#added it because i imagined you guys would appreciate seeing him break down đŸ„°
befuddled-calico-whump · 8 months
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Test Track: Discipline (bonus panel) (T$$ AU Masterlist)
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairings: Nick Sturniolo X Female Reader, friendshipđŸ„°includes Chris and Matt as well😋
Synopsis: After Y/N has a messy breakup with her boyfriend. Nick and his brothers are always there for her ready to kill for herđŸ„č
Warnings⚠: mentions of heartbreak, slight mention of abuse, but nothing crazy. The three boys ready to kill for Y/N. It’s just so cutesyyy and a little sad nothing crazy
Song for this imagine: The Worst by Jhené Aiko
And don’t take this personal, but you’re the worst, you know what you’ve done to me
I had been dating my current boyfriend since I was 17, and I’m 21 now, but lately we’ve been rocky, and not well for one another. Last year we were constantly on and off, something that pissed Nick off so much.
“I’m not even sure what you see in him like he’s so fucking toxic, and literally hates us because we’re your guy friends” Nick would tell me in a fit of frustration as I would run into his arms crying over him breaking up with me.
“I know Nick, but I love him so much it hurts when he keeps playing this cat mouse game of wanting me then pushing me away” I would say wiping my tears
“He’s hurting you so fucking much you’re always sad, crying, never eating and your smile doesn’t shine the same anymore” Nick would tell me hugging me as I weeped
“God you’re right. I need to leave him, or figure this out” I would say
“I vote to leave him” Matt chimed in as he walked into the kitchen. I looked up and gave him a weak smile
“Like J Cole said you’re killing yourself to find a man that’ll kill for you” Chris added trying to lighten the mood
“Ew Chris shut the fuck up that was so embarrassing” Nick said giving him a dirty look
“Yeah that was really fucking gross” Matt said laughing at him
“Even though that was cringe I appreciate you trying to make me laugh” I told him as I laughed wiping my tears
Flashback over
That never would happen though. We would break up, I’d cry and say I’m leaving him, and then two days later we were back together like nothing happened. A pattern I know was pissing the triplets off, but he was my first everything I couldn’t leave him.
We were really good for three months, and then all of a sudden our issues came back. Constantly fighting, yelling, anxiety and trust issues came rushing back in.
I was so tired of having to tiptoe around him, scared that it would cause another crazy fight. He stopped coming over to the triplets house because Nick banned him after we got into yet another screaming match and he embarrassed me in front of them. Even after that I still stood with him like an absolute idiot, but man love will make you do crazy things.
I hadn’t seen my boyfriend for a few days, and I wanted to surprise him by taking him on a cute picnic at the park. It was what we did for our first date, so I thought this might make him reminisce and change how he was treating me. When we had good moments they were really great, and when they were bad they were really fucking bad. But I really wanted this date to help us fix our issues.
I had Ubered to the park because even though he agreed to the date he said he couldn’t pick me up. Which was weird, but I figured he was still mad at me over our argument.
The whole date he was being super dry and barely laughing at my usual jokes. He was constantly checking his phone, and when he was done answering his messages he would place his phone screen side down. Which was not his usual behavior, and this was giving me major anxiety, and I was starting to worry that he might be cheating on me.
“Why do you keep looking at your phone” I asked him eating a strawberry
“Can’t I look at my phone?” He said giving me a dirty look
“I mean you can, but I did this date for you, and you haven’t looked at me once, nor laughed at my jokes” I told him still looking at him
“No one told you to do this” he said nonchalantly
“What the fuck is really going on right now? Like I’m trying to fix our problems, and you’re being such a fucking dick” I told him starting to pack the food away
“There’s nothing wrong with our relationship, you just don’t know how to act, and you piss me off, so I get upset” he said looking down at his phone again
“Wow! You start about 85% of our arguments” I said laughing, hoping he was just joking with me, but to no surprise he’s still looking down at his phone texting someone
“I wouldn’t start them if you weren’t so fucking annoying” he said looking at me with a smug face
“You’re such a dick. I'M TRYING TO BE NICE” I told him getting a little loud, and he just ignores me looking down at his phone again
“Holy shit who the fuck are you texting” I said as i grabbed his phone, and looked down at the screen
I miss you so much when are you coming back?
Soon baby I’m just waiting for my homeboy to finish, so i can bring him home
My heart dropped to my stomach, and immediately I felt like throwing up reading these messages of him cheating on me. As tears welled in my eyes I looked up at him, and he seemed annoyed??
“What the fuck is this?” I said keeping my composure as my tears fell non stop
“Can’t you just mind your fucking business” he said snatching his phone away
“Mind my fucking business? I’m here trying to fix what we’ve had for four years, and you’re texting some other girl? And not only that but you’re lying to her! At least be a man and fucking own up to it. At least fucking break up with me, so you can be with her” I told him packing my purse up so I could leave
“Yeah I was planning and breaking up with you” he said still so calmly
“Yeah? And when were you going to do this? Whenever you want? Leave me stringing onto you, and having this false hope that we could actually work out” I told him as I wiped my tears.
“I was going to do it today” he said looking down
“Yeah sure you were. You’re such a fucking asshole” I said
“See! This is why I’m over you. You’re so fucking boring the same person since we were 17. You bring nothing good to me. I prayed day in and day out that you’d just leave me alone. Can’t you see my anger towards you I don’t love you anymore, and I haven’t loved you since we were 18” he said to me
“SO THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU KEEP ME STRINGING ALONG FOR SO MANY YEARS” I yelled at him not caring if someone looked over at us
“Calm down” he said looking me dead in my eyes
“Fuck you, don’t tell me to calm down you piece of shit” I told him standing up getting ready to walk away
“Yeah well fuck you too run away just like you always do” he said also standing up
“We’re done. Don’t ever call me. Don’t ever come looking for me. I fucking hate you” I said wiping my tears
“I’m good off you. You don’t come looking for me because I know you can’t live without me” he said laughing in my face
I picked up some fruits and threw them at him, but before I could stomp away he grabbed his cup of wine and threw it at me. Splashing my face and all down my white shirt. I just looked at him as my face dropped, I threw some fruits, and I get a half of a cup of wine thrown at me completely destroying my makeup and my white shirt
“Go run away you whore” he said as he threw the cup in my direction
“Fuck you” was all I could say. I walked past him and brush past him, and as I did that he grabbed my arm harshly and shoved me away from him. Causing me to loose my balance, but not enough to throw me down
I just looked back at him. Truly trying to comprehend that he just put his hands on me. Tears just ran down my face as I stormed off
I ordered an Uber and texted Nick
-hey can I come over?
-of courseeee we’re actually so bored just watching a movie in the living room, and we miss you 😚
I hearted the message, and as I locked my phone the Uber pulled up. I gave her the address and she drove me there. Every so often taking glances at me, but seeing I didn’t want to talk as I had my eyes closed trying to control myself from having a breakdown
After a 20 minute drive I was at the triplets house. I hopped out and took my phone out of my back pocket. Nick had texted me he left the door unlocked for me, so I went to the front door, opening it, and then locking it.
I walked up the stairs and when I turned into the living room Nick practically jumped off the couch
“What the actual fuck Y/N” he said standing up. I looked at him and started sobbing
“He fucking cheated on me” I said as Nick grabbed me and took me to sit on the couch with them
“HE DID WHAT?” Chris said also sitting up
he was cheating on me, and we broke up. He told me I was fucking boring and he hasn’t loved me since we were 18, and that all I do is run away from my problems, and I’m a whore” I said ugly sobbing into Nicks arms
“I got so fucking pissed at him I threw some fruits at him, and then he threw his cup of wine all over me” I said looking down at my soaked shirt
“What a fucking dick. I’ll fucking kill him I fucking swear” Matt said starting to stand up in anger
“The whole date he was on his phone and wouldn’t let me see, and he told me he’s been planning to break up with me, and that he didn’t care about the date because it wouldn’t fix anything. I should’ve known because he didn’t even pick me up for the date” I said as I started to slow down my crying
“He didn’t pick you up?, Y/N why the fuck would you even waste your time trying to go on a date” Nick said rubbing my back
“Because I loved him. I wanted us to work out so badly he was my everything” I said looking at Nick
“You shouldn’t have to beg for someone’s love” Chris said looking at me with a weak smile
“I know, but I hoped he would see why he fell in love with me” I said, wiping my eyes. Nicks eyes traveled to my arms, and suddenly he grabs my arm and looks shocked and saddened
“What the fuck is this?” He said, looking at my arm. I looked down and saw fingerprints bruising my skin from where he grabbed me harshly
“He fucking grabbed me and shoved me when I went to walk past him” I said looking down
“He fucking put his hands on you” they all said in unison, and to this I nodded my head
“Y/N I will fucking beat his ass. I’ll knock him out and send him to the fucking hospital” Nick said standing up in anger
“He’s done stuff like this before! Whenever we would argue he would grab me and shove me sometimes to the ground and other times just a small shove” I said looking up at them
“Y/N, I’m going to fucking find him. I’m going. I’m going to bash his fucking teeth in” Chris said looking for his keys
“Guys no please calm down. I’m done I really need you guys here with me” I said looking at them again
“No man should ever put his hands on a woman especially a woman he loves” Matt said
“Well he doesn’t love me” I said
“Doesn’t matter” Nick said
“I know. I appreciate you guys so much. I love you guys, and I’m so sorry I didn’t leave him sooner. I’m so fucking sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. We love you so much, and we’ll do everything to get you to forget about him and feel better” Nick said
“Thank you guys” I said giving them a smile
“Would a kiss help” Matt asked giving puppy eyes
I laughed and shook my head yes. They all came in giving me a big group hug and kissing me on the cheek
“Go shower kid, so we can watch a movie and forget about that small dick loser” Nick said giving me one last tight hug
“Small dick loser is right” I said getting up, and we all laughed at that
I showered and changed into a pair of Nick's pajama pants and shirt. We all sat on the couch and decided to watch a comedy movie while eating some snacks. Occasionally they would throw in extra commentary to make me laugh.
“I love you guys so so much. You have no idea how much yall mean to me” I said looking at them
“We fucking love you too” Nick said giving me one big hug
“You’re gonna find a man that’ll kill for you” Chris said laughing
“Chris enough with that corny joke” I said laughing
“There goes that smileeeeee” he said teasing me
We ended the night just joking and watching movies till we all eventually fell asleep in Nicks room.
I loved these kids so much<3
The EndđŸ„°
I loved writing this! Can’t wait to write some more, and if you have any recommendations on what you’d want to see next lmk in the commentsđŸ«¶đŸœ thankssss
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thebeatles-world · 1 year
Omg I just found your account ahdsj and I love it!! Especially your ringo stuff eee, could I rq a blurb where the reader is a assistant for the beatles and ringo starts to notice you've been getting stressed and haven't been sleeping enough/eating well and is determined to help? Sorry if your fanfic rqs aren't open rn I was just wonderin!!:>
Thank you! I love writing imagines for Ringo đŸ„șđŸ˜đŸ„° & honestly pls request more imagines of Ringo because I love him sooo much. Also my inbox is always open for imagines of The Beatles! Don’t be afraid to request one!
I hope you like this imagine!
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You were working as a assistant for The Beatles for a while now.
It did get chaotic sometimes working for the boys. They would run all over you and you honestly felt like a teacher calming down a classroom full of children when they got rowdy, loud and chased each other.
Your job wasn’t as easy as they thought it was. You had to mange them, schedule dinner meets, conferences, meet and greets, handle their paperwork, made sure the boys got up on time, and communicate back and forth to Brian every day about what’s going on.
You felt like you were running around with your head cut off and the boys weren’t making it easy

“Boys! Can you stop that please?” You asked nicely as you saw John, Paul and George playing with their food and started to throw it at each other while laughing.
You noticed that Ringo was just silently staring at them, slowly taking bites of his mashed potatoes.
Of course as usual they didn’t listen to you and continued to do what they were doing.
“Please don’t do that, you are going to-“ You begin as you saw Paul grab a handful of mashed potatoes from his plate and threw it right at John’s suit.
“Ruin his suit.” You mumbled to yourself. It was too late. John’s suit was ruined and it was only 30 minutes until they needed to leave for showtime.
John and Paul just started laughing at the mashed potato stain that John now had on his suit.
“It feels like I’m working for a bunch of children!!” You groaned out loud, covering your face as you left the room.
Ringo felt bad for you. He knew that his bandmates didn’t care and they weren’t taking it easy on you. He was the only one that didn’t participate in the foolish acts that they did.
He also noticed that you weren’t eating and sleeping well. He knew that you were up late at night planning for the next day and working hard while the boys were sleeping.
Ringo wanted to give you a hand and help you out. He felt like it was the right thing to do and he wanted for you to have a break for once without having a stressful day.
At least he thought that your job wasn’t easy

After the concert, you stayed up late as always and worked on plans for the next days ahead. You made sure paperwork was done and you wrote a few reminders down to make sure you wouldn’t forget.
You heard a knock on your bedroom door.
You raised an eyebrow, putting down your pencil.
“Who could this be? Probably one of the boys wanting something.” You mumbled to yourself as you put on a robe.
“Yes come in.” You said, sitting down on your chair.
 It’s me Ringo.” Ringo gave you a smile as he opened your bedroom door.
“Hey Ringo, Can I help you?” You said in confusion.
“Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” You added as he came to your room.
“I was wondering if we could talk?” Ringo said, sitting down on you bed.
“Yes of course. About what?” You raised an eyebrow.
“I noticed you work very hard and I know you don’t get appreciate of how hard you work. You deserve to have a stress-free life. You done so much for us. You are the most selfless person i know. You are a very lovely lady and I hate to see how my band mates treat you. I was wondering if
 I could help?” Ringo asked.
You were shocked but in awe of his words.
Ringo noticed how hard you been working? And noticed how you felt?
That was so sweet of him.
“Ringo, you are such a sweet guy
 I appreciate your offer but-“ you begin before he cut you off.
“I’ll do it for free. I’ll do it to make sure you don’t have enough on your plate. I want to make sure that at the end of the day you are eating, sleeping well and being stress free. That’s all it matters to me.” Ringo took your hand and held it.
“I promise.” He said softly.
“Okay. Of course. That will do.” You said softly with a smile.
“Thank you.” You added, leaning in to give Ringo a hug.
“You’re welcome Y/N.” Ringo hugged you back.
Over the next few weeks, there was definitely a huge improvement.
With Ringo’s help, you got to relax, eat and sleep well. He even calmed John, Paul and George down when they were acting really rowdy and he made them realize that your job position wasn’t easy.
He even helped you out scheduling meetings, dinner, hotels, meet and greets with public, flights and people as well.
Having Ringo by your side made it so easy. You weren’t stressed out as you were back then. He had your back and having his help made it more easier on you. Every night he would offer to give you a massage which of course you accepted because Ringo was really good at massaging you and his massage’s relaxed you and your body a lot.
“Ringo I just know you are going to be husband material one day!” You told him as he started to massage your feet.
Ringo started blushing after you told him that.
“You deserve it my dear Y/N. For being a good assistant.” Ringo said.
“Hey guys have you seen my -“ John said as he came to the living room where Ringo was giving you a massage at.
“Aww Ringo, I didn’t know you had the hots for Y/N.” John smirked at Ringo.
“What are you talking about? I’m just giving her a massage.” Ringo said, raising his eyebrow at him. You raised your eyebrow at John as well while you took a sip of your lemonade drink.
“Mhm sure. Just make sure to use protection if you guys ever decide to do it.” John smirked and left.
John’s comment almost made you spit out your drink.
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