#actually one is also from a cheese grater that might not have scarred if I hadn't ripped the scab off on something
seabeck · 2 months
"dull knives aren't safe they're more dangerous than a sharp knife!"
tell that to my now 5+ scars from ultra sharp fillet knives
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restless-soulz · 1 day
I keep fucking thinking about if I were to actually meet the characters of twisted wonderland, most of them would hate me.
Vil most of all.
I'm not athletic, I spend hours practicing music for violin and choir so my hands and choir muscles are callused and used. I tromp through gardens and wrestle with my younger siblings, and let me tell you they bite, so I have dirt everywhere. I have many scars from mishandling knives/cheese graters/saws, and cannot stop myself from messing with mosquito bites or acne.
Azul would probably be next along with Jamil because i'm autistic as fuck. Cannot read social cue or much subtext. Still would point out loopholes or find some. I also hate the ocean cause it's too cold, but I did work in a restaurant for a bit so i'm good at that, but i'm also clumsy as hell.
Leona would for sure not like me cuz I would do my damndest to get him into therapy. Listen, I have depression too, and mans needs to be medicated. Along with Riddle.
Riddle is 50/50, I appreciate rules but my adhd-ness would not be helpful in following every single one and we'd eventually fight. I think he has OCD and needs blood pressure medication.
I would probably throttle Ace and Deuce for being dumbasses but we might end up friends? idk.
Trey and Cater would also be politely ignored. I'm not one for stepping in unless absolutely necessary or living through screens.
Idia? I'd get sick of his gamer talk, reminds me of my sister. I would just pretend he didn't exist, which wouldn't endear me to Ortho at all.
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valkyrieofsmut · 4 years
Captive Love   25
UF!Sans x Reader (or Frisk if you wanna)
Summary: Papyrus yells at Sans to get his shit together, but he's a mess... AKA Sans gets drunk... and remembers some things from the past... that he'd really rather not..
A/N: There is some... possibly triggering events... experiments and tiny skele abuse... little Papyrus is too cute and sweet... Also mentioned possible death. It, as usual, is separated with the ~~~ and should be (at least mostly) safe again at the next set, safe summary in the end..
Masterlist      Series Masterlist
Sans rolled over in his bed, feeling like the scars on his chest were going to break through and destroy his soul. 
The sun blared outside, shining into his sockets. 
"fuck off," he growled, rolling back over. 
Papyrus pounded on the door, making the sounds reverberate through his skull. He couldn't tell if it was louder than normal, or it just sounded like it to his throbbing skull. 
The day was hell- actually, life was hell at the moment… 
His brother yelled at him about how stupid he'd been every chance he got- like he didn't already know that he'd royally fucked up. 
Every place he went reminded him of something he'd shown, or wanted to show (Y/n), her excitement at all the different things she'd never seen before had warmed his soul every time. 
Each time someone asked where his pet was made his soul thrum and ache to be close to her. ...and punch the person in the face… She was so much more than the pet they'd had to pretend she was. 
Every time he got Grillby's, he remembered her face of delight as she ate it for the first time. 
Every bite of his brother's food reminded him that she'd been there and helped him get better at cooking. 
Every time he rolled over in bed and smelled her scent caught on the pillow, or the sheets… 
And then there was the time he'd gotten back from drinking, and had been stumbling around drunk in his room, kicking random stuff on the floor, only to discover a pair of her underwear that he'd probably tossed in the corner in his haste to get to her. 
That had made him collapse in a heap of self hatred and regret. 
Sans sat at the table, stabbing his fork at his dinner aimlessly. 
“sorry, boss…” 
Papyrus clenched his jaw, staring at his own fork pushing around a bite longer than necessary. 
Sans didn’t say anything. 
“i fuckin’ know, boss!” Sans yelled, scooting his chair back from the table. “i know i’m a fuck up! it’s pretty fuckin’ obvious that i always manage ta fuck everythin’ up!” 
Papyrus sniffed haughtily. “I’M GLAD THAT YOU KNOW. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?” 
“i can’t do anythin’ about it! i fucked up, an’ she hates me! i took ‘er back ta th' edge a th' boundary, an’ there’s no way i can ever find ‘er, now!” Sans glared at his plate of food. 'sides, she wouldn't care- not that i'm sorry for being an asshole, not that i've been tryin' ta be a better monster, an' made great progress, too! maybe only a lil before i met 'er, but her bein' here made it so much easier to be better… 
Papyrus scowled at his brother. “THERE’S ALWAYS A WAY-” 
Sans cut him off by standing up, his chair making a loud noise as it almost fell over, and started towards the door as he muttered, “i’m goin’ ta grillby’s…” 
After grabbing his coat and slamming the door after him, Sans shortcutted to the bar, intent on getting wasted. 
A few drinks in with a good buzz, Sans started looking around. 
He wasn’t quite drunk enough to not remember, but it was at least a bit hazy. 
“Heya, Sansy!” 
He looked over to the bar stool next to him, seeing the cream colored bunny next to him, ordering a drink. He followed her to her regular booth, and they began matching shots, seeing who could get the drunkest first. 
Sans opened his eye sockets, his fuzzy eyelights looking around the bar, seeing some drunk monsters starting to be a bit more friendly with each other. 
His skull fell to the side as he shifted, realizing that he’d missed a bit of what had happened. He straightened up in the booth seat and looked down at his drink again. 
Maybe he should try to find someone… 
Even if it was a one night stand, it would be someone to try to get rid of his memory of- no… thinking her name would only start the hurt again… make his soul burn with the knowledge that he was to blame for fucking his life up beyond repair. 
But, finding someone might be a good idea; he needed to at least stop jerking off excessively to her panties, or reading those stupid, mushy, trash books he hid on his shelf while imagining that she was the leading lady- and he was lucky enough to be the bastard who’d seen the error in his ways and was given a second chance… 
Sans tossed back his drink and took the half empty glass from the passed out bunny across from him, downing it as well. 
He was finally kicked out of the bar, Grillby chasing everyone out as he closed. 
Sans took a shortcut home, but ended up in the field near the echo flowers he had planted to remind him of Waterfall, where he used to look at the Underground “skys” and pretend the crystals were stars. 
He yelled loudly for a minute, then tried again, this time making it within a short distance of the house. 
He swayed dangerously, but he made it in through the door, getting to the foot of the stairs and seeing the door to the hidden room open. He went to it, hand stopping short only due to him passing out across the floor with a thud. 
His vision had gone dark. 
…yet darker… 
…and darker, still… 
Sans felt his soul floating above his body, unable to move as Gaster held him there with his weird powers. 
“Just hold still, you little shit…” 
Sans could handle it… as long as he left Papyrus alone, he could handle it… 
“What is it? What are you doing in my lab? Why are you here?” Gaster demanded roughly in irritation. 
Sans fought as hard as he could to shift his eyelights to see his little brother. He needed to stay away! Sans wished that he could talk, yell at Paps to run, to go hide, to never come there, ever again- but he could hardly shift his eyelights. 
run, bro, run! Sans begged mentally. 
“Well, you see, you weak little fool, monsters are stuck underground. We’re not here because we want to be. Your useless brother here, is going to help us escape,” Gaster told him. 
“THAT’S AMAZING, SANS!” Papyrus shouted in proud joy. 
Sans tried to will his brother to leave, to save himself from the sadistic monster towering over him. 
Papyrus’s jaw hit the hard floor as Gaster smacked the back of his skull so hard he fell forward. 
“Don’t be stupid, you worthless little runt,” Gaster snapped as he tore the ragged stuffed animal from his grasp. “He’s only a part of the experiment, he’s not doing anything worthwhile.” He held up the prized toy and ripped it’s limb off. “Just like this garbage is only making you weaker.” 
“NOOO!” Papyrus cried, a heart wrenching sob that made Sans’ soul hurt. 
Gaster glared at the small skeleton on the floor. “You have no need for this trash,” he sneered. “It’s as useless as you are.” He tore at the thing until it was completely in pieces and destroyed. 
Sans wanted to punch Gaster in his stupid cracked face. 
Gaster plucked Papyrus from the floor and turned to hold him where Sans could see. “Look at how weak you’ve made him,” he gloated. “If you didn’t coddle him and try to protect him from the real world, he’d be stronger.” 
Sans could feel his magic gathering in his bones, pushing and fighting against Gaster’s hold on him. 
Gaster looked Papyrus in the socket. “You should thank your brother for this- for making you as weak as you are.” 
A shot of fear showed on Papyrus’ face before the first hit came. 
Red, hot, magical tears built in Sans’ sockets as he fought to get free, to help his brother, but he was only able to sort of flop around on the table. 
Papyrus’ cries and tears were background noise for Gaster’s cries and accusations, telling Sans that he could thank himself for his brother not being able to defend himself, telling Papyrus to thank Sans for making him so weak. His gleeful cackling mixed with the noise of the attack. 
One of the machines in the room kicked into another level, sounding like it was reversing the flow it had been using. 
“Haven’t I taught you boys anything? Emotions are weakness.” 
“Weakness is unacceptable- weakness will get you dusted.” 
“I thought I had taught you both better- but maybe you’re just slow learners!” The thought was accompanied with a manic and near demonic grin. “Maybe you just don’t learn- maybe you need to be taught over and over and over-” 
“stop,” Sans choked out. 
Gaster was too focused on what he was doing to notice at first, but when it seemed like a circuit or fuse had blown, he paused his movements. 
Sans started shaking, his body twitching every which way as he fought, fought to be able to save Papyrus. 
He felt a power just beyond his phalanges, he could almost reach it- 
The tears in his sockets grew, starting to stream down his skull, as he stretched himself to touch it- 
The power in the lab started to flicker, and Sans felt like his soul was being ripped into tiny pieces with a cheese grater, digging into it and shredding the super sensitive entirety of his being. 
“What are you doing, you stupid fucking brat,” Gaster demanded, glaring watchfully at him, ignoring his screams of pain.
Sans couldn’t hear him, though- he couldn’t even hear the screams leaving his own mouth, he was only consumed with protecting his brother, stopping Gaster from hurting him. 
A loud crack echoed in the room, followed by the power cutting off and slowly starting back up. 
Sans felt weightless, like he had no restraints. 
He threw himself from the bed, but felt that he didn’t even touch the floor. He was held by a gathering of power- the same power that he’d tapped into. 
The power that was… 
Gaster sneered as Sans stood before him, attempting to adjust his magical hold, but it didn’t affect him. 
Sans clenched his fists and gathered the power there, ready to stop the attack on his brother, a shimmer moving around his fists. 
Gaster cackled at him and tossed Papyrus to the floor. “So, you’ve finally done what you were meant to do this whole time.” The tall monster reached for Sans, but his magic didn’t affect him. He made a displeased face at Sans before flourishing his hands, the gems in the centers of his cutout palms gleaming as he grabbed something in the air and pulled, lines attaching the two shimmering to visible for a moment. 
Gaster grinned dangerously in accomplishment and jerked the lines, making Sans stumble forward. 
“And to think; all it took to motivate you was a little smacking around of your brother… Maybe I’ll make you…” Gaster manipulated his hands in strange ways, and Sans could feel himself being tugged around by his own magic. “Yes, I could make you the one that hurt him instead… but, I think that I’ve taught him enough about the dangers of being weak… now I think I’ll teach you the dangers of caring for others-” Gaster twisted his hand and made Sans pick Papyrus up, holding him even with his eyelights. “How it can only hurt both parties in the end.” 
“i don’t wanna, pap, i swear,” Sans begged him to understand as he felt his hand being drawn back. “i swear it’s not me, paps- ya know i’d never do anythin’ like this ta ya…” 
“But it is you, Sans, look at your hand, it’s the one that’s about to hurt the one you love,” Gaster sneered from behind them. 
“‘s not- ‘s not, paps- y’re my lil bro, i love ya-” 
He was going to kill him- 
Sans was going to kill Gaster for making him do this. 
“The best part, is that the more monsters I link together, the more power I’ll have… I’ll be able to break down the barrier all on my own- as soon as I link enough souls together,” Gaster crowed in victory. 
Sans looked down to his ribcage where his soul sat, seeing a string connecting it to Gaster’s soul, a strange bond forming between his soul and the holes in his palms, the gems floating in the middles, that he’d never seen before- in fact- he didn’t think he’d ever seen this glow before on Gaster. 
Sans focused hard, letting go of Papyrus and took a hold of the line and tugged, pulling Gaster instead, turning the larger monster to him and making him stumble to be the right height, even for him to pull all the energy he could into his hands, summoning a large bone and swinging hard, hitting Gaster in the skull, seeing the flash of fear and realization just before it connected. 
Gaster fell to the ground, limp, and Sans dropped the bone, letting it disappear as he stared in shock. 
Did… Did he just kill Gaster? 
He knew he thought about it a lot… 
He knew that he wanted to do it to stop him from hurting his brother- wanted to punish him for hurting his brother… 
But… why wasn’t he turning to dust…? Why was there… blackness leaking from him?
Sans turned to Papyrus when he felt a bit more certain that Gaster wasn't going to get up and attack again. 
He felt his soul twist in knots at the expression of pain and fear on his small brother's face, sure that it was partially due to the crack from his maxilla, between two sharp teeth, up and heading to his cheek bone. But the other part would have to come from… 
"b-bro-" Sans' voice caught, his hand freezing in mid motion, his phalanges starting to curl closed into a fist. “i… i’m sorry, bro,” he murmured. 
Papyrus threw himself into Sans’ arms, small, almost silent sobs leaving his small frame. 
Sans felt his soul twist again. 
“i- it’s a’right, paps- i- h-he… he’ll never hurt ya again. never…” He murmured against his brother’s skull. “i promise…”
Papyrus held tighter to him, trying to hide his silent sobs better. 
“i- imma help ya become th’ toughest monster out there. ain’t nobody gonna mess wit ya…” Sans stroked over his brother’s skull, not quite sure what else to do to comfort him. “ya- ya are th’ great an’ terrible papyrus, after all…”
Papyrus mustered up the strength to give a soft, “Nyeh Heh Heh…” 
Sans held his small form closer to his chest, curling around him. "it's ok, paps… everythin' is gonna be ok…" 
He just had to get rid of Gaster's body… 
After a moment, an idea came to him, and, thinking it through while he held and comforted Papyrus, it seemed to hold up… 
He'd hated all these years of going to the lab with Gaster, but… looks like they were finally going to be good for something. 
He didn't think anyone else knew about the void between realms that Gaster had accidentally tapped into while trying to find a way out of the Underground. 
"S-Sans…" For once, the small skeleton's voice matched his size. 
"yeah, paps?" Sans asked quietly. 
"Are… Are You Going To Be My Dad, Now…?" 
Sans felt like he was the one who'd been smacked in the back of the skull with a bone attack. 
"i- n-no, paps- i'm still yer brother, i- i ain't fit ta- i ain't old 'nough ta be a dad-” he corrected, trying to put it in a way that Papyrus would understand, “but… imma take care a ya like one, 'k? ya don't have ta be scared, imma take care a ya… i'll keep ya safe…" 
Papyrus tightened his hold on Sans. "I'm- I'm Going To Keep You Safe, Too," he murmured. 
"that's 'cause y're gonna be th' biggest, strongest monster out there. no one'll be able ta beat ya, 'cause y're th' best…" 
Sans held his brother tight, feeling the newly awakened power burning through his bones as the two held each other, swearing that they'd keep each other safe and alive, no matter what it took. 
A/N: Safe summary: Gaster is experimenting in connecting souls together, using his powers to hold Sans down, when little Papyrus comes down with his precious stuffed animal to see what they're doing. Gaster hits Papyrus as punishment for being "weak". Sans completes the connection of his soul to Gaster's to break his paralyzing hold on him and protect Papyrus. At first it works, but then Gaster uses two crystals type things (that Sans has never ben able to see before and isn't sure what they are) in the holes of his hands to focus his power and control Sans, making him hit Papyrus, as punishment for caring for and loving him. Sans tells him the whole time that it's not him. Sans regains control and stops himself, using gravity magic to bring him down to level, and then manifests a bone attack and hits him, very hard, in the head. Sans wonders if he's killed Gaster, and holds Papyrus close while trying o figure out how to hide Gaster's body. Sweet moments ensue in the mostly safe part.
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fluid-quartz · 5 years
its almost 2 am, i make poor life choices, and i just wrote a small ficlet based on @welsfight ‘s post about how ex eats and the weird theories that stemmed from it. i thought about putting the biggest part of it under the cut cause its like ~1800 words but i dont feel like it whoops
so without further ado, i present to you:
It was a nice evening out, as they all sat around the campfire. Tango was sitting almost inside of it, roasting marshmallows for everyone that wanted them, and the others were just chatting with each other, about some of their projects and plans or simply about things that had happened.
Cub was looking pensively the whole time, as though he was trying to figure something out.
“Hey guys? Strange question, maybe, but… Do you ever wonder how Evil X eats, what with that helmet that never goes off?” The conversation around him dulled, multiple Hermits just staring at him for a moment.
“That… is a very good question,” said Zedaph as he jumped to his feet. He sensed there was a great game show in this, probably. “Ladiiiieeeeees and gentlemeeeeeen! Welcome to the first episode of How Do They Eat?! This time, we’re discussing Evil Xisuma!” A few of them chuckled, shifting in their places a little to be able to properly see Zedaph, who had just completely taken on his game show host persona, including putting a little desk of brightly coloured concrete in front of him.
There was only murmur for a moment, and then Bdubs stood up, dramatically clearing his throat.
“Well, I think he eats nutrient pills that he pops through a coin slot. So he can still have a balanced diet, you know?” As he spoke, Keralis’ eyes grew even larger than they already were.
“Slot machine? Did you say… Slot machine, Bubbles???” he said, not-so-sneakily looking around to see if Evil X was around somewhere. Iskall just laughed, and Bdubs looked at Keralis with judgment in his eyes.
“No, no, you can’t play slot machines on Evil X, he puts a cork in the coin slot when he isn’t using it.”
Keralis wanted to go against it, but Zedaph was quicker and louder.
“That’s an interesting theory you got there! But… Are there others? Surely you must have wondered before how he eats. Come, don’t be afraid to speak up!”
Doc immediately raised his hand, then stood up to speak.
“Guys. It’s obviously a teleportation ray. He just points at food, and it reappears in his mouth or stomach, depending on how lazy he’s feeling. It’s the simplest scientific explanation.”
“That’s a load of bullshit, Doc. It implies that he needs to eat, and we all know he’s secretly a robot. He just hasn’t shown it yet, right, guys?” Biffa interjected before anyone else could speak. There was some muttering about it, until Zedaph once more took over.
“Biffa, I appreciate the input, I really do – yes, yours too, Doc, don’t worry – but for the sake of the game, let’s assume he eats.”
“But what if he doesn’t? What if… What if he’s immortal! Immortals don’t eat, right?” Keralis butted in enthusiastically.
“Well, then we wouldn’t be playing this game, right? So! Theories! I personally think he can just remove a panel of his helmet, and then sucks it in like a vacuum cleaner. Or like Kirby, that might be closer to reality. They are both red, after all.”
“Kirby’s pink, Zed.”
“I don’t care, Tango, I haven’t heard you name a better theory.”
All eyes in the circle were suddenly aimed at Tango, who almost dropped a batch of marshmallows into the fire.
“Uh…. I uh… Maybe his helmet is just fused to his face? So like, it opens up when his mouth opens?” He sounded a tad unsure of himself, having to think up a theory on the spot. Still better than kirbying, though. Stress immediately started bouncing up and down on the ground, her hand raised high into the sky.
“Oh, oh! What if the glass part of his helmet just opens, so he can drop the food in?”
“Or the top. It could also be the top of his helmet that opens, like a fishbowl,” interjected TFC’s gruff voice. He sounded amused, though. Very much so.
“Wouldn’t that just create a very big mess? For all we know the bottom half can just open up separately from the rest, so he can just eat more or less normally,” Wels shrugged, looking over at Zedaph once more.
“Those are all very valid theories. A bit boring, though, and plain! There’s more points to be got with creative theories!” He was smiling widely, looking around at the others. Then he pointed at Iskall. “You! Iskall! What is your super mega awesome theory of doom?”
The swede looked bewildered, and thought for a moment. Then they could almost literally see a redstone lamp going on above his head.
“An airlock! Like in spacecrafts! That’s why the bit in front of his mouth sticks out a little, it’s so that food can first get surrounded by the Right Kind of air before it gets to him!” He was beaming, thinking his theory was the most clever one out there. Until Mumbo spoke up.
“Uhm… Iskall? How would he get the food from that airlock into his mouth?”
“I don’t know, maybe he just like… tilts his head backwards and hopes for the best?” Around him, various Hermits were laughing. The mental image of spooky, scary Evil X desperately trying to make a cookie fall into his mouth and failing horribly just did that to someone.
“Oh! If we continue in that vein a little… You know how items sometimes just kind of clip through walls? What if that’s how he gets food inside of his helmet? By having it just clip through? Sometimes it would just get stuck, though, out of his reach,” Impulse mused, smiling widely.
“Gosh, that would be soooo difficult to clean, though!” Stress sighed.
“Then he can just clip through some cleaning supplies as well, don’t worry about it.” Impulse chuckled, then stuck out his tongue at the face Stress made.
From the other side of the campfire, Jevin’s voice suddenly popped up.
“You know, I bet he eats enderpearls like eggs.”
The murmuring that had been present completely died down as he looked around, completely serious. Zedaph opened and closed his mouth a few times.
“That.. That wasn’t even the question, Jevin! Do you have any theories about how he eats instead?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I do. I think he just… He either boils them, and eats them with the crunchy scale, or maybe he just sticks a straw in to slurp up the insides. Evil X seems like someone that would do that.”
“ABOUT HOW HE EATS IN GENERAL, JEVIN, NOT ABOUT HOW HE EATS ENDERPEARLS!” Zedaph sighed, then shook his head and facepalmed. “Anyone else. Literally anyone. Please.”
Python mumbled something in response, too quiet for even the people around him to hear properly.
“Could you repeat that a bit louder, please?” Zedaph asked, and Python looked him straight in the eyes.
“… maybe he vores?”
“No. Nope. Cursed theory right there, ladies and gents. Python, please go sit with Jevin to think about your sins, and maybe you won’t go in the dunk tank.” He pointed over to were the grinning slime man was sitting, and Python stood up with a shrug, faking disappointment and fear for the dunk tank. Then Mumbo raised his hand.
“Okay, so, what if his helmet functions the same as Darth Vader’s mask? What if there’s just some kind of mechanical cheese grater that he can just put food through, so it can go through his helmet and into his mouth without too much trouble?” A bit of muttering sounded here and there, once again with sounds from Stress about how horrible that would be to get clean.
“What if… What if he just like… Photosynthesizes, man… like a flower, getting nutrients from the sunlight and from putting his feet in the dirt… how nice would that be, man...” Ren said, his drawl slow and relaxed.
“Ren, I think you had too many of those mushrooms, your Renbob is showing. Though, I think it’s quite obvious. He just uses a feeding tube to get his food in, or perhaps a straw and blendered food. It could simply go through a small hole in the helmet.” Scar then popped a few unroasted marshmallows into his mouth before continuing. “That way, there’s no mess at all.”
The theory earned him some nods, and then Cleo stood up. Slowly, to get the attention of everyone around.
“While all of you have great ideas, I think it’s obvious how it works. Evil X just eats like Sandy the Squirrel, from Spongebob.”
“And how would that be, Cleo?” Impulse asked.
“Well, he just… puts food into his mouth through the bottom of his helmet, where it connects to his armor. Of course, that means he has to open up his armor a little bit, but that’s done easily enough. I bet he has a zipper too.” She smiled widely, with a look in her eyes that said that she knew full well that there was no way that her theory was correct. It made Joe sigh dramatically.
“What is wrong with all of y’all?! He would just take off his helmet and eat like a normal person!” False raised her hand.
“I gotta stop you there, Joe. We both know that he can’t breathe Overworld air unaided, like X can’t either. So, let me propose the following: He takes a whiff of his inhaler so he got air for a little bit, then he takes off the helmet and he just starts shoveling in as much food as he can before putting his helmet back on. And then he repeats that until he’s done eating.”
“I can live with that,” Joe said, and then he looked over at Zedaph. “That seems like a good and valid theory, right?”
“It certainly does, Joe! But… Since we’re nearing the end of the episode, why don’t we ask X for some clarity? If anyone knows, it would be him. Let’s see how close we got, everyone!” He then proceeded to pull Xisuma to his feed, and pushed him to be behind the host desk. It made the admin chuckle, but he took on the role that was apparently expected of him.
“It’s quite simple, actually,” Xisuma started, “Just like me, he can use a breathing tube so he can just take off-”
He then got interrupted by Grian yelling “STOMACH MOUTH! STOMACH MOUTH!” repeatedly at the top of his lungs, because he couldn’t quite believe how easy and boring the solution was. Xisuma looked over at him with a raised eyebrow, and then he just shook his head as the Hermits around started laughing. He loved those idiots.
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