#adrian conrad
men-worth-your-time · 3 months
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Adrian Conrad
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theodorecanaryhood · 4 months
Pride with the DC boys
Part 1 of 2
Top left, Floyd Lawton, top right, Roy Harper, bottom left, Connor Kent, bottom right Hal Jordan (younger)
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He’s a great boyfriend
He’s romantic and is big on PDA
Loves to show you off
During pride, Floyd will get the pride flag out the second June 1st hits
Will drag you gay bars
Has a mix of a friendship group who also tag along
Floyd drinks whiskey all year round so will not get the pretty cocktails
Isn’t too big on the ‘stereotypes’
Floyd is a top so will have his way with you the second he gets you alone at home
This man is a romantic novel reader
Roy has a designated playlist for just the two of you
Isn’t big on the pride scene, but will go to gay bars
The most PDA he will fall for is holding your hand
Roy is big on skincare, but mostly as a redhead
Roy drinks the hard liquor, but does dabble the occasional wine
Will sing along to Adele, Rihanna, Britney, basically any gay anthem
Roy has a few friends who are drag queens so knows the good spots
Roy is a top, and a rough one at that
As a Kryptonian, his romance and love language is a little different
Connor likes to tease
Connor likes any kind of physical contact with you, as his boyfriend he would prefer you initiate it
Didn’t know what pride month was until you told him, though Connor wasn’t really aware about sexuality either
Likes to explore new places
Tried a Long Island iced tea…did not care for it
PDA isn’t a thing, but Connor will put his arm around you
Too loud in clubs but then his head is filled with noise a lot due to his super hearing
Drinks red wine mostly
Doesn’t have many friends outside of the team, so happy to meet yours
Connor is versatile, so will either like you to have your way with him, or for him to be rough with you when he tops
A huge part of Hal’s story is the man by his side
Hal is most definitely a cuddler, holds your hand tightly, occasionally kisses your forehead
During Pride, he will go all out - paints his nails, dresses more flamboyant etc
You found it cute your first pride with him, Hal grinned ear to ear as he marched with you during the parade
Hal has actually never missed a single parade in his life
Loves gay bars as much as you do
The gayest cocktail he can order, Hal will order it - even if it tastes bad
Loves going to drag shows
Will play anything by Lady GaGa, Ariana, Dua, Madonna ….
Is 💯 a top, and a large one at that so his boyfriends hole will be stretched good 😊
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sawthingsiimagined · 2 years
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tlj1988 · 4 months
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nununiverse · 11 months
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Adrian Conrad
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beautyallaroundus25 · 2 years
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blackmensuited · 2 years
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lixxen · 1 year
I am just saying that so far a detail that people have brushed over in Asteroid City is that Schubert knew Jones and personally sent him to Conrad for the role. Gave him money and everything for them to meet. He probably told Jones what ice cream Conrad likes. Which their (Conrad and Jones) meeting and relationship been noted as "lore" for the play, which means that Schubert inadvertently set the two up
I genuinely like to believe that the two of them are friends and were somewhat close. That's why Schubert got on his knees to be level with Jones to reassure him. His body language and expression hints at them being comfortable. I have done the exact same thing to my friends who are upset
And during the sleep study, it is implied that Schubert and Conrad are seemingly friends outside of working together in the past. Especially by how they randomly hold hands and the shoulder hold (same could be applied to Saltzburg tbh we all know the Hollywood assholes are all friends). Jones in the back of the room, covering his face and watching, could be interpreted as him coming along to support his (at that point and probably) boyfriend and to see his good friend
Which leads into how I believe in the theory of Conrad's death not being an accident, but Conrad's own doing. And that I like to think that Jones spent days crying to Schubert
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so... does this change anything between us? (adrian)
"Do you want it to change anything between us Adrian?" Wanda asked, her gaze lingering on the other. She too had feelings for the other but she had been reluctant to fall in love again. After losing Vision, she had been so scared that she would be destined to be alone, to lose those that she loved. And so, she tended to keep people at arms length. "What would you want to happen?"
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men-worth-your-time · 3 months
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Adrian Conrad
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thatuselesshuman · 2 months
Writer Questionnaire Tag
Thank you for the tag @wyked-ao3
It's always fun to do one of these lol
How long have you had your writing Tumblr/Writeblr? A fast and loose estimate is fine!
I've had a Tumblr account for about 6 months or so but I've only been a 'writeblr' for a couple months.
What led you to create it?
Idk tbh. I kinda just decided that I wanted to share my writing and it led me here.
What’s your favorite thing about the Writeblr community?
All of the creativity is amazing. I'm a whore for lore and world building, and the worlds that y'all come up with are immaculate. I could only hope to think of a world that vast and interesting.
What’s one thing you’d like your mutuals to know about you?
Please ddon't take me seriously. I've said it before and I'll say it again, but I'm not just a clown, I'm the entire circus. The day you take me too seriously (especially as an author) is the death of my whimsy.
Is there anything you’d like to see more of on your dash?
Nothing I can really think of. I'm pretty happy with how it is rn lol
WIP it Good
Which Works-in-Progress (WIPs) or writing projects are you noodling about, lately?
Bloody Hands are Kind and None of Us Heroes are always floating around. They're never not beating my ass with ideas and scenes.
How long have you been working on them?
I've been working of the series component of Bloody Hands are Kind since February, and None of Us Heroes for about 1 and a half months.
Do you remember what inspired them/what got you started?
None of Us Heroes started from the Honkai Star Rail brainworms known as Adventurine and Dr Ratio. Their designs and story inspired the two main characters of None of Us Heroes. The series component of Bloody Hands are Kind was basically me shoving a long-standing OC of mine into the Hunger Games universe and praying it would work.
How much time, in your best estimation, do you spend thinking about them?
At least a few hours a day, usually when I'm laying in bed trying to fall asleep. My array of illnesses make falling asleep hard and I find that thinking about my stories makes it easier to forget that I'm not asleep (and therefore hopefully fall asleep).
When someone asks the dreaded, “What do you write about,” question, what do you usually say?
"Whatever the voices command."
What do you want to say (if it’s different from what you do say)?
Meh I say that because I find it funny so idk if I'd change it.
Let’s Rotate Blorbos
Name any characters you created. Side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who’ve never been written, the first original abomination you ever pulled from your ass; whomever you’d like!
OHH LORD THIS IS GONNA BE A LONG LIST. So we got Adrian, Nova, Amarantha, Jack, Cora Beth, Ben Al-Badawi (x3), Jack Collins, William Talt, Blue, Zero, One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Azrael (aka Amane), Lucifer, Achlys, Quinn Amsel, Atlas Selic, Michael, Adena, Nakir, Evangeline, Celeste, Saeko, Gabriel, Kaz Anderson, Caspian, Jyn Osaka, Nikolai Sevigny, Cyril, Kylan Whitlock, Kestrel, Leo Valandi, Anaïs, Delph, Laz (short for Lazarus), Neo, Roland, Tobias, Will, Mirwais, Simon Cruz, Conrad, James Blackthorn, Alessandra Snow, Max Foster, Benyamin Safi, Haeyun Sin, and Dante Silvestre. There are more, but I either don't care enough to write them down or I've forgotten their names.
Who’s the most unhinged?
Blue 100%. He's not human and it is not uncommon for his species to be cannibalistic. He's not, but he's still unhinged asf
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
Max Foster. He's easy to write because me and him share a lot if similarities.
Do you ever cringe at them?
Oh definitely. A lot of my old characters are cringy.
How much control do you feel you have over your characters? AKA, do they ever “write themselves,” refuse to cooperate, or do things you didn’t expect? To what degree? Are some less cooperative than others?
Dude idk what to tell you, whenever I try and force my characters to do something I hit the biggest writer's block wall I've ever seen.
On Writeblr Engagement
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters? And do you have a preferred means of receiving said questions? For example, as Asks, as replies, as reblogs, as tag notes, as comments on AO3, etc.
YES YES PLEASE ASK ME!! Anyways, I don't really care how you ask (I just want you to ask lol), but if I had to pick it'd either be asks or comments on Ao3. Though ofc I still love questions in any and all forms, even if it's something like making a separate post and tagging me loll.
What makes you want to follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow ‘em as you see ‘em, or take time scoping out the blog to make sure you align with its content? Do you follow based on WIPs, or vibes?
I mostly follow people if I think their cool or if I find myself consistently liking their posts as they come across my dash. I don't follow people often tho lol. I only follow abt 20 people I think.
What makes you decide against following?
If their vibes are too negative, if they're super political, if their content doesn't align with something I care about, or if they're super anti something I am. Any combination of those could be the reason I don't follow.
Do your mutuals’ characters occupy space in your noodle?
Yes. I think about other people's WIPs and such all of the time. I love stories, what can I say?
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
Of course! As I said, I don't follow many people so I don't have many mutuals. I love interacting with different people though, so I'm happy to strike up conversations with random people I find cool!
@moltenwrites @willtheweaver @the-golden-comet @katenewmanwrites @agirlandherquill +open tag
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drawdownbooks · 9 months
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Who the Hell is Müller-Brockmann?
What are the underlying reasons for the success or failure of a design manifesto? How can cultural exchange bring new value to the field of graphic design? At the end of the day is the contemporary scene still truly innovative or simply basking in past glories?
Over the course of a residency at a London gallery, Swiss designer Demian Conrad invited an array of graphic designers and typographers past and present to share the anecdotes, stories and scandals that have marked the international design scene over the course of the last century. The result is Who the Hell is Müller-Brockmann? an examination of the ways in which the Swiss Style influenced British graphic design and vice versa.
This celebration of the ongoing dialogue and collaboration that has existed between the design traditions of these two countries also lays bare the divergences and conflicts that lie beneath the surface, and examines how such things as a typeface or a layout grid can come to have such an enduring impact on a global community and elicit such strong emotions.
Each participant was asked to bring a design-related artifact that represents their personal connection with the Swiss Style, all of which are presented in this volume. These images and the dialogues they generate create a bridge between the typographic traditions and practices of Britain and Switzerland.
With an essay by Adrian Shaughnessy
Contributors include Bruno Maag, Fraser Muggeridge, Freda Sack, Holger Jacobs, Michele Jannuzzi, Richard Hollis, Robin Kinross, and Sara De Bondt
Edited by Demian Conrad
Published by Niggli Verlag, 2022
Softcover, 208 pages, 150 images, 4.76 × 7.28 inches
ISBN: 978-3-72-121007-1
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tlj1988 · 2 months
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vital-information · 5 months
“William J. Mann has argued that, contrary to the widespread impression of Hollywood as a place in which the closet was rigorously enforced by the studio system, the movie industry was often more accommodating to its homosexual workers at all levels. One of Mann’s interviewees said to him, in answer to an obvious question, ‘Who didn’t have to lie? Who didn’t have to pretend? We had a whole community, for God’s sake. We had—dare I say it?—power. Where else in America did gays have such a thing?’ The passionate tone offers its own evidence. Mann correctly points out what his interviewee seems not to have known, that there were other such protective communities and subcultures across the States at the time; but the point is well made, all the same. From the start, there were more than enough homosexual men and women in Hollywood for the operation of informal supportive systems. The disappointment is in the failure of that power to translate into a corresponding visibility in the cultural product: the movies.
Mann found that his interviewees did not use such expressions as ‘in’ and ‘out’ (of the closet). Instead, they independently kept coming back to the words ‘overt’ and ‘circumspect,’ and to degrees of both. Individuals, couples and groups tended to locate themselves where they felt most comfortable across a spectrum of degrees of openness. There was no general pressure to work towards a point at which it would become possible to come out; but, perhaps more surprisingly, there was no general imperative not to come out. The determining factors were many. There was a class difference, as elsewhere. ‘The most overt gays tended to come from working-class backgrounds, while those from the middle classes invariably were more circumspect.’ In certain professional areas, such as costume design and set design, it was possible to exploit the popular connection of male effeteness with aesthetic sophistication; yet that connection does not appear to have been applicable in relation to men who sought to direct movies. On the other hand, the few women who made it in major behind-camera creative roles had to shake off the stigma of whimsical femininity and demonstrate a willingness to get their hands dirty, metaphorically or not. One of Mann’s interviewees summed up his own experience of being gay in Hollywood’s early days as follows: ‘My being gay and knowing all these people—the doors were always open. It was all this “understood” business. They knew I knew, I knew they knew. It was kind of a brotherhood.’
Referring to Hollywood in the 1920s, Hart Crane said: ‘O André Gide! No Paris ever yielded such as this!’ In the heyday of what Kenneth Anger would call ‘Hollywood Babylon,’ one might argue that an artistic ethos combined with a pleasant climate to produce an attitude of sexual celebration, within limits that would soon be tightened up. The extent to which the ethos of the mode of production ever influenced the product—the movies themselves—has been a matter for much debate. In this context, William Mann asks a series of pertinent, rhetorical questions:
is it possible to see the gay influence in The Wizard of Oz, for example, because [the costume designer] Adrian created the Munchkins and Jack Moore the Yellow Brick Road? Can we reflect upon the gayness of the narrative of Cat People, written by DeWitt Bodeen? Might we consider the queerness of the very look of Casablanca, whose fantastic sets were designed by George James Hopkins? Or detect the gay soul of Meet Me in St. Louis, because its direction was staged by Vincent Minnelli, its score orchestrated by Conrad Salinger, and its production arranged by Roger Edens? Might we consider the entire body of work of such directors as George Cukor or Dorothy Arzner or Edmund Goulding or James Whale, seeing their films as the creations of artists who were gay?
The answer is probably affirmative in every case, if more convincingly so in some than in others; and acknowledging ‘the creations of artists who were gay’ is, of course, a long way from finding specifically ‘gay art,’ especially since all of the named figures were working in collaboration with other artists who were not gay. However, Mann’s list of questions gives a vivid sense of the creative possibilities of a specifically gay spectatorship.
Although the atmosphere in the film industry itself was quite relaxed, outside observers of that industry came to be less so. Ever since the late 1920s, varying degrees of pressure exerted from outside have had an effect on the atmosphere within the studios themselves and on the extent to which professionals in the industry—especially actors—have been able to reconcile their sexual orientations and their working lives.”
Gregory Woods, Homintern: How Gay Culture Linerated the Modern World
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schoonheid-1229 · 5 months
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Adrian Conrad
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selfsabotaqe · 11 months
hi everyone! it's been a while & finally i'm making my comeback. work has finally left me some room to breathe so i'll be reappearing on your dash and hopefully getting back into the swing of replies. down below there's a full list of everything currently in my drafts. please let me know whether you'd like to continue or drop these threads. whichever scenario is completely fine and understandable (it's been a hot sec after all), just let me know. if you'd prefer to start something new, we can also do that. feel free to message me or reply to this post anytime. there's no rush at all to make up your mind, but just to start off i'll start with replies for threads people do actively express interest in. so if anything from this list is something you're still excited about, let me know and i'll prioritize. we can always waitlist the other stuff while we feel it out. anyway, let me know, come chat, let me love u down and can't wait to continue writing together. love u all! 💗🥹
with @persephonyed. carlos x lorenzo marley x camille
with @silvrmoon. nadiye x milo axel x kadri zehra x sierra
with @lilacwiine. drew x felice amara x maya
with @invcntions. alec x lucas mateo x saxon devrim x leo beau x koa emre x noah luca x jaiden (smth new?) jesse x finn peyton x vance soren x lincoln
with @horrorphase. dominic x percy milan x kendall
with @slumpcd. max x theo kendall x nolan jinny x gwen
with @gcldcnhour. eden x mathias rhys x bodie isabel x tate alina x priya zoe x knox ethan x violet marisol x miriam
with @temptedfates. emmett x aydin noor x solana
with @spectraled. maddie x rory tbd x dallas (thought abt replying if u would like replies <3)
with @vacationeyes. marco x conrad julian x callum emre x frankie xavier x tyson jude x forest
with @lovecharged. jonas x antonio aleksei x drake bridie x quilo tbd x amie jonas x antonio (part two) julian x zayn felix x robin nadiye x rasim tatum x uziah carlos x gabriel
with @fruitpoem. ambar x joel
with @inkiidreams. aera x selin davika x esra carlos x mallory merve x yaritza robin x aurelia lais x nova casper x knox lachlan x olivia
with @wutheringdevotion. lachlan x oliver rowan x ginny connor x evan meera x monique carlos x gabriel gwen x jonah margot x adrian
with @gardenwalls. meera x paloma alec x mack naiyana x nadine daniel x minako laura x andrea fabien x mei li nazli x rhys
with @felteverywhere. alina x rowan
with @sunstvne. santiago x constantin
with @gvngsigns. gabriela x lucas kai x mateo florence x liam tobias x zuri andrea x cruz ricardo x vincent
with @scbrvght. all of our formula one threads (don't think i owe u the replies but let me know if you'd like to continue them <3) lale x finley soren x everly
mAYBE im missing things. if there's anything i owe you that isn't on this list, feel free to point it out to me! and also vice versa, if you owe me something & you want to discuss continuing or dropping it, just come message me and we can chat about it!
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