#adam fothergill
amethystsoda · 1 year
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gemmiejewel · 1 year
Hey, Have you entered this competition to win a 6 book bundle worth over £100? If you refer friends you get more chances to win :) https://wn.nr/v2ZVW5b
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tctmp · 1 year
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Bears: Directed by Alastair Fothergill, Keith Scholey, Adam Chapman. With John C. Reilly. A documentary that follows an Alaskan bear family as its young cubs are taught life's most important lessons.
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panelshowsource · 7 years
8 Out of 10 Cats Does Deal or No Deal (2013)
ft. Jimmy Carr, Sean Lock, Jon Richardson, Nicola Adams, Rob Beckett, Gemma Collins, Mia Cross, Corinne Davies, Susie Dent, Matt Forde, John Fothergill, Stephen Frost, Nick Helm, Elis James, Dave Johns, Tony Law, Alice Levine, Mark Olver, Rachel Riley, John Robins, Katherine Ryan, Nong Skett, Andy Smart and Holly Walsh
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There’s never a quiet day in the state of Calamity. 
And if there is. 
It’s the quiet before the storm. 
The mortals have suffered catastrophic loss already, Bram Mackie; a formerly prestigious hunter has fallen in with the wolves in order to strengthen himself and increase his chance of protecting his family. His friend Michael “Mike” Fothergill is offering his house for refuge whilst the newly turned wolf adjusts to his new self. This information is only known to those closest to him, and those who have been told via word of mouth from said people.Sabrina Mackie, Lucky Jones Adams and the rest of the Mackie clan seem supportive of his choice, though Cardelle Mackie would express the opposite. Begs the question, is the sacrifice worth it in the long run?
The former Commander Damien Alanis is another tragic loss for the Hideout ranks; attacked by rogue vampires, and only discovered in his last moments by his lover Malcolm “Mal” Davenport who acted against Damien’s will be transformed into one of the very creatures he used to hunt. 
The news broke out in waves, and chances of alliances across the westside remain to look slim. Malcolm and Damien have both been contained in the basement of Kazimir Mikhailov’s manor for their own protection, and the protection of others. It had been adjustment after adjustment. Jessie Davenport, Axel Reyes and Kazimir have been between diplomatic meetings in order to damage control and repair the human and vampire relations. 
Malcolm will be punished severely for the murder of one of his own via Jessie, Demitri & Jakoris “Jack” Davenport’s will. 
Axel Reyes, former Second in Command in the Hideout, has stepped up to Commander role and is heading the human relations, tightening security and doing everything he can in order to protect his people where it appears his predecessor failed. There has been a private meeting between the Commander and the Overlord after the rather large indiscretion; to prevent a Westside war that would be more blood than anything else. 
The former Second also took it upon himself to hunt down the former Commander, as the two of them had a long lived agreement that they’d not let one another turn into another species. With this in mind, Axel managed to convince Damien to meet him in neutral territory. He brought Lucky with him, wanting to make sure that the deed would be done, whether Axel finished the job or her. Unfortunately for the two of them, Kazimir found them and stopped it before either of them could do damage to one another.
They have come to a shaky agreement that Axel will donate blood to Damien for training purposes, in exchange for the vampires providing supplies that would be too difficult to acquire safely on their own, or risky. However, a miscommunication between the two leaders may mean that it doesn’t hold for all that long, because the Commander wants a guarantee that the humans in his ranks would not be touched, which the Overlord seems to agree to at first, despite the orders given. For an entire hierarchy of vampires to go against their nature, it seems like a dream that would only go on so long...
Outside of the Darklands ranks, Claude Jones has become a vampire once more, Scarlett Jane Grey her maker in a reversal of roles. Due to her lack of memory, she cannot remember much of her first maker Fox Crathorne. This transformation has left little reflection of Claudette and she is using her practice to lure unsuspecting humans and fae in for counselling and entertain her newly unhinged mannerisms. SJ has been at the reigns of handling the reprimands for Lydia Cragore and her misdeeds that pitted her as disloyal to the vampires. This led her to also become aware of Daniel Wright’s involvement in regards to trying to help Lydia with an escape, or at least attempting to encourage her to try and leave. Meanwhile, not long after this - and with incredibly poor timing as a diplomatic member - Scarlett has left Calamity on a temporary hiatus from the state. Few know of this (Claude and Jessie), and her absence is noticed but unquestioned when those might pester Jessie Davenport for answers about her Bite Club’s second lady. 
Demitri Davenport remains to be unlike himself after his own punishment a couple months ago after he acted off orders and tortured Malcolm. He is attempting to be better in his role and stay out of the firing line of Jessie Davenport because of it. Unknown to him, Jessie is considering him among the names she might suggest to Kazimir about filling their Consul position - believing that with the diplomatic relations as they are, the more voices offering a partial democracy would benefit them all. The vizier also managed to recruit Rosalie Winters into accumulating blood for Kazimir. But will she follow through? There are whispers of Rosalie and Fox Crathorne co-hosting a dinner party. 
Giselle Stoneheart has also been in contact with the Diplomat in order to discuss terms of a potential alliance, as has Josiah Maxwell as representing the Mer Kingdom, so the vampire has been attempting to fortify relations across the entire state in order to secure the continued survival of her race. Giselle, before this has been keeping a relatively low profile with the absence of an acting High Court among the fae, and has been acting on her own ideals for the benefit of her people. 
And in a hit to the vampires themselves, Teddy Byrne has taken a silveriron bullet to the shoulder by a rogue mortal and has been spending some time recovering. His old flame, and former pet (perhaps?) Matias “Matty” Desoto has been helping aid in his healing process, and both men trea thin water, considering Matty’s position at the Overlord’s side as a private feeder and companion. A secondary concern, one thinks to the diplomatic mess that Kaz has been busy with - slipped beneath his nose for a smidge longer than it usually would, maybe? Matty has also been pursuing Kaz to turn him into a vampire, but has been grossly denied until he has levelled his own personal deep seated issues, in order to make the transition easier. His brother Ace Remington, continues to antagonise him - and he persists to try and help the psychopath.
Under Axel’s new leadership, Cardelle Mackie approached him about the potential to be Second, pending a trial period that would be to prove himself as a leader. Daniel Wright has been tasked with hunting additional medical supplies for Sabrina Mackie, Aiden Kinsey, Ellie May and Diego Garcia to potentially use to develop and synthesis new medicine. Sabrina has been also developing her own skills in research development, including such things as vampire repellant, haemotology in order to further the knowlegde they have on how it works (species), hybridising plants and a multitude of salves that would be for the betterment of her people; friends and family. Her other half, Lorelai Mackie still remains to be missing, and her family are refusing to give up any hope. 
Unbeknowst to them, Lorelai Mackie is under the name Mackenzie and has been abducted to be a feeder between the two rivalling clubs on the Westside, BC and Voci. There has been the briefest of revelations in her search when Bram Mackie nearly slaughtered Jakoris “Jack” Davenport in the SRS where there was an information exchange that somehow, salvaged the vampire’s life but offered an in for the Mackie about the woman he was searching for. Jack now suspects a connection based on the two somwhat tense interactions they have shared, whilst Bram has a likely lead about Lorelai’s whereabouts. 
Along with Daniel’s orders to bring supplies into the Hideout, he’s also secretly helping the far, Cordelia Darkwood with a baby; picking up small trinkets and baby things that he delivers to her in private. He plans to inform the Hideout of this little secret in due time; when tensions have lessened. Daniel broke Gabriel Fothergill’s nose, brushed his scent onto him and may have put himself in danger by crossing paths with Michael “Mike” Fothergill, who is experiencing the backend of Liliana Solar’s punishment of being trapped in a silveriron cage that left him even madder than usual. Gabe has made it his life’s mission to press Mike’s buttons and the mad wolf sports the burns for all to see his injuries. And despite common knowledge of being enemies, he is tangled in leige with the Vociferous Owner, Oberyn Cortez and there’s something more than just unlikely flings between them. Though, it isn’t public. 
The very same vampire has been manipulating Aiden Kinsey and fabricating the mortal’s memories with compulsion. With the help of Avery Arden, a troublesome fae, they have gradually been uncovering the vampire’s handiwork to the discovery of Oberyn using Aiden as a blood source for his own personal gain. He has acquired a magical necklace that allows Avery and he to communicate telepathically, and has been self-questioning a route to elongate his lifespan to spend longer with the fae; perhaps taking the same route as Bram Mackie? 
On the less volatile side of the wolves, the oldest pack have been running amok on the Southside, troubled in their own ways - the usual pack warfare. Alpha of the Syndico’s Enzo Sinclair has been dealing with difficult family and lovers drama, Jaxon Reed has admitted the truth of Sinclair’s heritage and revealed that he is the Alpha’s father which has proven to be difficult for Enzo. With this, Jax has also confessed to having intimate relations with a member of a rival pack and the exchange of secrets has only made the Alpha make his Beta keep it hush. The only other person who knows of this familial truth is Izyk Vissar, the Alpha’s husband and formerly Exiled wolf. They are all trying to keep the inter-family drama outside of pack business, and Jaxon has found himself engaging with those he may want to avoid to cope with having to keep his confessions secret. 
Adding to Enzo Sinclair’s family carnage, his mother is heading back into town to scorn the man’s choice in husband; express her absolute disapproval. Izyk’s dealing with that, alongside his new position within the Syndico pack, and gaining acceptance as a valued member. 
Aslyn Bishop remains to be wavering with her loyalties to the wolves, and ongoing relations with Logan Crest Cree, of the vampires. Jaxon Reed has been attempting to keep her out of this trouble. 
To add to the wolves despair, Max Roper remains to be cursed to wolf form, and Phoebe Gallagher has been doing her best to cope and help with this, and has been searching for magical remedies to reverse the curse. Though, she’s not the only one trying to help the wolf. Haylee Dubois seems to think she might have a cure for the spell that is plaguing Max, while Esme is also doing her best to help. With all of this help, Max may be appear human once again.
In the ocean, the Mer kingdom remains to be recovering from their stroke of constant bad luck, death after death amongst the royal family implies they would be overdue something good. Andrew and Saylor Zander as reigning monarchs oversee their people and continue to attempt to keep them safe given past events. King Andrew and Katya Tilki have both recently returned from their travels to neighbouring kingdoms in order to recruit allies to aid in the silent war that threatens the Forgotten. Andrew is angry since his father ran his twin out of town and just as motivated by that, as he is the near assassination on him at his own wedding. Queen Saylor, privately, acted on her own in retaliation to that by targeting the demons at the latest Party of the Century, and dropped numerous with her potent concoction The Exitus. Nobody knows who was responsible for the toxic drink, but Azarius and Jahi of the Dominion have opened up their own investigations, and began dropping their own suspects across the state of Calamity in a hunt for the culprit, each pointing fingers in other directions. Azarius suspects his assassination attempt with Azagi Rabaz at the royal wedding might have something to do with the targeting. 
A silent war of the East remains under the radar, for now. 
In the diplomacy side of the underwater kingdom, Advisor, Josiah Maxwell has been reaching out for allies, whilst balancing his own personal interests in the Queen and the contract they drew up months ago that vowed the royal circle, himself and Kondor Tarren to secrecy in regards to inter-personal relationships that may jeopradise the integrity of vows, and hierarchial traditions. Greyson Zander has expressed his upset in conversation with his sister, but they all signed themselves to silence. Love is pain, no? Kondor Tarren caught between Greyson and Andrew whilst Saylor has her head turned by her Advisor. 
Saylor continues to plan for a war, has recently secured an alliance with the Syndico Pack and with her Advisor’s help, is working on allying with more. Dayanara “Daya” Lighcrest, in the background is hellbent on her pursuit for the throne, and has taken a private leave under a false guise where she was instead attempting to recruit her own people from neighbouring kingdoms to her cause, and has been planting seeds in her compatriots that antagonise the Zander’s, the potential that Azarius and Azagi may be part of her recruitment after the demon’s lazy attack on them may pose a different degree of threat. She is greatening her force, making no moves but is a reckoning force in the rear view of  the Zander’s gaze.
Among the demons, post-attack on them, and an absence of any particular unit of force, few care to act on it, others, want to terrorize the state as a result. Azagi Rabiaz is caught in a triangle of carnage, Jack Davenport, Lan Darquen and Azarius all have varying interests in the demon, but never as first choice. A complicated turmoil and mixture of monsters that serve as entertainment, toxicity and terror in one package. Lan remains unaware that Azagi and Jack have been more than just passing acquaintances, and both Jack and Azagi have learned during their jibes that they share a common partner in crime; they aren’t looking forward to letting that slip to the Invidias; the demon of envy. Nor is the little secrets of Azagi taking impromptu naps in the Davenport’s bed particularly eager knowledge they want broadcasted. 
Jakoris “Jack” Davenport in amongst the diplomatic trouble of the Darklands, is growing to put it on the back burner; disagrees with some decisions made and it might jeopradise his standing. Evanora Bile, his best friend and witch, admits to her magic waning (due to age) and that her lifespan is being reduced to that of a mortals - much to the vampire’s distaste and is currently in the pursuit (and somehow, pushing down rage) of some magical cure that might stop the mortal process of aging as he gradually wars with denial and truth. But his likely bloody chase for answers, might put himself in predicaments that derail all diplomacies on the Westside.
Ezekiel “Zeki” Amari has founded and opened his own bistro by the name of Polaris, and its a welcome reprieve for a lot of patrons of Calamity, Izara “Kit” Levine among one of its first customers on opening night and unaware that its founder had been one of her oldest companions from when they were both affiliated with the Hideout. This goes before Kit has crossed paths with her long time ex fiance, Axel Reyes and they balance a love, hate relationship amongst the diplomatic stress the Commander is dealing with. 
The state’s local good source of all things tasty, Zane Saxena has been manufacturing his own supplies of drugs and poisons in order of the growing demand. War? Brings about something with a little more potency, Pixie still a big first choice for most of the users, Ace Remington and Harley Xhanthi among his best customers, if not best friends - if it would be called such a thing. He is taking orders directly through Havelowe’s in the black market. The same Harley that has transformed species more than once, first a fallen, later a mortal via the powerful concoction at the Winter Ball, before Luella Edwards turned him into her protege and has been training him through fledgling hood. Her maker, Elias Reyes is still as insane as ever. 
Northside, the witches are as divided as ever, Esmeray Black alongside Esme Darcy are both heading the sorcerers and Black, newly given the position is still learning of the secrets that are bestowed upon the Arch Conduits. There is plans to potentially steal a child to fulfill missing gaps in her soul and assist Rhysand Darkwood in murdering Andrew’s father. Freyja Carter, without knowledge of witchcraft or the magic in her blood, is on the cusp of connecting with Luca Whitmore to help her realise what she is, but reluctantly. Aurora Lightwood, a ticking time bomb if there ever was one, the Tamperer with more power than any moertal body could handle, is trying to get a grasp of what her past has left her with. 
The High Sage keeps the Naturals in order, except her own Shaman, Haylee Dubois who appears to have wavering loyalties and rushes of impulsive behaviours, perhaps from being on such a tight leash til now? Atemu Elmasry, a poor choice in companion, dealing with his own past haunting him in the form of lost love - pitted against a complicated back and forth with the Shaman on the opposite side of the civil war of the witches, and on the brink of losing one of his oldest allies in Evanora Bile. He finds comfort in Valdana Romanov and cannot work out why he keeps finding himself in life and death, back and forths with Haylee; stops her from plummeting into dark magic and yet tolerates it. Daphne Groves is one of Haylee’s closest, and is defending all her choices, but quietly hopes she will remain on the side of light, and repel darkness. Daph is also getting a little too close to Yara Clementine, the vampire that stands as the only link left back to the witch’s mother and begins to question the High Sage’s values; instead stands to believe all species should be helped; anti-war. Still a believer, even after Azagi Rabaz presented the eyes of a loyalist in a terrifying act to coax information out of the witch?
A grand opening Southside, Coveted offers something new, founded by Adonis Romero he has found that it benefits him beyond the obvious. In some complicated thing with Teddy Byrne that seems mutually beneficial, Adonis is attempting to get the vampire addicted to his fae blood in order to manipulate the vampire to do what he wants. The trickery of the fae knows no bounds, it seems. The fae of Myre Grove seem relatively tame, Jasper Dalton’s step-brother Samuel Dalton has strode into town again to cause all kinds of trouble. Already found his long time companions in the Davenports, and Jessie has warned him off leaving messes that could caue diplomatic problems. 
Jasper has however antagonised Quentin Miles’ boyfriend when in The Bloom anda fight broke out, Kane Harrison bit Jasper and the situation grew extreme - Malakiah’s arrival worsened the situation, and the flower shop became a warzone that ended only when Quentin agreed to assist in Jasper’s injuries. What was said about how love hurts? Fortunately, an isolated indiscretion between the fae, fallen and the wolf was nothing more that lovers’ spats. 
Speaking of Jasper... He also seems to have caught the eye of his Manager and supposed friend, Amos De Leon. The man, usually seen surrounded by luck, seems to have a couple of people wrapped around his finger. Giselle, darling, are you having fun? It’s unknown if some of his games are for shits and giggles, or if he intends to blackmail those around him. All that luck is bound to run out at some point... 
Under the noses of the rest of the fae, Avery Arden plans to help conduit the human and vampire alliance in a negative direction, possibly with the assistance of Dalton and this would be detrimental to stopping a war of the West. 
Dojermaur “Dodger” Dros has been getting increasingly closer to Lennell Moore, but a Letharger’s interest in a mortal seems suspicious, no? Nira has been trying to assist in wakening the Unawakened and helping them blossom into their true potential, and Jack Riley seems to be a perfect candidate - on the road to recovery from his substance abuse, and trying to help his new Commander, and Hideout with supply runs and being support. 
Alexander remains to be under the thrall of the demons in the Dominion, continues to work as a bartender at Hypnos and is irrefutably flirting with his best friend. He’s gained custody of his child within the confines of the tunnels. The same tunnels that Atemu Elmasry and Teddy Byrne almost fought in when they reuinted for the first time in a decade and spurred the hundred year old feud that runs deep between them - Fallon Knight the only reason that the two only part ways with new scars, and their lives. 
This is the briefest of reference materials we could compile together based on what we know, and what the muns of Calamitous have sent us. If there is anything incorrect, or misinterpreted - or you lovelies want something added/included, let us know! 
We didn’t receive updates for everyone, but we’re happy to add something in, we hope this runover of the latest events helps you guys who don’t have the time to follow everything on the dash! 
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magnusetdona · 3 years
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Hello there family! Back from the dead and ready to kick things into gear. Please bear with me as I update Brina's bio and her page but to help with plotting and to explain what's going on with our most elegant and wonderous badass babe of science and medicine I humbly present this to you! Below in are the current state of mind / things regarding Sabrina Mackie:
*** i tried to make it small that didn’t work so thank you so much for reading <3. gore tw, death tw, blood tw & mentions of these.
Bram Mackie: Supporting her brother's decision to become a supernatural in order to avenge their family and level the playing field in that regard what is done is done. For a moment it felt like she would lose him, like she had the tiniest doubt ( and still does ) that Bram would die and not complete the change. Now that he has and he's no longer in the hideout there is a stronger pull to make the journey into were-territory to do as she's always done and that's make sure he's alright and to take care of him. Brina has been trading in the black market for hard to find items like bacon, smoked ham hocks and specialty meats and things and plans on making a large spread as promised for him in his new home. The bacon/smoked ham hock / meat ( likely used for a polish hunter's stew - eden's heritage is showing ) will draw a decent crowd if not most werewolves in a decent radius. Bram hadn't approved of this sort of dealing before and certainly wouldn’t now knowing how often she’s frequenting insanely dangerous places to get these things but mackie’s tend to do what they want. ( she’s not told him the detail of her experiments or how she’s come up with a system to sneak into bite clubs and shady af places to collect samples that we will touch on later ). its her plan to make those who will now be involved with his life aware she is still a huge part of his and she still loses sleep over him knowing he's not in the other room now and how can she save the big bad werewolf from dying if she's not there?
Cardelle Mackie: With the injuries Cardelle has endured, both mentally and physically from his last altercation with a high vampire and their last conversation... Brina is concerned about him. With their older brother now a werewolf and on his own personal quest she'd holding the pieces of a tattered playing card and the tattered soul of her other elder brother, the much more handsome one she will aways tell him not knowing how to patch the latter up completely. Brina's ad a front seat to the differences between Bram & Card and now with Bram gone is again worried about how Card will react to this void knowing he's always competed with Bram to be better at everything instead of loving himself. Brina's noticed the uptick in drowning his sorrows and this has in turn made her push herself in the repair of the playing card and her brother. She's currently thinking of ideas on how to possibly help him out in all aspects of his life and quietly harboring deep resentment towards the vampire that so thoroughly wrecked him. Additionally she's torn between asking Card to move in with her or just move her things into his place and tell him she's living there now to take care of him and help him back to where he was and then better than before. She looses a ton of sleep thinking about how she can watch out for him and give him all the good things he deserves. If anyone can make steal ten seconds of happiness, Brina would steal them for Card not matter their cost.
Rory Mackie: She is still missing the other half of her soul. the chaos to her genius and its like losing part of herself - the phantom limb. Being twins she feels a special connection with her that is hard to explain that causes her not to give up in the search when so many others have moved on worrying about her. Brina didn't see her at SRS and since then I don't imagine the brothers with their own issues have had a chance to update Brina on this revelation. So for the moment every time she goes out to gather samples, wander the city discovering things and every chance she gets to speak to black market vendors Sabrina is looking for Mackenzie Rhys picture and all. The connection is fraying, not severed but if Rory were dead Sabrina would feel it and she dreads the day she might and then its one more step closer to being the last Mackie left alive and Sabrina even then would probably seek drastic measures to get her sister back. In short her family keeps her up at night wondering if they are safe and Sabrina doesn't give up on making sure they are okay and this connection out of every other is the one if she looses it will likely kill her. Brina would be lost if she loses Rory entirely.
Lucky Jones Adams: Lucky though not blood is a Mackie through and through. To the end of time and that last days to where eternity falls off into nothingness this is her sister for life. It's not like the connection she has with Lorelai where their souls are bound by some inexplicable twinness and a sixth sense though the way she feels about Lucky is the same. Her sister. A woman that helped raise her into the woman she became and while Sabrina is the first in a long line of Mackie's to hunt search for an alternative solution Brina would wrestle gods and slay demons if it meant Lucky would stay. She understands the disappearances, knows the struggles of the other without the exact detail. There are pieces Sabrina knows that the other one keeps close to her chest - Lucky is the lone wolf of their family but that doesn't stop this member of their small clan from worrying. Sabrina won't push it knowing she too disappears into her lab for days on end or travels about the streets of calamity slipping through crowds and what not and she admires Lucky for all she is. With her being back now and back to herself thanks to the Mackies and their hand Brina would love for one of her brothers to tell Lucky they love her. Brina is unaware that Bram has said this and Brina just wants to keep kindling their relationship. If anything were to happen to Lucky or hurt her with everything its not likely Sabrina would let her disappear again and Brina would be there constantly, earnestly to help Lucky keep a handle on all the things or just be a comfort. When the world is spinning she knows she can count on Lucky but Sabrina wants to extend the same love and care that she's always felt from Lucky now Lucky is around and back to being themselves.
Michael Fothergill: Sabrina's first and second encounters with Mike have been rather interesting ones. Meeting her brother's best friend and now fellow werewolf. He's crazy she'll give him that and the type of crazy her sister would readily enjoy but Brina has strange feelings about Mike. Having declared herself the defacto matriarch of their family ( she thinks this not that it's actually true ) accepting someone new into the fold is a task. She's not against him no - quite the opposite she is entirely grateful to Mike for all that he is. He's just the type of off the wall the family melds well with and during Bram's turning he was there and he held her hand while she was afraid for Bram's life and kept her safe in case something went wrong. Admiration. That is what she feels that and gratitude for him now that he is part of their lives and there for her eldest brother when she can't be. Goodness she has questions though about werewolves and the life they live and wants to be sure she can trust him with the life of someone she loves and by extension Mike is now someone she also cares and worries over and will when she stops by Bram's new place bring him food and be on him too to make sure he's doing alright. Brina plans on having lunch with him or asking for some time to better understand what Bram is going through - he's not blood but he has no choice in the fact he is now part of the family at least in her mind.
on the current state of the human faction: Brina has been keeping to herself, flying under the radar and honestly operating on auto-pilot. She does her work, eats, works, has a snack and then holds up in her lab for days. That or she switches out on the day she's not working to checking her plants and finding some other way to do something to keep busy. Or she's out on her own little scouting trip, wandering the city collecting more things, mapping more or spending time in the black market meeting interesting people or having dinner there trading there as well becoming quite the regular.. However hearing their commander has become a vampire now ( however unintentionally ) and Axel's moving up in the chain of command she's got a lot to think about. They are in a shambles really, she feels and she worries without a stabilizing force what will become of her entire life or the safe haven they built here. Brina might speak to Axel about moving locations now or even becoming Head Medic or more. Brina could never fully leave them - never abandon them because everything she does is to gain knowledge to better help them all and one day make it so they no longer need to hide and can roam around safely. Brina want's to help but she's not sure where to start knowing most everyone there and knowing everyone needs a hand. Tis stressful coming out of ones lab to find the rest of it in some form of chaos. These are her friends and they are like family and Sabrina is only one person who can’t do it all, patching everyone up and watch them go through it without suffering a little herself. She’s currently thinking of ways to help but has yet to approach anyone yet to do this officially If anything the recent happenings in short have inspired her to take on a more intensive role within the faction and work harder on the projects she’s got going on to protect those who are left. If anything she’s going to crack into that massive journal and have a plan to pull things together to help her human family.
regarding vampires:  brina is considerably guarded on her feelings on them around most people. truthfully she wouldn't have a problem with them knowing this is their form of sustenance and most at a base level are surviving like everyone else. she wouldn't have a problem if they didn't show a complete disregard for humanity both of those they drain and themselves. she can understand some of it but what for a woman driven by facts and knowledge, a need to understand the world and in turn make it better all of that is speculation. Adding in the general sentiment a hunter family has around vampires who they steal humans, keep them as feeders and show little regard for the lives they take even indirectly by robbing them of that person and all the knowledge of hundreds of years they refuse to share and hoard to themselves it angers her. Mostly because she wants to know why because her life is built on knowing why and making plans and fixing things. It wouldn't help either by the fact people she's cared about have been turned and they are different people now. all in all though she has a healthy fear of vampires, she won't go volunteering to be bitten but would show respect to one if one respects her and would like to have an honest and frank conversation with one to understand why they are the way they are, what drives them, what their weaknesses are and yes then how to fix them. She doesn't wish to kill any of them because they were yes once human even if they no longer remember. In all honesty her protectiveness even extends to them in some odd way and there are a few who inspire her to continue her journey. The only one she would gladly see dead is Demetri for what he did to Cardelle - this is one thing she hasn't voiced to anyone. 
regarding fae: There has always been bad blood between humans and fae and Sabrina isn't sure why. She can assume its because at one time humans were horrible creatures and some still are and to have soured a potentially incredibly fruitful relationship troubles brina. Again a being of understanding, hungering for knowledge and a way to build and protect their mutual interests ... she's wary. Wary only because of the way she's been raised and the way they have been raised knowing she herself is a rarity among humans who's interest is in science, medicine and understanding of the world reach farther than just helping humanity and they don't know her enough to trust her. Sabrina would like to cultivate closer relationships in hopes to seek a more harmonious discourse and stronger ties to heal old wounds and learn more about them to lend assistance. Would it be so terrible though to admit Sabrina is curious about magic, eager to study the small sciences and mysteries of a world that humans are denied access to? . Brina is still careful how to approach this thought knowing the power fae have is no joke and regardless of their classification any angered fae, pissed off is deadly and some are simply cruel for shits and giggles. She has a healthy respect for them knowing she if admitted into one's friendship or even tolerance is a gift.
regarding werewolves: She has a new found love and respect for them as Bram is one now. Growing up as a Mackie and the spawn of generations of hunters being told not to trust them and how dangerous they are now with an in via Mike and Bram she'd like to know more about them. Their transformation, their drive how they live and exist to understand more. Brina is no fool, will suffer no fools either and is perhaps the most careful of the Mackie. She's got plenty of things in her bag to protect and defend herself from every sort of being but she is excited quietly to meet more of them and this new part of Bram's life. They will see her quite often after all as there is no separating her from his life and in her expanding understanding to know worlds of knowledge hidden from her and perhaps share some of hers to help Bram's new family.
regarding witches: Sabrina while silent on most things as she is extremely quite on making her above opinions known ( while this is changing ) she is appreciative for witches though the sentiment is not always shared by others. She appreciates them and their craft again having a healthy respect and fear over their powers knowing she is mortal and they are in a way but supremely gifted. Were it not for Zyler Fane would the sickness that had been continue on and effect more and in the black market, Sabrina, has been gathering hard to find items for some of the witches there in exchange for this or that but never magic spells or curses but to gain their trust and ask for help finding persons she needs to. They are dangerous if they are dark and the magic they manage is nothing Sabrina balks at and she'd like to know more and plans on asking questions to understand slowly the witches thought process and again help make bridges and secure protection for a faction that needs it.
regarding merfolk: Sabrina understands merfolk and humans don't have the greatest history but she finds them infinitely fascinating. She too has heard of their wealth of knowledge and while she would jump at the opportunity to know it knows that is theirs and not a line to cross as mer are notoriously private creatures. Their desire to keep such knowledge private is what she admires being herself an incredibly private person. Perhaps that is why whenever she encounters one Sabrina feels honored and special. Heck, she even has dinner with one once every few weeks while both wander the black-market whenever or wherever it pops up. Brina would want to study and learn more about them with their permission though she is unsure how to do that since there is the matter of logistics to consider. Her previous dealings with mer would have her trust them sooner than she would most other species.
regarding demonic beings: The one thing Sabrina is deathly terrified of are demons. Memories are still burned into her mind, haunt her dreams and are the main reason she hardly ever sleeps. They have brought her constant nightmares since she was a child after having watched her parents meet their end at the hands of one. She's met a few before and it has always been the greatest struggle to remain calm around them, to hide all evidence of fear knowing Demons would chomp at the bit for a soul such as hers or to end her life. Yeah demons are a touchy, touchy subject and while she's grown bolder venturing into the outskirts of their territory and would love to free feeders / breeders alike she's know we'd get a full on panic attack. 
regarding angelic beings, Her experience with angels, Nephilim ( enlightened or otherwise ) and fallen angels is extremely limited. She's met them, spoke with a few but not had enough interaction with any of them to form an opinion one way or another. Truthfully, she has doubts about their being a god and as much as she is curious to understand and uncover divine mysteries she's not had the desire to go looking but is none the less thinking about looking further into them for scientific purposes.
regarding her experiments / personal projects Sabrina is when she is not in the infirmary/medical wing of the hideout is experimenting somewhere and is never ever without her satchel and its contents which is where that journal of hers is housed. Brina is currently working on several little experiments. Vampire repellant, studying hematology not necessarily for a cure but multiple applications, hybrid plants that are resistant to disease, medicines, salves and cooking recipes. She also sneaks out to observe, map and draw parts of the city studying that too. They are a way of escaping her own thoughts by filling her head with other thoughts not focused on her problems and on things she can figure out and analyze. Good god though Sabrina more often than not is risking her life just to collect samples. Heck, Sabrina has even snuck into places most humans wouldn't want to get caught dead or alive in and into places if she were caught would mean a fate worse than death. After all what human has been into a bite club and not gotten nibbled at just to collect blood since its laying all over or a girl that has tailed the worst persons. If people knew what she did to get her selection of samples they might faint out of sure shock. Bram at the very least would drop a brick. What remains a constant though in any of this, Brina is willing to go to the ends of everything risking her own life in the process if it means protecting others and ushering forth the day where humans don’t have to hide and her children if she ever has half a mind to have any don’t live in fear as centuries of persons have.
regarding her quarters in the hideout and potentially finding her own place: It's just an idea. Its a thought that has been floating around her head about looking for larger quarters or perhaps even leaving the hideout to set up her own home some where. With Bram where he is now, with the level of care she wants to see Cardelle given and if no when they find Rory again and if any of them ever expand the family or if she find love which she highly doubts a home as always been the dream. A place to raise the next generation and to have large family dinners and to be at peace. For now she just wants more space to expand her lab or just find a place to sleep in her current lab and more books
in general ...
her ringtone in general is the harry lime theme from the third man
she’s got a collection of rare books 
is studying midwifery thought a senior medic 
brina cooks for people she likes to make up for not being constantly around
if you’ve passed through the hideout, brina is one of the first to great you and she knows everyone there
cares entirely too much and remembers everyone’s birthdays. makes an effort while giving tough love most of the time to make people feel loved and seen
won’t tell you she doesn’t like to sleep because she has nightmares 90% of the time
is an insomniac ^
works way too much
her journal is HUGE, likely enchanted to keep stuffing more pages and is like the mary poppins bag but in book form. 
even though she barely remembers her parents she’s mastered her mother’s knowing look
has a solution for most things 
smol, stealthy & deadly science woman with medical knowledge ™
keeps whiskey on her not for herself but for medicinal purposes 
doesn’t know how to flirt and hasn’t been in love, doubts she will be or find someone she tolerates in that way.
her love language is theft and arguing.
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shiverrinqs · 3 years
TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of death, parental death, lost consciousness, , violence, fighting,, blood mention, 
𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄: Bram Mackie 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: The Woods, near Crescent Lake 
𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: Cardelle Mackie, Sabrina and Rory Mackie, Lucky Adams, Mike Fothergill, Izyk Vissar, Max Roper, Valdana Romanov. 
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It is a word that loses its meaning as a human because death is a daily and constant reminder of our mortality. Did we even die of old age anymore? Was that possible, given what we were? The bottom of the barrel; only kept around to sustain the insatiable needs of those dark things circled us. And yet, we welcome those same monsters and demons into our lives, into our world, into our bed. And for what? We still die; allegiances fall by the wayside. Because you didn't align yourself to creatures so fragile, you used them as a shield.
And we allowed ourselves to get used up and spat out.
To the point that there was no pride to call to mind. How could you hold your head high when your kind was so ready to enslave themselves. I don't know. I don't care to know. There isn't anything that could be said for it to make sense to my ears. No argument that would allow me to bend a knee to creatures that view us as food. To follow men that would sign my life over to the very same animals to be willing blood bags.
Where had we gone so wrong? When did this change happen?
I can't pinpoint it, Even as I sit in front of Iyzk, his deep voice going on about what this ritual will do to me. What will happen if I'm not strong enough to survive the brutality of this first shift. What he doesn't know is I was born for this. I came from a family of hunters: my grandfather, Jebediah Mackie, and my grandmother, Reese Mackie. There were Mackies before them, other hunters all. Dying to protect their family, to preserver the Hideout their home. They were duty-bound, said it was in our blood to hunt. Naturally, in its effect, the Mackies did just so. My father, Cole Mackie, and mother Mackenzie Rhys- Mackie. They continued that work. I lived and breathed this life.
The pain came with this calling of ours. A pain that became even more excruciating when my siblings and I watched them die. Guilt mingled with my pain, at times overshadowing it. Suffocating any joy or happiness, I felt as a child. Replacing it with something colder, distant stronger than what was. Death, death I knew from a young age, pain its constant companion over the years. If I couldn't survive this night-- perhaps it was best I die. Leave this world to the idiots and fools that thought themselves so clever to throw away their freedom.
It could not be me.
The moon has yet to reach its peak. The night air seems different. Or maybe that is my overactive mind, scrambling to recall some last precious moments. Brina is close by. I don't dare look at her, but I know she is near. Standing next to a silent and stoic Mike. I don't know why I was more apprehensive about their meeting than about being bitten tonight. The bite wasn't even that bad-- it was the waiting that currently had me on edge. Maybe it's because they are some of the most influential people in my life. My family, my humanity, Mike and Max, the wild, angry, vengeful creatures bound up inside me, waiting to get out of me. Izyk, the rare voice of reason, buried deep down. The two worlds shouldn't mix. There should have been no reason for me to become so attached to so many different wolves. But each bond I made with them was just as strong as the bond I had with a member of my family.
There was no loss either. I needed both, even as my blood brother was missing this night. Unable to watch, too angry and hurt with me to be here. Mike was here, not blood but a brother all the same. My fourier into this world was with him. There were times he wanted to kill me; there were times I wanted to kill him. Instead, we beat the shit out of each other and went out for drinks. A common thread, it would seem, because, with Max, it was the same way. Sparring partner, a friend that didn't mind giving as good as she got. With a stiff drink to follow. Violence, blood, anger-fueled us. Not for the same purpose, but it was there -- beneath the surface. I was clawing underneath the skin until it was out and accessible.
For what really could instill fear in you after watching a demon rip into your parents. When that fear, that vision of blood and gore, plagued my dreams as a child and a young man. Even now, when I'm not so young. Body-worn and tired. It wasn't bravery that allowed me to fight these dark creatures. It's because, at the end of it all, my worse fear had been met and felt on more occasions than I wish to speak on. When death has followed you, like a companion after so many years, it keeps you close while taking those you love. At some point, your death doesn't seem so scary. At least then you can see them again. And I will, Father, Mother, Gramps, and Grandma--Tyler. My end will come, and their open arms will greet me. Pulling me into a long missed embrace as they say, 
‘Job well done, now rest.’
But there is no rest for me now.
It isn't time for it yet. Not when there is so much to do.
I don't know the hour, don't know how long we've been waiting. But I can feel wetness on my skin. Rain? I don't smell it, but I think it is peppering my body, but it isn't cool and comforting. It is hot, searing, so hot that I want to cry out in pain. But I don't... not yet. Not with Brina so close, not with Lucky nearby. I bite my tongue and taste the iron thick in the back of my throat.
"It's begun." Izyk's words are clear. But I'm too distracted by the fire. It makes no sense. To be covered in water, my bare chest slick with it, but the other is dry as a bone. My fingers claw at the ground as the fire continues the pain too. I want to stand, I will myself too, but I can't. CRACKS and SNAPS echo in my ear, but I don't know where they are coming from. I want it to leave...
Make it stop
Make the pain go away.
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All I can do is wither beneath the weight of it. I'm so heavy; breathing is so hard to do. I'm panting, trying to catch my breath. So, I lash out, the world seems to spin and whirl around me, but all I see is the blackness of the sky above me. I can't even feel the ground below. All there is pain, so acute, so excruciating, nothing else registers. Regret hits me hard. Was I so cocky to think I could survive this?
It doesn't even sound like me. My gaze shifts looking for where the noise came from. Even though my blurred vision, clouded by fire, rage, and pain. I can see her there. Lucky, my family, my home, my love.
I want to go to her, to comfort her. Tell her that it will be okay. But it doesn't feel like it at that moment. We are each other's protectors. Where did it go wrong? When did we lose our way? She didn't understand me sometimes. Didn't know that I wasn't unreasonable or overbearing because I was an asshole. No, it's because I needed her more than most. Because she was the sun, she's the moon my night and day because if she weren't there, I would be worse than I was when Tyler died.
When had I let him go from my heart? I mourned him, howled for hours when he died in my arms—covered in his blood, so cold. When he had been so warm. A pound of flesh was what he'd been reduced to. An obstacle in the way... that's all humanity was to them. They would not destroy me. They couldn't; there was no living in peace with them. My blade would drink their blood. My teeth would sink and tear into their putrid flesh. Anger and pain will fuel me, and I would not rest until I had my fill. To protect my pack, I would do anything. To defend my pack, I would endure any pain. And when I rose from that pain, when the morning sky warmed my skin, I'd know that this was what I'm meant for.
The strength of a wolf was its pack. And mine was here, even those missing. Cardelle, Rory, Val. They were my pack, and they were who I would fight for would fight with. I was born a hunter. It made sense that this would be the next chapter for me.
I am strong,  As strong as the ground beneath my paws, I am a protector of my family, of my pack. I am the hunter, That will not stop until those dark things bend and break between my jaw.
I am Bram Mackie
I am The Omega.
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After finishing the Russell Howard and Jon Richardson radio show I’ve been in a weirdly emotional mood, and have decided to deal with that by watching the most superficial, unemotional thing I can think of that is still somehow connected to that radio show. So I watched 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Deal or No Deal. This is the second time I’ve watched it, the first being over a year ago when I got to the episodes from that year in my first watch-through of 8 Out of 10 Cats. The reason why this is the first time I’ve watched it since then is that it’s terrible. I have never seen an episode of Deal or No Deal besides this 8 Out of 10 Cats special, and I do not want to.
But the special was fun, in a very silly way. They had a bunch of people standing behind boxes. Some of those people were labelled as being there because they were friends of Sean Lock. Some of those people were labelled as being there because they were friends of Jon Richardson. I am finding it amusing to re-watch this episode and remind myself of who those people were. So I’ve taken pictures of them.
People Without Boxes
- Host: Jimothy Anthony Patrick Carr
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- Players: Sean Lock and Jon Richardson
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- Banker’s assistant: Joe Wilkinson
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People With Boxes
Sean’s people whom I do not know
- Someone named Stephen Frost
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- Someone named Andy Smart
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- Someone named Dave Johns
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- Someone named John Fothergill
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Jon’s people whom I do know
- Mark Olver
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- John Robins
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- Matt Forde
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Jon’s people whom I do not know
- Someone named Mia Cross
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Other people whom I do know
- Gemma Collins (I’m sorry I know who this person is, but I do)
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- Rachel Riley
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- Holly Walsh
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- Nick Helm
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- Rob Beckett
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- Katherine Ryan
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- Alice Levine
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- Susie Dent
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-Elis James
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Other people whom I do not know
- Someone named Nicola Adams
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- Someone named Tony Law
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- Someone named Nong Skett
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- Someone named Corinne Davies
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bram-mackie · 4 years
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Name : Bram Mackie
Age: 35
Height : 6′0
Species: Human
Orientation : biromantic,  bisexual
Frequents :  Hideaway
Occupation : Hunter
Residency: The Lounge
Fun Fact: If you ever need to find Bram your best bet is to look up. He might be asleep in a tree somewhere. Or at least he appears to be asleep. He often uses this tactic ( napping) to lure his prey in or give them a sense of getting a leg up on him.  Most of the time though... he really is just napping. Best not to disturb him unless it’s an emergency. 
Father: Douglas Mackie
Mother: Evelyn Mackie 
Siblings: Cardele Mackie, Sabrina ‘Brina’ Mackie , 
Significant Other(s): none
Offspring: none
Significant Relationships: Lucky ‘Penny’ Adams (best friends) Tyler West ( boyfriend/ best friend deceased) 
tw: blood, death, gore
“There is a little darkness in all of us. But there are creatures that are made up of this darkness. That eats away at the light they had  leaving a decrepit husk in it’s wake. ”
The Mackies where hunters, and Bram was fascinated by this fact. Some of his earliest memories he can remember, sitting on the bed watching as his father and grandfather got ready for a hunt. There was so much reverence when his father spoke of their home. It was the only home Bram had ever known, The only place that he felt safe and secure. Still, he didn’t think it was that dangerous. He didn’t understand the need for the secrecy. Why it was so important that no one find out where they were. How could he ; at that age he just wanted to see what they got up to. 
‘ When you’re older I’ll train you myself. Thats a promise Bram.’ He wished he’d been more patient. 
But ten year old Bram wanted to know now. He didn’t want to wait. So when the chance came for him to follow after his mother and father he did. He had been learning how to trail and track people. To move quickly and to not be seen by those you didn’t wish to be. He thought he was so clever; getting back home before them. Settling into his bed as if he’d always been there. So smart, he hadn’t been aware of the dark thing that followed after him. Looming over his bed, ready to feast on him. Card had woken first, yelling for Bram to get up. But he had been petrified in fear. The face of a demon inches from his own. 
Cardelle always the  fast thinker, grabbing the bottle of holy water from the nightstand and splashing it towards the demon. The screams of pain, pulled him out of his thoughts. The demon thrashing wildly. Nails as sharp as talons, slicing open the skin on Bram’s arm,. Three deep crimson cuts embedded there. But he didn’t feel it. Bram took his brother by the hand.  Scooped up Brina who was crying in the hall for them and ran towards their parents room. Slipping into his parents closet. In this moment he was sure they were going to die. All the knowledge he thought he knew; everything he thought he learned was gone. 
Bram pulling his brother and sister closer to him. Shielding their eyes so they don’t have to see the end of things. Soft whispers of ‘I’m sorry’ and ‘I love you’ hang in the air between the three. That’s when he hears his mothers voice, his fathers. Bram peeks through the slits in the closet. His parents putting up a fight. Even get in a few blows but this demon is too strong. 
He will never forget the sound of flesh tearing apart . As the thing rips into both of them their screams dying out into soft gurgles as they choke on their own blood. 
Bram won’t let the other two see. Doesn’t want them to see mom and dad like this. The creature is moving towards the closet now but there are shot fired and a bright light fills the room. It shrieks and throws it’s self out the window. Or Bram thinks it does, the light has left him blinded for a while. Only making out the shapes of bodies approaching him. 
It is the familiar voices of his grandmother and grandfather, that allows Bram to relax. Silent tears falling down his face as he buries it against his grandfathers chest. His Grandfather always seemed like a giant, in that moment when he scooped him and Card up he was; grams taking Sabrina.  And as those who head the commotion began to cover up the bodies of his parents or what was left of them.  Something heavy sits on his heart. In that moment guilt settled there. Guilt of knowing that his parents died protecting them because of his stupid actions.  
- Bram started training with his grandfather immediately after they buried his parents. He had just turned eleven. 
-The scar of the demon that killed his parents is still visible. A reminder to himself what rushing into things cost him. 
- At the age of 15 he befriend and then 13 year old Lucky and tried to convince her that she should come and live in The Hideout with the rest of the humans. She eventually does after secretly following him and his grandfather back. Not that his grandfather was surprised as he knew the girl was following them the whole time. 
 -Always had a crush on his best friend Tyler for as long as he could remember. If he wasn’t with his siblings, or training he was spending time with Tyler and Lucky.  - Bram and Tyler got together when he was 20 years old. The were together five years before Tyler died. The pair of them trying to save Serena from the vampire that was keeping her. After his death, Bram became even more sullen with other people. With the exception of his sibling and lucky he’s not nice too many. And his disdain for feeders , demon and vampires isn’t something he’s hidden from that day forward. 
- Is very much all about his job. Making time for his kin when he can. Very protective of his little sister. Though if you ask him he is just as protective of his little brother as well. Even though they bicker and squabble like no one else. There isn’t anything he wouldn’t do for them. 
- Seriously if you see him napping just leave him be. You are better off. 
Former fling(s): (open to all) After Tyler’s death. Bram didn’t really settle down with anyone . That didn’t stop him from sharing a bed with a person here or there.  
Just not into you ( open to all) This is someone that Bram can’t stand for one reason or the other. Maybe they messed with his family or maybe they’re just an asshole. Either way: he wants to hit them ever time he sees them. 
Unlikely Friends: ( Michael Fothergill) They are so similar that it a wonder how they haven’t bit each others head off-- and once for sure could if provoked. Still These two assholes have figured out a way to be friends despite wanting to punch each other and they have come to blows a few times. Then went out for drinks afterwards-- not as uncommon as one might think. 
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elarea · 3 years
Un jirón de nuestra historia deportiva
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La foto es una reliquia de 1903. Se trata del equipo del Montevideo Cricket Club en este deporte. Figuran en la alineación varios apellidos que siguieron firmes en el club y nuestro deporte. De pie: J. Pena, F. Jackson, D. Pena. W Poole. dos jugadores no individualizados, A Macadam, R. Anderson, R. Herford, un jugador argentino, F, Fothergill y G. Nilson. Sentados: A. Adams, E. Stanham, R. Dobson, D. Kingsland, L. Crocker, tres argentinos y C. Jones.
Gracias a un artículo proporcionado por Daniel Yermolayew, "Un jirón de nuestra historia deportiva", publicado por el suplemento deportivo del desaparecido diario "El Día" del 20 de julio de 1981, se ha añadido a la sección 8 de los Artículos referentes a Uruguay una nota muy ilustrativa sobre los orígenes del fútbol en nuestro país y sobre el Montevideo Cricket Club.
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tkmedia · 3 years
The best Brownlow count in years… shame thousands couldn’t see it thanks to streaming debacle
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Port Adelaide star Ollie Wines claimed the 2021 AFL Brownlow Medal in the most exciting count in quite some time… but an archaic TV rights situation meant many footy fans couldn’t watch a minute of it. Here are the big talking points out of the AFL’s night of nights. 7Plus… minus all the good stuff The integration of streaming services into everyday life has now given people an expectation that whatever they want to watch is now just a click away. With Kayo Sports a staple of every self-respecting sports fan’s monthly expenses, plus new faces such as Stan Sport and Paramount+ entering the market, we’ve grown accustomed to simply booting up our laptops or opening our phones and tuning in. But it seems Channel Seven – and the AFL – aren’t with the program, as it were. Because the first indication for thousands – if not more – Australians that something was amiss was when they logged onto Seven’s streaming service, 7Plus, for the Brownlow count – only to find no trace of it. Great news for Border Security fans, to be sure… but AFL lovers everywhere were left feeling rightly jilted. We only have smart TVs and there’s no #brownlow on @7plus WTF. Also no paid streaming option via @AFL either… how is this a thing in 2021?! @Channel7 — christie fekete (@ChristieFekete) September 19, 2021 I'm trying to stream the Brownlow on 7Plus (forgive me, I'm in lockdown!). But I'm getting Border Security instead. Either Peter Dutton is about to cause a big boil over by beating the Bont or something is going wrong here?#Brownlow — Richard Hinds (@rdhinds) September 19, 2021 Advertisement Can any ???? experts explain @7AFL’s logic in not making its #BrownlowMedal coverage available on @7plus? There must be a reason… — Marc McGowan ????✍️????????‍???????? (@ByMarcMcGowan) September 19, 2021 The reason why is simple: Seven don’t have streaming rights for any of their AFL-related content. After Telstra ended their AFL Live Pass access at the beginning of 2021, they now belong exclusively to Foxtel and Kayo Sports … who, as it happens, can show everything EXCEPT the two biggest events on the calendar. Namely: the Brownlow Medal and this Saturday’s grand final, which are the sole domain of Seven. It took Seven until the count started to notify expectant fans venting on Twitter that they wouldn’t be able to stream the count on 7Plus. PSA: due to rights restrictions, the #BrownlowMedal cannot be streamed on 7plus. You can watch live and free on Channel 7. — 7AFL (@7AFL) September 19, 2021 While the network took the lion’s share of the blame on social media last night, they’re not solely to blame for the shemozzle. It’s a farce in this day and age that supposedly the biggest sporting competition in Australia can prevent a network from live-streaming an event it has exclusive access to. Can you imagine Channel Nine doing the same with the State of Origin series? Fixing the contract up must be a priority for the AFL, and surely will be after Monday night’s debacle. It’s a shame it comes as too little, too late for many fans left in the lurch. Advertisement And fair warning – unless you’ve got access to a special set-top box in this list, you’re going to need to break out the ‘rabbit ears’ to catch the grand final on Saturday night. Ollie Wines – Brownlow Medallist, and straight-up savage Heading in as the favourite after an outstanding season, averaging over 32 disposals in Port Adelaide’s run to the preliminary final, Wines secured his place among the game’s elite with a maiden Brownlow, for himself and the club. Fascinatingly, he did it despite the very thing that arguably gave him that favouritism – a lack of teammates to take votes off him – being flipped on its head. Where Melbourne stars Clayton Oliver and Christian Petracca were expected to drag each other down, and ditto Bulldogs pair Marcus Bontempelli and Jack Macrae; it was Wines’ partner in crime Travis Boak’s 25 votes which was the highest club runner-up tally of the night. Boak’s outstanding polling, particularly early in the night, makes Wines’ achievement of equalling Dustin Martin’s record of 36 votes all the more impressive. In 16 of 22 games, he was deemed to be among the three best players afield – a record he now holds on his own.
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(Photo by Daniel Carson/AFL Photos via Getty Images) Sealing the result with two votes on Bontempelli’s Bulldogs in Round 23, the unassuming country lad from Echuca, in Victoria’s north, then proceeded to win the footy world over with plenty of blunt honesty in his victory speech. When notified by host Basil Zempilas of his record-equalling haul, Wines responded simply: “I’m not sure about the numbers, but 36 sounds like a lot.” Always a keen footy fan, his favourite player growing up was another Echuca product in former Carlton swingman Andrew Walker; he’d reveal a hilarious anecdote about a call to radio station 3AW in “the early 2000s” to talk about his idol with legendary caller Rex Hunt. Advertisement Reckon you'll be able to get onto talkback tomorrow Ollie ????#Brownlow pic.twitter.com/O8cIBJRFD7 — AFL (@AFL) September 19, 2021 Wines then had them rolling in the aisles when he singled out a few Power teammates who had tagged along to Perth, despite little chance of polling many votes themselves. “We’ve got a really good crew come over tonight. A lot of the boys jumped on because I was a bit of chance, so I’m sure they’ll enjoy the night. “There were a lot of guys who weren’t a chance of polling votes – Tom Clurey… he asked for the after party invite, so he’s got that!” Finishing off the night with an impromptu phone call from Power president David Koch, the Brownlow will surely be some consolation for Wines after his team’s preliminary final defeat to the Bulldogs. It certainly was for his family. Scenes @ North Melbourne pic.twitter.com/fLHQDGCDVL — Maddie Wines (@maddiewines) September 19, 2021 Advertisement Forget ‘midfielder’s medal’, the Brownlow is a ‘favourite’s medal’ The last non-midfielder to win the Brownlow was Sydney legend Adam Goodes back in 2003 – and he was a ruckman who would win another ‘Charlie’ as a midfielder three years later. It’s no secret that the AFL’s most prestigious award is now exclusively the domain of the on-ballers. When Taylor Walker’s 9 votes is the most by any permanent forward, and Tom Stewart’s 8 the highest by a backman, you’ve got yourself a pretty clear discrepancy. However, in recent years the line has been pushed even further: it’s no longer enough to just be a midfielder to take home the Brownlow. Now, unless you’re one of the red-hot favourites being touted as a chance for months leading into the night, you might as well enjoy a cup of tea and turn in for an early night. Since Matt Priddis took home a surprise Brownlow in 2014, six of the seven medals have been won by the pre-count favourite. Wines, albeit a far closer-run choice among pundits than the overwhelming fancies of Patrick Dangerfield, Dustin Martin and Lachie Neale in recent years, polled accordingly. Don’t get me wrong: Wines, and those before him, are all indisputably worthy winners for outstanding seasons. But was his season really so astounding as to merit a Brownlow-record 36 votes (tied with Martin’s 2017 tally) and SIXTEEN appearances in the best three on the ground? You could say the same for Neale in 2020, who was adjudged by the umpires as best man afield ten times in seventeen home-and-away rounds, for a tally of 31. Perhaps the most glaring example of this is at the Western Bulldogs. Runner-up Marcus Bontempelli finished narrowly second behind Wines with 33 votes; while teammate and disposal machine Jack Macrae, the man who this year broke the record for the most disposals ever in an AFL season, finished with… 12. Not saying he should be leading but…. Umpires, let me introduce Jack Macrae. 12 votes!!?? pic.twitter.com/CTQ8P1TDTF — Alister Nicholson (@AlisterNicho) September 19, 2021 Advertisement Suggestions that the umpires have enough on their plate to be awarding Brownlow votes as well are fair, but it’s not going to rectify this situation. The obsession with the game’s biggest stars in the weekly cycle that is AFL media has made it just about impossible to head into a game without your eye being automatically drawn to the Bontempellis, the Wineses, the Dangerfields. If they’ve been the hot topics on every footy show all weekend long and then rack up 30 touches, regardless of their effectiveness, is anyone surprised when they continue to poll so spectacularly? All the while, the efforts of not just the gun forwards, backs and ruckmen of the game, but now the unassuming Macrae-style midfielders too, go largely ignored. For better or for worse, it seems we’re stuck with this trend. A bunch of hot candidates in 2021 at least made it interesting… but another Neale-esque count rout next year would be less than ideal. History made as records crumble by the bucketload Has a Brownlow ever produced so many new records? Well, the first one maybe, and those ones where two umpires gave the votes, but you get the idea. We’ll start with the obvious ones: Wines’ 36 votes equals Dusty’s highest-ever haul, while his 16 vote-winning games stands alone. It was a massive night for all the other top contenders, too; with Wines, Bontempelli (33), Oliver (31) and Carlton sensation Sam Walsh (30), it was the first Brownlow ever to feature four tallies in the 30s. The previous best? Two – between Martin and Patrick Dangerfield in 2017, Dane Swan and Sam Mitchell in 2011, and – one from the archives – Collingwood’s Des Fothergill and South Melbourne’s Herbie Matthews in 1940. Speaking of old-timers, the ageless David Mundy became the oldest man ever to poll more than 20 votes, getting to 20 on the dot at the age of 36. Not to be outdone, 33-year old Travis Boak (25 votes) is now the oldest man to poll 25 or higher. But it wasn’t a big night for others. Collingwood defender and premiership Bulldog Jordan Roughead set a new bar for the most games without a single vote, at 192. He beat out the previous holder, Geelong’s Tom Lonergan (191)… who was thrilled to pass on the baton. Note to all MC’s… delete from all future intro’s ???????? https://t.co/r9nChWw5HG — Tom Lonergan (@tomlonergan13) September 19, 2021 Disappointingly, though, one eight-year streak came to an end with Wines’ win. Lift your game, Echuca. Echuca has a McDonalds, so the streak is over. https://t.co/8j0jB3xxJ4 — Max Laughton (@maxlaughton) September 19, 2021 Read the full article
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10 Best Coffee Table Books Of All Time
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Coffee table books are sophisticated and delightful pieces of art to be displayed in your dining or front room . When you’re having guests over, you recognize you’re getting to spend a touch time within the kitchen fussing while your guests sit within the front room with their cocktails.
A beautiful cocktail table book gives them something to try to to while you’re absent. And once you have a quiet moment to yourself, these books are a joy to pore once again and again.
Here are the ten best cocktail table books of all time.
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Ansel Adams: 400 Photographs
Ansel Adams is one among the foremost popular photographers of all time, known for his breathtaking black-and-white landscapes of yank locales like Yosemite. Ansel Adams: 400 Photographs is that the largest compilation of his work ever put together during a single volume. It includes essays on a number of the pictures , also as information about his life.
Annie Leibovitz Portraits 2005-2016 Annie Leibowitz has photographed a number of the world’s most influential people. Her distinctive style and unique ability to capture the soul of her subjects has earned her an area among the highest photographers of her generation. Annie Leibovitz Portraits 2005-2016 may be a beautiful collection of her beat the past decade.
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Yellowstone by Christopher Cauble may be a collection of images taken in – you guessed it – Yellowstone park . Cauble’s sort of photography features a unique way of creating you are feeling like you’re within the landscape, not just watching an image of it.
Planet Earth Planet Earth by Alastair Fothergill is that the companion book to the gorgeous 2006 nature documentary of an equivalent name. It contains over 400 gorgeous pictures of animals and scenery which will take your breath away.
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National Geographic’s Citizens of the ocean 
National Geographic’s Citizens of the ocean by Nancy Knowlton may be a collection of photos of the aquatic universe, including many creatures you’ve never even heard of. It includes interesting facts about marine life and a few of the risks faced by sea creatures as a results of pollution and other human factors.
The Louvre: All the Paintings The Louvre: All the Paintings by Vincent Pomarede is strictly what it seems like . All the paintings from The Louvre, compiled during a beautiful cocktail table book. It’s less expensive than a visit to Paris, and you'll visit these paintings any time.
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Andy Warhol: the entire Commissioned Posters, 1964-1987
Andy Warhol: the entire Commissioned Posters, 1964-1987 by Paul Marechal may be a complete collection of Warhol’s original posters over a period of nearly 20 years. It begins with an introductory essay on the history of poster art including comparisons between Warhol and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and contains information about the artist and therefore the works.
The Greatest Album Covers of All Time In this era of digital music, the album cover may be a lost kind . Barry Miles, Grant Scott and Johnny Morgan put together a team of fifty musicians, producers, designers and company executives to compile the 275 greatest album covers of all time, and created the aptly named cocktail table book called the best Album Covers of All Time. The covers are arranged chronologically and date all the way back to 1956.
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Lonely Planet’s Wine Trails: 52 Weekends in Wine Country
Lonely Planet’s Wine Trails: 52 Weekends in Wine Country may be a beautiful book which may be enjoyed even by your non-wine-snob friends. The photography is gorgeous , and therefore the book also has many information which will assist you plan your next vacation, or simply offer you fodder for your next daydream.
Golf Courses: Fairways of the planet Golf Courses: Fairways of the planet by Sir Michael Bonallack, Steve Smyers and David Cannon may be a compilation of photographs of a number of the world’s most beautiful golf courses. Anyone who plays golf would definitely enjoy perusing this collection, which incorporates narrative about the courses and begins with a foreword written by golf pro Ernie Els. Even non-golfers will find the photos breathtaking.
No matter what your interests, there's a cocktail table book out there for you. Happy shopping!
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Os melhores documentários da Netflix, de acordo com o IMDb
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Além de serem uma boa forma de entretenimento, os documentários também disseminam conhecimento e fazem denúncias sociais. Para aqueles que se interessam por histórias reais, a Revista Bula reuniu em uma lista os dez melhores documentários e séries documentais disponíveis na Netflix, de acordo com a avaliação dos usuários do site IMDB, especializado em cinema. A seleção priorizou as produções que estão liberadas pelo serviço de streaming no Brasil. Entre os destaques, estão “The Vietnam War” (2017), de Ken Burns e Lynn Novick; uma das obras televisivas mais elogiadas da última década; e “Ícaro” (2017), de Bryan Fogel; que ganhou o Oscar de “Melhor Documentário de Longa-Metragem” em 2018.
Nosso Planeta (2019), Alastair Fothergill
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A série documental faz uma viagem por 50 países e mostra a diversidade da natureza ao redor do mundo. São imagens inéditas da vida selvagem, desde o Ártico, passando pelas selvas da América do Sul e pelas profundezas dos oceanos, até as paisagens africanas. O projeto, dos mesmos criadores de “Planeta Terra”, mostra a importância de preservar o mundo natural.
The Vietnam War (2017), Ken Burns e Lynn Novick
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Uma das mais elogiadas obras televisivas dos últimos tempos, esta série documental explora a Guerra do Vietnã, um dos acontecimentos mais controversos da história dos Estados Unidos. Os diretores contextualizam os fatos que precederam o episódio, as argumentações dos países envolvidos e as consequências históricas do conflito. Por meio de arquivos raros e protegidos pelo governo, os segredos da guerra são revelados ao público.
Making a Murderer (2015), Moira Demos e Laura Ricciardi
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Após passar 18 anos preso por um crime que não cometeu, Steven Avery impetra uma ação civil contra o Condado de Manitowoc, pedindo uma indenização milionária. Mas, em 2005, quando está prestes a receber o dinheiro, Steven é acusado de assassinar a fotógrafa Teresa Halbach e condenado à prisão perpétua. O documentário mostra as falhas da justiça americana no julgamento de Steven.
Last Chance U (2016); Greg Whiteley, Adam Ridley e outros
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A obra explora todos os aspectos do time de futebol americano do East Mississippi Community College, um dos mais famosos dos Estados Unidos, vencedor de três campeonatos nacionais consecutivos. Enquanto a conselheira acadêmica, Britanny, se esforça para que todos os jogadores se formem na hora certa, o treinador Buddy enfrenta dificuldades com a equipe e deixa transparecer seu temperamento explosivo.
Wild Wild Country (2018), Chapman e Maclain Way
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A série documental acompanha a história do controverso guru indiano Bhagwan Shree Raineesh, mais conhecido como Osho. Nos anos 1960, Osho arrebanhou milhares de seguidores e criou uma comunidade para sua seita no deserto do Oregon, nos Estados Unidos. O projeto causou vários conflitos com a população local e logo foram descobertas as polêmicas sexuais e as corrupções financeiras realizadas pelo guru.
A 13ª Emenda (2016), Ava DuVernay
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Por meio da discussão sobre o sistema prisional norte-americano, a diretora Ava DuVernay mostra como, desde os tempos da escravidão, a população negra tem sido violentada e aprisionada para saciar os interesses das classes mais ricas dos Estados Unidos. Este fenômeno é perpetrado por leis que camuflam a opressão, incluindo a 13ª emenda da Constituição.
Na Rota do Dinheiro Sujo (2018), Erin Lee Carr, Alex Gibney e outros
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O documentário aborda as tramas de corrupção corporativas nos Estados Unidos. Desde o envolvimento do banco HSBC com a lavagem de dinheiro pelos narcotraficantes do México, até o esquema criado pela Volkswagen para burlar os testes de poluentes em seus carros à diesel, os episódios mostram como a ganância e o crime contaminam a economia global.
The Keepers (2017), Ryan White
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Irmã Cathy Cesnik, uma freira professora de um colégio católico em Baltimore, desapareceu em novembro de 1969. Seu corpo só foi encontrado dois meses depois e a investigação levou à descoberta de uma série de crimes sexuais cometidos pelo padre local, A. Joseph Maskell. Mas, as investigações não foram concluídas e os casos permanecem sem solução.
Ícaro (2017), Bryan Fogel
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O ciclista amador Bryan Fogel investiga o fenômeno do uso de doping no ciclismo. Ele faz um programa de uso de anabolizantes para melhorar o seu desempenho em uma competição na França e provar como é fácil burlar os controles antidoping. Para isso, ele conta com a ajuda do médico e cientista Grigory Rodchenkov. Em 2018, a produção ganhou o Oscar de “Melhor Documentário de Longa-Metragem”.
Jiro Dreams of Sushi (2011), David Gelb
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Com quase 90 anos, Jiro Ono trabalha incansavelmente em seu restaurante, o Sukiyabashi Jiro, famoso por servir o melhor sushi do mundo. Há décadas preparando essa iguaria da cozinha japonesa, o chef diz que ainda está em busca da perfeição. Enquanto isso, seu filho, Yoshizaku, conta como é viver com a pressão de ter que substituir o pai no comando do lendário restaurante.
Os melhores documentários da Netflix, de acordo com o IMDb publicado primeiro em https://www.revistabula.com
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It was a brutal first round; spectators cheering and shouting at the contestants. Bets were placed and kochba was both won and lost. Some of those that others assumed would win, had conceded, while others chose to take their fight into their own hands.
A loud voice echoed throughout the Slaughter Ring:
Congratulations to those that have one their first match’s. Before we continue onto the next round, I’d like to pay some respects to those that have chosen to give their life to the ring: 
Corvina Alkera; a Demon of Wrath who’s life was taken by the hands of Demitri, a Vizier of the Vampire’s. How tragic, yet exhilarating, it was to watch her demise. She died for such a great cause... For our own entertainment.
Now... is everyone ready for Round Two? I know I am.
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I.  Aslyn “Chaos Wolf” Bishop vs. Josiah “The Ill-Advised” Maxwell II. Demitri “Honeypot” vs. Cardelle “Ace of Spades” Mackie III. Ariel “Atlantis” Tarren vs Axel “Thor” Reyes IV.  Esme “Scarlet Witch” Darcy vs. Bram “Mac Rhys” Mackie V.  Ragnar “Fenrir’s Claw” Lothbrok vs Izyk “The Exiled” Vissar VI. Kondor “The Trident” Tarren vs. Alistair “Adonis” Adams VII. Azagi “The Fury” Rabaz vs. Mike “The Mad Wolf” Fothergill VIII. Jake “The King’s Guard” Juarez vs. Hazel “The Vigilante” Warren
It’s time, yet again, to place those bets! Who will move on to the next round? Will there be more to succumb to their demise tonight? So many unknowns! So many impatient spectators...
ADMIN NOTE: Here comes Part 2 of SRS event! The victors are preparing for their next fights, patching themselves up where they can, possibly even obtaining some liquid courage to enter the ring once more.
Champions can thread their fights, discuss in your pairs results or if you want that randomised too, please let us know, we’ll dice roll success/fails on hits/punches or whatever your pairing lead to! You can thread them talking to others in between the fights, or while they are waiting for their’s to start. 
Everyone who would like to can still spectate! Or, if you’d like your characters to leave and go somewhere else, that’s fine as well. It is not mandatory that everyone attends SRS as a whole, or even the whole time. 
If you all have any questions, please let us know! Also, please keep us updated on who wins each fight so we can know for the next round :)
And once more... R.I.P Corvina! (wonder if she’ll be the only to die in the ring...)
Part 3 of the event will drop 24TH FEBRUARY 18:00GMT. 
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near-perth-wa-blog · 6 years
Near Perth WA
Perth, the capital city of Western Australia, documented 2.8 million domestic arrivals and 0.7 million international arrivals in 2012. Perth is home to various white and sandy beaches like Cottesloe Beach, Mettams Pool and Bathers Beach which are the trademark attractions of the city. Kings Park, one of the biggest inner city parks in the world, is also situated in the heart of Perth which offers spectacular views of skyscrapers and Swan river. Perth is also known for several historic sites including the 1830 Fremantle Prison, the restored Shenton’s Mill and the sewer vent Lincoln Street Ventilation Stack in Highgate.
Spine Scan
Spinescan offers spinal analysis and medical rehabilitation to patients with musculoskeletal system-related disorders. Spinescan offices are the first to offer Trigenics Neurological treatment in Western Australia through the efforts of its founder Dr. Adam Rocchi. Trigenics treatment system provides immediate relief for back pains and muscle pains. Trigenics is also an effective treatment system for the enhancement of muscle mobility, muscle weakness, and muscle flexibility. The treatment is favored by patients since the application is gentle and the process does not involve twisting and cracking of spines. Spinescan also provides medical treatment services for headaches, neck pain, and shoulder pain.
Dan Murphy's liquor barn blocked by Perth community
The Commission previously knocked back the plans in 2016 but the proponents, the Australian Leisure Hospitality Group, appealed to the Supreme Court, which ordered a review of the decision in 2017. WA Labor MP Lisa Baker led the fight against the liquor giant, arguing the new store would be close to an area that already had a problem with street drinking and alcohol-related crime. Read more here
Perth, Australia residents along with health and police authorities have successfully stopped the construction of Dan Murphy’s liquor store in September 2018. The group was led by Lisa Baker, a member of Western Australia Labor Party, who strongly argued that the location of the store is close to the area with high drinking-related crimes which will worsen with cheap alcohols. Proponents of Dan Murphy’s argued that the construction of the store will service the rising population of the area. However, Western Australia Liquor Commission has declined to grant the liquor company’s application to construct a store in the area.
Fremantle Prison in Perth, Australia
Fremantle Prison is a six-hectare World Heritage Site in Fremantle, Western Australia. Historically, the site consists of cellblocks, gatehouse, and the perimeter walls used as a prison for convicts from Britain, aboriginal prisoners and locally-sentenced prisoners from 1850 to 1886. A riot took place in Fremantle Prison in 1988 due to prisoner discontent leaving 1.8 million dollars of damage. The prison was shut down by the government in 1991 and was replaced with Casuarina Prison which was equipped with maximum security. It was conserved and listed as a heritage site since its closure and has undergone various restoration projects.
Link to map
Driving Direction
19 min (14.7 km)
via Stirling Hwy/State Route 5
Fastest route, the usual traffic
Fremantle Prison
1 The Terrace, Fremantle WA 6160, Australia
Head west on The Terrace toward Fairbairn St
40 m
Turn left onto Fothergill St
350 m
Turn left onto Hampton Rd/State Route 12
Continue to follow State Route 12
500 m
Turn right onto High St/State Route 7
850 m
Turn left onto Stirling Hwy/State Route 5
12.5 km
Turn left onto Winthrop Ave/State Route 61
350 m
Turn right onto Poole Ave
52 m
Spine Scan
"2nd Floor, 166 Brighton Road
Perth 6019 WA
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plungermusic · 7 years
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And you may ask yourself, am I right, am I wrong …
Having seen the nominations for the latest iteration of blues awards Plunger found itself humming the only Talking Heads song it ever liked*, and it’s hardly surprising.
Other than the return from Hall Of Fame quarantine of Laurence Jones in Young Artist**, the list of this year’s nominees shows a surprisingly smooth continuity from the previous scheme, for all the “new and improved” hoopla.
If you have a large pool of nominators and use a simple count to elect the nominees then what you get, what you’ll always get, is the current ‘faves on the scene’. Maybe that’s why they’ve called them finalists this time round.
And you can’t argue that that’s not all very democratic… but maybe there should be some leeway for the primary selection process to allow more out-of-left-field, less-hyped, smaller-PR-budget, overlooked talent to be given a chance of exposure for the voters to think about?
So, in a rare instance of ‘being serious’ here are Plunger’s nominees for Best of 2017 (listed strictly alphabetically, and sticking fairly close to the letter of the “is it blues?” and “are they proper British?” rules…)
Male vox: Surely Ian Siegal resides in Amsterdam now? So with him out, and looking beyond the obvious ‘rock’ types, we have three of the finest Adam’s Apple-wobblers out there
Tommy Hare Ally Marinelli Tom Walker
Female vox: Seriously, within acts linked/linking themselves with the blues scene, it’s criminal these three aren’t already included in any ‘real’ list
Lorna Fothergill Lil Rice Jade Danielle Williams
Band: Is it blues? We don’t care. It’s certainly no less ‘blues’ than most of the existing list
Maker Mike Ross Band Walrus
Acoustic act: Again, excluding any ‘Pirates of The Caribbean Lobster Barbecue’, these three should surely feature?
Jack Hutchinson Mike Ross Lucy Zirins
Young (but come on, not that young) artist: Plunger have added an extra rule, so it’s now <25 and >12. Which gives us this…
Joe Anderton Connor Selby Lucy Zirins
Festival: No contest. It’s in summer. It’s at the end of a tube line. Sorted.
Album: Very tricky category for Plunger. Excluding EPs as not technically albums, that drops most of Plunger’s favourites out of contention. So it’s this.
Lavendore Rogue - A Night In The North***
Songwriter: The Lennon & McCartney of Walrus are a shoo-in, plus the poetic lyrical genius behind Du Bellows
Rosco Levee Mike Ross Jade Danielle Williams
Please feel free to add your own suggestions... you’ll be wrong of course and we’ll delete them without a second thought.
* “Once In A Lifetime” if you hadn’t worked it out
** Isn’t he 25 now? Doesn’t that rule him out? Ah, what do we know…
*** Also winner Best Live Album!
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