#actual depictions of me about avalance ^
nonbinary-alien25 · 2 years
i'm just so sofneur92ie8rjfnkanxienxi*÷,%>2[$,3>$&#,$[3>3,SIDI3NTISBXBF XO2O34I29XNSNEEH@($,÷>$,@(÷[3&339SIDNEI about avalance. like you don't understand
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lesbianmarrow · 3 years
ok time to talk about the legends of tomorrow 4.06 avalance scene. first of all its a fantastic scene and im NOT just saying that cause im a lesbian i promise. its one of those scenes where you can tell that the way it was written in the script was comedy gold and the actors did a great job with it as well. and the music sets the perfect tone for a scene that is sexy but also silly and campy and self-aware. 
the thing that i find really interesting right now is not so much the scene itself but how i perceived and processed it. when sara opened her trenchcoat and tried to seduce ava i was like okay is this a shapeshifting demon that has escaped the bureau? and then when nate’s dad opened the door and it showed ava all alone i was like okay so was that just ava’s daydream? but then when it showed sara sneaking around with her league of assassin skills i thought maybe there was a magical creature that made ava’s daydreams come to life like that one episode of ds9. it wasn’t till the end of the scene that i understood that no it was actually sara and not a demon or an illusion. 
i think it’s very interesting how i jumped to the conclusion that it couldn’t possibly be sara. because it’s not like it was out of character for sara, or out of place on the show. we’ve seen that sara will hook up with people in inappropriate settings or situations, and the show has depicted that sara & ava have a sex life. i think my assumption says more about my expectations as a viewer than about the scene or the show itself. 
i’m not accustomed to tv not punishing a woman for her lesbian sexual desire. i’m sure it has become more commonplace for tv in recent years to depict sexual desire between women in a positive and affirming way, but i haven’t watched a lot of those shows. lesbian sexuality being treated as a joke and as a disgusting thing is so ingrained in my mind that i was unconsciously expecting it here as well, even though legends is very pro lgbtq. the sillier tone of legends and of this scene in particular confirmed it in my mind - it made me think back to 3.04, where nate is trying to get with ray’s mom not realizing she’s an illusion conjured by the dominator. 
in nate’s case, he’s being an ass by hitting on his best friend’s mom in front of his ex-girlfriend. that’s why it feels justified to see him taken down a notch by getting tricked into kissing a scary murder alien. in ava’s case, she didn’t do anything wrong except be attracted to her girlfriend, and still i expected her to be punished for that through a reveal that sara was actually a demon or an illusion. i don’t think legends of tomorrow did anything to create that expectation, but it was there nonetheless. 
but of course, that’s not what happens. ava is lightly made a fool of in this scene, but it’s not because she wanted to have sex with sara - it’s because she wanted to have sex with sara at work. the scene isn’t mocking ava’s lesbian sexuality, just the lapse in judgment that makes her think she can get away with office sex. the show remains supportive of ava being a lesbian, and this scene in particular helps to humanize her and her relationship with sara. 
i know this was a lot of navel gazing i just thought it was strange and interesting. tfw the lesbophobia is coming from inside the house (my mind). i would be interested to know if anyone else was similarly confused by this scene and initially jumped to more sinister conclusions like i did or if it was just me. 
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lesbianmarrow · 3 years
damn. like i’ve read many many thoughts and analyses on ava and sara’s purgatory main plot but dayum you took it one step further and said some things i haven’t read or even thought of before and that’s one of the reasons why i love reading what you have to write on legends episodes! gosh i’m so glad you started watching legends and i’m so glad that you actually like ava and avalance because i’m thinking about what if you didn’t like them? we wouldn’t get all you interesting thoughts and analyses lol
awww thank you that is so kind! i feel so flattered haha. yeah i am really interested in the ways that sci-fi stories depict lesbians and lesbianism, and i'm also super interested in stories featuring clones and doppelgangers and the questions of identity that come with those concepts, so ava is really fascinating to me from those perspectives. i'm glad that you enjoy what i have to say :)
if you don't mind me asking, what are the things i've said that you hadn't considered before? i'm asking entirely due to my own vanity and for the sake of my ego. since i'm watching older episodes and avoiding spoilers i don't always have a sense of the fans' reactions to the episodes. i assume that most of my personal insights are things that other fans have already discussed years ago but it's neat to hear that maybe that is not entirely the case
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