#acme graham acme graham acme graha
itsdappleagain · 4 years
My theories proven/disproven/thoughts, and thoughts on the trailer.
1. Looking for Vera will be the season goal. Well...its seems to be a goal, but it all seems to be building up to stealing/trying to steal the crown jewels.
2.  Carmen’s love interest will me made clear: Julia, Graham, or no one. Well, since neither of them were in the trailer at all!!!!!!! I don’t know. Could, still, be misdirection (Again with the SPOP S5 observation I made)
3. Zack will get an episode where he saves the day. Well, we don’t see him alone in the trailer at all, only helping out with ground support and (possibly) finding Carmen or something? Unknown
4. Julia will take initiative over Devineaux. WELL SINCE SHE DIDN’T SHOW UP IN THE TRAILER and Devineaux did-! I don’t know. Could be misdirection..
5. More ACME-centric. Mmmmm. Seems like the same balance, VILE showing up maybe even a bit more.
6. VILE will take more of a backseat; however, the fewer attacks we’ll have will be more ferocious. Still yet to be seen, but I don’t think so. 
7. VILE House Hunters. Maybe for a little bit, but it looks like they settle down in some unknown castle. You know. Discreetly.
8.  Roundabout content! We’ll see him in action. Yes yes yes! Totally more Roundabout in S3!
9. As much as I would love more info on Player, I don’t think we’re going to get much/any. Remains to be seen (we did get some info on his family in Secrets of the Silver Lion, though!)
10. Maybe some background on Chief? Unknown.
11. Based on the end of the Crackle Goes Kiwi Caper, ACME will interact with Graham. Again, unknown, but maybe this is why he wasn’t in the trailer...
12. Julia and Carmen will have a different sort of relationship after Stockholm/the hack. *Inhales* WELL
13. Hoping for some silly Shadowsan-Zack ninja training. Unknown again, but this season does seem more focused and serious.
14. Based on the flag teaser from Twitter, I’m hoping we’ll get an episode in Venice. (However, they already did have one in Milan..) Yes! Yes! Yes! Pretty sure that was Venice in the trailer! Yesssssss
15. Hoping for some more angst, as both VILE and ACME’s main directives are now taking Carmen down. *Glances at Carmen getting electrocuted into unconciousness and nearly getting hit by a car and gettig bola’d to a pole and fighting a bunch of people* so
16. Based on 15, maybe Carmen gets captured? This could also be Zack’s big moment, or a turning point for, perhaps, Julia or Graham (if he were to be recruited). So, maybe. Maelstrom says “Who will escort our little lost sheep back to VILE?”. Also, again, electrocuted into unconsciousness.
17. Counting on a small return/mention of the Duke, as he was mentioned in passing in the Need for Speed Caper. Unknown.
19. El Topo and Le Chevre...doesn’t everyone want them to get together? weLL since they weren’t in the TRAILER
20. Vera Cruz...I don’t know if they will find her, or if she’ll be alive. To add such a potentially important character in S3, especially after Shadowsan, might be strange. Unknown again; though who is that buff lady who kicks the crap out of Brunt? Hmmmm
21. Building on 20, maybe Carmen will have a “my team is all the family I need” moment. Sounds like she’s still very adamant about finding her, from sneaking in to wherever to Ivy telling her they’ll find her
22. Hoping for some cool, deadly new operatives! Yeah!!!!!!!! Flytrap and Spinkick, plus electrocution lady, and perhaps a few others. (Also, lots of Neal, it seems!)
23.  Return of Mime Bomb. Yeppers yeppers yeppers!
24. Perhaps a stuck-together-for-survival situation (either Team Red-ACME, TR-VILE, or VILE-ACME). Didn’t see a hint of anything like that, but who knows.
25. I know we all want backstory for Ivy and Zack, but they got their little moment in S2, and their “family over career” moment. WELL- who was that lady? The one who sounds like Ivy, then Ivy-Julia, then Julia. You know the one. Maybe she’s family to them?
26. However, maybe Chase’s backstory? It seems to be quite a popular theory that he used to smoke (hence the mints). Maybe this will cause us to be more symathetic to him. Unknown again.
-Again, yay glasses zack!
-Hideo! Hideo’s back and helping! It seems he was either wearing a mask or helping steal one.
-Pirate hat Carmen!
-I am in love with all the masks
-Wrestling lady!? Whomst!?
-The guy talking to Tigress was at C Cleo’s dinner party. The painter, I think.
-Spinkick and Flytrap seem pretty cool, actually. 
-Carmen’s reflexes seem so slow? She couldn’t avoid the loud whistling bola that tied her arm to the pole or think to drop (if possible) the thing that was electrocuting her into unconsciousness
-WOW That car did not slow down or anything, just honked
-Again! The star outfit! Oh my goodness gracious!
-Hey! Tigress and Paper Star working together, that’s going to be really interesting!
-Mime Bomb finally learned how to run
-Suit Chase is not horrible. I’m not thrilled. But its not horrible.
-”You care too much.” WHO ARE THE ROSES FOR SCREAM
-Most impossible heist keeps coming up. Again, like many, I think its the crown jewels.
-Hahah Zari looks so done when Carmen just zooms past
-ACME Graham is totally something I want to see. Maybe thats why we don’t get many ACME clips. Maybe he’s partnered with Julia...
Very very excited!!!!!!!! Its not what I was expecting but I’m very anxious to see how it goes. October 1 can not come soon enough! That was a really long rant and lots of stuff but I’m reallly really excited really really
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