acemusicc · 1 year
Khóa học thanh nhạc vocal luyện thanh ở đâu tại quận 7 tphcm
Khóa học thanh nhạc vocal luyện thanh là một trong những khóa học đặc biệt được nhiều bạn trẻ quan tâm hiện nay. Điều đó là do chất lượng âm nhạc đã tạo nên một xu hướng đổ bộ vào Việt Nam trong những năm gần đây. Nhưng không phải ai cũng có thể trở thành một ca sĩ chuyên nghiệp. Để đạt được điều đó, bạn cần phải có kỹ năng luyện thanh tốt và được đào tạo bởi những chuyên gia giỏi trong ngành. Như vậy, đâu là địa chỉ uy tín mà bạn có thể tham gia khóa học luyện thanh kháo học thanh nhạc vocal tại Quận 7 Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh? Trước khi bạn tìm kiếm địa chỉ phù hợp với mình, bạn cần tìm hiểu đầy đủ thông tin về khóa học này. Khóa học thanh nhạc vocal luyện thanh là một khóa học cơ bản cho các bạn mới bắt đầu yêu thích ca hát. Tại đây, bạn sẽ được học các kỹ năng luyện thanh cơ bản như: giọng hát cơ bản, thở đúng, kỹ năng hát theo nhịp, cách điều chỉnh giọng hát để phù hợp với từng bài hát. Ngoài ra, khóa học còn cung cấp các kỹ năng v - hr8m1uidk8
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rinnysmuses · 5 months
Shed finally felt awake enough to sit up in bed, at least. Ugh... Wiping at her eyes, she sighed softly.
"Okay," she murmured. "You win, baby. I'm not gonna over extert myself anymore."
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historias-multorum · 1 year
@acemuses continuing from this.
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"Thanks. I'm just looking for the hospital really." Kei explained.
She had heard that Los Angeles had one of the best hospitals in the country, so Kei wanted to see if it was possible to transfer her mother here for better care.
"Are you from LA? What can you tell me about it?" She asked.
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vindicta-reliquiae · 7 months
Touch meme, except it's none of the options listed and this fucker is gonna SCOOP HER UP.
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Cue a very loud piercing squawk from said Ryuko.
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[Mun's translation: "Let go of me! The heck are you doing you numbnut?? Sis who the fuck is this dingdong??"]
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winterfurst · 2 years
iggy vc: can i play with it? <3
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Giving him a little smile amidst the growing blush on her face, she nodded. 
“Of course you can,” she murmured.
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pluviacuratio-a · 1 year
@acemuses || ♥ For Edward!
{ ♪ } -- She sighed softly, brushing her fingers over her skirt anxiously. Her sister was swamped with work, which meant that Bella was the one helping out. Going to the prison was always a bit weird in her opinion. Not so much because of what went on there, just that she typically didn't find herself going there for any reason other than to help her sister. Granted, there were a few occasions where she wound up being arrested briefly because of causing a fight in a bar, but she never really got past the actual police department because it was typically very minor.
So, as she stood quietly in the main lobby, she shifted on her feet. The redhead was here to gather some paperwork from one of the wardens for her sister... Of all the times to have a detective for a twin.
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"Um, hi! My name is Be- Um. Arabella Cesario. My sister, Natalia, is a detective working on a case, and she sent me to pick up some forms from you?"
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adhbabey · 2 years
yknow what no, fuck that. dont reblog the guy on the energy vampire post saying that energy vampires are real. fuck you. you dont get to rb that anymore from that guy.
i didnt want to try and respond to it, because i was so violently confused on what that guy was trying to say.
energy vampires ARE NOT fucking real. I've been in the damn witch community for like 10 years and I've had to interact with new age bullshit that peddled me ableist and bigoted shit like that for years. Yeah, I started interacting with spirituality and withcraft since I was like 14, and I've seen that stupid bullshit over and over.
DONT USE THE DAMN TERM. DON'T USE IT. Disabled people are TELLING YOU NOT TO USE IT. And yet you go around trying to justify it, WELL GUESS WHAT BUDDY, STOP.
acemusings, cloverthecuddlycactus, letsparty5, cleverclara, lhinelle, mutt-thingy, a-thousand-black-white-cards, darkspectrolitewitch, spoilt-inner-child, namelessenness. STOP reblogging from that guy, don't listen to that guy.
I am telling you that it has bad connotations, that its made to be used with bad connotations, and that you need to listen to me. If a term comes from ableist origins, no matter how it's used, its still fucking bad to use it.
I'm taking this word away and putting it on a higher shelf. Stop using "energy vampire" to define people with behavior that you don't like.
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annytinthenomad · 5 years
Interdimensional Turnabout
Boom. Boom. Crack. A tell-tale sign of a storm forming, or perhaps already here. The sky would darken hastily over the city, the wind blowing harshly and without mercy, almost as if it were bringing a force to be reckoned with. The weather reports said nothing of it, so perhaps either they were wrong, or something was about to storm its way into the life of one blue-clad lawyer.
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acemusicc · 1 year
Khóa học thanh nhạc vocal luyện thanh ở đâu tại quận 7 tphcm
Khóa học thanh nhạc vocal là chương trình giảng dạy cơ bản về kỹ năng luyện thanh và hát trong âm nhạc. Để tìm một khóa học chất lượng, hiện nay ở nhiều khu vực ở TPHCM đang có nhiều trung tâm và cơ sở đào tạo học thanh nhạc vocal. Khu vực Quận 7 là một trong những khu vực tập trung nhiều trung tâm học nhạc, cụ thể là khóa học thanh nhạc vocal. Một trong những địa chỉ uy tín hướng đến khóa học thanh nhạc vocal tại Quận 7 TPHCM đó là trung tâm nghệ thuật Lovelyvoice. Trung tâm đã được khẳng định với chất lượng và phương pháp giảng dạy kỹ thuật thanh nhạc hát hay và chuyên nghiệp. Tại đây, học viên sẽ được các giáo viên dạy thanh nhạc vocal có kinh nghiệm, có kiến ​​thức sâu rộng về Âm nhạc, đưa ra phương pháp học mới nhất, tiên tiến nhất để giúp các bạn nắm được cách phím hợp âm, luyện thanh, cách thở, cách phát âm - 4ly8bivt6f
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rinnysmuses · 9 months
The flower crown for Zephyrus was done! She was so proud of it! The colors went so well together. Murmuring her spell, Rhea watched as it fell onto them. There.
And eternal.
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historias-multorum · 1 year
@acemuses​ continuing from this.
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Mitsuba smiled and even giggled a little at his accent. It was very charming though! He definitely perked interests greatly. 
“A wanderer huh? How fun!” She told him. “You’ll have to take me with you on one of your walks. Or we could wander around together some time~” Was she flirting with him? It could be hard to tell.
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bloodxhound · 5 years
@acemuses​ // continued from here.
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          And here he had hoped Chris might’ve forgotten about that damn nickname—but evidently he had no such luck. Nevertheless his grin didn’t wane, instead giving him a curt nod, “I sure do. Fuck, feels like I haven’t had a proper drink in ages.”
          Propping his arms on the bar counter, he listened to that little life update. “People will never behave. Don’t know how many people I had to kick from a crime scene ‘cause they thought it’d make a good selfie location.” He shook his head in faint indignation upon remembering it, then continued, “You’re not a relationship kinda guy, I take it? Ah, as for me... Been bombarded with cases lately. Same ol’ murders, same ol’ reports.” A low chuckle. “I’m not complainin’ though. ‘Least I’m not workin’ with the same shitty prosecutor anymore.”
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winterfurst · 1 year
She was staring at the wall of her office, humming. She sighed, leaning against the back of her seat.
"What are you thinking, Kiryuin... You're you. And he's him and would never look at you like that. You've got things to worry about. And your son. Forget about it."
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A Series of Letters, Pt. 2
@acemuses​ --Gumshoe
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Oh, how I miss you. I don’t know if this letter’ll ever reach you, Palkia is not known for being a mail service without some sort of Greek-epic favor given in return. But I need to write it nonetheless. 
Iolani’s got to be so big now. Have you got her in preschool yet? I hope she’s made friends her own age, and maybe you’ve made friends with some of their parents. It helps, to get advice from other parents doing the exact same thing. 
I hope you and the small army of animals you’ve got are doing well. I know that when cats start to hit old age they start getting harder and harder to take care of. I hope you’re eating better than just ramen and whatever vegetables you can scrounge up for Iolani. I hope you’re sleeping well, and that the dearly-loved career you have hasn’t hurt you. I know it can. 
I’m doing okay. Still kinda living alone in my own apartment, but I see so many people at work that it doesn’t always feel like it. I’ve got my team, and Detective Looker, and Emma too. (Det. Looker and Emma both live above their office.) I like the silence. ...Okay, I lie, but I can’t find anyone else I trust at my back that... I still can’t believe you offered to a stranger right off the street, Richie. 
I’m still honored that you did.
I’d offer to you and Iolani in a second if you ever ended up here. I’d be scared out of my wits if you were, but I would. For you. I know, you’re a detective. You can take care of yourself. I’ve seen you do it. But.
Part of being a Champion, Richie. Part of it is that you’re eventually touched by the Gods. You are the defense of your country against large-scale disasters, man-made and natural. You are the one the Gods go to first when they want something.  That event at Gourd Lake? Was rather quiet for me. Sinister in the fact that the Malamar was mind-controlling people in a rather violent way, but oh so quiet.  Anyone who lives with me is in the blast radius of such things.
I’m still waiting for someone to take my place. It’s a high task.
...When did my life become so fucking angst-filled?
Blessings to you and Iolani, Richie. I hope whatever Gods you worship keep you safe.
Brienne Lalonde.
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stahl-konigin · 6 years
“...Edward...There you are.”
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She gently tapped her son’s retainer on the shoulder before sighing. Time to just ask. 
“Has my son seemed off to you?”
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blindjustixe · 6 years
@acemuses - Continued from ask.
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"I see, Basuto-san." Again, no pun intended. Cece nodded at Basuto's explanation, taking a few quick notes in Braille. 
[Four main fronts (knight, jester, dragon, princess) - possibly more lurking.
Knight - current front
Dragon - listening and watching
Princess - sent away (only seven, can't deal with stressful situations)
Jester - removed himself (needs to deal with things on his own time - why?)]
"Thank you for your explanation, Basuto-san, it was really useful." Cece wondered the reason for the jester removing himself. Basuto had said the princess had been sent away because she was only a little girl, but offered no explanation about the jester's own removal, safe for it being more complicated...
"If you don't mind me asking, and you're not obligated to answer the question if you don't want to... but what do you mean when you say it's more complicated for the jester? Any particular reason?"
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