#add to the multi along with some of the other charas once i do more interacting with other charas other than The Farm Grind
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trollamulet · 6 months ago
i gotta scoot back to cleaning but i found that tubi has transformers animated and im soooo close to adding sari & some of the other charas to the multi....
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1. Admin’s corner
Heya, I’m here to smel- I mean have a little chat with you all who stop by. I’m Diana, or Mitsuri however you want to call me and I run this rp sideblog for the one muse I can really rock. The Rp blogs that I will follow back and interact will probably first get the notification from @mitsurichan3 (my personal blog) first before getting THIS specific blog.
I’ll try to keep the blog’s content and nature of the rps rated T for mild cursing, probably a bit of violence (if the rp calls for it) and romantic interactions with other rper’s charas. I’ll tag the romantic interactions under fluff if it’s just fun chemistry or something sweet. I’ll also tag the more... mature stuff under nsfw. The same will go for violence. If it’s just an argument then I’ll tag it as tension but if it crosses the line I will go ahead and tag it as violence. Most likely I will put it under a “read more” for those who don’t use an xkit extension for Tumblr. if you do: feel free to blacklist the tags if it bothers you. 
Green will by default trying to measure up the other person or bother them in the first few moments that he comes across someone. Depending on the situation, response or mood that I’m in... Green will respond accordingly. If at any point my portrayal of Green offends you, *Pleasee* LET ME KNOW! I will never intend to offend someone or trigger a memory for you. If in the occasion that I did, please message me. Tell me “hey I didn’t like what you wrote because xyz and it offended/trigger me. Dont do it again.” I’ll get the memo and immediately take note of it. W are here to have fun not get into bad vibes, yeah? 2. IC/OOC:
I will try to remain IC (in character) as much as possible when posting to this blog. If I need to come off character IN REGARD to whatever is happening to the blog (as in changing themes, promos, headcanons, etc) I will tag it as “air break” and “update”. Other than that, most ramblings will go to my personal blog. The other time that I will be OOC is when reblogging relevant artwork and fanart of Green. I’ll tag those depending on the content of the artwork. They will get their own mention and all, so feel free to blacklist those tags as well if you don’t like a particular ship or thing.  3. RP Style:
I’m most comfortable to just write paragraphs and let the words do the trick. I’ll work with any rp style though I don’t have icons at my disposal. (Working on it.) Let me know how you feel most comfortable and we will work something out. If you choose to use icons or any graphics, by all means do so! I will gather my own collection too as time goes on but for now I will go graphic-less.  I’m also comfortable with a few lines if it’s a casual rp, or full paragraphs. I limit myself to 3-4 paragraphs in third person most of the time until Green has to say something or think to himself. It’s quite fun to jump in and out of chara like that. If your confused with what I mean, send me a small starter and you’ll understand once you read my reply. It adds charm to it. 
4. Canon and Crossovers
Given that I already stated in the Bio that I’ve yet to read all the relevant literature... I’ll do my best to stay in Canon. I already got a nice overview from Serebii and Bulbapedia. I’m quite fond of older teen Green, though I’m very familiar with Green up to the Crystal saga of the manga.  With that being said, I would love to play with any part of the timeline, along with off-canon things (like Green traveling out for research or helping Gramps come up with some natural medicine or whatever for the ‘mons back in the lab). Speaking of non-canon things... CROSSOVERS! Those would be very interesting, and would challenge me as a roleplayer to find a way for Green to play with your universe. I’m actually plotting to do some of my own with the tales fandom after I’ve posted some art on it. More on that later in my art blog.. That includes too OCs. If you want your OC to interact with my Green, feel free!  5. Multi-ship Crack ship, canon ship, non-ship, you name it! As long as there is good chemistry between your chara and mine then it’s all good. I don’t particularly ship him with anyone specifically but any kind of ship works for me. Friendship, romantic ship, sibling ship, rivalship, anything is game. We’ll work out the details if you want to ship my Green with yours through messages on the side.  6. Art usage.  Most of the backlog will fall into fanart, official artwork and my own. I’ll give credit where it’s needed and I will link the source. I’ll most likely make icons out of the manga pages themselves so I will tag those too. If I make any fanart of Green with a ship or any of his mons, I will reblog it here from my art blog and properly tag it. (more on that on the item/tag post) 
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