#adding these as a reblog since it was essentially a continuation of his nakacha stream
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OpenRec Hiroki's GAME Parlor 2023.10.31 Notes [Eng translation]
[This post only highlights the topics unrelated to the gameplay]
He thinks Halloween with snow is romantic 💖
He's glad we all get to spend Halloween together
He's not drunk, he's still sober
He used to get on trending in the beginning of his Parlor livestreams but not much lately and he wonders why that is (you don't even tweet it yourself man 😭) He's sorry for making us tweet about it instead
He doesn't have any memories of Halloween when he was a kid (no wonder, Halloween wasn't popularised in Japan until the 2000s)
He liked all his outfits for the bday event but he particularly liked the casual knit wear since it's so easy to wear with jeans and trainers
He thinks Osaka P2 was the one that was the most well-received; it's a popular brand but it's difficult to coordinate (JP brand ETHOSENS). It's not something that stylists often prepare so maybe that's why. The outfit was seemingly difficult to rent on a lease?
He doesn't remember if his Tokyo P2 outfit had an apple embroidery (it did 🍎)
Someone comments their favourite outfits was the Tokyo P1 and Osaka P2 and he responds, "you all like the dressy clothes!"
He feels invincible when he wears dressy clothes
He mentions that he originally entered the entertainment business as part of a contest to become the best suit-wearing person in Japan after all (Oscar Promotion's No. 1 Businessman & Businesswoman Contest) 👔
Unless the stylist has bought the outfit, it's probably a very expensive outfit to rent
"I wonder if I could rent it at all. I don't think it would be impossible to rent it, but I think it would be very expensive to rent it"
He thinks his former (?) stylist (J-san?) uses even more expensive outfits
He has a hunch about the pricing though
If he had rented something that was in Paris Fashion Week, it would easily have cost over 1 000 000¥
If he had bought his Osaka P2 outfit, it would've cost him about 2 300 000¥
The outfits were all from this season (so no less than 6 months), so that makes them difficult to rent on a lease
(He's such a clothes horse)
"I'll look good no matter what I wear [to an event]. Sorry, that's one thing I won't be modest at all about"
He's gonna go grab more blue cheese to snack on 🧀🍯
"Aizen and Hotarumaru aren't coming. I wonder if it's ok for me to be blunt like this (laughs). I want them to come too. Until then, I'm not dying"
He wants to make hoodies as part of his merch
He asks if we're familiar with the fact there's very few Touken danshi wearing shorts (like Hyuuga)
Let's not forget Muramasa!! w
He's not saying that it's because it's difficult to find short ppl since they've already got alot of tantou in Tousute - so why isn't Toumyu doing it?
There are suggestions in the chat that it's because they're dancing so one might see up their shorts (?) or because it would be difficult when they strip one layer at a time
He doesn't know the real reason why but he has some speculations, although it might be stupid reasons (he expresses it as しょうもない which translates to "it can't be helped" or stupid/meaningless/pointless/boring)
Another mentions in the chat that it might be like Bashiko who was the suitable height for Hyuuga when he auditioned in Paraiso then he grew out of it and now he's 1.73 😭 (If you google 石橋弘毅 it even shows 身長伸びた as suggestion lmao omg)
He says he's only going to be able to stream for 10 more minutes (spoiler: he stayed for another 30 min)
He's only 30% ready for bed
He shared make-up artist with Koryuu for Suehirogari!
"There are so many things I can't say, so many things I can't talk about. Or maybe it's just because I'm concerned about whether I can say it or not. I don't know. It's difficult"
He doesn't know what happened to his Fendi earrings after the Osaka event (it was a gift from the upper management), he hopes that they will be inside the cardboard box with the rest of the gifts when it arrives
He's appreciative to the ones who write their username in hiragana/katakana in the chat so it's easier for him to read outloud lol
He's doing an impromptu roll call
Apparently, the deciding factor of which order the Touken danshi get called at in each Toumyu stage (not including the festivals) is their speed - and that's the reason why Akashi was listed first in Kishou Hongi (but that doesn't make sense tho?? not for Mihotose, MusuHaji, Kousui etc)
He's surprised no one seemed to know about this so shhh 🤫
He's still indecisive about whether to do Fuyu no Jin or a dinner show since he can only do one or the other
Since he doesn't have a production company, doing a dinner show seems extremely unrealistic
(The stream cut off but he didn't realise until a minute later lmao)
Apparently he's lost his screenwriter? (Idk what this is about so it might have been mentioned as part of the urabanashi livestream with Beethoven after the Osaka bday event)
He might be able to do a dinner show if it's in collaboration with NicoNico
"In the end, I guess I'll rent a venue and hold a meet-and-greet, but there is basically no way the venue will be open on the 25th. There's absolutely no way. There's no way it will be open on either the 24th or 25th"
So apparently it wasn't his usual production company that was forced to quit but just his screenwriter? It was difficult for everyone involved and Hiroki himself was shocked over it
He wants to do something different from what he's done so far, that's why he thought of hosting a dinner show
"Just imagine, if [a venue] was open [around Christmas], that'd be weird, right?"
His former screenwriter was the one who wrote the script for the Osaka P2 English corner and the (in)famous "no signal GPS" moment 😂
Someone suggests he do a afternoon tea event and he asks if it's ok if he drinks beer instead. He hasn't had an event where he drinks with everyone but he seems concerned for Ochappachans' drinking habits
He rly wants to give the dinner show a try but he doesn't want to disappoint the ones who look forward to another Fuyu no Jin
He's thinking of having another guest (as usual)
Right now, it seems like majority are in favour of another Fuyu no Jin
He's grateful to the ones in the chat who tells him to do what he himself wants to do the most
When doing Fuyu no Jin though, he finds it a little bit difficult. If everyone isn't right in front of him, he finds it a little difficult to see what's going on through the screen
"I feel like we were able to spend Halloween together this year, as we did at the event and today via livestreaming. Even though we spent Halloween together virtually, I think it's very important that we spent Halloween together, and I'm glad we did. […] I'm really glad I spent Halloween with everyone, and I don't feel lonely at all"
He wants to spend time with everyone at least once before the year ends
Happy Halloween! 🎃 Let's have a virtual Halloween next year!
"If I stay with you until the moment Halloween ends, I'll get lonely, so let's end [this livestream] in the lingering mood of Halloween. I'm going to bed now, and you should all go to bed too"
"We'll see each other again. I'm still going to do this job, and I'll always do my best because you're all here" 💖
Nakada Hiroki Channel Nakacha no Ma #47 2023.10.31 Notes [Eng translation]
≫ Intro:
For some reason, he's got the stream set to start at 08:10PM and not the usual 08:00PM (he doesn't know why)
It's Halloween! 🎃👻🦇
He hasn't seen alot of ppl out and about, but then again the evening has only just begun
He thinks it's probably best to relax at home on Halloween
Apparently Shinjuku Halloween is worse than Shibuya Halloween (either way they're both hell)
He went once before the pandemic for work-related reasons and it was hell on earth, the traffic regulations were really bad (was it during that time he wore the giraffe headpiece? Unsure if it was work-related tho)
He thinks as long as people have fun and are careful, it's all fine
He will not be leaving his house at all tonight lmao
He's got a stuffy nose (as always)
Someone in the chat offers him 4000¥ to show his face already
He tells us it's gonna be a no-face livestream this time
We're bidding now so someone offers 14 000¥ lol
Apparently he didn't get the 4000¥ from the Osaka bday event (?!) wtf Beethoven
He's wearing black bunny ears!
He was looking for horns but he got them mixed up with the bunny ears. He looks cute either way! And it suits since he's the year of the rabbit
He was so embarrassed to get it because there was a high school girl next to him buying the same thing 😭 He was questioning his sanity since he already looked like a suspicious person lmao
This month's beer: Premium Malt's Limited Design 500ml 🍺
He's having blue cheese with honey again 🧀🍯
He doesn't know where he bought the handcuffs for his bday event (probably mail older? they were pretty heavy)
After he had finished his bento, he went back to his hotel for a moment, then rode the ferris wheel, then got back to the event just in time for the evening part (he's so マイペース) 🎡
He didn't buy any souvenirs in Osaka
He wants to cut today's free part of the stream short since he'll be doing a gaming stream afterwards
It's been so long, he barely even remembers how to log in on his gaming PC
He said he was gonna play Only Down next but when he had logged into Steam, he had to put all of his information into his account again (not just card information but address etc)
He doesn't remember his card number, just the security code 😂
He says it's no good to engage in fraud/scamming (no one mentioned it in the chat so idk where he got that from??)
Oh ok he's been seeing it around on Twitter apparently
He doesn't smoke or gamble (glad we got that out of the way lol) ( ´Д`)yー~~
Someone in the chat asks what he thinks of a girl who smokes and he says he doesn't approve nor disapproves of it
Its each to their own, much like with him and his drinking
It's better not to smoke but he doesn't think it's a good idea to take cigarettes away from the ppl who do smoke. As long as it's in moderation, doesn't cause trouble for others and we're considerate, he thinks it's fine 🚬
Whether it's about ordinary cigarettes or e-cigarettes, he doesn't know the circumstances of the situation, but he think each person has their own reasons for it
"'What about a woman who drink 24 h/day?' Sleep. Go to bed. What are you fighting that's got you drinking for 24 hours? w"
"From my own experience, I don't think I could have done that even when I was young.. No wait, I did. I think I did" (Sendai flashbacks lmao)
≫ Furuba:
Again, Furuba probably had the shortest rehearsals he's ever had in his entire acting career so far
There were some scenes that were cut apparently
He wishes he could talk about them but he's not gonna get into it since he doesn't want to stream too late into the night on a weekday
… he says, but still talks about it lol
It seems he drew the short straw among whose character's scene to cut since they had to fit as much content as possible into that 3 hour run-time 😭
≫ Tensura:
It's been two and a half months so he doesn't remember it as much, he's been working on such different works and meeting so many different ppl since
Although it was the first time he and Miyashita Yuya co-starred, they got along the best
He really liked him and they had alot of drinks together
He thinks they had very similar personalities and ways of thinking, and that's why they got along so well - he clarifies that this is all one-sided though
I think he said seikaku (性格; personality) but someone in the chat wrote they thought he said seiyoku (性欲; sexual desires)???
"Wouldn't it be weird if we had the same sexual desires? I don't know about Yuya's sexual desires"
He's the type of senpai who he doesn't have to be so considerate of because they get along well even when they talk in an unofficial setting
The chat is gaslighting him into believing he actually said seiyoku
"How many times am I gonna say 'sexual desire'? This is gonna be in the archives so I gotta be careful. There's probably an army of people out there who are gonna take advantage of this" ww This man doesn't want to be caught in 4K 😂
His bunny ears keep being out of frame
It's been a long time since he saw Mahiro (he's doing Osomatsu on Stage rn)
Hiroki also wanted to be in Osomatsu but he was told it was impossible due to his age 😭
Apparently the choreographer for the Tensura closing theme was the same one as the one in SekaNeko!
He thought it was gonna be difficult for Benimaru and Souei to fit the last dance part but it was alot of fun in the end
The make-up departments for Tensura/Suehiro/Furuba and their routines were all completely different; even if they all had the same base (his face), he thinks they were completely different
The wig and make-up artists all belong to the same team
He particularly liked the red tear drop for Benimaru's make-up 🩸 Maybe it should have been a bit more red though
The line was very fine and every day it looked a bit different
It was fun wearing hakama and wielding an ōdachi 🤗 He thinks having a sword is like having a friend ww
It wasn't difficult to wear the hakama - that is, if you learn the correct way to walk while wearing it
Benimaru's hakama is double layered after all and the haori (?) on top
The chat mentions how his sandals flew in one performance and the scabbard in another performance
It seems he ripped the hakama at two different occasions (as seen in senshūraku, but then also during the final battle scene with the Orc Disaster?)
He's grateful to Ogi Hana's performance 👏
omg apparently Hakurou's hair came off in one performance too?? He grabbed it mid-fight and let it hang off the sword as a charm
≫ Furuba:
Keeping the theme of mishaps, there was also the incident during Furuba where the juzu beads got scattered on stage (I'm assuming from Kyo's bracelet when Kazuma ripped it off in the beginning?)
Apparently they were torn two days in a row (thankfully no one tripped on them). Perhaps they acted as a substitute for protecting him 📿
Although Aya did trip backwards in the second to last performance (when he bumped into one of the ensemble members) 😭
There seems to have been a miss in communication because Hiroki didn't think he was gonna be there when he was
But he handled it like a gymnast doing a backflip
It was the first time he's ever bumped into someone so beautifully 😂
For a moment, everything went dark for him
"Black hole 👐"
He's back to saying he's gonna cut the stream - then proceeds not to cut the stream 🫠
He's thinking if he should play Duck Simulator for the gaming stream instead so he can keep talking rather than play
Someone in the chat says it's fine if he does a smartphone game instead but apparently he can't cut the mic if he's on smartphone and he doesn't want to in case he needs to burp lmao (what a gentleman)
So he can't even go to the bathroom if he's on his phone
(Sidenote but it looks like he's checking notes in front of him 🥺 he's so good for taking notes in preparation for the monthly livestream)
≫ Suehirogari:
Hiroki's mum's oshi is Hyuuga!! He doesn't remember if she said it specifically but he thinks she said something about a small girly looking boy with a bob haircut (it wasn't Matsui lol) It revealed a side of his mum even he himself didn't know about 🤭
He's on good terms with Nagata Kouhei, they go have food sometimes
Hiroki mama sent him an update on LINE the other day when Kishou Hongi was on TV!
"No one came to the birthday event after watching that, right? Then you wouldn't have slept"
He's surprised with the amount of Chaba in the chat who watched it at the time - he wants us to go to bed
Then again, he gets that it makes you excited when its shown on TV, it's the 8th anniversary after all
It was shown on Nittele Plus which he's been broadcasted on before back in the day (Ikemen bijo to sugosu yoru in 2014? He was so baby in that one.. Then again, Resistance Eleven was also broadcasted on CS Nittele)
≫ Goods update, poor time management etc:
He's got honey dripped on his fingers so now he's all sticky 🍯 He sniff
Happy Birthday to everyone born in October 🎉
He's had quite a few people at events telling him that they share the same birth month
He's happy to be with everyone in October so there's no doubt that it's gonna be a wonderful year
Then there's alot of fun events coming up in November and December 🤫
"'That's adequate www' That's the type of channel this is"
He thinks it's good to do things leisurely instead of just showing the good parts like many other channels, so even though some ppl might not like it, this is the kind of channel he wants to have
"There's no point in showing just the good parts. I'm open to showing both the good and bad parts. If you'd ask me, I think channels that only show the good parts are boring"
He's more attracted/trustful of ppl who are more likely to say things that other ppl wouldn't
Ah, photobook - necklace - meerkat (iykyk)
Glico is not part of his branding lol
He feels like he's a fraud for just coming up with repeated excuses; i) the photobook has been postponed, ii) he's sad to report that the meerkat probably won't be made into merchandise, and iii) the timing hasn't been right for the necklace and he doesn't want to make it unless it's in December or March (Christmas or White Day)
He's very particular about it 🥺 That's why it's been two years in the making
There were lots of different reasons for him to quit his former agency but he tried to make these happen back then already
He's not trying to badmouth his former agency, it's just that when an environment changes, you have to start from scratch again
After all, he was reunited with the Beethoven duo for the first time during his Osaka bday event the other day and they were able to create good memories together
He apologizes that he's not good at making people laugh when he's livestreaming (not true)
He thinks his ordinary self is really not that interesting or funny
Again, he's bringing up how bad he is with keeping a time schedule 😂 Throwing everyone from Okayama under the bus again lol
At this point, the second part of the stream is only gonna be 8 minutes 🤣
Lenient Hiroki but only when it's concerning friends and those he's close with, he wouldn't be causing the same troubles when it's in a work-setting
Guess he used to be an unbelievable student lmao
If he said to meet up with his Okayama friends in the early afternoon, they'd eventually meet in the evening
"Time moved so slowly when we were kids. Time may be finite, but back then, I lived my life thinking that it was infinite"
Naturally, all this only goes for the people who you used to see every day, never for the ones who you see occasionally or if they've travelled a long way to see you - if that's the case, he'll be on time for sure
≫≫ 2nd half of the stream:
In the last Nakacha, he told us that Akashi and Chougi shared the same make-up artist, but there's one more!
Apparently there's one costumer for every two Touken danshi
He shared costumer with Hizen this time
Ryouga and Kouhei live in their own little world and he thinks they're very cute
Let's do a second kanpai now that the stream is cut 🍻
He's wearing his rainbow striped Adidas pants tonight 🌈
This month's second beer: Premium Malt's Kaoru Ale Limited Design 500ml 🍺
The second one tasted completely different from the first one! He's surprised to see PreMalt's having such different tastes even though it's the same brand
The chat points out it's better to wipe it before opening
He's embarrassed his stomach is making noises since he hasn't had dinner yet 🥺
He had sandwiches and some good sushi in Osaka
It wasn't that there were no bentos for the bday event, just that there was one missing. He thought the staff were just messing with him at the time and that's why it came to mind when he did the weird corner in the second part of the Tokyo event
Since he didn't know the reason for it, he couldn't help but feeling out of place
Another tummy rumble
He didn't notice that they had spelled his name wrong on the screen (博喜 became 博��)
He's still thankful for everyone who participated in such a short amount of time
Also, he's reached the age now that even if he realises he's being made fun of, he doesn't think too much of it
≫ English corner:
"Rose is sexy flower!"
He didn't know that bara was rose 😭
His English vocabulary is limited in the first place so the words he come up with on the spot are unexpected
This time it was very difficult for him, he thought he was gonna lose his mind halfway through
His English is limited but he still believes that he manages to get his point across if he ever was to go abroad (oh sweetie)
Someone in the chat mentions how he's even appeared in UtaPri yet he never remembers the word
He's gonna remember it from now on, if only the word is gonna come up in the future (we've heard small King for so many events lately so I'm pretty sure it's gonna appear again 😂)
The most frequent words have probably been ouji (prince) and aru hi (one day)
He doesn't know exactly what pit in is but he thinks it's along the lines of got there/getting there/going there (he doesn't think he should look into it, then it'd be meaningless)
He knows old is furui but not mukashi mukashi (once upon a time/a long time ago)
He's learned pit in from Formula 1.. but in the next breath he says he's never watched F1
Shoutout to Toyoko Inn
He's saying "nanananana" (catchfrase by Jp comedian Joyman) then says he mimicked him one time at rehearsals (which rehearsal? we'll never know) even though he wasn't even trying to do an impression but it received lots of laughter
"It's a battle between actors, when the unreasonable request of doing something on the spot comes up"
≫ Furuba:
He wanted to talk about Tori-san, then he keeps on saying -san -san -san
The chat mentions unrelated words also ending in -san like Ohta Isan, sekaiisan, Ryukakusan
Someone asks where he heard of Shukipi (song by idol group =LOVE) which he referenced as part of the adlib aikotoba when entering Ayame's shop (10.14 matinée performance); it was not intended to be part of the play since it's not in the source material, he was just joking around during rehearsals
It seems he had gotten the OK for from the producers beforehand to reference the title of the song
He's unsure if he did the correct lyrics tho
Apparently Sashihara Rino (producer of =LOVE, previous member of AKB48) came to see the play that day! (Souma Isuzu's actress Nogiuchi Iori is part of =LOVE. Additionally, Honda Tooru's actress Yoshida Ayano Christie is also part of Nogizaka46 which is the official rival group of AKB48 🫢)
Someone asks him how long it took to make the Aya doll but first, as for the "Yuki-chan who loves his brother 100%" cardboard standee, he drew it all by himself after everyone had left the performance hall for the day
He stuck around until closing hour
Since he had about an hour off-stage for each day's performance, he had alot of thinking time
Then the cardboard standee was destroyed in an instant lol
He thought it would've been nice if it had been destroyed by Yuki himself but Kyo is Kyo after all
"The cardboard was then thrown apart without further discussion"
He was shocked since the cardboard was actually pretty hard
He went to Tokyu Hands by himself to buy the cardboard specifically, then he hired a car to have it delivered (!!) because there was no way he was bringing 180cm cardboard on the train or in a taxi - and he paid it all by himself
It wasn't Aya who fell to his knees on stage, it was all Hiroki 😂
They would pay it if he asked them to, but he did it because he wanted to
He thinks it'd be uncool to have the others pay for every single thing
It might have been better if he spent his money on other props since it was finished off with a single blow, but as long as that moment leaves a lasting impression on alot of people, he thinks it's worth the time and money spent
"Its value is not in the time it takes, but in how much it remains in people's hearts"
The chat points out how he still wanted those 4000¥ at the event 🤣
He laughs over the fact that they had all said there was no way they'd be able to break it beforehand, but then it went just like that lol
Kyo just went for a full power lariat punch
But that's one of the things he likes about Shouhei, he goes all in
He kept forgetting to have the ensemble get off-stage before the others came back
He also went to Nitori and bought a pillow made of bird feathers and a body pillow?? He didn't get to use the body pillow this time tho
He didn't want to tell the shop staff he wasn't planning on using the pillows for their intended purpose when he asked for as cheap as possible
He's been questioning himself alot for a long time; "what am I doing?"
As for the scene where he held the kabutomushi (Japanese rhinoceros beetle), he doesn't even remember how it came to be
It had only been a few days since they had gotten to the rehearsals (they hadn't even gone through the rehearsals or practiced yet) and on the second day, they were already in costume
He's never done anything in that condition before
They gave him free rein to do pretty much whatever he wanted
He's not sure why he came out with the beetle in that really moving scene but it received lots of laughter during rehearsals
Hiroki himself barely even realizes that he held a beetle, he just wanted to convey that specific line
It was actually a stag beetle apparently - it might have been because Tooru called it a stag beetle in another scene. Maybe Ayame had picked it up first then let it escape
Needless to say, none of this was in the script lol
At one of the performances, there was a man in the audience who did a snorting laugh so Hiroki almost lost his composure
(Note: snort laughing is butappana (ぶたっぱな/豚鼻) which uses the characters for 'pig' and 'nose')
The spotlight had only just hit him but he hadn't said any lines yet
He was happy to receive that response even though it wasn't the right timing
"If I'd laughed in that scene, I wouldn't be a professional anymore"
In that sense, they're really making the performances together with the audience, it's different every time
≫ Tensura and Suehiro:
He mentions snort laughing senpais like Shunri and Yuya - and Yuya truly is a pig nose ww
At the very end in Tensura when Geld begs for forgiveness from the Ogre clan, apparently Yuya found it very funny that his pig nose was basically pressed into the ground 🐽
He seemed to have been struggling quite alot with that nose (not to mention they had to get rid of the tusks before the performances had even begun)
B*z*n and Ts*r*m*r* had the same make-up artist for Suehirogari 🤫
Unless their make-up sessions didn't fall within the same timeslots, he doesn't know who had their make-up done together with who
Someone asks "what about Michu-niki?" and he thinks they meant Murata Mitsu since they said -niki (from aniki; older brother) but they actually meant Hayashi Mitsuaki (Onimaru's actor)
He's not sure if he should say this but he can't help but think Mitsuaki looks like Menjo Kentaro (!!)
He thinks they're both wild, old-fashioned, a bit clumsy, close in age (Mitsu is born in 1990/10 and Menjo is 1990/11), and have similar face structure
He's unsure if he should say things like these but since he's not saying anything bad, moreover he thinks it's positive, it doesn't have to be a secret - everyone go tweet it 👌
He hasn't seen Menjo in a while and he misses him 🥺
He burp
The burping powder from the Osaka event was actually quite tasty (iirc it tasted of apple?)
≫ Bday event and Chaba:
He's thankful for all the gifts he received at the bday event 🎁 The ones from Osaka have yet to arrive though
He's gonna open them all later, not on livestream though
He's got a cardboard box of gifts and letters on the other side of the room
"I wonder if it's okay to be this happy? 'Show us the cardboard box' - I can't just do that, can I? I can't show every single person. To me, everyone is equally important, and I don't want to show it to anyone else. Please let me enjoy it on my own"
Someone asks if he actually read the letters and he responds, "you don't think I read them? That hurts" 💔
He does remember Ochappachans' faces
If he's completely super honest though, he does not remember names. If one's icon and face matches though, he'll remember
He would like more of us Chaba to have our faces as icons
He might remember if for example, you say your name and show your icon while taking cheki together
He might remember some by their no-face icons though but not all - he will not tell lies
Naturally, he will not remember the faces of first-time event visitors
"For newcomers, it may not be very pleasant words to hear, but the ones who have been supporting me for a long time often tell me how many years they have been with me. And that makes me happy, and of course I'll remember it. In the end, those newcomers are going to be the same way in a few years. So I'm hoping that as that happens, there will be more and more of that, more and more albums in my head, and I'm hoping that we'll get to that point"
He's sorry he's really bad with names but he's trying his best
From his point of view, it makes him happier if someone remembers his face rather than name
"It's not a competition, and it doesn't mean anyone's inferior. You are all important people to me. There is no difference. There is no difference, but the fact that they have been supporting me for a long time is just a fact. That's still a wonderful thing and it makes me happy. I'd be very happy if you said you've been with me for 10 years. But that's not to say I'm not happy with the ones who have been with me for less than a year. So if someone says 10 years, 8 years, 7 years, 6 years, I'd say, "wow, that's a long time." Let's all have that conversation. It's fine isn't it, let's grow old together. No?"
Then again, it's not about the length of time but rather the depth of that time spent
Even though he hasn't been able to see us for three years, he was happy to see people coming again for the first time in three years
It's not about what appeals to him specifically, he's just happy about that fact
He then acknowledges the Chaba who come from overseas since there were quite a few at the event this time
"I understand that it is not a matter of distance, but how hard, precious, and how much energy it takes to go to see someone"
That's one of the reason why taking cheki together is such an important time to him because we get to spend time close to each other
"I think it's fine for everyone to have their own way of looking at it, but for me, that is the most direct moment for me because it's the moment when I feel the most about how much you feel for me to come to see me"
His heart is grinning but he apologizes for his tired facial expressions
"To begin with, I don't smile very often. I'm not a person who smiles, so my facial expressions aren't trained. But when I do smile, I smile. My heart is always smiling"
Someone in the chat mentions how they have still never had any physical contact with him (due to remaining COVID restrictions) and he responds, "aren't our hearts always touching?"
For his next event, he'd like to be able to have physical contact
For the Osaka evening cheki, he had assigned one of the poses as "good heart" (search for グッドハートポーズ) where one does half a heart and the other gives a thumbs up (kind of like a rejection), but because there was a confusion of who would do which pose, it pretty much just ended up like a full heart most of the time 🫶
Many of the Chaba thought they weren't allowed to touch the partition screen or they were too embarrassed to touch it
He wanted to break down the partition screen
Everyone were touching all over with the handcuffs tho
"The handcuffs were great. I liked the handcuffs, personally I liked them alot. It felt like we were connected. The other [poses] were also good, but I thought the handcuffs were really good"
He'd like to clarify (once again) that he is not a masochist 😂
He snort laughs and apologizes to both Yuya and that person in the audience 🐽
He will not be holding a hugging event because "hugging is not such a simple thing" - and neither is him becoming a lap pillow
He thinks doing pinky promises for next time should be okay
Someone asks if he would do a hug if they offered more money (than the regular cheki which tends to be 3000¥) but he says it's not about money but rather what you can and can't do since COVID is still quite prevalent and the flu is going around at this time
Since he had to avoid cancelling the events at all costs, that's also why he was able to let go a bit on the restrictions in Osaka since he doesn't have anything else planned afterwards
Instead of handcuffs, he had everyone holding the balloon in Tokyo (he held "3" and Chaba held "6")
It was the first time he had balloons as props 🎈
Now he's gonna wrap up the livestream, go to the bathroom, then set up the gaming stream
"'Hey hey, is it ok if I fall in love with you?' On the contrary, have you not fallen in love with me at this point? Ouch"
He calls himself the husband of 700 people again (except only 600 were live atm)
He's got serious trauma from the scorpion 🦂 He's glad he didn't have to eat it in the end
Majima = Broccoli 🥦
It's been a while since he did a gaming stream so he's sorry it's probably only going to be Duck Simulator tonight. He's gonna have to talk with the staff at OpenRec to figure out how to stream the other things he downloaded but wasn't able to play
He tried looking it up on his own but he found no solution online
His bunny ears keep being out of frame so he just looks like someone who's wearing some kind of weird piece of string
This month's roll call was just an ordinary one 👋 Shoutout to Mayumi
Lastly, he called out Chaba so he called everyone 🍵
He won't tweet when the gaming stream starts so he's relying on all of us to spread the word instead lol
Chaba is his only manager 🙌 But he thinks we're all a bit strict so we should all go to Okayama and chill
≫ OpenRec's Discord:
He hasn't checked his Discord these last couple of days so he might have been logged out (since it's connected to his OpenRec account, which is consequently also the company's account), apparently it takes quite some time to log in
He assures us there are benefits of being subscribed to Gold Membership
He thinks his Discord has been quite lonely recently
He sees everything Chaba write on Discord, even though he doesn't comment often. Of course he checks Twitter too, but Discord is the only platform where he has unrestricted access to a Chaba-only timeline
As for letters (via OpenRec), he's the only one who sees them (but he doesn't think it's good because he doesn't want to make money from it and it costs alot of money to send)
Basically, he doesn't check his Twitter DMs. If he turned on his Twitter DMs, there would be no point in using Discord and he thinks it would be rude for the people who are sending him messages there
If he stops Discord, he'll have to stop doing OpenRec
Since he's not with an agency anymore, he hasn't been receiving many fan letters recently (he looks so sad and lonely as he says this 🥺)
He clarifies that he does indeed read his fan letters!
He will not tell his account number
He wants us to take a screenshot and tweet it alongside the gaming livestream notification
He's not that drunk rn; he's got work and he's grown - not like before when he was in a disarray during COVID
Last year was a bit difficult too (not that it had anything to do with being drunk)
He was so drunk he doesn't even remember that particular livestream
He won't do InstaLive or YouTube either
He thinks it's incredible you can now charge money on Twitter, he has no idea how the monetization works though
He apologizes for his bad time management (again) 😅
"Once again, I'd like to thank you all for coming to Tensura, Suehirogari, Furuba and then birthday event for these past two and a half months. I'm sure I've pushed you too hard by including all of this [in this amount of time]. I honestly have a mixture of feeling sorry for making you work so hard and grateful for having you come to see me. From hereon, I probably won't have any press conferences/meetings next month or the month after that, I don't know if there will be any, and even if there is, it might not be, or even if there is, it hasn't been decided. Now that COVID is over, there are instances where the stage will be decided a month or two in advance. For example, I may have received an offer in January, or I may have received an offer in December, but I've probably been saying this for a long time now that it doesn't necessarily mean anything will come out of it. It might be very difficult to balance the times when we can't see each other and when I won't appear [on stage], but I still want us to see that scenery together. I don't want us to view a scenery that I don't want to see. I want us to always be able to see the same scenery - but I might have to make you wait a little while. It's okay if you have an affair, that's totally fine. If it gives you energy, then that's fine. That's fine. It's my fault for not being able to take you on a trip that shows you a much better scenery. Don't worry about it, it's okay - I'm saying that, but it's actually pretty hard for me (laughs)"
Next year may still be far off but he still has some ideas about it
He's not in works as frequently as he used to be but it all comes down to how important each piece is to him personally
While there may be times that we get to see him frequently, rather than having a fixed number of times we get to see him, it depends on how we spend that short amount time together and he likes to think of how to get the most out of that time
Even if he can't meet us, he's still going to continue to send out messages
If he gets 200 comments on Twitter, he will host a Christmas party on the 25th (he just chose a number at random)
He's been getting less replies on Twitter recently
He might try to do a brief dinner show, although he doesn't have the motivation for it. Since he's not with a management anymore, he probably won't be able to do it
Someone apologizes in the chat for slacking off by not replying but he says there's no need to, we all do whatever in our own time
A Christmas party would mean getting rid of this year's Fuyu no Jin
"'If it's a livestream, it's fine' - see, it's already gonna be difficult for everyone! I thought that was definitely gonna be the case so I better stop. This conversation never happened"
He hasn't made any plans for this year's Fuyu no Jin so he's been thinking of not doing it
Even so, he wants to make time to spend with everybody, even if it's a short while
It doesn't have to be necessarily limited to theatrical performances
Christmas is tough with money already so he doesn't want to push us too hard
He'd like to do the dinner show but it's probably gonna be expensive since it won't include all the food and alcohol costs
He's imagining a dinner show like Mikawa Ken'ichi's
He apologizes for being a Libra and not a Scorpio so he won't be singing Mikawa's song titled Sasoriza no on'na (Scorpio woman) ♏❌️♎
He's not gonna make us pay 30 000¥ - but then again that might include food and all-you-can-drink
He thinks maybe it's so expensive because you can't invite that many people
Someone says he could cut a cabbage into strips and they'd be fine with it
"We could all share a heaping amount of shredded cabbage made by Nakada Hiroki www"
Hope is talking in her sleep! 🐶💕
His bladder is at its limit rn so he's gonna finish the stream lol



Screenshot time!
#adding these as a reblog since it was essentially a continuation of his nakacha stream#アヒル放置ゲだからねー#nakada hiroki#hiroki's game parlor#translation#my post
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