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xyrw · 2 years ago
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she was inspired by one of the albums I’ve listened to recently, I really loved the sense behind it - obsession, addictions and the pain they cause.
partying without thinking of tomorrow, drinking to forget and guilt. lots of it.
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stolligaseptember · 2 years ago
loïc closing addictocrate with perfection? and mélodrame okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay
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notesofseptember · 1 year ago
Éternellement insatisfait sans cesse en recherche de plus
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monannee2016etc · 2 years ago
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nuerburgring · 9 months ago
new loïc nottet why did no one tell me
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aijamisespava · 4 months ago
2 Years On, My Favorite Song
While a month or so ago I went through each of Belgium's 2015 representative Loïc Nottet's albums, I want to wrap up my birthday week with a song that came out exactly 2 years ago today: the lead single off of his third album Addictocrate, "Mélodrame." But this time, it's my side of the story and not fact.
We gotta go back to November 1, 2022. I woke up that morning and usually scrolled through my phone before getting out of bed and getting ready for my classes...when I saw Loïc's announcement for the song to come out on November 9. I don't know what happened then, but I just...sprung out of bed and started getting ready for the day.
The rest of the week went rather well, and quiet. The only big thing was that I turned 20 that week. I don't even recall any Eurovision news.
Then the 6th hit. Loïc posted a livestream that would build up anticipation to the song. How did he do that, you ask? Classical music, ambiance, a catepillar in a cocoon turning into a butterfly. Loïc gave us the terms of the livestream, and left us fans to it...for three...days...
November 9, the day of song release, I had a class online due to the teacher being sick. So I had the class on one screen, and the livestream (with a wiggling cocoon) on another. By noon EST we had a butterfly, and by 1pm EST I heard my favorite song for the first time.
And there we have it. It's Eurovision related because of the artist, but it's not a Eurovision Thought. Hope you liked it!
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kwockwoc · 2 years ago
it's the little exhale at the start of Addictocrate that gets me. EVERY. TIME.
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aijamisespava · 6 months ago
Loïc Nottet Overview
While the past few days, I've been putting out pieces that are sort of like reviews for albums by Eurovision artists. However, today, I'm going to do quickie reviews for one artist since he has 3 albums out. That artist being Loïc Nottet (Belgium 2015).
To begin, none of his albums have his Eurovision song, "Rhythm Inside." And as I give my review, I will also note my favorite tracks at the end.
Selfocracy (2017): His debut album came out just under 2 years after his 4th place run in Vienna. While the songs kept the experimental nature that "Rhythm Inside" held, it also stood out on their own as Loïc's own style. There is some danceability factor (of course his IS a dancer too). The lyrics focus a lot on themes of bullying as well, talking about its effects on people. Favorite tracks: Mud Blood, Mirror, Poison
Sillygomania (2020): Likely produced before the COVID-19 pandemic, Loïc followed up the smash hit Selfocracy would become with his second album. The songs seem to turn from the darker pop tones of Selfocracy, while still holding the danceability factor and serious themes (this time holding mental health undertones). And together, I could only imagine what listening to this album would have been like in 2020 (I listened to it for the first time in 2021). Favorite Tracks: 29, Mr/Mme, The One
Addictocrate (2023): Wrapping up the list is Loïc's most recent album. While the two previous albums, and his Eurovision song, AND his Candy EP, AND single "Go To Sleep" have all been in English (with the exception of Mr/Mme), he took a turn and created an album entirely in French. And it worked. His style translated very well and produced incredibly beautiful songs and a wonderfully put together album. Favorite Tracks: Mélodrame, Révérence, Cygne
Well, that should do it for now for albums by my favorite Eurovision artists (again, I'm waiting on Sudden Lights to release their 4th album before doing theirs so I can do all 4 at once). If there is an album by a Eurovision artist you really want me to write about, feel free to put in the request!
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aijamisespava · 2 years ago
Favorite Song From Each Country! Part 23/37: Belgium!
Hello hello everyone! Today we have Belgium to talk about and I'm super excited! They've brought some favorites (or even some late growers) to the contest over time (and brag the youngest winner ever unless they change the rules which I don't see happening now that we have Junior Eurovision). However, the one highlight of Belgium is that they boast a representative that became one of my favorite artists ever, which you will see in my favorite entry.
Favorite Entry: Anyone who read some of my Tumblr posts pre-series would probably recognize the name I'm about to say right now: Loïc Nottet. His song "Rhythm Inside" from 2015 boasts another one of my favorite entries of all time. It was a great start to a great music career for him and it helps that the song is good. Plus, if you like the song, he has three albums out! Selfocracy (2017), Sillygomania (2020), and Addictocrate which came out a little under a month ago. His music outside of Eurovision hits a rather personal note with me, making me feel validated without him really knowing about my existence (aside from a few Instagram story mentions on my side). And through "Rhythm Inside" I was able to open up a box that I never thought I'd open. RANK: 4th in 2015 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 1st of 40 Countries
Thoughts on 2023 Entry: Someone go to March 2023 me (the one who ranked these songs) and SLAP HER ON THE HEAD! I ranked Gustaph's "Because of You" WAAAAY too low where it will be embarrassing when I reveal where I ranked it, so disregard it. It's so fun, and even if I was "okay" with it when it first came out (okay, a lot of it was that I was manifesting a Loïc return which by the looks of it will not be happening...which fine at least I get great music out of it anyways), I noted that the beat was absolutely CONTAGIOUS and may be a force in the contest. I couldn't have been more right. I remember showing my mom a recap of SF2 and was like "Belgium is SO qualifying" and they did! RANK: 7th in 2023 Grand Final/PERSONAL RANK: 32nd of 37 Countries (DISREGARD!)
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kwockwoc · 2 years ago
current musical obsession
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