#ack this took so long to answer idk why
yannisrandomstuff · 2 years
What would happen if alternate gabriel caught angel gabriel cuddling up to his sleeping s/o at night?
LIKE alt Gabe just walks in and finds him there. Just like 🧍🏻‍♂️🧍🏻‍♂️
Sheesh world War about to begin BWHAHAHAHAHA
TW: Cussing , kinda OOC?(idk)
(Sorry this took so long and it's kinda corny)
Archangel Gabriel/toonbriel
Alternate Gabriel/Lucifer
You were asleep in this one, Like deepsleep doesn't give af about what's going on but you're asleep.
"Mhmm... you look lovely my dove~.." He whispers while tucking a hair behind your ear. "This is wrong but please let me hold you while I have a chance like this" He says to you he then closed his eyes and kisses your forehead and humming some kind of melody.He suddenly heard a noise coming from downstairs, he just brushed it off thinking it was just a cat that breaks in your house. That was his mistake.
There Gabriel stood eyes wide on what he was seeing. What the fuck?, what is he doing here holding you all-so-loveydovey like the two of you are some kind of married couple? He's pissed, this answer all of his questions on why your house seems to be much more brighter than usual. Are you aware that hes here?, are you cheating on him?, are you now aware that he's not who he really is??. He then appeared behind Archangel Gabriel , grabbing him by his hair and teleporting to the living room where you won't be bothered by them.
Archangel Gabriel's eyes went wide with pure shock in them on realizing who's in front of him, suddenly a fist coming to his face making him fall to the ground.
"Why are you here?!" Anger is visible to his voice
"You don't need to know anything Lucifer" He glared at him
"How dare you touch what's mine" his face is slowly melting revealing his disturbing looks
"How long are you going to pretend to be me? Decieving them?. Lying to them that you loved them?!, I know what your true intentions are satan."
"How dare you question my feelings towards them, How I feel about them is not fake. I know you have been watching them, did you see that j hurt them? Also Even if you know my intentions really is what can you possibly do?, I have all the power in my hands now ever since the day I overthroned father" Gabriel chuckled at his words
"You disgust me, you foul creature, atleast I am not a liar like you and I can prove to them by revealing who you really are and your wicked plans"
AltGabriel then grabbed ArchGabriel by his neck choking him
"Tell them I dare you and you won't be able to see the daylight ever again, you will once again end up in that tomb of sand. I'm warning you lay a finger on them again and your brand new wings will dissappear from your back" his face are now in full black only visible his wide eyes
"Just you wait. You and your plans will fall apart and I will tell them everything they need to know"
"I'd like to see you try Gabriel, I have already make them mine making them think that I will always be here for them but I never lied about my love and feelings towards them"
"You cannot lie nor hurt them! Not on my watch!"
" Pests like you should be executed immediately"
Alt Gabriel's grip on ArchGabriel neck tightened making for ArchGabriel have trouble on breathing.
"I-i'll be ba-ack ! For them, y-You will pay f-for all the thi-ings you- *cough* done l-lucifer!"
At that Archangel Dissappeard it took him a while to Dissappear since Alternate Gabriel's strength is much more stronger than his
"I hope you know that I love you very much my dearest" He kissed your forehead affectionately and sleeps with you
Wow sibling fight 👏 😍
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
So uhh take this demon slayer fic bc I am so normal about Douma. Idk what I'm doing, sorry not sorry if this is a mess but I need some Douma content in my life like NOW
I might write more in the future idk hskdhsjdjjd
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Douma x Akaza (do ppl ship them?? Idk so uhh interpret as you wish)
Lee: Akaza
Ler: Douma
Warnings: Tickles! Swearing!
While waiting in the infinity castle to be summoned by lord Muzan, the upper ranked demons waited in silence, well... except for one.
"Lord Akaza, it's been so long!~".
At the sound of upper moon 2's voice, Akaza could already feel his patience running thin. It was clearly evident on his face from the scowl he wore.
"Fufu~ You always look so angry, why don't you smile?~"
"I'll smile when you finally die" he replied coldly, but Douma only giggled in reply.
"C'mon, it's not that hard~" Douma tried stretching out his cheeks to force a smile on his face, but Akaza shoved him off forcefully. Luckily this time he didn't slash off any limbs.
"Don't touch me" the redheaded demon spat out with venom laced in his words, but silly Douma took this as a challenge of sorts. Trying to get Akaza to smile! And he knew the best technique.
In a swift motion, he tackled Akaza to the ground. It was so fast that Akaza didn't have enough time to react let alone defend himself. He ended falling face first and before he could even think of getting up, Douma held him down with ease.
The white haired demon looked down at the pinned Akaza beneath him with a cheeky grin. He comfortably sat on top of the upper moon 3's back as the redhead squirmed furiously underneath him. "HEY! GET OFF OF ME!" the redhead roared out in anger, but Douma only wore that stupid grin on his face the entire time as if mocking him from how easy it was to overpower him.
"That's no way to treat a friend. Now... smile~" he started softly trailing his nails along the lines that marked Akaza's body. Tracing from his shoulders, to his back, occassionally sneaking to his sides to tease the soft flesh.
Akaza's breath hitched at the light touch. Douma instantly noticed the way his muscles tensed up as his body softly shook, as if trying to surpress the laughter that was threatening to spill out of his lips.
"Aww~ Are you ticklish?~" The white haired demoned asked with an innocent grin, although he already knew the answer. Still, he knew Akaza was too stubborn to admit to something so silly.
"S-shut up...!" the redhead's words wavered, threatening to turn into giggles.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you~" Douma laughed in amusement at Akaza's insults. "I have a feeling that you're starting to break~ Just need to give you that one... final... push~" he said with an evilish twinkle in his eyes as his hands traveled down to Akaza's waist.
The redheaded demon tensed up and held in his breath, expecting the worst to come. He even squeezed his eyes shut to try to surpress any form of emotion. Except... nothing happened. Feeling a bit confused, he peaked an eye open and...
"Ahhh, tktktktk!~" Douma teased as he rapidly dug his thumbs into Akaza's hipbones, massaging small yet quick circles into the sensitive place.
"ACK-!" the redhead chocked on a laugh from the sudden assault and before he knew it, laughter freely poured out of his mouth involuntarily. "S-STAHAP YOU AHAHASS!".
Douma already didn't take his threats seriously, but now that his cheeks were all puffy and red, he couldn't help but laugh at how cute the usually menacing demon looked like. "Fufu~ Look at you, your cheeks are as red as a strawberry~" at that he got an onslaught of threats and insults mixed in with Akaza's boisterous laughter, it made Douma want to laugh along from how ridiculously funny he looked under the mercy of his wiggly fingers.
"Look at that pretty smile! I'm starting to think you actually like it~" Douma grinned cheekily as he noticed the back of Akaza's neck turning bright pink.
After a while of tickling, Akaza grew weak and stopped trying to fight back, not like it had done much in the first place. When Douma noticed his laughter dying down from exhaustion did he stop tormenting upper rank 3. He looked down at the panting demon, and the sight was one he'd remember forever. Akaza's face was all pink and a silly smile was left plastered across his face.
"I'm never gonna let you live that down, fufu~" Douma teased, while Akaza only replied with a flustered groan. He wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face but felt too tired from laughing so much to even get up, how embarrassing... he thought to himself. But one day he'd get his revenge, mark his words...
HELP idk wtf I did for the ending-💀
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vialism · 2 months
Oh wow carte blanche on dab questions!
For the scene where Tyler calls Josh asking if he wants to be in the band, please tell me you based it on the 2012 Columbus Monthly interview and it was not a complete coincidence because I would die if it is!
I did not find that interview until after I read dab and was like.. no fucking way!!
Are there any other things lifted from interviews or stories? (Other than the RAB series, love how you intertwine that so well).
I fucking love and laugh everytime at the "what do I feed Tyler Joseph do not read into it" lol
Love the way you handle Nick and Chris leaving feels very realistic and particularly Tyler's reaction and what we know about his fear of people leaving him (Navigating looking at you, even 10 years later).
And finallyyy, I am a bottom Tyler truther but I am always interested on other people's reasons why, particularly since you make Mark even so aware of it enough to ask Josh if he is a top lol
ack holy moly i love these questions! i will do my best to answer!
of course, of COURSE it was not a coincidence... hehehe I knew what I was doing! I love love love taking dialogue from actual things they've said and weaving it into fics as realistically as possible. I've seen other people on twitter discover that interview and been like "WAIT LIKE IN DREAMERS AT BEST" and honestly... MIND BLOWING that people find out canon things from my fic before they realize they're like. real. humbling as fuck and also makes my research feel worth it!!! i started writing dab not too long after i went through my clikkie rite of passage in which i deep dived and watched every single pilots interview of all time (which i assume all fans go through, or at least all neurodivergent fans LOL). so a lot of these things were fresh in my mind.
i'm trying to think of other major things off the top of my head that came from real interviews or stories that we know are true. we know they met at the newport (sadly the exit sign detail came later!), we know the timeline and details of how mark stumbled into tyler's life, ditto the timeline of josh filling in for colin in hoh - i REALLY tried to get the timeline leading up to josh joining the band right. we only learned later that he had been about to move to nashville when tyler asked him to be in the band. sitting on the rooftop of the grocery store is something they've talked about from their early friendship... obviously so much else was filled in around what we know, but the goal was to make everything believable with the details we had, and it seems like that's part of what really resonated with people about the fic!
i went through a phase where i could not stand rereading the first 4 chapters of dab. so hearing that you love that random text josh sends in chapter 3 is actually so validating. i feel like i grew as a writer SO much over the course of writing the fic, and sometimes it's weird to read the early chapters in contrast with the later chapters where... idk, the language is more sophisticated? but i try to remind myself that they were growing up over the course of the fic too. and, people love and cherish those chapters for what they are. and i finally do too.
ohhh i'm glad you mentioned the whole "kinda feels like everybody leaves" stuff in regard to nick and chris, because that is absolutely where my mind goes. part of the story that dab tells is that josh isn't just a great drummer and friend with sex appeal who would help the band get famous - josh did not want to do anything else with his life except play music with tyler. he would do anything for tyler. he would break his back hauling that fucking piano case for as long as it took. he was never leaving. and somehow we are still living that narrative in the lore in 2024. tyler. that boy is not going to leave you.
hello, bottom tyler truther... we are the same. i love the idea of either of them bottoming and truly either works, but... josh is generous. josh wants to give. he wants to take care of people, and he shows his love through quiet protectiveness. tyler has a personality where he clings to control - we know this. so a true mark of trust for him, his truest form of intimacy, is ceding control to someone else. it really doesn't matter whose dick goes where... tyler just needs to be cared for. and everyone, including mark, can see how well josh takes care of him.
OH!!!!! this got extremely long. i guess i also just want to always say that even 8 years after starting it i am IN AWE of how many people still care about that fic. it is humbling for real. thank you thank you for caring enough about it to ask these questions :')
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shatterthefragments · 6 months
16, 36, 48
I have no idea if I already sent you asks or not. The brain has been fuzzy lately. Feel free to ignore if you've already answered!
No worries!! I am still happy rambly so here’s a cut again:
16. Romantically, do you prefer men, women, both, any/don’t care, or are you aromantic?
I’ll maybe add that right now because Sleep Token is The Fixation I’m perhaps a bit more into men at the moment? But also infatuation is fickle and I have no clue I just love everyone 💖✨
Ooh but also a coworker had a girl she said would be perfect for me and even though it wouldn’t work out bc my poor lungs can’t take smoke and she smokes weed but even when just thinking about her I melt she’s THAT adorable 🥰
Idk. Just. People 🥹
36. What’s your favorite book?
Oh. Oh shit. A favourite… a favourite………… (I am looking at my bookcases) (my sister took a bunch of books though…)
Will Grayson, Will Grayson and Ellen Hopkins’ books around 2010 ish are some of the first books I loved that I got and kept. As well as Looking For Alaska.
David Levithan’s Wide Awake I think is the copy I highlighted through my favourite parts?
For amount of rereads: I have lost count of how often I have reread Ellen Hopkins’ books (though her style of prose heavily inspired much of my poetry that I wrote grade 6 onwards and to this day sometimes too even though I hardly remember the stories now) and What They Always Tell Us. I know for sure I read Evernight(?) (Claudia Gray) 12 times before I returned it to the library. I tend to mostly read YA fiction? (I mostly read fanfiction TBH) I adore Maggie Stiefvater’s Wolves of Mercy Falls series so much!! (I had the fortune to go to a writing workshop of hers once!)
I love manga (gosh Fullmetal Alchemist has my heart of course but also some other faves: Our Dreams At Dusk, Genkaku Picasso, Grand Guignol Orchestra, and of course Fruits Basket)
I don’t read much nonfiction despite wishing to. I have a book on Gothic Architecture that I REALLY WANT to read but. Can’t yet. And there’s also a set of architecture books a sailing friend recommended to me but (subject to availability from library) couldn’t read that either even when I checked it out. Will have to try again later. Hopefully the invisible barriers drop.
48. Are you afraid of death?
Yes and no.
Yes because I’m no longer ready for it to be over. There’s so many friends to see, food to try, things to go and do, hobbies to learn and partake in, oceans and beaches to visit, things to cook, people to love, animals to pet etc etc like?!? You know what?!? Even if I just spent the rest of my time learning how to make music that’s so much time?!? There’s never going to be enough time to do everything I want to so I CAN’T CUT MY TIME SHORT!!! I just have to try to make the most of it and drag myself out of my Misery Hole when I can’t see it. There’s so many things I want to do and try and places to go!! Even just within a couple hours of where I live!!! I want to go pet some alpacas!! And there’s no reason why not!! one day I can make a day trip and go drive to go do this?! And tattoos to get! Art to make and admire!! So many endless possibilities!! (So many I can never choose ack) so I’m scared I won’t get to try to do even half of the things I want to. Or go to even one other continent. Cuddles too!!
And no because everything is kind of. A gift at this point? I never thought I’d live this long and don’t really have much of a plan. I definitely thought I’d be dead five+ years ago (whether by my own hand or getting clocked and murdered bc I DEFINITELY watched Boys Don’t Cry too young and I’m left with no memories but abject fear from it)
And I think that I *will* be scared when the time comes because I have a lot of regrets etc and I want to keep going for as long as I can and just. Enjoy what I can. Try to make things better if not hugely at least for my friends. And just. Take the highs when I can get them 😁
Reminder to myself to attach one of the things that popped into my head at reading this question: because even though Desperation to not be here anymore and not have to suffer still has me in its grips. Like? I’ve clawed my way out (and I’ll do it again) and I want to continue living. I want to live to the best of my ability. I want to make a home for myself. In my space. In my body. In my mind. And so I will do my best to.
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potatotrash0 · 4 years
Please I’m begging you, I need your opinions on the 10th anniversary outfits, partially because my brain fell out of my head once I saw
Ponytail Komaeda✨
But also because I’m in LOVE with so many outfits. I also wanna roast some of them because yikes.
DJDJKEFJ YOU ENABLE ME..........i’m putting this under the tag because i talk a lot and this includes just about as many people as i have an opinion on.......which is a lot skfjskhfjd
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Listen someone in Chunsoft looked at the fandom and decided to throw us a bone because they really made each antag look like a hot piece of ass. Byakuya with his big rich bitch coat, Kokichi with his swept hair, Ko with his pony.......they had no right to make them look so hot tbh
Also I love that for the first few days, the Komaeda tag was just full of us freaking out over Ko’s pony. One brain cell, I tell you. Komaeda fans collectively saw him and frothed at the mouth skfjdkfj.......
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Okay I NEED to talk about the protags bc my god did they do them dirty.....Saihara’s dirt color suit? Hinata’s piss colored one??? Disgusting. The filter doesn’t help at all because I clearly see Hinata’s suit being white or off-white in the first one with only the protags and supports but SAIHARA???? He was done dirty since the beginning and I’m appalled that they would do that to my boy especially when Kaede and Makoto are right there in perfectly good outfits.
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Real quick can we talk about Akane because she is GORGEOUS????? Also Peko!!!! Fuyuhiko you lucky bastard......
Sonia and Gundham??? Muah. Love his scarf, her ponytail, they’re snazzy dates. Also the Devas having lil baby ties on 🥺💘💓💗💞💗
I’m actually personally offended that they didn’t show Ibuki’s whole dress because she looks great already and I’d pay to see her in a dual tone ballgown.
So according to my friend, Souda looks like a neon Leorio and honestly I don’t think I could put it better. He’s even got the tiny grandpa glasses......like he makes them work but still. Grandpa glasses.
Miss Mahiru.........beautiful.....idk what’s up with her headband but I love her dress enough to let it slide.......Hiyoko isn’t in this shot but she looks adorable.......my only complaint is that they aren’t matching........
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I like to call this screenshot “Girls 💓💖💕✨”
Celeste looks.....absolutely gorgeous.....I deadass just stopped everything to stare at her when i first saw her tbh her power is immense......Chunsoft give me her full sprite edit now you cowards >:/
Aoi and Sakura!!!!! They’re gfs your honor!!!! I like to think Aoi helped Sakura do her hair before the dance......though I do personally believe Aoi would have rocked a suit but know what she’s beautiful it’s fine
TOKO!!!!!!! I wanna see her hairstyle cause that’s either a bun or a single braid and either way I’m begging you to let me see my wife...............
Can. We talk about Junko. Please. I’m. In love with her........she might commit atrocities but god is she hot........haha........please kiss me—
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Teruteru’s lil hat is adorable?? I know I don’t talk about him much but he’s actually very cute here I’ll give him that. Also there’s Hiyoko she’s very pretty.....
CHIAKI AND KYOKO........ACK........be still my heart..........they’re beautiful I want to kiss them and be their date please. Chiaki with buns and Kyoko in a ponytail is everything. I’ve never been more in love with them skjfhfrjgdj
also MIKAN!!!!!!!! ACK SHE’S SO PRETTY......mmm, I am a little bothered that they gave her.....that, idk, instead of a normal jumpsuit because she would have looked drop dead gorgeous without being given something that I feel would probably make her uncomfortable but know what whatever. Maybe I’m nitpicking. She’s still rocking her outfit and looking happy and that’s all I want for her.
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I’m so sorry for Leon stans because that suit is literally the most atrocious thing I’ve seen ever. Purple and orange plaid with HIS hair????? Disgusting. I’ve never been more repulsed by one man. He and Saihara got dressed together change my mind.
Miss Kirumi.......kiss me........she’s gorgeous and I want her to rock these kinda outfits more please she deserves it
Miu’s outfit makes her look like an instagrammer or something and honestly good for her, wear those sunglasses inside like the extra inventor you are babe 💖
Chihiro.......I mean they look great but why the leprechaun aesthetic..........very cute though I kinda like it. It’s funky.
Tenko!!!!! Rockin her suit and skirt, very snazzy. The top hat looks out of place but know what, Danganronpa doesn’t draw hats very well in general so I’ll let it slide
...........Ouma move outta the way you’re blocking Himiko skfjskfj. Anyway I like Himiko’s dress too, but I’d probably make the dress navy and blue or something, I think the red/pink/magenta color scheme clashes weirdly with her hair.
Ngl I think Kork and Rantaro actually look okay. The fedoras are. Questionable. But I like to think Rantaro convinced Kork to do it just so they could stand at the entrance when the party started to help hold the doors open and tip their hats, going “m’lady” and winking every time a girl came by. It’s like the only way I can excuse them skfjk
HOWEVER. I can’t forgive Ryoma’s hat because what the hell is that. Did he glue horns to his fedora. What. Huh. Why is that image in my memory now and how do I get it out arghhhhh
Anyway Harumaki!!!!!! My wife.........gorgeous as always queen keep doing what you’re doing.......on that topic, Tsumugi, Angie, and Sayaka also look stunning.......muah
In conclusion all the girls are gorgeous. The guys......hit or miss I guess they do miss huh.
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
Part SIX
This series is TICKLE related.
Series Summary:  You’re the little sister of the one and only Captain America. You’re also the youngest girl on the team, so that automatically makes you the avengers’ little princess. And they spoil you as such. They have become your amazing family and you don’t know where you’d be without them. This series will show random adventures and fluffy events in the daily life of the reader and her family, along with an unexpected turn later on as you read. 
A/N: I’m so excited to be writing this series! This is my first time writing one and I’m a bit nervous but I hope it all goes well. :) The first few chapters will be about random events, not really following a timeline until Chapter 9. Hope you enjoy!
I feel like this one is kinda bad, idk lol
Word Count: 2,419
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Sunday afternoon. You were walking to the gym to practice some dances when you heard some people talking in one of the common rooms. You decided to walk in there and see what they were talking about. 
“Alright, we’ll leave first thing in the morning.” Bucky stated, pausing and smiling lightly when he saw you come in. You pouted and looked at him, Nat, and Wanda with sad eyes. 
“You guys are leaving? On a mission?” You ask. So soon too? They exchanged looks and gave you an apologetic smile. 
“Yeah, it was sudden. They need us in Bali. We’ll only be gone two days. It’s a small mission, nothing too serious, that’s why it’s just us.” Wanda smiled. That made you feel a little better, since they weren’t gonna be gone too long. You nodded and smiled a bit, leaving to go practice. 
When you left, the three exchanged awkward looks, Nat finally speaking up. “I’ll take the kids out somewhere and explain a little more about the mission, hopefully that will make them not worry too much.” She hummed. Bucky nodded and watched as Nat left to go tell you and Peter.
You were almost done with your dance when Nat came in with Peter trailing behind. “Hey.” You panted. Nat smiled and nodded to the door. 
“I’m gonna take you guys to the park. Come on, get dressed. We’ll take the Lamborghini.” She smirked. You smiled widely and quickly made your way to your room. Nat always had a thing for nice cars so every time she’d go somewhere, she’d borrow some of Tony’s cars. 
You took a record time shower and put on a simple outfit, running downstairs to the garage to meet them. You and Peter raced over to the passenger side, pushing each other over. “I call shotgun!” You chirped, beating Peter to the door. He groaned and jumped into the back seat, you milking the moment by doing a victory dance and sticking your tongue at him quickly.
You had convinced Nat to get you both ice cream and you were very excited, now walking through the park with a cone of your favorite. You all stopped to sit at a bench, Nat smirking down at the both of you, taking off her sunglasses before resting her elbow on the back of the bench. “So. I just thought I’d bring you guys here to discuss the mission a little bit more.” You both nodded, taking another lick of your ice cream. “We leave tomorrow, come back Wednesday. It’s not a mission to be worried about, we just need to extract some information from a former HYDRA worker but now he’s selling illegal weapons in the Black Market. We need to disguise as VIP guests at a sales party and find out as much as we can about this guy to track down all his associates and shut down his business. Nothing much, we’ll get it done.” She smiled. You nodded, a little more relieved about the situation. 
“So, if something goes wrong and they find out who you are?” You lead, looking up at her. She smirks, giving you a sure look. 
“That’s not gonna happen.” She soothed. You smiled and sat back, satisfied with the answer. Nat was, well, she was Black Widow. A spy. She knew what she was doing. That’s why she was in charge of this mission. 
You were now home and chilling on the couch with Peter and Vision was in the kitchen attempting to make Wanda something. After a while of you and Peter cracking jokes about characters on the tv, Vision got curious as to all the slang you both were using. 
“Oh my god, look at that man!” You gushed dramatically, pointing to some guy on tv that was standing at an angle that showed his profile. “The booty do be thicc tho.” You smirked, looking at Peter with an impressed expression. Peter laughed and rolled his eyes.
“Chile, anyways, so..” He chuckled. You smiled and both continued to reference memes and slang, only confusing Vision more. 
“He really is flexing on us with those abs.”
“I bet you’re salty right now cause you don’t have a butt as thick as him.”
“I’m really bout to clap you for that comment.”
“I’m just spilling the tea, sis.”
“Children, may I ask what those things mean?” Vision asked from his place in the kitchen, catching you and Peter’s attention. 
“What what means?” You asked. Vision came closer into the living room and clasped his hands together politely.
“Those... words you were using a second ago. Thick, and... tea, and flexing. What do those mean?” 
You and Peter looked at each other, smirking widely at the exact same time. “Come, sit with us Vision.” You said in a dramatically polite way, motioning towards the couch and crossing your legs. “We shall teach you what we know.” 
You and Peter were snickering in your room, laughing at how funny it was to see Vision so confused. You both had finally gotten him to understand all the references, memes, and quotes you two were using, and encouraged him to use them in his daily routine. At that moment, Wanda came in your room with her arms crossed. 
“What did you guys do to Vision?” She asked accusingly. You pursed your lips, trying to keep yourself from smiling. She caught this and narrowed her eyes at you before coming closer. “Were you guys messing with Vision? He’s been using all of these analogies and words I only hear you two use. What did you do?” She asks again, this time poking your side as a warning. 
You flinched and held in a giggle, covering your side. “N-Nothing.” You said nervously. She gave you a look that confirmed she didn’t believe it and fluttered her fingers around your neck. “Ack!” You squeaked, scrunching up your shoulders and giggling as her long fingers raked around your neck and collarbone. “Nohohoho!” 
She smirked and slithered her fingers into your ribs, digging in the spaces. “Were you guys messing with him? You know that’s not nice; it’s not his fault he doesn’t understand teenage slang.” She sang, smiling wider when your giggles turned desperate and you fell back on the bed. She took that opportunity to get your belly, that was now exposed by your shirt riding up. Her tickles were gentle, but they tickled like crazy, especially on your belly. You squealed when she traced her nails along your waistline, kicking your legs out.
“okahahahay! ihihim sohohohorry!” You pleaded. Peter had gotten out of the way, giggling at you from a distance. 
“Is that a real, honest apology, or just a ticket to get me to stop.” She chuckled, pausing her attack to let you speak. 
“Yehehes, I’m sohohorry for picking on your manz.” You panted. Peter chuckled and Wanda rolled her eyes, standing back. You giggled as you watched her carefully, to make sure she wasn’t going to tickle you again. “But he did catch up pretty fast though, you gotta give him that.” You chirped, shrugging an arm. Wanda scoffed and turned around to leave. 
“Leave Vision alone.” She warned before closing the door. You sighed in relief and laid back on your bed. Peter also sat back down once the coast was clear and you both resumed your hilarious conversation about Vision.
After dinner and helping the team clean up, you and Peter decided to jump in the pool for a bit and swim. You couldn’t be there too late though, because tomorrow was Monday and you had school. Also, you had to get up extra early because you wanted to see Bucky, Nat and Wanda off for their mission. Nonetheless, you and Peter were going to have a sleepover in your room. You usually have one every weekend but since you didn’t have one Friday night, you weren’t gonna break tradition.
You and Peter were splashing each other, laughing freely and flinching as water hit your faces. The sun was going down so it was getting cooler, making the water more refreshing to be in. Tony came out into the yard with some popsicles in his hands, standing at the edge of the pool. “Want some?” 
Peter gasped, quickly swimming towards the edge to get his popsicle, you following close behind. “Thanks Tony!” You both smiled. Tony hummed and nodded, going back inside. You sat at the stairs of the pool while Peter stood at the shallow end. After you had finished, you both swam for about 10 more minutes before drying up and going inside. 
You both showered and got into your PJs before meeting in your room. You brought lots of snacks from downstairs and you were watching a movie on your bed. It was about 9:30 now, and the movie was almost finished. Almost all of your snacks were done and now you were just laying there, hugging your pillow and laying on your side, facing the tv. 
“Do you think I’ll get chest hair soon?��� Peter asked out of nowhere. You spluttered, looking over at him with a brow raised. You decided to mess with him a bit, like you love to do.
“Ay ay ay, Peter, chest hair grows when you become a man.” You smirked. Peter gave you a wary look but you decided to keep going. “Even I have my chest hairs, where are yours?” You teased, poking around his chest. Peter sucked his teeth before grabbing the pillow behind his head and whacking you with it.
You gasped and let out shocked laughter, deciding it was time to fight. “Okay..” You slowly got up, standing in the mattress and puffing your chest out. “You wanna fight, bro?!” You asked. Peter instantly got up, copying your stance and beating his chest once.
“Bring it on, giggles! you know I’ll win anyway!” He sang. You felt your face heat up and growled, commencing the fight. You grabbed his shoulders, pushing down to try to bring him down to the ground but he swiped his legs under you, letting you fall on your back. You immediately start to giggle, just like he knew you would, and shook his head with a smile. 
You stood up and grabbed him in a headlock, moving your leg behind him and kicking behind his knee to take him down. It finally worked and you both fell on the bed, you landing on top of him. Peter chortled and wrapped his arms and legs around you like a koala, and held your back to his chest. You grunted and fought against it, launching yourself forward with force to try to break his grip. However, your attempts were short lived when he began to rapidly pinch your sides, up and down. You yelped and let out surprised laughter. 
“Nohoho! Peter stohohop, no tihihickling!” You cried. Peter laughed and flipped you over, now straddling you. You pushed at his knees to get him off but he quickly stopped it by slipping his hands under your arms. With a loud squeal, you brought your arms to your sides and threw your head back in ticklish agony. “Crahahahap!” 
Peter giggled along with you and tased his fingers in the middle of your belly, eliciting your loud belly laughter. You arched your back and pushed at his hands. You were able to grab them and you held them tight in your hands. Peter paused, letting you think you had a chance to keep him at bay. “I told you I’d win, giggles.”
“Thihihis isn’t fahahair!” You cried, keeping his hands away. Peter raised his brows and looked at you in mock concern. 
“Oh, really? You don’t say.” He gasped before ripping his hands out of your grip and tickled your hips, causing you to convulse under him. You let out squeaky laughter, making Peter chuckle at you. 
“NOHOHOOO!” You howl, slowly dissolving into silent laughter, trying to turn on your belly. Peter snickered and blew a quick raspberry on your neck, right under your jaw line. You screamed, recoiling and slapping at his face and chest. Peter sat back with an eyebrow raised and his mouth open slightly with a smirk. 
“Are you slapping me? Do I need to web your arms down so I can finish up here?” He teased. You immediately howled out apologies.
“NOHOHO I’M SOHOHORRY!” You said, shaking your head. Peter gave you a smug look and lifted your shirt, before grabbing your sides to hold you steady. You threw your head back in defeat, knowing what he was about to do but giggled nervously nonetheless. There was no use trying to talk him out of it. 
You shrieked, your laughter going silent and pushed at his head desperately when you felt him blow the raspberry on your belly button. You were literally just a puddle of uncontrollable giggles when he sat back, watching you with a satisfied smile. “There. I have created a masterpiece!” He gushed, putting his hands on your belly and shaking it furiously, forcing a another bubbly stream of giggles. “An adorable, giggly masterpiece! Muah!” He said, making a chefs kiss before getting off you. 
You turned on your side as soon as his weight was off you and curled into a ball, still letting out residual giggles. “Whyhyhy do you lohohove to torture mehehe.” You said, not really expecting an answer. Peter chuckled and shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Mmm, cause it’s fun!” He smirked. You rolled your eyes and snuggled up in bed, pulling up the covers. After making small talk with him and laughing about different things Flash has attempted to humiliate Peter with, Steve knocked on the door before coming in to check on you guys before going to bed himself. “Hey you guys alright?” 
“Yeah, we’re good.” You chirped, Peter nodding beside you. 
“Alright, well, you guys should get some sleep. You’ve got school tomorrow. Tv off.’“ He hummed, nodding towards the tv. You smirk and roll your eyes playfully.
“Sure, dad.” You quipped, making him tilt his head and give you a pointed glare. 
“Lay off the attitude, will ya? Goodnight.” He shakes his head, closing the door behind him. You smile widely, the both of you bidding him goodnight and get the remote to turn off the tv. You and Peter get comfortable and continue your conversation in the dark, not even noticing that you both fell asleep in the middle of your sentences. 
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peanut-the-goalie · 4 years
@heyitssmiller​ newchapternewchapternewchapter
Black, you’re going to make us late
said like an old married couple
“Alright, alright. Coming. Here.” He handed Remus the cup of tea after he’d locked up the apartment and waited for him to take a sip expectantly, all eager gray eyes and puppy-like enthusiasm. Remus let that smile he was holding back slip through the cracks as he brought the cup to his lips. He took a sip, keeping his face carefully neutral.
this section like this paragraph and the next 2 - 3. THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOUR WRITING, I CAN’T NOT READ WITHOUT GRINNING
“Hmm?” He demanded, causing Remus to laugh. “What does hmm mean?”
“It means your tea is shit but I didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”
not me making heart eyes at the screen nope
“Please don’t drink anymore of this, holy shit.” Sirius took the lid off and dumped the contents into a nearby trashcan as they walked quickly in order to escape the bitterly cold morning.
I would advise not to dump liquids into the trash can, but we don't wanna kill the plants do we?
“That’s pretty hard to do when it’s a hot liquid. I’m kind of impressed.”
I want to attempt this now. I want Remus Lupin to be proud of me pls
“Well, I didn’t get my morning tea.” Remus replied, holding the door open for Sirius
sassy remus snarky remus my favourite remus
They hadn’t even shrugged off their coats before Logan was approaching them, a stiff expression on his face.
“We need to talk.”
nonono what what? hnnn are we making leo suffer through this whole story or smth?
Logan didn’t even answer, he just started walking
quiet Logan is the most concerning logan
“I’m requesting a transfer.”
Remus blinked, surprised at the suddenness of the statement. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Is this about that kiss you planted on O’Hara?” Sirius asked with a teasing grin. Logan’s expression shifted from blank to pained in half a second
1) Lo Lo Lo baby noooo
2) frick off sirius
Logan squeezed his eyes shut and exhaled sharply through nose. He seemed more worried about leaving his partners exposed than his transfer being denied. A thought made its way to the forefront of Remus’ mind, making him consider a different angle to why Logan was so upset.
ever loving protective lo
The Snakes were proven to be brutal and merciless and not afraid to start fights. Or finish them. Logan’s partners had never experienced something like that, and there was no way they’d be prepared if one of their missions went south.
what the fuck miller. crY
Leo laughed softly. “Alright there, Finn?” He blinked. “What year is it?”
I love finn
Logan couldn’t help but think he was beautiful even without a lot of rest. His hair was all disheveled, eyes big and sleepy, and voice all low and rough. It would take a hell of a lot to make Finn O’Hara not beautiful.
But first: sleep.
yes sleep first always (i say as im planning on staying but for...more hours ew math)
Make my wish come true, baby all I want for Christmas is you!
Even the Christmas music was mocking him now. That was just perfect. Now if they added the word two to the end of that lyric, it would be spot-on.
mean music
A dark, cold room with only two beds, Logan noticed after he switched on the light.
I’m just thinking about the unlucky one who has to sleep alone :(
How had this become his life?
The universe loves you, deal with it
“How are my sleeves still too short?”
“Fight me.” Logan said heatedly, turning to glare at Finn. He stopped short and his gaze turned soft as he watched the redhead adjusting his tie in the mirror, all gorgeous lines and focused face. His tongue stuck out slightly as he tightened the knot of his tie and tried to straighten it.
It was still crooked.
“Your tie’s still crooked.” He said, reaching up to tug at the article of clothing.
Idk whether to yell or say awwwwwwwwwwwww
since the last op.
i’ve just realized op meant operation smh
But Finn was a conman. He literally fooled people for a living. Who was to say that Logan wasn’t just the next mark on a long list?
finn if you fuck with their emotions istg—
Finn sucked in a quick breath beside him. “Oh, Nutty, no.”
this made me smiLE
Finn closed the distance between him and Leo and reached up to ruffle his hair. Leo attempted to swat his hand away with an offended noise. “Harzy, do you know how long it took me to get my hair to look like that?”
Finn: I just wanted to touch his hair okay?
“She taught me how to dance by having me stand on her feet, so I actually learned how to follow before I learned to lead.”
im love. im love im love im love
Finn just pulled him closer, tilting his head up slightly to look at those soft eyes. “Try me, Knut.”
Singing off-key was something Finn never thought he would find endearing, but – well. This was Leo Knut. Pretty much everything he did was endearing
miller aaaaah
Logan moved his gaze away to look at Leo, who was dancing with Regulus. They were pressed closely together, talking quietly. Leo looked completely in his element, which surprised Logan just a little. The normal, jittery movements of a pickpocket were replaced with the graceful, assured motions of a practiced dancer. He made it look as easy as breathing.
wait aw reggie and leo dancing because yayay canon friends change my mind
“Nice grab. I almost didn’t catch it.”
no. damn it reg
“Don’t play dumb. Just give it back and tell me who you’re working for. I promise I won’t kill you, but – well. I’m a Snake, and I do have a reputation to withhold.”
Regulus froze, shoulders tensing. After a long stretch of silence he whispered, voice pained, “He’s alive?”
Remus looked over at the man in question as they listened in and watched his face absolutely crumble. “Reg.”
June was great – nice, beautiful, whip-smart, and way too good to be messing around with people like the Snakes.
june june june june
A tall, broad man with cold eyes and a feral smile looked back at them
Grayback, it’s grayback isn’t it? fuck you
Sirius wasn’t even listening in anymore as sat next to Remus, forcefully prying Remus’ hand away from where it was gripping his shoulder too tightly and lacing their fingers together while Remus struggled to breathe.
I hate Grayback
Who knew a hug could be so complicated?
I mean they are though. I had my personal space so violated yesterday because my friends kept hugging me and they know I hate hugs unless i initiate them like a weirdo and i didn’t know what to dooo
“Finn, did you just say y’all?” Logan couldn’t see him, but he could hear the delighted smile in Leo’s voice.
Miller is rubbing us on all of us and i love it
The night only got worse when he looked over to the newcomer to face eerie, yellow eyes.
he remind me of a basilisk. Didn’t I name him tinkerbell? Im never going to see tinkerbell normally again, scary lil fairy
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Oh, hi idk if the requests are still open, but can I ask for a request? Can I have a crossover of Tokyo Ghoul and Haikyuu? Like Hinata is Ken and some team members know it. And then Jason kidnaps him and the rest like their reaction and all that. Like after that fight what happens and reaction. Sorry for the long request-[thank you in advance :) ]
I’m sorry it took so long and I’m sorry it’s so short life is being a fucking menace but I hope you enjoy what I did write because I hated everything else I’d written for it and think this was my best one- BUT it did give me that idea I was talking about the other day
Tumblr media
Shouyou breathed in and out slowly. The day was long, well it felt long. They’d just won the tournament to the nationals against Shiratorizawa and he just felt… tired.
Food. He needed food, maybe his mum had some stocked in the back storage.
He could hear his teammates behind him, walking and talking to one another, Kageyama having gotten picked up by his sister same with Tanaka and Yachi being picked up by Saeko- she insisted to take the smaller blonde home. Sugawara was humming slightly, he was the closest to him after all.
“Don’t forget to eat.” He heard the team mum whisper. He knew… Sho almost forgot- he was that tired and hungry. Suga, Daichi and Nishinoya knew… he’s certain Kiyoko knows too and he thinks Tsukishima’s wary if it… he doesn’t care right now he just wants to eat.
“Yeah. You can’t live off coffee all the time Hinata.” Asahi said. God Sho must be out of it he didn’t even realise he was with them still.
Everything was feeling a little blurry. His stomach felt funny and his water- his water tasted gross… why didn’t he think about that.
And then he blacked out.
And then they all blacked out too.
The ginger winger spiker felt himself coming to slowly. He felt sick. He just wanted food.
Then a crunch, that sickening crunch.
“Hello little bug.��� He said. Shouyou’s stomach dropped. That was a haunting voice. “Look at all your little friends here… just waiting to become your next meal.”
“Sho stay calm- ack!” Sugawara had a slap send him flying to the ground. Nishinoya ducking to catch him.
They weren’t tied up. Just Hinata. They were just humans. Just weak and unsuspecting humans.
“Where are we?” Daichi questioned carefully, wary of getting hit himself.
“In my…. Home. I’m Jason- and this boy here.” The beast of a man grasped Shouyou’s chin. “Isn’t what you think he is.”
“Leave him alone.” Nishinoya all but growled. He knew, he knew about Sho and still cared, he knew and helped him all he could- afterall Sho was still his Kohai.
“You are all but insects under my thumb I could give a shit less about you… you’re just food. This one here sees you the same no doubt. A meaningless fantasy for a ghoul to be your friend.”
“Ghoul?” Yamaguchi gaped, looking straight at Hinata for answers. His hesitance was all the answer they needed. “Why-“
“We knew.” Daichi said. “He’s no monster so let us go.”
“No.” Jason smiled as he lifted up what seemed like a centipede… and dropped it in the gingers ear.
And then… well…. You all know the story of Kaneki. You know what Jason did.
~~ Breaking News ~~
The missing teens have been found. The students of Karasuno High’s volleyball team in the Miyagi Prefecture is safe albeit shaken up. The reports say there were no injuries to any par one student who has been taken in for further questioning. The doves on the scene said that is was in fact a Ghoul who took the teens but also a Ghoul who saved them.
Further news will come when more information has been released. We thank that ghoul for those students safe return thank-you and Goodnight.
0 notes
HelloooO! Please match me up with someone, mighty Admin! *^* I started Ensemble Stars recently bc I'm a huge Love Live fan & idk who is best guy. I'd like someone closer to my age (18) and I'm considered kind of mature. I like to write songs fics and imagines too (Pokemon). I end up liking chars who aren't generally liked by people because they're "complicated". Chuunibyous are my jAM. I have low self esteem so anyone w/ faith in me would be gr8. I have 3 cats & 1 dog. I love Formula 1 (racing).
Helooo to you, too! I’m not all that mighty, but thanks! I’m pretty sure this has been sitting in my inbox for a while… but I hope it still helps you! If you need any help, feel free to message me or send in an ask! I know a lot about the game, characters, and story so hopefully I can be of help !!
Before I start, in case you’re still unsure about characters you like, I thought I should list out some you might like!! Shinobu is a ninja chuuni! Natsume is a… interesting boy. He does magic, and loves teasing people. Kanata is a mysterious figure that is usually laid-back, but gets super excited over anything to do with water or marine life! Rei is a vampire grandpa. He’s edgy, nocturnal, and can’t handle the sun. Wow, I listed a lot… theres so many people that seem like your type… If you wanna know more about anyone, or want me to give you a few other characters, you could always message or send in an ask! I’m always happy to help o(>ω
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your matchup !! I honestly had such a hard time deciding this one;; I doubted myself a lot and almost erased my work multiple times;;; ack, and it turned out shorter than I expected... but i hope you still like it ;;
Your matchup is…
Wataru Hibiki!
Wataru sure left a big first impression on you. It was your first day at Yumenosaki, and you were planning to go around and meet all the units that you’d be producing. As you stepped into the school’s gates, your vision was invaded with confetti and and falling feathers. Doves flew over your head, seemingly dropping roses around you. You looked around frantically, searching for whoever did that. A loud voice answered your question almost immediately. In a blur of silver and blue, a tall male with long hair appeared only a few feet in front of you. An intricate mask rested around his eyes, adding to the whole effect. He bowed gracefully, introducing himself as “Your very own Wataru Hibiki! Amazing☆” Said Wataru Hibiki pulled a rose from what appeared to be thin air, offering it to you as he bowed his head once more. You immediately took a liking to this guy.
He ended up showing you around the whole campus, continuously providing “entertainment,” such as magic tricks or random shows. So when it was finally time for class to start, you couldn’t stop grinning. You had trouble focusing, looping the previous events in your mind endlessly. It seemed so unreal.
The moment you were given the chance, you set out to find the peculiar boy from earlier. You did a thorough search of the school, looking at all the places Wataru had shown to you. Still, being your first day, you weren’t too familiar with the campus. And you ended up getting lost. All that walking had gotten pretty tiring, too. So you decided to sit down and take a rest, maybe you would find someone and ask for help.
Not even a minute later, you heard someone shouting. You looked up to find a rather small brown haired boy, in a dress, you might add, sprinting away from something as if his life depended on it. Your gaze moved to the figure chasing after him, only to find the boy that you had been searching for. You jumped up, hoping to catch his attention before he could get away. And hopefully get an explanation for what’s going on.
You two spent more and more time together, allowing you to learn all kinds of things about the strange boy that you had come to love. Well, you weren’t sure if you meant romantic love or not. After all, he was almost everything you could ask for- eccentric, supportive, and a little mysterious. But how could you know if he liked you, anyway? He never really showed interest in particular… but he seemed to love being around you. Though that could just be because he likes you as a friend?
You didn’t have to worry for much longer. Wataru had easily recognized his feelings for you, and planned out an extremely extravagant confession. There was confetti, birds, flowers, and lights all surrounding the third year as he stood up on what looked like a homemade stage. He was acting out a monologue, talking to himself about feelings and such. It was all really confusing, why did he want you here? And there wasn’t a crowd, so it wasn’t a play or anything… The questions immediately fell from your mind as Wataru jumped down from the stage in an explosion of confetti and birds flying out from every direction, pulling a rose out of his sleeve. Just as he did the first time you met, he bowed his head and offered the rose to you as he finally ended his long confession. And thus, you two became a couple.
You said you’d like someone with faith in you? Good, because even if you didn’t, Wataru would be supporting you nonstop. He tend to go a little over the top, though. He has plenty of confidence to go around. Wataru has more pride in you than you could ever imagine having for yourself. Though he does it in his own, strange way, Wataru is always there to give you that reassurance he knows you need. He’s always pushing you to be your best self, and loves when you get determined to become better at something!
Wataru is always surprising you. Every day, he has something new and exciting planned. It makes you wonder how much time he spends figuring all this stuff out- and how has he not run out of ideas? His eccentric behavior never fails to make you smile.
Dating brought you two even closer than before, but it also made you realize how mysterious Wataru can really be. He seems pretty simple, in his crazy own way; but there’s a lot more to him that you’d think. I hope you don’t mind standing out in public, because Wataru is always doing something to turn heads. As long as you support him, join in on his ideas every once in a while (or more than that), and continue to smile at his antics, he’ll love you forever! Bonus points if you plan things that surprise him back~
other possible matches: Kanata, Chiaki
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