#actually rose might change her name but still go by the same pronouns
wizards101official · 2 years
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ofepiphxny · 2 months
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〈  amita suman  /  cis woman  /  she + her  /  27 (270) 〉in the great land of prythian, SAMARA MISHRA of the WINTER COURT begins their journey towards a new future. known to be ERUDITE AND PATIENT, their suspected PASSIVE AND INSECURE habits might prove to be their undoing. if the fae could compose a song for them, it could tell stories of AN ENDEARING PASSION TO LEARN, SCHOLARLY TEXTS OF HISTORY FILLING SHELVES, THE WELCOME OF FAMILIAR WINTER WINDS AND FALLING SNOWFLAKES, AND A PERHAPS NAÏVE WISH FOR A PEACEFUL FUTURE. the fates whispers to the SCHOLAR OF THE WINTER COURT and it is said that their loyalties lie with PRYTHIAN. only time will tell if the FAE has what it takes to live amongst the ruin.
name: samara mishra face claim: amita suman pronouns & gender: she/her & cis woman orientation: bisexual, biromantic age: 27/270 date of birth: october 9th zodiac sign: libra place of birth: the winter court court: the winter court position: scholar species: fae abilities: some winter court specific magic (ice manipulation – novice) family: ishan mishra (father; deceased), soneeya mishra (mother; alive) moral alignment: lawful good mbti: infp enneagram: 9w1 vice & virtue: envy & kindness character inspos: belle (beauty and the beast), francesca bridgerton (bridgerton), elain archeron (acotar) inspo songs: read all about it pt. iii by emeli sande light by sleeping at last be alright by lucy rose epiphany by taylor swift start of time by gabrielle aplin the manuscript by taylor swift ━ history (death tw) (tl;dr below)
Winter had come and, well, winter had remained. At least in the court equip with the same name. The cold never bothered Samara, though. Perhaps that rang true for most, if not all, of the Winter Court’s inhabitants. Yes, a sharp chill here and there could not be ignored but she had become quite used to the weather. It was a beautiful land intertwined with reindeer-driven sleighs, large white bears, even adorable yet smart courier foxes. Samara couldn’t imagine living anywhere else, honestly. While the stories of the other courts brought wonderful visuals of variety, she was most content with the snow, allowing snowflakes to lightly fall upon her. It was the same for her parents, her father a sentry for the Winter’s forces while her mother was a scholar.
An aura of softness had been around Samara since she was young. Soft smiles with eyes that held a genuine kindness, but with a passiveness regardless. She was non-confrontational, and that had never really changed. She kept to herself mostly, staying out of most people’s way if she could avoid it. Soneeya was the more serious of the two parents, Ishan the one who was always smiling and talking passionately about the world. Nonetheless, they were both loving and compassionate parents. While her father was normally posted in the Winter Court territory, occasionally he had been sent to other courts, sometimes on protection details, etc. He’d bring Samara back various souvenirs along with tales of his journeys, all of which she had cherished with her whole heart and still had in her room to that day.
After years of schooling, Samara eventually followed suit after her mother and became a scholar for the Winter Court, her passion for learning only heightening. She enjoyed her work, enjoying further educating herself with the histories of Prythian and also being a part of writing new ones. Never did Samara expect that she would see war in present time. She had read about it, known about past conflicts, studied up on them. But hearing about the Spring Court’s actions and Hybern’s intent for takeover had chilled them all more than the winter winds outside. Yes, reading about something as intense as that was far different than experiencing it. It scared her, especially when her father announced he would be joining the forces on the ground. On the actual battlefields.
He left even when his daughter begged him not to go. She’d always remember that day, that last moment they ever saw each other. Ishan had always longed for peace, and if he had to help fight in order to find it, he’d do it. And weeks later, she and Soneeya were informed of his death. That was just barely before many in Prythian were taken captive Under the Mountain. It was hard, even when they were freed and returned to their home. It was hard knowing he was no longer around, that so many others weren’t either. Even a hundred years later, Samara’s heart sometimes still aches. But whenever she looks up and watches the snowflakes fall, she wonders if one is her father watching over her.   ━ tl;dr
An eternal winter in the Winter Court but the cold never bothered Samara, who was used to it along with other residents there
Her father was a sentry there while her mother was a scholar; Samara followed with the latter’s occupation all while she cherished the stories from her father
She had a passion for learning, grasping knowledge with dedication and enjoyed her work
She never expected to actually experience war in present time, always having only studied conflicts but nothing was of this caliber
Her father left to fight on the frontlines even when Samara begged him not to go, and weeks later, they were informed of his death
A century later and sometimes her heart still aches knowing he’s gone, but she wonders if the snowflakes falling around her is him watching over her
━ headcanons
Samara gives food to some of the cute critters that hang around nearby in winter court, which has resulted in some occasionally following her around
When she’s not working, some of – or a lot of – her free time includes reading! normally there will always be at least one book on her
She is not a fighter at all and even with magic, she is a novice and has minimal experience using it
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 years
Weird question, but I wanna know what you think about the use of first names and last names in the Gotei 13, well actually specifically, with Hinamori and Kira.
I rarely hear anyone call them by their first names, which is a shame since I find Momo and Izuru to be such cute names. Shinji and Rose call them by their first names. Gin also called Kira, Izuru (and Hisagi too, but only if you count filler).
Momo only ever gets called Momo by Hirako and Hitsugaya but in relation to her nickname when they were younger (and the track cd)(and Tobiume too in the zanpakuto arc).
It jumped out to me because of how Matsumoto addresses them. Kira is uniform and polite so only ever addresses her as Matsumoto (that I'm aware of), however both Hinamori and Renji address her as 'Rangiku-san'. She addresses Hisagi and Nanao by their first names, maybe because Hisagi was an immediate kouhai (I assume) and Nanao is sort of in their same (age? peer?) group, and yet she addresses Renji by his first name, and Kira and Hinamori by their last names despite the latter three being in the same peer group. I'd hate to think it's because she's not as close to Kira and Hinamori. Is it completely random owing to Renji's main character status, or is there something to it? I have my own headcanons about it, but I wanted to know your thoughts. Thanks!
Ooh, this is such a fun question! Thank you! Our guesses are only as good as anyone else's, but who calls whom what is one of our favorite Bleach topics, and one of the first things we got interested in when coming back to Bleach.
To start at the end of this ask, Renji seems like the kind of guy who's very difficult to be normal about, seeing as not even Byakuya calls him Abarai lmaoo. Kuchiki "full names for everyone" Byakuya. Kuchiki "sure I'll address other captains with -taichou sometimes" Byakuya. Kuchiki "I'll use a weird pronoun no one else ever uses" Byakuya. Who knows what goes on in that man's mind.
Some of my thoughts below the cut:
Shinji and Rose are the weird ones
Shinji and Rose are politicking
These are workplace relationships, or began as them
Renji has Big Renji Energy and so does Matsumoto
Matsumoto is more formal with Hinamori, for Feminism
Individual preference factors in
1. Shinji and Rose are the weird ones
Why do Shinji and Rose take to calling their VCs by their given names so quickly? Maybe that's just what happens when you spend 100 years in exile, though iirc the Vizard were already Like That with each other in TBTP and right up until Aizen revealed himself, Shinji was already "Sousuke"-ing him. I feel like their penchant for given name addresses is a reflection of their iconoclasm, and it's an intentional break from the norm on both their parts that's intended to be jarring. Both of them are interested in Western forms--jazz, whatever… European dandy thing Rose has got going on--and Shinji has adopted Osaka speech, which is typed as being more forthright/loud/brash than Tokyo speech, which also goes with the ostentatious flouting of the established "norm."
2. Shinji and Rose are politicking
I also feel like continuing this practice with Hinamori and Kira functions as a way of asserting to the Gotei that in returning to Soul Society, they're not really interested in any long-winded processes of becoming accepted, becoming trusted, becoming known. If they're going to be 5th and 3rd captains again, the rest of the Gotei is going to have to Deal, effective immediately.
3. These are workplace relationships, or largely began as them
I think it's really not uncommon to be incredibly good friends with a classmate or co-worker, be in each other's weddings, etc., and still call them "Satou-san" until the day you die. That is how you've known them, and to change address now might change the relationship; it might not speak to the history that you have; it might simply seem weird after all this time. I don't necessarily feel like naming is a thing where you're meant to "progress" to more familiar forms of address and if you don't it's a reflection of a relationship that hasn't progressed; it's more loosey-goosey than that. I think particularly if, for instance, you've known someone as "Hinamori-kun" for so long, say, and it feels natural and comfortable to continue knowing her that way.
4. Renji has Big Renji Energy and so does Matsumoto
As far as Matsumoto re: Renji, Hinamori, and Kira goes, I think you're right in that it's not necessarily signaling that she's closer to Renji than she is to Hinamori or Kira. Like I said earlier, I do think Renji is a difficult person to be normal about, and given that Renji and Matsumoto are two of Soul Society's rare extroverts, their relationship may just have that energy. 
But we also know Matsumoto and Hinamori are plenty friendly with each other--they've attended rooftop fireworks birthdays together; Matsumoto delivers Aizen's letter to Hinamori; Matsumoto goes along with Hitsugaya's lengthy Soul Society Arc plans. (Sure, Hitsugaya is her captain and she's the VC and what else is she going to do. But also, they were super off task as far as Yamamoto's actual orders went, and these plans were just as much about Ichimaru as they were about Hinamori. Between Hitsugaya and Matsumoto, Matsumoto is really the one who knows both Ichimaru AND Hinamori--and inasmuch as Hinamori may be more knowable than Ichimaru, I still think Matsumoto's knowledge of Hinamori as a friend factored in, too.)
5. Matsumoto is more formal with Hinamori, for Feminism
I feel like Matsumoto is probably aware that Hinamori presents as the kind of person it might not occur to people to address more formally, so Matsumoto uses Hinamori's family name to assert that level of respect/remind others not to fall into the trap of being too familiar. Not that Joe Shinigami would ever slip and call Vice Captain Hinamori "Momo" themselves--but I imagine some do need to be reminded from time to time of the respect she should be accorded. I do think Hinamori is overall incredibly well-respected and understood in terms of her rank. But I also think that this didn't necessarily happen organically, and people like Matsumoto (and Hinamori herself) had to do the work upfront to make sure that happened. (I think Hitsugaya had to do similar work.)
6. Individual preference factors in
What you call someone is partially a reflection of your feeling and partially a reflection of what the named party wants. We've seen Matsumoto ask people to call her Rangiku-san--and while not everyone does (and maybe she doesn't extend the invitation to ALL people), I feel like that's definitely a factor in terms of how many people do. I wouldn't be surprised if this was also true of Renji, who's gone by Renji longer than he's gone by Abarai; maybe it feels to him more akin to a family name in that regard. It's the name that roots him, in ways that "Abarai" cannot.
Kira and Hinamori may feel differently about their family names, and find them more core to who they presently are--Kira because that's his literal family name (and given his dead parents, maybe those roots, in danger of being cut off, become even more important), and Hinamori because like you've also talked about, it's something of a locational name and through that maybe also lends her that feeling of rootedness. (And I maintain that Junrinan Grandma gave her that name. Using my own headcanons as further evidence? DON'T MIND IF I DO LOL.)
As for Matsumoto and Hisagi, as drinking buddies I feel like they've known each other at their least elegant and least compelling, so the context of their relationship may feel very far away from the workplace and just…sloppier than what Matsumoto has with either Kira or Hinamori. XD Hisagi strikes me as someone who is deeply, deeply thirsty for intimacy, and it probably moves some deep, earth-shattering stone in his heart to hear someone call him "Shuuhei." I feel like there's a decent chance Hisagi fell in love with Matsumoto because she'll call him that, rather than the other way around--that is, rather than Matsumoto calling him Shuuhei because after they become oh so intimate. Matsumoto strikes me as the kind of person who will call him "Shuuhei" because she knows what it does to him, even if it's not intended as a declaration of any particularly profound intimacy. (I mean, I think Matsumoto obviously cares for Hisagi very much, but I don't think she's a hopeless romantic damned to the trenches of intimacy insanity  that Hisagi sometimes falls into.)
We would love to hear your HCs if you'd like to share them!
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roscgcld · 4 years
HEADCANON + VARIOUS || when their siblings are evil
request: Hello, I was kinda wondering how would Gojo, Itadori and megumi react to a their younger sibling being evil but she has a reason to being that way. [Headcanon] -
note: hmm - this one is really interesting! honestly i had never thought about their reactions if their younger siblings are evil! this was an entirely new idea to me, so i definitely enjoyed writing something like this
characters: gojo satoru, itadori yuji, fushiguro megumi
pronouns: she/her
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in this sense, I feel it’s not that shocking that if his younger sister joined forces with geto
if you weren’t born with the Six Eyes like your older brother, your clan will just treat you like a slave - like maki was treated when she was in the zen’in clan 
after years of abuse and being told that you were a mistake, and that you shouldn’t have been born, and that you were a waste of space - that might crack you and made you go insane
gojo might have known this might happen, and had tried to move you away from the path of evil - because i feel like he would be a good older brother and shower you in all the love you deserve
he’d shower you in love and respect, getting you new clothes even if your parents tell him not to, spoil you rotten and even training you to use your powers under the cover of darkness
but sometimes it just isn’t enough though, and the emotional wounds are just too deep to heal - and he gets that
feel like he might end up blaming himself - what kind of older brother can’t protect his own baby sister? how can he call himself ‘the strongest’ when he can’t even protect the one person that he was born to protect?
screw the world - he’s your older brother. he should have seen the signs and stopped you from doing what you do
at the same time, he knows the reason why you left - you were sick and tired of the higher ups and their backwards thinking
the elders of your clan, the elders of other clans, the higher ups who control the jujutsu world - you hate them all, and you strive for the change that gojo wants to do as well. but with how you’ve been put down your entire life, and how underdeveloped your skills are, you went the only route you know - a route that strays you away from all you’ve ever known
if anything, he’s sort of proud - since along the way, geto definitely takes you under his wing and teaches you to unlock all the potential of your power - which will be a huge slap to the face for the rest of the clan and the higher ups
feel like he doesn’t have it in him to really take you down if he needs to, since he can see through you no matter what - how you’re scared to be on the run, how you hate being away from your older brother, how you know that you have innocent blood on your hands
yet you can’t leave, you’re in too deep now. and if you return, who exactly is there to stop the higher ups from killing you like they so desperate want to for so long?  
he’d probably spare you out of all the sorcerers that the higher-ups have branded as traitors, because at the end of the day you’re still his baby sister
and no matter how twisted your views of getting to your goal has become, you two still strive for the same thing - and that is to rid the jujutsu world of people like them
plus, if he was being honest, he’d want to keep you around as a slap to the higher ups still lol; the biggest middle finger he can give to them is by keeping you alive for as long as possible
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yuji, being the sunshine he is, would not have known why you decided to leave for the other side of the war
it wasn’t his fault - if anything, he was the best older brother to be around. he’s what people dreamed of when they think of having an older brother
he took care of you, make sure you and your grandfather was fed, made sure you didn’t need to worry about trivial things like money or when the pay the bills - you just focus on being happy and that’s all that he needs in return
feel like the reason why you left was more because of manipulation - if you can just grow stronger, you can protect yuji from getting executed. that you can make a better world for the both of you, that you two can one day live in a happy world where curses and sorcerers were far behind you
of course yuji will be upset - he doesn’t see the appeal of the other side, and always advocates for you to realise how geto and the other curses are using you for their own benefit 
why would you give up your freedom to fight on the other side?
he’d be conflicted - this was the little girl who he used to braid her hair and cook for every day, the girl who he brought up from young to become the headstrong woman you are today. his best friend and the only person he can truly rely on during the darkest of times
how can he put that aside and hunt you down like you’re a prized animal in a hunting competition?
he’d wonder if he was a good brother to you too as well - wondering if he wasn’t giving you enough attention growing up, not as good as he thought he was at splitting his time for you
it’d take a lot of convincing from his friends that it wasn’t his fault, that you were being manipulated into thinking that this was the only way you can turn to in order to help him
since neither of you were really sorcerers to begin with - being thrown into a world where power dictates how you are treated would push anyone into a corner 
he’d use that to probably train harder - to show you that you didn’t need to do the things you are doing to make sure he’s safe, that he can protect both you and him with ease
that you two can go back to how things were before all this
if you two ever meet in battle, i don’t think he’d be able to handle it - he’d be hesitate when it comes to hitting you with full power, since he didn’t want to kill you by accident
the last he needs is to have your death on his conscience
throughout the entire battle he might still try to convince you that it isn’t too late, that you can return back to jujutsu tech and learn from the best of the best, with a warm roof over your heads and friends you can really rely on 
he’d stand in the way between you and any curse that tries to take you out, making sure that if either of you are to continue living, it’d be you
he’d lay his life down for you, even though he knows you’ve taken many innocent ones while getting to where you are today 
he still has all the love of an older brother, and nothing people say or do will waiver the vow he took when he first held you in his arms - that he was going to protect you no matter what
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with megumi, i can see why as well - you were abandoned at a young age, growing up watching your father working with all kinds of shady people
so it was natural for you to fall down the same path; since no one was really there to teach you right from wrong 
i feel like megumi might have tried, and he really did try to show you that going down the path your father did was not the best idea - but how much can he do as a young child?
he probably feels more guilty as time goes by - child or not, he was your older brother, he should have tried harder to show you where you could have put that skill
wouldn’t breath a word about your existence to anyone, not because he doesn’t want to be associated with you. it’s more so your name will not be as well known as geto suguru - that maybe, there was a chance that the higher-ups might overlook you and you can sneak back in without causing too much waves
but the entire time, he might harbour all the guilt from not trying hard enough as a child to convince you that going to jujutsu tech was the best way to get stronger and show the zen’in clan that your father wasn’t a ‘waste of an heir’
the first time his friends will even find out you were an actual person is when you would run into them whilst you’re on a job - kill a target your client gave to steal some documents that they view as valuable
you didn’t notice them until you felt someone staring at you, to which you turn to face the person - ready to threaten to scoop their eyeballs out
“oh, hi nii-chan.” you’d greet with a casual grin as he stared at you in shock, nobara and yuji looking between the both of you curiously. “didn’t think i’d see you ever again.”
yuji and nobara might talk to you like you’re a normal person, but they kept their guards up still - something you found amusing, but still answering their question truthfully 
megumi knew better - unfortunately you’re branded as an underground criminal, and if possible, any available sorcerer that bumps into you is to kill you before you accidentally reveal the existence of sorcerers and curses
however, no matter how hard he wills himself, he can’t do it - you’re still his flesh and blood. you may have chosen a path that’s different from his, but deep down you’re still living true to yourself
you’d glance over and see the conflict brewing in his eyes, to which you’d give him a soft smile before you lean over to grab his hand in his, causing him to snap his eyes up at you
“do what you think is right.”
with that you pulled away, and with another wave to the group, you melted into the crowd; somehow managing to disappear before their eyes
both his friends will be confused, looking around for you while he stared down at the hand you had grabbed, a slightly faraway look on his face
he’d probably realise that if anything, you’re living true to yourself and allowing yourself to fly so far ahead that you’ve slowly started to outshine any of them prior to this
and he’d feel weirdly proud, because you were still his baby sister, and you still achieved things that are worth being proud of 
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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razorsadness · 2 years
I took her by her lily white hand— “Banks of the Ohio”
Banks of the Ohio...does not seem to come directly from other, older ballads. Nor does it share the details of a specific true crime. Its origins are in late 19th or early 20th century Appalachia, and the first known recording of the song is from 1927, under the title ”I’ll Never Be Yours.” Nonetheless, it is a classic. It distills the murder ballad (particularly the murdered girl ballad) down to its essence. Girl and her beau go out walking, he asks for her hand in marriage, she refuses, he pushes her into the river, and she drowns. He walks home, feeling all sorry about killing the girl he loved, and the next day he’s arrested.
More traditional versions of “Banks of the Ohio”...can be interpreted as a warning to young women. A warning not to go out walking with a guy you don’t really know that well, lest he has ill intent. And this can be seen as another misogynistic double standard: why not write a song warning men not to kill their girlfriends? We have to consider two things when asking that question. One is that the song would have read very differently to folks in the late 19th and early 20th centuries than it does to us, now. It is of its time, for certain. But the other thing to consider, to ask ourselves, is: have things really changed so much? Most women (and non-binary people) I know have had more than one experience where we feared we might end up much the same way as the poor girl in this ballad. A boyfriend threatening you with fatal violence should you decide to leave him; a near (or complete) stranger becoming furious because you rejected his advances…these things are still all too common. As Kelly Robinson writes in “Where the Wild Roses Grow: The Strange Allure of Murder Ballads:” Change a few details, update the names, and these ballads could be stories from our own local papers, or even our own diaries. The other thing which hasn’t changed much in the past century is the abundance of misogynistic double standards when it comes to the blame placed on the would-be (female) victim versus the would-be (male) perpetrator. We, as a society, still spend an awful lot of time telling girls not to wear certain clothes, drink certain things, or go to certain places lest they encounter a rapist or murderer, and a lot less time teaching boys that they’re not entitled to any girl’s body or time, and that they shouldn’t be, y’know, murdery rapists.
The other reason I wanted to include “Banks of the Ohio” is that it features a death-by-drowning, which is a very common feature in murder ballads. There are countless murder ballads where the victim is either drowned, or is killed and then thrown into a body of water. Often it is a river, and often the victim is female. (“Ain’t Going Down to the River,” by bluegrass singer and musician Missy Armstrong, is a tongue-in-cheek take on this theme.) Why drowning, in particular? writes J. Roberta Coffelt in “She Too Much of Water Hast: Drownings and Near-Drownings in Twentieth Century North American Literature by Women.” There are several reasons, she says. One being: …the symbolic connection between female sexuality and water. Another: …is romantic: drowning is often thought of as an “easy death.” Coffelt adds: Of course, actual drowning victims are anything but beautiful, but that didn’t stop balladeers, writers, and artists throughout history from romanticizing the beautiful drowned girl. Think of Shakespeare’s Ophelia; think of paintings of Ophelia such as [the] one by John Everett Millais—she is beautiful, floating on her back in the water, her eyes heavy-lidded and her lips parted. Is she dead, or experiencing sexual ecstasy? (Back to that link between female sexuality and water…)
Yes, the drowning victims in these stories and songs are often female, but I think it’s important to remember that is not always the case. Snakefarm does a spooky, jazzy version of “Banks of the Ohio” which removes all gendered pronouns, so the genders and sexual orientations of both the victim and the killer are left up to the listener’s imagination. Once, many years ago, I asked a guy I was dating at the time to walk with me down to the river, where I had a surprise for him. He, knowing my predilection for murder ballads and things of that nature, said: “Uh, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I’m pretty sure there’s a Nick Cave song that starts that way, and if I recall correctly, it doesn’t end well.”
—Jessie Lynn McMains, from “I guess there’s just a meanness in this world” (Murder Ballads and Death Songs) [October 2021]
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
masterpost • main masterlist • taglist & faq
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Introductory prologue. The main pairing will be established ironstrange x reader. This story will be rated explicit, have some canon-typical violence and language. The 'fuck' harvest is bountiful this time of the year. Updates - irregular so far, I'm posting it as I go.
No y/n, no "you", no name - nickname only, no reader description - race/age/body type neutral, she/her pronouns. Please leave a comment if you spot a stray 'blushing' or the likes, I write as it flows and sometimes miss those words when I proofread. I try to be inclusive of all my readers.
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"Your total is twelve dollars, seventeen cents," I rattled off on autopilot, casting a glance at the cash register and plastering an automatic smile onto my face. The pleasant expression was frozen on it, stuck like glue, despite the news I had received earlier in the day. "Thank you, have a nice day," I doubted the customer actually heard my words.
One of those business-types, wearing a tailored two-piece, with a Bluetooth headset attached to their ear and brain always a mile away, our little coffee shop a mild interruption in their daily routine of making more and more money. "Hello, how can I help you?" I addressed the next customer, my eyes unseeing, gliding over their face and to the storefront where I noticed we were running low on eclairs and carrot cake.
"Hey, Starlight," the woman's voice was familiar, tone soothing, as I snapped my eyes to meet a pair of reddish-brown ones, staring at me with concern. "The usual," our city's very own superhero; Wanda Maximoff stood before me with her head curiously tilted to the side and her brother hovering behind her, examining the assortment of various cakes on display. "Long day?"
"You have no idea," I sighed, sending off the organic, single-use cups with scribbles off to Dave, our barista. Wanda's order was large, usually about ten or twelve coffees and quite a few treats, so I donned on some nitrile gloves to package the treats while Dave handled the drinks with practiced ease. I admired his stoicism. "Might be seeing a bit less of me," the woman's eyebrows rose in displeasure at my admission.
"Tony won't be happy," Wanda mumbled, side-eyeing the backdoor behind which my boss usually resided during the day. "You got fired?" The words attracted the attention of her brother. Pietro was immediately at her side, joining into the concerned staring.
"Nope," I popped the 'p', methodically shoving the food in its packaging. "The café is expanding hours and our shifts are being split now. Jeremy is dead set on me working the graveyard shift, so I'll be here six AM to two PM," I couldn't help the sigh that left my lips.
My boss, Jeremy, had opened his boulangerie little over two years ago, and as he had predicted, it set off almost immediately. The place was located almost in the heart of the dozen corporate sky-rises full of busy, wealthy people who liked their things to be both instant and luxurious. Jeremy had fit right in with the law sharks and business vultures, if you ask me, with his penchant for demanding the impossible.
I was expecting an increase in work hours, I wasn't going to lie - our little cafe was busy nearly all the time it was open - but the fact that he chose to split a day's shift came as a punch to the gut. Like most service staff, I made most of my money from the tips, and they and they only were the only reason I stayed in a place with a shrew for a boss and the worst health insurance in the area. Thankfully, the rich businessmen from local offices didn't count their money and left me more than generous tips.
The coffee machine beeped for the last time as Dave passed me the three cupholders before I carefully bagged them, arranging the treats on top. I saw Wanda lick her lips at the aromas coming from the paper bag before Pietro snatched them out of my grasp. I rattled off the total, catching Wanda's eye as she passed me several twenty dollar bills, waving off my attempt to return the change.
"Penny for your wandering thoughts?" She smiled warmly as I chuckled at the question I've grown to expect with a quiet sort of joy.
The first time she'd wandered in, soaking wet from the rain and looking as lost as a child in a mall, ten minutes before closing time, I was reading my book right at the counter as I waited for the coffee machine to clean itself. I hadn't even noticed the quiet woman until her words startled me out of the book-induced trance and I shamefully had to ask her to repeat herself, hastily shoving my book under the counter. She smiled at me, shyly, and asked me about my reading instead of rattling an order for one of the sickly sweet caffeine concoctions female customers seemed to love. And she returned in a few days, asking the same question after taking a careful look at my face.
"And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about." I took a careful moment to recall a paragraph from the book I was currently reading, Murakami's 'Kafka on the Shore'. It seemed fitting, with all that had been going on in my life recently. I was still caught in the middle of the storm, unsure if I'd make it out but hoping for it nonetheless.
"That's beautiful," Pietro smiled at me, the tips of his silver hair reflecting the lights of the cafe's baroque style chandeliers. I barely managed to smile at him as he was already speeding off, the entrance door banging shut behind a blur of white and blue. Each time he did that, I couldn't help but wonder how he managed to not spill any of the hot beverages.
"Because it's true," Wanda added with a comforting smile. I nodded in agreement, hoping some of her positive attitude would dissipate the sense of doom I'd been lugging around all day. She departed, taking the sense of comfort with her, as I caught the tail end of something shouted in Sokovian - something that sounded exactly in place, coming from one disgruntled sibling to another.
When the residents of the nearby Stark tower began frequenting my workplace, I barely had the composure to stifle my quiet fangirling to socially acceptable levels. Not long after the Scarlet Witch turned a semi-regular, she started bringing her colleagues with her - Hawkeye at first, who was a decent, normal dude; he looked like an exasperated dad and Pietro appeared every thing the rambunctious son, as the younger man peppered the older man with questions about the cakes on our display.
They all had fancy names, but at the bottom of it, a chocolate cake was a chocolate cake. That much I told them, with a snort, earning myself a lopsided grin and a generous tip as I patiently listed off the more commonly used, simplified designations for the twins as the knowledge of them being European immigrants crossed my mind.
After Hawkeye came the Black Widow, and then Captain America with a sunny smile and his moody boyfriend in tow. While Bucky Barnes' expression was generally sour, the man had a wicked sweet tooth, shoveling frosted, glazed treats at the rate of a competitive eater. Both men were extremely polite if not very chatty and tipped well.
Tony Stark himself - well, he was a special one. His sense of humour trailed on the fine line of obscene, oftentimes raising the eyebrows of nearby people standing in line. I wasn't born yesterday, either: years of customer service work left me with little-to-no surprise regarding overzealous men and I could quip back equally as sharply, just slightly south of Tony's own jokes. He never overstepped, however, and with time, I developed a quiet appreciation for our small talks.
Which did brighten up my day, if only a little. "A little birdy told me your boss is being a douchebag. Want me to clean up that muck?" Tony was, as usual, wearing a bespoke suit and sunglasses, which he'd pushed up to his forehead as he frivolously leaned on the counter after placing his order.
I sighed, remembering Wanda's words. I didn't know what to expect from the eccentric billionaire; last of all, I didn't want any handouts. I'd started a search for a second part-time job the very day I got told my pay would be essentially cut in half. "No need, Mr. Stark, I'm gonna be fine and dandy," I replied with a smile that I was sure didn't really reach my eyes. "We'll still be able to resume our nice chit-chat at brunch on Saturdays," I winked, hoping to keep up the usual light atmosphere of our banter.
"I told you to call me Tony!" He exclaimed, like always, shaking his head and glaring at the back door. "Yeah, no," the man had absolutely no chill. "I'll still sic the IRS on him," the last part was said quietly. Mr. Stark often spoke to himself.
I laughed at the rich-kid, spoilt way he was acting. A grown man with an attitude of a teenager and a sweet tooth to match one - except for his coffee. That was always the strongest, blackest one we had on hand. I hadn't even heard of a triple espresso until Mr. Stark had waltzed in, skipping the line and filling the air around him with the smells of cologne that smelled like money, motor oil, iron and soot.
The moment I opened my e-mail at home, I felt my gloomy mood worsen, Mr. Stark's words echoing in my head. I'd sent my resumes to two dozen places and only a handful even bothered to reply - all preemptive rejections, there weren't businesses needing a part-time employee with a useless degree, who could only work evenings. Except bars, but they required some sort of certificate for bartenders and lots and lots of bare skin for waitresses. I tried to steer away from that part of the industry as much as I could, saving it as a last resort option.
It had come down to browsing Craigslist as I ate my way through a carton of cheap take-out, too exhausted to cook and too anxious to go out to the nearby bodega after 9 PM. One more negative side of working late shift - making my way home in the dead of the night in NYC and hoping Spider-Man was hanging out nearby should a thug decide on me to be their next victim. The joys of big city life.
As the column of various ads stared at me with various suspicious offers to make quick money, ads for 'young, sociable women' and I stared back at them in muted disgust. The 'looking for a job' section was much more sensible with the few ads I'd clicked on out of curiosity depicting people seemingly in a similar situation as me - short on money but not desperate enough to surrender their dignity to corporate greed. The decision was momentary - I'd started typing and hit the post button before I was through with my food, slapping my old laptop shut as soon as the as posted.
Hopefully, the creeps will stay away. The next couple of days stretched out slowly as I got up at the crack of dawn to open the shop, served the early birds whilst sipping my own matcha latte and clocked out not a second later than 2PM, taking home half the usual amount of tips. My e-mail remained as silent as ever, only a few suspicious replies to my ad, texts that I didn't even bother replying to. Human trafficking and pyramid schemes, was that all that NYC had to offer?
Apparently, not. Around 6PM, my phone dinged as a notification popped up and I scrambled to read it - all too aware of the upcoming rent day, and was pleasantly surprised with the contents of the e-mail, re-reading it several times to make sure there weren't any hidden stones under the water. I replied with my phone number, not expecting it to ring within minutes of hitting the send button.
"Hi, we just corresponded," the voice on the other side was feminine but slightly rough, as if it's owner spent days chain-smoking. "I would like to invite you for a small interview, if you wouldn't mind."
I chewed on my lip in contemplation. "Could I ask you some questions first?" The levels of anxiety, I thought, were reasonable in the situation. It mutely gnawed at my chest.
"Sure," the woman agreed amicably. "My name is Odette, by the way," she mentioned off-handedly, the name fitting her voice in a strange way.
"Uh, well," I stammered. "You mentioned it's a herbal medicine shop, you're not selling weed under the counter, are you?" I voiced my worries meekly, hoping for an honest answer.
The woman laughed, a sharp, terse sound. "No, dear, I do not sell or possess anything illegal. I merely offer supplies for the locals that prefer natural, alternative medicine." She sounded jovial.
"Like - um, healing crystals?" I vaguely remembered reading about them on the internet, or seeing them in a YouTube video, perhaps.
"Yes, we sell those, too," her tone grew more joyful at the mention of the shiny rocks. I didn't think that they actually cured anything, to be honest, however I was willing to give it some credit - the placebo effect was a scientific fact. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
"Okay then," I chuckled nervously. "I'm free tomorrow after 3 PM."
"Grand. The shop is open until 10 PM, just say your name at the counter and I'll be right with you."
As soon as I hung up, relief and curiosity and trepidation blossomed within me, imagination unhelpfully supplying images of human trafficking documentaries, basements with chains and other, less horrifying but still unusual things. The pep talk over a wine glass that I had was necessary: it was a herbal shop, for fuck's sake. Worst case, I'm going to work with Karens who think the Earth is flat and quartz cures cancer. I could even get a funny story or two out of those, something to share with Bucky or Wanda in lieu of the usual book quotes I entertain them with.
The day went by smoothly, the café no more and no less busy than usual so after a brief detour back home to put on something that didn't smell like coffee grounds and yeast: comfortable pants and a soft sweater, something that would keep me warm but would not unnecessarily restrict any movement. My good luck charm, a large oval necklace with a shiny gold star in the middle, hung heavily around my neck, providing quiet comfort.
Heart thudding in my chest, I approached the old-style, inconspicuous building, double-checking the address before opening the old, heavy wooden door right at the corner of the building. It was like a movie scene, in a way - the day was overcast, meager sun rays shining through the lead curtain of clouds, the streets were clear and few honks rung out in the far end of block, sending a flock of pigeons into a lazy scatter over the slanted roof. The door creaked softly, the handle cold under my touch, instantly filling my nose with a strong smell of herbs so plentiful, I could not distinguish one from another.
Inside didn't look any less intriguing: the décor was outdated but somehow fitting and homely, high wooden shelves stocked with glass jars and wooden boxes with neatly placed labels on them. The counter was empty - save for a large, golden bell, which I timidly pressed.
The woman who emerged from behind the worn cotton curtains behind the counter most certainly was impressive. Tall and broad, with dark eyebrows and even darker eyes, she critically surveyed me for a moment, making me shiver under her gaze - and then she smiled, revealing rows of pearly white teeth and instantaneously losing the imposing aura around her.
"Um, hi- I'm-" I didn't get to finish my nervous stammering.
She interrupted me with a careless wave of her hand. "Here for the interview. Yes. Welcome, Star," her eyes briefly fell on my necklace while I struggled to swallow the unease.
I hadn't told her my nickname - to be honest, these days, I heard it more often than my given name. People quickly took notice of my love of star-patterned items and teased me relentlessly over it, losing heat only when I calmly went along with it, too used to hearing the same jokes since my early childhood.
Odette motioned me over, parting the curtains to reveal a tiny, but tastefully decorated hall with two doors on each side and a staircase at the far end of it. I followed her into the room on the left, which turned out to be a peculiar sort of office. I thought I noticed an Ouija board in there but wisely kept my mouth shut.
"I live on the floor above the shop so don't go throwing any parties while you're on the job," she remarked playfully, gesturing to a pot of tea. "It's peppermint, does wonders for calming one's demeanor," the gesture was sweet - and very telling.
I wondered if I looked as spooked as I felt. After all, it didn't seem like Odette and her business were fishy in any way, and the décor and atmosphere were quite... Appealing, in a way. Something magical, something belonging in Europe or on a high schooler's Pinterest board. I sipped my tea in-between questions, thinking how maybe, I could actually grow accustomed to this place.
The shopkeeper acted as if I'd already accepted the job and I - well, it's not like I had any other options waiting for me. The pay was more than I expected it to be, for such a small bodega and a part-time shift, and it would help me cover my bills with enough to spare. The customers were said to be mostly regular and undemanding, with a few rare exceptions, and should I need assistance, the owner was always a call and a floor away.
With a considerably lighter heart, I left to pad the damp sidewalk back towards my house. Thankfully, my new workplace was only a short walk away.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shuu Maniac [07]
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ー The scene starts in the entrance hall
Yui: S-Shuu-san...!? What is this about!?
Shuu: I have no explanation.
Yui: ( Never did I imagine Shuu-san would bring home a cat... )
( The combination of these two...Somehow feels a little strange. )
Yui: What a cutie. Where did this little guy come from? (1)
Shuu: How should I know? He approached me while I was napping in the park.
He had the nerve to climb on top of me while I was sleeping...And in the end, followed me all the way back home.
Yui: So you found him at the park? He doesn’t have a collar either, so I wonder if he’s a stray...?
Shuu: He must have a few screws loose to approach a Vampire. Animals generally know based on instinct, no?
→ He might have felt you are a kind person (♡)
Yui: Don’t you think his instincts told him that you’re a good person?
Shuu: Ridiculous. In that case, an animal’s instinct can’t be trusted either.
Yui: I think it was spot on.
Shuu: You’re on a whole different level. (2) Didn’t you go through hell and back? Where is this ‘nice Vampire’ you speak of?
Yui: Yes. Right in front of my eyes.
Shuu: ...
...Talking to you always throws me off, it’s annoying.
Yui: ( Fufu, he’s blushing. )
→ He might have thought you were his parent
Yui: He might have mistaken you for his parent.
Shuu: In that case, he’s an idiot on the same level as you. Seems like you can’t tell the difference between a human and a cat either.
Yui: ( Uu, I guess I upset him... )
Yui: Uhm...What are we going to do with him?
Shuu: I’ll leave that up to you. Do as you please.
Yui: So we can keep him?
Shuu: I don’t see why not. It’d be a pain to drive him away at this point.
Yui: Thank you very much!
Ah, then from today onwards, our family has been increased from two to three.
Shuu: ...So simple-minded.
Yui: Right, if we’ll keep him, we have to give the little guy a name...What would be a nice one? What do you think, Shuu-san?
Shuu: ‘Cat’.
Yui: ...
Shuu: It’s a great name, no? Short and simple. (2)
Yui: He’s our family now so please take it seriously!
Shuu: Then you can come up with something. I’m honestly fine with any name.
Yui: Gosh...I’ll decide it on my own then, okay?
Yui: ( Hm....It’s an orange tabby so... )
Shuu: Thought of one?
Yui: No...But now that I get a better look, he’s a little similar to you, don’t you think?
Shuu: ...Are your eyes still working fine?
Yui: I-I mean, the color of his fur, for example...! See, don’t you think it looks alike?
Shuu: Not at all.
Yui: ( I guess it doesn’t...? )
Shuu: ...
Yui: Eh?
Shuu: His name.
Yui: Ririe...
Shuu: You can change it if you don’t like it.
Yui: No, I think it’s great!
Yui: Fufu, seems like this little guy likes it as well. It’s decided then. Your name is now Ririe.
But Shuu-san, where did this suddenly come from?
Shuu: ...He seemed to be wanting to join our family as well.
Yui: ...? What do you mean?
Shuu: Who knows. ...Dinner’s ready, right?
Yui: Ah, yes. Can he join us as well?
Shuu: Be my guest.
ー Shuu leaves towards the kitchen
Yui: ( ...I didn’t think our family would grow. )
You were lucky to be picked up by such a nice guy, Ririe.
Yui: Fufu, I look forward to spending time with you~
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Yui: ...Just like that...Now keep still, okay...?
Yui: ...There we go! You’re ready to go, Ririe!
Yui: I had to hastily put something together but...Yeah, the collar suits you!
Yui: Please endure it until we can buy you a proper one, okay?
That being said, you ate quite a bit. Were you hungry?
Yui: Liking meat more than fish, you’re honestly starting to resemble Shuu-san more and more. Right, Shuu-saーー
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( He already fell asleep! He was awake just now though... )
Yui: Fufu, you look sleepy too. I guess it’s because you stuffed your belly.
Yui: Ririe? Where are you going?
( Ah... )
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ( ...He crawled on top of Shuu-san again. He must really be attached to him. )
( Fufu, their love for napping is another thing they have in common. )
Shuu: Nn...
Yui: ( Ah...Ririe nestled inside Shuu-san’s arms... )
( I might be a little envious... )
( ...Guess I’ll go do the dishes. I’d feel bad for waking the two of theーー )
Shuu: ーー You won’t join us?
Yui: Eh?
Yui: Wah...!?
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Shuu: This spot originally belonged to you, no? Are you willing to give it up?
Yui: Shuu-san! Y-You were awake...!?
Shuu: The little one woke me up.
And? Are you fine with it? With some cat taking me away from you?
Yui: W-What are you saying? I’m not really...
Shuu: Jealous? Perhaps you should go take a look at yourself in the mirror?
Your eyes are overflowing with want.
Yui: ...Shuu-san!
Shuu: Don’t shout. You don’t mind waking him up?
Yui: N-No fair...
Shuu: Haha...You never grow tired of being stubborn, do you?
Why not be honest? That you want me to hold you (3) as well. 
Yui: Ho...!
Shuu: You’re too loud.
Yui: ...I mean, I was a little envious.
But I didn’t actually feel jealous. I don’t want to disturb Ririe while he’s sleeping soundly...
Shuu: Oh? How boring. If you were jealous, I would have been able to do all sorts of things.
Yui: ( All sorts of things...!? )
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–> Little black roses will appear on certain CGs. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“...Come on. If you want to be by my side more, you should scoot a little closer. Right now, I’ll be so kind to care for both of you.”
“Haah...He willingly keeps approaching me like this...Don’t you think this cat is just as much of a fool as you are?”
Yui: ...Seems like you’ve grown attached to this little guy.
Shuu: He’s a pain in the ass. (4)
Yui: Please don’t say that. ...Look, he looks so peaceful while sleeping.
Shuu: Feeling at ease by a Vampire’s side, huh? ...How ridiculous.
Yui: I can understand. I too...can relax when you’re by my side.
Shuu: ...Someday you will both regret it.
Yui: I don’t mind. ...As long as I can be with you.
Shuu: ...You foolish woman.
Yui: Ah...Wait, Shuu-san.
Shuu: You won’t complain about just a kiss, right?
Yui: But if you move, you’ll wake up Ririe.
Shuu: ...He sure chose a troublesome place to sleep on.
Haah...Guess I have no other choice but to just nap then.
Yui: Fufu, please do that.
Shuu: Oi, Yui. You stay here too.
Family sleeps together, no?
Yui: ...Yes.
Shuu-san, Ririe. ...Goodnight.
ー The scene shifts to the outside of the Mukami manor
???: ーー I finally found you.
Shin: Right when I thought the manor was empty despite its smell of Vampires...
Haha, so this is where you’ve been hiding, huh?
Don’t think you can get away from me. Right...Future king?
While listening to Shuu-san and Ririe breathing softly in their sleep,
I think to myself,
that this is surely what having a family feels like.
Even if we are not blood-related,
nor belong to the same species (種族). 
From the bottom of my heart,
I considered us to be a true family at that exact moment.
I was able to feel that way, because I was simply so happy (幸せ).
Translation notes
(1) The Japanese language has the luxury of not having to specify pronouns so they don’t have to worry about giving the cat a gender. However, I feel like in English it feels better to either assign a pet as a ‘him’ or ‘her’. I don’t think the game ever tells us, but since Yui keeps on comparing Shuu to the cat later on, it felt most fitting to also refer to the cat as a ‘he’. Furthermore, it is an orange tabby which are predominantly male, I believe.
(2) While おめでたい or ‘omedetai’ might seem like a compliment, it is often used in a sarcastic/ironic way and can be used to mock someone for being gullible, stupid, etc.
(3) Literally he says ‘easy to call/say and easy to understand’. 
(4) 抱く or ‘daku’ can mean ‘to embrace’ or ‘to have sex/to be intimate’. Usually I would suspect the boys of implying the latter, but since there’s a comparison being made with the cat here, I do think it might just genuinely be ‘to hold’ here. xD
(5) いい迷惑 or ‘ii meiwaku’ literally means ‘a good bother’, which is obviously meant to be sarcastic.
<- [ Maniac 06 ] [ Maniac 08 ] ->
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
different anon but i know this is a little more what you hc for nico and i adore it and maybe the other anon will too: headcanons for nb nico who is fairly fem? idk feminine nb nico makes me so happy 🥰 i love that you make a fair amount of content for it i truly love to see it on my dash, i appreciate you so much
Firstly, thank you for the compliments; and yes anon, you would be correct, femby Nico is something I'm so down for:
So originally Nico doesn't know he's trans, he doesn't even know the word trans exists
He's one of those people who is like "most people don't care about gender it's not a big deal it doesn't matter" and he's quite confused when people enforce rules based off of sex/gender
He's stands there going, "okay?? but it doesn't matter?? it's not real??"
Gender just straight up confuses him
Anyhow, I think Nico definitly gets his further slightly more in depth explaination of queerness from Will, and Will is like "yeah then trans people-" or maybe Will is trans and tells him after they've been dating a short while
Either way Nico is like "oh, that's cool!"
Anyhow Nico doesn't really think about it for a long time, and kind of carries on without thinking about gender much.
If Will is trans in this as well, then Nico learns more about himself through learning about Will's gender... But if Will's not trans then maybe Nico finds out Lou Ellen is trans (I have a whole bunch of trans Lou Ellen and trans Will headcanons I need to write with Cecil too)
Anyhow basically Nico knows someone who's trans and there's a conversation of gender at some point where Nico's like "but gender isn't real?" or something similoar because he just doesn't understand the idea of feeling male or feeling female, it confuses him
So eventually he has a conversation with some friends who are cis, and he realizes that even they know they're a boy or girl, and so Nico is confused because "why does everyone have this figured out?"
So he starts asking more questions, and finds out about nonbinary and he gets nervous because he knows Will likes boys, but what if Will won't like him anymore because he's not 100% a guy
So he does eventually work up the courage to tell Will how he might be feeling and Will is super chill about the whole thing and he's like "Nico I like boys and girls, and most of all I like you" and Nico's happy because Will isn't going to break up with him
Anyhow they have a long conversation where Willl is like "please don't worry about coming to me with stuff I love you very much okay?"
Eventually Nico begins to try out different pronouns but just when alone with Will because he's not comfortable telling everyone yet
He decides he likes he/him, but she/her is nice too, and he dables in xe/xem pronouns but he has mixed feelings on them
In my last trans Nico post I said Nico would like alternating pronouns but maybe I don't think so... I think he would tell people what pronouns he wanted when/what day or he would say "you can use he/him or she/her" or something
and some people would use one set, and some people the other, and some people would mix his pronouns
So Nico starts getting more involved in fashion around this point
Mitchell and him are friends and Mitchell's dad is a fashion designer so free stuff!
Anyhow Nico finds all of this stuff fun, and eventually one day she gets the courage to try a skirt on and it quickly becomes her favorite type of clothing
Nico likes to wear skirts with tights and combat boots
Nico also falls in love withe leggings because "they're just so soft!"
He never really comes out he kind of just chooses to live life and if people know or find out whatever
Like he'll be somewhere with Jason and someone would ask for her pronouns and she'd be like "he/him or she/her is fine" and Jason is getting whiplash from how fast he turned his head to look at Nico and Jason's stumbling over "he/him" while looking at Nico because he wants to say congrats so bad
Or maybe Will is like "my girlfriend" and Percy's like "you have a girlfriend too?" and Will's like "no??? I mean Nico??" and Percy is confused af because he didn't even know people could be gay until recently- but people can be trans too?
(Percy has his own gender questioning that happens, although a bit smaller and he decides he/they and that dresses and heels are fun)
So Nico's friends all eventually know but they just sort of find out rather than a big coming out (this is how they all found out Nico was gay too, Nico was like “yeah so me and Will Solace are dating” or “my boyfriend” because Nico has a hard time saying “I’m gay” or “I’m trans” so he finds ways around it to make himself more comfortable).
Nico struggles a little bit with the concept, not as much as he did with being gay but there’s still obsticales there for him to overcome
When Hades finds out he’s just like “mhmm good for you okay love you… daughter?” and that makes Nico happy because he’s still trying to be a good dad
Anyhow immediately after Nico leaves Hades runs to find Dionysus or Apollo and is like “trans what does it mean? Daughter was the correct word right? I’m sorry tucking is what now??”
He’s confused af but also supportive af
“Nobody says that about my son-err daughter?”
“Both are fine, Papa”
And Will and Reyna are in the background silently giving Hades thumbs ups
Sometimes Hades buys Nico weird shit and is like “it’s for your gender” and Nico doesn’t need the stuff but his dad cares so she appreciates it
Dionysus is super chill about the whole thing when he hears it through the grapevine (ha!) and he’s like “new name or same one kid?”
Nico’s like “oh um, same name, just new pronouns”
And Dionysus is like “great sit your ass down you have therapy to do”
(Dionysus always gets trans kids name right and never even jokingly messes it up so he always asks)
Also, Nico loves little hair clips, you know the little ones that tik tokers wear? Yeah those he has hundreds of them!
Cloth headbands are also her best friend, she has so many of them… (they’re like square cloth pieces you tie and wrap a specific way and roll your hair around it… I don’t know the right word they were popular in the 50s)
Nico ends up growing out his hair because he likes being able to put it in a messy bun on top of his head and he likes having it in braids down his back too
She learns to do makeup from Hazel (Hazel had a makeup face and likes kpop I don’t take criticism on that) and it looks great tbh
Also in public all the time when people see Nico they’re like “Boy? Girl?”
And he’s like “yeah both is good, but also neither, I have all the genders and also no gender”
And Will’s standing in the background laughing his ass off at the confused look the cashier has on their face
Just imagine Nico and Will’s kids calling Nico both Mama and Papa interchangeably ~
She does end up changing her name from Nicolò to just Nico because Nico is gender neutral
So much jewelry… so much of it, Nico loves it
Nico ends up getting a leather jacket with “give us our roses while we’re here” printed/painted on the back of it and little roses built into the actual jacket as well
Nico always seems to have some new hair length going on, like sometimes her hair is down to her waist, sometimes it’s at her shoulders, and other times she has a mullet, while other times she has an eboy cut
He ends up dying his hair all the time, at first he does gold and silver highlights in really small spots so it looks like his hair sparkles with glitter when he moves
After that Nico does half of her head in blonde and the other side in black like a split down the middle type dye
And he ends up drying his hair a swirled blue and pink color as well when it’s short
When he grows his hair out long, he dyes it with the little egirl dye in the front
She also does that thing where you have a rainbow under your hair and a normal color on top
Nico gets an undercut at one point where she leaves enough in the center top to put it up in a bun or leave it down to her shoulders
He dies his hair a blue-green one time while lit’s long too and Will gets an ombre at the same time using his natural blonde and a bubble gum pink in his like “bangs” area (Will has like a halo of pink hair when he does that dye)
And yeah idk I’m out of ideas but nonbinary Nico is great actually
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blockgamepirate · 4 years
Any idea on who Harpocrates is? My head is saying Dream, but my heart is saying Karl. In all seriousness, I feel like, from a doylist perspective, Dream is going to be Harpocrates. I think that's how the narrative is going to play out.
I have no idea, dude, I actually went through the entire whitelist earlier trying to figure it out but I really don’t know what to think. And the fact that his theme is secrets kinda means it could LITERALLY be almost anyone, since he could even be pretending to be something he's not. And even the pronouns could be a trick, might not even be a "he".
That said, I was partly joking about FitMC but honestly that would be so cool. I kinda hope it IS a new member.
I agree that Dream is a very plausible option, unfortunately. But at the same time it would feel so wrong to me. Dream is definitely not an anarchist, or at least he definitely wasn't when he went to prison, and it doesn't really sound like he's become one while in there (although it's not unthinkable, people do become anarchists in prison, it's kind of a thing). And what would have had to have happened off-screen to make Techno and Phil trust him? Because they didn't trust him even when they were working together, what would convince them to change their minds?
I guess one possibility that comes to mind is that Dream might have sent messages to Techno through enderwalk!Ranboo. It's not impossible at least. There isn't really evidence that he has? But it could have happened. And he might have convinced Techno into believing that he was an anarchist now, who knows.
Narratively speaking... I don't actually know if it makes sense to me. Maybe if Dream joined in good faith it could be interesting but it would be a huge shift in his characterisation with no build up... and if he joins to trick and use them, idk, that just sounds repetitive both for him and for Techno. None of this is really speaking to me, I'm gonna be honest. I feel like the more interesting option for the narrative would be that Techno helps Dream break out, fulfilling his favour, and then Techno has to deal with whatever consequences result from Dream getting out.
It WOULD be funny if Techno was making fun of him for not showing up to the first meeting while he was LITERALLY IN PRISON tho. And I guess it might explain their dismissiveness towards the news that Dream beat Tommy to death, although I think that was more of a meta thing than some kind of hint.
Hey speaking of enderwalk!Ranboo, has anyone suggested him as the possible Harpo? That would honestly be hilarious. Ranboo unknowingly sitting right across the table from literally himself. One side named after secrets, the other forgetfulness. It would mean Techno and Phil secretly know about enderwalk!Ranboo, which would definitely be a twist.
Not the MOST plausible idea maybe but it's an INTERESTING one.
Short comments on other possible options:
Callahan: it would be funny, I would love it, probably not tho
George, Sapnap: I highly doubt it.
Sam: literally a prison warden, nope nope nope, he's like the one person I'm SURE it isn't
Sam Nook: okay I can't even take this seriously lol
Alyssa: ...
Ponk: he's with the egg, also I just can't see it at all
BBH, Antfrost, Punz: no
Tommy: now that would be one hell of a twist... but no
Fundy: no
Purpled: I don't think so
Wilbur: he dead
Ghostbur: not around, also not very good at keeping secrets
Schlatt: he dead
Glatt: a landlord apparently
Skeppy: maaaaaybe? I don’t THINK it’s him but... HMMM
Eret: literal monarch, although has apparently shown some interest in anarchism
Jack Manifold: nope
Quackity: lmao no
Mexican Dream: he dead
Karl Jacobs: I mean Karl would absolutely join anything, but like wtf. Unless there's some kind of timeline shenanigans going on I highly doubt it. And I think he's too into his own thing right now. Apparently building a kingdom???
HBomb: honestly this is a plausible option! Like he's not gonna be an active member, he has his own place far away, but he WAS kinda vibing with Techno and Phil on Doomsday. As far as I know, it could be him.
Connor: I don't know shit about Connor tbh but sure why not. I mean he seems to be kinda forgiving about the whole kidnapping and torture thing and technically Techno and him kinda had a tentative alliance at one point??? Plus Connor is Techno's friend out of character.
Puffy: I'm not gonna lie, she was the first person I considered. But I don't think it's her. There's no point in making her a member secretly off-stream.
Vikkstar or Lazarbeam: I'd say it could very well be one of them if not for the fact that they don't really play on the server anymore afaik. Also I'd expect them to both join if they did?
Foolish: I don't know enough about him but the symbolism is pretty strong, the connection to ancient Egypt and all. And apparently he had talked about allying with Techno. That was a VERY recent development, though. Doesn't seem like a lot of time for him and Techno to get to know each other. Also Foolish was online during the first meeting. That doesn't NECESSARILY mean that it wasn't him, but it is a bit weird for him not to show up.
Hannah: I don't think it's her, despite the connection with roses
Charlie Slimecicle: I mean.... maybe?
Corpse: I know he isn't really much of a character on the server but he's shown up for multiple Tales episodes so who knows.
Ninja: ... I mean it would be funny and the name would be fitting (ninja, silence/secrets, idk)
Other guests: yeah probably not
A possible new player: plausible, I would love the idea, even if it would have less of a narrative effect it would still be a cool reveal for a new server member.
Nobody: I guess yeah, I wouldn't be that shocked if he turned out to just be a running joke
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ofviclins · 3 years
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(odeya rush, 22, female, she/her) * hey, i’m looking for the office of gwendolyn haim. they’re the employee who’s known around the office as the wunderkind, if that helps? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re epigrammatic but inscrutable, is that true? i also heard that they’re the one who is bitter and washed up. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered. (allie, 26, she/her, pst)
gold jewelry on a petite wrist, the drop of a sugar cube falling into a cup of your favorite tea, the smell of a bouquet of roses after a show at the met, the swaying of dark hair as you watch your unrequited love leave your line of sight, the weeping of a violin crying words unspoken next door, sparkling lip gloss in the low lights of an afterparty, the melancholy of a spoken word at open-mic night that feels like someone opened your soul and dissected your heartstrings.
stats - 
name: gwendolyn leila haim label: the wunderkind fc: odeya rush pronouns: she/her age: twenty-two degree: music performance @ julliard affiliations: new york philharmonic, metropolitan opera orchestra occupation: junior music coordinator/composer 
↳  positive/negative traits
+ epigrammatic, hard-working, honest -  blunt, awkward, secretive
↳  likes/dislikes
+ classical music, pastel colors, rain -  automatic flushing toilets, the word “panties”
↳  other
birthday: august 24th, 1999 sun sign: virgo
about gwen - 
most well-known for being an america’s got talent winner at the age of seven, gwen was a musical prodigy that excelled at every instrument she tried to play. specialized in the violin, gwen competed her whole life and won many accolades due to her skill and performance value - having been able to play the violin for the likes of the president and features on various award-winning ballads. she’s released a total of one album, which accumulated horrible sales and cut her off her contract. part of her couldn’t be mad - anything but classical covers aren’t her jam. if that album is how you know her she’ll be embarrassed. 
overly polite and professional, gwen grew up learning how to be a first class lady from her grandparents; classical music lessons, modeling and etiquette, ballroom dance, and symphony. she holds perfect posture, walks with the same quiet and balance as a ghost. even her hair seems to fall over her shoulders with supernatural grace, like it’s gotten the memo. it’s hard to make her laugh, hard to make her smile, and hard to make her drop whatever wall she’d put up to keep people at an arms’ length. 
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if you ask her about herself she will very blatantly change the topic. even at work parties she doesn’t loosen up, opting for either working straight through them or marketing with a straight face to any person who has the audacity to bore her about how she was great on AGT and it’s a shame her record deal only covered one album. which, by the way, if you’re trying to get on her good graces don’t bring any of that up because she does feel the existential dread of an ex-gifted child and though she’s amazing she’s not good at hearing about it. the conversation will absolutely stagnate and she won’t do anything to fix it. functioning social skills? gwen doesn’t know her.
stony-faced and never speaking unless spoken to, gwen is generally unapproachable and hard to start a conversation with. her emotions are not readable on her face, or in her tone. dry and direct, gwen can come across as prickly. she’ll tell you the truth even when you don’t want to hear it; this makes her a good friend if you’re the kind of person that can handle that, but otherwise steer clear of asking for her opinion. she’ll give it to you no holds barred with no remorse - because you asked. she’s not completely without humor but because her delivery is so stoic and dry if you blink you might miss it. she’ll take your joke and run with it - if you’re trolling someone she’s a good person to have on your team because she’s not really perceived as someone that messes with people. 
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you might see her in the underground busking on your way to or from work, you can catch her in the music department, in charge of coordinating music for commercials, album previews, or writing jingles. it’s a pretty sweet gig if you’re roger from 101 Dalmatians but she’s not really into it and you can tell it’s not really her passion. if you’re the classical music type you can catch her playing first chair violin volunteering for the ballet or the opera, if you’re tryna be boujee like that. she’s definitely boujee like that, but you can tell she’s most relaxed and most herself when she’s playing that instead of trying to bop to some pop bullshit she doesn’t really feel. 
if she can swing doing a solo or accompanied performance she does but as a recent grad and new masters hire that doesn’t happen often. she can play violin, cello, piano, guitar, and a good majority of the percussion section, but her first love is violin. classical music is her love language and if you’re trying to get onto her good side you can try to strike a conversation about that if you’re savvy enough. she’s not the type to ramble and info dump at you and she won’t be impressed if you try to bullshit your way through the conversation. if you’d like to learn, you can pay her $400 a month for lessons. 
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character inspiration - 
daria morgendorffer, david “gordo” gordon, rose dewitt bukteer, inej ghafa, ashley juergens, todoroki shouto, mai (atla), samantha borgens, aristotle mendoza, ellie chu
wanted connections -
PR relationship (no gender preference):  you know, your character is in the spotlight, gwen used to be in the spotlight. it’s a thing for publicity or whatever because your character needs a washed up C-list celebrity to look cool next to. gwen will fucking hate it regardless of whether they get along or not, but she’s a pretty good actress and she’s got a pretty face so it still works. 
toxic exes (no gender preference): i just want someone toxic that comes back to gwen whenever they’re h*rny and manages to snake their way back into her bed by manipulating her emotions. they can either still be into her but know they’re bad for each other so just pop up and then go “fuck this was a bad idea” and decide to be like “heheh anyways peace” after they screw around or they can just straight up use her because she has a weak spot for them. i want someone who’ll go for the low blows and make her actually show emotion on her face. maybe that’s why they go for the low blows. we can talk about it. :3c
i’m ready to go with the flow too so if you have any ideas or just wanna brainstorm i’m cool with that too. excited to write with y’all. <3
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yes i loved shinsou x reader where shes shy!! my heart just kept on fluttering!! can i request the same thing but this time with hawks? thank you
I really, really like Hawks and I need to write more for him TwT I made this super fluffy! Or I tried to, at least!
Length: 1.7k
Pronouns used: She/her
Tags: @neon-tries-writing
Full Name: (y/f/n) Age: 22 Quirk: (y/q)
Picnic Confessions
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Keigo Takami didn’t seem like it, but he was always on alert. His laid-back and often carefree attitude made him seem rather careless. He could notice any little change in someone whether it be in their words or body language. People didn’t often understand or know that, which he fully used to his advantage.
(f/n) was one of them, unfortunately. She thought she was being discreet with her crush on Hawks, she thought she hid it well. She always tried to keep her distance, she tried to keep her embarrassment to a low, and she tried really hard not to fall for him. But it was hard and in the end, he picked up on it anyway.
Aside from being ridiculously attractive and flirty, he was pretty sweet. There were many moments where the two just had heartfelt conversations. They would sit on the roof and watch the stars in the sky while talking about their problems in the world.
That was something both of them cherished dearly. They would often tell each other their problems and would never talk about them again. Almost like a vent session. At first, it was mostly all on (f/n)’s end but as the two got acquainted, he found himself opening up as well. It started out with little issues like a civilian who wouldn’t listen to him during a villain attack to bigger things like his trust issues and lack of emotional support in his life.
(f/n) was always there to listen to him vent, even if he was repeating himself. She didn’t care, she always listened to every single word. After all of that, it was inevitable that the two would fall for each other. 
Keigo was able to pick up on it pretty quickly, he was a trained hero after all. He was able to see the blush, he was able to see her defensive postures when he would come around, he would see her fists curl if he was too close, he picked up on every single little detail.
He also realized just how much he liked her too. He hated it when others harassed her, he hated it when she seemed to flirt with other men, and he hated it when she was watching him. He often found himself trying to impress her whether it be with little or bigger things. He found himself trying to do things that made her laugh or giggle or would make her smile in general. Did she forget to eat? He’s already getting her lunch, she needs a little coffee? He’s on it. She’s feeling a bit down? He’s got his dumb jokes and stupid puns ready.
Keigo knew he was in trouble. With his field of work, it was just too dangerous. (f/n) wasn’t a hero, she was actually a civilian he’d ended up getting trapped with.
A couple of years back, he was called in for a villain attack. During the attack, the villain had toppled a few buildings over in an attempt to kill Keigo. It was almost successful. Keigo managed to get trapped in between two buildings with no way out.
That’s when he found (f/n). She was even luckier than him. She had been trapped in the initial attack and had fallen with the buildings. Miraculously, she only had a few injuries. She had a broken pelvis and a gash in her side, none were fatal. Keigo had obviously prioritized her safety over his own and the defeat of the villain. He quickly took her to safety, trying not to hurt her pelvis any more than it already was.
After that, he’d visited her often at the hospital to see how she was doing. They formed a rather quick bond and he found himself coming back once again. He just couldn’t help it, so after that, the two had established a friendship. However, Keigo was looking to change that today.
“Hey, cutie! Come here often?” (f/n) rolled her eyes as the blush spread across her cheeks. She looked towards her window where Keigo floated and smiled at him regardless. He wasn’t wearing his hero suit so it was just a friendly visit.
“I don’t know, I think I do. It is my house after all.” She moved closer, leaning against the window sill as he gave her a cheeky smile. “How are you today, Hawks?” Even after two years of being friends, even after he’d trusted her with his name, she still preferred to call him Hawks. 
“I’m good, I’m good! Say! Wanna go out today?”
“G-go out? Where?” There was that adorable stutter he loved so much. It was her telltale sign.
“Out! Come on!” He held his arms out, a way to tell her to jump into them. She looked at him curiously before she nodded. Grabbing essentials like her purse and phone, she walked back to the window and carefully stepped out, using Keigo to steady herself before he picked her up.
 She wrapped her arms around him as he flew her to their destination. It was a rather quiet flight, which wasn’t normal for Keigo. When they arrived, (f/n) was surprised to see what he had prepared.
On a hilltop, he’d prepared a little picnic. A blanket, paired up with a cute little basket with a small vase that had one lone rose in it. He gently placed her down and she walked towards it, giggling to herself.
“You kidnap me only to bring me to a picnic?” She teased, making him scoff.
“It’s not kidnapping if you willingly walked into my arms.” He retorted as the two got comfortable. They were able to watch the sunset as they happily munched on the sandwiches Keigo had made, which were actually quite delicious.
After that, they did what they normally would. They laid down on the blanket and watched the stars. (f/n) assumed this was another night Keigo needed to vent, they had started doing something similar to this. The first time, (f/n) had brought Keigo cookies, as an apology for ranting his ears off. He loved it regardless. Ever since the two would always do something nice for each other before or after their rant sessions. (f/n) thought this was no different.
“So?” She asked, looking at him. He turned his head, meeting her eyes. They were so beautiful and even now, in the dark, the (e/c) seemed to sparkle.
“So, what?” He inquired, making her chuckle and look back up at the stars.
“What’s wrong? It’s the usual setting.” He nodded, turning to look at the stars as well.
“I think I like this girl.” Almost immediately, the happy mood in (f/n) faded and disappeared extremely quickly. She did her best to keep it at a low, but Keigo immediately picked up on it.
“Oh? Well then, tell her?”
“It’s not that easy. We… don’t see each other that often.” That was a lie, Keigo just didn’t want to reveal it yet.
“Well, then you might not be a good fit. You’d have to see her more often right? Maybe hang out around her more? Might not be a good fit in my opinion.” She answered, truthfully. Both of them knew she was just being honest and speaking her mind… but Keigo had other ideas. He turned to her again, a teasing smile on his face.
“Jealous?” Her character broke immediately and her face flushed a deep red.
“Wh-what?! No way!” She answered, looking away with a huff. His laughter filled the atmosphere as she desperately tried to defend herself.
“You seem pretty jealous!”
“Why would I be jealous?”
“Maybe because you like me!”
“I do not!” She defended, crossing her arms and looking away. Keigo sat up, looking down at her. The blush on her cheeks, the little pout on her lips, the frustration in her eyes, he loved it all. She was just so perfect for him.
Without her realizing it, he’d leaned in close. She only figured it out when she felt his warm breath against her neck. Her head snapped towards him, her (e/c) eyes widening at the close proximity.
“Are you jealous, (f/n)?” She wasn’t able to speak, so instead, she swallowed and shook her head. “Are you lying?” (f/n) shut her eyes tightly and rolled away from him, moving off the blanket and sitting up. He laughed again, leaning back and watching her glare at him.
“Stop messing with me, Hawks!”
“I’m not!” He defended, making her scoff.
“Yes, you are! Y-you’re teasing me!”
“Why? Is it working?”
“Yea-” She immediately quieted down as her blush darkened. “No! It’s not!”
“Then why are you so far away from me?” She looked away, too flustered to even look at him. (f/n) shut her eyes, trying to take deep breaths and when she opened them again, he was inches away from her. He was on his hands and knees and TOO close.
“Wh-what a-are you d-doing?!” Before she could move away, his large wings encased her body, making her eyes widen. She felt her entire being stiffen when he moved closer. His teasing attitude was gone, now replaced by a serious one. He was a jokester, but he wanted her to understand this without having an inkling of a doubt in her heart.
“You did it,” he whispered, staring into her eyes. “You really stole whatever was left of my heart. Got me right on my knees, too. I can’t help it, (f/n)… not anymore.” With that, he leaned in and pressed his lips right against hers.
It took a moment before (f/n) melted into it, her lips slowly moving with his. Unlike his flirtatious and carefree personality, his kiss was hesitant and shy; the opposite. Her hand gently slid up to his shoulder as he moved closer. Their lips fit so perfectly together and it felt so good like it was always meant to be. Both of them felt the butterflies in their stomach, and they felt the weight of not knowing how the other felt lift off their chests.
The two pulled apart and he sighed in relief. Leaning in, he pressed his lips against her forehead.
“You’re her,” he explained, “you’re the girl I fell for.”
“You… aren’t lying, right?”
“I would never. Be mine?”
“Sure, Keigo.” She giggled, making him lower his head with a little chuckle. When he raised his head to meet her eyes, she almost panicked when she saw his tears pooling in them.
“That’s… the first time you said my name.”
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
My Computer Is Terrible So I'm Stating My Ideas Here Part 8: I deleted Part 3 cause I hated it so I'm redoing it here except it's less angsty ( maybe).
Since I'm not 100% on the finer details yet, I'll give some basic stuff about the Jones and the Einars.( I'll probably add pictures later)
Jazmine "Jazz" Jones ( Formerly Hunter)
Age: 17 when she started being a trainer,29 when she had the twins, 43 when they( the twins) left for their journey, and 51 by SWSH.
Pronouns: She/They
Bio: Jazz is the mother of Alexis and Elliot Jones. She used to be a trainer back in the day, as well as a musician. Her and her twin brother, Soul . Along the way they meet Lyric( Yay another music pun), who she quickly forms a rivalry with. They er, didn't get along well when they first met. Which is ironic given that end up getting married. From her youth to her old age, Jazz has always been a stubborn yet caring person. She cares a lot for her children, and often worries for them. Though of course, she will always be there for them when they need her.
Fun fact: She runs a small music shop in Accumula Town! She also occasionally teaches younger kids about music!( Yes she taught those kids in Accumula Town the piano and drums for that iconic theme)
Lyric Jones
Age: Same as Jazz! Only younger by a few months
Pronouns: He/Him
Bio: Father of Alex and Elli. The rival turned lover to Jazz. Lyric is a former trainer / musician, much like Jazz n' Soul. Unlike his though he's generally more laid back, but still stern and caring. He was less of a trainer and more of a traveler back in the day, never staying in one place for long.....until he met Jazz .
Fun Fact: He's a stay at home dad! Ironic given his youth, but he enjoys it.
also ngl I'm considering that they've battled each other to see who gets to keep their last name. He won. Now Elliot is greatly considering changing her last name to Hunter.
E: Like think about it: Elliot and Alexis Hunter. Tell me that isn't cool! We could have been the Hunter twins Alex!
A, not looking up from attending Kai: That's great. Can you pass me that brush please.
Soul Einar( formerly Hunter, which makes him sound way cooler than he actually was.)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 17 when becoming a trainer,36 when Cheyenne had Naomi, and 41 when he died.(????)
Bio: The younger twin to Jazz, Soul is what Alexis would be if trauma wasn't involved: generally more quite than his twin, but equally as passionate towards their craft. Also , he's just generally more positive. Like his twin he's loves both battling and music, and went out to pursue both. The poor man had to be the median whenever Jazz and Lyric but heads. I'm still working out how him and Cheyenne meet, but I know he moved to Galar ( her home region) to marry her (and become a citizen himself). I'm kinda rethinking on how he died though.
I could go for the simpler but still effective he died from a random illness, or his death could either be related to the Weald and the wolves, or Rose( which might seem out of character for him honestly but it'll also be great for connecting plots), or something else entirely! If anyone have any ideas, feel free to tell me!
Soul loves his wife and his daughter so much. You'd best believe he's looking after them above the grave.
Fun fact: He's known to be a bringer of happy tears.
Cheyenne Einar
Age: 20 when she meet Soul( he was 21 at the time), 35 when she had Naomi, and 50 by the time of SWSH.
Bio: Again, still not sure how Soul and Cheyenne meet, but I do know it was in Unova! Study abroad?
Anyway, Cheyenne ( you can also call her Chey), is the widowed mother of Naomi. She tends to be a bit of a worry- wart, fretting over the safety of her daughter and Hop, but she just wants what best for them. It's been hard, without Soul, and the rest of her extended family being in an entire different region, but she has good neighbors and a strong will. She notices how Naomi and Hop have this brilliant connection to pokemon, though Naomi seems to be more..... connected. It doesn't help that she knows for a fact they'll take part in the gym challenge soon.
She best make a call.
Fun fact: She's pretty strong! Strongest out of the adults here anyway.
Mini time line
Jazz, Soul and Lyric were all born in 1969. Chey was born in 1970
The three( Jazz, Soul and Lyric) all started they're journey as trainers/ travelers in 1986.
Soul and Chey meet somewhere in 1990
In 1998, Alexis and Elliot were born ( for some reason that surprised me)
This might change, but in 2010, Soul died at 41. But again, this might change. Naomi and Hop would be 5 at this time. Alexis, Elliot and Raihan would be 12 and Leon and Sonia would be 10.
2010 is also the time where Leon goes on the gym challenge. This is why I'm considering changing the the time of Soul's death( I don't want Leon leaving in a time of grieving).
In 2012, Alexis and Elliot went to do the gym challenge with Cheren and Bianca.
Another thing I'm debating is how long Alexis runs away from Unova. Originally it was 3 for the extended angst, but pokemon origins is cool and I kinda wanna replicate that ( when the protag comes in to help in save Reshiram), so I might shorten it to two!
2020 is when SwSh starts. You already know the ages of the cast by now( well most of my oc's and some of the canon cast. I'll make a post regarding the others ages. Though do know that Raihan is 22 like A and E!)
I swear if I get the math wrong on this timeline and their ages I will loose it
And that's it for now! I better introduction to the Jones would be Hunters, and the Einars! Hope you enjoy!
Unrelated note: Chey rhymes with Key hidden musical pun boom. Don't think Alexis and Elliot don't have any pun names themselves. Alexis' middle name Zamir, which means singer, and Elliot's middle name is Rayna, which means somewhat of the same things. Did Elliot complain about this to? Of course she did.
E: Rayna, Alex! I could have been a Rayna Hunter!
A, not paying attention, but nodding along: Pog.
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shannaraisles · 4 years
Detective Serena Langford
(profile created by @possumsunshine​)
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Name: Serena Langford Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Love interest: Mason Best friend: Nate Main skill: Combat Secondary skill: People/psychology Main personality trait: Friendly Secondary personality trait: Genuine Why did they join the Wayhaven PD?: Rebellious youth Relationship with Rebecca: Not close, not hostile Relationship with Bobby: Ex-boyfriend, trying not to think about it Verda or Tina?: Tina Murphy bite?: Neck Murphy’s fate?: Escaped Rescue LI or Rescue Sanja?: Sanja
Full Name: Serena Rose Langford Nickname: N/A (until Mason starts calling her "sweetheart") Birthday: 29th February Age: 29 Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Heterosexual Hair: Chestnut brown, natural loose curls to mid-back, worn down Eyes: Hazel brown, 20/20 vision Height: 5'4" Piercings: Two in each earlobe, right side of nose Tattoos: A small pair of purple and pink Sweetheart candy hearts on her left side (side boob), with the words Fuck and Off inside them Clothing Style: Girly, bright; tends toward pretty dresses, cardigans or jackets, and combat boots with pockets Apartment Style: Cosy and warm, lots of soft things and comfortable furniture, warm colours on the wall, photographs and old artwork, and lots of books
Personality: Charming | Intimidating Impulsive | Cautious Sarcastic | Genuine (a bit of both) Friendly | Stoic Easygoing | Stubborn Traits: Heart | Mind Optimist | Pessimist Team Player | Independent Main Skill: Combat Second Skill: People/psychology Professional Outlook: By the Book | Bend the Rules (a bit of both)
Reason for joining the Wayhaven PD: Without much in the way of parental supervision or discipline growing up, Serena was an angry child and teenager, fairly quick to fall in with the "wrong" crowd, committing acts of petty vandalism and minor violence. She cleaned up her act when she went to college, but then he happened, and she dropped back into bad habits. Thanks to the memory of her father (and unknown to her, her mother's influence), she was offered jail time or community service assisting the police in Wayhaven. She took the community service, met Tina, cleaned up her act, and never left since. Murphy bite:  Wrist | Neck | None Murphy’s Fate: Captured | Escaped Rescued: Love Interest | Sanja
Love Interest: Mason Why them?: Honestly? Because he showed an interest and enjoyment in getting under her skin, to begin with. She's always been drawn to the "bad boy", but has been burned a few times, so her reactions are not enthusiastic. The fact that he starts losing some of his sharper edges while not giving up on teasing her just appeals to something in her. And she kind of understands the prickly outsides - she used to do it herself, and she knows how lonely that gets. Bold, shy, or mixed?: She is shy as all hell when he starts flirting, and it doesn't really improve. Serena's been burned, and has made herself touch-starved through trying to avoid another burning, but Mason slides right past all those barriers without even trying. What were their first impressions of each other?: Serena thought he was gorgeous, an absolute jerk, and wanted to know why; Mason thought she was pretty but too weak to handle the world, and part of him wanted to protect her from it. What do they find attractive about each other, mentally or physically?: Obviously they both share a very physical attraction! Serena is absolutely enchanted by Mason's eyes; he's fascinated by the way her body curves as she moves. Mentally, it's almost a case of opposites attract on the surface - Mason loves her softness and the quiet she carries around with her, but also finds her ability to throw herself competently into combat incredibly hot; Serena is intrigued by the softer glimpses she gets of his personality every now and then, and she actually enjoys his often crass sense of humor. What do they do to spend time together?: In the beginning, their time together consisted of him just being present while she went about her daily life, but slowly he started to incorporate his own activities into hers. They don't really set time aside for each other so much as mesh their day-to-day until it feels wrong not to know exactly where the other is at all times. What are their love languages?: They're both quality time/physical touch people How do they handle being apart from one another?: They're usually okay about it, but the longer it goes, the more irritable Mason gets, and the more edgy Serena gets. If the reason for being apart is a mission, Mason will be a growly nightmare for anyone else he's with while he waits; Serena is a quiet worrier Do they argue? How do they handle arguments and disagreements? How do they make up?: They do argue, usually over Mason's inability to people anyone he doesn't have a connection with and Serena's inability not to people with anyone she meets. Arguments are fiery flare ups - no shouting, but tense words (and a lot of looming on Mason's part); disagreements are calmer, more irritable than angry, and usually quickly settled. Making up after an argument involves intimacy and pillow talk. What does their future look like?: Serena genuinely doesn't know. She's almost afraid to think about the future, not wanting to have to acknowledge that she might have to say goodbye at some point. Mason, on the other hand, just assumes that she will always be there, and sees no need to bring it up in conversation. Anything else you’d like to share: Even after becoming official, he still loves teasing her, just because she always reacts with the same shy flutter he got from her the first time. It's even better when they're not alone.
Best friend: Nate Why them?: He feels like a safe haven for her, someone she can be quiet with, who won't judge her for having moods and is happy to just hang out in silence. Nate is her confidante; everything she tells him is absolutely sacred and secret, and he will only use what he knows to nudge Mason if he's absolutely certain the problem is with him, not both of them. What were their first impressions of each other?: Serena's first thought was "tall". Nate thought she was adorable, at first. What do they do to spend time together?: Perhaps unsurprisingly, they spend a lot of time in the same room, reading different books, in comfortable silence. They also will visit museums and watch documentaries, and Serena loves picking his brain about the history he's lived and how it differs from what's taught and studied. She also got him into geo-caching, thanks to one day at a loss for how to spend time with both Nate and Mason without one or the other getting bored and weird. Anything else you’d like to share: Nate is the only person Mason will allow to play with Serena's hair. Anyone else touches it, he will start a fight, physical or otherwise.
Relationship with Rebecca: Awkward, but not hostile. Serena gets that her mother's job is the reason they never really spent time together, but she does still resent her for putting her career ahead of her daughter. They have a professional working relationship, but Serena has been burned too often to try for anything closer, no matter what Rebecca wants. Relationship with Rook: She never had one. She has no memories of her father, and Rebecca never talked about him. The closest thing she had to a father was the grumpy old man next door who let her smoke on his porch when she was twelve. Relationship with Bobby: Ex-boyfriend. Serena's first real love, she threw herself into it, shared everything with him ... and then he used what he knew to sell copies of his college paper. These days, she does her best to avoid him as much as possible,and when she can't, she tries to let him do all the talking so she won't give away how angry she still is with him for his behaviour when they were young. Relationship with Verda: Close and friendly, probably the closest to a true family dynamic she has before Unit Bravo enter her life. Hates keeping the secret from him, but knows him well enough to know that he would not take knowing it very well at all. Relationship with Tina: Roommates at college who never really grew out of each other, definitely more like sisters than friends. The only reason they don't live together is because Serena has issues with opening her home to random friend groups, and Tina definitely doesn't. They joined WPD at the same time, for different reasons, and most people attribute Serena's change in attitude to her friendship with Tina. Relationship with the Mayor: She cannot stand the man, but does her best to be professional and polite with him. Relationship with Capt. Sung: Professional, but uncomfortable. He is her superior and she obeys, but she knows he only gave her the job because he wanted to not have to be in the station daily. Relationship with Haley: Went to school together - not the closest of friends, not enemies, just were in the same friend group for a while. Haley was one of the few who did not back off from Serena when she went off the rails. Relationship with Elidor: Serena absolutely loves Elidor, especially those fantastic hugs he gives out! Relationship with Tapeesa: She thinks she's sweet, and will go out of her way to sneak her chocolate when she can. Not a friend, but not indifferent, either. Relationship with Unit Alpha: They're fun every now and then, but she doesn't like the way they tease Bravo. UB are her boys, she's got their backs no matter what. Relationship with the Maa-alused: More fascination than anything, but also considered to be a friendly ally by Falk and his kin. Serena's not sure quite what she thinks of them, and is a little afraid of their capabilities. Do they have any other important relationships, past or present? (Relatives, friends, etc.?): The most important relationship - her cat, Zeus. So named because, before she got him neutered, he'd fathered most of the kittens in the neighbourhood.
Describe their personality: Friendly, warm, but doesn't take shit lying down. She can be relied upon to think of others as individuals, rather than part of a collective. Life does, on occasion, suck, but she's determined to suck back. Strengths: Kind, friendly, will break your nose if you push her Weaknesses: Keeps a lot to herself, insecure, shy at times Where in the world is their Wayhaven?: Scottish Highlands, south and a little east of Aberdeen What is their personal history?: Looked after by various neighbours after Rook's death when she was two, Serena didn't really see much of her mother at all during her formative or teenaged years. She was a good student in primary and middle, but started to go off the rails in secondary school, hanging with the "wrong" crowd, and being repeatedly picked up for drug possession, vandalism, and theft. Attended two years of university (age 18-20), where she met Tina and made fast friends with her. However, also dated Bobby and the break up was the catalyst for her dropping out and going home. Tina also dropped out around the same time. At a loss, and with no parental approval or disapproval, Serena went back to the old crowd, but this time was picked up during an attempt to jack a car. Because of her previous arrests, she was on the verge of getting jail time, but for the intervention of Rebecca, which resulted in Serena being put into community service with the police force of Wayhaven. She thrived in the role, and when her community service was over, both she and Tina joined the little police force together. Fast forward eight years, and the old detective retired, leaving a gap in the hierarchy. Serena suspects she was promoted purely because of who her father was and who her mother is, and resents both of them for it. If they weren’t a detective, what would their dream job be?: If there was a way to get paid for being curled up in a comfy chair, reading, that would be it.
Zodiac sign: Pisces Hobbies: Reading, combat training, hiking Likes: Comforting patterns and soft textures, a good physical fight, hugs Dislikes: Being underestimated, getting drunk, the neighbours using all the hot water in the building before she showers Drink of choice: Coffee Starbucks order: Caramel macchiato Favorite food: Haley's maple pecan pastries Favorite color: Red/grey Favorite music: Classical piano Favorite genre (and favorite movie/book/etc): Action or romance. Favourite action film is Demolition Man; favourite romance book is Sense & Sensibility. Favorite season: Autumn
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nelllraiser · 4 years
empty hearths | nic & nell
PREVIOUSLY: Plot Drop Page
LOCATION: Nic’s Home
TIME: 10:05 PM
PARTIES: Nicodemus Bossier and Nell Vural
TRIGGERS: Family Death
Nell still didn’t have her license. The thought had bizarrely occured between all the shock and crying that had taken place since she’d woken up next to her sister’s headless body, Nell covered in blood that wasn’t her own. Generally one to have a strong stomach, it’d only taken a moment of looking between Bea’s body and the red splatters on herself to make the connection, and she’d promptly retched, body refusing to handle the reality of her situation. But she still didn’t have a license, and here she was driving to Nic’s home, hands clutching the wheel as if her very life depended on it, and trying not to think too hard about what was in the back of Bea’s car. It was the only way she could move the body. Nell refused to think of it as Bea’s, some part of her brain choosing to protect itself from that reality, as well. As she advanced on Nic’s door, the panic rose in her throat again, mixed with the black hole of pain that threatened to suck everything into its center, so massive and raw that she could barely make sense of it. “Nic!” she called out, voice broken and rough from her screams and cries. “Nic, please!” The words became more desperate, trying to keep herself together, but the composure quickly slipping. “I need help! Please.”
He hadn’t gotten to bed. Between what had happened with Skylar and his own thoughts, it was hard to shake the concern of what might happen if he wasn’t there. An unknown feeling that sat in his hands as he sharpened knives and cleaned guns. It was irrational, Nicodemus knew it, but sleep could wait. So when he heard a car approach and a familiar voice that didn’t sound familiar in the way he knew it, he was already moving. Senses alert, nerves near to shot. I need help. It was Nell. He knew it before he opened, no, threw the door open. Caught it in time before it cracked against the wall. Something had happened. He could smell the blood, heavy in his nose. A hand hovered towards Nell. Stopped before it reached her. The way she looked at him, he was afraid she might collapse to dust. “Nell,” he called gently. “What happened?”
Faced with the first live person she’d seen since everything, Nell crumbled, her body and hands covered in her sister’s blood beginning to shake without her so much as realizing they were beginning to do so. Everything was moving so fast, too fast, and yet seemed to be stuck in a statis in the same breath. She looked up at Nic, somehow both seeing him and looking through him with an utterly lost expression on her face. “I need help,” she repeated, quieter this time, still thoroughly in her state of shock. Tear tracks were still fresh on her face, running through the blood that had fallen on her when Bea had launched herself in front of Nell. “She’s- she’s-” her voice broke again, a dry sob coming forth, afraid to say the words aloud. “He killed her. He was supposed to kill me, but he killed her.” It was difficult to make sense when your head wouldn't stand still, when you weren’t sure if the world was still there, or if you were simply wishing it wasn’t. 
She was falling apart in front of him and all Nicodemus could do was stand there. Breathless, throat wrenched tight. Something terrible had happened and it was wrecking through her, he could see it. He looked down at her, blood cold and senses eerily still. Blood covered her face and hands. From what he could tell, it was fresh. Was it hers? Goddamn it, what was happening? These things happened. He knew these things did. It wasn’t the time to think about when he had likely been the cause of such things. It was a far off thought and one day it would catch up to him, but looking at Nell, he decided it would not be then. Someone had died and it hadn’t been her. Lightning struck him and his eyes opened by a slim margin. It wasn’t with relief that he breathed. “What’re you talkin’ about, Nell? Who got hurt?” His voice was quiet as he spoke to her, his brow furrowed. Blood had stuck bits of her hair to her face and like his grandmother had once done for him, one of the handful of times he saw her, he brushed it back.
The hand was the only thing steady in Nell’s world for a moment, but the feel of it also reminded her that this was real. She was actually- “Dead. He- he took her head.” Processing wasn’t going all that well for her, unable to make sense of the world she’d woken up to, a world that was much changed from how she remembered it. “My- my sister.” There it was. Now that she’d said the words, she couldn’t get them back. Now that she wasn’t the only one who knew...fuck, this was actually happening, wasn’t it? Tears came to her eyes once more, unbidden and somewhat unnoticed as she shook her head, trying to dispel the thoughts that were ricocheting off the walls of it. “Bea.” Her voice cracked on the single name, the wetness on her cheeks only growing damper as she went on. “Bea’s dead. It’s supposed to be me!”
He. Was it a trophy killer? The way she spoke about it, that seemed to be likely. God damn it. But whose head was--Sister. Nicodemus didn’t blink nor breathe nor move. He went still. The realization seemed to cut into them both. Fuck, he couldn’t begin to imagine. Didn’t know where to start. His hand settled on her shoulder, light but present all the same. Looking at her, his eyes started to glaze. It was strange, the pain that came over him. He wasn’t wounded but she was and he could feel it in his own bones, his own skin. Bea. He had met Bea. Laughed with her, dealt with a brownie infestation. There and then gone. Her kitchen would be empty. Quiet. Hollowed out. It wasn’t alright and he refused to say as much. There was no comfort to bring to this that he knew of. “Nell I’m...” He didn’t know what it was that compelled him to move. Maybe it was her shaking, her trembling, that knife edge she was balanced on of completely collapsing that he could see. Not like this. Slowly, he brought one arm around Nell and then the other. Held her because he was afraid that if he didn’t, she might fall away.
Once his arm went around her, Nell instinctively reached out to cling to him, his motion somehow making things both worse and better at the same time. It was as human as they could be in that moment, unsure of what to do and simply reaching out to offer physical comfort when words couldn’t be found, but it was also a reminder of why she needed comfort in the first place. Finally, she crumbled fully into the moment, and though it was terrible and cutting, it was needed, and something she couldn't ignore or bottle up. Pain this raw simply demanded to be felt, to wreck its havoc on whoever it inhabited. So she stood there for a few minutes, letting herself break into pieces as she cried against Nic, knowing that no one had ever seen this like this before, but feeling safe enough to have the emotions flood over her while he was here. It took a long few minutes to remember that she’d come here for a reason. She needed help. So finally she lifted her head, trying to vainly wipe away the new tears that had gathered on her face. “I need help,” she repeated the same words as before. “The body- I have it. I need- I don’t know where to put it. I can’t put it-” at the house. What if her dad came by? At least her mom was in Turkey. God, her mom. Nell had taken the thing she loved most in this world. “I don’t want- people can’t know. Not yet.”
Nicodemus didn’t say anything as he held her. Just stared out at the distance beyond and the Beetle she had driven there. Emotion, feeling or understanding it, wasn’t his strong suit. But he knew that sometimes a wound needed to bleed before it could heal. This wouldn’t heal anytime soon but if Nell needed to bleed, he could at least be there. That much he could do. The hunter didn’t know who he was, the one that had taken Bea’s head, but he reckoned the man couldn’t do much anymore if he didn’t have his. That thought grounded him. “I’ll help you.” It wasn’t a matter of I can. It was an I will. He let go of her to give her her space as she spoke. Christ, she had the body. Had driven all the way to his home with it. When he looked at her, his face bled with concern that he couldn’t quite restrain. He couldn’t quite keep the body with him. If Skylar just so happened upon it… He refused to think about it. It was easier to think of it as a body and not as Bea Vural’s. “They won’t,” he assured. It was alarming how quick the name came to him. Erin. She’d get it. Hell, it wouldn’t be the first time he waltzed in with a body over his shoulder. But it would be different. Wholly different. His expression softened as he looked at Nell. “Do...Do you want me to wrap her up, Nell? I can do that for you.”
The first positive emotion to cross over Nell since she’d regained consciousness was one of relief. It barely registered as it washed over her, it being hard to outclass the pain, but at least it was something to feel other than the gaping hole in her chest. I’ll help you. She wasn’t alone in this. Nic was going to help. It meant more to her than she could even begin to process in the moment. “Thank you,” she managed to strangle out. “Thank you, Nic.” Nic was providing what she needed most in these moments. A direction. If she had direction, it would give her something to focus on rather than these feelings running rampant in her chest- stomach- head. Wrapping her up. That was something that should happen, shouldn’t it? “Are you sure? She’s just- it’s just-” she switched pronouns quickly once again, her mind already trying to create a wall between her and the pain, one that would make it so she could at least function without dissolving into the ground. “In the back of the car. I Summoned a tarp- I didn’t want- her car- she wouldn’t want-” She cut that train of thought off, some foolish part of having wanted to at least try to keep the car clean like Bea would have liked it. As if that mattered now.
“Ain’t gonna leave you out in the cold, kid.” Nicodemus said without hesitation. Focusing on that steeled the rest of him. She had come to him for help and that was all he needed to think about. He patted her shoulder, held it for a moment, and glanced at the car again. Bea was in the back of the thing. Good lord. He glanced at Nell and nodded once. “Yeah, I’m sure,” he said as he started past her. Paused a moment to look at her. “Ain’t gotta be you. You got here. You did good. Let me do this for you.” He didn’t know if it would help. He didn’t know what place words had when grief buffeted her like unrelenting storm wind. It was a grief he couldn’t know, but whatever she needed, he could try. He walked slow to the car and when he got to the back of it, where that blood smell sat heavy like a living wall, he paused. He was used to the smell of blood. Used to it enough that he could ignore it more often than not. But he knew Bea and Nell, her blood, was just a few steps away. It was different when it was the blood of someone he knew, he found, and it sat uncomfortably in his throat. “You ain’t gotta see this, Nell.”
She wouldn’t be left out in the cold. Something was comforting about that even if it had been meant in a more literal sense than anything else. Nell didn’t have to face this completely alone. She had someone here, someone on her side, someone to help guide her through the endless night that had gathered on the path in front of her, leaving her blind. Nic would be the flashlight, to show the next steps that were needed. She’d done good? He’d said that, hadn’t he? Nell hadn’t imagined it? Part of her rebelled instinctively against the words, knowing that Bea was dead because of her. Nothing about that was good. And yet— if Nic said it, that meant he believed it, right? So she clung to this as well as her feet followed Nic on autopilot, grateful for all he was offering her tonight. “I’ve already seen it, Nic,” she offered quietly, still by his side. The thought of not being next to him was daunting. Part of her felt like if she was even relatively alone, she’d fall back into that panic without an anchor to keep her in place. And Nic was her anchor tonight. “I just- I can’t- touching her-” Nell didn’t want to feel it, the absolute lack of life and the clamminess of Bea’s skin beneath her fingers, that fire that lived in her sister finally extinguished, the hearth empty. “I’m sorry.”
She was right. She had already seen it. He heaved in a heavy breath solemnly. His hands wrung around each other before Nicodemus lifted the trunk of the car. Ignored the way the blood clung to his fingers as he pulled his hands away. The smell was overwhelming and he tensed as his guts roiled. Nell had been spared from having to smell that heavy copper. It wasn’t much, but it was something. The body--Bea’s-- was on the tarp, just as Nell said. But it didn’t feel right to wrap her in plastic. Didn’t feel right to crinkle her up like she wasn’t Bea Vural and her baby sister was looking at her. He murmured to Nell that he’d just be a second as he went over to his truck, not too far away, and returned with a faded plaid blanket. It was old, a relic in comparison to most things he had, but it would do. With the blanket over his shoulder, he shook his head. “You ain’t got to.” There was nothing to be sorry for, no apology that needed to be said. What had happened was beyond it and Nell Vural was the last person on earth that night that needed to seek absolution. Bea’s skin was frigid as he carefully bundled her in the sheet, a bit of plastic around where her head had been to keep the wound from sticking to the fabric. He went about it as efficiently as he could. Bundled up as she was, she was alarmingly light, small even, as he lifted her out of the back of the car. “Think I know someone that could keep her for you,” he said as he glanced at Nell. “Until you’re ready.”
Seeing Bea, even from this distance, was more than enough for Nell. Headless, bloody, grotesquely fit into a trunk that certainly wasn’t meant to hold a body. But instead of sending her back into emotional turmoil, the sight caused a numbness to begin its spread. Was this her body’s response to the pain? Shut everything down because seeing this— and knowing her sister was dead was far too much for her psyche to safely handle at the moment. Better to just push it away and feel nothing at all. If she let herself be carried away by these tidal waves of emotion, there’d be no making things right. Not that things could be made right. Things weren’t anywhere close to right so long as Bea was gone from this world. And yet seeing the blanket in Nic’s hands, it broke through that nothingness for a single moment, her throat tightening once again. It was such a small gesture, but one that caused tears to prickle at the corners of her not yet dry, eyes. When he hefted Bea, she finally looked away, not wanting to see the sight of her sister being carried, as limp as any other carcass. “Thank you,” she repeated once again. “Thank you, Nic,” she barely breathed, clinging to this gift he’d given her, something she could put her energy into that wasn’t the feeling of the fabric of her life and mind unravelling. “I don’t know how to-” How could she possibly let him even begin to know how much he’d been here for hers, the thing that had kept her from slipping through the cracks into a heap of nothingness. “Just thank you.” She didn’t even say anything along the lines of owing him, somehow knowing for once that this was something he was giving free of any strings whatsoever, even those that she might generally draw for herself when it came to paying people back. Besides, she was sure he knew that she’d do the same for him in return. Anything at all.
He didn’t know how to mourn. Had never been properly taught how to welcome the absence of someone that had been there one day and then gone the next. As he held Bea and looked at Nell, Nicodemus felt secondhand grief come down like heavy rain. It wasn’t secondhand. He couldn’t claim immunity and God knows he didn’t want to. Not for this. None of it was fucking right. His hold on Bea was stalwart as he carried her to his truck. The hunter reached for his phone but paused when Nell spoke, his gaze pulled towards her. His thumb hovered over Erin’s name before the phone slipped back into his pocket. It could wait. That sensation of heavy rain gathered in his eyes as he walked towards her. “Ain’t gotta thank me, Nell,” he said, throat tight as a drop slipped from the inner corner of his eye. “I’ll get her taken care of.” Speech proved difficult, with the way that emotion choked, but he tried. Unsure of what else to say, he put his hands on her shoulders. Looked her in the eyes. Ignored her sister’s blood on her face. He shook his head and carefully, slowly, pulled her into another hug. Why she had gone to him, he didn’t know, but it meant something. Rain continued to fall from a well he didn’t know had been filled. He might not be good at it, his hands too good at breaking shit, but he could try. “I got you, kid.”
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priorireverte · 4 years
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This is the admin application for LILY POTTER. Please note that there is not the expectations that all applications been this long; I am aware that this is somewhat excessive.
NAME & PRONOUNS: Emmy, she/her
TIMEZONE: Pacific Standard Time
ACTIVITY LEVEL: On the dash daily, aims for two long paragraph posts a week.
ANYTHING ELSE: Hoping to have a lot of fun!
NAME: Lily Ruth Evans
BIRTHDATE: January 30th, 1960
GENDER, PRONOUNS, and SEXUALITY: Female, she/her, Panromantic, Heterosexual
BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor
OCCUPATION: Returned, no employment yet (Unemployed before death as well)
FACECLAIM: Sophie Skelton
Finding herself in a world where twenty years have passed by without her would be hard enough. Catching up on world events, figuring out how technology has changed (at least the Wixen world is somewhat stagnant on that front, something she never thought she’d be grateful for), learning the story of the war that followed after her. Then there is the struggle of grappling with how the baby boy who she’d help in her arms not so long ago was now a full grown man who hardly needs a mother anymore. In some ways, having so many lost friends coming back with her is a comfort. At least she isn’t alone in that.
Yet on top of all that is having been dumped into this new world from the thick of the war. The expectations of peace pair ill with her extreme caution and jittery unease. So many expect her to be fine, when she’d not had any time to truly mourn all of those she lost—a list that is only longer now, with James, Sirius, and Peter all gone. (Peter, another subject she’s broken her heart on that people want her to be au fait with; she still cannot understand it.) Lily has only just begun to heal while so many around her are years, if not decades, ahead of her.
As someone who is at her best when connected to people, Lily strives to ensure the comfort and happiness of all those around her. Her empathetic nature thrives off of that happiness, and she struggles to be comfortable and at peace when she knows others aren’t. That connection to other people can sometimes slip into dangerous territory when she starts defining herself by those relationships. It leaves her open to taking on their woes as her own, overburdening herself, as well as putting her in a position where being pushed away or having her help refused can deeply damage her sense of self-worth, depending on how close she is to a person.
Of course, having come of age in the middle of a war she has had to grapple with not being able to help or be there for everyone. It has worn Lily down, damaged the cheerfully optimistic outlook of her childhood, leaving her calloused, a bit jaded, and thoroughly exhausted with trying to be hopeful. She has had to become more careful with her inner self and what she gives away.
Her sense of closeness with someone is a large factor with Lily for the simple reason that there aren’t a huge number of people who she is really close with. While always a friendly, welcoming person, she has never had a great many actual friends; people she would confide in, lean on for support, turn to for the sort of help she so readily offers others. Thus the few she has are a big deal, and she clings to them, because she knows what it is to lose those precious few. As much as that steadfast loyalty is a defense against the outside world, it leaves her innerly vulnerable to the faults she overlooks in those loved ones. They slip past her judgment, and she will make excuses for them, justify their actions even against her own moral instinct, to a very far limit. That too is something the war has strained, with mere existence pushing her towards those limits, let alone having to grapple with the less savory parts of her friends.
It would be easy to think that Lily, by virtue of being ‘the pretty one’ in the family, was blessed with not having to concern herself with her appearance. In one way at least, that is true; she isn’t concerned with her hair or her face, doesn’t spend time fretting over the less than easy things to change. Yet she grew up in a bored factory town, where everyone knew everyone and appearances mattered within the strict hierarchy built around the factory company. What you wore, how you behaved: these things were taken as reflecting on the family as a whole. Don’t talk back to the child of your father’s superior, that will get you in trouble! Let the foreman’s wife take the last eggs at the grocery, lest your husband lose a shift at work.
That awareness of what other people think and perceive only sharpened for Lily at Hogwarts, under the constant scrutiny a Muggleborn endures. It took her a long time to be able to break free of trying to earn that approval of her peers by being the best, well behaved, friendly person she could be in the eyes of others. That approval, being well liked, keeping things genial and going smoothly is something she craved until she was forced to realize it simply isn’t feasible because of who she is, unless she wanted to sacrifice a large part of who she is. Lily had to grow up and let go of a lot of her insecurities, and build a defensive shield around the others, as a matter of survival.
With that awareness of perceptions and the judgments that come with it, it has to be said that Lily applies different standards to herself than she does other people. She values her actions, what she does, over what she says. Perhaps because she is aware of her flaw of not always thinking before speaking. Yet with others, she tries so hard to take them at their word, believe that shows their true intent over what actions they take. She wants to believe people, trust in them, adhere to her idea that people are good.
This is why, in part, she turned a blind eye to Severus Snape’s questionable actions for so long. He would explain himself, manage to make it sound not so bad, and Lily would discard her judgment because he didn’t mean to do bad, he told her as much! And she knew him, deep down.
Understandably, that instinct to take words at surface value has been scorched and damaged. She's wary, cautious of doing so, but oh, how she wishes she could once more. Instead, she has had to become more realistic in her estimations of people.
A desire to believe people innately tend towards goodness does not mean Lily is free of judgment. She can, and does, scrutinize people and weigh what they say and do and judge the goodness of that for herself. Her empathy doesn’t always extend to others that she sees as being in direct conflict to her morals and ideals and goals, and that leaves her open to dismiss people out of hand for those differences. Granted, a lot of that is tied to her ideals being forged in the fire of a life as a Muggleborn, of an existence of constantly being attacked. It leads to her stubbornly digging her heels in at a challenge, to get defensive rather than hear another side out when she’s already preemptively passed judgment based on what she thinks she sees.
One of the worst ways these critical evaluations can surface is in her deep rooted capacity for envy and jealousy. Regardless of whether it is because she believes she deserves the thing she is envious of or thinks herself unworthy of it, getting a handle on the streak of irrationality and pettiness that can erupt from her when faced with self-discontentment is something she struggles with. Partly because she would prefer to pretend it doesn’t exist. Everything is justified, even in the depths of those irrationalities. Lily would never even think of herself as a jealous person.
While the Evans may have fallen in the middle class of Cokeworth, that placed them only at the upper edge of poor in the larger scheme of society. A shift manager might be someone in the hierarchy of a small factory town, but meant very little outside of it. Lily grew up with that dichotomy of existence, always aware of that dual standing, of the expectations and visibility. It was something she deeply internalized and operates on her subtly, never so much a conscious influence, but powerful all the same.
The Evans were a warm, close, essentially good family. They were helpful to their neighbors, went to church, were charitable. They didn’t really think twice about Lily’s friendship with a boy from the ‘wrong side of the tracks’; it was only Petunia who worried about these things that would only be a source of concern for the parental Evans if the pair had been older. Of course, by then Lily and Severus were beyond the pale, wondrous others. In many ways, Jonathan and Fiona Evans stopped trying to parent their younger daughter once they knew she was a witch. How could they impose morals on their daughter who half-inhabited a world they knew nothing about, and were frankly in awe of? To be fair, they took a largely equal laissez-faire attitude towards their older daughter once she reached teenagedom as well. Thankfully they’d instilled a sturdy moral foundation and compass in their daughter, so she could largely self-regulate through their passive parenting.
Despite Jonathan Evans' job as a shift manager at the factory Cokeworth was build around setting the Evans family solidly in the middle of the town's society, in truth they were bottom of middle class at best, the difference between the poor floor workers and the managers amplified a thousand times over by the small snobberies and strict social hierarchy of a small factory town. That didn't make the family any less of a happy one. Jonathan working long hours while Fiona stayed home to raise their two daughters. Petunia, the elder, was perpetually trailed by her shadow that took the form of her younger sister Lily, who adored and idolized her big sister. It wasn't a life without stresses, but they got by, even as work slowed, workers got laid off, tensions in the town rose, and strange things started happening around little Lily. It was the last thing that concerned the Evans' the most, unsure of what was happening and what it would mean for their daughter, scared of what would happen if others found out. Petunia, picking up on this in the way children do, no matter how oblivious their parents consider them, encouraged Lily to refrain from such strangeness, trying to suppress and hide all those odd things, like the garden blooming two months early or a tantrum causing cookie floating out of the jar to waiting hands.
The relief from those worries came from an odd place; a grubby little boy from the other, wrong side of town. Severus Snape opened up another world to Lily, one where what she did wasn't cause for concern or anxiety, but something that made her remarkable and special. As those bursts of uncontrolled, unwanted abnormality dwindled, only Petunia seemed to not be won over by him. Lily, though, adored him; he became not just her guide to that mystical other place, but her best friend, someone with whom she planned a thousand wonderful futures with.
None of those plans approached the tarnished reality she was soon present with. From day one, things were different than she'd thought they would be. While to her, being sorted into a different house from her best friend didn't seem something to be concerned over, it quickly became clear to her that plenty thought otherwise. Always eager to please, Lily threw herself into being the best she could, becoming someone pointed to as the model of an ideal Muggleborn. Yet nothing she did was ever enough for this world she had dreamt of for so long to accept her. Something had to give.
All those tension gave way on a sunny day after her final OWL. With one word, Lily realized the futility of her efforts. Her dearest friendship shattered, she was left hurt, lost, broken and unsure of herself.
In the subsequent year, because life must carry on, Lily re-evaluated and reflected on everything her life had been built upon. No longer allowing herself to be define by what others wanted her to be, Lily reconsidered so many of her hard held ideas. Old opinions shifted and new friendships formed—most notably and remarkably with James Potter, who she'd so long damned as nothing more than an arrogant prat.
Seventh year ended and instead of finding her life beginning, Lily ground to a standstill. Unable to find a job, for no one wanted the liability of hiring a Muggleborn, she followed James and their friends into the Order, despite, or perhaps because, of the small number of Muggleborns in their ranks. She could no longer run from the war that she had found herself in the middle of as a young girl.
Lily lost and won and mourned and celebrated; she lived more in a few short years than anyone should ever have to. In the midst of such unfettered living, accidents were bound to happen. Finding she was pregnant, Lily and James decided to get married; the only way to live, after all, was without hesitation for there might not be a tomorrow. All too soon, that fact was brought to bear on the young family. A threat against baby Harry forced them into hiding; an imperfect solution. Not even eighteen months old and Harry Potter was orphaned, Lily's life sacrificed for the son she loved more than anything in the world.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? The concept of this game is one that has been near to my heart for a long, long time, and I’m very excited to bring it to the tumblr rp community!
ANYTHING ELSE? I’m not clever enough for pinterest boards or spotify playlists. That’s what blogs are for, and I’ve got a few with years worth of writing Lily on them. (Which is also why this app is so excessively long)
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pavcrti · 4 years
chicago’s very own pavarti kumari has been spotted on madison avenue driving a rose gold model x , welcome ! your resemblance to mishti rahman is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty fifth  birthday bash .  your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re fiery , but being eloquent might help you . i think being a pieces explains that .  3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be fresh fields of lavender that expand into a cotton candy sky , the reflection of the sun caught in the glimmer of a crystal , rhyming couplets professing deep - seeded emotion . ( i ghost write songs for artists who like to claim they write their own work . ) & ( cis female + she / her  ) +  ( emily , 25 , sher / her , pst )
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holy shit , it’s ya girl . i’m back after needing a bit of a break from being in a group . and bc i honestly adored this place sm and i made so many great friends here i am back . . . 👀 i expect plots with each and every one of u btw so u best deliver . i desperately wanna get this finished before i pass the fuck out . i’ll be joining the server in the morning , but in the meantime if u wanna be my friend  👀 👀 titsiana praises satan#7989
    biography .
name : pavarti kumari 
age : twenty five
gender : cisfemale
zodiac : pieces 
sexuality : bisexual 
profession : singer / songwriter 
hair color : black
eye color : brown
piercings : both lobes , nose 
tattoos : none
voice claim : jhene aiko
released albums : sail out ( ep ) , trip 
miss pavarti was born in bangladesh . her parents are both 100% bangladeshi and immigrated to chicago when pavarti was four years old . she had an older brother who was five years older than her . his name was siva .her family traveled back every summer so she is very immersed in the culture of her homeland and is a very spiritual person as a result . from a young age , pavarti had a fascination with the english language . not only was it so complex , but there was so much that could be done with it as well . she loved poetry and different types of prose . she also developed an absolute adoration for hip hop as a result . she’s been able to work several of her lyrical inspirations in her albums , something she would’ve never anticipated growing up as an immigrant child . when she entered middle school , she joined the school choir as an extra curricular activity which is what inspired her love for music and introduced her to her vocal talents . within time , she began combining her inclination for poetry with her voice . she wrote her first song at thirteen and began to freestyle for her friends . unfortunately , she was never taken too seriously by her peers . she was a female , hardly the usual suspect for the rnb , soul vibe that her voice conveys . before she graduated high school , her brother siva was killed in a car crash . the unexpected death of her best friend and protector sent pavarti into a spiral . this begun her tendency to alter her reality to escape from her pain with the help of drugs . she frequently writes about her brother in her music . when she was eighteen , she was discovered , ironically , by a manager of a local rapper at a poetry slam she was performing at . she impressed him and he introduced her to his client . this is how pavarti entered the hip hop scene , albeit , in secret . in hip hop , it’s very custom for performers to write the tracks that they put out themselves . pavarti learned that she could learn the skills of the trade whilst making her own connections and making pretty good cash , as well . as the years progressed , the notoriety of her clients rose . she’s written bars for multiple big names and by harvesting these friendships , she was able to get signed to a record label and put out her first ep at age twenty one . it was well received by critics and pavarti was thrilled to be taken seriously as an artist doing what she loves . she kept working , kept her nose in her business and released her first full album , trip , just last year . she feels like she is constantly growing artistically and finds herself inspired everywhere she turns . she’s currently working on her second full album and just dropped a new single , p*$$y fairy . other than that , there’s not too much else to note in her history . she did not grow up rich , rather she’s only recently come into wealth . her money is very new and she’s not too skilled at spending it wisely .
    personality . 
okay , so this will probably just be a long winded explanation that no one really asked for / needed but here we go ! first and foremost . . . pavarti is a dreamer in every sense of the word . she’s whimsical , she’s connected to the earth around her . she drifts off into elaborate day dreams and tells herself stories in her head as she falls to sleep . she is very spiritual . she meditates twice a day . her house always smells of incense . she has an affinity for weed and hallucinogenics . she really enjoys writing under the influence . her album trip is literally inspired by several drug experiences she had that had a profound impact in her life . pavarti’s general demeanor is borderline wall - flower . you wouldn’t expect her to be so shy , but she is . she’s the giggly girl who’ll hang back and let someone else come to her first . in the meantime , she’s taking in every single detail . she’s incredibly observant . sometimes she thinks in poetry . she realizes that she isn’t the typical visual for a female hip hop , rnb artist but it’s truly her passion in life and her art flows through her . she says more in her songs than she does to the people she needs to and that can definitely be problematic . with that said , pavarti is very well spoken . girl knows how to sweet talk her way through just about anything . but she also has the temper of a devil . she does not tolerate being fucked around with . she has that attitude about her where she will go and key your car if you hurt her or one of her best friends . people typically wouldn’t expect such an explosion from someone so outwardly sanguine and easy going but she’s the type to scratch someone’s eyes out if she has to . her music is her spouse . this fucks her up relationship wise a lot because she tends to let chances pass her by because she would rather stay undistracted . she has an ego , but not really in the outward way that one would anticipate when ego is involved . she knows she’s talented . she knows she’s attractive . but she also knows that she’s fucking lucky to be where she is and she’s grateful . pavarti is the type who wakes up with a smile because she has another twenty four hours to be alive . she doesn’t take things for granted --- she used to , until she lost her older brother and she realized just how quickly things can change . pavarti is a fiercely loyal individual to her friends . she will stand up for them , no matter what . the thing is , she expects it back . she is very much aware of her self worth and does not react kindly to a one sided vibe . 
    plots . 
ok , ok , ok . . . so how i am going to do this is offer up some songs / song pairings for songs that i believe pavarti has written for specific people with certain plots in mind for at least her side of things . and then i will also list some basic plots that aren’t based on anything in particular , but are still plots that i would like very much to have ! the links go to lyrics ! all plots are gender neutral , so ignore any pronouns that are in the songs .
bed peace / stay ready / while we’re young --- fwbs with feelings : pavarti and your muse have been friends for a while . somewhere along the line things crossed the line and they began hooking up . it’s obvious that they feel something intense for each other but something is always in the way of them being together --- plus , neither are really sure if the friendship could withstand a romantic relationship crashing and burning . so here they are , stuck in this awkward limbo . they hook up , hang out , awkwardly third wheel when the other is dating someone else . it’s an interesting dynamic and pavarti wouldn’t deal with drama with anyone else but your muse . they have a really compelling bond and neither can think of life without the other but things have been like this for a long time and there is only so long a relationship as complicated as this one could actually function .
the worst / comfort inn ending / moments / when we love --- exes that ended badly with lingering feelings : this was . . . just a crazy hot and cold relationship . when it was hot , it was fucking hot . when it was cold ? damn . hell itself could freeze over . they probably have done and said a lot of nasty , nasty shit to each other . at the same time , they could’ve been literally planning their wedding at some point because they both were incredibly serious about each other . in comfort inn ending , pavarti suggests their relationship was a result of her cheating on another boyfriend to be with your muse and your muse ultimately cheated on her as well . we can discuss that but i would high key kill for the extra drama . around the time pavarti was writing her first full album , they had a rekindling that inspired her to write moments and when we love . i don’t envision this relationship having ended in a decent way from there , though . more cheating ? fighting ? they were definitely toxic . she’s definitely planning on dragging their ass some more in her tracks .
lsd / sativa --- platonic soulmates : omg so this plot is . . . so fucking cute . but these two would basically die for each other . there is zero sexual attraction , just genuine , pure love . they do everything together . but what really sealed their bond ? well . . . many different intense acid trips , of course ! they love to get high together and forget about the world . they both feel like they can trust the other because they have been present for so many life - changing moments . they rarely go a day without seeing each other and absolutely never go a day without talking in some capacity . sometimes they fight like siblings . but pavarti would honestly kill for your muse . there is nothing she wouldn’t do for them . 
new balance / newer balance / you are here / clear my mind --- the romantic bad influence : this plot is another messy piece of trash . from the beginning , when they first met , pavarti always thought your muse was too good to be true . they reminded her so much of her brother . she felt this sense of peace with your muse . she fell in love quickly but at the same time , felt like there was something looming over their relationship . like it wasn’t permanent . like it’s all just a dream . the bad influence part isn’t portrayed too much in the lyrics other than stressing pavarti’s fear that your muse isn’t exactly who they say they are and this relationship is doomed to fail somehow . she knows that when this explodes in her face that it’s going to destroy her . i see your muse bringing out edgier sides of pavarti’s personality . they party a lot , they influence pavarti to do crazy things with them and she does and she feels so alive with your muse . that is , until , it all crumbles . the facade is destroyed and whatever it was that your muse wasn’t being upfront about shatters the way she feels for your muse entirely . she feels betrayed . clear my mind is pavarti’s way of trying to hype herself up to be stronger than she really is . 
never call me / --- best friends turned enemies : this is my last long one i promise , wtf , why did i decide to do this . anyways --- this plot is again , a shit ton of angst so enjoy that . your muse and pavarti used to be the best of friends . inseparable . that is until things went south . fast . we can discuss what it was that happened between our muses but it was something huge and preferably something where they both could stubbornly blame each other . pavarti feels slighted because she thinks that your muse should be the one who reaches out and perhaps your muses could be thinking the same about her . 
romantic plots : crushes , unrequited love , hateship , party hookup , friends with benefits , secret fling , summer romance 
platonic plots : give me close friends ! and tons of them please ! thanks . roommates , drug buddies , confidants , unlikely friendship , travel friends , only friends in the dms , enemies turned friend
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