#actor eddie and teacher/coach steve yeah
steddielations · 1 year
Famous Eddie who's not a rockstar, but instead an actor who's known for playing incredibly complex villains, or creepy weird little thriller roles.
He does method acting sometimes, he used to get a little carried away with it when he was younger, but he condemns people who just use it as an excuse to be an asshole. His ways of getting into character don’t disrupt anyone else, except maybe his family sometimes.
For instance, for the role of a horror novel writer who slowly goes insane living alone in his apartment, he spent 3 hours in a dark closet every day. But his daughter didn’t understand how that was Daddy’s “work” and she kept sliding cookies to him under the door.
Or the time he was playing the role of a sex addicted cowboy who owned a traveling rodeo where people mysteriously disappear, and his husband finally let him get that swing he’s been wanting for years and— whoops, maybe Eddie shouldn’t have said that on national TV.
All his media training is pretty much useless but that’s part of his intrigue. He is who he is. He only resurfaces every couple years to promote a movie and the public is always so shocked at the reminder that his husband looks like that. Eddie just loves it. Yeah, he takes pride in being the freaky little actor nerd walking the red carpet with a guy who looks like he’s the movie star of the relationship.
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justmeinadaze · 28 days
Don't Be So Hard Part 4 (Steddie & Plus Size Reader)
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Warnings: Older Dom (30s) Coach Steve Harrington/Older Dom (30s) Professor Eddie Munson & Young (20s) Fem Plus size Sub Student Y/N, SMUT, overstimulation, choking, light degrading, use of the stop light system, DP, dirty talk, lots of praise and aftercare.
ANGST, LOADED IN ANGST, *dances in angst*
This chapter begins with a meeting and people in Hawkins being shady bitches in regard to Eddie being a professor and the play the school is putting on. Mentions of Y/N's weight (so brief, more than anything is alluded to when it comes to the lingerie in the play), Mentions of what happened in chapter 1 with her assault. Martin's dad is a dick and victim blames, brings up her father and Steve's.
Steve loses control a bit with Y/N and they get into a fight. Boys get jealous slightly. Um...OH cliffhanger ending but not quite like my others. You'll see. It will make you feel things but...you'll see!
Word Count: 6138
Series here/Donate to Me
You listened quietly as you sat in the back of the auditorium, listening to the parents, faculty, and dean of Hawkins University speak. You told Eddie and Steve you would be in your dorm and asked them to call you when it was over but both men seemed so on edge all week the moment they found out about the meeting. 
The coach told you a lot of times these meetings were randomly called when parents wanted to complain about a “murderer teaching on campus” but something seemed off as the day slowly approached so you snuck in before it began through the booth entrance and waited for it to begin. 
“Ah you little troublemaker.”, Theo teased as he sat beside you. “Got a weird vibe to? Yeah, Ms. Lilah was talking about this meeting with a friend while I was at work so I got curious.”
“Alright professors and parents let’s get started.”, the dean announced trying to hush the people in the room. “Now this meeting here was called forth by some of the parents…”
“Pfft ‘called forth’.”, the boy beside you whispered as you smiled his way. 
“We’re concerned about how downhill this school seems to be going!”, one woman yelled.
“There’s a killer still teaching class, our football team keeps losing and they’re doing plays of satanic garbage now?!”, screamed another. 
“Ok, Ok! Let’s not let this get out of hand.”, the dean shouted as he sighed. 
Both your men were sitting in a corner and you could tell they were already annoyed by their demeanors alone.  
“First and foremost—”
“First and foremost, satanic garbage? Really?”, your theater teacher interrupted as she rose to her feet. “It’s a play about being yourself and—"
“By parading around half naked?”
“Oh, Mrs. Martinez, I didn’t know you were a fan of the film.”
“Pfft, we don’t watch that filth in my house. This town has enough chaos in it.”, the woman spits. 
“It does which is why I feel like these kids should be open to expressing themselves. Everyone in my play is consenting and perfectly fine with the wardrobe.”
“They may be but WE aren’t. Why would I want to see people like Benjamin Lineck and Y/N Y/L/N parading around in that attire?!”
Eddie leaned forward, prepared to say something before you see Steve bring him back. 
“What’s wrong with that? Both my students are brilliant performers and have worked hard for their parts. Why don’t you be man, Paul, and say what your real issue is? You don’t think a boy or a full-figured woman like Y/N should be ‘parading around’ in lingerie.”
“Full-figured? Really? How about—”
“Hey! Enough!”, the dean shouted trying to regain control. “We aren’t here to bad mouth students. Your concern is the material in the play which was also a concern of mine. From the scenes that I’ve seen I’m not worried and it seems Lilah here has taken great care to keep as much detail focused on the story.”
“Recast it.”
“What?”, Lilah laughed. “No way. Even the dean just said your problem is with the material not my actors. No way.”
“It seems the problem is Y/N.”, Martin’s father sighs aggressively. “She’s the lead in the play, right Lilah? She’s the reason my son was kicked off the team and we’ve been losing—”
“No, your son was kicked off my team for assaulting an innocent girl.”, Steve defended. 
Theo’s hand reached for yours and desperately seeking comfort you threaded your fingers through his. 
“He also made threats and disrespected me and another professor.”
“Your friend the murderer?”, Jared countered. 
“You know what? I’m really sick of your fucking attitude.”, Eddie growled as he stood up placing himself chest to chest with the other man. Trying to calm him, Steve placed his hand on his chest to bring him back to his seat but he just pushed against him. “You people accused me and hunted me down based on how I dress and a fucking game I play! You’re doing the same thing with Y/N and I’m not going to let you!”
“ENOUGH!”, the dean shouted so loud even you jumped and Theo ran his thumb along your skin trying to calm you. “This is my school and I WILL be heard! Now, in regard to Mr. Munson and his employment here, he wasn’t charged with a crime and is an excellent teacher to the students of this school. We have evaluations every semester and his marks are always high. This matter has been discussed at length and unless there are new developments it will not be brought up again. As for the play…I will take a vote amongst the student body and faculty and if they deem it inappropriate I will cancel the production. We already know how you parents feel. For the football team, Mr. Harrington have you found a full-time replacement for Martin Click as of yet?”
“No, sir. I didn’t want to replace him fully until your investigation was finished. I’ve been using his back up but Mr. Hunter stated the pressure from the town has been too much. He, uh, left my team last week.”
A heavy sigh left your chest at his words; he hadn’t told you that. 
The dean nodded as his eyes took in the angry faces below him. 
“Stay low, ok? And stay here.”, he whispered as Theo let go of your palm and tip toed to the aisle. “Excuse me.” All eyes turned towards the boy in the back as he waved their way. “Uh, I know I’m not supposed to be here but I may be able to help. I was a quarterback in my hometown. I never tried out because it kind of seemed like…people had their fantasy team in this town.”
“Oh yeah because this is a good first impression and who we want representing our team.”, another parent snarked. 
“Yeah but at least I don’t tear girls shirts and push them to the concrete.”, Theo shot back.
“Allegedly!”, Martin’s father yelled. 
“No, not anymore. Based on Y/N’s testimony to me and the confrontational conversation I had with Mr. Click Junior, I agree with Coach Harrington’s decision to remove him from the team and I hereby expel him from my campus.”
“What?! You can’t do that!”
“I just did. This meeting is over and everyone drive safe.”, the dean sighed as he rolled his eyes. 
Scooting back to your side, Theo waited for people to leave as he blocked you from sight with his body but unfortunately he couldn’t hide you from everyone. 
“How does it feel, Y/N? Ruining someone’s life?”, Martin’s father shouted with distain your way. “Your father would be ashamed of you.”
Your eyes widened in anger as you stepped towards him but a fist blocked you as it flew across the other man’s face. Theo straightened in front of you as Eddie held Steve back so he didn’t hit the man again. Jared spit blood to the side as he squared his shoulders. 
“I can’t wait to tell your father what you’ve been up to, Steven. I know he gave up on you a long time ago but I imagine he never fully understood how bad things could get with his name’s sake. The final nail in the coffin would be if you and the freak here were fucking but even you wouldn’t sink that low would you? Still have some standards?”
As the man spoke, Steve kept try to push Eddie out of the way to get to the man in front of him but the metalhead kept his ground. 
“Get out of my auditorium now.”, Lilah growled as she put herself between everyone. 
“Or what?”
“Try me, Jared. I have no problem taking you out but I imagine you do with me. Want to uphold that ‘reputation’ right? Your son isn’t that smart I’m afraid.”
The man huffed as he promptly turned on his heel and slammed open the doors as he left.
“Are you alright, Steve?”
“M’fine.”, the man grumbled as he flexed his hand and winced at the pain in his knuckles. “What are you bothdoing here?!”
“I talked her into coming. I had a feeling something was off—”
“You lie and defend her a lot. Are you two an item?”, Eddie snarks causing you narrow your eyes his way. 
“No, Mr. Munson, we aren’t. Theo is my friend and just helped defend me.”
Their seemingly calm but annoyed eyes racked over you but you had been with them long enough now to recognize when they were furious. At you or the situation though you weren’t sure.
“Don’t listen to what they said, Y/N, honey, ok? None of this is your fault and fuck them. You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you, Lilah.”
“Theo, why don’t you walk Y/N back to her dorm and—”
“Actually, I’m, um, going to my mom’s house but if you could walk me to my car I’d appreciate it.”
“No detours, Y/N. Just straight to the house, ok?”
“Yes, sir, Mr. Munson.”
You knew what Eddie meant and didn’t stray as you headed to their house. After letting yourself in, you hastily got an ice pack ready before you heard a car squeak and the front door fly open. 
“…have to talk to me! I don’t like when you get silent like this!”, the metalhead shouted as he followed his boyfriend into the living room. 
“You! What were you doing there?!”, Steve shouted when his eyes found yours. 
“You both seemed concerned about the meeting so I just…I wanted to know what was going on.”
“You could have gotten in a lot of trouble if the dean or any of those other fucking people noticed you there.”
“I-I-I didn’t expect them to blame me like that—”
“Of course you didn’t, little girl, because you don’t know this town like we do!”
“Just because I didn’t have a ‘posse’ come after me before doesn’t mean I don’t know how cruel people in Hawkins can be! You think Martin Click is the only one to hurt me and make fun of me!?”
“Well, you definitely have a good amount of people protecting you.”, Eddie sassed as he folded his arms across his chest. 
“Really? I haven’t forgotten about that comment you made. Theo is my friend and he’s a good guy—”
“That fucking made out with you on my desk AND we get to see kiss you on stage constantly.”
“Oh my fucking God! I’m not doing this with either of you! I just wanted to make sure Steve was ok—”
Reaching for the ice pack you had been holding, Steve threw it hard against the adjacent wall making you jump back as Eddie’s eyes scanned him over with concern. 
“I’m fucking fine. What I’m not fine with is you sneaking around and putting yourself in danger!”
“Said one of the men who puts me in danger by being in a relationship with me!” 
You regret the words as soon as they leave your lips as his eyes darken and he straightens to his full height. 
“I’m sorry…”
“I’ll bet your fucking are.”, Steve growled before abruptly reaching forward to grab your throat. “You’re always sorry.”
“Baby, let her go.”
“She’s fine, Eddie. Right, Y/N? Tell him you’re fucking fine.”
“I’m…I’m fine…Mr. Munson.”, you responded, your voice incredibly strained with how hard the other man’s palm was wrapped around your neck. 
“Ok, sweetheart.”, he replied cautiously as his gaze shifted between you both. “You remember the word right? If you get uncomfortable…”
“Yes, sir. Ahhh!”
Guiding you to the bedroom, Steve practically pushed you the entire way and all but threw you on to their mattress. As he tried to pull down your pants, he became annoyed, tearing them with his hands before tugging them the rest of the way on to the floor. 
“Wear these fucking tight pants like a fucking slut.”, he grumbled as he roughly yanked your legs apart. “Don’t fucking cum, little girl. Do you hear me?”
“Y-Yes, Mr. Harrington.”
He was ruthless with the way his tongue flicked and sucked between your legs, bringing you to the edge multiple times before taking away your pleasure. Eddie gently propped you up with your back to his chest and you were grateful for the feeling as you pressed your sweaty forehead to his cheek. 
“You’re doing really good, pretty girl.”, the professor whispered as his palm brushed your damp hair away from your face. “Steve, how many more—”
“As many as their needs to fucking be, Edward!” The metalhead’s head ticked to the side at his name. His partner only ever did that when he was extremely upset and wanted to feel in control. “My fucking dad, this town, and those stupid fucking people think they can tell me how to be or who to fucking love? Keep your legs open, Y/N! After everything I’ve sacrificed for these people and it’s not enough.”
“You—You both are—mmm ahhhh—more than enough for me.”, you cry and Eddie kisses your cheek.
 “Oh please! Like you fucking care.”, he spits as he pushes two of his long, thick fingers inside you. “You can leave whenever you fucking want to… go off to fucking…Hollywood with your young, buff boyfriend who can apparently to it all it seems. He can keep you safe better than we can since loving you is putting you in more danger!”
You barely registered it but his partner did as his wide eyes scanned over Steve. You were too busy trying not to cum as he didn’t pull back this time but had yet to tell you it was ok. 
“Steven, stop.”, Eddie commanded in a firm tone that the other man ignored. “Red, Steve, stop. NOW.”
When the man’s fingers only slowed but didn’t completely come to halt, your professor slid out from behind you and shoved his boyfriend away from you. 
“The fuck is wrong with you?”
“The fuck is wrong with you?! She said she knew the fucking word, Eddie!”
“Yeah and I know you! What the fuck was that?! You tell her you fucking love her this way?! After saying she doesn’t care and that she’s going to leave us, you fucking asshole! That’s not fair to her. We can’t take her out on dates or show her off but at least us conveying how we feel shouldn’t be hidden under all the bullshit you just did.”
“Eddie…”, you sniffle as they glare each other down. “It’s ok…”
“Get the fuck out.”, Eddie commands as he points past Steve towards the door.
“This is my house to. I don’t have to go anywhere.”
Your professor steps forward and bumps his boyfriend with his chest, making him stumble backward as Eddie guides him towards the bedroom door. 
“We agreed that we’d protect her so that’s what I’m doing. I’m protecting her from you.” Steve’s eyes widened as he glanced around the room as if finally recognizing where he was and who he was with. “You don’t want to leave fine but I’m not letting her anywhere near you till you get yourself together.”
With one final shove, Eddie pushes him out into the hallway and slams the bedroom door in his face locking it tightly behind him. 
As quickly as he can muster, the metalhead lifts you into his arms and places you on the edge of the tub as he fills it with water. 
“I-I-I was doing ok. You didn’t have to stop h-h-him.”, you cry as you wipe your eyes. 
“Look at me, sweetheart. Everything is alright. You may have been able to handle it right now but sometimes Steve… goes overboard…when he’s angry. I think it comes from years of growing up with his parents but even when we fight which is rare he has a bite to his words.”
After carefully guiding you into the bath, you remain silent as you allow him to clean you and massage any part of your body he can reach. 
“I’m sorry I went to the meeting. You both seemed so worried and I couldn’t wait. I didn’t expect them to turn on me like that.”
“You’d be surprised how quick they turn.”, he sighs. “We were worried because Steve already knew the town was pissed off about their recent losing streak so he assumed they wanted to talk about what happened with Martin. I didn’t expect them to talk about your play or you like that.”
Your fingers reached out to caress his face and he smiled as he placed his hand over the back of yours. 
“Thank you for trying to defend me with his father.”
“I’m sorry for what he said about yours. Y/N, your dad would be so proud of you. You’ve done nothing wrong.”
“Not even with you two?”
Eddie heavily exhaled as his eyes closed and he shook his head. 
“No, baby, not even with us… what is wrong is hiding you…hiding that you’re ours and that we can protect you. Y/N, when that kid stood up for you and I saw him shield you behind him, I was glad he was there but also really fucking jealous.”
“I know. I heard it in your tone.”, you giggle as his grin widens for a moment.
“Yeah, yeah. What I mean is… I couldn’t push you behind me. I couldn’t tell those people to fuck off because you’re my girl and I’d take a fucking bullet for you. I almost died trying to save Steve and my friends and I’d do it again to save you. I don’t even need to think about it. You and Steve are safe with me and I want all of Hawkins to know that.”
Your lips tenderly find his before he helps you out of the bathtub and dries you off. 
“Eddie? Do you love me to?”
Pausing for a moment, he smirks your way and slides one of his shirts over your head. 
“You caught him saying that, huh?” After getting you into some comfy shorts, Eddie climbs into his bed with you and you promptly curl up into his side resting your head on his chest. “I’m sorry he said it like that.”, he whispers as his fingers play with your hair. “Um, what if I said that I do love you…very much…”
“I would say that I love you to, you and Steve, but that scares me. I don’t want to ruin your careers or the life you’ve made here.”
“I would probably say something back like how it scares me to but not as much as how hard I fell for you. It was the same with Steve. I wasn’t expecting to fall for him but here we are 10 years later. I—we—also don’t want to ruin your life either. You deserve all the good things, Y/N.”
“So do you.” Quietly, he continued to rub your head as you listened to his steady breathing as his chest rose and fell. “Eddie…I love you.”
Pulling you tighter to him, he tenderly kissed your forehead. 
“I love you to, Y/N.”
In the middle of the night, the sound of low grumbles woke you as you opened their bedroom door and tiptoed out into their living room to find Steve asleep on the couch as he tossed and turned. 
“No…no… please…”
As he groaned, you fell to your knees beside him and tenderly moved his hair away from his face. 
“Don’t…don’t hurt her…please…”
“Everything’s ok, Steve. Shhhhhh, baby. I’m right here.”, you tried to sooth as his nose scrunched in what looked like pain. 
“Run, Y/N…Run!” With that his eyes snapped open as he shot up, panting heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
“Whoa! Hey, hey, hey. It’s ok, Steve. I’m here.”
He didn’t say a word as he forcefully pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms around you as he cried. You continued to pet his head as you held him to your chest, whispering comforts as you tried to calm him.
“People in Hawkins were trying to hurt you. I tried to tell them…I told them you did nothing wrong but…they wouldn’t listen… you were so scared…I couldn’t…”
Your lips kissed his sweaty forehead before trailing down his cheeks to dry his tears. 
“Steve, everything’s ok. No one’s going to hurt me but if they did I know you and Eddie would keep me safe.”
Leaning back, his large hands cupped your face as he kissed your lips. 
“I’m so sorry for yelling and taking my anger out on you. That asshole was saying all that bullshit and then he mentioned your dad and I just lost it. It made me think of Eddie and what he went through…I just felt so out of control.”
“I know, Mr. Harrington, I know.” At your words, his head hung as he pulled away but you quickly grabbed his chin and forced him to look at you again. “Use me to find your control again…both of you.”
As your gaze shifted towards Eddie who had been watching from the hallway, Steve’s lips kissed your cheek before trailing down to your neck. 
“Please, Mr. Munson...use me.”
The metalhead slowly stepped forward and descended to his knees in front of his boyfriend as you moved off his lap out of the way. Lifting his hips, Steve helped him pull down his shorts, groaning when Eddie spit over his tip and stroked it along his length.
Cupping your cheek in his palm, he brought your lips to his, lightly whimpering against them as his partner enveloped him into his mouth and bobbed his head. 
“Fuck, baby. That’s it.”, Steve mewled as his fingers threaded through his long hair. 
When his free hand lightly tugged at your shirt, you got the message and as soon as you tossed it aside he lowered his head to your breast eliciting a soft moan as his tongue swirled and sucked on your nipple. 
“Both of you…use me.”, you repeat with heavy pant as Steve grips Eddie’s throat to passionately kiss his lips before guiding him beside you on the couch as both sets of hands roam along your skin and their mouths suck at either side of your neck. “Please.”
“Sweetheart…you always say…you need time because…our cocks are too big. I don’t think you can handle that…right now.”, Eddie exhales out between each kiss of your skin. 
“But we’ve—”
“We’ve done some stuff yeah because you were curious but that’s different.”
“Please, Mr. Munson. Pleeeeeeeeease.”, you whine making Steve chuckle. 
“Yeah, Professor. Show her how it’s done.”
Eddie playfully narrows his eyes at his partner before falling back against the couch to remove his boxers. When you straddle him on his laps, out of habit, your hands run along his bare chest making him mewl as his fingers take hold of your thick waist. 
“Whenever you’re ready, princess.”
As Steve starts to stand, you quickly take hold of his shoulder and place a tender kiss on his lips. 
“I love you.”
The coach blinks a couple of times as he scans over the softness in your face. They never expected to meet you let alone start a relationship with someone they trusted so completely as to tell you their deepest, darkest secrets. While Eddie was in the hospital after their battle, he would sit beside him in the chair and imagine what a life could be with him. 
He pictured dancing at metal concerts outside of town or even screaming along to one of Eddie’s songs as he played on stage. He envisioned lying in bed with him while holding his hand kind of like he had been for the past couple of weeks except the metalhead would be smiling and laughing at something goofy Steve probably said. He imagined holding him to his chest as he slept, playing with his hair, and reminding him in every way he could think of that he was safe.
Since they started seeing you, he pictured dancing at a wedding with you in a beautiful white dress that showed off every one of your gorgeous curves while he and Eddie were in crisp black tuxes. He saw you at a game he was coaching in the bleachers with the man you both loved at your side holding a baby that looked exactly like him while they clapped their little hands at something happening on the field. 
Steve saw a future with you both he desperately wanted and would do anything he had to, to protect you both.
“I love you to, Y/N.”
Your grin grew as you focused on Eddie again, surprised when you were met with his lips. 
“I love you to, pretty girl.”
Clinging to his neck, you lowered yourself onto his cock as you whimpered at the familiar stretch. 
“I love you to, Eddie. So much…fuck.”
“There you go, baby. You got it.”, he cooed as you rolled your hips slowly. “Take your time. We have all night.”
“God, you feel so good. Is…is it going to hurt. I mean more than when we…”
“When we put the toy inside your ass?”, Eddie finished for you. “Yes, sweetheart. I’m not going to lie to you. But then it will start to feel good.”
Your forehead falls on his and he cups your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. 
“Did I tell you I was Steve’s first?” He smiled when you giggled and shook your head. “Oh yeah. Obviously, he had been with women before but he had never explored that part of himself.”
Lips kissed your back and the metalhead scooted his body down till his neck was leaning against the back of their sofa. Something cold made you gasp before Steve’s lube covered fingers ran between your cheeks. This part you knew from playing with them prior and your eyes squeezed closed as Eddie continued to watch your face. 
“We had been together for about three months—fuck, I could sit here for hours inside you telling you stories—and he asked me if we could try. Y/N, I swear, the way those big, beautiful eyes looked up at me…I thought I was gonna bust.”
After placing a palm on your shoulder to steady himself, your breath caught in your throat as you felt Steve’s cock lightly press against your hole.
“When I started to slide inside of him? Fuck me, baby, he was so tight I lost my fucking mind.”
As slowly as he could, the man behind you began guiding himself into your behind. Your fingers that were clinging to the base of Eddie’s neck dug into his skin as you bit your bottom lip to keep from screaming.
“It’s alright, honey. You’re doing so—fuck—so good.”, Steve whispered. “I’m going to push a little more in, ok?”
You nod aggressively before you remember the rules.
“Y-Yes, Mr. Harrington.” As he continued, a sharp burn coursed through your body as you lifted your head and grunted in pain. “Wait! Wait…yellow, please…wait.”
“Ok, pretty girl. That’s alright. Tell me when you’re ready. L-Like he said, I could let you warm my cock all night and I’d still cum.”
“He came before I even started moving.”, Eddie continues as his thumbs stroke your skin. “I fucked him a couple more times that night and then after we laid in my bed talking about the future.”
“Ok, green. Y-You can keep going.”
“Good girl, baby. Thank you for telling me.”, Steve praised, leaning down to kiss the top of your head. Taking ahold of your waist with both hands, he subtly rolled his hips bumping into something inside you that had your eyes rolling. 
“Shit. Was that the spot, sweetheart? Your pussy just choked my dick.”
After a couple more minutes pass, you feel Steve’s warm body and you realize they are fully sheathed inside of you. You had never felt anything like this and the overwhelming ecstasy of the moment had tears falling down your face. 
“What color, Y/N?”
“G-Green, Mr. Munson. I’ve never felt anything this g-g-good before. Mmm—use me. Please…I need you to.”
Testing the water, both men thrust their hips and a moan they had never heard from you escaped your lips. Your own movements took over as you bounced against them, their guttural grunts of approval keeping you motivated. 
“Atta, girl. You like—mmph—feeling us inside you at the same time?”
“Yes, sir. Fuck, you both feel so good.”
While Steve pumps into you, Eddie plants his feet and thrusts up to meet each of your movements with a hard one of his own. Their hands cling to you tightly, sure to leave bruises you don’t mind wearing. 
A sweaty chest leans against your back, pushing you against your professor’s chest and you laid your head on his shoulder as you listen to both boy’s lips smack together as they passionately kiss. 
“I’m sorry.”, Steve murmurs softly.
“I-I know, sweetheart. I know.”
“I hate—oh, fuck—I hate the way they s-still talk about you. You’re both…perfect.”
“Shhhh… don’t focus on that right now, baby. Just…feel our beautiful girl. H-How tight her holes are…fuck. E-Every time your cock slams into her, s-she—mmm—squeezes tighter around me.”
Pulling himself halfway out, skin slaps against skin as his cock roughly hits that spot deep inside making you moan and clench around Eddie. 
“Like that?”
“Fuck, Steve. Just like that.”
Limply, you cling to the man in front of you as you allow them to take over. Matching each other’s rhythm, it doesn’t take long before your orgasm washes over you and crashes like a wave as you shudder against them. 
“Good girl, princess. Good fucking girl.”, the long-haired boy praises as his fingers thread through your hair to hold you tightly against him as they chase their highs. 
Steve cums first, his palm gripping the back of your neck as he slams his release into your ass and after a few more rough thrusts Eddie follows coating your walls with his spend.
“I know, honey. Shhh. It’s ok.”, the coach softly comforts when he hears you groan as he carefully pulls out and Eddie does the same. 
Taking you in his arms, he carries you to the bathroom and holds you to his chest as his partner gets the bath ready. Wincing as he lowers you, they continue to murmur soft praises before Steve climbs in with you and the other man sits on the tub behind you as you lean against his leg. 
“How are you feeling?”, the pretty boy asks, smiling when you nod. 
“I’m worried about you.”, you answer gently as Steve tilts his head. “Jared said he was going to talk to your father. I don’t want him to cause trouble for you both.”
His gorgeous eyes scan over you and his boyfriend as Eddie pours warm water against your skin making you moan as you tip your head back so he can kiss your forehead. 
“My dad already thinks I’m a fuck up like he said. I don’t imagine how much worse Jared can make it unless I tell him about me and Eddie.”
“After the quake, he didn’t try to make amends? I would think something like that would bring a family closer.”
“It brought us closer.”, he grins as he gestures between himself and the man he loves who smiles back. “It made me realize I wanted to be happy. My parents weren’t even in town when everything happened.”
“Are you going to let Theo try out?”
“Can’t say no to someone who wants to see you safe to.”, he chuckles. 
“Speaking of, we may be a bit more protective for a while, sweetheart. You have no idea how Martin will react to being expelled or even the town as a whole so.”, Eddie advised as his eyes flick towards Steve who nods in agreement. 
After getting you clean, the long-haired man carries you to their bed where you fall asleep tangled in their arms. 
Walking down the hallway, you can feel eyes bore into you as you stroll past. The dean had sent the survey asking students and facility their thoughts on the play but that was nothing compared to the gossip of Martin Click being expelled and being fully removed from the team. 
“Hey, Y/N.”, Theo beamed, ignoring the people around him. “Coach Harrington put me on the team as the new quarterback.”
“Oh my god, that’s amazing!”
“Yeah, I’m excited. Let me walk you to class.”
As your eyes search his, you see something behind them.
“Coach Harrington asked you to keep an eye on me, didn’t he?”
Pursing his lips, he nods as he loops his arm through your own and leads you towards Eddie’s room. 
“He said after last night and with everything going on, he trusted me to look after you. He’s a good guy unlike his dad.”
“Have you met him?”
“Ah no but like everyone else I’ve heard the rumors and small-town gossip about the Harringtons.”
As soon as you reach your next class you pause noticing the sign that read “Class Cancelled.” You had just seen Eddie that morning and he hadn’t said a word about cancelling class. Opening the door anyway you are met with complete and utter chaos. 
The desks had been flipped over with the chairs thrown randomly around the room. His own desk that he taught from was on its side with all his papers tossed every which way on the floor. On the board in front of the class “FREAK” was scrolled across in big bold letters. As you headed for his office you noticed the lock had been busted and it was even more messy with all his books and documents damaged. 
Images were dangling from the ceiling above and as you pulled one of them down, you realized they were pictures of the people that were killed in 86.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Eddie’s strained whimpers caught your ear and you found him in the corner with his knees to his chin, his head down in his folded arms with one of the pictures scrunched in his hand. 
“Go get Mr. Harrington. Now.”, you commanded sternly.
As soon as Theo ran out of the room, you knelt by your professor’s side and slowly pulled the picture from his desperate grasp. It was a school photo of Chrissy Cunningham taken for the yearbook in her cheerleading uniform, her smile bright on her adorable face. 
“Eddie, it’s ok. Come back to me, baby.” 
His head shot up when your fingers touched his hair as his palm instinctively grabbed your wrist. 
“Fuck…fuck, Y/N. I-I-I’m—”
“No, no. It’s ok. Come on, let’s sit in the classroom and wait for Steve. You shouldn’t be looking at these.”
When you rose to your feet, he promptly wrapped his arms around you as he pressed his face into your stomach and cried. Neither of you cared in that moment if you got caught or if someone walked in. He just needed to feel safe again. 
“Jesus Christ.”, Steve panted from running to the room as his wide eyes took everything in. “Eddie, baby.”
Falling to the floor, his partner immediately clung to him as he climbed into his lap. While rocking him back and forth, he whispered comforting words as you stepped back to give them some space. 
“His office is trashed to.”, Theo relayed. “When we spoke, it was heading to the locker room so he probably hadn’t seen it yet. It’s nothing like this though.”
Your wide eyes suddenly meet his.
“Oh, no. Lilah.”
“Y/N, WAIT!”, your friend calls as you run out of the room towards the auditorium. 
You hear your theater teacher shouting before you even open the door. 
“Those little shits are going to get it! I’m not letting this town fucking scare me away!”
In the middle of the stage were all the set pieces she and her team had worked so hard on, now in shambles and charred as if they had been burned right there. 
“We don’t know it was them.”, the town sheriff sighed as his deputy continued to take pictures. 
“Of course it was them! Are you fucking kidding? Martin gets expelled and then the morning after they set my stage on fire with my things!? That’s just a coincidence?!”
“Mr. Munson and Coach Harrington’s offices were destroyed to.”
Lilah looks at you completely shocked before anger fills her face as she gestures your way.
“Is everyone alright?”, Chief Hopper asks right as all three men appear behind you. “Alright. I guess I have an idiot and his father to go talk to.”
@joannamuns9n @dckweed @corkadymu @lilaclazer @aol19 @nailbatanddungeon @dashingdeb16 @micheledawn1975 @too-efn-old-to-be-here @eddiexmunsonlover
I think I got everyone
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