au, satine!aegon targaryen (pending) - The Memories (pending) - Eagerness* (pending)
headcanons: - Alpha Rhaenyra and omega Aegon platonic headcanons (request) - Short Valentines Day headcanons
Helaena Targaryen
fics: - Maroon - I Think He Did It (pending) - Soft Peace (request) (pending)
headcanons: - Short Valentines Day headcanons - yandere rhaenyra x helaena (request) (pending) - haelena x jacaerys headcanons (request) (pending)
Cregan Stark
fics: - Parchment (pending)
Corlys Velaryon
fics: - The Moon
headcanons: - Short Valentines Day headcanons
Daemon Targaryen
fics: - alpha!rhaenyra x soft shy omega!sister x alpha!daemon* (request) - Remnants* – fem!peasant reader - The Heat* (request) (pending) - Gentle Light (request) (pending) - Head of House (request) (pending)
headcanons: - Yandere Daemon joins Rhaenyra x half-sister (request) - Short Valentines Day headcanons - daemon x hightower fem reader (request) (pending) - alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (request) (pending)
Rhaenys Targaryen
headcanons: - rhaenys looking after the kids (request) (pending)
Alys Rivers
fics: - Crystals* (ft aemond x reader) (pending)
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Game Of Thrones
Daenerys Targaryen
fics: - alpha daenerys x brat omega!reader (request)
Margaery Tyrell
fics: - Taking Charge* – ft Robb Stark (request) - Any Path We Take (pending)
Robb Stark
fics: - Taking Charge* – ft Robb Stark (request) - Fight it – targaryen!reader (pending) - Best Friend's Brother (request) (pending)
Arya Stark
fics: - yandere arya x fem!reader pt 2 pt3 (pending) (request)
Bran Stark
fics: - Lady By The Sea – mermaid!reader (pending)
Jaime Lannister
headcanons: - yandere husband (request)
Eddard Stark:
headcanons: - yandere husband (request)
Stannis Baratheon:
headcanons: - yandere husband (request)
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Rhaegar Targaryen
fics: - The Flower and Her Sword (pending)
headcanons: - yandere husband (request)
Aegon I Targaryen
headcanons: - yandere husband (request)
Maegor Targaryen
headcanons: - yandere husband (request) - Short Valentines Day headcanons
Baelon Targaryen
headcanons: - yandere husband (request) - Short Valentines Day headcanons
Viserys Targaryen
headcanons - alicent's widowed sister
Brynden Tully
headcanons - yandere husband headcanons (request) (pending)
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Character x Character
Platonic - alpha rhaenyra and omega aegon headcanons (request) - yandere rhaenyra x aegon headcanons (request) (pending) - rhaenyra and laenor x aemond headcanons (request) (pending) - rhaenyra looking after her siblings instead (request) (pending) - rhaenys looking after the kids (request) (pending)
Romantic - alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (request) (pending) - yandere rhaenyra x aegon headcanons (request) (pending) - yandere rhaenyra x helaena (request) (pending) - haelena x jacaerys headcanons (request) (pending) - alpha rhaenyra x omega daenerys headcanons (request) (pending)
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b00kdiary · 2 years
Beautiful creature
Aemond x Plus size reader
Aemond and the reader are in a game of cat and mouse, where predator hunts prey. He doesn't care who she is, or where she is from, he doesn't care what anyone else thinks. He wants her.
Warning: The series will contain swearing, violence, body issues, and sexual content (mature 18+)
Part I
Part II here
Part III here
Masterlist (Aemond Targaryen)
Y/n Tyrell had never been so nervous in her life.
Never as nervous as she padded through the corridors of the Red Keep, her clasped hands fidgeting endlessly and her heart beating so loud she could hear it in her ears. Y/n followed Otto Hightower silently, barely taking in the artwork and archaic architecture, her mind too busy with the endless scenarios of how her life here would unfold.
She imagined either being attacked and assaulted by the repulsive Prince Aegon or being cut into tiny pieces by the terrifying Prince Aemond.
Her stomach twisted at either option.
The Tyrells were no cowards, and she had been raised with as much wit and fire as any of her brothers. Yet that fire seemed to fizzle out at the reality that she was one girl, only 17 and in this pit of dragons without anyone she knew or loved.
The Hand of the King gave her an encouraging half-smile as he glanced back at her and despite her best efforts, she could just about manage to curve one slight corner of her lip. He frowned, his face full of pity as if he, better than most, knew the tendencies of the family she would now serve.
They curved around another bend and soon stopped before a mahogany door, varying flowers of beauty and smell gathered on either side.
Princess Helaena’s room.
Otto knocked softly, and as he did, Y/n gathered her strength, her hands going by her side, her chin raising slightly and her back straightening. She inhaled once, exhaled and repeated the action silently twice more before that door was creaking open and they entered.
The room was simple, not particularly extravagant, and not what Y/n had expected of the Princess. But at noticing the children’s toys and cribs, she realised that this was probably the only place the Princess felt real peace.
She stopped before the two chaises, Otto had gone to stand beside his daughter, The Queen and Helaena.
“Halaena, Alicent… may I introduce Lady Y/n Tyrell- she will be your new lady-in waiting” He smiles and y/n curtsy, her hand lifting the simple brown satin dress as she lowered her head.
When y/n’s eyes lift, Helaena is grinning, her bright teeth on display and blue eyes glistening as she clasps her hands before her in joy. “It is a great pleasure for myself and my family that you would consider me worthy, my Queen” Y/n said gently, and Alicent’s eyes softened as she observed the girl.
“The pleasure is ours, there is none other than the heart of Highgarden who would be a greater ally and friend for my daughter” Alicent smiled and Y/n’s lip curved, her cheeks tinting at the old name.
She was the Heart of Highgarden, beloved by her people.
Before Y/n could speak Helaena squeaked, rushing forward and before y/n could part her lips in greeting, the Princess pulled her into a suffocating hug. “I so look forward to another woman’s company” She mumbled against the dark auburn ringlets of Y/n's hair.
 Y/n relaxed, her arms lightly hugging back, happy that at least one of the Targaryen was not a monster.
Y/n pulled away and the two girls grinned, already quite the team to watch out for.
“You’re going to love the Red Keep, I can show you all my favourite-“ Helaena was cut off by a raspy and deep voice.
A male voice.
“Aemond, Aegon” Helaena smiled in greeting, her bright eyes lifting past Y/n’s shoulder. She stiffened, her body going rigid and goosebumps rising as she rasped out a tight breath at the first meeting with the Princes.
She turned, her eyes down and chin lowered slightly as she bowed “My Princes” Y/n muttered softly in greeting, only their silence meeting her back. She raised, her breath shallow as she lifted her chin to meet their eyes.
One enrapturing sapphire blue eye and a dark brown leather patch immediately caught her attention.
Prince Aemond.
She swallowed at his intense gaze, the passive mask he wore revealing nothing. Y/n was struck by his beauty, he’d been described as being near monstrous in tales, ‘Aemond one- eye’ they called him and yet he was anything but unattractive.
Not with the soft and silken silver hair, creamy white skin and chiselled and defined cheekbones and jaw. Even the eye patch, as terrifying as it was, enhanced his beauty in the most sinister way.
No, this man was gorgeous and not at all what she had been expecting.
And the raise of his brow and slight vicious curve of his lips indicated he knew exactly what Y/n was thinking as she beheld him.
She blanched but not before Aegon muttered, soft and barely audible “Look at the tits and ass on her, she’d be a fine fuck- heavier than I like, but still…”. Y/n stiffened, her breath cutting out at the lewd and obscene words.
Aemond’s lips thinned as he ignored his brothers' feral smirk and disgusting sentiment and as his eyes dragged to Y/n and then lowered over her body, completely unreadable, she felt the desire to hide behind Helaena, tears clawing at her eyes at the judgement he was making.
“Heavier than I like.”
Y/n knew she didn’t look like other ladies, she wasn’t ugly, she knew that and yet her size was something she had endured her entire life. Y/n was of average height but was curvier than most women in Westeros.
Her thighs, pillowy and riddled with cellulite touched and rubbed when she walked, her hips flared and had dips on either side and her stomach had rolls, not just one or two but enough that sometimes these tight and laced dressed felt like shoving herself into a cupboard.
Y/n had been doted on for her face; the soft tan skin, mesmerising hazel eyes, an upturned nose and full lips and her thick, flowing long hair that was the envy of Highgarden.
Too bad that she was ‘too heavy’ they’d say after all of that positivity.
Y/n bit back her anger and frustration, her sadness, and lowered her eyes from Prince Aemond’s scrutiny, gathering herself.
“This is Lady Y/n Tyrell” Helaena stated beside her, and she raised her face slightly to smile at her, the gaze of a certain Prince burning into Y/n as she watched her new friend. “She will be my new lady- in- waiting and I expect a very good friend, so be nice” She warned, though not that frighteningly.
Aegon snorted, and Y/n glanced towards that savage face “Oh, I’ll be very nice” he purred, his eyes dark with a twisted sense of male satisfaction as if already knew how easy this would be. Y/n grimaced, her hands clasping at her sides, her nails biting into her palm.
The pain was a welcome distraction.
Prince Aemond stepped forward swiftly, his figure shadowing Aegon before blocking him from Y/n’s view entirely.
She shrunk slightly at the feel of his body heat, the fire of the Targaryen line in his blood. With weariness, Y/n locked eyes with the Prince.
His expression did not change from nonchalance and yet, there, right there, in that singular blue eye, Y/n could see the fascination, the intrigue of a predator eyeing its new prey.
“Welcome to Kings Landing, Lady Tyrell” Aemond rasped, so low and smooth that it ran over Y/n’s body like a cool wind.
He noticed the imperceivable shiver that ran over her and one corner of his lip lifted like he liked the effect he had on her.
Y/n knew that this would not be good.
It had been 6 months since Y/n had arrived at Kings Landing and began helping Princess Helaena.
Six months of surprising peace and joy, she came to very much adore and admire the Princess- she respected her strength as a mother and daughter, came to love her weirdness and insect obsession and even came to heed the warning to the odd ‘prophecies’ that she’d randomly blurt out.
Her initial fear had practically disappeared.
Prince Aegon did not make true to his promise, thank the Gods. Not only did he not ‘be very nice’ to Y/n but he made it a point to avoid her, barely looking at her or even speaking to her. It would have been a miracle by most standards if a certain silver-haired, one-eyed Prince hadn’t been there.
Y/n had pretended like she hadn’t noticed, but she had. 
She saw the way that Aegon would eye Aemond nervously whenever you were in the room and for whatever reason near him, she saw how he’d make any excuse to leave as swiftly as possible and she certainly saw that terrifying and world-ending glare that Aemond would throw Aegon as soon as she was near.
The kind of glare that promised a painful death should he say or do anything.
He was protecting her and she had no idea why.
A part of her wanted to think that he did it out of the goodness of his heart, not willing to allow another woman to be preyed upon by his brother. And yet, Y/n knew, she knew that the most likely and evident reality was that he didn’t want Aegon hunting you because Aemond had already called dibs.
You were his to play with.
For the last few months, he rarely spoke to her, besides a few purred good mornings and hello’s or a silken and raspy goodnight or goodbye. He did it on purpose, liking, living off her reaction, that warm tint that filled her cheeks and the stuttered reply Y/n would give in response.
He would stare too.
A brand on her face and body, immovable and indomitable as Y/n moved around. It began as she prepared the Princesses things around her chambers, he would stare- sit beside his sister and listen to her endless tales but his eyes would never once leave her.
Then one visit to his sisters' chambers turned to two visits, then three and then suddenly every corner she turned, every room she entered, everywhere, the Prince was.
Watching her.
He’d smirk, so subtle that most wouldn’t be able to tell and he’d lean back, spreading his strong legs apart and laying his wrist against the muscle of this thigh as he held his cup. The movement was agile, particularly smooth and one that made her mind spread with damning thoughts.
A part of her enjoyed it, it was a harmless game not nearly as horrific as she had feared.
 She’d find herself looking forward to her interactions with the Prince; the gentle graze of his calloused hands as he’d take a wine cup from her, the way he’d smile softly and his eyes would widen when she and Helaena would talk and laugh in his presence and she began to very much like the way his eyes would wonder her body, glowing with something that looked like awe and hunger, like the idea of every curve, dip and roll was a never-ending temptation.
But Y/n knew not to be stupid, Prince Aemond was attractive, rich and powerful and she was certain he had his fair share of wealthy, skinny, perfect ladies throwing themselves at his feet.
He was not fawning and lusting over a heavily curved lady in waiting.
Y/n was scolding herself over such thoughts as she hurried through the corridors of the Red Keep, her rosy lips down turned and eyes focused upon the floor, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of the Prince.
So preoccupied that she hurtled face-first into a hard chest. She hissed, recoiling back and nearly tripping over backwards if not for the strong and capable grip that reached around her waist and helped her back up.
She sighed shakily, “Thank you-“ She paused at that one eye sparkling down at her. 
She froze before the Prince, the feeling of his warm and rough hand against her waist like fire, scorching through her clothes into her body. His chest was brushing against her breasts and her body felt electric at the warmth and sturdiness of him.
She was pressed up against the Prince and from the darkness that clouded his expression and the possessive grip of his fingers on her skirts, she knew this was too far.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, recoiling backwards and Aemond’s face fell as his hand slipped from her waist “My Prince, my apologies, I should’ve been looking, I am so-“
“Lady Y/n” He cut off deeply, his voice echoing off the walls. “You needn’t apologise, it was an honest mistake, I am just glad that you weren’t harmed by my bruteness”. Y/n gaped, heat rising in her neck as she clasped her hand before her yet again, fiddling with nerves.
“Thank you, my Prince, for the… the help” Y/n stuttered out, and he gave a lazy smirk at that bashful look.
He exhaled, his face and body relaxing as he moved closer and leaned beside the wall, inches from her. “Tell me, what or who” He whispered, “Had you so consumed that you didn’t hear my footsteps coming?” His eye glinted, his arms folding over and brow-raising, taunting her as if already knew the answer.
“I-“ Y/n stopped, inhaling and exhaling briskly before she straightened her back “I was going over my lists for Princess Helaena, the ball tonight shall be busy and there are lots to be done,” Y/n said, her words smooth and flowing sentence and she felt herself relax in comfort with the Prince.
He realised that comfort and a small, appreciative smile graced his lips, even as he perked up.
“Yes, this ball” He rolled his eye and Y/n giggled at the look of disdain on his face. His face lightened at that light and breathy sound.
“You don’t enjoy balls? Surely a Prince would be partial to booze and women” She teased, surprising even herself, but particularly surprising Aemond, that sharpness of tone hitting him at the word ‘women’.
A dark, almost feline smirk appeared, his head leaning lower and closer, so close she could feel the cool caress of his breath against her cheek.
“I couldn’t imagine I’d care much for the other women, not if you are there” He mumbled, soft and seductive, and y/ns breasts tightened and her body throbbed at the tone. She blushed, and Aemond merely chuckles in reply, his fingers coming forward and twisting into the soft curl of one strand of loose hair.
“That is a sweet sentiment, My prince” his hand tightened at the title as if he liked the way it sounded on her lips “But the other fine ladies of Westeros will have to do since I will not be in attendance”.
His hand stopped his brow furrowing. “What do you mean?” He asks and y/n sighs, shrugging indifferently.
“I am Helaena’s Lady in waiting, not a Princess or something similar, it’s not a ball for me” She states softly, trying not to let the disappointment shine too brightly in her eyes.
“You’re the Lady of Highgarden, of Tyrell blood and a member of our Court,” Aemond said roughly, his hands now folded sternly over his chest again, his eye bright with frustration at her, at the low opinion she held of herself.
“That is very kind, My Prince, but I doubt many would share that sentiment” She smiles in appreciation, “Besides it’s far too late, I couldn’t find anything to wear. I am content to curl up with a book in my chambers”.
He shakes his head, a frown on his lips “If the issue is a dress, then-“
“Aemond! Y/n!” Helaena calls.
Y/n instantly steps back from the close bubble that she had found herself and the Prince in, before turning and beaming as Helaena waltzes over with a kind smile.
“Princess” Y/n greets.
“I was beginning to wonder what had happened, you’d been gone so long,” She says, stopping beside her.
“That would be my fault sister, the Lady and I had gotten too caught up in our conversation,” Aemond says smoothly, a small curved smile on his face as he looks at his dear sister, “She’s very… beguiling” He purrs, his eye twinkling with amusement as Y/n duck her head, biting her lip at his words.
“That she is” Helaena grins, not particularly in tune with the tension that was spiralling from the two people beside her.
“We should go, Princess, there’s much to prepare before tonight” Y/n states softly and Helaena merely nods before smiling up at her little brothers and walking away.
Y/n looks at the Prince, his face now more contemplative and bows her head slightly in respect “My Prince, I hope the ball and its people please you” She mumbles out and with a shaky breath, Y/n walks away.
His eyes burned into her back the entire time.
Y/n paced through the Princess's room, different garments and silks in her hand as she tidied and organised, knowing that the Princess would prefer a neater space when getting ready for tonight.
Her mind had been flustered with thoughts of the Prince for hours, her mind plagued by the feeling of his hand on her body, the amusement and desire rippling through his face and the sweet caress of words he had breathed against her as he toyed with her hair.
She had to yet again remind herself of the game- it was not real, it was all just fun.
He didn’t find her attractive and he certainly wouldn’t choose her in a room full of beautiful, thin Westeri women.
Sighing, Y/n swiftly grabbed the cotton and silks she was holding and placed them into the cabinet, barely acknowledging the creaking floorboards and door opening and closing, anticipating Helaena arriving soon to decide her outfit for tonight.
“Helaena, the gold silks just came in from-“ She started as she turned, jumping in surprise as Aemond stood before her, poised and straight, his eyes dancing over her “My Prince, I thought you were your sister… what can I help you with?”
Aemond nodded, stepping forward with a mischievous glint in his sapphire eye. “I brought you something” He states simply, his hand rounding from his back to present the simple black box he was holding, a blue ribbon wrapped over it.
Y/n frowned in confusion, but seeing the glint in Aemond’s eye, she hesitantly grabbed the softbox, gently unfurling the ribbon and taking off the lid.
She nearly gasped.
“My Prince” She started “ I couldn’t-“ She looked up wide-eyed and then back down to the beautiful cream and silver gown, the material the softest and most expensive of silks. “This is far too much, I cannot accept-“
“Your Prince demands it,” Aemond says shrugging and definitive, his body now perched against the tabletop, his face showing that he won’t take no for an answer.
“But-“ She stops as he growls lowly, a grave expression overcoming his face, a warning to not test him.
“I-“ she swallows, bowing her head “Thank you, My Prince, it’s a truly beautiful gown” Y/n mutters quietly in earnest and Aemond’s face seems to melt at the sight.
“You needed something equal to your beauty, something that was as breathtaking and damning as you” He replied quietly, standing up from his leaning position.
“Damning?” She questioned with a cocked head, her brows pulling together. He chuckled, marching over in quick paces and standing before her so close they touched.
“So very damning” He whispered in reply, his eyes trailing over Y/n’s eyes, and nose and then stopping at her mouth. Y/n barely breathed as he watched her, his eyes debating and fighting within himself.
But she desperately wished she was brave enough to rise onto her toes and make the choice for him.
But instead, he sighed, a long and frustrated one before he inched back slightly, collecting himself. “I have something else” He smiled and Y/n watched in awe as he pulled out a chain, long and thin and at the very end lay a pendant the shape of an eye, a sapphire blue orb practically glowing in the middle.
“It’s… gorgeous ” Y/n stuttered, so softly it was barely audible. Aemond smiled, genuine as he watched her marvel at the piece, even as she hesitated at accepting. “I’m not sure I deserve something too expensive and lovely, My Prince”
“Nonsense” He tutted, dismissing her words with a harsh frown. His hand came to her waist and she gasped as his grip tightened on the flesh and he manoeuvred her body around, her back now against his chest.
“Beautiful creatures deserve beautiful things” He murmured as Y/n looked over her shoulder and merely nodded once in meek acceptance, her heart stuttering in her chest.
Aemond’s touch was electric as he ran his hand up from Y/n’s hip bone over her waist and scrapped by the sides of her breast, she nearly seized at the whisper of his touch as it grazed up to her neck. He paused, the only sounds heard were the heavy breathing of Y/n and surprisingly the uneven puffs of air that escaped the Prince as his fingers lingered on the skin of her collarbone and shoulder.
Y/n shivered as, with gentle and calloused hands, Aemond pushed the long, curled locks of dark hair across her shoulder and left it all gathered on her left shoulder, exposing the column of her neck.
She gasped at the cold press of his fingers down her neck and blushed with embarrassment at the icy chuckle that escaped the Prince's mouth and reverberated against her back, his heated chest pressed firmly against her.
He leant down, and with the most precise and intimate intention, ever so softly, so soft it was as if he hadn’t done it, ran his nose and lips across the pane of her outstretched neck and in almost unconsciousness, Y/n angled her head to allow him better access.
The Prince hummed in approval as he pressed his lips against her collar, inhaling her scent and getting drunk off the feeling. “So fucking damning” he muttered, spitting the words harshly, as if in anger and lust and all things good and bad. Y/n groaned, melting against him, her mind clouding over at that hard pressure against the curve of her ass, even as Aemond snarled with barely held restraint.
Good god, she felt like she was going to combust.
“My Prince” Y/n whispered, her eyes fluttering and breathing uneven “Someone could come in, this isn’t-“ She sighed at his hands enclosing her waist, and despite that second of fear as he encircled her stomach, his touch had her too overwhelmed to worry.
“Hmm” he considered lowly, lifting his head from y/ns neck and reluctantly loosening his hands from her waist, she nearly dragged him back, missing his touch instantly. “I promised myself I would contain myself with you, my love”
My love.
She nearly buckled under the sheer pleasure that the nickname gave her.
“But it seems you’re far harder to avoid than I had anticipated” He growls, shaking his head. Y/n gulps, her chest heaving as she pants. Aemond sighed, their bodies loosening as he finally lifts the necklace before her and with hands so gentle, like he thought she’d break, he clasped the necklace around her.
His fingers were hot on her skin as he brushed over the line of the thin chain around her neck and she turned to him, to show him the final result. He groaned slightly, low and predatory noise at the back of his throat as his eyes lowered to where the pendant sat, nestled just between her breasts.
He ran one finger absentmindedly down the middle of her chest, stopping right at the centre of that sapphire-blue orb.
The orb that resembled his eye so meticulously.
Y/n breathed, in and out, in and out, even as he stared down at her with want and need and even as his long and ringed finger idly touched the sensitive skin of her breasts.
“Thank you, My Prince” Y/n breathed out, the rasp of her voice dragging the Prince's attention back to her and he smirked, victorious.
“Find me at the ball, my love” and with those final uttered words, he stalked away.
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