#ada mention alwayssss
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~ a little something about you and Dazai trying to love each other a little bit less ~
It's Sakura season, and it's not being shared with someone you love. That's fine, you think to yourself as you sit on the bench, the sunset overlooks the port and you have the park to yourself. The fragile petals fall all around you, covering you in flakes of pink, like snow that won't melt. Though they will shrivel up, you think that might be worse than the instant loss of a melting snowflake. The thing about snowflakes is they melt upon warm contact but these petals won't melt at the touch of cold nor warmth, they'll lie there until their beauty fades along with what's left of their fleeting life. You stare at one in particular as it lands into your coffee cup, floating at the top instead of sinking.
That's what it was like to be in love with Osamu Dazai, and what it was like to sense his dreadful presence approaching you like the wind billows on a starless night. You ignore him, staring down at your coffee cup like it's going to save you, knowing it won't. In your peripheral vision, he looks spectral, and you catch a wave trying to get you to look up along with a familiar voice that reeks of faux friendliness.
"Are you always this avoidant when people try to greet you?"
You bite the soft flesh inside of your cheek, gripping your coffee just a bit tighter, unresponsive.
He continues, hands tucked into his coat and a smirk on his face.
"The blooms are nice today, eh? At their peak. Thought I'd stop by to enjoy them but it seems someone's already taken my favorite bench. At my favorite spot. What a shame."
After another long pause, his voice loses the playful edge and he says your name in a firm tone. This causes you to finally snap to attention, eyes wide and as fragile as those petals that shower you both. He smiles once more, but it's uglier this time, mocking. You mirror him by calling out to him right back, a hint of bitterness in your voice.
He steps closer, towering over you. He always thought you looked best when you were looking up at him. It would almost sting that you're using his last name if it weren't for the fact that it sounded so good coming out of your mouth. He leans down to you just a tad bit.
"Sooo flustered..."
"I'm not flustered."
It's a joy to know he can still make you feel something, you were always wearing your heart on your sleeve, and your emotions on your precious little face. He sighs dramatically, waving his arms around.
"Mhm, sure you're not. You're lying... And it's honestly boring me to death! And I love death!"
You look away towards the port and roll your eyes, a quiet scoff escaping you along with it.
"Oh, so we're doing this."
It's almost like they're flirting, he thinks. Just like old times, maybe. It sends a thrill down his spine.
"Yes. We are."
You smile faintly, but it disappears just as fast as it materialized.
"I'll head out now and leave you to your favorite bench at your favorite spot, then."
He doesn't even allow you the chance to stand up before he shifts to stand fully in your way, imposing himself with an unreadable expression on his face that's hiding his real thoughts.
"Stay here a minute, I'd like to ask you a tiny little thing."
You tilt your head, the way you used to every time he perplexed you with some nonsense he'd spew out either to toy with you or when he'd say those three poisonous words you could never handle hearing from him.
"Dazai, I don't know if that's wise..."
He knew what you meant by that, because if you stayed like all the other times, you'd never leave. He sees the effect he has on you and he uses that to his advantage. His voice softens, something you aren't used to anymore.
"... But will you do it anyway? Stay here?"
You bite the corner of your lip and sigh... Of course you do.
"I guess... I will."
His eyes narrow and he fights back a smile at the thought of being able to stump you like this.
He's not sure where he's going with this but he's sure he'll think of something to say, he just wants to keep talking to you a little longer. He invades your personal space, and almost reaches out to place a hand on your face but decides not to, opting to keep the unbalanced dynamic going. You breathe out, unable to handle the silence, your cheeks already turning pink.
"Seems to me like you're stalling."
He observes you knowing how desperate you are to hear what he has to say, enjoying the moment of simply holding your gaze when he really should think of what the hell to ask you. He becomes dangerously close, his voice taking on a velvety approach with that lazy smile you love so much.
"Me? I'm doing nothing of the sort."
You look down at your shoes shamefully, something that would have made you so giddy to hear before now just feels like a slap to the face. Your eyes flicker to the way his hands now rest at his sides and it makes you wish they were wrapped around your neck instead. It all causes you to mumble without thinking.
"You always want to stop me from something... You keep me frozen in time."
He tilts his head, finally reaching out to take your hand but when you don't meet him halfway he settles for hooking his pinky around yours instead. He won't move it until you do first.
"Is that so bad? To be frozen by me?"
You're losing this battle, you know that because you can feel your heartbeat in your pinky when he tightens it just a little but it's enough to feel him invade you even further. He feels it too.
"I wish I thought it were..." You say, lamely.
"Why don't you, then?"
He asks quickly, amused. He squeezes your pinky harder and it's starting to cut your circulation off. You look back up with that ridiculously innocent face that always made him want to jump into the river, you didn't even know how precious you looked that way.
"You know why, Osamu."
Oh it's like a shot to the heart when you switch to his first name. How dare you. He wishes you'd say it under different circumstances because he doesn't like this one. That, plus the urge to mock you for your emotions always being so damn sincere causes his gaze to shift. It's less playful now as he stares into your eyes, his voice going low.
"... I don't think I do."
You bite the inside of your cheek again and taste blood from how hard you're holding back the urge to just. Go. But you can't and you won't. It's the same doomed story over and over again.
You murmur with pathetic longing.
"No, you never seem to."
He's figured out his question, and he figures why he's holding your pinky like he's a tourniquet and you're bleeding out, but he doesn't intend on saving you, he's not that kind of guy.
It's dark now, and the Sakura petals are slowing down their fall to death, almost afraid to interrupt the tension going on here. He nods towards you, amused.
"Please, enlighten me."
You look away, a sad smile on your face.
"I don't know if I'm strong enough for that tonight."
He knows that, and you're stupid if you don't think he knows every single little thing about you. This is all just a review. This is all just his way of making sure you haven't moved on this time for sure.
"Aww, look at you, unable to resist me.~"
He mocks you, yet moves his over hand to the small of your back to really make sure you stay here with him. You instantly regret letting your heart speak for you when you said you'd stay earlier. You frown, eyes glistening as the moon makes its presence known. The moon doesn't care to interrupt you two, but somehow it feels like it's on Dazai's side more than anything.
You shake your head, sighing.
"You're being mean. You should be home tonight and so should I."
He keeps staring into you, thinking how beautiful you look when you become so vulnerable around him. He finally releases your pinky, unable to take it anymore, and cups the side of your face instead while the other one still stays on your back. He shrugs and sighs as well, though it sounds more like an imitation of one.
"Perhaps I should be home. But I don't feel like it. Neither do I feel like letting you scurry away."
This causes you to purse your lips and knit your brows together, your patience running out from his games. He should have taken you out back and put you out of your misery ages ago, it's not too late, you think.
"Then what do you propose we do?"
"Hmm... Will you let me kiss you?" He asks as if this were the first time he's ever done it. As if he were concluding a successful first date. Your lip quivers, and he can feel you tremble.
"Why not?"
When you don't reply, he moves his face until his cheek is against yours and whispers into your ear.
"Are you going to say anything, silly? Or can I take this as a yes?"
You finally breathe out, the shock somewhat subsiding. You don't think twice, you're just as pathetic as you've always been. But so is he for asking.
"Kiss me."
You said yes. He gets what he wants from you, thank god. He won't tell you that just this morning he had a dream, or rather a revelation of you letting him kiss you. That he blew off his duties at the agency and visited every single place you used to frequent together until he found you here to make the prophecy come true. That this is a selfish attempt at getting not just that kiss, but your entire being. Your noses touch, and he whispers once more.
"Are you sure about that? You don't sound so sure, little thing."
You swallow hard, and your voice comes out meek and soft.
"I always am."
"Even now?"
He doesn't even wait for your reply before he's closing the distance between you, locking your lips together and sealing you against him, as if worried after all this time you'd still try to move away and leave. The kiss lasts longer than it was intended to, but eventually Dazai removes himself from you, he couldn't bear it if you did so first. You never would, you think to yourself. His gaze is genuinely soft now, his cruelty melting away like a snowflake, but you're dying in his arms like the petal.
"You've always known I'm yours, right? And you're mine?"
You want to cry when he says that, if only it truly was that mutual.
"I want it to be that way, but it seems you only kiss me when no one's around."
The empty outdoor space that envelops them, along with the waves rhythmically crashing against the port punctuates the silence that follows after. Dazai breaks the pause, something about what you just said bothering him deeply.
"If I kissed you when everyone was around, wouldn't they start to look?"
He knows that's terrible thing to say to you, but doesn't want to admit that the thought of others seeing him happy makes him feel like it's an omen, that the second he openly recognizes he's yours you won't stay his for very long. That it will all be a dream from another world. You scoff as you look away, your eyes stinging.
"Mmm... You're funny."
"I'm serious, me being in a relationship? Imagine that. I think the whole agency would be at a standstill. How scandalous."
He doesn't mean that, but he doesn't know why he can't stop pretending he doesn't have feelings and just speak the truth. Surprisingly, you crack a small smile at that, trying to find humor in the fact that you'll never figure him out.
"They'd all think you're looney, which you are."
"That's an understatement! They'd think I'm deranged for letting such a cute person take me away from my very important duties.~"
He plays along with your sarcasm, what matters is you're cooperating.
"They'd all say I'm too good for you, anyway. Especially Kunikida." You really make sure that one hurts, but all he shows is a sly grin.
"It's just better if people don't know we're together, right?"
You look away, the moon's fully illuminating you both.
"It's better not to be together at all, Osamu."
Your words actually hurt like a knife to the chest, and once he goes there, he can't stop it. You weren't supposed to make such a permanent statement. He narrows his eyes, but his voice remains soft, desperate even.
"And what's that supposed to mean?"
"You know what I mean, I'm not some secret you keep."
He somehow recovers and replies as smug as possible.
"I like you that way. Frozen in time, remember? The prettiest ice sculpture for me to adore for all eternity.... What else do you want me to say?"
You wince at that.
"Just say anything. Can you say it? Can you at least tell me you loved me at one point in time?"
That does it for him. You look so sad, you look so pliable and it's so attractive, but he's not looking to exploit that anymore tonight. It brings out something else. Something he can't take back.
"You do know I don't ever want anyone else, right? It was real to me then, and it's real to me now. Don't be dense."
He didn't notice the tears in your eyes before, the way they glisten thanks to the moon who's always on his side. He's stern when he speaks to you, his eyes locked on yours to make sure you get it through you stubborn little skull how devoted he has always been and always will be, even if he doesn't show it in the way you want him to.
You're irritated and enamored as you sniffle.
"And what am I supposed to do with that information, huh?"
He speaks above a whisper, you barely hear it yourself; It might as well be an auditory hallucination. His face is solemn, matching yours for once. He's not hiding anything right now.
"Keep it close to your heart and be mine..."
He clears his throat, and moves his other hand from your back to the other side of your face, fully holding you, making sure you have no escape.
"... I'm all yours, so be all mine. Okay?"
"We really are the same kind of stupid, Osamu... Now what?"
You say with a scoff that turns into a small laugh, your voice remaining bittersweet even in between sniffles.
"Now?" His voice trails off, humming as he pretends to think. There was never another outcome to this story, he was never going to say anything different. It's just the way he prophesied it. The way it's meant to be.
"Now you're going to take me home. We're going to get back to your place, and you'll reintroduce me to your very cold and lonely bed I've missed so much as I hold you forever and ever. You'll have no choice but to fall madly in love with me again, as I am with you. Done."
He drops your face and takes your hand properly now, hoping to lead you away into the night. He knows he doesn't deserve this, so he has to make it count.
He's hoping you won't find him crass and reject his request, he doesn't mean to be so blunt. He's just a desperate idiot who refuses to see another season change without you.
When Dazai says he misses intimacy with you, it's because he does. It's because he wants to tell you that this is the last time the cycle repeats itself, this is how he ends it but he needs you to want it too. You stare at him in disbelief at first, your hollow breathing now becoming shaky with each inhale. You choose to believe him, something in his face tells you he's being real for once. Besides, you already have nothing, so you can't lose anything.
"... Then lie in it again. Convince me."
You tuck a strand of his messy bangs that frame his face behind his ear, and you realize how pretty he looks this way. You never noticed he could be even more devastating than usual. You hope he'll keep letting you push it back like this.
He smiles, his voice dropping to a pleading tone at your reverent touch. At your mercy.
"Oh, I plan on it. We've made it this far. Even if it wasn't mutual anymore, it doesn't make it any less true... at least not for me. And just so you know, I did love you at one point in time, and I love you now, you fool."
You look down once again at the fallen petals at your feet already turning brown, and you realize this won't be you tonight, or ever again. You realize there is meaning in all of this and you won't be the snowflake nor the petal, you're going to be Dazai's. You squeeze his hand back, the corner of your lip curling up as you both walk away under the moonlight.
#when i tell you i was vibrsting from caffeine my hormones are all over the place from the upcoming period and ppp by beach house#was blaring in my ears i could not stop writinf what i wrote#i'm thinking it just has to be this way dazai WOULD#make it this complicated to simply try and get you back. this is all just him wanting to beg on his knees#and who am i to deny and pathetic man the pleasure of showing up into your lifr#rubs hands together this is what i was made for the angst the love thr hardship#i think it's a reflection of his fears and his deepest desires that rlly make him contradicting#and ur like. thats enough im so fucking exhausted PLEASE#but so is heeeeeee SO IS HE#ada mention alwayssss#bungou stray dogs#bro never goes to work RIP#osamu dazai#dazai x reader#bsd dazai#dazai x you#osamu dazai x reader#bsd x reader#dazai imagines#osamu dazai fluff#dazai fluff#bungo stray dogs#dazai angst#dazai angst fluff#dazai osamu#fluff and angst#gn reader
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