#actually its a crawfish
It is so hot that I cannot function
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spectralreplica · 24 days
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But do you think the plan will work?
Oumota: tarot reading edition! I had this idea during Oumota Week and just got around to finishing it now 😔. At first I thought about giving Sun to Kaito and Moon to Kokichi (a la Reversed Sun by grayimperia), but I think it works better to have them both in each card, to highlight the parallels. (If you want more explanation of my design thoughts, I'll put it under a cut at the end.)
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General tarot meanings:
The Sun: happiness, confidence, success, optimism, innocence/childhood, inspiring others, internal motivation, truth
The Moon: illusion, imagination, uncertainty, secrets, confusion, intuition/the subconscious, fears influencing you, insecurity
The Star: hope, regaining inspiration, renewal, healing, moving on, new purpose, calm after the storm (Reversed Star: despair, lack of faith, pessimism, boredom, anxiety, being overwhelmed by past problems)
I feel like while Kaito is naturally more Sun coded and Kokichi more Moon coded, they have some qualities of both cards. And Star vs Reversed Star is so temping to bring in for DR.
I was thinking of it as a past, present, future kind of reading, but also maybe situation, action, outcome. Starting out with high self confidence and some childish black and white thinking. (Maybe a little over confident and childish to the point of egotism and inflexibility, shades of reversed sun...). Covering for insecurities by projecting a fake persona to everyone around, doubling down on the lies and self-deception a la chapter 5. Finally, either coming through everything stronger, with renewed hope, or else crashing and burning, overwhelmed by unacknowledged issues that have built up.
As for the specific imagery...
Sun: I stuck pretty close to the traditional imagery here. The flag/banner has their respective prints on it, and I put Kaito on Mars while Kokichi remains on Earth. It's also sundown or sunset for Kokichi; is he moving towards the Moon or away? The horse is obv. very chess piece inspired. Kokichi gets his King Horse a la the mask on his bed, and I gave Kaito a pegasus because flying.
Moon: Moving a little bit away from traditional imagery as more of the canon situation seeps in, but still pretty close. The moon floats "outside" the cage, wearing their respective false faces. (We know from the ending that the skyline on those glass panels isn't real...) They both have an Exisal in the background in place of one of the towers, but Kaito has a bamboo grove a la Princess Kaguya; Kaguya came from the moon and she will go back, no matter how much people on Earth love her. Kokichi has one of the racks that sits beside shrines where you're supposed to tie bad/unlucky omikuji (paper fortunes) so that the bad luck doesn't follow you; living in purposeful denial of bad things, but they lurk there on the horizon.
They both still have at least one dog/wolf, but I gave Kokichi a fox because of their association with being tricksters. Also, wolves and foxes, as predators, are framed as villains in stories, but at the same time it's also not uncommon to see them as heroes (stereotype of predator/hunter vs stereotype of bravery/nobility and cleverness). Also, contrast of fox and hound, like the clash of Kokichi presenting himself as childish + annoying vs a genuine threat. Kaito has the dog, monkey, and pheasant that accompanied Momotaro, continuing his fairytale theme.
Everyone seems to argue over what the crawfish means in the original, but I went with the interpretation of moving from water to land, evolution, things coming to the surface. So, Kaito has a koi. I think most people know about the "koi climbs a waterfall and becomes a dragon" thing because of Magikarp, but here it is again just in case! Kaito's got an aquatic creature struggling against its nature in hopes of someday actually transforming into something grander. Kokichi has a poison dart frog. Already amphibious, so it can go between water and land freely, but visibly harmful to anyone who tries to get close.
Star: The least traditional imagery and the most V3 canon imagery. There's still a tree, but it's a pine tree. ...I dunno, no explanation for that, it just looked nice 🤷‍♀️The two jugs are replaced with the poison and antidote bottles. Originally, they're supposed to represent the conscious and subconscious and pour in two different places, but here they're mixing together directly. V3 resolves the "truth vs lies" theme by arguing you have to accept ambiguity. Also, Kaito and Kokichi's whole plan rests on them managing to work together to obscure exactly who is in the Exisal in the end.
There's a figure in the foreground in Kaito's jacket, but they're just a silhouette (a la the culprit); it's not either of them, it's both, and they're reaching beyond the bounds of the game. The star in the sky is ringed by the trial podiums, since all of their hope for the future rests in derailing the next trial. Can they win? Well, Shuichi and Kiibo are at the top, the two people they (or at least Kokichi...) know can be problems, but Tsumugi is specifically blocked from view, always overlooked...
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cemetery14 · 7 months
aomine and akashi
i can see akashi putting in an effort to get closer to aomine since they didnt get along great in middle school
aomine would be extremely put off at first, grossed out even at the idea of akashi trying to get closer to him
it definitely would come off as creepy at first 💀 akashi unaware of how to get close to someone like aomine so it takes a couple tries
one day aomine mentions wanting to see the new godzilla movie and akashi takes the oppurtinity to say he wants to go see it as well, and when he offers to pay aomine cant say no (even if he reeeaaally want to lmao)
turns out akashi knows alot about godzilla and they end up talking alot and having a good time :> turns out akashi can be normal, this causes aomine to have a crisis over the fact that he actually enjoyed his company
i could even see aomine taking akashi to catch crawfish and cicadas in an attempt to scare him away, but than akashi takes off his shoes, rolls up his pants and gets in the water with aomine 💀 of course hes fucking fantatsic at catching them and aomine once again enjoys himself
once akashi shows aomine his sneaker collection its over, aomines ready to accept his fate as akahsis new best friend
akashi totally has some rare expensive shoes, and his rich ass would be so nonchalant about it, hed just casually offer aomine "you can take them if you want i never wear them" even tho they cost literal 1000s of dollars
before he knows it hes texting with akashi almost daily, he keeps it a secret tho like its some shameful thing to admit he likes akashi, akashi on the other hand is extremely proud of himself and mentions his new friendship with aomine at every oppurtunity
theyre at a miracle meeting and akashi is constantly going "oh me and aomine did this" "oh last week me and aomine" "i was talking with aomine about" and aomine just puts his head down in shame when everyone starts questioning how this happened
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bogleech · 1 year
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This is actually a rare valuable "squirt bug," a toy that came in the style of this sickly colored crawfish or a cicada. My crawfish lost its antennae back in the 80s. Now I use it to keep track of the air conditioner remote
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eye-of-the-phoenix · 5 months
I want to like CRY so much
I just finished replaying it and I have so many opinions, as always. This game is unique for me in that I WANT to like it so badly but it just doesn't quite work. However, I stubbornly replay it and ponder what it could have been because I wish I liked it more. I especially feel this way because I live in New Orleans and its just so CLOSE to being good!
More thoughts under the cut.
I actually think they did a great job with the setting. It's raining so hard that the power goes out and the streets are too flooded for cabs? There are weird creatures and bugs around every corner, some of which are messing with your belongings? The best food is from some sketchy stand served by some random Shorty person? Accurate, welcome to New Orleans. I can even forgive Bess for eating crawfish with the shells on with a spoon.
The characters are also good. Lamont is completely underutilized to where I'd never believe he was the culprit, but I can imagine running into all of these people throughout my day and it makes sense that they would all also interact with each other off-screen.
The core mystery is really interesting. It's the classic Nancy-gets-sucked-in-to-a-case-on-vacation scenario, but she really does stumble into the situation by accident in this one and has a personal stake because she gets attacked by the skeleton man. The progression is believable as she starts to unravel the skull mystery and discovers that Bruno's death was actually kind of suspicious.
My favorite ND trope, secret room/hideout/study revealed midgame, with a lot of things to look at and click on, is present.
The music is kind of a miss. It's not bad, but it should have been so much better. It has this boring CLK old-timey feel and they kind of missed the mark in my opinion. I think a more upbeat track with some brass, maybe something bluesy, maybe something modern would have added more variety.
The puzzles. THE PUZZLES ARE SO TEDIOUS. I hate that we find this book Bruno wrote and it's just a walkthrough to getting a bunch of eyeballs through various boring puzzles for the sake of padding the game. I use a walkthrough for like half of this game every time because I don't find the puzzles fun. My least favorites are the sneeze contraption because there is ZERO confirmation as to whether you're on the right track when you do it, and the tombstone pun puzzle because walking back and forth around the cemetery is SO TEDIOUS and it has zero replay value.
Bruno's house doesn't make sense because it's fairly spacious and kept up on the bottom story and the top floor that we can access is just two horrible moldy rooms. Bruno, you dropped dead from breathing in black mold in your own house, not a heart attack. Trust me when I say I know it's humid and wet here, but there's just no reason for the upstairs to be that uninhabitable indoors.
On a related note, I wish there was more to explore, and no, the cemetery doesn't count. There should be more rooms for Nancy to snoop through (where is Henry sleeping?) and like one more place for Bess to go. Or more things to do and click on in Zeke's aside from just looking at that one box a million times. Or the option to poke around Renee's table when she's away. NOT nearly enough snooping for me.
It's so dark. It's too dark. It could have been like 10% lighter or had a partial daytime element so that I could actually see what I was doing even a tiny bit.
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gacktfan69 · 2 months
Band rec (/band introduction)
I'm sorry idk how to make posts look pretty yet but anyway here are ZRGN/zarigani (meaning crawfish)
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On the left is Satsuki, he does the guitar, backing vocals, and he's a professional video editor so he edits their mvs! On the right is Hyoga, the vocalist and bassist. They had a different vocalist previously but he left, not sure why.
ZRGN is iryou and misshitsu kei, their songs are quite fun to listen to they have a unique sound, I recommend. Also, both Hyoga and Satsuki speak English, Satsuki even majored in english in college.
Here are the songs I recommend to start with!
They released an album this april which include re-arranged versions of the above songs so I recommend listening to those after you listen to the original versions
This song shares a name w the album! Their most recent on spotify.
Satsuki is also selling cheki on booth/buyee, I think they're still up. I'm waiting for mine to arrive, they're all signed, he even tried reaching out to everyone who ordered so he can write their names on the cheki but there were some issues because buyee is difficult, but its sweet regardless. I actually spoke to him over insta regarding the cheki and he seemed really sweet and friendly!
Please give them a listen! They are more active on Twitter than instagram I think, so you can try find them there!
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wolfstrong · 1 month
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Shadow Sect Culture
Stealth, Observation, Loyalty, Privacy, The ability to keep a secret
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Religious & Political Beliefs--
Shadow Sect traditionally has female leaders due to the fact that the Shadow Star, founder of the Sect, was a she-cat. It's unusual for a non-female cat to be leader, but it can happen- an exception might be made if the cat is Blessed, particularly by the Shadow Star.
Shadow Sect cats tend to settle their arguments and disagreements by sparring. It's not uncommon for a pair of apprentices to suddenly start to tussle, or for a group of warriors to start snapping their teeth at each other. When cats from other Sects witness this, they're usually taken aback, and see the behavior as cruel and barbaric, and often question whether anyone in Shadow Sect actually likes each other. The sparring is always done in good faith, though, and (usually) no one holds any grudges when they lose. The biggest rule in this mock-fighting is not to draw blood- anyone who does automatically loses.
Shadow Sect is the most open to taking in wanderers and loners as Sectmates. They understand better than the other Sects how rough life can be, although this may be because of how many of them were once rogues themselves. They’re of the belief that loyalty is more important than bloodlines, and being Sectborn makes you no better or worse than a non-Sectborn.
Shadow Sect is the most lax about the code, likely because of how many former rogues there are. While some rules are definitely important and are drilled into new members' heads, it’s super common for a Shadow Sect cat to be an atheist, or even occasionally for an advisor to have children.
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Physical Traits--
Because of the amount of strays they take in, Shadow Sect has the least consistency in body type and pelt colour among the four Sects, although most members tend to have darker fur.
Dark fur is very attractive here, particularly an all-black cat. If you're born as a solid black cat in the Shadow Sect, then you've got it made in the shade (hahahaha).
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Territory & Landmarks--
A thick marshland with tall pine trees. There are a few rocky areas towards the mountains that border their territory to the northeast. There’s hardly any grass on Shadow Sect territory- the ground is mostly muddy or watery.
The Carrion Place - A filthy, diseased place filled with rats. It’s believed to be a cursed place, and anyone who steps paw here will get sick and die within days.
The Burnt Sycamore - An ancient tree struck by lightning a long time ago. Apprentices train here to stalk and hunt.
The Lion Skull - A large ancient skull that sticks out of the mud. It’s believed that a lion once died here, and the skull is all the remains. It’s said that if you sleep inside it, its spirit will protect you.
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A dark, well-concealed hollow surrounded by prickly brambles with a thin, rocky path leading inside. The camp is one of the few places on the territory with completely dry land.
The leader’s den is a dug out hollow beneath the roots of a giant oak tree. It's warm and cozy, with naturally growing moss on the ceiling keeping the den soft.
The warrior’s den is under a bramble bush, lined with pine needles and moss inside.
Two large, smooth rocks propped up against each other form the healer’s den, and sick cats sleep in the ferns surrounding it. Reeds and brambles are woven into a mesh propped up against the opening that keeps the rain and cold out.
The nursery is a dip in the ground hidden by a thorn bush. Next to it is the apprentice’s den, a hollowed out tree trunk.
An organized pile of roots and branches with mud and swamp grasses woven in makes up the elder’s den.
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Duck eggs
Turtle eggs
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Predators & Dangers--
Snapping turtles
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Marsh herbs
Fly wings (beetles, dragonflies, etc.)
Eggs (duck & turtle)
Lizard skins
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Creative Skills--
The music and storytelling here is dark, spooky, and dramatic. They focus mostly on tales of warning and those that get their dues.
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Naming Traditions--
Most Shadow Sect parents like naming their kits after spiny or deadly foliage (Holly, Thorn, Yew, Barberry) and predators (Boar, Badger, Wolf, Coyote). They also like naming their kits ‘edgy’ things (Bone, Shatter, Pitch, Strike). They’re of the belief that sharp, defensive names will ensure that their kits will have longer, healthier lives and ward off things that might harm them, so names that are considered ‘soft’, like Flutter, Wish, or Gentle, are pretty uncommon.
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Important Names--
Bat - It's believed in the Shadow Sect that bats were created by the Shadow Star to send messages. To name your kit Bat is to open them up to her desires.
Fen, Marsh, Mire, Swamp - Kittens who were born weak or in a rough time are named after the place where the Shadow Sect makes their home.
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Taboo Names--
Owl - owls are believed to be the ancestors of all Shadow Sect cats, so naming your child Owl is seen as really, really conceited and vain.
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The Brilliant Star - Signifying a Shadow Sect leader
Shade - Given to warriors and healers who have done something exemplary (such as discovering a new herb, or saving a litter of kits from certain death)
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Common Nicknames & Idioms--
Common terms of endearment in the Shadow Sect are nutkin and little shadow.
"I pray your night is long" is a saying found only in the Shadow Sect. It essentially means "good luck, I hope things go well".
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The Shadow Sect is a particularly superstitious Sect. They refuse to hold any ceremonies when the sky isn’t clear, and don't like to drink from water that doesn't reflect starlight. They're the most likely to believe that a place is haunted, and they have areas of their territory they avoid because of that. The Shadow Sect believes that kits born on a night without the moon are very, very bad luck.
The Shadow Sect looks down on most scars. They believe that battle scars mark a brash, stupid, unstealthy warrior. However, they also understand that scars and injuries are a way of life, and thus cannot always be avoided. A heavily-scarred cat is considered untrustworthy and someone to be avoided.
A ceremony held when the sky isn't clear will result in bad luck for the ceremony recipient.
Drinking from water that doesn't reflect starlight will result in getting very sick.
Kits born on a moonless night are bad luck. Most are sickly and will not survive to adulthood, and those that do bring death and bad luck wherever they go.
A spider’s web traps malicious ghosts and spirits, and a camp without spiders is an unclean and dangerous home. Healers must take care to ensure any cobwebs they collect are uninhabited.
Bats are seen as messengers of the Stars, and therefore cannot be hunted, or a curse will be set upon the Sect.
Killing a snake will permanently curse you. Because of this, no Shadow Sect cat will even touch the adder skins the Thunder Sect brings to trade.
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Funerals & Mourning--
Shadow Sect funerals are simple. The bodies are carefully dressed and taken care of, vigil is sat silently, and the elders bury the bodies at moonrise. Family chooses the burial spot within the Sect's graveyard.
Grief is expected to take place for a long time. A cat who finishes grieving "too quickly" is troublesome and looked on with suspicion. Cats in mourning are given time, space, and rest. They're not assigned to patrols unless they express a need to keep busy, and are brought food by their loved ones. If a warrior has an apprentice, they're reassigned to a new mentor.
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The Shadow Sect accent, much like the Wind Sect's, is sharp and pointed, but unlike the Wind Sect's, it can also be somewhat guttural. The Shadow Sect puts emphasis on the letters H, G, and K alongside T and S.
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Miscellaneous Tidbits & Fun Facts--
Shadow Sect cats will eat just about anything they can get their claws on. This is less about being gluttonous, and more about the fact that there's less larger prey on their territory. As a result, most Shadow Sect cats have a pretty good immune system, and rarely starve. Unfortunately, this also means that when an illness hits the Sect, it's usually pretty devastating.
Because Shadow Sect operates mainly at night, they prefer the dark and the quiet. They rely mostly on stalking and ambush techniques. They find it irritating how loud the other Sects are- especially Thunder Sect.
Pawspeak (aka sign language) was created in Shadow Sect. It began as a mother working out a way to communicate with her Deaf child, but quickly began to grow and spread beyond that. It’s now used to communicate when stalking and hunting, and has even spread beyond the Sect themselves.
Shadow Sect is the only Sect that uses poisons as treatment. In their culture, if a cat will not survive and is in intense pain, a healer may make the choice to feed them nightshade or foxglove seeds. It is required that all other possible steps to heal them be taken first, and poison only be administered with the patient’s express permission. This is a path that isn’t taken often, and when it is, the healer prays to Lady Mothflight from the point of giving the poison to when their patient has taken their last breath. Any deviation from these steps may result in the healer’s code being considered to have been broken.
It was Mossheart, alongside Swiftfoot of the Wind Sect, that created the half-moon truce and the “no killing cats in battle unless absolutely 100% necessary” law. While she’s widely forgotten by most Sect cats, healers and advisors remember her as the assistant of the Timeturners, and believe that she helps give prophecies and omens through the earth.
Partners in the Twisting Shadow Sect will often spar to keep their skills sharp! While the other Sects also do this, it’s viewed as a deeply romantic thing in the Shadow Sect- a way to keep your bond and partnership strong and demonstrate that you trust each other with your very heart and soul.
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milokissa707 · 1 year
Weak 1 wttt/wttsh headcanon post, this one’s about Louisiana by a local.
Louisiana and Maine got in a small scrap when they first met because of lobsters. At first Louisiana said it was a large Crawfish(if he actually thought it was one or he was just messing around is up to you) and then it devolved into the time old argument of how to say Crawfish. I’m telling you, somebody who is born and raised in the state of Louisiana, that Carw-Fish, not Crayfish, but crawdad is accepted. Anyways, there are other things that they have gotten into arguments about due to the difference of the French.
Louisiana points to a raccoon: Oooo, un chaoui! (a raccoon, Louisiana French)
Maine, absolutely confused, so he switches to English: What did you just say? Why are you pointing to that raccoon?
For those who do not know Louisiana French has basically compiled West African Spanish, and indigenous American languages, and just kind of threw them together very violently.
He’s Louisiana Creole (this also includes Cajuns if you didn’t know, there used to not be a real big distinction between the two, it’s a complicated thing).
A small historical thing for you
The term Créole was originally used by the Louisiana French to distinguish people born in Louisiana from those born elsewhere, thus drawing a distinction between Old-World Europeans and Africans from their Creole descendants born in the New World. The word is not a racial label and does not imply mixed racial origins—people of any race can and have identified as Louisiana Creoles.
This is one of the older definitions of the creole identity. It has been shunned and forcibly erased because of racism specifically from White Creoles and the americanization of Louisiana from Anglo-American ideals. Racism is a very big problem and I wish that I could shake people and maybe even kill a few. We must acknowledge the discrimination and segregation of people of colour(of all backgrounds) in Louisiana and throughout its history. Also let’s not forget the colonization of indigenous groups done by the US, France, Spain,and Creoles. We must not forget the disgusting and horrible actions we have done and must take actions to mend these deplorable and horrific things we have done! “ But blah blah nonsense that is just racism” shut the fuck up I will kill you, I can kill the alligator I can kill you. Anyways, this is also my small reminder that we should not focussed on just the Cajun identity and just stops teaching fucking Parisian French in our schools and that we should focus on our own stuff not whatever the fuck Paris is doing.
He is definitely a Creole of colour, he’s specifically a Gens de couleur libres (free persons of color) if you want to learn more about this look at the Creole of colour Wikipedia page,you can try to fight me on this I WILL WIN🙂! He was also a grands habitants (a Creole aristocrat, aka this boy got MONEY). I actually think he still has a lot of the money but chose to live more down to earth and rarely, if at all, uses it. Because to be honest, a good amount of us in Louisiana are poor. Anyways, thank God for Mississippi.
We know from canon that he uses CajVE(Cajun Vernacular English), no that’s not just a “Louisiana accent”. I mean he does have a Louisiana accent, but what most people think is a “Louisiana accent” is just CajVE. If you can see I am a bit annoyed by this whole thing (not at Ben he is giving us amazing representation). Most of the time you see this done badly(CRIMINAL MINDS😡) by having a character from NoLa using CajVE when NoLa has its own Vernacular English(sometimes called the Yat accent, to me it is closer to a NYC accent). Like are there people in NoLa that use CajVE, yes of course, but if you’re character’s hole family has lived in NoLa since the beginning of colonization why in hell are they using a different vernacular dialect of English. Sorry about that tangent but anyway we have multiple Vernacular English, mostly because of the Americanization of Louisiana. He also can probably speak all of the little variations of Louisiana French.
I think he has long hair, but not really long, probably around his shoulders. If you have been anywhere in the deep south it is hot and humid and even when I lived there I was impressed about people who have long and thick hair, bro like are you ok? Look, just give him Lafayette’s hair from Hamilton and yeah you should get it.
I am torn between if he is just a Catholic who practices Voodoo, or if he just practices Hoodoo.But honestly, that doesn’t really matter when it comes up to this next part. He still definitely has a name that follows Catholic tradition. For those who don’t know you are supposed to have at least one part of your name that is also a Saint’s name. I think he would be named after Hubert of Liege (said like A-Bert though, because French and like the patron st of hunting… and rabies), but there are like so many st so yeah. That would probably be his middle name. For his first I really like any name like Lou, Loui, Louis because well it fits and I actually know like 7 people named something along those lines. For his last name probably Landry, Fontenot, Guidry, Boudreaux. I kind of want to throw magnolia in there, maybe it’s Latin clasificacion. I know it says that he practises voodoo, this is a headcannon so yeet!
He’s either psychic, or he can talk to ghosts, maybe even both. I’m not religious by any means, but the whole state of Louisiana is haunted.  I lived in the suburbs and I lived relatively close(less than a mile) away from some families personal graveyard. Even in my little small town, you could find places that almost everybody could agree upon that “Yeah, somethings a little bit off there”. I’m not saying this in a bad way, not completely at least, it’s just what it is. Like I said, I’m not religious (not anymore) nor am I particularly a spiritual person(even though, yeah, I’m a pagan). When I tell you, I have seen shit that I cannot explain by science that I’ve heard shit from people that I cannot explain by science. I tell you the entire state of Louisiana, maybe not the north but at least the south is haunted as hell I’m not joking. It’s important to our culture to. A lot of people here(the majority of the state population) is Catholic and our saints and ghost stories are very important to us. You don’t have to believe in the supernatural. I don’t even know if I fully do, but I can admit to you when I have seen things that I cannot explain.  If you’re interesting about what I saw in with my experience have been super ask. 
I think he probably use and practises with tarot cards. It might shock you that even still a lot of people in Louisiana both people who are solely Catholic and people who practice voodoo use tarot. I associate tarot with my home. I was taught by my grandmother when I was younger, remember her teaching me all the cards in their meaning . Some of my dearest memories of New Orleans is walking around the French quarter in front of  The St. Louis Cathedral (even more reasons I wish to call this man Louis) and gazing into the crystal balls, tarot cards, and crystals booths lined up in front of the cathedral. Maybe it’s because of my very strong connection to it but I cannot imagine Louisiana not doing it at least once in his life. It always shocked a lot of people especially ones who are not Catholic when I tell them that Louisiana has a strong history with Tarot. 
Turn on my ideas for Cryptid Louisiana, it’s more specifically local stuff comparative to giant bird alligator monster.
Rougarou- I grew up on stories of this, I remember my Ma (my great grandmother, who was born in I think 1920 and spotted French and had scars from when her teacher would hit her for speaking French instead of English) tell me stories of naughty little Catholics getting eaten alive. Rougarou it’s like a weird dog, werewolf, I’ve heard alligator thrown in there sometime creature that comes and get you if you’re bad. It’s never really specified how one becomes a Rougarou or how they transform(or even if they do at all) but unlike werewolves, they are not limited to being transformed under the full moon. Hell they’re not even limited to it being night.  it’s probably one of the most well-known folklores out of Louisiana, stinking rolling and even supernatural have mentioned, and had episodes about it. Sold 6/10, probably only that high because of nostalgia.
1 New Site thing 
2 Wikipedia 
Vampire- I don’t remember who made the art of it I know someone has, yeah vampires. Shockingly we have them if you watch the origins, you probably know that. This also links back to a good story about one of our favourite vampires! 8/10
 Ghost- nothing one specific just a GHOST ! 4/10
Honey island swamp monster- I’m gonna be very blunt here. I don’t like this one and the next one I’m gonna talk about is in my opinion is better than this, but I digress. I don’t like Bigfoot but sometimes he’s also like part alligator. Eh 4/10 next one’s better
Letiche!- Boys I finally get to talk about it, this is the original OG honey island swamp monster. A combination of Cajun-Creole and Native American folklore this shit fit him this shit is my favourite creature that we have. Sometimes it’s described as the soul of an illegitimate unbaptized infant, or a human child raised by alligators. This monster haunts the swamps of Louisiana and capsizes boat(or just messing with them) or attacking people. 10/10
“There are two different origin stories for this monster. The first, more commonly accepted theory is that Letiche are the souls of unbaptized children who have passed away, cursed to linger in the unforgiving swamps and bring havoc to the area. The second story has roots in Native American mythology. The legend goes that a child was taken by swamp alligators and raised as one of their own. Over time, the Letiche developed the qualities of an alligator. So while he may still maintain some features of a man, such as walking upright and having human hands and feet, his life in the swamps among the alligators has caused him to develop many reptillian characteristics. This includes a green hued hide, not unlike that of an alligator, and of course, a set of sharp, lethal teeth”
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the artis
If you wish to read more folktales from Louisiana, here you go, here’s some links, you can usually function from here
Jean Lafitte
Abita Mystery House in Abita Springs, Louisiana
Bonnie and Clyde Gas Station in Gibsland, Louisiana
Feu Follet
Jones–Liddell feud
Gris-gris (if you were wondering what he meant by that)
Marie Laveau, I don’t even truly need to link stuff for her or you can just look her up. You could buy books about her. 
Chicken Chase
I do hope you enjoyed my borderline deranged rambling about my state, feel free to use this for whatever! I very much encourage (I’m begging you) to make fanfiction and Fanart of this.
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jehanne-gaudet · 1 year
"Eugh. I fuckin hate seafood…"
The first time I said it after I moved to California I felt something weird happen. It was in Brent's shitty just-outside-LA apartment.
"Yeah, same dude. Let's get Indian." Jeremy put no thought into it. It's just how he felt. So why did it make me angry?
"No you don't," I almost said. Maybe it's the T firing me up, who knows.
"You don't hate seafood." I say again.
"Yes I do…? The texture of fish is gross, and that fishy taste makes me want to vom."
"Sure, fish tastes bad to you but you don't understand. You don't fucking hate seafood." I don't even know what I mean.
My mom puts her hand on my back, as if to tell me not to engage with it. But almost on que my asshole unc chimes in from down the table, "what's da problem, a lil bug never hurt nobody." He's shaking a crawfish at me with that almost-smile he does. Its insect legs are in full view.
My stomach turns, "I thought you were gonna just make me a steak."
Brent chimes in "I will, I'll start it in just a second. Just let me finish ordering." He types the rest of his address into DoorDash and starts scanning through the menus.
In 15 minutes I remind him again, "hey don't forget the steak."
"Oh shit my bad dude. Yeah let me start the grill." He slides his way around the crawfish pot and starts up his air fryer.
"Wait I just realized" he said "aren't you from New Orleans? How do you hate–"
"I'm from Slidell actually, but uh… yeah, close enough."
"Oh gotcha."
"… It's like the distance from here to LA."
"Right, right." He starts seasoning the steaks on a plate. I lost my appetite after the crawfish thing, but I guess it's just a matter of principle at this point. "So like what did you even eat down there if you don't like seafood?"
"Idk, just the same as you I guess." I never know what people mean by that. What, you think McDonald's is different in Louisiana?
"Right. Yeah okay, I guess so."
"What, your mamma don't cook?" My ex boyfriend drops himself into the couch where Jeremy was sitting before.
"No, no, she's cooking. It's just, she does seafood gumbo on Christmas every year, so I just get McDonald's." I explain.
"K____, I told you I can make you a steak instead," my mom shouts from the crawfish table. My name is Charles not K____. Whatever. I'd rather just eat before I show up, so I ignore her.
Brent goes on, "right I mean, I guess McDonald's is McDonald's." He drops the steak into the air fryer with a hiss.
I didn't actually tell Jeremy that he doesn't hate seafood. I don't even know what that would mean.
Jeremy walks back into the room after a few minutes, "Sorry about that, that was my mom. She just told my grandpa about my transition."
"Oh shit dude, how'd it go?"
"He was surprisingly chill."
I miss my mom. I don't really hear from family anymore.
The doorbell rings; it's our Indian food.
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lilja4ever · 1 year
putting this under a cut because its silly
did you know bojack starts drinking in 1989 during the filming of horsin around specifically the Cindy crawfish episode (S6E1) but is surprised in 1993 when he drinks the spiked punch at his halloween party (S5E8)? he also describes season three of horsin around (likely premiering in September 1989-may 1990) as a big cocaine year for him (S2E9), meaning 1989 was the first year he drank immediately was followed by cocaine usage , it was also the year they got Cindy crawfish to guest star which means that it was towards the apex of his fame when he started to indulge in that way. but him being like "oh someone spiked the punch!! oh no!!! I should just have one drink" at the halloween party in 1993 always confused me since it's established he started drinking in 1989 and I thought it was just a continuity error (which to be fair it definitely was) but it honestly makes me think that at that point he'd been trying to control his drinking in the early 90s (I thought maybe it would correlate with beatrice visiting him at the horsin around taping because he immediately asks the waiter for a drink at the restaurant but that took place in 1988 [S2E1]) and had ups and downs which is really interesting? I think when I consider bojacks fame in the 90s I always assume he was most famous and at his worst when the show was airing and it's made obvious he was not doing well during the filming, but considering he seemed to not want to immediately drink during MOST of horsin' arounds filming adds a lot to his character . like after the show was canceled and herb was fired he established his worst behaviors.. and I think the show emphasizes herb getting fired was BAD for bojack's brain but not so much as "bojack began his really bad cycles after herb was fired".... interesting! I wonder if "therapy doesn't work for me im too smart" came from prior experience in a weird way. I dont know a lot about actual 90s celebrities and their periods of addiction unfortunately but I think being sent away to inpatient service for a few weeks after a public incident was a popular punishment and I think bojack had to suffer through those a few times. or if he wasn't doing any projects he didn't have to... regardless the fact that most of his addictions became central to his life AFTER horsin' around was canceled is fascinating. anyway
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It's Blorbo Blursday! For this question, you might need a bit of context!
A few fast food chains, Mcdonald's most notably, have done celebrity meals (CardiB and Offset, BTS, Travis Scott, to name a few!) that consist of a chosen combination of their regular menu items and might also come with some sort of special dipping sauce or branding on the packaging.
So for today's question, I want to know, what would your OCs "celebrity meal" be?
Thank you for this Ask, @writernopal!
I'm terribly sorry for the late answer. I don't know if this is a proper answer, but since I don't know much about real menus of fast food restaurants, I will answer with an "In-Universe" version of a "Celebrity Menu" for my cast!
RAELEN - (Raelen is a complicated one to answer for. She doesn't have a very specific "favorite dish", and is not a very picky eater either. But, I would say that Raelen's food of choice - if she had to answer this - would be) :
(SAVORY) Any kind of pasty with roasted venison for filling, preferably as warm as possible (as in, fresh out of the oven).
(SWEET) Pure chocolate cake, or overall anything with chocolate, though chocolate and fresh berry pies are her all-time favorite.
(DRINK) Fruit teas. Occasionally, warm wine - it's the most easily accessible beverage in the kingdom she grew up in and since she hates ale, it's the next best thing to find in taverns while on the run.
(SAVORY) Anything spicy and extremely well-seasoned. Spicy pasta dishes, with flaming hot sauce or any kind of hot pepper stew would certainly be his favorites.
(SWEET) Vallerius is not a huge fan of desserts, but he would never say no to a well-made breakfast cinnamon roll or a creamy lemon pie.
(DRINK) Voidberry Juice. Sounds menacing, looks dangerous, but actually tastes really good, once one gets past its initial tangy/acidic taste. (The stems and leaves of the plant are poisonous though, so one needs to be really careful before making juice from the berries. That's why he only drinks this juice if he made it himself.)
(SAVORY) Roasted deep-sea Kraken or fried lobster claws. Sometimes those two things go together in one dish. He hasn't had something like that since he left the Storm Isles, though.
(SWEET) Caramel Fruit - as in, fruits covered by burnt caramel - or any kind of hard candy, as long as it isn't acidic.
(DRINK) Chocolate milk is his go-to drink of choice.
(SAVORY) He is vegetarian, and meat makes him sick. His favorite dish would be pumpkin and spinach pie. He also likes soup but hates salad.
(SWEET) Frozen Blueberry cake, he also likes anything with vanilla and blueberries, preferably if it is in a cake.
(DRINK) Wild blackberry wine/juice.
(SAVORY) Anything with roasted/baked partridge wings, or river fish cooked with pasta. He does not like spicy food but doesn't like bland food either - his taste in food sits right in between those two options.
(SWEET) Glazed cherry rolls, but being a huge dessert fan, he ends up eating any kind of sweet rolls available to him.
(DRINK) A warm, sweet, mildly alcoholic (includes wine), butter-infused drink that usually includes honey and nutmeg.
(SAVORY) Well-done mutton leg, roasted over a fire, with a side dish of creamy rice with vegetable sticks to follow.
(SWEET) Anything large and bountiful, though her all-time favorite consists of a caramel cake with chocolate and cream filling.
(DRINK) Ale, preferably of the strongest sort.
(SAVORY) Crawfish sandwiches, but he also loves mountain ox stew with cheese.
(SWEET) Anything with strawberry. His favorites include (strawberry) cupcakes, muffins, and cakes.
(DRINK) Strawberry Milkshake
(SAVORY) Spicy goat and pork casserole with foraged vegetables.
(SWEET) Almond pancakes with any kind of syrup
(SAVORY) Anything grilled. She is particularly fond of grilled chicken or turkey, with a side dish of creamy pasta and vegetables.
(SWEET) Warm rolls or pies with a vanilla cream filling. She is also a huge fan of almond pudding with burnt caramel toppings.
(DRINK) Hot milk with burnt sugar and mint. She also likes sparkling wine.
(SAVORY) Spicy chicken/turkey pies or pasties.
(SWEET) Cookies of any kind, though he prefers chocolate cookies over all the others.
(DRINK) Black tea, with a spoonful of either sugar syrup or cream
(SAVORY) All kinds of stews and warm soups. Azra likes venison and oxtail the best of all types, though when it comes to soup he prefers ones made with vegetables over meat.
(SWEET) Vanilla bread pudding or honeycombs
(DRINK) Warm wine, as well as any kind of hot chocolate
(SAVORY) Mushroom pancakes and any kind of crepe with enough filling, preferably not spicy.
(SWEET) Dried fruit rolls with powdered cinnamon and sugar
(DRINK) Apple cider, or light wine
(SAVORY) Fish sticks, or any kind of fish pasties
(SWEET) Jam-filled biscuits
(DRINK) Green tea, as well as any kind of juice. Hates alcoholic beverages.
(SAVORY) Seafood casserole bowls, usually made with sea-monster meat, as well as roasted lobster claws or shrimp.
(SWEET) Vanilla and strawberry jam cheesecakes
(DRINK) Sweet bubbly/sparkling tea
(SAVORY) Vegetable sticks, as well as baked/cooked venison with creamy pasta (preferably with some kind of sauce on the side)
(SWEET) Fresh fruits
(DRINK) Cold Tea, Wine (the stronger the better), or just water
(SAVORY) Stuffed and roasted hare/rabbit
(SWEET) Orange and fig cupcakes. Learns to love chocolate desserts due to his friendship with Raelen.
(DRINK) Apricot licor
(SAVORY) Mutton with rice
(SWEET) Vanilla cakes, blueberry pancakes, and sweet pepper jam sandwiches
(DRINK) Grape/Blackberry juice
(SAVORY) Smoked hare with "burnt" pumpkin rolls
(SWEET) Doesn't like sweets.
(SAVORY) Swan pie or roasted goose with cheese and vegetable fillings
(SWEET) Rose and Caramel cakes
(DRINK) Mead. He also likes coffee with cream
I still need to figure out the favorite foods for the rest of the cast, but these are the main ones! I hope you like this and that this answers your Ask properly!
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arlecchno · 2 years
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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fishfactsfriday · 2 years
Fish Facts #11 Catfish
Catfish are a very diverse group of critters, living all across the globe, in costal waters and inland (that means both salt and fresh water) and in every single continent minus Antartica!
Catfish are generally bottom feeders, evident by there whiskers which is where they get the cat in there name from. Those whiskers are actually called barbels but some catfish don’t even have them! They also have downward facing mouths, consuming whatever might lurk in the mud like larvae for younger fish and plants, crawfish and snails for some adults. However they can become carnivores, swallowing some fish whole.
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Most catfish don’t have scales and instead are very slimy leathery skin, and they don’t have skin for a particular reason, they are simply built different.
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However there is a catfish that has armor, the aptly named armored catfish. It is covered in triangular bony plates and are one of the few catfish that use there eyes rather then relying on sense of smell.
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Catfish drastically differ in sizes, such as the small Bristlenose Pleco often kept in aquariums to feed on algae which only reaches about 5 inches (12.7 cm) at maturity,
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to the gigantic Mekong catfish which can get up to a record 9 ft (2.7 m) and weighed at 646 lbs (293 kg)!!
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catfish also make a sort of growling sound out of water, a sound produced by the air going through its gills
Originally created June 25, 2021
Sources lost
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siircn · 5 months
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NAIA THALIA MONROE: SHE appears as though SHE was born 27 years ago but is actually 406, who is a SIREN and lives in WHITE OAKS as the OWNER OF BLUE FROG CAFE, and is NOT IN A POD. SHE looks an awful lot like ZENDAYA COLEMAN
✕ ⸻ BASICS ⸻ FULL NAME: Naia Thalia Monroe ⸻ NICKNAMES: Nini, TT, Thal, Nana ⸻ BIRTHDAY: April 7th 1617  ⸻ ZODIAC: Aries Sun, Gemini Venus, Pisces Mercury, Taurus Moon, Scorpio rising, Leo Mars ⸻ AGE: 27 years old (human years) ; 406 years old (siren years) ⸻ GENDER: cis female ⸻ PRONOUNS: she/her ⸻ SEXUAL & ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: bisexual & biromantic ⸻ SCARS / TATTOOS: tbd. ⸻ OCCUPATION: Owner of Blue Frog Cafe ⸻ SPECIES: siren ⸻ INSPO/SIMILARITIES: jennifer check (jennifer's body), mystique (xmen), andrea ( the walking dead), damon salvatore ( the vampire diaries ), dean winchester ( supernatural ), oberyn martell ( game of thrones ), cersei lannister ( game of thrones ), gabrielle solis ( desparate housewives ), derek morgan ( criminal minds ),
✕ ⸻ BIO
tw: death, child death, drowning to be updated more in the future
Naia Thalia Monroe was born on April 7, 1617, in a quaint seaside village. As a child, she was curious about the sea and fascinated by its mysteries. Her family was close-knit: her father was a skilled fisherman, her mother managed the household, and she had a younger brother who was the light of her life.
From a young age, Naia was known for her gentle demeanor and soothing presence, qualities that would later become significant in her life as a siren. She married young to a kind-hearted man who was a fellow fisherman, and together they started a family. They lived a modest but happy life, finding joy in the simple pleasures of the sea and their little home by the shore.
In 1648, Naia's husband set out on a fishing expedition, accompanied by Naita, their son, & her father. Her & her child weren't supposed to be there, but her son loved & adored his father, wanting nothing but to be with him. He threw fits if he was gone for more than an hour. So they were on the ship, helping catch fish and whatever else may have you. Shrimp, mussels, crawfish, etc. The journey started as a routine expedition, but as the day wore on, an enchanting, melancholic song drifted over the waves. It was the siren’s song, designed to lure sailors to their doom. The song’s beauty was irresistible, and Naia’s husband, believing someone was in distress, steered the ship towards the sound. Tragically, the ship struck hidden rocks beneath the surface, causing a catastrophic crash. The impact was fatal for Naia’s husband, and both her father and son drowned in the cold, dark waters. Naia was devastated, grappling with immense grief and guilt over the loss of her family.
As Naia floated in the wreckage, she was discovered by the siren responsible for the disaster. This siren was ancient, a creature of the deep with a tragic and lonely past. The siren saw Naia’s profound sorrow and desperation as an opportunity. She offered Naia a chance to escape her grief and loneliness, but at a terrible price.
The siren proposed that Naia join her in a new existence beneath the waves. Naia was torn between the anguish of her loss and the promise of an eternal companionship. She refused the siren's offer & out of some deep-rooted evil & fear of being alone, the siren forced her under the waters to join her as a companion.
The transformation process was both physical and emotional. The siren’s magic drowned Naia in the dark, cold depths of the sea, where she experienced a profound sense of both death and rebirth. Her human form was replaced with that of a siren: beautiful yet deadly. She became an immortal being with the power to enchant and ensnare.
Initially, Naia struggled with her new identity. She was haunted by memories of her family and conflicted about her new role as a predator. The siren tried to mentor her, teaching her how to use her voice to lure sailors and survive in the treacherous underwater world. Naia learned to adapt to her new existence, feasting on the flesh of those who fell victim to their schemes.
Over the next several decades, Naia lived a life of both luxury and horror. She grew accustomed to the siren’s ways, though she never fully embraced them. She would occasionally try to resist the urge to lure sailors, but the allure of her siren nature was always there, a constant battle between her instincts and her fading memories of her human life.
Naia’s relationship with the siren was complex. She resented the siren for taking her family from her and for forcing her into this new, violent life. Yet, she also recognized that the siren had given her a form of companionship and a means of survival. Their relationship was a mixture of dependence, manipulation, and reluctant affection.
As the years turned into centuries, Naia’s resentment grew. She became more skilled and cunning, plotting her escape from the siren’s grasp. At around the age of 300, she found an opportunity. Using her wits and the few allies she had made over the years, she orchestrated a plan to break free from the siren’s influence.
Her escape was fraught with danger and required a deep, perilous journey through the undersea realms. After a fierce confrontation, she managed to break away, severing her connection with the siren and beginning a new chapter of her existence.
After escaping the siren’s clutches, Naia wandered the world, moving from place to place, haunted by her past but driven to find a new purpose. Her travels eventually led her to Greywood, a quiet town where she decided to settle down and start anew. At the age of 403, she opened the Blue Frog Cafe, a sanctuary for both herself and those who sought comfort in the town.
Here, she strives to build a new life, blending her old world’s wisdom with the new one she’s trying to embrace. The café serves as a bridge between her past and present, a place where she can contribute to the community while keeping her darker nature at bay.
naia has been more into flings than actual relationships. she ends the relationships when she gets bored of them (& might even try to eat them). flings can be current or past. no guarantee of romance. (1/?)
regulars at the blue frog cafe
considering she's 406 years old, she's done a lot of traveling!
open to anything
Voice and Singing: Naia has a mesmerizing singing voice that she uses both to charm café customers and occasionally to lure unsuspecting prey. She often hums softly while working, adding an ethereal atmosphere to the Blue Frog Cafe.
Style and Fashion: Naia’s style blends vintage elegance with modern trends. She often wears flowing dresses and accessories that have a nautical or aquatic theme, subtly hinting at her siren nature.
Cooking and Recipes: Despite her need for raw meat, Naia is an excellent cook and enjoys creating unique dishes for the café. She often incorporates seafood into her recipes, drawing on her extensive knowledge of marine life.
Human Connections: Naia is deeply protective of her human friends and customers, often forming bonds with those who frequent her café. She sees them as a way to stay grounded in the human world.
Knowledge of History: With centuries of life experience, Naia has an extensive knowledge of history and cultures. She often surprises people with her insights and stories about events long past.
Art and Creativity: Naia is an accomplished artist, using painting and drawing as a way to process her emotions and memories. Her artwork often features themes of the sea and the mythical.
Reluctant Heroine: Despite her darker instincts, Naia often finds herself protecting Greywood from supernatural threats, using her siren abilities to safeguard the town she now calls home.
Loyalty and Vengeance: Naia holds deep loyalty to those she cares about, but if betrayed, she can become vengeful and dangerous, using her powers to exact revenge on those who wrong her.
Learning and Education: As a nurse student, Naia is passionate about medicine and healing, seeing it as a way to atone for her past. She often stays up late studying and practicing her skills.
Magical Artifacts: Over her long life, Naia has collected various magical artifacts and trinkets. She keeps them hidden in her café, using them only when absolutely necessary.
Dreams and Nightmares: Naia is plagued by vivid dreams and nightmares of her past, particularly the night she became a siren. These dreams often influence her mood and actions.
tw cannabilism //: She eats raw meat to satisfy her craving for flesh, preventing her from eating people. Similar to raw feeding animals.
Relationships with Other Supernaturals: Naia has a network of connections with other supernatural beings in Greywood and beyond. She often exchanges favors and information with them, maintaining a delicate balance of alliances.
Modern Technology: Despite her age, Naia is adept with modern technology. She manages the Blue Frog Cafe’s social media, attracting both locals and tourists with her captivating posts.
Charity and Community: Naia is actively involved in community service and charity work, using the café as a hub for local events and fundraisers. She sees it as a way to give back to the community that accepted her.
Overall Aesthetic: Naia’s siren form exudes an otherworldly allure, blending elements of the sea with an elegant, haunting beauty. Her appearance is both captivating and unsettling, a testament to her dual nature as both a seductive enchantress and a predatory force.
Skin: Her skin is a pale, iridescent blue with a subtle shimmer that reflects the colors of the ocean. It has an almost translucent quality, giving her an ethereal glow in the water. This coloration is reminiscent of moonlight on the sea or the glimmer of fish scales under the sun.
Eyes: Naia’s eyes are a striking, deep sea green with flecks of silver that resemble the shifting light on the water’s surface. They have a hypnotic quality, capable of enchanting those who meet her gaze. Her pupils are elongated, similar to a cat’s, enhancing her predatory aspect.
Hair: Her hair is long and flowing, cascading down her back like a silken waterfall of dark teal with hints of seafoam green. It moves as if underwater, with gentle, fluid motions that seem to sway with the currents. The hair is adorned with delicate seaweed-like strands and tiny, bioluminescent sea creatures that glow softly in the dark.
Tail: From the waist down, Naia possesses a long, sinuous tail covered in shimmering scales. The tail is a blend of dark blues and greens, with a gradient that becomes lighter towards the fluke. The fin at the end of her tail is wide and elegant, with intricate patterns that resemble the waves and ripples of the sea.
Fins and Gills: She has delicate, translucent fins along her arms, legs, and sides that resemble the frills of sea anemones. Her gills are faintly visible on her neck and ribs, appearing as subtle, almost decorative ridges.
Voice: Her voice is enchanting and melodious, with a hauntingly beautiful quality that can both soothe and seduce. Her singing is an integral part of her siren nature, able to lure sailors and captivate those who hear it.
Naia’s siren form is a breathtaking vision of the sea’s beauty and peril. Her pale, iridescent skin glistens with the hues of the ocean, and her long, dark teal hair flows like sea foam caught in a gentle current. Her deep sea green eyes, flecked with silver, draw you in with their hypnotic allure. A sinuous tail of dark blues and greens undulates gracefully behind her, ending in a wide, elegant fin. Delicate, translucent fins adorn her limbs, and her voice, a haunting melody, carries the weight of both enchantment and sorrow. Her attire, a flowing sea silk garment adorned with pearls and seaweed, floats around her like mist, completing the image of a siren both beautiful and tragic.
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Mayhem in May: Why Visiting Florida in May is Pure Sunshine Madness!
Welcome, sun-seekers, thrill-chasers, and sunscreen enthusiasts! If you're contemplating when to pack your bags and head to the Sunshine State, let me tell you, May is more than just another month on the calendar—it's a carnival of fun, a whirlwind of adventures, and yes, a touch of mayhem. Here's why you should mark May as your prime time to hit Florida:
1. The Weather Whimsy: May showers might bring flowers elsewhere, but in Florida, they bring the most epic sunsets you've ever seen! Picture this: You're sipping on a chilled beverage, toes buried in the warm sand a beach, and the sky erupts in a kaleidoscope of colors. May weather is like that friend who's a bit unpredictable but always ends up throwing the best parties.
2. Crowd Control (or Lack Thereof): Ever dreamt of having theme parks all to yourself? Okay, maybe not entirely to yourself, but May is as close as you'll get! With schools still in session and the summer vacation rush yet to hit its peak, you can actually navigate Disney World without feeling like a salmon swimming upstream. It's the perfect time to queue for Space Mountain without losing your mind!
3. Deals, Darling Deals: Money talks, especially in the land of perpetual sunshine. May is that sweet spot between spring break extravagance and summer surge pricing. Hotels are eager to fill rooms, airlines are feeling generous, and even the fanciest restaurants might have a table just for you. So, if you've ever wanted to live like a king on a budget, May in Florida is your chance to shine.
4. Wildlife Wonders: Forget what you've heard about gators lurking in every backyard (well, maybe not entirely forget, but let's not dwell). May is prime time for wildlife enthusiasts to witness Florida's natural wonders. From manatee-spotting adventures in Crystal River to turtle nesting tours on the Gulf Coast, Mother Nature puts on her finest Floridian showcase this time of year.
5. Festival Frenzy: Florida knows how to throw a party, and May is the kickoff to festival season! Whether you're into music, food, art, or all of the above, there's a festival with your name on it. From the eclectic vibes of the Florida Folk Festival to the seafood sensations of the Pensacola Beach Crawfish Festival, May is a buffet of cultural delights.
6. Margaritas and Mischief: Last but certainly not least, let's talk about the unofficial state beverage: the margarita. May is the perfect excuse to indulge in a frosty concoction (or two) because, well, why not? Pair that with some fresh seafood, a sunset cruise, and a healthy dose of Floridian charm, and you've got yourself a recipe for vacation bliss.
So, there you have it, fellow adventurers and sunshine enthusiasts! May in Florida is like a box of chocolates—except you know exactly what you're gonna get: pure, unadulterated fun. So pack your bags, slap on some sunscreen, and get ready to make memories that'll last a lifetime. Florida is waiting, and May is calling your name!
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