purplebass · 14 days
Watch Holland and Kell completely misunderstand the meaning of the word shipping
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(profile pics credit: @/lasq.draws on IG)
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starsailores · 9 months
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he makes me better (:
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antaripirate · 2 years
for some reason my spidey senses are telling me we might get some Threads news within the next week???
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my-ruthless-zoyalai · 11 months
hey tumblr i need some help
i’m working on this random one-shot ADSOM college au but I need help deciding people’s majors
rhy - theater
lila - ?
kell - ?
alucard - ?
i’m not including holland because this is a very self indulgent one shot and in an ideal world holland goes to a different university
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badassbutterfly1987 · 1 month
For the truth or dare game if it strikes your fancy: post a bit of lore you've never posted any Adsom verse you'd like.
For daemon au, stuff that will probably show up in the Kell chapter whenever I get back to You, Me, Us.
As one would expect, Red London and White London view daemons differently. Grey London is generally the same as in His Dark Materials.
In Red London:
Close bonds between human and daemon, like an animal best friend that is also you, a moral guide as you live. daemons are direct extensions of yourself and a measure of your character. For example, foxes and rats are clever but have a shifty reputation, so people with such daemons are going to be looked at with wariness. Especially common in the upper classes.
to speak to a daemon in place of the person is considered incredibly rude, though common enough among family or close friends. but to ignore a daemon's presence or input is equally bad.
daemons typically settle around 12-15, typically because of puberty. can happen earlier or later depending on trauma (Kell being set up as Rhy's protector would have caused him to settle earlier if he wasn't Antari). though it doesn't happen often, an adult's daemon can change form if they undergo a life-altering experience (similar thing in White London)
they're wary of Antari daemons because their forms don't settle but that wariness is softened by magic/theology. of course Antari don't settle, they're more powerful and more complex than regular humans, they're as fluid and unsettling as their magic!
when talking about/to someone, you usually refer to them as human and daemon (ex. "hello, Kell and Rona"). There are separate Arnesian pronouns for the self depending on who is speaking/spoken to: ex. Kell, Rona, or Kell-and-Rona.
In White London:
daemons are your soul but like the lesser chunk of yourself. Necessary but sometimes inconvenient, a living sign of your strength or weakness, the pieces of your consciousness that you can't ignore but can't always afford to listen to.
daemons tend to settle at an earlier age, especially if a child is left completely alone or needs to take responsibility for a younger child. the forms aren't necessarily what most fits their personality, so much as what they feel they need to be. Hence a lot of predators and scavengers, very few can afford to present as prey.
they're wary of Antari daemons because their forms don't settle. if a person doesn't settle then their form can't tell you anything about them. and if you can't understand something, then you can't trust it. it marks them as wrong and unnatural even as it marks their power, as something bordering on abomination
when introducing themselves/talking about others, it's human name-daemon name (ex. Holland-Inga); this is if the daemon's name is mentioned or known at all.
there are two Makhtan pronoun for the self. it can be used to refer to the human half or the human-daemon as a person; the daemon doesn't really have its own pronoun because their chunk of selfhood is too tied into being the human's extension.
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nightbloom7reads · 1 year
Getting to know you
Thank you so much for the tag, lovely @starsoforionwrites!
Three ships: Dramione, Lila Bard /Kell Maresh from ADSOM and Kanej. What do you mean, that's too many dangerous women? That sounds like a you problem.
First ship: Destiel, I think, back when DrWhoLock was a thing. I'm showing my age!
Last Song: Drumming Song - Florence And The Machine.
Last Movie: Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3. Not my choice, I rather wish I could scrub it out of my brain and get those two and a half hours back.
Currently Reading: Antinomian by @starsoforionwrites (I have a few chapters to catch up on, best feeling!), The Dark Vault by VE Schwab, A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland and Three Assassins by Kotaro Isaka on audiobook.
Currently Watching: What We Do In The Shadows season 5.
Last thing I wrote: Scary Partner Privilege (epilogue will go up this week, Friday or earlier).
Currently writing: a Robin-Hood inspired Mediaeval AU (multi-chapter), a one shot about parallel universes, and a one-shot about opening an enchanted lingerie store and feminism. Dramione, all.
Tagging @maimaktes
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sakusqs · 6 years
characters: akaashi keiji, sakusa kiyoomi
genre: fantasy, a darker shade of magic!au
tw: blood
first chapter snippet of the bokuaka magic!au i’ve been itching to write for the last couple of months. why i’m posting it up is because i’m just really curious if people are interested in this type of au. the fantasy world i’m basing this on is from v.e. schwab’s a darker shade of magic. i instantly fell in love with the concept and i hope you do too, dear readers. i know i said it’s bokuaka but for now, please enjoy some sakuaka friendship 💕
The old man turned to stone in a single heartbeat.
Akaashi Keiji drew his hand away—still bleeding from the self-inflicted cut on his palm—and stared down at the man’s statue with not much remorse. The man was lying down on his wooden cot, blanket pulled to his waist and his hands held up in defense. He wore an expression caught between surprise and rage as he gazed up at Keiji with eyes that spoke of hurt, betrayal. Keiji supposed he should feel more rueful or sympathetic, but he didn’t; that was worrying.
“Kiyoomi,” Keiji called out, turning around. “This man better have done a terrible crime, or I would’ve taken his life for nothing.”
But there was no one there to reply to his remark. He was sure the prince had been standing behind him moments before, silently observing, but Keiji now stood alone in the small, dark bedroom. He sighed, his lips curving downward in annoyance—it was one thing to do Kiyoomi’s job for him, but to be left alone without warning while he did them was below the belt. Keiji made to turn on his heels but paused to look back down to the statue.
“Almost forgot,” he muttered lowly before placing his bleeding palm on the man’s arm. “As Steno.”
The statue cracked into thousands of shards once the command rolled of his tongue; the rocks falling onto the cot and some rolling to the floor with a thud. Without a second glance, Keiji turned around and stalked towards the open door from where he had come.
The man lived in a simple cottage sitting between the the edge of the city and Silver Wood. From the quick scout they had done right before the task, the small residence only had one floor divided into three rooms—bedroom, study, and living space. He entered the latter now, the room bare save for an unlit fireplace on one wall and a worn-down settee situated in front of it, but no Sakusa Kiyoomi on sight. He doubted that his friend would venture out into the cold winter night, and so, that only left one place to look.
“Your Highness,” Keiji raised his voice, his feet already striding towards the open door on the other side of the room. “Bold of you to pry on a dead man’s belongings.”
“To be fair,” a muffled voice finally spoke up from inside the study. “He wasn’t dead just yet when I went inside.”
Keiji stopped by the wooden door and raised a brow at the young prince standing over a desk with papers in hand. Sakusa Kiyoomi raised his head at his appearance, his raven curls shifting out of his eyes to reveal not only the dark brown of his left eye, but the solid black of his right. A black that ran to the edges and swallowed both the white and the iris. It was a mark that struck fear to anyone who spots it. It was a mark of power. It was a mark of a blood magician—of an Antari.
It was a mark that blemished Keiji’s left eye.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
I've been missing Kell and Holland a lot, could we have a drabble about them? Maybe one in The Coffee Shop AU, it's so cute?
Kell has been sitting here with his slowly cooling flat white for an hour now. He has the textbook open in front of him. His hand grips a pen. The notebook is there, neatly labeled for subject and pages he has been assigned to study.
He has been reading the same paragraph for an hour now and he still has no idea what it says.
What he does know, though, is that Holland Vosijk did not shave today.
The grad student he absolutely does not have a crush on is in his usual chair across the room, his own eyes shifting from left to right as he reads. He's deep in whatever it is - Kell read the title when he came in and he can't remember that, either. He never looks up.
It makes it easy for Kell to take in what he's wearing and not look like the absolute creep he absolutely is.
He goes to pick up his drink and, eyes still on the way the stubble shadows Holland's jaw and softens its cut-glass edges, he knocks the backs of his knuckles against the ceramic.
He gasps, but he isn't fast enough to stop the mug from crashing to the floor. The shattering ceramic seems impossibly loud.
The soft din of conversation goes briefly silent.
Someone applauds.
Kell's face burns with humiliation and he drops into a crouch, ducking his chin.
"Shut up."
Kell goes suddenly still. He slowly looks up to find Holland has closed his book and stood, glaring daggers at the offending man, who drops his hands back to his lip, startled.
Kell might actually blush harder. He feels light-headed, anyway. Holland heads his direction, wearing heavy boots and old jeans and he looks like he was poured into them, which definitely can't be fair-
"Do you need some help?" He asks, crouching across from Kell, picking up a broken shard. He drops it into Kell's palm with the others. "Are you hurt?"
"Uh. No, no, I'm fine, just... stupid."
"Human," Holland corrects. "You're human. I've seen you around campus before. You're... Kevin?"
"Kell. Kell Maresh."
"Kell Maresh." The corner of Holland's mouth quirks in a slight smile. "I'll remember that."
Half of Kell feels like it's just him being polite. The other half thinks Sanct, I hope so.
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purplebass · 1 month
I was thinking how people from different Londons smell different to another person (like Kell smelling like flowers or Lila smelling like smoke) and I think if you ever meet me in person I would probably smell like rotten eggs or fireworks because of the sulfur coming out of the geysers lmao
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starsailores · 1 year
girl help i can feel the bones hyperfixation coming back
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Hogwarts Houses au with the adsom gang
Kell: Ravenclaw. Definitely. All those trinkets he collected for no other reason than he wanted to have them? Literally going against direct orders to get all of them? Always trying to think rationally and logically? Learning so much about magic? Being pessimistic? Ravenclaw.
Lila: Slytherin- my girl is the DEFINITION of ambition, like she followed a guy who had every reason to intensely dislike her on a trip she isn't sure she'll survive, entered the Essen Tasch, a whole ass tournament for the best magicians IN THE WORLD just to test her strength, holds grudges, planned to kill a ship's captain to take it as her own and overall was a Slytherin.
Rhy: Hufflepuff. Do I have to elaborate? No. Am I going to? Yes. This is the person who got kidnapped and nearly killed, and his first concern when he woke up was that his brother was hurt, AND THEN literally pardoned the people who were planning to kill him. He is explicitly stated to be extremely trusting and fully loyal to Kell, and stayed with Alucard on that ship even though he had no actual reason too. Also just generally how much he cares for his people, the b e a u t i f u l scene where he goes around with blankets, and how the trait he values in himself the most is how lovable and approachable the people see him as, all just make him the most Hufflepuffy Hufflepuff ever.
Alucard: Gryffindor, but I can't really explain it. I guess it's just how much of a natural leader he seems to be, but how much he tries to seem like part of the crew, laughing at all the jokes, teasing his crew mates, ect.. Also his reaction when Rhy stopped breathing just seems like A Gryffindor Thing.
Holland: Slytherin. So I'm gonna try to keep this unbiased even though i hate this guy with a passion (don't attack me ok i can see why you would like him but i just don't). Anyways I think Slytherin because of how intent he was on helping his city. He was willing to do just about anything for his city to prosper, and this lead eventually to him being reckless. He also held a grudge against Red London his whole life, and was actually willing to give up his body and will a SECOND time for the sake of his London, that's how ambitious he was.
Also the dynamics? I mean sorry if this is just me but I've always thought that Gryffindors and Ravenclaws would get along the worst out of all the possible combinations, while Ravenclaws and Slytherins, and Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs would get along well because they are the pessimistic and optimistic houses respectively.
Tieren: Ravenclaw
Ned: Ravenclaw, he was so eager to learn
Maxim: Gryffindor
Emira: Hufflepuff but this one is the hardest
Ojka: Gryffindor, she's loyal to Holland
Calla: Hufflepuff, she deserved so much better
Astrid/Athos: Slytherin, just like anyone on that throne
Hastra: Hufflepuff, I will never forgive V.E.Schwab
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lumau · 4 years
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For @orchidscript​ ‘s fanfic A Sweet Far Thing - Shades of Magic / Edwardian AU, in which Kell is trans and Holland is incredibly sweet!
Thank you Orchid for bringing this AU to life and letting me draw them!
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whimsicallyreading · 3 years
I’m so sorry for the delay on all the updates.
I have toxic as hell family coming into town today and getting ready has been really draining.
On the bright side, I’ll probably do a lot of writing to ignore them. Escapism at its finest, lol. Hopefully everything will be updated sometime this week! Thank you for the love and patience 💚
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muffinworry · 4 years
Go No More A-Roving
(wingfic for @pinkcupboardwitch, @ashintheairlikesnow, @orchidscript and @dr-dendritic-trees)
The wind shrieks past the tower, rattling the heavy shutters and finding its way through chinks in the old stones. The man inside shivers in his sleep. He isn’t used to the chill, and the restraints around his wrists and ankles make it impossible to curl up. There was a time when the weather wouldn’t have bothered him, thanks to the rows of soft warm feathers he could wrap around himself.
In his dreams, he flies.
The hand on his shoulder is cold, colder even than the night air, and he jerks awake. The pale woman is gazing down at him curiously, eyes big in her thin, sharp face.
“Pet,” she says softly. “I think it’s time you learned your place.”
His place had been at his friend’s side. Holland had been Vortalis’ falcon, a hunter born, the royal guard and magician and advisor all in one. People had drawn back in awe at the sight of him. He bares his teeth, then stifles a moan of discomfort as she runs her hand through the glossy black feathers furled on his back. She smiles at him then and abruptly breaks one off, the way a child might snap a branch from a tree to play with. She watches curiously as a bead of blood gathers, then dips a fingertip and tastes.
He doesn’t know what happened to his king’s body, but he can guess.
“My brother has plans for you,” she tells him. “You’ll be bound to us. Our most loyal servant. Hooded until you learn to come to the glove, of course.” The woman is bone-white in the moonlight and gleaming with pleasure. “I, on the other hand, do not want you. I cannot trust something that could fly away. And so-” Astrid lifts her other hand, and he sees the wicked little knife in it and begins to struggle. “And so, my dear, I think we’d better make sure you never can.”
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yellowraincoat · 4 years
If Kell in A Darker Shade got his name from the syllables “Kah-El” his name probably should’ve been Kyle.
This is the hill I will die on. The Dark-Eyed Prince of Arnes: Kyle.
Every moment in all of the books would’ve been infinitely more funny if his name was kyle.
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Following up on my Mechanisms au post
A Magnus Archives AU along the same line.
Jon is a Grey London Antarai, all of the fear shit is maybe Black London getting through? Or remnants and memories of it.
Or a Twist where Kell and Lila and Holland end up giving statements to the Archive.
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