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sabi-star-blog · 4 months ago
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Feliz aniversario mi amol!! \>♡</
Gracias por estos hermosos 5 años juntitos qwq te hice este dibujito con mucho amor,me costó mucho...espero te guste,ti adoruuuu ❤️❤️
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thegreatobsesso · 1 month ago
hi adorus
this is a neutral ask, to be answered at your leisure: is there one (1) thing that you absolutely have to know about a story before you start writing it?
Ohhhh, interesting question! I've only started writing two stories in my life, but they each came from knowing I had one (1) main character. That feels like a boring answer but it's true. Electra came into my life and everything else - Simon, Eve, Grace, Delaney School for Magicians, the magic system, eight thousand tertiary characters, etc. - came to support her.
Then it happened again with Octavius. And it's very weird to think of him without Milo, but he did come first. Milo was born shortly after the concept of a romance was a fast follow.
But I don't think it will ever start with a setting or a plot point or anything like that. It's always One Bastard who insists I spend the next years of my life giving them something to do.
Thanks for the ask, adorus!!!
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year ago
Sleepy's list of friends' nicknames:
Ghosty - @/zmlorenz
Maybe Sorcery - @/akindofmagictoo
Ember - @/ashen-crest
Rosechild - @/lothloriien
Magic Storm - @/enchanted-lightning-aes
Lilac - @/chayscribbles
Baby Dragon - @/mel-writes-with-her-dragons
Stars Books - @/vellichor-virgo
Cozy - @/ink-fireplace-coffee
Jo but not from little women - @/josephinegerardywriter
Serenade - @/souliloquyyy
Stardust - @/stardustspiral
Breezy - @/blind-the-winds
Timespace - @/artdecosupernova-writing
Lovely - @/iparisaltanwing
Honeydew - @/writing-with-melon
Glowstick - @/ellatholmes
Philosopher - @/livvywrites
Loquacious - @/woodhousejay
Klove - @/klywrites
Lila - @/blossom-hwa
Garden - @/writingamongther0ses
Meriachild - @/artbyeloquent
Cloverchild - @/mary-is-writing
Redwoodchild - @/talesfromgringolandia
Naiad - @/pens-swords-stuff
Sunflower @/lanawritesalittle
Moonink - @/drippingmoon
Moment - @/lunarmoment
Earlybird - @/sleepy-night-child
Rarity - @/uraniumwriting
Amarantine - @/mecharose
Idea - @/oh-no-another-idea
Clocks - @/jaxwrites
Peppermint - @/pepperdee
Finch - @/the-finch-adress
Bard - @/dragon-swords-prophecies
Voiceover - @/deciphered-narrator
Redwing - @/red-the-dragon-writes
Pengwen - @/gwens-fiction
Sounding - @/diphthongsfordays
Magesmith - @/magic-is-something-we-create
Valance - @/faelanvance
Dragonheart - @/my-husband-sasemi
Firefly - @/dustylovelyrun
Seabird - @/encrucijada
Ocelot - @/ambiguouspuzuma
Myth - @/talesfromaurea
Tea Leaf - @/afoolandathief
Welcome - @/nikkywrites
First Snow - @/january-thoughts
Roseleaf - @/stupid-elf
Sunlight - @/zonnemaagd
Bender - @/writing-is-a-martial-art
Truly - @/did-i-do-this-write
Ending - @/apocalypsewriters
Ribbon - @/zoya-writes
Caramel - @/emelkae
Sweet Luna - @/darlingsmoon
Aster - @/wild-selenite-caffine
Ursa Danger - @/thepixelelf
Tangerine - @/the-orangeauthor
Feathercap - @/bloodlessheirbyjacques
Detective - @/author-a-holmes
Gentleflame - @/carefulpyro
Zenith - @/on-noon
Minuit - @/midnights-melodiverse
Hunter - @/asher-orion-writes
Mouse - @/rodentwrites
Remembrance - @/Memento-morri-writes
Chiro - @/crypticcodexcreations
Inksap - @/pinespittinink
Lavender - @/caspia-writes
Claymark - @/muddshadow
Kyanite - @/blue-kyber
Bright - @/justwriteyoudummy
Voidlight - @/another-white-hole
Celadon - @/abalonetea
Lucent - @/incadescent-creativity
Peachleaf - @/willowcassette
Adorus - @/thegreatobsesso
Dryad - @/writerfae
Inkspell - @/my-cursed-prince
Phantasm - @/circa-specturgia
Unicorn - @/sargeantnarwhalwrites
Frost - @/winterandwords
Sage - @/autumnalwalker
Hummingbird - @/khufiya-khaufnak-antariksh
Starsong - @/moondust-bard
Radio - @/vsnotresponding
Clarity - @/forthesanityofstorytellers
Journey - @/odysseywritings
Pickle - @/sarahlizziewrites
Sapling - @/void-botanist
Coffeebean - @/strangerays
Comfort - @/dogmomwrites
Purple Soul - @/antihell
Paperbirch - @/nopoodles
Nevertwice - @/dontjudgemeimawriter
Trouble - @/helathorloki
Honeysuckle - @/aninkwellofnectar
Pointy Hat - @/thetruearchmagos
Verdance - @/sam-glade
Rubiks - @/squarebracket-trick
Zima - @/jay-avian
Plucky - @/pluttskutt
Parchment - @/lux-scriptum
Mountain - @/vermontwrites
Explorer - @/toboldlywrite
Portal - @/traveler-of-realms
Raenellie - @/ellierenae
Mathemagical - @/harmonictornadosiren
Satchel - @/theliteraryluggage
Storybug - @/bardicbeetle
Magnolia - @/acertainmoshke
Tapestry - @/chauceryfairytales
Cosmos - @/space-writes
Some people and their nicknames just live in my head.
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mahxiac0korako · 2 years ago
Mia kara senflugilulino
Mia kara senflugilulino, vi ne estas ĉielanĝelo nek feino de la femondo nek ia diino. Vi estas homo de tero kiel mi. Mi ne deziras enamiĝi kun anĝelo. Anĝelo ne restas sur tero kaj devas plenumi didonatajn taskojn. Mi deziras vian amon ĉar vi restos sur tero kun mi, kara senflugilulino. Mi ne deziras enamiĝi al feino. Feino emas trompi homojn kaj forflugi al la fea mondo neniam denove vidata en la homa mondo. Mia kara senflugilulino. Mi ne deziras enamiĝi al diino. Diino estas adorata de multaj homoj kaj prizorgas ŝiajn multajn adorantojn. Mi adoru nur vin mia kara senflugilulino, kaj ni prizorgu unu la alian ĝis eterno, mia amata senflugilulino, homino de tero.
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forblogmostly · 2 years ago
Salasar Techno Engineering Limited: Audited Consolidated Financial Results for Q4 and FY 2022-23
This communication informs you that the Company’s Board of Directors, in their meeting held today, have approved the Audited Accounts (Standalone and Consolidated) for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2023. Furthermore, they have decided to recommend to the Shareholders, for their approval, the declaration of a Final Dividend at the rate of Rs. 0.10/- (Ten Paisa Only) per share, which represents 10% of the face value of Rs. 1/- each. The meeting concluded at 7:15 P.M. today.
In compliance with Regulation 33 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Company at this moment provides the following enclosed documents:
Audited Standalone Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, accompanied by the Auditor’s Report.
Audited Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, accompanied by the Auditor’s Report.
It is worth noting that the Auditor’s Report presents an unmodified opinion regarding the Audited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) of the Company for the quarter and fiscal year ended March 31, 2023.
Report on the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Results:
Opinion: The auditors have examined the Statement of Consolidated Financial Results of M/s Salasar Techno Engineering Ltd and its subsidiaries, its associates, and Joint Ventures for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2023. This report is being submitted by the Holding company in compliance with the requirement of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended. It should be noted that the consolidated figures for the corresponding quarter ended March 31, 2023, as reported in these financial results, have been approved by the Holding company’s Board of Directors but have not been audited.
Based on our examination, and to the best of our knowledge and according to the explanations provided to us, and taking into consideration the reports of the other auditors on separate financial statements/financial information of subsidiaries, associates, and Joint Ventures, we opine that:
a. The Statement includes the results of the following entities:
The Holding Company: Salasar Techno Engineering Limited
Subsidiary entities: Salasar HPLJV, Salasar REW JV, Salasar Adorus Infra LLP
Joint Ventures: Sikka — Salasar JV
b. The Statement is presented in accordance with the requirements of Regulation 33 of the Listing Regulations, as amended.
c. The Statement provides a true and fair view, in conformity with the applicable accounting standards and other accounting principles generally accepted in India, of the consolidated Net Profit, total comprehensive income, and other financial information of the Group for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2023.
The basis for Opinion: The audit was conducted in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) specified under section 143(10) of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act). Our responsibilities under those Standards, including the Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Results, are further described in the report. We affirm our independence from the Group, its associates, and Joint Ventures in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. We have also fulfilled our ethical responsibilities in accordance with the requirements and the Code of Ethics.
We believe that the audit evidence obtained by us and other auditors, as referred to in the “Other Matter” paragraph below, is sufficient and appropriate to support our opinion.
Management’s Responsibilities for the Consolidated Financial Results:
The preparation and presentation of these consolidated financial results, which provide a true and fair view of the net profit, other comprehensive income, and other financial information of the Group, including its associates and Joint Ventures, are the responsibility of the Holding Company’s Board of Directors. They are prepared in accordance with the applicable Indian Accounting Standard prescribed under Section 133 of the Act, read with relevant rules, and other accounting principles generally accepted in India. The respective Board of Directors of the companies included in the Group and its associates and Joint Ventures are responsible for maintaining adequate accounting records, selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies, making reasonable and prudent judgments and estimates, and implementing and maintaining adequate internal financial controls.
Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Consolidated Financial Results:
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial results are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. Our responsibilities include identifying and assessing the risks of material misstatement, designing and performing audit procedures, and evaluating accounting policies and estimates concluding on the appropriateness of the going concern basis of accounting, and evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial results.
We obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial results/financial information of the entities within the Group and its associates and Joint Ventures to express an opinion on the consolidated financial results. For the entities audited by other auditors, those auditors remain responsible for the direction, supervision, and performance of their audits.
The audited consolidated financial results for the quarter and year ended on 31st March 2023, with values represented in lakhs, were released by Salasar Techno Engineering Limited.
The income from operations for the quarter ended 31st March 2023 was ₹29,469.58 lakhs, compared to ₹24,079.83 lakhs and ₹21,227.54 lakhs for the quarters ended 31st December 2022 and 31st March 2022, respectively. For the year ended on 31st March 2023, the income from operations was ₹1,00,489.49 lakhs, while it was ₹71,886.18 lakhs for the year ended on 31st March 2022.
The total income, including other income, for the quarter and year ended on 31st March 2023 was ₹29,632.43 lakhs and ₹1,00,729.44 lakhs, respectively. This is compared to ₹24,093.44 lakhs and ₹72,108.98 lakhs for the same periods in the previous year.
Expenses for the quarter ended 31st March 2023 amounted to ₹27,646.57 lakhs, while for the year ended on the same date, expenses totaled ₹95,259.38 lakhs. The profit before exceptional items and tax for the quarter and year ended on 31st March 2023 was ₹1,985.86 lakhs and ₹5,470.06 lakhs, respectively.
The net profit for the period/year, after tax, was ₹1,473.15 lakhs for the quarter ended 31st March 2023 and ₹4,025.43 lakhs for the year ended on the same date. The total comprehensive income, after tax, was ₹1,465.21 lakhs for the quarter and ₹4,017.49 lakhs for the year.
The earnings per equity share for the quarter ended 31st March 2023 was ₹0.48, and for the year ended on the same date, it was ₹1.33.
The consolidated segment-wise revenue, results, assets, and liabilities were also provided. The Steel Structures segment generated revenue of ₹18,565.74 lakhs for the quarter and ₹66,049.13 lakhs for the year. The EPC Projects segment generated revenue of ₹11,753.58 lakhs for the quarter and ₹37,963.26 lakhs for the year. The company’s total revenue from operations for the quarter and year ended on 31st March 2023 was ₹29,469.58 lakhs and ₹1,00,489.49 lakhs, respectively.
The chairman and managing director of Salasar Techno Engineering Limited, Plok Kumar, approved the audited consolidated financial results on behalf of the company.
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sodafilled · 2 years ago
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Meisei Adoru !!
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desonestos · 2 years ago
adoru suas amizades 🐱
Como assim nony!? Kkkk.
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loveyouclaire · 5 years ago
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Grimes - ADORU
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flaviasfarias · 6 years ago
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BlogueirinhA💖🔝💥 #MigaSuaLoukA #AdorU 💋💋💋 (em Burnfit Abel Cabral) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzJxavolLqW/?igshid=g3u6yjiiwnr8
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theartsofsaturn · 8 years ago
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I made this Betty as a gift for a beautiful frond <3
But remember kids, Betty-the-Llama and the Glitchtale series belong to @camilaart, the wonderful savage -w-
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sabi-star-blog · 5 years ago
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♡ ♡Día 4!! ♡ ♡  
Tacos!!! >W< @jglyanoro
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thegreatobsesso · 3 months ago
Hi adorus
How do you formulate your character voices? Is it more of a conscious of subconscious thing?
Ahh, thank you for the ask, adorus!
Hugely subconscious. But each one of them is totally me taking an element of the way I like to speak and making it the base of their voice. Octavius is my pretentious, silly, unnecessarily proper voice. Electra is my crude-for-comedic-sake voice. Characters like Milo and Simon are pretty close to my natural voice. But they're all, somehow, me. And then I add layers on top of that to make them more/different from me. But none of it ever feels terribly intentional, it's more like I just have to wait for them to start talking. :)
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sinful-liesel · 5 years ago
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Lunchtime Ecstasy - Kaoru Kagimasu (CV. Adoru Aiga?)
Circle: Wanko in・Type: R18 Doujin CD
Synopsis: For all those tired and stressed out working women out there, a service is provided to give them some ecstasy to get them over the afternoon hump.
※Purchase link @ source (bottom of post) ↴ Please consider [supporting me] by shopping using my affiliate links if you enjoy my content, it’s greatly appreciated! PS: My DLsite affiliate links can be used for buying from both EN & JP sites. 😘
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broeckchen · 7 years ago
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My character Adorus as a Calyptra! C:
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itstonyowo · 5 years ago
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THANK YOU SO MUCH TABLE ILYYYY😤😤😭😤😭😤🥺😤😤😭😤😭🤪🤪💖💖💖💖🤪💖💗💖💖💗💖💗
Happy Birthday
🎂🎁🎊 @itstonyowo !!!!
Have some problematic icons
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Death note Chibbis galore!!!
Not all of them are happy to share the same cake, but at least they all get their own color schemes. Poor Matsuda is the only secondary color, but he's just happy to be here on your big day. 🤭
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resident-normal-person · 4 years ago
Ador(u/i) Jahad
It’s interesting how the strongest currently active Princess of Jahad and owner of the Golden November goes by “Adori”, which is presumably a variant of her birth name, “Adoru”.
Her multiple names remind me of unisex names in Japanese that also have forms used primarily as girls’ names:
Hikaru / Hikari
Kaoru / Kaori
Hiromu / Hiromi
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