#actually I just remembered I almost made a full animated thing about Artemis on top of a eurovision song couple years ago
mllenugget · 1 year
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"Il est belle, il est beau décrié"
Have I ever told you about those two OCs I have where they're both queer as hell but one of them has homophobic parents in a shitty marriage
I don't know what my teenage self was trying to express but- Nah who am I kidding
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retro-pooka · 6 years
Revisiting Old Me
This was a tag I took part in years ago and dear god have I changed since then 😂 I was told by my darling dork of a girlfriend to redo this as a remembrance of the emo trash which was once me
The Questions
1. How would you describe your go-to style? My style has mostly been inspired by the 50’s fashion as seen with brands like Hellbunny but also really inspired by Japanese Street-fashion like Decora and Menhera and definitely the silhouette is inspired by the cupcake silhouette seen in Lolita.
2. How do you like to wear your hair?
Out and curly, it’s untameable and fully of gay. I’ve been saying for a while that my hair relfects my sexuality.. not straight 😉🏳️‍🌈😂
3. Beverage of Choice?
Still Irn Bru cause I’m a stereotype of my own country 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 or Tim Hortons’ Iced coolers in Raspberry, was soo good. Why did Canada hide the glory which is Tim Hortons for so long!
4. Best School Memory?
Best school memory would be in College when the whole canteen joined in to sing Bohemian Rapsody when it started to play on someone’s speaker or when I was invited to a Christian picnic despite being a witchy bitch, they had j20 and donuts! I couldn’t refuse!
5. What do you think about in the early hours of the morning?
I meditate and try to push my mind off thinking about the pain in my body, focusing on the positive things like my girlfriend’s dorky messages or my mum calling me bitch (lovingly might I add) Just really I think about positive things so that the universe might cut me some slack
6. Favourite thing about your closest friend?
Well I have two closest friends. The first being the person who I call my girlfriend, she is dorky and cute and is always interested in becoming knowledgeable in the things I like and are apart of e.g. Wicca and accept all of me ❤️
My second closest friend being my mum. She is my best friend. She is my roommate. We are far closer than a mother and daughter should be, we are two peas in a pod ❤️ She is accepting and loving and always open to my point of view on varying subjects
7. Are you the forgive and forget type or the remembering type?
I’m a bit of both. It depends on the situation which it surrounds.
8. Murder weapon of choice?
Poison. Quick and simple, my arms aren’t good with the whole slasher thing so I’ll keep it simple and pain free on my end 😂
9. What is your favourite colour to wear?
Pink! or green! Both look really nice on me and I have loads of clothes with those colour schemes!
10. What is one thing you regret?
My self-harm which I did when I was 12, still really regret it and actually I really regret nearly all of last year 😂 not a good year last year for me
11. How are you doing right now?
I’m stable and calm. It’s really nice ❤️
The original tagger’s questions
1. Where is your favourite place to be?
Scotland. It’s my home. And I know I will return to Scotland one day permanently with my menagerie of animals and wife so we can become local cryptids.
2. If you had a child, what would you name them?
Pandora or Artemis for a girl, powerful women in their own ways. Or even Saorise, the name has always resonated with me and felt homely almost
For boys, Arthur or David. Both named after my granddads. Both have played major roles in my life and have watched me grow. Arthur also because of King Arthur, what can I say?! I’m a mythology nerd!
3. Top 5 tv shows or Movies
Movies - The Last Unicorn, Flight Of Dragons, Pan’s Labyrinth, Any Captain America film honestly and Fantastic Beasts!
Tv Shows - Outlander, Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor who and probably Grimm
4. Name 3 things you like about yourself?
- My hair ~ it’s wild and it is apart of me. It’s apart of my identity and makes me (Sophie) me.
- My Scottish Heritage ~ I’m always proud of being Scottish and open about my culture to people who wish to learn
- My Body ~ I used to hate it and still kinda do, even though my health issues can make it hard to love it, I still do. I admire my body and cheer myself on.
5. Any odd fears or phobias?
- Afraid of the Dark
- Claustrophobic
- Being surprised from behind
- Insects
6. Last thing you said to a friend?
Good night!
7. Favourite food?
Full Scottish Breakfast! And or a Roast Dinner! Homely foods are always the best!
8. Dream Job?
Scriptwriter or Director! or a Neighbourhood Witch. Any of those jobs would fulfill me and give me joy!
9. Someone currently living you would like to meet?
Guillermo del Toro! He is my favourite director of all time! His work inspires me and helps me to remember to take inspiration from fairy tales or mythos!
10. Dream Vacation Spot?
New Orleans, Salem, the Highlands or New York!
11. Any OTPs?
Claire and Jamie from Outlander ❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
My Own Questions!
1. A word which makes you cringe?
Moist. It will always make my cringe. No matter what the context may be.
2. A movie that made you cry?
A lot of movies have made me cry. Hm. Probably ‘The Last Unicorn’ as it has so many memories attached to it for me or ‘Coco’ cause that movie fucked me up 😂 so emotional
3. If you could travel to any fictional world, which would you travel to?
Either Outlander, because I’m Scottish and I’d blend right in and because I’m a nerd for my own heritage
Fantastic Beasts as I’m a sucker for the 1920’s! It’s a beautiful setting especially in New York and the backdrop of magic makes it 100x better!
4. If you could revive any fictional character from the dead, who would you revive?
LUPIN! OR SIRIUS! My boys! My dog morphing children!
5. Favourite Song?
Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen) or American Pie (Don McLean)
6. Favourite sound?
My girlfriend’s voice or the rain
7. Favourite Climate?
8. Favourite scent?
Lavender or Bergamot!
9. Favourite Mythical Creature?
Unicorns, Each Uisge or Selkies! All have relevance in Scottish Mythology!
10. Favourite Book?
The Last Unicorn by Peter. S. Beagle
11. Favourite genre of music?
Celtic folk music or 70’s/80’s rock
That is all the questions! I tag only one person since it’s her fault I redid this tag! @loopinmoon! It’s your turn! You can’t escape this time!
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leezardweezard · 7 years
artemis, hades, ares, hestia, centaur, gorgon, sphynx, nymph, satry, agamememenon (sorry i had to), trident, sun chariot, lyre, caduceus, harpe, winged sandals, golden fleece, styx, athuna, elysium, and troja
Thanks dude!!!! I love answering these and divulging information about me.
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?                                         Like physically??? Or personality wise? I’ll do one forboth. I guess physically hair or eyes, usually hair. Personality, I guess howcheerful someone is? Wait that’s emotions. I think it’s humor. How funny theyare/what they find funny. I can’t really remember because I don’t meet a lot ofnew people. 
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours?                                                                   Well you know about my LARGE fear of chickens, so a new onethat I recently discovered (unfortunately) is my fear of wasps! I had three flyinto my bus SEVERAL TIMES when my whole family was gone! These are fakeexclamation marks I was sobbing and pleading to the wasp god!!
 Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?                                                               My oldest brother (who is younger than me but you know that)cracks his knuckles and wrist and such… a lot. I don’t mind if it’s once? I getit. But he does it repeatedly and it gives me anxiety because I imagine hisbones breaking though I know that won’t happen. Also he pronounces neapolitanas neo-politician. 
Hestia: Where do you consider home?                                                               My house but also Grants Pass. It was my home for six monthsand I still miss it sometimes.  
Centaur: Last book you read?                                                                           Well I finished a Harry Potter audiobook but the last book Iactually read must have been The Lightning Theif??? I’ve been on a readingfrenzy lately so it’s a little hard to keep track. 
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?                                                                                 It’s after dinner and I made steak tacos. They were prettygood, I sprinkled a bit of lemon juice on the steak. 
Sphynx: Last text you sent?                                                                              Was to my oldest brother asking him if he was gonna eat ataco because I wanted another. 
Nymph: Last dream you remember?                                                                      I don’t remember a lot but I was arrested three times byLacetor from Psych because I was trading in US dollars for Harry Potter moneyand he’d though I’d stolen the Harry Potter money. This all took place in agiant mansion where the wizarding world was real and there was a canoe race. 
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?                                                     This is really hard, I think when dad asked if you met anyboys at the library.  
Agamememenon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?                           Well I got into National Honor Society but I’m not… tooexcited about it? I mean I’m glad of course but what I’m REALLY proud of is theapple caramel pie that you didn’t get to try because my brothers (and probablymy dad) couldn’t keep their grubby hands off it. 
Trident: Who are your favorite people?                                                             You, naturally. And my brothers, probably Markiplier,uhhhhhhhhhh. That can’t be it but my mind is blank. 
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?                       Oooooooo that’d have to be… Does a cryptid count as amythological creature? Probably not right. Well my favorite cryptid is chickcharney???I think that’s how you spell it. My favorite mythological creature is probablyany type of dragon. I also like sirens. 
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?                             AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA songs are almost as hard to pick asbooks!!!!!! Okay right now, I’d have to say Collar Full by p!atd, Crimson andClover (the Joan Jett cover), and Love Drought by Beyoncé/Girls by BeatriceEli. It’s a tie.  
Caduceus: What is your favorite color?                                                                  I have a lot of love for colors, I like just about everycolor except most yellows and some oranges. They’re all good but my mostfavorite is probably an emerald-ish color. 
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?                                                   Can’t say I’ve been many places but I’ll try.
There was this beach somewhere in Bahia, Brazil.The water was super clear and pleasantly warm and there were no touristsbecause it was fall. Well, fall in America. 
 There was a spot at Elk River that was so nicebecause no one would go there and the water was deep and so clear. Pretty coldthough. 
The library probably. I can still remember whenit used to be on the other end of town, which I think was around 10 years agogive or take. The original staff probably remember before I can even rememberknowing them.
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when youhangout with your friends?                                                                                                               We usually just hangout and watch youtube or Netflix and eatsnacks I like that. 
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?                                                White leopards, definitely. They’re so cool! I tried to do areport on them once for biology I could barely find any information on them andI love them. 
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?                                 I’d like to have a pretty good job by then, hopefully somethingin a career I like. Maybe something in psychology or education. I’ll live in anapartment that doesn’t have horrible rent and pays for at least one utilities andthe garbage(I don’t know shit about apartments this is probably unrealistic ormaybe it isn’t I don’t know) and I’ll probably rent with my oldest brother becausewe’ve lived together for almost fifteen years and we still get along prettywell so why not later in life when we can’t afford rent by ourselves.  
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the restof your life, where would it be?                                                                                                 Somewhere cold, somewhere I’m allowed to be me without fear,somewhere I don’t have to worry myself until I’m sick about affording to live.That’d be nice. 
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?                             The power to create illusions so real you can’t even tellthey’re illusions. They are real to every sense you have.
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before youdie?                             I don’t really think a lot about that. I guess I just wantto be content with my life. Which is a pretty crazy expectation in and ofitself.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Gacha Gacha Crate April 19
Welcome to last months Gacha Gacha crate review :D
Er... I forgot to get a picture for the opener of this post, but rest assure the review has pics!
Sailor Moon Pouch
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Our first item is perfect for magical girl and/or Sailor Moon fans, an adorable pouch that comes in six variations: the crystal star I got, another brooch (I’m sorry but its been ages since I watched Sailor Moon, I can’t remember everything), Luna or Artemis, the Moon Stick/Scepter, a patterned pouch, and a rounded “secret pouch”.
Each pouch is fairly flat but has accurate detailing and feels very smooth with a great working zipper. The inside has cloth-ish fabric.
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The back of mine had this design on it, but I assume they all have it or something similar. In terms of what it can fit, I noticed it can fit 1 of any size gacha capsule, or several little trinkets like change, dollar bills, cards, certain beauty products; just not too many at once.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think it’s pretty cute and well made. I wish it might have been a little bit bigger or spacious, and the material makes me think it wont hold up against staining- but I’m not going to test that theory out. I would have liked it if it had a ball chain or strap to attach it to things as well, but as a long-time magical girl fan I kind of like that feeling of being able to pull out a magical transformation device- even if it’s only to summon money or a card rather than a cute outfit and wand.
Build A Pokemon
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I heard these “figures as the capsule“ are popular lately, and that seems to be the case. This is our second one we’ve gotten in the Gacha Gacha crate, which features adorable Pokemon!
There was 4 available: Pikachu, Gengar, the new electric mouse I never remember the name of, and Mew. They’re all cute but I’m very happy I got Gengar, who has always been one of my favorite Pokemon x3
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This piece serves no purpose other than to keep the plastic wrap that was on him smooth, due to his “spikes” on his back. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Compared to my Donald Duck (whose beak still isn’t on right) Gengar was much easier to build. He’s very accurate in appearance, and he makes a really cute decoration! It’s also fun putting together figurines, even if this wasn’t as detailed as my Yokai Watch collection (pretty much every version of Jibanyan I found back when I was collecting them. I still have them but I don’t buy them anymore).
Kuma and Tanooki Handkerchief
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This is our biggest item yet by far! Kuma and Tanooki are popular characters who have their own twitter in Japan, and this handkerchief is perfect for this season when spring allergens start kicking up, or say, if you needed somewhere to sit a food item or clean up a spill.
There are 5 possible  “4-koma“ you can get in this collection, and it is by Takara Tomy Arts.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
I think it’s very cute, kind of a random item but you guys know how much I like practicality. One of my concerns is getting items from the gachapon that I can’t actually do anything with- and considering I have “seasonal change weather allergies“ this will probably come in handy in some shape or form.
However... After barely touching it I noticed that it already has a couple of loose strands and I’ve done nothing to it. So I’m kinda worried about getting something on it/using it and then trying to wash/clean it off. It’s a very delicate and thin material.
Shiba Terrarium
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This next item combines the adorable, popular shiba brothers and the recent trend of Character Terrarium displays. I really like things like snowglobes, toy house displays, re-ment, so I quickly took a liking to Terrariums too. Lately I’ve been seeing all kinds of popular character ones, like Pokemon, Kirby, Sumikko Gurashi, Rilakkuma.
In this specific set there are 4 to collect, each one is 400 yen and features one of the shiba brothers in one of the seasonal settings. Each terrarium includes the little setting/stage (in 2 pieces) the shiba, and decoration, they also incorporate the capsule, which is the terrarium obviously. The bottom part is flat so that they can be sat out to display. 
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
I really like the white shiba (who has spring) but my favorite season is winter, so I think this was meant to be~
It’s extremely easy to put together, there’s no gluing or even pressing needed; although considering how easy it is for the pieces to move around when jostled or shifted, I kind of wish there was some pegs or something to hold the shiba and items down.
The detail is also spot-on and looks very nice for such tiny pieces, besides the perfect paint jobs on the snowman and shiba (he even has toe beans!), but there are markings in the snow where they sit for added detailing.
If you like terrariums but want a cheaper and less-messy (as in if something would happen less clean-up) this would be the way to go.
Mushroom Bird
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This would be an adorable addition to a fall-themed terrarium, a MUSHROOM BIRD. Japan really likes cutesy animal-item/food combinations; and this is one of the few I’ve seen for birds. It’s by EPOCH and each one costs 200 yen.
As you can see by the checklist this is a medium-big collection. Each bird has a “rarity“ marking beneath them, mine being 2 out of 3 stars. At the second I don’t recall what mine is, I want to say shitake but I’m not positive- although I do like eating mushrooms.
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Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
It’s small but the detail on it is really nice and it’s very cute in my opinion. As I said above, you could use it in things like terrariums, or even re-ment or decorative items like planters or something.
Squeeze Sushi
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This is our final item- and if you’re wondering why the setting looks different it’s because when I was uploading the images, the one I took was like... glitched or something? It wasn’t uploading right, so I hurried up and grabbed another pic.
Anyway, these types of Squeeze toys/squishy are pretty popular in Japan, and as of late here too! There’s a really adorable series I like collecting called Moj Moj that has some like this, but I know there are several varieties that can be found online too.
There are 6 sushi types available, from my cucumber (maybe avocado? I’m pretty sure it’s cucumber), crab, salmon, something that looks like fish cake, egg or vegetable, and fish eggs.
I usually see the one I have on a lot of videos from Youtubers I watch- and as a squishy fan I REALLY wanted my own but never bothered looking online to get one, so I was extremely happy when I saw this~
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
This was everything i hoped for and more! I love squeezing it and watching the stuff come out, then get sucked back in. The item is in a little oiled sack as I’ve learned watching people cut them open, and they can be a little fragile if handled too roughly (they’re also sticky so they collect dirt); but they’re super cute and fun.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Quality - 5 out of 5. Everything is fine and I love all the detailing put into each item. From the perfect coloring jobs to the rice texture of the squeeze toy and elaborate handkerchief.
Content - 5 out of 5. I really liked everything, maybe not as much as I did the prior months box, but I would put it in the top 5 thus far.
Total Rank: 7 out of 10 cuties. It was a lovely box full of adorableness~ and even though there was 3 non-practical items (unless you consider displaying an item practical) I still really liked them a lot. I didn’t dislike anything in this box, which is probably a first for this series. I’m not sure what kind of price range all of these items were together, but I could say that this box was worth what we pay.
♥ Cutie Scale ♥
1.  Sushi Squeeze - I love squeeze toys, squishies, and sushi; and considering how much I wanted one of these, I think my choosing this as my #1 item for the month wasn’t a surprise to anybody.
2.  Shiba Terrarium - It was simple, but still detailed enough. I still wish they had included pegs or something to hold the pieces in place, and looking at it again I wish the Shiba interacted with the items a little more, but it makes a very cute decoration regardless.
3. Handkerchief - As a fan of manga and cutesy or funny comics, I really appreciated the design behind this one. It has an adorable charm to it.
4. Mushroom Bird - it’s kawaii and little x3 but at the same time, unless you really looked at it, you probably couldn’t tetl it was a bird due to how small it was. I really wish I got one of the more colorful ones.
5. Sailor Moon Pouch - If I got Luna or Artemis this would have been higher up on the list. But it’s a perfect representation of Sailor Moon’s more known compact/brooch/whatever and just holding it gives me all sorts of feels~
6. Build a Pokemon - As much as I adore Pokemon, there isn’t really anything different than this Gengar. In fact it almost looks exactly like a plush keychain Gengar I got when I was little.
Alright, we’ve reached the end of another box and review. As usual I will be resuming normal order so up next we got the two beauty boxes, NMNL and Kira Kira crate.
Until then, remember to open up a box of cuteness every day!
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