rennisaturate · 6 years
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                         he’d been sitting out on the balcony all afternoon, messing around on the bass she’d bought him, deep in thought. he’d been wanting to tell her something for a while, but he’d been finding it difficult to find the words. jet could be good with words on occasion, but when it came to important things he always fumbled somehow. he could hear her coming in the front door and he turned to look at her. a grin instantaneously spread over his face. “ hey there sunshine, ” he called out to her, standing and bringing his bass inside with him to set on it’s stand.
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oswinrps · 6 years
Samuel was anxious. There weren’t a lot of things that could make him genuinely nervous, however, Barbara had always been one of them. Since they were teenagers ─ and after all those years it felt like he was going on his very first date again. He had to remind himself, of course, that they were not truly on a date. She was happy with someone else and he had made his peace with it (had he?). And even if she wasn’t, they would be back at the same place they were when he left the first time ─ he would be on a ship in a few months and she would be in land. They would both be miserable about the distance. Another person was providing something he couldn’t at the moment: stability.
Yet, his mind wondered at a slim possibility of future. He was only human, after all.
He fixed the peaked cap on top of his hat before he exit the car in front of the mansion. It still terrified him the idea of meeting her parents there, but he had to move over that if he wanted the feeling of closure. “I am here for Barbara,” he announced when someone opened the door.
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axhes · 6 years
“please try and stay out of trouble.” nox & susie
imagine trouble being your middle name
             --  every step you make, it followed you like a shadow.
“ trouble, psh? i’m the least troublesome person you know. ” a lie within a lie. hell he even knew he was fibbing on himself as soon as the words fell from his lips. though maybe that was acceptable, his tone was full of nothing but pure sarcasm. it’s all he had when traveling on tour with susie. sarcasm and his nikon. though he could not complain -- this wasn’t their first tour together, usually he’d tag along for the first half then fly back home to work on a project but this time around he wanted to see the whole thing through with her. 
“ you should have a talk with your security team. you’d think after seeing me consistently for a month they’d remember that i’m not some fan who snuck onto your tour bus and somehow ended up in pj’s. ”
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rennisaint · 6 years
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                          “ i need to take a shower, ” those were the first words he muttered when he came through the front door, sopping wet from the downpour outside and shivering slightly. jet was practically raised outside in the rain and mud, so it didn’t bother him much-- plus, he was used to it having grown up in a place where rain was the forecast nine months out of the year. the shapeshifter pulled off his coat and hung it on the rack near the door. “ i forgot my umbrella...”
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bengalisms · 6 years
— ❋ @advrn​ ;; hidden.
       He hated going to the palace. Amongst other things, the air of judgement always hung heavily in everyone’s eyes who watched him. His best clothes weren’t even as nice as the servant’s clothing. Rags didn’t quite capture the attire he had as he walked towards the guards at the main gates. Holes in his shirt, the collar stretched so wide and far it revealed more scars than he had wanted to. His hair, while it was washed and dried to the best of his abilities, still looked like it could use a hefty amount of conditioner to tame the frizzy curls. 
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       Being escorted into the main entrance, surrounded by guards, he felt so uncomfortable he had regretted not bringing something to defend himself with. Silence passes for a little bit longer as he waits for Jasmine. She had called him here after all, and he knew she would only do so if it was something important. Usually they would meet by the banks of the Taj Mahal. While she had seen his small home with the wooden boat pulled up on the shore, it wasn’t somewhere he liked to show off. 
       Poor didn’t begin to describe Caspian’s situation. And yet here he stood, inside the grand palace, feeling so much weight in the air. The only time he ever felt welcomed here was when Jasmine smiled at him. So he waited for that, nervously playing with the ruby ring on his right hand as he paces the marble floors. 
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hostilitics · 7 years
@advrn​ liked for a starter.
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— 。✧ “I want sex. I’m an adult, I can ask for that type of stuff, right?” Not that Katya’s sex life isn’t typically as healthy as it can be. But if someone were to ask her what exactly she wanted just before taking a long flight back home, it was at the top of her list. “I mean that, too. I want like, lots of it. I’m already covered with clothes and shoes and shit like that — just find me a man with a good credit score and no emotional attachments and I’ll be fine. Or you can just get me another pet and call it a day.”
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rennisaturate · 6 years
advrn replied to your post:                    i am cramping soooo fucking bad...
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rennisaint · 7 years
               in the deepest oceans                 lie the wildest ones                  the moon guiding us                   into the sun                i lay and sleep                 in deepest night                  take dreams and fall                   out of the light                understand, this winding path                 it takes me under, rips thru my chest                  love is abound, my parts of you                   please hear me out                    my earthly soul, is in your hands                 colors wave and crash                  surf me in half                   take pity, breathe and moan                    don’t leave me on my own                     your tears aren’t your alone                      my colors blend with yours                       we may never reach the shore                        drown me in your rainbow
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peachresources · 7 years
💕 I just want to say that I LOVE your resources and psds so much. Thank you for everything you do 💕
thank you so much!
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ddcjas · 7 years
advrn replied to your post: sooooooo if i were to stream smthn on rabbit at...
house party
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isolctions · 6 years
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BASICS NAME: zephyr brigham / zephyr azad LIFE STAGE: young adult ZODIAC SIGN: taurus ASPIRATION: creativity ( TS4 ) / super popular ( TS3 ) TRAITS ( pick five! ): childish, virtuoso, great sense of humor, party animal, socially awkward
FAVORITES ( you can add things not listed here if none apply to your character ) FOOD DISH: sushi COLOR: pink & yellow MUSIC GENRE: electronica / indie / latin
SKILLS ( feel free to only use the basic game ones, or add the ones from expansions if they cover things your character can do! you can put as many as you’d like, not necessarily all of them )
BAKING                ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ COOKING             ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ FITNESS               ⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ SOCIAL NETWORKING      ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜ SINGING                ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜ WRITING                ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜ GARDENING          ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜ MIXOLOGY             ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ HERBALISM           ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ FLOWER ARRANGING         ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ PIANO                    ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬜⬜⬜⬜
TAGGED BY: @armsdealing, aka the creator of this wonderful meme <3 TAGGING: @undersunrise @clssicluvr @axhes @advrn @altadcna @rennisaturate @flamepng @obscvne @hclfmoon + omg steal this & tag me pls!!!
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solaciummeae · 6 years
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So it’s been a while since I did one of these. I haven’t really hit any kind of milestone. I’ve been hovering around 115 followers for like two years. But that’s not really why I do these things. I do them because I’ve met some incredibly special people on indie and I want to recognize those people and tell them just how much they mean to me. So without further ado...
I feel like it’s obvious that you would come first. You were the person who brought me into this crazy world of tumblr indie five years ago now. I really don’t even know where to start. First and foremost, I love you. Without question, without hesitation. You’ve been one of the single most important people in my life to date and I’ve been blessed to call you one of my best friends for years now. 
You’re so incredibly special to me. You’re also incredibly special to this world. You’re one of the best people I know. You never cease to amaze me with your compassion and true goodness. I just have never met anyone quite like you. You’ve got this incredible head on your shoulders. Your attitude toward life, your perspective on the world around you. You just have such a uniquely special way of looking at things. 
You’ve been endlessly patient with me. And I’d know because you’ve helped me through the hardest times of my life. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you today. I really could go on and on about how truly special you are. And rare. So so very rare and precious. 
I could talk about how you’re also endlessly talented and how I know that someday people are going to know your name. But you’ve heard me say all of this numerous times. I could honestly write an entire book about you and what our friendship means to me. 
You make me a better person. But not only that, you make me healthier. And not by anything like pressure, but just by being who you are. You inspire me to no end and my life is forever changed because of you. Thank you for everything. Everything you’ve done and everything you are. You are truly one of a kind. I love you more than words can express.
You were one of the first blogs I followed on here. I was drawn in by your amazing characters and the concept of your blog. You were an OC multimuse which is my favorite flavor. And just from interacting with you the first few times, I knew you were so special. 
You’re like human sunshine and one of the most beautiful people that I know. You’ve got such a gorgeous heart and a brilliant soul. If someone had asked me five years ago if we’d still be friends today I would’ve laughed in their face. Because I’ve always looked on you in wonder. You’re way too good for me and we all know it. And still, you give me love and endless support. You’ve picked my sorry ass up off the ground so many damn times I’ve lost count. With your realness and your infinite wisdom. 
You give this world and the people in yours so much of yourself. I’m so amazed by you and everything you do. You’ve got to be one of the strongest women I know, you’re just so much more powerful than I think you even know. 
I love you so much. You’re just the most incredible person. I know your future is going to be so damn bright we’ll all need protective eyewear. Never ever forget your worth. You too, are one of a kind. The best kind.
@exxxquisites​ @deathtake​ @pescaprincipessa​
My Ami. My goodness. Going through my list of OG partners in crime. Exxxquisites was followed immediately after I followed Ash. I saw your blog and instantly fell in love with everything you did. It was close to my heart because a long time ago I’d had Emma as a stripper in a far off distant world. And so the whole concept of your blog just spoke to me right away. Your characters are absolutely incredible, your writing is infectious. 
You are so insanely talented, and so ridiculously modest about it. You are truly a treasure. For the longest time I looked to you as this untouchable god tier blog. I only dreamed about writing with you and being one of your friends. Likewise, if someone had asked me back then if I would be friends with you today? I would’ve been like naw Ami’s way too good for me. There’s no way in hell. 
But here we are. And you’re one of my closest friends. You too have helped me through so much. Whenever I’m struggling or going through something. It’s like somehow you have this innate ability to know that and you never fail to reach out and dust me off and help me find my way to being okay again. 
You’re such an incredible woman. And so so strong. I know you’ve been through your fair share of hell and you’re honestly just this warrior. I’m so incredibly blessed to consider you family. You light up my world in the darkest of times. You’re a wonderful friend and ally no matter what the case. I always know you’re in my corner and I can’t thank you enough. You’re just so special. Not only to me, but in general. I love you so so much babygirl. If it weren’t for you, I might not still be here.
Beautiful soulmate of mine. You know, I haven’t randomly sent you an inbox about how much I love and adore you in a long time. So strap in and get ready because I’m going to take full advantage. 
God, where do I start? You’re such a beautiful woman, inside and out. And there’s not a doubt in my mind that you can take on any challenge and come out on top. You’re such a fighter and so so strong. We met and instantly clicked. I knew you were special because of our effortless chemistry and that of our characters. That was back when you only had Caroline and to this day she’s my favorite of your muses. You know, the real Caroline Forbes. You should have that shit trademarked to be honest.
You’re my family in a way that most people can’t comprehend. You just get it. You get me. You know me better than most people do. You’re the kind of friend that everyone wants but doesn’t realize that they actually need. Your realness. Your fiery spirit. You just have such a beautiful mind and your heart is so precious. 
I love you more than I can adequately express to you. I’m so effing grateful to you for all you’ve ever done for me. For all that you are. You just have this way and it’s honestly addictive. We’ve done so many great things together as writers and I know we’re only going to continue to do that. You’re one of the easiest people to write with, you and your characters inspire me and mine. 
There’s just never gonna be another you that comes into my life which is why I’m so intent on holding onto you for the rest of it. You’re absolutely perfect. Please don’t ever change.
This is beginning to get incredibly long so for the sake of not making a post a mile long, I’m going to try to condense.
@theimpalpable​ @thewillfulones​ @elenaloveablekotsala​ @bloodbulletsandbytes​ @soulsunforgiven​ @mindsunmerciful​ @heartsunholy​ @cfneglect​ @arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark​ @warxpaiint​ @teaganbennett-irp @ariahmontero @samarariley @asheraxxx @sinfulhymns @theharpieoftroy
Those of you listed above fall into your very own category. You guys make tumblr such a joy. Having you on my dash makes this experience everything that it is. To each and every one of you. You’re so special to me. Whether we’ve been friends for a few years or a few months. You guys make this worthwhile. 
You’ve all got such incredible blogs with an abundance of fantastic characters. It’s been such an honor to write with you and interact with you out of character. You are such blessings to me and gifts to this community. You guys are the reason I still have threads to work on, on the regular. Without you, my life would be so boring and my writing experience on here wouldn’t be the same. 
You’re all special in different ways but the same in one respect. And that is, that I couldn’t ask for better friends or partners. Every single person listed above has been so supportive of me, not only in my creative endeavors with this massive blog that is constantly under construction that you continue to follow-- but also in general. I’ve had some shitty stuff happen during my time on indie and each and every one of you have come out for me on numerous occasions. 
Each and every one of your blogs is a must follow. You guys have no idea what you mean to me. I love all of you so much more than I can say. I admire each and everyone of you and am blessed to have you in my family on here. 
Thank you so much for sticking with me. Through the ups and the downs you guys have been nothing short of stellar. My God, I just love you so much. Keep shining like the very stars in the sky because that’s what you guys are. Beautiful lights that remind me why I do this.
And finally, to those of you who I either haven’t interacted with or don’t as much, but am dying to.
@bluclights @ofhexxedclaws​ @writteninthestcrs @darkestbeforedxwn @frombrokenplaces @powerlesstwin @advrn @camillelafaye @londonmob @fcrinas @hostilitics @telegion @daayaan @unrcvelme @cxrleonis @down-in-dixie
Know that I admire all of you from a far. I’m always impressed by what I see from all of you and if we haven’t spoken. It’s honestly because I’m too intimidated by your quality to approach you. But believe me when I say, I follow you because I want to interact with you and do every last damn thing. I’m just a baby bird who doesn’t know how to approach you. 
You guys have some serious skills and the things I see from you on my dash are pure magic. I’m blessed to be mutuals with most of you and I hope that someday extremely soon we will break the ice and start interacting with each other. 
Each of you bring something completely different to the table and I just love it. Know that even if we have never spoken I’m sending you every bit of love and light and positive energy that I can. You guys are absolutely wonderful. Take this an as open invitation to hit me up to do things. I’m so so down.
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bengalisms · 7 years
@manhcttan​             bitch i’ve been following this blog for AGES. I’m pretty sure I even followed them on their old blog too but i can’t even remember. Regardless, I don’t think we’ve ever interacted in character but I always read all of your shit that comes on my dash because wow i love so much!! You’re a salty mother fucker like me who remembers the “glory” days and the struggles of having an Ava.n Jog.ia FC. I think you’re writing is wonderful and you as a person are an actual gift.
@advrn                     L i s t e n  I adore this mun so much. They’ve seen me go through like…. 3 or 4 revamps of caspian and stuck with me through it all. Our ship is a godsend and your writing is a dream. I still day dream about our ship and I just simply love talking to you too! You’re such a chill and wonderful person and sometimes I genuinely question why you’d want to RP with little ol me and my ridiculous muse. (seriously how do Jasmine & Ali put up with him?). I love you girly! Thanks for being one of my faithful partners.   
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flxbber · 6 years
advrn replied to your post “hey, just a little reminder: i’m not a meme resource blog. ( i do have...”
<3 <3 <3
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