#adrien whump
froldgapp · 1 year
I somehow managed to tumble into the MLB fandom. Not quite sure how that happened, but anyway: Adrien is such a compelling character that I just had to write something.
Synopsis: Adrien Agreste may be sick but he still has his duties, and nobody's about to let him forget about it. Plagg sees it all.
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buggachat · 10 months
Open My Eyes
AO3, 1/15 chapters, post season 5 finale, angst (with a happy ending), Adrien discovers the truth
Adrien smiles as he eats breakfast with Nathalie, smiles as he walks through the halls of his new lycée, smiles as people stop him on the street and tell him time and time again what a "hero" his father was. (Adrien wishes he could've been a hero, too. He should've been. Maybe then his father would still be alive.) (But he's surviving. Everyone may be treating him as though he were made of glass, but he can still go through the motions, he can prove them wrong, he can still smile.) “And you’re… happy,” Marinette spoke carefully, a nervous tilt to her voice, “... right?” (Adrien has some things to find out.)
Hey guys, deciding to force myself to finally start uploading my post-season 5 finale fic! It's already complete and will be updated Mondays and Thursdays.
Basically, it's lots of Adrien angst and reveals dealing with the fallout of the season 5 finale. It was a lot of fun to write.
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letthewhumpbegin · 2 months
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King Kong (2005)
See more of my King Kong gifs
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silversanimewhump · 2 years
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whumpurr · 8 months
Adrien and Sawdust part 24
cw: pet whump, pet on pet whumping
Missy’s white boot was cold, hard, and heavy. Its toe slammed into Sawdust’s gut, sending him toppling over, his vulnerable stomach exposed to her. She glared down at him. Her eyes were icy cold, her teeth bared, her fists clenched at her side.
She was far crueler than the other dogs.
Sawdust was ashamed that he was ever excited to meet her. He regretted the butterflies he felt in his stomach when he saw her walking through the office. Now, he only felt a sour taste in his mouth and a hot, radiating pain in his torso.
“You’re stupid.” Missy growled, “You know, if you ever set foot outside on your own, you’re as good as dead! There’s no way a dumb animal like you could ever take care of itself!” She reared back and kicked at his side.
Sawdust’s paw covered the newly injured area, the other pressed down onto the floor to try and roll himself back over. He didn’t want his stomach exposed for her to step on. Although, she was right. Without Ma’am or Master Adrien, he could never survive in the wild. He needed his food served to him in a dog bowl. He needed to be taught how to shower. He needed to be taught how to walk on two legs. He was ashamed of himself. Such a burden.
Missy raised her boot and brought it down on Sawdust’s paw, crushing it against the floor. The dog yelped and cried in pain, tears welling his his eyes as he tried to squirm away.
“You’re disgusting! I don’t know what Charline thought, sending me in here with you.” She huffed and sat back down in her chair, arms crossed while Sawdust writhed in pain on the floor in front of her.
“S-S-Sorry-” He choked out in between sobs. He didn’t even want to move his paw from its spot on the floor, for fear of injuring it more. Maybe he should just wait until Ma’am comes back for him and saves him from this beautiful, cruel monster.
Although he longed for the safety offered by his new master, he still dreaded going back. He feared seeing what state Master Adrien was in now. He hated that he would be brought back just for him to be a burden once again. 
“Shut up, I don’t want to hear from you.” Missy looked at the closed door to the pet room. “I don’t want Charline to see you ugly you are… You stay here.” She stood and walked to the door, Sawdust flinching at the thumping of her boots on the floor. “I’m leaving. Your owner will be here to pick you up later. Don’t get yourself in trouble because then she’ll blame me, and I’ll make you regret it.”
Missy stormed out, slamming the door behind her and leaving Sawdust alone in the room. He was hopeless to leave on his own as he would probably get lost on his way back to his owner. He didn’t even know if Ma’am was still at her office or somewhere else in the building. He whimpered to himself, finally peeling his paw off the floor to take a look at the damage done to it.
His fingers refused to bend as much as they previously could. His paw ached. It hadn’t even been that long since Master Adrien took his paws out of their duct tape bindings; Sawdust was still learning how to use them. The hot tears kept flowing down his cheeks, landing on the cold floor.
At the very least, his paw was not bleeding. It would most likely be deep purple by tomorrow, but he was grateful that there was no messy blood for his owner to be burdened with cleaning.
Time ticked by painfully, with an ache in his stomach and a searing pain in his paw. He stayed curled up on the floor until his gracious owner finally came and got him.
The door creaked open slowly.
“Sawdust, Missy, I’m back!” Ma’am sang as she peeked through, cutting herself off when she saw the sight of her feeble, useless pet curled up on the ground alone. “Oh dear, what happened?” She kneeled by his side and used a gentle hand to turn him to sit up. Sawdust did his best to hold back his tears as he shamefully presented his paw to her. 
Ma’am silently took his paw and looked it over, careful to not twist or turn it more than she had to. She didn’t interfere with his fingers, which were only growing more and more red.
 “Alright sweetie, we’re going to get you all fixed up at home, okay? Where did Missy go?”
“She left.” Sawdust stated, choking on his words just a tad. Ma’am nodded understandingly. 
“And how did this happen to you?”
“I fell…” The longer he ached, the more he thought about Master Adrien. The pain brought him back to the day that he was brought home to him. The day he’d met him, and the day that Master Adrien graciously decided to take care of the stupid mutt.
“Alright, can you stand? We can go back home.”
That was not home. It was a cold, scary house. Master Adrien’s house was home, not where Ma’am was. Not where she was keeping Master Adrien off in some locked room. It wasn’t fair. And now on top of all that, he had to burden Ma’am with taking care of his paw.
The trip back to Ma’am’s house was silent on Sawdust’s part. She would ask him questions, but he would respond in short one or two word answers. He felt absolutely drained from being around all those humans, and from all the pain and crying he was subject to. He just wanted to curl up on Master Adrien’s couch and sleep, but he was not even afforded that. 
When he was finally led back into Ma’am’s house, he was at least eager to finally see Master Adrien again. The heavy lock on the door thunked as she unlocked it and opened up the door.
Sawdust stumbled through as fast as he could, too timid to call for his Master, but eyes scanning frantically for him. They finally found him, kneeling next to the sofa.
“Wh-” Sawdust suddenly couldn’t force his eyes to focus. Master Adrien’s back was to him, his head bowed. He almost looked like he could be sleeping, except for the fact that he flinched when he heard Sawdust mutter.
“There’s my other boy,” Ma’am locked the door again and stepped out of her high heels, trotting over to Master Adrien and rubbing the top of his head much like how she does to Sawdust. “Now you two can both be good boys, right?”
Sawdust dropped down to his knees and crawled over to Master Adrien, limping on his bad paw. He crawled in front of him, but Master Adrien squeezed his eyes shut and turned away. Sawdust could recognize a look of shame anywhere. He tried to nudge his head to Master Adrien’s side, but he just lurched away. 
Sawdust wanted to cry. He never thought that he would be so utterly rejected by the owner who was once so kind to him. He couldn’t understand what was happening, it made his head hurt. What did Ma’am mean by other boy? Sawdust hated it. Something was wrong. Something was broken.
“Seems like it’s dinner time, you can fix us something, right Adrien?” Ma’am said, scrolling on her phone while she lounged on the sofa.
“Yes, Ma’am.” He stood up steadily and made his way to the kitchen without another word. Sawdust couldn’t smother his whine as he squirmed in his spot. What was wrong? Why were things this way? Was it his fault?
There had to be something he could do to fix it. Maybe he’d finally stressed Master Adrien too much? Was that why he was so cold now? How could he possibly un-stress him?
He thought back to what Missy had told him. How he could never survive out in the wild. Maybe if he could prove that he could, he could prove that he was able to take care of himself, and Master Adrien wouldn’t be stressed, then he could go back to normal!
It was the perfect plan.
Taglist: @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @neuro-whump @whump-me-all-night-long @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpzone @whumpcreations @dancinglifeboat @pinkraindropsfell @looptheloup @cowboy-anon @meetmeinhellcroutons @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @firewheeesky @maracujatangerine @it-will-all-whump-out @theydy-cringeworthy @kim-poce @bluetheautisticrat @whump-in-progress @wh-wh-whu @mylifeisonthebookshelf @grizzlie70 @wolfeyedwitch @nicolepascaline @melancholy-in-the-morning @jumbledbyrd @batfacedliar-yetagain @no-terms-and-conditions-apply @scp-1269 @whumpdreamz @bees-among-the-okami @taterswhump
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as the world caves in (chapter 1)
Crushed. He was being crushed. By a thousand pounds of weight, the darkness, panic, and the fact that his lady was going to die with him.
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jedi-lothwolf · 11 months
AI-less Whumptober Day 8: Panic Attack
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: After a bad day, Gabriel loses his temper and throws a vase at Adrien. Adrien realizes what happened the next day at school and struggles to stay calm.
Adrien couldn't focus. Even though he always liked history, not even that could keep him distracted. He started at the board but took no notes and didn't listen to the teacher.
    The night before had been stressful and not just because of the akuma attack. It was what came after that made things so much worse.
    The akuma had been simple. With the power to create monsters out of light, the victim had blinded the heroes for a while before they found away around it. The attack had started right before dinner and ended about 1am.
    Even simple things can take a while to fix. Ladybug and Cat Noir said their goodbyes and both headed home.
    When Adrien had arrived home he heard crashing from downstairs. Despite Plagg telling him not to check it out, he walked down the stairs. His footsteps were silent against the ground as he made his way to the ground floor.
    There was another crash. The child made his way to the source of the noise and gently opened the door to his fathers study. Gabriel held a smaller vase he had recently gotten because he had 'knocked over' the old one.
    "Dad?" Adrian asked softly.
    Gabriel sharply turned to look at him. Before Adrien could react there was a vase being hurdled in his direction. He tried to move but ended up being hit in the edge of his shoulder. The glass broke against the wall as the man shouted at him to get out.
    Adrian grabbed his shoulder and the door handle with his other hand. He ran out of the room, trying not to slam the door. He heard Gabriel call for him but he didn't care.
    When he got back to his room he looked at Plagg, "you were right."
    The bell broke Adrian's thought process for a moment. He looked at his non-existent notes and sighed. Placing the notebook back in his bag he looked at the time. It was almost the end of the day. He had one more class.
    As Adrian put his bag in his shoulder he winced. Wrong shoulder. He moved it to his other arm and got ready to leave the class. Nino stopped him, "you okay?"
    "Oh yeah! I'm fine!" Adrien smiled.
    "Okay." Nino sounded unsure.
    Adrien made his way to his next class. He sat down and pulled out his notebook. The room was almost silent. There was nothing to protect him from his mind, nothing to fill the void.
    After the boy had entered the room, he pulled off his shirt to see the damage. He was much calmer than he felt he should have been.
    "What happened?" Plagg asked, going to grab some bandages from Adrian's bathroom.
    "It was my father. He was destroying stuff in his study." He took the bandages out of Plagg's little hands and went to the bathroom to grab a disinfectant.
    "Did he throw something at you or something?" Plagg followed him.
    "Yeah, the new vase he got." He grabbed the spray from the cabinet and opened the cap. He sprayed it on his skin and placed a few bandaids on. He threw away the trash and changed into his pajamas.
    "Are you okay?" Plagg asked.
    "Yeah, just surprised." He laid down and fell asleep.
    Adrian wasn't sure why he had been so calm the night before. It didn't make sense. Why did this have to bother him now? He looked at the paper that had been placed in front of him. Then back at the time.
    Thirty minutes stood between now and when he would be going home. Adrian didn't want to go home. How would his father act? Would he apologize? Would he tell him to be quiet about it? Would he even say anything?
    As the questions ran though his mind his breathing started to speed up. He couldn't think straight. Adrian looked down at his paper and noticed he couldn't see straight.
    Plagg leaned against him, trying to calm him down.
    Adrian felt like he couldn't breathe, the questions still circulating in his mind . Would this happen again? What would have happened if he hadn't gone downstairs, hadn't left the room, hadn't moved?
    Tears fell from his eyes as his fellow students realized something was wrong. His breathing was out of control now. He brought one hand up to his chest. The teacher got on the phone and called the nurse.
    Alya who had been sitting behind him jumped off of her chair and came to his side. "Adrian? Are you okay?"
    The answer felt obvious, still he tried to shake his head yes.
    "Breath" she tried to comfort him by placing a careful hand on his shoulder but instead he flinched, shrinking away from her touch.
    "Did that hurt?" She asked, the concern in her voice growing more and more evident.
    Adrien nodded. The teacher led them to the hallway where Alya reassured him that she could take care of him.
    They stayed in the hallway for a while. Adrian pressed his back to the wall as he shook. He listened to Alya talk to him but couldn't understand her.
    "What's going on Adrian?"
    "I don't, want to go" his breath caught in his throat and he coughed. He felt sick. "home."
    "What happened?"
    "It's fine-" he leaned into her, grabbing her shoulders to stabilize himself. "Really, it's fine."
    "No, it's not fine. Alya rubbed her hand over his back, trying to calm him down. She let him stay there and cry for a while.
    As his breathing began to even out, he moved to look at her. She looked so, scared. "Are you okay?" He asked, voice still shaking and tears still falling.
    "Yeah I'm okay. I'm just worried about you."
    "I'm fine, a few things just piled up, that's all." He wiped the tears off his face. Alya handed him a tissue which he took. The two stood.
    Alya held her arms out for a hug. Adrien quickly expected it and they stayed there until the bell rang. She went into the class and grabbed their bags. She handed him his and walked him to the outside of the school building.
    "Are you going to be okay?" She asked.
    Adrien paused before answering. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Thank you."
    "You sure?"
    "Call me if you need anything?"
    "Okay." Adrian walked towards the car. He sighed as he got in. Plagg hung close to him, trying to help keep him grounded. The boy stared out the window, unsure of what to do or what was next. At least he had Plagg.
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I have been thinking a long time about making an angsty fic where Gabriel accidentally kills Cat Noir and discovers it was Adrien, his son. The whump will be FANTASTIC and kinda slow but just right.
After watching the mlb movie I feel I've found the perfect premise (at the end, no spoilers) but I also like the idea of a subtle realization, where Cat Noir is dead (he gets the Cat miraculous?) and then Adrien is not coming/gone. This causes him to worry if he is missing and when he connects the dots... he's utterly heartbroken. Will he continue his attempt to revive Emilie or no??
AHHH it is such a devious, depressing imagination!! I just cant make up my mind on which scenario tho.
Which one would be better: The movie-verse, or in the show? Also wondering if anyone has done this before :>
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sylvanfreckles · 8 months
His words were cut off as the ground seemed to shift beneath him. It was like something caught hold of him and pulled him halfway out of his body. He yelped in panic and grabbed the edge of the platform as he felt himself falling forward, down into open space, the paving stones beneath rushing up to meet him.
Then, as suddenly as it had begun, everything snapped back into place.
What would you do if your life was finally getting better, only to lose it all and end up worse than where you started?
(Chapter Three: Last Words)
For @febuwhump
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greenapplespider · 2 months
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Some more whump wip’s from my original story, Blood in Moderation, since you all seemed to like the other ones. Back when Romulus was human, he was the leader of a group of ‘anti-government’ extremist.
For Adrien, his coup was going rather nicely- he’d killed off the majority of his family and positioned nobles, loyal to him, in key positions of government; most people seemed none the wiser. Even though his nephew, Jeffery, had somehow managed to find his way back to the capital, politically, the young man was trapped into being nothing but a figure head- and something Adrien could put on the back burner for the time being.
Romulus’ group, however convenient at the time, was starting to become a pain. The looming fear of terrorists, Adrien had used to stir hardline sentiment was beginning to make him look weak, now that he was in power. Thus, an example needed to be made. Someone had to be ‘responsible’ for the assignations of all but two members of the royal family.
A nice public trial and an even more public execution for the low-born dissident, should provide the catharsis the empire demanded. As long as his nephew didn’t interfere, things would go smoothly.
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wisteriasymphony · 7 months
Valentine's Day 2004 Part 1 is out! Y'all are twisted for this!
Summary: When Adrien Agresté was almost 14, he gets surprised with 542kgs of chocolate for Valentine's Day, and an ultimatum: Eat all of it within the week, or suffer the consequences. His relationship with sugar will be severely damaged by this.
Claudrien Nation Tags: @joshua-the-phoeinx @dayochoco @mxacegrey @cutepastelstarsalior @wuhuislandconspiracy
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purplecatghostposts · 3 months
It’s Sentitwin Week Day Two and I’m here to hit you with another fic!
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Some canon divergence from the ‘Gabriel Agreste’ episode! A dash of whump for Félix, a furious Adrien, and some bad decisions on Gabriel’s part that will lead to his downfall! Enjoy!!
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whumpurr · 6 months
Adrien and Sawdust part 25
cw: pet whump, male whumpee, torture (sleep deprivation), animal death
Sawdust ate as much as he could handle, knowing that tonight would be the night he’d prove to Ma’am and Master Adrien that he could survive out in the wild. He could be like a real dog, self sustaining and capable. Though, Sawdust never pictured himself as capable or anything of the sort. No, when he looked at himself in the mirror, he saw something to be used and thrown away. He didn’t know why Master Adrien still kept him, or why Ma’am wants to keep him now.
Nonetheless, he would persist. He ate and then waited until everyone was asleep. It was killing him inside to not talk to Master Adrien about his grand plan. It felt like a betrayal to not tell him. Yet this was something that Sawdust had to do on his own. Once he could prove to Master Adrien that he was a good dog, then maybe he would be less stressed.
Sawdust was curled up in Ma’am’s room, pretending to be asleep in his dog bed while he thought of his plan. He could sneak out of the front door, maybe, but he could remember Ma’am needing a key to unlock it from the inside. She must be really protective of her house if she needs the door to lock from the inside and the outside! He would need to get that key if he wanted to leave that way. He had no clue where the key was. 
Maybe he could try the windows? He waited until he heard Ma’am snoring softly before he crept out of the room. He made it to the kitchen and looked around for windows, but his attention was caught by a sound. It sounded like a cough coming from Master Adrien’s room. Sawdust couldn’t ignore his curiosity, he crept over to the door and kneeled on his knees and paws, looking through the keyhole.
Sawdust… didn’t understand what he was looking at.
Master Adrien was laying down on a bed of some kind. It was hardly a bed, more like a table, and it looked like he might be strapped down to it, but Sawdust couldn’t tell. His head extended off the top edge of the table, with the rest of his body on the table. On a stool under Master Adrien’s head was a wide bucket. It sat with its top rim not even an inch away from the tip of Master Adrien’s nose.
Sawdust sat there just long enough to see Master Adrien nod off, falling asleep just for a moment and letting his neck relax just for his face to fall into the bucket. Sawdust heard a splash, then Master Adrien pulled his face out and sputtered, his hair and face dripping. Whatever was happening there made Sawdust even more resolute in his actions, he had to prove to Ma’am and Master Adrien so that the tensions in the house could ease.
Sawdust checked every window in the kitchen and living room until he found one that was unlocked. He pushed it open, then climbed through and closed the window once again.
The outside air was chilly, but not biting. It didn’t sting his skin or his eyes. He tried his best to stay on his two paws, rather than four. It would be quicker to move on two paws, and he did not want to hurt his front paws on the long, rough, gravel road that led to and from Ma’am’s home. 
He wobbled as he walked towards the sparse woods that laid down the road a bit. If he could go there, maybe get some kind of proof or item to bring back with him, spend the night, and then get back to his owner, maybe that would be enough to convince them that he could take care of himself. Then maybe Ma’am would focus more on making Master Adrien happy. He deserved it far more than Sawdust did, after all.
The night was far from silent. Owls hooted, small creatures rummaged through the grass and bushes, and yet Sawdust was so far from the rest of town that he could not hear any cars. The same could be said for Master Adrien’s house and the woods that surrounded it. That was not the case for his old master’s home, however.
His old master’s home wasn’t in a busy city, but it was at the end of a dirt driveway just off of a big road with lots of loud cars. Sometimes the other dogs would get upset by the cars, or riled up by the sirens of emergency vehicles. Sometimes Sawdust would peek towards the road just to see another animal, some kind of not-dog, bloated and left on the road. Compared to the loud sounds of the road near his old master’s house, Sawdust far preferred the woods.
The dog stood at the edge of the forest, right where the gravel changes to dirt and sand. Pine needles lay scattered at his paws. The start of the forest was not dense, yet it was still imposingly dark. Sawdust trembled just a bit as he took his first step into it. He tried to breathe, to imagine that this was outside of Master Adrien’s home, that the warm yellow light of the windows was just behind him, waiting.
Sawdust hoped that this forest was truly as empty as he thought. He prayed that there would be nobody else here, that he could find somewhere dry to curl up and take a little nap. It was late, and he was tired.
Each step felt heavy. The tiredness coupled with the fear made it difficult for Sawdust to continue moving, no matter how much he envisioned the space as being familiar. He tried to focus on putting one paw in front of the other, and keeping his eyes peeled as best he could in the darkness. 
He walked a little further before he found a spot that looked suitable. A little hollow space, an area that was cleared between and under some bushes. It was just big enough for him to curl up in, and it was dry and the bushes could keep him relatively warm until morning. 
Sawdust adjusted his headband and his tail, curling his gangly limbs to the best of his ability so he could fit. He laid his head on top of his arms and closed his eyes. 
He drifted in and out of sleep for a while, he couldn’t tell how long. The sounds of the wildlife around him started to lull him to sleep. The trees rustled with the wind, small animals crept to their homes to sleep, and Sawdust was prepared to spend the night outside.
But something was strange. He moved in his sleep, skin crawling. He heard something. Footsteps?
Sawdust opened his eyes and squinted into the darkness, trying to discern what was in front of him. It wasn’t human footsteps, Sawdust counted four. It sounded big. He sat up and propped himself up on his paws, still trying to see.
It was only when the moonlight passed through the trees just perfectly was he alerted to what was truly in front of him. Sawdust shot up out of the bushes, standing up just outside of them as he stared down the creature that woke him up. A mountain lion crept closer to him, its ears pinned back as it let out a rumbling sound from its chest.
Sawdust turned and ran. He had to, he couldn’t fight that thing, but he wasn’t nearly fast enough to outrun it. He whimpered, hearing it thunder after him. It wouldn’t be long before he was caught, but he didn’t stop running. Sawdust could not stop running if he ever wanted to see Master Adrien again. Trees flew past him, his paws slipping on the leaves that covered the forest floor. 
His clumsy paws fell out from under him and he tumbled forwards, slamming down into the ground, at the mercy of the animal.
It jumped at him, thick claws digging and dragging down his lower leg. Sawdust screamed, trying to move back away from it. He could never escape it. He was a stupid dog, and he was even more stupid for ever thinking that he could rely on himself. And now he was going to die.
The animal did not waste time staring him down, it did not loom over him. It pulled back, got its massive paws underneath it, and leapt forward. Sawdust squeezed his eyes shut, body tense, only to be met with a loud bang ripping through the forest.
The animal dropped, heavy on Sawdust’s body. He began to cry.
His own blood flowed out freely, soaking his sweatpants and then pooling on the ground. The creature… Sawdust couldn’t bare to look at it. In the brief glance he had seen, there was a small red hole, just above its right brow, and a splattered red mess in the left-back of its head. Sawdust sobbed, he didn’t want to cover his face for fear of smearing blood all over himself. He moved out from underneath the dead animal, only to be greeted with more footsteps. Not animal ones, but those of a human. A man’s voice spoke up.“Now, I expect a you’re welcome, but let’s get you back to my camp.”
taglist :@starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @neuro-whump @whump-me-all-night-long @cupcakes-and-pain @whumpzone @whumpcreations @dancinglifeboat @pinkraindropsfell @looptheloup @cowboy-anon @meetmeinhellcroutons @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @firewheeesky @maracujatangerine @it-will-all-whump-out @theydy-cringeworthy @kim-poce @bluetheautisticrat @whump-in-progress @wh-wh-whu @mylifeisonthebookshelf @grizzlie70 @wolfeyedwitch @nicolepascaline @melancholy-in-the-morning @jumbledbyrd @batfacedliar-yetagain @no-terms-and-conditions-apply @scp-1269 @whumpdreamz @bees-among-the-okami @taterswhump
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4ster-bl4ster · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Tera Sickness and Poisoning
[[Ooc: Pinglist: @adrien-vomit , @time-travel-trio , @alolaveralabs ]]
// CONTENT WARNING: This post will contain graphic descriptions of a sickness created for the lore of the Stellardex pokemon universe. As such there is a huge warning for illness, body horror, altered mental states, and death. //
// If you read beyond this point and get upset it is entirely your fault, I warned you :| //
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[[ Important note: A lot of this comes from my headcanon that Dynamax is like a fire-aligned energy and Tera is like ice, and they cancel each other out. ]]
What is "Tera Sickness+Poisoning"
Tera Sickness is caused by the human body's inability to process Tera Energy from the environment well. This is most often caused by an individual being within Area Zero for an extended period without the proper protective gear (At least an oxygen mask and filtered air so the lungs do not breathe in too much crystal debris)
How is Tera Sickness Contracted
As mentioned above, this sickness is contracted by overexposure to Tera energy, and as such is not contagious and cannot be spread to other individuals or Pokemon. Pokemon can contract the illness, but it is nowhere near as dangerous for them as it is for humans, as Pokemon can get the excess energy out through battle. However, this sickness can also be contracted by overuse of the Tera Orb, and as such it is recommended that an individual not overuse the feature in battle (this heavily applies for participants in the Paldea League)
What are the Symptoms
Mild Symptoms: • Headaches • Fatigue • Crystal flecks on the skin • Chills
Moderate symptoms: • Nausea • Foggy/crystalline vision • Lack of Appetite • Numbness in the fingers and toes similar to hypothermia
Should someone begin experiencing mild symptoms, it is recommended that they cease all battling and exposure to Tera Energy at once and seek medical assistance from a doctor.
Severe symptoms: • Loss of consciousness • Altered mental state • Crystallization of limbs (how Aster lost his leg) • Crystallization around the affected individual • Loss of sensation in the limbs (arms+legs)
Should a person be exposed to energy more and not seek treatment, tera crystals will begin to grow inside the body, which can result in organ failure and death.
Treatment is mostly being around tera energy-free places, or being around Dynamax energy for long enough that it cancels out, but not for too long as Dynamax energy is bad in abundance too and can result in fever and other complications. Dynamax Bands are often used in hospitals to give patients gentle and stable exposure to Dynamax Energy over time.
Oftentimes should symptoms become severe enough, surgical intervention will be required, but that is a very rare outcome (unless you like whump, then I doubt I'll stop you). Limb loss can occur from the sickness, as well as skin grafts and scarring.
It is recommended that should someone begin exhibiting symptoms of Tera Sickness to seek out a doctor, especially if the symptoms are moderate and (or) crystal flecks appear on the skin.
//ooc: This is the intro post I made for Tera Sickness, and anyone can use it in their writing!! I don't mind, just link this post if you use it so others can read this :)
//ooc: Yeah, that's it for now— byebye!! Enjoy :3
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pearl484-blog · 5 months
Before season 5, some Senti-Adrien stories had him be a replacement for a normal kid who died. Do you think that would have been better or worse than his parents never having a kid the normal way?
Again, sorry for the delay. I've been dealing with some physical and mental health problems, and one of my alters decided to take control for awhile. I think he answered one or two of your asks, but my beta reader advised him to stop.
Honestly, for me, better or worse is kinda more related to what stories you can tell with it. I'll admit, I have a soft spot for whump, since it really helped pull me out of my depression when I was younger, and I've written a story about Adrien replacing a kid that I'll find a way to fit into Adrien AUGreste. But ot differs on what level of messed up you want and how. On one hand, you have a kid created as a replacement and all that entails with some "flaws" removed or "improvements" added. On the other, you have two people so obsessed with having the perfect kid, they create one from scratch, which means there's no one to live up to, but also there's also possibly nothing there besides his orders. Just depends on your story really.
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
AI-less Whumptober Day 4: Hiding an injury
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Summary: Adrien goes to school after being injured in an Akuma attack.
Being a hero was dangerous. Ladybug and Cat Noir knew that well. But no matter what Ladybug's lucky charm would reverse the damage done.
Unless she lost it. Adrian stood in the boys bathroom, his side bleeding. He was unsure of what to do. He should have just gone home but the school day had only just begun when the akuma attack happened. It was around noon now.
The boy grabbed a bunch of toilet paper and stuffed it on his side. He grabbed bandages he kept on his backpack just in case and wrapped them around the wound. He grabbed his jacket and was thankful he had grabbed the black on that morning.
Adrian stumbled back towards his class. The hall was busy at class change. He stayed close to the wall and tried to walk straight.
What would happen if the knew? What could he do if the found out? Nothing. Cat Noir knew that if anyone found out that he was Cat Noir, he would lose himself.
It hurt. The gash was still bleeding. It was sore to the touch. Sore was an understatement.
It didn't take long for people to stair. He leaned into the wall and felt like sitting down and sobbing. Adrian wanted to scream. But, if he did, if he told them he was in pain, he wouldn't be able to be free.
Gabriel would lock him in the house forever. He couldn't be isolated like that again. That would hurt more then the wound in his side.
As soon as he entered the room he did his best to get to his seat quickly and at least mostly normally. All he needed was for someone to figure out his secret identity.
"Hey Adrian!" Nino said enthusiastically.
"Hey." The hero did his best to match his energy but couldn't.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm just tired." He rested one of his arms on the desk and laid his head down. After that he grabbed his side with the other hand and kept pressing on it. He just needed to make it until the end of the school day. Once he was home he could figure out how to fix it.
"Hey Adrian, why are you holding your side?" Rose asked.
"Oh, I'm just cold." He wasn't exactly lieing to her. He was cold.
"Dude, it's like really warm in here." Kim, who was walking to his set, called Adrian's bluff.
"I'm just cold okay." He put his head back down.
"Is your hand red?" Alya inspected.
"No, it's fine" Adrian said, his head still on the table. Why wouldn't they just leave him alone? Why did they have to make it so hard to hide that he was hurt?
"If you say so." Alya knew she would be watching him carefully.
Halfway through class Adrian started to feel worse. He felt nauseated and weak. He raised his hand and asked to use the restroom. Ms. Bustier said that he could and Adrian stood up to leave the room.
He could feel his legs growing weaker as he walked to the door.
"Are you alright?" Ms. Bustier asked.
"I'm, fine. Thank you." He grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. The world felt like it was fading. He couldn't show it any more than he had already. He wouldn't lose everything just because he couldn't hide an injury.
As soon as the door closed the class looked at each other to see if everyone else was sceptical.
In the hall Adrien stumbled to the floor. He laid there for a moment before getting up and using the wall to get around. He pushed all his body weight on the wall and prayed it would be enough to get him back to the gym lockers.
Once there he sat against the wall and took his jacket off. The kid sighed as he realized he bleed though the bandages. Placing the jacket on his side, he wondered how much of class he could skip.
"So, should someone check on him." Nathaniel asked.
"I'll go" Nino volunteered almost immediately.
"Marinette, why don't you go since your class representative?" Alya asked.
"I'm his best bud, I've got it."
"Nino, if you don't mind, please go check on him."
Nino left the room and walked towards the bathroom. Nearing the lockers he saw a red substance on the ground and looked towards the door. There was blood on the handle.
A sense of unease fell over Nino. "What the fuck?" He whispered. He walked to the door and opened it.
Adrian heard the door handle and panicked. Where did he go? How did he hide? He crawled over to a place behind a locker and held in a sob when the door opened. "Adrien?" Nino called out.
Cat Noir placed a hand over his mouth. He could taste the salt from the blood. It surprised him.
"Adrian? Man? I'm concerned. If you're here please just tell me."
No matter how hard Adrien could try, the tears would come anyway.
"Adrian?" Nino turned to face him. "Oh fuck."
"Nino, please don't get anyone."
"Why not?" Nino raised his voice.
"Please. I can't really explain."
"Are you okay? Like are you in danger?" The man walked over and kneeled down to Adrian.
"I'm fine, just in, pain."
"Come here."
Adrian complied. Nino grabbed his side and kept pressure on his side. "Help!" He screamed.
"No please. They can't know." The hero whispered.
"Can't know what?"
"That I'm hurt."
"Why?" Nino called out for help again.
"My identity."
Nino didn't know? "Fuck" Adrian whispered.
"You're-" Nino was cut off as someone came into the locker room.
The teacher called 122 as she helped Nino get him to the front of the school.
What was he going to do now? Maybe he could just say that the akuma attack had caused it. He wasn't lying, just not telling the whole truth. It didn't really matter now. Everyone knew that he was hurt. The one thing he was avoiding.
Now he'd just have to hope that no one knew that he was Cat Noir. He didn't think anyone had seen the wound he had received. That may just be his savior. As he heard the sirens from the ambulance he blacked out. Maybe he shouldn't have waited so long.
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