#adori zahard
www98vikitoo · 4 years
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Adori.. maybe?
So the wiki said she had golden hair and pretty face but like,, i def messed up here somewhere 😂😭😭 me trying to do lighting like a po but messing up big time, probably no bg is better but idk i spend time on that bs pliz kill me
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towerofgod-blogposts · 13 years
#42. S1 Ch.41: 2F - Hide and Seek (7)
Chapter | Wiki | Blog | 2011.04.11 | Translator: TheCompany | Report webtoon translation error
Naver Endnote: That's a big deal!!
Khun's hidden card was shown today. He really is a dangerous guy. ^^; His background will be revealed throughout the story.
I am quite bad with good complex plans, So I had some troubles drawing this chapter. Maybe the next chapter would go easier. Thanks to our main character appearing, it will be fun anyway. ^^;; Now with the centre of the story moving over to Baam, the main story is beginning.
ps. About the Rankers whispering about What would be in Khun Eduan's storehouse. A-rank items are extremely rare in the Tower. Rankers usually don't have any, High Rankers may have one or two. Black March is in Rank B~A. (The number rank within each class will be uploaded later.) Of course even in A-rank, a Pocket will be less valuable than the Black March.
Great Blue Spear is Khun Edahn’s throwing spear. 11 of them are made, and it can be ignited, which is rare for throwing weapons. When ignited, instead of flying to the target, it destroys everything along in its way. It is yet to be confirmed since Edahn has not thrown it yet. When ignited it is B-Rank
Vagnil is a spear used like an arrow. Ignitable. B-rank when ignited.
Carrier is an Inventory that combines functions of Pocket, Lighthouse, and Casket all into one, allowing a Fisherman to take on any position.  Only 10 are made, 3 of them A-Rank, 7 B-Rank. It is quite ineffective in battle though, but still very interesting. Adori Jahad uses one.
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stellara-palette · 3 years
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Killer Whale (Adori Zahard)
#FFD5E3 | #FFEAEC | #FFF5F6 | #FFEFD5 | #FBE2B9
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delineative · 9 years
maschenny/ adori + forehead flick
"This is my kill, do you understand," snarls Maschenny, stalking towards Adori against the force of her ridiculous self-contained seventh-ranked presence, "Enne Zahard is mine," and Adori lifts a perfect golden eyebrow, says, "I am the Captain of the Royal Guard, and orders are not to kill, only to subdue and capture, do you understand?" in a placidly equanimous voice, harsh as a slap, but of course Maschenny won't allow Adori the satisfaction of seeing her flinch.
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towerofgod · 12 years
Adori Zahard
Ranking: 7/8 (Eurasia Enne Zahard is currently sealed so Adori technically occupies both ranks) Position: Unknown Special Positions: Unknown Adori Zahard(아도리 자하드, Ahdoree Jahad, Adoree Jahad, "Adori Zahard") currently the strongest Princess and the captain of Zahard’s Royal Guards. She is currently the strongest active Princess in The Tower, due to her only being second to Eurasia Enne Zahard, who has been sealed.
She wields the only S-rank weapon of the 13 Month Series, the Golden November. Due to her golden hair and appearance, she has many fans, both male and female.
Adori Zahard is known to be very quiet and cool-headed. Because she has little care for worldly matters, she often lies down alone and gets lost in her own fantasies. However, as there are many secrets to her private life, no one really knows the true Adori.
But. It is widely known to any of her fans that she will allow a person she likes to call her by her birth name. (Her birth name is Adoru).
Although ranked highly, she has no noticeable achievements as a Ranker. This is because even though she is the Captain of Zahard’s Royal Guards, since she does not like wandering around, she rarely participates in active duty. Even so, she is still called the strongest princess and is entrusted with the Captain of the Guards position for one reason. She is extremely strong.
Even before she became a Ranker, she defeated a high-level Ranker (quite easily), and the records even show that Garam Zahard was overwhelmed by Adori. (Post–Enne Zahard incident, there was a time when Garam Zahard and Adori Zahard fought once. At the time, it hadn’t even been 100 years since Adori Zahard became a ranker, but with Garam Zahard as an opponent, an overwhelming victory was achieved.) And since then, in the few battles she’s had against Rankers, she defeated all of them with overwhelming combat prowess.
Many people have compared her to Enne Zahard, but no one could easily determine who is stronger of the two. The debate still rages on today and is a favored topic of discussion amongst Rankers.
She has achieved the 8th Ranking in The Tower, and is the strongest Non-Irregular, besides Enne Zahard.
It is said Adori also uses a Carrier which allows a Fisherman to fill any position. A Carrier is a combination of Pocket, Lighthouse, and Pipe. 
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delineative · 9 years
yuri/adori + forehead flick
Adori Zahard is beautiful like Golden November is beautiful, her brilliance the ornate gleam of an entire armoury, viciously golden in every aspect; she presses a finger to Yuri's forehead and tells her that their father's favour is not an easy burden to bear, and that she looks forward to Yuri's challenge for her rank and her weapon, and to call her Adorin.
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