#admin k is an evil butt
earthflaxmachina · 2 years
1 dere(k)volution
P: heres to the first of the second try at ramble posting on tumblr. instead of random rants, these posts will be centered around some kind of oc meta. also this time i have a co-host of sorts to keep it interesting because i am a dull turd.
D: It’s Derek.
P: cool. the topic for discussion today is the evolution of derek. but like the concept of derek. not this derek’s canon character development or whatever. to start by looking at the first ever image of derek that i scrolled through my camera for 10 minutes to find.
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(from 2/2019)
if you didnt know already, his name was Dolan at first. the name Derek is fairly recent.
D: Dolan. What an ugly nerd name.
P: right. also. his design was based off a bottle of water i found at the grocery store. back then i had a weird tendency to draw very thin necks for some reason. along with very short torsos and long legs. so thats why the proportions look really weird.
D: That explains why you draw really thick necks now to compensate. Hahaha.
P: basically the beta concept for his story was that he lived in Hell and had an incredibly powerful wand that he inherited by accident after getting lost in the snowy woods or something. (Dolan) didnt really know what kind of responsibilities came with the wand and consistently wanted to become a magician (not fantasy kinda magic... like card tricks kind of magic) and misused the wand for trivial things such as taking a shortcut to the grocery store.
D: So I’ve been a amateur magician since birth!
P: yes. its incredible how youve stayed an amateur for this long. fun fact: harlow was also created at a similar time and was exes with one of luciano’s brothers. wow. the prosciuttoverse was a cesspool back then. a furry world PLUS heaven/hell setting? get outta here.
D: Harlow was also my love interest for quite some time!
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(from 4/2019)
P: yeah. maybe we’ll do a commentary on harlow’s evolution at some point.
D: God I had such a weirdly-shaped head.
P: lets look at some other pics of dolan.
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(renewed ref, from 5/2019)
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(from 1/2020)
P: nothing more to note other than the fact that i remember writing a lot about you having a nice butt on your charahub/toyhouse profiles. despite the fact that your butt is pretty mundane in the evidence provided. god what the hell is that shading.
D: Ah I look so young and happy.
P: right i think dolan was meant to be in his early 20s. like literally every other oc i had at the time. next, the start of 2021 was when i revamped/redesigned dolan.
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(from 2/2021 and 3/2021 respectively)
P: theres the first ever image of human derek and harlow. not much has changed tbh
D: We look like a lesbian couple.
P: the story concept was also pretty different from the original. basically i made a whole hierarchy for both heaven and hell and the world was completely extinct so everyone was either in heaven or hell. the world itself was the wence boys’ world. so the story wouldve taken place way way in the future. blah blah blah something about heaven being evil or corrupt or something corny like that, and dolan (being half devil/angel what a cliche) wanted to change The System (tm). also he was running a campaign 2 be ruler of hell or something as part of his plan. maybe he was evil maybe he wasnt idk. its old corny stuff.
D: Sounds like boring philosophical politics. Bluh bluh.
P: yeah. anyways timeskip to later in the year when i completely revamped your story AGAIN! ill try to limit the pictures from now on because im almost at the max 10.
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(from 7/2021)
D: Look at me and my pronounce!
P: so at this point. there was a heaven/hell but it wasnt the main setting it just existed. there was an office kinda deal going on for the admin stuff. a dead persons soul could either be reincarnated in heaven/hell or destroyed iirc. there were 4 different departments because people die all the time so they categorized them. dolan had the biggest department because it was Death by natural causes/accidents. the 3 other were Pestilence (disease), War (conflict or generally murder), Famine. at this time i changed dolan’s name to Death because he was literally the grim reaper. he also wasnt God at this time. there was still some kind of higher power i think it was Stig. harlow was human and also lesbian now. nothing else interesting.
D: So when did I become Derek?
P: I dunno. some time after my birthday? when i started the storyline where you became human for a bit and needed a human name for Death. then i just got tired of calling you Death and stuck with Derek because it is better in every way.
D: Excellent judgement.
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(from 28/10/2021)
P: this was probably the start of the all New and Improved derek storyline. the rest is pretty streamline from here and doesnt really need a recap.
D: Woof look how sweet and well-adjusted I looked back then! And that tiny nose.
P: yeah you still had some humanity (pupils) in your eyes. and still had the square glasses thing going on. eugh. waitwaitwait lets look at the first time i drew you and rumi lol
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(from 11/2021)
D: We were so in love.
P: wow you guys have changed a LOT since then. for one: you were probably never that sweet to her. and she hates your guts now. 
D: If I had any!
P: alright. that concludes this ramble on THE EVOLUTION OF DEREK
P: that sounds stupid. welp. i will probably make a poll on whose meta we should recap next - because i am always looking for an excuse to make a google form. or just send smth to the askbox. i dont care. bye
D: Goodbye friends!
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[Admin Lyric: For all those fans that are really cheesy]
Characters: Reader, Changkyun (I.M), Jihae (your friend), Joshua (for a little bit), Soonyoung?
Word Count: 1,619
Genre: Fluff
Type: Soulmate Au
It was your birthday and you were at school, yeah, you were at school. You got many birthday wishes and a lot of birthday punches from your friends and they hurt you like hell. You were the one of the few girls who went to school on your birthday without wearing a dress or a tiara because you personally thought that it was too much. You really just wanted to stay home and do nothing, but the worse thing was that one of your favorite boy groups were coming to your city.
You’ve loved Seventeen since before they debuted as a group and it saddened you that you couldn’t go. When your parents had asked you what you wanted for your birthday, you simply replied saying that all you wanted was concert tickets to go see Seventeen. You had also told them that your best friend Jihae was going and already had a ticket, but they said that it was really expensive and couldn’t afford to pay for a single one.
You had never been to a concert of your liking, considering the fact that you were the only person in your family that actually liked Korean music. Jihae was sad that she’d have to experience seeing them all by herself which had made you even more sad then you already were. This was your birthday! You’re supposed to be happy! Yet you were sitting in your boring ass classroom accepting gifts from others forcing yourself to at least be happy and failed.
“Y/N! What are you doing later at 7?” You looked at Jihae with a pissed off expression. “Very funny Jihae. I wanted to go with you to see Seventeen you know that!!” You were whining and you knew you sounded stupid but you couldn’t help it. You were used to the fact that nothing ever went you way, but I mean come on, it’s Seventeen for fucks sake! 
“Well, maybe you still can.” You had stopped looking up bus schedules on your phone and looked at your friend. “What the hell are you talking about?” As soon as you asked, Jihae had pulled out a concert ticket from her bag and placed it in you hand. 
“Happy Birthday!!!” She put her arms around you in a tight hug. It took you a while to respond back to her hug because you were in shock. You never knew that Jihae would ever be sneaky as to buy you a concert ticket without you knowledge. I mean she did in fact show you her buying process on her phone.
“Jihae!! Oh my god!! I gotta tell my parents and-“ 
“They already know. I told them to tell you that they couldn’t buy it for you because I wanted to give the best birthday present I could think of.” 
You had tears in the corner of your eyes. Jihae had shown you Korean music in the first place and had made you fall in love with it. You’ve know her for about 6 years now and had never thought that she’d be the one to buy you anything so expensive. 
 “Thank you so much!! I LOVE YOU!!” You went to give her another hug. 
“Hahahaha! I love you too Y/N”
To be quiet frank, you were jittery, really jittery. You had to remind yourself that you couldn’t fall so hard for them (even though you were smitten by all of them) because you did have soulmate. Fuck! You had actually forgotten about the stupid useless color in your left eye. It really bugged you that all of the people that you’ve met that had one light blue eye and one light red eye was always never your soulmate. 
You’ve come across K-Idols who’ve had the same eye colors as you, but they were never exact. Even Minghao had one blue eye and one red eye, but they were both dark and very vibrant. As much as you wanted to not have a soulmate, you really wanted to meet them at the same time. Anyways, you were glad that you had entered the arena soon enough because it was always hot in New York City during the summer. 
You were also happy that Jihae was generous enough to buy a concert ticket in the front row, which was considered the V.V.I.P area. It was packed with a lot people, but you were just glad that you were able to see the stage and surprisingly, you didn’t lose Jihae in the crowd.
You tried to get the thought of your soulmate off of your mind but it just wouldn’t go away. You really just wanted to absorb yourself in Seventeen’s music, which you eventually did and you were glad.
When the concert was over, Jihae, who was next to you, pulls out from her pocket 2 backstage passes to meet Seventeen. You squealed internally. You’ve always wanted to meet Seventeen and take photos with them, but you didn’t know what it was like to be backstage after a concert. While you were on your way to see 13 beautiful men, you accidentally bumped into someone. It was a male. He was a little shorter then any average boy, but was still taller then you.
He had on a black hoodie, black ripped skinny jeans, light brown hair, almost blonde and a black face mask. This guy’s favorite color must be black, you thought. You lost your balance considering the many, many people around you. You were gonna fall right on your butt and people would trample all over you, it scared you but you knew it was gonna happen so you braced your self for the impact but it never came. 
You opened your eyes and was met with a beautiful pair of lilac eyes. You were confused, you had never seen this boy ever in you life, but yet you felt comfortable in his hold. He eventually let you go. 
“Are you okay?” His voice was deep, yet soft and delicate. You realized that Jihae had grabbed you and pulled you away from the boy with the pretty eyes and was heading backstage. “We gotta hurry! People are gonna be there before us!” You loved Jihae, but you were pissed. You wanted to talk to him, he seemed interesting to you.
We eventually ended up backstage. We showed the security guards our passes and they let us in between them. As soon as you saw Seventeen, you froze. You really didn’t know what to do, but Jihae grabbed you and pulled you towards them. You were greeted with open arms, Seungkwan’s to be exact, and you have him a hug. You were a smiling and blushing mess because you had never thought that Jihae would not only buy you a ticket, but a backstage pass. When you got to Joshua, his eyes were wide open. You were confused. Did you have something on your face? You tried wiping at your face to get whatever it was off. Joshua laughed. 
“You don’t anything on your face.” He noticed and you felt kind of embarrassed. He gave you a hug. “Your eyes are really pretty, I was surprised cause I’ve never seen someone’s eyes a lilac color before.” 
You froze. He noticed and he began to worry, thinking he said something wrong. You were confused. Your eyes weren’t lilac, one was light blue and the other was light red. Your eyes widened after you put 2 and 2 together. You had to find that boy, no you needed to find him. 
“Are you okay? You don’t look too good.” He put his hand on your shoulder and you jumped, reality setting in. “I’m fine, I’m just ah-“ 
You heard the rest of Seventeen yelling. They were greeting someone. You turned around only to find yourself looking at the same pair of eyes you saw earlier. “Changkyun-hyung, can you tell Jooheon-hyung I said to respond back to my messages.” You recognized the person talking as Soonyoung. 
You looked at Soonyoung then back at the boy “Changkyun” who had took his face mask off. Fuck. Changkyun, Jooheon? Where have you heard those names before? As you were in thought, Changkyun looked at you. You blushed and looked away. Why was he so familiar looking? He started to walk up to you. Jihae was talking to Woozi, oblivious to the situation at hand. 
You turned your head back to in front of you and immediately regretted it. Junhui spoke up and said something to Changkyun in Korean. Your Korean wasn’t perfect but you understood exactly what he said. “Your eyes are the same color, are you…soulmates?” 
 Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention towards you and Changkyun. You felt like you were naked. Changkyun looked at you then at his phone, probably checking his reflection. That’s when it hit you. That’s I.M! He’s in Monsta X! He is friends with Seventeen. You felt stupid. All of Seventeen started to coo at the both of you which made you blush even more. 
“I guess your my soulmate…um...” He looked down at the ground. His English was really gentle and his accent was very cute. You tired really hard not to squeal. 
“Her name is Y/N!!” You turned around and was met with an evil looking Jihae. “Yah! Y-yeah, it’s Y/N.” You felt shy, but not as shy as you would’ve been if he weren’t your soulmate. You felt somewhat comfortable being in his presence.
“That’s a very pretty name…I guess I owe you a lot of dates” You laughed and he smiled. You could tell that he was blushing but he tried to hide it, and you let him. 
“Thank you, I owe you too.” 
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crazymangaluv · 7 years
Jason Todd x Reader: Confession
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Warning: NSFW (torture, sexual assault, death, sex)
Word Count: 3,786
Hope you all enjoy!
~Admin K
His “interrogator”, who is also the supposed boss of the shindig, punches him in the face…a poor excuse of a punch at that. “Ready to talk?” He just looks up at the brute, a smirk adorning his bruising face. Unsatisfied by his reaction, the interrogator punches him a couple times more before grabbing the man’s raven hair to pull his face up. “Tch. I must admit you’re not bad, tougher than the rest of the swine I’ve dealt with. But that won’t last long. I always make them squeal in the end.” Loosening his grip his hair, he leans in close, his foul breath in the face of his victim. “Why don’t you squeal for me?”
Not wasting this perfect opportunity presented to him, the prisoner head butts the gangster. The resounding crunch of his nose and the pathetic outcry of pain are music to his ears. Dumbass. He grins at the sight of the gangster’s blood, the red liquid spewing from the man’s broken nose, face twisted in pain. Face flushed reddish purple, eyes bulging and with a hand over his bleeding nose, he lets out his anger on the handsome captive’s smirking face.
The gangster, aka “Dumbass Boss”, as nicknamed by Jason, ceases his attack, huffing and drenched with sweat. Jason turns his head to the side, spitting out some blood and proceeds to chuckle at his interrogator’s pathetic assault. Dumbass Boss, fuming, turns to the small table containing a select assortment of torture tools all of which were sullied by previous usage. Grabbing the crowbar, he turns back to the prisoner. “You won’t be laughing much longer. I’m gonna make ya beg. Hehe, the big bad Red Hood reduced to a sniveling coward.”
Unfazed by Dumbass Boss’s threat, Jason lets out another chuckle. He rolls his eyes, unimpressed with his threat. “Really? You’re going with that? Wow, how original.” Dumbass Boss stiffens, eyes bulging, veins popping out, and face turning into a greater purplish red hue. Paying no heed to his pain and his bleeding lip, the corners of Jason’s mouth quirk up in response, clearly mocking him. Enraged, he readies to strike Jason down, however, a phone rings, ceasing his attack, crowbar inches away from his face.
“Tch.” Dumbass Boss grunts in irritation. He reaches into his pocket to answer his phone. Whew, close call. Jason keeps his attention on Dumbass Boss even while he scopes his surroundings for an escape route. He pulls on his restraints and wiggles a little. He may be stupid, but shoot...these chains are tight. It’s taking longer than I thought it would. He’s pulled from his thoughts by Dumbass Boss’s boisterous laughter. He hangs up the phone, mood completely changed, the anger diminished. With a wicked smirk he looks down at Jason, “Looks like I don’t need you no more.” Jason maintains his poker face to prevent from revealing his confusion. “Hehe, but I wanna watch ya break first before I end ya. This should help.” And with that cue, the door bursts open, a couple of lackeys dragging a figure between them.
Jason’s eyes widen, stomach dropping with dread. In you came, dragged by these two gangsters, unconscious and bloody. They drop your limp body unceremoniously on the floor at Dumbass Boss’s side. Brows furrowing and mouth set in a hard line, Jason glares up at these soon to be dead men. They’re going to pay for touching you...with a bullet in each of their skulls.
“HAHAHA! What? Got nothin to say? No smart ass comments eh? Cat got ya tongue?” He mocks as he kneels down, reaching a hand towards you.
“Don’t touch her/him!” Jason spat out venomously, straining against the chains binding him.
The two goons behind Dumbass Boss laugh along with their boss. Suddenly, he grabs a fist full of your hair to drag and toss your body in front of Jason. Jason looks down at your still form. Your face is bruised and bloody…he grits his teeth and clenches his jaw, They’re going to pay. Dumbass Boss uses the crowbar to turn your head towards him. “Such a pretty little thing, tsk tsk, such a shame.” He smugly peers down at Jason, nose no longer bleeding, and gives him an evil grin. He slowly slides the crowbar down the side of your face to your chest, peeling back your clothes slightly to reveal more of your collarbone. He licks his lips. “I’m gonna have some fun. Show her/him what a real man is. She’ll/he’ll be waking soon enough, her/his crying face will make it so much more satisfying,” he leers down at you. He straddles your body, hands groping your torso whilst keeping his eyes on Jason.
Jason’s blood boils. “Get your filthy hands off of her/him!” he snarls. The chains strain, giving in a little bit more due to his sudden strength. However, it’s still not enough to break free. Damn it! Dumbass Boss’s lecherous grin widens, thoroughly enjoying the feel of your body. Spurred on by Jason’s reaction, he begins to slowly move one hand lower down to your nether regions, tauntingly. No! “I’ll kill you!” Jason lashes out.
The sensation of unknown hands on your body brings about a feeling of uneasiness and you start to stir. Jason’s shout wakes you up. Your eyes snap open and you immediately jab the heel of your palm upwards, connecting forcefully to the pervert’s chin. His head jerks upwards, you reach out your left arm and feel the crowbar. Latching on you swing it at the pervert’s head. He’s  surprisingly resilient as your attacks weren’t able to knock him unconscious. His head whips back to you, fists clenched and ready to retaliate. 
At that moment Jason breaks free from his restraints, violently yanking Dumbass Boss off you. The two goons shake off their initial shock and reach for their guns, however, you’re already on them. You lunge at the nearest one, Goon #1, knocking the weapon from his hand. The gun falls on the floor and skids away. Goon #2 unloads his gun at you, but you’re quick to use Goon #1 as a human shield. Jason picks up the fallen goon’s gun and shoots a bullet right through Goon #2’s skull, leaving a hole in its wake.
“I had him you know.” You walk over to Jason with a smirk.
“I know.” Jason sneers over the corpse. “But I owed him one.”
You place a hand on his chest. His radiant blue eyes lock onto yours and his hand reaches down to gently push back your hair form your face. His fingers lightly touch the bruises on your face. His brows are furrowed, “Jason—”
Dumbass Boss groans out painfully, beginning to wake up. This diverts Jason’s attention from you back to bloodied idiot. Jason strides over to him and proceeds to beat the living crap out of him. Blood flying into the air. “How-” *smack* “Dare-” *bam* “You-” *crack* “Touch-” *crunch* “Y/n-” *thwam* “With” *wham* “Your-” *crunch* “Filthy hands!” He continues his relentless attack, knuckles bloodied and bruised.
Dumbass Boss’s face is barely recognizable, but Jason carries on with his onslaught with no signs of stopping any time soon. You hesitate, feeling conflicted. That bastard deserves it for what he and his gang has done, and for laying his disgusting hands on you. You wanted to be the one be beating the crap out of him, but at the same time you thought it was enough. He’s pretty much near death, if not so already.
You approach him, “Jason.” He doesn’t appear to hear you so you lightly place your hand on his shoulder. “Jason that’s enough, it’s okay.” He ceases his movements, chest heaving, a drop of sweat streaming down his temple. He looks down at his trembling hands that were covered in crimson red.  You remove your hand from his shoulder and gently slide your hands over his, intertwining your fingers with his to pull him away. “Let’s go.”
He allows you to pull him away from the mangled body of Dumbass Boss. He pulls his hand away from your grip, stopping the both of you in your tracks. His face grim, “Wait y/n. I need to deal with the rest of them before they hurt anymore kids. You should go back to the safe house.”
You reach your hand out, gripping his bicep comfortingly. “Jason-” You turn him towards you, a smile tugging at your lips. He looks at you in speculation. “You mean his gang?” You nod your head in the gang’s direction. “You don’t need to worry about them. They’ve been dealt with.” He raises an eyebrow questioningly. “I had the pleasure of dealing with them personally before those two goons got the drop on me. So those three are the only ones left…or er, were the only ones left. So let’s go home.”
He takes your hand in his, giving it a small squeeze. “That’s my girl/man. Okay, let’s go home.”
Jason zips through Gotham, keen on getting the two of you home, knowing how badly you want to get cleaned up. Your mind flashes to those foul hands on you, you shudder and tighten your hold on him. You desperately need a shower, to wash off that abhorrent touch off of you. Soon enough you both arrive at the safe house. You get off the motorcycle with a groan, body aching, the pain becoming more obvious now that you’ve cooled off. You’re then unexpectedly scooped up into his muscular arms. “J-Jason? You shouldn’t be carrying me, I’m fine. You’re in worse shape—”
He gives you a charming smirk, “I’m fine, it’s nothing.” He walks the two of you into the bedroom, making his way to the bathroom. Setting you down on the counter, he turns on the shower before returning his attention to you. His fingers gently stroke your cheek, and he frowns at the discoloration of your skin. You grasp his hand, cupping it to your cheek and place your other hand on the side of his face, thumb rubbing the bruise. “Really, it’s nothing.”
Your brow knits together, eyes narrowing, deep in thought. “Hmm…I guess you’re still kind of handsome.”
He scoffs, chuckling. “Kind of? Ouch. That hurts y/n.”
Steam begins to waft around the room, the water finally turning hot. You pull away from him, clearing your throat. “Do you mind if I shower first? I, um, need to wash…wash off,” you gesture to your whole body, “all of this.” 
He’s about to respond with something inappropriate but he holds his tongue seeing how vulnerable you look at this moment. “Sure, I’ll wait outside.” He turns to head towards the door, giving you one last glance before shutting the door behind him. He stands there with his back against the door, a shadow casts over his eyes, fists clenched at his sides, seething. Using Dumbass Boss as a punching bag did little to quell his rage. You put up a front but he knew how bothered you are by what that scumbag did.
You didn’t really want to send him out. Help removing your armor would have been nice. You yearn for his comforting touch but the way you are now, so…unclean…you’re ashamed. Each abrasion, scrape, and bruise littering your body is a glaring reminder of your weakness. You carefully peel off your uniform, muscles groaning at each movement. You step under the hot streaming water, the heat relaxing your aching muscles.
It was a rough night. That gang the two of you got rid of deserved much worse. Kidnapping and selling kids —Just children! — for the sex slave business…you were more reckless, your emotions driving you to unleash brutal vicious attacks. While Jason was busy pursuing the already departed trucks of scared children, you took the liberty of taking care of the rest of the dirt bags and rescuing the rest of the children. Outnumbered, you fought ferociously, set on saving those children. You managed to get them out but those two stupid goons got the drop on you, knocking you unconscious. At least you decimated their friends and rescued the kids before embarrassingly getting ambushed. The next thing you know you’re waking up with some pervert’s hands groping you…
White hot rage mixed with disgust bubbles within you. You scrub at your skin harder, wincing at the pain from your injuries, trying get rid of that wretched feeling of his hands. Tears threaten to spill. Damn it, just wash off already! You try squirting body wash onto the loofah but the bottle is empty. You chuck the empty bottle and loofah out of anger *bang*. You cover your face with your hands, releasing shuddered breaths, fighting to keep the tears at bay.
Jason leaps to his feet at the loud noise. Y/n! He rushes into the bathroom, throwing open the shower door. He relaxes and breathes a small sigh of relief once he sees that you’re unhurt. His brows furrow, a pained expression flashes on his face. Seeing you like this…he reaches a tentative hand out, wanting nothing more than to take away your pain.
You didn’t hear the door opening in your distracted state. You startle when you feel a hand on you and reel around, lashing out in response. Jason’s quick reflexes developed from years of extensive training allowed him to catch your punch, narrowly avoiding your powerful hit. “J-Jason?”
Your eyes are wide and you’re visibly shaking despite the high temperature of the water. Jason’s grip on your fist loosens, thumb softly stroking your trembling fist in a comforting manner as he lowers your arm. He slowly and carefully wraps an arm around you, eyes full of concern. “Hey, hey…it’s okay, it’s me.” He whispers soothingly, feeling guilty for scaring you like that. You look so small right now. He brings his other arm around, drawing you close to him in a firm but tender hug, disregarding the fact he’s fully clothed in the shower, with you who is completely naked, too focused on comforting you. “It’s okay y/n, I’m here…I’m here.” You relax in his arms, allowing the tears to finally flow down. You hold onto him, releasing your pent up emotions to your best friend, your partner in crime…your love… 
You blush, becoming increasingly aware of how closely your bodies are pressing together, your very naked body at that. Your crying ceases, yet you remain still, enjoying the intimacy, the feel of his hand rubbing your back…and you’re also reluctant to move, embarrassed at the state you’re in. You have been in love with him for a long time, never acting on your feelings in fear of ruining your relationship with him. You weren’t sure if he felt the same for you. However, what you didn’t know is how head over heels in love Jason is with you…who also never acted on it, believing you deserve better.
You, in his arms, it feels so right…he loves you, needs you. His mind briefly flashes to those filthy hands grabbing at you. Bastard…he hugs you tighter to him. He can’t hide his feelings for you anymore, seeing other men look at you aggravated him, much less touch you...I should’ve ripped those hands off that piece of shit. He buries his face into your sopping hair, placing a kiss at the top of your head. Your eyes widen, your face burning up at this simple action.
Jason raises his face, peering down at you, observing the blush adorning your face. He tucks his fingers under your chin to raise your face up. His steely blue eyes are transfixed on yours, hypnotizing you, making you forget your embarrassment. You realize he’s slowly inching closer to you and and you feel yourself leaning in. You close your eyes and your lips connect with his wet soft ones in a sweet kiss. You’re disappointed when the kiss ends, however, your disappointment doesn’t last long. Soon Jason envelopes your mouth into another kiss, lips moving against yours in desperation, ignoring his injuries. Your heart thumps rapidly in your chest. You can’t believe it...Jason, your love, is kissing you.
His hand comes up to gently push back your hair and tilt you for a better angle. His tongue enters your mouth, exploring your cavern, teasing your own tongue with his. You moan into his mouth, overwhelmed by him. His hand slides up your torso, thumb rubbing the side of your chest teasingly, but refrains from going too far. Your hands are also wandering over his specimen of a body, hands slipping under his shirt to explore his flexed muscles. He sucks in a breath, detaching his lips from yours to remove his shirt. Tossing his shirt away with a *splat* he returns his lips to yours.
You press yourself to him, your perk nipples brushing against him, drawing a moan from him. Your hand dips down to rub his clothed bulge, his stiff length aching to be free from its confinements. Jason removes his lips from yours, nipping and sucking your neck down to your collarbone. You moan, his lips feels so good and you want more. You move the hand teasing his bulge to join your other hand at his belt buckle. You fumble with it for a moment before you feel his larger hand cover yours, stopping your movement. He pauses his actions to look down at you with concern and a hint of desire. “Y/n…are you sure?”
Your lips hover over his, “Yes.”
He kisses you softly before backing away to work on his pants. He quickly removes soaked pants together with his boxers, tossing them aside to join his wet shirt on the bathroom tile, and returns his focus on you. You both take a moment to admire each other. His eyes sweep over your glistening body, your chest heaving with every breath you take, your lust filled eyes, your swollen lips…the darkening marks riddling your face and body. He feels a pang of anger and brings up a hand to brush the hair back from his face.
You blush, breath hitching at the sight of him. The water streaming down his bare mottled body, his hair slicked back revealing his handsome injured face. His eyes darkened with lust as studied you intently. You instinctively lick your lips. His eyes flicker down at your movement before fixating on your half lidded eyes.
Instantly you both rush forward, meeting each other in a passionate embrace, lips moving together desperately. His hands roam all over your body, mindful of your injuries. Feeling his hard length press against you, you wrap your hand around his thick length giving it a small stroke. It twitches in response, and you slide your hand up and down feeling it grow bigger. He moans in your mouth, encouraging you. You continue your teasing, enjoying your effect on him. His lips move down to your chest, sweetly kissing your bruises during his journey down. He takes your mound into his mouth, sucking and tongue flicking your perk nipple. You roll your head back, breathy moans escaping your lips…Oh god...his mouth…
His mouth moves to your other nipple, and by gosh it feels so good…but you need him, now. “Ja- mmm- Jason.”
He detaches his mouth to kiss your ear. His teeth slightly tug and pull your ear before releasing it. “Yes?” He murmurs into your neck, sucking at your sensitive spot.
“Ah—please Jason, I need you…now”
His mouth returns to cover yours, hands sliding down, taking a moment to squeeze your ass before gripping the back of your thighs to wrap your legs around his waist. It’s difficult to hold on, but you manage. He pushes you against the cool tile wall, his muscular reliable arms preventing you from slipping down. Guiding his pulsating length to your hole, he teasingly slides it at your entrance before plunging himself deep inside you. “Ah~!” you moan out in pleasure.
He stretches you out oh so painfully delicious. He huskily moans into your mouth, relishing the way it feels to be inside you. He slips his cock partially out then rams it back in, enjoying your aroused moan. You clutch at his rippling back as he rhythmically thrusts in you. The water cascading over his muscular back making it difficult to hold on, your hands are slipping loose. His grip is slipping as well, your slick body making it hard to hold you yet he persists, aiming for your orgasm. One particularly well placed deep thrust has you cumming hard. You cry out in pleasure.
You’re breathless, slowly coming down from your high, but it’s not over yet. He places you down, quickly spinning you around and bending you over. You push your ass up to him, eager for more. He grips your hips tightly, swiftly entering you in earnest, eliciting a loud moan from you. His hips ramming into you, his thick hard cock, his hands, his grunts and moans, all of these sensations bring you closer over the edge again. You brace yourself against the wall, matching his every thrust. Your breathless gasps and his grunts mixed with the sound of cascading water echoes within the bathroom walls. His thrusts are getting more erratic, he’s so close. He runs his hands along your body, admiring your curves. He bends down, kissing a particularly nasty mark on your shoulder blade. Your walls clench around his length, and with one more thrust the both of you are crying out, orgasms ripping through your bodies.
Your weak legs nearly give out on you but his strong arms pull you up, hugging you to him. You sigh in his embrace, leaning your head back onto his chest. Bowing his head, he buries his face into the crook of your neck, placing soft kisses. “I love you.”
You barely manage to catch his whispered words but you do. Your eyes widen, shocked. You twist in his arms to face him, about to question him but is rendered speechless. His eyes are gazing into yours intensely, his emotions swirling within those stormy blue hues. You don’t doubt his feelings, your eyes glisten, overcome with happiness. Your lips ghost over his, “I love you too.”
Jason closes the distance, pouring all his feelings into that kiss. You reciprocate in fervor, in absolute bliss. You’ve been wanting to tell him for so long, and the fact that he feels the same…tears roll down your cheeks. Breaking the kiss, he gently rests his forehead on yours, his breath fanning your lips. “God I love you so much, y/n.”
You smile widely, “I have always loved you Jason.” He kisses the tip of your nose then your lips, holding you tightly against him under the streaming water. The water lost its warmth, now just lukewarm. After a moment, “We should get cleaned up, especially you.”
He chuckles, “You’re right…let’s help each other” He gives you a smirk, leaning in to lick the outer rim of your ear. “I’ll be thorough.” You shiver, eyes closing in anticipation.
Jason turns up the knob all the way, the steam in the room increases as the water turns hotter, falling down on the two of you. His hands meticulously lather soap all over your body while you do the same for him. The two of you thoroughly wash each other before resuming your carnal desires onto his bed.
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