enjomo-arch · 1 year
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ace  does  think  that  nami  has  incredible  skill  in  navigating.  obviously,  since  she's  leading  his  little  brother's  ship  but  what  catches  his  eye  the  most  is  how  nami  relies  on  the  slightest  weather  changes  to  estimate  a  route  or  call  out  for  the  crew  to  turn  so  they  can  avoid  potential  danger  or  any  anomaly.  ace,  as  a  survivalist  mastered  the  ability  of  tracking.  he  can  and  will  find  anyone  he's  willing  to  if  he  sacrifices  some  time  to  it  and  obviously,  he  has  to  navigate  himself  through  the  seas  as  well.  though  he  doesn't  use  weather  for  it  like  nami  does  and  honestly  he  thinks  that  this  is  a  gift  and  that  nami  out  matches  him  in  navigating  solely  because  her  intelligence  and  ability  to  draw  accurate  charts  is  already  better  than  his.  even  if  ace  is  more  experienced  as  a  pirate,  captain  and  even  navigator  /  survivalist  because  he's  older  and  gained  knowledge  over  the  years,  nami  out  matches  him  and  this  is  something  ace  admires  when  it  comes  to  her.  he's  sure  that  nami  is  probably  the  most  accurate  navigator  in  the  world.
she's  one  of  the  people  he  personally  admitted  about  his  identity  and  biological  family  which  speaks  a  lot.  ace  finds  insane  comfort  in  her  presence.  nami  doesn't  judge  him,  and  she  never  did  even  after  learning  from  ace's  lips  who  he  really  is.  she  never  thought  about  him  as  a  devil,  a  monster  and  i  think  it  made  ace  a  bit  more  eager  to  slowly  open  up.  they  both  peel  off  the  layers  of  fear,  anxiety  off  each  other  and  they  both  learn  emotionally,  slowly  becoming  closer  to  one  another.  ace  isn't  a  romantic  type  nor  is  nami  so  them  slowly  exploring  this  and  finding  romantic  feelings  within  their  relation  is  like  a  way  of  mending  how  they  were  treated  by  people  because  they  treat  each  other  with  much  more  respect  and  slowly  learn  about  romance  when  they  didn't  get  to  experience  before.
nami  has  many  personality  qualities  that  speak  to  ace.  he  finds  her  very  appealing  as  a  person  to  spend  time  with  and  he's  always  happy  to  express  closeness  or  return  physical  contact  to  her  whenever  it  occurs.  of  course,  he  is  a  little  possessive  of  her.  not  in  a  way  of  objectifying  her  but  in  a  way  of  being  protective.  he's  protecting  a  person  he  considers  true  to  his  heart  because  nami  opened  it  in  the  first  place.  ace's  heart  burns,  like  his  flames  and  while  his  can't  hurt  people  close  to  him,  his  heart  can.  it  burns  with  grief,  anger  and  pain  but  nami  never  feared  of  getting  burned  by  it  if  she  tried  to  touch  it.  ace  does  not  want  to  lose  her,  or  let  anyone  take  her  away.  she  became  a  very  meaningful  person  to  him,  and  he's  sometimes  like  a  wild  animal.  protecting  what's  most  important  to  him,  a  place  of  comfort  because  nami  is  like  a  home  to  ace.  even  if  he's  out  in  the  seas  he  always  does  return  to  her.  it's  a  natural  thing  for  people  with  depression  to  find  comfort  in  people  who  are  on  a  deeper  understanding  level  and  their  presence  and  care  helps  to  cope  in  more  healthy  ways  than  self  sabotage  or  in  ace's  case  :  drinking,  smoking  and  arson.  she's  mending  him.
ace  wouldn't  be  really  opposed  if  nami  wanted  to  dress  him  up.  he  may  not  fit  in  everything,  or  every  shirt  but  if  she  wants  him  to  wear  particular  clothes  to  match  her  or  even  similar  colors  then  he  wouldn't  really  complain.  he's  absolutely  stupid  when  it  comes  to  fashion  and  doesn't  really  get  it.  like  being  shirtless  and  shorts  is  absolutely  enough  for  him  but  if  it  makes  nami  happy  then  ace  can  do  it  for  fun.
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wiildhcartsrun · 4 months
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Welcome to my Resource & Writing SideBlog! I go by Stevie, 27, NZ!
writing tag edit tag
all fanfic is crossposted to my ao3 ; NONE of my writing is allowed to be feed to AI
form for prompts ( or send into my inbox )
one piece ships i favour: KidLaw, KidKiller, KillerNami, KillerRobin characters i favour: Baby 5, Kid, Law, Bartolomeo ships i wont do: barto/cavendish, law/luffy, kid/women, shanks/maniko
Navigating Hearts AU; ft KidLaw, LawNa ( Briefly ), KillerNami, Kilguin
rare pair edit aesthetic series ( note; these were just random combos i don't have a complete stance on all ships in tag, just thought it was a cool idea to try )
Public Sex Series: LawNami ( Restaruant DONE ), KidLaw ( Cinema DONE! ), AceNami ( Car, Driving ), SanjiLaw ( Car, Parked ), Frobin ( Uber / Taxi ), PeronaUta ( Dressing Room ), KidKiller ( Movie Night ), SanjiNami ( Beach ), LawRobin ( Library ), ZoSan ( Public Bathroom DONE )
Killer Smut Series MDNI
Self Prompts, prompts I’ve given myself that I’ll work on:
S8ker Boi KidLaw I’m With You KidLaw College AU Amnesia Loosely Based KidLaw Friends Don't KidKiller
requesting rules ( simplified ):
nothing sexual / suggestive with minors
no minor / adult romantic or sexual, this is from when they MEET, if they meet with one as a minor and one an adult, i will not do. ONLY exception would be the 17 - 19 year age gap as that is just one - two years
no romantic family ; including step, foster, adoptive
age gaps are okay so LONG as the people meet when they were adults in their original media
Andy Daines, Fandomless Slayer Frost, One Piece Dragondes D. Morgan One Piece Version / Morgan Charming, Fandomless Version
fanfics / ideas on hold
quick rules: i will only interact with those who are 21+ for comfort. i write canons and ocs, you can check out this CARRD here for a whole list of muses, and for some more in depth rules you can check out this CARRD or this CARRD ; please feel free to message me about roleplaying over on the blog @brokenhcrt and we can talk and exchange discords!
n.sfw banners either made by me or cafekitsune
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
AceXNami please ;) Ace telling Nami he’s Rogers son. Thank u 🙏🏻
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Word Count: 4,300
Romance, Drama, Angst, Tragedy
Summary: Nami and Ace write letters to one another, until the day they can’t anymore.
Between the Lines
The night wind ruffled the wavy strands of Nami’s hair as she poked her head out of the door leading into the bowels of the ship. Left, right, left, right; she swiveled her head back and forth several times to ensure that her eyes inspected every inch of the calm deck of the Thousand Sunny. The grassy lawn’s spring-green blades rippled with every breath of the salt wind. The starlight caught on their waxy surfaces to make it seem like the shifting waves splashed gently against the ship’s sturdy sides. The sails flapped morosely, and the ropes twisted lazily back and forth. Other than the gentle sighs of the wind, the deck was silent.
High above in the crow’s nest, Zoro was currently keeping watch, but he would likely be not the least bit interested in Nami’s midnight stroll onto the deck—if he even noticed at all. Confident that she would not be seen, she slipped through the gap in the door and quietly shut it before stealing up the nearby steps to her tangerine grove.
Though she was hurried, she made sure that her footfalls were silent while she scampered carefully to the upper deck. Once there, she crouched down before one of the large clay pots that housed one of her prized trees, inching it up just barely to reveal a sealed envelope. She plucked it from its hiding spot before easing the pot back down with mere more than a gentle thunk. She once more peered up at the crow’s nest, waiting for any sign of movement with bated breath. No signs of any imminent inquisition.
Holding the envelope close to her chest, she crept over to the back railing of the ship where a delivery pelican was patiently awaiting her. She procured the agreed-upon delivery fee and dropped the Belli coins into the pouch strapped to his thin orange leg, then held out the letter for him. With a soft squawk, he parted his pouched bill to pluck it from her hands, then tucked it safely into the messenger bag at his side.
“Thank you,” she whispered gratefully to him. He raised his wing in a feathered salute before flapping lightly. He rose from the balustrade to catch the wind and coast up into the jet stream above.
Nami watched his white form retreat for as long as she could until his silhouette was indistinguishable from the softly glittering stars above. She held a curled fist over her heart while her hopeful eyes appealed to the heavens for her letter to be delivered safely.
I hope it finds you well… Ace.
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Nami had never expected the first letter, given the little time they had spent together in the Alabastan desert. It had arrived while she was recuperating in Vivi’s lofty castle; the messenger pelican had fluttered down to settle on the sill of her open window, flapping insistently with the letter pinned between his beak. It had been unremarkable—just a means for him to keep tabs on Luffy through the most reliable and pragmatic of the crew, he had stated. Nami wasn’t sure why that letter gripped her in the way it did. Maybe it was the charm of his messy scrawl, or maybe it was the fact that she could see that big grin clear as day through his nonchalant words. Either way, Nami had no hesitations about committing to keep her captain’s brother apprised of their movements—with the utmost discretion and care, of course. If their letters were intercepted, it could be absolutely disastrous for both of them, so they spoke in code, using only the most general language and euphemisms and metaphors.
The change was gradual. It began with Nami’s light-hearted flirting and Ace’s playful replies—but, over time, the feelings transformed from teasing to true. They never acknowledged this unspoken attraction between them; it would just make things difficult. They traveled two different paths, destined to only meet intermittently rather than completely intertwine. One or both of them could be marching onward toward utter ruin. Thus, their love for one another only existed between the lines, in the hidden meanings concealed in those unassuming letters.
Nami had surprised herself; her feelings were quite powerful for having been developed in such a short span of time—a little over a month, really. Perhaps it was their miraculous adventures that made time seem so much longer… Everything that had happened to her since she leaped from the docks of Cocoyashi Village seemed like years of her life, when in reality it hadn’t even been a quarter of one.
Perhaps she was reading too much into things. Surely, something such as love couldn’t grow from one chance meeting and correspondence. Yet… Nami knew her heart better than anyone, she supposed. The dull ache that never left her, growing worse in the deep of night when she longed to see his face, touch his wavy brown hair, kiss each of his little freckles one by one—surely, that was love, wasn’t it? She often wondered if it was one-sided. Perhaps Nami was inventing feeling between those lines, crafting unuttered sweet nothings and longings that weren’t bled into the paper with the ink at all.
Perhaps, but when the letter that stated he wanted to meet in person again came, Nami threw all reason and caution to the window for that single tantalizing, enticing, tormenting “what if?”
It almost seemed like the universe had aligned for the two of them. Nami related the ship’s current coordinates to him, and as it turned out, in two days’ time the Thousand Sunny would be moored within rowing distance to a very small island. “Island” was a generous term; it was a spit of land, a small streak of sandbar just peeking above the waterline with only a few coconut trees to boast. Nami could walk the widest point of its width in three minutes. The only residents of the unimpressive, isolated island were the hundreds of hermit crabs that feasted upon the fallen coconuts slowly fermenting because no one could gather them.
At the agreed-upon time, with the Thousand Sunny securely fixed to the ocean floor by the anchor, Nami stole away in the Mini-Merry II to shuttle silently over to their agreed-upon—or dare she say, destined?—rendezvous point.
Nami did not see Ace’s flame-powered boat upon landing, so she surmised that she was the first to arrive. She brought the boat as close as she could without stranding it along the rising sea slope before dropping the anchor. The water sloshing alongside her was still about knee-deep, so she pulled off her sandals and held them aloft with one hand and bunched up the silky fabric of her dress in the other, hoisting it up to her mid-thighs, before dropping down into the shallow beach water. Due to the late hour, it had long since lost the sun’s warmth and was cold, causing goosepimples to rise over the skin of her legs upon first contact.
Nami waded quickly up to the small shore, kicking the wet sand the best she could from her toes and rubbing her chilled legs to return the warmth to them while she awaited Ace’s arrival.
It took longer than she would have liked, or maybe time seemed stretched to her wandering mind. Had she assumed too much? She had dressed as if she were going on a date: light brown strapped sandals, a yellow sundress with a one-and-a-half skirt that bore a borderline scandalous amount of her shapely tan legs, a sunflower clip blooming in her plume of tangerine hair. Not that she was anticipating any intimate encounters, but Nami had even bothered to wear her good underwear… Blushing at the implications of the midnight rendezvous, she held her face to her hot cheeks. What if he laughed at her upon arriving with the way she was dressed? She had good fashion sense, but her desires were almost obvious with what she was wearing. Just as she was beginning to consider running back to the Thousand Sunny to change, she caught the ghostly flicker of a fire playing across the horizon.
Did she imagine it? The red-orange glimmer vanished almost as soon as her eyes seemed to catch it. Ace knew that the Sunny was moored nearby and likely didn’t want to catch the attention of their night guard, so perhaps he was approaching more stealthily? Sitting upon the sand a few yards away from where the Mini Merry was bobbing pleasantly in the rolling waves, she squirmed uncomfortably, wondering if her addled mind was indeed playing tricks on her.
That was not the case, however, as very soon she could distinguish the bulky outline of his vessel approaching. As it came up alongside the Mini Merry, she climbed to her feet (trying not to look too excited but failing miserably) and scampered down to the point where the water met the sand just as Ace splashed down into the surf.
Ugh, the way his body was illuminated by the moonlight sure was doing things to her. As he tipped his hat up to greet her, the white light played perfectly across his messy brown hair and dark skin, and it caught in his eyes in the form of a playful glint. His smile was simply radiant, brighter than the full moon overhead. The rugged outlines of his muscles were almost too defined; her heart began to pitter-patter in her chest, and her hand curling over the area of her bust where it beat frantically did little to still the frenzied beat. She could only stand there, mesmerized and nearly manic, as he splashed through the frothing waves to stand in front of her. Jeez, even the fact that she had to crane her neck back to stare doe-eyed up at him made her heart somersault inside of her ribcage. Was it possible that he was sexier than she remembered?
“Hey, Nami.”
She struggled not to swoon at his deep, sultry voice, just accented by the high pitch of overwhelming confidence. Surely, the way he was making her feel was obvious; once again, fear washed over her as she considered the idea that this was all amusing to him.
Play it cool, Nami. You have no idea what this meeting is about, she scolded herself. She inhaled sharply through her nose before clearing her throat in some effort to maintain a sense of normalcy.
“Hello, Ace… What did you want to talk about?”
A shadow fell over his face. Maybe she shouldn’t have cut straight to the point? As he looked away from her, his curling waves of hair fell into his eyes, and the shadows darkened over his cheekbones. She had no idea what he could be thinking.
“Let’s go talk over here,” he instructed while grabbing her elbow—not roughly, almost intimately. Her body moved on its own, excited by the electrical impulses blasting up her arm into her shoulder, as he led her over to the cool sand beneath the shade of one of the coconut trees. He prodded a half-eaten shell of a coconut with the toe of his boot to push it away, and the dozens of hermit crabs feasting on its milk-white flesh scurried after it, clearing them a suitable space to sit. With a sigh, he plopped down on the sand with his elbows resting on his raised knees, head still hanging.
Nami eased herself down beside him, legs closed together with her folded hands resting in her lap, and eyed him curiously. This change in mood bothered her greatly. She couldn’t even be anxious because she had no idea what to be anxious over. The only thing she could imagine was that he had yet to find Blackbeard and was depressed about it.
“So I found Blackbeard.”
Wrong. The sound of an error buzzer almost blared in her head. Once more she was perplexed. Why on Earth would he be depressed, then? That was what he was after, wasn’t it? Avenge his friend and then he could return to the Whitebeard Pirates, right? She leaned forward to peer into his face, trying to get a read on what was going through his mind, but the shadows still eclipsed his features completely. She could glean nothing at all from them.
“He’s such a bastard, Nami. Everywhere he goes, he just sows destruction and terror. I can’t tell you how many islands have suffered because of him…”
Nami recalled Drum Kingdom, so far away now; she had heard after the fact about Blackbeard attacking the kingdom unprovoked and causing the political upheaval as a result. Sure, it had worked out in their favor due to Wapol’s cowardice, but the broken kingdom sure had a hellacious time piecing themselves back together. If the Straw Hats hadn’t happened upon them when they did, Nami didn’t want to imagine how they would have fared.
Beside her, Ace clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles glared as white as the rocky moon in the black sky above them.
“He has to pay for everything he’s done. I swear it. I’m gonna give it all back to him a hundred-fold…”
“And what… does this have to do with me?” she questioned quietly. She didn’t want to be rude, but she still had no clue why Ace had invited her to this little spit of land in the first place. It didn’t seem like he was torn up about the impending battle. Finally, he lifted his head slightly, allowing the shafts of light to illuminate dark eyes. Nami’s chest constricted tightly, cutting off both her breathing and her heartbeat for a moment. They were so… sad.
“It means no more letters, Nami.”
The words hung in the open air for a moment as the ginger-haired navigator struggled to grasp them. No more… letters?
“I… I don’t understand.”
He shifted uncomfortably in the sand beside her, hands twiddling to focus the nervous energy welling up inside of him.
“Once I finish off Blackbeard, I’ll go back to Pops’ crew,” he explained. Well, yeah, that much was obvious. “He’s one of the most wanted pirates on the Grand Line. We always have to take a lot of precautions so that the Marines can’t track us. You and I sending letters back and forth to begin with was a risk, but I’m by myself and can move fast. The odds of them intercepting the letters was really slim—but the Moby Dick, on the other hand…”
Loathe as she was to admit it, it made sense. She imagined that they were select even with their transponder snail calls to the rest of the fleet; likely, they relied on vivre cards for the most part to ensure the safety of their respective divisions. The Marines would catch wind of a messenger pelican visiting the massive ship in a heartbeat.
“If that letter was intercepted, the Marines would come after the Straw Hats, too,” he sighed. “I can’t allow that.”
A puzzle piece clicked into place in Nami’s mind. Of course. This was all because Ace wanted to protect his little brother.
It has… Nothing to do with me.
It saddened her. It saddened her so much that she wanted to burst into bitter tears right then and there, but she didn’t, because honestly, what had she been expecting? It had been spelled out for her from the beginning. The letters had only ever been to keep tabs on Luffy, and now that doing that was much too dangerous, that was it. It made sense. It made sense, and that broke her heart into a million painful pieces.
“Of… Of course.” She disguised her emotions with a sweet smile. “Of course, you wanna protect Luffy. I get it! But why did you have to come all the way out here to tell me that? I mean, that’s something you could’ve just said with a letter, don’tcha think?” Her light-hearted laugh was hollow and meaningless. She wanted to scream and cry and throw a tantrum, not laugh like she didn’t care. She did care. She cared too much, but she couldn’t let him know that.
Her airy giggles faltered when he stared at her incredulously.
“Nami, it’s not just that—”
“Well, now that you’ve delivered your message, you should get going. Who knows how long Blackbeard will stay put?” With a nonchalant air, she rose from her position and began jaunting back towards their anchored boats. She had to leave. She didn’t know how long she could hold up this façade. He could just leave, and she could go home and cry, and they could both forget about each other and the feelings Nami invented between those lines. Life at its finest, right?
Her steps faltered a little in the sand as she heard him scrambling wildly to his feet behind her. She didn’t turn back; she couldn’t. If she did, that fabricated love would come back, and Nami didn’t know if she could keep it all from crumbling.
His voice cracked like a whip in the night air. She gasped as he grabbed her elbow again, roughly this time, and wrenched her around. Her bare feet spun in the sand, throwing it up in streaming clumps, and as she came to rest in front of him his hands clapped down hard on her shoulders to pin her in place. He looked a mixture of angry and desperate, nostrils flaring and eyes blazing like the flames flickering across his shoulders and tufts of hair from how riled up he was. Nami was left breathless. She was caught, and the tears she had been battling back spilled over the rim of her eyes to roll down her cheeks.
“But I imagined it,” she whispered suddenly. The distraught expression on his face dissolved into one of confusion. Nami’s face then fell; she couldn’t bear to look at him anymore. “I imagined that you loved me… didn’t I? Didn’t I?” A part of her with better judgment wanted it to be true. Nami knew nothing good could come of loving Ace. He was a member of a rival pirate crew, and someday, at some place, they would be pitted against one another. It was just too complicated. It was better that he didn’t love her; he ought to just tell her right now so her heart could break, and she could get on to putting it back together. He ought to…
But, God, did she want him to say she hadn’t imagined it at all.
His grip tightened on her shoulders, then relaxed. Her name left his mouth in a breathy whisper. The tendons in her neck twitched as his left hand suddenly left her shoulder, timidly sliding up her neck to cup the underside of her chin. Her eyes fluttered as she all but leaned into his touch; his calloused hand felt so nice on her skin, she couldn’t help but betray herself.
Agonizingly slowly, he tilted her face up to force her to meet his gaze. She was instantly electrified. The fire had dwindled down to a smolder, but it was no less searing, making Nami’s lungs convulse like they were filled with smoke and her heart sputter under the curse of her fogged mind.
“No,” he affirmed gently. His thumb began to trace soft circles into her cheek. “No, you didn’t, Nami.” His other hand had migrated down her arm to hold her hand, squeezing it tightly. “It’s because I love you that I came here, even though it’s so dangerous for the both of us.” Her hand flew up to hold the one on her face, which was now tenderly holding her cheek. His eyes, which had been fixated on her tearful ones, dropped down to his feet. “If only… If only I wasn’t… Then maybe the Marines wouldn’t care so much…” he mumbled under his breath.
“What? What is it?”
He rolled his shoulders uncomfortably. His gaze was now flying in every direction but that of her face.
“It’s not just because I’m a division commander that the Marines want me so bad. It’s also because… my father is Gol D. Roger.”
She just stared at him. Of all the many, many things that could’ve come out of his mouth, that was never one she would’ve dreamed.
“I found out after I snuck into a Marine base—long story—and happened to read some pretty important documents. If they ever caught me, I’d make one hell of an example to execute.” His smile was wry, painful, tragic. “There’s no telling what lengths they’d go to in order to get to me… Luffy’s bad enough, but if they found out about you—”
“I get it,” she interjected quickly. She didn’t want to imagine the torturous scenarios that were beginning to bubble up in the recesses of her mind. “I understand. It’s dangerous, but I don’t care.” She took the hand that was holding hers and moved it to her hip, then pressed every inch of her body that she could against him, her arm rising to push his hat off his head and weave into his messy brown locks. “At least for tonight, I don’t care. If we can’t write letters anymore, fine… but please don’t leave me hanging like this.”
Her breath puffed lightly over his shocked face. If she wasn’t so in her head, maybe the fact that he was the son of the most famous pirate ever would be more of a bombshell; but right now, she could care less. Ace was Ace, the man she loved. It didn’t matter who his father was. All Nami cared about was who he was.
“You’re the one who almost walked off,” he retorted playfully, but his voice was low, roguish. It lit a fire in the pit of her belly, one that demanded to be tended to. His hand slipped from her hip to the small of her back, jerking her closer, as if every inch of their bodies weren’t already touching. The hand on her cheek traipsed into her short tangerine hair, spinning the locks around his fingers to drive them into a gradual state of messy disarray.
“Shut up and kiss me, before I do leave.”
And oh, did he oblige her. She didn’t even have time to prepare herself before his lips crashed into hers like a tidal wave, locking her into a fierce, burning open-mouthed kiss. His fingers tugged at the roots of her wild orange hair while hers combed through his equally messy locks; both of them fought for dominance as they each pulled their faces towards the other, lips rolling like a thunderous tempest. Nami soon lost that battle, however, as his tongue delved into her mouth to eagerly tangle with her own, dissolving her knees to jelly and stealing all the breath with her body. She slumped against him with a needy whine. While one of her hands scratched lines into his scalp, the other was traveling the roads of his muscles, committing every rugged contour to her memory.
He was doing the same with her curves, and as his hand snuck under the hem of her dress to give her thigh a sharp, teasing squeeze, she jumped and let out an affronted yet aroused gasp.
“Chickening out?” he laughed at her raging blush.
“Oh, you devil—” she growled. It was his turn to gasp as she bore down on his shoulders to vault herself up, locking both her legs around his hips. His hands snapped to the undersides of her thighs, holding her up as she attacked his mouth hungrily again. He stumbled backward under her assault and ended up tripping over his discarded hat. They both cried out as he tipped backward and landed roughly on his back in the sand; they looked at each other, breathless and red-faced, before they began giggling uncontrollably.
She leaned over him, elbows dug down into the white sand and her nose mere centimeters from his own, smiling sweetly as the mood dissolved into something more intimate yet no less passionate. His large, rough hands smoothed a lock of her hair behind her ear as it dangled in front of her eyes.
“You’re so beautiful, it’s painful.” The wistful sigh danced across her face with his warm breath. His hand took to caressing her cheek again in rhythmic lines. She moved to kiss him again, but he caught her face, locking her rigidly in place.
“Just let me…” he whined softly. His dark eyes searched her face continuously. “I want to remember everything, everything about you and this moment.”
Eyes closing, she leaned into his touch, so overwhelmed by emotion that she felt she may cry again. Was it humanly possible to love someone so much? So much that it felt like you were dying when you were with them, though you were also in an impossibly blissful high? Nami’s heart was struggling to beat with all those conflicting emotions, twisting into pretzel knots in her chest. She forced her eyes to open though it was hard because she too wanted to remember, everything about Ace and this one night…
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Nami never thought that would be the last time she saw him. She never told anyone about the night they spent on that pathetic little strip of land in the unforgiving sea with no one but the stars as witness, not even Robin. It was her memory to treasure and mourn; it was her scar to bear. Many years later, when the pain was but a dull ache that appeared only in the midst of night when her mind wandered the roads of memory, she would pull out those letters and lose herself in those words unwritten, that love between the lines that was theirs and theirs alone.  
Did you enjoy this oneshot? Consider requesting from me by visiting my rules, then either commenting on this story, submitting an ask, or contacting me via DM!
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librastar-91 · 10 years
In which Nami rediscovers the age old adage that the only way to fight fire is with more fire.
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kia-kiryuu · 12 years
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NamixAce~! alguien mas apoya esa pareja improbable?? (Crack! <3)
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
𝗙𝗟𝗔𝗠𝗘 𝗖𝗢𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗡𝗗 : ??? / @chatcambrioleur
give me thoughts about fire boy and fiery redhead 🍊🧡🔥
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Ahhh  thought  on  the  firefly  couple  I  see
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So  I  never  considered  Ace  and  Nami  to  be  a  good  pair  material  at  the  beginning  since  their  only  interactions  so  far  was  kinda,  well  on  Merry  when  Ace  just  looked  at  her  for  a  hot  second  SGFASFD  I  mean,  I'm  glad  I  got  to  explore  them  and  warm  up  to  their  relationship.  I  like  the  pace  we're  setting  things  up  and  the  way  both  Nami  and  Ace  grow  with  trust  towards  each  other,  talking  about  the  secrets  and  pain  they  went  through  like  they  know  they  can  just  let  each  other  hold  their  hearts  and  they'll  never  break.  Ace  finds  Nami  very  strong,  powerful  woman  who  can  stand  on  her  own  word,  on  a  hard  ground  and  he  admires  her  inteligence  and  navigator  skills  cause  Ace  also  is  a  good  navigator.  He  has  very  good  tracking  abilities  but  Nami  drawing  maps  by  herself  ?  He's  absolutely  amazed  how  many  qualities  she  has. Obviously  she's  also  very  beautiful  and  Ace  finds  her  insanely  attractive.
Despite  them  not  interacting  in  canon  that  much  they're  very  similar  in  so  many  ways.  Ace  doesn't  really  understand  romantic  attraction  at  first,  since  he  was  never  interested  in  falling  in  love  over  his  own  goal  to  reach  the  top  and  make  his  name  a  legend  and  then  he  was  focused  on  serving  as  the  division  commander  for  Whitebeard  and  taking  care  of  his  father,  wanting  to  make  him  a  King  and  also  Nami  is  pretty  inexperienced  so  them  having  the  patience  towards  each  other  and  mutually  exploring  their  romance,  feelings  and  sharing  them  is  very  heartwarming  for  me  to  see.  They  deserve  the  best  and  they  can  give  the  best  to  each  other.  They're  jus  so  scrunkly  in  love  fr
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enjomo-arch · 1 year
(  flame  command  :  ...  )   //    [  ♠ @melodysian  ]
Ace! For the character ask meme
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♠️  a song that reminds me of them  ;  mean  ass  drunk  -  watsky
♠️  what they smell like  ;  ace  smells  like  the  last  thing  he  burnt.  most  times  it's  a  hard  smell  of  burnt  wood,  smoky  and  litte  lingering  scent  of  whiskey.
♠️  an otp  ;  acelaw,  acesan,  acenami
♠️  a notp  ;  ace  /  marco.  they're  certified  family  to  me
♠️  favorite platonic/familial relationships  ;  god  me  thinks  it's  ace  and  tama.  as  much  as  I  love  asl  as  well  ace  and  tama  hold  some  fatherly  vibes  to  it  and  shows  that  ace  would  be  great  with  kids. 
♠️  a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with  ;  i  seen  many  wrong  takes  of  ace  despite  information  of  it  being  provided  on  many  sites  where  people  discuss  stuff  even  from  novels  with  which  not  many  people  are  familiar  with.  but  hcs  involving  ace  being  able  to  burn  off  his  clothes.  logically  impossible  cuz  each  time  he'd  use  mera's  abilities  he'd  just  be  bare  on  screen  /  manga  like  it  gives  little  thought  to  think  that  he  does  choose  what  he  burns  and  what  not especially that he got a handle on mera's abilities within a day ... ? 
♠️  the position they sleep in  ;  on  his  back.  starfish  position. i  explained  before  why  ace  sleeps  like  that  and  it  all  goes  down  to  chronic  joint  pain.  that's  why  he  wears  an  elbow  brace  in  the  first  place.
♠️  a crossover au i’d love to see them in  ;  from  others  i've  already  written  i  think  ace  would  be  a  great  league  of  le.gends  character.
♠️  my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn  ;  his  wano  outfit  !
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Desert Ghost
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Word Count: 2,710
Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy
Summary: Memories are important. Happy memories, sad memories, scary memories—all of them have the people that Nami holds dear. When it comes to some people, memories are all she has left.
EDIT: Check out this comic by @deliazeedork drawn for this story! 
Nami inhaled deeply through her nose as she leaned herself against the creaky, barely-held-together boards of the ramshackle cabin. Within, she and her companions nursing their wounds from their newest venture—the arduous and catastrophic spat with Donquixote Doflamingo in the kingdom of Dressrosa. Most of their adventures usually concluded with some monumental battle or another, but to Nami, this had been one of their closest calls yet.
After deposing the tyrant and restoring Rebecca’s family to the throne, the crew had retreated to a safehouse of Sabo’s within the country for a bit of rest; on the morrow, they would set out to reunite with their comrades in Wano. It was deep into the night. Her crew had long since descended into slumber, with sleep evading Nami alone. It often was this way directly following a conflict. She simply could not dissipate all that nervous energy and adrenaline as quickly as they. So, she would wait until they slipped into their slumber before sneaking out to be with the stars and her thoughts. So there she was, reclined against the outside of the cabin and seeking solace from the heavens. 
A chill wind blew across the ground, rustling the grass and Nami’s hair before skipping coldly across her skin to leave goosebumps in its wake. She drew her knees to her chest and hugged them with a slight shiver, but since she had not a hint of drowsiness in her, she remained huddled against the structure.
“You’ll catch cold like that.”
Nami jerked up, startled, at the sudden address. When she looked to see who had spoken, her vision was eclipsed as a cloak of black fabric was unceremoniously flung into her face. She wrestled it with a moment, her frustrated and confused curses muffled by the folds of the clothing, before she was able to pry it free from her tangled strands of tangerine hair and pull it from her head.
Sabo was standing beside her with a smirk on his lips and his hands on his hips, and Nami’s eyes widened slightly as she was struck by a sudden sense of dejà vu.
“You’ll catch cold like that,” a low voice purred in her head, and it brought a mild blush to her cheeks. As she clutched the cloak to her chest, not bothering to put it on for the ghosts of her past dancing before her eyes, Sabo frowned deeply and squatted down in front of her with his head tilted slightly.
“Nami? You’re making a weird face. Do you not want it?”
“Oh! N-no, thank you very much,” she stammered quickly and drew the cloak around her shoulders. She then smiled sheepishly at him. “You just… Reminded me a little of your brother.”
“No, Ace.”
At her answer, his eyebrows shot up his forehead; he then grinned awkwardly and scratched his head. Nami knew it must be a sore subject for him, as it was for Luffy, and she flushed darkly when she realized how tactless she had been.
“Sabo, I’m so—"
“No, it’s okay,” he sighed with a magnanimous smile and a wave of his hand. Then, he exhaled slightly and plopped down on his behind next to her, his knees drawn up on either side of himself with his arms slung lazily over them. “It’s not like we can avoid talking about him forever. I was just a little shocked that you had met him before, Nami.”
“Mhmm, we met him when we were on an island called Alabasta. Funny enough, we were kind of overthrowing a government there, too,” she joked weakly, crossing her arms atop her knees to rest her chin on them with a rueful smile. “… I wish… I had gotten to know him better,” she whispered quietly, and closed her eyes.
~Two Years Ago, in the Kingdom of Alabasta~
“You’ll catch cold like that.”
Nami glanced up with a slight haze of pink in her cheeks as she was suddenly addressed. She was greeted by the bulky silhouette of Portgas D. Ace, framed against the backdrop of the starry night sky and the pale moonlight. Nami was currently huddled against the wall of the canyon that they had decided to shelter in during the night; she sat near the entrance, looking upon the desert for any sign of monstrous creature or otherwise enemy that would disturb the rest of her sleeping crewmates. She was within sight of their camp, where her crewmates were strewn about in their sleeping bags—but she was too far to feel the gentle warmth of the flickering fire that burned at their center. Nami, though dressed in the Alabastan robes at Vivi’s behest, was not immune to the night chill, and the man had apparently taken notice.
“Can’t sleep?” he smiled as he sat cross-legged beside her, and Nami jumped slightly as his arm suddenly burst into roaring red flame without warning. Though she was startled thoroughly, the warmth pouring off the Flame-Flame Fruit user obliterated the desert cold, so she did not insist that he stifle it.
“No, I’m on watch,” she answered simply before casting her gaze out at the sandy desert. Truth be told, he had hit the nail on the head; the stress of saving Vivi’s country was admittedly getting to her. So she did as she often did and sought comfort from the solitude of the night and its celestial brilliance above. “… What about you? Can you not sleep?”
“Nah, I get kinda restless sometimes,” he grinned lightly at her, and if he had not been radiating flames, he would have been radiating sunshine with how bright and pure his smile was. Though Nami had been in a somewhat melancholy mood before, she found herself uplifted at his presence; for the past few days that they had been traveling together, she had found that she rather liked him. He was a lot like Luffy—magnetic, boisterous, arguably a bit daft, but capable and strong. There was something different about him, though, that made Nami comfortable around him, though she wasn’t sure what that was.
With a small smile, she laid her arms on her knees and her head atop them, gazing up at him instead of the night sky like she normally would.
“Is it because you’re leaving tomorrow?” Nami was not a fool; she had studied Vivi’s maps of the desert, and she knew that soon they would be approaching a major outlet to the ocean. Ace had found no sign of Blackbeard here, and though Luffy was his little brother, he was unlikely to abandon his search for the murderer to jump into their grand plan to stop Crocodile and save Vivi’s home.
Ace’s face turned a shade of pink, and he looked away shyly while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Eh, it’s that obvious, is it?”
“Not to most of the airheads over there, but it is to me. You don’t want to have to tell Luffy that you’re leaving,” she assumed, and assumed right, because he nodded with a small smile.
“Yeah… As much as I would like to stick around and see how much he’s grown… I have to find Blackbeard. He can’t get away with what he’s done.” His voice, normally upbeat, had a grim edge to it. His eyes burned like his arms as he stared out into the bleak, unforgiving desert. He then gave her a lop-sided smile. “I’m not terribly upset about it, though. I know we’ll meet again somewhere down the line. We gotta decide whose gonna be King of the Pirates, after all—him or Whitebeard.”
“Sorry, it’s gonna be Luffy,” she responded without hesitation.
“You sure have a lot of faith in him, don’t you?” he snorted in laughter, leaning back against the coarse stone with wiggling eyebrows.
She smirked playfully back at him before looking back at where her captain was snoring, fast asleep.
“Yeah. He’s a handful sometimes and makes a lot of rash decisions, but I always know he’s gonna pull through and keep his word. He always does what he thinks is right and beats down any obstacles that get in the way of it. That’s the kind of guy he is… And he’s just the kind of guy I can’t help but follow,” she mused quietly. All of them, her rambunctious captain included, gave her plenty of headaches, but she couldn’t deny that it was a lot of fun, too. She had grown stronger than she ever thought possible and had met amazing people, like Vivi and Ace.
“I owe Luffy a lot,” she smiled up at him. “He gave me my dreams back, and so I’m gonna make sure his come true.”
“That’s too bad,” he sighed woefully, and she blinked up at him in confusion, having not expected such an answer. He cracked his eye open to look at her, and the smoldering gaze that burned in his dark eyes set her heart a-thumping.
What’s that look…?
“I was hoping I could convince you to come with me, Nami.”
Once more thrown by his wild comment, she just stared blankly at him with her face afire and the gears whirring wildly in her mind. Nami wasn’t totally oblivious to what he was implying, but it was so outrageous; they had known each other for only such a short time, and that wasn’t nearly enough to form some kind of romantic attachment, right? Despite her attempts to convince herself of that, her heart was tugging slightly, inclined to agree in some fit of lunacy. She turned her head away as her face burned like the heat of the desert sun, and half-expected him to begin laughing as if it were some cruel joke—but he didn’t.
“I’m sorry, was that too forward? Are you mad at me now?” 
“A bit sudden,” she admitted quietly, still refusing to look at him, “but I’m not mad…” Her arm was burning too, cast in the warm flames of Ace’s body, and that lunatic part of her wanted to scooch forward to bathe herself in that heat. She couldn’t, though.
“I can’t go with you. No matter what, I’m loyal to Luffy. Everything else comes second… everything.” Her voice sounded hollow as she spoke the words. She had not known how much she wanted it until he had hinted at it, dangled the bait in front of her hands with her close enough to grasp it. She couldn’t, no matter how much she wanted to; it was a phantasm, a desert mirage.
“You’re not dating him, are you?” he asked with a sudden gasp, and she whipped around to glare at him with her hair bristling like a cat’s fur.
“Of course not, you idiot!” she hissed through gritted teeth. She then realized that that had been the joke, as he was holding his stomach while he hit the sand with his palm and laughed uncontrollably.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, that was in bad taste,” he giggled when she puffed out her cheeks to stare angrily up at him. After his snickers died down, he exhaled deeply before leaning his cheek in his hand and looking down at her again with that same blistering heat burning deep in his eyes.
This time Nami did not have the strength to look away; she just let it blast over her, consume her, leaving her aching and wanting.
“I’m glad that Luffy has people like you to look out for him… But that really is too bad.”
Nami hadn’t noticed his face drawing closer as he spoke until it was virtually on top of hers, but by then it was too late; she was utterly helpless as he tilted his head to press his lips against hers, softly, lightly, but not without feeling. Under the intense heat of his body and the emotions writhing inside of her, Nami melted. Without thinking, she reached out a trembling hand to press it against Ace’s chest, simultaneously trying to push him away and keep herself anchored to him. As she squeezed her eyes shut, her face contorting slightly into the visage of misery because she knew she shouldn’t be doing this, because no matter what they had to go their separate ways and it would only be miserable for the both of them if they entertained this ludicrous idea of them, tears spilled out of her eyes and down her cheeks. She felt Ace’s hand brush over the skin of her face, sending the crystalline tears fluttering into the desert sand, and she so longed to reach up and grasp that hand and hold it forever.
Then he was gone, like a desert sandstorm, leaving Nami’s heart destroyed and yet reborn in its wake. When she opened her eyes, though her vision was blurred by tears, she saw his silhouetted form tromping back across the canyon floor towards the camp, his shoulders drawn up and his hands in his pockets against the cold wind that was blowing through the canyon. Beside Nami was a little pile of burning brush, but that was not the only thing that kept her warm that night.
~Present Day, Kingdom of Dressrosa~
“Nami?” Her head shot up as Sabo’s timid voice ripped her from her memories, and for a second, she was unfocused. She felt something brush over her left cheek, and she turned to see that Sabo was very hesitantly drawing his gloved hand over her face to catch the tears that had spilled from her eyes. He had a complicated expression, probably expecting her to get mad; instead, she exhaled deeply and smiled sweetly at him.
“Thank you, Sabo… Sorry. I just got lost in the past,” she murmured, then straightened up and wiped at her eyes with the backs of her hands.
His hand fell back to his side, and he gave her a bashful smile in return.
“No problem. I hate seeing pretty girls cry.”
Nami laughed at the unabashed compliment and ducked her head down, her tangerine hair falling into her face. Sabo was too nice to ask about what she was crying about, but had at least a few more active neurons than his brother sleeping inside. He was easily able to figure out what had the woman so despondent. She heard him mutter something incomprehensible under his breath and then stiffly scoot closer to her, their arms were just barely brushing. When she looked up at him, he flushed pink and hurriedly waved his hands.
“I-it’s not like that, I just, I don’t want you to be sad, you know? I feel bad because I made you remember something sad, it’s kinda my fault. Erm, I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable? I’ll move back—" he spluttered bashfully.
“No, you’re fine. Thanks—and it’s not your fault, really. It was bound to happen one of these days… Truthfully, I’m glad someone’s here with me.”
He relaxed into a puddle of mush beside her, flopping back against the outer wall of the shack with a relieved grin.
“Besides… Even if it’s sad now, it’s still a memory, and it’s important,” she added as she tipped her head back to gaze up at the brilliant landscape of glittering stars stretching above. “Happy memories, sad memories, scary memories… All of them have the people I care about, and I want to keep all of them close to my heart forever. So, thank you for not letting me forget, Sabo.”
“Ehehehe, you’re welcome, Nami…” As he chuckled awkwardly next to her, Nami slipped out of the cloak, folded it up neatly, and handed it back to him. “Oh? But it’s still so cold out here, Nami. Will you be okay?” he asked with wide eyes as he took it back.
She smiled serenely as she shook her head.
“No… I’m all warmed up now. I’ll be just fine.”
He respectfully left her to her devices and bade her goodnight, disappearing back into the cabin to rejoin the rest of the sleeping crew. Nami remained bound by her insomnia, joined only by the heavens above. She was now shielded from the cold by the gentle ghost of Ace sitting beside her, and the wind carried the echo of his laugh away into the stars…
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kia-kiryuu · 12 years
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NamixAce~! <3
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