#achy balls
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atths--twice · 1 year ago
Germs and All
After attending a conference, Scully falls ill. Not wanting to be alone, and missing Mulder, she heads to his apartment.
I've been fighting through a cold the past few days. As a result, I've had extra time on my hands as I've been resting. Because of this, my mind wanders to MSR more than usual. I love stories where they take care of each other and so, I've written this little fic.
Hope you enjoy. 💓
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Scully woke up, her mouth dry and nose stuffy. Groaning, she rolled over and glanced at the alarm clock before closing her eyes in the gray light. Opening her eyes again, she looked back at the clock as she drew in a breath. 
It was eleven thirty? 
Sitting up, she looked around the room and then picked up her watch to be sure the time was correct. 
“Oh, God,” she whined softly as she fell back onto the pillows, sniffling deeply. “How is it so late?” 
Rain hit the windows and she sighed as she sat up again and laid her watch back beside her half drunk cup of tea. Pushing herself up, she groaned again, her body aching. 
Stumbling to the bathroom, she used the toilet, washed her hands and brushed her teeth. Staring at her reflection, she sighed and made a face before turning off the light and leaving the room. 
Shivering, she grabbed the comforter off of the bed and wrapped it around herself as she groaned again and opened the bedroom door. 
Pausing just past the doorway, she looked to her right and saw Mulder sitting on his couch, smiling at her. 
“Hello,” he said and she frowned with another groan. “I take it you’re not feeling better.” 
“It’s eleven thirty,” she complained and he nodded, glancing at his watch. 
“Nearly quarter till twelve now,” he said and she whined. 
“Why did you let me sleep so long?” she asked, kicking the comforter back from her feet as she walked over to him. 
“Let you?” he asked with a chuckle, as she sat on the end of the couch with a huff and then laid down, her head resting against his thigh. 
“I’m tired,” she complained, letting out a deep breath. “And my nose is stuffy.”
“I know,” he said, his fingers rubbing her head and running through her hair. “Well, about the stuffy nose anyway.” 
“I slept all night. How am I still tired?” she whined and he chuckled again. 
“You have a cold, Scully.” 
“Mmmm,” she moaned with a frown. “This is all Skinner’s fault. I didn’t want to go to that stupid conference. He made me.” 
“Hmm,” Mulder hummed, his fingers rubbing her neck. 
“That feels good,” she whispered, her eyes closing. 
“Skinner wasn’t sick,” he mused and she sighed heavily. 
“No. But someone there was and I got it from them. You didn’t go, so you’re fine.” 
“I won’t be in a couple of days, seeing as you brought all the germs with you. This place is ground zero now. The bedroom in particular is highly contaminated.” 
“I know. I should’ve gone home,” she admitted with a nod. “I just
“I was just teasing,” he said, his thumb pressing firmer into her neck and causing her to moan. “I’m glad you’re here.” 
“Even though I’ve
” She sniffled deeply and let out a deep breath. “God. Even though I’ve brought the plague upon you?” 
“It’s just a cold,” he said, laughing softly. 
“Feels worse.” 
“You say that every time you’re sick.” 
“Because it does. It always does,” she whined, breathing through her mouth as her nose had become far too stuffy. 
“I’ll get you some medicine,” he said, scratching her scalp lightly and moving gently from the couch. “You want anything to eat?” She moaned and shook her head. “Tea?” She shook her head again and he chuckled softly. “Okay, just the medicine.” 
She nodded as she burrowed into the comforter, finding a more comfortable position. 
A kiss was pressed to her temple and she smiled. 
“Even full of germs, and wrapped like a mummy, you’re adorable,” he whispered, kissing her again before he left the room. 
She smiled and then coughed, groaning as she shook her head. The comforter was pulled even closer and she took a stuffy breath. 
“Hey,” Mulder said and she opened her eyes. “Here’s the medicine and some water. You need to sit up to take it and the cough syrup.” 
“I hate cough syrup,” she grumbled and he hummed as he helped her sit up. 
“I know,” he said, handing her the syringe in his hand. 
“You like using this, don’t you?” she asked, putting the syringe in her mouth and pressing the plunger, swallowing the medicine quickly. Making a face, she took a sip of the water he offered. 
“I do. I’m glad you gave it to me,” he said, smiling as he handed her two large liquid filled pills. “These should help too.” 
She took them and placed them into her mouth, swallowing them with the rest of the water in the glass. Pouting, she handed the glass back to him and then coughed, turning her head to avoid coughing directly on him. 
“I’ll get you some more water,” he said as she coughed again. She laid back down with a moan, cursing that stupid conference. 
It had been monotonous, uninspiring, and lonely without Mulder with her. And then the last night there, she had felt the telltale signs of a cold brewing as her throat was scratchy when she swallowed. 
Waking up to a stuffy nose and achy body, the flight home had been miserable. Hailing a cab, she had given the driver Mulder’s address, closing her eyes as she rested her head against the window. 
When she had made her way to his door, her suitcase feeling exceptionally heavy and clumsy, she swayed as she knocked twice and waited. 
His happy smile had vanished at the sight of her, concern quickly replacing it. 
“I don’t feel so good,” she had said, pitching forward and falling into his arms. 
“Aw, Scully,” he had whispered, pulling her and her bag inside. 
He had brought her into his room, turned on the shower to warm up, and helped her undress. 
While she had been in the shower, he had changed his sheets, found some clothes for her to wear, and made her some tea. 
When she had dressed in one of his long sleeved shirts and a pair of cuffed sweatpants with the drawstring pulled as far as it could go, he had sat her down on his bed and blown her hair dry as she moaned repeatedly, her eyes closed. 
When he had finished, he brushed her hair and kissed her on the forehead. 
“Why don’t you lay down and I’ll go get you some medicine?” he had asked and she had nodded. “Come on, come and lay down.” 
He had helped her up and led her to the other side of the bed, pulling back the covers and then tucking her in once she had laid down, her head pounding. 
“I’ll be back soon. Rest.” He had kissed her head twice, ran a hand down her side, and whispered goodbye as he left. 
He had woken her to take some medicine, sitting with her until she had fallen back to sleep, stroking her hair as he spoke quietly about his last couple of days without her. 
She had woken throughout the night, his arm around her waist or fingers locked with her own, her nose stuffy and head still aching. 
“Hey,” he said softly and she opened her eyes, looking up at him. “Do you want some more water? Luckily, I found a bendy straw so now you don’t have to sit up.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed, nodding slightly. “I’ll have a little bit. Thank you.” He sat on the coffee table and held the glass and straw for her as she took a few sips. 
“Feeling any better at all?” he asked and she sighed as she pulled back from the glass of water. 
“Not at the moment,” she said, closing her eyes and sighing again. 
“Well, hopefully that medicine will help soon. I brought over another box of tissues and a paper bag for the used ones. Do you need anything else?” 
“No, not right now. Thank you,” she said, attempting to breathe through her nose and giving up to take a deep breath through her mouth. “I’m just so tired.” 
“Rest, Scully,” he said, kissing her temple again, the glass of water set on the coffee table. 
And she did, dozing in and out as he sat on the couch beside her, his fingers in her hair or resting on her shoulder. She heard baseball being announced, the crack of a bat, and organ music playing. Then she heard the dialogue of a movie as she turned over and sighed, the comforter tucked around her when she did. 
“Thank you,” she breathed and he hummed as his fingers rubbed her scalp again and she fell back to sleep. 
Her bladder woke her and she moaned as she stirred, extricating herself from her comforter cocoon. 
“I ordered some food,” Mulder said as she stretched and rolled her neck. “Matzo ball and chicken noodle soup. Waiting for you, whenever you’re ready.”
“That sounds good,” she said, her voice hoarse. “Not sure how much I’ll be able to eat.” 
“I know. But you haven’t eaten anything all day. You need something.” 
“Okay. I’ll be out in a few minutes.” 
When she came out of the bedroom, she was wearing one of his hoodies, as she had lost the warmth of the comforter. She had also put on a pair of his thick socks and pulled her hair back into a small ponytail. Yawning, she padded to the dining room and sat down. 
A small bowl of matzo ball soup had been placed at her spot, the spoon resting inside of it. She smiled at the sight of the cut up matzo ball, making it easier to eat. Glancing up, she watched him walk in with his own bowl of soup and a plate of sliced bread. 
“You cut my matzo ball,” she said with a sniffle as she reached for her spoon. 
“Yeah, I did,” he said, setting his stuff down and sitting beside her. “Easier and quicker for you to eat.” 
“Thank you,” she said, filling her spoon with broth and a piece of matzo. 
They sat in silence as they ate, Scully taking her time to eat as much of the soup as she could. 
“I can’t taste any of this,” she said, shaking her head, leaving her spoon down in the bowl. “Not one bit, but I’m sure it’s really good.” 
“It is,” he said and she nodded as she pushed the bowl from in front of her. 
“I’ll take your word for it,” she said, watching him finish his bowl of soup. He smiled at her and she smiled back, suddenly overwhelmed with affection for him. “I love you.” 
He stopped eating and stared at her, his smile growing. 
“I know I’ve told you before, but I just wanted to say it again,” she said, sniffing and letting out a deep breath. 
He set his spoon in his bowl and made to move towards her, his hands reaching out. 
“No,” she said, putting up a hand. “Contagious, remember?” 
“Ground zero, remember?” he asked, his hands now cradling her face as he smiled. “The damage has been done. Therefore, a kiss on the lips won’t cause any harm.” 
“Hmm,” she hummed, closing her eyes as his lips met hers. 
He kissed her gently, his thumbs slowly rubbing against her cheeks as she hummed again. Needing air, she pulled back slightly and drew in a breath, before his lips were on hers again.  
“I love you too,” he whispered, kissing her one more time. Smiling as he pulled back, his thumbs stroking along her cheeks. “Germs and all.” 
“Ha ha,” she said, opening her eyes and looking at him. “Ugh. I think I need to lay down.” 
“Yeah,” he agreed, moving his hands from her face. “Let me clean this up and get you some more medicine. Then bed.” 
She waited at the table for him as he quickly cleaned up. More cough syrup and pills were brought to her along with a glass of ice water. She took it all with only minimal complaints, thanking him with a nod. 
“Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” 
He led her through the apartment, turning the lights off behind them. He grabbed the comforter and followed her into his room. 
She went into the bathroom, used the toilet, washed her hands, and brushed her teeth. 
Mulder had put the comforter back on the bed and pulled back the covers on her side once again. Waiting while she laid down, he tucked her in and kissed her head. 
“Be right back,” he said and she hummed as she closed her eyes. 
When he finally laid down, she was nearly asleep, but she opened her eyes to look at him and give him a small smile. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” she whispered, closing her eyes as she reached for his hand. 
“That’s why you came here, isn’t it?” he asked softly, kissing her knuckles. “Knowing you were ill? Wanting to be cared for?” 
“Yes and no,” she said, moving closer to him. 
“How’s that?” he asked and she opened her eyes again.  
“I missed you. I wanted to see you,” she said, her eyes rolling back as she shut them again. “I didn’t plan on being sick. I just missed you.” 
“I missed you too,” he whispered, pulling her close. “I’m glad you came over.” 
“Germs and all?” she asked, her words slightly slurred. 
“Yes. Germs and all,” he assured her, kissing her forehead and whispering his love for her as she fell asleep, held safely in his arms. 
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babymorte · 13 days ago
i just wish i could stop fucking crying
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sixic · 1 month ago
gojo hates condoms ☆
not even in an ‘i can’t feel a thing’ frat-fuck way either. he just wants to be close to you. he’s touch starved as it is and being inside of you is quite literally the closet he can be to you. why would he want a barrier between his achy length and your silken walls?
he hates condoms. hates them like they’re pointing south on his moral compass. hates them like they hurt to use—which they do, in a way—the mental anguish feels real to him, at least. he picks up a fuss in the grocery store when you pull a pack of ribbed condoms from the shelf to try because why would you seek pleasure from artificial ridges when the protruding veins of his cock would feel just as good if not dressed in a condom?
sometimes he eats you out for twice as long as usual to get you really fucked out and dumb. he’ll make you cum hard and fast and so much that your mind is a mess in the hopes that you’ll forget all about your safety precautions and let him feel you from the inside out. but you always catch on. with a tsk and a finger pointed to the draw where he keeps the horrid things out of sight.
so when you let him fuck you raw for the first time, gojo is reeling. it’s on the condition that he promises to pull out, and promise he does—with a pinky finger hooked around yours and his lips to his thumb—he promises to pull out.
he decides on missionary, because as much as he loves the hundred different positions he knows how to wrangle you into, he wants to connect with you. to make love, not fuck.
and even your wetness against his tip is enough to jolt his stomach downwards. collecting your glossing over his angry head as he rubs himself up and down your folds—he would cum just like this if he wasn’t so stuck on feeling all of you. you’re warm and wet and tight as he pushes against your entrance and oh god he’s going to cum already.
“oh,” he stills, eyes deadset on yours as he slides into you. his tip is rubbing against that spot that makes your back arch upwards and it takes everything in you not to laugh at the distraught look on his face as he says “i have to pull out.”
“you’re joking, right?”
“i really wish i was baby,” he looks pained. he’s never felt something so heavenly and ungodly at the same time. he wants to do bad things, to fuck you into the mattress and breed you full of himself until you’re too weak to care about the aftermath of such recklessness. “i can’t pull out.”
“what?” you laugh, his balls tighten at the sound.
“if i move—” satoru has never looked so serious, “—i will cum. this was a bad idea. why would you let me do this?”
“you’re the one always—”
“actually don’t argue with me, you know what it does to me.” he squeezes his eyes shut and focuses on anything other then the way you feel around him. he does math in his head, thinks about the people he’s killed, how much he loves you
 how pretty you look right now
 growing old with you.
“i swear you’re getting harder inside of—”
it takes him a minute of mental gymnastics to feel confident enough to start slowly sliding out of you, but all hope dies when the heel of your foot presses against his ass and with a smile made of sin you pull him deeper inside of you.
he opens his mouth to protest, to tell you he is not joking and all that comes out is a beautiful strangled moan that makes you tighten around him. for a man who claims to be the strongest he is rather weak-willed when it comes to your pussy. he needs to cum so hard that it hurts, but a fear of maybe ruining your life and relationship digs his teeth into his bottom lip.
“don’t do this to me,” he whines.
but you’re smiling. you’re so tight and wet and beautiful and everything he’s ever dreamt of having and holding and you’re smiling. “satoru,” you say, and he’s weak. “cum inside.”
anything for you. it’s gorgeous: the way he lets loose, falling forward to press all his weight into you as he groans and his balls release in hot spurts that you can feel painting your insides white. it’s the connection, the intimacy, the tears that prick at his eyes.
and he doesn’t pull out. no, he presses his hips forward to fuck his cum as deep into you as he possibly can and he vows to throw out every condom in the goddamn house.
god he hates condoms.
part 2
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tonycries · 5 months ago
Bad Bad Boy
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Synopsis. Wait! They don’t love brĂ©ed you like an Ă­ncubus brĂ©eds you.
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, Ă­ncubi! JJK men, aphrodĂ­siacs, BRÉEDING (a lot of it), creampĂ­es, spĂ­tting, rĂștsm mĂĄtes, true form!Sukuna, dp, spĂ­tting, cĂșmplay, MANY mentions of having kĂ­ds, proposals (Nanami), overstĂ­m, bĂ­ting (mĂĄrks), pĂșssydrunk men, slight oraI (fem receiving), scents, making him CRY, pet names, swĂ©aring.
Word count. 5.9k
A/N. WHEWWW HERE WE GOOO, have a lovely lovely week <3
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“Oh god, ma
a real feast ya are.” The swelteringly hot tip of Toji’s tongue drags in syrupy, slow circles around your sloppy hole. Groaning at the salty trickle of his cum from just earlier, the way you were still drooling all around him in want. “M’gonna have sooo much fun breedin’ this cute cunt.”
Delicious. Depraved. 
And here you were, gasping, entire body wracking with sensitive shudders. It takes you only a second to blearily tangle your fingers down where his dark tresses were coveted firmly between your trembly legs. “T-Toji- M’so close- hah- think m’gonna-”
“Don’t you dare.”
You’re only able to blink away the big, fat tears welled up behind your eyes when the suddenly-conjured incubus- Toji presses another saturated kiss to your puffy folds. Another. And another. Before just wrenching away with a pained grunt.
” he smirks smugly. His lips glisten with white dripping down his chin, his long, bared canines like he was rabid. And Toji can’t help but snicker at your expression when he smacks! your puffed-up clit with his fat head. Still achy. Still hard. “-m’all ready for seconds.”
Your breath hitches when his sharp hips immediately recoil against yours - rough. Rock-hard cock stretching out your melty insides until you swear you could feel the way his hefty girth throbbed inside you in a sinful little thump! thump! thump! 
“Now now,” Toji’s leering his head down, greedy tongue licking along his lips. He dips down to run it down your teary cheeks, languidly. “Why all the whines? Ya shoulda known better summoning me.”
“It was-” you gasp, nails digging neat arrays of red, red lines when his weepy cock jostles your insides in this mean mating press. Plummeting to expertly clash against your g-spot, branding the little divot on his angry tip onto his favorite spongy bullseye. You’re sobbing out, “-was an accident!”
“An accident?”
It was. It really, really was. 
But oh, you didn’t regret it.
Toji only plants a few more determined rams into your messy entrance, and you moan once his heavy, cum-filled balls thwack your already-stinging ass. The skin rubbed raw and almost bruising where Toji was fucking you into your damp mattress.
“M’a fuckin’ incubus, doll. I die if I don’t fill up this hngh- p-pretty pussy.” he groans, eyes falling half-lidded at how responsive you were. How sweetly your pheromones smelled. Splatters of cum still drip! drip! dripping down his chin when he catches you in a mean, mean kiss. Salty. Hypnotic. He didn’t mind making out with your cunt when he’d just cum in you, in fact, he loved it. “-N’ you asked me to breed you by accident?”
And you can’t do anything else but moan into his mouth, the drippingly wet slurps ringing all across your ears. “Yeah tha’s it-” he moans, refusing to let his eyes fall completely shut in order to drink in your fucked stupid look. “Take it- open that bratty mouth.”
He spits. And you drool. 
From both the thick wad of aphrodisiacal spit streamed down onto your pinkish taste buds, and the way that only makes Toji thicken. Just barely fitting snugly against your plush walls. 
“Better not squeeze me s’hard if you don’t wanna end up with triplets, woman.” he bites, one hand dipping lazily downwards to pat at the slightly bloated lump on your tummy. Exactly where each grinding stroke was spurting out wispy little strings of cum, making him see stars-
Fuck- Toji knew he was absolutely losing it - moving like a fucking animal. 
Ramming you further and further up the silken sheets, it’s as if he had a sixth sense - hell, he probably did - easily massaging your sweetest spots with thorough glides of his hefty shaft down your walls. 
He smoothes one warm palm on your hips, a vice-like hold that drags you down like some ragdoll-
“Where the fuck do ya think yer runnin’ away?” he gruffs, but oh does Toji’s sinful grin only grow when your jaw falls slack with surprise- shit, were you? “Ohhh, already that cockdrunk? Shit- that’s alright tha’s my duty isn’t it?”
“D-duty?” you babble in a cute whine, and his sharpened canines sink down on your glossed up pout. 
You’re gifted with a swift smack! of Toji’s thick digits down on your clit, and it drives him crazy the way that’s all it takes for your overfilled cunt to ooze out another creamy wave of his seed. Dredge after milky dredge ringed around his cock, matching his grin. “My duty to make you a p-pretty momma, of fuckin’ course.”
It’s all you can do to nod, cheeks burning at the mocking way that he was mirroring your motions. “Wan’ it- want it so bad, Toji. Give me a- hah-”
“‘A’? No no no-” he’s tutting, now bouncing your body easily with his inhuman strength, every single hit against your g-spot making you keen. “You’d be lucky if m’only givin’ ya one, fuck-” 
The words are barely heaved out before he cums - again. And again and again, every hurried ribbon of seed knocking up against your womb. It massages your wall so mercilessly, and Toji has two hands bruisingly on your waist now.
Cumming way more than your average human, it leaves you whimpering and wallowing while his seed spills out of you, seeping out the sides of your sopping wet slit into a sticky puddle underneath you two. 
So potent. So filthy- 
“Yeah- yeahhh fuck there we go- good girl-” he purrs, words slurring together as if he didn’t even realize he was saying them. And Toji’s in such a hazy headspace, splaying out his fingers once more on your stomach when he pulls out. You’re so drenched now, thick, gooey spurts gushing after his engorged cock. At your disappointed whimper, he smacks! away the hand gingerly making its way down to your neglected clit. “Heh- don’ get too hasty, doll.” 
Toji looks you right in your eyes when he takes his sweet time to shuffle down, down, down the velvety sheets, until his hot breath was puffing against your sloppy hole. Mouth watering. “M’not gonna be stingy with the future mama of my kids, of course.”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - The drenched

“A baby
” You hear Nanami’s dark chuckle from behind you, hitched and heavy. He sucks in his lower lip between his teeth, one hand sliding soothingly down your arched back. “Didn’t think I’d be summoned for a baby.”
And he sounds so out-of-breath already, fingers fumbling with the knot of that yellow, speckled tie of his. It only feels like mere milliseconds before you feel that familiar silk wrap around your wrists, pinning you down onto the plush velvety bedsheets. 
“Ken!” you’re mewling out, voice cracking into an-almost sob. You squirm your jittery hips backwards, pushing the curve of your ass against those tufts of blond at Nanami’s toned pelvis in a way that makes him swallow. Swirling his reddened tip around your insides, every slow swivel makes him gloss your gummy walls in a drippingly hot coat of precum. “I need you to- to hah- put a baby in me so b-badly. Please, fuck-”
If Nanami hadn’t known that his precum had the special ability to make your mind all syrupy and needy then he’d have thought you were cockdrunk already. 
“Shhh, no need to beg, my love.” he’s purring, brushing away those frustrated tears. Kissing your lips with sweet peck after peck. But the way he grinned - all dangerous and greedy was anything but. “After all- you’re my master, aren’t ya?”
And as if to fuck that little complaint out of your cute pout, he’s immediately rocking all those long inches into your dripping cunt in a depraved little grind. Not much - definitely not enough for him but oh, it makes you keen.
“Fuck-” you spit when the rounded tip of his fat cock nudges gently at your g-spot, drawing a wet glides. “Th-there- so close- there-”
And oh, you’ve barely gotten those words out of your mouth before he’s crashing back into that little target again. And again - each and every time Nanami’s thickened cock leaves you speechless. Hitting that same spot, every bruising kiss against it has your plushy walls crashing down to suck him up dearly. 
Difficult, almost, with how almost-inhumanly massive he was. Prying open your insides with each clamoring ram, his weepy crown surges into you maddeningly.
“There, right?” he’s humming, swashing around the trickle of his precum with each thrust. Nanami leaves sticky, spit-slicked kisses down the column of your neck, leveraging you even deeper onto his rock-hard dick with a harsh tug on that restraint around your wrists. “Come on now, there-” Followed by a repeated, rough pulse against your g-spot, “-s’where you’ll make the prettiest noises f’me.” And he takes a few sloppy seconds to listen to the melodic squelch! squelch! squelch! of your sopping wet cunt, the tiniest mewls of his name. “And there-”
It almost gives you whiplash when he lets go of the tie to have you sinking into the soft mattress, pounding you into it even deeper and deeper- Splaying out a hand underneath you to press right at your womb.
Nanami’s entire bodyweight is pressing over you, but he’s careful not to crush his pretty girl- well, master, for now. Whispering so lowly into your ear, “-there is where you’ll make the prettiest babies f’me.”
“Oh- please.” your eyes roll to the back of your head, even more so when that curious little hand poking over at the nudge on your tummy dips down to your clit. “Wan’ that so badly- wan’ you t’make me pregnant- hngh- wanna be your pregnant lil’-”
“Wife.” he’s just drawling out his words at this point, steaming hot body pressed up so close against yours from behind that there wasn’t even a hair’s breadth between. “Gonna hafta w-wife you up- ngh- make you my pretty mate after this, y’know?”
Oh, that sounded so good right about now. 
Those filthy promises muttered darkly into your ear, just barely audible over the relentless thwack! thwack! thwack! of Nanami’s hefty, cum-filled balls smacking tightly against your thighs. He’s cooing and coaxing you through every single rude slash against your tender sweet spots.
Your jaw sags open even more second after second, and it makes him huff out a delighted little laugh. Blond, sweat-damped hair brushing up against your forehead when he cranes downwards to just suck on your tongue. “Please- Ken–”
“Master? My love?”
You moan in a way that makes him echo behind, “M’gonna-” 
But you didn’t expect that all it would take is a sneaky pinch of your pulsing clit, and Nanami placing the tiniest of kisses on your forehead for your orgasm to hit you all at once. And he’s throwing his head back when your convulsing body juts abruptly backwards. 
Giving his heated cock such a tight squeeze-
“Fuck- yeah fuck that’s it-” Nanami’s gruffing out, eyes staring down in awe at how your poor pussy was just gushing. “Cum f’me- cum all over my cock, pretty darling hngh- that’s right.” Squirting out the silkiest of translucent juices, and part of him almost feels a pang of disappointment at how it was all going to waste.
Dribbling down his tight balls, the milky skin of his thighs. It just gleams all over the two of your riotous bodies in a shimmery, wet sheen. So much, that Nanami can’t help but let his lips curl into a smile very befitting of his nature, cupping your quivering cunt, letting the cool touch of his metallic watch make you spurt out even more waves of high. 
“So messy- so wet-” he’s murmuring out in pure awe, massive cock fucking you through each one of your peaks. It was contagious. And soon enough he’s kissing away at your whiny lips - nothing more than a lazy, sodden drag. Hips getting sloppy and out-of-control, oh the mere thought of you - splayed out and stuffed to the brim with him has him wanting to pass out right about now. Or cum.“Get ready, my wife- because s’only gonna get even wetter.”
♡ GETO SUGURU - The “bully”
“I really do feel bad about being so hah- mean.” Geto’s soothing baritone is simpering, dipped so lowly to send shivers down your sluttily arched spine. He runs his slender fingers along the thin fabric of those soaked panties - ones he didn’t even bother to pull off. “But how else m’I gonna make you a pretty momma for me, gorgeous?”
He sounded so unapologetic, accompanied by another one of his squelching thrusts. You’re being split open on Geto’s reddish, aching cock and that’s all your drunken mind can think of right now.
“S-So mean Sugu–” you manage to choke out, your trembly legs tightening around his neck, clawing desperately down his pale, broadened back. Gushing cunt sending another slobbering wave of your sweet sweet slick. “Want it- I wan’ give ya a baby so badly.”
“Needy little thing, aren’t ya? Bringing me here n- begging me to fuck ya.” he groans out, brows furrowed, a humorless little curl of his bruised lips. Feeling him put that pretty mouth to work over on your perked-up nipples, rolling his hot tongue over the sensitive nubs. “Now m’wonderin’ whether ya deserve-”
“Yes!” you yelp, startling the both of you. But Geto never stops on his ravaging rummage around your plushy walls, he never stops that sultry back and forth of his greedily reeling hips. Your hands find their way to his inky locks, tugging until he keens. “Yes yes yes- please I wan’ ya to fill me up. Please-”
And Geto snickers, still sucking languidly on your nipples. Every slow turn of his tongue is followed by the complete opposite of his hips - they were pistoning so deadly. So fatally that you think you could feel his thick, rounded tip in your lungs. 
Pushing past those massaging nooks and crevices in your snug channel, he’s milking himself to your bulging g-spot. Hitting that exact same spot over and over-
“You smell so sweet.” he’s gulping in a deep inhale into the valley of your breast, and the very action has him throbbing even more furiously inside you. Twitching up and down in jerky little movements with each rough jackhammer. “Think yer near ovulation, honey-” Gasping when he pulls off with a drippingly loud pop! leaning in to whisper in a dragged-out rasp. “-s’the perfect time to fuck. To mate.”
You jump when he snaps your panties again with one flick of his index, and the tiny shock is enough for Geto to just push. 
To be lifting your hips up just enough to plunge his swollen knot inside, and it’s so big. So thickened that you feel it gape open your messy hole, molding your plushy walls around. He’s feeling generous enough to let you get used to it for a few seconds before-
“Gonna make you full with my kids- heh-” Geto chuckles out deliriously. “Have you all round and glowing and- fuck, oh fuck you’ll be so-” He punctuates each word with a dragged-out kiss of his bulbous tip into your cunt. “-mine. You’ll be so mine.” He’s nipping down the tender flesh on your neck - unpatterned and messy with just how much he was pounding you so unsteadily into the mattress. “Be my mate. Hah- be my mate, gorgeous- hngh-”
Every hit at the very bottom of your gooey pussy has your jaw slacking further and further open in bliss. Getting more and more honest after each furious stroke. And Geto smells so good, you think. A sweet, strong scent making you heady and dazed, a translucent trickle of drool trailing down the corner of your mouth. All you can do is choke out his name over and over-
“Yes-” you mewl, and you’re staring right into his widened, primal eyes. Unable to look away. “Wan’ be yours, Sugu- please.”
Those damn words are barely out of your mouth before your entire body seizes with the most filthy shivers, and Geto’s biting down on that precious side of your neck. Hard. 
Hard enough that you’re sure it breaks skin, but right now you couldn’t think of anything more than how good it felt to cum all over Geto’s thick cock. He was drilling into you like an animal, primal grunts ripping through with each rut - spitting out again and again into your ear - “Yeah- yeah that’s right, cum f’me, honey.” His teeth are bared, tinged ever-so-slightly with red, and you can already feel the dizzying way his cock twitches inside you. “Cum f’me- fuck fuck fuck- gonna give ya all my kids. Gonna give ya- ah, my mate-”
His voice was a few octaves higher than usual, strained. Cracking ever-so-slightly in a way that had Geto placing his massive palm on your mouth, muffling away your drunken giggles.
“Shut up.” he hiccups, so depravedly trying to hold back the hitch in his breath, the way his long lashes flutter shut. Grinning a devilish grin when his teeth tug on your bottom lip, “Sh-shut up and take it.”
And Geto holds you like he can’t let go - crushing you against his washboard abs, those plush pecs when his thick strands of seed seep out from his leaky tip. Shooting so far into your needy pussy that you can almost feel the sudden thwack! of it hitting your softened cervix. 
He was so pretty cumming like this, brows furrowed, jaw clenched when he dumps out such voluminous loads into your tight channel. A lot, that it was impossible not to feel how it jostled around inside you, splatting against your walls. 
“Heh- yeah, yeah c-can hngh- feel how you’re overspilling- bet you’ve never been bred like th-this, hm? My mate?” his hips grind desperately back and forth back and forth back and- those shuddering pounds from before limited with how tight Geto’s knot was inside you. But that didn’t matter, that was fine because- “When this goes does m’gonna show you what a ‘bully’ really means, honey.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - The artist
“Oh, baby you smell so-” Choso gasps out, dark, dewy eyes almost bulging out at the pretty way you rode him to insanity. With a rough grasp on your shoulders, he just drags you downwards to nose up your neck, “-so sweet. A-and you taste
You don’t even need to direct your bleary eyes at him to know that Choso’s mouth was positively watering. Adam’s apple bobbing desperately at his sweetened saliva, it only takes him one look at the bare skin of your neck. Two. 
Before he’s biting down - hard. And at this point you think you look like you’ve been thrown to the wolves but, no, it’s Choso.
“Oh- ouch.” you grit your teeth with a keen, hips coming to a sloppy stutter on his rawly achy cock. But you can’t slow down - he won’t let you. Powerful hips jutting up to squelch into your teasing cunt, smashing the hot, feverish length of his dick into your velvety walls. “D-didn’t think an hngh- i-incubus would be so-”
He’s cutting you off with a ragged groan, bumping you into his toned chest. Both of your bodies glissade back and forth in such a frenzied little dance that has the bed ricketing aggressively. 
“C-can’t help it, baby—” he’s dragging throatily, teary lashes batting up at you. And you feel his cock twitch at your steaming hot insides, the very rounded tip of his fat length kissing your bruised g-spot. A slow, needy kiss. “You smell- and you taste so- hah–” His jaw sags further and further open with each of your snug clenches, yet he’s somehow managing to maintain your heavy eye contact. “-so heavenly. Bet you’ll taste even better when I breed you.”
With a soft shudder, Choso toys two fingers over to the sensitive nub of your clit.
“B-breed me?” you breathe out, and he nips along your jaw. “Is that- is that even possible hngh! I mean-” 
One by one Choso presses wet kiss after kiss on your pouty lips, saccharine sweet saliva making your head spin. Free hand wrapping around your wooden headboard to keep some semblance of his sanity.
“I want to! I want- oh fuck, I need to-” It was a promise, and both of you knew it. Because he was rutting up into you so determinedly, easing your slobbering down in harsh, relentless drags that made it seem like you were trying to milk out something delicious. Greedy digits on your clit moving onto grab a rough handful of your ass to guide you through it, he was driving himself crazy. Sharp canines tug lightly on your ear lobe, and he whispers in a dangerous, gravelly tone. Eyes rolling back, “-or I’ll die trying.”
Your thighs tighten around his slender waist, “So do it, Cho–”
Just that little promise - that nickname - makes him clench, muscles stiffening along his entire body in a way that has Choso throwing his head back. “Ah- f-fuck-” he’s stuttering, gravelly and discomposed. You feel him teasingly dance the soft pads of his fingers across where he was imagining that little bump, pressing down. Hard. “Gonna fill ya up until you ngh- can’t take anymore, baby- let me- let me please.”
And you don’t know what comes first - his thick, hot ribbons of cum that paint your gummy walls white, or his ravenous teeth right on the tantalizing juncture of your neck. 
It breaks skin, and Choso just moans at that metallic taste, all neat imprints of his teeth leaving a permanent little pattern. Oh, you feel how it only makes him jolt - as if his entire, hulking body was being electrocuted, glassy eyes rolling backwards, drool dripping down the side of his mouth and onto where he was licking up the bitemark in long, languid stripes. 
Then with an abrupt, almost-painful shudder, Choso’s cumming. 
The now-broken headboard clatters to the floor, and Choso’s unwavering strength is now fully spent on you. Pushing your squirming hips downwards until it clapped bruisingly against his sharp hipbones. 
He fills you up to the very brim, throbbing divot of his cock gushing out in such thickened dredges of cum. You can feel it sloshing around your melty insides, each glossy coat sticking to you like a second, sloppy skin.
“Ch-Cho–” you’re mewling, bucking up and down pathetically to try and meet his unapologetic pace. “M’so full- ah-”
His flushed head clashes against your delicate sensitive spots repeatedly, and the very bounce against your spongy cervix makes him grin. “Mhm, s’what you’re hngh- s-supposed to be-” he’s barely whimpering out. “Supposed to be full. To-” Your barely-lucid eyes follow his own, hardening at the slow, sultry drool of cum seeping from the sides of your sodden slit. It drags to leave a milky white trail down his shaft - one that Choso swipes his trembly fingers along. And he lets it pool on his digits, immediately plugging it inside your already-overspilling hole. “-keep it in.”
You gasp at the stretch and he attaches his ravaged, reddened lips to your neck, gliding along the bitemark.
And something about the action makes you moan, your glissading walls constricting around his still-weepy cock. It feels as if you’re almost out of control, and you can only look to the pretty man below you for an answer. 
“Incubus saliva.” Choso huffs out, and you’re still feeling the hefty slosh of him shooting out clingy loads of cum into you. “Also acts as an aphrodisiac.”
All you can do it take it when he fucks back up into you as if it was his little addiction. Slender fingers giving your pulsing clit a light swat, eyes so droopy and reverent looking up at you. His greedy cock drags out the cutest little whines from you, big, hefty tip crashing thoroughly into your g-spot over and over- “S’perfect for making you a pretty momma, isn’t it?”
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - The (k)naughty
“So are ya jus’ gonna admire it like a cockdrunk lil’ slut or what, puny human?” Sukuna’s big beefy biceps just bulge when he crosses his arms over his chest. Giving you a devilish eyeroll that decidedly doesn’t help the way you were being ruthlessly bullied open on his twin cocks. “Swear you’re the whiniest lil’ thing to ever summon me.”
And the cutest. 
But the king of incubi holds back the last part. Instead, two of his rough hands come to rest possessively on your waist, feeding you inch after solid, swollen inch of both his stacked dicks. 
“Honestly,” he grits out - more to keep those pesky moans out of his chest than anything. Teeth bared, drool already dripping down the corner of his smirk. Fuck. “Wonder which one’s really in a rut - me or hah- y-you.”
You can all but sink your teeth into the velvety covers of your pillow, fucking you on all fours to give you the best of both worlds. Both of his matchingly girthy cocks stretching you wide open until your sloppy entrance was just as gaping and fucked-out as your whiny mouth in a way that has Sukuna snickering.
“S-s’not me-” you’re hiccuping out, such a sticky, blabbering mess when your ass slaps! against those bulging knots at the very ends of his hefty bases. Bruising a circular branding, “-clearly.”
Sukuna takes the obscene opportunity to plant a mean slap onto your tender flesh, all five of his thick fingers smoothing over the sting. He’s leaning down until his breath puffs feverishly against your ear. “Gettin’ real mouthy for a brat that can’t even take my- hngh- knots, woman.”
Another one of his four arms wraps around your exposed neck, feeling the helpless thunder of your pulse. With a slightly tugging pull he has you glued to his sculpted front, the change in angle making his fat cocks inside you jostle around. Swirling in slow, calculated motions to stretch out each and every hidden spot on your gooey walls. 
“Look at me when I speak.” he spits, making you lightheaded with how much you were being manhandled to crane your neck up at his towering body. “S’this filthy cunt of yours gonna be able to take me- all of me? Let me breed her the way she deserves?”
Mewling, the only thing you can do at this moment is to shamefully nod up at him. Your pitiful little whimpers being drowned out by the drippingly wet squelches of your own cunt. 
“Answer me.”
But apparently it wasn’t enough for Ryomen Sukuna.
“P-please-” you’re moaning. “W-wan’...”
The large fingers around your neck grip harder, and he dips another one down to your waist. Slowing down his hips just enough that he won’t lose his mind - just enough that you fuck back with a jittery buck of your hips, gummy walls yearning for that sweet sweet friction so badly. “‘W-w-wan’ what?”
“Wanna take you so bad!” you’re bawling. Scrambling at the strong wrist around your throat, your nails leave deep red little lines along his tattoos. “Want it- fuck fuck fuck- want you to breed me- to fill me up with-”
And then you can’t speak - and not because the vice-like grab on your airway is tightening. No, it’s because suddenly so does the one on your hips, holding you painfully, greedily still while Sukuna’s pushes and pushes his hips-
“Oh. Fuck, hold on.” his eyes fall shut at the pure squeeze, mouth falling into a depraved oh. “M’almost- m’gonna- fuck t-take it-” Two of his free hands come down to your waist now, “Gotta fill you- hah- up- fuuuck-”
And if you thought that Sukuna’s two cocks were big before then it was absolutely no match for the mind-numbingly lewd stretch of his knots. The swollen little nubs plugging your hole full, they’re bumping into your sensitive spots without even trying. Opening your pussy so wide that a translucent little ring soaks his heavy balls, dribbling onto the ruined bedsheets with a steady drip! drip! drip! 
He’s rummaging inside recklessly, one weepy tip kissing messily against your g-spot, the other indenting a sodden bruise into your cervix. You swear you feel it knocking against your womb, your lungs.
“Wanted my knots so I’m- hah- givin’ ‘em to ya.” And nothing more it said before Sukuna rams into you unpredictably - sloppily, as if he wasn’t even in full control of himself. “You’d like that, huh? To be- ngh- b-bred full of my cum. To give me an heir.” His head is falling backwards, groaning gutturally, long, black fingernails clawing at how tight it was. How- 
And then he cums.
And it seems that your poor pussy knows before Sukuna does. 
“Oh- fuck-” he swears under his breath, orgasm slamming into him, muscled body doubling over. Pinning you with his weight, you’re in the face of each messy jerk, milking out every one of his thick wads of cum. “I didn’t- so early- ah!”
But no matter what, he couldn’t stop. And Sukuna’s red eyes flutter shut - there’s so much- 
You were overspilling, your skin sticking to his after every milky gush. The wet squelches from before come out even louder, even more weepy with every sopping thrust! Cockdrunkenly, your mouth moves before your mind, “Y-you came-”
“Shut up.” And for your little observation, he’s gifting your ass another hot smack! Hoisting up your limp body even closer, cursed power thrums in the air when he cranes his head to look down- “Ah, hasn’t taken to my s-seed just yet.”
You barely even know what’s going on, but Sukuna’s eyes stay locked on something at that little area on your tummy, that little bulge where you could feel the creamy gyrations of his cum sloshing around inside you.
“You’re lucky, brat.” Smack! And he grins such a dangerous grin, one that makes you gasp. “We get to go all over again until I breed ya proper.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - The absolutely filthy.
“Oh, I can’t- I can’t-” Gojo whines, cerulean eyes fluttering shut, and his face scrunches up in such painful pleasure, “Don’ know if I can hngh- c-cum anymore- if I will-”
But that doesn’t mean that Gojo was going to stop either - no, he was all but shoving your pretty pussy open with the ragged grinds of his reddened cock. Two rough hands attached to your waist, jostling you down, down, down to meet his thrusts. 
You’re so sensitive, your rawly massaged walls just bursting stars behind your droopy lids every time Gojo was rummaging inside. Toes curling, back arching in a pretty little bow, you sob, “T-Toru–”
And fuck that makes him moan, heavy balls just clenching-
“Oh, sweetheart-” he breathes out, deep sing-song voice verging on the very tip of an embarrassing crack. Rattling off, “Sweetheart, sweetheart sweetheart-” It’s about all he can sputter out right now as his heavy balls clench. They’re smacking so soppingly wetly against your ass, and he can feel the very end of his fat cock twitch once - twice - before Gojo cums. Again. “Shit- you’re not makin’ it o-outta this without being- pregnant- you’re soo not-”
With how tightly he was clenching you to his toned chest, you could barely even move when his sweltering hot cum paints your gummy walls all white. So much of it that gushes inside you, every tiny nudge of the creaky bed and gyration of Gojo’s hips had his thick seed sloshing at your insides. Adding to the ever-splurging little pool underneath you that was already there since you’d summoned him tonight. 
“D-did you know that m-my hngh- my cum is an aphrodisiac.” he’s babbling, rosy red lips catching yours in a lewd little graze you’d barely call a kiss. “Did I tell you- that it makes you- makes me so–”
He did, actually. Many, many times, in fact - just after Gojo was done dumping load after heavy load of cum into your snug cunt. Each little utterance left you dumbfounded, pathetically helpless against that sudden surge of want.
“Mhm–” your honeyed voice makes his entire body just jolt. You scrape your nails against Gojo’s scalp, sifting through his soft white strands, and he’s practically purring into the palm of your hand. “Need more, Toru. More- hngh- wan’ you to get me pr-”
In a split-second, you’re being hauled out of that messy little mating press - barely, even, the two of you had sloppily fucked out of that position about four orgasms ago - to sit all prettily in Gojo’s lap, splayed out and spearheaded on his swollen dick.
“Don’t- don’t say that-” Gojo’s gasping, eyes blown wide, pupils glassy and so enlarged that his eyes almost looked blackened. He’s using his inhuman strength to push upwards, falling back onto his knees with every determined ram into your awaiting cunt. “S’gonna make me- ah-”
“B-but I wan’ it so badly, Toru–” you mewl, breathlessly. 
He glides a thumb across your quivering clit, gifting you a soft, sullen smack - ever-so-slightly. And you watch at the way Gojo watches, mouth falling into a ruined oh! eyes widening with each sopping dredge of cum that you gush down his shaft. It stands out so starkly - the white on pinkish, gleaming red - and that sight is enough to leave Gojo’s mouth dry.
To have him polarizing his ruts to kiss up at the bulging area of your g-spot, just dragging out those feeble shocks of pleasure down your spine. 
“Oh yeah? S’this what you w-want so badly?” he’s gritting out. Jittery fingers leaving another slap! on your pulsing clit, now glossily wet and being stimulated until you were dizzy. “To have me m-make a mess of this cute cunt-” He pants into your mouth, “to hah- breed her until you break me?”
“Yes!” Just that simple word is enough to have Gojo’s head falling backwards, dazed eyes rolling to the very back of his head. You push and pull your tongue against his saturatedly, “Yes yes- wanna have you breed me- hngh- wanna give you an h-heir ah-”
“Spit in my mouth.” he’s cutting you off all of a sudden, but the incessant molding of your cunt to his dick, the way he was showing absolutely no signs of stopping left you realizing that this wasn’t any tease. Pounding up into you so deeply.
And as if to prove that little thought - hell, you half had the mind to wonder whether incubus had mind-reading powers, too - he’s cupping your face into his greedy hold. Long, slender fingers pushing your pretty cheeks together until you had the most shameful purse all over your lips.
“Spit in my mouth.” Gojo’s repeating, shivering when you run a hand along his muscles, along his sculpted shoulders, finally resting at his throat. Tightening. And he only smiles, “S-spit in my mouth while ya hngh- milk me, sweeheart. Spit in my mouth- ohhh fuck- lemme taste you while I breed you. While I fuck a cute kid into ya. Please?”
So you do. 
And as soon as that steady stream of your saccharine sweet saliva hits his pink tongue, Gojo lets out a soft, broken whimper.
And then he cums, bucking his hips up over and over to slam against yours. Wet stripes of milky white cum draw against your g-spot - just a few wisps, before he’s orgasming dry. Throwing his head back to let your own high take over. 
Your orgasm is sudden, in an instant, and all you can do is cling onto Gojo’s bulging deltoids. “P-please- m’cumming-” you blubber away. “M’cumming hah- n’ I feel so full ah-”
He couldn’t even talk, he couldn’t even breathe right about now - so Gojo’s crashing simply crashing lips into your in a sloppy, tear-stricken kiss. Still dragging your drooling cunt down his twitchy shaft. Tasting the salt and the sticky need on your tongue when he murmurs, “Not full enough, though, right?”
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A/N. Laptop crashed five times trynna write this it might just be a sign that incubi JJK men are too powerful.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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moechies · 8 months ago
toji’s little pregnant wife who’s only pregnancy craving is his thick, bitter cum </3
“but.. i want it..” you pester toji, tugging on his arm. you groan at the way your big, soft belly gets in the way of completely smothering the man, but it doesn’t stop you.
“no,” he grunts back, shaking his hands off as he places back the last dish from your two’s meal prior. “i can’t have y’hurtin’ yourself. i’ll never forgive myself if ya do.”
“i-it’s a craving, toji,” you joke, but truthfully you know you’re serious. looking up at him with watery eyes, you’re undeniably desperate, your plush thighs growing achy and soft cunny growing hot at the thought. “please toji, wan’ y’r cum.” you purr.
he scowls, cursing at the hard bulge that undeniably presses against the countertop. he tried his very best to deny your little pleads , that’s enough right ? if his pregnant wife really insists, wouldn’t it be right to accept so ? he wonders.
“t-toji,” you moan, like a bunny in heat.
“fuck me, princess.”
“i-i wil—“
before you’re able to finish your sentence, he’s hoists you into his arms with no trouble, making his way towards the soft couch displayed in your home’s living room. you giggle uncontrollably when he nuzzles himself against your neck, blowing soft raspberries against your skin, which has grown sensitive throughout the term of your pregnancy.
“ill jus’ finger you, how about it ? i don’t want ya on yer knees , mama.”
“no.. n-not enough.” you mumble into his chest, tugging against his ribbed tank top. “wan’ your cock. in my mouth, your cum—“
he finds it hilarious, you’re so adorable. he thinks the celibacy for the sake of your two’s baby may have have been the cause of all this attention, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“insatiable little dolly, aren’t you ?”
“mhm, i missed you s’much.”
“‘m right here mama.” he lays you against the soft cushion, pressing a kiss against the back of your hand.
“y’sure ya wanna do this ? y’don’t have to.” as if you were doing it for his sake. your legs ache and shiver with anticipation, already able to feel your mouth salivating at the thought. “want to, i want to !”
“shh, don’t get so worked up, now.” he chuckles, “stress is bad for the baby.” he drops the softest plushie on the ground, and leading your supple body against his lower half. you sit obediently between his legs, sore cunt throbbing erratically at the anticipation.
“take him out, dolly.” he smirks, watching you tug down his thin sweats, huffing at the stiff bulge that presses against his cotton boxers. you fumble your little fingers against his cock, nervous at how he seems to be watching you so intently, watching your each and every move, finding any reason to stop.
your breath is hot against his budge, slithering your hand against his boxer clad cock before pulling the fabric below his plump balls. he groans at the juxtaposition of your soft fingers against his meaty dick; oh how much he missed the mere sight of such.
“‘m gonna cum just like this mama.” he jokes alongside panty groans, twitching when you press your plush lips against his tip without hesitation. you envelop your warmth around his swelling cock head, pink tongue lolling out and dragging through his hefty slit.
you moan at the taste of his salty musk coating your eager tongue, hands fondling at his pudgy balls as you ease yourself further closing in on his base.
“just like that, just like that mama. yer doin’ p-perfect.” he sighs, petting your hair gently. his fingers stroke through your soft locks, curling a finger around the stray pieces that’s fallen in front of your face, and tucking them behind your ear.
“gorgeous lady, my pretty wife, hm?” he watches you fuck your own cheek with his cock, drooling unexpectedly at the overwhelming girth. “juuust like that.”
“what’s wrong , dolly ?” he mumbles with a tint of worry. he runs a thumb across your swollen bottom lip, pressing his sticky thumb back into your mouth as you eagerly suck. “‘s-s too g-gud,” you mumble. “wan’ more.”
“s all yours, darling. take yer time.”
your hot breath causes toji to twitch, shoving his cock mindlessly back into your mouth. you press your throat onto the blunt tip, hot tongue swirling around the un-cut tip.
with a few more pumps of your hot mouth assaulting his sensitive tip, he spurts a heavy load into the warmth of your mouth with soft groans, hand leading yours to jerk at the rest of his cock. “fuck, damn.” he groans breathlessly, barely visible beads of sweat crowning at his forehead.
you swirl your nut-covered tongue against his dick, making a mess. it drools down his cock, dirtying his now-soft sack, coating your plush lips in a soft creme white. toji tugs on the cushion tightly, allowing you to have your fun although he’s well beyond overstimulation and close to passing out. not from the simulation itself, but the way you look so innocent below him, yet you’re really so nasty.
definitely his wife.
“that’s it.” he watches you slowly swallow his cum, throat bulging gently every time you take a gulp; just the prettiest sight. although your mouth emptied, lips licked clean, you continue licking at his dirtied shaft, taking everything you can get.
he scruffles your hair, a light tug at your head to pull your suckling lips away from his sensitive cock. he leans down, pressing a sloppy kiss against your lips and pressing your head to close in on him. he sucks on your flavorful tongue, tasting himself. “damn, doll. really haven’t lost yer touch, huh? no wonder we’re perfect f’eachother.”
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chososcutie · 1 month ago
virgin!choso ᯓ★
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warnings: mention of masturbation, blowjob, cumming in pants, cowgirl, premature ejaculation, creampie
being virgin!choso’s first girlfriend, he’s sooo awkward and shy around you that it’s cute.
when virgin!choso talks to you, he’s instantly rendered a stuttering, rambling mess, his cheeks flushed and mouth dry.
especially when you wear those tight little tank tops that just barely show off your nipples, and reveal tantalizing glimpses of your cleavage; it’s all he can do to keep respectful eye contact and not ogle your chest like a perv.
virgin!choso who you think is your shy little boyfriend, awkward and harmless, but in reality, has an almost constant boner around you, always having to go home and stroke his achy cock, pretending it’s your hand instead of his.
and the first time virgin!choso kisses you, your candied, glossed lips on his, tasting so sugary sweet, he thinks he’s going to pass out.
oh, and when it turns into a hot ‘n heavy makeout sesh, you sucking on his tongue and tugging on his spacebuns to force his head back and lave your hot, wet muscle along his neck and clavicle, he cums straight in his pants, letting out a pathetic little whimper as his hips jerk, before excusing himself to the bathroom with a sheepish grin, praying you didn’t notice.
virgin!choso who ever since that first kiss, has been hooked, craving more and more to fill his insatiable need for you.
the first time you and virgin!choso start to get more intimate, watching a movie together before your hand innocently begins to work its way down, brushing against his chest and beginning to dip below his waistband, he’s already harder than a fucking rock, his breath hitched and eyes glued on you.
virgin!choso who breathes out a, “a-are you really gonna..” breaking off into a swallow as your hand pauses, looking at him with that sweet little doe-eyed gaze of yours.
“do you want me to?”
virgin!choso who opens his mouth to reply, only to break off into a pitiful little whine when your fingers start to trace the thumping veins lining his length.
“yes fuck, jus’ keep doin’ t-that..”
virgin!choso whose breath catches softly when you push his pants down the rest of the way, getting on your knees in front of him.
“w-what are you..?”
“god you’re biiig, cho’ ” you blink up at him so sweetly it has his twitchy cock throbbing, glistening pearly beads of precum dribbling in quick little pulses from his slit. “wonder how m’gonna fit all of you in my mouth..”
virgin!choso who knows he heard you wrong.
there’s just no way you could mean..
but true to your word, a second later when you take virgin!choso in your mouth, his balls are already tightening with the need to bust a load down your awaiting throat as his eyes roll so sluttily back into his head, hips stuttering.
you giggle around virgin!choso, your teasing tongue swathing pools n' pools of warm saliva down his cock, drool dribbling down to his base messily.
virgin!choso who has his head tilted back, and mouth open, trying to focus on anything other than you to stop the increasingly harder to ignore tightness of his coiling stomach from exploding.
and when you take virgin!choso’s tip to the back of your tight, warm throat, his thickened mushroom head bumping repeatedly into you, he’s about seconds away from cumming when you suddenly pull off him.
virgin!choso whimpers, big eyes pricking with tears at how close he had been, only for his protests to die in his throat when you slowly stand up, pulling down your tiny little shorts to fall around your ankles.
“wan’ you to cum inside, cho’ ..”
virgin!choso who gasps then, barely breathing when you come to straddle him, thighs sticking to his while your dripping cunt hovers over his reddened tip, sloooowly dragging yourself back n’ forth and back n’ forth..
and when you start to sink down on virgin!choso’s hardened inches, the second he’s inside you, he lets out a low keen, babbling mindlessly out a “m’cumming! m’sorry oh god m’cumming, m’cumming, m’cumming!”
virgin!choso who fills you up with wads of milky cum, sweltering hot and sticky as they pour out of your overspilling pussy, seemingly endless in their entirety as the glossy dredges of him seem to go on forever.
virgin!choso who is feverish, soft grunts falling from his slacken lips as you start to ride him, lewd squelches filling the room as you quickly find a rhythm, your sloppy pussy drooling strings of his seed with every bounce.
and oh, are your hips killer to virgin!choso whose never felt the touch of a woman before you, and is sure he’s in heaven as your pussy greedily swallows every thickened inch of his ridged length eagerly.
virgin!choso who is quick to help you out, wanting you to feel just as good, his hands tightly curling around your hips as he thrusts upward, burying himself to the hilt and bumping your g-spot relentlessly.
and the second virgin!choso hesitantly runs a finger over your pulsing little clit, his other hand reaching up to press down in curious wonder at the obscene bulge his cock was making in your stomach, he feels you cum, a sweet little symphony of mewls and gasps as you soak his shaft in your honeyed slick.
virgin!choso who after that day was no longer a virgin.
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© 2025 CHOSOSCUTIE. please don't copy or translate any of my works. all rights reserved.
tagslist: @stickyyyv4mp @iluvgogurt445
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luveline · 4 months ago
đšđ©đ©đšđ«đžđ§đ­ đ„đšđŹđŹ đšđ« 𝐩𝐹𝐝𝐱𝐟𝐱𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐱𝐹𝐧 𝐹𝐟 đąđ§đŸđšđ«đŠđšđ­đąđšđ§
Spencer gets a bad bout of amnesia. Or, your boyfriend forgets he’s your boyfriend, but he still has a crush on you. [3k]
c: fem, bombshell!reader, head injury, hospitals, amnesia, fluff, spencer can’t believe he bagged you, requested here 
˚ àŒ˜ àł€â‹†ïœĄËšâ‹†
Spencer wakes to an empty room. 
He lays on a pillow too flat, neck twinging, the back of his eyes throbbing when he moves.
He struggles to breathe through his nose and lets his mouth open for a few achy breaths, his mouth dry like he’s been sucking on cotton balls. 
Spencer’s alarmed, without a clue what it is he’s done. He wonders where Gideon is, if the older man has come to see him yet. He hopes somebody told his mom he’s okay. 
Maybe Hotch will come. He and Hotch have grown closer while Gideon was on his mandated recovery time; Gideon spends far less time in the office, sticking to lectures, seminars and consults, while Hotch, Morgan and Spencer handle the away cases. Spencer might go as far as to say Hotch likes him. And Morgan can tolerate him now, less grudging when Spencer offers a random fact or statistic to further the case. 
A stab of pain at the back of his head makes itself known sharply.
Spencer doesn’t want to move, but he needs to assess things. He frowns at his arms, naked as they are. His silver watch is missing. A t-shirt that he doesn’t remember buying stretches over his chest. What state are they in, and who dressed him? 
He’s scowling at the window with it’s wide-open blinds and all the sun when the door opens. 
You’re looking at the bags on your arm as you come in. Spencer startles in his blankets —what are you doing here? Agent L/N, Morgan’s friend and a candidate for the open position on the BAU team. You’re from the Sex Crimes Unit, like Greenaway. 
Spencer flusters every time he sees you, not just because of how kind you’d been the first time you met, or even the easy flirtation you send his way when you cross paths. It’s because you’re the prettiest woman he’s ever seen. He’s not talking about the golden ratio or statistical beauty, you’re just stunning. You stop him in his tracks whenever you steal into the office. It’s better when you notice he’s awake and light up like he’s the winning numbers for tonight’s lottery pull. Everything about you illuminates. 
“Hey, babe!” you say, not not yelling as you drop your bags in the seat by the bed and reach for him.
He doesn’t think to move away as you take his face into your hands.
“I’m so glad you’re finally awake, you almost slept for the full twenty four hours.” Your hands are soft. They smell like neroli. When you stroke his cheek and lean down to give him a chaste peck, he almost passes out there and then. “It's a good thing, obviously,” you say, and then kiss him again distractedly. Spencer squeezes his eyes closed. “You heal more when you’re asleep. Or so I’ve heard.” 
You pull away, Spencer blinking for his life. You have such a nice mouth, but Spencer’s never thought about what it might feel like on his. He doesn’t have the audacity: in what world would you ever kiss him? That’s the joke, right, when you flirt with him in the office?
“How are you feeling?” you ask, losing some of your pep. “How’s your head, handsome? You know, there are easier ways to get a haircut.” 
“They cut my hair?” he croaks. 
“Shaved it at the back to stitch you up. Not much, don’t worry. They were pushing for a buzz cut but I put my foot down on that one,” you joke. You nudge his legs aside without worrying about sitting on him as you get comfortable. “It’s not much. You can’t tell.”
“You feeling okay?” you ask softly. Your nice mouth purses. Your eyebrows pinch. They’re cute eyebrows. 
“You look different than the last time I saw you.” 
He doesn’t mean to say it aloud. He’s noticing things now. You’re wearing less powder under your eyes than you used to. You seem to have gained a little weight, and you look good. You didn’t look bad before, but this is different. Your hair isn’t too different, nor your brows, but you’ve begun lining your lips in a new way. Your blush is a subtler hue. Spencer doesn’t claim to know everything about you, but he can say that you look neatly the same each time you visit. Why the sudden change?
“It’s hard to sleep when your favourite person in the world gets his head cut open,” you say, taking his hand where he’d left it loose in the blankets. 
Your fingers slip into his with ease. 
“Can I tell you something?” he asks, attempting to swallow his nerves. 
“Of course you can.” 
He licks his lips. “Uh, I think I’m confused. I don’t– I don’t remember what happened, and
“Oh, right. They told me this might happen.” You draw yourself up with a breath. He’s fascinated by the movement, an air of heat around him as you begin rubbing the back of his hand with your thumb. “You got hit in the back of the head with a cinder block, honey. Went down like a lead balloon.” You turn your face to show your cheek. “We’re even now on good scares, yeah?” 
You have a scar on your face he’d missed, carefully concealed but yet not invisible. Your hand in his feels so alien he holds it wrong, fingers twined but palms apart. 
“What happened to you?” he asks. 
Your brow crinkles. You go very still. “My cheek?” you ask. 
“Spencer, what’s the last thing you can remember, honey?” you ask, all the horror in the world to be found in your eyes. 
” He feels sick to his stomach.
Without having to be told, you slip off of the bed with two taps of your shoes and reach for the bedpan, thrusting it into his lap. 
His mouth fills with spit. “I’m fine,” he says. 
“No, I don’t think so. Let me get a doctor.” 
“Wait,” he says, clutching the bedpan and pushing his wave of nausea as far down as he can. “Please don’t go.” 
“My face was months ago, honey. I got hit in the face with a hammer by a UnSub, you don’t remember?” you ask incredulously. 
“Why do you keep calling me honey?” he asks. He knows the answer, but it’s not computing. 
Your face drains of any happiness. “I’m going to get a doctor,” you say, shoulders rigidly tight as you exit the room, leaving Spencer in your wake wishing he’d just pretended he knew who you were, just until you kissed him again. 
“And he really can’t remember you at all?” Morgan asks. 
You’re a little less startled than you had been, and you’re trying not to punish poor Spencer, but realising your boyfriend forgot years of flirting, and yearning, and friendship —years of kissing in secret and otherwise, years of holding hands, and staying at each other’s places to get that extra time together, even if it was just getting to sleep in the same bed between cases— was a slap. 
“He remembers me,” you say, leg crossed over the other, arm over the railing of Spencer’s bed to hold his hand. “He just doesn’t remember a thing after Gideon came back, after Boston.” 
“I remember when you had hair,” Spencer says to Derek. 
Derek glares at him, “This Spencer doesn’t get to sass me.” 
“But I do eventually?” 
“How come you’re holding hands if he doesn’t know who you are?” Derek asks pointedly. 
You shrug. “We talked about it, didn’t we?” you ask Spencer, who perks up every time you talk, which isn’t unlike your usual Spencer. Whenever he catches himself doing it he flusters. Every time you call him baby he loses his mind. “He doesn’t remember me, but he wants to. And I remember him.” 
“This must be pretty weird for you, kid,” Derek says. 
“Sort of,” Spencer says. 
It’s funny. Now you know Spencer thinks he’s twenty three again, you can’t not notice his shyness and his awkward tries at casualness. You’d forgotten what he was like back then. 
“Wait, does that mean you don’t remember Emily?” Derek asks. 
Spencer frowns. “Uh, no?” 
You sit up in your chair. “Emily’s one of your best friends, honey. She joined the BAU when Greenaway left.”
“Not you?” he asks. 
You dramatise your pain as Derek laughs. “Not me. I didn’t transfer for a long time, unfairly. It’s okay, though, you’ll remember Emily eventually.” 
When you realised Spencer wasn’t as okay as you’d thought, you gathered a gaggle of agitated doctors to assess him. He knew his name and birthday. He was wrong about the date, the president, and the state. You’re in Arizona where he’d thought Indiana. Your bag talks to the heat: Spencer’s fan, his sunblock, his antihistamines. He couldn’t believe it when he asked where his stuff was and you passed him your handbag. 
You’re trying to drive home to him that you’re not just dating, you're common-law partners, Spence. He adores you. You’d spend life in his lap if you could afford it. 
“How’d she get you to believe her?” Derek asks Spencer. 
“I kissed him a couple of times before he came clean about the amnesia,” you say. “So I didn’t have to explain.” 
“I didn’t mean to lie,” Spencer says. 
He’s looking less haggard now you’ve brushed his hair. It was sweet to watch his shoulders relax. He shuddered when you tucked a strand behind his ears, and didn’t flinch when you asked if you could kiss his cheek. It’s hard to have him vulnerable here and not be allowed to lick his wounds for him. You feel better the better he feels. You’ve fluffed his pillow, wrapped him tighter in blankets. When he got up to pee and you offered to help, he gave a resolute No Thank You, which in hindsight is hilarious but at the time made you wanna squeeze your eyes out. 
“It’s okay,” you say softly, “I don’t mind kissing him, even if he doesn’t remember me. Just so long as he doesn’t mind it back.”
Spencer manages to squeeze your hand. It’s a soft one, but it’s real. “I don’t mind.” 
“You dog,” Derek says. 
“Stop, stop. He’s not doing anything wrong, is he?” you ask. “I’m the evil one, forcing kisses on him when he doesn’t know me.” 
“I do know you,” Spencer says. 
“What’s it like to have a crush on your own girlfriend?” Derek asks, unwilling to quit his teasing where he’s crossing his arms in the chair opposite, his cup of coffee drained on the side table. 
Spencer swallows. “Uh, nerve-wracking.” 
“Believe it or not, that’s not so different to now,” Derek says. 
Spencer looks to you for confirmation, which you love. You slide your chair closer to him and clasp his wrist with your free hand. “Sometimes you're still a little shy, but it’s not so bad. Full of myself I may be, Spencer Reid, but you do love me. It’s easy with us.” 
“Do we really live together?” he asks. “You said common-law.” 
“Not technically. I stay at your place four nights a week. You stay with me for the weekends.” 
“Every week?” he asks.
“We’re never apart?” he asks. 
His face is turning pink. You could kiss every bit of colour on his cheeks. 
“Derek, would you get Spencer something to eat from the cafeteria? Please?” you ask, levelling your friend with a pleading gaze. 
Derek gathers himself up. “Sure. We gotta feed the string bean something, don’t we?” he asks. 
Alone again, you draw lines up and down Spencer’s arm with your nails. You’re going to be indulgent in yourself, and ask him everything you’d ever wanted to know. And then a little extra, too. 
“You’re not as skinny anymore, have you noticed? You’re quite lean.” You stand to sit where you’d put yourself before he confessed. Your hand falls to his knee. “Solid, sometimes. You and Derek go for walks occasionally.” 
“We do?” 
“Mm-hm. And me and you do yoga in the living room when we can summon the energy. We tried couples Pilates, but Pilates is hard.” 
“We did?”
You smile warmly. “It’s nice to be in love with someone who loves in the same way.” 
“How do you love?” 
His ears are bitten-red. “Oh, you know. I’m too affectionate. It’s hard not to be with you. Everyone used to think we were
 I don’t know, playing a game.” You slide your hand up his thigh, leaning on him to watch his pupils blow. “But I love you for far more than your constant propensity to blush. You get me flowers every time you see my favourites, and you never let me go to sleep without a kiss. Usually here.” You poke the skin beside your eye. “But sometimes you’ll surprise me and kiss my nose.” You're going lax with love, remembering things he’s done, and does every day.  “On a Saturday morning we make tea and I put my hands in your t-shirt. You do the crosswords for fun. Sometimes we time them.” 
“That’s not how you love, that’s what you love,” Spencer says. 
“Oh, you want a play by play of things?” He ducks his chin, but he smiles when you laugh. 
“I just can’t believe this is happening.”
You try to think of things you don’t think about anymore. “You love my sugar lip gloss, so I always wear it.” 
He reaches out tentatively. Shy as a wren in a hedgerow. You let him curl a hand over your elbow, feel the crook of it with his index finger. 
“I buy you stamps, and t-shirts for bed, and stupid stuff you wouldn’t get yourself. We’re
 it’s like, it doesn’t feel like gift giving anymore because we’re always getting stuff for each other. You’re just as sweet, you know? When I first started sleeping over you bought me this huge pack of socks ‘cos yours are all odd,” you laugh. “I knew I loved you already, but
It’s a little sad, actually. He can’t remember all the stuff that makes you the couple you are. It’s not what you’d meant to get into. 
“Can I ask you something?” you ask. 
He’s slept-in and breathless, like he ran laps in his dreams. 
“What do you think of me now? I always wondered if you liked me back then, or if I just caught you off guard.” 
“Who wouldn’t like you?” 
“But did you?” 
He looks away hurriedly, his hand dropping from your elbow. “I guess so. But it’s not– not real. I have a crush on you.” His mumbling is sweet. “I have no idea why I’m telling you that.” 
“I had a crush on you, too, back then. It wasn’t anything serious, but it wasn’t a joke. And the more time we spent together, the more I thought we could fall in love,” —you take his hand and put it back on your arm— “and we did.” 
You toy with his fingers. Without looking, ashamed of your own self-indulgence, you ask another question. “What do you think of me now?” 
“I can’t remember,” he says sorrily. 
“What do you think?” 
“You feel like a dream.” He shakes his head. “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. I don’t really get how this is real.” 
You shouldn’t be surprised that he’d say it, you practically begged for it, but you can’t stop yourself from sitting up to kiss his forehead gently. “It’s real. Promise. And for the record, you’re handsome. They stopped saying ‘aged like fine wine’ a while ago. Now they just say ‘aged like Spencer Reid’.”
He gives a choky laugh. 
The door opens again. You lift your head expecting Derek and find a weather worm Hotch in the doorway. “Reid, you’re awake,” he says, not bothering with a smile. “Morgan said you have amnesia?” He directs it at both of you. 
Spencer’s looking at Hotch in clear shock. 
“He hasn’t aged that badly,” you chastise teasingly. 
“Hotch, you’re– I thought you would’ve– You’re still–?”
Hotch squints. “You didn’t think I had the stamina for it?” 
Spencer squirms under his gaze. “No, sir, it’s not that–”
“Sir,” Hotch says, and then he smiles. “I forgot when you both used to respect me.” 
“I have the utmost respect for you, sir,” you say through your own smile. 
“Has she been kind to you, Reid?” 
“Uh, yes? Is she not usually?” 
Hotch presses his lips together rather than answer. There’s a sympathy in his expression you resent.
It’s a thankfully quick bout of amnesia. The memories start to draw in like a dusting of powdered sugar, his head finely silted, one particle at a time. He finds that the more you talk, the quicker his memory is jogged. You tell him about your first kiss —I tried to kiss your cheek but you moved, it was the funniest thing— and your second. You spin stories of cases, the worst ones and the best, all the times you held hands without people knowing, the times you’d been caught. He can’t imagine it, goes hot with the memory, picturing kissing you as you’d described and the mortification of being walked in on. 
You tell him about your vacation to Nevada a few months ago and he thinks about how you’d fallen asleep on the plane. Your nose in his arm, your unhappy sigh at the tight leg space. 
Remembering you is more than half of remembering himself.
Your hands —his hands. Your smile —his laugh. The way you fold his hands in your lap —the urge to catch your chin for a kiss. 
He doesn’t know how to deal with it, and then suddenly he feels like Spencer. Your partner, your love, his proudest title for years. You’re standing at the end of the hospital bed in pajamas folding your clothes, allowed to stay the night while he’s so urgently confused and upset, you can’t make him stay here alone, please, I know you guys have those little cots for the kids ward, and he just knows you completely. 
Hours of diligent if embezzled storytelling gives it all back to him. 
“I like the lipgloss because you used to wear that perfume that smelled like sugar donuts,” he says, scratching a hand through limp hair. “And every time I crossed the square by the station–”
You let out a surprising squeal of joy. “Spencer!” you say, racing to take his hands, “Yes! The donut truck!” 
You go in for a kiss he gladly returns. “Oh, you remember,” you say, softening as he takes your neck into his hand. “I was getting worried.” 
“Some of it’s still hazy, but not so much you.” 
You wrap your arms around him for a hug, careful of his sore head. “I missed you, Spencer. I still loved you when you couldn’t remember me, but I missed you. Do you remember you?” 
He traces the scar on your lower cheek with his thumb. He’s genuinely relieved to be able to say he does. He’s not scared of what you think of him anymore, ‘cos he knows that everything he feels for you is mutual. “I remember you telling me my bad feeling was just a case of the heebies.” 
You bend into his touch. “Honey, I’m sorry. How was I supposed to know you’d get your skull whacked with a cinder block? It was a bakery. I thought the worst that could happen was getting a face full of red velvet or something.” You kiss his nose quickly. “I’m so glad you’re you. Now I can sleep in the bed with you, and not that collapsible camping cot.” 
He shushes you. “Don’t give us away. They’re not gonna let you stay if they think I’m fine.” 
You giggle excitedly, arms around him again for another squeeze. “I missed you so much. You’re so devious now.” 
He rubs your back. “I missed you too. And I still have a crush on you, I swear.”
“Thank you, honey, that means a lot to me.” 
˚ àŒ˜ àł€â‹†ïœĄËšâ‹†
thanks for reading!
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holeforzenin · 4 months ago
Tw- Both are twenty, degradation n praise, overstimulation. reader is cockdrunk n has a high sex drive :3 Not proofread!!!.
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“S’good Yujiii Soo good, Mmm! Can feel your cock throbbing inside of me, ohh fuckkk!” you moaned out through gritted teeth, too caught up enjoying how deliciously his achy, abused cock was repeatedly curving into your sensitive g-spot over and over just the exact way you intended it to. You can’t even remember how long it’s been and well frankly you don’t really care. Too distracted by the overwhelming pleasure you're receiving by frantically bouncing your ass on his swollen cock.
“F-fuckkk, you’re so greedy baby Goddd, you look so sexy like this!” he huffed, letting out breathless curse—his fingernails digging into the plushy sides of your bouncing ass as goosebumps and adrenaline coursed through his bulging veins. He’s trying his very fucking best to keep up with you but God you were killing him. It got so bad that you’re more of a filthy sex fiend than he was in the past few overestimating days. Not that he was complaining but the way you’d randomly grab him by the shirt—fucking wrinkling it and pulling him into the clustered janitor closet just to feel his hard dick in your slobbering cunt at school with him pushed up against the cool wall and you manically throwing your bouncing ass back at him eagerly like little cock-hungry slut—forcing every last drop of cum from his thick balls to drain out into your horny pussy then pouncing on him four more times throughout the day at home has become a bit overwhelming
he’s trying his best to keep up with your crazy ass sex drive but fuck he was shooting blanks at this point.
His sweat-covered pinky bangs tickled his forehead as the moonlight from the illumining window glistened onto his milky abs. He bit his lips so many times that he probably ruined his gums by now, in a futile attempt to restrain his perverted urges at the way your tits were bouncing in fast circles. He’s sooo tempted to grab and fondle them but it’s like he can’t even control his own fucking body.
“Ohooo fuck! You’re stretching me so good around you Yuji, fuck I love you—Looove your cock so muchhh baby!” You cried out, tears welling up in your eyes as his pink tuffs of slick covered pubic hair grazes against your sticky clit—making the pleasure even more intense as more and more creamy rings formed at the base of his pretty cock.
They were hearts in Yuji’s eyes seeing just how much his little horny slut of a girlfriend was creaming on him, seeing you so desperate and addicted to his cock like a brainless zombie whore unlocked something primal inside of him that he never thought existed. He fucking loved being your human dildo to fuck yourself on, the thought of it made his cock throb feverishly right against your gushing, gummy walls.
“Jesus–mmmph! You’re such a nasty slut. Ohh shit-, is my cock all you ever fucking think about baby? bet you couldn't even last a day without my cock being up this needy, little pussy yeah?” His groans along with his filthy mouth filled the air as he gropes both of your fleshy ass cheeks—his fingers purposely kneading into it pervertedly as he feels you up like a creep.
You felt the mushroom tip of his length brushing against the depths of your cervix as you clamped around him harder, you playfully smirked down at him as you bent down slightly towards him to grab his biceps—moaning sweetly as you felt them flexing against your touch. “Y-yess! Need your cock inside of me at all times Yuji, gonna make me lose my mind, hnngh!”
“Yeahhh? My cock making you that dumb baby??” His sultry voice is weighed with exhaustion as he grants you a fucked-out smile. “Yuji, Yuji m’gonna cum again, fuckfuckfuck yessss!”
You continued bouncing faster and faster—grinding your hips against him fervently in the process to make it even more intense causing you to spasm around his girth, you can’t see it, but you are 100% sure his entire cock is covered in your cream. You can feel it.
Your head falls back, the strands of your hair cascading down like a waterfall. your lips parting to release loud, needy moans that mingled in the air as Yuji gazed up at you in awe, seeing you like this was one of his favorite things. You were such a mindless slut for his dick and he enjoyed it.
“I- m’cummming!” You cried out in a certain tone that was like filthy music to his ears, your cunt pulsated around his jumpy cock as streams of liquid gushed out of you, spurting every fucking where, on the bed sheets, spattering on Yuji’s abs, his thighs everywhere. Your body trembles as you try to process everything. You fucking came and squirted at the same time.
“Did you just-“
“I-“ was all you could let out before you felt the wind getting knocked out of you as Yuji suddenly gripped your branded ass that’s filled with his handprints and lifted his legs up a bit, thrusting with constrained force and fucking his throbbing, soaked cock into you with vigor. The lewd, nasty sound of “plah plah plah!” reverberated throughout the room your hands clutching the pillows tightly beside him, overwhelmed by the intense sensations.
“Yujiii, stop fuck! Too much—tooo muchh” you screamed in a frenzy. your thighs shivering as he relentlessly thrust deeper, splitting open your cunt even more with his animalistic pace. His pistoning cock brushes further against your sweet spots as it twitches inside of you. His poor, fucked out cock sooo desperate to cum.
“Such a lil fucking slut for squirting on me like that baby—God I’m gonna stuff you sooo full after this, it’ll be entwined into your slutty fucking brains”
You were so fucked out you couldn’t even fucking register what the hell he was babbling about.
It was so fucking nasty and hot, the scent of raw sex filled the air as both of your moans echoed throughout the room, at this point your eyes were rolling to the back of your skull in ecstasy as you were being overstimulated, your pussy pouring more juices onto his cock as beads of sweat glistened on his entire body.
“M’cumming m’cumming m’cumming Godddd love this fucking pussy!!” His hoarse voice exclaimed as he bit his lips, thick gooey ropes of warm cum filling up your womb as the two of you cried out in unison. You were so full, every inch of your pussy was stuffed so full of just Yuji, Yuji, Yuji. You’d be surprised if you weren’t actually braindead from his cock by now.
Your body collapsed on his sticky skin and you landed on his toned chest. both of you attempt to regulate your breaths as you cockwarmed his soft cock. Unfortunately Succumbing to exhaustion, you both drifted off to sleep in that position but within the next three hours, you were fucking him again.
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sixic · 18 days ago
"did you just spank me?" ☆
choso has wide eyes in the mirror's reflection as they meet yours. glossy and blown out with lust, but wide—nervous, like a deer stuck in headlights. you're bent over, back arched down as your boyfriends hands rest gently on your hips. there's a sting that lingers over your ass, and choso is holding his hand out like he's committed a crime with it.
it's not like he's vanilla—you're being fucked ass-up in front of a mirror so that you can watch him take what's his—but he's frozen still like he's appalled at his own actions.
"oh," he's flushing a gentle pink. "i'm sorry, i don't know why i did that. it was just so much and you were so—i mean... i wasn't thinking and—"
"do it again."
he's still balls deep inside of you—hips pressed tight against the flesh of your ass: his cock pulses inside of you, each veiny ridge filling you out like you're made for him. "why would i do that?"
“because it feels good,” you shrug, pushing back onto his cock a little. "cho, baby, i'm asking you to spank me, not commit a war crime."
"might as well be," he mumbles under his breath, looking down at the curve of your ass at his face scrunches up into an expression you've never seen on him before. is that... restraint?
your poor choso has never been all that good at controlling his wants and whims. he's a man whose body often betrays him: he couldn't hold an orgasm back to save his life, nor can he ever stifle those pretty moans of his. much like how he couldn't stop his hand from smacking against the flesh of your ass.
so, of course, you goad him on. clenching tight around his achy cock as you meet his gaze in the mirror. "i want you to spank me again, choso. be mean. make it hurt when i sit down tomorrow."
"i don't want to hurt you."
"don't you? you spanked me first, cho. i think you want it even more than i do."
his eyebrows furrow. its devastatingly cute for a man balls-deep inside of you. "shut up," he says with no real bite. "i didn't mean to."
"your hand just slipped and landed on my ass?"
you roll your eyes, and offer choso a smile in the mirrors reflection. “you look all embarrassed. just like that time you came just from kissing m—fuck!”
a sharp sting radiates over your ass cheek, and once you blink the shock out of your eyes, you’re met with a very sudden snapping of chosos hips into yours. he somehow manages to fuck you even deeper than before. with every thrust he sends you forward on the bed, until you’re no longer holding yourself up with your arms and your face is pressed right into the mattress.
“you always-” smack! “-make me feel-” smack! “-so nervous around you.”
your face screws up. “what?”
he stills, leans forward to take the sheet away from your face so you can look back at him properly. “i’m punishing you.”
“for what, giving you butterflies?”
“yes.” the sweetest of smiles pulls at his lips—you’d think it endearing if not for the way his hand slaps down onto your ass again, and he resumes his mean pace.
live and let cum, you suppose. choso drills into you in such a way that you’re cumming both quicker and harder than you ever have with him. your orgasm, the sweet way your pussy grips him in pleasured need, sends choso over the edge right after you. “mmm iloveyouiloveyouimsorryforspankingyouiloveyou”
of course with another mean spank to your ass, choso pulls out and exhales the prettiest moan you’ve heard from him as he releases all over your tender ass. you’re spent, and fucked so dumb you don’t chide him for then using his fingers to rub his cum around in soothing circles over your ass. you won’t admit it, but it feels kinda nice.
“sorry,” choso whispers as he reaches for something to wash you down with. “you should slap me as payback.”
“you’d probably like it.”
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tonycries · 6 months ago
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Synopsis. No time like the first time, and his first time with you is enough to drive a man wild wild wild.
Pairings. [SEPARATE] Gojo x Reader, Sukuna x Reader, Choso x Reader, Geto x Reader, Nanami x Reader, Toji x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, first time fĂșcking you, PÚSSYDRUNK BOYS, BRÉEDING, pĂșssy-slĂĄpping, creampĂ­es, true form!Sukuna, dp, GOJO’S POWERS, mentions of having kĂ­ds, spĂ­tting, praise, cĂșmplay, vĂ­rginĂ­ty loss (Choso), proposals, slight chokĂ­ng, slightly mean Geto, pet names, swĂ©aring.
Word count. 5.9k
A/N. Hoping you all have a lovely lovely week <3
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♡ TOJI FUSHIGURO - Oh baby, baby.
You’ve made it about five absolutely shattered condoms before Toji simply growls and flips you over with such a branding slap! to your cunt - as if it was your fault he hasn’t gotten to ravage his pretty girl already.
Running his tongue over that sinful scar on his upper lip, he’s spreading your puffy pussy lips open with a slow swipe of his thick thumb. Mouth just salivating at that easy, languid trickle of your sweet sweet juices glossing down his wrist. 
“Wouldn’t have even tried so hah- hard with those goddamn rubbers if I knew what ya were holdin’ out on me, doll.” Toji jeers from above, jostling your dangling legs even tighter around his slender waist. Before planting a drippingly wet smack! smack! smack! of his swollen, reddish tip right on the peak of your sensitive clit. “Just look at how drenched that makes ya.”
“Toji–” your honeyed, dragged-out whine makes him just twitch on top of you. Squirming at the way that has him gushing out a saturated puddle of sweltering hot precum onto your pre-soaked cunt. “Won’t you just put it in alre- ah!”
And Toji’s so fucking mean with the way he inches in just the very curve of his fat tip past your gummy entrance, shutting up those cute complaints on your tongue for the most delicious whine he’s ever heard.
“Heh, there we go. Finally- finally.” he gruffs out, moving over the grip of his long digits around his thickened base to wrap around your splayed-out thighs. Such an awful tease - making you do all the work shuffling down the silken sheets trying to milk his achy shaft. “Ohhh yeah- oh my god, there we fuckin- go-”
A particularly harsh clench of your velvety walls makes him throw his head back deliriously. Hoarse, baritone moans wrenching from his chest, “Yeah- you were so fuckin’ holding out. Heh, didn’t know it could feel so good. Feels like heaven, ma. Think I could fuck this cunt for forever-” He drags a hazy kiss down your lips, “Could fuck a baby into ya-”
“Hngh! I-if it-” you’re managing to mewl out, blinking back the big fat tears in your eyes to wrap your limp arms around his neck. “-if it feels so good then why aren’t you fucking me properly.”
Another heated smack! has the imprint of all five fingers of his raising on your flesh, and Toji just shoveling the rest of his long, solid inches into your clingy insides. And- shit, he’s so jaw-droppingly massive. No matter how many times you’ve seen him, taking him is a whole other feeling.
Fuck. This was heaven.
He grunts, “Might be the first time but yer suckin’ me up so- well.”
It’s like your poor pussy was gaping around him, being molded along every tiny crevice of his cock. That slight upwards curve was just spearing into the very spongy depths of your cervix head-on, drawing wet, glossy glides across your g-spot. 
You were finally, finally being fucked by him. 
And it was maddening. 
“Say that again, doll?” he quirks his head down at you after a few heaving breaths to try and stop that pathetic cracking of his words. “Because I think you were hah- s-saying something.” Each word is punctuated by a ruthless thrust, making a sloppy mess of your insides until you could feel the thundering throb of his pumping cock, the sticky thwack of his cum-filled balls on your ass. Toji leans down until his entire body weight was pinning you against the damp mattress, holding you hostage to the way he tugs on your ear lobes with his sharp canines. “Or are ya just too hngh- cockdrunk for it already?”
As if you could speak.
Jaw dangling open, hulking body hunched over, his big beefy arms cage you in. “Awww, come on now. Answer me. Don’t tell me you were ah- beggin’ for my cock so badly for weeks n’ won’t even gimme your pretty compliments?”
You’re barely even able to keep up with his syrupy sweet words, locking your ankles around his waist.
Toji hisses when that slight movement has him jolting even rougher against the bulbous bullseye of your sweet spots. “I-I didn’t-”
“I-I-I didn’t-” he snickers against your lips, swiveling his hips into slow sultry swirls until his fat girth was dragging his prominent veins along all your sweet spots. You’re just keening at that, making your back arch up sluttily into Toji’s muscled chest. “Honestly. If all it took was my ngh- d-dick to make you forget those good girl manners, I’d have done this- much- sooner-”
He’s babbling out just as deliriously as you no matter how much he’d like to pretend he isn’t. Because oh Toji Fushiguro was no match for your pretty pussy.
No match for the way each of his ramming thrusts had every shred of rationality flying out of his honeyed mind, puffs of breath coming out more feverish. Heavier. Words slurring and jumbling together at every fresh coat of your slippery slick down his raw length. 
“Shit.” His eyes lock on your utterly fucked-out expression, he can’t even bring himself to look downwards at how well you’re taking him. “Let’s see how much of a cockdrunk slut ya really are- open that mouth, ma.”
And Toji could almost laugh at how readily your spit-glossed lips sag open for him. Taking it all in one go when he spits out a hot, steady stream of spit right onto your pink taste buds. 
“Yeahh, heheh-” he’s grinning darkly, feeling his tight balls squeeze painfully. Gliding the soft pad of his thumb down that translucent trickle of drool along the corner of your mouth. “Now swallow.” Rock-hard tip mashing against your g-spot in a way that only makes you head his instructions without a second thought. 
“Good. Now you realize-” His rough hands wrangle your boneless legs on top of his broad shoulders, bending down, down, down into the meanest mating press possible. “-that I was serious about fuckin’ a baby into ya, right?”
♡ NANAMI KENTO - “Marry m- take it.”
“Ken- Ken–” your sultry mewls only grow louder, batting those teary eyes up at where Nanami’s got you folded into the firmest little mating press he’d allow himself. “I want more.”
Oh, and he thinks he could pass out. He thinks he’s stopped breathing. Nanami thinks with all his bleary head and his achy, furious dick that he’s going to marry you right here, right now on these expensive silken sheets. 
He’s leaning in close enough to kiss his forehead against yours, sweat-slicked lips clashing into yours in a way that makes your knees weak. Hushing out, “Shhh, s’alright, my love.” And his tone is so sweet that you almost forget the absolutely mean way Nanami was splitting you apart. Your sopping pussy bulging out at the intrusion of his fat, hot girth. “Good girl, takin’ me so well for the first time. Tell me- hah- tell me where.”
And all you can do is dazedly guide his massive hand along your tummy, so warm and comforting. Pressing down where he gets to the lewd little nudge of his thick tip, sheathing in deeper and deeper and-
“H-here–” you’re mewling, big fat tears streaming down your eyes now. Ones that he wastes absolutely no time licking long, languid stripes to taste. He groans at the salty flavor. “Can feel you right here, Ken. Didn’t- hngh- didn’t think you’d be in so- deep-”
Those simple words have Nanami’s body shivering, sucking in a deep, shuddering inhale when his leaky tip just twitches. Convulsing in a jagged little line along the spongy crevice of your sweet spots, he huffs out an exasperated laugh. “What did ya expect, darling?” He purrs, tucking his face into the sensitive crook of your neck. “M’gonna be in even deeper soon y’know-”
And if you thought that he was already rummaging inside you brandingly, he was barely even halfway in yet. 
“Shhh you got this.” Feeding you inch after inch, it’s like it was never-ending. You’ve never been stretched out to this extent ever before, having your cunt all gaping and spread wide open for him. Nanami didn’t even have to crane his head to eye down at you glistening hole, winking up at him sluttily. Just filling you to the brim, the very tip of his drooling cock shoves against your g-spot in an addicted little kiss. Each collision has you slamming further and further up the bed, struggling. Because while Nanami Kento acted the part of a gentleman - his achy dick sure didn’t.
You hips jerk so prettily when he runs a calloused thumb over the very peak of your neglected clit. “You alright, my love? Need-”
“More!” you cut him off with such a cute whine. And it makes his cock act in a way he’d be almost embarrassed about, puncturing deeply into your plushy walls. Leaving a harsh sting of the very divot on his thick tip along your cervix. But it still wasn’t enough. “Please- Wan’ more more more- faster, Ken.”
By now, Nanami knew he was going to marry you. 
Oh, how he was going to fuck you exactly like this on your wedding night. And every night after that and after that and-
“Fuck, I love you-” he sputters out, stealing a few lingering kisses on your needy lips. Depraved. Filthy. Bruising with just how fast he was pistoning into you. “Love you love you- gonna marry you, y’know?” His eyes roll to the back of his head, head throwing backwards when you clench. “Gonna buy us a house, make y’my pretty wife- ah- fuck fuck fuck-”
Whatever’s left of Nanami’s rationality knows how ridiculous he sounds - the first taste of his pretty wife- well, future wife’s pussy and he’s already babbling about marriage. Fuck. 
But you only kiss him back as drunkenly as ever, hungry. Bucking your hips up in a wild way for more. “Mhm- wan’ you to- ah- fuck–” Drool drips down the corner of your mouth, and your eyes are drooping such after every smashing kiss against your g-spot. It’s all you can do to whimper, “M’so close ah- think m’so–”
“Me too-” he grits out, jaw clenching. “Me too me too- hah-”
The raspy baritone of his voice shakes with the incessant smack! smack! smack! of his painfully heavy, cum-filled balls against your skin. Riotous and relentless. Only accompanied by your sweet ah! ah! ah! and those slurping noises from below. 
“Cum inside me, Ken-” you moan, voice shaking into a whine. “Don’ want you to waste a drop, p-please cum inside-”
“Then take it-” he gasps out. He’s clinging onto you so tight, so deep. Fingers moving before his useless mind when his thumb grows steadily sloppier on your clit. Tight circles patterning into a rapid M-A-R-R-Y-M-E-M-A-R-R-Y-M-E-M-A- “Take it like my ah! good lil’ wife.”
And you don’t know who’s cumming first, but it only takes a few more throbbing strokes before Nanami just fills you to the brim with all his warmth. It seeps out of you - thick, velvety ropes of his potent seed that can’t stop spewing from his furious, weepy tip. So red and jolting with each of your constricting squeezes. 
You gasp, waves of your own high crashing into you over and over with every piston of his hips. And leftovers of Nanami’s cum gushes out of you with each buck of your needy ips.
“O-oh my god-” you’re whimpering, dragging your nails down his flexingly broad back. Babbling away cockdrunkenly, “How am I so- full ah-”
Nanami heaves out ragged sighs, pulling out his twitchy tip ever-so-slightly to let his cum form a glossy sheen of milky white between your legs. And he’s so gone, so utterly fucked-out when he swipes his thumb across that creamy puddle. Bringing it up to plug it into your slack-jawed mouth, “Think I s-skipped a few steps into making you a pretty momma before I made you my pretty wife, darling.”
“Is that-” Geto hisses, gritting his teeth ferociously, and it’s all he can do to not just throw his head back pussydrunkenly. To all but grip your trembly thighs in two of his rough hands, peering up at you through long, dark lashes. “Is that all you got, gorgeous?”
The only response he gets are your hips grinding down in sticky swivels to smack against his toned ones. Geto’s thighs come up behind you to just squeeze your glissading body, gyrating up even deeper. 
“W-well–” you whine at his mean smirk, your hands greedily dancing upwards to smooth and knead all over his pale, sculpted skin. “-you’re not doin’ any ah- better-”
Fuck, was that the understatement of the year.
It was only the first time Geto was sinking into your sweet, sweet pussy and he’s already so fucked-out. So hungry for more with the way his hips just up ravenously, heady scent making your head spin. Making his head spin - the only thing on his mind right now being why the fuck didn’t he fuck this pretty cunt of yours sooner?
“Heh, thought you said you weren’t all that affected, Sugu?” you’re giggling smugly, which only makes his rosy lips slack open. Wet, gurgling moans being wrenched out with each snap of his hips. It’s only then that you realize - he didn’t even mean to say that out loud. “Wait- You’re not serious, are you?”
“Shut up.”
That vice-like hold on the plush of your hips turns bruising, Geto’s entire body just wracking with a violent shudder until he’s sitting upwards. Hauling you along with him to be splayed out all prettily on his lap, mashing his lips in a simpering kiss. 
“Shut up shut up shut-” he spits against your glossy pout. The only thing he can do is thrust, letting his mouth foam with each rut into your sopping wet walls. Growing harder and harder with each jiggle of your ass against his tightly thwacking balls. “Shut up n’ just let hah- let this cunt speak for herself, m’kay?”
His words catch you by surprise, and the relentless squelch! squelch! squelch! of your slobbering cunt rings in your ears.
You lean down to kiss the very tips of Geto’s reddening ears, “So mean.” 
At your pouty huff, he bullies in two of his fingers into your drunkenly slacking mouth. Forcing you to suck. To shut up. “So mouthy.” he spits. “So so–”
Geto trails off with a guttural groan, big beefy arms wrapping around your convulsing body until he has you pinned to him like some perfect cocksleeve. He’s whining, “Oh, I can’t- I can’t I-”
And before you know it, he’s pulling out all at once, leaving you whimpering at the hasty drag of his thick cock down your clingy walls. Missing him already. 
“I can’t- I need to-” Snap! Geto’s rock-hard dick only engorges even bigger when he tugs on the thin rubber condom covering it, the slap of cool hair mixed with your syrupy sweet juices driving him wild. Rubbing his angrily raw length along your drenched slit, “Please- let me. I need to feel ya for real, please, gorgeous.”
“Yes.” you mewl. “Yes yes yes-”
He’s purposefully leaning backwards on the mattress to shove every inch of himself into your deepest, most sensitive depths. Rummaging his weepy erection inside you until he’s kissing wetly against your sweet spots. And even through his slender fingers hitting at the back of your throat, your whimpers get louder. Pitching up higher. More slutty.
“Hah- ya scream even with my fingers hah- inside your pretty mouth.” His nose breathes a slow, delicate trail down your thundering pulse. “And you say I’m the one fucked-out with jus’ one t-taste.”
He stutters. Geto Suguru stutters. 
The one always so sharp with his tongue, and quick with his words can’t stop his voice from cracking. From bearing you with the full brunt of his pussydrunken gaze, and immediately Geto bites down on his lower lip. Pathetically trying to stop any more of his pretty noises from reaching your ears.
“Hngh- Sugu-” you manage to mumble out around his digits. Dragging up one of your hands to pull roughly on his long, inky hair. “So mean.”
“You’re the hah- m-mean one, my girl.” Geto’s next words come out absolutely ruined. Disheveled strands falling all around your face and sticking to both of your sweat-sheened bodies. His dark brows scrunch together, mouth dry like he’s starved. “So mean- taunting me with such a-a perfect pussy. Holding it-” Those dripping wet fingers inside your mouth make their slow, sloppy trail down to toy with your puffed-up clit. Rolling over gently, and back again. “-back from me for so- hah- so fuckin’ long. Y’know how fuckin’ long I’ve wanted to fuck you like this-” His kiss is messy - salty, it hits you each each juttering slam that he’s tearing up. “-Oh, if you knew you’d be scared.”
He’s sounding desperate. Ruined. 
Each and every one of his sultry swipes into your g-spot making his head throw back, abs clenching with every blissful shiver. You were so hot. So soft. And Geto fucking cursed the days he spent not fucking you right then and there from the moment he first saw you.
“Y-you said that-” your greedy hips push downwards against his saturatedly cum-filled balls. Sparks of pleasure making something so hot coil at the very bottom of your stomach. “-out loud again. Sugu- ah-”
With a smugly smacking kiss against your lips, he’s plowing on, “Can feel how ah- badly ya wan’ me to fill you up. How wet how wet it hngh- gets you to see me s-so ruined like this-” Cold rings of his fingers swirling coolingly inside your mouth - deep. “-my little sadist.”
You moan uproariously, which only makes him chuckle. Low, and hoarse. Dangerous. “And you best believe that when I cum-” Patting your bulging cunt, “-m’gonna have another taste.”
♡ CHOSO KAMO - Too sweet

Choso can’t even bring himself to be embarrassed at the pathetic way his deep voice cracks, the way his pretty pink lips fall into a lewd oh! Eyes rolling to the back of his head, thighs shivering after each shuddering little hump. 
You let out a drunken giggle, feeling the sloshing of his sopping wet precum splatter all along your inner thighs. “Something wrong, Cho?”
“No!” your dear boyfriend is gasping, dewy eyes just wrenching open in a panic. Long, jittery limbs so fearful of losing even an ounce of that hot drag of your puffed-up pussy lips against his swollen tip. “No no no-” His strong arms come around your body, pinning you against where he had you on all fours. “Please don’t take this heavenly pussy a-away from me, baby.”
The words are so hastily spat out, like it hurt to even say them.
You’re whirling your head over your shoulders, glassy eyes spying down at that ragged rouge blush all over Choso’s face, that pussydrunk trail of drool down his lips, the way his achy cock hung so angry and heavy between his legs. Between yours. 
So pretty. 
“Well then, Cho.” His bruised lips just wobble at your sweet, sweet nickname. “Why aren’t ya putting it in already, then?”
“B-because-” his breath comes out in a hot puff against the back of your neck, and Choso takes the languid time to leave such a wet stream of kisses up your arched back. “Because m’worried s’not gonna be all you want, my baby.”
And he sounded so desperate. So needy, holding himself back. 
A deft hand of yours tangles its way into his dark hair, pulling until your pretty boyfriend just keens. Dragging the sweltering hot tip of his swollen cock along your dripping wet slit. It mixes your honeyed juices together with an obscene squelch! 
You steady yourself to just push - ever-so-slightly - down the plush mattress to take a mere inch of him. 
And oh that turns him into such a babbling mess, moans hitching in his rumbling chest. Gasping and stuttering out sultry curses while Choso grabs his hands onto the curve of your waist. Hips reeling - forwards.
It only takes a mere moment before Choso slouches over, pinning you into him until you couldn’t move your filthy hips anymore. But the damage was already done. 
And before you know it, he’s cumming - before he knows it, he’s cumming. Plugging in your tight hole with just his fat tip, he’s sobbing out thick, potent ribbon after ribbon of cum into your overstuffed pussy. So much of his slippery slick seed, hitting your spongy cervix, knocking on your womb. The sheer volume of it that sticks all around his cock in a creamy ring.
“Wait- oh-” he whimpers, voice shot. There was just something about the way your soaked, gummy walls were closing in on him, trying to just suck something delicious out of him that made it unable to stop himself. “Wait- I can’t oh-”
Muscled thighs spreading out even farther on the plush bed, he gives absolutely no warning before just pounding into you ruthlessly. No rhythm or reason at all. Just reveling in the way your slobbering cunt molds all around him, that jiggling smack! of your ass as he fucks you from behind.
“Is this
” he breathes out unsteadily, chest heaving. Hiking up one of his legs to drive his fat tip against the very bottom of your pussy even deeper. To drill across in thorough, wet glides of splashing cum. In wonderment, “So is this what you f-feel like, y baby- hngh! Is this ah- what- what sex feels like?”
He’s so sloppy, and he’s not even trying to be. Having that glossy puddle of cum spread wider and wider underneath your fervently ramming bodies.
“Mhmmm–” you’re batting your lashes at him. 
Choso mashes his lips into yours, groaning out with each sharp hit of his hip bones against the curve of your ass. Whining, “Does- does it feel as good for you?” The hefty swell of his balls grind up greedily into your pussy, getting messier and wetter with every cascade of your juices down his eager length. His long fingers dip down to rub the very tip of your clit. Languidly. “T-tell me, baby.”
And just one swipe of his trembly thumb against your sensitive nub is all it takes for you to just clench, to throw your head back and arch into him even more sluttily. 
“Hngh! Feels so good, Cho-” you mewl, big fat tears of stimulation welling up behind your eyelids. “K-keep going-” 
“Oh.” he sucks in a shaky breath. And you feel the rotund curve of his cock expand even girthier, stretching out the already-taut channel of your pussy. Roughly, Choso’s grabbing a handful of your ass, kneading. And if you didn’t know any better you’d have said his moans were almost pained. “Wait don’t squeeze me like that- fuck fuck fuck- feels too good don’t-”
And when have you ever listened to your poor boyfriend?
It only takes a long, hard clamp around his heated cock before Choso sees stars behind his eyes again, throat run raw with moans of your name. And then he’s cumming - again. At least, whatever sense is left in him thinks he’s cumming.
“Baby, you’re- you’re so mean-” Choso lolls out his tongue deliriously, sucking on your own. Steady tears of his splash onto your skin with each sticky leftover dredge cum shooting out, and you’re left taking each of Choso’s jackhammering thrusts. Leaving you whimpering, being held back to paint your entrance even messier. Until he’s shooting out blanks. “S’only m’first time n’ already so mean.” He swipes a hand over your now-bloated tummy, coating his fingers all over with the absolute sin oozing out of you.
Seconds later, those syrupy fingers bully between your lips. And in a hoarse, husky whisper Choso continues, “You hafta t-take responsibility, y’know?”
♡ RYOMEN SUKUNA - Twin b*tches, twin b*tches
And while the infamous King of Curses can do nothing but stare down at you with one of his dangerously quirked eyebrows, you take it upon your stubborn self to bite down on Sukuna’s lower lip. Tugging, “Did I stutt- hngh!”
Whatever bratty sentence on the tip of your tongue is being fully overtaken by such one of the most cockdrunken moans that Sukuna has ever heard. Forcing from your syrupy lips as soon as he’s ramming his angry cockhead upwards into your melty insides. 
“Heh, I think ya did stutter.” he’s leering down at you, feeding your drooling cunt with inch after hefty inch of his cock. “First time actually takin’ my cock and you want both? Ya wanna die, woman?”
“N-no–” you’re whining out. “I j-just want all of you-”
In milliseconds, he’s flipping the two of you over - having you thoroughly and deliriously straddled on one of his swollen cocks. You feel Sukuna’s other erection stacked behind twitch at the curve of your ass, gushing out such voluminous amounts of steaming hot precum seeping into your skin. Skin that absolutely thrills when he plants a harsh smack! 
“Don’ say things outta ya slutty pussy, lil’ human.” he growls. Shutting you up with pound after pound, engorged shaft stretching every nook and cranny of your gummy cunt open. “S’gonna end up with me havin’ ta take care of your cockdrunk self and you-” You squeal when one of his four large hands wrap snugly around your throat, hauling you to his snarling lips. “-very, very pregnant with my heir.”
If that was meant to be a threat, Sukuna already knows that it didn’t work.
Because it only made your dripping pussy more drenched, more swelteringly tight around his girth.
“Ohhh ya liked that, didn’t ya?” he grins such a feral grin that shows off those sharp canines. And Sukuna’s taking his lazy, blissful time thumbing your bulging pussy open. “Might jus’ be the first to ever want to take both, greedy lil’ thing.”
“K-una–” you push up your ass against his other matchingly rock-hard cock. “Don’t care. Just wan’ you so bad.” 
“Aww, jealous are ya?” Throat hoarse, chest heaving now, the bulbous tip of his other cock kisses insistently and wetly at your puckering cunt. He laughs, “Heh- No need, brat. Because- here-”
In true Sukuna fashion, he barely even gives you any warning before just hammering up with both cocks into the very bottom of your heated pussy with a pressurized thrust. Twin heads twinging so harshly that they knock against each other, nudging against your g-spot twice. 
He knew what you wanted.
And you were finally getting it.
“Oh.” Sukuna’s red, devilish eyes roll to the back of his head at the way your dripping wet walls were so welcoming. Rubbing up against himself with each shuddering thrust, he’s gripping your chin with another hand, pressing wet kiss after kiss. “Oh you realize that- that m’gonna be filling this cute cunt up hah- twice as much now, hm? S’not too much for yer t-tight pussy the first time takin’ your king?”
He sounded almost
concerned. Benevolent 
And all you can do is nod, taking the sloppy staccato of both cocks spearheading you like no other. Feeling stuffed so full, it was like he was knocking up into your lungs. 
“Lungs, huh?” he’s tittering, and it barely even registers that you’re speaking out loud. “Didn’t think you’d be this cockdrunk.” He babbles away, feet planting flat on the mattress to fuck up even impossibly deeper. “Gonna give ya my heir- two heirs. Hah-”
Just the very thought of it has you stumbling through the very filthiest of bounces on Sukuna’s cock, pathetically trying to meet his feral pace. 
“C’mon now, look at me.” he spits out, leaving harsh bites down your lips, your jaw, your neck. Anywhere and everywhere he could reach without stopping that incessant mashing up against your g-spot with his thickening, throbbing cocks. You’re forced to peer into his greedy gaze. “Look at while I breed you- yeahh–”
“M’so close- Kuna-” you’re mewling, lolling your bleary head down on Sukuna’s push pecs. “M’gonna- hngh- cum-”
For this, you’re rewarded with another stinging smack! onto your ass, before Sukuna easily grabs a handful to drag your drooling cunt up and down his length. “Heh, what a brat. Begged for both my- hah- cocks n’ you’re gonna cum already?” Fucking into you so hard now that you were sure he’d left two matchingly circular bruises on your cervix. “Whatever, cum for me then- but-” His cocks hit the back of your g-spot, making you painfully light-headed, “-ya better give me twins after this, my queen.”
And when you cum, oh it was like you couldn’t stop. Not with Sukuna still dragging you through your high, achy cocks so hard it was like they were about to burst. 
Smoothing against your sweetest spots once, twice before he himself cums from one of his lengths such a throaty moan of your name. And for each white-hot jolt of pleasure, Sukuna was painting you all white inside. 
“Sh-shit-” you whine, pulling him into the messiest types of kisses that you knew he loved. “M’so full- so- so full-”
Not enough, apparently.
Because no sooner are the words out of your mouth that his second, equally as filthy cock was streaming out thick spurts of cum. Staggeringly steamy hot inside you, those sticky sloshes reach your very womb, just slamming up into you mind-numbingly so that Sukuna can be sure it reaches each of your buried depths.
“Would ya look at that.” Sukuna whispers, reverant, almost. Sounding for all the world like he’s so utterly fucked. You follow his line of sight to the creamy sheen of seed drooling from between your thighs, glossy puddle forming underneath you two. 
Still-hard cocks jutting up into you without warning. Hard.“One more. I wan’ both of ‘em to cum at the same time.”
♡ GOJO SATORU - 360°
“It’ll be just hah- just the tip.” Gojo puffs out hotly against your ear, powerful hips jittering up in a way that made him feel like such an animal. Rubbing his leaky tip rawly between your swollen folds, “Promise- promise ah-”
Your dazed, blinking eyes stare right up at the absolutely ruined strongest. His cerulean eyes all watery and drooping shut with every tentative swipe up those puffed-up pussy lips of ours. And your head throws back with each pretty peck of Gojo’s rotund head against your clit. Sticky. Depraved. Oozing with precum and the lust to fuck into your cute cunt exactly the way he’s been dreaming of for so long. 
“What are best friends for, r-right?” he whines against your neck, snickering delightedly at the way your squirming hips buck up mindlessly into his. No matter how much you tried to huff and puff your way into pretending that you don’t want it as much as he’s dying for just a taste right now.
” you start, in a scolding tone that already makes him twitch. Entire body jolting with excitement, and you feel his heavy balls rested against your thighs squeeze almost-painfully. “We stopped being just ‘best friends’ about twenty make-outs ago.”
And Gojo only rubs his head along your skin like some overgrown cat, sighing out. “Exactly.”
Biting your lip, you can only watch when he shoves apart your thighs even wider roughly. That thick, red tip positioned precariously between your lips weeping and weeping angrily.
You’re rolling your eyes, “Toru just fuck me-”
And then he’s sinking in - pushing past that first ring of resistance, stretching out your elastic cunt so mind-numbingly wide. You can feel him thrust in sticky, filthy little pushes and pulls of his hips - but you can’t see it, no.
Because just a single inch sunken inside your hot cunt was enough to drive Gojo mad. Eyes blowing wide, breath being just heaved in, and the last thing you caught was the briefest little flicker of blue lightning in his eyes before those seductive bedroom lights just burst.
It wasn’t going to be just the tip - and both of you knew it.
“Hah- Woah.” Gojo’s mouth felt dry, heart thundering when he blindly grips your body with a bruising hold. He sounded almost angry, “I didn’t know it could feel so fuckin’ good.” Voice higher pitched and unstable, he winces when it cracks ever-so-slightly at the end. “Hahaha- ohhh fuck, sweetheart. Remind me why we didn’t hngh! do this sooner?”
Oh, the intensity of it was too much. 
Six eyes was rushing at him in full force, and Gojo just hiccups being able to see that outline of his swollen cock enter and split your pussy open. He couldn’t stop. The way that fat, rounded curve was jostling and invading your insides, having your walls melting pliantly around him so good- “Takin’ me so well, especially for the first time. Greedy girl.”
“Oh- oh my god-” you’re chanting, and you feel his cock thicken with each whimper. Blood rushing forwards to mold your walls even wider after each one, gushing out wet honeyed wet precum that sticks to you like a second skin. 
“Jus’ Toru s’fine.” he titters, sinking his sharp canines into the side of your neck. It was like a claim. A little message, because after that Gojo was well into rummaging all around you gripping walls. “Though- I don’t mind if ya call me ‘baby’ or-” Smoothing his rosy lips over in a kiss against your forehead, “-your ‘husband’.”
You smack his sculpted chest, with only half as much strength you’d put into it than usual. “Gettin’ s-so ahead of yourself- hah.”
This makes him glide a greedy thumb along the outer edges of your bulging cunt, your pre-soaked slit- all the way up, up, up to where he could see himself knocking up against your g-spot. 
“Oh, my girl.” he whimpers into your mouth. Those electric sparks of purple and blue lighting up that drunken look in his eyes, the way his abs flex and contort with each ravaging push fucking you into the bed. “With a pussy this sweet m’never lettin’ ya go.”
One of his greedy thumbs come up to nudge at that curving head of his cock, head throwing back deliriously at the lewd little massage. 
You’re just whimpering tearily when his other long, slender fingers dance upwards to tease your sensitive clit, soft pads of his digits unapologetically pinching it. Hard. 
“Wait- are you-” you gasping, sitting up on your two elbows at the sudden jolts of electricity. That tiny humming vibration of jujutsu that sparks all the way from your pre-soaked clit - from those big hands toying with it. It makes you just gush, airy and light-headed when you’re coating him in all your saturated juices.
He was fucking you like he was out of control - just long, animalistic drags of his fat cock down your plushy walls. Massaging himself on each and every one of those gooey crevices at your insides, you were so goddamn addictive. And Gojo was hypnotized.
But he wants more. He needs more.
“Shit- shit shit shit-” Gojo already sounded so utterly wrecked, body bowed on top of yours. His face was unabashed - feral, looking at you like he wanted to positively devour you. “Hope y’know I can u-use Six Eyes to tell whether this pretty pussy’s gonna ah- take- to my seed, pretty girl. Whether yer gonna- ah be bred properly like you should be.” He’s nuzzling at your neck, “So get ready for a mess-”
Cutting himself off with a moan, another sloppy stroke that meshes messily with your g-spot. Gojo grins oh he grins, and you’re suddenly reminded why so many fear him. Why he’s the strongest. In the bleary distance, you think you hear another light just explode. Whispering raggedly, “Because I intend to use it.”
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A/N. I feel like every time I write for Sukuna I just HAVE to make a reference to that song.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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amaranthinespirit · 1 month ago
LOSER SIMON IS MAKING ME LOSE MY MINDDDD. Imagine just feeling bad for the guy so you give him a pussy job but over your underwear soaking it in the mix of your juices and when he’s done if you’re feeling nice you’ll leave them for him as a reward
giving in to loser!simon riley
no, you wouldn't fuck him all the way. that would be too generous for a debauched recluse like him. he needed to beg for it, more so than he already was. the sight of you, soft breasts bouncing ever so slightly above him as you humped his cock over your panties, dampened by your own arousal and his pre that consistently oozed from his slit.
his hands pawing at your fleshy hips weakly, fingers digging into the meaty plush with his head thrown back and jaw dropped. his tongue spilled from his lips as he drooled onto his own chin. what a pathetic man, right?
you leaned over, collecting the saliva in your mouth before letting it fall from your lips, his tongue eagerly catching it with a wanting whine. you merely giggled condescendingly, feeling the way his girthy cock throbbed and pulsated through your soaked panties, the burning heat over the fabric that separated him from what he truly wanted.
your sweet pussy, warmth drooling and inviting, he just wanted to sink himself inside with unruly, unsteady thrusts, but no, you were being mean. taunting the poor loser away from heaven.
but if he was good enough after he came, emptying his heavy balls of a thick, creamy load that absolutely soaked your underwear, maybe you'd leave them for him to wrap around his achy cock, or sniff to make himself horny. but when was he not?
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screampied · 8 months ago
✧ âșËł cw. fem! reader, husband nanami, unprotected, whiny nanami, using a vibrator on him, praise, nıpple play, mdni.
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“go ahead m- my love but, that’s kind of . . kinky,” nanami sheepishly huffs, slouching further back against the fluffed pillows that rests on the mattress. with pretty umber eyes boring into you, he’s giving your nude body occasional three second glances before he stares between your legs—you’re a mere tease, hovering over his leaky cock. just a few seconds ago, you were riding him and now, you abruptly stopped with a cute impish look curling against your lips. “a vibrator on..me?”
leaning in, you press a wet kiss into the pulled out blue collar of his business shirt he wore. ruffled and crinkled, you smell near the edge of the fabric, intaking a long whiff of his cologne before humming. “jus’ hold my hand, ‘ken,” and he feels his heart race at your sweet words. nanami’s legs sprawl themselves further apart before he grabs onto your hip. another hand finds its way to yours, interlocking his slender fingers within your own. the inside of his open palm was warm and his breath hectically shakes once he hears the faint ‘pop’ sound of you switching the toy on. “thaaat’s it kento, just relax.”
“f- fuck,” nanami’s jaw tightens almost immediately once the rubber head of the vibrator skims its way onto his tip. you’re real slow, pacing your movements but he was already near the inevitable carnal edge. nanami lets off a throaty groan, gradually tossing his head back and his adam’s apple bobs in rapture. as you’re cowering over his lap, you use a free hand to swipe a few blond strands of hair way from his face. so pretty. nanami’s trying to maintain his neutral stoic expression but he ends up shivering right away instead. his sounds were so pleasing to the ear. gruffly low moans came from him—he’s moaning out your name again and again like a broken record whilst briefly teetering his weight underneath you. the jittering toy rubs all over his swollen tip before his abs clench underneath his shirt. “honey, you’re killing me here,” and his bottom lip quivers before he stares at your teasingly jerking body. “let me touch you at least, please.”
amused, you hum at how needy he was.
how desperate he was to touch you more, brushing his fingers inside of the cave of your warm just wasn’t enough. he wanted more.
the toy was on the lowest level—yet, it felt like it was at its highest point. nanami’s pathetically twitching and spiraling underneath you, and you’re not making it any better by leisurely dragging your sopping cunt against the toy and his tip at the same time. “ngh, kento you feel so good, baby,” you feel a tugging coil within your stomach practically snap. nanami’s cock stood tall, rosĂ©-colored with his cockhead glistening with pre-cum. it’s pretty, his balls were all full and a few achy veins prod through his skin at the toe-curling friction.
as the seconds pass, the tumultuous screams of the vibrator only grow louder. nanami’s thigh starts to bounce before his mouth pries open. “aw, ‘s okay, kento. doing so good.”
“honey, don’t ‘aw’ me,” he groans, and you can’t help but giggle at his brief sass. it later turns into a long drawn out moan because he can barely hold his head up anymore. nanami’s entire body feels hot - too hot. with your body so close up to him, he’s burning up, with the help of the toy also. he swallows thickly, failing to get that lump that’s trapped in the far back part of his throat.
your teasing had his blond arched brows curling up in obscene frustration—he even made an attempt at feeling down body but you grab his wrist. a small pout twists against his spit-glossed lips before he grumps. “how are y- you gonna deny me what’s mine?”
you kiss near his chiseled chin, feeling his naturally crooked lips curl from your tender touch. he wants you so bad.
“be patient, baby,” you murmur, hot breath ghosting against his skin. you’re so close that you feel the brief tickle of minuscule hairs that grow underneath his bottom lip. nanami grunts, the vibrations of the toy making him moan. but not only does it make him moan, it makes him whine.
the second you flip the switch to turn it on the second level, nanami loses it. he’s an entire drooling mess underneath you as it’s grazing against his tip. you’re holding the toy with one hand, softly moving it back and forth against his swollen head and poking at his peeling frenulum. his entire cock felt the teeth-shattering convulsions and they feel like straight electricity.
“pleaseplease,” he whimpers out, entirely a abandoning his bland façade. this was a new nanami. you don’t think you’ve ever heard him beg before, let alone hear him whine. his voice was so sweet despite the creeping rasp that bellows from his words. his hair was a mess, nanami’s sweating pinballs as he’s jostling underneath you. his pretty pink lips get gnawed at by his teeth before they start to quiver. “let me touch you, i wanna touch my wife. fuck, jus’ wanna touch you. feel you everywhere, please.”
and as he’s rambling with compressed eyebrows and a needy pout, you lean your head down, pressing yourself right up against his beefy pecs. tears of sweat race down his perfectly sculptured body, although you can spot a bit of a rounded tummy on nanami.
it’s cute. just the way his presentable blond happy trail roams further down toward his decorated pubes, you found yourself staring a lot longer than you intended. “you wanna touch me?” you sweetly coo, swaying the toy back and forth in a circular motion with your entire wrist, feeling his shaking only intensify. he could hear his unsteady pulses from his heart beat through his ears—and oh, he’s never felt so sensitive.
his response was a desperate nod—nanami groans lowly, an almost growl as his lips part. strained breaths snatch from his lungs before his eyes meet yours. as he stares at you intently, he swears he’d fallen in love with you all over again.
nanami was a simple man. a simple pussy whipped man.
“go ‘head, touch me,” you purr, and he doesn’t expect for you to press your lips right up against his pecs - only to then slide your head up his shirt, putting your lips against his neglected perky nipples. as you suck, he doesn’t waste any time, allowing his broad big hands to roam all over your body, savoring your soft skin colliding with the insides of his palms.
nanami then whines again, the current stimulation making him an entire mess and leaving him speechless. with the way he’s sounding because of your tongue salaciously flicking near his sensitive nub, you could barely recognize him from his tone. the warm tip of your tongue gingerly rolls itself around his nipple while you’re still rubbing the toy over his drooling tip. his head tosses back again before he uses a hand to grab onto the wooden creaking headboard. “fuck, fuck you’re an odd one, sweetheart.”
you hum with his nipple still stuffed in your mouth before throwing the toy aside on the other part of the bed. he hears the soft thud before feeling your welcoming warm cunt slowly sink its way back down onto his cock. nanami groans, his eyes widening—lips spreading and jaw clenching. “oh m- my,” he eyes trail down at you, and he pulls you closer into his chest. “honey, you’re so dirty. ‘m gonna cum.”
and as you’re sucking against his pec, nanami lets off a hoarse groan. he’s halfway in and he’s already shooting inside, various creamy ropes pour into you all at once and you hear the familiar squelch. it’s abrupt and so quick it gives him whiplash. his body feels like it’s all on fire—he chews the inside of his cheek before he’s just left stunned with his mouth dangling open. “mmf,” you feel a few viscid strands of saliva dribble from the corners your mouth, and he feels his cock twitch at the sight.
nanami grunts, everything feeling like an indescribable blur. his body including his weighty shaft that’s partially buried inside of you was limp. this candied fervor he’s feeling—he never wanted it to go away. one of his hands cling to your waist, piercing his padded callused thumbs into your soft skin. “ugh, told you,” he grouses, feverish balmy spurts of cum still oozing its way inside. it’s velvety, you feel wads of it spill inside before spilling right back out, painting down the edges of your thighs with ivory white. nanami’s breath was still shaky as you’re playfully jerking forward, barely moving a muscle but to him, it feels like you’re riding him. “y- you always make a mess out of me.”
“good boy, kento.” you remove his pec from your mouth, getting from under his shirt and you cup his face—only to pepper a few sprinkle of gentle kisses near his cute buttoned nose.
his lip quivers at your praise and he almost always gets off from it - your praise. your praise to him was technically dirty talk. as he’s slumped underneath you, all submissive and broken, nanami has the most pussy drunken grin.
“i- i wanna get you pregnant again, sweetheart. wanna make you a pretty mommy again. please, god i need more. more of you.”
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dmitriene · 2 months ago
based on the ask from my inbox.
simon ghost riley gets a particular liking to stain your underwear, all the pretty, flimsy and lacy pieces he can get both his rugged hands and leaky cock on, using them as a short relief to get his full, heavy balls empty, spurting hot, thick seed all over your panties, soaking in the smooth fabric and glancing through hooded eyes how it's drips down to his knuckles, tacky over his own, calloused palm and your now dirty undies.
it's leaves you having almost nothing to wear, because your boyfriend gets all your panties soiled with his cum, day by day, even if he still fills you up with his cock or tongue, there's a place to jerk off to your undies later, and it's not getting better if you decide to buy just a little bit more, he'd get himself off on them too, or maybe use them while they're on you, some frills and lace concealing your pussy make it all only more appealing.
simon get's almost bestial, voice guttural and deranged, face burning with the heat that crawls itchy up from the base of his spine and to his neck, spreading high over his cheeks, as he humps up through your puffy folds, squished together, soppy from slick that seeps in the cotton fabric that doesn't gives you near as much pleasure as you want, leaving you squirming and whining needily, hips rocking, trying to grind in to meet his movements, but he avoids it.
even with his muscles coiled tight, rippling, his hips rutting forward, thighs tense, sweat beading all over his forehead, mussing the short hairs that fall haphazardly all over down his face, hiding the simmering, opaque wells of his eyes, gaze glassy with want and dilated, reacting to each salacious, squelchy noise that leaves your cunt, rasping a moan as you clench around nothing, clit twitching beneath his heavy, engorged girth, all sensitive and achy.
simon tortures not only you, but himself as well, holding his orgasm down, until your panties all crumpled, see through with how dewy they are from all your combined slick and his precum, leaving you both panting, high on the imminent pleasure that threatens to swallow, choke you, with the glassy sheen blurring your fluttering eyes, as you claw and plead on pitchy, wet octave.
it's so much intense than ever when he finally breaches in your pulsing, clenching hole, the weight of his weeping, heavy cock inside of you makes you sigh, gasp his name in a ragged, contented keen, wriggling your hips, rocking, as if he can get any deeper, but your cunt already latched around him snuggly, his tip bumping, dragging over your spongy spot with slow, languid rolls of hips, postponing his release.
when simon cums, pumping you full as you gush, clinging to him tight, with your toes curled in a spasm that travels up your shaking thighs, it's a relief to the both of you, the way you milk him for every drop, as he grumbles on top of you, bending forward enough for your foreheads to touch, sweaty and warm, his seed seeping out in a small, frothy globs, trailing from his veiny length and dripping to soak in your ruined, crumpled to the side undies.
main masterlist. quidelines.
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undercvrfan444 · 27 days ago
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Thrust after thrust burnt into your achy cervix, Satoru’s head was buried hotly between your shoulder and jaw. His hands engulfed your sides in a rough grip that was sure to leave blooming bruises for days. It was rare for Satoru to get this rough with you, which made it harder so to muster up the syllables of your safe word.
Your boyfriend was rough between the sheets. You knew this. Felt it. However in the odd moments when his pupils are blown a touch wider than normal, smooth silky hair is flat against his face, and whenever his hands touch you they leave irritating bites in their wake, you knew Satoru just needed to get out some pent up emotions.
It wasn’t that you were scared to use your safe word! Completely the opposite actually. You just didn’t want to deprive Satoru of whatever release he needed. Anytime you were angry or had some sort of balled up emotional issues Satoru would let you get it out however you needed, why wouldn’t you do the same for him?
All composure you had snapped though when pearly white teeth sank bitterly into your flesh. Tears of pain sprung from your eyes rapidly as you writhed and squirmed away from the man above you. Pain radiated from your shoulder through your chest at the sudden bite on top of being jackhammered into.
“Red! Red, Satoru stop!” Hiccupy, gurgled words echoed between you two. Any movement Satoru made stopped immediately, his hands releasing their bruising grip on your sides. Two wide eyes bore into you, blue beginning to seep into them again. Ever so carefully Satoru moved to slip out of you eliciting a sharp whine to pull out of your throat.
Fat gobs of salty water continued to roll as Satoru softly pulls you into his chest, rubbing your back while he rocked back and forth. “Toru, i’m sorry, I Jus-“
Two white brows furrowed harshly at hearing the watery apologies from you. Easing you away from his chest, Satoru kisses your cheeks. “Stop. Stop it baby, why are you sorry?”
Time seemed to slow down as you clung to the feeling of chaste kisses being pressed into your face. Each one of his soft lips chased away the self doubt and anxious thoughts. “B-because I know you have been s-so stressed and just wanted to make you feel better!”
A quiet smile appeared on Satoru’s face. He loved how sweet you were but honestly couldn’t get over the fact he had pushed you so far over the edge you used your safe word. “Baby girl listen, you should never ever feel sorry for using your safe word. We have it for a reason, and I should be the one to apologize for making you use it.”
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bunny-jpeg · 3 months ago
all access
simon "ghost" riley
tags: smut/pwp, semi-public sex, train station sex, unprotected sex, size difference/kink, breeding kink, possessive behavior, unhinged and filthy
a/n: inspired by true events
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simon missed you. simon missed you more than anything, you were apart for only two weeks and he couldn't take it anymore! he knew he was being a hypocrite, he could leave for over a month for work and come home to a hot meal and a hotter cunt. sate his hunger while balls deep inside of you.
but it was different when you left for two weeks, visiting your mother up in the north and left simon all alone back in london. he needed you, and it was hard for you two to be apart when you didn't have to be. so maybe it was the most gentleman-like when he shuffled you from the train platform into a quiet, dark corridor and told you to get up on your toes so he could have access.
the underground hallway of the train station was near dead at this hour. all the commuters for the evening were already at their homes, nice and comfortable after dinner. but, simon was hungry for something else.
two weeks he had spent without you beautiful cunt. it was hard to go from your soft sex to his rough hand. no amount of photos and (eventually stained) panties could compete with you against him. the differences in size and strengths. he was near six foot-five and his bulk allowed for him to crowd in your space. while it was comforting, it was rather easy for him to pull you up against the concrete hall in the quiet hallway.
"i missed ya, baby." he said as his hand pushed up the skirt you wore, "wore this slutty lil thing because you knew i'd be on edge when you came home." he pressed you further up against the wall with your back arched a little to give him better access to your behind, "give me easy access to what belongs to me, huh? bet those little fingers of yours couldn't do anythin'. missed me, missed my cock." he got his cock out of his jeans, the belt still somewhat around his waist.
there was no time to lose, just because the station was quiet doesn't mean no late night traveler couldn't bound down those stairs and see a man of simon's size fuck a woman of your size out in public. he hiked your skirt up over your ass and got your panties down to your socks before he pressed up into your further. the tip of his cock slipped into your achy sex and you had to cover your mouth to keep quiet.
as much as simon would have loved to hear those moans echo in the hallway, he'd rather not have a citation put against either of you for the act of public sex. it was risky, but it only fueled the fire in simon's belly as he rocked against you. one hand on the wall over your head, the other on your hip. his grip was nice and tight on you, his cock battered against the deepest parts of you.
it was sexual filth, it was hot as he watched you hold back your moans as he fucked you up against the wall. the angle was a little hard given your size differences, but he knew you were into that. if simon was a pervert then so were you. you loved the rough, filthy sex you two had. made your little cunt squeeze around him as he fucked you quickly. no time for tenderness, not when simon was a man on a mission.
he said lowly in your ear, his tone quiet yet dangerous. he fucked up into you and you felt the swim of pleasure in your core as he spoke, "never leavin' me again, right, doll? not goin' anywhere unless i'm with ya." his tone made your head spin and you felt your core get soaked by his words. there was a fury to his thrusts as you tried to stay on your tip toes so he could fuck you up against the wall.
"si." you whispered.
"missed ya too much, thinkin' about ya all the time. thinkin' about your pretty little tits and my teeth marks all over them. your pussy and my cum inside of you. paintin' those pretty insides white." he groaned as he continued to thrust up against you.
the pleasure was mounting, the want in your core made your heart race. everything felt so exposed and it made your head spin. you covered your mouth once more to keep the noises trapped. the hallway remained empty as simon continued to hit up against you in all the right ways.
"need ya, need ya, doll." he said softly, "can't have you runnin' off like that again. not without me, i know, i know. i'm bein' all possessive, but can't fuck my hand anymore. not when i got my baby's sweet cunt to bury in." he purred lowly, his voice echoed in your body.
he kissed were feverish and you tensed up as he continued to rut up against you with a heated passion. the moans got caught in your throat, and were muffled by your hands. the pace was unsteady, a forceful need to lay claim to what it is. his woman, his everything.
"next time." he said, tone still quiet, "bring me, let me meet your mother, show her i'll be a good husband to you. i know she's been askin' about grandkids." his large hand grazed your middle and your stomach did a flip. he gave your stomach a pat and said, "might as well start workin' on that. visit your mum in a year with my chunky little son at your hip. riley boys, little hell-raisers."
that sent you over the edge. you near hit the wall with your hands as you clenched around him. you grit your teeth as pleasure hit down on you. it left you dizzy and slumped against the wall as you started to feel the after lingers.
"beautiful, my beautiful girl." he purred as he continued to rut against you. he continued to fuck your pretty body to his liking. a few more quick ruts and he finished inside of you with a deep exhale as he tried not to be too loud. it felt amazing, your cunt clung to him perfectly. he rocked against you a little further until he stopped and gave your ass a pat, 'that's it. perfect." he said with a immense sense of love before he bent down to get your panties back over your plush behind.
you couldn't form your words and instead leaned against simon as he took your suitcase and led you back to his car to bring you home. he lifted your suitcase like a real gentleman as the cold air brought you back to your senses.
his cum stuck to your panties while he opened the car door for you and even buckled you in. you whispered "i love you" when he got into the other side. he kissed you and replied, "i love you too, doll. but next time, i should come with ya. be with my baby's mama." he gave you a cheeky wink before he patted your thigh before he pulled the car out of the lot. a promise of a proper homecoming once you got back to your flat <3
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obxsprincess · 1 year ago
Just Luke shoving your head into the pillows while he moans the filthiest words in your ear (someone take my phone away)
yesyesyes especially when he’s brat taming !!
——— â‹†ïœĄâ€§ËšÊšÉžËšâ€§ïœĄâ‹†
he watches you spring into another cabin boys arms after winning capture the flag, your hair all messy, giggling n laughing like a sweet perfect fool. his sweet, perfect fool. you looked so pretty. n luke knew the tall, asshole of a guy was thinking the same thing
he wasn’t ‘fuckin having it’
“I get, ya’ were just being friendly, princess. but that fuckers not thinking like that.” his hot breath fans the back of your neck, n you’d believe he was mad at you when he drops you onto your bed, all greedy n mean as he sucks hickeys all over your pretty tits
“agh b-ut luke, he was on my team n’ he helped us win-” his brown eyes furrow in annoyance, finally looking up. leaving your pebbled nipple glossy n achy from his salvia
“so you want to repay him? is that the fuckin case, cause he got the flag you want him sucking on these pretty tits mhm?” oh he is mad :(
“n-no I didn’t say tha-” you frown at the oh-so familiar tingle in your tummy, his hands moving lower and lower

“nah it’s ok baby, wanted some time with my favorite girl anyways. just shush n’ let me give her some
you didn’t think he meant your pussy when he said his favorite girl :( n his way of shushing was shoving your face into your plushy, pink pillows. muffling your whines in the cotton things n your angelic whimpers when his cock slides into the warm, tight little fit of your gummy walls
“mhmm, fuck-fuck yeah, tightest little pussy I’ve ever felt. ahhhh fuck she grips me so good.” he’s moaning into your dizzy ear like he’s married to your pussy and your merely their for the ride “don’t she baby?” he coos
“l-luke auh! m’here too!” tears of salty jealousy brush your lash line ??
“f-fuck, shush princess. why can’t you be as good as this sweet little cunt? she’d never fuckkk let another dick inside of her.”
your mascara stains the pillow cases as you try to wiggle, clenching around his so tightly cause this is supposed to be about you!! n the angles so deep!! but his pounding thrusts made you forget all bratty sense. now he was just rubbing it in, groaning n moaning all over your flustered skin
“pretty pussy knows only I make you feel this good,”
“your” thrust “fuckin” thrust “mine” finally he was talking to you again!!
”m’ all yours l-luke! g-gonna mphmm! cum!” your squeals encourage his hips to snap against your soft ass even faster. his balls slapping against you shushing you even more than the fluffy pillows
“goddd I’m cumming inside my girl tonight, you thrust deserve it. this- fuck your dripping— pussys mine too right, ma?”
——— â‹†ïœĄâ€§ËšÊšÉžËšâ€§ïœĄâ‹†
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