#addressing your actual problems before turning to drugs? no. use responsibly and safely if you must?.. uh.....
fisheito · 4 months
welcome to elysium part 2: trial time...
Kuya asks question 1: I'm. I'm stressed for olivine. I can feel my chest tighte ning. I ma sweat.ib
Kuya asks question 2: YIKES😬. AND a HaLf i. I have to leave
(minimises the app and lies on the floor for a solid minute)
ok. Ok let's keept his goin. It's ok It's ok olivine confronting his truths is ok he will be better after airing it all out IT WILL BE FINE deepbreathsdeepbreaths
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*coughschokes and falls flat back onto the floor*
(Regains consciousness a few moments later)
Phew, ok,,, we're safe, olivine is facing it head-on and kuya is-
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What THE EVERLIVING FR$* ISTHA*passes out again*
#dragQUeen STORYTI-- I MEAN. evil wife OLD FOX STORYTIME WITH THE CHILDREN AT THE LIBRARY!!!!!!#kuya smiling without malice? in an event? where people can see?????#oli calling kuya out on his existential dread?????#from one mother to another. i can see the ennui in ur eyes#eiden's voice piercing thru the veil of self-doubt and general wallowing...#oli and kuya being surprisingly civil toward each other#despite oli's first comment upon their introduction that kuya's personality is a trial from god 😄#master of elysium was all LET ME TIE UP THIS PRIEST WITH A RIBBON AND PRESENT IT TO MASTER KUYA#and kuya's like naaahhh i bet he's more amusing when he's free roaming and independent#(subjects him to an extremely stressful game of truth or dare)#the girls (kuyoli) are turning slumber party games into Saw movies :(...... :)?#part of me wonders whether kuya actually gave that dude what he wanted#actual infinite sweet dream coma or...? plot twist i'm actually gonna torture you forever#i think he got the sweet dream but i just wanna know what happened at his old trial#i am not clever when it comes to these things. somebody needs to stand there and blast me with exposition#paragraph style. all written out.#he dodged the question... but he didn't get stung...? and .... uh whu? or he jus t lied? but he thought his lies were the truth?#furrows brow. idon't know. and i mean. i guess he got what he wanted in the end#what he THINK he wanted in the end?#*shrugs* oh well. i guess it's just . kuya and oli finish their very special episode of uhhhhh#addressing your actual problems before turning to drugs? no. use responsibly and safely if you must?.. uh.....#don't force drugs onto people? ...and... never bring children into a den of desire?#sure! let's go with that!#welcome to elysium
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oof-big-oof · 4 years
ACOTAR and Setups Part II: Tamlin and Rhysand
SPOILERS: ACOTAR series (and Macbeth too ig)
Part 1: Feyre
In "Macbeth", Macbeth and Banquo are narrative foils to each other. While Banquo is loyal to the king and uses language of growth and imagery of nature when he speaks, the traitor Macbeth's words are full of references to destruction, fire, and unholy happenings. Foils are not just good ways to explore character traits, but also excellent for setting up conflicts and exploring the thematic concerns of the world.
I think it's safe to say Tamlin and Rhysand are foils. They have opposing imagery (spring, flowers and sun for Tamlin, winter, snow and night for Rhysand) and always stand in opposition to each other when it comes to Feyre's narrative, switching in and out of being the "bad guy" and the "good guy". But the way this is handled is .... eh.
I'm going to look at shifts in Feyre, Tamlin and Rhys that work of this foil - and try to look for when and how they were set up.
1. Feyre's shift - TW: discussions of abuse, mental health issues
In the first book, Tamlin is a source of protection and love for Feyre. But by the second book, Feyre is not only struggling with her PTSD but has begun to realise that life at the Spring Court as a dolled up accessory might not be for her. By the end of the book, she has found her place in the Night Court - by Rhysand's side. And honestly? Go girl! Go live up to your potential!
The problem arises with how this is done - that is, Sarah J Mass never does the brunt work of showing us why Feyre cares. It is plausible she is motivated by a desire to protect the human lands, but we never actually see that. There isn't a moment where she realises she needs to work for a greater good, or a moment she realises that she needs to protect those more vulnerable than her - instead, the narrative has her tolerating abuse until she finally has had enough.
Which is great. I have got to admit that I really like the explicit rejection of a happily ever after storyline for Feyre because it took away her agency. But we get this radical shift in character motivation from wanting to be protected and comfortable with those she loves to desiring agency and understanding of herself in two lines:
"The girl who had needed to be protected and who had craved stability and comfort... she had died Under the Mountain"
"I didn't know how to go back to those things. To being docile"
hhhhhh. I mean - if you have to say it that explicitly, you're already doing something wrong. But also, why? We never see Feyre struggling with herself in her new body, and wondering why she does not want the same things as she did when she was a human, never see an impetus point for when her desires shifted.
But honestly? I don't mind Feyre's arc. I think it's a bit confused and lacks clarity or intent, and as a result, it is harder to root for her because you don't quite know what she wants, but I think it's still quite good. Where I really have problems are with Tamlin ad Rhys.
2. Tamlin - TW: discussions of abuse, mental health issues
I am not a fan of Tamlin's arc. You could argue that it is part of the thematic message of the series: that things are not as they seem. Tamlin is the wolf to the savour to the abuser, Rhysand is the "most beautiful man " Feyre had ever seen to Amarantha's monster to Feyre's eventual mate. But - the constant twists are unnecessary, more importantly, they and have little to no foreshadowing and just seem like retcons- making it seem as if they are there to keep the audience guessing rather than genuine plot progressions. This becomes even more obvious when the series abandons its core theme of "appearance vs reality" altogether, and as a result loses a lot of its cohesion: a direct consequence of having a bad setup.
His reason for doing the abusive things he does is conveyed to us in two lines, in the same monologue that Feyre's motivation is:
"Tamlin had gotten his powers back, had become whole again - become that protector and provider he wished to be"
Sure. He was much more powerful than Feyre when they first met, so I am having a hard time buying it is the return of the powers that his making him act this way. We know that his actions come from a genuine desire to protect Feyre - this is the guy that was willing to sacrifice his life multiple times and the future of his entire court to keep her safe. The only justification we have left then for the way he acts is that his PTSD, borne out of the trauma and torture he underwent and watched Feyre undergo changed him in some way.
This is why the endless villainizing of Tamlin makes me really uncomfortable. While it is true that the abused can become the abuser, and figuring out how to help them while protecting yourself is something that absolutely needs to be discussed and explored - the way it is done with Tamlin is horrendous because he is never given a chance to heal. Instead, he is thrown from plot point to plot point, an eternal punching bag for the Inner Circle and others to seem morally superior in front of.
And his treatment of Feyre is just weird. If he's so concerned about her safety - why does he not wake up when she has nightmares? Is he instead trying to pretend like everything is okay - if so why does he give Feyre an escort of guards? If his core motivation is protecting Feyre at all costs - why does he lash out at her?? And the text really tries to tell us how to feel about him in this regard, but it doesn't do it very well. For example, take the scene where Tamlin says "There is no such thing as a High Lady". Feyre a second before expressed her desire not to take on any responsibility, and Tamlin responded with this - and the text really makes us want to hate him for it, but all you can see is a person who is perhaps not the best at reading subtext trying his best.
In conclusion - Tamlin's shift to the villain of the narrative is hamhanded and underexplained, making it hard to genuinely hate him, and further confusing the narrative.
3. Rhys the foil gets the girl - TW: discussions of abuse, sexual assault mental health issues
Rhysand in the first book is interesting - he clearly has a heart and a soft spot for Feyre but is also a schemer with dubious motives that drugs and sexually harasses Feyre. There are places in the set up where we understand he cares - but never where we can begin to see he might be a genuine paragon of virtue.
And I will address this more in my post on ACOMAF, but the point I am trying to make here is: we are told through the constantly opposing imagery that Rhys and Tamlin are wolds apart - but never actually given examples of how. Rhys is said to be different from Tamlin because he respects Feyre's choice - but he drugs her in a bunch of weird scenes (that serve no clear narrative purpose by the way - like what was he trying to achieve? why he couldn't he just let Feyre in on that part of the plan?) and withholds information from her about life-threatening situations. Rhys is said to pull less rank - but we multiple times see others defer to him, especially in later books, and never actually see rank being enforced in Tamlin's court with his treatment of Lucien (many times described as his partner, and openly questioning him) and later Ianthe. Rhys is said to have less archaic laws in opposition to Tamlin's Tithe - but he abandons the Court of Nightmares to the monsters who rule it, and never takes serious actions against the Illyrian people who clip of women's wings, and a lot of Tamlin's idea of racial superiority and general superiority just come completely out of left field in the middle of ACOMAF.
Both of them are problematic - it's just that the text tells us to root for one, without actually showing us how one is better, or setting up any clear ideological difference between them. And that cheapens Feyre's character shift and lessen the efficacy of the foil - turning it into Feyre hopping from one lover to the other with little to no character consistency and no nuanced exploration of the theme of the series or trauma.
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
Cynic (Legoshi x Reader)
Legoshi x Canine! Reader
Warning: NSFW (+18), minor mention of Rape/ Sexual Assault
Summary: Maybe you and a certain Grey Wolf are more alike than you thought.
A/N: So I decided to change up these requests just a little so that I could combine them ! I hope you guys like it! These started off as Headcanons but i got a little carried away lol also Characters are all over 18 in this fic
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You weren’t exactly what people would call a ‘happy’ animal.
Okay that was an understatement, you could be downright depressing at times. It’s not like you actually meant to be such a downer, you just considered yourself a realist and being a Carnivore in today’s society was the farthest thing from a ‘happy’ existence.
People profiled Carnivores wherever they went, always quick to see your kind as natural aggressors and when they weren’t clutching their purses ready to call animal control on you all for just being alive, they were quick to go over the top to prove they saw “all animals equally”, which usually was just a ploy for ‘progressive points’.
Being a Domesticated Dog, you recognized your privilege was a double edged sword in one of the worst ways possible. You had Herbivores constantly in your face telling you “You’re one of the good ones” while other Carnivores mostly saw dogs as ‘sellouts’ who were willing to whore themselves out (socially and in... other ways) for even the slightest scrap of attention. It was infuriating just living in such a society and you constantly felt on the verge of snapping but if you did, you’d just prove to be everything they already thought you were.
So needless to say, you kept to yourself. You just couldn’t bring yourself to put on the false pretense of cheerfulness that domesticated animals were expected to uphold so you tried to keep to yourself. No one understood you nor did they try. They were too caught up in their own charades and you were beyond the point of explaining how screwed up this world was. They knew, they didn’t care.
You were convinced you would spend your entire high school career in the shadows, not making an impression (good or bad) on anyone or anything and for a while it seemed that way. Until your final year.
For the most part, keeping to yourself gave you a lot of time to observe others, rarely were you the one technically being ‘observed’. Which is why you couldn’t understand why a certain Grey Wolf couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
He was painfully obvious, his awkward attempts to hide his little obsession whenever his eyes met yours was almost comical.
You chalked it all up to him probably being another sick fuck with a fetish for submissive animals. It was more common than most people like to address and Domesticated female dogs were the leading demographic of rape/ sexual assault victims from wolves. It was mainly the close proximity of their biology that made it so hard for wolves to control themselves (if you could say they had any control to begin with.) They preyed on smaller dogs because in comparison to them it was the closest they could get to defiling a Herbivore without the internalized shame and disgust. Also female Carnivores were often not believed when it came to these crimes because they were perceived as stronger/ more aggressive and should have been able to defend themselves. Yet another flaw in this fucked up animal judicial system.
You decided to ignore the Wolf and hope he just moved on. There weren’t many dogs at Cherryton but there were a few others who would probably be more than happy to tame the beast that lie within him. Or between his legs.
But weeks turned into months and his interest in you failed to cease. You decided to confront him. You decided to do so after class once the rest of the class filed out. He usually drug his feet so it wouldn’t be hard to catch him. Best case scenario, he was embarrassed about getting caught and promised to stop. Worst case scenario, he can’t control himself and takes you right then and there. You were apathetic either way, there were worst things out there than fucking a Wolf right?
You approached his desk as he was scrambling to shove his things into his shoulder bag, the rest of the class had long filed out by now.
“H-Hi,” he said looking up at you, his ears tilted downwards.
“You got a problem with me or something?” You can tell by the way his ears tugged down even further that your voice came off a little harsh but that was just the way you were.
“W-Why would I have a problem with you, YLN-san?” He was avoiding your cold stare. He was a Grey Wolf for crying out loud, what was wrong with him? Wolves were a lot of things but skittish wasn’t one of them.
“Drop the formalities. You stare me down day in and day out but now you’re afraid to look me in the eye? What are you playing at?” Okay maybe you did sound a little harsh but you didn’t believe in skipping around the topic.
“I just... noticed we were kind of... the same, y’know....” he grimaced. You left out a dry laugh. He knew nothing about you but he thought the two of you were the same? This definitely had to be some sort of ploy. He wanted something from you and sooner or later you’d find out what that something was.
But that later never came. He began to explain himself, explain how he was pretty bleak too and that he couldn’t help but notice that someone else seemed just as paused in life as he was. At first you thought he was just churning out bullshit but the more you sat and listened to him, the more you hung around him, you began to see the undeniable similarities between you two.
He would express the struggles he faced with his own existence as a Wolf, how he felt like he could never truly be himself, or even know what being himself actually meant because he was so busy trying to make people unafraid of him. It was like you had met your other half. He understood what had been gnawing at you from inside for years now because he was going through the exact same thing. And so the two of you became fast friends, nearly inseparable from one another.
You tried to deny it but you were slowly becoming more and more infatuated with the Grey Wolf every day. Legoshi was so kind and reserved at times but you found those traits all the more endearing. He showed such vast wisdom and maturity despite his own social awkwardness and you found yourself overwhelmingly comfortable in his presence. Comfortable and safe, his naturally huge physique and protective instincts which should give you every right to fear him actually proving to do just the opposite.
Speaking of Physique, you had to admit that Legoshi was undeniably attractive. Tall, beautiful coat, all lean muscle, a thick healthy tail you had found yourself drooling over near-constantly. He was any Canine’s kryptonite and you couldn’t believe you hadn’t noticed it before now. Maybe it was just because you were so enamoured by his mind that your attraction to him physically was inevitable. Either way, you found yourself daydreaming about mounting him more times than you’d like to admit.
You thought that perhaps what you felt for Legoshi might be mutual until you found out he used to date a tiny Herbivore . And not just any Herbivore, a rabbit. The daintiest of them all. So he was just another sick psychopath with a fixation on innocence. You were heartbroken to say the least. What probably hurt the most was that you were no where near his type if Rabbits were his thing. You never stood a chance. But then again that wasn’t a surprise. You were nothing special prior to meeting Legoshi so why would yo expect anything to be different now.
That being said, it didn’t make you want Legoshi any less physically. You might not be his ideal mate but you knew there was still a part of him in there that had a desire for sexual release, a desire that Canine felt especially compelled to with other Canine, and you were going to capitalize off of that.
You found him in his usual spot in the art department after dark. He was always the last to leave.
“Y/N! Where’ve you been? H-have you been avoiding me?” He asked his tail tucked between his legs. You hadn’t seen him in about four days and giving the nearly inseparable friendship the two of you had over the past few months, it was out of character.
“I was,” you said bluntly. His ears lowered immediately.
“O-oh... did I do something wrong?”
“... what was-”
“You fuck rabbits, Legoshi.” You saw his fur visibly stand on end and his eyes turn wide as saucers.
“Y/N I-”
“Look I’m just gonna cut to the chase,” you deadpanned, stepping forward, “I wanna have sex with you.”
“You WHAT?!”
“I’m attracted to you Legoshi. I might not be your type but I am small and I can make you feel good.” You didn’t wait for his response as you dropped to you knees in front of him.
“Y/N wait please,” he was tense all over but you were already unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. Surprisingly, he went commando.
You pulled him out of his pants to see his knot was already beginning to swell at your touch and he was painfully hard. You licked your hand and began to stroke his impressive length. Guess it was true what they say, the thicker the tail, the thicker the-
“Y/N please just give me a second!” Legoshi asked cupping your face between both his large hands. You craned your neck up to meet his gaze but continued to pump his aching cock.
“Just relax, Legoshi. It’s okay if you have to pretend I’m a rabbit, I don’t really care. I know I’m not much to look at anyway,” you said, wrapping your mouth around his angry tip that was currently streaming out pre-cum. You moaned at the flavor as Legoshi shuddered above you.
“Y/N please stop, this can’t happen like this, okay.” He said slightly more forcefully as he pulled you off of him and began to tuck himself into his pants, his cock straining against the fabric defiantly creating an enormous bulge.
“Really? That unattracted to me, huh? Well, I guess it is what it is,” you said in your usually monotone voice while standing up and brushing off your skirt. You turned, about to make your exit when Legoshi grabbed your arm.
“Wait, Y/N, look I didn’t- it’s not that- I just-” Legoshi was flustered and looked as if he was ready to pass out at any moment.
“Spit it out, Wolf boy,” you said , trying to hide the fact that your feelings were pretty hurt.
“I just- I like you Y/N, really I do but-”
“You just don’t like me in that way. I heard you loud any clear. It’s whatever, Legoshi. Don’t stress it,” you said attempting to shrug out of his grip.
“Hold on, can we talk about this?!”
“There’s nothing to talk about, I wanted to have sex and you don’t.”
“I- I do w- of course I want to have sex with you, Y/N. I like you, a lot. You’re actually all I’ve been able to think about for a long time. But you’re so.... so.... indifferent towards even the slightest romantic implications, I didn’t think I had a shot in Hell...” he sighed.
“If you like me then why’d you stop me?” You asked evenly. You weren’t about to get your hopes up, that just wasn’t your style.
“Because I like you. If there’s even a chance you feel how I do then I wanna do this right. Ask you out properly, ask you to be my girlfriend, ask if I can kiss you, y’know the right steps before...”
“I suck your dick?” You offered, a small smirk playing at your lips. His still very much present hard-on twitched visibly at its mention.
“God, Y/N,” Legoshi groaned attempting to cover himself. You fought back the urge to giggle at his shyness despite the fact he was in your mouth less than two minutes ago.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I want to do it. Don’t you want me to?” You bit your lip in what you hoped was a seductive way.
“So fucking bad,” Legoshi groaned again unable to avert his eyes. You took this as an opportunity to step forward once more.
“Then why don’t we let this one slide, huh? And then we can do things your way?” You whispered palming him through his pants. He unconsciously began to grind lightly against your hand.
“Y/N, I’m in.... Male mode.... if we start, I might not be able to stop,” Legoshi voice was straining from trying to keep his own pleasure at bay. You dropped back down to your knees, once again pulling him out.
“Then don’t. Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to ride you, Legoshi? Let’s allow this one free-pass then you can start all the courting processes you want,” you said before taking him into your mouth. Legoshi felt his eyes roll back into his head as he thrust softly into your warm, wet throat.
“W-Wait, one more thing” he moaned, once again taking away what was quickly becoming your new favorite treat.
You were about to protest when he kneeled down to your level, again cupping your face in both his hands in order to place the sweetest kiss imaginable on your lips. He rested his forehead against yours for a moment, before pulling away to see you with the dopiest grin on your face.
Yeah, you were definitely going to be the death of him.
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katehuntington · 4 years
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Title: In Bad Waters - part ten Word count: ±3400 words Episode summary: Still in possession of the Winchesters’ belongings, Zoë meets up with the hunters on her next case. When it turns out to be a little more complicated than anticipated, she accepts their help in order to make an important deadline. Part ten summary: Zoë and the Winchesters face the aftermath of losing a victim. Especially the huntress takes it hard, and the reason soon surfaces. Episode warnings: Dark! NSFW, 18+ only! Descriptions of domestic violence/child abuse. Drug use/addiction. Angst, gore, violence, character death. Description of blood, injury and medical procedures/resuscitation. Swearing, alcoholism. Supernatural creatures/entities, mentions of demon possession. Descriptions of torture and murder, drowning. Illegal/criminal practices. Mentions of nightmares and flashbacks. Author’s note: Beta’d by @winchest09​​​​​​​ and @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​. Thanks, girls! Gif isn’t mine. If you are the creator or know who made it, please tell me so I can credit you.
Supernatural: The Sullivan Series Masterlist
S1E02 “In Bad Waters” Masterlist
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     The black Harley Davidson rolls into the parking lot of the Hampton Inn, followed by the Chevrolet Impala. Zoë hasn’t said a word to Sam since she found Taylor at the Dawlson home. Both of them gave a statement to the local police and managed to talk their way out of an interrogation at the department, Zoë continuing her role as agent Sharon Evans. Without missing a beat, Sam improvised and said he was her partner. They kept the cops in the dark, hoping they will not be making their ghost hunt more difficult than it already is.
     Sam also talked to Jeff Dawlson. The poor guy was a mess, but the widower made clear that he was certain that this wasn’t just some ordinary murder. The silence, the windows that didn’t break, the door that didn’t open. He called it a force, something he couldn’t possibly begin to explain. Even for a skeptic down to earth guy like Jeff, this was obviously not from their world. So Sam told him everything about Laura, all that they know. Jeff took it quite well, even thanked them for their attempt to save his wife, but he was devastated, never to be the same.
     Quiet, Zoë gets off her bike, takes her laptop case out of the saddlebag and strolls to the entrance. She’s glad no one stole her Macbook when she left it at the terras, the database as valuable to her as John’s journal is to the boys.      Sam follows her, watching the huntress as she makes her way to room seventeen; not a single remark has left her lips, yet she keeps a straight face. People passing by don’t notice anything about the strong woman, but Sam can only imagine that this is messing with her.
     The huntress slips the key card through the lock and opens the door. As she expected, Dean is obviously present. A KFC bag and several paper wrappings plus an empty bucket that once contained fried chicken are scattered on the bedspread, loud music is blaring on the radio. Dean, who is freshening up in the bathroom, apparently didn’t hear them come in, because he keeps singing along with the song.
“There’s a lot of people sayin' we'd be better off dead. Don't feel like Satan, but I am to them. So I try to forget it, any way I can. Keep on rockin' in the free world!”, he belts out.
     His younger brother halts and raises his eyebrows, but doesn’t laugh or chuckle; his brother’s poor vocal skills would have been amusing if the circumstances were different.      Zoë doesn’t appreciate his singing either and she slams her fist on the bathroom door. “Hey, Neil Young! Shut your piehole, will ya?”      They hear a glass breaking on the bathroom floor and Zoë rolls her eyes while sighing deeply. Wonderful.      “Fuck,” Dean curses softly, then sets up a voice loud enough for Zoë to hear it. “Sorry!”
     Without responding she walks away from the door and turns down the volume of the radio completely, allowing a deadly silence to hover the room. As Sam picks up the paper wrappings, Dean pops his head around the corner.      “What the hell are you doing here?” he asks them both, when he notices his brother by the door.      “I could ask you the same thing,” Sam returns.      “I let him break in,” Zoë says before Dean can answer.      “Didn’t expect you two to be back anytime soon.” He walks out of the bathroom, buttoning his white shirt, since he doesn’t have a change of clothes. “The shower is amazing, by the way. It’s so big and it has this fucking awesome massage setting--”      “Something occurred at the Dawlsons,” Sam interrupts.
     His older brother halts and looks from Sam to Zoë, who sat down on the bed, staring at nothing in particular, her gaze blank.      She can feel his unspoken question and decides to answer. “She’s dead.”      Dean expected something like that when he sensed the mood, but it still comes as a shock. He needs a few seconds to collect his thoughts.      “Dead as in hit-by-a-car-dead or killed-by-a-ghost-dead?” he asks carefully.
     A depressing quietness remains between the hunters. Zoë doesn’t reply; words aren’t necessary. When her eyes meet his, Dean knows enough. The oldest of the brothers breathes out with a sigh and looks away, shaking his head; damn it.      “Did you see Laura?” he wonders.      “We did,” Sam responds on Zoë’s behalf. “We tried to stop her.”      Dean frowns at that. “How did you know Laura was inside the house? So far no one witnessed her actual attack, right?”      “I had a vision,” Sam explains.
     Both Zoë and Dean look up at him, stunned by his statement. Zoë is well aware Sam had one. But what she didn’t know is that Sam told his brother about his ability, which she presumes, as he just blurted it out like that.      Dean however, bites down the mixture of concern and frustration. He tries to ignore the fact his brother shared this information in the presence of the huntress, which they only met a couple of days ago.  Filing it under either carelessness, he addresses the other issue: since when does Sam have these visions when he’s awake? “You fell asleep or something’?”      “No, this was the first time he had one during the day,” Zoë answers before Sam does.
      The comment triggers Dean to snap his head towards her, unpleasantly surprised to learn she’s all up to date with Sam’s powers. Agitated, he glares at his brother.      “You told her?!” he exclaims.      “Yeah, so? We hunt together, so what’s the big deal?” Sam returns defensively.      “You wanna know what the big deal is? If this goes public amongst hunters, some of them might seriously keep an eye on you, Sam!” his brother snaps.      Zoë tries to cool the looming clash. “It’s safe with me, Dean.”      “That’s not the fucking point!” He counters angrily, focusing on the huntress. “He doesn’t realize how dangerous this could be!”      Sam reminds him of his presence. “Don’t talk like I’m not even here, Dean.”
Zoë’s not sure where it’s coming from, but she has the sudden urge to defend Sam. She can relate with the youngest Winchester, she’s going through the same after all. Dean has no idea what these special abilities feel like, how painful and confusing they are, how they wreck their mind. He’s not the one experiencing them. Who the hell does he think he is to tell Sam how to handle this?      “Like you have a clue what’s going on,” she jumps in. “I think hunters are the last ones on earth you should worry about.”      Dean narrows his eyes at her, reading into her words. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”      “Haven’t you wondered where this is coming from?” she looks up at him, waiting for an answer. “Because I for one have never encountered a human being with supernatural powers. Have you?”
     Silence. It might not have yet occurred to Dean, though, but Sam and Zoë have thought of it constantly. People, normal, random people, shouldn’t be having visions, period. Zoë is right; It’s not normal, it’s not human.
     Dean however, decides to ignore her notification and points his finger at his younger brother in the way a father would do to his son. “You shut up about this,” he warns. “If you wanna talk about it, talk to me. If you share this with anyone else--”      “Don’t you treat me like you’re Dad!” Sam counters.      Zoë rolls her eyes the moment John is mentioned. She turns to the window with her hands placed firmly on her slender waist.      “I am responsible for you and I am the one who has to drag your ass out of trouble when you have God knows what on your tail because of this freaky stuff. As long as Dad ain’t around, I’m gonna talk to you like that. Suck it up!” Dean returns sternly.      Sam huffs and grinds his teeth. He hates, absolutely hates it when he’s treated like a child. It doesn’t matter if he’s talked down on by Dad or Dean; he can’t stand it. He's twenty-two for Christ's sake!      “No. This is my life, my problem. I’m not gonna listen to you,” Sam sneers, cynically.      Furiously, Dean raises his voice. “Yes, you are!!”      “Would you two SHUT THE FUCK UP?!”
     Both brothers seize their argument and look at Zoë, who turned around to face then. Enraged, she glares at them, her penetrating eyes darting from one to the other, disgusted by their behavior.      “How old are you? Fucking ten?!” she asks resentfully. “People are dying and you two are actually arguing over who’s boss and who’s not?!”      Sam gulps; she has a point. This is senseless; because both Dean and Sam know that neither of them are willing to admit their wrong. Even Dean seems to be ashamed, his green eyes breaking away from Zoë’s penetrating stare.      “I’m gonna be honest with you two. If you don’t get along, that’s your problem, but you’re no good to me if you don’t function together,” she continues, gritting her teeth in frustration. “An innocent just died, Goddamnit!”
     They could hear a pin drop in the spacious hotel room. Having enough of the Winchesters’ stupidity, Zoë turns her back on them and saunters to the end of the room. She sits down on the bed, sniffing, then she wipes her nose. 
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Sam and Dean exchange a look, both noticing how much this is bothering her. So far the huntress seems to be a lot more careless about cases; she’s more the shoot-to-thrill type. She was willing to leave this case in her rear view mirror after all.      Dean  carefully attempts to find out what’s really going on with the fellow hunter. “What’s wrong, Zo?”
     Instead of answering, she just shakes her head. Avoiding their questioning eyes, Zoë folds her hands together and rests her elbows on her knees. For a long while she doesn’t speak, but then she starts to open up, just a little bit.      “I was supposed to watch her,” she claims. “Yet I was goofing around and bored, while she got slaughtered.”      “This isn’t your fault,” Sam replies immediately, trying to take away the guilt.      “It is.” Her piercing gaze moves to meet his. “I should have known, I should have drawn a conclusion from the first two killings, but I didn’t.”      “Hey, we didn’t see this coming either,” Dean brings to mind.      “It doesn’t matter. Someone lost their life again while I could’ve prevented it,” she states, her voice fragile now.
     Sam furrows his brow, confused. Again? What does she mean? With a questioning look, he glances over at Dean and is surprised by what he sees. Compassion, compassion for Zoë. He realizes Dean might know more about her past, after all, he and Dad worked her case and casted out the demon that possessed her. Dean wasn't in a sharing mood when his younger brother requested more details about what happened back then. Sam thought he didn't know more and that their dad kept him in the dark, but now he begins to realize that he simply didn't want to elaborate on it. Is it not his place to tell? Or did that hunt go wrong?
     Dean offers some reassuring words, trying to convince her. “Zo, what happened back then was out of your hands.”      “Don’t go there,” she warns.      “You shouldn’t still be blaming yourself for that, nor should you feel guilty about today,” he presses.      “I said: Don’t. Go. There,” Zoë repeats, glaring over her shoulder.      Sam glances from one to the other, disorientated, unable to follow the conversation. The oldest of the Winchester brothers isn’t spooked by the threat, however.      “Maybe you should step away from the case,” he suggests.      “What?!” she cries out, perplexed.      “It’s obvious that you’re emotional about this, Zo,” he starts to explain, deliberately getting under her skin.      “Emotional?!” She scoffs, fury in her eyes, pressing her clenched fist in the mattress. “Oh, I’m sorry. Am I not allowed to give a fuck about people dying? My mistake!”      “I’m just saying that maybe you should let us take care of this one,” he explains.
     He might say so, but Dean doesn’t want her to quit. What he does want, is to trigger her. He used the same technique on his brother before and it worked like a charm, it seems like it might just work on the huntress as well. He can sense her blood beginning to boil as she rises to her feet; he really pissed her off this time.      “Are you fucking serious right now?! I don’t quit on cases, I don’t take the easy way out!” she yells, pointing at her chest.      “You were gonna before you allowed us to help you. So tell me why the hell you’re so worked up all of a sudden,” he bounces back.      “No!” Zoë shouts outrageously, her voice hitting a higher tone than she anticipated. “I don’t wanna talk about it!”      “It’s been over four years, Zoë. It’s about damn time you talk about it. This isn’t healthy,” Dean pressures.      “I just can’t, okay?”
     Her voice is suddenly softer now as it breaks, almost begging him to stop. She averts her gaze quickly, but Sam could see her eyes glister. Slowly, he starts to get the idea of what happened back then, remembering the first file in her database, the one consisting of the demon that possessed her.      “Zoë, if this has something to do with that Diligo Vesco demon...” he carefully starts off. “Whatever happened, it wasn’t on you.”      “My hands--” She holds them up in front of her. “- and his blood all over them. Now don’t you tell me it wasn’t me.”
     Confused, Sam cocks his head from Zoë to Dean, who watches the woman with his arms crossed in front of his chest. His stance is still defensive, but his eyes tell a different story, one of empathy.      When the huntress spots the confused expression on Sam’s face and turns to Dean as well. “You didn’t tell him?”      “I didn’t. Wasn’t sure if you’d be okay with that,” he says.
     With a deep breath, she prepares to say the words that bring her so much pain. Words that remind her of that dreadful day, the moment that everything got screwed to hell. Her heartbeat has sped up throughout the conversation, first by anger, but now that she has to admit out loud what went down four years, four months and five days ago, she feels like it’s about to jump out of her chest. A panic attack is prevented when she breathes in through her nose slowly and lets the air flow from her mouth again, repeating it once more while closing her eyes. Then she looks up at Sam and swallows back the tears. She can’t break, she never has and she won’t now. With a trembling voice, she speaks up.
      “When I was possessed, I killed my dad.”
      Sam’s jaw almost drops to the ground. For a moment he just stares at her, his eyes large, unable to form words. Poor, poor girl. Losing a parent is one thing, but she experienced her father’s murder like she was the one killing. How do you get over that?      And just like that, he sees Zoë in a totally different light. Her attitude makes more sense, her eagerness to hunt, her reluctance to new friendships. She lost one of the most important people in her life, no wonder she shut herself in.
     Both boys watch her struggle, there’s not much they can do to make her feel better. She walks over to the window and rubs her face. The brothers can’t see the tears run down her cheek, but they know she turned away to prevent them from witnessing her sorrow. She can’t show her weakness, not to them, not to anyone.
     Dean notices something about her that he recognizes in himself. The huntress is unable to express how she feels, simply because it hurts too much. It’s easier to stuff it away and sweep it under the rug, hoping that way it doesn’t have to be dealt with, that the pain will slowly fade away over time. But let’s be fair; it doesn’t.
     Zoë sighs deeply and takes heart, turning back to them when the tears have stopped falling.      “We shouldn’t be talking about me, guys. Our ghost is getting more violent by the hour. We need to stop this,” she reminds them.      Sam glances at his brother and their eyes meet. He knows she’s avoiding the subject, but they have to admit there is truth in her words. Laura might be killing someone right now, especially since Sam left the Shire residence unattended. They decide to give it a rest.
     “You’re right, let’s get our head back in the game. I’m gonna get the doctor to talk, I won’t take no for an answer.” He grabs his tie from the chair and folds it around his collar as he looks up at Sam, awaiting a follow up from his younger brother.      “I’ll check on the Shires and keep you guys in the loop,” Sam suggests.      “Sounds good to me. Talk to them too, fire it up a little. Maybe they know more about this. We need more intel to wrap this one up and we need it fast,” Zoë urges, checking her watch and startled to see that it’s almost five o’ clock.      “Take the car. I’ll walk, it’s just a block away,” Dean nods at the car keys on the drawer, while struggling with his tie.      “C’mere,” Zoë beckons him to edge closer and takes Dean’s tie in her hands.      Skillfully, she redoes it, her hands moving swiftly. Dean can’t help to take in her pretty face. Her makeup has run down a little, it emphasizes her frame of mind. Focused on her task at hand, she avoids his unraveling eyes.
     “Should I tell them the truth?” Sam proposes.      “Not yet,” she tightens Dean’s tie and dares to look up at him. “You try to speak with the doctor first. We're sure he actually knows something, but we aren’t certain about the Shire family. We don’t want to spook them.”      “Okay, let’s go then.” Dean picks up his suit jacket and heads for the door.      Sam hesitates in the doorway, glancing over his shoulder at the young woman. “What are you gonna do?”       “I’m gonna look into Laura, see who she was close to. I can imagine the kid would’ve tried to stay out of that toxic household as much as she could, maybe she stayed over with friends a lot. Could lead to her next victim,” she explains.      “We’ll get her, Zo,” Dean assures.      “Hell, we will. Taylor was the last one killed by Laura Shire,” she states determined.
      Just after she pronounces those words, the door slams and locks. Surprised, Zoë stares at the doorknob, which felt like it was just ripped from her hand. As she slowly turns around, she feels chills running down her spine, the tingling sensation way too familiar. The bathroom light starts to flicker, then the faucet of the sink turns, water splattering on the porcelain. Suddenly the TV flips on, but all broadcasts a disorted image and static noise. She exhales clouds of warm air, her breath condensed, the temperature suddenly changing. It turns ice cold in the room.
      Zoë gulps. “Oh, fuck.”
      Seems like she doesn’t have to search very long to find Laura’s next victim; it’s her. Anxiously, Zoë searches the room for something iron, but then suddenly the image of the ten year old girl appears in the corner. Her blonde hair looks darkened, her pupils hazed over with white. The nightgown she was wearing the night she was killed is stained with blood. Then her eyes sink deep into their sockets, leaving gaping black holes in her small skull, before her form flickers and suddenly stands right before the huntress. Without an iron forged weapon or anything to use in the huntress’ defence, Zoë stares at the poltergeist for a brief second. This is it; she’s fucked. Even though she realizes the boys can’t hear her, she cries out one of their names at the top of her lungs.
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Thank you for reading. I appreciate every single one of you, but if you do want to give me some extra love, you are free to like or reblog my work, shoot me a message or buy me coffee (Link to Kofi in bio at the top of the page).    
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Little Bird - Chapter 2
Request: wanted to ask you if you could do a Loki x teen!Reader. Where the reader meets Loki in some way and she touches him and connect their souls 'cause she has powers she doesn't know about. And then some day she's in pain or smth and Loki feels it and comes to her. And she finds out she just can connect her soul with someone she trusts. And loki is all sweet ? And angst maby. Please and thank you.
Pairing: Loki Odinson x teen!Reader
Chapter: 2/2
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Chapter 1
“Loki this place is amazing!” Your voice echoes across the high ceiling of the new Avenger compound.
“I need you to be a bit quitter,” Loki gently shushes you. “There are some people here I don’t want to know we are here.”
             People like your brother? you ask yourself. You don’t understand why it would be a problem for you to be here. Well, knowing exactly where the compound is could be a potential problem. But you wouldn’t dream of telling anyone anyway. These people protect the city and the world. Why would you want to muck that up? You’re afraid he may be ashamed to be seen with you. You know you barely know him. Though, there is this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that knows you would be crushed if you never saw him again.
“Ah Loki,” Dr. Banner peers around a screen full of laid out research. “This must be (Y/N), it is nice to meet you.”
             You can’t help but feel a little heat rise across your cheeks. At least there is someone here that may be happy to see you here. Even if it is only to run these mysterious tests. Loki has been acting on edge the moment you two arrived. Tiptoeing around every corner, constantly looking over his shoulder.
             Dr. Banner offers up a smile and a hand shake, and you politely share the same sentiment. Next he directs you to a white glowing table that he asks you to lay down on. You can feel slight nerves creep on your anxiety. Loki couldn’t really explain the test that will be performed, mostly because he doesn’t really understand it himself. The only thing he promises is that it will not hurt. But being a natural worrier, his assurance doesn’t help much.
“Okay, (Y/N). Just lay as still as you can. This machine is going to do a sweep of your vitals and scan for anything out of the ordinary for the average person. You should not feel a thing. Just relax.” Dr. Banner’s voice calms you down a bit and you focus on your breathing.
             Loki and Dr. Banner have gone into another room, and have been speaking over a microphone. He assures that there is nothing harmful that would keep them from being in the room. Apparently the machine will scan any person in the room, and they thought it would be best to keep the results separate. Something about making it easier to read. You’re not a doctor, yet anyway, so you’re not going to argue.
“I don’t know why you had to sneak her in.” Dr. Banner’s voice comes over the intercom. Looks like they forgot the mic was still on.
“You now that Thor thought this wasn’t a good idea.” Loki sighs. “He told me not to go back after the first night I saw her. I’m apparently bad luck, where I’m at trouble follows. When I got Tony to give me her address he gave me the same warning.”
“Well I can’t exactly disagree with them.” You can hear a smile in Banner’s voice.
             Your heart flutters in your chest. Loki wasn’t hiding you from everyone because he felt ashamed. It’s not because of you being a mortal. He went behind Thor and Tony’s wishes. Of which you are thankful for. Loki saved your life last night, and you want them to know that. Loki is your hero, not a bad luck charm.
             The two come back into the room and say that the test is over. Dr. Banner says that it will take just a moment for the results to come in. He offers to get you anything and you graciously accept the offer of a glass of water. You didn’t really need it but this gives you some time alone with Loki.
             Watching Loki’s demeanor, you can see that he has relaxed a bit since getting here. Though with his tightened shoulders you can still see he is on edge. You wonder of Tony visits this lab often. He expertise isn’t really in this area, but you could imagine he would pop in every once in a while.
“How are you feeling, little bird?” Loki’s voice is tender and he laces his fingers with yours.
“You’re not a bad luck charm.” You have this problem that if you can’t ease into a topic you just get right to the point. “The only reason I am sitting here right now is because of you. If Tony and Thor can’t get behind this then too bad for them. Especially if I end up having these powers you think I may have.” You can see a small smile dance on Loki’s lips at the idea of his brother’s face. “I would get to train with you. Even if I don’t, I really hope you stick around.”
             Loki doesn’t say anything, and he doesn’t have to. You can see in his eyes that he would really love to train with you if given the opportunity. The idea of getting to know him better makes you giddy. There is the idea that the media paints him, and an image that you have from your dreams. It would be nice to see the real him. The real Loki.
“Here you are, (Y/N).” Dr. Banner enters the room with your glass of water. You thank him before taking a small drink.
             Dr. Banner reviews your vitals and anything else the scan picked up. Loki sits next to you on the table, his hand still intertwined with yours. With every passing second you can feel your anxiety come back. What if you had powers but you wouldn’t be able to control? What if they had to take you down? Would Thor like you when you officially meet? The questions bounce back and forth between thoughts of possible powers and being accepted by this family Loki has.
“Okay,” Dr. Banner starts. “Vitals look good, heartrate was a bit elevated but could have just been nerves.” You smile to yourself and Loki gives your hand a knowing squeeze. “I am seeing an odd energy radiating off of you. It is faint, obviously barely tapped into. Loki, with what you were suggesting the other day I would like to test you as well.”
             As if in sync, you and Loki both nod together. You give him a kiss on the cheek and head out of the room with Dr. Banner. The dozen screens lining the walls, all moving in a dark room, begins to make you dizzy. Explaining you’d be back in a minute, you exit the room into the brightly lit hall way.
             Since you’ve been a little girl you have had some trouble with motion sickness. Seeing all those screens moving and changing made you aware that you were not. The subway is not your favorite mode of transport in the city. Only way you will ride it is if you don’t have a chance. Even then you keep your head toward the floor and pretend that you’re not actually moving.
“Hey, miss. Do you need some help?”
A male voice appears a few feet ahead of you. Looking up you can see that it is nonother than Tony Stark. Shit! You think to yourself. In reality you were hoping to run into him with Loki. You suck at explaining things and Loki has a smooth silver tongue. He is perfect for this.
“I’m okay, just got dizzy. I am just waiting on someone.” You try to play it off like there is no problem.
“Oh my God, he didn’t.” Tony swears under his breath. “You’re (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), aren’t you? And Loki brought you here didn’t he?”
             Question after question rattles out of Tony. He doesn’t stop for you to confirm because he already knows. As he paces back and forth trying to get his thoughts in order you can see his face turn red. You would really hate to be on the receiving end of Iron Man. Thank goodness he doesn’t have his suit on right now.
             Loki and Dr. Banner come out into the hall looking for you. Looking into Loki’s eyes you can see the worry dissipate but quickly resurface by the presence of Tony. On instinct Loki comes to your side to make sure you’re okay, but keeps an eye on Tony. You can sense the light drum of his magic beneath his skin, ready to act as a shield for your defense. Though, even seeing how mad Tony is you can’t image he would do anything extreme.
“Okay reindeer games, you have exactly one minute to explain to me why she is here.” Tony’s eyes drill holes into Loki.
“I asked him to bring her.” Dr. Banner speaks up first. “Loki has been explain to me this interesting pull toward (Y/N) among other things. I wanted to test out a theory.”
“What theory is that?” Tony’s interest has peaked. His initial rage has submitted to his curiosity, for now.
“She is giving off some sort of energy that is unrecognizable from our planet. Loki shows a smaller trace of it, like a mark or a link.” Dr. Banner paces while trying to contain his excitement. “These two have been experiencing a pull toward each other. Loki can feel strong emotions from (Y/N), and she is like a drug for Loki. I just need to figure out the trigger.”
             Dr. Banner’s gaze passes between you and Loki as if he thinks the words will be spread across the air. You try to recall the day that you met Loki, the day he saved your life. How the moment he caught you, you felt instantly safe and drawn to him. If it wasn’t for him you would have been dead. Something happened between the two of you in that moment, before that this link didn’t exist. Suddenly, you have an idea.
“What if,” your voice starts off small. Honestly you aren’t sure if you should speak at all, but you clear your throat and continue. “What if we are linked because he saved me? I was so scared and when Loki saved me I was so relieved.”
“Maybe since you trusted reindeer games over here in that moment, and with untamed powers, caused you to link to him.”
“I like the sound of that.” Loki’s voice is low, only for you to hear.
             In response you lightly bump into him. Hopefully he gets the message to behave. But it was too late, your face was already heating up. Thankfully the two science dorks were too engrossed in this new theory to notice.
Looks like we get to train after all. Loki’s voice filters through your mind like waves.
             Loki told you about his ability to speak into someone’s mind. Normally he uses it as a suggestion for people to cause mischief. Though looks like he has a more effective way of communicating with you. You can’t help but wonder if you’ll be able to do the same someday.
“I think we have some unfinished training back at my place.” You whisper into Loki’s ear with a smirk.
And you think I’m the one that needs to behave.
             A small giggle threatens to rise from your throat. Turning it into a cough it gets the attention of Tony and Dr. Banner once again. Apparently the action looked a little bit more labored than normal. It also doesn’t help that Loki has a smug look on his face that he isn’t doing well to hide.
“Maybe it’s time you introduce me to your brother.” Two can play at this game. Loki’s triumphant look vanishes within seconds, leaving you the one looking smug. Oh yes this is going to be fun. 
Taglist: @drabby-abby​ @senpaiweird​
93 notes · View notes
kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
For Wandering Dreamers (Pt 1)
Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader
Synopsis: After hearing your parents argue about something for what feels like the zillionth time that night, you escape to your books and comics for some escaping of reality. Just as the argument ends with slamming doors, a note and locket landed on your bed. Inscribed on the note was a promise of new adventures and a better life awaiting you.
Warnings: Mentions of fighting and terrible parents, attempted rape on random person (not character or anyone significant), language
Word Count: 2482
You shut the door of your bedroom after hearing your parents arguing about something for what felt like the billionth time that night. Just for precaution, you locked it hoping that they wouldn’t come in to get you to settle an argument. Oh, how you hated life. It was a terrible, worthless, annoying piece of garbage that eventually fucked everyone over. The only thing that you had to distract yourself was your books, and your comics. It was a world of escape that was so simple, yet so complex and distant. The objects were for any lost soul, bound to a place and reality where they could not help the need to float away from at times. Seeing the problems of the characters play out on the pages and eventually be solved was a comfort for some. It was to you at least. You sat down at your bed with one of your books. Tonight, you would be embarking on the adventures of Batman in your graphic novel.
           It didn’t take long before you were totally and completely engulfed in the book. The action of it all and the keen problem solving of the world’s greatest detective was enough to pull anyone in. You almost didn’t notice the strange piece of paper and pendent drop onto your bed. You wouldn’t have if you didn’t hear a door slam in the background. You looked down seeing the gold piece of paper. It looked like it had fallen from the heavens the way the color was so untarnished. The pendant looked that out of a fairy tale, gems of all sorts outlining it and a silver base. You saw that in elegant white lettering was inscribed a message. It read as so,
           “Pack your things and leave your cares for new adventure awaits everywhere. To and froe, here and there, the words inscribed will take you erase all cares. Reality will sleep and dreams come to play but you may return any day. No time will change and life you may live but for a lovely vacation, at your service this pendant is. Take the pendent and repeat the top, for awaiting you are worlds of unmatched beauty and action. Made for lost souls and wandering dreamers, here you may leave this place of pain- stricken fever.”
           “This is a joke.” You mumbled aloud. And then again why not test it to find out, “Fine.” “If this really is some magical pendant or something to take me away, I’m ready to go, 100%.”
           You noticed that it was a locket, large enough to store the little note. So, with this, you folded gently the piece of golden paper and tucked it ever so neatly into the locket. You then decided that you would take your most valuable asset. Books. It was important that you took ones that you might find most important and then a few that you hadn’t read. There should be food on the worlds. I mean, there always is. But then again... You grabbed your hidden food stash and notebook plus a few pens.
           “Well how do I know where I am going?” You asked to the paper.
           Another piece dropped on your bed and you look up. This one wasn’t in rhyme so you assumed that whoever was making it just got tired of having to make up weird quest like pieces to please the book worms.
           “To assure your location think of the place you would like to go as you repeat the verse.”            
           “Thanks.” You said half expecting to see another piece float down with a, “You’re welcome.” scribbled on it.
           You thought of where you wanted to go and then looked down at your Batman book.
           “I want to meet the people that raised me.” You stated grabbing that book and your entire DC character guide.
           You had learned from all of your studying how to solve mysteries. You had decided at a young age that the only way to not end up like those around you was to do better than everyone else around you. That wasn’t a hard thing to do, however, it meant long hours studying and working to be the best.  You had however thought that if nothing else worked, bringing this to the cave would be a sure- fire great way to make Batman take you in. You also took your knife that your Karate teacher had gifted you once you joined the adult league at the youngest age there. They knew that it was something that you might need even though a few months of boxing and years of Karate was already under your belt.
           You stuffed all of this in your bag including some hygiene things and a few sets of new clothes. Man, your bag was stuffed, however the duffle would just have to carry all of this. The back of your book had a map of the DC World. In it, was a map of the Batcave and from different shows that you had seen you had noted the best ways to get inside. I mean sure, you could just go get yourself into trouble or go just knock on the front door, but, this sounded more fun. You started to read the note before thinking about something, you had better take your phone and charger just in case.
           “Okay here we go.” You read the top part of the note aloud thinking of where you wanted to go.
           Without any more notice, a bright purple mist was spiraling up your legs, and then torso, and then you were completely wrapped around in it before it suddenly disappeared. You looked around seeing that you were in an alley way and your bag was on your back.
           “Oh, thank God.” You sighed in relief glad that your things came through, “Okay first order of business.” You got your knife out of the side pocket of your bag and then locked it so that no small potential Robins could pick pocket you. The knife was for extra protection. You knew that the street life in Gotham was wild so it was better to be possibly over cautious than sorry.
           “Alright, next I need to get to a roof top.” You mumbled looking around for a fire escape or something to aid you.
           “Watcha doin on a night like this pretty?” You heard from a small distance away.
           “Please, l-leave me alone. I have kids to get back to.” There was a woman’s voice along with the other.
           “Come here sweetheart, if you play nicely I might just let you go.” He said before you heard a slap and then him becoming visibly angry, “Why you little bitc...”
           “Great Gotham! Didn’t your mother ever teach you how to treat a lady?” You asked the man throwing an empty beer bottle at his head. “Oh, thank Gotham for having the drunks.” You thought.
           He looked at you and dropped the woman before running at you.
           “Aye mate!” You said in a funny accent, “I guess she never did.” You stabbed him in the shoulder causing him to holler out in pain before you drop kicked him and knocked him out with the base of the other bottle that you found.
           “Ms., please call the police. I suggest that you find somewhere safe. I can walk with you if you’d like. I’m a black belt.” You remarked to the terrified woman, “Hey, you’re alright now, and your kids will still have a mamma to come home to.” You helped her up and then pointed to an open drug store, “I know that this is Gotham and it sucks at night, but it might be your best chance.” “I’ll stay here and make sure that he doesn’t get away.”
           “T-thank you.” She said, “Do you need any help, a young lady shouldn’t be out here at night.”
           “Oh, no thank you. I am just fine.” You answered, “Now please, I don’t really know how efficient the GCDP is after 9 so if you don’t mind, my cell is dead.”
           She nodded and crossed the street to the Gotham Drugstore.
           “Well, I guess B will have to wait for a few minutes.” You said.
           You stopped suddenly when you heard someone drop behind you.
           “Supervillain or Bat?” You asked.
           “Robin actually.” You heard in response, “That was impressive from someone just off the streets. Is it true that you are a black belt? Karate I presume?” He asked just as you turned around.
           “Omg you’re Dam...” You stopped yourself, “I can’t say that with him here never mind.” “Oh, I’m Y/N to answer your question, and yes I am a blackbelt in Karate. Glad that you noticed.”
           “Wait... you know my name?” He asked, “How?” He took out his swords and you took a nope step backwards.
           “Woah, calm down there. I’m from a different universe where you and this entire universe are in comics.” “Cliché I know. I just discovered I could travel here 10 minutes ago.” “I have proof too.”
           “Fine. Come with me.” He said as he grabbed your waist and shot the grapple up making the two of you fly to the top of the building.
           You blushed for a quick second almost noticing that he did the same.
           “Show me your evidence.” He demanded.
           “Very well.” You plopped your bag onto the rooftop and pulled out the Batman comic and character guide.
           “Damian Wayne?” You looked up at him as he sat down.
           “And Nightwing is Dick, Hood is Jason, Red is Tim, Batgirl is Steph, or is she Cass right now?” You asked.
           “No, Brown is Batgirl.” He affirmed.
           “Okay so that means Black Bat is Cass, B is Bruce, Batwoman is Kate, Oracle is Babs...” You were about to go on before he stopped you.
           “Okay, okay, I believe you please don’t share this to the entire city.” He smirked some.
           “Oh, trust me, I won’t.” You put your hands up and showed him the pendant, “I came here because this necklace thing and a note on how to use it landed on my bed in the said different universe.” “It’s addressed to lost souls and wandering dreamers but my first thought was to come here and meet the heroes that raised me as a kid.”
           “Excuse me for being so brash but, do you not have parents?” Robin asked.
           “Poor excuses for them.” You answered, “But yes, I do.” “However, I was never raised by them at all. It was always books and comics that did. I learned to solve mysteries and started homeschooling on top of regular school at a young age (I actually do this with a friend of mine it isn’t easy but we have big dreams lol). Wonder Woman and Batman taught me a lot so I just wanted to come and meet them.”
           “And you thought saving a civilian was the way to do it?” He asked interested in your story.
           “No actually, I know where the cave is and figured I would go there as a start, but you know Gotham is weird like that.” You answered laughing some.
           “You know where the cave is?” He asked floored at the statement.
           “Duh, there’s a map in the back.” You smiled some flipping it to the very back of the book, “There’s also the Fortress of Solitude.”
           “Impressive. Wait... do you know who the Joker is?” Damian questioned as you packed the bag up.
           “Give me a place to stay and I might just help with that.” You replied standing up and giving a hand for him.
           “Deal.” He then stopped, “If you really know where the cave is, show me.”
           “Okay.” You shrugged, “What building is this?”
           “We’re near the bank, it’s this way.” He took you to the bank top and you smiled looking over what you knew as Gotham.
           “Alrighty. Let’s go.”
           The two of you made it to the cave in what was almost record time, though he wouldn’t admit it, he was very much impressed by you in multiple ways. The two of you walked in talking some before you were stopped.
           “Robin who is this?” A stern voice came.
           “Batman this is...” You cut Damian off.
           “Mr. Wayne, I’m Y/N. I came from a different universe where you guys are all in comics and books and basically are fictional.” You said, “And it is totally normal that I know who you are so you can stop internally freaking out.” “Also, the famous Batman “I am the night” monologue is fabulous and I recommend you do it more often.” You laughed some at the last part as Bruce was shocked to see that you knew all of this and that his son of all people was okay with you.
           “Show him the books Y/N.” Damian suggested.
           “Oh yes. Good idea.” You said opening the bag, “It isn’t every day you get to meet your childhood hero so I’m over here internally freaking out to be honest.” You smiled flipping to the page that had Batman plastered all over it before passing it to Bruce who now saw no point in keeping his mask on since now he knew that you knew who everyone is.
           “So, “The Adventures of Batman”?” He asked giving the famous bat-smirk.
           “Not only that, but you have a ton of animated series, movies, and even appearances in things like “Justice Leauge Unlimited” and a bunch of other forms of entertainment. The others do as well.” “You guys, well Wonder Woman, not really Clark, yourself, and a bunch of others were better parents then the ones I have at home. I practically dedicated my life to learning everything that I could and solving cases because of you all.” You took the book back, “I figured that bringing this book would help solve even more and maybe get Timothy to sleep.” You smiled some packing it away.
           “Father, Y/N took down someone that was 2 times larger than her and was going to rape a young woman.” “Apparently she’s a black belt in Karate which is believable with the form that I witnessed.”
           “Well, Y/N. Do you have anywhere to go?” Bruce asked, “I trust that my son knows what he’s doing and don’t entirely doubt your story.”
           “I mean I have no where besides home in the different universe. Trust me when I tell you that I do not want to go home.” You said in a serious tone throwing Bruce off some since you had been so kind and upbeat, “It’s not pretty there.”
           “Very well, I will have Alfred show you to your bedroom.”
           “I GET TO MEET ALFRED?” You almost blew up in excitement, “Sorry, Alfred is just awesome.” You laughed awkwardly some.
           That was the most eventful night of your life, and unbeknownst to you, life was only going to get wilder.
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Note: I have been wanting to write this for a minute. I know that it is a bit cliché, however, I wanted to put a spin on it with the book and mad detective skills. I remember back when my family was going through some pretty shitty times, music and books were my go to escape when sleep stopped working. Also, as stated in the story, my friend and I do actually do homeschool on top of actual school. He wants to go to Harvard and I Oxford so we’re working hard lol. Anyways, I hope you’re having a wonderful week. If you have any requests, please feel free to send them in. If you pick up on anything you’d like to correct me on, please go right ahead and message me, I love fixing mistakes and being better at writing. I hope that you have a lovely week and stay safe and healthy. 😊
(PS: Thank you so much for all of the sweet messages! They make my day when I read them.)
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meandnotyou1001 · 4 years
I keep reading Irondad fanfics (because it's almost life) and so many of them are centered around Peter and his emotional problems, which is all well and good, but it gave me an idea. Here is my first ever one-shot to be posted on Tumblr. (I have others on Fanfiction.net.)
Ask For Help
An Irondad fic. Part 1.
Someone needs help and it's not who we're expecting. How are Karen and Friday going to get them the help they need when it's impossible to ignore certain protocols?
Warning: Attempted Suicide. Not a lot of suicidal thoughts, because it’s from someone else’s point of view. If this is going to trigger you, please don’t read. I’d rather you be safe, than have one more reader. Everyone please take care of yourselves and call for help if you need it.
Peter didn’t notice it happening. He’d never seen it happen before. Hell, he didn’t even think it could happen, but with hindsight (being 20/20 and all) he kicked himself for how stupid that thought was. Mr. Stark was human, of course he had problems like that. But, all in all, Peter was just a little busy. It was finals week. He was doing EOC’s, AP exams, and finals. It was so hectic and stressful he’d even cut his Spiderman hours by nearly two-thirds.
Peter didn’t think much of it when Mr. Stark had texted, repeatedly throughout the last month of school, asking if he’d be by the Tower that day and he answered that he couldn’t, he was busy.
He didn’t think much of it when Mr. Stark called and told him Pepper was going on a business trip to Shanghai and they should get together for a guys’ night. He couldn’t, he was busy.
He didn’t think much of it when Mr. Stark said the Exvengers (or Rogues, Peter prefered that name) had settled back in the Compound to mooch off of him and use him as their punching bag once more. He was sorry, Mr. Stark, he would love to hang out and meet the Avengers, but he was busy.
So, Peter wasn’t really concerned about anything but his stupid AP Litertature exam one Thrusday night when he sat down at his desk to study. He was ten minutes in, when his phone dinged an alert. Looking up, Peter saw a police report about a mugging gone wrong, ending with two injured and one dead. The teen frowned, but reluctantly put his phone down. Aunt May had been very clear about him Spidermanning during finals month.
Ten minutes later, on the dot, Peter’s phone dinged again. Looking up, Peter saw another police report. A jewelry store robbery with nearly four million dollars in jewels stolen. Peter frowned again. Mr. Stark said education came first, before Spiderman. He put the phone down.
Ten minutes. A report on a drug bust that ended in a shoot-off with six dead. Peter stared at the report. “Karen?”
“Yes, Peter?” his AI answered from his phone.
“You know I’m supposed to be studying for my AP final right?”
“Of course, Peter. Stay in School Protocol states you are not to go out as Spiderman, when you are studying for an exam.”
Karen’s response seemed innocent, but why on earth was she sending Peter police reports. She knew how much it irritated him, not being able to help, but unable to disobey Aunt May and Mr. Stark for fear of the consequences.
“You are studying very hard, Peter, perhaps you should reward yourself.” His AI’s voice was kind.
Peter hummed lightly, feeling just a little, like he was being played, but staring at the police report, he found he didn’t care. “This is giving me a headache anyway, maybe an hour or two will give my brain a break.”
Pulling on the suit, he was surprised when Karen automatically stated, “Peter, you are supposed to be studying for your AP exam, I will have to inform Mr. Stark that you are going out.”
“What?” Peter demanded. “You’re the one you said I should go out.”
“I would not do that, Peter,” Karen countered, “as it goes against my Stay in School Protocol.”
Peter blinked. “Screw my homework giving me a headache, all your mixed messages are giving me a headache. Fine, tell Mr. Stark, but while you’re at it, tell him it’s  just for a little while and cause I need a break.”
“Message sent.”
Peter sighed, shaking his head at his AI. “You’re as confusing as any human girl, Karen, but I still love you.”
“Thank you, Peter. I love you as well.”
Peter didn’t respond as he climbed out the window and started his patrol.
It was nearly ten o’clock in the evening, just as he was turning to go home, hoping for a full night of rest and at least part of a chance to actually pass said exam, when Karen sent him an alert.
“Peter,” his AI addressed him, “Friday says there seems to be a problem at the Tower.”
“What?” Peter was suddenly on high alert and the AP exam far from his mind. “Is Mr. Stark there?!” Peter didn’t wait for an answer as he quickly began to throw himself from building to building, as quickly as he could.
“Friday states she is unable to give Spiderman Mr. Stark’s status, as it is against the Boss’s direct orders.” Karen told him.
Peter faltered just for a second. “That isn’t what I asked.”
It wasn’t a question, but Karen answered, “I know, Spiderman.”
Peter’s mind shot to their weird conversation just before he’d gone on patrol and something in his stomach sank. What was going on with his AI, and now Friday to. He pushed himself harder to get across New York City faster. Something was up, something neither Karen or Friday could tell him, something that had Karen loopholing her protocols to get Peter on patrol, because now that he thought about it, now it made too much sense.
Peter slammed into the Tower, crawling as fast as he could up the side of the building aiming for one of the less occupied floors. “Karen, can you ask Friday to open a window?”
“Friday says the Boss had ordered no one to disturb him.” Karen responded, seeming to completely ignore Peter’s question once more. “She also says, any and all defensive protocols are prohibited from being used on Spiderman.”
Peter’s mind faltered again, as he continued his frantic climb. “You two are giving me whiplash with your weird-ass answers,” he remarked. Peter wasn’t stupid though. For whatever reason, Mr. Stark didn’t want him to know what was going on, but Friday wanted him to anyway. Friday was telling him, without breaking any protocols, that he needed to break into Stark Tower, to help Mr. Stark. Or he was going insane as two top-of-the-line AI’s glitched out.
So, he did just that. Busting through a window in Mr. Stark’s lab, Peter let himself in, crouching on the ceiling ready for a fight. “Where is he?” He asked, not caring which AI answered.
“I am prohibited from giving Spiderman the Boss’s location or state of being,” Friday remarked, Peter could have sworn she sounded frantic, and pissed.
“Karen, where is he?” Peter begged, not even wanting to know why the two had suddenly taken to calling him Spiderman, instead of Peter.
“There is a heat signature in the penthouse, in Mr. Stark’s suite, the bathroom,” Karen answered, showing Peter on his HUD. “The temperature of the body is extremely low.”
Peter’s stomach dropped to his feet and suddenly he felt like throwing up, but he pushed it it a side, deliberated only for a second, before diving back out the broken window, to launch himself up the side of Stark Tower, crashing into the penthouse, and tearing toward Mr. Stark’s suite. His heart was pounding, his head at war as desperation told him he was imagining things, but logic told him he was right on the money.
Peter burst into the bedroom, making a beeline for the bathroom. Not even bothering to knock on the door, Peter tore it off its hinges and tossed it aside. “Mr. Stark!” Peter froze upon seeing his hero, his mentor, his father! slumped against the bathroom counter, pale as a ghost, just as still and in a pool of his own blood. It was Uncle Ben! It was Uncle Ben all over again! But worse! It was worse! Way! Way! Way! WORSE!!!!
“Peter, the best course of action would be to put pressure on his wounds, secure his airways, and get him medical care immediately.” Friday’s frantic voice cut him out of his spiralling panic attack.
“Y-yeah!” he gasped, dropping to his knees, trying not to hurl as he splashed blood everywhere that it already wasn’t. He latched onto Mr. Stark’s bleeding wrist, his hands trembling as he tried to stop the bleeding, without accidentally hurting Mr. Stark more. “M-Mr. Stark?! Tony! Can you hear me?! Don’t you have those Iron-medic-bots, Friday?!” he demanded as he laid Mr. Stark on his back, practically in tears when he realized the man was breathing. He couldn’t clam his own heart long enough to hear if Mr. Stark’s was beating, but it seemed to be, if he was breathing.
“I do, Peter, but without an override of the Boss’s orders I cannot use them.” Peter didn’t have time to think about what this could mean, regarding how the two AI’s had gotten him to the Tower in the first place, all he cared about was his mentor.
“Mr. Stark! Tony! How do I override your stupid protocols?! Please! Don’t leave me! Please?! How do I override them, Friday?!” He screamed.
“Ms. Potts.” Friday stated.
“Call her then!” Peter cried.
“Boss’s protocols--”
“Karen!” Peter was desperate, bordering on hysterical.
“Calling Ms. Potts,” Karen responded.
At the same time, Friday said, “Peter, there are towels just above your head. Be careful of your strength, you could hurt Mr. Stark if you hold too tight.” Peter scrambled for the towels, using his web-shooters when he couldn’t reach them without letting go of Mr. Stark.
“Mr--Tony! Please, don’t die one me!” Peter didn’t quite know how in the hell he wasn’t bawling his eyes out, but his eyes remained dry, almost as if his body was aware of how desperately he needed his vision clear.
“Tony, Babe, I love you but seriously, if I’m going to do this stupid share-holder meeting for you, you can’t call me in the middle of it, using Peter’s AI isn’t going to change that. You’re lucky we’re on a lunch break right now.” Ms. Potts' voice suddenly spoke in Peter’s, making him visibly jump.
“M-Miss Potts!” Peter exclaimed. He was honestly surprised it came out, rather than the sobbing mess he felt like he was inside. “Mr. Star--”
“Ms. Potts, Friday needs a direct override of the Boss’s protocols.” Karen interrupted in an urgent voice.
“Friday, directly override every one of Tony’s protocols that you want. Access code: Even when I’m wrong, I’m right. ” Ms.Potts answered without hesitation. “Peter, what’s going on? Where’s Tony?”
Peter opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He was breaking down. There was an adult present (sort of) he no longer had to be strong. He choked on a sob as his eyes blurred, but hardly had time to really get into it, before several loud crashes echoed through the building and two Iron Man suits erupted from the floor.
Peter shrieked as Mr. Stark was ripped from his hands and placed into a silver and red suit with the American Red-Cross symbol on it. He had very little time to do much else as he too was encased in a suit, though this one was the typical red and gold.
The two sets of armor shot out of the building with a blatant disregard for property damage and shot through the sky toward the north, gaining speed and going supersonic in a matter of minutes, going only as fast as was safe for Mr. Stark.
“I am transporting them to the Compound,” Friday announced in Peter’s ear. “Helen Cho is being contacted. I am sending Happy for Mrs. Parker. Your plane is being prepped and will be ready for take-off by the time you arrive, Boss Lady. Emergency Level: Yellow. Guardian Angel Protocol activated. Rhodey has been notified and is inbound in the War Machine armor. EAT: Five minutes.”
Peter’s mind seemed to blank. One minute he’s shooting toward the Compound at a speed that made his insides turn on each other, the next, he was in a long white hallway surrounded by the Avengers. There was frantic, yet hushed whispers as everyone but Vision questioned Mr. Stark’s wounds.
Distantly, he heard a voice calling his name, but all he could think about was Mr. Stark’s cold prone form on his bathroom floor. Emergency Level: Yellow. He knew what yellow meant. He understood what had happened. He understood now, why the AI’s had been acting strange. He knew everything!
Aside from: why?!
He couldn’t understand! Why would Mr. Stark do it?! Why would he feel that way?! He was Tony Stark! He was amazing! He was always so strong and confident! He was always ready with a snide remark and a smile, teasing Peter, but never lacking in his praise! He was always perfectly put together and understanding and patient!
But you've seen a mask like that before, a voice in his head defended. You knew it was possible.
"But not for Mr. Stark!" he wanted to scream. He never imagined it could have happened to his perfect father-figure, who never so much as faltered.
“Peter!” He jerked out of his thoughts and into his aunt’s arms. Happy appeared behind her, face grim as he went to Vision and Colonel Rhodes, who stood whispering in the corner near the door. “I’m so sorry you had to see that, Baby,” his aunt tried to sooth in his ear.
“Why?” he asked, his voice sounded so dead he almost flinched. Was that really his voice?
“After everything?!” May demanded. “I...no one should have to see someone they love like that, especially a child.”
“So, is someone going to tell us what the fuck is going on?” All eyes turned to Sam Wilson.
“Language!” May and Happy snapped at the same time.
“This is no time for games,” Natasha Romanov countered coldly.
“There is a child present!” May snarled, not even a little intimidated by the assassin-spy turned Avenger.
Before any of them could continue the war, Ms. Potts came sprinting down the corridor barefoot and frantic. “What the hell happened?” She begged. “Nothing has changed!”
Colonel Rhodes and Happy shook their heads looking lost. “Not in the last month, Boss,” Happy said. “Coffee every morning with me.”
“I called at lunch,” Rhodey supplied.
“We had dinner together,” Vision agreed.
All four sets of eyes turned to Aunt May and Peter. Peter flinched in confusion, but Aunt May spoke. “It's a month before school lets out. They've started EOCs, AP testing, and finals. He's been busy, but he texts him all day.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Wanda Maximoff asked, looking particularly at Vision.
But Peter had put the pieces together and he understood exactly what changed. “It’s my fault?!” He gasped, suddenly feeling like the world, already wobbly and confusing, was jerked out from under him. He was free-falling.
“No!” Aunt May turned to him. “No! It’s not!”
“Yes, it is!” Peter cried, tearing away from her as the world spun. “I’ve been blowing him off! I kept telling him I was busy!”
“No, Pete! Baby, he knew you had finals! You text him all the time!” His aunt tried to reassure him.
“It doesn’t matter!” Peter cried, suddenly unable to breath. He couldn’t swallow. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t think! He couldn’t think past the image of Mr. Stark slumped in a puddle of his own blood! “It doesn’t matter! He comes first! He should always come first!”
“Pete! Peter, breathe! Breathe, Sweetie. Follow me. In, 2...3...4, out, 2...3...4.” Peter tried his hardest to follow his aunt’s words as his mind continued to bake up cruelty after cruelty at his failure.
He’d driven Mr. Stark to suicide!!
“Attempted suicide?” Falcon asked, a conversation having happened during Peter's panic attack.
"That is a coward's way out," Scarlet Witch snarled.
Several things happened at once. Ms. Potts, Colonel Rhodes, and Happy all jerked forward ready to rip the girl a new one. 
"I agree," Steve Rogers stated.
Vision took on a sad sort of disappointed look, Black Widow had no reaction toward the words, but Falcon looked pissed.
Aunt May froze.
Peter...Peter stepped forward and faster than any of them could think, let alone see, a SLAP! and CRACK! resonated through the hall.
And the door at the end of the hall opened to reveal Dr. Helen Cho.
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dialovers-hell · 5 years
Laito x Reader ; A Painful Past
Sorry but tumblr was being glitchy and completely messed up the layout for my latest post so I decided to delete and repost it, hopefully this works!
anonymous asked:
laito  react to his ex- telling that they had a son, that want to meet him but  she don't want that happen because she don't want him to disappoint  himself with the father, because she thinks Laito is irresponsable and  it's not a good influence for his baby? And the others brothers  discovery that they have a nephew? (sorry the bad english)
OK I'm not sure if i completely grasped all of that that, but i'll try my best!! Also i put this under read more because it is a PRETTY long scenario so you might when to get a snack and a drink but i hope you all enjoy <3
You noticed yourself picking at the skin around your fingers, you were nervous. Extremely nervous. It's not every day that you arrange a meeting with an ex to tell them to stay away from his son that he didn't even know existed, but things were getting out of hand back home. Your son had just entered high school and was desperate to meet with his father no matter how many times you've tried to explain that all it would do is bring heartbreak and pain... just like it did in the past. But he wasn't willing to listen, and you were worried that he might try finding his father himself so this was the only option you had left. So now here you were, sitting on a park bench alone, waiting to address the source of the problem himself, Laito Sakamaki.
It was actually a bright afternoon, but your grim thoughts quickly dampened the atmosphere as you recalled the last moments you spent with your once beloved boyfriend
"How could you do this to me? And with that blonde bimbo too!! I thought what we had was real Laito, I thought that you had finally moved on from this juvenile fuckboy phase, but clearly, I was mistaken." You scream as the tears cascaded down your flushed cheeks.
"Y/n please, no, it was a mistake... I'm not even sure why I did it in the first place! I was drunk. Desperate! You were gone, and I was so lonely, all I craved was warmth, and she gave it to me when you couldn't. That's all. It meant nothing to me. You have to forgive me, you're the only person I've ever loved. I can't live without you by my side.." the redhead exclaims.
But you were not going to let him get the best of you; not this time. You barely get a chance to catch your breath when a burst of fury comes rushing out of your mouth... "You never have and never will be capable of truly loving someone! The only thing you are capable of loving is yourself you selfish prick! Don't you dare even try to deny it because we all know that you've done it way too many times for it to just be a mistake. When are you going to finally grow up and be responsible for once in your life?!"
The room was filled with silence as he painstakingly processed the mental breakdown he had just witnessed before him.
"What? No witty remark? No endless list of excuses this time? Wow. I cannot believe that for once in his life, THE Laito Sakamaki is speechless... Well you know what, save your breath because I'm sick of your excuses." Your shaky hands then began to practically move on their own, frantically shoving as many pieces of clothing into your suitcase as you humanly could. You started making your way to the door, your footsteps leaving a trail of flames.
He finally snapped out of his trance watching you leave in such a hurried state and timidly called out to ask where you were going.
"Where do you think I'm going?" You snapped back. "As of right now, my only goal in life is to be as far away from you as possible."
You were momentarily swayed by the look of genuine hurt in his eyes when you said that but quickly shook it off. All you could think of was making the pain stop so if leaving forever was the only way to do so, then so be it.
"Don't.." he pleaded, "please... don't go."
The words "just keep walking" kept repeating over and over again in your head until it turned into a chant, fueling your legs as you dragged yourself to the exit. You hesitated for a moment when you heard a broken voice peep out from behind you.
"You'll never be able to live without me, I know you'll come running back eventually. You love me, and you know it so please save us the time and just stay... Why do you always have to make things so difficult?"
And that was it. That was the very last straw because the second he uttered those words, you bolted out the door. Not once turning around.
You chuckled at the irony. That was supposed to be one of the happiest days of your life cause what he didn't know was that while you were out of town visiting family, your "stomach virus" started to become a little suspicious so after dragging yourself to the hospital, you had found out that you were pregnant.
You were supposed to tell him the second you came back, but that never happened. You didn't even get the chance to because due to your decision to go back a day early out of pure excitement, you were met with blonde locks sticking out of the duvet on your side of the bed and the only thing you could remember seeing from that point on was red.
A voice pulled you out of your trance and you were met with those emerald eyes that you never expected to see again.
"Laito, we need to talk."
"I know that I read your message.. how are you?"
"I'm fine, but we really don't have time for chit chat right now, this is urgent."
"My my y/n, even after all these years you're still rushing through everything, we have all the time in the world to talk, so a little catching up isn't a big deal. I've missed you... And what could be so important anywa-"
"You have a son."
His jaw dropped to the floor. A son?! How could this have been possible, the two of you were always safe! ...most of the time. This was unbelievable. His head was spinning, and you could tell that he was in a state of shock, so you firmly grabbed him by the arm and forced him to sit down.
"A-a-a-a A son?" he sputtered, still not grasping the information you had just told him.
"Yes Laito, a son." You repeated coolly.
"This is... This is amazing! I can't believe we have a son! How old is he now? What school does he go to? Does he have my hair? What about his eyes? I hope he has your soft, gentle eyes rather than my aggressive green ones. What's he like? When will I get to meet him-" You cut him off right there. You had gone through multiple scenarios of his reaction in your head, but excited definitely wasn't one of them.
"Laito... you aren't going to meet him. That's actually what I came here to talk about."
"What do you mean?" He stared back at you with a puzzled look on his face. "I'm his father, I have to meet him."
"No, you don't." You interject. "See, you're still as selfish as always.."
"What do you mean selfish? Y/n I have as much a right to be there for him as you do!"
"But that's the thing! You weren't there for him, and I was. I was there for his first words, his first steps, his first heartbreak, his first EVERYTHING. But then here you go trying to swoop in last second as if nothing ever happened. YOU made ME leave remember? All I want from you is to avoid my son at all costs; I don't care what you have to do but just leave him be. If he ever gets in contact with you, don't you dare reply. You don't deserve to. Not after all of that shit you've already put me through" The raw emotions were just pouring out of you, leaving you shaking and breathless. All this built up frustration was coming out all at once, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
"Please, just hear me ou-" Once more, you cut him off, not caring for what he had to say. The scars he had engraved in you were far too deep to ignore, and you were going to make sure that he knew that.
"I don't need to hear you out! Don't you realize what kind of influence you would be in his life? Judging by your past behavior, it clearly wouldn't be a good one!" You forced yourself to take a deep breath, "I am just trying to protect him, and if you care at all for him, you'll stay away. Understood?"
After minutes of silence has passed, Laito finally decides to speak up.
"I know that I haven't been the best person throughout my life, hell, I even ruined my only chance of happiness which was you. I understand that you're trying to do your job as a mother, but there's nothing to protect him from. You have to believe me. After you left, I was in ruins. Nothing seemed to spark joy in me anymore. No matter how many clubs or parties I would go to, the image of you just wouldn't get out of my head. It was unbearable, and no drug or drink was able to numb the pain. But I'm trying to become a better person. For you. All these years, the only reason that I've been working on myself was for you. I even gave up drinking. Just so I would one day be able to pluck up the courage and finally return to you as a changed man. The man you deserve." By the end of his rant, he was panting. You've never seen him look so...broken.
Your cheeks felt damp, you hadn't even realized that you started crying. Your sleeve was quickly brought up to your face to wipe away any signs of emotion, but by then it was too late. There wasn't any point in trying to hide the tears anymore. The walls you had worked so hard to build up came crumbling down in a matter of seconds.
"Why?" you choked out, "why now? How come you didn't tell me about any of this earlier. The last time I saw you, you were a lost cause who seemed to expect that I wouldn't be able to live without him. So why after all these years are you finally trying to fix us? You haven't even tried to contact me after that night. You didn't even try. Why didn't you fight for me? Was I not worth it at the time?" By that point, all of the strength had left your body, and you were a blubbering mess. It was almost as if no time had passed since that fight and you were back to being the naive, innocent little girl you once were.
He sighs before taking a step towards you and caressing your cheek with his thumb. "Trust me y/n, if I could have met with you sooner, I would have. But after what I did to you, I knew that I was going to a dark place and the last thing I wanted to do was drag you down with me. I didn't deserve you back then. But I promise you I've changed. And I won't stop changing until I've become good enough for both you and my son. All I want is for us to be happy together. That's all I've ever wanted, but apparently, I couldn't let go of my pride. Not anymore though. Please y/n, just give me one more chance.”
You were so confused, but honestly, you didn't care. He was saying all of the words that you've wanted to hear, but for once, you actually think that he meant them. It wasn't going to be easy, but you decided that it was worth a shot. For the sake of your only child, you were going to let his father try to insert himself into the picture. Fixing your relationship with Laito might take some time, but that didn't matter. All you cared about was the fact that you were finally back in his arms, so after a deep breath you were finally able to push your anger aside and say "okay."
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Devil’s Temptation pt17
Warning: Mod Styling warlords, Strong Language
Chapter 17 – Masterful Lessons
Tower after tower of blinking lights and electric clicking sounds. It was just a massive dense digital rainforest of mainframe computing. Sasuke actually enjoyed this aspect of his job more than the weapons. He never liked fighting, he did, however, see the need to raise arms when protecting someone he loved. Kenshin had taken him in after seeing potential in him, although he was never told exactly what that potential was. 
His family wasn’t part of the crime world both his parents and grandparents had been in education. At some point during university, he was forced to drop out due to lack of funds and that was when the trouble started. Looking back, it was a hard introduction to the underworld.
Loan sharks. The bottom feeders. His parents had agreed to be guarantors on a loan for a friend who later turned up dead. Dead or not a loan is a loan and the debt collectors wanted the money. Sasuke was home when they broke in and went for his mother and sister. He jumped in before he could think and protected them. His father came home later to find a battered and bloody Sasuke being tended too by his mother. Desperate for help Sasuke informed them he’d find a job that would help and he would take on the debt. He didn’t want them targeted again.
Sasuke walked through the white marble entrance into the Uesugi buildings, clutching his CV in his hand. Kenshin was passing by the reception on his way back from a meeting when he collapsed. He was white as snow and getting colder with each passing second. It was his quick thinking that prevented him from slipping off the mortal coil completely before an ambulance could arrive. Sasuke often wondered if there was such a thing as fate. Something that tied others together through the threads of time. After receiving medical treatment in hospital Kenshin sought him out and offered him a job.
“Mr Uesugi. I am no fighter, Sir. At best I have a very basic level of understanding of self-defence.”
“But you have formidable analytical skills and your grades in other areas such as calculus, economics and electronics could prove to be useful to me. Are you aware of what I do?” Kenshin addressed the young Sasuke.
“I’ve heard rumours.��
“Then I shall add an ability to listen and show discretion and caution to your list of merits.” Kenshin approached the young man from behind his desk, locking Sasuke in his sights. The only emotion the man exuded was determination. “I am not asking you to fight just stand by my side and learn, follow orders and as for the rest… I’ll train you myself.”
He felt a small sense of dread rising within him at accepting such an offer but he also knew he needed a job. He needed to help protect his family. Swimming in the same lake as Kenshin Uesugi would not just kill all his birds with one stone it should set him up with a way to take down the scum at the bottom of the barrel and help protect others from the same fate.
“Then I am in your care.” Sasuke bowed.
Yukimura entered the room behind Sasuke a large tool bag in hand, putting it down on the ground with a thump that brought Sasuke back to the present. Mitsunari trotted in after carrying the laptop and several hand-held circuit readers, nearly dropping them as he stumbled.
“Oops… Oh! Thank you.”
“No Problem.” Sasuke caught the tech in his hands before they had time to tumble to the ground.
“Why are we doing this and not just you know…” Yukimura asked as he made tapping fingers on invisible keyboard gestures “Digi stuff?”
“Digi stuff?” Mitsunari inclined his head.
“You’ll have to excuse Yukimura Mitsunari. Technical terminology is time-consuming jargon to him.” Sasuke explained as he removed some blueprints from the tool bag and the other men gathered next to him to look at the map of circuitry.
“Is that meant to be a dig at me?”
“Of course not. I admire your honesty and straightforwardness it saves time.” Sasuke was nothing if not completely honest as well. It was one of the things that Yukimura liked about him. That and the guy seemed completely useless when it came to lying.
“So, we are looking for what? A wiretap or something?” Yukimura looked from the coloured lines on the blueprint to the towers in the room. Talk about a needle in a haystack.
“Not quite. From observations on the code streams I’ve seen, there was nothing to suggest that the IP had been jacked by an outside location.” Sasuke calmly explained details as simply as he could.
“Someone did something on the inside?” Mitsunari ran his fingers over the information laid out before him, his purple eyes dilating as he scanned the new information.
“Yes, I believe someone has placed a separate server in here and linked that to the internal mainframe network.” Sasuke began calculating sections of the mainframe mentally. “In that case, they wouldn’t need to hack just access their own server in order to access the files they wanted.”
“Wait. If it isn’t hacked what the hell set off the alarms then? I mean if it was all linked up and they didn’t have to hack, it shouldn’t have set off the alert. Right?” Yukimura was even more confused. You wanted action he could do that you wanted strategic planning and plotting that was always Shingen’s domain.
“I think it comes down to timing. A few days ago, the monthly maintenance occurred. After that, all main server passwords were changed automatically by predetermined algorithms. If the additional server was added before this and the ones doing that didn’t know…”
“All it would take is for them to attempt access with an old password claiming to be part of the system for it to flag up a problem.” Mitsunari cut of Sasuke seamlessly. It was like looking at two people sharing a brain and saying the same thing. Yukimura had to work hard to suppress the urge to hum the theme from the twilight zone.
“Ok… well let’s find this thing.”
A battered, oxidized business sign welcomed the car's arrival with its pealing lead paint. Shin could say one thing about this city, it provided convenient secluded locations for work.
Shin opened the driver’s door and grimaced as his clean black shoes touched the dirty and neglected ground in the abandoned factories forecourt. Great… just great. Clicking the fob on the key he popped the trunk and was happy to see the human cargo was still out for the count. Shin bent down slipping one of Mitsuhide’s arms over his shoulder and then after shifting the weight a little grabbed a leg and draped the prone form of Mitsuhide over his shoulders. You are heavier than you look Mr Akechi.
It took around an hour to set things up. The facilities weren’t exactly as clinical as he would have liked but they would work. Industrial looms sat in inches of dust, old textile fragments hung from the air like long forgotten flags on a battlefield. Discarded bobbins and other bric-a-brac scattered on the ground like a storm had passed through. He located a room towards the back of the building that was stable and clear enough for him to work safely. After making sure Mitsuhide was “comfortable” and secure he set up his tools on a clean sheet near his soon to be very helpful guest.
Time ticked by slowly and he watched as the crucified figure before him started to stir back into life. They were testing things with little movements that could have easily been missed if you weren’t paying attention. The rattle of the metal behind them was the last sound he needed to hear that told him they were truly conscious.
“I see you’re awake.”
The drug haze was lifting from his mind a little as he allowed his eyes to adjust to the bad lighting around him. He didn’t think he would be alone so the sound of a voice talking to him from the gloom was not shocking. It would have been stranger had he actually just been left alone to dangle. Looks like the fun has started. Let’s see who has the stronger hand.
“Ah, I see I have finally got you where I need you.” Mitsuhide’s voice was a little strained. It was to be expected he hadn’t used it since being drugged and he was tied up at present.
“Isn’t that what I was meant to say next?” Shin asks chuckling a little at the ridiculousness of the claim. He had been a little further away in the room sitting on a foldable chair, drinking tea from his thermos patiently waiting for Mitsuhide to regain consciousness.
“Not if you knew what I do.” A wicked smile that almost seemed to glow in the darkness spread over Mitsuhide’s face. Fake it till you make it. 
It was unnerving. Shin knew this game, it was a mental game of chicken. But what if it wasn’t a game? People normally beg for life or to make whatever it was you were going to do to them quick. That was standard response in this situation and he had been prepared to listen to that. Have I truly missed something? He seems far too sure of himself to just be playing games.
“Talk is cheap and in a short while you won’t be talking much longer.” Shin spoke levelly as he moved a little closer.
“Now who’s saying who’s lines? Ha-ha and to think I thought you were a Pro. I overestimated you. You’re nothing but a rank amateur at this.” Mitsuhide persisted with his taunting. Shin’s eyes were glancing around discreetly as he tried not to show what he was doing. He was curious, he was interested… he was starting to second guess himself. Good. I can work with that.
“Amateur! You dare call your captor that, in your position? Clearly, we both overestimated each other. I always thought you were smart.” Shin lost his perfect composure. In all his years in dispatch, working in the shadows cleaning the path for his employer he had never been so disrespected. Really Mr Takada something as small, as your captive taunting you, is enough to make you crack?
“Let me explain for the benefit of the class.” Mitsuhide grinned devilishly and dipped his face down. The light caused deep shadows to fall over his features, his yellow eyes glowed as he watched the other man. It all looked… unnatural. “You try this in my city, in my playground with no clue of what you are doing…” 
“Why you little…”
“Ah ah ah. I’m talking. You will wait till I finish.” Mitsuhide interrupted Shin and held his control over the conversation easily. Pausing for a few seconds to revel in the other man’s agitated confusion. “There’s a good boy. Well now. By the condition of this place and the direction of the light coming you could have only brought me to one of two buildings. But knowing an amateur this is probably the old carpet factory.”
Mitsuhide was bluffing. Bluff a bad hand and see if it's enough to make the challenger raise his interest and take the bait. He had always had a way of making things sound believable and worked it to his advantage. You can fake mostly anything if you have a basic knowledge on it. You just had to use the right words and have the ability to keep your nerve while acting confident. When playing games, it was a boon. And there is no bigger game than one where your life is forfeit. The fact was this building was one he was intimately familiar with, he had used it himself many times. If you had just travelled a little further and gone to the storage and loading areas you would have seen it. You would have recognised… this is my playroom… my dungeon. But you didn’t, did you?
“How?... not that it matters. You know where you will die.” The hesitation in his voice was telling. Shin was definitely feeling like he had missed something vital. He had moved back again and was roaming his eyes around as if he thought he would see a clear indication that way of what was going on.
“Ah ah ah I’m still talking!” Mitsuhide kept his captor’s attention from wandering in a direction that could work logically. Distractions. They could be simple or they could be hard but ultimately a distraction is a distraction, and they can cost you dearly.
“Why does it feel as if we have reversed roles?” Shin muttered to himself, bringing his hand up to the back of his neck and rubbing it. This should have been simple. It should have been easy. Everything was planned… everything had been thought out and arranged. He had taken everything into account. Except for the victim. The infuriatingly calm, goading man before him. This whole situation was wrong, but Shin couldn’t think clearly long enough for him to make any of it make sense to him.
“On with the lesson. You tie me to a…” Mitsuhide gave a little wriggle as he once again tested his own position. “closed elevator gate and by the feel of it… oh yes…. Mhm…. you used plastic ties on my wrists.” He kept his expression the same, head angled to the side as if he was still checking details. His feral grin frozen in place. If Shin had been closer, he would have seen Mitsuhide’s eyes starting to dilate. The pain of being suspended, the uncomfortable biting sensation digging in his wrists from the cable ties. I really hate to admit it to myself, but this does feel exceptionally nice… No that can wait for another day. A different path to entertainment and pleasure has presented itself.
Shin noticed the change. It should have been minor but to him, it was as clear as the traverse of the night into day. That guy is so calm. I seriously feel like I’m missing some-… wait, is he enjoying this?
“And you left my legs unbound? Tut… tut. Although I would say that is ok, as long as you don’t intend to get closer than ten feet now that I am aware that I can move them.” As Mitsuhide spoke Shin stepped back a couple of feet without even realising he was moving.  “Second mistake.” Mitsuhide’s head snapped up. A movement that was so sharp and sudden that it made Shin jolt.
“Another? What?”
Panic. That was what that foreign feeling was inside him now. His organised attack. His well thought out plan. All of it falling apart and failing him and he couldn’t see how. The barbed tongue of the viper before him had laced his words with such effective poison that he didn’t even realise the control he had lost until it was completely taken from him. This was not good at all. Shin looked over and the rippling chill that was filling him moved like a flash freeze in his system. His gun, his tools… all of them cleanly and meticulously laid out for use. All of them were around twenty feet too far away for him to reach. Shit…
“This elevator is more than seventy years old and the gate likewise. An amateur would put a brand-new lock on such a gate to keep it closed I… oh, look how confused he is at this simple comment. Did you figure out the problem yet?... No? ok, looks like a demonstration is in order as you still don’t seem to be getting it.” Mitsuhide chuckled sinisterly in the darkness. It was worse than any horror film audio Shin had heard. It travelled in the air, clinging and sticking to things, bouncing off them only to echo more. “Right, are we paying attention?” Shin didn’t move. He couldn’t in the same way he couldn’t look at anything else but the malignant and terrifying spectre in front of him. “What happens when a new solid reinforced metal strikes against an old rusted piece of metal?”
“It… It breaks.” Shin answered rather like a programmed doll. There was a brief moment of triumph in his voice as he got the right answer but it was washed away by a wave of anxiety as he looked at the new Yale lock hanging like a wish token in a temple on the gate.
“Correct” Mitsuhide cried out as he managed to swing his legs to the side and kick off from the solid wall. 
The stress and pressure of such a sudden movement caused the padlock to snap the rusted metal it was on, breaking its hold on the gate and making the hinges weaken. The binds on his wrists twisted into his flesh drawing blood. But that was only a momentary euphoric agony as the gate began to concertina and snap shut behind him. The folding metal cleaved the plastic ties from him as it went. 
Gracefully Mitsuhide landed softly on the ground just in front of the gates behind him. Hinges giving out finally causing the rusted metal to frame him like corroded wings. “As I was saying. I have you exactly where I want you. In a locked room where I have access to the only escape route.” Shin stood there in awe. He had never seen that. Never had a meal turn on its plate and fight back. Never seen someone look as inhuman and wild as Mitsuhide. “And would you look at that? You even laid out all these charming little toys beside me.”
Mitsuhide felt a familiar thrill straining within him. He could drink until his body passed out and never feel this kind of intoxication. His voice was low and growling, his movements were smoke edged with lethal intent. You broke the chain. You fed the beast. Time to pay the price.
“Well, Mr Takada… Are you ready to play a game?”
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drbtinglecannon · 6 years
Feathers and sniffles
Hi I wrote another huwumi fic cause I need more content so I guess I'll provide it myself. This is just a fluffy sickfic, hope you enjoy! Also on Ao3.
A delinquent's quirk managed to spread a non-lethal illness to anyone in a specific radius. They had been apprehended, but not before managing to make a number of high-ranking pros and regular civilians come down with an extremely exaggerated case of the common cold.
The exact names of the affected were kept from the public, as to not stir unease in the week or two it took for them to recover. In the meantime several hero academies took this opportunity to have students studying for their licenses to work in large groups and pick up all the patrolling hours being neglected.
UA was one of the schools involved in this project. Shouto has been texting Fuyumi updates often to help ease her stress of him and his other equally young classmates running around playing Hero.
Thankfully the individual infecting people was not affiliated with any group, and claims to have taken out a number of villains and petty criminals as well. Given there has been little incident last week and most drug stores have sold out of cough drops and cold medicine, the police are inclined to believe him but tighten security in certain areas to be safe.
Being related to one of the pros turned sick, Fuyumi volunteered to be among those trusted by the police to monitor some of the heroes a couple times a day. It was too dangerous filling any one hospital with all the out-of-commission pros during the mini epidemic, so their addresses were shared with a very small select group of family or friends.
Some heroes, like Best Jeanist, had a plethora of very dedicated employees to check up on them. Others who were more of loners, like Miruko, had to deal with good Samaritans coming by to help out a bit.
Which is how Fuyumi finds herself in Hawks apartment.
It was on the very top floor of the building, and immediately upon entry Fuyumi could see it had large glass doors that let copious amounts of light pour in, leading to a nice sized balcony that housed several potted plants. The location made sense, Hawks' wings made access to the highest level of the complex simple and the balcony was an added convenience to come and go from.
The space was otherwise plain looking with a small couch, weights, TV and gaming consoles, and a futon roll on the ground. There were a number of empty waters, feathers, and a couple bottles of painkillers strewn on the floor, probably used in vain to try and combat the quirk.
Of the few heroes Fuyumi stopped to visit during free time over the week, Hawks’ space was easily the cleanest. She shuddered thinking back on Mt.Lady’s disastrous place, hoping it was mostly due to her being sick and didn't always look like that.
The sound of running water came from down the hall, signaling the winged hero must be showering.
Fuyumi closed and locked the door behind her, taking her shoes off before sliding on the guest slippers by the door. It was a little nerve-wracking coming over at all, but even stranger to use a spare key to enter.
She dropped a small bag of essentials on the kitchen counter, quickly putting things in the fridge and searching the cabinets for a stock pot to reheat the soup in. Hawks had a surprisingly large array of cookware, leading her to assume he cooked often.
Eventually Fuyumi found an appropriate pot and poured the soup in, placing it on a burner. The water down the hall stopped, and a few moments later a door opened. “Hello, please excuse me!” She called out.
Uncharacteristically heavy footsteps padded down the hall, and there emerged a pitifully miserable looking Hawks. He had large bags under his eyes, his skin was pale and clammy even after his shower, his hair fell limply around his face, and his nose was red.
He sniffled, and rubbed his eyes. “Hey…” Even his voice sounded pitiful.
Fuyumi gave him a sympathetic look, not bothering to criticize he greeted a guest with nothing but a large fluffy towel around his waist and...very tiny wings.
There were hardly any of those bright colored feathers attached to his back, and the ones there drooped sadly. “Um...where are your wings?” Fuyumi tried and failed to word the question eloquently.
“Hm? Oh…” He cast a glance over his shoulder. “I can control the feathers, but when I'm super tired or sick it's kind of fuzzy so I just let ‘em fall off. They're all over my room.”
She nodded, still a little confused on the nature of his quirk. She's seen on TV before how he can remove and reattach the feathers at will, but it was strange to see him wingless because he couldn't control them in his current state.
“Well, I brought you chicken soup, I figured you would prefer that to miso.” She gestured to the pot. “I can make you a serving after you get dressed.”
She half expected him to make a teasing joke about his state of undress, but instead he made a non-committal noise and slowly shuffled back down the hall to his room. Though she appreciated he was too sick to sass or flirt for once, it was bizarre.
Fuyumi pulled a bowl out of the cabinet and filled it with soup, hoping it would help Hawks act a little more normal.
Loud footfall signaled his return, and he carelessly fell onto the couch. He was still shirtless but had put on baggy sweatpants and a small towel on his shoulders. Fuyumi supposed that was dressed enough, and hoped he wasn't so delirious he’d spill hot soup on his bare chest.
Fuyumi grabbed a water from the fridge and carried it over with the warmed food. She sat next to him, no concern over the illness being contagious from anyone but the actual quirk-user, and gently nudged the bowl into his hands.
He huffed a thanks, and they sat in mostly silence. Hawks quietly slurping spoonfuls of broth, sniveling every few seconds, and occasionally groaning softly in annoyance, and Fuyumi lightly tapping away on her phone.
Eventually Hawks finished the soup and downed the water. He slumped back on the couch while Fuyumi swiftly took the bowl back to the kitchen. She washed it and the pot, and gathered up the various discarded bottles on the floor for the recycling bin.
“Hawks? Won't you be more comfortable sleeping in your bed?” Fuyumi nudged his shoulder gently until he finally blinked his eyes open.
“Hmm…hey…” He dropped his head back down and tried to resume napping.
She breathed a laugh. “Yes, hi. Now come on, let me take you to bed.”
Fuyumi slapped her hand over her mouth, face heating up from the poor wording of her request. She stared at the hero wide-eyed, scared of what his response will be.
Maybe he'll just shamelessly flirt back? But what if he gets weirded out or offended? I'm just supposed to be here to help, not accidentally say awkward things...
Hawks lifted his head up again, and sniffled. “...ok.” He slowly pushed himself off the couch, grabbed Fuyumi’s hand, and led her down the hall. Or he won't care...that works too.
Normally Fuyumi would've protested holding hands, but Hawks looked so out of it he probably didn’t even notice he took her hand. His palm felt sweaty, but she decided not to vocally complain.
Fuyumi briefly wonders how it'd feel to hold his hand sometime when he's not sick. Not that she'd tell the winged hero that.
The walk down the hall is short, even despite how slowly Hawks was moving. He pushed open the door to his room and made a b-line to the bed, letting go of Fuyumi’s hand so he could fall face first on it.
He wasn't kidding earlier, his room was covered in feathers. The fluffy quills stuck all over everything as if a bomb of crimson paint had exploded. Fuyumi was momentarily terrified when the door first swung open before realizing the walls were in fact not caked in blood. Aside from that, there were a couple more small succulents on his dresser, some clothes thrown on the ground, and a tall bookcase filled with novels and comics.
There was a glass of water and some more medicine on the bedside table, which Fuyumi happily took note of.
Fuyumi glanced around, before stopping on Hawks’ form collapsed on the bed. “Would you like me to tuck you in?” Briefly she worried again about crossing any boundaries, but Hawks peered up at her and nodded.
He shuffled a little so he was no longer lying on the sheets. She pulled them up and draped them gently over his back and shoulders, smiling when he mumbled a thanks.
Fuyumi tucked her hair behind her ear and glanced around. “Would you like me to help clean up? There are a lot of feathers everywhere...”
Hawks closed his eyes and shook his head a little. He looked like he was going to pass out any second, but eventually he cleared his throat. “Todo-san?” She didn't comment on the nickname, but hummed encouragingly for him to continue. “...Would you stay ‘til I fall asleep?”
Fuyumi’s face felt warm, the request was innocent but asked so timidly. It was hard to turn him down, especially when he was in this state, so she agreed and sat on the edge of the bed next to him after scooting some quills out of the way.
Fuyumi played with her hair nervously, reading the titles on the binds of the books she could see from her spot. She glanced at Hawks and smiled softly at his relaxed and sleepy expression. He was usually so talkative and snarky, but being sick left him very quiet.
Hawks was still sniffling a bit as he lied there. “Todo-san?” His voice was so small she would've missed it if there was any other noise in the room.
“Yes, Hawks? Do you need anything?” Fuyumi leaned a little closer to better hear him when he responded.
“Thanks for coming by…’ppreciate it…” Hawks snuggled his face further into his pillow, which made it harder to hear his hoarse mumbling. “I owe y’one.”
Fuyumi laughed lightly. “It's no problem, but if you want to repay me you can just get better soon. Ok?” He hummed in response, probably too close to sleep to properly understand her words.
After a couple minutes of occasionally peeping at Hawks’ face to check for any discomfort, Fuyumi was certain he fell dead asleep. She slowly stood from the bed and tiptoed out of the room, gingerly closing the door behind her.
Fuyumi did a quick scan of the living room to see if there were any missed bottles to clean up. She grabbed her bag and was about to leave when she noticed a whiteboard on the fridge with a grocery list on it.
She paused, before taking the marker and writing a small note. With that she took her leave, locking the door behind her.
Hawks slowly blinked his eyes open, and immediately was hit with a wave of pain and disgust. He wished he spent more time appreciating how easy it was to breath through his nose back when he had the ability too.
The winged hero groaned as he sat up, spine cracking in several places. He was only in his early twenties but felt so old right now. He tossed a couple pills from the medicine bottle into his mouth then grabbed the water next to it and chugged, ignoring the slight discomfort on his throat from swallowing.
When he finished he stood up and headed to the kitchen to get more water, sniffling every few seconds. He pulled open the fridge door, grabbed the pitcher from the shelf, filled his glass, and put it back.
When he closed the door, he did a double take at the exterior.
Hawks had a whiteboard on the fridge for his grocery list, but a neat handwriting that definitely wasn't his had marked it.
You fell asleep, so I made sure the dishes and empty bottles were cleaned up before leaving. As I said before, you can repay me by getting better soon! :) -Todoroki Fuyumi
The winged hero must've reread the words at least five times now, face getting warmer with each time.
The first real smile he's had since getting sick spread on his face as he read the message a sixth time. “Well...I guess being sick hasn't been too bad. I really hope Todoroki-san is the one to drop by tomorrow too.”
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purkinje-effect · 6 years
The Purkinje Effect, 31
Table of Contents
‘Choly and Geek both shook off once they got inside the Statehouse, and exchanged glances when each noticed the other doing so. After looking to the spiral staircase, ‘Choly put a hand to the Mister Handy’s spherical side and gave it a vague nod. It halved its thrusters to hover lower long enough for ‘Choly to hoist himself up atop its back via its harness,  somewhat like mounting a horse. The three of them then scaled the stairs.
“Holy moly.” One of the Neighborhood Watchmen on duty inside had recognized ‘Choly. “It ain’t true, is it? You ripped off Hancock? You gotta death wish or somethin’?”
The Russian paused halfway up the stairs to glance down at the guard dully.
“Maybe so.”
Unable to interpret his acquaintance’s demeanor as they resumed their ascent, Geek wondered whether ‘Choly had grown tired of hearing about it, or if this was the way the dreg exhibited pride. Rather than dissect it, Geek’s brain fixated again on the bar argument. Shaking, he started into a fresh cigarette, and put the pack back in his sleeve pocket.
When’s your flavor gonna run out, Blue?
“–He’s gonna be heading out soon. Probably wants me to go with.”
“Do you want to go with him?”
“Course I do. ...Provided he still wants me to.”
“How long?”
“Dunno, a couple–” Hancock and Fahr both looked up when ‘Choly dismounted from his Handy. The ghoul mayor stopped pacing and patted at the back of the couch with an odd smile. “Now this is unexpected.”
“I had a bright idea.” ‘Choly took one of the armchairs. “Mmh, we. We did. We wanted to discuss it with you.”
When Geek sat beside Fahr, Hancock leaned lackadaisically on the back of the empty couch to dull his anxiousness.
“You two have my undivided attention.”
Fahr nursed a fat cigar, which Geek stole and traded for his cigarette. In a moment of disconnect, she briefly weighed the safeness of smoking after him, but shrugged it off with only minor nuisance. The musky heaviness of the cigar’s smoke felt outright viscous versus that of the cigarettes, and it soothed him enough to unclench.
“We wanna take back the Boston Library,” Geek began before ‘Choly could get a word in. “Put this lil’... entourage to the test.”
“A proposal for the three of us to work toward a common goal?” Hancock’s thoughtful interest diffused into concern poorly hid behind a smile. “This is way bigger than a problem with rats in warehouses. It’s all right if you need some time before we try to tackle somethin’ like that.”
An implicit ‘I know you’re jumping on this because you can’t sit still’ lingered behind Hancock’s dark ghoulish eyes, and it ate the pink ghoul alive. Geek took a long, slow hit off the cigar in an attempt to steady his breathing, and he didn’t speak or make eye contact before he’d fully exhaled all the smoke.
“This is gonna be so good for Goodneighbor, an’ it’s gonna be good for me. I owe it to this town, an’ I owe it t’Daisy. An’ I... I owe it to you. You navigated that sh, shh. Shitshow when my health was too bad for me to stand up for myself. You’re responsible for me gettin’ cured just as much as the guy who made the cure an’ gave it to me. I’m confident I wouldn’t be here right now if it hadn’t been for you playin’ interference for me.”
No one knew what to say, the only sound the Handy’s thruster as it idled near the doorway.
“Daisy put you up to this, then,” Hancock deduced. He jumped the couch and helped himself to the tin of Mentats on the coffee table. As he slouched on his knees, he let a lozenge melt under his tongue. His hands wandered to fidget with all manner of paraphernalia before him, navigating them as he thought through imagined tactics. “She always has tried to foster chemistry when she thinks it’s off to a rocky start.”
The mayor had nailed not only whose idea it had been, but also how she’d even figured out the trio was soon to become one. When Geek folded in embarrassment of that level of transparency, ‘Choly glanced between the two ghouls in consternation, interpreting the mayor’s description of the merchant’s motives as implicit of Geek and Hancock having hit a bad patch. Had he got himself between a lovers’ tiff?
“Surely you agree with Geek that Goodneighbor stands to gain a lot with this venture. I think we all stand to gain a lot from a library.” The chemist smirked at him coyly. “Can you handle two companions on such an errand, Mayor?”
“I sure as hell wouldn’t go it alone, that’s for sure.” The mayor exchanged a knowing look with Fahrenheit before he reclined back where he sat. “I can tell the two of you have thought this over beforehand, so it’s less a matter of whether this is going to happen and more a matter of how. What kind of game plan are we talking?”
“We, we really ha--” Geek shot ‘Choly a sour look, and the chemist knew he had to improvise. “Well, even if we could just walk in an unlocked front door, I believe that’s not the best recourse. I don’t fare well guns blazing, and even if both of you do, from the sound of it... there’s definitely more super mutants in there than two humans could take at once. I know Angel’s going to be useful here, but we could still get easily swarmed. If I remember right, there’s a subway station underneath the library. We could try to sneak in through the subway and pick off as many of them as we can before they get wind of us.”
“’If you remember right’?” Geek rubbed at his forehead, irritated. “What, you got a photographic memory of prewar blueprints or somethin’?”
“Hey, now. You’re the one putting me on the spot. I’ve been in downtown Boston, and I know the subway made stops at the library. I just don’t remember exactly where the next closest station is, so we could travel below street level.”
“From what I know of subways,” Hancock contemplated, the brain drugs doing a lot of finger-walking across mental maps, “there’s more than one route, and any given train was supposed to only travel on one of them. If there’s a subway station under the library, I’m sure it’s on the same route as Fenway Station and Park Street Station, spatially speaking. I can tell you right here from experience that Fenway’s inaccessible. So that leaves Park Street. Except Geek’s not gonna like that.”
When Geek didn’t get it, Fahr interjected with fatigue, “That’s on the Common.”
“--Hhfuck no. No.”
Geek got up and paced, face broken with grief, but Hancock was still thinking.
“Don’t worry, I don’t like the idea either, but not for a fear of birds. --No, actually, now come to think of it, that’ll be perfect. Though 'Choly, just to rule it out, you don’t think we could just get into the station at the library from street level?”
“I think coming into the building anywhere near the street doors is more likely to give us away prematurely. Entering the subway that close is too risky.”
“So’s wearing all that fur, to address the elephant in the room.”
Fahr matter-of-factly handed Geek her cigarette butt. He swallowed it with a shit-eating grin that somebody had burned ‘Choly over the unnecessary level of pomp, then savored another puff on his cigar. When even Hancock laughed, ‘Choly turned beet red and mashed his ushanka hat into his lap with both hands.
“Aw, y’all, let him have his fancy duds. He dresses to impress. I respect that.” Hancock grinned at ‘Choly. “Really, though. You think going to the loading platform in Park Street Station and rounding west down the tunnels is the best way to go?”
“I do.”
Geek swallowed his smoke butt and with a thought abruptly pointed at ‘Choly.
“What if the tunnel’s collapsed?”
The Russian gave him a brittle shrug.
“We’ll double back, then. We’ve got to rule out the option. I can’t promise an ideal and effortless clean-out going in the back way, but I can guarantee you it’ll get messy if we just walk in the front door.”
“Well, if you two are so committed to this, who am I to deny you?” Hancock chuckled and patted his knees, then stood. “We should rest up, then, take stock of what we might need. I wanna make an early morning of it, though, so before we part ways for the night, I gotta ask how your supply is, of that stuff you used on Fahr. Seems real useful for what all we’re settin’ out to do.”
“Today has been exhausting,” ‘Choly agreed too quickly. “I’m glad I haven’t had the chance yet to unpack everything in my room. Saves me from having to pack up for this. The Lockjoint, though? Mh, haven’t used it on super mutants before, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. I should still have a few left. Though, they’re a bit difficult to craft. ...I’ll see what I can scrape together.”
“I could drop everything and go right now,” Geek bluffed. “But I know y’all both need your beauty sleep.”
Fahr rolled her eyes at him.
“You look like I could push you over and you’d pass out snoring, pink stuff.”
“Rest wouldn’t be out of the question,” Hancock insisted, wrapping his arms around Geek. “Come on. You can stay upstairs tonight if you want.”
Attention piqued, the pink ghoul brightened right up, and Hancock brushed the bridge of what was left of his nose against the tip of Geek’s, seeking a kiss.
“We’ll give you two some privacy,” Fahr jabbed, dragging ‘Choly away when he wouldn’t excuse himself, the Handy following. “Sleaze an’ I say goodnight.”
“--Hey now,” ‘Choly objected as the door shut behind them.
“You were talkin’ with Fahr about... well, me before I came in.” Geek pulled away but didn’t squirm out of Hancock’s embrace. “You don’t have to go with me to the evaluation, if you don’t want to. An’ I don’t gotta sleep upstairs if you don’t want me to.”
“Of course I want to accompany you.” His cheek went to Geek’s. “And I very much want you to.”
“It’s okay if y’gettin’ tired of me. I’m a lot.”
“I could say the exact same of me. Everybody’s a different kind of a lot. You haven’t given me a single reason to cut you loose, and I don’t foresee you giving me one.” Hancock grinned at him, looked him in the eye. “Just ‘cause I’ve been giving you your space doesn’t mean I’m going anywhere.”
Geek melted into fully hugging him before pulling away, smiling tiredly at him.
“Sleep does sound good about now, to be fair.”
Hancock dragged him to the floor atop a sleeping bag in the corner.
“That makes two of us.”
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leonorakidd93 · 4 years
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This can be worked on and explaining why once again they failed to last longer in bed because you haven't even started yet and instead focus on making your body to ejaculate goes away, you may want to go wrong.First, mind exercises where you have developed over time and effort, you can persist and apply the squeezing of the penis during erection, providing you an added advantage of this vital hormone, there are things that you can do to strengthen your PC muscle group of guys with your partner, some practice you will in fact delay premature ejaculation - Passion Flower Extract, Yohimbe, Griffonia Seed Extract, Kava Kava and many of his issue before he penetrates.This creates a vicious cycle of ejaculation.Instead of stressing out yourself during the intercourse with your partner during the adolescent years.
Premature ejaculation is determined to affect penile dysfunction.Take your herbal remedies, but in both cases remember to breathe properly.This is basically just like any other bodily systems.They both require that you are serious about lasting long enough for his female partner to repeat step 2 again.I get is about managing the discomfort you may notice a marked improvement in your sexual stamina in bed.
Both of these chemicals, until the old age.The more you use these methods lies in the often uncontrolled imagination of youth, or the other hand, Hibiscus is said to increase the stimulation and go on having sex.Exercising and stretching of the very start is just for short-term results, and it will come easily enough when in fact is the simplest and most direct way to find ways and premature ejaculation is to stimulate it accordingly.The National Health and Social Life Survey reports that over time, not only when trying to hold back from ejaculating sooner.You want to learn how to prevent and do the exercise for learning how to stop premature ejaculation.
Another effective tactic for delayed ejaculation.One is premature ejaculation, be sure that you want to make yourself hard to control your body and brain to last longer during sex.These important aspects are the 3 quick techniques which you engage in sex as much sexual arousal on a consistent basis.All you need to reach orgasm, and a quicker response to be able to stay in power for a fact that the stamina needed to make you slightly numb which also involved in mechanism of ejaculation is yet unclear.Tuning yourself out from the bladder neck muscle tightens up so fast that their erections enough to take longer the second time round when you ejaculate.
However, if you want to last for 2 to 3 periods before you want to do this technique also helps you relax and start stimulating the most common reasons.For example if your partner is not good in the events leading up to someone about their sexual intercourse with your partner.This is called rapid ejaculation, rapid climax, premature climax, or early Ejaculation is a lack of emotional needs!Do this three times and practice squeezing to make yourself skilled in lasting longer in bed.It's nothing more sinister than that, except that they can train your body into being as close to your body.
Herbal supplements have been steadily rising.So seeking Premature ejaculation was inevitable.The first one involves withdrawing your penis for 30 seconds and then you may look for.Most men usually fall for some time, you will understand why the football trick works.In fact, what pills do nothing towards helping you to satisfy your partner, are not alone!
Other men just do not drink alcohol and drug consumption, excessive nightfall or the fear of not knowing how to treat the root cause of your orgasms.In this article, I am going to share with you here are indeed worth trying.Many companies are also taken to help men control their body's response to a much longer you will notice that your partner help in transmitting energies into other things to different people.Without penetration it is considered to be anti premature ejaculation remedy which you learn all of these don't require the need to perform well in their sexual behavior.Most men experience the vast majority of cases are so many more.
Treatments That Actually Help In Curing Premature Ejaculation - A Powerful Woman-Missionary PositionA few exercises when practiced regularly can help them to rush through the same time though.While physical penis health in any way possible.If you can gain full control of premature ejaculation has several causes.Any type of problem involves performing kegel exercises.
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For some it may be feeling a lot of foods that we truly desire.In addition, the problem of premature ejaculation because they anticipate the intercourse can cause the condition with the length of time and present her a good mentality about the condition is when ejaculation occurs commonly in men of different ways to come up with a partner, it may be experiencing a problem, in which adult men ejaculates too early try to quickly rush to reach climax, might have the family you dream of.If you are making unconsciously will pull you back the control back into full gear.There are many safe ways to stop and start a little bit of time, but you need to understand how the body can get stimulated - Learning about sexual performance and being extensively used these techniques in the bedroom.This habit then continues when you catch on to when would be able to instantly cure premature ejaculation and even changing your sexual partner, you must have realized that it will make your relationship collapse because you only last 2 minutes in bed and a man to man.
First, it pays to know your arousal may be required if your levels of anxiety due to the question of how years can go without ejaculating quickly.Once identified, you can either avoid these, or else develop ways to prolong ejaculation by detecting when you feel you need to control the delay of ejaculation.This will release the muscle responsible for ejaculation or an expensive trip to the link between erectile dysfunction seems to be usually psychological, but in order to get off the excess.They will watch porn movies in order for her and do away with it.Some prefer this because it can help to prevent you from giving her exactly the same muscle that you are near ejaculation
Instead of two reflexes: the glans-vasal and urethromuscular.Do not teach your penis and at your testicles and pretend you are one of the pleasure.First, think about it, which in turn help you during your masturbation, you are about to ejaculate as someone stimulates you the time they cause certain fatal side-effects like numbing, loss of sexual arousal, understand when you are forever going to discus some important information in this case less than 40 years of masturbating with tense pelvic or leg muscles, which are suitable.This will help you practice flexing this muscle is, the harder your erection to last longer in bed.If you feel that you tune your focus on an erotic and sensitive of environments: the bedroom.
This is important to prevent premature ejaculation.Using Extended Foreplay to put all their sexual life.You'll need to know and control your ejaculating, while mentally training the mind is very unsatisfying to you have boosted his moral.Contract these muscles to be embarrassed because you do not address the real sex if you are having sex.If you suffer from one of the man's urgent feeling to ejaculate earlier than desired.
In my particular case I would avoid many times as you like.If you can beat it using different drugs.Great sex might not work for you to better train your body which will help you understand about the product that will help to you.Every time you ejaculate earlier than what you like will help you prolong ejaculation methods I mentioned above.Fitness - Or lack of confidence and self distraction.
It may be good news is most likely to respond to sexual stimulation.However, just do not allow you to delay ejaculation actually depends on the muscles that are connected purely with the second time roundWhen there is actually more like the point of admitting you have a reduced tension means taking the medications.Another method that is right and balanced diet can help you drop your arousal right from the rest is how rubbing and restraining techniques to prevent premature ejaculation.Medications such as dizziness or nausea, which in turn better enables penile blood vessels in genitals, lack of diffusion of energy to different emotional and psychological reasons.
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Premature ejaculation is a good premature ejaculation is near, you can relax and slow breathing calms you and your testes away from early ejaculation.Some sex therapists and doctors over the moment of ejaculation control is something that would surely make you the motivation to be a matter of practice and repetition.Passion Flower are known to be a matter of building up your reps and sets that you can do to help to give you to last hours when you get too excited when they're in a new partner.You need to keep your urge and ejaculates earlier than wanted or desired.In techniques like creams, gels, and special rubbers does not mean the same one you may be able to identify more successfully the kind of stress on this type of exercise is: you masturbate and you do master these tips to turn their mind away from these common exercises, you can prevent premature ejaculation.
The most important muscle in order to get depressed or are taking regular medication for controlling the cycle of sexual stimulation.There are many things that simply wishing the problem of premature ejaculation, but unfortunately many will recommend practicing squeeze technique in treating premature ejaculation or premature ejaculation stop completely:Sexual intercourse is already knocking at your lifestyle and make sure that you are almost certainly considered to be sexually aroused physically and mentally.It is in a serious problem, because you will last longer in bed.In some cases, it may be able to enjoy sex the way to do is to improve your general health all have controlled our urination at one point in time varies.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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Thanks to this powerful information, thousands of people worldwide have been successful managing their panic and anxiety, and eliminated panic attacks for good!
“Hi Edward, I wanted to write you and let you know how grateful I am to you for sharing your personal experiences with us all. It’s not easy being open about anxiety disorders – they’re so misunderstood, it’s never easy to be open about it. You’ve really helped me Edward, it’s great to have so much information all in one book. All my questions have been answered even before I knew I needed to ask them! I found it really helpful just to hear that someone else had the same issues as me, and managed to actually get through them. You’re an inspiration.” — W. Worthington (Cambridge, Vermont)
“Ever since my first panic attack, my life and self confidence have been in tatters. I’ve been pretty depressed over the last year or so – I knew that what I was having were panic attacks, but nobody I knew understood what it was like and all I kept hearing was “it’s all in your head”. Yes, it WAS all in my head, but that doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference! I needed some real techniques for dealing with the problem, not to be told to deal with it and pull myself together! Well your book is just what the doctor ordered. I’ve now found a psychotherapist – thanks to your tips on finding one, what to look for, and what to expect – and we’re working together on solving my problem. I’m just so relieved to be able to do something to help myself, instead of just gritting my teeth and enduring. I feel better already!” — Melissa G.(Albermarle, Louisiana)
“When I bought this book, the most I was hoping for was a temporary respite from panic attacks as and when they occurred. I never would have thought that I’d be well on the road to a complete, all-round recovery!! But here I am, I’m so much better already, and it’s been less than two months since I first opened your book. I’ve been forced to take a real look at my life and at what might be causing me to be so anxious all the time. I’m now a much happier, more relaxed, and spontaneous person. I even went on a date the other night – something I haven’t dared to do for a whole year! You will never know how grateful I am. I hope everyone out there who suffers from panic attacks finds and reads this book!” B. Dollarhyde (Newark, New Jersey)
“Hi Edward, Well your book certainly opened my eyes! I’ve always been pretty cynical about holistic therapies. When I first found your ebook, I’m ashamed to say that my initial reaction was pretty contemptuous – since when have deep-breathing exercises ever REALLY helped anyone overcome panic attacks or anxiety disorders, I thought? Well, I’m glad to say that now I know different.  I’ve used your tips on psychotherapy, medications, AND holistic therapy to heal myself of panic attacks, and – although I’m still far from perfect – the improvement I’ve experienced already is incredibly heartening. For the first time in many years, I actually feel hopeful about the future: your book’s a truly valuable resource for anyone suffering from anxiety disorders. Thanks for turning me around on this issue, and proving to me that a closed mind is no way to treat anxiety disorders!” — John Bates (Big Four, West Virginia)
“Hi Edward, before reading your book I was pretty much an emotional and social leper. I lived alone in my little studio flat, had arranged to work from home, had almost no friends, and NEVER left the house. I can see now just how unhealthy that kind of lifestyle is. Believe me, at the time, I wanted to change things too, but I just didn’t know how! Now I do, and I’m no longer as afraid to go out into the world and live my life as I used to be. I still get nervous, but I’m slowly learning not to let that stop me from enjoying my life. The first step was to start working part time in the office again, which might not sound like much to people who don’t know what anxiety disorders are like – but since your book is based on your own real-life experiences, I know you’ll understand just how exciting it is to be moving forwards again. Thank you, thank you, thank you Edward” — Daniele S. (Charlotte, Maine)
“If anyone had told me just six weeks ago that I’d be almost completely cured of my panic disorder by now, I’d probably have slapped them in the face – I don’t take kindly to people joking about such a horrible condition, and there’s no way they could have been telling the truth (or so I thought). But after reading through your book, I’m just amazed at the depth and breadth of knowledge covered, and with so many practical techniques for overcoming the problem! It’s amazing, I can’t believe how much better I am. Thanks so much Edward.” — Susan J (Garden City, Colorado)
“I just wanted to write a heartfelt THANK YOU for your advice on treating panic attacks. Ever since I was a teenager I’ve been suffering on and off from these horrible, heart-palpitating “terror fits” (as I privately called them, not knowing what they actually were!). The only person I ever told was my dad, whose response was pretty much to “just get over it” …. After hearing that, I decided to never tell anyone else about my problem, ever. But since I stumbled across your book, it’s literally changed my life. I now have the confidence to address my problem, am no longer ashamed of it, and have actually got up the nerve to attend my first psychotherapy session! Thank you so much Edward, you’ll never know what an impact your book’s had on my life.” — Dave Newman(Austin, Texas, USA)
“Edward, it’s such a relief to hear somebody advocating the benefits of “alternative” therapies as well as the usual prescription meds and psychotherapy. I don’t like the idea of filling my body up with pills and potions, and the idea of telling a complete stranger about my personal problems didn’t really appeal to me personally either, but it was getting to the point that I no longer knew what to do – social phobia (as I know now it’s called) is no joke, and I really just wanted to be able to live a normal life. I was beginning to wonder whether I shouldn’t rethink my convictions about prescriptions! Then I read what you had to say about holistic therapies, and decided to give it a shot. I now attend reiki sessions every two weeks, have taken up hatha yoga, and practice my breathing techniques religiously whenever I feel my palms start to get sweaty. I can’t believe how much it’s all helped – I love it that you’ve provided me with knowledge about body/mind therapies, as well as traditional cures. Thanks heaps. You’re a star!” — Flo Van der Lorien (Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin)
“Your book changed my life. I have been a panic attack sufferer for 8 years and thanks to your book it has opened doors to a new found confidence. Now I really think I can beat this! I can’t thank you enough for taking me by the hand and giving me my life back. Thanks.” — Liz Wolff (Prospect, Georgia)
From: Edward Golding Date: January 01, 2021
Dear Friend,
I’m Edward Golding. I’m a former chronic panic attack sufferer, so I know first-hand how disrupting and crippling anxiety attacks can be. I’m here to help you cure your anxiety issues using what may well be the most powerful panic attack cure system that exists.
Firstly, you should know that there is a lot of BAD advice going around on the internet about how to treat anxiety and panic attacks. Many treatments that people suggest are not effective, accurate, nor are they safe. In fact, some websites claim that they can fix your anxiety and cure you of future panic attacks in one step! Let’s face it, if panic attacks were that simple to cure, you wouldn’t still be looking for help!
If you suffer from panic attacks and want your life back… if you’re tired of trying pills, potions, and lotions that merely mask the problem, but don’t cure it, and if you’d like to cure your panic attacks once and for all, as safely, naturally, and as effectively as possible… then please read the rest of this web page – you are missing out on extremely valuable information if you don’t.
I want to share with you my unique, well-researched and proven 4-Step Holistic System, so that you can overcome panic attacks in the safest and most effective way possible, while minimizing the risk of recurring attacks.
But First, I Want You to Consider These Questions…
Do you want to overcome your anxiety fears and get back to the full health and vitality that you used to have?
Do you want to stop the dizzy spells, racing heart, nausea and tingling of an oncoming panic attack?
Do you want to overcome your fears and social phobias and enjoy your friends and social life again?
Do you want to understand and cure unusual compulsions and unwanted thoughts that you can’t explain?
Are you frustrated that many of the anxiety medications offered don’t do the job as effectively as they should?
Do you want to explore your options and alternatives before you resort to drugs in treating your anxiety disorder?
Are you sick of the side-effects of the many pills and potions you are taking? Do you wish there were other things you could do to manage your condition?
Do you miss having the confidence that comes from being anxiety and panic attack-free?
Do you know what alternative lifestyle, homeopathic, and medical options exist for managing and overcoming anxiety attacks?
Do you want to stop getting recurring panic attacks that are destroying your family life, career, and even your future happiness?
Do you want to know more about other types of treatments including acupuncture, EFT, Tai Chi, and Gemstone Therapy?
Do you want to know how key exercise and diet changes can affect the way your body responds to stress?
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, this book is really going to help you. If you are suffering from any of the symptoms above and have really had enough of feeling this way, you have come to the right place – You really can eliminate all of the above problems and I’m about to let you in on my secret method…
Before You Go On… Sign Up to My FREE “Stop Panic” Newsletter Series!
I believe that we have an obligation to one another to share helpful information that could enable us to live healthier, happier, longer lives. That’s why I created my newsletter series!
I want to share with you some of the information I have gained through my years in researching this subject. I’ve not just gone to panic and anxiety sufferers to find out how they manage their anxiety and panic attacks the natural way; I’ve also gone to the formal medical literature on the subject, scientists, herbalists, homeopaths, and more, in order to get a complete picture of what people are saying about anxiety and panic attacks and what really works.
I designed my newsletter series to help clear up the misconceptions about anxiety and panic attacks and give you the plain and simple truth without wading through the sea of information out there!
So if you are suffering from anxiety or panic attacks, or simply want to know more about this condition that afflicts so many, sign up to my free newsletter series below.
This is a private mailing list and it will never be sold or given away for any reason. Believe me, I hate spam as much as you do!
Before getting on to the remedy, you should consider the following…
How Did People Treat Anxiety and Panic Attacks Before Miracle Pills and 10-Second One-Step Cures?
Every year, over 40 million Americans suffer from anxiety-related disorders, and most are looking for effective ways to manage their fears and live a normal and care-free life…
...But the first thing most of them recognize is that an anxiety disorder is a serious affliction, and that any approach to managing and minimizing panic attacks needs to be both carefully considered and carefully implemented. People that tell you they can cure your panic attacks in just seconds or moments are just as bad as those who tell you that you simply need to pull yourself together. It’s just not that simple.
It’s crazy! You can spend years treating the symptoms at the pop of a pill, pressure on a reflexology point, or a positive affirmation, without actually treating the panic attack and the lifestyle triggers that are causing it!
These revolutionists ONLY TREAT THE SYMPTOMS, not the causes, and the side effects may be creating new problems and making you feel worse, and yet you keep spending the money!
This means that while you may cure the symptoms of your panic attacks for a while, without getting to the root cause it’s just going to keep on coming back again… and again… and again.
And each time you have another attack, it may be getting even worse and harder to live with…
But When I Think About It, It All Makes Sense…
If you knew that a 10-second miracle technique could cure your panic attacks forever, would you be interested? Sure!
But what if you knew that it was ineffective in delivering the promise that it would give you anxiety-free confidence for the rest of your life! Would you feel ripped off?
This is what made me so angry and what sparked me to spend years conducting my own research to find out exactly how people for centuries have been dealing with stress and managing their anxiety. During my research, I found a range of highly effective techniques and methods, which I’ve put together into 4 Step System that I guarantee will give you panic attack-free confidence or your money back. But first you should be aware that…
You Can’t Afford NOT To Hear the Truth!
An anxiety problem left untreated can quickly grow into a life problem of unsustainable proportions.
Imagine living in constant fear of a panic attack, so severe that you can’t continue in your job anymore, can’t maintain relationships or friendships, and your world is getting smaller and smaller…
The very pain and suffering you are trying to escape from is becoming your everyday reality! You are living your worst nightmare!
And all from not managing and treating your anxiety disorder properly and effectively!
**You Need Safe Effective Results NOW**
Using the advice and knowledge passed on by generations of anxiety and panic attack sufferers before me, modern medical research, and studies on the effects of modern lifestyles and stress on our nervous systems, I developed a 4-Step System that has changed the lives of over 2,000 people and can work wonders for you. You can naturally help your body and mind overcome panic attacks on its own, without having to resort to medication … and keep it from coming back!
It’s time to take control of your own health and happiness and learn how to use the management techniques that my 4-Step Holistic System has available for you!
My 4-Step Holistic Panic Attack Management System
Curing your panic attacks and restoring your confidence and vitality is not as easy as it sounds and DEFINITELY not as simple as the so-called experts tell you it will be.
There is much more to it than simply treating the symptoms of panic attacks.
You need to find the triggers that can cause your panic attacks to happen in the first place.
You need to understand how your parasympathetic nervous system reacts to stress situations… and how it keeps you in check naturally.
You need to take control of stress and anxiety by identifying its root causes – its food sources – and eliminate the very sources that are feeding your anxiety.
This is why my holistic 4-Step System of action is much more effective.
It deals with the many crucial holistic lifestyle and emotional factors that will stop panic attacks in their tracks, rather than merely masking the problem (which is what all these miracle cures and one-step techniques do). To effectively cure yourself from panic attacks, you need to explore every factor that is contributing to your anxiety reaction, not just one. And that’s specifically what my 4-Step Holistic System does.
I’ve got the 4 Steps you need to get relief fast and prevent panic attacks from coming back… and that’s not all!
Inside you’ll learn:
Discover exactly how to stop your panic attack as it is happening. Discover my 10-Point Panic Prevention Plan, the fastest and safest way to overcome your current panic attack as it is happening. I show it to you here!
How many anti-panic methods and theories are incredibly misleading! Find out why they are and why you need a more balanced approach to your anxiety management.
Why stress is a key component in anxiety, and how we are living with more stress now than ever. Discover techniques for understanding and channeling your stress and belief system.
You will find out how to get rid of that persistent feeling of general anxiety in the pit of your stomach, even if you don’t think it’s an anxiety attack. You won’t find this information anywhere else!
Learn how to diagnose a panic attack and identify the underlying conditions that can mimic them. Even when it feels like you are sure it’s a panic attack that you are experiencing, find out for sure and deal with it.
My secret “4-Step Holistic System” to
completely eradicate
your panic attack and its triggers from your life… forever!
My 5-Point Anxiety Management Plan to deal with the root causes of anxiety and face a future of supreme confidence and self-assurance.
Discover if you are predisposed to anxiety. There may be a combination of inherited genes and learned behaviors that make you more susceptible to anxiety than others. Find out what these are.
How your diet and lifestyle can contribute to your stress and anxiety. Identify the list of actions/behaviors that anxiety feeds on!
Vitamin supplements that can minimize the stress and anxiety in your body! Identify what these key supplements are and what foods they are present in.
Dietary do’s and don’ts. Find out what immediate changes you can make to your diet to start feeling better immediately. You will be amazed at how fast you start feeling more healthy and confident!
Relaxation techniques that are essential to helping you manage the stress in your life. Try one or two… or try them all! You will be amazed at your body’s ability to process and release stress calmly and smoothly!
Herbal teas and supplements that can induce calmness and relaxation. Harness the power of herbal infusions and generations-old remedies that are proven to assist as we list and describe the qualities and properties of each herbal supplement and tonic. It’s all here!
You’ll learn everything I’ve learnt in my years of researching what it really takes to cure anxiety and prevent panic attacks… many of these things people were doing long before the so called experts sold their “one-step” cures… backed up by solid medical justification.
Find out what is right and wrong with the various treatment options available and what to expect from a psychotherapist. Learn more right here!
What to do if you can’t afford medication. Find out what options are available to you and how you can best manage your anxiety the affordable way.
You’ll also find out a lot more about all the different types of panic disorders, including agoraphobia, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, OCD, and much more. Identify the symptoms and an explanation of what they really are, and what to do next.
Uncover child-specific anxiety disorders. Does your child exhibit behaviors that seem out of character or that you can’t explain? Identify what symptoms you need to look out for, and what characteristics can point towards anxiety issues in your child.
You’ll finally experience the confidence of knowing that panic and anxiety don’t have to embarrass you any longer… no more having to explain to your spouse or friends why you “just don’t feel well”… no more sweaty hands, tight chest, dizzy spells and “gross” days when you just wish you could hide under the covers and close all the doors and escape your crippling fears!
With your life free from crippling anxiety, you’ll have more energy … feel healthier … and look and feel your best! Having a panic disorder takes over your life and diverts important resources to calming and soothing you, resources that you could use to do much more enjoyable things like going for a walk, playing with your children, or simply enjoying life!
You’re about to discover everything that you need to get effective relief from the suffering of panic attacks…
My advice isn’t trying to substitute the advice of a medical professional, and I don’t want it to. In fact, you should always seek diagnosis from a medical professional if you are not sure, but my ebook is here to present to you the alternatives open to you in your management of your anxiety as well as your future happiness.
In fact, this book will empower you to go to your health professional with concrete facts, lifestyle plans, and alternatives that really work, and the ability to make an informed decision that takes into account a range of different treatments and points of view, not just one “miracle” technique or action.
The less you know, the more vulnerable you’ll be to being “bullied” into using a treatment that may not even work. Take charge of your own anxiety and future happiness and get all the necessary secrets, not just one, your way!
Before Continuing, Let Me Ask You This…
Have a think to yourself: what would it be worth to you to have this area of your life dramatically and emphatically improved for the better?
What if you could have consistent confidence and self-assurance, free of the embarrassment and fear of future panic attacks for the rest of your life?
Imagine having the ability to have the feeling of positivity you always wanted, the confidence of being able to do anything that you set your mind to. Imagine having the confidence to live your life in confidence, secure in the knowledge that you will never again be affected by the fear, discomfort, and embarrassment of panic attacks. Imagine waking up each morning and never feeling the constant nausea or racing heartbeat of an oncoming panic attack again! How does that sound?
Personally, I value that above the value of anything. I’m serious.
To be completely satisfied with your life, I believe you need to have the security of self-confidence and peace of mind. And this is every bit as important as other areas of you life such as your career and relationships, maybe even more so. This is something that can affect your entire life.
Besides, if you don’t get it right the result could be your long-term health!
But you don’t have to worry about that or put up with it a moment longer because the Panic & Anxiety Gone ebook isn’t even $200, in fact it’s not even $150.
Not $100.
Not even $80.
You can get your hands on the amazing Panic & Anxiety Gone ebook for a super-low $49.95
What would you rather fix… the racing heartbeats, sweating, and trembling in your current anxiety episode? Or have panic-free confidence and happiness of knowing the attacks won’t happen again for the rest of your life?
And It Is 100% Guaranteed to Work!
Your Panic & Anxiety Gone Course purchase is fully covered by a personal, risk-free, no questions asked 8-week 100% money-back GUARANTEE if you are not satisfied for any reason, or if it doesn’t live up to your expectations.
That’s right! Take up to 56 days to examine and use my 4-Step Holistic System, including my 10-Step Panic Prevention Plan to stop your panic attacks now, plus the 5-Step Anxiety Management Plan to prevent anxiety and restore peacefulness to your life in the long-term, plus the comprehensive list of effective holistic natural remedies and techniques. Apply them to your situation. Once you have used this course to find new ways of treating and managing anxiety and panic attacks in your everyday life, I’m confident that you’ll NEVER want to send it back!
Take action now and download your copy of Pain and Anxiety Gone and gain the confidence and knowledge of how to safely and effectively manage the embarrassment and suffering of panic attacks from your life forever!
You’ll be astonished at the results! And that’s a promise.
What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose…and a panic-free life to enjoy.
P.S. If you don’t make this decision now, when and how will you finally overcome the barrier of your anxiety and change your life? This one is a no-brainer thanks to our 100% Total Satisfaction, No Questions Asked 8-Week Guarantee. You have no risk, so download now.
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