#actually the most surprising thing here is the amt of asks ive answered
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dameferre · 3 years ago
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I posted 4,902 times in 2021
336 posts created (7%)
4566 posts reblogged (93%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 13.6 posts.
I added 6,089 tags in 2021
#qew - 4197 posts
#art by artists - 669 posts
#watch this - 231 posts
#elle answers your questions - 214 posts
#atla - 210 posts
#anon - 150 posts
#zukka - 136 posts
#t.t - 98 posts
#black sails - 95 posts
#sokka - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#‘it’s just one of those areas yknow. like there aren’t enough poc living there so all the food sucks’ and she was like ‘mmhmm i getcha.’
My Top Posts in 2021
happy prince phillip is dead day to my mom, who when i showed her a page of ‘prince phillip is a walking corpse’ memes said (after she’d finished laughing) ‘all of those people are going to feel so bad when he actually dies’
290 notes • Posted 2021-04-09 12:41:09 GMT
i know no one asked and im never gonna write it but my comfort fic this week has been one that only exists in my mind, which is... just a collection of zuko and katara moments
zuko coming out to katara, bc she’s got accepting mom vibes, and katara gets to experience the sweet euphoria of hanging out with a dude, who is not related to her, without worrying about him being attracted to her in the slightest
sokka proposes to suki, suki accepts, zuko cannot understand why it feels like his entire world is crumbling around him but katara can, and she and toph distract him for a bit
zuko and katara comforting sokka together after suki breaks off the engagement
zuko giving a speech at katara and aang’s wedding
the slow progression of zuko and sokka best friends to lovers as seen by katara, who at one point sits sokka down and says ‘you’re my brother and i’ll stand by you no matter what, but please for the love of fuck be sure about this before you get zuko involved. dont risk your friendship if you aren’t 100% sure’
zuko telling katara he plans to propose (katara cries)
katara giving a speech at sokka and zuko’s wedding (zuko cries)
just a thousand little moments of the two of them bonding over how ridiculous and wonderful the loves of their lives are
most crucially, katara and zuko doing some diplomatic thing together or whatever and accidentally getting stranded together. and then katara goes into labour. i cannot express how much serotonin i get from the idea of zuko. zuko. helping katara through labour. and by helping i mean letting her squeeze his hand until she breaks a finger (she’ll heal it later) and talking him through delivering the baby. he cries more than she does, and probably passes out. i think i personally deserve this scene
it probably ends with zuko and katara, helping each other through grief after both sokka and aang pass, but im not trying to make myself sad here this is a happy imaginary fic about best friends okay
378 notes • Posted 2021-04-15 22:34:06 GMT
ok this is nonsense so don’t take it too seriously but my friend just reminded me that before the panaderia hit her 2020 mission was to sleep her way through the alphabet (she got to h)
so now i can’t stop thinking about sokka who makes the same resolution one year and asks zuko ahead of time to fill the ‘z’ slot because “who else am i gonna hook up with? some asshole named zach?” and zuko laughs it off at the time but then slowly realises he. might not be entirely opposed to that.
and then hijinks ensue as zuko tries to rush sokka through the rest of the alphabet by way of overly enthusiastic matchmaking and simultaneous aggression towards anyone on earth with a name that starts with ‘z’
385 notes • Posted 2021-01-25 21:21:31 GMT
people of colour, for fucking lifetimes: white supremacists in america are dangerous terrorists and if they go unchecked they will try to bring about the downfall of our democracy
white people, today: wow?? white supremacists?? in america?? are DaNGerOus??? terrorISts??? and they’re trying to bring about the downfall of our democracy???????/????????/??/?//?
592 notes • Posted 2021-01-06 20:37:28 GMT
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What You See You Might Not Get (art by the incomparable @sebsketchs)
Five things Zuko learned about Sokka, and one thing Sokka already knew about Zuko.
a zukka star trek au for three days of zukka week 2021 prompts! 5+1, hurt/comfort, and free space day bc it’s about as au as it gets
1267 notes • Posted 2021-03-21 02:49:16 GMT
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