#advantages and disadvantages of servant leadership
waltervmurray · 1 year
Unpacking Servant Leadership with Author Kevin Wayne Johnson: Join the National Conversation!
Servant leadership is not about being a pushover, it's about setting an example and teaching others how to do the same.
In this video, author and servant leadership expert Kevin Wayne Johnson shares his insights on the topic of servant leadership.
Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy that prioritizes serving others, developing and empowering followers, and creating a culture of trust and collaboration. It involves leading by example and putting the needs of others first. While it may not be the traditional approach to leadership, it has been proven to be effective in many different contexts and can be a valuable tool for any leader who wishes to inspire and empower their followers.
Join the national conversation and sign up to receive Kevin's upcoming emails on servant leadership so you can continue to have a dialogue about this important topic! Virtual book discussion and signing with author Kevin Wayne Johnson Book title: Leadership with a Servant's Heart Literary Awards: Six in 2020 ISBN:  978-0-9883038-5-0 Price: $24.95
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Merit Based System
This is a bit all over the place. Sorry about that. I watched a show this weekend that really illustrates why I no longer believe in Edelgard's system after her support with Ferdinand.
Spoilers for Fire Emblem Three Houses CF route and Edelgard & Ferdinand's support and the show Segodon up to episode 8.
Segodon is a taiga drama that retells the life of historical figure Saigo Takamori a. k. a. the last samurai. This man was a brilliant politician and played an instrumental role in Japan's tumultuous 1800s where they overthrew the shogun and instated a modern government. The show itself is absolutely fantastic so far (though, I love anything to do with the Bakumatsu, no, that's a lie, there's some real shitty Bakumatsu anime.).
Like the real life Saigo, the fictional representation has a lot of "merit." As the show writes him, he has a high level of empathy for people who are hurting because of Japan's horrible, outdated systems and is constantly does whatever is in his power to convince the powers that be to back off a bit because their taxes and punishments are so harsh at times, his native Satsuma was at serious risk of starving its entire agricultural force out of work.
Not only is Saigo intelligent, but he's also tenacious. He "dares" to ask his "betters" to see the errors of their way, goes out of his way to try and get audiences with people far above his station, and does everything he possibly can to help everyone around him. Whether he's tackling problems with a larger system or a hurting individual around him, he's trying his best to make things right. And when people listen to him, things improve. People are also naturally drawn to his leadership and overall gentle disposition.
He's also broke.
Saigo comes from a very poor, very large family. So when the powers that be grant him an opportunity to travel to Edo (then capital of Japan), where he could get real experience, where he could start rubbing shoulders with the right people and find ways to gain influence, learn, etc . . . He can't. Because his family can't cough up 30 ryo.
No matter how much merit Saigo has, his upbringing keeps him from reaching his full potential. The top leadership of the area invites him to the opportunity of a life time, but even with an open invitation, he can't so easily accept it.
His mother, father, and grandfather had all just died (and this is a historical fact, at least) and left him in charge. The family went into even more debt buying medicine during various illnesses. There's younger and elder family he needs to look out for, a sister who he now needs to find a husband for, and a new wife on top of everything else. They don't have 30 ryo to spare.
No matter how much merit Saigo has, no matter how much he wants to make a difference, he can't. Because he was born into poverty, because he can't afford to step away from the family land or else risk running out of food in the winter. His merit isn't enough. You need privilege. And he's already got privilege in that he wasn't born a farmer, that he has the personal attention of those in charge through connections and channels his family name permitted him, he's already jumped over hurdles others can't - and he still can't take advantage of his merit.
A merit based system benefits those who have and punishes the have nots. All the rich kids with rich parents who don't have to think twice about spending 30 ryo and have servants to take care of the elderly and young in their families. They can take every opportunity so the gap widens even further. Even worse, a merit based system tells the people born poor, born sick, born neurologically divergent, born into an abusive family, born into a historically disadvantaged race/gender/sexuality/etc, etc . . . that it's their fault they're not at the top. That if they just "tried harder" and had "more merit" they could make it. You too could be a billionaire if you just pulled on your bootstraps hard enough, and failure means you didn't try hard enough. And, yes, this is very much happening in our culture today.
That Edelgard didn't even consider something as huge as inequality before starting a war that would kill thousands really shocked me. Her support with Ferdinand exposed just how naive she is and how narrow-minded her world-view and experiences are. If she's going to sacrifice thousands of people for her supposedly better system, I wish she'd put at least some thought into it.
I do not expect a Fire Emblem game to get hyper-political or into nitty-gritty details. Honestly, I wish this support didn't exist. If their A-Support focused just on educational reform or even Ferdinand cementing himself as a actual check/rival to Edelgard, then I'd be more willing to believe she could make a good leader. But, for some reason, they decided to use this support to show how little Edelgard actually thought about her actions despite the dire consequences of them. These details aren't needed. These lines could be completely omitted and let the reader imagine Edegard has the political know-how to actually pull what she wants off. But instead the game went out of it's way to show she doesn't really have a single clue what she's talking about, and I cannot fathom why. This isn't even touching on her admitting it didn't even occur to her that her actions would leave a power vacuum and would need to fill it (like - what -), but that's for another day.
THIS is why I can't get behind Edelgard. Because her merit based system isn't worth all the lives she destroyed in her war. She thinks her ideas are worth everyone that dies, but her ideas aren't well thought out. This episode 8 of Segodon illustrated perfectly why Edelgard's system is a house of cards that will do nothing but pat the nobility and otherwise rich and privileged on the back while blaming farmers and otherwise disadvantaged for their continued poverty because "lack of merit."
I honestly can't express how badly I wish these lines in this support didn't exist. It serves no purpose except to expose Edelgard's lack of forethought and lack of understanding about the lives of the people she's claiming she's making better.
But, yeah, watching this episode just made me think about Edelgard's system and reminded me again of the exact moment I gave up on supporting her war.
(spoiler alert about Segodon: all those people he kept helping scrounge together 30 ryo so he can go to Edo and leaves the lands in charge of his younger brother, and yes, he's going to go down in history, but also . . . prepare for a downer ending if you actually watch this (I mean . . . it's the Bakumatsu). I already know I'm going to cry my fucking eyes out and I haven't even meant this version of Sakamoto Ryoma yet)
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andrewroche99 · 3 years
Leadership Styles: Selecting the Right Approach for Most Any Situation
There are countless approaches to leadership. Heck, there are about as many approaches to leadership as there are leaders. Some favor Lewin’s leadership framework from the 1930s and others lean towards more modern ideas such as transformational leadership. There are also numerous general styles of leadership, including, but not limited to transactional and servant leadership. Nonetheless, building your awareness of the various leadership styles and frameworks can help you develop your approach and help you become a more effective leader.
Again, there are literally countless leadership styles from which you can shape your personal understanding of leadership. Thankfully, business professionals and psychologists have developed a series of archetypes that outline the main ways that people lead.  Once you understand these general frameworks, you can then develop your own approach to leadership. This, in turn, helps you become a more effective and meaningful leader.
In this article, we’ll discuss some of the more common approaches to leadership. We’ll also dive into some specific leadership styles and explore both the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Useful Leadership Style Frameworks
Let’s kick things off with a high-level overview of some useful approaches to leadership. You’ll want to make sure to pay attention since each approach we discuss can help you become a more effective leader. It is worth noting that your personal style of leadership will likely be a blend of the following. However, every situation varies depending on your personal preferences, the needs of your team, and the current situation in which you find yourself.
Lewin’s Leadership Styles
Psychologist Kurt Lewin developed his leadership framework in the 1930s. His leadership framework serves as the foundation for most of the leadership approaches that developed in later years. The gist of his findings argued that there are three major leadership styles:
1.) Autocratic Leaders
Autocratic leaders make decisions without conferring with their team, even when their team’s input would be of great value. This style can be useful when you need to make quick decisions, when there’s no need for input from your team, or when the support of your team isn’t required for a successful outcome. This style can often be demoralizing. Furthermore, it can also lead to relatively high levels of absenteeism and employee turnover.
2.) Democratic Leaders
Democratic leaders make final decisions. However, they rely heavily on their team throughout the decision-making process. These leaders typically encourage creativity and their teams are often highly engaged in both projects and decisions. Thus, team members tend to have high job satisfaction and above normal productivity. While the benefits are quite evident, this style of leadership falls short when a leader needs to make a quick decision.
3.) Laissez-faire Leaders
Laissez-faire leaders give their team a lot of freedom in terms of how they complete their work and how they set their deadlines. These leaders provide support in the form of resources and advice when requested, but they tend to remain relatively hands-off. This degree of autonomy can lead to high job satisfaction, but it can also cause a lot of damage if a team doesn’t manage their time effectively, or if they lack the knowledge, skills, or self-motivation to do their job as expected. Laissez-faire leadership can also occur when managers don’t have control over their work and/or their people.
In short, Lewin’s framework is popular because it encourages managers to be less autocratic than they might instinctively be.
The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid
First published in 1964, the Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid highlights the most appropriate style of leadership to use based on your concern for your people and your concern for overall production.
With a people-oriented style, you focus on organizing, supporting, and developing your team. This participatory leadership style encourages teamwork, creativity, and collaboration.
On the other hand, you have a task-oriented leadership style, which focuses more on simply getting the job done. As the leader, you define the work and the required roles, put structures in place, and plan, organize, and monitor overall progress.
According to this approach, the ideal style is one that has both high concern for people and high concern for the task at hand. The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid approach argues that you should aim for both instead of trying to offset one against the other. Naturally, this should be a primary concern for any effective leader.
Path-Goal Theory
The Path-Goal Theory, published in 1971, is useful when you need to consider what your team wants and needs.
For instance, highly-capable individuals, when assigned to a complex task, will need a different leadership style than a low-ability team assigned to a simple task.
When applying the Path-Goal Theory, you can quickly identify the best leadership approach based on the needs of your team. This approach also considers the task at hand and the current environment in which your team is working.
Flamholtz and Randle’s Leadership Style Matrix
The Flamholtz and Randle’s Leadership Style Matrix, first published in 2007, shows the best leadership style based on how capable your team is of working autonomously. It also takes into account the level of creativity required to complete the task. The matrix features four quadrants and each quadrant identifies two possible styles that will be effective for a given situation. Possible styles range from “autocratic/benevolent autocratic” to “consensus/laissez-faire.”
Transformational Leadership
The leadership frameworks we’ve discussed so far are all useful in different situations. However, transformational leadership is often the most effective style to employ in the business world. This leadership framework was first published in 1978 and was later refined in 1985.
Transformational leaders exhibit integrity and high emotional intelligence. These leaders also motivate their team with a  shared vision of the future and are known for their ability to communicate. They’re also typically self-aware, authentic, empathetic, and humble.
Transformational leaders inspire their team members because they expect the best from everyone. Furthermore, they hold themselves accountable for their actions. They also set clear goals, and practice sound conflict-resolution skills. This style of leadership typically yields high productivity and engagement.
However, it’s critical to understand that leadership is not a “one size fits all” thing. Oftentimes, you need to adapt your approach to fit the situation. This is why it’s helpful to develop a well-rounded understanding of a variety of leadership frameworks and styles. After all, the more approaches you understand, the greater your flexibility.
Specific Leadership Styles
It should go without saying that knowing about the various frameworks and what it means to be a transformational leader will help you become a better leader. However, it’s also helpful to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the general styles.
That being said, let’s take a look at a few styles of leadership that are of importance, but don’t quite fit under any of the frameworks we’ve discussed already.
Note: Remember, not all of these leadership styles will have a positive impact on your team, either in the short or long term.
Bureaucratic Leadership
Bureaucratic leaders follow rules as if they’re gospel. They also ensure that their team follows procedures with great precision. This is appropriate for work involving serious safety factors, or with large sums of money. Bureaucratic leadership is also important for managing employees who perform routine tasks. However, it is much less effective when teams and organizations rely on flexibility, creativity, and/or innovation.
Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic leadership resembles transformational leadership in that both types of leaders inspire and motivate their team members. However, the difference lies in the overall intent. Transformational leaders want to transform their teams and organizations. Charismatic leaders, on the other hand, typically focus on their own well-being and ambitions, with little regard for creating any sort of change.
Charismatic leaders may believe that they can do no wrong,  even when others provide ample warning. This sense of invincibility can cause serious damage to a team or an organization. We need not look any further than the 2008 financial crisis.
Servant Leadership
A “servant leader” is an individual who, regardless of level, leads simply by meeting the needs of the team. The term typically describes a person without formal recognition as a leader. Servant leaders typically lead by example. They also exhibit high integrity and lead with generosity. This approach can create a positive company culture and it often leads to high morale among team members.
Advocates of the servant leadership model suggest that it’s a good way to move ahead in a world where values are increasingly important and where servant leaders can achieve power because of their values, ideals, and ethics.
However, others believe that people who practice servant leadership can find themselves left behind by other leaders. This is especially true in competitive situations.
This style also takes time to apply when done correctly. Furthermore, it’s ill-suited to situations where you have to make quick decisions or meet tight deadlines.
Transactional Leadership
This style of leadership opens with the idea that team members agree to obey their leader(s) when they accept a position. The “transaction” typically involves the firm paying employees in return for their effort and compliance on a short-term task. Furthermore, the leader has the right to “punish” employees if their work doesn’t meet an appropriate standard.
Transactional leadership is evident in many business leadership situations and it does offer some benefits. For instance, it does a great job of clarifying everyone’s roles and expectations. Since transactional leadership judges team members on performance, ambitious individuals who are motivated by external rewards typically thrive. The major downside is that it can be chilling and amoral. Furthermore, it can also lead to high turnover rates. Lastly, it also has serious limitations for knowledge-based or creative work. This, in turn, limits employees’ ability to improve their overall job satisfaction.
Closing Thoughts
In the business world, transformational leadership is often the most appealing form of leadership to employ.
However, no one style of leadership fits every situation, so it’s helpful to understand a variety of
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astrognossienne · 5 years
hard aspects between the moon and neptune
Like I previously posted, hard aspects (squares and oppositions) between the Moon and the outer planets—Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto—describe the various difficulties in getting their emotional needs met. Here is how Neptune affects each of the different moon signs.
aries moon: hard aspects between this moon and neptune are usually advantageous. it gives a very piscean/virgoesque quality, since it tempers its self-centeredness with compassion and caring. these aspects are often found in the charts of those who fight for a cause or champion the oppressed. this native’s drive is likely to be applied to service rather than to personal goals. taurus moon: hard aspects between neptune and a taurus moon add to the sweetness of this moon sign, however, they also may add to its tendency to be complacent when it comes to life. it adds piscean energy to the chart and balances the taurus moon's materialism and sense-orientation. these aspects are useful for those whose work involves creativity, for they help these natives manifest their creative ideas. gemini moon: hard aspects between a gemini moon and neptune add intuition, creativity, and imagination. they're excellent for musicians and artists as well as for those whose work involves service or emotional healing. on the other hand, they increase the native’s lack of focus and interfere with concentration unless other factors are available in the chart to counteract this. cancer moon: hard neptune aspects add to its sensitivity, intuition, and compassion. they also may add to its depression, dependence, and emotionality. so, these aspects can represent either gifts or challenges. leo moon: hard neptune aspects to leo moon soften this moon sign's self-expression and balance its egocentricity, inflexibility, and lack of sensitivity. these aspects also may support a creative life work or one that requires leadership in the area of service or emotional healing. virgo moon: hard neptune aspects to this moon are likely to have been chosen to aid work involving service or healing. emotional healing may prevail over physical healing, but other chart factors will have to support this as well. these aspects increase the lunar virgo’s receptivity, humility, compassion, and intuition. libra moon: hard neptune aspects increase the its appreciation of art, music, and beauty and support life tasks relating to these things. however, they also add idealism to an already idealistic (and often unrealistic) lunar libra, which may create problems in relationships. they aggravate the tendency of this moon sign to see the beloved as immortal. however, these aspects may counteract callousness, coldness, or too much pragmatism in love relationships. scorpio moon: neptune hard aspects increase its intuition and interest in the metaphysical. these aspects may aid the lunar scorpio’s life task, or simply to develop the individual's intuition and insight. at any rate, these individuals are likely to have a depth of feeling few can match or understand. this could be a problem if other chart factors don’t offer some objectivity or if the individual is devolved. sagittarius moon: hard aspects between neptune and this moon are favourable for judges, lawyers, politicians, civil servants, and the like. they increase this native's altruism and desire to serve society. this helps to balance negative acts against society or a lack of social activism. on the other hand, they add to the impracticality and irresponsibility of this moon sign, creating problems for those who are less evolved. capricorn moon: hard aspects between the moon in capricorn and neptune are similar in effect to those to a sagittarius moon, but without the disadvantages. in the lunar capricorn, they enhance the individual's desire to serve society, while balancing the coolness and materialism of capricorn and adding intuition. these aspects may be just what the native needs to balance any rigidity or an overly rational approach. aquarius moon: these aspects to neptune make the lunar aquarius idealistic as well as intuitive. these natives, if evolved, may be creative geniuses or inventors. if devolved, however, these aspects can be problematic, since they foster impracticality and procrastination. the desire to escape into the spiritual realm or the realm of ideas can be strong. these aspects also may balance an overly rational approach to life. pisces moon: these aspects help pisces moons serve a life task that demands sensitivity and intuition. these individuals are often involved in nurturing or serving others, particularly the most needy and downtrodden. however, they may be escapist or unclear about their feelings, and they may even deceive themselves about their motives and feelings, which can interfere with getting their needs met and developing trusting relationships.
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customessaypapers · 2 years
Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends
Week 3 - Read Chapter 8 in Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends: “Now and Around the Corner” - ATTRACTING AND RETAINING MILLENNIALS Is Servant Leadership the Answer? Ronald R. Sims. (2019). Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends: “Now and Around the Corner.” Information Age Publishing. - Read Chapters 4, 5, and 6 in Cases in Human Resource Management - Matching Employees and Jobs: Job Analysis and Design - Recruiting Job Candidates - Selecting New Employees David Kimball. (2016). Cases in Human Resource Management. SAGE Publications, Inc. - SHRM (2016). HR Metrics - Feffer (2017). 9 Tips for Using HR Metrics Strategically (shrm.org) Supplemental Resources: - Chapter 4 "Recruitment" in Human resource management. Retrieved from http://www.saylor.org/site/textbooks/HumanResourceManagement.pdf - Chapter 5 "Selection" in Human resource management. Retrieved from http://www.saylor.org/site/textbooks/HumanResourceManagement.pdf - Vulpen (n.d.) 14 HR Metrics Examples - Schneider (2018). 11 HR Metrics every Manager Should Know - Sullivan (2017). Top 10 HR and TA Metrics - Juneja (n.d). Understanding Job Analysis - Juneja (n.d.). Role of Job Analysis in Hiring Practices - Juneja (n.d). Purpose of a Job Description - Juneja (n.d). Job Description and Job Specification - Albright (2021). New Ideas For Your Recruitment Strategy in 2021 - OVERVIEW This week covers three areas: - recruiting practices - selection practices - overview of HR metrics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is required: Part A: Recruiting Methods (Minimum 2 paragraphs) Discuss the different types of social media sites that HR professionals can use as recruitment tools. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using these sites? Make a case for which social media site you believe to be most effective to recruit quality candidates. Be sure to include an expert's ideas (with proper citations) to support your argument. Part B: Evaluation of Recruiting and Selection Processes (Minimum 2 paragraphs) Review some of the examples of metrics included in this week's reading. How can HRMs use metrics to measure the success of the recruiting and selection processes? List 3 metrics that you view as most relevant. Explain your opinions. Be sure to include an expert's ideas (with proper citations) to support your argument. Read the full article
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researchpapers4me · 2 years
Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends
Week 3 - Read Chapter 8 in Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends: “Now and Around the Corner” - ATTRACTING AND RETAINING MILLENNIALS Is Servant Leadership the Answer? Ronald R. Sims. (2019). Human Resources Management Issues, Challenges and Trends: “Now and Around the Corner.” Information Age Publishing. - Read Chapters 4, 5, and 6 in Cases in Human Resource Management - Matching Employees and Jobs: Job Analysis and Design - Recruiting Job Candidates - Selecting New Employees David Kimball. (2016). Cases in Human Resource Management. SAGE Publications, Inc. - SHRM (2016). HR Metrics - Feffer (2017). 9 Tips for Using HR Metrics Strategically (shrm.org) Supplemental Resources: - Chapter 4 "Recruitment" in Human resource management. Retrieved from http://www.saylor.org/site/textbooks/HumanResourceManagement.pdf - Chapter 5 "Selection" in Human resource management. Retrieved from http://www.saylor.org/site/textbooks/HumanResourceManagement.pdf - Vulpen (n.d.) 14 HR Metrics Examples - Schneider (2018). 11 HR Metrics every Manager Should Know - Sullivan (2017). Top 10 HR and TA Metrics - Juneja (n.d). Understanding Job Analysis - Juneja (n.d.). Role of Job Analysis in Hiring Practices - Juneja (n.d). Purpose of a Job Description - Juneja (n.d). Job Description and Job Specification - Albright (2021). New Ideas For Your Recruitment Strategy in 2021 - OVERVIEW This week covers three areas: - recruiting practices - selection practices - overview of HR metrics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is required: Part A: Recruiting Methods (Minimum 2 paragraphs) Discuss the different types of social media sites that HR professionals can use as recruitment tools. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using these sites? Make a case for which social media site you believe to be most effective to recruit quality candidates. Be sure to include an expert's ideas (with proper citations) to support your argument. Part B: Evaluation of Recruiting and Selection Processes (Minimum 2 paragraphs) Review some of the examples of metrics included in this week's reading. How can HRMs use metrics to measure the success of the recruiting and selection processes? List 3 metrics that you view as most relevant. Explain your opinions. Be sure to include an expert's ideas (with proper citations) to support your argument. Read the full article
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partyinthecookiejar · 7 years
Hard Aspects Between Neptune and the Moon
Hard aspects between Neptune and an Aries Moon are usually advantageous. They temper its self-centeredness with compassion and caring. These aspects are often found in the charts of those who fight for a cause or champion the oppressed. The drive of this Moon sign is likely to be applied to service rather than to personal goals.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Taurus Moon add to the sweetness of this Moon sign. However, they also may add to its tendency to accept whatever life offers. Usually they are chosen to add Piscean energy to the chart and balance the Taurus Moon's materialism and sense-orientation. They are also useful for those whose work or life task involves creativity, for they help them manifest their creative ideas.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Gemini Moon add intuition, creativity, and imagination. They are excellent for musicians and artists as well as for those whose work or life task involves service or emotional healing. However, they increase this Moon sign's lack of focus and interfere with concentration unless other factors are available in the chart to counteract this. On the other hand, these aspects may be just what someone needs to balance rigidity or an overly rational approach from former lifetimes.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Cancer Moon add to its sensitivity, intuition, and compassion. They also may add to its depression, dependence, and emotionality. So, these aspects can represent either gifts or challenges.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Leo Moon soften this Moon sign's self-expression and balance its egocentricity, inflexibility, and lack of sensitivity. They also may have been chosen to support a creative life task or one that requires leadership in the area of service or emotional healing.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Virgo Moon are likely to have been chosen to aid a life task involving service or healing. Emotional healing may prevail over physical healing, but other chart factors will have to support this as well. These aspects increase this Moon sign's receptivity, humility, compassion, and intuition.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Libra Moon increase this Moon sign's appreciation of art, music, and beauty and support life tasks relating to these things. However, they add idealism to an already idealistic and often unrealistic Libra Moon, which may create problems in relationships. They aggravate the tendency of this Moon sign to see the beloved as God. On the other hand, these aspects may have been chosen to counteract callousness, coldness, or too much pragmatism in love relationships.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Scorpio Moon increase this Moon sign's intuition and interest in the metaphysical. These aspects may have been chosen to aid the work or the life task, or simply to develop the individual's intuition and insight. In any case, these individuals are likely to have a depth of feeling few can match or understand. This could be a problem if other chart factors do not offer some objectivity or if the individual is undeveloped.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Sagittarius Moon are favorable for judges, lawyers, politicians, civil servants, and the like. They increase the individual's altruism and desire to serve society. Usually they are chosen to aid a life task involving service to society. However, they may have been chosen to balance negative acts against society or a lack of social activism. On the other hand, they add to the impracticality and irresponsibility of this Moon sign, creating problems for those who are less developed.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Capricorn Moon are similar in effect to those to a Sagittarius Moon, without the disadvantages. They enhance the individual's desire to serve society, while balancing the coolness and materialism of Capricorn and adding intuition. This is often why these aspects are chosen.
Hard aspects between Neptune and an Aquarius Moon are idealistic and intuitive. These individuals, if developed, may be creative geniuses or inventors. If they are undeveloped, however, these aspects can be problematic, since they foster impracticality and procrastination. The desire to escape into the spiritual realm or the realm of ideas can be strong. If these aspects were not chosen to aid the work or the life task, they may have been chosen to balance an overly rational approach to life.
Hard aspects between Neptune and a Pisces Moon may have been chosen to serve a life task that demands sensitivity and intuition. These individuals are often involved in nurturing or serving others, particularly the most needy and downtrodden. The challenge is that they may be escapist or unclear about their feelings. They may even deceive themselves about their motives and feelings, which can interfere with getting their needs met and developing trusting relationships.
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Ahn So Hee joined fashion magazine Marie Claire for a photo shoot and took part in an interview about her upcoming drama, acting, and more.  Ahn So Hee is starring in the OCN drama “Missing: The Other Side,” which tells the story of those who try to uncover the secrets of a mysterious village called “Duon” that is inhabited by the souls of those who went missing while they were alive. Ahn So Hee plays Lee Jong Ah, who is a civil servant by day and a white hacker by night.    Asked how “Missing: The Other Side” is different from other mystery or thriller dramas, the actress shared, “There’s a certain warmth to it. I think that’s what’s different. I only found this out while reading the scenario, but there are lots of unresolved disappearance cases in our country, and they’re all very different. Some of those stories are told in the drama, including stories of the lives of an elderly woman, a couple, a little child, and even a dog. As we solve their cases, I feel gratified and also moved. I like that.”  Unlike her role in “Train to Busan,” Lee Jong Ah is one of the chasers in the story, rather than the one being chased. Regarding this, Ahn So Hee said, “At the time [of ‘Train to Busan’], all I thought was, ‘I have to run, I have to survive,’ and just ran away, but now that I’m one of the ones doing the chasing, there’s a lot to do. I have to do research, go to the site, and sometimes show leadership and lead Kim Wook (played by Go Soo). I feel like I’m portraying a multilayered character, so it’s more fun.”    The interviewer mentioned that Ahn So Hee didn’t look much different from the way she looked when she starred in the 27 film “Hellcats” and asked whether she felt that her unchanging appearance was an advantage or a disadvantage in acting. The actress responded, “Sometimes it’s an advantage, and sometimes it’s a disadvantage. But I don’t try to force my image to be a more mature one. I’m always getting older anyway, and that means I’ll change. The time may come when I have to make a change, but I don’t want to forcefully bring that time forward. Later, I may not be able to play younger roles even if I wanted to. I want to do a good job of showing the characters that fit my current self while I can.”    She also talked about her recently-launched YouTube channel, saying, “It had been a while since I thought about having one. I realized that I had shown myself as Wonder Girls’ Sohee, the celebrity Ahn So Hee, and the actress Ahn So Hee, but not as the human Ahn So Hee. I thought it would be easier for people to naturally accept my acting in any type of character if they knew who I was in my everyday life. I started the channel with the thought of wanting to naturally permeate into people’s lives.”  At the time of the interview, Ahn So Hee had over 1, subscribers (over 16, as of August 3), regarding which she said, “I didn’t think I would get so many [subscribers] so quickly, so I’m in a good mood these days. I’ll keep uploading videos. By th by Korea Stars TV
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
How Tim Cook Made Apple His Own
After Steve Jobs’s death, Silicon Valley anticipated
Apple Inc.’s
AAPL -2.27%
company would fail. Wall Street fretted about the roadway ahead. And loyal consumers agonized about the future of a cherished item innovator.
Today, Apple shares are at record highs. The company’s market valuation is $1.9 trillion– bigger than the GDP of Canada, Russia or Spain. And Apple, now the world’s biggest company, continues to control the smartphone market.
It is a testimony to how a commercial engineer– a man Bono called the Zen master– has actually turned Steve Jobs’s development into Tim Cook’s Apple, delivering one of the most rewarding service successions in history through a triumph of technique over magic.
Where Mr. Jobs orchestrated terrific leaps of innovation, normally specified by new items capable of upending industries, Mr. Cook has made Apple more reflective of himself. The 59- year-old CEO, like the company he leads, bewares, collective and tactical.
Tim Cook, left, and Steve Jobs, right, at a meeting at Apple in Cupertino, Calif., in2010 Mr. Cook took over as CEO in August,2011
. Image:. Paul Sakuma/ASSOCIATED PRESS.
Mr. Cook’s Apple, numerous former senior Apple executives say, is a business colossus pursuing development by developing an empire of product or services around his predecessor’s revolutionary developments. Its success in charming clients in China has assisted sales skyrocket while its drive for effectiveness has kept costs under control.
Shifts from dominant leader to follower are hardly ever effective.
Microsoft Corp.
stumbled when Costs Gates ceded the reins and.
General Electric Co.
sank after Jack Welch passed the baton.
“ Rewind the clock to October 2011, and people were like, ‘It’s all over,’ ” said Mike Slade, a long time advisor to Steve Jobs and previous member of Apple’s executive group.
Apple, under Mr. Cook, has actually joined but not defined the reinvention of the smart home, tv and vehicle industries. And yet, the company has actually grown.
Since he started running the company in 2011, the year Mr. Jobs died, Apple’s income and earnings have more than doubled, and Apple’s market price has skyrocketed from $348 billion to $1.9 trillion. The company has $81 billion in money, excluding debt, and has returned $4755 billion to shareholders.
The business’s earnings report last week sent out shares up more than 10%in a single day.
After coming out publicly as gay in 2014, Mr. Cook has enhanced the company’s advocacy of personal privacy, sustainability and human rights. Those stances have opened Apple to criticism that the company doesn’t always measure up to its values, particularly in China, where it has ceded operations over the information centers storing consumer details to a Chinese state-owned company, bowed to federal government pressure to get rid of apps tied to Hong Kong protests and dealt with a provider that the U.S. government states used required labor of Uighurs, an ethnic minority group.
The company has actually protected its practices, stating it follows the laws in the nations where it operates. In China, Apple states it maintains control over sensitive encryption keys that secure user data and has found no evidence of forced labor in factories making its products.
Apple’s dependence on China also has tense financiers and thrust the company into the middle of intensifying tensions between Beijing and the White Home.
Recently, in congressional statement along with other leaders of giant innovation business, Mr. Cook said that he is “personally devoted” to improving the number of ladies and Black leaders in Apple’s senior ranks. Throughout those hearings, he likewise defended the business’s treatment of app designers, who have grumbled about Apple’s market power.
Mr. Jobs, who mainly rebuffed succession planning, tapped Mr. Cook to prosper him in part because, as Apple’s operations chief, he ran a division without drama and focused on partnership, individuals who were close to Mr. Jobs said. His climb surprised some outsiders due to the fact that– as Mr. Jobs informed biographer Walter Isaacson– Mr. Cook wasn’t a “item individual,” however associates understood the choice. Apple required a new operating design after losing someone irreplaceable.
Mr. Cook was a relative complete stranger to the innovative undertakings preferred by Mr. Jobs, and after the Apple founder’s death, he did little to alter that. Instead, he concentrated on a series of little actions that together are constructing a fortress around the iPhone: a smartwatch, AirPods and music, videos and other membership services.
The Apple Watch 5 in2019 The gadget has actually increased sales over the years as it included capabilities such as cordless connectivity and heart-monitoring.
Image:. David Paul Morris/Bloomberg News.
” This is what most individuals don’t understand: Incremental is revolutionary for Apple,” said Chris Deaver, who invested four years in human resources working with Apple’s research and development teams.
From when he took over in 2011, Mr. Cook followed the guidance of his predecessor: Don’t ask what I would do. He seldom went to Apple’s design studio, a location Mr. Jobs checked out practically daily.
” I understood what I required to do was not to imitate him,” Mr. Cook told ESPN of Mr. Jobs during a 2017 go to at his alma mater, Auburn University in Alabama.
Mr. Cook is described by colleagues and associates as a modest workaholic with a particular dedication to Apple. Long time coworkers hardly ever fraternized him, and assistants stated he kept his calendar clear of personal occasions.
Around Thanksgiving 2 years back, guests saw him dining by himself at the secluded Amangiri Hotel near Zion National Park. When a visitor later on bumped into him, he said he pertained to the hotel to recharge after a busy fall punctuated by the rollout of Apple’s most current iPhone. “They have the very best masseuses worldwide here,” he said, the guest remembers.
Apple declined to make Mr. Cook or any of its executives available. Rather, the business assisted arrange calls with four people it stated might speak to areas of importance to Mr. Cook such as environmentalism, education and health.
Though present and former staff members state Mr. Cook has developed a more relaxed workplace than Mr. Jobs, he has been likewise demanding and detail oriented. “We’re losing our commitment to quality,” Mr. Cook stated, this person recalls.
Mr. Cook’s command of detail triggers servants to enter meetings with uneasiness. He leads through interrogation, with a precision that has reshaped how Apple staff work and believe.
Mr. Cook looks over the new Mac Pro throughout Apple’s yearly Worldwide Developers Conference in San Jose, Calif., in2019
. Photo:. mason trinca/Reuters.
It drives a level of detail so everybody becomes Cook-like,” said Joe O’Sullivan, a former Apple operations executive. He stated Mr. Cook’s first conference with personnel the day he arrived in 1998 lasted 11 hours.
Middle managers today screen personnel before conferences with Mr. Cook to make sure they’re well-informed. You do not squander his time,” stated a longtime lieutenant.
In late 2012, Mr. Cook was absent when Apple’s senior leadership gathered at the St. Regis hotel in San Francisco to review an early model of the Apple Watch, its first brand-new product after Mr. Jobs, according to individuals in attendance.
Such a lack from a brand-new product conversation would have been unimaginable for Mr. Jobs, associates say. But as Apple continued to rake in record earnings, Mr. Cook started to turn his focus toward financiers who wanted to know what he would finish with an ever-growing pile of money.
Wall Street financiers consisting of Carl Icahn wanted Apple to return capital to investors. In 2013, Mr. Cook surprised consultants by accepting meet Mr. Icahn for supper at the corporate raider’s New York City house.
Mr. Jobs had not believed in returning money to shareholders, believing it was better to reinvest Apple’s money in building items. Mr. Cook was less dogmatic. He sat with Mr. Icahn throughout a three-hour meal, which culminated with sugar cookies shaped like Apple’s business logo design.
” I got the feeling that he would not mind me being there,” pressuring Apple to return more money to investors, said Mr. Icahn, a devoted poker gamer.
The company later on added $30 billion in buybacks, an amount that increased yearly to total $3607 billion in repurchases over eight years. The capital returns assisted attract other investors, consisting of.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
Mr. Cook greeted customers inside the recently refurbished Carnegie Library Apple Shop in Washington, D.C. in 2015.
Photo:. jim lo scalzo/Shutterstock.
Mr. Cook widened Apple’s required towards social causes. Among his primary steps as president was to introduce a corporate match program for charitable gifts, leading the way to direct contributions by Apple to the Anti-Defamation League and others.
In 2014, Mr. Cook met individually with Apple’s top executives and told them he was gay, previous associates stated. Apple was on stable footing at the time, with sales soaring of the just recently launched iPhone 6.
Associates state it was classic Tim Cook, an example of conscience balanced by a methodical awareness of advantages and disadvantages. Mr. Cook stated he ultimately wanted to be a role model for youths being bullied or fretted their households would them.
” I kept to my small circle, and I started thinking, ‘You understand, that is a selfish thing to do at this moment,’ ” Mr. Cook said during an interview with CNN in2018 “I need to be bigger than that, I need to do something for them and reveal them that you can be gay and still go on and do some huge jobs in life.”
Jennifer Aniston, Mr. Cook and Reese Witherspoon participate in the Apple TELEVISION ‘s “The Early morning Program” best in October, 2019, in New York City City.
Photo:. Theo Wargo/Getty Images.
Mr. Cook improved Apple’s board, replacing item- and marketing-minded directors with finance-oriented ones.
Without Mr. Jobs as item conductor, Mr. Cook has called on software application, hardware and design executives to work together, individuals familiar with the shift stated. The approach has actually shown his tendency to ponder and take care, letting ideas develop with less oversight than Mr. Jobs applied.
When hardware chief Dan Riccio was checking out the idea of a clever speaker around 2015, Mr. Cook peppered him with concerns about the product and requested more information, said Mr. Deaver, the former human-resources executive, who said he was briefed on the exchange.
Mr. Riccio’s group scaled back dealing with it, Mr. Deaver said. Later On, Mr. Cook emailed Mr. Riccio about.
Amazon.com Inc.’s
Echo speaker and asked where Apple based on its speaker effort.
Mr. Riccio’s team increase work. Apple’s resulting HomePod speaker routed competitors to market by about two years and has had a hard time to capture up, accounting for 5 million of the 76 million active clever speakers in the U.S. since in 2015, according to Consumer Intelligence Research Partners.
” Here’s Dan, who was utilized to getting firm instructions, so if it seems like a yellow light, then it looks like a traffic signal,” said Mr. Deaver, who said he spearheaded a job to enhance internal collaboration. “Then you have Tim, who is a processor. He likes to listen a lot. Time and persistence are his favorite warriors.”
What do you think of Tim Cook’s leadership of Apple? Join the discussion listed below.
Mr. Riccio didn’t react to ask for remark.
Mr. Cook tends to assess new product concepts with care, taking the position in some conversations that he doesn’t wish to launch an item that might offer inadequately and undermine the company’s track record of success, according to senior engineers.
” Apple appears to be striking on all cylinders, however beyond the hardware team attaining brand-new efficiency gains, there’s a stagnation and incrementalism,” said John Burkey, a former Apple software engineer and founder of Brighten.ai, a virtual-assistant company. He included that Apple’s strong hang on consumers who continue to purchase new iPhones masks weaknesses and produces a danger that they may miss the next advancement in technology. “Ask yourself what function of the iPhone you utilize that you weren’t using 5 years back? Do you really utilize Animoji?”
Instead of brand-new stand-alone gadgets, Mr. Cook has discovered success building items around the iPhone, with a watch, headphones and music- and TV-subscription services.
The items interrupted markets, with the watch out-selling the entire Swiss watch market in system sales and AirPods accounting for nearly half of all earphones sold global at the end of 2019, according to Counterpoint Research. Their combined income in the 2019 fiscal year of $245 billion was less than Apple’s peak yearly sales for the iPad of $32 billion, Mr. Jobs’s last item.
Mr. Cook questioned Hollywood manufacturers such as Brian Grazer to get more information about the home entertainment company before authorizing a $1 billion budget for a streaming-TV service, people knowledgeable about the meetings stated.
The initial services have dealt with criticism. Apple Music was revamped after its very first year, while Apple TELEVISION faced criticism that it released with just nine shows, an attack it has addressed by including movies such as the Tom Hanks The second world war movie “Greyhound.”
Mr. Cook isn’t rattled, previous members of the services team said, determining that over time, Apple will gain customers.
Even as he has handed over some product-development duties, Mr. Cook has actually stepped in more straight on political issues, browsing stress between the U.S. and China.
Mr. Cook first opened the China market to Apple by shifting production to factories there around2000 He leaned on that production presence– and the more than 3 million Chinese employees in Apple’s supply chain– to expand sales, signing a 2014 agreement with.
China Mobile Ltd.
that widened iPhone distribution to 700 million brand-new users. The deal helped turn China into Apple’s second-largest market.
Mr. Cook at a conference with Chinese app designers at an Apple shop in Beijing in2016
. Photo:. Wu_kaixiang/ Xinhua/Zuma Press.
In the U.S., Mr. Cook faced potential tariffs on imports of devices made in China– a risk that might activate retaliation by China. He looked for to protect Apple by giving both sides what they desired.
Speaking at a Chinese financial forum in 2018 after the Trump administration proposed tariffs, he championed free trade, saying countries that support it “do incredibly.”
The administration exempted Apple’s smartwatch from an early round of tariffs.
In 2019, after The Wall Street Journal reported Apple planned to move production of its only U.S.-made item, the Mac Pro, to China, Mr. Cook relocated to protect tariff waivers and continue production in Austin, Texas. He later on hosted Mr. Trump for an interview at the Texas factory where the president took credit for the plant– a claim Mr. Cook, who has actually slammed the president on ecological and immigration concerns, didn’t fix even though Apple had actually been manufacturing in Austin because 2013.
Mr. Cook and President Trump, with Ivanka Trump and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, visited the center where Apple’s Mac Pros are put together in Austin, Texas, in November,2019
. Image:. mandel ngan/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images.
Mr. Trump has actually called Mr. Cook a buddy, and in one televised meeting, called him “Tim Apple.” As the recommendation gathered steam on social media, Mr. Cook turned it into a joke, altering his name on Twitter to Tim, followed by an image of the Apple logo.
At the Golden Globes in January, Mr. Cook went to along with Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon of Apple’s initial program, “The Early morning Show.” He steeled himself as host Ricky Gervais joked that Apple had actually signed up with “the TELEVISION video game with an excellent drama about the importance of self-respect and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China.”
The joke highlighted the disconnect between the Apple Mr. Cook has actually promoted– a force for good in the world– and the Apple some critics see– a corporation focused on maximizing profits. Mr. Cook has pressed supply-chain audits to get rid of kid labor and promoted higher-education courses at Chinese factories.
Mr. Cook is at ease when he returns to Auburn, his alma mater, university authorities say. He keeps a low profile, frequently going to without informing administrators. He can be seen at a coffee bar in town, working and talking with trainees. He goes to football video games, often organizing his own tickets.
Auburn President Jay Gogue stated Mr. Cook has spoken about Colin Powell’s belief that management is tasked with moving an army from point to point, while leadership moves an army to where it never thought possible.
” There are times to be an excellent manager and times to be a good leader,” Dr. Gogue stated. “He comprehends that.”
Compose to Tripp Mickle at [email protected]
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from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/how-tim-cook-made-apple-his-own/
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nazeerjappie · 5 years
Managing Up: dealing with different management styles
Authoritarian – This type of leader rules with an iron fist. They are in charge of everything and manage all major decisions. To ensure you get along with this type of manager it is important to know that they hold all the power. Patience and tolerance are key in this case. Do not allow take anything personally or allow yourself to react inappropriately to their choices. This is the best way to improve overall performance in the workplace.
Visionary – These people are remarkably creative and determined leaders, however, their lack of focus may impede performance. Employees are then required to implement the ideas of the manager, but this calls for a good relationship between the employees and the employer as they need to decide to focus on one good idea and take that further, rather than having too many ideas that would put the employees under stress.
Transactional – The transactional manager has clear expectations for their how their workplace functions. They prefer to keep the relationship between themselves and their employees purely transactional. This means that they are not encouraging of new ideas from employees and prefer to keep things running as they are. The employee will need to be goal-driven and understanding; they should not let the strictly formal relationship with their manager bother them.
Paternalistic/ Maternalistic – Parent-like managers can have a number of advantages and disadvantages. It can be good for the working environment to have someone involved with each employee, but it can quickly get too personal. This is why it is important to know where the boundaries are in this relationship while still working hard and maintaining good terms with each other.
Servant Leadership – This type of leadership is more focused on the working individuals rather than upholding power structures. The very opposite of a transactional manager, this leader is caring and creates trust and good bonds. However, the manager may lose sight of the desired goal; this is why it is vital for the employees to be very focused on what they are trying to achieve. It requires stamina and determination.
Laissez-faire – These leaders offer little guidance as they believe that people perform best when they are left alone. This clearly means that there is a great level of trust placed on the employees. Employees definitely need to be able to motivate themselves into working hard and should not become too annoyed when not given direction, but instead try and inspire leadership in their manager.
Democratic – This is a leader who believes in fairness and gives everyone a voice to ensure the business is run in the best possible way. The disadvantage to this is that it is time consuming and possibly frustrating. For employees to perform well, they need to contribute equally and understand their role and what is expected of them
Pace-setting – The pace-setting leader increases productivity greatly within the workplace, but if standards are too high, employees can become too stressed and get burnt out. Very high stamina is required to meet expectations and perform well, otherwise it is the employees responsibility to let the manager know what they are capable of so that they can perform to the best of their ability while keeping a reasonable pace.
0 notes
jasoncontemp · 5 years
Business Studies: Task 3- Managing Up
In this task I list and explore ways of creating a more mutually beneficial way of working between myself (employee) and my boss (employer). The lists explore some advantages, disadvantages and ways of reforming the disadvantages to better the work performance from both sides.
Authoritarian boss 
Don’t take things personal- their anger isn’t about you
Improves your work performance due to rigid expectations
Take bosses weakness of driving people away to step in and pull in customers and clients creating work security
Micromanage- let them feel in control of situations you know more about
having understandings about stress driven work and anger, talk about arguments
boss should give reassurance of work being produced 
Visionary Boss
Provide a sense of structure of reaching goals and emphasis on practicality- cut out things and ideas, track ideas and dead ends
Focus on the details, know what is happening at all times – job security
Lots of opportunity to have own personal input, growth of self now part of business
very inspirational workplace 
keep team in loop of where business is going
balance a schedules of rigid work and thinking with open creative time
Transactional Boss
Creating time for creating a connection for a more worthwhile work space
Don’t take the disinterest personal
Create time to reflect on work achieved and appreciate the standard set
A limited creativity, allows for less structure to avoid rigid structures
Servant leadership
Lots of connections and networking created
Set firm deadlines for projects- some rigid structure for work process 
Create basic boundaries of work and connection making  
Boss aware of where work meets play and where coaching becomes controlling 
employee should embrace bonds created but being aware of it still being a workplace
Pa/ Maternalistic Boss
Lots of personal growth with constant support
Establish boundaries of work and emotional connections
Wanting more stern structure and feedback
boss should become coach in situations and allow for employees to become more independent 
Employee should voice concerns regarding overbearing nature of boss
no lashing out at boss for nature of control, talk about it calmly 
Laissez Faire Boss
Lots of creative freedom and skill; learning is intense
Allow time for motivational talks to promote good work
Skill workshops and sharing/coaching, more hands on time to time
ensure teams performing poorly are given the necessary motivation needed 
allow for an environment of stress free work and lots of motivation for high quality work
employee to speak out when a skill is needed in order to improve and produce satisfactory work
Democratic Boss
Feel heard which is great
Not everything has to be voted on, boss should take more responsibility with bigger decisions
Majority rules
All opinions and viewpoints should be considered before voting
create quicker ways of voting, possibly online
Pace setting Boss
Be prepared for hard work
Ensure your boss is aware of the work load
Take and encourage much needed breaks to avoid burnout 
set a basic pace of an achievable state 
boss understanding if work is not of the highest standard, allowing room for adequate work
ensure competition remains healthy and give affirmation to everyone, not just those succeeding 
0 notes
tarahutchjewelry · 5 years
9 Core Behaviors Of People Who Positively Impact The World
From Forbes.com
Look around you and you’ll see three kinds of people – those who hate their work, and complain bitterly, those who just tolerate their work and see it as a paycheck and aren’t looking for more (or feel they can’t have more), and finally, those who love their work, and relish it. The third category is a small subset of all professionals globally, but this group stands out because these are, most often, the people who change the world for the better.
In my work as a success coach and writer, I've had the opportunity to connect with people who’ve made a true and measurable impact in the world, including well-known experts, authors, researchers, journalists, scientists, innovators, business geniuses, and entrepreneurs. But among this group of world influencers there are also everyday people who have found a special niche in which they’ve contributed at the highest level.
It’s critical to note that people who’ve made a real difference aren’t all privileged, advantaged or “special” by any stretch. Many come from disadvantaged families, crushing circumstances and initially limited capabilities, but have found ways to pick themselves up and rise above their circumstances (and their genes) to transform their own lives and those around them.
Researching these makers, shakers and disruptors, and working with my own clients who shape the world around them in powerful and constructive ways, I’ve observed 9 core behaviors that set them apart – habitual ways of behaving and approaching life and work that distinguish them from those who long to make a difference but can’t or won’t find the way.
The 9 core behaviors of people who positively impact the world are:
1 They dedicate themselves to what gives their life meaning and purpose.
Thousands of people today don’t believe in meaning and purpose as something to discover or pursue in life. And others believe in a life purpose but won't take the risk to identify or honor it. Those with positive influence feel otherwise. They have found that there is a purpose to their life, and that purpose usually involves some aspect of turning their “mess into a message,” or using what they’ve learned (often the hard way) as a means of being of service to others. People with a sense of purpose are driven, focused, committed, and lit up from the inside - unable to be deterred or distracted from what they believe is the reason they’re on this planet at this time. This sense of meaning and purpose gives them inexhaustible drive and offers guideposts to follow along the path. It informs them of what they wish to attend to in life, and what they need to walk away from because it doesn’t support their higher purpose.
2. They commit to continually bettering themselves.
People who impact the world for the better know that they are not perfect. They understand how their knowledge isn’t “complete” – there are always gaps, biases, limitations and prejudices, and new places to go with their expertise.
Yes, there are powerful narcissists aplenty, but their influence isn’t positive or helpful in the long run – it’s damaging and destructive. Innovators who positively shape the world come from a “beginner’s mind” and a loving, compassionate heart – with an openness to see, learn, and experience new things on the way to being a better servant of the world.
3. They engage with people in open, mutually-beneficial ways.
Those with huge positive influence understand the power of relationships, connection, and engaging with the world openly. They’re not afraid to get “out there” – connecting with others, sharing their knowledge and talents, offering their authentic and often contrarian viewpoints and opinions. They’ve pushed beyond any introversion, shyness or reluctance to be who they are, and have learned how to relate well with others and build mutually-supportive relationships that catapult both parties to a higher level. They know that positive, supportive and authentic relationships are the foundational building blocks to anything and everything they want to achieve.
4. They invest time and energy not in what is, but what can be.
The people I’ve interacted with and interviewed who’ve made a positive impact in the world don’t settle for conformity. When they see something that agitates and disturbs them, they strive to know more, get to the root of the issue, research and understand the contributing factors, and arrive at new solutions. They observe gaps and mistakes in common thinking and behavior, and trust themselves in their belief that it’s time to push the boundaries of what’s accepted. They want to affect change because they believe change will bring a better way to live.
5. They embrace critique.
The most powerful positive influencers don’t need or want to be “right” – they want to grow and be more effective. For that to occur, they walk right into critique, and they embrace challenge. They’re not afraid to put their work out there for others to poke holes in. They are strong and confident in the face of opposition, yet know how to integrate constructive feedback to strengthen their work and ideas. They engage in open dialogue and welcome scrutiny.
6. They spread what they know.
We’ve all met authors or “experts” who keep their knowledge secret, close to the vest. They’re afraid to let it out for fear someone will steal it or make money on their ideas. This is the opposite of the positive influencer’s mindset. Those who make a true positive difference can’t help but share and teach what they’ve learned. They don’t see their knowledge as just some commodity to sell, as a meal ticket or a money maker – they see it as information that has to be shared with the world for its betterment. They believe their ideas and innovations are of use and value to others, and can’t help but share those openly, and teach others what they’ve learned. They live the universal principle – “the more you give, the more you get.”
7. They uplift others as they ascend.
You’ve experienced, as I have, scores of “leaders” and high-achievers who’ve gotten where they are by stepping on the heads and backs of those in the way. These are not true leaders or influencers because their power is a sham – it was obtained unethically and is shallow and weak, and can’t be sustained over the long haul. I have encountered power-mongers who were crushing and cruel to their subordinates and I wondered when they would finally reap what they’ve sown. Over the long term, this day always comes.
On the other hand, people who positively impact the world not only obtain amazing results in their work, but their process of obtaining these results – how they operate in life - is also inspiring and uplifting. They are happy to help and support others, and have an overflow of positive energy that enriches the lives of everyone they work with and connect with. These positive influencers want others to grow. They walk away from “success-building” opportunities that will be hurtful and damaging to others. They know that those unethical, demeaning or destructive approaches go against the very meaning and purpose they’re committed to.
8. They view the journey as the goal.
Positive influencers don’t take short cuts or go for the quick buck or easy answer. They don’t view some arbitrary goal or outcome as a destination, because they believe there is no end – it’s all in the journey. It’s about what they’re learning, experiencing, and building that helps others, and for that, there is no defined end point. They embrace failure more readily than others as “information” that guides them. They are more fluid and flexible, and more open to the “how’s” because their ultimate goal is not about upholding their title, income, reputation, stature or power, but about new ways to help and share what they know.
9. They use their power and influence well.
Sadly, it’s a common occurrence in business today to witness power and influence being wielded as a weapon. It hurts and destroys. Positive influencers use their power well and wisely. They understand the widespread influence they have, the power they have to build up and elevate, or tear down. Those who impact the world for the better are careful and judicious with their words, actions and behaviors. They operate with heart, and care deeply about their leadership and communication process and style, and the influence they have. They take it seriously, as a special honor and responsibility not to be flaunted or misused. They understand their special role, and accept it with grace, compassion, and care.
Are you longing to make a positive impact in the world? If so, do these behaviors match your own? How are they different?
0 notes
lettiespencer-blog · 5 years
EDU 465 Topic 5 Assignment Example of Servant Leadership
 Follow Below Link to Download File
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 At this point, you have begun to execute your service project plan. Either you have witnessed an example of servant leadership or you have been involved in an example of servant leadership. Use either or both of those examples of servant leadership as a springboard to your discussion on servant leadership.
In a paper of 750-1,000 words discuss whether leaders who practice servant leadership have an increased likelihood of being successful leaders.
In your paper, include the following:
1.     Description of a successful servant leader, including an example.
2.     Discussion on the advantages of using servant leadership
3.     Discussion of the disadvantages of using servant leadership
4.     Discussion on why you believe a leader who practices servant leadership has either an increased likelihood or a reduced likelihood of being a successful leader.
5.     Description of the servant leader activity you witnessed and how it aligns with the research on servant leadership activities.
6.     Provide 3-5 resources from the GCU library to support your claims.
Utilize the Task Tracker Template to execute the action plan while visiting the service learning organization of your choice. The completed Task Tracker is due in Topic 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
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jimmymas · 6 years
Why I Still Believe in Networking
This is an edited resubmission of a past blog. Why, you might ask? Because this is one of those issues (of many in the past) that I have addressed which needs a reawakening in the Body of Christ. We need collaboration today more than ever as well as an understanding of the nature of equipping in general. Overuse and under appreciation may be on the increase in some circles which have led to the retreat of seasoned voices--a huge mistake in my estimation. But it is the clouded misunderstanding of how to edify for the long haul that is most critical. I pray this message helps turn the tide.
I was fortunate in my ministerial upbringing for many reasons. But there was one that forever altered my view of our local church’s potential. My pastor and mentor grilled into our developing hearts that churches were never meant to be dependent or independent but instead, interdependent! As a young assistant pastor he led me to understand that the journey to relevance could not be accomplished alone since our tasks were never just local but global. That was in a church of barely 30 people!
That injection of purpose plus my own hunger for connection helped lead us to well over a decade of fruitful vision, growth and service to a network of churches and ministries that was life changing. That stream of churches and leaders was ahead of its time. There was unprecedented growth and expansion and yes, countless mistakes. In fact, that which got us to a vision-promised landso to speak, servant leadership—was the very thing that would topple us when it stopped serving the uniquely designed purpose! Yet, in all its missteps the existing status quo of developing ministries known at that time would be challenged and re-scripted in a way that would forever stay with me. It changed me, changed our church, and changed our world-view. I have always and will always believe that networking is still a God-idea and one that could still alter the potential of average-minded churches today!Here are some reasons why.
(1) Vision grows greater when there are “shared” values by those who are short on resources.There is no question that a combined effort increases potential and possibility. That synergy between churches that could not exercise such potential alone, offers advantages once seen impossible since resources and effort are multiplied!  There exists no greater example than when churches that are networked participate in world and crisis missions’ efforts—TOGETHER! Under-resourced ministries find themselves at a huge disadvantage of participating in life-changing missions efforts because they simply lack the connections, manpower, and management capability. Sorrowfully, most churches are relinquished to always offer “money” alone to already over-resourced ministries whoas they say,” can do the mission for them.” That is not a sin but it does nothing for the equipping or on-the-ground experience churches can use for their own building up! Our church was able to gain valuable experience by not just supporting missions but also actually doing it togetherwithin our established relational connections. Multiplied effort created phenomenal results on the field that we ALL shared together. What it did to our own missionaries when they shared their own experiences on the mission field with our people created a movement you could not qualify in numbers alone! To what end? A shared causethat creates ownership and relationships!!
(2) The Local Church (house) grows because it is connected to a greater purpose.You cannot minimize the effect a doable “group” vision has on a local congregation since hearts are tied to something larger than their own four walls. Our church grew not just in numbers but also in maturity simply because it saw life and discipleship on a much larger scale! Access to larger ministry equipping gatherings that brought people together created a crowd where a crowd did not exist. Shared value gets celebrated and grounded in conferences and retreats. More importantly, these times created support for real issues that are better served when the Body realizes they have others contending for the same things. Youth, single adults, marriages, leadership gatherings become so much more because it is a larger family context where all no longer see their own resource limitations but instead see potential!
(3) There is access to a myriad of Body-giftsand their unique manifestationswhich otherwise would be limited in their own house.The most invaluable bit of advice (and strategy) I was given when I assumed the leadership of our small local church was through my apostolic covering. Similar to a father taking time to express guidance for a son’s success is exactly what mine did for me. He laid out a game plan to have specific ministry gifts come in to speak at the church through that first year to help me forge growth. I simply trusted his judgment since I knewhe knew what we needed.It was incredible as each ministry leader gave us different looks at Scriptural structure. All of which would otherwise be limited in our little church as my team was just not there yet. An even greater blessing occurs though, because an apostolic leader knows that ministry done this way exposes those gifts to new expressions and serviceoutside of THEIR own house. This is invaluable experience that would be limited under normal circumstances since in most cases, they are what most people would deem “no-name” ministries. Many of these leaders in their own trans-local ministry experience, would get to meet some local church champions in our own church who were doing remarkable things. That in turn, would open a door for these servant leaders to grow further by serving in another context. Needs are easier to be addressed at the local level because the sharing of ministry expertise and anointing is greater. One thing needs to be noted here. We never freeloaded on visiting gifts! Even at that size we were taught to take up offerings and even budget finances to offset costs. No one ever went away empty-handed or even worse, left paying for his or her own sacrificial ministry! God always (I mean ALWAYS) honored our giving to these precious servants. Sadly, many today remain under-resourced because THEY UNDER-RESOURCE others.
(4) Opens mainline leaders to apostolic parenting that can care for THEM personallyoutside of name recognition alone but relationship.The care of leaders and their families is especially important to me and this vehicle of connection becomes a source of relief. The relationship can also open up for protection and additional strategic relationships that help houses cross new finish lines based on theirunique growth patterns. As it becomes obvious that everyone is growing so will the advice since it is based first on authentic care and relationship. As churches grow their needs also grow and the leaders who lead them. That helps when acquiring strategic voices that can assist in different seasons along the way. More than likely an under-resourced church nearby is encountering stress and illusion because they are attempting to acquire expertise from “experts” that have no heart for them specifically or even understanding of their particular season. Having a voice is one thing – having a true apostolic voice is quite another. Because of relationship specific ministry needs are easier to meet since there are many who are willing to do “favors” and sacrifices for a leader’s spiritual sons and daughters.
(5) And finally, who can question the value of shared joys and shared suffering amongst leaders and their churches.A brotherhood/sisterhood emerges because of the trenches of ministerial warfare. Many leaders suffer from treachery and betrayal in the ranks only to rely on the comfort of those who don’t judge them but instead empathize. There are many who have grown cold toward the idea of networking altogether because of betrayals or losses at these levels. But even those leaders would be willing to take a loss here and there as the compost of life when the rewards of such connection outweighs those losses. So many leaders confide to me the desire to return to those days of shared sacrifice, love, and yes, even battle. I experienced that first hand as a young leader when my wife and I were in the battle of our life for our toddler. Many of my friends across the globe prayed and wept with us during that battle all the while steadying our hands. I grew in confidence and strength because of those relationships. When God brought about a miracle it took the better part of three years to quiet the ongoing praying we were still receiving because the report had not traveled as fast in those days! Who can resist that level of connection?
I believe in networking and as a ministerial father by nature – I see it as an antidote to the multiplied losses and discouragement that grows within the Church’s ranks. Everyone wins and churches are strengthened thereby releasing people to serve in unique capacities that actually leave useful and long lasting fruit in local churches. That’s how my ministry grew because I went where I was called and served where it was needed. But my church grew because they experienced a relational network of leaders who would pour out to them in our church location but also in collaborative conferences. In those conferences they were able to hear fromtheirpastor in another setting which brought them greater vision. But it also exposed them to many more seasoned and tried leaders who actually cared about them. Maybe it’s time you considered and recalibrated your relationships for mutual growth. If we are going to see the church’s relevance increase in a troubled generation—we will need to encourage the use of what God has already provided.  
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cameronwjones · 6 years
Meet Four Speakers from EMPOWER NYC
This International Women’s Day, we’re hosting EMPOWER, an invite-only event celebrating women in business, marketing, and leadership. Here’s your chance to meet some of the amazing leaders who will be speaking.
In a recent study we analyzed event data from thousands of events over the past five years and discovered that the nearly 70% of speakers at events are male. In response, we decided to host an event where we gave the podium to talented women in leadership.
EMPOWER is a half-day event that will be taking place in NYC on March 8. Throughout the morning and and into the afternoon our 10 speakers will discuss creating a high-growth culture, modern marketing best practices, and the future of experiential marketing, and more.
Get to know a few of these speakers below. For more information on our speakers and content, check out the EMPOWER agenda.
Melissa Goldberger, Argyle Forum
Melissa is VP of Global Marketing at Argyle. She has 15+ years of experience in developing and executing innovative, creative and effective marketing strategies that increase engagement for B2B and B2C organizations. Prior to Argyle, she served as the VP of Marketing at the International Association of Women.
What does it mean to be a female leader in your domain?
For me, this means serving as a coach and mentor for the next generation of marketing leaders. Marketing is heavily dominated by women at the entry- and mid-level, but may don’t realize that the tables turn past the VP-level. I am currently the only woman on my management team, which also holds a lot of power and responsibility. Having to juggle family and work is often a challenge that I face. It requires knowing which resources I have access to at any given time and being extremely organized.
Diana Cruz Solash, Infor
Diana Cruz Solash is VP, Inclusion and Diversity (I&D) at Infor. She works with the entire Infor Team to ensure they fully value the diversity each person brings to Infor by equipping employees with skills and resources to team and lead inclusively; embedding I&D into the processes that impact the careers and sense of belonging of all Inforians; and engaging in the market through external partnerships.
What does it mean to be a female leader in your domain?
While I don’t consider myself special, I do recognize that there are still far few women of color in executive roles across all business and in the technology sector in particular. With that, I feel an extra responsibility to forge a path for women – and other underrepresented talent – who are coming up behind me. This means, investing my personal time to mentor, sponsor and advocate for other women’s success. It also means role modeling inclusive leadership by inviting different perspectives and ensuring equitable access to opportunities. I truly believe that opening the door for more women, and other underrepresented talent, to advance is not a threat, but a win for everyone. It’s been proven that inclusion and diversity leads to higher employee engagement and innovation, which leads to higher growth – and when the “pie” gets bigger, it gets bigger for everyone. 
Einat Weiss, NICE
Einat is VP Global Marketing at NICE, leading the company-wide Marketing and Corporate Communications strategy, covering demand generation, digital, events and field activities across all regions and solution lines. In the 10 years she has been with NICE, Einat has held several leadership roles that have defined and shaped NICE’s global marketing strategy and contributed significantly towards the company's growth and current stature
What does it mean to be a female leader in your domain?
This may be controversial but I believe that leadership can be gender agnostic. Throughout my carrier, I was, and still am often the only, or one of very few woman around the table or in the meeting room. I did not perceive that as an advantage or a disadvantage. For me, leaders are those that can define success and relentlessly pursue it. Personally, I am constantly searching for opportunities to learn, grow, influence and shape our business, and of course, exceed expectations.
I'd also say that being a leader in our industry means constant learning. I have been fortunate to have strong mentors, both men and women, that helped me nurture the qualities I feel are foundational to my own success.
Mita Mallick, Unilever
Mita Mallick the Head of Diversity and Cross Cultural Marketing at Unilever. She is a corporate change maker who believes corporations have a responsibility to make a social impact. Mita is a disruptive business leader who has brought her experience in managing P&Ls, brand innovation, and strategic planning into leading cultural transformation. She is a passionate storyteller who believes in the power of diversity to transform business and brands.
What does it mean to be a female leader in your domain?
I hope some day we can stop using the word “female” as a qualifier when we ask about leadership. I can’t recall the last time we asked a male leader to talk about what it means to be a “male leader.” And maybe when we have as many women in C Suites as men, we won’t be having this conversation. For me, I am working every day to exemplify servant leadership. That means having empathy, really listening and being available and present, and fostering and growing the next generation of leaders.
Interested in attending? Visit the EMPOWER website to request your personal invitation.
from Cameron Jones Updates https://blog.bizzabo.com/empower-nyc-2019-speakers
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lanceblogblr-blog · 6 years
EDU-465 Faith in Learning, Leading and Serving Entire Course
 Follow Below Link to Download File
 We also Do 100% Original and Plagiarism Free Assignment / Homework and Essay
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  EDU 465 Topic 1 – Discussion Question 1
 Churches are often called faith-based organizations. The Bible says that a person’s faith is evidenced through charity or acts of kindness (what James calls “works”). Should a church require its members to be involved in charity or acts of kindness to others? Why or why not?
 EDU 465 Topic 1 – Discussion Question 2
 Is it possible for a person to act in a way that completely contradicts what the person says he or she believes? For example, a person makes the statement that he or she is a law-abiding citizen and believes that laws are important. Yet this same person consistently drives 10 miles per hour over the posted speed limit. How does the behavior affect the belief?
 EDU 465 Topic 1 Assignment Personal Reflection Essay
This topic focuses on a personal examination of your faith. You will reflect on your own faith and how that faith affects your actions personally and professionally.
In a 750-1,000 word essay describe your faith and the role your faith plays in your personal and professional life. In your essay include the following:
1.     What is faith and where does it come from?
2.     Discuss the relationship between faith and actions.
3.     What are actions in your life that you believe are/were affected by your faith?
4.     Parker Palmer talks about people teaching “who they are”.  Who are you as an educator?  Who are you as a person of faith?
Include the citations for 3-5 peer reviewed articles from the GCU library.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
 EDU 465 Topic 2 – Discussion Question 1
 Warren’s reading in this topic is “Understanding Your Shape.” This idea echoes what is said about the importance of knowing yourself. What are things you can do to get to know yourself better both as a person and as a person of faith?
 EDU 465 Topic 2 – Discussion Question 2
 GCU is a Christian university that makes an effort to overtly communicate its Christian foundation and beliefs. How have you seen the Christian faith demonstrated through the university and its representatives during your time at GCU?
 EDU 465 Topic 3 – Discussion Question 1
 What does it mean to integrate your faith with your work?  What might that look like? How do you expect co-workers to respond to the integration of your faith in the work environment?
 EDU 465 Topic 3 – Discussion Question 2
 In Stueber’s article, Ken Blanchard states, “As effective leaders, we need to look beyond ourselves to a higher purpose and direction. Faith, more than anything, impacts the inner core of people.” What qualities of the faith inside you affect your leadership? How do you see your faith expressed in your leadership in your work?
 EDU 465 Topic 3 Assignment Synopsis of Service-Oriented Organizations
 The major assignment for this course is a service project to be completed in a community-based setting. In this assignment you will evaluate three local service-oriented organizations.
Write a synopsis for each of the three service-oriented organizations you reviewed. Your responses should be written in form rather than as a list of questions and answers. Each synopsis should be between 150-200-words long. Include the following:
1.     A brief history of the organization
2.     The mission and purpose of the organization
3.     The services the organization offers and who is eligible to receive those services
4.     Volunteer opportunities available at this organization
5.     How many people the organization served in the last calendar year
6.     Annual revenue and where the revenue comes from
7.     Annual expenditures
8.     Describe how the organization demonstrates its faith-based philosophy
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
 EDU 465 Topic 4 – Discussion Question 1
 Being a servant leader was modeled by biblical characters such as Jesus and Paul, who were equally as effective at being servants as they were at being leaders. Should organizations require that their leaders be servant leaders? Why or why not?
 EDU 465 Topic 4 – Discussion Question 2
 Which aspects of servant leadership do you feel you exhibit? What challenges might you experience as a servant leader?
 EDU 465 Topic 4 Assignment Service Learning Project
 Objective: Design a plan for executing the service learning project.
After evaluating three service oriented organizations, select one for which you will complete your service project.
This service project should take between 15 and 20 hours to complete. Outline your service project, written in 500-750 word essay form rather than as a list of responses.
Include the following:
1.     Name, address, and phone number of the organization.
2.     Your primary contact person in the organization.
3.     A description of your project that includes the primary goal, the targeted learning audience, and how the targeted learning audience is expected to benefit because of your service project. State your reasons for selecting this project and include how you will determine when your primary goal has been achieved.
4.     How this project aligns with research on servant-leadership.
5.     How this project will enhance/develop your skills as a servant-leader.
6.     Approximately how many hours you will need to accomplish your primary goal.
7.     3-5 resources from the GCU Library.
Utilize the “Project Plan Table” to create an action plan for executing the educational service learning project. The completed Project Plan Table is due in Topic 7.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
 EDU 465 Topic 5 – Discussion Question 1
 When working with people who are in need or underprivileged, is it more effective to connect with them on an individual basis or as part of an organizational objective? Why or why not?
 EDU 465 Topic 5 – Discussion Question 2
 As you have moved forward with your service-learning project, what is one unexpected obstacle that you faced? What is one thing that went unexpectedly easy?
 EDU 465 Topic 5 Assignment Example of Servant Leadership
 At this point, you have begun to execute your service project plan. Either you have witnessed an example of servant leadership or you have been involved in an example of servant leadership. Use either or both of those examples of servant leadership as a springboard to your discussion on servant leadership.
In a paper of 750-1,000 words discuss whether leaders who practice servant leadership have an increased likelihood of being successful leaders.
In your paper, include the following:
1.     Description of a successful servant leader, including an example.
2.     Discussion on the advantages of using servant leadership
3.     Discussion of the disadvantages of using servant leadership
4.     Discussion on why you believe a leader who practices servant leadership has either an increased likelihood or a reduced likelihood of being a successful leader.
5.     Description of the servant leader activity you witnessed and how it aligns with the research on servant leadership activities.
6.     Provide 3-5 resources from the GCU library to support your claims.
Utilize the Task Tracker Template to execute the action plan while visiting the service learning organization of your choice. The completed Task Tracker is due in Topic 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
 EDU 465 Topic 6 – Discussion Question 1
 Parker Palmer urges his readers to be people that strive to live a life that is not divided – that they live from the inside out and model their faith and stance in all that they do. Is it possible to live an undivided life? If not, why not? If so, what would need to change in your life to unify your beliefs and your actions?
 EDU 465 Topic 6 – Discussion Question 2
 Regardless of a person’s faith or lack of it, should a person have a philosophy of kindness that guides his or her life decisions?
 EDU 465 Topic 6 Assignment Ethics, Morals, and Laws Essay
 There are three sets of guiding principles that direct how people live their lives – ethics, morals, and laws (or the ethical, the moral, and the legal). Recently, the lines between the three sets of principles have become blurred. Often, people no longer can tell the difference between morals and ethics. Many companies have a Code of Ethics that is enforced through negative consequences in much the same way laws are enforced making ethical behavior mandated by law.
In this assignment, you will discuss the similarities and differences between ethics, morals, and laws, and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having the lines between those principles blurred.
In a paper of 500-750 words discuss the roles ethics, morals, and laws play in people’s lives. In your paper include the following:
1.     A definition of ethics
2.     A definition of morals
3.     A definition of laws
4.     Compare the roles ethics, morals, and laws play in people’s lives.
5.     Explore the advantages and disadvantages of having the distinction between ethics, morals, and laws blurred.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
 EDU 465 Topic 7 – Discussion Question 1
 When you began your service-learning project, you had certain goals. How do the outcomes of your project compare with the goals you had when you began the project? Did your project turn out better, worse, or about the same as you thought it would? Why?
 EDU 465 Topic 7 – Discussion Question 2
 How has completing the service-learning project changed your views of contributing to charitable organizations? Are you more or less likely to contribute to a charitable organization in the future? Why or why not?
 EDU 465 Topic 7 Assignment Capstone Assignment
 When this course began, you were directed to identify, plan, execute, and evaluate an educational service learning project in a non-traditional community-based setting that does not require licensure/certification. In previous topics you identified, planned, and executed your project.
In this assignment you will evaluate your service learning project and reflect on the learning that took place.
Write a reflective essay of 750-1,000 words in which you look back on the completed project.
Include the following in your reflection:
1.     The name of the organization in which you executed your plan and what factors led you to conduct your service project in that organization
2.     As a result of doing this project, are you more likely or less likely to donate money and/or time to this or other charitable organizations. Why?
3.     Discuss how this project involved being a Servant Leader, either on your part or on the part of someone you observed.
4.     What did you learn about your calling to be an educator?
5.     The Greeks are credited with coining the phrase “know thyself.” In  keeping with this expression, what did you learn about yourself as a person and as a leader as a result of doing this project?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
 Project Wrap Up! Project Plan Table
Submit the completed Project Plan Table.
 EDU 465 Topic 8 – Discussion Question 1
 Do you believe that a faith-based decision making process can be used to guide all of your life’s decisions? Why or why not?
 EDU 465 Topic 8 – Discussion Question 2
 Does a leader who uses faith to guide his or her decision making process have an increased or decreased chance of being a successful leader? Why do you believe that?
 EDU 465 Topic 8 Assignment Task Wrap Up! Task Tracker Template
 Submit the completed Task Tracker Template.
 EDU465_Task Tracker Template.doc
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