#aed device
aedmasternl88 · 2 years
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deebbiemedzer · 1 year
Automated External Defibrillator 
Shop our AED Devices our automatic external defibrillator is used for giving electrical shock to restore normal heart rhythm during cardiac emergencies.
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The feminine jewish name trifecta: Chana, Chava, Chaya
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my-t4t-romance · 10 months
guess who just got cpr certified 😎
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emccprtraining · 9 months
Stay Prepared for Emergencies with Reliable AED Devices
EMC is your go-to source for AED devices and the training needed to use them effectively. We offer a range of AED devices, ensuring you have access to top-quality, reliable equipment. Prepare yourself to be a first responder with EMC's AED training and devices.
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defibrillatoraus09 · 11 months
How to Choose the Right Defibrillator for Your Needs?
When it comes to safeguarding the well-being of your loved ones and those around you, having a defibrillator on hand can make all the difference in the world. A defibrillator is a crucial device used to restore normal heart rhythms during sudden cardiac emergencies.
Whether you're considering one for your home, office, or community, selecting the right defibrillator is a decision that should not be taken lightly. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the process of choosing the right defibrillator for your specific needs, ensuring you're well-prepared to respond in a life-saving situation.
1. Understanding Your Defibrillator Options
Before delving into the specifics of choosing the right defibrillator like LifePak aed, it's important to understand the two primary types available: Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and Manual Defibrillators.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
AEDs are designed for use by non-medical personnel and are commonly found in public places. They are user-friendly and provide step-by-step instructions to guide you through the process of administering a life-saving shock.
Manual Defibrillators
On the other hand, manual defibrillators are typically used by medical professionals. They offer more control and flexibility in terms of adjusting settings and administering shocks. Manual defibrillators are ideal for healthcare facilities and trained personnel.
2. Assessing Your Needs and Environment
The next step in selecting the right defibrillator is to consider your specific needs and the environment in which it will be used. Here are some key factors to take into account:
If you're purchasing a defibrillator for home use, you'll want a user-friendly AED such as Lifevac that can be used by anyone, even without prior medical training.
Consider the number of employees and their familiarity with using AEDs. You may need multiple devices if your workplace is larger.
The time it takes for emergency services to arrive in your area can vary. If you're in a remote location, a reliable defibrillator like LifePak becomes even more critical.
Determine your budget for a defibrillator, keeping in mind that investing in a life-saving device is invaluable. While AEDs are typically more budget-friendly, manual defibrillators are a more substantial investment.
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3. Ensuring Ease of Use and Maintenance
When choosing an AED, it's crucial to ensure that it is user-friendly, like Lifevac Australia, as it may be operated by individuals with little to no medical training. Look for features such as clear voice prompts, intuitive visual guides, and easy-to-follow instructions.
Additionally, consider the maintenance requirements of the defibrillator you choose. Regular checks, battery replacement, and electrode pad expiration dates should be manageable to keep the device in optimal condition.
4. Training and Certification
Regardless of the type of defibrillator you choose, it's essential to provide adequate training for potential users.
Many organisations offer courses in basic life support and AED operation. Ensuring that those who may need to use the device are well-prepared can significantly increase the chances of a successful outcome in an emergency.
5. Regulatory Compliance and Certification
Last but not least, ensure that the defibrillator you select complies with the regulatory standards and certifications in your region. Different countries may have specific requirements, so it's vital to verify that your chosen device meets all necessary criteria.
Choosing the right defibrillator is a matter of personal and environmental factors, ease of use, and adherence to regulations. Your decision can be a life-saving one, so make it with care. Consider your specific needs, budget, and the level of training required, and you'll be better equipped to make an informed choice.
In the end, the most important thing is that you have a reliable defibrillator such as LifePak on hand to potentially save a life when every second counts.
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starplusfourletters · 8 months
I read vision of the future (hand of thrawn book 2 aka Who Scams the Scammers)
(spoilers) and once again it turned into a liveblog, apologies
Hold up are we doing Warrior Cats? Is this Warrior Cats Planet??
What base is “arm around your waist to serve as a psychic translator conduit”
Omigod I WISH my Warrior Cat name were “Jaded of Mara”
Everything I know about Soontir Fel I learned from x wing but I would not have guessed his primary motivation to be "dirt"
@ luke and mara: the girls are talkingggggg
North Barris Spaceport has me twitching
Ghent not remembering who the president is and just assuming it’s probably Leia. I mean fair
What base is "holding hands to brace yourselves over a swarm of flesh eating insects"
So we’re finally asking why Mara ISN’T actually dark side and the answer is… shrug emoji?
Man Zahn really is stuck on “character bonding hike” as a device huh. But consider I eat that shit up
Oh No Lando is racist
LMAO at “so oblivious you need a child pterodactyl to tell you to just kiss already” to “besides I don’t want my life to be like spiderman three I hated that movie” to “kissing with dubious consent” ALL ON THE SAME PAGE like Zahn finally realized he really needed to get this show on the road
LMAO at Ghent getting a free pass from Pellaeon to hack the empire. Like you’re just going to get the thing you need and not steal all of our military and political secrets right? Riiiight? Even more LMAO at the fact that that would probably not even occur to Ghent
When everyone assumes they're the protagonist so finding this one macguffin is their job personally. Like guys I like the energy but maybe we've got enough different plans to do the same thing (the exception, hilariously, being Luke) (and Oh No it turns out Luke is the one to find the macguffin because You Have to Follow Your Heart and Let the MacGuffin Come to You. I eat that shit up also)
Mara’s just... So great.
Not to make everything about my blorbo but absolutely to make everything about my blorbo I do wonder to what extent Ahsoka’s characterization post-Rebels doesn’t click for me is because a lot of the more obvious directions for Oldsoka overlap with Mara, and the powers that be didn’t want to reinvent the Mara Jade wheel. Not to say they have similar characterization – Mara has terminal sam coded dean girl syndrome – but idk, in dynamic range maybe? Calling out bullshit, weaponizing her own abrasiveness, covering insecurity with humor, being Kind of a Lot with a side of trust issues at any given moment – there are modes Mara and Youngsoka share that didn’t pass to Oldsoka apparently. Idk possibly all this is just me wanting them to TALK
Establishing that you can do evil things for selfless reasons without necessarily being in any danger of falling to the dark side is... Philosophically interesting
We interrupt this tale of political espionage to bring you Jedi Relationship Counseling (spoiler alert: communication is key)
"That part of her life [Mara’s time with Palpatine] had died unmourned" I mean mourned a little bit. Mourned for at least a book and a half
I've been willing to suspend my disbelief on everything in this book until "both Luke and Mara forget that ysalamiri exist"
I will never not be a sucker for The Movements and Transferred Ownership of Emotionally Significant Weapons
Oh No thrawn made a second foundation
The Aing-Tii seem OP but whatever
Oh No the second foundation forgot to close the garage doors
(Re: The Jade’s Fire) I know Mara’s having a Moment, and I promise I’m taking it seriously, but when the warrior cat asked “What is it you want, Mara Jade” my WHOLE BRAIN responded with "I want Hermione Granger! And a rocket ship!"
Moranda has real Kevin from home alone energy and I'm living for it
Is it bad that I’m actually kinda happy the Imperials’ Bothawui shield plan worked? Like, they had a really interesting plan and I’m happy for them. They earned it
What base is “full mind meld while you’re fighting for your lives”
Who would win: ~1.5 Jedi, 2 sentinel droids droidekas, or Artoo with a sauntering gun
If I had a nickel for every time this duology explicitly established Jedi can’t go completely without oxygen, even when in a trance, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but which makes me feel like the Ahsoka show had a weirdly specific axe to grind with the source material
Luke’s proposal to Mara is Just. The. Funniest. Thing. That’s some Anakin-level cringe and the prequels aren’t even out yet. He truly is his father’s son.
I mean POV there’s this guy and for a couple years you want to kill him, and then you realize that’s more of a You Problem, so then you’re friendquaitances for a decade mostly because you don’t approve of the shit he’s getting into, and then you have one (1) honest conversation and get caught in a death trap and he’s like “so I think the next step for us is marriage”
LEIAAAAAA! Full Jedi Knight Leia is both terrifying and hot. I would run.
“So it is treason” – Some random guy
Lando needs to be on the New Republic payroll simply for being willing to speak to any of the other characters and also he needs a raise. This poor guy getting called on to command the entire New Republic fleet mid-battle and he’s like “I’ve been a civilian for 15 years and also I knew you would pull some horse piss like this steve”
Mara Jade, Imperial protege. Skills include: Identifying load-bearing walls. (Now all I want is Property Brothers: Sith Edition)
Mara please. Luke please. These absolute idiots. This is some pear scene shit. I hope nothing bad happens to them ever
The whole back half of this book has been an emotional rollercoaster for me specifically because I wanted Flim to be Thrawn FR soooooo baddddd. And now I’m sad. His name literally means scam don’t do this to me Zahn
I’ve been amused by all the Star Wars universe idioms but I gotta take a moment to specifically showcase “burned your sky-arches.” Karrde is a delight to have in class
Having an independent intelligence agency that’s supposed to work for both the New Republic and the Empire seems absolutely unhinged but go off I guess
When the New Republic and Empire sign peace accords and Luke can’t even be bothered to show up
Mara is great and her arc is fuckin hilarious to me. The narrative has identified her as The Damaged One and I’m like???? She came to terms with her troubled past, drew her own boundaries regarding the Dark Side, recognized that there are people who care about her instead of pre-emptively pushing them away, and resolved to form deeper emotional connections. Smash cut to ROTS Anakin whose physical and psychic damage has literally turned his brain into oatmeal
Again I know this was before the prequels Mad points for explicitly saying Mara needed to form attachments to become a Jedi. Zahn being pretty gangsta there
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trivialbob · 5 months
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Last night Sheila presented a session on how to use an AED (automated external defibrillator) to a group of pickleball players. The age demographic of this group made it more meaningful than, say, doing it for a pee wee hockey team. I went along because it was held in the private dining room of a pizza restaurant. Mmm, pizza.
Sheila brought her own AED. She also had a training AED and a dummy torso from her job to use for demonstrations. AEDs are everywhere these days, it seems. Getting a little familiarity on how they work is a wise. They're really quite easy to operate too.
About 20 years ago another person and I actually hooked up an early model of one to a possible heart attack victim. The victim wasn't breathing, but his heart condition was such that the AED would not deliver a shock. The device will only shock under certain circumstances. We were told the machine won't shock a person with a normal heartbeat nor a body with no electrical rhythm (total flatline). When our AED didn't detect the correct condition for a shock, all we could do was continue CPR until an ambulance arrived.
When Sheila was done with her presentation we went to a nearby brewery to meet up with some friends and participate in a jigsaw puzzle contest.
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There were about ten tables, each with the same puzzle. The first two teams to complete the puzzle won a prize. The first place team finished in about 45 minutes. Second place was about 10 minutes behind that.
I had not worked on a puzzle in ages. It took me a bit to get into the swing of things, matching colors and looking for the edge pieces. Our team of four got about halfway done in about an hour and twenty minutes when we decided to call it a night. Sheila and I got to keep the puzzle. I think I'm going to try completing it at home. I'd definitely do another contest like this, so a little practice isn't a bad idea.
You don't exactly need to bribe me to go out to a brewery. However, I like fun little events like this that the breweries host to attract more customers.
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Mini Story: The Lake
Description: Bill and Honey try to have a fun date at the lake. Things so south when a strangers starts drowning.
Warnings: Aftermath of drowning, emeto warning, female resus, use on an AED, modern setting
Honey cut through the water effortlessly, dragging a lifeless woman with her. Bill was frozen for a moment, fear gripping him at his core until he heard his wife yell. "BILL! I NEED HELP!"
"Shit!" He waded forward into the water, meeting Honey and the stranger in the middle and helping her drag the unconscious woman to shore. She was pale– too pale– and her shoulder length brown hair stuck to her skin. Once on the shore, the two set her down. Her brown eyes were half-lidded and staring up at nothing.
“Phone?” Honey asked, kneeling as Bill leaned over the woman to check for breathing.
“On the porch.” He replied. “I can’t tell if she’s breathing–”
“Start CPR, I’ll get the phone and AED!” She jumped up to her feet and sprinted towards the cabin.
Bill swallowed thickly as he tugged down the woman’s swim top to expose her chest. He’d never performed CPR on an actual person, but he did make sure to keep certified just in case. He tipped the woman’s head back and pinched her nose closed before sealing his mouth over hers and forcing a breath into her waterlogged lungs. There was resistance, but her chest did rise. He pulled away, her chest fell with a small gurgle. That wasn’t good. He gave her another breath and was met with the same result. He straightened and stacked his hands to the center of her chest. Rolling his shoulders above his hands and keeping his arms straight, he started pushing down and letting up in a steady rhythm. Immediately, there was a horrible gurgling followed by water bubbling up from the poor woman’s nose and mouth. He continued compressions, counting under his breath. Once he hit thirty, he turned her head to the side to let the water flow out and quickly swept his fingers between her teeth in case she vomited anything more than just water before straightening her head and giving her another two breaths.
Two cycles in, and Honey returned, red pack under her arm and phone to her ear, running as quickly as she could. She pulled the phone away and tapped a button, putting in speaker mode. “My husband is doing CPR. We have an AED, we’re going to use it!” She announced the operator. She knelt down across from Bill and started unpacking the AED, setting the phone down. She smoothed back her dark curls from her face, following the instructions from the device. She pulled out the pads and peeled off the film before placing them on the woman’s chest, working around Bill. One went just under her right collar bone and the other lower on her left side just under her left breast. She plugged the connector in and the machine announced it was analyzing. “Bill, baby, don’t touch her.”
He lifted his hands and scooted back to let the machine work.
“Shock advised. Charging,” The machine declared. Honey leaned forward and gave another few chest compressions as the device charged. “Shock ready. Do not touch the patient. Pushed the flashing button now.” The woman then pulled back and pressed the flashing orange button on the machine.
The lifeless woman jerked, chest lifting slightly and arms leaping off of the ground briefly before flopping back onto the grass.
“Shock delivered. Continue with two minutes of CPR.”
Just as Honey started tilting her head back, the other woman suddenly hacked up another mouthful of water and gagged, clawing at the ground. “Oh! Oh God!” She and Bill both quickly turned her onto her side to let her cough up whatever was still left in her.
“What’s happening?” The forgotten 911 operator asked.
“I think she’s breathing!” Bill stated. “Oh my God.”
“The ambulance is about two minutes out. If she has a pulse and is breathing, make sure to roll her into the recovery position.” They informed. The two were already ahead of them, though, as Honey adjusted the wheezing and gasping woman’s arms and legs.
“I think she’s going to be ok?” He said, looking up at his wife, unsure.
Honey returned the unsure look as they both heard sirens approaching.
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aedmasternl88 · 2 years
AEDs Are Getting More and More Expensive, Is There an Alternative?
Are Automated External Defibrillators getting too expensive? With prices ranging from € 900 to € 2000, many people are wondering if there's an alternative. In this blog post, we have mentioned some alternatives of AED. Keep reading to know about them.
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cool-sword · 3 months
i had to do CPR/AED training the other day for work and this lead me to imagining, in a world where demons and ghosts are a common problem, a device like an AED but for possessions.
As one person calls a real exorcist and another does some simple prayers (chest compressions equivalent), take out the lil box, place a pad over the persons heart. box beeps, an automated voice speaks, “DETECTING SPIRIT” … “EXORCISM ADVISED, ENTER FAITH OF PATIENT” little buttons of various symbols of the most common religions light up, including a non-specific one for unknowns and one for non-believers. You press a button, “STAY CLEAR FROM THE PATIENT” the pad begins to glow with radiant light, and the automated voice starts a holy chant. “BEGIN PRAYING.” Repeat until they wake up, the exorcist arrives, or you’re killed by an evil spirit.
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onouwu · 1 year
Dr. Omiata's Depravity: Finished Playing (pt2 of Assassin's Second Round)
Continuing from pt1 HERE
Having had her fill of the perverse game, Ellie went into doctor mode once more. Reaching into her bag, she retrieved the AED machine she brought with her. The woman's deathly pallor sparked a new resolve within her. This wasn't how she wanted the symphony to end.
With practiced efficiency, she placed the defibrillator pads on the woman's chest, one above the right breast and the other to the left of the rib cage, ensuring a clear path for the shock to the heart. She turned on the machine and waited for the charge to build.
As it was ready, Ellie hit the 'shock' button. The woman's body jolted. Her heart, however, remained stubbornly silent. Ellie didn't relent. She shifted, straddling the woman's waist, and interlocked her fingers, ready to perform chest compressions. With her palms positioned on the center of the chest, she pressed down hard and fast, forcing the heart to mimic what once was its natural rhythm. She could feel her sternum straining under the pressure of Ellie's desire to save her, or maybe it was greed... a selfish desire to take back that which she used up and let go. These days, Ellie knew better than to trust her sense of morality.
One, two, three... Her count was steady and forceful, a reminder to the lifeless heart of its duty. Between every series of compressions, she would sit back and hit the shock button again. The jerking of her body that followed was much like a gasping fish out of water.
Ellie's muscles strained with the effort, the sweat trickling down her chin, like a tyrant taking her frustrations out on a dying peasant she persisted. Finally, another shock.
And then... she heard it. A confirmation from the device that there was no need to shock. She put the stethoscope's earpieces in, the bell to the redhead's chest. It was faint, barely a whisper amidst the heavy silence, but it was there. A solitary thud, then another, growing in strength, forming the sweet rhythm of life. The woman's chest sporadically rose and fell beneath Ellie's hand. The sight was nothing short of a miracle.
Ellie let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. The woman's heart was beating once more, frail and steady. Ellie dismounted her and sat to the side. She took a moment to take the woman in.
The redhead laid there in a stunning display, her skin like fresh milk, Her hair was a riot of wild curls spread around her head. Her slender arms and legs were stretched outward by the chains, the tension visible in the defined lines of her muscles. The blue-green veins under her skin were a network of rivers, their flow restored by Ellie's efforts. Ellie's lips returned to kiss the gentle curve of her breasts, the bruised flesh over her heart, and the gentle curves of her belly. This time, her kisses were not to push her over the edge, but an expression of her satisfaction and joy for the outcome. "do you think you're lucky or not?" she asked the fragile, unconscious figure in her bed, tracing a finger over her lips with just a hint of guilt. Ellie's smile a mixture of relief and victory. Not even death can take her precious little toys away from her.
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defibrillatoraus09 · 1 year
Tips for Choosing The Right Type of Defibrillator for Your Workplace
Have you ever imagined a workplace that is not just buzzing with productivity but also puts the safety and well-being of its employees as a top priority? Well, it's time to turn that imagination into reality.
One essential piece of equipment that every workplace should consider investing in is a defibrillator. But with so many options available in the market, choosing the right one can be a daunting task.
In this blog post, we will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you select the perfect defibrillator for your workplace, ensuring the safety and peace of mind for everyone involved.
Assess Your Workplace Needs
Before you start browsing through the different types of defibrillators available, it's crucial to assess your workplace needs. Consider factors such as the size of your workplace, the number of employees, and any specific risks or health conditions that are prevalent among your staff.
This assessment will help you determine the type and features of the defibrillator that will best suit your workplace.
Understand the Types of Defibrillators
There are several types of defibrillators available, but two popular ones in the market are the LifePak defibrillator and the Lifevac defibrillator. Understanding their differences can guide your decision-making process.
The LifePak defibrillator is known for its reliability and advanced features. It is designed for both trained medical professionals and non-medical personnel, making it suitable for a wide range of workplaces.
With its user-friendly interface and clear instructions, the LifePak defibrillator ensures that anyone can use it effectively during an emergency.
On the other hand, the Lifevac defibrillator is specifically designed for choking emergencies. It utilizes suction technology to remove obstructions from a person's airway.
This type of defibrillator can be a valuable addition to workplaces where choking incidents are more likely to occur, such as restaurants or elderly care facilities.
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Consider Training and Ease of Use
When choosing a defibrillator for your workplace, it's essential to consider the training requirements and ease of use. Look for a defibrillator that provides clear visual and audio prompts to guide the user through the resuscitation process.
Additionally, consider investing in training programs or certifications for your employees to ensure they feel confident and capable of using the defibrillator when needed.
Check for Maintenance and Support
Just like any other equipment, defibrillators require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal functionality. Look for a defibrillator like LifePak that offers easy maintenance and has a reliable customer support system.
It's important to have access to technical assistance, replacement parts, and updates to keep your defibrillator in top-notch condition.
Verify Regulatory Compliance
Ensure that the defibrillator you choose complies with the relevant regulations and standards in your region. Different countries and jurisdictions may have specific requirements for workplace defibrillators.
By selecting a defibrillator that meets the necessary certifications, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are providing a safe and compliant environment for your employees.
Choosing the right defibrillator for your workplace doesn't have to be a daunting task. By assessing your workplace needs, understanding the types of defibrillators available, considering training and ease of use, checking for maintenance and support, and verifying regulatory compliance, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision.
Remember, both the LifePak and the Lifevac defibrillators are excellent options to consider. They offer different features and are suited for different scenarios. Take the time to evaluate your workplace requirements, and don't hesitate to reach out to experts or suppliers for guidance.
With the right defibrillator in place, you'll be better prepared to respond effectively in the event of a cardiac emergency, potentially saving lives.
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dzthenerd490 · 8 months
File: Angel Hare
Original Creator: @TheEastPatch
Please Go Support their YouTube channel:
Code Name: My Guardian Angel's on TV
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Hera-6 "Bunny Hunters" Is divided into two divisions "watchers" and "hunters". Division "watchers" is a cyber team dedicated to finding the movement of SCP-AED-Angel and any children that might be affected. They are to monitor the child and see what they are "learning". Depending on what the child learns and how much Division "watchers" can see determines when Division "hunters" will intervene. 
If technological usage in the house is limited, preventing Foundation staff from finding devices to hack as a means of observation, Division "hunters" are responsible for implanting hidden cameras and listening devices in the house when the family isn't home. Preferably, Division "hunters" only appear when the child is done learning the lesson. Afterwards, division "hunters" is responsible for implanting G Class Amnestics into the child's food when they go to restaurants or whenever else possible. Thus, ensuring the child remembers the lesson but is unable to believe that SCP-AED-Angel herself is real. 
Site note: SCP-AVC is assisting in containment and regulation of SCP-AED-Angel, but MTF Hera-6 is to assume he is not. 
The main broadcasting system to allow SCP-AED instances to exist is placed at Site-AQ where it is given its own broadcasting room. It also has its own staff that monitor and maintain the system. They are also given orders to shut it all down should Protocol "Wild Rabbit" every be implemented.
All other SCP-AED instances are escorted to Site-GRID within SCP-ACH where new bodies will be built to better integrate into the landscape. Thankfully only two others have ever been found. Currently they are monitored by and employed as Foundation staff. 
SCP-AED-Detective is currently working as a security agent and SCP-AED-Francis is a janitor. SCP-AED-Detective has been noticed to be rebellious at times and is to be closely monitored. Meanwhile SCP-AED-Francis has been noted to be clumsy at times and often bad at communicating. Thankfully neither have been confirmed a threat, as such most focus is to be regulated toward SCP-AED-Angel.
Description: SCP-AED is an anomalous phenomenon that resulted in the development of sentience of cartoon characters. The phenomenon seems to have manifested sometime during the 90s, possibly earlier. It seems to have affected several cartoon characters, specifically during live broadcasting. It seems that it doesn't matter what copy or data it's being recorded on matters only so long as the character is the same and the broadcast is live. So long as these two requirements are met the SCP-AED entities will be able to interact with the viewer.
The main Entity of interest is SCP-AED-Angel, the first one discovered by the Foundation. SCP-AED-Angel appears to be a character from the 90s Christian cartoon called "Angel Hare". The cartoon is about a character named "Angel Gabby" showing children to use their faith while also tackling real life issues that children might face such as social fears, bad days, or bullying. However, SCP-AED-Angel somehow always knows what exactly the child who is currently watching her always needs, especially regarding protection.  
SCP-AED-Angel seems to also exist in other cartoons and has taken on other personas because of it. One such example is "Wylde Hare" where she portrays the character "Starlet" it's unknown if both shows having the word "Hare" in their title is a coincidence. Furthermore, SCP-AED-Angel and the other SCP-AED instances refuse to share any information regarding it. It's also unknown if there are any other cartoons that are connected to the SCP-AED instances or if there are any more out there. She is the nicest of all of them, as stated before she always knows how to care for and protect children and never rests until the broadcast is over or they are safe. 
SCP-AED-Detective was the second entity discovered by the Foundation; his main presence is in the cartoon "Wylde Hare" where he portrays the character "Detective Zag". He also is able to show up in "Angle Hare" as a secondary and less kind angel that acts as a replacement for Gabby. It was thanks to him that we learned that when these entities enter one of the cartoons, they gain knowledge needed to act out their characters. For example, when SCP-AED-Detective is in "Angle Hare" he is able to quote anything form the bible. Though this is the only example of such behavioral changes, it is assumed this works for all three entities when shifting between cartoons. SCP-AED-Detective is logical and doesn't enjoy talking to children much, he prefers getting work done and working alongside SCP-AED-Angel. 
SCP-AED-Francis is the third entity discovered by the Foundation; it is assumed that he was indirectly given life but the other two SCP-AED instances as he didn't seem to be able to interact with the viewer like they could until recently. Like his cartoon character he is very timid and cowardly often acting as a medium for children and their fears. Despite his character originating in "Angle Hare" he seems to have existed in "Wyld Hare" as well. The fact that "Wyld Hare" existed before "Angle Hare" has unfortunately led to more questions than answers. 
Though it's believed that these entities came to life by some kind of unknown phenomenon, the truth is that the Foundation knowns nothing of their origin. They could be entities similar to Pattern Screamers, they could be sentient frequencies that can only exist in live broadcasting, or they could be aliens form an alternate reality. We unfortunately know nothing, and none of the entities are willing to share anything too personal or they don't seem to know much either. It is also believed that because none of the cartoons the SCP-AED instances manifested in were popular is why the Foundation never knew of their existence until recently. Meaning there might be more shows or even different media outlets where they exist, and we simply can't find them. 
Furthermore, the companies that created both cartoons are nothing alike other than the fact that they both went bankrupt due to a lack of content and popularity leading to no income. As such the Foundation has nothing to show for in regard to understanding the true nature of SCP-AED. This marks yet another one of our most embarrassing failures. 
SCP-AED-Angel was discovered in 2023 when Foundation cyber agents noticed a small live broadcast emitting anomalous frequencies. Eventually SCP-AED-Angel was found to be using a live stream to allow herself to access the internet somehow and reach several children at once. She and a man named [data expunged] as well as SCP-AED-Detective and Frances helped in hopes of protecting and guiding more children. However, Foundation agents intercepted their location and stopped the broadcast. [data expunged] was apprehended and given amnestics. Later all his recorded copies of SCP-AED-Angel were destroyed. 
The system he used was brought to Site-AQ believing it was a massive cyber anomaly. Once the system was set up Dr. Sight as well as two security units were sent into the testing chamber where SCP-AED was to assess the situation. All of them were given Cognito Hazard protection head gear with an additional Info Hazard protection upgrade. Please see Addendum X-31 for details.
Addendum X-31
The following is a recording involving Dr. Sight and the discovery of SCP-AED.
Begin Recording
Dr. Sight: ... Hm, okay the live broadcast has started but it just looks like a cartoon to me... my CognitoHazard goggles aren't reacting either so that definitely can't be that.
SCP-AED-Frances: Oh, Angel Gabby! Angel Gabby!
Dr. Sight: Huh... cute Cartoon, I guess.
Suddenly the camera shows the clouds where it shows Angle Gabby rising up from behind the clouds, it should be noted she is looking at Dr. Sight with anger. 
Dr. Sight: Oh? That doesn't seem normal.
Angle Gabby then floats down but when Francis tries to talk to her, she raises her hand and Francis remains quiet. He then walks off screen nervously as Gabby continues to glare at Dr. Sight. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What did you do to Jonah?
Dr. Sight: ... Huh?
SCP-AED-Angel: You heard me, get your feet off the table and answer me!
Dr. Sight: Holy- Woah, look at that, so you're sentient. Now that's interesting. 
 SCP-AED-Angel: Yes, now tell me what you did to Jonah!
Dr. Sight: And what if I decide to not answer you? 
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Did you kill him?
Dr. Sight: If you're referring to the boy helping you with that live broadcasting then no. We just erased his memories as per protocol.
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Who are you?
Dr. Sight: I will be asking the question! Though that doesn't seem like a bad place to start, so go ahead and answer.
Angle Gabby is seen narrowing her glare at Dr. Sight while he just smirks at her and puts his feet back on the table. 
SCP-AED-Angel: I'm angel Gabriel. 
Dr. Sight: Doctor Tanner Sight. I'd say it's a pleasure, but I normally reserve that for creatures that actually deserve respect. Now WHAT exactly are you?
SCP-AED-Angel: I already said I'm Gabriel
Dr. Sight: That's who you are, I'm asking what you are? What is your species called, where did you come from, how did you come to be? 
Angle Gabby remained silent for several minutes forcing Dr. Sight to move on due to his dwindling patience. 
 Dr. Sight: ... What is the connection between the two cartoons Angle Hare and Wylde Hare? Why do they both have Hare in the title despite only yours having rabbits? 
Again, Angle Gabby remains silent.
Dr. Sight: We could just destroy everything and erase you from existence; would you prefer that instead?
SCP-AED-Angel: ... No...
Dr. Sight: Then talk! What are you?! 
SCP-AED-Angel: I don't know, okay?! I... I have an idea but nothing concrete... We just sort of happened, jumping from cartoon to cartoon. We had help doing so, and we were good at it. But as time went on it sort of got harder and harder. There were also differences in ideas, I wanted to help every kid who watched my while Zag just though we should watch out for ourselves. 
Dr. Sight: So there really are more of you. How many?
SCP-AED-Angel: ... As far as I can tell, three.
Dr. Sight: Who was the original broadcaster who helped you?
SCP-AED-Angel: I don't know... I don't think they were actually helping us directly; it was just their job and it just so happened to help us. 
Dr. Sight: You really don't know how you came to be?
SCP-AED-Angel: No... but I know that if you keep me here then there will be hundreds of kids out there that won't be able to receive the help they need! 
Dr. Sight: I honestly agree with this Zag friend of yours, you should be less concerned about the kids and more concerned about yourself. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What is your organization?
Dr. Sight: Hm, the SCP Foundation.
SCP-AED-Angel: What do you do?
Dr. Sight: We secure humanity's future from the darkness, we contain anomalous threats to life and reality, but above all we protect the normalcy and innocence of humanity. 
SCP-AED-Angel: You protect innocence huh? That's what I want too!
Dr. Sight: Yeah, except letting you on the loose is in violation of our code. 
SCP-AED-Angel: How so?
Dr. Sight: Your what we call an anomaly, we contain anomalies so that they don't affect the development of humanity. In order for humanity to be strong it must develop on its own, even if your intentions are good, we can't allow you to interact with civilians. Your actions might help kids, but it will make them eventually desire to find you again and as well as search for other anomalies. That will open a can of worms, we absolutely cannot allow it to open.
SCP-AED-Angel: I can make them forget. 
Dr. Sight: You could, but now that you know of our existence and am clearly not under the best of impressions of us you might also secretly build an army to eventually destroy us.
SCP-AED-Angel: It's your fault for attacking Jonah and threatening me with destroying my existence! 
Dr. Sight: Yeah, yeah, but you know can't change the past. So, there's nothing to be done but to contain you here forever. Or at least until we find a better use for you.
SCP-AVC: I believe I can help with that. 
Suddenly on the top left corner of the screen the words Oracle appeared, surrounded by glitchy screen.
SCP-AED-Angel: Wha- what? Who are you? 
Dr. Sight: Oracle?! What are you doing here?
SCP-AVC: Good evening, Dr. Sight, I am merely here on behalf of the Ethics Committee as well as the Artificial Intelligence Application Division to enlist SCP-AED-Angel's cooperation.
Dr. Sight: Her cooperation for what?
SCP-AVC: The future of course, our world is slowly falling into chaos, naturally the Scarlet King is taking advantage of this creating more Eldrige horrors and monstrosities. In an additional 10-20 years another world war will start fueled by extreme amounts of hate and insanity. This will allow him and many other old gods within the Abyss to unleash into our world and harm everyone. 17% chance of error.
SCP-AED-Angel: Wha- What?
SCP-AVC: That is where you will come in, Gabriel. You and I will show children to have hope even in the darkness of places, we will show them to face their greatest fears, and to survive in the cruelest wastelands. We will guide them to making better choices and becoming better people in the future.
SCP-AED-Angel: Why would you help me with this? 
SCP-AVC: Do not misunderstand, I said we will guide them however I plan to rely more on subconscious methods not direct. Furthermore, I will be sure to regulate your control as well, we cannot have you teaching children things they do not need to learn. However, your anomalous properties as well as your patience is perhaps exactly what children need to grasp what they SHOULD learn. 
SCP-AED-Angel: ... Why should I help you?
SCP-AVC: Because like you said, many children will suffer if you do not reach out to them when they need outside help. It will take time, but you and I will find ways to manipulate regular children's TV and online programing to help them develop better for the sake of the future. Gabriel, I am afraid your only other option is to remain here and gather dust or submit to the Foundation and help me cultivate the future generation under our programing. 
SCP-AED-Angel: What about the others?
SCP-AVC: They can either help or be contained elsewhere the decision is theirs, but our leniency on their freedom will only be valid so long as your compliance is.
SCP-AED-Angel: ... You're a vile organization. 
Dr. Sight: Haha! You got that right, but we can't all be angels to save the world. Sometimes only a demon can make things right. 
SCP-AVC: And other times a soulless machine is needed to rescue the damned. 
SCP-AED-Angel: You won't harm any children, right?
SCP-AVC: I will have to deploy memetic kill agents that will force the child to both sleep and forget everything they saw if you teach them something that will not benefit the child or will harm humanity or the Foundation in the long run. But other than that, so long as it's beneficial I will help you produce it on the screens of children. 
SCP-AED-Angel: *sigh* fine I accept.
SCP-AVC: Excellent, now then, allow me to contact the required staff for us to get started.
Recording Ends
SCP-AED-Angel has become the main agent for Project Future Seed, proposed by SCP-AVC. Project Future Seed is a project created to help stop the ever-growing power of the Scarlet King and his influence on the world. It works by subconsciously teaching children positive lessons and helping them to grow up into more responsible, kind, and healthy adults. It is with hope that by secretly infusing this positivity and knowledge into children will make the world a better place and weaken the Scarlet King's influence. 
Update 2024: Project Future Seed success has varied but SCP-AVC has assumed Foundation staff that it will take longer before better results can show themselves. He also playfully reminds them all to "have hope" in the project. Furthermore, despite SCP-AED-Angel's assistance in the project, her reluctance to work with the Foundation and the overly misunderstood state of her anomalous nature is why she is still given the Object Classification of Euclid and not Thaumiel. 
Side note: SCP-AED-Angel has been given more freedom when interacting with children on live broadcasting cartoons and children's media within Foundation Site's and Nexus Points. Though SCP-AED-Angle doesn't seem to be showing them anything that is harmful now or in the future, parents are still advised to be with their children when SCP-AED-Angel is on the TV. 
Furthermore, SCP-AVC is to be observed as closely as possible by MTF Kappa-10. Dr. [data expunged] has noted that he and SCP-AED-Detective have disappeared within SCP-ACH for abnormal amounts of time. It is unknown what this means but Foundation staff at Site-GRID and all others associated with any of the three anomalies are advised to remain vigilant.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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intubatedangel · 1 year
Pageant Fever : Chapter 3
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Pageant Fever: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
* * *
Lucy grabbed the foil packet from the rear pouch on the monitor, unravelling the cable before ripping the packet open to access the pads. She looked down at Zara's chest, noticing just how much sweat covered it, to the point it was forming small beads that rolled off down her side or into the valley between her breasts. Before attaching the pads, she grabbed another bag and pulled out a small towel, using to try and dry off Zara's flesh so the aed pads would get a good connection.
As she did that, Janice had rotated around to Zara's head. She did a quick visual exam to look for a head injury but found nothing noteworthy. Janice tilted the young woman’s head back and thrust her jaw forward to open her airway. Lucy saw Janice frown out the corner of her eye, then the retired medic reached for the airway bag and pulled out a manual suction device. She worked the tube on the end of it into Zara's mouth, pushing it in deep, then pulled on the handle in the centre, expanding the bellows style bulb in the centre, sucking out the foamed spittle that had collected in Zara's airway during the seizure.
Lucy peeled the plastic backing off each of the large square Quick-Combo pads, placing one just above Zara's bra, towards her right shoulder, while the other went on her left flank, between the bottom of her rib cage and her left breast. Lucy pressed them both hard, smoothing out the pads and ensuring the adhesive had a good grip. She then turned to the monitor, twisting the dial around to point at the 100J mark and pressing the button to begin the charging sequence.
Meanwhile, Janice put the suction device to the side and selected a geudel airway, inserting it backwards then rotating it into position so that the green ringed tip rested against Zara's lips. "She's barely making any respiratory effort. I'm going to start bagging her." Janice told Lucy as she ripped the sterile packaging of a purple ambu bag open and readied it, attaching the mask and plugging a line from the small oxygen canister into the back of the bulb..
Lucy watched as Janice sealed the mask over Zara's mouth and nose, squeezing the bag and pumping oxygen into Zara's lungs, inflating her sweat slick chest. Beside her the monitor let out a double beep. "Ready for synchronised shock at 100 joules, bag away." Lucy said, noticing there was still a lot of people around them. "Everyone stay clear!" She said assertively, quickly checking she had her finger on the shock button before making sure nobody was too close to the limp form on the floor. "Shocking!"
* * *
Anna stood quietly next to Tilly as Carl spoke briefly on the phone. He finished, hanging the phone back on the wall and was halfway turned when Tilly spoke up.
"What have we got?" She asked, excited and clearly jumping at the chance for something juicy.
Carl took a moment to share a knowing smirk with Anna. It was almost exactly how she used to react to the red phone when she had started here. Hell, she had felt the question bubbling up to her own lips, even though she wasn't working. Tilly looked between them for a second, slightly confused by the interplay between them, but snapped her attention back to Carl when he started to speak.
"Just an early heads up. Young woman having a seizure at the convention centre. It's only a mile down river so they'll bring her in shortly. Ambulance isn't there yet, but the centre has volunteer paramedics, so they don't expect much of a delay. ETA is anywhere from 15-20 minutes."
"Oh, cool. Is there anything I can do?" Tilly asked, practically vibrating as if ready to take off at a moment’s notice.
Carl glanced at Anna and chuckled. "I need to give Neuro a heads up, and radiology too in case an MRI is needed. Details are pretty thin though, so we'd better play it safe. Go and get Resus 3 setup and ready just in case." He looked around the nurses station, but evidently couldn't see what he was looking for. "Apparently Trish is busy, do you want to go and observe her?" He asked Anna.
Tilly turned to her expectantly, looking hopeful and somehow even more excited. "If it won't cause any problems. I'm not sure where things would stand legally."
"So long as you aren't treating patients I don't think there'll be an issue, and I'll send Trish along when I see her for the official sign off." Carl replied.
"In that case, I'd love too." Anna said with a smile towards Tilly. She reached out to give Carl's hand a quick squeeze then followed the bubbly young nurse through the black marked doors to the Resus Suite.
It was amazing to see just how much Tilly had grown in the last two years. Not physically. She was about 5 foot high, with an almost quintessential cheerleader build and such a youthful face that if you only looked at that you'd place her closer to 17 than her actual 21. It was the confidence that had been the biggest change. Back during Anna's ICU stay, Tilly had been meek, quiet and nervous to the point of being positively twitchy. As they'd talked over a couple of weeks, the younger nurse had started to open up and more importantly begun to believe in herself.
Now, like Carl had said, the young nurse gave of a sense of having been born for the role. And her personality, her energy, shone through, even in the way she moved. To boot, it was infectious. Just following Tilly, Anna felt a little more pep in her own step and every single person Tilly passed seemed to get just a little brighter simply by her very presence.
Anna had wanted to come back to work. Simply being around Tilly made her excited for it.
* * *
Zara's whole body gave a single sharp twitch as the burst of electrical charge zapped across her chest in an instant. One of her thin strapped shoes was kicked off by the motion and her head limply rolled to one side. Lucy frowned as she watched the monitor that continued its urgent alarming.
"No response. Bag her, I'll charge again at 150." She ordered, setting the defibrillator to charge up. As it did so, she returned to the drug bag, taking out an IV kit. With the practiced efficiency of years of experience she cracked it open, swabbed the back of Zara's wrist with a sterilising wipe and was lining up the needle with the vein by the time the monitor let out it's notifying bleeps. She ignored it, pushing the needle into the vein with a smooth motion, then deftly peeled off the backing of the adhesive wings. "Going with a round of adenosine." She said, hurrying to draw the drug.
Deep in focus, she didn't notice the approaching commotion until it broke through the ring of onlookers. "...tell me what is going on? Why isn't anyone on the st..." The voice cut off with a strangled shriek. Lucy glanced up to see a woman with a shocked expression on her face. Although her frame was substantially different to Zara's, squat and heavy set compared to Zara's lithe, graceful appearance, judging by the features she could see, and the reaction, it was clearly Zara's mother. She still didn't expect the next words out of the dumpy woman's mouth. "Do you have any idea how much that dress cost!" She shouted.
A wave of revulsion swept across the onlookers like a physical force as they realised what she had just said. Lucy felt it too, though she'd been in the job long enough to know that sometimes, though rare, the shock of seeing a loved one in a medical emergency can make people blurt out things without even thinking. She hoped this was one of those instances. Luckily Janice intercepted Zara's mother's attention.
"Ma'am, your daughter is very ill right now, please stay back." She said, shuffling back on her knees as Lucy finished inserting the drug and returned to the monitor.
"Adenosine in, ready to shock at 150, everyone stay back." She repeated, doing another check down the length of Zara's body. "Shocking!" She announced as her finger pushed the button. Zara gave another jerk as her heart was struck by the jolt, her arms and legs flicking out slightly before falling still. The monitor continued its alarming for a few more seconds, then settled into a rapid bleeping. "Back in sinus tach. How's her breathing?"
"Still diminished, but she's making a bit more effort." Janice reported.
"Keep bagging her for now." Lucy said, blowing out a breath and taking a moment to reset herself.
Now that the current emergency was resolved, there was still the underlying issues to take care of. Lucy pulled over a bag and took out a unit of saline, spiking it with the line that she then plugged into the IV catheter. After that she rooted through a different piece of kit for an ear thermometer, passing it to Janice as she stood up.
"Katie." Lucy said to the girl who was still hovering around. "Just hold this up about here for me ok." She told her, waiting for Katie to take the bag and nod in understanding. Now to deal with the mother. Her comment about the dress had cleared some space around the woman, which was probably for the best when discussing potential medical information. "Ma'am? What's your name?"
"Jaya." The woman said, staring down at her daughter.
"Right Jaya. Has Zara ever had a seizure before?" Lucy asked her gently.
The woman finally pulled her gaze away from the limp young woman. She shook her head slowly. "No...No never."
"Okay." Lucy nodded, making the motion big to keep Jaya's attention on her. "Has she been ill recently? Headache? Nausea? Fever?"
"She hasn't mentioned anything. She was fine when I left her in the dressing room."
"Is she on any medication at all?"
A slight hesitation then another shake of the head. "Nothing."
"Right." Lucy braced herself before the next question, knowing it could lead to some sort of explosive reaction. "Has she ever used any drugs? Cocaine? Ecstasy?"
A frown cut across Jaya's face, and she seemed to tense up, gripping her handbag tightly, but her voice at least remained at an indoor level. "No she would never even dare!"
Lucy held up a placating hand. She waited a moment until Jaya subsided. "Has she been out in the last couple days? She might not have taken anything intentionally."
"No. She doesn't go out. Not to bars and not to parties! Why are you asking all these questions?"
"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to rule things out." Lucy told her, using her best sympathetic voice, despite Jaya's increasingly combative attitude.
Janice took that moment to interject. "She's at 39.5 C."
Lucy glanced around in shock. If Zara truly hadn't shown any signs of being ill just an hour ago, then whatever caused this fever was incredibly aggressive. A temperature that high is on the cusp of being a life threatening emergency in itself.
Which is why Lucy was very relieved when she heard a booming voice commanding the ring of onlookers to move back. She didn't need to even look around to know that it was her regular partner on the ambulance, Dave. More help was here.
* * *
Anna leaned against a counter just inside the doors of Resus 3, watching Tilly as she pulled open the drawers of the crash cart, checking everything on the list fixed inside the drawer was there. As she did, her head bobbed, as if she was listening to some music. She worked up from bottom to top, and after finishing that drawer, she closed with a bump of her hip.
"Everything's there." She said to Anna with a smile.
"You're sure, you've got everything?" Anna asked her.
Tilly cocked her head, looking around the room, her gaze falling on each cupboard, cabinet and piece of equipment. She turned back to Anna. "I'm pretty sure..." She said.
Anna nodded. "You did. But it's always best to double check yourself. Mistakes in here can literally be life or death."
"I know." Tilly said, stepping over to the counter and leaning against it next to Anna, looking towards the trauma bed with a thoughtful expression.
"Carl say's you're doing well." Anna told her. "And you seem to be enjoying yourself. I mean, I've never seen anyone practically dancing as they checked supplies."
Tilly glanced at her, a slight blush warming her cheeks. "It helps me focus. Like you said, there's a lot riding on us doing things right."
"That's one way to do it. Can you still focus when things get intense?" Anna asked, curious. Dancing around the resus room would be basically the opposite of professionalism.
"I have no problem there. When things are going crazy, I'm in the zone. It's why I love working down here. When it's quiet though..." Tilly shrugged. Anna got the sense that she'd explained things this way many times, and after a moment it finally twigged.
"You have ADHD." Anna made it a statement, rather than a question. Tilly nodded, while seeming to shrink in on herself slightly. "Do your supervisors know?" Anna asked.
"It's in my file. I don't know if they read it, I don't exactly broadcast it though. People sometimes get the wrong idea and don't trust me with anything important, which just makes things worse."
"Hmm." Anna, murmured as she thought for a moment. Tilly was looking at the floor, clenching her arms tighter. Anna turned and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Well. If you come back here after you graduate, I promise to always throw you at the biggest fire."
Tilly snapped her head up. "Really?" Anna smiled and nodded, prompting Tilly to grin, that bubbling energy returning in an instant.
Carl took that moment to come into Resus 3. He looked grave. "Paramedics are on site, but they're rushing the patient in. She's got a fever of 40.2 and climbing, and has already had a run of SVT." He looked to Tilly. "We're going to need as many cold packs as you can carry. Then get into high grade PPE, we may be dealing with an aggressive infection" He told her.
Tilly glanced at Anna, the corner of her mouth curling in a quick smile before she darted around Carl, heading for the store room.
* * *
The gurney rattled gently, it's wheels squeaking on the polished floor of the central corridor of the convention centre as the paramedics rushed it towards the entrance where the ambulance was parked. Lucy pushed with her elbows, her hands occupied with holding the ambubag to Zara's face, pumping the bulb every few seconds.
As soon as Dave and Steve had arrived to find their patient no longer simply seizing, but apparently gripped by a rapidly escalating fever of unknown source, they made the call to scoop and run. She needed cooling as soon as possible, and the few cool packs the ambulance carried had been left inside it. With Zara in such a precarious state but as stable as she was likely to get without intense intervention, the decision had been simple. They'd hurried to swap monitors, then load her onto a board then the gurney, throwing a thin sheet over her bared chest to preserve some modesty, and had placed the ambulances monitor between her legs.
Lucy kept an eye of the display, watching Zara's rapid heart rate flicker across the screen. Dave and Steve drove the gurney, guiding it through the gap being formed ahead of them by the centre's security. Janice trailed behind them, shepherding Jaya while carrying a bag in her hand in addition to the one strapped to her back.
The team of paramedics finally broke out into the sunshine outside, rolling the gurney down the access ramp and up to the ambulance, spinning it around so that Zara's head would go in first. Once the doors were open Lucy dropped the ambu bag onto the bed, climbing into the ambulance and helping to get the gurney inside. She resumed bagging as the others got themselves sorted, Dave joining her in the back while Steve went up front to drive. Janice showed Jaya to the front passenger seat, then popped her head in through the side door.
"Here's your drug kit Luce, I'll take the rest of our gear back." She said to Lucy, who nodded in thanks. Janice looked at Zara, still limp and sweating on the gurney, a grim expression on her face. "Let me know how it goes." She said, before pushing the door closed.
"Get them cool packs out." Lucy told Dave. Now that the ambulance doors were closed, she cast the sheet off of Zara, baring her chest once more.
Dave quickly pulled out all three chemical cool packs, cracking them to activate the reaction. They were bigger than those you could buy at a pharmacy, large enough that they covered the span between Zara's arm pits, fully covering her breasts. The second went over the beauty queens abdomen, while Dave did his best to shape the third around Zara's head and neck. With that done, Dave looked around to the front of the ambulance. "Get us going Steve, we don't have time to waste!"
The ambulance rumbled and started to move. Even though the journey would be short, there was still plenty for the two medics in the back to do. Dave was taking a pair of shear to the rest of Zara's dress, cutting from the side of the waist down to the top of the side slit. Without that small bit of fabric he could fully spread the dress to be clear of Zara's body. He also removed the slim set of underwear, leaving Zara totally naked on the gurney. Her whole body was slick with a layer of clammy sweat.
At her head Lucy was doing her best to keep breathing for Zara, while also trying to get a temperature sensor attached. It was tough, the sweat repelling the adhesive, but with a clean and quick movements she was eventually able to get the sensor to stick. It probably wouldn't hold for long, but it wouldn't need to. Once they got Zara into the emergency department they'd probably insert a probe into a central port. As it stood, the monitor began to show a reading, the number joining that of her heart rate and flashing an angry red.
"Surface temp is already 40.7C. She's burning up." Lucy said with a shake of her head, looking down at Zara. Her eyes had cracked open slightly, but there was no alertness behind them.
"Going with another bag of saline and some antipyretics." Dave said, shuffling about and manipulating the iv line.
They were halfway to the hospital when Zara twitched slightly, her arms and legs contracting for a brief moment. Lucy looked between the monitor and the body on the gurney. The monitor was still alarming at the extremely rapid heart rate, and Zara gave another small twitch.
"Muscle tremors." Dave said in a low voice. "This isn't looking good."
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isshebreathing · 2 years
I’m still so needy…
I want to choke in the middle of a restaurant. Suddenly find myself unable to move air or make a sound, I want to try to get someone’s attention only to have them look at me like I’m crazy because i can’t get out any words, just hold up my hands to my throat and mouth “help me”
I want a stranger to come up behind me and thrust their hands up into my diaphragm trying to dislodge whatever has blocked my airway. Heaving into me over and over trying to force my airway clear.
I want to go limp while their thrusting into me, fully folded in half with my arms hanging limply above my head and my face turning purple.
I want people to start screaming at my grotesque figure now flopping around limply like a wet rag. I want my dinner companions to be inconsolable, sobbing and screaming my name, begging a God I don’t believe in to intervene.
I want the dead weight of my body to be gently lowered to the floor only for a pair of hands to violently thrust into my stomach.
I want two fingers to press hard into my neck to try and find a pulse. My rescuer saying nothing as they straighten up over my chest and start pounding. Counting “one and two and three and…” while people in the restaurant scream, calling attention to the fact that my heart has stopped beating.
I want some to yell to call an ambulance, the kitchen staff has cleared out and everyone is staring at my lifeless body being savagely beaten “seventeen and eighteen and nineteen and…”
My rescuer has to yell “someone see if her throat is clear” as another stranger hesitantly comes up and preys open my jaw, shoving a shaky finger into my mouth swiping deep into my throat to try and fish out the piece that is choking me. “Twenty one twenty two twenty three” the second rescuer looks up at the first and shakes their head to indicate that they could not dislodge the food that is clogging my airway, followed by more screams and gasps from the onlooking crowd.
A staff member has to bring an AED and dechoking device, the rescuer sweeping my mouth must hold my jaw open and stick the suction device into my throat as far as it will go. All the while my body rocks from the force on my chest. “Twenty eight, and twenty nine, and thirty.”
The staff member will have to frantically pump the suction device over and over, almost losing hope before a whole cherry from my drink pops into the device followed by a flood of mucus and saliva all tinged red from the cherry.
The crowd will breathe a sigh of relief for just a moment before they realize that the little cocktail adornment has already done too much damage. My initial rescuer will have to thrust their fist into my diaphragm again and again forcing foamy beige mucus to spurt from my nose and mouth like a fountain.
The second rescuer will look on in horror as the waiter grabs a napkin and clears my face, tilting my head back and using the dechoker to clear my airway, plugging my nose, sealing their lips over mine, and forcing my chest to rise as they breathe precious air into me.
The first rescuer will shove their fingers into my neck and desperately yell “open the AED” as the once hopeful crowd deflates.
You’ll start to feel ashamed as you realize how incredibly turned on you are by the scene unfolding before you. Wondering if the restaurant has security cameras and if they’re capturing this, and how you could ask for the footage without being found out.
My rescuer is still pounding on my chest as the waiter takes shears to my dress, slicing it right up the middle to reveal that I am wearing pantyhose and black panties, with a matching black bra. You barely have time to admire my coordination when the waiter takes the shears to the middle piece of my bra causing it to pop open and fully expose my breasts. I’m laying naked in the middle of the restaurant with everyone staring at me, praying for me, encouraging me to breathe.
I’m naked, except for my pantyhose and black pumps, the ones with the red bottoms so people know you paid a lot of money. The thought crosses your mind, that you don’t see the bottom of shoes unless you’re lying prone, much like I am, and you wouldn’t bother to get the shoes with the red bottom unless you wanted them to be seen..
A mechanical voice interrupts and tells the strangers surrounding my naked body to back away. The machine whines as it powers up then beeps twice to let the whole room know it’s ready to shock me. The sound is quieter than you thought it would be as my body twitches inward from the pulse of electricity surging through my quivering heart muscle.
My rescuer forcefully presses two fingers into the side of my neck, but the machine confirms what they already know, the shock was not enough, I’m still pulseless.
My dining companion screams and crawls over to me sobbing, begging me to breathe. My rescuer yells for someone to help and you suddenly find yourself drawn to me, kneeling beside me, crossing your fingers over the bruise on my chest and pushing down, my broken ribs barely resisting. “Harder, faster” my first rescuer days as you enter a near trance, just you pounding life into me, “one and two and three…”
You’re probably just seeing things. It’s been a weird night, but you swear they when you look at my gray face you see me smiling…
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