#adakias is some ruins????
rgbfall · 2 years
Oh man, I’m on one of those AI photo thingys, looking up names of characters from Razia’s Shadow, and now I kindaa wanna make AI generated designs for them,,,, because they’re really funny and innacurate
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oflgtfol · 3 years
because im procrastinating on my homework, here's my vague outline of the sw x razia AU that tortures my brain every few months
PREFACE: my main idea is that the sw characters are playing out the storyline of razia's shadow. act 1 follows the prequels with minimal changes. act 2 follows the original trilogy, but the storyline has some major tweaks to fit better. the most important thing to mention is that the adakias/anhura romance is scrapped entirely. also some major changes to the star wars storyline to fit as well. such as luke knowing that darth vader is his dad and being like, raised with him from day one
ahrima = anakin
nidria = padme
toba the tura = obi-wan
o the scientist = the jedi council and/or specifically obi-wan??? i guess i'd pick and choose which fulfills which role depending on when the story calls for it
barayas = palpatine
adakias = luke
anhura = leia
pallis = darth vader
sangara = darth vader's assistant guy i cant remember his name. absolute side character but i thought it would be funny to add LOL
bawaba brothers, unified into one person = yoda
doctor dumaya = palpatine as well
act 1 story:
the angels are the jedi. padme is there too i guess. anakin is the prodigy angel, the best of them all, but he feels unacknowledged by the council and obi-wan. they entertain his idea that he's the best, but don't ever actually recognize it in a way that satisfies him. he finds consolation in padme who supports him through it
to prove that he IS the best, he creates the lamps. idk what the lamps would be in this AU. but again, the council doesn't spare him the time of day. defeated and angry, he storms off into the darkness..... where palpatine greets him, and tells him tall tales of just how great he actually is. go ahead and destroy the lamps, he tells anakin, then they'll finally see how great you are. one day they'll see and appreciate your power
so he destroys the lamps. the whole world is in ruin, everything is destroyed. people have died en masse. i guess padme dies during it too
and there, at the end of it all, obi-wan confronts him. they battle it out, and in the end, anakin is kicked into the flames of his own making. he burns yada yada like in canon, obi-wan leaves him to die
a 20-year, minute-long intermission:
aka this is the fall of the republic and the rise of the empire, anakin becomes darth vader, but since its taking place in razia's shadow, then its actually the world is being separated into dark and light. although i guess maybe i'll shift it, so that it's not perfectly half and half. the dark would be the empire and so a majority of the world will live there, but the light would be i guess like rebel "planets," so it's much smaller. and i would say there's no war really going on, it's just that the light is the last bastion of like, good life left i guess, hidden away from the dark lol
act 2 story:
luke is a prince of the dark. he lives with his father, darth vader, who has expectations of him as a prince of the dark. but luke finds that he can't quite fit in with whats expected of him - he tries to be all dark and mean and cruel, but he can't bring himself to do it. instead, he dreams of a better life - he's heard stories of the kingdom of light, and of the prophecy that one day the dark will fall and the two will be reunited once more. he dreams that he will be the prophecized one to reconnect them again, much to his father's frustration
and one day he sneaks away and travels to the light anyway. once luke's absence is noticed, darth vader is sent to fetch him back to the dark
meanwhile, as luke enters the kingdom of the light, he finds leia. she, too, had been feeling like she was destined for more. she dreamed of reuniting the dark and light just as luke had. they instantly connect as close friends, and together they go to HER parents, the organas, who lead the kingdom of light.
it starts getting shaky here because the original story depended on adakias being a little piece of shit and i dont think luke would act that way. so idk. if i followed the original story, then luke's status as a prince of the dark would be kept secret, and his Dark Presence would start poisoning leia and then they'd go off to find a cure instead of like, idk, him coming clean about who he is and not putting her life in fucking danger........? but as i said, i dont think luke would do that. idk.
so perhaps the organas know who luke is. but they want to keep leia safe, so they dont reveal the fact that they're twins, and therefore leia is also related to darth vader...? they just warn her that oohhoh this boy is Dark. stay away...... like how everyone didnt want the twins together in canon or something idk.
and so luke and leia still leave anyway. again idk why they'd leave. but they still leave. luke is feeling guilty about being related to darth vader, doesnt tell her that he's a prince of the dark, etc. but i guess since theyre twins she wouldnt get sick actually anyway lol
OH maybe they go leave the light because of jedi shenanigans and thats how they find: YODA! who regales them stories of the fall of the republic, darth vader, and all that, while teaching them about how to be jedi
and then i guess they go to confront palpatine. who is playing the RS role of the doctor but instead of looking for medicine bc leia is dying, they're just going to fight him as the emperor. and then darth vader finally catches up to them in the final showdown. he's like, luke, i am here to take you home, step away from the light princess. and luke's heritage as the prince of the dark is revealed, wah, and then also somehow the fact leia is luke's sister is also revealed, probably by palpatine? again, i said it's very shaky here. so all the family reveals cause all that drama
and then somehow there's a scuffle. i guess once vader hears from palpatine that leia is his daughter that's when he turns on palpatine. and then palpatine fucking dies but vader gets stabbed. and so then he slowly dies surrounded by luke and leia and he has that whole thing he did in canon about liek let me look at you with my own eyes or whatever but also now his daughter is here too. and then he dies . rip. and then the dark vs light divide falls. bc like how adakias was the prophecized one in RS, and anakin was ~the chosen one~ in sw, his death now is the prophcized way to reunite the dark and light. IDK.
the end. and the beginning <3
WAIT IM SO STUPID. the dark vs light kingdoms could be such a great way to facilitate sith vs jedi stuff too AUGHGHG. i really have to do homework now so i dont have time to sprinkle that into what i've already written but just imagine
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