#admittedly this isn't one of my /favorites/ of all the semi-canon AUs out there
What's a delta au btw? I've been scrolling through tvdint fics and i see it pop up sometimes
The Delta AU is one of the many semi-canon AU's for the series! (Semi-canon in the sense that tvdint's mangaka Bonnoki was the one who came up with it, rather than just some fans) It's one of the most popular AU's and one of the most developed ones, aside from Uso
Basically, the gist of it is that every character (with a couple of exceptions) is shifted one role to the left, IE:
The vampires are all Vampire Control Division
The Vampire Control Division are all vampire hunters
The vampire hunters are all vampires
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Draluc is the captain of the VCD and is a dhampir in this AU. He has a wicked good ability to sense vampires, except using his ability gives him terrible migraines. He and the rest of the VCD are investigating a sudden invasion of superior vampires (Ronaldo and the rest of the former hunter characters) in Shin Yoko, and Draluc is eventually tasked with monitoring Ronaldo. He's very overworked and very tired, but is still his usual hedonistic self (and still has John).
Ronaldo is a vampire who is stupidly powerful, and it seems as though absolutely nothing can kill him: not garlic, not crosses, not silver, not sunlight. He is actively looking for a way to die, so that he can resurrect himself and become more "vampire-like" like his brother. He seems a lot more enthusiastic and puppy dog-like in this AU, so far not showing any sort of violent tendencies towards Draluc and actually seems to kind of respect him to an extent
And it basically plays out as a "what if Ronaldo was the one who barged into Draluc's quiet lil life and mooched off him instead?" theoretical. Fanon likes to depict this AU as kind of like a silly slice-of-life office AU, in a sense, but in general a lot of people view Delta as a slightly-to-greatly darker/more serious storyline than the canon tvdint, given Ronaldo's obsession with wanting to die and Draluc's mortality as a dhampir, among other aspects.
There are two 4 page comics about Delta in the official kyuushi fanbooks as well as a handful of little lore droplings from Bonnoki on his twitter and in a couple of his radios on youtube.
A compilation of most of the information about Delta can be found here!
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lucaonthropy · 2 years
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Listen, I believe these three can be really good friends based only from the fact that they're my favorite characters.
Roommates AU below!
- So in this AU all of HQ characters are in the same highschool and Karasuno, Nekoma, Seijoh, etc are all middle schools. The characters are still coming from their initial canon school.
- The students' roommates are cycled every year so they will have to room with different people every year. One room = three people.
- So that's basically the worldbuilding bcs I don't think too hard about that part. Now onto the roommates:
- Iwaizumi was rooming with Oikawa and Matsukawa in their first year, then with Akaashi and Kita in second year. He kinda (really) misses them but he's pretty flexible with people, so he never complain much.
- Fukunaga roomed with Yamamoto and Kenma in his first year. They're his best friends, sure, but he doesn't have any hard feelings against the roommate cycle. Overall very unbothered with people he gets roomed with.
- Tendou roomed with Osamu and Hanamaki in his first year. (Lmao just imagine). In his second year, he roomed with Ushijima and Semi. Also very flexible with people but he doesn't get along with most personality he comes across, so he's not really enthused with the roommate cycle though he's mostly unbothered either.
- Iwa's thoughts about Fuku: He's really quiet but eats a lot.
Iwa's thoughts about Tendou: What the entire-living fuck.
Fuku's thoughts about Iwa: Nice and funny. Good friend to watch old show reruns with.
Fuku's thoughts about Tendou: Weird hair, interesting, good humour. Also good friend to marathon new show with.
Tendou's thought about Iwa: Easy to annoy, funny when angry. Kind eyes.
Tendou's thought about Fuku: Quiet peculiar guy that cooks really well and has the best jokes. *Gasp* What if he's actually my long lost cousin???
- (Slight IwaTen, skip this point if you don't like the ship) Also the image of Fuku bears witness to IwaTen pining is so funny to me, especially because he's not the type to meddle on good things and likes to just watch it unfold. Probably already thinking about his future best man speech.
- Fukunaga and Iwaizumi watch old shows together. Fuku isn't as much a fan to Kaijuverse as Iwa, but he enjoys them nonetheless and Iwa in return will watch Power Rangers with Fuku.
- On the other side, Fuku and Tendou watch anime and new gen shows together. They read the source material together too, though Fuku prefers light novels while Tendou prefers manga.
- Ohmygod Fukunaga is the glue that keeps them all sane and together I love him so much. (Might be biased but hey, he deserves the spotlight.)
- Fuku cooks a lot. Tendou and Iwa can cook just fine but Fuku likes to volunteer and his cooking is admittedly better than the others, so no one ever says no to him. He also gives them his experiment food with mixed reaction from the recipients.
- He once cooks Tendou's comfort food in the middle of the night because the guy cries himself to sleep after watching Amphibia.
- A lot of sleepovers! They all have friends from different rooms and dorms so it happens a lot. Kenma especially comes over often to mooch off Fukunaga's cooking. Oikawa comes over to talk with Iwa but then he sees Tendou and hates him at first -- now they're gossip buddies lol.
- Poor Iwa gets stuck with the insomniacs. Fuku doesn't sleep much at night because his sleep cycle is fucked since middle school and Tendou just decides to not sleep and keeps watching shows in the dark.
- Tendou thinks he would get shunned again becuse these new roommates don't know him from anywhere and his first meeting with them will be his first impression.
- He steps in and finds Iwa lifting a whole couch and Fuku cooking scrambled egg while sitting on the counter, a jelly stick in his mouth.
- He knows he'll be okay then.
- (Also the image of Tendou raving about shits to Fukunaga and Fukunaga interjects with one of his out-of-context jokes and they both are just very happy with each other is a very heartwarming image.)
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