#adri; crush
one-winged-dreams · 3 months
AUGH, putting this here because it's the middle of the night and I haven't decided if I want y'all too look at him or not
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maxipowell · 1 month
i may have made a mistake and dived too deep and i found ‘driving the conversation’ again (sort of like an ad for lexus and mavs had the brilliant idea of pairing them up) and episode 4 started like this
i can’t even put into words what i’m feeling rewatching this.
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people-wxtching · 9 months
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elif-ants · 1 year
rewatching jatp !!!
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sshoujo-ais · 1 year
me when march tells me to watch this awesome move
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pinkrelish · 1 year
do you think once miss mouse and eddie were in an established relationship she’d bake cakes for his and adrie’s birthday every year?? i feel like she’d go full out for adrie like full on multi tiered princess cake and the first time she does it eddie and his baby just go absolutely feral in the best way possible
ps typ is my favourite slow burn EVER i love it withh all my heart ur so talented
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today's my birthday so it seems fitting to answer this! wc: 496
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morning dawns soft blue in a kitchen warmed by low lights, and orange coils. a kettle boils water too hot for a third cup of instant coffee, and cooked sugar enriched by vanilla bakes through the small apartment. suffocating heat from the oven on the early june day breaks sweat on your forehead as you re-whip the frosting you made an hour ago, plastic bowl in your arms still cold from the fridge. the yellow cake cooling on the rack simple, homemade. jack of all trades, master of none, it's nothing impressive, just something to tide adrie and neighborhood kids over until the big party on the weekend.
still, when your big snoring man shuffles in with a bedhead halo and plaid pajama pants with one drawstring longer than the other, his raw wonder catches the husky sleep deep in his throat—"aw, baby, what're you doin'?"
you shrug, too shy to admit how early you woke up to do this, suddenly embarrassed with your effort to make a good impression on his daughter's first birthday with you in her life. he had no clue what you had planned for her real cake, and already your cheeks went hot from the lovesick shine flooding his eyes, big softy about to cry while he scratched his stomach under his shirt.
"you're too much," he says in a shake of his head. too much on a thursday morning when her party comes saturday afternoon.
his bare feet scatter the balloons creeping across the carpeted floor, blown up by him late last night until he felt faint, and ready to be popped in the energetic rush of cake for breakfast. on his way to you, he passes the one wrapped gift of a latch hook rug kit beneath the happy birthday banner you hung crooked even with his help. it was a creativity driven present to keep her busy before she got her big girl bike in two days time. training wheels most definitely included.
any second now adrie would run through the streamers you both taped to the top of her door frame, so eddie made quick work of putting the frosting aside and smothering kisses atop your head, wielding his dad strength to hug you tight to his chest, steering you into a twirl by his hold on your wrists, rocking from foot to foot until your back was crushed to his front.
tucking his chin to mash his nose to your hair, his heavy hum vibrates through your skull as he surveys the usual munson fare mingling with your new traditions, slowing your bodies to a gentle sway until his sigh empties from his lungs. "you mean everything to us, you know that?"
"i know that," you answer so softly it was lost in the bubbling hiss from the kettle before he shut off the burner. "you're everything to me, too."
"thank you, baby."
"thank you, handsome." thank you for this moment, this family, this love.
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impossiblesuitcase · 1 year
Cinder is jealous. She's jealous of her step-sisters. They have pretty clothes and soft hands and a doting mother. She has none of which. Her sister Peony is her only human friend and even seeing her in a ballgown sparks "envy" in Cinder, because Peony gets a dress and can go to the ball. Cinder can't.
She doesn't believe she could be pretty. She's too clunky, she's not curvy. She pins it down to being cyborg or just naturally inadequate. Cinder doesn't have nice clothes or fancy things. Kai gives her gloves and they are "the most beautiful thing she had ever owned." And then they are ruined, like all the pretty things in her life. She has to survive, endure, and with that she doesn't have time for prettiness.
But Kai's first impression of her is that she's "cute" and "pretty." He calls her pretty in public, and he calls her pretty in his private thoughts. "Your pretty new mechanic in the lobby", "the pretty young mechanic at the market." He finds her gorgeous with her glamour, and his "knees threatened to buckle" in her beauty. Everyone else thought she was gorgeous, but no one was swooning the way he was. The glamour had amplified the attraction he'd already had towards her.
Thorne, upon seeing a cyborg stumble into his jail cell, has the first instinct to flirt with her. Not recoil, because of her metal and skin, but flirt because she's a girl and that's his favourite pastime. And what distinguished her from the many other pretty girls he normally flirted with? To him, "her irritation made her prettier". Her disgruntled personality, who she is, is her prettiness.
Adri tells Cinder that if she can't cry, she can't feel love. She does love, she loves so much, but she doesn't have time to grieve her sister or her anonymity or her freedom when she has a revolution to start. She has to tough it out.
When she's bound up in Kai's arms she feels safe, delicate, "almost like a princess."
Cinder pretends she doesn't have a crush on Kai because having a crush on a celebrity is "preadolescent," the trademark of immature, lovesick teenage girls. How can she be girly when she's a grimy mechanic? She "doesn't know the first thing about makeup", because do you think Adri would have ever let her buy some to try? Would Cinder have even bothered, believing nothing could improve a cyborg?
She dreams of "going to the ball and dancing with the prince." And when Iko teases her, Cinder says, "we all have our weaknesses". It is a weakness to be in love, because someone like Kai couldn't love her. She imagines being at the ball, "jealous of the girls who swooned to catch Prince Kai's attention." Jealous that they can be open with their attraction, jealous that he would pick them over her.
But he loves her. And when he does, she can't process the feeling "of being desired". She wants to carve 'C + K' into a wall, then berates herself for such "whimsy." Because deep down, she's always wanted to be wanted, and that truth is her weakness. But war doesn't last forever, and soon, she has no reason to hide that. There's no reason it would be a weakness.
Cinder is comfortable in baggy cargo pants and messy hair but she also dreams of wearing a beautiful ballgown. She loves her coronation dress. She calls the empress crown 'stunning.'
She never becomes obsessed with frills or glitter, but she slowly leans into soft, pretty things. She has a necklace from Kai and her engagement ring. It's sparkly and yet, Cinder, the so-called 'tough, aloof tomboy' thinks it makes her metal hand look "elegant". Maybe she starts wearing bracelets and earrings because they don't bother her when she isn't working on something mechanical. She doesn't even notice until Thorne jokes that she wears more metal in jewellery than the whole metal of her hand.
Maybe she buys herself a new set of tools with pink and blue iridescent handles simply because finds them pretty. Maybe when her friends tease her about how in love she is, she starts to acknowledge it.
Cinder is not some stereotype of a leading female character who is strong and as such cannot be feminine or soft or emotional. Was she given the chance to be?
Let her be soft. Let her be delicate. Let her pretty.
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gee-arid · 4 months
Don't know if you've already explained it, but how does the lovesquare work in your AU?
I cant actually remember if i have either- so heres a run down of like the first 2 "seasons" or "arcs". I dont really got a time frame for this au.
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Starting with the Origins "episode". Nath and Marc dont know eachother, they know vaguely of eachother from school- but theyve not met.
Their hero alter egos though... get off on the wrong foot. The bug is adamant he cant work in a team and the cat... is rubbed the wrong way. They reluctantly work together in part 2 after the bug absolutely fucks up his job. (Could've been avoided with a teammate lol)
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Arc 1, Nath and Marc still havent met. They meet via art club later this season. (Marc being pushed by Plagg and Marinette to make new friends, how about that art kid you follow?).
Our bug and cat reluctantly help eachother figure out their hero names and work together to fight akumas. Rouges is trying his hardest to make up for his shitty first impression, and Vei is.. sarcastic and blunt about it.
Rouges and Marc would be the Mari-Chat equivilent ig. But less interest.
While Vei and Nath would be the Adri-Bug equivilent. Less romance focused right now though, and more wow theyre so cool.
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Nath and Marc are friends now! They dont write a comic together, they dont have enough time for that. But they hang out alot, they really click after meeting.
Hurray, love square now!
Rouges has a thing for Vei. But is just friends with Marc (he is developing a crush though)
Vei is warming up to Rouges, but thinks of him as just about a friend. but has a thing for Nath.
Note that my "Arcs" probably go by faster than "Seasons" would, so Act 2 would probably end up being mid. season 1?
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 10 months
Skin To Skin
Chapter 3
1,375 words
[1] [2]
Summary: Words of love and a sudden revelation.
A/N: I thought I was done with this fic, but it turns out that Adrinette fluff is something I can't get enough of.
EDIT 12-12-2023: I added two paragraphs at the end.
Waking up in Adrien's arms the next morning was like a dream come true.
The following day was also wonderful, full of warmth and fun.
They spent their time baking, playing video games, and cuddling together.
As night fell and Marinette's parents went to sleep, Adrien and Marinette made it to bed too, Adrien carrying her bridal style (another thing he started doing recently to be closer to her).
But once they were in bed again, Marinette snuggling up to him, Adrien asked to do him a new favour.
"I need to hear words of love and affection. Physical contact is fine, yet the words would make it so much better. So, if it's not much trouble, could you please call me some cute pet names? Pleeease, Marinette".
Marinette was confused. She'd never used pet names with her friends, the only exceptions being "girl" and "bestie" for Alya.
Her mom usually called her "chérie" and "sweetie," but she wasn't sure these words of endearment, so natural coming from her mother, would work with Adrien.
And "Chaton" and "Minou" she used for Chat Noir were reserved for her partner only, not to mention that using them with someone else would endanger her secret identity.
"What pet names?" She asked helplessly.
"My mother used to call me Didi and "my little prince." But you can call me whatever you're feeling comfortable with."
Marinette giggled.
""My little prince" sounds so cute, but I'm afraid I can't use it."
"I trust you to call me whatever you'll come up with." Adrien murmured, pulling her closer to him and burying his face into her hair.
"How about "honey" or "buttercup"?" Marinette asked hesitantly.
For a brief moment, she thought that Adrien flinched, but he relaxed immediately.
"Is buttercup your special term of endearment?" he asked with a smile clearly audible in his voice.
"Yes, kind of," Marinette answered. Adrien didn't need to know that it was a code name invented for him specifically.
"I love it!" he said sleepily, kissing the top of Marinette’s head. "You can call me whatever you like, my sweet Marinette!"
It should be illegal to be that sweet and loveable. Okay, I should start practicing right now to be able to say all of that without mumbling and stuttering, she decided.
And so she did.
By the time they were back to school, the practice had progressed brilliantly, with them adding new pet names for each other to their everyday vocabulary little by little.
Alya formed a small "o" with her mouth, and Nino’s jaw (as much as everybody else's) dropped upon hearing them call each other "mon bijou", "honey" and "darling" for the first time.
Alya must've given up. She asked nothing. She was surprisingly quiet in the days that followed the unforgettable sleepover, pretending that nothing special had happened.
Once during lunchtime, when they were lounging at the schoolyard, Marinette on Adrien's lap, he asked, planting a soft kiss on her temple:
"Now, can you please tell me that you love me?"
Marinette gasped and looked at him with wide eyes.
She felt all the blood in her body rush to her face. Her whole being was on fire, threatening to combust.
"What's wrong, Marinette?" Adrien asked worriedly, having received no response. "I thought friends told these words to each other all the time."
"Yes, they do, but…" Marinette murmured, totally crushed.
Adrien looked at her with a plea in his large, bright eyes.
"Then please tell them to me, honey. I need to hear them from you specifically."
Marinette prayed inwardly for an abyss to open up beneath her feet and engulf her entirely.
Her cheeks were now so hot that one could use them as frying pans, while her tongue, on the contrary, seemed to freeze in her mouth. She couldn't, for the life of her, make it move, let alone utter the words Adrien wanted to hear from her.
They were so easy to say in the dead of night when she knew the guy they were addressed to was fast asleep.
But to say them out loud right to his face when he was looking at her expectantly with his emerald green eyes was an entirely different matter.
Adrien, seeing her struggle, took her hands and pressed them to his chest to reassure her.
"You can whisper in my ear, if that'll make it easier for you," he suggested.
Marinette leaned to his ear, yet the expected words didn't come out. Adrien tried to help her once again.
"Look, telling your friends that you love them is not a big deal." He said, holding her chin gently. "There shouldn't be a room for shyness. I have zero problem with saying that."
He looked her deep in the eyes and said, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear:
"I love you, Marinette."
Marinette said nothing. She just watched him, her mouth slightly agape, while she was screaming internally.
God bless you, sweet sunshine boy! I'd say the words you long to hear a million times if I could only unglue the tip of my tongue from my palate.
"You see? And I really mean it." Adrien continued. "And you, do you love me too, Marinette?"
The words and the way they were said exuded so much love and tenderness.
This boy was so sweet for his own good.
Marinette's heart was so full.
Yet she still couldn't muster up the courage to say the most precious words.
She just nodded silently.
Adrien blushed in response and wrapped her in a tight embrace, her head resting on his heart.
"Thank you for loving me, Marinette, honey! I don't mind that you can't say that right now. I can feel it. You radiate so much love. I can never thank you enough for being in my life."
He placed a kiss on the spot between her nose and the upper lip, making the poor girl totally lose it.
And at last, at long last, a few days later, as they were whispering sweet nothings to each other while their usual friendly cuddling, Marinette got a sudden inspiration and whispered the words that's been burning her from within for so long.
She knew it was the right moment. She knew she would explode if she didn't get it off her chest.
These words, once uttered, unleashed a deluge of love and tenderness she'd been holding back for so long.
Very small at first, her voice grew a little louder every time she repeated, "I love you, Adrien!"
And Adrien couldn’t be happier, finally having all he ever wanted.
Or so she thought.
Until the day she accompanied him to the fencing class.
Everything was as usual—holding hands, friendly hugs, soft looks, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, honeys and buttercups.
Then Marinette had to leave, no matter how much Adrien wanted her to stay. But her parents needed her to assist at the bakery.
When she saw him again, he wasn't the Adrien she knew anymore.
She could immediately tell that something had shifted—something about his attitude, the way he spoke and looked at her.
She couldn't put her finger on what exactly had changed since he was soft and gentle towards her, as always.
Adrien looked her intently in the eyes, as if he had never seen her before.
"I love you, Marinette!" He said finally.
That wasn't something new. Nothing she hadn't heard before.
They've been telling these words to each other for quite a while now, yet her heart was still swelling every time she heard three magic words.
"I love you too, Adrien!" Marinette murmured in response, her cheeks flushing bright red.
He laughed softly, like adults usually laugh at something cute and endearing children tell them.
"I know you do, silly," he said, placing a hand on her cheek, the tip of his nose brushing hers. "But look, I… I'm in love with you."
This afternoon, Alya suddenly broke the silence she'd been keeping for weeks regarding the nature of her best friend’s relationship with Adrien by whispering loudly in her ear:
"You won't dare assure that the passionate kiss on the lips your two shared this morning in the locker room was still perfectly friendly, will you?"
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one-winged-dreams · 2 months
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artzychic27 · 10 months
I love the idea that Thor!Adrien was actually very naive but always tried to get along and help his cousin Marc... and Loki!Marc always takes advantage of his kindness.
2 y/o Adrien: *Playing with a stuffed cat*
2 y/o Marc: *Takes the stuffed cat and holds it away from Adrien with a taunting smile*
Adrien: *Cries for a moment, then shrugs and hugs Marc, much to his annoyance*
5 y/o Marc: Hey, Adri! Wanna play a game?
5 y/o Adrien: Sure! What is it?!
Marc: ‘Suffer while I watch.’
*Later, Thor is untying Adrien, who’s dangling over a pit of lava*
Thor: Discipline that demon-spawn, Loki!
Loki: Oh, come on! Marc had fun, didn’t you dear?
Marc: He didn’t fall in!
13 y/o Marc: Hey, Blondie! Stash this for me! *Tosses Adrien a bag of cash*
13 y/o Adrien: Wh-where’d you get this?
Marc: Looted the history museum with Denise and Jean. They stole back some artifacts; I stole a fuck-ton of cash, and now the bag has your fingerprints on it.
Adrien: *Drops the bag* WHAT?!
Marc: Don’t be such a tool. The cops are gonna suspect me, but not the precious little sunshine baby, now are they?
Adrien: Uh…
Marc: Yeah, so hide that for me, I’m gonna bounce. *Leaves through a window*
15 y/o Marc: Heeeey, baby cousin!
15 y/o Adrien: *Pouts* You’re only older by two weeks.
Marc: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I love you, too. But, I could use a favor from my favorite cousin whom I love dearly with all my heart.
Adrien: Sure! What do you need? You know, as long as it’s nothing crazy.
Marc: Psh! When have I ever done anything- Never mind, shut up. I need you to get me Nathaniel’s phone.
Adrien: … Why?
Marc: Duh! So I can find out his number, put it in my phone, and text him heart emojis non-stop.
Adrien: Wouldn’t it be better to just ask for his number?
Marc: Aaw! You’re so cute! Where’s the fun in that?… I’m serious, please tell me. Blondie, I’m the demigod of chaos. You know how my brain functions by now.
Adrien: Why don’t I just tell Nath you have a crush on him?
Marc: Because there’s the good chance he’ll crush me. And while I would love that, I’d rather him do it when we’re dating. So, hook me up.
Adrien: … If I do this, I want you to help me with something.
Marc: Aw, of course! Anything for my baby cousin! *Crosses his fingers behind his back* You have my word-
Nino: *Extends his arm, picks Marc up, and turns him around revealing his crossed fingers* Don’t do it, bro.
Marc: UGH! I never get to have any fun around here! *Disappears in a puff of smoke*
Nino: Whenare you gonna stop falling for his tricks, dude?
Adrien: He’s my cousin. I have to believe him.
Nino: Who told you that bullshit?
Adrien: … Marc.
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ask-princessandromeda · 4 months
I had a crush on you, Luke.
Too bad you didn't flirt with me, because if you did, I'm jumping on that monster cruise ship before you can even say “Join,”
Like, it's that easy.
💘 Adrianna, sister to Silena in the Aphrodite cabin
ps: pretty sure Sil knew I was looking at you with heat shaped eyes
Luke: Oh! Uhm… Frankly, I hear this pretty often.
Luke: You know… you’re welcome to join any time.
Luke: We have cool weapons.
Luke: We have better cookies than Camp.
Luke: Heck, we have me!
Silena: Oh, Adrianna! Please don’t listen to him. All his cookies and promises are burnt. I’m glad you didn’t join! Stay safe, Adri!
Luke: Wait wait. For the record, how old are you?
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luxqaer · 1 year
Happy #MellyMonday
Time for another commission blog. It is a very prideful one indeed. And that is FC Melia holding a demipansexual flag. Done by @jokarioart
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There is a lot to go into the art itself, but it has an interesting backstory that goes along with this art. Half a decade ago @sir-teatei-moonlight made a headcannon about Melia's sexual orientation:
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In it, Teatei says that Melia is a demipansexual. A demipansexual is defined as a sexual orientation for people who would only be attracted to any gender as long as a lot of trust is built among their partner. So Melia can be attracted to anyone of any gender or sexual orientation, but unless she is given a positive sexual experience by those people, she is not attracted to anyone not assuming she has crushes or whatnot.
At the time, I found this to be a great way to describe Melia in general from the way she displays attraction in XC1. Only really having a crush on Shulk, only getting rejected, then wanting to become like Fiora right when the game ends. Not only that, Teatei explains in his blog that Melia has been sexually aroused several times without noticing. Something common with asexuals, but demipansexuals also experience that phenomenon as well.
You can read more about demipansexuality elsewhere because it is a really interesting sexuality to get into coming from a pan-curious person myself.
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Here is the flag of demipansexuality. Basically, the colors (pink=female, yellow=non-binary, blue=male according to sexuality wiki) representing the everyone coming from the pansexual flag and the black triangle representing the asexual part (not wanting sex unless having full trust in the partner to have one).
Upon really liking the headcannon, pride month came up around the time Adri was opening up commissions again. I hit her up with the idea, and here we are. First pride month Melia commission (this won't be the last one from her).
Talking about the art itself, Adri did such a sweet job with the sassy pose she gave Melia and her holding up a stick flag. It really shows the positivity of the LGBTQ+ community and how they portray fanart. Adri is transfemme after all, so she had the freedom to do it.
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In fact, I gave her permission to make a trans version of the art for free as well (I wasn't a part of this commission). Adri headcannons Melia as transfemme and I definitely can get by it! Anything for the trans community is welcome around me, especially. Or any of the LGBTQ+ community for that matter. 😊
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Adri is on Tumblr and also has a Patreon as well. She is taking commissions, but she isn't advertising them right now. I highly recommend checking out her work as she continues to improve her art with each art piece. Love you Adri!
That is the commission blog. Next week, I will discuss the Van Gogh of my Melia commissions. See you then!
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tireddovahkiin · 3 months
Ultimate F/O list!!!
(if you see any f/o on my list that you feel uncomfortable sharing, feel free to block me! I totally understand the meaning behind it, so ur all okay <3 )
(the opposite also stands. If you see a f/o that I marked as 'uncomfortable with sharing'/if your f/o falls in my f/oe criteria, PLEASE don't interact. Thank you <3)
(Also, have in mind that my romantic F/Os are shipped with SELF INSERTS ONLY! Any other ones are OC x CANON! Every canon character has its own designated parter!!! But, Familial F/Os are a mix of S/I and OC pairing!)
(However, this selection is strictly through MY own side of the view, not through the OCs I ROMANTICALLY ship them with!!! (not all of them, tho) Ex. Irl see Calcharo as a qpr f/o, but I have an OC that I ship him with romantically!!!)
(the list is not in order!)
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🖤- no sharing
💜- selective sharing
💚- okay with sharing
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Main F/Os:
Romantic ↴
Hanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) - [tag: 🌹serenity upon a flower field...🌸] - 🖤
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy) - [tag: 🖤under my black wing...🪽] - 🖤
Queerplatonic/Crush ↴
Sukuna Ryomen (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 🖤
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) -💜
Calcharo (Wuthering Waves) -🖤
Enrico Pucci (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) -🖤
Solazar (Friday Night Funkin') -🖤
Mahoraga (Jujutsu Kaisen) -🖤
Megatron (Transformers) -🖤
Gakupo Kamui (Vocaloid) -🖤
Terminator T-800 (Terminator) -💜
Dr. Veritas Ratio (Honkai Star Rail) -🖤
Shockwave (Transformers) -🖤
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog Media) -💜
Morgo (Little Misfortune) -🖤
Nero The Sable (Final Fantasy 7) - 💜
Weiss The Immaculate (Final Fantasy 7) - 💜
Svarog (Honkai Star Rail) -🖤
Luocha (Honkai Star Rail) -💜
Wanderer (Genshin Impact) -💜
Thranduil (Lord of The Rings) -💜
Smaug (Lord of The Rings) -💜
Mystic Flour Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 🖤
Tobirama Senju (Naruto) -🖤
Kakuzu (Naruto) -💜
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto) -🖤
Capitano (Genshin Impact) -🖤
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) -🖤
Legolas (Lord of The Rings) -🖤
Barok Van Zieks (Ace Attorney) -🖤
The Vigilante (Pizza Tower) -💜
Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact) -🖤
Logan Howlett (MARVEL X-men movies) -💚
Gyomei Himejima (Demon Slayer) -🖤
Muzan Kibutsuji (Demon Slayer) -💜
Platonic F/Os ↴
Junior (MY Oc) -🖤
Dagon (Jujutsu Kaisen) -💚
Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen) -💚
Jogo (Jujutsu Kaisen) -💚
Lee (Oc by @/mahitosoulmate)
Kuro (Oc by @/rabbitcyclops)
Kaze (Oc by @/flowey-apologist)
Yuuji (Jujutsu Kaisen) -💜
Alduin (Skyrim) -🖤
Odahviing (Skyrim) -🖤
Godzilla (Kaiju Monsterverse) -🖤
OMORI (Omori) -🖤
Soundwave (Transformers) -🖤
Costar (Oc by @/darknadaworld)
Mai (Oc by @/radaverse)
Deadpool (MARVEL) -💚
Zack Fair (Final Fantasy 7) - 💚
Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7) - 💜
Tankman (Friday Night Funkin') -💜
Daidem (Friday Night Funkin') -🖤
Tony Stark (MARVEL: Avengers) -💜
Guardians of the Galaxy (MARVEL: Avengers) -💜
Familial F/Os ↴
Enmei (MY fanchild) -🖤
Marry (MY Oc) -🖤
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy 7) - 🖤
Reeve Tuesti (Final Fantasy 7) - 🖤
Cait Sith (Final Fantasy 7) - 🖤
Aerith (Final Fantasy 7) - 🖤
Boy n Girl (Friday Night Funkin') - 🖤
The Marionette/Puppet (Five Nights at Freddy's) - 🖤
Milky Way Cookie (Cookie Run) -💚
Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) - 🖤
Minato Namikaze (Naruto) - 🖤
Nahida (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Sonic (Sonic The Hedgehog Media) - 💜
Clifford the big red dog (Clifford) - 💜
Adri (OC by @/one-winged-dreams)
Less important F/Os:
Queerplatonic/Crush ↴
Argenti & Boothill (Honkai Star rail) ��� poly ship - 🖤
Justine Courtney (Ace Attorney) - 💜
Ruvyzvat (Friday Night Funkin') - 🖤
Dark Cacao Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 🖤
Erwin Smidt & Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) → poly ship - 💜
DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) - 💜
Godot (Ace Attorney) -🖤
Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney) -💜
Diluc (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Polytheus (Mia and me) - 💚
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) -💜
Platonic F/Os ↴
Rouge the Bat (Sonic The Hedgehog frandchise) - 💜
Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy 7) - 💚
Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy 7) - 💜
Cid Highwind (Final Fantasy 7) -
Angeal Hewley (Final Fantasy 7) - 💚
Genesis Rhapsodos (Final Fantasy 7) - 💚
Hanji Zoe (Attack on Titan) - 💜
Bandu (Friday Night Funkin') - 💜
Dave (Friday Night Funkin') - 💚
Bambi (Friday Night Funkin') - 💚
Venom (MARVEL X-men) - 💚
Knockout (Transformers) - 🖤
Familial F/Os ↴
Kel (OMORI) - 🖤
Gingerbrave (Cookie Run) - 💜
Dr. Wing Ding Gaster (Undertale) - 💜
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable) -🖤
F/Oes (dni if you selfship with these, thanks.)
Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Professor Hojo (Final Fantasy 7)
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d10nsaint · 2 years
synopsis:with tensions amidst you and regis,his wife begins to conclude that maybe,you both are more than just friends. regis x mistress reader (3)
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Ever since you and Regis had met,you both found out how on par you both were with each other.You and regis had been an unstoppable duo,with brains that nobody could ever compare to the both of you.Well, until Regis had found a woman to marry.
Even after he married,he still found that you were the one most like him,well,except for the part where you refuse to not be heard,misunderstood,or overlooked.
A little before regis had gone to war,you had overtaken his mind—with how graceful and planned your moves were,or maybe with how your arguments were so well prepared with your basic knowledge that not even he,Regis Adri Floyen, could find a rebuttle.You were just..so perfect to him.
After almost months of that thought violating his mind—the thought of him liking,no,loving another woman that isn't the woman he kissed under the altar began to introduce new strain over him.So,with the 'gentleman' he is, he had to let you know how he felt.How he thought of you at night while in fights with Amelia,thinking about how this would have 'never happened if he listened to his heart and married you'.
When he told you about how he felt,all the thoughts that plagued his mind at night that were about how beautiful you were,how you were so independent,strong,competent—
If Having a crush felt so horribly uncomfortable,then why did you have one on him? A married man,who saw you as his liege,his aide,his equal,his friend,practically his lover.Quickly accepting his feelings,putting aside everything else in the world but him,and him only.Besides the fact that he was a new duke, he also was a man,with carnal,obvious desires.
You had first noticed with his lingering gazes,that in some situations,should be on his wife,and yet..he looked at you.Or how close he got to you, which sometimes rendered impractical, but nothing was said.
When he returned from war,the tension arose more,and it was obvious to everyone around the both of you that something had happened,yet,nobody told Amelia—his wife— about the obvious change in the air.
Of course, even with no one telling her,she noticed how you and Regis got..closer.Being the,well,non-mentally stable woman she is, quickly thought of the worse.(which,in this situation,is what was happening.)
With her husband blatantly cheating on her,how would she hold something like that?
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pinkrelish · 2 years
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 "𝐲𝐞𝐬" 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐲.
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singledad!mechanic!eddie x fem!reader
✶It's Christmas morning at the Munson's and Adrie has a small request.✶
NSFW — slow burn, fluff, lovesick yearning, very light angst, 18+ for eventual smut, drug/alcohol mention/use
chapter: 7/20 [wc: 3.4k]
↳ part 01 / 02 / 03 / 04 / 05 / 06 / 07 / 08 / 09 / 10 / 11 / 12
Chapter 7: Breakthrough
Dreams of sleeping in were crushed one tiny footstep at a time.
Morning broke through the burgundy bed sheet hung as a curtain in the window. Slivers of blue fought away the slumbering gloom clinging to the peeled wallpaper, invading the small bedroom in drowsy clock ticks. Murky wine-colored shadows caressed the bundled comforter, crowded the pillows, soothed closed eyes into sweet dreams. Darkness cradled his head and sold him a lullaby fantasy. An aching yearn of a dream where the cold penetrating the thin trailer walls was kept at bay by more than his own body heat. Arms encircling him, a kiss behind his ear, a gentle wake up call. An idyllic rapture easily woven from the fibers of his unguarded heart. An aspiration quickly escaping his wishful fingers at the sound of running, and the vibrations of the trailer shaking, and–especially–the little voice yelling at him his five extra minutes were up.
“Daddy! You have to wake up.” Adrie jumped knees-first onto the mattress, and bounced her way over to him. “It’s Christmas, you have to get up!”
He grumbled from his warm pocket of air under the covers, and she whined.
“Please,” she begged, crawling towards him.
He winced, and hissed, “Ow-ow-ow, watch the hair. Miss Mouse won’t like me if I go bald.” He dropped his head back to where she sank her mighty fists into his pillow, and she apologized by putting all her strength into shaking his shoulder instead.
Wayne called from the kitchen, “I’m gettin’ started on our famous Christmas casserole.”
“Now that,” Eddie said in an upbeat tone, “I’ll get up for.”
“You’re mean,” Adrie pouted, scooting until her knees dug into his spine, and added on to it by saying it wasn’t fair he was making her wait to open presents.
Eddie twisted around to see her manufactured sad face (practiced over the years to elicit the strongest pity in him), and he snaked his arm out of the blankets to hook it around her, bringing her wriggling self in for a sloppy kiss on her forehead. She made a ‘yuck!’ sound and pushed away.
“Go sit, I’ll be there in a minute.”
Willfully, Adrienne slipped from his hold and sprinted the length of the trailer, rattling the metal window panes along her way.
In the following moment of quiet, he inhaled deep, and sighed through his hands scrubbing over his face. The oil in the electric radiator popped. A bird chirped. Music blasted from a neighbor’s home. A faraway bike skidded, spitting up loose rocks from the trailer park’s entrance.
Eddie rolled onto his back, and blinked at the stained ceiling. He tried to not make a habit of sleeping in Adrie’s bed now that she was older, but sometimes his back cried for a break from the lumpy couch cushions.. His back, his hips, his knees, his neck. All of it. Every now and then he needed the relief, to flatten himself out on the mattress after several long days of work wearing down on his body, even if it was considered weird or wrong by others.
Swinging his legs over the short drop to the floor, Eddie straightened out his thick knit socks, sweatpants, sweatshirt. He rubbed his knuckles against his dry eyes, stinging a line of water along his lashes. Flipped off the switch to the heater. Ran his fingers through his tangled hair, mouth tasting of stale beer from drinking last night with Wayne.
He stepped out of the room that used to be his, and staring at him down the hallway, past the kitchen, at the other end of the lousy home, was his little girl. She sat crisscrossed at the stout tree smelling of fresh sap, illuminated by colorful strands of lights, and backed by old ornaments previously stored in cardboard boxes. Her eyes sparkled with silver tinsel happiness, and her springy curls bounced with the excitement of her wave.
Wayne wrung a damp dish towel around his hands as he and Eddie made their way to the couch, and he gestured at her. “Alright, darlin’, you can go.”
The sacrifices were worth it.
In this lousy home filled with overdue bills and underprivileged struggles, was an abundance of love and awe. Eddie sat at the edge of his make-do bed with scratchy cushions that chafed his skin raw, and brushed his shaky fingers over his lips. “Yeah? Is that the one you wanted?” he asked, grinning so wide his puffy sleep-deprived eyes nearly closed from the unbridled joy he felt watching his daughter tear into the Rockin Robot cassette player and recorder; a toy which had an attached microphone so she could record herself singing onto blank tapes. “Wanna make music just like me?”
“Yes! I love it!”
It didn’t take long for Adrie to open her presents in the established order–smallest to largest. Stocking stuffers first, which she dumped out onto the pine-needled carpet, and snatched all the chocolates to put on the coffee table next to the plate of cookie crumbs and empty Looney Tunes mug. Tossed the pack of new socks and dress into a pile, but wore her pink rain boots. The talking Barney the Dinosaur doll, cassette recorder, and Barbie Fold ‘n Fun play house were placed aside for assembly and batteries later.
Wayne gathered the ribbons and bows she discarded to be saved for next year, and said, “Okay, Miss Adrie. Looks like you have one present left.”
The forest green bag with a portrait of Saint Nick sat propped against the tree, nearly as tall as Adrie when she stood and grabbed the handles. She peeked inside, and in one motion, dropped to the floor, and dislodged gift after gift. An eight-page book with reusable stickers she could move around to create scenes of dinosaurs roaming the land. A big box of 64 crayons with two coloring books. A plastic jewelry making kit. A puzzle. Containers of Play-Doh. And the very last item, turned over and shaken out from the bag, was a unicorn.
Adrie squealed, and swept the stuffed animal into her arms for a merciless hug. “He’s so cute!” she said, burying her face in the powder blue fur.
Eddie stopped tracing his lips. Wayne tilted his head at the scene, confused.
Spotting a small red envelope amongst the torn newspaper her presents were wrapped in, Adrie picked it up, and mouthed out the handwriting she wasn’t familiar with. “Santa left this for you.” Adrie held it out for Eddie to take.
Prying his gaze off the unexpected hoard, he accepted the envelope with his name on it, not uttering a word, nor reacting more than necessary. She bolted for her toys, and Wayne’s scrutiny was hot on the side of his expressionless face, watching him slide his finger under the corner of the flap and break the seal gently, avoiding tearing the paper.
He pulled out the card to reveal an illustration of two cardinals in a pine tree flocked with white glitter snow with a generic greeting on the front. Certain words were underlined in pen afterwards.
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
He opened it to see if anything was written inside.
One glimpse.
He smashed the card closed and turned his face away from his uncle.
Collecting himself, Eddie sniffed and ran his knuckles along his jaw until he reached back and wrung his nape as he stood up, and walked to the coat hooks, slipping on his jacket and shoving his feet into his work boots without acknowledging his family.
“Where’re you–?” Wayne stared at his back in quiet bafflement.
“Goin’ out for a smoke,” he answered, and shut the door behind him.
Tree branches stilled after the delicate breeze knocking them together ceased. Hungry dogs went inside for kibble and warm blankets. Kids stopped riding their bikes when their moms called their names. Humidity dampened the crisp air. Everything hushed.
Eddie sat on the frumpy loveseat on the porch built onto the trailer. His forearms laid on his thighs, and the card remained clapped between his palms. He took a shaky breath. Exhaled. Or tried, anyway, to breathe despite his nose stopping up.
He opened the card again and read the message spanning the entire blank space available.
merry christmas eddie,
i hope adrie likes the gifts!
i know it’s hard for you to find peace,
so i tried going for quiet things that would
keep her busy, like the puzzle. it’s double sided!
that’ll keep her entertained. and i loved
play-doh as a kid, so i hope she does
too. & i can get her more coloring books if
she doesn’t like the animal ones. i know
Continued on the other side–
the bracelet kit says ages 7+ but maybe
you can supervise her. i remember having
one when i was little, before parents cared if
we choked on the beads.
if she’s not still in her unicorn phase, spare me!
it was too cute to pass up.
anyway, please get lots of rest over the holidays.
you deserve to relax.
His daughter came dashing out the door, and ran up to him with her jacket flapping around her arms. He shoved the card under his thigh, and shifted his focus to zipping it up for her to silence his emotions from surfacing, not having the energy to risk shattering the facade of the morning by explaining why the unicorn she galloped up his leg meant more to him than it did her.
“You like what Santa got you?” he asked, running a heavy hand over her hair.
“He knew exactly what I wanted,” she rejoiced.
With the temperature dropped, and her boots shiny, she raced the stuffed animal up to his hip, and left him to babysit it while she played outside in the frozen-over yard.
Gladly, he tucked the unicorn companion under his arm as Wayne pushed open the squeaky side door and joined him.
Under normal circumstances, Wayne’s old man stoicism worked wonders on getting Eddie to talk. It was a sure thing. He’d see him come home with red-rimmed eyes, or that far away gaze on the worser days, and he sat in earnest patience, knowing his nephew needed the cool down time to organize his thoughts, and then he’d explain what had him upset.
It worked less well in the years following the incident which led to Eddie’s ostracization from Hawkins, but he just had to be patient. It would work. Eventually. Just had to be patient.
And when his nephew refused to speak, Wayne sparked up a cigarette, and ventured, “I don’t, uh, remember us buyin’ those last presents.”
“They’re from the receptionist at work,” Eddie stated. He didn’t move his gaze from staring holes into the worn down floorboards, but he did sink back into the couch, combing his fingers through the unicorn’s white mane.
“Oh,” Wayne said in genuine surprise. “That was nice of her.”
Treading carefully, his uncle spun his hand as he thought of the best way to approach the real conversation he wanted to have. “She seems nice.. To you, and to Adrie.”
That was when Eddie shook his head. “I know where you're going with this,” he warned, absent of any real threat behind the words.
He went silent in stubbornness.
But Wayne just had to be patient.
“She’s very.. uh.” Eddie sighed. He started again, this time looking up at the rusted awning as if it had all the answers to his love life woes. “She’s very vibrant, y’know? From the city, lives a big life, loves performing for people. She doesn’t need a gray cloud like me hanging over her.” He laughed a hollow laugh, and bumped his shoulder into Wayne’s, pretending their conversation was of the light-hearted variety. Like admitting these things aloud didn’t cause a devastating blow to his neglected self-esteem. “Doesn’t need someone like me tying her down to a place like this.”
Wayne scanned the same trailer park in the same small town with the same curse of bearing the Munson name, but he viewed them with less disdain. Less animosity. “You used to be vibrant too, kid. Used to always be talkin’ about your hobbies, playing music too loud, sittin’ out here with your guitar. Always bringing your friends over. What happened?”
Too many things happened, and they were not the kind he verbalized often, so Eddie chose the most obvious.
The corner of his mouth twitched at the joke flashing through his mind. He got in real close to Wayne’s face, raised his hand, and directed his attention. “My vibrancy’s currently ruining her new shoes.”
Tracking his finger, Wayne slowly turned his head in time to see Adrie crack the ice barring her from a puddle, and stomped it into smithereens, sending mud up her pajama pants and into her pretty pink rain boots. She jumped, and jumped, and giggled, and jumped, all over her dad’s heart.
Satisfied, Eddie hugged the unicorn to his chest after making his point.
“Have you considered maybe she likes gray clouds? Or she’s the type that looks forward to the rainy days?”
“We can drop the weather analogies, Wayne,” he said in a curt tone, cutting off his uncle's incessantness. “It’s not that, anyway. I know she likes me, I’m not that dense.”
Wayne didn’t put much effort into keeping the humor out of his voice, “Then what are you being dense about?” The contemptuous head tilt and accompanying eye roll were earned, but not regretted.
“She might be moving away at the end of summer.”
He took a long drag on his cigarette. “Might be?”
“She doesn’t know yet.”
He watched Eddie’s expression slacken to stark blankness again–face and posture wilting, weighed down by his fate–already resigning on a relationship he hadn’t yet given a chance. “Don’t you want to at least try? I mean, you never know. What if she–?”
“Don’t you think I’ve thought about that?” Eddie interrupted, growing annoyed at the topic and allowing it to seep into his temper. “Don’t you think I’ve sat here, day after day, and thought about it from all angles? Over, and over.” He became more animated as he spat out questions rapid-fire. “What if she stays? What if she leaves? What if things work out? What if they don’t? Do I deserve it even if it’s short term? Can I handle it when Adrie asks me why she’s not around anymore? Like, fuck. It’s all I think about. Constantly! Just again, and again. She could move back to New York and live her accomplished life without ever giving me another thought, but what if she doesn’t want to go back? What if she wants to stick around? What if she wants to work with me at the garage forever, and we get married, and buy a small house with a white picket fence, and live out our textbook dream together with 2.5 kids and a dog. Who knows!” Done ranting, Eddie ended it in a full bodied shrug, and collapsed into the cushions, releasing the most cathartic, yet dramatic sigh Wayne had ever heard. “She’s all I think about. Drives me insane.”
Wayne held out the pack of Camels to him, but it was rejected in a limp wave.
“I..” Eddie’s mouth hinged on the words, bottom lip quivering as the questions he posed washed over him as an exhausted, watery-eyed truth, “I didn’t even realize how bad the stress had gotten until she just..” He motioned. “Fixed it.”
Acknowledging the bitter reality, Wayne nodded. “You are much nicer to be around since you two started hanging out.. Adrie sees it, too.”
Not that Eddie meant to be an asshole, but after grueling hours of hard labor, he had little tolerance for the arguments before bath time, or the meltdowns before school. Months prior, he was alongside his daughter, crying harder than she did when the smallest inconvenience set her off, ending with both of them huddled on the floor; one of them screaming to be understood, and the other in a hopeless heap of a man who reduced himself to a shitty father who couldn’t do anything right, drowning under the pressure, anxiety, responsibility to not fuck up again.
Now, he was able to swim to the sun glimmering on the surface.
Wayne landed his rough palm atop Eddie’s untamed bedhead, and soothed him, “You should give yourself a chance at something great. I’ll be here to pick up the pieces if it doesn’t work out.”
Eddie sniffed, and wrung his lips to the side. “You gonna pick up Adrie’s pieces too?” he asked softly.
“I will, son.” Despite the rocky times in their relationship–the slammed doors, the yelling matches, the coming home with a newborn and no money to afford baby formula–Wayne promised him, “Whatever it takes to make you happy. I’ll do it.”
The egg timer in the kitchen dinged.
“Breakfast’s ready,” he grunted, stubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray, and giving the quick-nod-with-a-flattened-smile older men were known for after confiding in one another, and he went inside.
There wasn’t much time for Eddie to process the weight of his internal decision before Adrie was climbing onto the loveseat. And if she noticed she left a trail of mud up his pant’s leg on her way to kneeling beside him, she didn’t care. All that mattered was her icicle skin melting in the warmth of his heavy arm wrapped around her middle; and effortlessly, she fell into the comfort of his embrace while working her hands beneath his hair, untucking it from his jacket’s collar, and hugging him back.
Eddie stashed the card in his pocket, and grabbed the unicorn by the back of its head, putting the nose to her cheek and pretending it was giving her kisses. “Did you have a good Christmas?”
“Mhmm,” she hummed, pulling strands of his curls around her fingers while her cold nose was pressed to his throat. “Can Miss Mouse come over to play?”
“Not today. She’s busy with her own celebrations.”
It was weird how calmly he could answer her. No twisted tongue sitting in his mouth like lead, no tensed stomach from an assault of nerves, no racing thoughts of you and Adrie becoming too close before he was ready to disappoint her. The fear was still there, of course. But he didn’t dread it. He held his daughter tucked against his body, and whispered into the unruly hair she inherited, “But she will soon, okay?”
“Yay!” She showed her excitement by constricting her arms around him in a perfect vice.
He wedged the unicorn between them and scooped her onto his hip. “What say you, Princess Adrienne? Shall we go in for a bit of Christmas morning casserole, and partake in reindeer games after getting you into your winter attire? Hmm?” She wasn’t responding. “Adrie?”
Her mouth was hung open, and her hand out, palm turned upward, making a grabby motion at something over his shoulder.
Eddie listened to her, and turned.
Snow fell, fell, fell from the low hanging clouds smudging the sky in shades of gray, bestowing the trailer park with fat flakes drifting beyond the safety of the porch, melting onto the dead grass and brushing past his car’s mirror. Pretty, pretty things of childlike magic Adrie caught on her fingertips. Special things floating to the edge of the wobbly floorboards, and sticking to his hair for her to laugh at.
“I love you,” he said in a kiss to her bitter cold cheek.
“Love you too, Daddy,” she replied in the same fashion, with an additional kiss from the unicorn to the tip of his nose.
Doors around the trailer park opened. Wide eyes of wonder gazed up, and around, searching for friends to celebrate with. Eddie felt exposed in his all black outfit against the growing landscape of white. They were looking at him. Judging him. Munson. But, unlike any other day, the desire to bolt from their intrusive stares dwindled with each graze of his thumb over the card in his pocket.
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