ae-cow · 20 days
Ms Yu, Miss You
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Warning: Some of you will hate this but SHIP, Angst, fluff, suggestive, OCs as exes, accidents which cause major/minor injuries, Possible spelling errors and I think that’s all, do tell. This is a work of fiction with nothing to do with the idol's actual life. I do like some feedback. If you ever feel like "Hey this is very offensive." do tell me.
Pairing: Jeno of NCT, NCT Dream x Karina of aespa
Summary: Jimin interrupts Jeno’s wedding to Soojin after discovering that Soojin had been cheating on Jeno with Jimin's cheating ex, Minki. Jeno and Jimin’s lives become intertwined. As fate somehow always brings them together
Word Count: 12k
A/N: @/hi_imtyyy, this pic is amazing, found it on TikTok. The fact that Karina wanted to be an air stewardess! I’ll be using Karina’s real name Jimin. Like damn, I love this shit just saying probably one of my best-written ones but not sure if it will gain the attraction and yes I did study. Exams tmr!!
Written: 25 August 2024
© ae-cow. Do not claim, steal or repost. All rights reserved
“YOU DARE GET MARRIED WHILE CHEATING?!” Jimin burst through the wedding doors, her voice echoing through the hall.
Jeno’s eyes widened in shock as he turned to Soojin. “Soojin, do you know her?”
Soojin’s face paled, but she shook her head, trying to maintain her composure.
“YAH, Soojin! Your soon-to-be wife is a cheater!” Jimin shouted, her voice trembling with anger. “She’s been cheating on you with MY FIANCÉ!” She tells the husband and everyone who attended the wedding
The doors swung open again, and Minki stepped into the room, his face a mixture of guilt and desperation. “Jimin-ah, let me explain—”
Jimin cut him off, her voice cold and relentless. “Oh, hell no. I’ve already gotten all the wedding money back.”
“Don’t you dare come back,” Jimin said, glaring at Minki.
She turned to Soojin, her voice cold and accusatory. “And how could you sleep in the same bed as your fiance while you have been with someone else?”
Jimin’s gaze softened slightly as she looked at Jeno. “And you, you should leave this place and never look back. You deserve someone who truly loves you, not someone who’s been cheating,” She told him before walking away
Jeno looked at Soojin, then turned to his family seated in the front row by the altar. Their faces were streaked with tears, and his heart ached as he saw the sorrow in their eyes. Beside them, Soojin’s family was also in tears, watching helplessly as their daughter’s betrayal was laid bare.
Jeno, silent and conflicted, walked out of the hall. He found Jimin sitting alone on the floor, wiping her tears with a trembling hand.
“Hey,” he said softly, his voice carrying a note of regret.
“Thanks… for telling me,” Jeno said, his voice heavy with emotion. “If you hadn’t, we would have gone through with the vows, and who knows when I’d have found out.”
He paused, sitting down next to her. “We had plans—kids, a house, this whole wedding and now, it all comes crashing down.”
“How could I have been so stupid?” Jeno said, his voice cracking with despair. “All those nights she claimed she had to work overtime because of a sick patient or a lack of staff…”
Jimin looked at him, her expression sympathetic. “I get it. She’s a nurse, and those excuses would be easy to believe. I’m a victim of being cheated on myself.”
“…How did you find out?” Jeno asked quietly.
Jimin sighed, her gaze distant. “My friends saw him with Soojin at an exclusive restaurant I’d wanted to go to for ages. He always said he had a friend who could get a reservation, but he never managed to get one for me. Seeing him with her there was the first clue.”
She paused, her voice heavy with pain. “After that, I dug deeper. I noticed he’d be awake at 2 AM, phone in hand, smiling. He’d use his favourite perfume and come home late. It hurts, but he’s no longer in my life.”
“And I’m happy to be out of it,” Jimin said, her voice firm.
“You’re better than me though,” She said
“Why?” he asked, tilting his head.
Jimin shrugged, a wry smile on her lips. “You’ve spent so much money, and you don’t seem as affected by it.”
She continued, “Once I found out, I started reclaiming what I could. Some money couldn’t be retrieved because it was too close to the wedding date, but I managed to get some back. I bought this dress—like Princess Diana’s revenge dress.”
Jimin laughed, a genuine sound of relief. “We should hang out from time to time—vent about our exes, complain about their smelly breath, and just get some of this trauma out.”
“Yeah, we definitely should,” Jeno agreed with a smile. “Well, I should get going, time to my money back,” Said as he stood up
Jimin chuckled. “Sounds good.”
Jeno extended a hand, lending her help and Jimin took it with a grateful smile.
They shared a brief, understanding glance before parting ways, each feeling a little lighter.
Jimin spotted Jeno walking out of a real estate agency, his frustration evident. “Hey, Jeno!” she called out.
He looked up and made his way toward her. “Hey there.”
Jimin glanced at the agency behind him. “Real estate, huh? Must be the place you and Soojin were planning to buy.”
“Yeah,” Jeno said with a sigh. “You want it?”
Jimin raised an eyebrow. “What? No, I don’t.”
“The payment’s done and I can’t get it back,” Jeno explained. “I paid for most of it so I told Soojin to leave.”
Jimin nodded sympathetically. “What about you? Where are you staying?”
“I used to live with Minki, but I moved out. I’m staying at a friend’s place for now.”
Jeno hesitated for a moment, then offered, “Well, if you’re looking for a place, you could stay with me.”
Jimin’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Jeno confirmed with a nod. “It might be nice to have some company and pay rent.”
Jeno chuckled, a wry smile on his face. “Since I paid for most of it, I’m all set to move in. But now that I’m single, I need a roommate. And wow, look at that—my ex-fiancé’s boyfriend’s ex is currently staying at her friend’s place.”
She laughs “Uh hmm would I stay with my best friend or a man I met at a wedding I crashed? Hard to choose huh?”
Jeno smiles “Here take your time,” He passes her his business card
“A pilot huh?”
Ms. Yu, your video of the wedding crash is going viral,” the principal said. “No offence, but only students who graduate may glimpse your private life, but current students should be primarily focused on studying. It’s your role as a teacher to maintain a professional boundary.”
“I know… it’s just—”
“Yes, what he did was horrible, but couldn’t you have kept it private?”
Jimin scoffed. “It was a private wedding. Someone filmed it, and the ex-fiance and his family needed to know the truth.”
“Jimin, I’m sorry, but I’ll have to suspend you for a week,” The principal said
“A week? Won’t the students start speculating?”
“Think of it as a vacation, if that helps, I don’t know what else to suggest.
“Should I be happy that I have a vacation?” Jimin said as she looks at her plane ticket to France
Walking down the aisle, checking her seat number “Let’s see… 23B.”
Jeno notices her as he makes his way to the cockpit “Jimin? What a coincidence!”
She looked up, surprised “Jeno! You’re the Captain?”
“Yep, that’s me. I didn’t expect to see you here. Going to France huh?” His brows furrow
“Well crashing the wedding caused me a week of vacation, my boss thinks I go for a week so that the students in my school would stop the rumours and I’m trying to clear my head. What about you?”
“Flying this plane and if you don’t mind, I’d like to make your flight a bit more special. How about a seat upgrade to First Class?” Jeno offers
Her mouth falls agape “Seriously? That’s so kind of you!”
“It’s the least I can do, Let me take care of it. Follow me.”
Jimin is now settled comfortably in the First Class cabin, enjoying the extra amenities.
Jimin is relaxing in her upgraded seat “Wow, this is amazing, I didn’t expect this kind of luxury.”
Jeno pops into First Class briefly “I’m glad you’re enjoying it, If you need anything, just let the crew know, It’s a pleasure to have you on board.”
Jimin smiles “Thank you, Jeno. It’s a nice surprise and a great start to my vacation.”
“I hope the rest of your trip is just as enjoyable. If you ever want a tour of the cockpit, just let me know,” He said
“I’d love that. I’m excited about this trip now,” She said
Jimin visits the cockpit during a brief break. Jeno shows her the controls and talks about the flight experience.
“Welcome to the cockpit, Jimin. Ready for a quick tour?”
Her eyes are wide with excitement “Absolutely! I’ve never been in one before.”
He gestured to the control panel “Alright, so this is where all the magic happens. Here’s the autopilot control. We use it to maintain the plane’s course and altitude.”
She leans in, fascinated “That’s incredible. I didn’t realise how much technology is involved.”
He points to a display “This screen shows our current flight path and weather conditions. It helps us navigate and make adjustments if needed.”
“It’s like you’re in control of a whole world up here.”
He chuckles “In a way, yes. Every decision affects the flight, from altitude changes to route adjustments.”
Her hand brushes against Jeno’s as she reaches for a control “So, what’s this button do?”
He gently guides her hand “That’s for adjusting the cabin pressure, It’s important for passenger comfort.”
He notes Jimin’s curiosity “Would you like to try it yourself?”
Nodding eagerly “Can I? They're passengers here,” She asked
“It's on autopilot right now, so it's fine.”
Jeno steps back slightly, allowing Jimin to take control. He watches her with a mix of admiration and affection as she carefully adjusts the settings.
“You’re a natural at this.”
She blushes slightly “Thanks. I’m just fascinated by how it all works.”
“It’s all about practice and attention to detail. You seem to have a good eye for it.”
“When did you decide to be captain?” She asked
“I always had a fascination about planes and it just follows me until now, I had to learn a lot of stuff though, and do Lasik.”
“Woah Lasik?”
“Yup” He laughs
Jimin’s gaze lingers on Jeno, and their eyes meet. Jeno shows her how to read the navigation charts.
“I didn’t expect to learn so much on this flight. It’s been eye-opening,” Jimin says
“I’m glad you think so. Flying is a passion of mine, and it’s nice to share it with someone who appreciates it.”
She smiles back “I appreciate it more than you know.”
They share a moment of silence, their proximity a little too close for someone whose wedding you crash. Jeno’s hand brushes against Jimin’s as he reaches to adjust a dial, causing a spark of electricity between them.
Jeno clears his throat “Well, I should get back to the controls. But feel free to come back here anytime during the flight.”
“I might just take you up on that offer. It’s been nice spending this time with you.”
“I’m glad. It’s been great having you here.”
“Thank you for everything, Jeno.”
“Anytime, Jimin.”
As Jimin exits the cockpit, she glances back at Jeno, who watches her with a soft smile. There’s an unspoken promise in the air as she returns to her seat, both of them feeling the beginnings of a deeper connection.
“So, you and that girl huh?” His co-captain Jaemin asked
“I came in and so all that happened,” Jaemin said
“Jimin? I'm just doing her a favour, she's the reason why I found out my ex-fiance was cheating, without her I would be in an unfaithful marriage.”
“How are you holding up?” Jaemin asked
“Oh, is it bad I don't feel- feel sad?”
“Different people, different outlooks on life and who knows maybe destiny decided to bring fate on your wedding day?” Jeno turns to look at Jaemin
Jaemin shrugs
They had landed in Paris, France
“How was the flight? I hope the upgrade made a difference,” Jeno asked
“It was fantastic. I appreciate it, Jeno. It made the journey much more enjoyable.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Safe travels for the rest of your vacation. If you need any recommendations for your destination, just give me a text.”
“I will. Thanks again for everything. See you around?” She said
“Definitely, Take care, Jimin.”
A beautiful evening on the Seine River. The city lights of Paris reflect on the water, and couples and tourists are enjoying the scenic views.
After settling into her hotel, Jimin decides to take a Seine River cruise to see the city’s famous landmarks. It’s a chance for her to clear her head and enjoy the city’s romance.
Jeno has some time off from flying and decides to explore Paris himself. He books a spot on the same Seine River cruise that Jimin is on, wanting to enjoy the city’s sights before heading back to work.
Jimin arrives at the dock, looking at the city lights she is in awe.
“Jimin? What a coincidence!” Jimin turns around, surprised “Jeno! What are you doing here?”
“I had some free time and thought I’d check out the city, it looks like we’re on the same cruise.”
“It seems so. It’s a nice surprise,” She said
They board the boat and find themselves seated near each other. “So, why Paris?”
“Might’ve been the hundredth time you heard this from me but the feeling of loneliness was hard,” Jimin explains
Jeno chuckled “So going to the city of Love is where you got to??”
“Everywhere is the city of love, it's even more romantic if you know the language of love,”
Jeno’s eyes furrowed “and what might that be.”
“Music,” She starts
“No matter the language, music brings a lot of people together, Fur Elise was written despite Beethoven being deaf, it was because he could read the musical notes.”
“We’ll be stopping here for a few minutes to allow everyone to take pictures.”
As the boat suddenly slows and shifts position, Jimin loses her balance, stumbling slightly. Jeno, quick to react, reaches out and wraps his arm around her waist to steady her.
Jimin startled, her hand instinctively on his chest “Oh!”
He held her securely, his face close to hers “Whoa.”
Jimin looks at him, her heart racing “Thank you. That was unexpected.”
He gazes into her eyes, his arm still around her “Are you alright?”
Jimin nodded, her cheeks flushed “Yes, I’m fine. I didn’t expect that thanks again.”
His hand was resting gently on her back “Yeah, no problem.”
They both pause, their eyes locking as they stand close together. The boat’s motion and the Parisian skyline add a magical backdrop.
Suddenly the sound of a camera makes the two turn in the direction of the person who took the pic.
“That would be 2 dollars,” He said, Jimin quickly stood up properly
“Oh uh, here?” Flustered she passes him the note
“Thank you!” Jimin laughs “He just took a picture of us,” She turns to look at Jeno was looking away, ears pinkish
“Would you… like to keep this picture?” She slowly asked
“Um no you keep it,” He takes it and takes a picture of it
He cleared his throat “Ehrm see you around?” he said
In his hotel room, Jeno sat on the edge of the bed, the soft glow of the evening city lights filtering through the curtains. He took out his phone and carefully looked at the picture the stranger had taken of him and Jimin on the Seine River cruise.
The photo captured a moment of unexpected intimacy—Jeno with his arm around Jimin, her hand resting on his chest, both of them caught in a genuine, candid moment. The backdrop of the Parisian skyline and the soft, blurred lights added to the photograph’s charm. Jeno's gaze lingered on the image, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Hey Jaemin,” He called his fellow hotel mate and co-pilot
“I think you're right about the fate bringing me on my wedding day.”
“Oh yeah? What make you think of that,” Curious
“If it weren't for the wedding, I wouldn't have met Jimin and our whole encounter till now feels like it was meant to happen,” He said, still looking at the photo
“You sound smitten, cap”
Jeno chuckled at Jaemin's comment. “Maybe a little,” he admitted, his smile widening. “It’s surprising how quickly things can change. I didn’t expect to feel this way, especially after everything that happened.”
They both had flown back to Korea, on different flights, unfortunately.
Jimin returned to teaching with renewed energy, her week off having provided much-needed clarity and peace. The viral incident had quieted down, and she had managed to focus on her students again.
Jimin and Giselle were sitting together in the living room, Jimin told her plans on what she’d eat in school. Giselle had been visibly stressed, and Jimin sensed that something was weighing on her friend.
“Jimin, I need to talk to you about something,” Giselle began, looking concerned.
“Sure, what’s up?” Jimin replied.
Giselle took a deep breath. “My parents are planning to move in with me. They’re having some issues with their current place, and they need to stay here for a while. I know it’s short notice, but I wanted to let you know.”
Jimin’s expression shifted to one of concern. “Oh, I see. That must be a lot for you to handle.”
“Yeah, it is,” Giselle said, nodding. “But since my flat has three rooms, there’s space for you to stay. I don’t want you to have to move out just because of this, I'm just letting you know.”
Jimin hesitated for a moment before responding. “I appreciate the offer, Giselle. But I think it might be uncomfortable for your parents if I stay. It’s a big adjustment for them, and I wouldn’t want to add to their stress.”
Giselle looked understanding but disappointed. “I see what you mean but I've talked about you and they seem to like you, if you’re sure…”
Jimin nodded. “Yeah, I think it’s best if I start looking for a new place and you've done more than enough for me.”
Giselle gave her a supportive smile. “Okay, if you need any help with the search or anything else, just let me know.”
Jimin was making a cup of coffee in her office pantry.
Jimin was conflicted, Giselle had offered to help her find a place but she has helped enough and doesn't want to bother the girl.
Suddenly the loud sound of an aeroplane flew by “Ah!” 💡
“What's wrong?” a fellow teacher asked
“Oh no no I just thought of something.”
Jimin quickly sat down with her cup of coffee and texted Jeno.
Jimin: Hey Jeno
It's been a few days since we last spoke
I think I should take that offer up
Jeno: What offer?
She did not expect such a fast reply
Jimin: Oh um being roommates? You still don't anyone right?
Jeno: Oh yeah still looking
Wanna be roommates?
“So uh I left him on read…” She told Minjeong, a friend/co-worker
“Why? You texted him.”
“I would love to be roommates but the thing is he's a guy, a really attractive guy I might add and we both got out of a relationship, he was at the altar when I met him.”
“Do you feel bad knowing it's been a week since that happened?” Minjeong asked
“I was but now I'm not…”
“That guy cheated on you, you shouldn't feel guilty at all, who knows? Maybe that guy could be your new lover?”
“How can it be leaving with a guy,” Minjeong said
Well Jimin used to live with Minki and one of the many things she hated about him was how he does not put back the iron when he's done. Or how sometimes he would leave the toilet unflushed.
Based on how Jeno acts in front of her, she truly hopes he does not turn 180 on her.
Jimin: Yes I would love to
When Jeno received Jimin’s text, he was at home packing for his next flight.
Jeno: Great! I’m looking forward to it. It’ll be nice to have a friendly face around. Let’s chat more about the details when we meet on Wednesday.
Jimin considered that Jeno’s job as a pilot meant she’d be at home most of the time.
Jimin: I’ll help pay rent, don’t worry. Maybe even more since you’ll be out more than me 🧐
Jeno: That’s fine. I needed a roommate to share half the rent, so please don’t feel the need to do more.
“So… this is my home,” Jeno said
“I bought some furniture and necessities like plates and, a washing machine but as for the bedroom I did nothing, I wanted whoever to room with me to have their creativity,” Jimin nodded
“This is my bedroom,” It was probably the biggest room, it had a king-size bed, a bed fit for a bride and groom
The bed had a picture of Him and Soojin up, a big one at that. “Oh uh sorry Soojin and I had decorated this house if it makes you uncomfortable-”
“No it's fine, it's your house anyway and you don't have to remove the photos, I get it, is a hard process.”
This thing is Jeno had been wanting the remove the photos, he just had no time. By the time he comes home, he's burned out. On his offs he would be at home packing and doing nothing as he dwells on the fact that he has a flight.
“So do you like it?”
“This place is huge, will you need more roommates?”
“Considering it, I have 2 guest rooms and now I have at least 1 out of the 3 rooms occupied.”
It was Saturday and Jimin had loaned a car to move her things from Giselle’s to Jeno’s.
“I’m so glad you found a home, so quickly at that, is the guy trustworthy?”
“With everything that has happened, I'd say yes,”
“Whatever it is you can always come back, my parents wouldn't mind.”
“You sure you don't need help?”
“I can manage besides Jeno won't be there, he's overseas so I can lay down on the floor for all I care.
“Hmm alright then text me.”
“Will do.”
The door unlocked, and Jeno had given her the passcode.
The house had a pretty ambience, Soft natural light streamed through large windows, flowing the space in a warm, golden glow. The walls were painted in neutral tones, and the minimalistic decor added a touch of modern elegance.
“This place is so Jeno,” Jimin said but remembered that Soojin and he had decorated the place.
She feels out of place, imagining the happy moments he had with her. Probably laughing at how he was trying to piece together that chair by the window or how the smell of fresh paint was them painting together.
“What am I doing?! Snap out of it!” Jimin tells herself
Suddenly the sound of the keypad was heard.
She opens the door for him. “Hey J- Soojin?”
“You!?” Soojin said, angered
“What are you doing here?!”
“What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out with Minki?” Jimin fakes a cute voice
“I'm here to take back my stuff, just because I stole your man doesn't mean you can.”
Jimin scoffs “Getting confident now are we?”
“He called off your wedding Soojin, no offence but I think even if I did steal him, I am allowed to cause you did it first and by the way I won't because at least I have a heart.”
The keypad was then again activated. Jeno opens the door, tired after a flight to and back from Taiwan.
A looks up to see Soojin and Jimin. “Soojin? Jimin? Um, would you like a cup of tea Jimin?”
“What? You didn't even ask her what she's doing here? Fact how did she even know your passcode?!”
“Soojin, what are you doing here? I said to never come back, live with Minki and leave me alone.”
“I left something,”
“It's in the main bedroom, I put it all in a box,” Jeno had already prepared to bring over to her door, never wanting to see her
Soojin shouts “You took down our photo?!”
Soojin left the door open, she was right, and he did take it down. It left a smile on Jimin’s face.
“Yeah Soojin, cause news flash you cheated on me,” Jeno said
“And you moved on to her? Minki ex?!” Soojin points to Jimin
“I don't have to explain things to you Soojin, I don't understand why you're so angry, I should be the one angry here, you came into my house unsaid,”
“I just wanted to take my things,”
“Well leave because everything of yours is in there and don't say anything 'cause I've already wired you all the money you paid for all this furniture.”
“Urgh but I am coming back,” Soojin grabs the box a leaves
“Remind me to change the passcode,” Jeno said as he smoothed out his hair
“Seems like she and Minki might have a fallout…Umm You know what I'll leave, you look like you need it.”
“No no it's fine, do you need help?”
“Oh no go ahead and rest you look tired, really tired,”
Jeno took a long-deserved shower. He takes note that he cannot be walking around shirtless anymore, knowing that Jimin is now his roommate.
Jeno, fresh out of the shower and still somewhat distracted, approached Jimin’s room. He knocked softly but got no response. He slowly opened the door and saw Jimin fast asleep on the floor with a blanket draped over her.
She had all her clothes in a box and a blanket on the floor for her to sleep in while she waited for her bed to arrive.
“Should've asked her to sleep on the couch instead,” He mumbles
Trying to be quiet, Jeno stepped into the room but tripped over the edge of the blanket. He lost his balance and stumbled forward, falling directly onto Jimin.
Jimin jolted awake, her eyes wide with shock as she found herself pinned beneath Jeno. “What—?” A strong smell emitted from Jeno after his shower
Wet hair, towel wrapped around his neck…
Jeno scrambled to get off her, his face red with embarrassment. “I’m so sorry! I only wanted to wake you up!”
Jimin blinked in surprise before letting out a soft laugh, flustered “It’s alright, just too tired, I cannot wait for my closet and bed to arrive.”
Jeno extended a hand to help her up, still apologetic. “I didn’t mean to intrude like that. Are you okay?”
Jimin nodded, still chuckling. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit startled.”
Jeno gave a relieved smile. “I just wanted to tell you that you can sleep on the couch while you wait for your bed to arrive, it's better than sleeping with just your blanket”
“Uhm yeah actually that'd be great,” Jimin picks up her blanket
They settled back into their spaces, the unexpected encounter bringing a light-hearted moment to their evening.
Jeno had woken up from the smell of food. The last time be had that smell was in the family home.
He followed the delicious aroma to the kitchen, where he found Jimin cooking breakfast. The sight of her working diligently over the stove reminded him of home.
"Good morning," Jeno greeted, a smile tugging at his lips. "I didn't realise you were up so early."
Jimin turned, slightly startled but smiling warmly. "I thought breakfast, its the least I could do after you offered me a home."
Jeno took in the spread she was preparing, feeling a surge of appreciation. "You were the one I saw that my ex was a cheater so I can call it even,” He laughs lightly “This smells amazing, do you need help with anything?."
Jimin shook her head, still smiling. "I’ve got it covered, but thanks."
“Any plans today?” Jimin asked
“No, I plan on staying here, getting more sleep calls, changing my passcode and probably packing for my next flight, you?”
“Going out to buy some necessities, I wanna hang a picture board, get the car I loaned back.”
Jeno stood up and took the plates from the table, heading to the sink. “Jeno-” "Yeah, no worries. I’ve got this."
Jimin watched for a moment before nodding in appreciation. "Thanks."
As Jeno washed the dishes, the clinking of plates and the warm steam from the water filled the kitchen. Jimin, feeling more at ease, started tidying up the counter.
"By the way," Jeno said, "I’ve got to ask—how’s the couch? Better than the blanket, I hope?"
Jimin chuckled softly. "Much better, thank you for letting me use it, my bed is coming in a day or two.”
As Jimin wandered through the mall, she noticed couples around her, their conversations filled with affectionate teasing and loving gazes On her right, a couple was holding hands, laughing softly as they selected a frame together. In another, a pair was debating over the perfect colour for their new home, their shared excitement palpable.
They reminded her of the times she had shared similar moments in the past with Minki. The affectionate glances and the easy comfort of companionship were bittersweet reminders of relationships that had once been a central part of her life.
She paused for a moment, taking in the sights and sounds around her. “I have never been so annoyed by couples until today.”
“Got everything done?” Jeno asked as Jimin walked in, grabbing the stuff she held for her and placing it on the living room table
“Yep,” Jimin replied, “Now I just need to find a place for this and finish unpacking.”
Jeno nodded. “If you need any help with that, just let me know.”
“I might finally take you up on that, but I’m going to start decorating.”
Jimin began to find photos of her most cherished. A picture she has of her and her family, one with Minjeong and several with Aeri. Lastly, a picture a stranger had taken of Jeno and her having a moment.
The encounter made her blush
In the middle of the night, Jeno had gotten parched. He wanted to get a warm glass of water. He turned on the kitchen lights to see that Jimin was seated on the floor with her head on the couch from the living room.
On her lap was the picture frame. She and Jeno are at the side of the frame. Jeno smiles.
“Jimin-ah” He softly called, shifting the hair that was blocking her face
Her eyes fluttered open “Come on lie down properly, don't you have work tomorrow?”
She yawns and notices that he is holding onto her frame. She smiled “Im going to put that my by bedside.”
“Kind of weird not having Minki there but then again, I haven't been thinking much about him.”
“You have me as a new addition,” He said
Her head tilted slightly before she realised he meant their picture, she nodded
“Have you been thinking about her?”
“Yes sadly, I changed my passcode so that's nice, It's just she said she'll come back, which worries me.”
“That's understandable, you don't know what she'll do, it just makes you wonder what happened between those two.”
Jeno glanced at the picture of them both. “Karma that's what.”
“Thanks, Jeno,” Jimin said softly. “Thanks for everything up till now.”
Jeno smiled and gently touched her shoulder. “We're friends, aren't we? Now, let’s get you settled so you can get some rest.”
Jimin nodded and slowly got up, stretching a bit before heading toward the couch. Jeno helped her arrange the cushions so she could lie down comfortably. As he watched her settle in, he felt a sense of warmth and satisfaction.
“Goodnight, Jimin,” he said.
“Goodnight Jeno sweet dreams.”
Jeno and Jimin walked together along a path lined with softly glowing lanterns.
They stopped at a cosy nook with a small table set for two, surrounded by fairy lights and soft cushions. As they sat down, their proximity created a palpable sense of closeness. Jeno found himself drawn to Jimin, their knees almost touching under the table.
The conversation flowed so easily, they were now walking back home.
“Wait so you're telling me some lady on the plane asked you on a date?” Jimin laughed
“Yeah, I said no obviously, I just found it funny how she followed me to the cockpit, no one is allowed in there.”
“I was,” She said, making eye contact
“you’re different Jimin,” as they walked their fingers lingered, so close yet so far from being held
“How so…” Jimin looks at her hands and his, balled up as if he's trying to restrain himself
“Jeno are you-”
Jeno looked into Jimin’s eyes, his heart racing with the intensity of the moment.
“I'm fine…” Slowly, he leaned in, and Jimin’s eyes fluttered closed. Their lips met in a tender yet urgent kiss, filled with the tension and longing that had been building throughout the evening. The kiss was deep and passionate, a culmination of the night’s emotional charge.
As they finally broke apart, they remained close, their breaths mingling and their foreheads resting against each other. The dream left Jeno with a heightened sense of connection and a deeper understanding of his feelings for Jimin.
Jeno jolted awake, his heart pounding. "Why am I—what kind of dream was that?" he muttered to himself, trying to calm his racing thoughts. The intensity of the dream left him disoriented and a bit flustered. He ran a hand through his hair, attempting to shake off the vivid images that still lingered in his mind.
He lay there in the darkness, staring at the ceiling, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity. The dream had stirred emotions he hadn’t fully acknowledged before, leaving him unsettled yet intrigued. He wondered what it meant for his feelings towards Jimin and how he should handle them.
After a few deep breaths, Jeno tried to push the dream to the back of his mind. He knew he needed to focus on the present and the reality of his friendship with Jimin.
“My mind is just playing games,” he said quietly to himself, hoping that clarity would come with time. “I just need to get some rest and deal with this in the morning.”
With that, Jeno turned off his thoughts and tried to drift back to sleep.
“Jeno,” Jimin calls him
“Wha- huh?” Jeno wakes up
“Your alarm, it went off like 3 times,”
“Oh erm thanks,” He looks at the time, 10 minutes before his actual time to get ready. He notices her in her work attire
“Going to work?”
She nodded “I made scrambled eggs and coffee, I’ll be off now,” She said as she walked out of his room
He gets out of bed to brush his teeth and get ready for work. Right now he is in charge of flying to Japan.
3 days of being there meant taking his mind off Jimin.
He grabs his luggage and goes to the elevator.
“Jeno! Long time no see,” Jeno turns to his left to see his neighbour “Mr Son, Good morning,” He bows due to respect
“Officially moved in with your wife huh?” He said
Jeno didn't know what to say, does he explain that his fiance cheated on him and is living with his ex’s boyfriend’s ex?? Or just nod and smile.
He nodded “Yeah we had officially moved in, just had to get things settled,” Walked into the lift
“So any plans on children,” Jeno, flustered did not know what to say
“Aye don't be embarrassed, you two are newlyweds it's normal,” Mr Son said
“I have 3 beautiful children and 5 beautiful grandkids.”
Jeno nodded, trying to maintain composure despite the awkwardness of the conversation. "Oh, right. Well, we haven’t talked about it yet. We’re still settling into the new place and figuring things out."
Mr Son chuckled, clearly enjoying the exchange. "Ah, I see. Well, you two make a lovely couple. I’m sure you’ll figure it all out I haven't seen your wife before.”
“She's a teacher so she leaves pretty early for work,” Mr Son nodded
“Well then,” The elevator doors open and Mr Son steps out first “See you around Jeno,” He gives the younger a smile
Jeno steps out, grateful for the opportunity to escape the conversation. "Have a good day at work!" Mr Son waves
Jeno managed a final nod and a brief wave, taking a deep breath to steady himself. The encounter with Mr Son had been unexpected and slightly uncomfortable, but he was determined to focus on his upcoming trip to Japan.
Jeno heads towards his car. He mentally prepared himself for the busy days ahead and tried to push thoughts of Jimin and the dream to the back of his mind, focusing instead on the tasks at hand.
“Teachers gather around,” Teachers looked at each other confused
“We will have our annual seniors trip,” The principal said
“And this year by popular demand, we are going to…. Kyoto Japan!”
All the teachers cheered “Wait that's like probably our furthest destination yet,” Minjeong said
“Yeah, why the change? Usually, we go to a rural area in Korea like Jeju or Busan.”
“One of the kid's parents is loaded and they provide us money to go for their son,” The principal said
“We will have all the senior’s class advisors to attend so teachers, buckle up cause in a month you'll have 4 days of extracurriculars.”
“Ah Jimin aren't you lucky, you're A5 advisor,” A co-worker said
“Yes but that also means I have to pack,” She fake cries
Jimin: Hey Jeno you there
Jeno: Yeah
Jimin: How's the flight?
Jeno: Pretty good but my head hurts a little from jet lag
Jimin: You've been to Japan multiple times, right?
Give me some recommendations
My school arranged a senior trip to Kyoto and im a class advisor, so
Jeno: Hmmm, good thing I'm in Japan huh?
Jimin: Haha yeah
Jeno: Hmm, the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove? It's a bamboo forest or Café du Monde. It's pretty trendy, they have nice teas.
Don't forget the iconic Sakura Trees. It's at Kyoto
Jimin: Hmm alright thanks
Jimin is now walking back home.
Unlocking the keypad “Oh you must be Jeno’s wife,” a neighbour said
Jimin’s brows furrowed “I believe we haven't met, I’m Mr Son, your neighbour.”
“Oh, it's Yu Jimin,” she introduces herself,
“Jeno is-“
“Must be hard having a pilot as a husband huh?” He asked
Does she explain or not? “Umm yeah, it is, always going out of the country.”
“But a big bag of money huh?” Jimin laughs at his remark
“Jeno said you're a teacher, what school do teach at?”
“Oh, I teach at SM High, I'm a math teacher,”
“SM High? My granddaughter goes there, she's a freshman.”
Oop 👀
“Well then Mr Son I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah and is he with you?”
“Oh no he's In Japan,” He nodded “I want to have dinner with the both of you one day, a knock on the door would be nice to tell me.”
Jimin smiled and nodded. She bows before entering the house.
“What do I tell Jeno?!”
Jimin: Hey um, Jeno? Jeno: Yeah? Jimin: Your neighbour asks if I'm your wife And I did not know what to say so I just smiled 🤦‍♀️ I am so sorry it’s just he’s an old man and explaining things will be hard yk?? Jeno: He asked me the same thing And ask if we planned on having children I got flustered by that Should we keep this act??
“Ms Yu.”
“Yeah?” A student she recognizes is “Son Seori.”
“My grandfather said you're married?”
“I'm not though.” And she realised Mr Son, Son Seori is the granddaughter who studies here
“Oh, Seori-ah,” Jimin says
“Is he handsome?” The girl asked
“There's a reason why I married him huh? Now I will not say anything about my love life unless I want to, so that's all I'm going to say.”
“I also thought you were in that viral video of shouting at your ex-fiance?”
“Again Seori, no questions and no answers,” Jimin firmly stood
The student looks at her hand, no ring
“Okay Ms Yu,” She said before bowing
“Ms Yu, Did you marry that guy that cheated on you?” A student asked
“Of course not, that dingbat…” She realizes she's in class and not with her fellow teachers
She stands up from the teacher's table “Okay since you guys want to know,” She starts
The class pays attention, “Then continue 'because I'm not saying anything! Now on to chapter 11.” The students groan
“Ms Yu, why would you tell the grandfather of one of our students about your love life?” The Principal questioned
“He's my neighbour, why should I think?” Jimin said
“Well, now the video is getting resurfaced.”
“What am I getting another vacation,” She said
Her boss's eyes furrow “Okay I'm sorry, I'm very stressed out right now, I’m teaching seniors and all these questions are coming to me,” Jimin runs her fingers through her hair
“Just ignore them.”
Jimin: Hey Jeno This whole marriage is seriously getting out of hand Mr Son’s granddaughter studies at my school?! And rumours spread They don’t know who you are but I’m constantly getting asked if I married that hoe Urgh truly don’t know what to do
Jimin waits for his reply, nothing “He must be preparing a flight back.”
Lessons have ended and her work has ended “I am tired, I want to sleep!” She said as she touched her shoulders
“Ms Yu?” A fellow teacher called
She hummed “Is that your husband? The one I've been hearing about?”
“Urgh the students got to you huh?” Jimin asked
“My husband is in Japan.”
“Well, it's either you or Minjeong who has someone as handsome as him.”
She looks up to see Jeno, still in his attire “Jeno?”
“Jeno? That name is so fitting,” The teacher said
“I- I’ll see you around,” Jimin waves off, mouth agape
“Jeno!?! What are you doing here?!” Jimin said
“I didn't know what we did would cause this, I’m sorry,”
“And you drove here?!” Jimin scolds
“Jeno, You just- I have students and teachers still roaming around and you being here it's just-”
“Let them believe,” Jeno says with a smile, handing her a bouquet. “Or not.”
“Jeno, I appreciate the flowers, but—”
“I'm sorry for just coming here, I saw your message and felt bad,” Jeno looks around and sees tons of eyes on him
“I feel like a celebrity,” He laughed
Jimin sighs “I am at fault too… I shouldn't have told Mr Son about where I work, now most of them know what my husband looks like.”
“I am not even your wife! Yet this is getting out of hand.”
“They teenagers, im sure it will die down, now let's go home fake wife,” Jeno opens the car for her
She rolls her eyes “Okay fake husband.”
The drive home was honestly horrible for both of them. Jeno’s dream about Jimin never left and his feelings for the teacher are constantly growing. The fact that she is a teacher working with children makes his heart flutter at the fact that she is very good with her kids.
Mr Son’s words circled again, “When are you playing to have kids?” Jeno clears his throat
Jimin on the other is looking out the window, trying to ignore how good he looks and secretly looking at his reflection in the mirror. “Jimin,” He calls
“Yeah?” She turns to look at him
“We’re here,” He said
“Oh!” Jimin opens the door, forgetting that her seatbelt is still on
As Jimin tries to stand up, she forgets to unbuckle her seatbelt, and the sudden tension pulls her back down into the seat. Jeno, quick to react, reaches out and catches her before she can fully topple over.
“Careful! Your seatbelt is still on.”
Jimin, blushing from embarrassment and at the proximity, looks up at Jeno as he helps her with the seatbelt. “Oh god that is so embarrassing, I didn’t notice I still had the belt on,” She closes her eyes tightly
As she opens her eyes, she sees Jeno slowly moving away from her, the seatbelt now off her waist. The proximity lingers, and the awkward but intimate moment adds to the tension between them.
Jeno, smiling gently, trying to ease the awkwardness. “It happens. No worries.”
She sighs, still flustered. “Thanks for catching me. I guess I’m a bit of a mess today.”
“We all have those days. Let’s get inside,” He chuckles softly
As they step out of the car, the brief closeness serves as a subtle reminder of their growing connection.
The next Morning
“When is the trip?” Jeno asked as he set up the plates
“In two weeks,” she answers
“The house would be empty while we’re both gone,” She nodded
“What do you like about being a teacher?”
“I get to see all the children grow up, and seeing them graduate is rewarding, they might be very weird but weren't we all Teenagers?” Jimin said
Jeno nodded and chuckled “I wonder what Teenage Yu Jimin was like.”
“I was an Ulzzang.”
“You were?” Jimin nodded “I mean that’s understandable, you're gorgeous,” Jeno states
Jimin had stopped slurping on her noddle. They make eye contact.
She clears her throat “T-thank you.”
Suddenly there came a lock on the door. They both looked at each other, questioning if they had ordered anything but who would be here so early
“Mom? Dad, Noona,” Jeno had opened the door to see his family
Jimin’s eyes widen “His family’s here.”
“Hi Jeno, We came to see how you're doing,” His sister said
“My baby is doing alright, right?” His mother questioned
“Yeah, I have.”
“And who’s this?” His Dad questions
“She looks familiar…” Jeeun squints her eyes
“Oh! You're the lady who crashed my brother’s wedding!” Jimin winces at her comment
“Yeah, again I am so sorry.”
“What why? We hated her,” She said
Jeno looks at his sister “What? She cheated on you.”
“Anyways, what are you doing here?” His mother asked
“Oh um it's a little complicated, she’s my roommate now,” Jeno explains
“I moved out of my ex’s house and Jeno asked If I wanted to move in.”
“Yeah, It was Soojin and I and we both paid for the bills but now that we are no longer together, I thought having a roommate would be nice,” Jeno explains
His parents nodded, understanding. His sister however whispered, “Sure, roommates with someone of the opposite gender huh?’
His ears turned pinkish
The family and Jimin had dinner. Jimin had profusely apologised for not preparing something more decent than ramyeon.
“Jimin-ah it's okay, we did come here unexpectedly,” Ms Lee, his mother said
“Your mother came here to give you some homemade food, I’m sure all the hotel food you've been eating overseas is boring you,” His father says
“Oh thanks, Jimin here had been making food for us so that makes up for it, doesn't mean I don't miss your food though Mom,” Jeno gives his usual eye smile
His sister has been observing both her younger brother and Jimin.
She makes eye contact with Jimin, mouthing “You two, look good for each other.”
Jimin’s eyes widened, denying it.
“Jimin-ah next time I will bring more food for two people,” Jimin bows “Oh no no it's okay, Jeno’s place is just a temporary place for me to settle more money for a proper house.”
Jeno’s expression turns upside down. Jeeun notices “Uh Mom Dad we should go, quickly eat up, Jimin here has to go to work soon.”
Jeeun lightly pushed her parents out the door “Oh, okay we'll see you bye.”
Once they were out Jeno asked,
“Have you found a place?” Jeno asked as he closed the door
“Yeah actually, it's not as big as yours but it will be enough for a single woman like me,” She said
“Are you looking for one?”
“For what?”
“Someone? That special someone that will fill in that empty void in your heart that was once for Minki,” Jeno asked as he cleared the table, avoiding eye contact
“I found that someone, however, I’m not even sure if he even feels the same,” She looks at Jeno
“Oh…” He clears his throat “I-I clean the dishes.”
Jeno’s question lingered in the air, stirring a mix of emotions between them. As he focused on clearing the table and avoiding eye contact, Jimin revealed she had found someone but wasn’t sure if he felt the same.
Jimin’s gaze met Jeno’s briefly before she looked away, her uncertainty about his feelings echoing in the room. Jeno, flustered by the unexpected revelation, awkwardly shifted to cleaning the dishes, trying to process what had just been said.
As Jeno was flying the plane, Jaemin noticed his dilemma “What’s going on Jen?”
Jeno sighs “She found a place Jaemin, is it weird that I feel like she should have told me? I only found out when she talked with my family.“
Jeno sighs "We’re not even together, I don't think I have the right to feel this upset."
Jaemin raised an eyebrow, glancing at his friend with a mix of sympathy and understanding. “I get where you’re coming from, but just because you’re not together doesn’t mean your feelings aren’t valid. Emotions don’t always follow the rules we set for ourselves.”
Jeno ran a hand through his hair, clearly troubled. “I guess I just feel like I’m overstepping somehow.”
Jaemin leaned back in his seat, thoughtful. “You’re not overstepping. Sometimes, when you spend time with someone and share experiences, feelings can develop naturally. It’s okay to feel attached or even upset when things don’t go as you hoped, even if you didn’t plan for it.”
Jeno’s brow furrowed as he considered Jaemin’s words. “But what if I’m just complicating things? What if I’m not even sure where I stand with her?”
Jaemin reassured him, "Being honest with yourself means acknowledging your strong feelings, It's not about what's 'right' or 'wrong’ it's about what's true for you, If you want clarity, talking to her could help."
Jeno sighed, looking out at the endless expanse of sky. “You make it sound so simple, but I’m still worried about how she’ll react, I don’t want to make things awkward or push her away.”
Jaemin placed a hand on Jeno’s shoulder, "It's normal to be worried, but if you don't tell her how you feel, you might miss the chance to work things out or find out if she feels the same, being honest can help you understand each other better, and it's worth taking that chance."
Jeno nodded slowly, taking in Jaemin’s advice. “I guess you’re right, just need to be honest with her and see where things go from there.”
Jaemin smiled encouragingly. “Exactly! Whatever happens, at least you’ll know where you stand. And who knows? It might turn out to be a positive step for both of you.”
Jeno took a deep breath, feeling a bit more resolved. “Thanks, Jaem, I needed that.”
Jaemin grinned. “Anytime, Jeno. You’ve got this. Just be true to yourself, and everything will work out.”
A few days later. Soojin comes back knocking on their door.
Jeno looks at Jimin “Can I please ignore her?”
“I can hear you!” Soojin said
He opens the door “Soojin I would beg for you to never come back, what even happened to you and Minki.”
“He went to another girl,” Soojin said
Jimin scoffs “So as soon as I left and you became his main chick he decided to get another side, wow.”
“Soojin you left me, you cheated on me. What makes you think I would crawl back to you after what you've done?! I have a new life and a better one once you leave.”
“Don't you miss the memories we had? This was our house,” Soojin said
“No because those will be replaced with me and Jimin,” Jeno said
“Fine!” She leaves
The door slammed shut behind Soojin, leaving Jeno and Jimin in the quiet aftermath. The weight of the confrontation hung heavy in the air. Jeno took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering tension.
“Jeno.” Jimin’s voice cut through the silence, soft yet probing.
Jeno turned to face her, his expression weary. “Yeah?”
Jimin took a step closer, her gaze steady. “What did you mean when you said that your memories with Soojin will be replaced with the ones you’re making with us?”
Jeno hesitated for a brief moment, his heart pounding in his chest as if it were trying to escape. The unexpected words had left him spinning, and now the weight of his words was sinking in. "I... I didn't mean just us as in the two of us together, I meant... finding new meaning and value in what we’re building.”
Jimin’s eyes searched his face, sensing there was more he wanted to say. “And what does that mean for us, Jeno?”
Jeno took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts and feelings. “It means that being with you is becoming incredibly important to me. I never expected to feel this way, but... the more time we spend together, the more I realise how much you mean to me.”
Jimin’s eyes widened slightly, her emotions a mix of surprise and hope. “Jeno, are you saying...?”
Jeno nodded, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “Yeah, Jimin, what we have together, it’s something I want to hold onto. I want to build new memories with you and see where this goes.”
“I- Jeno,”
“I know I’m sorry, I guess in that moment, the truth comes out, I understand if you don't feel the-”
But Jimin didn’t let him finish. She stepped forward, closing the distance between them, and placed a gentle hand on the side of his face. Her eyes searched his, filled with sincerity and affection.
“Jeno,” she said softly, her voice barely a whisper.
Jeno’s breath caught, and he looked at her, his heart racing. He had been about to backpedal, but Jimin’s proximity, her gaze stopped him.
Without another word, Jimin leaned in, The kiss was soft at first, a gentle exploration that conveyed the depth of their emotions. Jimin’s lips were tender against his, her kiss lingering with a sweetness that spoke of both affection and longing.
Jeno’s response was immediate, his arms encircling her waist, drawing her closer. The kiss deepened, becoming more fervent as their feelings poured out through their touch. The world around them seemed to disappear, leaving only the sensation of their shared intimacy.
Jimin’s fingers threaded into Jeno’s hair, pulling him nearer as she pressed her lips more firmly against his. The kiss was now charged with a passionate intensity, it was a moment of pure connection, where their unspoken feelings and hopes were expressed through their embrace.
When they finally pulled away, both of them were breathless, their foreheads resting against each other’s. Jimin’s eyes were soft and reassuring. “I’ve been feeling the same way, Jeno. I just didn’t know how to say it either.”
Jeno’s gaze softened, his eyes searching Jimin’s with a mixture of vulnerability and earnestness. “I don’t want you to move out,” he said quietly, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity.
“A-and I’m sorry, I- I just want to be with you, be near you, Im so often out of the country that I don't know where else to find you besides here…”
“Of course, I can't force you, it is your decision and you said that you found a place, I overstepped.”
“Thanks for telling me,” Jimin says
“I have found a place, but I’ll tell them that someone else can have it,” She said
Jeno’s face lit up with a mix of relief and hope. “You mean you’ll stay?”
Jimin nodded, her eyes warm. “Yes, I want to stay. I realised that what we have here is something worth keeping. I’ll let them know I’ve changed my mind about the place.”
Jeno stepped closer, his voice full of gratitude. “Thank you, Jimin. I’m really glad.”
Jimin smiled, her gaze steady. “Let’s just take things one step at a time. We’ll figure this out together.”
Jeno’s smile widened, feeling more at ease. “Absolutely. I’m looking forward to it.”
Jeno drives Jimin to the airport, I mean that's where he works.
“I'll see you on Thursday?” Jeno said
“Text me once you reach,” Jeno said
“Will do,” Jimin hugs him before walking to her colleagues
“Oh god did you see Ms Yu with her husband!”
“Urgh yes!? Literally visuals AHH!” The students talk
Jimin overhears, laughing.
On their way to the Sakura trees, Jimin’s group of students finds themselves in a quaint park. While exploring, Yuri, one of Jimin’s students, trips and injures her ankle
As Jimin continues to assist, Yuri expresses her worry. She says, “I’m sorry, Ms Yu, I remember you telling us you wanted to see the Sakura trees.” The concern in her voice reflects her frustration that her teacher’s plans had been disrupted
Jimin, offering a reassuring smile, responds, “Hey, it’s okay. What matters is that you’re okay and safe.” Her calm demeanour and kind words help ease the girl’s anxiety
This is the last night of the Senior’s trip
Jimin decides to join her class campfire
“Hi everyone, enjoying yourself?” She asked, taking a seat next to a student
“Yup, totally I cannot believe today is the last night,” A student said
“Yeah after tomorrow I will have to start planning on what assignment I should give,” Jimin said
“Aw, Ms Yu!” The students protest
She laughs
“Ms. Yu, since you’re married—”
“I am not married,” Jimin interrupts. “I am pursuing someone.”
The students exchanged glances, and then looked back at their teacher. “Tell us the story or we won’t believe it.”
Jimin rolls her eyes and sighs. “The cat’s out of the bag anyway, so… me and this guy met at the altar.”
“Shh, quiet down. Yes, it is the guy I went viral with,” Jimin said
The students buzz with excitement, remembering the video of their teacher stopping a wedding. Jimin chuckles at their reactions and continues, “So, we had a bit of a dramatic start, but it’s been quite a journey since then.”
“We continue to meet at unexpected places; we even met overseas. So, kids, you might cringe at this, but fate does exist.”
“Are you guys dating?!” one student asks eagerly
“Please, please say you are!” another chimes in
“Nope,” Jimin replies, causing the students to groan. “We did confess our feelings, but this trip kind of put things on hold.”
“Ms. Yu, don’t blame it on this trip!” one of the students protests
Jimin laughs and shakes her head. “It’s not just the trip. We’re figuring things out, and right now, this is where we are.”
“I hope he asks you to be his ‘G word,’” one student says with a wink
“Well then, tell me your stories,” Ms. Yu pouts. “It’s a little unfair. And if you tell me who your crush is, I might just change the seat arrangements for next semester.”
Suddenly, the students start raising their hands, eager to share their secrets and stories.
Jimin laughs and starts calling on them, “Okay, okay, don’t get too excited. You’re all seniors, so you’d better be writing essays, not just love letters, alright?” Jimin says with a playful smile
The students laugh and nod, the mood light and cheerful as they start sharing their own stories and crushes.
Note: I love it when my lecturers talk about their significant other. How their eyes sparkle! Especially when they have kids too aww okay anyway.
Jimin: Hey Jen!
I'll be back tomorrow, you'll be overseas right?
Jeno: Yeah, Japan actually😅
Jimin: Oh? HAHAH
I didn’t get to see the Sakura trees, I had some stuff I had to deal with in my class🥲
Jeno: Aww I’m sorry about that Min
Jimin: But hey they’re safe, that’s what matters
Jeno: Hmm, I see you on Sunday then.
Jimin: Yeah
“Hey Jeno?”
“Wanna switch flights?” “Why?”
“It's been a long time since I went to Japan, I kinda want to go there.”
“Sorry man I have to collect some stuff, I've booked my timings.”
“Oh well okay, I- I'll see who else could.”
Jeno has planned on collecting some Sakura petals as a gesture knowing she missed the chance to see the Sakura trees, he presents her with a jar filled with delicate cherry blossom petals.
“I know you didn’t get to see the Sakurawhile you were in Japan,” Jeno says softly, holding out the jar. “So I wanted to bring a bit of that beauty to you.”
Jimin’s eyes light up as she takes the jar, touched by the thoughtful gesture. The petals inside are a soft pink, capturing the essence of the blossoms she missed.
Jeno then takes a deep breath and looks at her with a hopeful expression. “And I have one more question to ask. Will you be my girlfriend?”
That was what he had planned for
As Jeno walks back to his hotel room in Japan, he’s carrying the jar of cherry blossom petals he’s collected for Jimin. The streets are bustling with activity, but something catches his attention—an enormous TV screen outside a nearby newsstand.
The screen flashes a breaking news alert: “Breaking News: There has been a serious accident involving a class of 40 students in Korea.”
Jeno’s heart drops as he reads the headline. His breath catches, and he instinctively stops, staring at the screen in shock. The broadcast continues with details about the accident and updates on the condition of the students, including Jimin.
Without hesitation, Jeno's thoughts race to Jimin. He quickly pulls out his phone, trying to get in touch with her and the hospital for more information.
Determined to be there for her, Jeno makes arrangements to return to Korea as soon as possible, his mind set on being by her side and ensuring she gets the support she needs.
As Jeno rushes through the airport, the jar of cherry blossom petals tightly clutched in his hand, he feels a growing sense of urgency and anxiety. At the security checkpoint, the jar attracts immediate attention.
The security personnel, eyeing the jar with suspicion, ask Jeno numerous questions. “What’s in the jar?” one of them inquires.
“These petals are from the Sakura tree,” Jeno explains. “I collected them for my girlfriend.”
The security team exchanges uncertain glances, deliberating over the request. “We have strict rules about organic materials,” one officer says
“Please just one petal,” He pleaded
After a brief discussion, they allow Jeno to keep just a single petal, while the rest of the petals are confiscated for further inspection. Jeno accepts the decision with a heavy heart, grateful to retain at least a small part of his carefully prepared gift.
With the single petal safely tucked away, Jeno proceeds to his gate, his thoughts focused on getting to Jimin as quickly as possible.
Jeno arrives back in Korea, his heart heavy with worry for Jimin.
He rushes to the hospital, using the information he gathered from the news articles to navigate his way through the busy corridors. The petal, wrapped delicately in tissue, feels like a fragile representation of his heart and his longing to be by her side.
When he reaches Jimin’s room, he finds her resting but awake. The sight of her, though injured, is a relief. Jeno approaches her bedside, holding out the wrapped petal with a tender expression.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” he says softly. “I brought this from Japan. I wanted to bring you a whole jar of petals, but I could only keep this one. It’s wrapped in tissue.”
Jimin’s eyes well up as she takes in the gesture. “Thank you for coming, never thought I’d see you,” She said
She wipes the tears “And thank you for this, I'll keep it even if it dies.”
With a shaky voice, he says “Just focus on getting better,” He takes her hand, caressing it
“I’ll be here for you, no matter what.” Jeno that day had decided he could not do a confession, his heart broke seeing her in that state.
A month later
Jimin stands in front of her classroom, now decorated with colourful banners and heartfelt messages for Teachers' Day. The atmosphere is filled with a sense of celebration, but her thoughts are heavy.
She looks at her students, all now fully healed. The accident had left some with minor injuries and others with more serious ones. It had deeply troubled her, not only because she couldn’t protect them but also because of the looming fear of potential lawsuits from their parents.
“Students,” she begins, her voice steady but filled with emotion, “I’m so glad to be your teacher. Seeing all of you here today, healthy and strong, means the world to me.”
The students listen attentively, their expressions a mix of gratitude and admiration.
Jimin continues, “Let’s make the most of the next three months before your exams start. We’ll work hard together, support each other, and make sure you’re all prepared.”
Her words are met with enthusiastic nods and smiles. The students appreciate her dedication and the encouragement she offers, knowing that despite the challenges, she remains committed to their success.
“Jimin,” Jeno calls her name from outside
“Min,” His eyes soften when he sees her “What are you doing? Shouldn't you be asleep, that's what you always tell your students.”
“Yeah but, I'm not even a student but I'm stressed out for them,” Jeno kisses her something they've grown accustomed to
“And Jeno I've been wanting to” Jimin gets a call
“It's one of my students, they probably need help with a question,” Jimin’s question was left in the air
“I’ll be right back,” She said
As Jimin takes the call, Jeno walks out of the room, giving her space to handle the situation.
Today was the last day of the SATs, Jimin is left stressed but as she walked out of the school she sees Jeno
“Oh? Jeno?”
“Hi, I’ve prepared something as celebratory you’re finally free from stress!”
“Yeah agree, I hope next year I don’t get seniors,” She laughs as they get into his car
As Jeno and Jimin enter their house, the soft glow of the evening lights creates a warm and inviting atmosphere. The room is elegantly decorated, enhancing the romantic mood of their getaway.
Jeno closes the door behind them, his gaze locking onto Jimin's. He steps closer to her, his hands reaching out to gently push her back against the wall. The intimacy of the moment heightens as their bodies press close together.
"I've been waiting for this," Jeno murmurs, his voice low and filled with emotion. His hands begin to explore, tracing a delicate path from her jawline to her neck, and then down to her collarbone. Each touch is slow and deliberate, savouring the connection between them.
Jimin closes her eyes, her breath hitching slightly at the sensation of his touch. She leans into him, feeling the warmth of his hands against her skin. Her heart races, and she tilts her head slightly, offering him more of her neck as she enjoys the gentle caress.
Jeno's fingers continue their gentle exploration, his touch both tender and passionate. He leans in, brushing his lips against her skin with soft, lingering kisses.
Jeno kisses Jimin, almost trying to invite her to do more. Her dress cascades off her. He takes it in, admiring her, lust in his eyes.
This time, Jimin took the lead, her hands working skillfully on his tie and then his collared shirt.
Their breaths mingle as Jimin trails her fingers on his abs. He takes her hand, placing it around his neck, The kiss they share is deeper now, filled with the intensity of their feelings. They move together in a dance of intimacy his bed.
“I've been wanting this, but there's something which I wanted ever since you gave me your petals,” Jimin said, breaths heavy
Jeno stops “Can we be official Jeno? We kissed and now this, it just bothers me that we haven't put a label on us…”
“You beat me to it,” Jeno said as he leaned on the headboard
“I planned to ask you when I come back from Japan, but,” He caresses the scar she had on her leg from the plane accident
“I knew it was a bad time, what mattered was your recovery and then SATs came in, you were stressed for your students…”
He took a deep breath, looking into her eyes with a mixture of hope and resolve. “Will you be my girlfriend, Yu Jimin?”
Jimin’s eyes softened “Yeah…” she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. She kissed him again, more passionately this time. The act of placing a label on their relationship made it official, and both of them felt a profound sense of completeness.
The morning light gently filters through the curtains of Jeno’s room, casting a soft, golden hue over the space. Jeno and Jimin lie nestled together on his bed, their bodies intertwined beneath the crisp white sheets.
As the first rays of sunlight touch Jeno’s face, he stirs awake. He blinks a few times, taking in the serene sight of Jimin sleeping peacefully beside him. Her hair is splayed out on the pillow, and her expression is calm. He smiles, feeling a deep sense of happiness and gratitude.
Jeno gently brushes a strand of hair away from Jimin’s face. He leans in to press a soft kiss to her forehead, savouring the warmth and closeness of the moment.
Jimin stirs slightly, her eyes fluttering open. She meets Jeno’s gaze with a sleepy, yet joyful smile. “Good morning,” she murmurs, her voice still hushed from sleep.
“Good morning,” Jeno replies softly. “Did you sleep well?”
Jimin slowly stretches and then quickly covers herself with the blanket as she realizes that her bare chest is exposed and the sunlight is seeping through the blinds. "Don't tell me we did it with the blinds open?!" she exclaims with surprise.
Jeno chuckles softly. “I guess we did. I suppose we were a bit too excited, huh?”
Jimin laughs nervously. “I hope no one saw us.”
“They probably enjoyed it,” Jeno teases, earning a playful slap on the arm from Jimin.
“It was at night anyway,” She replies, shaking her head with a smile. “And we’re on the 24th floor.”
Jeno nods, a gentle smile playing on his lips. “I slept wonderfully. It’s hard not to when I wake up next to you.”
Jimin pushes him lightly
Jeno smiles, pulling her by her bare waist, closer into his embrace. “I’m glad. I’ve loved every moment of it too.”
They lie there for a few more minutes, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Jeno’s fingers gently trace patterns on Jimin’s back, and Jimin rests her head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
He kisses her gently. “We should do this more often.”
Jimin playfully rolls her eyes. “I won’t be able to walk, and we both have jobs, babe.” She emphasises the word babe with a teasing grin.
Jeno chuckles softly, his arms tightening around her. “Fair point. But I’m definitely looking forward to our next.”
“Definitely not now,” Jimin says, picking up the pile of clothes scattered from last night. As she puts on her bra, she glances over at him.
“Oh, come on, Min,” Jeno says with a playful smirk. “I’ve seen you, no need to cover up.”
Jimin laughs, shaking her head. “You’re hopeless.”
Eventually, they get up, and Jimin heads to the kitchen to make breakfast. Jeno follows her, wrapping his arms around her from behind. He rests his chin on her shoulder, a contented sigh escaping him. “You smell so good,” he says, kissing her clothed shoulder.
As they sit together, Jeno reaches for Jimin’s hand. “You know,” he says, “this has been amazing, I’m really looking forward to all the adventures we’ll share in the future.”
Jimin squeezes his hand and smiles. “Me too, I’m excited about what’s to come.”
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404files · 9 months
𓂅⠀. @grccve
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" ejem, ¿a dónde se supone que vas? " inquiere, recargándose en el marco de la puerta, brazos cruzados con seriedad. ensayo de aquel día había sido cancelado, dándoles algo de tiempo libre que esperaba pudiera pasar en compañía de su mejor amiga. una tarde de películas sonaba como una excelente idea. sin embargo, parecía que ayame tenía otros planes por la forma en que vestía. " estás usando mucho perfume " acusa con ojos ligeramente entrecerrados.
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jentlemahae · 9 months
Aedream and aespa riize interactions are cute but as a my I don't need them if the bg stans are only going to be nasty to my girls 😭😭 no winter is not trying to 'seduce' jaehyun or whoever, this is mostly for k nctzens btw
that is sadly true, but as someone who likes both nct and aespa, i just love when they interact ☺️🫶🏻 also being successful women, unfortunately aespa are gonna get crap no matter what, so there’s no point in forcing them to not interact! actually, i think the more sm tries to keep aespa and nct/riize separated, the more the girls are gonna get hateful nonsense from the bgs’ stans, because they are un-normalizing interactions between the groups
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zream · 3 years
you copped such a good @ HAHAH
     *   this is a writing blog for nct zream !!! hshsh the @ be sounding nice tho ( was originally gonna use aedream or aidream ( aespa & dream ) but it’s taken ;◠; )
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ae-cow · 4 months
Lovers in BL♡♡M
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Pairings: NCT Dream x aespa
Warning: This is a ship, does not relate to them irl. It's just my imagination. Tons of spelling errors probably
A/N: This is an idea of mine and I would like someone to write it lol.
© ae-cow. Do not claim, steal or repost. All rights reserved
Book 1
Pairing: Karina and Jeno
Karina works as an executive matchmaker in BLOOM. She finds herself being invited to not only her ex-boyfriend’s wedding but also her ex-best friend’s. They had invited her to their wedding to shove it to her face she assumes.
She wanted to get right back at them so she told them that she was bringing her CEO Boyfriend. Luckily for her, she work at a matchmaking agency— the thing is how will she get the man she discribed in 2 week?!
Lee Jeno CEO of an Architectural Company has a father who’s pestering him to find a wife, Jeno decides to tell him he has a girlfriend. His father had excitedly told him to invite the lady to dinner in 2 WEEKS?! Jeno applied to BLOOM in search of a wife that his father has been nagging for.
Karina was assigned to him and looked through his profile and the survey he did and…thought he was the perfect match for her disguise.
They made a deal to date for 2 weeks to get to know each other and line up their stories on how they met, who confessed, first dates, first kiss…
Book 2
Pairing: Mark and Giselle
Giselle was invited to an old client's wedding. After matching making them 3 years ago, they announced that they were getting married! The couple wanted to thank Giselle for setting them up by inviting her as the person who started it all.
During the wedding, Giselle finds a man who looks like a perfect guy for anyone. Beautiful cheekbones, is a pianist and can speak English, qualities some would like to have in a partner. Turns out this man is the Groom's younger brother, Mark Lee.
Minho, Mark’s brother told Giselle to convince Mark to join BLOOM as a client so that he won’t be playing sad love songs on the piano. Mark says yes.
After doing a survey, Giselle finds out that they are perfect for each other.
They somehow manage to find each other as if it was fate despite constant blind dates for Mark, Giselle however thinks this is absurd as she is the matchmaker and he is the client. She could literally get fired for this if they were to date.
Mark however is very fond of the girl aka the only reason why he agreed to join BLOOM.
Book 3
Pairing: Jaemin and Winter
Winter and Jaemin are ex-lovers. They broke up because Jaemin was a pre-med student and they didn't have much time to see each other to the point they started losing feelings.
After 5 years Jaemin was finally stable in his job and thought he was ready to find love again. That is when he applies to BLOOM and finds his ex as his matchmaker.
“You came here just to torment me huh?”
“What? I didn't know you worked as a matchmaker, I came here so that I can find someone— glad I did cause Winter, I've been thinking about us and-”
“There's no us.”
As time went on they both felt like it was torture despite constantly telling themselves that there were no feelings, Winter feels a tint of jealousy whereas Jaemin feels wrong when he goes on dates that Winter set him up with.
Winter calls the department to change matchmakers for Jaemin, seeing their history, they allow the change.
Despite the change, they both still think a lot about each other even when they don’t want to. Well… is more of Winter not wanting to, Jaemin on the other hand accepts his reoccurring feelings.
Book 4
Pairing: Renjun and Ningning
NingNing and Renjun had been one-sided Rivals since the day Ningning had beaten his record of 20 matchmakes in a month by just one couple making 21 matchmakes for Ningning.
Renjun vows to beat her since that day. Ningning however likes Renjun, she sees him as a remarkable person and truly admires him.
Ningning notices this and decides to play along as this is the only way to get his attention, by beating him.
One day Ningning quits being a matchmaker, for personal reasons and Renjun sees that he has no one to look forward to beating, no one who is up his par.
Renjun hates how she is constantly in his mind, “am I the reason why she quit? Did my constant comparison make her tired of me?”
“I hate how much I miss her, I hate how despite doing my work and occupying my mind with different things, my mind just somehow has a special place where Ningning is a constant.”
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ae-cow · 5 months
The Daily Bluu-Mail
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Warning: none? Do tell me if there are.
Pairing: Jeno of NCT Dream and Karina of aespa
Genre: He fell first and fell harder
A/N: This is an idea of mine and I would like someone to write it lol. Also creds to the person who made this art of Jeno and Karina. If I'm not wrong they're from Tiktok. I love your art btw 🩷
© ae-cow. Do not claim, steal or repost. All rights reserved
Jeno is the captain of the university's baseball team and Karina is the MC for them Daily Bluu-Mail.
Karina and her team want to gain more traction and to do so she follows up with the campus's sports teams including baseball.
Karina, out of anger rants to the captain on why the daily Bluu-mail isn't getting any listeners.
Jeno had always listened to her talk every morning during her Daily Bluu-mail announcement. Yet she thinks no one listens to her news.
Jeno gives her advice on how her Daily-Mail could get more listeners by fake dating.
She'll get more listeners and more people looking at her website while Jeno gains more girls to like also to hide the growing affection he has on a partieular MC but we don't talk about that.
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ae-cow · 1 month
ae-cow’s Mixed/Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
© ae-cow. Do not claim, steal or repost. All rights reserved
aedream yes I am a shipper, pls ignore if you don't like it
The Daily Bluu-Mail - Jeno x Karina
Lovers In Bloom - NCT Dream x aespa
Ms Yu, Miss Yu - Jeno x Karina
1818 Series Boy Grp ver. Masterlist ⬇️⬇️ (OCs)
My Queen - Jeno of NCT, NCT Dream
Bulletproof Corset - Jay of Enhypen
Lie to Love - Sungchan of Riize
Parallels Touch - Juyeon of The Boyz
Match on Fire - Hyunjin of Stray Kids
1818 Series Girl Grp ver. Masterlist ⬇️⬇️ (OCs)
Waltz The Night Away - Chaeryeong of Itzy
Who Am I - Karina of aespa
Antique Dress - Kim Taeyeon of SNSD/Soloist
Diamond In The Rough - Soojin of (G)-idle/Soloist
Hidden Affections - Chaewon of LE SSERAFIM
1818 Series Lore
Heartstrings: 1st Mini Album Duology (Reader)
Track #1 Copycat Hearts - Anton of Riize
Track #2 Lyrically Yours - Mark of NCT, NCT 127 & NCT Dream
Find The Beauty Duology - Yeosang & San (Reader)
(Im)perfect - Yeosang of Ateez
Fake Blonde Wig - San of Ateez
The University Series - Enhypen (OCs)
Hearts & Havoc - Jake of Enhypen
Recommendation: Love - Jungwon of Enhypen
The Alchemy (Reader)
Part 1 - Anton of Riize
Part 2 - Sunghoon of Enhypen
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