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healthmatter00 · 9 months ago
Modafinil: Discovery and Evolution
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Modafinil, developed in the 1970s by French neuroscientist Michel Jouvet and L. Lafon Laboratories, gained FDA approval in 1998. Initially discovered as Adrafinil in 1974, Modafinil emerged as its effective metabolite in 1976, demonstrating significant wakefulness-promoting properties. Officially registered in 1992 after military use during the Gulf War, it was first marketed in Europe under the brand name Modiodal. By 2003, the FDA approved it for narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. Modafinil's global recognition grew due to its mild side effects and off-label use as a cognitive enhancer, popular among students, professionals, and military personnel for improved memory, attention, and mental clarity. Today, Modafinil is renowned for both treating sleep disorders and enhancing cognitive performance.
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souvlakicokane · 18 days ago
massive amounts of caffeine + L-theanine megadose unprecedented combo quite frankly the prescriptionless man’s adderall
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year ago
wataru: amaz
hokuto: [struggling to perform mental math]
tomoya: Hokuto-senpai I want you to cut my stomach open and gently chew on my intestines while keeping me alive and conscious via dangerous doses of phenylpiracetam crossed with adrafinil
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graceofgosh · 1 year ago
shoulda taken a adrafinil this morning
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sasquapossum · 2 years ago
I woke up this morning at 5:30 - only about six hours since I'd gone to bed - and couldn't go back to sleep. Didn't feel like going back to sleep. I also realized that I hadn't gotten up in the middle of the night either. This is all very unusual for me. I figured there was a good chance I'd get through my "morning rounds" online and then go back to sleep, but that didn't happen. In fact, I still felt energetic enough that I went out for an early run - which is also nice because it's supposed to get kind of warm later. That ended up being a stronger than usual effort too. It was my first continuous 5K in a while, since before the hamstring issue in fact, and it was a decent pace (for me) despite being a hillier than usual course. Maybe I should have signed up for the town race that's also happening today.
I have no idea why this happened. Maybe it's because yesterday was an unusually idle day of Cosmoteer and little else. Maybe it's because the FL-adrafinil is accumulating in my system, but I don't think it's supposed to do that and I haven't had any since Thursday. Maybe it's because I went to bed a bit on the "dry" side and the mild discomfort that precedes actually needing to get up in the middle of the night has been affecting my sleep more than I thought. Maybe I'll look through my Garmin sleep history to see if that makes sense. But none of these seem particularly likely TBH. Mostly I think it was just a happy fluke, and I'm grateful for it.
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(that's a fluke of a different kind, but not a happy one I think)
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wxnlabs · 4 months ago
Nootropiki — co musisz o nich wiedzieć?
Nootropiki to substancje wpływające na funkcje mózgu, których celem jest poprawa koncentracji, pamięci, kreatywności oraz ogólnej sprawności umysłowej. Zainteresowanie nootropikami wzrosło w ostatnich latach, zwłaszcza wśród studentów, pracowników kreatywnych i osób starszych, chcących zachować ostrość umysłu. Mogą to być zarówno substancje naturalne, jak i syntetyczne, a każda grupa ma swoje specyficzne właściwości i zastosowania.
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Jak działają nootropiki?
Nootropiki działają poprzez modulowanie aktywności neuroprzekaźników i receptorów w mózgu, co prowadzi do poprawy komunikacji między neuronami. Różne nootropiki mogą wpływać na mózg w odmienny sposób – jedne poprawiają przepływ krwi w mózgu, inne wpływają na produkcję neuroprzekaźników, a jeszcze inne redukują stres oksydacyjny, chroniąc komórki nerwowe przed uszkodzeniem.
Popularne rodzaje nootropików
1. Naturalne nootropiki
Naturalne nootropiki to substancje pochodzenia roślinnego i zwierzęcego, które od wieków były stosowane w medycynie ludowej. Przykłady to:
Ginkgo biloba – stosowane w celu poprawy krążenia i pamięci.
Rhodiola rosea – adaptogen znany z redukcji stresu i poprawy wytrzymałości psychicznej.
Ashwagandha – wpływa na redukcję stresu i poprawia funkcje poznawcze.
2. Syntetyczne nootropiki
Syntetyczne nootropiki zostały stworzone w laboratoriach i są częściej stosowane w terapii konkretnych zaburzeń neurologicznych, takich jak ADHD czy zaburzenia pamięci. Do popularnych substancji należą:
Modafinil – stymulant stosowany przy zaburzeniach snu, takich jak narkolepsja.
Piracetam – wpływa na poprawę pamięci i koncentracji, stosowany w terapii pacjentów z demencją.
Adrafinil – prekursor modafinilu, stosowany dla poprawy czujności i uwagi.
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Podsumowanie – czy warto stosować nootropiki?
Nootropiki mogą być skutecznym sposobem na poprawę funkcji poznawczych, ale ich stosowanie wymaga odpowiedzialności. Zanim zdecydujemy się na suplementację, warto skonsultować się z lekarzem, zwłaszcza w przypadku substancji syntetycznych lub w połączeniu z innymi lekami. Przy zachowaniu ostrożności nootropiki mogą być ciekawym i wartościowym wsparciem dla osób poszukujących dodatkowej wydajności umysłowej.
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emilyburgerhn · 11 months ago
💊 Adrafinil vs Modafinil: What's the Difference?
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Adrafinil and Modafinil are both known for their wakefulness-promoting effects and cognitive benefits. But which one is better? Let's dive in!
🔍 Similarities: Both enhance cognitive functions, promote wakefulness, and are non-habit forming. They're used for conditions like narcolepsy, shift work disorder, and ADHD.
📌 Differences: Modafinil is prescription-only, more effective, and has a shorter onset of action compared to Adrafinil. Plus, it lasts longer and has better liver safety.
⏳ Duration: Modafinil effects last 10-14 hours, while Adrafinil's effects last 8-10 hours.
💸 Affordability: Modafinil tends to be more affordable, especially with insurance coverage.
⚠️ Safety: Modafinil has a better safety profile and is FDA-approved.
💡 Conclusion: Modafinil emerges as the top choice for its effectiveness, safety, and affordability.
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graceofgosh · 1 year ago
im so hormonal rn i missed an hrt dosage in the morning and I've been taking fl adrafinil for 2 days which turns into modafinil in ur body which i just found out that like modafinil can block estrogen no wonder i feel so fked up rn
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sasquapossum · 2 years ago
Hey mutuals. I know we don't really "know" each other according to conventional standards, but I still enjoy sharing stuff about my own life and hearing about yours. With that in mind, here are a few life updates.
My daughter had a good time on break. She ended up not having any finals, so she was able to come home a few days early and spend more time with her boyfriend (at a different school with a not-so-aligned schedule). Good times all around. Oh yeah, and she's still an A student. So proud. There might be some news soon on the daughter/college front, but I'll hold my fire until things are certain.
A couple of weeks ago I started having a problem with extreme tightness in one of my hamstring muscles. Pretty sure it's biceps femoralis and snowboarding-related. In any case, I tried to run on it too soon and made it worse. Typical Jeff. Since then I've ramped up more slowly with mixed run/walk outings. Now I feel I'm almost back to normal, but still plan to ease into it carefully.
Speaking of snowboarding, since the season here in New England has been a bit disappointing, I decided that it would be fun to go out west - where they've had exceptional snow this year - for my birthday near the end of this month. Amazingly, I got my wife to agree. For cost/logistical reasons we eventually decided on Snowbird (near Salt Lake City). I haven't had any birthday celebration at all for a few years (typical for 58yo BTW) and haven't done any kind of travel since just over three years ago, so this is kind of extra exciting.
In less positive news, my mother had a fall last week and broke her hip. Surgery went OK, but I'm not optimistic about rehab. She's barely "with it" enough to take any kind of instruction, but her "you can't tell me what to do" stubbornness is still there. The prognosis generally for this kind of thing in the 80+ crowd is not good, so I appreciate any kind wishes you can send her or my way.
I got some new mold materials for my resin work, so I'll finally be able to move forward on my current project and might have something to show you all soon.
I've been experimenting with "fladrafinil" a.k.a. fluorafinil or CRL 40,941. It's a variant of adrafinil, which is the active ingredient in Provigil and which some of you might know. It does seem to help somewhat with wakefulness and focus, but - as is the case for most drugs in this category - the effect is subtle. For me it's a good alternative to caffeine, I guess, but can't really say more than that at this point.
So ... how are you doing?
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mindmendnootropics · 1 year ago
"Unlock the Secret Evolution of Adrafinil: From Mystery Compound to Brain-Boosting Powerhouse!"
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focusdrinkselixir · 1 year ago
What are the best nootropics for mental energy and endurance?
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Here are some nootropics that are often associated with mental energy and endurance:
Caffeine: Caffeine is one of the most widely used and studied nootropics. It can increase alertness and energy levels. Many people consume caffeine through coffee or tea, but it’s also available in supplement form.
L-Theanine: L-Theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves, particularly in green tea. It is often used in combination with caffeine to provide a balanced, jitter-free energy boost. L-Theanine can promote relaxation and reduce the negative side effects of caffeine.
Modafinil: Modafinil is a prescription medication that is sometimes used off-label as a nootropic. It’s known for promoting wakefulness and alertness and is used by individuals who need to stay awake and focused for extended periods. However, it should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Rhodiola Rosea: Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that may help combat fatigue and improve mental endurance. It’s believed to enhance resistance to stress and improve overall mental well-being.
Panax Ginseng: Panax ginseng, often referred to as Asian or Korean ginseng, is an herbal remedy that is sometimes used to boost mental energy and endurance. It may help with cognitive function and overall vitality.
Creatine: While commonly associated with athletic performance, creatine supplementation may also have cognitive benefits. It can enhance brain energy metabolism and may help improve mental energy and focus, especially during short-term, high-intensity tasks.
Noopept: Noopept is a synthetic nootropic that’s been reported to enhance cognitive function, including memory and mental clarity. Some users claim it also boosts mental energy.
Adrafinil: Adrafinil is a prodrug of modafinil, meaning it gets converted into modafinil in the body. It is available without a prescription in some regions and is used for similar purposes as modafinil.
Bacopa Monnieri: Bacopa is an herbal nootropic that has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is believed to have cognitive-enhancing properties and may improve mental endurance.
It’s crucial to approach nootropics with caution and to be aware of potential side effects and interactions with other medications or supplements. Additionally, individual responses to nootropics can vary widely, so it’s important to start with low doses and monitor your body’s reaction.
Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new nootropic regimen, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking other medications. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and health status.
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graceofgosh · 1 year ago
when will this fl adrafinil kick in
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sasquapossum · 1 year ago
OK, y'all. I just had a weird experience - not unique, but unusual - and I'm wondering if I'm all alone in this universe. I suspect not. Here's the deal.
This afternoon, I took an adrafinil capsule because I was feeling extra draggy. Adrafinil is a precursor to modafinil a.k.a. Provigil, and this was actually FL-adrafinil which is slightly stronger. It's not something I use often, but on Those Days it helps.
A bit later, I decided to treat myself to dinner at a pub I've been meaning to try, one town over. Nothing unusual yet. But after I'd had a few sips of my first beer, things suddenly changed. The almost constant ringing in my head disappeared. I was able to head and follow three or four conversations around me at once, which is extra strange because usually even two conversations at once drives me insane. I was also watching the bartender deal with a newly tapped keg, and the woman next to me shift in her seat, and I was extremely aware of all the other people moving around me. All at once, effortlessly. Not hyper focus, but hyper awareness distributed across everything around me. I felt like the blinders had come off and the earmuffs lifted from my head. Almost omniscient, if that makes any sense.
This is not the effect that adrafinil usually has, so I figure the addition of a little alcohol had something to do with it. It's not an experiment I'll try to replicate, because that combination is doubly hard on the liver, but I'm curious. Has anyone else had this kind of experience, with any other medication or mind-altering substance?
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