#actually nvm i stayed up too late and it's 6am now
mushroomsie224 · 3 months
The look. The. Look.
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byul-bit-arae · 7 years
Astro Coffee Shop AU
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Astro drabble inspired by @alternateastro ’s coffee shop au 
Um hi 
So you are this struggling college freshman 
It’s just your first year but you already learned that caffeine is your friend
And that’s probably the main reason you got excited when you heard a new coffee shop opened on the way to the bus stop you usually board from to college
The coffee shop is really cute and has a welcoming feel to it
Also it opens as early as 6am so it’s perfect for grabbing a cup of cappuccino while waiting for your bus that takes off at seven
A tall decent young man that is around your age is always there, a warm smile on his face as he serves you, probably his only customer at that early time since the shop isn’t that popular yet nor is in a remarkable place 
Cha Eunwoo, his name tag says
Eunwoo is quite friendly for a barista whose shift starts at six in the morning and even bothers to start small conversations with you as you sip on your cappuccino by the counter
About two weeks in and you’re addicted to their coffee
You didn’t know if it was just you, or that it had some really special taste to it 
There was just something about it that you couldn’t get enough of, and most importantly, couldn’t go on your day without
Waking up at five thirty, getting ready, leaving your house and passing by the ‘Dream Store’ to have a cup of coffee and a small chat with an ever so energetic Eunwoo became a part of your routine
Until you ‘accidentally’ wake up late one day 
Maybe your alarm went off by itself, maybe it really rang and you turned it off and went back to sleep, maybe you didn’t even set it in the first place, what mattered the most is that it was a quarter past six and you were still in your pjs
You jump off your bed and quickly wash your face before grabbing the first combination of clothing that looked reasonable.
Smashing a bit of makeup on your face, you decided there was no time for more than a natural look for today, 
a bb cushion, brown eyeliner pencil, transparent mascara and and a warm orange gradient lip was the best you could achieve 
Throwing on your hood over your ‘whatever’ looking hair you grabbed your bag and sprinted your way out
You glanced at your hand watch to check if you had atleast a few spare minutes to order a coffee for take out but then you stopped at your tracks 
Because it was freaking 5:40 in the freaking morning aka an hour early 
The Dream store wasnt even opened yet and you felt like an idiot because your shitty clock was probably running out of battery and was showing the wrong time 
Groaning you glanced again at the cafe to see that the roller shutter of the front door was half rolled up
And that meant that atleast someone was inside
Looking around you one more time you figured out there was no other safe place for a lonely nineteen year old girl to stay in while waiting 
So you just decided to sneak inside and just hope it was Eunwoo getting ready to open the shop
You weren’t really that close to him but you just thought he wouldn’t be that freaked out if he saw you at such an hour 
Entering the shop you quietly muttered a “hello” as you heard faint sounds coming from the staff area 
“Eunwoo shi are you here” you dumbly murmured then figured out it was better to just take a seat and wait for whoever was there to appear
But you kind of accidentally doze off over the table because you woke up in such a hurry that you were feeling a bit drowsy by that time
Rocky takes off his sailor moon apron and hangs it after finishing with decorating the pastries and cleaning the kitchen
He leaves the kitchen and checks the café since he heard some sounds coming from there 
“Eunwoo hyung you’re here earl–”
He sees you sleeping on one of the tables and sort of just-
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–For a second but not enough for you to wake up then purses his lips, not knowing what to do
Rocky always disappears so early in the morning after he’s done with his work so he doesn’t get to interact with any customers, and even when he comes in the afternoon to test out new recipes with Bin, he doesn’t leave the kitchen. 
So he gets so frustrated seeing you there bc um help what am I supposed to do with this creature it looks like a human
Luckily Eunwoo comes in just at the right time and is rather confused as of why rocky is still there 
Also why is he standing still like a statue 
“Good morning minhyuk, what are you still doi–”
Eunwoo looks at the same direction as rocky and takes a step back in surprise
But he soon recognizes your sleeping figure and is way more confused now but decides to wake you up anyway
You slowly open your eyes and find none other than the most beautiful angel you’ve ever seen in front of your eyes that you can’t help but yelp bc are you already dead and is this heaven 
You blink for a few seconds and look around the place then at Eunwoo and the other guy 
“…w-welcome to Dream sh-shop !!!!” Rocky says in a super nervous tone that his voice cracks as he tries to sound the brightest he could “is that how you do it” he whispers to Eunwoo bc he honestly had no idea how things went outside the kitchen
Then Eunwoo kindly introduces you to Rocky to break the awkward atmosphere
And hey Rocky is quite cute and hyper 
And that’s how you start meeting the boys one by one 
And you just have to embarrass yourself each time 
Like that other time you were soooo sleepy that you were walking with your eyes closed
Maybe bc you had so much work and didn’t get enough sleep 
But that didn’t really matter bc you knew the way too well that you could manage 
You instinctively make a turn to the left to enter the coffee shop
But then you just bump into the glass door like an idiot
Bc it’s usually always open
Truth is Bin came earlier than usual that day 
And usually whenever he comes he always closes the door
Since he claims it’s way too cold in the morning
And Eunwoo is like uhh ok nvm 
And since Bin always comes later you never really saw the door closed 
Being still as sleepy as heck you groan as you lazily push the door open with literally your whole body, pouting since it was too early for embarrassing yourself yet here you are
You enter the shop to see an ever so amused Bin holding his laugh 
“Welcome” he says quietly and you awkwardly smile with half closed eyes 
And wth wth wth why are all the ppl working here so cute 
And that other time you got dismissed early in the afternoon so you decided to pass by 
And you go up to the counter only to be faced by like a giant five year old 
And you’re like “uhh excuse me where’s the one in charge here?”
And Sanha just blinks for a second before blurting “it’s me!” 
And you’re like “but you look so young ??????”
And Sanha just smiles cutely then takes your order
And from that day you always stop by whenever you have time in the afternoon
Bc Sanha is just too adorable and his smile gives you so much energy to go on with your day
And that OTHER time the Dream Store was having that spring cleaning thing and there was actually a notice on the front door but you’re too reckless to realize that and just legit barge in to JinJin dancing with a broom to Plz don’t be sad by Highlight while singing with a really, really High pitched voice
And you never felt this attacked honestly
JinJin is caught off guard and immediately restrains himself 
“My apologies. How can I help you? I’m Park Jinwoo, the Dream Store manager��
And you’re like ????? Okay ????
AND THAT OTHER TIME you were with this senior of yours in art school 
He’s reaaaally kind and cheerful and you’re actually good friends
So one day he invites for coffee in what he claimed to be his store
And you’re shook af on the way bc uhh isn’t this the way to Dream Store?
You two enter and everyone, legit every single member of the staff (aka astro) stops wtv they’re doing and 
“Y/N iS MJ hYunG’s gF ????!!!!?!!!”
And you’re like um wat 
And this is how you get to know all of them
And you never felt happier tbh 
Bc they are all so lovely 
Also bc you get to prank them 
You figured pranks were a thing after getting to know them all 
Sometimes you drop by to do your assignments there
Bc your house is too boring
And as an art student you need a lot of inspiration
Also bc MJ is there and is always ready to help you with studies
Other times you help them with serving bc the shop is getting more popular by the time bc of the quality of the food and the hostility of the staff
Also you’re prolly the only one Rocky allows to touch the pastries
He lets your help him with the decorations and even keeps your suggestions of new desserts in mind
JinJin seeks your and MJ’s help before making any changes in the store’s decor or theme 
You secretly help JinJin to become faster with the drinks 
And ofc you help with advertising the store 
Like you legit tell everyone you meet about it 
You’re basically just really happy you got to meet these cuties bc your life would 794261% be hella boring without them
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