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alibahturin · 1 month ago
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Здравствуйте, мои уважаемые друзья и подписчики!
Иногда, когда мы делаем какое-то фото, то в поле зрения фотоаппарата могут попасть предметы, портящие вид фотографии. Я расскажу Вам, как программой Adobe Photoshop CS5 можно будет убрать ненужные объекты с Вашей фотографии.
Желаю Вам и членам Ваших семей здоровья, добра и всех благ!
Данное видео можно увидеть на других видеоканалах:
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u3nZEMXcKc
ОК - https://ok.ru/video/9654273509909
ВК - https://vkvideo.ru/video230530462_456240613
Дзэн - https://dzen.ru/video/watch/678980d93c34886f4944afd6
Телеграм - https://t.me/+rbqQfr_DnpY3ZGQy
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CW: Animal death Original photograph credit: Sarah Schoen, USGS (Public Domain). For more info, visit https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/dead-common-murres-found-beach-along-alaska-peninsula I write poetry sometimes. I don’t pretend to be a great poet or anything, but I think it’s important to share the things we make when we’re being creative (even if we’re not the best at it). I’m trying to get over my anxiety with showing my writing, so…baby steps. #poetry #amateurpoetry #professionalgraphicdesigner #adobephotoshopcs5 #briefpoetry #shortpoem #artinwords #darkart #darkpoem #darkartist #mementomori #beautyindarkness #commonmurre #alaskanwildlife #auk #aukbird #thinbilledmurre #natureworship #shadowwork #paganart #paganpoetry #paganartist #usgs #usgsimage #seabird #RIP #finishedpiece #enbyartist #rhiannonlucian (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPpQRuBh796/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nami-namual · 5 years ago
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@spacebunnylove lo edite en #adobephotoshopcs5 para q se vea mejor. ---------------------------------- Dibujo de la youtuber spacebunny. Técnica de oilpastels con lápiz de color//Drawing of the youtuber space bunny. Oil pastels technique with colored pencil ----------------------------------- #spacebunny #bunnyspacegirl #oilpastel #coloredpencil_art #spacebunnyfanart #kawaiidrawingstyle #drawingcolors #pastelalóleo #spacebunnykawaii #digitalillustration #paintoolsaidraw #photoshopcs5❤️ #animestyle #fanartyoutube #art🎨 #animeart #otakus #drawing_expression #dibujos #drawinganime #coloredpencil_art #coloreddrawings #traditionalartist_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4rxB6gAlEs/?igshid=vktdum6k1vht
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kanvhsphoto · 6 years ago
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#graphicdesign #mixedmedia #kanvhs #adobephotoshopcs5 https://www.instagram.com/p/BxwyX20HluP/?igshid=1su5cicy2ksjj
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jondi85-blog · 8 years ago
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Photo Retouch. Old photo of a family member #photoretouch in #adobephotoshop #adobephotoshopcs5 #photography (at Miami, Florida)
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thedonnj · 8 years ago
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It's May 16th! Happy @lagwagon1989 Day! Signed, Stella #lagwagon #letstalkaboutfeelings #letstalkaboutcorgis #may16 #fatwreckchords #corgis #corgination #corgisofinstagram #stellagram #adobephotoshopcs5 #stuffthedonmakes
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Finally got around to doing this. Third Shaw Academy homework, movie poster design. I didn’t want to copy our instructor, so I went for a different genre. Would you watch this movie? All stock photos used are from Pexels. Photographer credits: @desipris.george @kaboompics @kagrabowska @pixabay @pixabay.photography #shawmovieposter #shawgraphicdesign #graphicdesigner #adobecreativesuite #adobephotoshopcs5 #photomanipulation #artpractice #digitalartpractice #movieidea #movieposterdesign #shawacademy #graphicdesignhomework #shawacademyhomework #learnconstantly #practiceyourcraft #rhiannonlucian (at Cascade, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEIRuxzhUME/?igshid=rxq6w77lafbf
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nami-namual · 5 years ago
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feliz día mamá !! ❤❤❤🎉 . . . #diadelamadre2019 #diadelamadre #diadelamadres #adobephotoshopcs5 #painttoolsai2 #drawingchibi #drawthisinyourstyle https://www.instagram.com/p/B32iaZsHSjL/?igshid=10orlaba0nzus
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chillypepperhothothot · 10 years ago
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Waiting for Christmas by Thousand Word Images by Dustin Abbott on Flickr.
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Tiger I did for the #cspcontest23. The idea didn’t come from #tigerking; it was actually me trying to figure out a way to submit something similar to a cheetah illustration I did at work without actually submitting the cheetah (cuz company copyright stuff). Vectors were done in #adobeillustratorcs5 and the underpainting was done in #adobephotoshopcs5. #tigerillustration #digitalillustration #endangeredanimal #endangeredspecies #bigcatart #tigerface #digitaldrawing #digitalpainting #digitalart #vectorart #photoshoppainting #savebigcats #finishedpiece #professionalillustrator #professionalartist #stylizedanimal #stylizedanimalart #enbyartist #rhiannonlucian #artcontestsubmission (at Cascade, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_OPCt1h7cH/?igshid=c9jvpfuyk7fj
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yrameoj · 10 years ago
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Just practicing my skills in adobe
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Gave this baby an upgrade 😁 This is one of the pieces I submitted to Clip Studio Paint’s 23rd International Illustration Contest. 😊 Upgraded this traditional drawing with some digital love using Adobe Photoshop CS5. The background is partially made with an image of the Bubble Nebula from the @nasa Hubble Space Telescope (find here: www.spacetelescope.org/images/heic1608a/ ). #cspcontest23 #adobephotoshopcs5 #rhiannonlucian #professionalillustrator #professionalartist #cephalopod #abstractart #nasahubblespacetelescope #bubblenebula #traditionalart #digitalart #mixedmediaart #surrealart #spacesquid #spaceoctopus #octopusart #squidart #krakenart #fantasyartist #creaturedesign #creaturedesigner #spaceanimal #illustrationcontest #enbyartist #nonbinaryartist (at Colorado Springs, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qZI7uBhhq/?igshid=vfza8skt4cis
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