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willyoubemypartner · 1 year
Alyssa Cho - An Essay
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Preface - Why is Alyssa so unsympathetic?
One of the things that’s odd about Alyssa’s character is that readers have rarely been so divisive over a single character, particularly about whether or not a character is sympathetic. There’s generally a consensus about the complicated nature of characters like Kousuke or even Rand, but Alyssa discourse feels very different.
During the formal arc, Quim has mentioned a few times that many scenes had to be cut due to Webtoon’s concerns about mature/dark content conflicting with adsense policies. Quim has recently mentioned weaving these scenes back in wherever possible, meaning that things were still happening in universe, we just couldn't see them. But now when these themes come up later to be more explored, they have to be introduced in a roundabout way for it to make sense. Instead of us getting what was intended and being able to build off that foundation as we follow the story and naturally understanding the pacing as it goes.
Now how does this tie into Alyssa? Alyssa in particular had important scenes cut from the formal - parallels we lost with Alyssa and Shin-Ae, the understanding and characterization of the Kims and other elites, the reality of her life in the idol world. It turned the formal into more of a ? than it needed to or should have been, and pulled the foundation of understanding Alyssa’s character right out from under us. We went essentially 200 chapters without really getting a look at her. She was introduced (like many ILY characters) in a certain way, but it took so much longer for her to get to show her depth and development beyond that mold. And it makes it so much harder for readers to see her objectively. People don't want to have to flip their entire understanding of and feelings towards Alyssa at chapter 230.
The foundation for Alyssa being more than just the attention seeker has always been there, we just didn't get to see it.
I don't always love Alyssa. But I feel for her. She's a real person as much as every other character. She’s not just "a girl who makes the wrong choices" nor is she just “the bad friend” or just “the trapped victim” - she is all of them . Alyssa may be misguided, but that’s just it - she's misguided because she never learned how to conflict. She tries to make the right choices, and fails. She’s trying her best and it never works out for her. And so she makes mistakes and she hurts people - including herself. And a lot of them are big mistakes, with very real consequences. She can see what’s really happening around her, but thinks that maybe it can work. And so she keeps making those wrong choices, because the core that she needs to change isn't something she feels safe to rectify. She’s miserable, but she can’t get out. She draws herself to the only light she can see, like a moth to a flame.
She’s introduced as this foe, even the mini Yui. And we're supposed to originally see her that way and know that that's now Nol has come to see her. But we are simultaneously supposed to break that down and see that she is also trapped. She idolized Yui and fell so far into the deep end without realizing it and now has to be Yui's puppet. The puppetmaster imagery is both Alyssa taking after Yui and falling for it, AND Yui taking advantage of her and Alyssa having no choice anymore but to play along and be taken advantage of. There’s that inherent dichotomy to how Alyssa acts and who she is and why she is.
Something about Alyssa is that her motives and feelings are almost always far more complex than they appear. Alyssa is so plagued by those parts of herself that she’s afraid of. Alyssa gets so much criticism for making her choices because for us it's so easy to see where she's going wrong. But, if she could really see it, she wouldn't be here. We know how this really ends and what would actually help, but all Alyssa has seen is that the way she handles things is the viable option. The whole point with Alyssa is that nobody helped her navigate these things . She's as much a victim as everyone else, even though she's hurt arguably our two most sympathetic characters.
Everyone thinks that she is an attention seeker. That she's successful and aloof and just drops people. Nobody is taking a second to see her childhood trauma, understand her real motivations, look at how trapped she is, how miserable. Nobody is extending a hand to her because they don't understand. And with nobody understanding her, nobody can give her an actual way forward, because everyone's attempts will be for a problem that isn't the real issue. Like many, if not all, of our characters, in order to understand Alyssa we have to acknowledge that the reason this is happening is because of unmet and unaddressed needs, lack of personal insight, being in survival mode - the person feeling like they had no other choice.
The people Alyssa hurt are our two main characters, and we are supposed to feel a way about that. But so much of the point is about how our emotional reaction to Alyssa isn't all there is. That she’s not any more or less evil just because the people she hurt are the ones we’re emotionally connected to. That she is a person who has her own story, her own motivations, her own mistakes, her own needs, her own fears, her own traumas. Not that it negates all the harm, but just that there is more to it. That we have to be able to examine and sit with our complex feelings towards her.
Unconditional Love & Chasing The Light 
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At the core of Alyssa’s character is the desire to be seen and accepted for herself, at odds with the belief that who she is can’t possibly be okay.
We get some important insight into this throughout the Shinlyssa arc, but especially at Alyssa’s house and with the bullies. In Alyssa’s bedroom we see portraits of Hedy Lamaar, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Melba Roy Mouton, Alan Turing, Vera Rubin, and Sally Ride. The portraits were identified and analyzed by Kimione back in 2022 (https://new.reddit.com/r/ILoveYoo/comments/ws18yg/alyssa_cho_symbolisms_notes_and_scribblings/) as well as this recent post (https://www.reddit.com/r/ILoveYoo/comments/15sh4k7/the_portraits_in_alyssas_room_in_episode_190/?sort=confidence).
Recurring themes in the portraits are all of them being involved in groundbreaking science, contributions to communication or space, being both scientific and artistic, experience of inequity and adversity, and nonnormative sexuality. For all of these people, resilience and passion in the face of a world which did not see them clearly, which did not initially support them, carried them through to their success. For many of them, a key figure (or several) in their lives provided that support that helped them reach the world. Hedy Lamarr said that her father “made me understand that I must make my own decisions, mold my own character, think my own thoughts.”
In Alyssa’s case, we can see based on her choice of portraits and conversation with Shin-Ae that she wants to be seen for who she is, leave her mark on the world through her passions, be genuine in an off-beat way. Like those on her wall, she has a natural skill for both arts and science, but intends to pursue her passion for science, perhaps using her skill in the arts to inform her manner of thinking. The difference, however, is that she does not appear to have that support network. She says that her parents follow her every whim and she’s never been able to develop a real sense of self. We see that her mother puts on a face, appears weak, passive, the trophy wife. When Alyssa was home sick from school, we see her struggle to cope with conflict and rejection, curling up in her room and refusing to talk to anyone but Shin-Ae - yet she “flips a switch” the second she hears her father walk through the door. Something that she does often, as her mother even expected it. Alyssa establishes in that moment that it is not her emotions flipping a switch, but rather the fear of what happens when her father comes home and she is not who he wants her to be. She likely fears her strict father, and resents her passive mother. Either way, Alyssa clearly doesn’t feel supported in herself - she must be the perfect poster daughter, has no role models to look up to, has no understanding of how to make her own decisions, mold her own character, think her own thoughts.
Alyssa frequently exhibits self-doubt and feelings that nobody is listening, that nobody cares. That she must mold herself to whatever others want. That she has to keep parts of herself hidden. That what she wants to be is not something that she can pull herself up in the world through. That she has to bide her time and assuage people to earn her freedom. That she is trapped and isolated.
Although not directly confirmed, we get many hints throughout the Shinlyssa arc that Alyssa is a lesbian, that she had feelings for Shin-Ae. Alyssa being gay in a homophobic world, desperately trying to fit the social mold and find unconditional love, creates such a tragic outcome. While there are obviously so many more types of love than romantic, to have something Alyssa feels such shame for, something that she can not escape or pretend away, something she did not choose, something so wrongly yet so often considered a disease, an abomination, wrong, unnatural, nonconformist tied so directly to the experience of love creates such an all-consuming conflict in Alyssa. Even if she were bisexual, she could suppress enough of herself to fit the mold and find that love (as much as it would still hurt). With her being a lesbian, it enters the fact that she will never be able to find that kind of love while she’s hiding herself. That in her quest to fit the social mold to find love and validation she’s completely closing off that gate. There is something so incredibly tragic about that self-fulfilling prophecy, and it fuels so much of Alyssa’s conflict.
Something important is how much the Shinlyssa event affects not only Shin-Ae, but Alyssa. And, when talking about the Shinlyssa event, something so important to keep in mind is how young they were. They were children, only 12 or 13 years old, in a new environment - especially for Alyssa, who had never been outside the social environment of her home.
Shin-Ae is a character whose light shines bright, which everyone is caught in. That same light that she’s sharing with Nol. A light that even Alyssa was in back in middle school, but that she couldn’t stand in, because Alyssa couldn't accept all of herself. If she stayed in Shin-Ae's light, it would have illuminated the truths she's afraid of. Alyssa is so afraid of the light shining on parts of herself she doesn't want seen that she lets the light go out all together.
It's better in the dark.
So she snuffed out her own light.
She just wants to be accepted and thinks that nobody will accept her because of those parts of herself that she can’t accept. That she’s been taught are wrong. So she can not find acceptance and belonging, she can not stand in the light. And she settles for the closest thing she can find, that artificial light that lets her keep those parts of herself hidden. But that light will never come close when she has to hide so much of herself.
There’s likely only one time in Alyssa’s life that she felt that sense of unconditional love - in her relationship with Shin-Ae. How Alyssa felt the emotional support she desperately needed, that love she craved, that acceptance for her authentic self. How she felt seen with Shin-Ae. How she pushed her away because those are feelings she's not allowed to have. Not for an outcast. Not for someone so brazen. Not for a girl. Not for someone who sees Alyssa as she genuinely is. And now that feeling of actual love and acceptance may be something she never finds again. Only conditional. Only for her image. Her persona. Only when she does what she's told. But none of it true.
Alyssa doesn’t chase fame or adoration, she’s chasing acceptance while being unable to look at herself. She is in this career, in Yui’s grasp, as a direct result of the Shinlyssa event.
Nobody ever showed her safe unconditional love. So naturally she thinks that the only way she can be loved is by chasing adoration. And, as she got older, nothing has proven that wrong for her. The Shinlyssa accident factors so strongly into why Alyssa doesn't see another way. She did have Shin-Ae, but things still went so wrong. It was ingrained into Alyssa that she can not rock the boat, can not be in conflict, has to play nice with those around her. Shin-Ae was unconventional, unpopular, and unafraid to stand up for herself. That created tension between them, and a lot of problems between them and the other kids. Alyssa, in her world, kept trying to keep Shin-Ae and not cause problems at school, but it kept blowing up in her face. And, in the end Shin-Ae falls out a window. This is a horrible way to experience your first taste of interpersonal conflict and likely just solidified for her that you absolutely can not rock the boat, you have to placate people and fit the social mold. It's also likely that her parents were involved in the aftermath of what happened in middle school, considering how much it all got swept under the rug. With her feared, strict father and her good family image mother, I can only imagine what sort of treatment she was welcomed to at home after the Shinlyssa incident. Personally, I also believe that her parents wouldn't have let her anywhere near Shin-Ae afterwards.
Hidden behind the large home and private lessons is how neglected Alyssa was. Treated as a trophy to compensate for the eldest daughter being a disappointment to their overbearing father. Living in a home as the trophy daughter with the trophy wife. Alyssa’s statements of wanting to be part of a power couple come from that resentment, the deep desire to not be that kind of submissive, docile woman.
And then in comes Yui - this godlike woman. Mother. Businesswoman. Charitable. Charismatic. Powerful. Married to an honorable man. Promising everything Alyssa needs - love, validation, adoration, success, belonging. Offering Alyssa a chance to shine, compliments, (fake) love, the potential to become powerful and adored like her. And she idolized Yui, so she took the chance.
It was everything Alyssa needed, on a silver platter … until it wasn’t.
Yui knew exactly how to play her. Manipulated a 14 year old girl just like she does everyone. And by the time Alyssa could see any which way, it's already too late. We can see that she's exhausted. Miserable. Isolated. Always 'on.' Always playing her role. Always on high alert, in survival mode. With Yui over her shoulder, groupmates that hate her, having to be dolled up for everyone she meets, no true allies anymore, being watched and exploited at home, at work, at practice, in the dorms, in public, at events - there is truly not a single place Alyssa feels safe, let alone accepted or loved. And yet she can not leave. She can't stop. They won't let her go now. If she were to stop, she'd have to fail . She has never been allowed to fail. Her life now is miserable, but she sees the price of failure as being even worse.
I think that we're going to see Alyssa continue down a dark path. She's never lived in a reality where it feels okay to be herself. She's pushing so much down and trying so hard to become what other people want her to be so that she may finally fit in. Be loved. Feel like she belongs.
Every one time someone says she's doing great it's like a hit for her, but it's so fleeting. So she has to keep chasing it, because she doesn't know where else to get it. But the more she chases it, the farther and farther down a dark path she goes, running after a torch instead of the sun. And the farther she gets, the harder it is to find an exit. So she has to keep chasing the only light she can see and just hope that it gets her somewhere.
Survival & Safety 
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In the case of Alyssa, so many people underestimate the effect that an emotionally volatile upbringing can have on you and how you interact with the world. So many people are choosing to ignore that Alyssa is emotionally neglected and likely abused at home. Shin-Ae feels more like the victim to us because we're seeing the story through her eyes and we know that without money you can't physically live, but the thing Alyssa has lacked all her life, the thing that she needs is to feel like she's accepted and loved. That she, herself, is enough.
At the core of all of her actions, beliefs, choices, is one simple fact - Alyssa feels unsafe.
And even Alyssa’s song - she knows full well that she’s trapped now. The imagery points right to Yui. As Alyssa said, she’s not dumb. The entire time that we’ve known Alyssa, she’s known where she stands with Yui. When she talks about Yui at the formal her eyes are closed. The entire time she’s talking about Yui being charitable, nice for giving Shin-Ae a job, not being where she is today without Yui, wanting a mother like her, wanting to be like her. Her eyes only open again when she says she’d love to be part of a power couple. These are all things that Alyssa likely believed about Yui when she first met her, but has since seen the writing on the wall. The savior she ran to in order to escape her unsafe family life turned out to be even worse. And this is even what leads her to Gun Kim in the recent chapters - in the same way she desperately needed to escape her family, now she desperately needs to escape Yui. But since Alyssa doesn't believe in herself, can't let herself shine enough to brave the world and gain control on her own, she needs someone by her side. Needs to be part of a "power couple." This time it's Gun who comes in, the sparkling savior. Except Alyssa does know better this time, we can see that she's uncomfortable around him, that she knows the sparkles fade. But it’s too late now, and Alyssa just hopes to play the game long enough to gain some of her power back.
"Everything will go to waste I’m trying to find my way back But all these red hues keep me locked in place I can stay captive a bit longer So long as I end up on top"
Alyssa has been playing the game because it's the same game she had to play at home. Keep your head down. Do what they say. That way they won't hurt you as badly.
And when we remember that Alyssa's socioeconomic status is closer to Kousuke's than to Shinae's we can understand even more the implications, because it's not just about Alyssa’s weaknesses. It's about how it reflects on her family. Alyssa and Meg act as parallels to Kousuke and Nol, the golden child and the black sheep. Constantly told to not embarrass the family, don't make them look bad, live up to your potential. Nol and Meg are seen as wildcards, burdens, disappointments, people who do not fit the social mold and make everyone's lives more difficult. So Kousuke and Alyssa feel such intense pressure to fit the mold exactly. To never be out of line. To be someone that lives up to their family name. That brings respect. That doesn't cause trouble.
We see this same concept play out in the juxtaposition between the reaction to the girls’ catching Yui’s eye.
When we think about the parallels of Yui swooping in and "stealing away" both Shin-Ae and Alyssa the biggest difference is that Nol could see Shin-Ae, see how miserable she was even if she didn’t explain it to him. And, even then, the only reason even Shin-Ae ever opened up and leaned on people was because she had to. Because Nol had already seen it. He was able to nudge it out of her after seeing her eviction notice and pile of bills. After seeing her so blatantly miserable at the formal. And once someone had seen her weaknesses and supported her, she gradually was able to build back that trust that she spent so long unable to draw upon. But she didn’t start that by choice, she just chose to continue.
While for Alyssa he can’t see it - so much of her misery has been out of his view, she doesn’t open up and lean on people and is so good at putting on her brave face. The more people know your weaknesses, the more they have to use against you, and Alyssa sees so many weaknesses in herself that she can’t trust anyone. Alyssa has been trained all her life to hide anything negative. Never step out of line. Nol was able to see it in Shin-Ae because she’s easier to read, but nobody can see it in Alyssa because she’s been taught how to hide it. Shin-Ae’s biggest strategy for hiding her state was to avoid people - Alyssa is able to hide in plain sight.
Alyssa is always a strong contrast with Shin-Ae, and we can see it throughout the formal. Something so important to this parallel are cut scenes of Alyssa that foreshadow the recent developments we’ve seen of her with the Hiraharas and the Kims.
Such a theme of the night is how lucky Shin-Ae was that Kousuke and Nol didn't have ill intentions around her and were looking out for her. Everyone was looking out for Shin-Ae that night, but no one was looking out for Alyssa. Even her own parents, the people who above all else are supposed to keep you safe, sold her out to the entertainment industry and never looked back. And, to be fair, we come back to her self-fulfilling prophecy - Alyssa is afraid to be herself because she thinks her true self isn’t worthy of love, so she pushes people away, and then has no one. But, at the same time, Shin-Ae has also been pushing everyone away. Nol has to stalk her to gain her friendship, she coldly and pointedly rejects Dieter, she keeps Maya and Rika at arm’s length, she doesn’t tell anyone (even Min-Hyuk) about her problems with her home and her dad. But the difference between Alyssa and Shin-Ae is, in many ways, how well they hid it. With Shin-Ae it was obvious that she was keeping people at arm’s length because she had been hurt. With Alyssa, she’s keeping people away because she’s afraid, but she’s been taught very well how to keep up appearances, so it looks as though she just doesn’t care, that she’s more concerned with herself and her image and her career. So people leave her alone, while they chase after Shin-Ae. While everyone was off chasing Shin-Ae, Alyssa was alone with the elites - no one looking for her, no one caring where she was.
Alyssa is, at her core, so very alone.
Unreliable Narrators & Nolyssa 
One of the most pointed failings of Nolyssa, especially in comparison to Stalkyoo, is how much Nol and Alyssa really don’t know each other at all, despite being more privy to the details of each other’s lives than almost anyone else. Both of them are in survival mode, putting on masks day after day, not letting each other in, seeing each other as something they are so very not with goals and desires that only scratch the surface. On the one hand, neither of them have really put up a fight, but also the circumstances were against them. They weren't in a position to help each other. They were both kids with needs that weren't met trying their best to survive. Children forced into playing an adult’s game.
Nol and Shin-Ae are both unreliable narrators. Shin-Ae actually acknowledges this, specifically in relation to Alyssa, saying that she only ever has her side of the story. In Nol’s case, he sees Yui for what she is, and wants others to see it, too. But he also believes that everything is his fault, that it all stems from his existence, that Yui may be a villain but it’s because of him, not that Yui does what suits her best. And that makes it so hard for him to even begin to guess that Alyssa sees Yui for something else, that Alyssa fell for Yui’s manipulation for reasons that he couldn’t see and that she realized after what had really happened. That she could praise Yui, focus on her career, devote her time to this game, and be lying about it all. He sees that validation seeker and he didn't see beyond it because she didn't let him see anything more than that. He’s good at being able to tell when people are putting up a facade, but not so much why .
Alyssa is so much more complex than just someone seeking validation, and she is meant to make us sit with complex feelings. Meant to make us figure her out, to see beyond our unreliable narrators. To accept that she is more complex despite how negative her interactions with our two most overtly sympathetic characters are. We are supposed to be clued in to her more than they are, to see those things that none of our narrators can see.
Nol states that she knows how his family makes him feel, but does he know his family makes her feel? How this whole game makes her feel? That she wants off this ride but it's too late and she can't do anything?
Ironically, Nol is being used as Alyssa’s protector, but not in any intentional way. Nol said that he tried to steer Alyssa clear of Yui, but honestly it doesn't seem like he really tried. When Shin-Ae gets the invitation to Kousuke's apartment Nol just says that Yui is a nice lady. I think that Nol tries to save people from Yui by encouraging them to appease her and then wean away from her, thinking that as long as they do what she wants Yui won't hurt them. But obviously that's not how Yui works. And, Alyssa fell right into the trap, just like Shin-Ae.
But, where Nol is protecting her is by being the “boyfriend,” protecting her from the predators around her. Even if it's not much, having Nol as a boyfriend keeps those close to the Hiraharas who may try to take advantage of her just a bit more at bay. They can't step on the Hiraharas’ toes. I especially think that now that we've seen more of Alyssa's world, how she got where she is, and what likely lays ahead for her. And, it honestly works well for Alyssa - Nol is respectful, not interested in her, doesn’t push her, she doesn’t have to do anything to appease him, doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to do. Doesn’t even have to pay attention to him (although she should, if even as just a friend). And I think that Alyssa does know this, and that’s part of why she fought so hard when he did for once express his own needs and desires and tried to break it off. I think that, once Nol is gone, it's basically open season on her, and it's going to be so incredibly hard to watch - that fake relationship is probably the final barrier keeping her in some semblance of safe.
But, the thing is, Alyssa's fate isn't Nol's responsibility. Alyssa does not deserve to be preyed upon, but Nol also doesn't deserve to be trapped and suffocated. We can see how much being in this relationship hurts Nol, suffocates him, how it's keeping him on a one-way path to misery. How, as much as she does not deserve what likely lays ahead for her without Nol, he does not deserve what lays ahead for him with Alyssa.
As much as I defend Alyssa, urging people to understand her complexities as a character, how her choices are born out of her own survival mode, how she is falling back on the methods that she learned from her home life were the only way to survive, how she has never felt safe and that leads directly to the choices she makes and how she feels that she does not have a choice at all - Nol is not the one responsible for her path, her choices. Some combination of Alyssa, the adults who failed her, and the adults who groomed her are responsible.
I mentioned earlier how Alyssa ended up here as a fallout of the Shinlyssa event, and that implicates Nol’s position too - both in relation to Alyssa and to Shin-Ae. If Shinlyssa had survived, Stalkyoo would never have been. All of this growth between Nol and Shin-Ae, chasing that future - it never would have happened. It’s even possible Nol wouldn’t be around anymore. Everything is a chain reaction. Sometimes there is no choice where everyone turns out okay. No matter which way it happened, one of them was going to be in a bad place. Which is the same way things are going with the potential ending of Nolyssa. Either Nol suffers or Alyssa is in danger - there's no scenario where they are both okay.
Shin-Ae is likely going to be a foil to Alyssa, and she may watch and have to understand. To see why Shin-Ae is so capable of being what she isn't. That at the end of the day Shin-Ae was always enough. That Alyssa was always enough. How different things would have been if she could’ve accepted herself and stood in that light. That if she could, people will come along who love her for who she is. That there was so much she couldn't see at that time and now it's too late.
Despite how easy it is to dislike Alyssa, to to write her off as the validation seeker, the bad friend, the self-serving naïve idol - there is so much more to Alyssa to see. The girl seeking to fill that unmet essential need for unconditional love. The girl who has never felt safe. The girl who was never taught how to handle conflict. The girl who is so afraid of herself that she pushes everyone away. Who hides herself so much that no one knows who she really is. Who’s reputation for herself and her family rides on her back. Who is miserable but sees no way out. Who is trapped by choices she made as a child. Who still makes all the wrong choices because she doesn’t see any other way. Who is just as much a victim, desperately trying to survive, as everyone else.
Now she is trapped in this prison, abused and trafficked No way out in sight No one on her side Only empty love and adoration Chasing artificial light, snuffing her own out from fear of those inner truths, never feeling safe, having to keep going to have any hope of getting out but keeping going being so so bad and likely never going to get her there
Above all else I hope that Alyssa can learn to accept herself. That, even if she realizes it far too late, she can see that was all she ever really needed. Because she can’t have that love that she wants while she’s so afraid, so much in hiding, so fearful of the truths within herself that could be revealed if she stands in the light. The thing about Alyssa is that she pushes genuine people away because of this fear. And therein is her self-fulfilling prophecy, but she makes these choices because she doesn’t know what else to do and ends up further and further trapped. I feel an intense sadness for Alyssa as she, like all of our characters, is in survival mode herself and just trying desperately to fill an unmet need.
And, again, it's not about liking or disliking Alyssa. Absolving or convicting her. It's not that simple. As complex as she is as a person, so is her role in the story, her perception within us. But it's about understanding her - who she is, why she makes her choices, how she got here.
I will reiterate again a point from earlier - the people Alyssa hurt are our two main characters. We are supposed to feel a way about that. But so much of the point is about how our emotional reaction to Alyssa isn't all there is. That she’s not any more or less evil just because the people she hurt are the ones we’re emotionally connected to. That she is a person who has her own story, her own motivations, her own mistakes, her own needs, her own fears, her own traumas. Not that it negates the harm, the wrong choices, but just that there is more to it. That we have to be able to examine and sit with our complex feelings towards her.
In the words of Hedy - “I’m a very simple, complicated person.”
And that concludes my full length essay about Alyssa and why I have feelings
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kozy-ogawa · 2 months
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License AI-Written Books
Get ChatGPT to write complete books on trending or evergreen topics. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, guides – it can create them all. Self-publish these books online. The upfront effort is minimal after you prompt the AI. Let the passive royalties come in while you relax!
Generate SEO Optimized Blogs
Come up with a blog theme. Get ChatGPT to craft multiple optimized posts around related keywords. Put up the blog and earn advertising revenue through programs like Google AdSense as visitors pour in. The AI handles the hard work of researching topics and crafting content.
The Ultimate AI Commission Hack Revealed! Watch FREE Video for Instant Wealth!
Create Online Courses
Online courses are a lucrative passive income stream. Rather than spending weeks filming or preparing materials, have ChatGPT generate detailed course outlines and pre-written scripts. Convert these quickly into online lessons and sell to students.
Trade AI-Generated Stock Insights
ChatGPT can analyze data and return accurate stock forecasts. Develop a system of identifying trading signals based on the AI’s insights. Turn this into a monthly stock picking newsletter or alert service that subscribers pay for.
Build Niche Websites
Passive income favorites like niche sites take ages to build traditionally. With ChatGPT, get the AI to research winning niches, create articles, product reviews and on-page SEO optimization. Then drive organic search traffic and earnings on autopilot.
The Ultimate AI Commission Hack Revealed! Watch FREE Video for Instant Wealth!
The beauty of ChatGPT is that it can automate and expedite most manual, tedious tasks. With some strategic prompts, you can easily leverage this AI for passive income without burning yourself out. Give these lazy money-making methods a try!
Thank you for taking the time to read my rest of the article, 5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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Can we please stop using Redacted as the gold-standard example of lore and story-based channels? He always gets mentioned when that kind of content gets brought up to the point that he's like the ambassador of story-based audio roleplay.
He's really not? His stories are clunky and cluttered and he wastes tons of time. Most of his audios are a bunch of nothing, repetition, and other bullshit to drag out the time for AdSense revenue. He would never make it as an author or a screenwriter writing like that. He uses all of the popular supernatural tropes (vampire, werewolf, spellcaster, etc) without hardly exploring them as plot themes.
Freelancer is one of the worst things I have ever heard from a writing perspective. The first ten episodes are just the listener standing around doing nothing and getting the (very generic) lore explained to them. The plot takes FOREVER to kick in, and when it does it's not that interesting, especially compared to what other people have been able to accomplish in much less time. He is so in love with his own lore that he'd rather waste hours upon hours lore dumping with 20 characters that sound vaguely different from one another than actually tell a story. Redacted will literally spend an hour explaining daemons and elemental magic only to have that build up to an episode where you spend half an hour baking cookies and decorating with a werewolf.
Redacted is just so profoundly mediocre to the point that I think his fans haven't actually bothered trying to listen to other channels that tell stories. I hate him, I'm sorry. He's so over-praised and over-rated as a writer that it's annoying just hearing his name.
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darrylhudson86 · 9 months
Google Adsense Approval Made Easy 🤑
🌟 Turn your passion into profit with Google AdSense! 🤑 I've got the ultimate insider scoop on getting your blog approved! 🎉 Buckle up, it's time to unlock the secrets! 🗝️
1️⃣ **Content is King, but Quality is the Emperor! 👑** Google AdSense loves quality content. No shortcuts, folks! Write engaging, valuable, and original posts. 📝 Show Google you're serious about providing top-notch info. 💪
2️⃣ **SEO Game Strong! 🚀** Keywords are your BFFs! Sprinkle them strategically in your content. Google AdSense crawlers will love your blog if it's SEO-friendly. 🕷️ Use tools like KwFinder to find those golden keywords! 🔍
3️⃣ **Speed Matters, A LOT! ⚡** Slow websites are a big no-no. Google hates them, users hate them. Optimize your site speed with tools like @gtmetrix. ⏱️ A faster site = happier users = AdSense approval! 🚄
4️⃣ **Navigation Ninja Moves! 🕵️‍♂️** Make your blog easy to navigate. Clean, simple menus and clear categories. Google wants users to find what they're looking for, and so do you! 🗺️
5️⃣ **Privacy Policy Pop! 🕵️‍♀️** Google AdSense wants to know you're serious about user privacy. Include a clear and comprehensive privacy policy page. It's like a golden ticket! 🎫 Use tools like @termsfeed for an easy generator!
6️⃣ **Engagement Extravaganza! 💬** Encourage comments, likes, and shares. Google AdSense adores blogs that create a community. 🌐 Respond to comments, start discussions. Let your blog be the party everyone wants an invite to! 🎉
7️⃣ **Responsive Design, Baby! 📱** Your blog needs to look good on ALL devices. Google AdSense checks if you're mobile-friendly. Use responsive themes, check your blog on different devices. 📱💻
8️⃣ **Be Patient, Grasshopper! 🧘‍♂️** Rome wasn't built in a day, and AdSense approvals don't happen overnight. It takes time. Keep improving, keep creating, keep being awesome! 🚀
💡 Now you've got the keys to the AdSense kingdom! 🔑 But hey, this is just the beginning. Want more tips and tricks on monetizing your blog? Check out my blogging guide for beginners! 📚💰
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freetrafficlive · 11 months
https://filmitechinternet.blogspot.com/2023/11/free-download-blog-theme-upgrade-for.html Free Download Blog Theme Upgrade For Adsense Response Blogger Theme Show Adsense Ads Smoothly on #filmitechinternet
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smartupworld · 5 days
Learn how to Monitize Wordpress Website
Table of Contents Introduction to Website Monetization Why Monetize a WordPress Website? Overview of Monetization Strategies Setting Up Your WordPress Site for Monetization Choosing the Right Theme Essential Plugins for Monetization Optimizing Your Site for Speed and SEO Monetizing with Advertisements Google AdSense: Setup and Best Practices Alternatives to Google AdSense Tips for…
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themesfores · 8 days
WP Safelink Plugin 5.0.4 with License Key - Client Version for AdlinkFly
https://themesfores.com/product/wp-safelink-plugin-with-license-key-66445/ Requirements : PHP v8.2 and Ioncube v13.0 intl ioncube_loader Supported Hosting: 👉Hostinger Extra Discount: https://bit.ly/47lUH3R 👉Verpex 90% off: https://bit.ly/3QLMrFm 👉Cloudways (40% Discount): https://bit.ly/3eU0bgP Improve Your Earning and Drive More Traffic with WP Safelink free license key In addition to boosting your website’s security, WP Safelink Plugin can also help improve your SEO and drive more traffic to your site. By optimizing your links with this plugin, you can increase your website’s visibility on search engines and attract more organic traffic. Here are some of the SEO benefits of using the WP Safelink WordPress Plugin: Automatically generate SEO-friendly links for your website Customize your links with your own keywords for better search engine rankings Track your link clicks and analyze your traffic with detailed reports Improve your website’s overall performance and user engagement Subheading 3: Monetize Your Links and Earn More Revenue with WP Safelink Plugin WP Safelink Plugin also comes with advanced monetization features that allow you to earn more revenue from your links. With AdlinkFly integration, you can easily monetize your links and track your earnings with detailed reports. Here are some of the monetization benefits of using WP Safelink Plugin: Integrate seamlessly with AdlinkFly and other link monetization platforms Customize your ad types and placements for maximum revenue Monitor your earnings and optimize your ad performance with detailed reports Increase your revenue stream and monetize your website’s traffic WP Safelink 5.0.4 with License Key – Client Version for AdlinkFly WP Safelink – Converter Your Download Link to Adsense – Converter Your Download Link to Adsense Solution for those of you who have a downloadable blog but want to install Adsense on a blog that violates the Adsense policy. WP Safelink WordPress Plugins are the solution to the problem you are experiencing right now. Increase Your Adsense Earnings with “WP Safelink” Features: Auto Generate Link Manual Generate Link New Short&Long Generate Link Counter View & Click Three Permalink Anti Adblock New Unlimited Redirect Page Loop New Adlinkfly Integration New WP Safelink Client WP Safelink – Converter Your Download Link to Adsense Unlimited Domain License You can use many domains to use our unlimited products. Premium Grup Support. Don’t worry, you are a beginner because we will help you in the premium support group. Free Update Lifetime Get the latest plugin updates without having to pay back. Please note that any digital products presented on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses, or advertising. For License Key: products are functional without entering a product license code. We are unable to provide a license code for you, and it’s because we already obtain the Plugin/Theme to the original developer. The use of a license code usually is for automatic updates and premium support from the original developer. Besides, we guarantee you to deliver a free manual update and minor assistance for your convenience of using the product. Refund Policy: If the plugin or theme is not working properly and we also fail to help you then, in that case, you will get the money back. If the plugin and theme are working properly then you will not get the money back. How to fix “style.css missing” error while uploading themes? A common issue that can occur with users new to installing WordPress themes is a “Broken theme and/or stylesheets missing” error message being displayed when trying to upload or activate the theme. This is because the theme download package on ThemeForest includes additional files to the theme such as the documentation, license etc. https://themesfores.com/product/wp-safelink-plugin-with-license-key-66445/ #WordPressThemesandPluginWithLicenceKey
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Title: Exploring Blogging: A Beginner's Guide to Earning Money Online:
Introduction: In the digital age, blogging has emerged as a powerful tool for expression, information dissemination, and even financial gain. Whether you're passionate about a niche topic or simply love to share your thoughts with the world, blogging offers a platform to reach a global audience and potentially earn a steady income. In this guide, we'll delve into what blogging is all about and how you can leverage it to make money online with the help of Sinfolix Technologies Pune.
What is Blogging? At its core, blogging involves the creation and publication of content on the internet, typically on a personal website known as a blog. These posts can cover a wide range of topics, including lifestyle, travel, fashion, technology, food, and much more. Bloggers often share their personal experiences, expertise, opinions, and insights to engage with their audience.
Getting Started with Blogging:
Choose Your Niche: Select a topic or niche that you're passionate about and have knowledge in. This could be anything from fitness and wellness to photography or personal finance.
Create Your Blog: Choose a platform for your blog. Popular options include WordPress, Blogger, and Wix. Register a domain name that reflects your niche and brand identity.
Design Your Blog: Customize the layout, theme, and aesthetics of your blog to make it visually appealing and user-friendly. Consider the overall user experience to keep visitors engaged.
Produce Quality Content: Write engaging, informative, and well-researched blog posts that resonate with your target audience. Consistency is key - aim to publish new content regularly to keep your readers coming back for more.
Promote Your Blog: Utilize social media platforms, email marketing, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), and other marketing strategies to drive traffic to your blog. Engage with your audience and participate in online communities related to your niche. For expert help, you can rely on Sinfolix Technologies Pune, a Best Digital Marketing Agency Pune.
How to Earn Money Through Blogging:
Advertising: One of the most common methods of monetizing a blog is through advertising. You can display ads on your blog through ad networks like Google AdSense, Mediavine, or directly partner with brands for sponsored content.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote products or services related to your niche and earn a commission for every sale or referral made through your affiliate links. Join affiliate programs offered by companies like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or ClickBank.
Selling Products or Services: Create and sell your own products (e-books, online courses, merchandise) or offer services (consulting, coaching, freelance writing) directly through your blog.
Membership/Subscription Model: Offer premium content, exclusive resources, or access to a private community in exchange for a membership fee or subscription.
Sponsored Content: Partner with brands or companies to create sponsored blog posts, reviews, or endorsements. Make sure to disclose any sponsored content to maintain transparency with your audience.
Freelance Writing and Guest Blogging: Leverage your blogging experience to land freelance writing gigs or guest posting opportunities on other websites. This can help you expand your reach and establish your authority in your niche.
Conclusion: Blogging can be a fulfilling and lucrative venture for those willing to put in the time, effort, and dedication required to succeed. By consistently delivering valuable content, engaging with your audience, and exploring diverse monetization strategies, you can turn your passion for blogging into a sustainable source of income. So why wait? Start your blogging journey today with Sinfolix Technologies Pune and unlock the endless possibilities that await in the digital realm. As a Best Digital Marketing Agency Pune, we provide the best strategies for Top Online Marketing Pune to help you succeed.
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coconutsplit · 20 days
Creating an ASMR and study YouTube channel is a great idea! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
1. Define Your Niche and Content Style
ASMR: Decide on the type of ASMR you want to create (e.g., whispering, tapping, role-play, object sounds).
Study Content: Determine the study-related content you'll include (e.g., study with me sessions, study tips, ambient study music).
Combination: Think about how you can combine both niches creatively, like ASMR study sessions or relaxing study background videos.
2. Plan Your Content
Content Calendar: Plan your videos in advance. Decide on a posting schedule (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly).
Video Length: ASMR videos are often longer (20-60 minutes), while study videos can vary. Aim for content that encourages viewers to relax or focus for extended periods.
Series and Themes: Create recurring series (e.g., "Morning Study Sessions", "Evening ASMR Relaxation"). Themes help maintain consistency and attract loyal viewers.
3. Set Up Your Equipment
Camera: Use a high-quality camera. A smartphone with a good camera can work initially.
Microphone: Invest in a high-quality microphone, especially for ASMR. Popular options include the Blue Yeti, Rode NT1-A, or Tascam DR-05.
Lighting: Use soft lighting to create a relaxing atmosphere. Ring lights or softbox lights are popular.
Background: Create a clean, calming background. Consider using plants, books, candles, or minimalistic decor.
4. Film Your Videos
ASMR Techniques: Use a close-up mic, speak softly or whisper, and experiment with different triggers (e.g., tapping, crinkling paper).
Study Sessions: Record yourself studying or working on a task. Ensure a quiet environment, and consider adding background music or ambient sounds.
Editing: Edit your videos to remove any distractions. Software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve are excellent, but simpler tools like iMovie or Wondershare Filmora can also work.
5. Optimize Your YouTube Channel
Channel Name: Choose a catchy and memorable name that reflects your niche.
Channel Art: Design a banner and logo that represents your content. Tools like Canva can help.
Thumbnails: Create engaging thumbnails with a consistent style. Use clear images and bold text.
SEO: Use relevant keywords in your video titles, descriptions, and tags. Research trending keywords in the ASMR and study niches using tools like TubeBuddy or vidIQ.
6. Engage with Your Audience
Comments: Respond to comments to build a community. Ask viewers for feedback and suggestions.
Social Media: Promote your channel on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok. You can also join ASMR or study-related communities to share your content.
Livestreams: Consider doing live study sessions or ASMR sessions to engage with your audience in real-time.
7. Monetize and Grow Your Channel
AdSense: Once you reach 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, apply for YouTube Partner Program to monetize your videos.
Sponsorships and Affiliate Marketing: Partner with brands that align with your niche. Use affiliate links for products you recommend.
Merchandise: As your channel grows, consider creating merchandise (e.g., mugs, t-shirts) with your branding.
8. Stay Consistent and Evolve
Consistency: Regular uploads and consistent content help retain viewers and attract new ones.
Analytics: Monitor your YouTube Analytics to understand what content performs best and refine your strategy.
Adapt and Innovate: Stay updated with trends in ASMR and study niches. Be open to trying new ideas and formats.
Final Tips
Patience and Persistence: Growing a channel takes time. Stay motivated and keep improving your content.
Authenticity: Be genuine in your videos. Authenticity resonates with viewers, building a loyal audience.
Good luck with your ASMR and study YouTube channel!
0 notes
Tricks to Earn Rs. 1000 per day Online
Earning Rs. 1000 per day online can be achievable with a mix of strategies, dedication, and smart work. Here are some practical tricks and methods to help you reach this goal:
1. Freelance Writing
Join Freelance Platforms: Sign up on sites like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr and offer content writing, copywriting, or blog writing services. Even small projects can add up to Rs. 1000 a day.
Write for Blogs and Websites: Reach out to blogs and websites that pay for guest posts or regular contributions.
2. Online Tutoring
Teach on Online Platforms: Join platforms like Vedantu, Unacademy, or Chegg to teach subjects you are proficient in. You can earn Rs. 1000 or more per day by taking multiple sessions.
Offer Language Classes: If you are fluent in a language like English, French, or Spanish, offer online language tutoring.
3. Affiliate Marketing
Promote Products: Sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale. Promote products through your blog, website, or social media and earn a commission on sales.
Niche Blogging: Create a blog around a niche and include affiliate links in your content.
4. Content Creation on YouTube
Start a YouTube Channel: Create content on a topic you are passionate about. Monetize your channel with ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing.
Review Products: Review products or services and include affiliate links in the video description.
5. Online Surveys and Microtasks
Join Survey Sites: Participate in online surveys on sites like Swagbucks, Toluna, or Timebucks. You won’t earn a lot from one survey, but consistent participation can add up.
Microtasks: Sign up for platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk or Microworkers and complete small tasks for payment.
6. Freelance Graphic Design
Create and Sell Designs: Offer graphic design services on platforms like Fiverr, or create and sell designs on platforms like Redbubble, Zazzle, or Etsy.
Design Logos and Banners: Create logos, banners, and social media graphics for clients.
7. Stock Photography
Sell Photos Online: If you have a good camera and photography skills, sell your photos on platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images.
Create Niche Photography Content: Focus on niches like food, travel, or nature that are in demand.
8. Freelance Digital Marketing
Offer SEO Services: Help businesses optimize their websites for search engines. Many small businesses need SEO services and are willing to pay.
Manage Social Media Accounts: Offer social media management services to businesses. Creating and scheduling posts can earn you a consistent income.
9. Blogging
Start a Blog: Choose a profitable niche and consistently create valuable content. Monetize your blog through ads, affiliate marketing, and sponsored posts.
Use Google AdSense: Place ads on your blog and earn money based on clicks and impressions.
10. Online Consulting
Offer Consulting Services: If you have expertise in a specific area like business, finance, or health, offer consulting services online.
Use Platforms Like Clarity.fm: Platforms like Clarity.fm allow you to charge by the minute for consulting services.
11. Sell Digital Products
Create and Sell eBooks: Write eBooks on topics you are knowledgeable about and sell them on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or your own website.
Design and Sell Courses: Create online courses and sell them on platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare.
12. Freelance Web Development
Build Websites: Offer website development services on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer. Many businesses need simple websites, and you can charge a decent fee.
Customize WordPress Themes: Offer customization services for WordPress themes and plugins.
13. Dropshipping
Start an Online Store: Set up a dropshipping store using platforms like Shopify. Partner with suppliers who handle inventory and shipping, while you focus on marketing and sales.
Use Social Media Ads: Run targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram to drive traffic to your store.
14. Virtual Assistant Services
Offer VA Services: Provide virtual assistant services like email management, scheduling, or customer support. You can earn Rs. 1000 or more per day depending on the tasks.
Specialize in a Niche: Focus on providing VA services for specific industries, like real estate or e-commerce.
15. Transcription Services
Join Transcription Sites: Sign up on platforms like Rev, TranscribeMe, or GoTranscript and earn money by transcribing audio files.
Offer Specialized Transcription: Offer transcription services in specialized fields like legal or medical, which often pay more.
16. Sell Handmade Products Online
Use Platforms Like Etsy: If you are good at crafts, jewelry making, or any other handmade products, sell them on Etsy or similar platforms.
Promote on Social Media: Use social media to promote your handmade products and drive traffic to your online store.
17. Proofreading and Editing
Offer Proofreading Services: Provide proofreading and editing services to writers, students, and businesses.
Use Freelance Platforms: Offer your services on platforms like Fiverr or Upwork.
18. Participate in Online Competitions
Enter Contests: Participate in online writing, photography, or design competitions that offer cash prizes.
Join Online Gaming Tournaments: If you’re good at gaming, join online tournaments that offer cash prizes.
19. App Testing
Sign Up as a Tester: Join platforms like UserTesting or Testbirds to test websites and apps. Provide feedback and earn money.
Offer Bug Reporting Services: Some companies pay for identifying and reporting bugs in their software.
20. Sell Old Items
Declutter and Sell: Sell unwanted items like old gadgets, clothes, or books on platforms like OLX, Quikr, or Facebook Marketplace.
Use eBay or Amazon: List items for sale on eBay or Amazon and earn money from sales.
By combining several of these methods or focusing on one that aligns with your skills and interests, you can consistently earn Rs. 1000 or more per day online.
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guptasuneet10 · 2 months
How to make 1 lakh per month from ChatGPT?
#Overview of ChatGPT and its potential :
ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) model developed by OpenAI, has attracted worldwide attention for its capability of dealing with challenging language understanding and generating tasks in conversations.  You can generate a blog idea and write a blog , after publishing your blog and you can make money from ChatGPT.
#Importance of leveraging AI for income :
In the digital age, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to increase their profitability. One such way is through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has the potential to revolutionize various aspects of business operations, from customer service to supply chain management, leading to increased efficiency and, ultimately, profitability. 
Blogging with ChatGPT:-
#Starting a blog :
Use ChatGPT to generate some initial ideas :
There are hundreds of ways to generate blog ideas with ChatGPT. However, the most straightforward one is to feed it keywords and ask it to start suggesting topics. ChatGpt Will give more blog ideas.
Ask ChatGPT to compare and contrast :
You’ll often find that you have more than one idea that speaks to you. If that’s the case, you can get ChatGPT to filter them and even recommend which one it believes is most likely to engage your audience.
Ask ChatGPT for an angle :
Even after ChatGPT has helped you narrow down a topic to write about, you can still take it further by coming up with different angles. 
Get ChatGPT to tell you what to include :
At this stage, get ChatGPT to give you a summary of what you should include in your article. Be sure to ask it what data you also need to support each point. You can even ask it where it thinks quotes would work too.
Ask ChatGPT how you could improve :
Your blog outline still probably won’t be perfect. But ChatGPT can still work hard to help you make it better. It will happily critique its work and suggest shortcomings or omissions to make it even stronger.
Ask it to rewrite based on its advice :
More than likely, you’ll find that you want to add something ChatGPT has suggested. If that’s the case, ask it to rewrite the outline. 
Feed it your outline :
Now that you’ve primed ChatGPT, it’s time to feed it your outline. While you can do this in one hit, sometimes it makes more sense to feed your outline to ChatGPT section-by-section. That way, you can keep better control over it and make sure you’re getting what you want as you go.
#Generating content ideas and drafts :
With creating content with an AI writer like ChatGPT though, you don't have to go through every article to arrive at a solid framework for your blog post. Just ask the AI writer to create an outline on the topic.
#Monetization strategies (AdSense, affiliate marketing, sponsorships) :
Make money from online ads :
One of the most reliable ways to make money blogging is to display advertisements, usually web banners and banner ads, throughout your site and collect revenue from each click. All you need to do is set up an account with an online ads platform and connect it to your website. 
Sell eBooks :
As you build your readership, offer your fans an in-depth, comprehensive angle on your content in the form of an eBook. Your eBook can be an elaboration on topics covered on your blog, or it can introduce a new theme or question that’s highly relevant to your target audience. You can Create an eBook and In this way, you can make money from ChatGPT.
Do some affiliate marketing :
When considering how to monetize a blog, some people opt to engage in affiliate marketing. As an affiliate, you partner with a brand to promote their products, earning a commission for every product sale that originates from your blog. 
Write sponsored posts :
Another option is to create sponsored content that highlights a specific product or service. This is often an effective form of advertising for brands, and it’s also a powerful way to monetize a blog.
 3. Freelance Writing and Content Creation:-
 # Writing articles and blog posts for clients :
Generate article outlines :
ChatGPT can be used to generate article outlines by providing suggestions for subtopics or sections based on given blog post ideas.
Write headlines and meta descriptions :
You can use ChatGPT to provide suggestions for attention-grabbing headlines and informative meta descriptions based on a given topic or keyword. 
Summarize blog posts and URLs :
ChatGPT can be used to summarize text by utilizing its natural language processing capabilities. The model can read and analyze the text of a blog post, research paper, and even books to identify the main points and key takeaways.
Draft introductions and conclusions :
ChatGPT can assist you in drafting introductions and conclusions by providing you with suggestions based on the topic and purpose of your articles. 
#Using ChatGPT for research and drafts :
ChatGPT is an AI language model, that can generate text based on the input provided by the user. However, It should be used as a tool to assist in the writing process rather than being relied on entirely to write a scientific research paper.
Digital Marketing and SEO Services :
#Using ChatGPT for keyword research and SEO strategies :
ChatGPT for keyword research :
Understand Your Niche or Topic:
You Can Use Chatgpt for Niche or Topic research but Before you start, have a clear understanding of your niche, industry, or the topic you want to generate keywords for. This will help you provide context to the chatbot.
ChatGPT for SEO strategies :
Utilizing ChatGPT for SEO Strategies can improve your digital marketing efforts and make many SEO tasks easier to handle. ChatGPT aka Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an AI-powered chatbot. This can engage in conversations, generate content, and even assist with keyword research. 
#Creating engaging ad copies and headlines :
Give ChatGPT an idea of the length of copy you want written. Keep in mind It might still go past the guidelines you give it. 
Include the platform you’re writing for in your prompt. Giving your ad writer more context where the ads are being used is always helpful, and the same goes for ChatGPT.
It’s a no-brainer, but it can’t write effectively if it doesn’t know what it’s promoting. Give it all the context it needs to write for the specific product or service you’re promoting.
Make sure you let ChatGPT know who your ICP is for the ads you’re writing. Usually, the more detailed you can be the better.
How do you want the copy to be written? Does your company have brand guidelines to stay within? Let ChatGPT know if you have preferences or guidelines to stay within.
I’m referring to the call to action on the landing. Make sure what you’re telling people to do in your ad aligns with what you want them to do after they click the ad.
Creating and Selling Prompts:-
#Understanding prompt engineering :
Prompt engineering is the process where you guide generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) solutions to generate desired outputs. Even though generative AI attempts to mimic humans, it requires detailed instructions to create high-quality and relevant output. In prompt engineering, you choose the most appropriate formats, phrases, words, and symbols that guide the AI to interact with your users more meaningfully. Prompt engineers use creativity plus trial and error to create a collection of input texts, so an application's generative AI works as expected.
#Selling curated prompts for various AI tools :
Step-by-Step Guide to Selling Your Prompts
Build a Diverse Prompt Portfolio :
Craft prompts for different AI tools, niches, and use cases.
Thoroughly test each prompt and refine them for better results.
Organize prompts into logical packs.
Pick a Marketplace to Showcase Your Prompts :
Browse prompt marketplace options and creator terms.
Choose one marketplace aligned with your niche.
Create a seller profile and upload prompts.
Promote Your Prompt Packs :
Create titles, descriptions, and tags that make them findable.
Share your prompts on social media and community forums.
Run promotions and sales to attract early buyers.
Gather User Feedback to Improve :
Ask buyers to review and rate your prompts.
Use feedback to tweak prompts and train AI models.
Offer support for prompt use cases.
Expand Your Library of Prompts :
Monitor trending topics to create new packs.
Partner with creators in related niches.
Hire freelancers to help craft and test prompts.
#Platforms and marketplaces for selling prompts :
PromptBase :
The well-known AI prompt marketplace called PromptBase appeared in June 2022, becoming the first service for buying and selling requests to neural networks on the Internet. Today, it compares favorably with other similar platforms, as it has the most complete base of supporting content for the ChatGPT, DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion systems.
PromptHero :
The PromptHero service provides users with an extensive database of the best prompts for Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, ChatGPT, and Openjourney. The platform successfully competes with Prompt Base, although it was launched later.
Building a Digital PR Agency:-
#Leveraging ChatGPT for PR content creation :
ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is an advanced language model capable of generating human-like text based on the input it receives. Leveraging ChatGPT prompts effectively can revolutionize PR marketing efforts, offering unique opportunities for communication, brand building, and customer engagement.
 #Crafting press releases and social media posts With Chatgpt :
Using ChatGPT for press releases :
you use ChatGPT for press release creation, it will often contain jargon, buzzwords, and generic phrases. Journalists tend to be allergic to these and they will be more interested in a press release that is written in a style unique to yours.
Using ChatGPT for social media :
Identify your audience and platform.
Describe your brand, offerings, and product.
Indicate the desired word length of ChatGPT's response.
Include a desired action you'd like your audience to take after reading the post.
Educational Content and Tutoring :
 Creating educational resources and materials :
One of the most powerful features of ChatGPT is its ability to process and generate natural language. This means that you can use ChatGPT to create text-based materials for your students, such as reading passages, gap fills, and vocabulary lists. You can use ChatGPT to generate a reading passage that is at the right level your students, and then use the generated text as the basis for a reading comprehension exercise. 
Case Studies and Success Stories:-
 #Real-life examples of individuals earning with ChatGPT :
 Idea #1: Content Creation and Content Analysis Services
As shown above, you may make money by providing content creation and content analysis services. High-quality material may be produced with ChatGpt, including articles, blog entries, and social media updates. You may sell this material to businesses, publishers, and people who require excellent content for their websites and social media profiles.  
Idea #2: Content Translation Services :
ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for content translation as it can accurately translate content into various languages. High-quality translation services may be offered in a variety of languages using ChatGPT. Additionally, ChatGPT can help you identify and correct any errors or inconsistencies in your translated content. You can offer these services to companies and people who need to translate their material for a worldwide audience. 
Conclusion :
There are so many ways to earn money by using Chatgpt. So it depends on you how to earn money by using Chatgpt.
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itmagazine · 2 months
E-commerce Essentials: Starting Your Online Store to Make Money
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In today's interconnected world, the internet offers numerous opportunities to earn money from the comfort of your home or anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you're looking to supplement your income or establish a full-time online business, here are some proven methods to help you get started:
Freelancing is one of the most accessible ways to make money online. Whether you're a writer, graphic designer, programmer, or consultant, platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr allow you to showcase your skills and connect with clients seeking freelance services. Setting up a profile, highlighting your expertise, and delivering high-quality work can lead to a steady stream of freelance gigs and income.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services on behalf of companies and earning a commission for every sale made through your referral. You can join affiliate programs offered by companies like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction. By creating content such as reviews, tutorials, or recommendations that include affiliate links, you can earn passive income as your audience makes purchases based on your referrals.
Blogging allows you to share your passions, expertise, or interests with a global audience through written or multimedia content. You can monetize your blog through various methods, including display advertising (such as Google AdSense), sponsored posts from brands, selling digital products (e-books, courses), or offering premium content to subscribers. Building a loyal readership and consistently producing valuable content are key to successful blogging and generating income online.
Online Courses and Digital Products
If you have expertise in a specific area, creating and selling online courses or digital products can be a lucrative way to make money online. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, and Gumroad provide tools to host and sell your courses or digital downloads (e.g., e-books, templates, software). Marketing your products through social media, email lists, or partnerships with influencers can help attract paying customers who are eager to learn from your expertise.
E-commerce and Dropshipping
Starting an e-commerce store or engaging in dropshipping allows you to sell physical products to customers worldwide without the need for inventory management or upfront investment in stock. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce (with WordPress), and Oberlo (for dropshipping) provide tools to set up and manage your online store. Finding a profitable niche, sourcing quality products, and optimizing your store for conversions are essential steps to succeeding in e-commerce.
Stock Photography
Explore how you can monetize your photography skills by selling stock photos on platforms like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images. Learn about popular themes, quality standards, and marketing strategies to maximize your earnings.
Online Tutoring
Guide on becoming an online tutor, whether in academic subjects, languages, or specialized skills. Discuss platforms like Tutor.com, Wyzant, or VIPKid, and tips for attracting students and delivering effective online lessons.
Social Media Management
Insights into starting a social media management business, including client acquisition, content creation, scheduling tools, and strategies for growing followers and engagement. Highlight the importance of analytics and delivering measurable results for clients.
YouTube Channel Monetization
Steps to start and monetize a YouTube channel through ad revenue, sponsored content, and merchandise sales. Discuss content creation tips, audience engagement strategies, and the YouTube Partner Program requirements.
Remote Software Development
Guide on freelancing as a software developer, including skills in demand, project bidding, client communication, and delivering quality code. Explore platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal for finding remote software development projects.
Overview of print-on-demand services like Printful, Redbubble, or Teespring for creating and selling custom apparel, accessories, and home decor. Discuss design tips, niche selection, and marketing your products through online platforms and social media.
Making money online offers flexibility, scalability, and the opportunity to pursue your passions while earning income. Whether you choose freelancing, affiliate marketing, blogging, selling digital products, or running an e-commerce store, each method requires dedication, persistence, and a willingness to learn and adapt. You can make money online with the right mindset and commitment to providing value to your audience or clients, you can harness the power of the internet to create multiple streams of income and achieve financial independence online. Explore these methods, find what resonates with your skills and interests, and embark on your journey to making money online today.
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