#actually weirdly happy with how these little doodles came out so they’re getting posted here
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soup-for-ghosts · 1 month ago
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congrats to grima for being confirmed to be nonbinary through customer service emails, I love this dragon
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lillithenettix · 5 years ago
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Part 2
Part 3/?
Part 4
All Boris could do was watch as Trencil walked further and further away. Out of all the people he invited, he thought Trencil would be one of the last to actually show up. Honestly, if anyone, he was expecting someone like Tiff to arrive. She was always such a sweetheart to him. His heart throbbed just thinking about how much of a pest he was to her. The more he thought of his past deeds the more he yearned of making things right, even if a little late.
Read the rest of the fic under the cut!
As his mind quickly recollected all members of the Habitat, he found himself expecting even Tim Tam or Millie to show up instead of Trencil even if it would be just to kick him in his shins, maybe bite his fingers, then running away afterwards.
He wanted to reprimand himself for thinking so lowly of the vampire when he was so nice to him. Polite would be a better word, actually. Sometimes it’s hard to tell. The point still stands, he wasn’t mean to him. Not after pouring his whole life story to him, and not after he tried to steal everyone’s teeth. Now he comes to him with a kiss. A kiss and a… something. He hasn’t collected himself enough to actually check what Trencil tucked behind his ear. If Boris wasn’t so shocked at what happened he would’ve blushed, honestly. Probably get excited enough about the current development enough to stand up, rush to the man, and give him a big bear hug.
Nothing shows appreciation, thankfulness, and excitement better than some hugging and physical affection, at least in his opinion.
Before being able to finish his train of thought, he heard some fast tapping on the ground accompanied by quick, shallow breaths. Not even seconds later he felt someone light jump onto his shoulder, tugging his curls in the process. Though, not enough to hurt or even shift him out of place.
Again, with everything happening so fast, and with his mind still on Trencil, it took him a moment to look towards the new assailant. Just as he was about to turn his head he heard the similar sound, now comically louder, of a kiss. This time it was on his other cheek.
Another one! This one left him as shocked and eager for more as the first one. Who could it be now? Not even leaving him time to ponder, the small person tucked a thing behind his ear as well. Finally turning his head, all he saw was a bright green and red blur leaving his vision, running into the same direction as the vampire.
Wait, green and red blur… Is that a boxing glove? There’s only one person carrying that thing around at all times. Putunia. The very cause of all the anti-punching posters in his Habitat.
At this point he felt a faint blush creeping up to his face.
Putunia didn’t even want to come to this stupid place. She’s going to miss all the new Masked Driver episodes staying here! But every time she complained about it to her parents prior to them driving her to this joint they only vaguely replied about it being free or something. No clue what they’re on about, she had no concept of money.
The check in was just her parents talking with the big cheese. Honestly, she didn’t pay too much attention to anything except the wall art. Every part of the surface was painted, wow, so cool! It wasn’t until her parents called her over that she actually looked at the doctor in charge.
He was so big and green. Green like Masked Driver’s arch enemy! Whatever was happening at that moment suddenly didn’t matter. She knew what she had to do.
Before the Green Menace managed to get a word out, she jumped towards him, aiming straight for his stomach. There was a light smack as her punching glove made contact with him but it wasn’t the stomach she hit. She hit slightly lower.
But it seemed to do the job well. The Green Menace toppled over, without a squeak, just letting out a pained ‘oof’ as he clutched at the punched area.
It didn’t take long for her father to rush over to him, while her mother reprimanded her. The collapsed villain brushed her father off and stood up albeit with a crooked posture and a tear watering one of his eyes, clearly in pain.
Shifting her gaze from the doctor to her mother, she saw her raising her hand. She knew what was coming. She closed her eyes, just like she always did, and waited. Waited a bit longer. Waited for some time more but nothing came.
She slowly, carefully opened one eye to peek and assess the situation. Her mother seemed to be turned to the villain now. His face was strained, the fake smile planted on his face obvious even to herself. Somehow he seemed scarier this way. Not that she was scared or anything.
He took a step back, closer to his desk, grabbed a post-it note off it as well as a pen and quickly scribbled something on it. He turned the small piece of paper towards her and her parents. On it were two crossed out people, more like silhouettes, one punching the other. There was text around it saying that violence isn’t the way.
No violence? How else is she supposed to beat him? She won’t let him win that easily!
As she made her way towards him with a new set determination to knock him out, her mom held her back.
“We truly are sorry for her behavior,” she started. “You know how kids are,” she made an awkward punching motion, “pretend-fighting, and all that.”
The green man looked as though he was coming up with a reply, but before he could up with one her dad continued her mother’s train of thought.
“This, uh,” he searched for the right term, “resort, it’s free for as long as she’s here, right?”
What’s the big deal if it’s free? How hard could be to get some money anyway?
“That’s right! And the longer the better!” The Green Menace beamed. This is the first thing she actually listened to. He spoke weirdly. Just like the villains in the cartoons! Only more proof that she must get rid of him!
Her parent’s only focused on what he said though. It seemed to make them quite smile. Oh well, as long as they’re happy. But she must be careful to not let him deceive her family.
And so started her life at the Habitat. Her parent’s left, she doesn’t even know how long she was stuck there, but she was on a mission. A mission to become a hero! She spent her days training, and attacking the boss man himself at every opportunity. Everyone called it playing around, but what do they know?
She took notice of more and more posters discouraging fighting appearing all around the place.
Unfortunately, her arch nemesis was defeated not by herself, but by Flower Kid. Drats! Still better than letting him run around freely, she thought.
When she was back in town, running and searching for villains to beat up around her house the Flower Kid dropped by for a visit. Ignoring the wounds on their face, she ran up to them demanding to hear details of their fight with the Green Menace. It must’ve been so epic!
All they did was sat her down on the curb of the sidewalk as they slowly started talking. Talking! How crazy is that? She thought they couldn’t do that. It certainly made communication easier. She wondered what changed since the time at the Habitat. Maybe the Green menace stole their voice!
She might have missed the first part of their talk as she distracted herself inside her mind, but when she did start listening she became confused. They tried convincing her that the Green Menace turned into the ‘Flower Ally’. Arch enemies don’t get redemption arcs! Flower Kid never lied to her before, so maybe she should believe them? And they really did defeat him, and saved everyone at the Habitat so maybe, just maybe, they’re speaking the truth.
She clearly and confidently announced to them she will need to think their truth over. She seemed conflicted. Who wouldn’t be if the enemy suddenly turned into one of the heroes?
It wasn’t until she received a letter in the mail. Wow, a letter, just for her! It must be a request to beat an evil-doer. She was a year older and stronger and wiser and smarter. She wanted to put more adjectives there but that was all she could come up with at the moment.
Opening the letter she soon saw it was from the now-former villain. If the doodle on it didn’t give him away, then it was the signature. It had something scribbled out, she could’ve sworn it said ‘Green Menace’. But the visible signature clearly and boldly stated ‘Flower Ally’.
Once she decided to read the letter from start to finish she had to think it trough. He claimed he wanted to do better. And she couldn’t even count all the ‘I’m sorry’s written down. He was going to start working in Flower Kid’s flower shop.
Maybe, just maybe, she could give him a chance. Just as she was so much more amazing and great a year later, maybe he was as well.
That’s it. She will go. She will also bring a peace offering. Something red and fierce, just like her. Something that will work as a warning if he ever wants to return to his evil way. She glanced at her mother’s garden.
But peace or war, villain or hero… She will bring her boxing glove with her anyway. She can never be too careful.
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ijustwanttoexist · 7 years ago
Love Isn’t Just a Walk in the Park Pt. 2
Part 1
There are a weirdly limited number of pictures with Sidney Crosby with dogs that I could find, so that first installment is probably going to be the only one with a picture. Sorry! (This is turning out so much longer than I anticipated)
Pairing(s): Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin
It’s been three weeks since Sidney Crosby started taking a randomly chosen dog on a jog with him in the mornings. Sara and Angela have been solely in charge of making the tweets. Geno has stayed as out of it as he can.
Which means he absolutely does not check the shelter’s twitter page first thing when he wakes up every morning, no matter what Sara and Angela (or any of his so-called friends) say. He has better things to do for his daily routine than check twitter. Besides, Sidney doesn’t come in every day the shelter isn’t open every day. It’s closed on Mondays and Wednesdays, the days they had the least traffic those first six months when the shelter was open every day.
Besides, he doesn’t have to check the twitter feed every day, because whichever of the two girls is there when he gets in tells him all about it when he comes in to work.
“Sidney took Abby and Dessy out together because he said he didn’t want to break up siblings.”
“Oh my god, I expected him to have a big deep sneeze, you know the ones that almost echo with how loud they are, but he let out the cutest little sound, and then turned bright red because I was laughing so hard.”
“He came in today in black clothes and got mauled by the golden doodle he took out, Sasha. He was covered in fur when he left.
“Sidney had a black eye today. Apparently he took a bad hit yesterday?”
“Sidney brought a dog stroller in so he can take the puppies and cats out, because he doesn’t want to leave anyone out.”
“There was a mom and a little boy in today when Sidney got back, and they adopted the dog he took out jogging because he gave such a great review. We posted a picture of him with one of the snakes instead.”
His employees were many things, but subtle was not one of them. He had quickly learned to tune them out when they started talking in that certain tone of voice. His mother used the same tone whenever she told him about some cute guy or girl she met the other day while she was out shopping.
So Geno resigned himself to being told all about someone he was very definitely not interested in from his two otherwise wonderful employees.
Just as they’re going into the fourth week, Geno gets a frantic call from Angela. One of her professors decided to change the requirements for an assignment that’s worth fifteen percent of her grade and it’s due in two days. She needs the time off, and Geno is happy to give it to her.
So the next morning, Geno’s alarm goes off much earlier than he would have liked, but he gets up and gets ready. It reminds him a little of when he first opened the shelter and was the only person working there, nine to five, seven days a week.
He gets there five minutes before they’re supposed to open with an extra large black coffee from the coffee shop down the road from his apartment. He fumbles with his keys, but gets the door open with little hassle.
He’s in the back, putting food in bowls, when he hears the little alarm he’d had installed in the back that lets him know when the front door opens. He finishes the last few stalls, then makes his way to the front expectantly.
Sidney is standing there in a sky blue t-shirt and baggy basketball shorts, and neon-bright running shoes. He doesn’t even look tired to be up this early in the morning.
“Hey,” he says, and smiles at Geno, “it’s good to see you again.” And the thing is, Geno believes him that it actually is good to see him again, the man’s voice and face are so sincere.
“You too. Happy to see best dog walker.” He makes his way to his spot behind the counter and leans sleepily on it. “Have to wait a few minutes before you go. Just feed them.”
Sidney gives him a warm smile. “No problem. I got here a little earlier than I usually do because I wanted to ask Angela about that recipe she was telling me about. She not coming in today?”
Geno shakes his head. “Professor change her final project. She need few days off so she can fix, so I’m taking her shifts.”
“I’m sure she really appreciated that. Not all bosses are so accommodating.”
Geno shrugs. “She been with me long time, almost two and a half years. First employee. Know when I hire her that school comes first.” He looks up and sees that Sidney is resting his chin on his fist, his elbow up on the counter. He’s got a soft smile on his face as he looks at Geno.
“You’re a good boss.”
And again, Geno feels like Sidney actually means what he’s saying. He hides his flush by taking a long drink of hot coffee and makes himself power through the burn, knowing his tongue will suffer for it later.
“Dogs probably done eating now,” he says once he puts his cup down, “can go find your friend for the day.”
Sidney makes his way to the back and comes out with Dante, a large black lab that comes up to his hip. Geno waves them out the door, then buries his face in his hands on the counter. How can someone who gives some of the most monotone and awkward interviews turn out to be so friendly and sincere in person?
And it’s not like he can foist Sidney off on one of his employees when he gets back, because he’s the only worker in the store, and will be until Sara comes in to help with the afternoon rush. And worse still, he knows his English still isn’t great, so he’ll have to ask someone for help writing the tweet for today.
He could always just skip the tweet for the day. Sidney not having an official twitter of his own meant that they couldn’t tag him in the tweet, and the tweets themselves weren’t getting much attention. It wasn’t like they were making a huge difference in the amount of traffic the shelter saw. 
Okay, that was a lie. He had noticed that the dogs Sidney took out had a high turnover rate. Daisy had been adopted just four days after Sidney had taken her out, and most of the other’s he’d taken out had been adopted in a similarly short time. Dante was a good dog. He didn’t deserve to have his day skipped just because Geno couldn’t talk to the most attractive man he’d ever seen simply because he was also the nicest person he’d ever met.
Geno shook himself out of his self-pitying stupor and made himself get to work. It was another freight day, and the truck would be here soon. Geno needed to organize the shelves and work his way through some paperwork before that got here. He would worry about the tweet when it came time.
Geno is hunched over the lip of a box, digging for that one more bag of treats he knows should be inside it when he hears the bell above the door ring.
“Be right there,” he calls back as he shifts other items out of the way. He’s just seen a promising sliver of red when he hears a strange almost choking noise behind him.
He shoots up in alarm and glances over his shoulder. Sidney is standing in the same aisle as him, cheeks red from exertion, sweat making his hair shiny and just that one shade darker. His eyes shoot up from wherever it is they’re looking to meet Geno’s.
“I just,” Sidney says, voice sounding oddly strangled. He clears his throat and starts again. “I just wanted to let you know that we’re back.”
“Yes, good,” Geno says and makes his way down the aisle to them. “Need water?” He asks as he passes him, gesturing to his own throat in explanation.
“Yeah, please,” Sidney says and follows him back to the counter. Geno grabs one of the water bottles from the mini fridge he keeps behind the counter. He slides it over to Sidney, then grabs his phone from where he’d left it next to the front computer.
“Ready for picture?” he asks once Sidney has drained half the bottle.
“Yeah,” he says. Geno rounds the counter again and follows Sidney outside into the morning light. Sidney hunkers down by Dante, who takes the opportunity to lick a long, excited stripe up Sidney’s face. Geno’s glad he had his camera ready because he gets Sidney’s look of amused disgust perfectly.
He takes two more, one with Sidney and Dante looking at each other, the other of the two facing the camera, Dante laying down in the grass and absorbing the attention Sidney is giving him.
They go back inside and drop Dante back off in his kennel, where he greedily laps up the water that’s available to him.
They go out to the front and settle on the third picture before Sidney starts gushing about Dante.
“He’s a great dog,” Sidney says, “Super calm and gentle. Probably great with kids.” And really, Geno has to stop him before he says too much and he misses it all.
“Please talk slower,” he says, typing slowly on the English keyboard. He sticks his tongue into the corner of his mouth in concentration as he types. “Calm. Gentle. How he handle on leash?”
“He’s definitely leash trained,” Sidney says. “No pulling.”
“No pulling,” Geno repeats. He stares at his phone for a moment, then sighs and shows his phone to Sidney. “Need help,” he says. “My English not so good.”
“Your English is great,” Sidney says before he gets distracted with the phone. Geno huffs.
“Been here five years. Still don’t know how to use pronouns, Angela says.” Geno grumbles.
Sidney looks up from the phone and meets his eyes dead on. “I think anyone who can learn how to communicate in a whole new language is really impressive, especially someone who moves to a whole new country and uses that language to make a living.”
Geno huffs to hide his embarrassment at the compliment. “Have friends who do better. Sound better.”
“If your friends are giving you a hard time for not being as good at English as them, fuck’em,” Sidney says as he types something out on Geno’s phone. Then he freezes and his entire face lights up like a bad sunburn. “That.. I mean... can we just forget I said that?” He asks as he hands the phone back to Geno. Geno grins at him.
“Nope. Tell all my friends Sidney Crosby says mean things about them and I’m best at English.”
Sidney laughs, and it’s endearing how unpolished it is. Geno has heard Sidney’s media laugh in odd bits of interviews he’s seen on tv as he’s flipping through channels. This laugh isn’t that. It’s more high pitched, slightly grating, and entirely charming in how imperfect it is.
Geno swallows down a groan of hopelessness. Finally, something that is arguably unattractive about this man, and somehow Geno is even more smitten. 
He looks down at his phone and reads through the tweet. It looks good, and Sidney seems to approve. He hits post and then puts his phone down to find Sidney still looking at him with a side half smile.
“Even though it sucks that Angela has to redo part of her final project, I’m kind of glad her professor changed the assignment,” Sidney says low, like it’s a secret.
“Oh?” Geno says after he swallows loudly.
“Yeah,” Sidney says, making direct, earnest eye contact, “It was really good to see you again.” He gives Geno a couple seconds to say something to that, but Geno is tongue-tied. Sidney doesn’t seem to mind, just gives him a kind smile, and then bids him goodbye. 
Geno waves as he walks out the door, then sags heavily in the chair for the computer. He takes a deep breath, the lets it out in a strangled sigh. He is so fucked.
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