#adhd reminder: slow the fuck down
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citrine-elephant · 2 years ago
really recommend having a self care ritual. i truly mean ritual. whether it's for show or an actual religious thing, having that process feels wonderful.
hot shower, lotion, comfy socks, a candle, and the weighted blankie? yes. taking your time to wash your hair and feel the water? smell the candle and the lotion? feel the hug of the blanket? mhm.
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puppppppppy · 11 months ago
adhd is when you shoot for the moon but you forgot the rocket fuel and by the time you realize it everyones already on the moon and then you panic and crash into the sun and it explodes
#my meds stopped working and i didnt know thats something that can fucking happen apparently???#like i knew eventually my body can get used to medicine that the effect kind of dulls but for some reason this time around i thought#that my body just decided to become lazier since the meds were already working anyway. cuz thats the thing as soon as smth is made#easier for me even if its the thing thats supposed to make the disability less disabling i get too relaxed and end up fucking up anyway#so i assumed my fucking cells worked the same way LMAO. they still technically work like i can feel my energy spike when it kicks in#but everything else like focus and memory went down and i thought oh so its just a me problem then. my habits are getting worse#even though ive been doing everything the same like setting reminders checking my schedule. hell ive been setting MORE reminders#to make up for the memory thing and i didnt even realize i just knew i had to compensate since it feels like my memory is getting#worse again. and i only figured this out bc my brother showed me an icecreamsandwich video with him talking about the EXACT FUCKING#THING IM GOING THRU WORD FOR WORD#i have to bring this up with my doctor next week so maybe i have to take different meds. i wonder if this will be a recurring thing#i guess one thing that hasnt changed is that im still slow as hell and stuff only comes to me 5 hours after the fact#its 6 in the morning and i only JUST realized that the word froyo is probably short for frozen yogurt#yapping#adhd
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pretentious-librarian · 8 months ago
Unfortunately, I was not able to evade that cursed woman for as long as I had hoped. She got me, exploiting my greatest weakness in the way her own characters are exploited by that very same weakness throughout the book: fucking love. My best friend, the love of my life, has fallen victim to Sarah J. Maas and in her obsession she has forcibly dragged me down with her. Now that I think about it, my best friend is quite literally the only thing that could ever make me pick up a SJM book. So in the name of love, I subjected myself to booktok's finest (which isn't saying much given booktok's reputation) and here are my thoughts, namely the ones I couldn't bring myself to voice to my friend. After all, the whole point of even reading this in the first place was so that she could have someone to talk about it with. While I am not above pointing out it's flaws to her, I don't have it in me to spite the very thing she gets so much joy out of as deeply as I would've wanted to. Besides, who am I to talk as a Twilight enjoyer when I know damn well that series was a beloved dumpster fire just as much as ACOTAR is. And honestly, her love for the series and my love for her has dissolved some of my bias and frankly, distaste, for the book. And now on to the review.
Disclaimers: Spoilers, ADHD ramblings and tangents, ungodly amounts of pretentiousness from someone who doesn't usually enjoy fantasy, and yes I know this book functions as a prequel and the second book is way better (I started the second book last night, wish me luck)
ACOTAR felt juvenile in nearly every aspect. To be fair, I had just finished reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstien mere days before picking up ACOTAR so I had to remind myself to go into it with a level of graciousness. Yet all the graciousness in the world cannot override the horrific editing of that damn book. Attempting to fall in love with a whole new world and characters was incredibly difficult when the writer in me was literally dying inside. To be completely honest, I always evaluate the writing of any book I read, especially in the beginning. I'm not even going to discuss how the majority of the book drug its feet or worse, was filled with inescapable, constant monologuing. I could rant and rave about "show don't tell" for hours, which is why I am choosing not to spend more than two sentences talking about the god awful fucking monologuing (to be fair, I'm aware that slow starts and monologuing are often necessary in fantasy books but definitely not to this extent). But holy shit, there were way too many instances in which I was flung from my daydreams and smacked square in the face by the sheer... fanfiction-ness of her writing. Don't get me wrong, I ADORE fanfiction and I am a huge advocate for its existence and protection, especially as a purely anti-capitalist labor of love without a single care about the skill level at which it was written. But when I pick up a viral #1 New York Times Best Selling Author's book, the last thing I am expecting to see is such elementary writing--that I firmly believe could've been rectified if she had hired an editor that was even half decent at their job. My qualifications for making such a claim? Even I have edited a full-length fantasy novel and unfortunately, it took many harsh reminders from my best friend to at least attempt to focus on the story rather than obsess over all the changes I would've personally made before I considered the book decent enough for publishing.
THAT SAID: One of the reasons I always gravitate towards fanfiction when I'm in a reading slump is because it's just so... digestible. ACOTAR was also digestable in a very similar way, which is sort of what made it possible for me to finish it in about four days. Honestly, (aside from my autistic ass struggling to connect with a brand new fantasy world and characters I feel fundamentally estranged from) the fanfiction-ness of the writing made me feel the same as when I'm watching reality TV: aware of the quality but choosing to have a good time with it anyways. Because my friend loved this book so much, I desperately wanted it to be good. But once I accepted that the writing was mid, as well as a good bit of the plot and the characters, I was able to enjoy myself enough to lose myself in the story, no matter how much the pretentious bitch inside kept trying to claw her way to the forefront of my thoughts. It was almost freeing to subject myself to such a juvenile piece of literature. Speaking of, there is one aspect of it's juvenility that I will not explore, but rather, let Robert Pattinson's reaction to reading the Twilight books to voice the principle of those thoughts instead:
"I was convinced Stephanie was convinced she was Bella, and it was like it was a book that wasn't supposed to be published. You're like, reading her sort of, like, sexual fantasy about some...really sexy guy and she just writes this book about it. And like, some things about Edward is [are] so specific, it was like I was just convinced that...this woman is mad! She's completely mad, and she's in love with her own fictional creation. And like, sometimes you...feel, like, uncomfortable reading this thing! And I think a lot of people feel that is...in the same way kind of voyeuristic and and it creates this...kind of like, a sick pleasure in a lot of ways".
Although this sentiment about ACOTAR may not be exceptionally widespread, personally, as a far-left rad-fem socialist who has spent years learning to decenter men, some of what Rob said resonated with me. Despite that this type of book is not particularly appealing to me personally, that doesn't mean it's inherently bad quality (but can easily bar it from being good quality), and this aspect definitely would've connected to my younger self before I became a chronically online femen@zi.
Moving on. The pretentious bitch inside me couldn't help but quietly take note of what was executed nicely and what was not, even as I was doing my best to go with the flow. I might as well go ahead and discuss what else I liked about it before I'm written off completely. I adored the imagery and sensory details--it's truly what made the experience good enough to keep reading. Her descriptions really draw the reader in and make them feel like they're right there with characters, in the good times and the bad ones too. I definitely don't have aphantasia and am a chronic day dreamer so I absolutely love descriptive books. Colors, sensations, emotions, all of it. I loved and hated the way I felt genuine emotions in all kinds of scenes (hated not because I'm a bitter hater, but hated because I can't help but feel everything any character I'm reading about is feeling--good, bad, or otherwise. And boy did Feyre go through some shit). Typically, books that can make me feel deeply are the best books but in this case, it acted more as a saving grace, especially because most of those feelings that were present in this book, though intense, lacked a certain type of depth I tend to gravitate towards.
Another thing I liked was Lucien! Lucien is by far my favorite character, not because he's particularly extraordinary, but because he feels...real? rather than being another one of SJM's romantic projections. (Sorry the writing style changed half way through, I was lowkey writing like SJM because I thought it was funny but I got tired of that real quick.) In the same vein, every now and then Feyre would get real as fuck, which was greatly appriciated when reading about such intense situations. Nightmares feel like a cheap excuse to avoid having to deal with your MC being traumatized because it's not uncommon for nightmares to be one of the only aspects of trauma focused by YA/new adult writers as well as a trojan horse a romantic scene. ACOTAR felt more believable (or maybe the word is genuine?) because Feyre dealt with real consequences from her trauma such as DSM-5 accurate depression, chronic low self esteem, mistrust, trauma bonding, etc. Lastly, I can't tell if I loved or hated the way SJM tied up all the loose ends (excluding some intentional cliffhangers). On one hand, it was satisfying as a reader to not have found any glaring plot holes yet I can't shake the feeling that she was making it up as she went. Source: trust me bro
As for Feyre's flaws, I feel that other readers have already explored in those depth and I don't feel the need to keep beating a dead horse. Same goes for Tamlin--I didn't find him all that interesting or charming even when Feyre was falling for him, so my already subpar opinion of him got worse and worse and will likely continue to do so as I continue reading the second book. He is so incredibly immature I can hardly stand it. Don't even get me started on how he always wants to fuck and thinks that suffices as an expression of love and care for Feyre. Even if that's technically not how it is, that is definitely how it read. To be clear, I'm pretty sure readers aren't meant to adore Tamlin; my issue is that Feyre goes through hell for someone so mid and we as readers are supposed to think her love and devotion are justified.
Now, let's get back to some hardcore griping! Amarantha's villain origin story makes sense until you actually meet her. Interacting with her felt like interacting with a cartoon villain from a shitty kids show. She was terrifyingly sadistic yet the justification for it was too weak to uphold her sadism. She felt like evil personified rather than a fleshed out person suffering the human condition (I know she's not human but you know what I mean). Good villains don't have to be redeemable, but they do have to be somewhat believable. These fae are all centuries old and have been through so much but somehow lack the emotional maturity I gained at the ripe age of seventeen?! I too have been a woman scorned enough to do make some interesting choices but jesus christ, Amarantha, it's really not that deep. Maybe it's the trauma that makes them like that, because I certainly have not endured what they have, nor have I ever held the amount of power they wield and I will never be able to fully comprehend what that does to a person. So who am I to talk. Anyways, I could ramble endlessly about Amarantha's shortcomings as a character but I think I've touched on her most glaring offenses.
Ugh. Now I'm gonna acknowledge that damn riddle and Tamlin's heart of stone concept that was executed so, so...let's just say, uniquely. When I read Amarantha's riddle, I came up with an answer so quickly that I was certain was it was incorrect. My personal belief system is centered around love (obviously not just the romantic kind) so I thought maybe I was biased since I try to see love in everything, not to mention the answer I had come up with seemed way too on the nose, given Feyre's circumstances and how much of the plot was driven by romance/love/attachment. But to my surprise and simultaneous disappointment, the answer to the riddle was love. I feel like even Feyre should've got that because of her Amarantha-enforced circumstances. And as for Tamlin's heart of stone--that Feyre figured out surprisingly easily even though she couldn't figure out that obvious riddle--it certainly wasn't something I was predicting, and the concept of it felt a little...elementary? Not because it was predictable or anything, but because of how squarely SJM looked that heart of stone metaphor in the face and decided to... well... do that....
I'm just glad she made Feyre grapple with her decision to kill the two innocents and let it haunt her afterwards, especially when her motives are called into question. She loves Tamlin (somehow. but maybe I'm just a manhater) which is what drives her to do what she does and what puts her in direct conflict with Amarantha but I'm just glad SJM bothered to create circumstances that let Feyre's selfishness (I'm not saying I would or wouldn't have done the same thing in her circumstance) also happen to benefit the entire kingdom-world thing. Basically I feel fundamentally estranged from Feyre because I see the value of all people and would like to think I'd do the right thing based on love and respect for all living things rather than for a whiny man child. I feel like I'm getting sidetracked somehow.
I'm hesitant to even talk about Rhysand because I'm not sure I fully understand him as a character yet. However, I love him as a character so far even if I don't love him/his personality that much. He felt developed in ways other characters didn't, similar to Lucien but I actually liked Lucien's personality from the start, even when he pisses me off sometimes. But on the topic of Rhysand, I was uncomfortable with how SJM wrote about SA in general. As a woman, I'm certainly not unfamiliar with the topic and have had my own share of experiences, although I will honestly admit that I haven't had any big T trauma in that area of my own life so this may not be my place to discuss this. That may also be why I can't quite put my finger on what about the way SJM wrote about SA bothered me. All I know is that something about it rubbed me the wrong way, almost as if it bordered on disrespect. But again, I'm not entirely sure.
In conclusion, my best friend just texted me not five seconds ago: "I think you just have a hard time comprehending that people write fun little fantasy stories simply because maybe they just like writing fun little fantasy stories". And she would be correct. I am too pretentious to truly love and appreciate this series the way it was meant to be. I've always felt the need to look deeper in anything that I enjoy, I've always felt the need to connect personally with each work of art I choose to dedicate my time to. I am first and foremost a Supernatural fan if that tells you anything, and even my love for Twilight grew from a specific, deep personal connection I had the concept and characters. I have just driven myself mad trying to figure out why this book was written, why I as a reader should care, and what exactly fueled SJM with so much passion that she felt the need to write an entire series (which is why I'm suspecting she wrote it as a self indulgent piece; that's the only logical explanation I can come up with, anyway). ACOTAR was not written for me and that is okay. It doesn't help that I tend to avoid fantasy as a genre anyways. Yet, I'm going to keep reading it. Because I still managed to have a good time with the story and characters, and of course, I'm going to thug it out no matter what because I love my best friend. Lastly, one thing SJM did a good job with was, in spite of it all, making me curious enough about what happens next to genuinely want to read the next book.
edit: it’s been a few days and ive gotten further into the second book. sjm really got her act together, that’s for sure. im beginning to understand why people obsess over this series. it’s a shame the first book is such a dumpster fire but im glad the story is redeemed in the rest of series (fingers crossed); the characters and world building had so much potential and im extremely happy to see sjm giving them the writing they deserve in the second book. with this new perspective i also realized that acotar was so genuinely awful that it literally made it impossible for me wrap my head around why she wrote it. thank god she get her shit together so that i can finally see the beauty of the series
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karlachismylife · 4 months ago
For me personally weed helps with my adhd and autism, getting super high at night is nice for me because it makes me feel floaty, like that feeling you get when you've been laying down for a while and your body starts to fall asleep right before you actually fall asleep. It helps with my adhd because for me it slows my thoughts down aka my brain only has the capacity for one thing at a time. But that ALSO means I can go on the most hyperfixated rants when I'm stoned, like hours of one topic that eventually becomes a game of 'what topic did we originally start with?' And I honestly hope that one day you get the chance to try weed, at least once.
WOW really? I actually didn't know it can work like that, damn, I guess I really do have only a very approximate experience. I thought the lack of inhibitions would totally lead to adhd mayhem cuz that's what happens in my head in that exact "floaty" point when falling asleep, I just get non-stop slideshow of thoughts passing too quickly to even grasp them fully. And when I drink I just get bubbly and horny at first, and then fucking depressed second, but as far as I get, alcohol has quite different effect from weed, so yeah. Interesting.
But going on hyperfixated rants under any influence is so fucking relatable. That's the four am kitchen talk to the person you might've just met today. I guess Soap and Gaz would terrorize everyone, they just get stoned and sit on the couch for HOURS just yapping uninterrupted, the world totally non-existent to them.
They will make ouy afterwards though, still.
And yeah, I actually hope too, cuz I'm like. Man that's such an experience. And I know for sure my dad and sis had it and more than once, but I'm kinda. Excluded from the big boys club cuz I'm baby.
Fun fact: I once went on a date with a guy who at first seemed very cool and interesting to me (he worked on a music video for the blues band my dad's been working as sound engineer with, so dad took me to the shoot and I met the guy there, he was like into horror and we had a nice chat), but on the date we realized we had very different political views and also he kinda was a bit more touchy than I'd like, even though I am partially responsible for telling him I was okay with it (I was going through a bad time, no hate to the guy cuz I literally told him, he's still an ass for what he said about anarchism though). BUT he offered to take me home some time and have a smoke with him. And for the rest of the date I was like calculating how much I was ready to risk going further with him in exchange for some weed experience >< we did have an arguement later though about politics, so I was like no. Free weed's not worth potentially getting fucked by this dude.
But sometimes I still think about it. Maybe I should've agreed. Cuz I honestly don't really care whether or not it would lead to sex (which kinda was hanging in the air), but man, I just couldn't imagine talking to him again cuz we disagreed so hard... lol. Sorry for a story time no one asked for, I just got reminded of it by the discussion.
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the1975attheirverybest · 2 years ago
okay :)
concept idea: matty’s girlfriend has adhd (non hyperactivity), and she came home from a shitty day, after someone close to her called her “slow”. and she starts crying and avoiding matty. what do you think he would do about it? as someone who has adhd (non hyperactivity) this has happened to me a lot before…
I’m so so so sorry that this has happened to you. As some of you know, I’m a professor. Meaning I teach students of all backgrounds and accommodations. Absolutely boils my blood when someone intelligent and capable is dismissed cuz of their ADHD. Sending you love and hugs 💗💗 people can be such assholes. Don’t let them dull your sparkle.
I think he would be beyond PISSED that someone had made you cry. Before even knowing what had happened he’d be asking a million questions. Like who are they? What happened? Who does he need to be mad at. You’d brush him off and tell him you don’t wanna talk about it but he would insist like “I’m not just gonna sit here. If it upset you it’s not nothing” when you eventually tell him what’s happened, instead of calling down, he is angrier than ever. “When was this? Like exactly what time?” In his head, he’s imagining laying into the person mercilessly. And you have to remind him that it’s literally illegal to beat people up.
When the blind rage subsides, his heart breaks at how hurt and sad you are and he wishes he could make it so it never happened in the first place. That you never even had to experience something so cruel and totally unacceptable. But he knows this isn’t about how he feels or what he thinks should or shouldn’t happen, so he has to take a few deep breaths, pace around the room to calm down, then, without saying anything, he just comes and sits down next to you, pulling you into a hug. “Fuck that shit, okay?” He kisses you. “Who cares what a dickhead loser thinks about your or your capabilities? You owe nothing to them or anyone else for that matter. You know who you are. How smart and kind and generous you are and how brilliant and shimmering your mind is. If some falling-on-their-ass dimwit can’t see that then that says everything about them and nothing about you? You hear me? This is nothing to do with you? Promise me you believe that? Promise.”
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dirtbag-linecook-kyloren · 2 years ago
also i have adhd so every time somone interacts I get dopamine related to this fic and that’s definitely helped writing
have a tidbit I just wrote because I’m having a weird brain day so it’s Sad Girl Writing (it’s just a chemical imbalance everything is fine I’m honestly getting a lot done for being what I call a numb brain day)
His clock ticks on the wall as the rising sun imprints the shadow of his blinds on the far wall. From bed, Hux can pretend he’s stuck in a world out of time, that seconds falling away are just beats on a metronome, not the passage of his finite life on Earth but just rests in a song he’ll start playing when his part begins. Fingers twitch phantom notes, a combination of concertos he played, when he still had the time. There’s a keyboard sitting in the corner of his room, dust coating the plastic. It never had the right feel, so Hux stopped playing it. Hux took the day off to focus on his school work, gave his shift to Finn, but his alarm goes off anyway, phone ringing in the room. He’s been up for a few hours, laying just like this and staring into the middle distance. It feels like he should get out of bed, feels like he should climb into the shower and start his day, but his limbs are heavy and his mattress magnetic. How easy it would be, Hux knows, to hide under his blankets from the light of the day. He could curl into his sheets and disappear from the world, leave his phone across the room and let hours pass in a haze, only the beating of his heart and the breathing of his lungs to prove he’s even alive. How nice, he thinks, to just stay in place, pretend he is a statue and wonder if he’d be art, or simply decor. Still, he needs to silence his alarm, so he claws his way from the comforter and stands, trudges the few feet to his dresser and unlocks his phone. Since he’s already standing, Hux makes his way to the bathroom, eases the weight in his bladder and splashes water over his face. It’s not a full clean, but it pulls him out of this feeling a little bit, allows him to make his way down the kitchen and pull granola from his cabinets, pouring himself a bowl to eat dry because finding milk is too much effort. Ben bought him this, he knows. It’s an idle thought, something he sits with as he shovels toasted oats and almonds through his lips and chews. Everything tastes like dirt, but Hux knows that’s his mood, and not the food, so he keeps eating, lets himself get lost in the repetitive motion. Idly, Hux wonders how Ben is. Is he yelling at someone? Is he fine? Is the restaurant busy, or is today just a slow and lazy Wednesday morning? Out of the corner of his eye, the light for his answering machine blinks, reminding him that one saved message is in the cordless phone’s small data bank. It’s a relic, something Ben had made fun of his for bothering to have, but Hux is grateful for it, even now, even as it serves only to haunt him. Selfish, Ben had called him. Heartless. Too busy trying to leave the restaurant behind to think about all the things it had done for him. Hux doesn’t want to leave. He’s been dreading his last day, dreading saying goodbye to all his friends. But if his presence is killing Ben that much, Hux will go. In a trance, Hux sets his bowl down, going over to the answering machine and hitting play. The saved message is the only thing left to play, so Ben’s voice fills the room. “I hope your happy,” Ben’s voice slurs, just like it had the first time he’d heard it. There’s a rage in it, one Hux hasn’t heard in months. It feels ironic, for them to be back right where they started. He took the long way around, just to end up standing in the same place, nothing gained and everything lost. “All this fucking time you spent with me, and you couldn’t do one stupid thing for me. Couldn’t meet my fucking parents. I just wanted them to be happy for me, you selfish, heartless asshole. Do you know how hard it is, to see your face every day? How much it hurts to try and act like I don’t fucking know you? Like you’re just a stranger? Fuck, I can’t fucking believe you, you piece of shit, I hope you-“ And the voice mail cuts off, and it’s a moment before Hux realizes he’s crying. Tears run from his eyes to his cheek, dripping onto his thighs as he sits on the floor in front of the answering machine. He has a week left of torturing Ben, of torturing himself, and then they’ll both be free. Hux will be worse for the loss, but it’s a feeling he’s growing used to. So is the heaviness in his heart as his quiet crying turns to violent, wracking sobs.
(I had to cut out a spoiler but it was like a sentence don’t worry)
((I love making hux sad bc I get to use my own internal dialogue it’s a mess up there))
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slow-burn-sally · 7 months ago
Oh dear God you reminded me haha.
A couple of months ago, I got carpet beetles. Cute little guys with multi-colored patterns on their backs, but they shed stuff that gives you a horrifying, insanely itchy rash, the details of which I will not burden you with. Let's just say I was desperate to get rid of these beetles, who were crawling around on my bed, shedding tiny razor blades at night while I slept, otherwise, I could have slowed my ADHD ass brain down and thought for a minute before I committed what I've since begun calling the Mintrosity.
I read online that mint and clove essential oils kill carpet beetles. I was so excited. I'm not crazy about either of those smells. Not a huge fan of mint, though it's OK, and clove is nice in small amounts, attached to seasonal things, but I don't really like either smell all that much, which ended up being a shame. I was prepared to do whatever it took to get rid of these beetles though.
I ordered two large bottles of mint and two of clove essential oils, and I put equal amounts of both into a small plastic spray bottle. "Maybe I should water this down?" I said, as I moved toward the kitchen sink, using my brain for a split second.
"Why?" My roommate asked, essentially sealing our fates. "Why bother? I mean you want them gone, right?"
I looked down at my scarred up arms from the beetle rash, hit the final nail square into the coffin and said "Yeah, fuck it. Let's do this."
So I didn't add any water, and proceeded to spray down significant portions of my room (including my drapes), as well as the carpet and areas of the hall outside my room with the undiluted mint and clove spray.
Immediately, we both realized our mistake.
Our eyes watered. Our throats became dry and clove-minty. Every breath felt like we were breathing in nightmare Christmas fumes. It was horrible. My roommate fell into a pretty bad depression and hid in his room for three days (though he texted me that the smell had infiltrated his bedroom, so he was suffering just as much as me).
I threw out my drapes. I sprayed down the hallway with lemon water and vinegar to try to sort of cancel out the smell? It nearly drove me mad. It was awful. It eventually dissipated a few days later, and by a week and a half, you could hardly smell it, but boy have I learned my lesson, just like you, OP.
so i took out the trash today like the good house husband i am not, leaving behind the rank smell of long forgotten noodles and the regrets of two people with memory issues
i, like any good tumblr citizen, remember the tales of the person who put two cups of vanilla extract in their oven so i did the sensible thing to get out two Caps of extract
just then, inspiration struck. a bolt of lightning straight from the muses themselves, if i could use vanilla extract.... who's to say i couldn't use other extracts?
i scoured the cabinets, i knew my partner had secreted away some illicit non-vanilla type extracts for baking, and i found it.
hidden in the back of the cabinet was a lone bottle of mint extract
i emptied my two caps with abandon into an (oven safe) glass dish and gleefully set the oven for 300 for an hour
all that was left now was to wait for the sins of the mind to be purged by the mighty mint leaf
ten minutes in... starting to smell kinda like a thin mint
fifteen minutes in, i take a nice deep breath of lovely scented air and i am greeted by searing burning minty pain
i launch myself towards the kitchen, every step closer to mint hell, every orifice on my face burning with the freezing righteous flame of menthol
im fumbling for the oven mitt to rid my home of this foul demon, i pry the oven open and am hit with a blast unlike anything else
i feel what that vine kid taking shots of mouthwash feels, i was seared raw, my tits were blown clean off, and it was just me and that devilish beguiling minty fresh taste
quickly dumping the rest into the sink i ran towards the door, begging for the sweet sweet smell of un-minted air
learning nothing from this encounter, i dare to try once more, with the tumblr-approved extract this time
wish me luck
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momochiiee-reblogs · 6 months ago
Feeling in the dumps today... I'm aware I'm nowhere as good as my classmates programming gameplay, but it's really evident the gap between us and I feel terrible about it... ADHD is fucking me really bad when my scars aren't giving me a terrible time...
It just feels like I'm stuck, watching everyone move forward as I struggle to even walk one step...
Do I make any difference? It surely feels like I'm barely mediocre at what I want to do...
I keep finding obstacles, trying to surpass them only to be reminded that I am very slow with progress... I want to learn, I want to understand what I am doing, why the things work the way they do... and all I see is how my classmates know everything and I'm just dumbfounded as it's the first time I hear of some apparently basic terminology I've never heard of before...
I feel like I'm dragging people down... That I am not enough... what good are ideas if I can't carry them through?
What am I missing? There's some basic knowledge I must have skipped somehow?
I am most probably just stressed about way too many things and only seeing the bad side of everything today... But I feel bad taking so many breaks... I must up my game if I want to enter this sector, I can't be a master of nothing adept of everything. This will not get me an actual job and stability in a world where certificates determine everything
I have two months to make something good with the project I'm working with... I just hope dread doesn't get the best of me... I know I can do stuff, maybe I'm not confident but I did a game before and it wasn't too bad... I just need to push harder I guess...
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happygslfreedomcore · 7 months ago
Guys.. you don't want a yandere bf irl 😭 he's everything I love bc hes a 6ft handsome Russian boy that reminded me of tartaglia and he saved me from kms but a year later in the relationship he used to show up at my school after school so no other ppl talked to me, told me he'd k word anyone that I got too close to, made me block everyone including my gal friends who were my only support, basically isolating me... I didn't wanna stay with him but he made me believe I needed him and that I can't do anything by myself, my body and soul was always rejecting him but my delusions about him from romanticizing our relationship to cope clouded my vision, I don't wanna neglect myself no more... He also had homies and he kept telling me that he was always watching me thru the city cameras... And that people were always watching me... He didn't like that I went to an "opp" school... I'm not affiliated btw but he made that my problem.. there was this emo skater boy that liked me and he found out and he was so mad and scary, he took my phone when he saw that the guy texted me and recorded a video of him trying to claim me... that was embarrassing asf btw.. he didn't let me text anyone actually..... He had access to my accounts too and would judge me on my past conversations with people and put me down, he'd call me stupid dumb and slow, when I'd get offended he'd get all soft and cuddle me... And I have ADHD (diagnosed) and BPD symptoms that make me forget what I'm feeling... He never let me stay away from him for more than 2 days max... So I never had time to process anything
He was always paranoid... Cheated on me hha... Wasted my teenage years bc he didn't wanna break up with me n kept leading me on, and tried to move on while never letting me know, I found out when his sisters told me when I was babysitting them... I thought he loved me bc I rlly fucking loved him, the whole time he was boomin this cokehead whore. I neglected my best friend and family and myself for him...
He made it my problem anytime he felt a person had a crush on me...
Guilt tripped me alot n used my emotions against me, would tell me I'd never see him again if we broke up and implying he'd khs........... argued with me in class/school and the teachers were genuinely concerned.. would mistreat me, I hate that he put me in those situations where I shouldve just been at school and socializing, but he just wants control, broke me mentally... One time we argued over the phone for 5 hours and I just woke up.. after we were done bc I was genuinely tweaking, I called my friend and I realized I actually lost brain cells bc I could barely speak normally and i felt sped. he'd show up to my house and force me to talk to him... I hate him so much... He stole my energy and my passion, sometimes I wish I'd let him die from those drugs... He's always assuming I'm going behind his back n cheating but in reality he's projecting onto me bc he's a whore, unlike me bc I'm pure and clean... I also don't like sex anymore, I feel dirty and unhappy after. mentally I regressed to 13 bc of all the trauma he's caused me... I always wanted someone to save me... There was this girl that liked me and I liked her too but I was scared to leave him and she said she'd save me from him but he manipulated me into blocking her and staying with him... I eventually found god and Jesus and healed enough to function and be able to smile and laugh again, got my passion for art and anime back and went back to my first love tartaglia.. I feel better writing everything down, I'm crying but I'm finally free...
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ofmagiick · 1 year ago
pinned post and docs tba, but for now here's the html of the rules on my theme until i can get other admin stuff done:
SELECTIVITY / FOLLOWING - this is a selective blog for my sake, but honestly, if i can see us writing, i will follow back. i am mutuals only, though, and will have anxiety about sending you things if we aren’t, even if you’re cool. i'm iffy on doubles, just because i myself am very self-conscious. it’s a personal thing, chances are i thing your writing is fucking dope.
CROSSOVERS / OC MUSES - two words: fuck. yeah. star wars lends itself to crossovers hella well, we can figure this shit out in a hot second. plus, the galaxy is so vast and diverse, i want to explore more of this universe, as much as i can. as for ocs, y’all brave as fuck, and i love them. just have a rules/about page, and then we’re golden
RP ETIQUETTE - you know, don’t god mod, don’t randomly kill my muse (not saying you can’t, hell, please do, just im me first), don’t reblog threads you’re not a part of, don’t relog my hc posts. and have fun.
FORMATTING / ICONS - match me, don’t, dance the macarena before posting, i don’t give a fuck. i format how i want, when i want. my icons use citrus, by apocalypseresources
WRITING - kind of a slow writer, and easily distracted. poke me over ims after about two weeks, if i haven’t replied before then. not super here for rape/torture, but i have an odd like for eldritch and body horror...
GRAPHICS - all graphics on my blog are made by me/for me. give credit where credit is due. be nice. making shit is a lot harder than just throwing an image into photoshop and clicking buttons. people work hard on shit, and i will come for your knees if you don’t credit people, creators, artists, etc… i have baseball bats.
SHIPPING - fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah !! you come to me with a ship, and by the time i’ve finished processing the words, i’m already hella emotionally invested. crackships are my shit, so please don’t be scared. honestly, i’ll ship pretty much anything. probably even some sketchy shit by other’s standards. if that’s a problem, hasta la vista, and sorry i don’t cut it for you.
NSFW - i and my muse are 18+, my nsfw tag is literally ‘a girl’s got needs,’ let’s fuckin’ do this. i’ll write it, but not with minors. other, general nsfw topics might come up, due to the nature of AUs and canon events. i do try and tag as cw // or cw ment //, so please feel free to tell me things you need tagged.
PLOTTING - do it. done. if i don’t write down whatever idea i have quick enough, it will get yeeted from my head like a brick out the window fuckin adhd, so (with express permission from you) i’ll message at bizarre hours, probably. on the flip side, this is your express permission: i, lily, mun of ofmagiick, give you, [name], mun of [blog], permission to send me ims/ask with plot proposals. it’s signed and sealed as soon as you read this. no take-backsies. you gotta, now. :3c
MEMES - headcanon/ask my muse questions/etc, open to all. interaction-oriented, mutuals only. no reblog karma, but if you aren’t sending me something, reblog from the source, please
ACTIVITY - it can be spotty. i’m a full-time student, adhd mess. hit me up in ims with reminders or ping me on disco/in a server, its all cool.
MAINS / EXCLUSIVES - i'm okay with mains, you'll be my go-to version of a character, and the one i'm thinking of if mine mentions yours to someone else, but that's gonna be discussed beforehand. exclusives will have to be heavily, HEAVILY discussed, and likely will be way down the line if ever.
CALLOUTS - bitch, no. get that shit away from me. won’t post ‘em, won’t reblog ‘em. call me out if you want, i’ll screenshot it, print it out, and put it up on my wall to laugh at, and remember people are still wasting brainpower to be mad at me. if you have an issue with me, hit me up in ims/off anon, and we can talk like adults.
ABOUT THE MUN - what up it’s ya nerd lily with newest brainrot, this time sci-fi. pronouns are she/her or “hey you ditz”, i am legal to drink in the us and far beyond legal adult there, and i id as a goddamned fucking mess mutuals feel free to hmu for discord if you want it
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i-wear-the-cheese · 1 year ago
Why do people think that telling me there is an imminent deadline which I already knew about and stressing me out about shit is productive when I have explained to literally everyone thag stress makes ADHD symptoms worse and therefore the constant reminders actively slow me down?!
There is this like pathological need people have to draw attention to time crunches which means I ALWAYS fail to meet the deadline because I'm ALWAYS stressed and then they take this as evidence that next time they should remind me MORE. Fuck
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dazais-guardian-angel · 4 years ago
I just noticed that your Anton story was your 100th fanfic! Congratulations on reaching 100 stories; that’s such a huge achievement!
Awwww that’s so sweet of you; thanks! ❤️ I noticed this too, but I didn’t bring it up with that fic because I remembered that one of them is one I didn’t actually write; I just beta read it for a friend and she put me as a co-author for some reason lol. So actually my next fic will be my 100th. ;)
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blankinsidecards · 2 years ago
Steddie fic rec list part 2:
Fluff Edition
Part 1
These are the only the ooeyiest of gooeyiest of comfort fics. As little angst as you can get with these two.
a cinematic vision ensued (like the holiest daydream) by @fivecenturiesofverse
• Rating: T • Complete
Eddie and Steve have been spending a lot of time together since Vecna. They're co-parenting kids, getting high every night, and sleeping in the same bed. They basically share a wardrobe too.
He thinks this is dangerous, its like they’re married, the casual sharing of intimacy, this space between them which feels like something and nothing all at the same time. He thinks it’s dangerous for him to pretend Steve sees it the same way, that one day Steve’s droopy, kind eyes are going to see right through him and he’ll lose this. This being a side of Steve’s bed that is his, a nightstand where his rings always pile, a draw of shirts in Steve’s bedroom that only Steve uses. He can’t lose it, so he shuts his mouth, turns out the light, and watches the slow breathing of sleep fill Steve’s chest.
This one is so sweet; all sharing of clothes and beds and weed. It’s really short but god is it soft. The weighted blanket of fluff fics. Really adore all of Eddie’s internal arguments when he’s looking at Steve being the softest motherfucker on the planet and forcefully reminding himself that Steve is dangerous. I think about Eddie walking his knuckles down the knobs of Steve’s spine almost daily.
Linger by @yournowheregirl
• Rating: T • Complete • Modern!AU
Eddie hates the library, he hates how quiet it is and how he’s always getting shushed by that librarian hag Muriel. But he hates his idiot roommate and his tendency to hog their dorm room to have loud sex with his girlfriend all night long, even more. And now he has to spend all night in the library cramming for an exam, which would be fine, if not for the fact that some polo-clad douchebag shows up and declares that Eddie’s study spot is actually his.
Or: Steve and Eddie fight over a study spot and accidentally fall in love over coffee, Vivaldi and the horror that is finals week.
So fucking cute. I forgot how much I love college AU’s. Features: Wonderwall by Oasis (much to Eddie’s chagrin), a librarian from hell, a SickFic Chapter, and an Eddie that has ADHD. Also, this one’s for the emo-kid Eddie truthers out there. Teeny bit of angst and some miscommunication but for me it was worth it. Frickin adorable.
Date me instead by @zhuletta
• Rating: E • Complete
Every date Steve has gone to lately has been horrible. It’s impossible that there’s something wrong with the entire female population of Hawkins, so surely there must be something wrong with him.
“Why don’t you take me on a date then?”
“Wh— what?”
“Take me on a date, pretend, of course, and then I’ll tell you if there’s something wrong with you or not.”
Or: Eddie proposes a crazy idea to see if there's something wrong with him, Steve finds the fact that it works is even crazier.
So so fluffy. You will get a toothache from this one. It’s the cheesiest plot you could think of. For those of you who love a good loverboy!steve this for you. They’re just wooing eachother all the way through. Delightful.
Saving All My Love For You (and it’s sequel Endless Love) by @subtlehysteria
• Rating: M • Complete
It was decided then and there in the Buckley residence’s lounge, on their weird Persian carpet while staring up at the off-white ceiling and Robin giggling at his side. He was going to rock Steve Harrington’s platonic world, man. And nothing was going to get in his way.
Or: Eddie notices Steve struggles with touch and in trying to help his new friend, develops feelings along the way.
Really sweet. Classic touch-starved Steve and tactile affection Eddie. Bedsharing, pinkie promises, and platonic hand-holding. Eddie gives Will a makeover and some advice. A bit of subtle body worship, love that. Sequel fic is also really cute but it has a bit of a rough scene with The Harrington Parents so be aware of that.
Do Nothing With You by @red-0ak-tree
• Rating: M • Complete
Steve and Robin get a two bedroom in Hawkins. It's perfect, except for all the ways it isn't. Drafty windows, clogged drains, shitty landlord. But it's got a couch. A couch that's often occupied by Eddie Munson. Home isn't really the kind of thing Eddie has much of anymore, ever since his trailer became the primary source for all his nightmares. Luckily, he knows of a semi-comfortable couch where he's always welcome.
Despite all it's problem, the house has perks. Primarily, it's somewhere Steve can actually call home. Secondarily, it's somewhere he can share with the people he loves.
AKA: The fruity four live in a convoluted roommate situation, and romance happens along the way.
We all love a good co-habitation fic. Robin and Steve get an apartment together, it’s falling apart, and Eddie knows how to fix things. Slowly, Steve and Eddie start to help fix eachother. This probably has the most angst out of all of these, but it’s also one of my absolute favorites and the sweetness overpowers the lows.
PTA Shouldn’t Stand for Pretty Tight Ass by @samthefrank and @humanityinahandbag
• Rating: M • Incomplete • Future fic/Modern!AU
Steve Harrington - ex local legend and fearsome bully, now single father of two - returns to Hawkins after the world spit him out. With a messy life to sort through, all he wanted was settle down and get his kids through seventh grade without any surprises.
Cue Mr. Eddie Munson, ex victim of one Steve Harrington, now Hawkins Middle School's favorite music teacher.
Or: What happens when your former high school bully raises two absolute nerds, joins the PTA, helps run the bake sale, makes the best cupcakes in Indiana, and may or may not be having a bisexual crisis.
This was the very first Steddie fic I ever subscribed to and let me tell you I get so HYPED every time I get the notification they update. Steve is a single dad to twins Dustin & Max, a damn good baker, and custodian at his dad’s auto dealership. Eddie is a music teacher in the style of Jack Black in School of Rock, who’s best friends with his fellow teachers Miss Buckley and Miss Cunningham. This fic has Robin and Eddie perform Body Talks by The Struts & Ke$ha at an open-mic karaoke and it’s so fucking electric that that song earned a place on my steddie playlist. It’s a real slow burn but I’m so excited to see where they take this story.
it’s such a magical mysteria by @phantom-of-the-wapera
• Rating: M • Complete
Eddie's staring at the ceiling, eyes half closed and still giggling faintly. He looks pretty. He looks like he belongs here, in Steve’s bed, and Steve gets hit with how much he wants Eddie to stay, to crawl in bed beside Steve every night and wake up there every sunrise.
And, shit, it’s a lot. Steve's gone, completely, fully, fucking free-falling his way into everything that was, is, and will be Eddie Munson. Head over heels, ass over tits, heart-took-a-nosedive off his sleeve and into the lap of the boy beside him, gazing half-lidded at the ceiling, the glimmer of dreamy stars in the sliver of his eyes Steve can see.
or, the one where Steve's trying to figure out his future, his feelings, and one Eddie Munson.
So fluffy, so sweet. They’re all nerds and they love Star Wars. This is a tiny detail but Steve goes to college and he likes it and I love that for him. Completely SMOTHERED in hope for a bright future.
nice to meet you, where you been? by @flowercrowngods
• Rating: T • Edit: Complete • Modern!AU
When Eddie enters the tattoo parlour that Chrissy recommended to him, he doesn't know what'll hit him. Never in a million years would he have expected the pastel or the minimalistic decor or how really fucking polished everything about this place is. It's like an antithesis to Eddie's entire existence has been created with the makings of this shop.
The absolute cherry on top is the man that walks into the room to greet him, though, and Eddie can't contain the look of absolute bafflement. Because there is no way that Steve Harrington, whom Eddie has has the maddest crush on in high school, owns a tattoo shop. No way. Nuh-uh. Not dressed in pastel like he is.
Eddie wants to punch a wall. What he doesn't know yet is that he'll have the best time reconnecting with Steve. And if he gets a tattoo out of it, well, then that's just another win for the community in his book.
LOVE a Tattoo Shop!AU and this is no exception. This one is pretty new, but so far it’s the fluffiest shit I’ve read in ages. Features trans man Eddie, Chrissy Cunningham as his scheming best friend, and a lot of Taylor Swift. I literally found this one moments ago and immediately needed to put it on this list. It’s too fucking cute, I can’t wait to see where it goes.
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the-faceless-bride · 3 years ago
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Random Lost boys HC, cuz I'm bored but out off requests cuz I'm lazy like that💘💘
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His life before vampirism was not the best, when he was with his father they never got along; always fighting verbally and even physically and he was eventually taken away and was in and out of foster homes.
He liked to feed stray animals as a kid, he always had this one white cat that would come to his window and meow getting food and head pats before sending it on it's way.
Growing up he always believed in the "step on a crack and you'll break your mama back" so he took care to avoid cracks as a kid.
When Max found him, he was trying to steal something and got caught, Max pretend to be his father and covered for him. David liked him that day... It only went downhill from there...
With S/o
Carousel dates are a must and will always happen, he sends the boys away; Paul and Marko, or The terror twins running off to torture someone, and Dwayne takes Laddie to get some Ice cream.
He doesn't cuddle much, not when the other boys are around, you'll have a better chance of finding a snowflake in the hottest pit of hell before he lets you snuggle him in front of anyone... He has a reputation to uphold kitten... But he likes to sit in his chair and you in his lap facing him.
He likes slow but dominant kisses, he lightly holds your neck or jaw as his fingers trace over your skin.
He'll sleep with you in your nest occasionally(that will change once he changes you) but he likes to sleep with you facing away from him, his chest against your back and his nose buried in your hair, taking deep breaths reminding himself that your still there.
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Before turning into a vampire it was just him and his mum, she didn't like him very much... She blamed him for his father leaving them, saying he "fucked up her body" and that's why his father left. He always thought that if that was the only reason he left he was the one that should be getting bashed not him... But knowing his mother... He doubts the only reason he left was her pregnancy.
He could never sit still for more than five minutes, five is and always will be his limit at that point he feels like ripping out his hair and bouncing off the walls. Due to his time, people didn't know he had ADHD everyone just thought he was a stupid rowdy topical boy.
He would always count how many times he brushed his hair, starting at one and ending when he reached 100, sometimes he would get distracted and forget his place he would huff in annoyance before he started all over again, but now he doesn't really care anymore.
When he first met Max he was running around and just bumped into him, when Max asked where his parents were as it wasn't safe for a young boy to be out at night alone, Paul just shrugged saying "she said she had to go to work a few days ago, she hasn't been back home yet though."
With S/o
His favorite place to go out with you would just be out on the beach, just to swim around a little; he likes to hold you close to him and he just slowly drifts along the water there is just something about the feeling that calms him down. He'll just tell Marko he's going and Marko will let the others know, what else are best friends for if not making up an excuse to see your partner in a swimsuit?
Cuddly cuddly cuddly boy! Never afraid to cuddle up with you anywhere anytime! Doesn't care the boys are there and will smother you in kisses and punch Marko when he fakes a gag and tell you both to "get a room" he likes to sit in the cave on the couch with you, laying down facing each other as he traces shapes on your cheeks and giving you random nose kisses
Paul like hot and steamy kisses, the kind that makes you moan as you melt into each other touch, yeah he loves those. He loves to pull away and just stare into your eyes, not saying anything, not moving, just savoring the moment together. He honestly believes that just staring at you makes him lose track of time, he could sit still for five hours just looking into your eyes and whispering his "I love you"s and that's much longer than five minutes...
He likes sleeping with you in your nest, he likes to hear about your day and tells you about his as he nuzzles into you; randomly puckering his lips for little kisses and he lets out his stupid little giggle every time. he likes being the little spoon, it makes him feel safe and he falls asleep so fast when you whisper how much you love him in his ear with your arms around him.
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Before being a vampire, his parents were ridiculously rich; his parents gave him pretty much anything he wanted except his freedom, every day they expected the same high expectations from him and it really burned him out. However, his parents never seemed to care and just called him lazy and never bothered to listen to what he had to say, that's why now he is quick to anger. He's tired of being the small one no one listens to.
He likes birds that's not new information, but he has extended bird knowledge, if he looks at a bird for about five to ten seconds he can tell you what kind of bird it is and at least a fact or two about the little feathery guy. It's kinda freaky how much he knows from just looking at them, his favorites are pigeons though.
When he was younger he used to be terrified of the dark and would always say he saw monsters in the darkness, he would always draw out what he saw, and his parents would always tell him to just grow up and stop being a baby. After that, he would never sleep with his closet door open or leave his window unlocked, or sleep without a bat or a heavy flashlight next to his bed or under his pillow.
When he and Max first met, he had run away from his overbearing parents and was living out on ten streets, it wasn't easy but he felt better having his freedom, doing what he wanted when he wanted however some punks recognized him as the loan sharks kid and wanted to "teach that loan shark family a lesson" and Max found his beaten and bloodied he smelled all the blood, he was going to just kill Marko for a snack but then thought he already had two. What's one more?
With S/o
Dates with him are sitting in a booth at his favorite Chinese place drawing in his sketchbook together, usually, when the boys send him off to get some food you come along and stay behind for a bit the boys don't really care, he sometimes draws you in a squiggle style and makes it really colorful, he always blushes and smiles when you "aww" at him.
He likes cuddles, but not out in public on the boardwalk, he has an angry rabid gremlin vibe going for him and doesn't want anyone to think he's gone soft cuz he got a partner, unless someone is flirting with you, then he'll snuggle a bit in the boardwalk. But in the cave, he doesn't care who sees when you're cuddling. He likes to lay in your lap and feel your fingers twist and play with a few of his curls.
Marko likes rough kisses, even though he doesn't mean to be so rough it just happens, but neither of you are complaining, when he bites your lip and gives you his signature smirk his eyes going from your lips to your eyes
When he sleeps with you in your nest he likes to make short scribbles of you in his book or on the walls around your nest, he likes to be facing you his legs wrapped around your waist and his arms around your head pulling your face into his chest, it's a bit strange but he likes it so you let him.
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He grew up on a reservation with little money, his father was a drunk and his mother was a very holy person. His father was always picking fights with him, saying he needs to be a man. Calming he isn't the man of the house until he beats him or he dies, and Dwayne's mother was always worried about him, knowing that he was a handsome boy and plenty of girls would lust after him trying to taint him with their sin. Staying in that house was driving him insane but he didn't know how to escape without any money or anywhere to go.
Dwayne had a best friend, he was younger than him by a few years so he saw him as a younger brother. Dwayne loved the little guy a lot and taught him everything he knows about making jewelry and hunting and how to always appreciate family (no matter how much you want to hate them sometimes) but one day when their little brother left the Rez the moment he was offered a better way of life Dwayne felt a little betrayed, part of him was happy someone he cared for was getting out of there but another part of him was jealous and angry.
Dwayne likes butterflies, he believes certain butterflies have different meanings based on their color and type, he even made some butterfly-like charms and hid them in his necklace. He doesn't leave it out for other to see though, the last thing he needs of teasing from fuckers who think guys can't wear butterfly charms due to them being 'un-masculine'
When he met Max, The Reservation was shut down and everyone had to take what little things they had and were forced to move, but after some fights between some tribe members somehow someone started a fire, and people panicked too busy freaking out instead on trying to put the fire out, the fire grew and everything was smokey and blurry, he ended up passed out and when he woke up, everyone was gone, he had no idea where they went but a man was standing over him. He said his name was Max...
With S/o
Dates with Dwayne is a calming walk through nature, maybe even a joy ride on his bike and a nice picnic, you both just lay on a blanket and you both stargaze, he points out the constellations he can remember his father would tell him about when he wasn't drunk going on one of his drunken rants.
Dwayne isn't the most affectionate person, due to him never getting any ever. So even though he wouldn't mind snuggling in public he just doesn't know how to ask or go about it. If you were to latch onto him on the boardwalk he wouldn't stop you and would even feel a swell of pride inside showing off his amazing partner. He likes to have you in between his legs and pats your head giving you kisses atop your head.
Dwayne likes Intimate and sexy kisses, he likes feeling your fingers in his hair, the way he softly pushes his tongue into your mouth and lets out a small giggle when you get shy. He also likes kissing down your neck to your chest as you push the hair away from his face.
When Dwayne stays with you in your nest, he likes to have you laying on his chest, he likes to draw shapes on your shoulders and kiss the top of your head, he likes having you close to him, and he wants to have you close at all times, he won't be left alone again... He can't...
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All Boys
All the boys meeting each other was interesting, they all went through things making them distracting of new people, but after a while and turning into vampires, they had grown very attached to each other.
Paul and Marko instantly clicked, Pulling pranks and living the freedom that came with their new life, getting nicknamed the terror twins. Dwayne and David get their own silent language to communicate without words.
They all cuddle each other, they all hang upside down sniggled close together, they feel safer that way. They enjoy the feeling of having someone to hold onto
They all like to talk about their days and sometimes even hold hands as they venture out onto the boardwalk, no matter the strange looks or the rude and offensive names that are tossed their way.
With S/o (poly)
They didn't mind sharing and even enjoyed group dates! Walking around playing the games and winning prizes from the others in the group, everyone goes home with something gifted from their partners in the relationship. Dwayne likes making bracelets of everyone and Paul writes songs to play on his guitar for everyone in the group.
When they are all together they don't care about anything anyone has to say, everyone snuggles up and has a fin time togetehr, and in the cave, they all get into a big pile of space for you in the middle for you.
As for kisses, they all take their turns getting kisses from you or another boy in the group the feeling of love just filling the cave and fixing any cracks in the foundation
When they all stay in your nest, they snuggle with you and the plushies they all git for you, giggling, kissing, hugging, and playing with each other's hair before falling asleep with smiles, never needing to ever be alone again.
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dameronology · 2 years ago
Hey hope your day is OK! Are your headcannon requests still open?? If so would you be able to write poe and a reader who has trouble articulating their thoughts? My brain runs way faster than I can keep up with so I always forget my own tangent or end up not being able to think of the right words to say what I want to say so I end up pausing or just repeating myself and it's so embarrassing lmao if that's too specific don't worry!! :)
as someone with adhd i feel this on a spiritual level (also apologies that this took me a century to get round to doing)
poe knows you well enough to always understand what you mean; even if you're talking at a thousand miles an hour and not a single word of it makes sense, he will always get it
so he's kind of your unofficial translator in that sense
and tbh even if he doesn't know what you're getting at he will just nod and smile!! bc he will never ever want to embarrass you or make you feel ashamed
if you're talking really quick he will go "baby slow down!!" and grab your shoulders and remind you to take a breath
honestly poe can listen to you talk for hours so he never even complains, he will let you ramble and rant to your hearts' content all whilst watching you with a smile
but poe himself can also talk for fucking ages so sometimes you guys literally just have this back and forth for hours and hours about the weirdest and wonderful things
he finds your ranting very cute though
if you have to have an important conversation (like a speech or a job interview, that kinda thing) he'll help you rehearse before so you can stay on track
he also sets up a shared document/note thing in both your datapads so you can both write down your ramblings and compare them
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Imagine: You, a student at Kamar Taj, catch the attention of an unlikely person for a particular reason. (Yandere!Stephen Strange/Yandere!Doctor Strange x autistic!ADHD!fem!reader)
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*Not my GIF
(CW: Heterosexuality, slightly-big but legal age gap, magic violence, the dove isn’t dead. it’s only slightly injured, death threats but from the reader, executive dysfunctioning)
Author’s Note: This idea just came to me on a whim. So....I don’t know too much about Doctor Strange or Christine, but I saw MoM....six times. I decided I wanna expand my horizons maybe a little. 
Reader is 18+. Also Strange is autistic because fuck Benefit Cucumber for what he said about us autistic people.
You feel like you’re falling behind.
Even with all of your practice, you’re behind a lot of the other students because it’s not being taught in a way you understand. Even with Wong’s extra tutoring sessions, it’s still difficult to understand.
So you dive into as many books as possible, even breaking into Wong’s study, trying to understand the science behind it. Before you know it, you’ve made a whole-ass mind map and somehow end up hyperfixating on the multiverse. By the time you look up from your other mind map, it’s past midnight, you’re hungry, thirsty, and have to use the bathroom. 
As you attend to your needs, a certain sorcerer happens to pass by what you’re working on, but stops when he sees how extensive your research is. 
“This doesn’t look like Wong’s handwriting....” he ponders.
When you come back, you come to a halt and gasp. Strange looks up.
“Oh shit!” you exclaim. “I’m-I’m sorry, I....I know I’m not supposed to be in here, but....I’m just.....I--”
“You’re trying to understand the magic you’re struggling with,” he finishes.
You nod.
“Yeah....how did you--?”
“I’ve seen you struggle during lessons.....I suggest slowing down and focusing.”
“Already tried that, genius,” you scoff. “But ADHD and autism can be bitches sometimes.”
Strange studies your work some more.
“This is.....extensive,” he comments. “Have you been working on these all day?”
You nod.
“I’ve been trying to figure out if there’s some sort of formula or technique or science behind magic and how I can apply it to my studies, but then I got sidetracked when I saw a passage in a book about the multiverse, so I got caught on studying that. Did you know that there’s a theory that dreams are essentially ways to look into the lives of our multiversal selves? If that’s true, then there’s a universe somewhere where I’m the Sorcerer Supreme. However apparently some people aren’t able to dream because there’s only one version of them throughout the entire multiverse, so they have no multiversal selves to look at. One of these books mentioned that this is common in those who have the power to travel across the multiverse, which is very rare. I feel like I’m getting close to something huge, but I’m not sure what it--”
You realize you’ve been blathering on and stop yourself.
“Sorry, I--I tend to get carried away when talking about things I’m passionate about,” you apologize sheepishly.
“No, it’s....it’s fine,” Strange says, seemingly a bit dazed as he looks at you. “Listen, I won’t tell Wong you were in here, on the condition that you come with me to the Sanctum tomorrow.”
“Why would I go with you?” you ask bluntly.
“Because I have more books that you can read that may help your research.”
This catches your attention and you nod.
“Okay, I’m in.”
“Meet me by the entrance tomorrow morning at 7 am,” he tells you.
You nod and head off to bed. As Strange teleports the research to the Sanctum, he can’t help but think back to how passionate you were discussing the multiverse. It almost reminds him of....
“Christine,” he says in a low voice.
Yes....you remind him of Christine. But she’s married now, and in every other universe, it seems him and Christine are destined to fail as a couple. So if he can’t have her......
His mind begins to form a plan.
You wake up and head out to the entrance to Kamar-Taj as soon as possible. When you arrive, you see that Strange is waiting there.
“What about the research?” you pant.
“I teleported it to the Sanctum,” he answers before opening an orange portal. 
The two of you step inside into the Sanctum. While you take it all in, Strange sets up a few last minute things. 
“C’mon,” he says after a few moments. “I’ve got the study all set up for you.”
He takes you upstairs to a study and you’re blown away by the sheer number of books in it. 
“Is....is this really all for me to study?” you ask.
He nods.
“Go wild,” he says, indicating to the desk with your research on it and a pile of books to get you started.
Excitedly you rush over and dive right in, losing track of time. What feels like only a few minutes turns into twelve hours. The moonlight shines in the window of the study; that’s when you notice how musty it it. 
Going over to the window, you try to open it, but it shocks you with a sort-of orange magic. Yelping, you jump back and begin to worry. 
You rush over to the study door and find that it’s open. The hallways are quiet, so you sneak over to the stairs. You try to go down it, but find that you’re thrown back once again by orange magic. Then you attempt to portal out, but realize that your sling ring is missing. Your heart pounds wildly. You rush around the upper floor, desperately seeking a way out, but everything is blocked with orange magic.
“What the hell is going on?!” you whimper.
“Are you finished already?” a familiar voice asks behind you.
Yelping, you whirl around to see Dr. Strange and you breathe a sigh of relief. 
“Thank God. Strange, you need to help me. I’m trapped on the upper floor by this weird orange magic--”
Suddenly you stop as the memory of teleporting to the Sanctum resurfaces to the front of your mind.
“Orange magic....” you whisper.
“Is something wrong, (Y/N)?” he asks, stepping forward. 
You step back, realizing what’s going on.
“Strange, please....” you pant. “I dunno why you’ve trapped me here, but you have to let me go.”
“Why would I?” His voice sounds sinister, making your blood run cold. “Why would I when you’re so thorough about research that you’ve found answers to questions that sorcerers have been asking for centuries....Christine Palmer?”
“Wha....? That’s....that’s not my name--”
“Are you sure? Because you remind me so very much of her.”
Your heart is racing, and not in the good way.
“Wong won’t let this slide, you know,” you threaten. “He’ll get suspicious when I stop showing up to lessons and then you’ll be exposed.”
“I’ve already taken care of that,” he says casually. “I told him that I’m taking you under my wing for studies at the Sanctum.”
“....I-I’ll...I’ll...” You’re losing footing.
“You’ll what, Christine?” he asks. 
Anger seethes through you.
“I’ll kill you!” 
You lunge towards him, but suddenly find yourself levitating in the air, making you cry out.
“....I wouldn’t try that if I were you, Christine.”
He keeps you in the air as he walks you away from the stairs while you cry out, begging for him to let you go. He brings you into a grand bedroom and sets you down on the bed before putting a forcefield around you.
“Since you’re so insistent about running away from your future,” he tells you. “I’m going to make sure that you know where you belong in the present, Christine.....with me. Now get some sleep. I need you awake tomorrow for more of your research.”
He shuts your door, and you soon hear the click of a lock and see the doors glowing orange. Your heart sinks as you realize the truth.
Your fate is sealed.....
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