#adreind isnt welome here
Marinette and Chiffon’s Bond
Hello everyone, these are going to be posts about my pokemon au that i have been working on for a while now. I have more of this on my Ao3 account with the same name and tumblr (marininjarina) so check that out if you have time. These are mostly based off of posts and aus that I have seen all around and I wanted to write my own, starting with Marinette. Enjoy!
About Marinette- In Mendeliev’s class, Chloe’s favorite victim(and her meanest rival) till Chiffon appears along with switching classes, Pokemon Coordinator/Stylist, performs in Contests/Showcases, only person who can pet Mendeliev’s Garchomp, close friends with Aurore and Ondine, unknown Aura User, successor of Bond Phenomenon. Mari-Greninja.
Note: the pokemon I will chose for everyone will be based on their pokedex entries, color palettes and typing, personality and abilities along with what they mean in real life.
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Her starter will be a Greninja. The ninja aspect fits with her in both civilian and superhero persona where she is capable of sneaking away from battles to transform along with both of them fighting similar like kicking or using their weapons. The entire line has a similar personality with Mari, being happy-go-lucky but well aware of their surroundings and acting serious, getting annoyed at others when it’s not the right time. It is also a opposite to Chloe having a Serperior due to being enemies in real life and fits Chloe's rivalry with Marinette. Frogs are also symbols of good luck in certain cultures, representing items like good fortune and protection with fits with Ladybug's abilities and hero status. Plus this is just fashionable looking with its scarf so of course Mari will be inspired by this pokemon. 
Chiffon- got saved by Marinette from two houndoom that were about to eat him and in return defends her from Chloe picking on her while trying to spend her time along. Chloe is angry that Marinette is no longer easy prey for her to pounce on and tries to get her whenever she can but with her wall of over protective friends, it’s impossible so she decides to follow Marinette around till she can get alone. Till Chiffon came along and she takes that thing everywhere she goes. Miraculous don’t exist here but Marinette’s love and trust for Chiffon grow to the point where she can stand up to Chloe and others whenever they badmouth, insult or hurt. She goes full on berserk mode and Chloe is actually terrified of that side but constantly pushed her buttons cause she doesn’t learn and only stops of avoids Marinette when’s he around. 
Same goes with the entirety of Bustier’s class when Nino and Adrien grabs her by the arm to force her into doing something she didnt want to do and stated she didn’t agree to anything, that she was just minding his own business while chloe sees it as a way to bully her. Cure Chiffon, fully evolved popping out of his pokeball, slapping their hands, a scary aura as he unravels his tongue and bares his teeth and hisses...It’s sounds like a combo of the Distortion world’s Giratina and Yveltal trapped in this creature’s body. Needless to say, everyone is terrifed of him and letted her leave, Chloe fuming but also scared.
Chiffon hear from Chomps, Mendeliev’s garchomp how the blonde girl and her class seems to have it out for Marinette, esciaplly the blond meanie and how she came into class just to harrass her. But he was glad his trainer with him right behind her, came and scared her off. And when Chomps was left with Marinette since she wanted to ask his trainer something. Cue Chloe walking in like she owns the empty place while he was in the other room and overhears her trying to break Marinette’s self confidence and esteem, all her worth by trying to “put her in her place” that she can’t get away from her, made his blood boil. Cure Chomps managing to sneak out, walking behind Chloe and watching Marinette’s face turn from confusion, surprise into giddiness as he growls and snorts behind Chloe’s neck, watching the blonde demand Mari’s attention and what was she laughing at to slowly turn into dread as he roars in her face. She runs away screaming while Marinette hugs him and thanks him a lot, promising to bring in Beans and Puffs.
Mendeliev on the other hand: Oh goodness!! He’s actually letting you touch me. Oh my sweet boy is never this open to strangers, usually no one would want to take care of him. Most of the time, they scream and beg for mercy.
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So yes Chiffon learns from Chomps as he does everything he can to protect Marinette, even at parties he breaks through the freezer and beats Chloe’s Serperior half to death when she threatened Caly (Ondine’s Primarina) on Chloe’s orders on trying to make Marinette and her friends pay for standing up to her but screw that Chiffon is angry. Oh course thank to their bond they can now due the bond dphonemoan when they’re determined to protect those that they love and care about.
 It gets worse though when they bond, they can both feel each other’s pain, including the pain and humiliations, the fear Marinette had to endure for four years while having a class with Chloe and how she is obessesd with making Mari miserable as possible. He knew how awful she was but didn’t know how bad it truly was. Now he feels determined to protect Marinette, her friends which by extension are their loved ones to the cost of his and her own life. Marinette feels his trauma of what Bustier and the other teachers and pokemon did to him so she realizes Bustier isn’t the greatest teacher and begins to put her foot down when this teacher begins to pressure her to release Chiffon only to be in shock when Marinette refuses, but Caline assumes it’s Chiffon and Mendeliev’s terrible influence that she’s no longer a perfect angel. Not that she ever was...
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