hatutannews · 1 year
Acilino Branco Prontu Koopera Ho Prossesu Auditoria Bá Aktu Eleitorál
Hatutan.com, (23 Maiu 2023), Díli—Diretór Jerál Sekretariadu Tékniku Administrasaun Eleitorál (STAE), Acilino Manuel Branco prontu no sei koopera ho parte relevante hodi halo auditoria ba aktu eleitorál tomak ne’ebé la’o durante eleisaun Parlamentár 2023. Continue reading Untitled
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laus-deo · 2 months
Alejo, mendigo (s. V)
Santos: Agardo, Alejo, Angelario, Antusa, Jacinto, Carlota (Carolina), Esperado, Donada, Secunda, Venusta, Jenara, Letancio, Acilino, Félix, Veturo, Nazar, Citino, Generosa, Sixto, Teodota, mártires; Sistán, presbítero; Sisenando, diácono y mártir; León IV, papa; Narsetes, Marcelina, confesores; Generoso, abad; Teodosio, Enodio, Arnulfo, obispos; Marcelina, virgen; beata Constancia, reina de…
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acilinoofficial · 6 years
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„Erkenne deinen Wert und hol dir, was dir zusteht. Am Ende wird schon alles gut gehen!“
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orokothe · 7 years
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Here is Acilino, He’s the 3rd youngest brother of Maksym
He’s a gigantic birb boy <:
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
so there were a few times you just conked out right? how'd that happen? how'd that go?
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"I'm actually glad you've specifically asked, 'cuz it's one of my favorite stories to tell."
"So. I wasn't always a Fleet tactician, or a general, or anything even off planet. For a while, about a decade after I got back from my initial stationing, I just kind of... Did odd Fleet jobs. A lot of it was pretty unsavory stuff, like helping to take out pockets of rebel activity and silencing particularly vocal dissenters. Not really proud of that era, honestly, but it paid the bills and kept me fed, so I couldn't really complain."
"But. This was a particularly dangerous mission-- myself and a team of a handful of psions and other armed-to-the-teeth Fleet handymen were going to bust some rebel activity in a remote grassy-plains type area. Lots of farms out there. But we realized there was a reason the other four missions to eradicate this little pocket of rebels when we got about half a mile from the compound and started walking past these giant chunks of metal scrap. Like, it looked like everything from various vehicles to drones to probably some smaller aircraft had been wrecked way beyond recognition and this was some sort of fucked up graveyard for it all."
"So we're like, huh, that's kind of unnerving, but keep going. What are we gonna do, turn around? Nah. But when we get to within sight of the place, the reason for the giant chunks of scrap metal becomes a lot more apparent. There is a stupid massive fucking dragon lusus asleep on top of the fucking building."
You're gesturing so much as you talk, absorbed in telling this story. It was an absolutely terrifying moment, of course, and a memory you recall very vividly.
"So our entire team is a little fucking terrified. We didn't know there would be a giant dragon lusus to deal with since the other four teams had all been wiped the fuck out and there was no word on what was causing the problems! And since we're getting close, and we need to take out everyone in the actual facility, we've gotta come up with a plan to take out a giant fucking dragon in the next couple of minutes."
"But we realized. Hey, the one thing I've got in common with the psions is that I can move metal. Which there is a lot of, from, y'know, all the carcasses of various machinery that has tried to take out that dragon in the past. So what do you do when you need to distract a giant dragon?"
You pause for emphasis.
"You make another giant dragon out of metal."
"So that's what we did. We come up to the compound-- a little ways out the dragon somehow recognizes we're there and wakes up. That thing's roar was so fucking loud... I was pretty convinced I was going to die in that field like the last teams that'd tried to kill it, honestly... But! Me and the other psions all worked together, and-- now, I was like, what, sixtyish sweeps then, so this was a long time ago and I was a considerably worse ferrokinetic than I am now-- and we all worked together to form what was generously a dragon out of all the scrap metal we could find. As close to the size of the dragon as we could get it, and I know I can't really convey the scale of this thing, but it was like-- you know how big my lusus is? Big enough to knock me over with his head, wingspan about as wide as a football field is across big? Yeah. Bigger than that. Like an Acilino and a half."
"So that was... A lot of effort. I had help, sure, but working on keeping that much metal in the shape of a dragon, believable enough for the lusus to chase after it, and swing it through the air for long enough that the other members of the team could storm the compound? Holy fucking god that was so much work. I genuinely cannot recall a time where I did more demanding work ever."
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"So yeah, I passed out the second they had the dragon finally killed. We were just the distraction after all, making sure it didn't fucking raze us in five seconds. They had to carry me back."
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Here’s my siblings!
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Canadian is the oldest of my little states. His name is Charleston who I like to nickname Charlie. He is pretty quiet and helps around my office since he isn’t a fan of being alone.
Rio Grande is the second oldest her name is Rosemary, nicknamed Rosie, she likes purple and likes to talk. She’s how I put together most of my presentations.
Red Trinity is the older one of the youngest two, his name is Theodore or just Theo. He likes to farm and he normally just bakes his little heart out. His eyes are closed because if he opened them he would let all the love out.
Next is Brazos, or Bailey or just to me BayBay. He’s the youngest and looks like a baby Apollo. He’s always cold so we don’t go north much for his sake. He likes warm colors and sunshine. I think he’s a cat in a human body.
Then there is my capital Huston or Acilino. I’ll find a good picture of him later.
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ask-molossia-jones · 5 years
I used to sleep in Buba’s desk draw when he was a country! It was comfy
-Austin, Acilino
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thoonline · 3 years
Casaliving Acilino 6 Seater LHS L Shape Sofa Set for Living Room (Blue Fabric)
Casaliving Acilino 6 Seater LHS L Shape Sofa Set for Living Room (Blue Fabric)
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moldescostura · 4 years
Teresina meu amor - Pensar Piauí - [Blog da Solange Pereira]
Teresina meu amor – Pensar Piauí – [Blog da Solange Pereira]
Foto: cidadeverde.com
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Por Acilino Madeira, Economista, Auditor Fiscal da Paraíba e Poeta*
Lembro-me como se fosse hoje do dia em que cheguei à Teresina. Era um começo de noite de domingo e as luzes de mercúrio da antiga Estrada Nova, hoje Avenida Barão de Gorguéia, fascinaram-me imenso. O “misto”, meio “horário” e meio caminhão parou bem devagarzinho depois do cemitério da Vermelha, outrora…
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visaopiaui · 5 years
PSB poderá expulsar Átila Lira e obrigá-lo a devolver doação de campanha
  O PSB vai abrir processo contra os deputados que votaram a favor da Reforma da Previdência. A orientação nacional da sigla era votar contra. Entre os parlamentares que correm risco de expulsão, encontra-se o piauiense Átila Lira. O Conselho de Ética do partido abrirá processo contra cada parlamentar, mas deve espera a votação em segundo turno da Reforma da Previdência. O secretário nacional da sigla, Acilino Ribeiro, afirma que a punição pode ir de uma simples advertência até o nível mais grave que é a expulsão. Há no partido a discussão sobre  a possibilidade dos deputados infiéis serem obrigados a devolver o dinheiro doado pelo partido para as campanhas.  O dinheiro devolvido poderá passar de R$ 1,5 milhão. “Antes da votação da reforma da Previdência ocorreu à votação da reforma Trabalhista. Eu era do conselho de ética. Dos 28 deputados, 14 votarão contra o que orientava o partido. Entre eles Heráclito Fortes, Rodrigo Martins e Átila Lira. Pedi para não ficar com os processos dos piauienses. No caso da Previdência, foi feito um pedido de punição, não de expulsão. A punição vai desde uma advertência até a expulsão. Ainda mais com o agravante que alguns setores estão pedindo a devolução de recursos aplicados na campanha eleitoral. Cada parlamentar recebeu mais de R$ 1 milhão do partido. O Conselho de Ética vai apresentar o parecer.  Qualquer parlamentar tem o direito de recorrer.  Cada caso é um caso. Cada parlamentar tem o direito de defesa. Acredito que a punição vai ocorrer, mas não sabemos ainda. Depende do Conselho de Ética”, destacou Acilino. Átila protesta Caso seja expulso do partido, Átila Lira afirma que não devolve os recursos. Segundo ele, o dinheiro do fundo partidário é da União e não do partido. “Já conversei com meus advogados para tratar desse assunto dentro do Direito. Eu ajudei o partido a ter esses recursos com a minha eleição. É dinheiro do fundo partidário. Esse dinheiro é da União e não do partido. Se quiserem eu vou para  a Justiça”, afirmou. FONTE: Cidade Verde from Notícias de Barras, do Piauí, do Brasil e do Mundo http://bit.ly/2Yvn8c6 via IFTTT
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acilinoribeiro-blog · 8 years
Encontro Movimento Estudantil secundarista
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No dia 25 de Janeiro de 2017, Acilino Ribeiro esteve reunido com a União Brasileira de Estudantes - UBES , União Metropolitana dos Estudantes Secundaristas de Brasília - UMESB e outras entidades estudantis do Distrito Federal para tratar do Encontro Governo de Brasília e Movimento Estudantil Secundarista que acontecerá no 1° semestre de 2017.
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acilinoofficial · 6 years
Die Single "Hör auf dein Herz" aus dem Album "Traumleben" jetzt schon vorab auf YouTube anhören!
Acilino - "Hör auf dein Herz" - YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UH37aYCPmU
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Nevada crying holding onto his right hand:
Austin with Toddler Molossia on his hip: grab the first aid kit, I’ll handle it
Austin is very domestic and is very used to handling all the states as he is the oldest at 17 and being corfimed formed at in 1500.
He helped Mexico with the Mexican states, then Acilino, then helped America with the American states and soon micronations.
This has lead him to be very good older brother since he can handle 18 kids below 15.
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When Acilino(Austin City) and Frederick (Texas state) I would talk to them like they could understand me. I would flip between Spainish and broken English.
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acilinoofficial · 6 years
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„Reiß dich los, von all den Leuten, die dich runterziehen. Das einzige was sie können ist scheitern zu buchstabieren!“
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acilinoofficial · 6 years
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Tunnelblick, fokussiert auf mein Album #2018!
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