#actually that’s not true I made a mocha at home today and that was banger
mangora · 3 years
What if I made a master post of what every single TD character orders at a coffee shop (except half of them arent coffee) I’m in my iced coffee phase rn heres gen 2 and 3 because if you somehow couldn’t tell theyre my favorites
Jo: Black coffee nothing in it and genuinely likes it that way
Brick: Tries to drink black coffee to be tough but enjoys a good vanilla cream coffee more
Anne Maria: Frappuccino or Caramel Macchiato she likes the most extra drinks
Mike: Probably likes generic iced coffee with cream and sugar or like. Matcha
Zoey: Changes her order all the time but always down for a good brown sugar boba or anything strawberry flavored
Cameron: Not much of a drinks guy in general, but if he had to get something I think he’d enjoy a cappuccino or something with lots of foam, he’d like the texture
Lightning: Also not really a drinks guy but I think he’d enjoy a smoothie with lots of protein powder just because health benefits
Sam: Honestly I think he’d be a black coffee guy, bold take but he seems like he wouldn’t really care about the flavor and just drinks coffee or energy drinks for the caffeine
Dakota: Iced lattes or a white mocha usually, she gets really hyped for seasonal drinks though like peppermint mochas or pumpkin spice anything
Scott: Hates tea and anything fruity or cold. Used to drinking plain instant but likes it with a little sugar if he can get his hands on it.
B: Thorough plain tea enjoyer, maybe earl gray or oolong. He likes leafy flavors over fruity ones
Dawn: Also really into tea but she usually likes plant/nut milk in it, or a green smoothie
Staci: Also a boba liker but will go for any good milk teas. She also likes latte foam art but the actual drink is kinda meh to her
Shawn: Cant have coffee much because it makes his nerves absolutely shot but sometimes he has a black coffee when he’s at a low point
Jasmine: Probably likes iced coffee with a little cream and sugar but likes to try new things every once in a while; mostly a fan of savory drinks and not fruity ones tho
Sammy: Loves a good fruit tea but I imagine she’d go for a smoothie too
Amy: Frappes, but the important part is that she berates the barista the entire time they make her drink
Sky: Chai drinker, also sometimes likes smoothies/juices
Dave: one of those dudes who gets annoyed at girls who drink pumpkin spice. Gets black coffee and hates it every time but drinks it anyways to look cool and mysterious (he’s tearing up the whole time)
Rodney: Will drink whatever you get him, he just likes being included. Has everyone’s orders memorized. Has to rehearse before asking for his drink
Topher: Coffee snob, usually likes iced or frappuccinos but will go for almost anything with cream and sugar as long as it’s high enough quality. Keeps trying to figure out Chris’ order; Chris will not tell him but does recommend him beans. These two get bitchy over the beans.
Ella: Pink drink or a vanilla Frappuccino with no coffee. She can’t have caffeine but likes anything sweet and semi fancy
Leonard: Controversial, I think he’d enjoy specifically smoothies or juices with pineapple. It’s got a magical tang. Or Mochas/hot chocolate which Tammy introduced to him.
Sugar: Any shitty instant coffee honestly, her taste buds are goobered. I do think she’d be anti-tea though. Also probably banana smoothies I just think she’d like them
Beardo: Also likes tea, except for matcha. Probably likes lavender tea or smth best because it’s soothing. I don’t think he’d be opposed to coffee but I think it would be like too much.
Scarlett: I think she’d secretly enjoy those refreshers like the fruit and juice ones, but usually gets tea to feel sophisticated. She likes hot drinks btw
Max: Once again attempts to drink black tea but just hates coffee. Secretly enjoys juice or chocolate milk out of a coffee cup. Everyone knows but doesnt tell him
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