#ace is that annoying coworker who is always asking you to get dinner
merakiui · 1 year
heartslabyul office au in which you, ace, and deuce are coworkers who are somehow always on the verge of being fired because you’re almost always late with deadlines and can never truly focus. T_T one day you take the fall for ace and deuce thinking ceo rosehearts will be more lenient with you (or so you think he’ll be lenient when vice president trey clover escorts you to the ceo’s office, always so kind in his outlook).
and to your relief and surprise, the ceo is lenient. too lenient. so lenient he actually promotes you instead! now you’re his secretary, many floors above where you once worked, in your own private office space, and with this new proximity you get to know both the ceo and vp. unfortunately, this means you hardly see ace and deuce during work. D: but in the ceo’s eyes that’s much better. you’re where you belong: at his side, away from the bad influences that are ace and deuce.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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I was a little nervous about today. Thinking I hadn't gotten enough rest. But I actually had an excellent day.
I woke up a lot last night though. And so getting out of bed was rough. James had gotten back in bed and it was really nice to wake up with them. It always is.
James put together a little lunch for me. And I got dressed. I felt very good but my hair was driving me crazy. My ends felt very split and bad. So I would wash and cut my hair when I got home tonight. Which feels real nice. I feel very cute. Though I did cut my hair a little shorter then planned but that is alright. I think I look cute.
When I left today the car had ice and frost all over it. So I had to scrap that off and accidently broke the lid of our storage box in the trunk where we keep the scrapper. Annoying but not a big deal.
I got to work and it was a good day. We had a new person start, Lauren, who also works at the nursery I worked at last spring. And she is very nice. She would follow tours all day, including mine as a last one.
I had a cannery and an assembly line and then the tour. They group I had was excellent. There were a few kids who were struggling with paying attention and kept asking to move on. But overall everyone was awesome and a lot of fun!
They were a lot of fun in the cannery and took it really seriously. Michael was leading D with Jessica and there were some timing issues. With me finishing quick and him not calling to end the shift. But it's all good. I'm getting better all the time with not stressing about making the kids wait. Overall it's fine when they have to wait for a minute or so.
And it was a good program. My throat hurts a little bit but I would get a little break after that program so it was all good.
During their lunch I ate the food James packed for me and I worked on my knit glove project. I was a little frustrated by a coworker just. Talking at me. When I was clearly doing something else. But whatever. I texted with Jess. I was trying to be in a good mood.
I was really excited that O'Malley was back though!! We chatted for a while and they said we should get coffee soon and catch up. They are so great and I'm really excited to hang out with them again and just have them back. The more educators the better.
I also got an email from Auni that my teddy bear workshop is still going on this weekend!! So that was really exciting for me. I will have to make sure everything is ready and packed on Wednesday since I have the morning off. But I'm thrilled.
My after lunch programs went great. The assembly line was good though it's always a little rough moving kids around to fill in jobs and then everyone is asking for a second job when I try to get them to understand that there's a method and it's not automatic. I will let you know I promise!! But it's fine. We got through it and the teacher was excellent and really helped me out with getting them all a chance to sit in the car before we went on tour.
And it was a pretty fun tour. I was also trying to make sure the parents enjoyed it too and I am pretty sure they did because the one Mom shook my hand after. Which was so sweet.
I was glad to be done though. My throat hurt. Talking talking talking.
But it was fun. And then I took Lauren to the office in the cannery to show her how we clean oysters and glue them back together. And with me and her and Jordan and Kristen and eventually Michael we got almost all of the oysters clean! Amazing. And I got more then half glued back together.
Really though we were just having fun gossiping. Talking about when me and Jordan and James worked at ships. How James still makes me Taney dinner (pizza and green beans) and the drama that used to happen. Memory lane for sure.
And it was just fun talking to my friends. And new friends. It made me feel really happy.
And then James was there!! They took the light rail down to the harbor and went to ace hardware to get new keys made so we would have spares. And they got us a new button extension cord. Which is great because ours has been so frustrating not working properly.
After I finished cleaning things up me and James heading out. But we didn't leave the museum grounds.
Instead we changed into our holiday clothes and set up a tripod to take our Christmas picture. And we got it in like. Two shots. And when we got home we ordered Christmas cards. I'm so excited!!
We went to the new Giant to get groceries. And it was nice. I would like to stroll it by myself some time. But we were on a mission because James was losing steam and we had to get our stuff and get them home.
We got some snacks and things. They actually had coconut milk. And then we paid and got out of there.
We got home and got everything inside. There was a cat in the hallway! They were beautiful. A Siamese cat and they just laid on the floor and made us walk around them. Silly.
We were both a little wrecked when we got back here. James worse then me but my blood sugar dropped and I got really dizzy and my hands started shaking really bad. I ate a few handfuls of chips but James would make me a quesadilla and that fixed me. Waiting was hard though. And then James was hurting real bad so they came and sat on the couch with me and had Mac and cheese.
And it was a nice night. I did some tank cleaning. James played video games. I have myself a hair cut. And did a light dye/gloss on my hair. And took a long shower. I am feeling good.
I did some sewing for my quilt project. And dried my hair. And now me and James are chilling in bed.
I am probably going to go and paint my nails. And then come to bed. Tomorrow me and James are going to get blood drawn before I go to work. It's another busy day but that is alright. I am looking forward to a good time. I hope it is.
I hope you all have a good night tonight. Take care of yourselves! Sleep good!!!
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rainydayhues · 2 years
Chenford Week 2022 - Day 2
title: but i'd marry you with paper rings (you're the one i want)
prompt: “you're mad at me?!"
“I know firefighters aren’t your favorite but you have to admit - Bailey can throw a party, that dessert table was next level.”
“And who knew Wesley had moves on the dance floor - you might have some competition.”
His hands clenched over the steering wheel at that. They were in Tim’s truck, driving back from Nolan and Bailey’s proposal turned engagement party, but even with the windows shut and AC blasting, you would’ve still heard crickets. 
“It’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow so we might have to skip the hike. Maybe we should catch a movie?”
“Tim, come on seriously? You’ve got me talking weather, what is going on? You were fine before we left for Nolan’s.” 
And he had been, he’d been in a good mood, even better once he saw Lucy’s dress. He’d normally whine about having to spend his evening at Nolan’s with their friends but deep (deep) down inside, he knew he’d have a good time. He’d never admit it but somehow these coworkers were his friends turned family (even Nolan). Besides, it was impossible not to be happy these days, with Lucy at his side, their relationship rock solid. It was a new chapter, one he’d started making plans for.
Tim pulls his truck into the driveway, parking and letting himself out, turning to walk up to the house, leaving Lucy scrambling to follow. 
“Okay, seriously, what is with you tonight? It’s like you don’t even want me here. But newsflash, Tim, I moved in 5 months ago so I can’t exactly leave.”
He's already let Kojo out into the yard and is halfway into their bedroom now but at her words, he whips his head back, “what are you talking about? Lucy, it’s your house too, you’re not going anywhere.”
Yeah, okay, her heart melts a little at that. He was always trying to make sure she felt at home, felt that his home was in fact her home too. But still, this attitude -
“Well I’m not trying to but you’ve got to give me something to work with - you’ve barely said a word since Nolan’s proposal and I - what is that look? Is this about him proposing? Because we’ve known that was coming for years and what does it even matter?”
“It doesn’t, I don’t care about Nolan, that’s not the point, Lucy!”
“Then what is?”
“I…look - I just - we should be celebrating our engagement, not Nolan’s!” 
Oh. OH. 
She sinks down on to their bed, but doesn’t have a second to process his words before Tim continues and honestly, it’s giving her whiplash. She couldn’t get him to say a word in the car and now all of a sudden, she can’t get him to stop. 
“To be clear, you spent weeks helping Nolan pick out the ring, set up this fake dinner party and even took Bailey out for a manicure and it never once occurred to you to maybe mention it to me?”
Wait, what?
“Are you mad at me?!”
“Yes! Or, no, not exactly. I mean, no, not mad, I just wish you’d - okay, look, I am annoyed.”
“Because I helped Nolan plan his proposal?” she asks slowly, still trying to piece together what exactly is going through his mind right now. 
“Lucy, it’s just - I want that for us. To be engaged, planning a wedding and thinking about our future. Sometimes, it is literally all I can think about. But you’ve been in wedding mode for weeks and you never mentioned it. So either you’re a hell of secret keeper and I know that’s not true, or you didn’t bring it up because you’re not ready.”
“Wait, Tim, hang on.”
But he barrels right on, “and look, that’s fine Lucy, I am not trying to pressure you at all. It’s not like I’m saying we need send out save-the-dates but I guess I just thought that we were a little closer to making plans of our own.”
He’s frustrated at himself now, pacing the length of their bedroom while she watches. Because it’s true, he would never want to pressure her. He just thought they’d made strides - she had moved in, they had a monthly standing dinner with her parents who were slowly (excruciatingly slowly) coming around and they’d talked about the future. They had. He hadn’t just imagined that? But maybe he was coming on too strong - he could give her time, they’d waited this long to be together. He could wait forever if that’s what Lucy needed. 
Lucy’s voice breaks through the rollercoaster of his spiraling thoughts. 
“Who said I wasn’t ready?”
“I said, who said I wasn’t ready? I know for sure I never said that. Because Tim, I moved in with you, we’ve talked about our future, this isn’t temporary, not for me. Tell me you know that?”
And he did. Neither of them would’ve taken the leap to be together if they hadn’t been sure that it was forever, no take backs. And yet - 
“Yeah, we’ve talked about the future - in a general sense. You never talk about rings or proposals or a dress. Or what kind of wedding you’d want, it’s always hypothetical. And now with Nolan’s proposal, it was the perfect time to bring it up or hint about vacations and you just…didn’t say a word.” 
She’s stunned, she loves him but god, now she’s mad (read: annoyed) at him! 
“Tim, are you serious right now?”
“Oh my god, you are serious.” 
“Lucy, what?”
“I never brought it up because I don’t care about any of that! I used to - okay, yes - I had thought about how I’d maybe someday want to be proposed to but -”
“But what?”
She takes a deep breath. “Look, I could always picture the proposal, where I’d be, what I’d wear, the ring. But Tim, I couldn’t, not once, ever picture who I was with, it was always an unknown. I just didn’t focus on that until -”
“Until what?”
“Until you, you idiot! And then the rest of it faded away, the where and the how and even the freaking ring. All I see now, the only thing I actually care about, is that you’re the one asking.”
“It had damn well better be me,” Tim grumbles. 
“Yeah, okay, I get it, Lucy. I just - I’ve done this before, you know that. I know how good it can be but I also know what it's like when everything falls apart. You saw me when it did, I just want to be sure that it didn’t scare you off, that this is still something you want.” 
“Tim, I love you but if you couldn’t scare me off by getting shot at on my second day as your rookie, talking about rings and babies isn’t going to be the thing that sends me running.”
“Rings and babies?”
“One step at a time, okay? But Tim - yes, rings and babies.” 
Oh. OH. Yeah, he could see it. But before he gets too deep into that, Lucy interrupts. 
“So, when you say you’ve thought about our future…”
At this, he rolls his eyes, albeit with a smirk on his face. “Oh, there’s a ring. And I know you say you don’t care what it looks like, but Lucy, I know you, you’re gonna love it.”
And look, she stands by everything she just said. None of it matters, not the where or how and to quote master lyricist Taylor Swift, she’d marry him with paper rings. 
(But she’s only human and her interest is now most definitely piqued.)
“And no, you’re never going to find it.” 
Maybe they could bet on it. 
“Fine, but when you ask, Tim - two things.”
“What’s that?”
“I know I said I didn’t care but whatever you do, do not propose to me in Hawaii or the frontside parking lot of the precinct.”
Ouch. But fair, he deserved that one.
“Done. What’s the second?”
“Whenever you ask? The answer’s yes.” 
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daydream-believin · 4 years
Recipe For Disaster 2: Electric Boogaloo
Summary: Jim is NOT happy about his sister’s boyfie. (not a part two despite the confusing name)
Warnings: swearing, a gilmore girls reference, divorce kids got daddy issues
Word Count: 5560, my longest yet woohoo
A/N: here it is im finally done with this. i- im tired. i love jim he was my favorite until doux came along but he can be a little bitch boy sometimes. and the word of the day is giggle im so sorry
tags: @alovesongshewrote​ hope i can deliver now that you have expectations lmao
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It was a good Saturday. The trollhunters trio had gotten an early start on training, and thus Blinky had released them for an early lunch. It was a particularly successful day, with Claire really getting the hang of the shadow staff, so they decided to not make poor Jim cook for once and go out for a treat. And Toby really wanted a sandwich from Benoit’s.
They opted to walk to downtown instead of biking, as a way to cool down. Plus, it would give them time to digest their food on the walk back, before they returned to training once again. Although that was more of a problem for Jim and Toby, since Blinky wanted Claire to start reading a certain book this afternoon. She’d be in the library, quietly sitting while the boys go back to running around and fighting. The spring flowers had just started returning to Arcadia Oaks. The flowerbeds that decorated town added a cheery air to the day. Happily, Jim ran up in front to kick a pebble as they came up towards the bistro around the corner. He stopped in his tracks.
“Is Y/n’s boss flirting with her?”
The other two teens came around Jim to see. Y/n laughed at Douxie’s dumb joke and put her hand on his shoulder.
“And is she flirting back?” Jim asked incredulously.
Claire didn’t take this the same way Jim did. “Aww, that’s so cute.”
“No it’s not. It’s weird. And wrong.” Jim asserted.
“What are you talking about,” Claire lowered her brows with an annoyed tone.
“No, no. he’s right. Y/n doesn’t flirt. Or date. I’m not even sure she crushes.”
Claire shook her head, “That can’t be true, TP. She’s like, old. You two just didn’t notice it.”
“Oh, no, we noticed it. She went to every school dance alone, even senior prom.” Toby added. “It was kind of sad to be honest.”
“Remember that time that big movie star came into town? He was the prettiest guy I’d ever seen, and Y/n was just like ‘eh he’s okay, I guess’. We literally had a fight over that one.” Jim chuckled.
“I literally can’t imagine Y/n in a relationship. She’s just too all over the place.”
Claire rolled her eyes and gestured her hands towards the scene in front of them. “Well, she seems to be doing just fine now.”
Jim didn’t know why, but this made him a little huffy. “Whatever. It’s just a crush, anyways. She’ll get over it soon enough.”
Douxie leaned over to give Y/n a quick peck goodbye before he headed into Mr. Benoit’s to start his shift. He had swapped shifts with one of his coworkers for the day, so he could have the evening off. Y/n headed back to the bookstore. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she left, smiling to herself. The three trollhunters still stood right where they were, staring.
“I don’t think it’s just a crush, Jimbo.”
Jim was outraged. How. How was this happening. He could understand her not telling her family, their mother could be a bit nosy sometimes when it came to her daughter’s personal affairs. But his sister had often said she didn’t have enough time to pursue a love life whenever their mother probed her. There was no way she just started having said time. Right? It was curious, too, that out of all the people she could have chosen in Arcadia, she chose Douchey. That guy had girls fawning over him wherever he went. There was no way Y/n was into that.
Come to think of it, Y/n had been acting really strange ever since she had gotten that job at the bookstore. It was so easy to make her laugh now. She was actually wearing her hair in different styles instead of her signature. She actually enjoyed Barbara’s cooking. Or at least complimented it a lot now. Still a baffling action nonetheless. It was if she was experiencing the side effects of something. And that bookstore reeked of magic. Magic had the power to drive people out of their minds. He’d had plenty of first-hand experience with that. This whole situation was fishy.
“Well, I think it’s so cute they’re together now.” Claire said cheerily. He loved her but she wasn’t exactly the best when it came to making judgement calls. Hell, the fact that she was dating him after all he’s put her through was enough proof of that.
“Well, I think its magic.” Jim deadpanned.
“What.” Claire snapped.
“He’s got a spell on her! Some sort of enchantment. A charm!”
Toby was too tired from training today to deal with this. “I’ll agree, he does have charm, have you had him as a waiter? But not the kind of charm you’re implying here, Jim.”
“Douxie is my magic teacher, Jim. I promise, he’s a really nice guy.”
“Nope. There’s no way my sister would be into a guy, let alone a guy like,” He tried to find the right words but just sputtered, “Like that!” he motioned to poor Doux, who was changing the specials sign out front. Douxie was one of those bistro employees who always got asked to draw up the sign because his calligraphy was so good. Doux had to admit, his handwriting was messy compared to Merlin’s standards, but to Mr. Benoit’s he was a calligraphy god.
Toby looked Doux up and down. “I don’t know man, Y/n is kind of alternative.”
“Yeah, who do you think helps me dye my hair all the time? And sneaks me into concerts?” Claire added.
“Okay. I get that. But he’s just not good enough for her.” Jim said through gritted teeth.
Toby sighed. “Then who is?” he asked wearily.
Jim got defensive. “I don’t know! A prince, maybe. One that’s in line to be king. Not one of those waiting-for-a-brother-to-die ones, but a real one.” He nodded his head like any of that was realistic. “Definitely not just some wizard who works in a bookstore.”
“She’s just some wizard who works in a bookstore, though.”
There was no getting through to Jim. “Think about it guys, my sister, suddenly getting cozy with a magic man? Bushigal. She’s under a spell. I’m going to fight him.”
“No, no you’re not,” Claire asserted, “You’re going to have lunch like we planned AND you’re going to be civil.” Claire and Toby both grabbed one of his arms and dragged him towards the bistro.
The hostess guided them to the table. Claire sat across from Jim and Toby. They were handed the menus. Claire showed interest in the lunch specials while Toby flipped to the sandwiches. Jim just brooded while he stared unblinking into the first page. And by chance, and by the fact that this scene would be boring and or pointless if not, Douxie was the waiter for said table. After handing off the check to one of his other tables, he waltzed over to the trio, happy to see his protégé.
“Ello lads, how’s it going? How’d that test go today, Claire?” Douxie ruffled her hair. Jim narrowed his eyes at the sight.
“Horrible! I bombed it for sure!”
Toby rolled his eyes, “You say that about every test, Claire, and then it turns out you aced them.”
“No I mean it this time, TP. I didn’t even finish the last three questions. It was so bad!”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll believe it when I see it.”
Douxie chuckled. Oh to have the problems of these youngsters. Claire and Toby got into some sort of glare match where they both just made more and more aggressive funny faces at each other. Both finally conceded and they fell into giggles. Douxie was glad to see Claire having so much fun, but he noticed someone else at the table who was not having said fun. His apprentice Claire’s boyfriend, his master’s champion, and his darling Y/n’s brother, looking like his dog ate his homework, or whatever teenagers got angry about these days.
“Cheer up, lad.” Doux grinned at Jim, “Hangry? I get that. You look like you could use a good meal.”
“Well strangely I am in a cafe”
Claire kicked Jim under the table. He tried his best to stifle the grunt of pain. “Don’t mind Jim, he’s a tad grumpy from a bad training session. And we’ll take waters all around.” She smiled. Doux hurried off to go get their glasses.
In the end, Toby couldn’t pick a sandwich. He had three favorites and couldn’t decide between them yet. Jim and Claire had his back. They both got one of them and he got the third. Then they would all share the halves. A good plan. And it was a delicious one. Toby was thankful for his partners.
After finishing up training and walking Claire home, Jim and Toby went their separate ways. Toby had promised his Nana he’d go with her and her boyfriend to see a play in the next town over. Jim had promised his mother he’d be home for a family dinner. He wasn’t able to be home in time to cook, so this was going to be a roulette wheel when it came to food. He was betting on Y/n. As he came to the front door, he cracked it first and smelled the air before going inside as to make sure his candid reaction wouldn’t be bad. The aroma coming from the house was heavenly. Alright, Y/n. Jackpot.
Jim swung the door open wide as he strutted in. Everyone was in the kitchen, it looked like. He put his bag up and called to his family that he was home. Which was met with the two voices he had expected, but one he hadn’t. And it was a voice he didn’t want to hear right now. Douxie. Hisirdoux fucking Casperan. In his house. In his kitchen. In his territory.
Jim immediately felt his muscles tense up. He took a deep breath and put on his best fake smile before heading into the kitchen. Y/n was sautéing something over the stove. Barbara was stirring something which meant that she had insisted on helping and Y/n had done the equivalent of giving your younger sibling a game controller that wasn’t plugged in. The offending wizard was leaning over the bar counter from the other side, chatting away as if he had any reason to be here.
Once Y/n caught sight of Jim, she bubbled. “Jim! How was hiking? You three have fun?” she knew where he actually spent his Saturdays but they had to keep up the rouse for their mom. While Y/n particularly didn’t care for the lying, she also agreed with Jim that some things are best kept from worrisome mothers. Barbara gave her enough shit already for her frequent homecomings from bars and shows in the wee hours of the morning with scrapes and bruises. If their mother knew about Jim’s marginally more dangerous late-night escapades, she might actually have a nervous breakdown.
“Oh yeah, it was great. We saw a deer. It had a baby with it.”
“Majestic.” She turned and gestured to the man at the counter, “You remember Douxie, right?”
“Of course,” Jim said through gritted teeth forced into a smile. “In fact we just saw each other at the bistro earlier today.”
A timer went off. Y/n expressed her delight that something in the oven was done. Barb got some plates out of the cabinet, while Y/n pulled the main course out of the oven. She handed Jim the plates and silverware and sent him to go set the table. Jim supposed this was better than having to talk to Douxie. Until Douxie insisted on helping him. Great.
“So, Jim, I’ve heard a lot about you-”
“I’m sure you have.” Jim cut him off. Douxie was a bit confused, but figured he was still grumpy like he was earlier at the bistro. He’d leave the moody teen alone then. Perhaps he be in a better mood after getting some food in him and spending time with his family. Doux would try for conversation again then.
Jim did not get any less grumpy, to Douxie’s dismay. And Y/n’s. Y/n really needed both her family members to like her boyfriend. They were all each other had, and any strife would put a strain on their tiny closely-knit family unit. Y/n loved Douxie, and she wanted Jim and Barbara to love him to. To accept him. It would help put a validity to her feelings. If they liked him then she had made the right choice. She could never be with someone her loved ones hated. And as a bonus, it would be nice if she could give Douxie the family he never had. He deserved as much.
Luckily, Barbara had taken quite a liking to Arcadia’s most charming waiter. Jim however, was subtly hostile. Or at least he thought he was being subtle. It was very apparent to the other three at the table. As Douxie was animatedly telling Barb some story that she was laughing very hard at, Y/n turned to glare at her brother. Jim tried to feign innocence. Y/n rolled her eyes and put some more salad on her plate. Jim noticed the bracelet on her wrist. Funny, she had never been one for jewelry before. But she started wearing this one everyday right around the time she started working at the bookstore. Interesting.
Douxie finished up his story and turned his attention to Jim. He’d try once again to engage the trollhunter. He knew how important this was to Y/n. Douxie was going to make this little man like him if it was the last thing he did.
“I saw the school play you were in a couple weeks ago, Jim. You were quite the actor, and I know Shakespeare’s tough. Have you ever thought of going into it professionally? Claire’s told me she wants to. You two could be one of those celebrity power couples.”
Jim just offered a short thanks that was less hostile but not exactly enthusiastic either. Well, at least Doux was getting somewhere. It’s a start. Y/n was content with this. Jim would warm up to Douxie eventually. It didn’t have to be right away, even if she would have liked that.
After the dinner conversation had died down and the food long gone, Y/n set out to clear the table and clean the kitchen. Barbara also went to help her, but Douxie assured her he’d take care of it. He was a world class waiter after all. He stacked up the plates as Y/n grabbed the dinner dishes. And so the two set off to the world behind the wall, to clean or canoodle or whatever. Jim wasn’t too keen on thinking about it. His mother pulled him into the living room to sit on the couch and preceded to ask him twenty questions about Claire. He was almost happy when the lovebirds came back.
And then his mother made them all play some card game for three hours straight. All while the lovebirds flirted away right in front of them. It was like they had no shame. This guy just had to have Y/n under a spell or something, Jim was sure of it. There was no other explanation. As she giggled at another one of Douxie’s stupid jokes that weren’t even funny, Jim felt sick.
Finally it came time for that douchebag to leave. Jim rolled his eyes at his mother and sister fawning over Doux as he made his way to the door. He slinked over behind them to watch the guy leave and make sure that he left. As Douxie went through the door he gave Y/n a quick peck and said the stupidest line Jim had ever heard. Who does this guy think he is. Once the door was shut and Doux had indeed walked away, Jim scoffed.
“Bet that guy has a bank of pickup lines he’s memorized. There’s no way he came up with that on the fly.”
Jim was furious. He fought like a madman during training. Draal was just making it worse by encouraging it; he really liked the kid’s fire today. Draal had no idea what was up with him right now, but Jim was giving it his all. The trollhunter was rarely this aggressive. Blinky looked on as Jim growled and shouted with every strike. He hadn’t seen his son frothing at the mouth like this before. It was glorious. Keep this up and Angor Rot won’t know what hit him.
Claire and Toby were also training, with Arrggh, albeit with not even half as much gusto as Jimbo. They were also a wee bit distracted, trying to wind Jim down from said gusto. He came over to where they were to get some water. Taking this opportunity, Toby tried appealing to him once again.
“Dude, give it a rest, this is just like how you got all pissy about your mom dating Strickler.” Toby was exasperated.
“Y/n can’t date guys, my mother can’t date guys, no men should be frequently invited into our household! No boys allowed! Me and Toby are the only boys allowed!” Jim growled. He stormed off across the keep to go land another hit on Draal.
Blinky blinked. He was taken aback at the hostility from his charge. “So, do either of you have any idea as to what that was about.”
“Right now the winning theory is that this is like, about how heartbroken his mother was when his dad left, so now he doesn’t want that to happen again or something,” Claire sighed. Her teacher really was a good guy. Lonely too. Just like Y/n. They were going to be good for each other. Her boyfriend should be happy for them. Jim took a particularly dirty swipe at Draal. Toby grunted in sympathy. “Or maybe Douxie just poked Arcadia’s most possessive bear.”
Jim and Toby were walking downtown, enjoying their free time after a trollhunting mission on this fine Sunday afternoon. That is, until they came in sight of the bookstore. Jim felt that bitter feeling in his stomach again. He knew Y/n wasn’t working today. Douchey would be all alone. Now was his chance to confront this and end it before it got any worse. Toby noticed the malice in his eyes as he stomped towards the bookstore.
“Woah dude, what’re you doing?”
“I’m just going to have a little chat with Mr. Casperan that’s all.”
Toby threw his head back in exasperation. “There no talking you out of this is there?”
The bell jingled as they walked in. The bookshop smelled like Christmas. And Jim was about to try and talk politics with his racist uncle at the dinner table. Douxie came over and greeted them cheerily.
“Good afternoon, lads. Looking for any book in particular?”
“I’m not a part of this. I just happen to be with him physically.” Toby quickly asserted. Douxie quirked a brow at the odd statement. Jim pushed forward aggressively. Doux had the sense to back away from the boy.
“I’m onto you, wizard. Just what did you do to my sister? Did you slip her a love potion? Is that bracelet she’s been wearing charmed?” Jim growled. Toby cringed on the sidelines.
Douxie blinked. “Excuse me?”
“There’s no other explanation for your ‘relationship’. You’ve got to be magicking her. And I won’t just sit here and let it happen. That’s my sister and it’s my job to protect her from creeps like you.”
Douxie took in the boys words, and a deep breath. He tried his best not to sound too defensive and provoke the kid further, “Okay, wow. That’s quite an accusation there, friend.” He moved away from where the boy had backed him into a bookshelf. “You know, out of all that you just implied, the part I think I’m most offended by is the fact that you’d think I’d mess with Y/n’s free will like that.”
Douxie straightened some books on a nearby display. “You know Jim, when it comes to love-” Jim stormed out of the bookstore before Doux could take his lecture any further, grabbing Toby by the arm so he’d follow. Toby mouthed a big ‘I’m sorry’ to Doux as he was pulled out of the store.
Jim’s pencil felt abused. He was furiously scribbling the answers to his homework with a heavy hand. He still had a lot of pent up rage, even after accosting poor Doux. After snapping his lead for the seventh time in the hour, Jim decided that switching subjects to Spanish instead of math for a bit might help him calm down. He moved to his bed to start the assigned reading. He laid on his stomach, propping up his head in his hands to see his textbook. His blue eyes perused the paragraphs punctuated by cheesy cartoons. He was halfway through the third page when a knock came at his door. Taking a deep breath, he called for whoever it was to let themselves in. His sister stepped into view.
Jim ran a hand through his dark hair. Here comes the scolding. He didn’t even have to ask if Y/n had heard about what he’d done today. If Douxie himself hadn’t told her then Tobes certainly did. Jim wasn’t proud of it, now that it was all said and done. He knew he deserved whatever Y/n was about to dish out. He sat up and crisscrossed his legs. She pulled his desk chair over and sat backwards in it so that she was facing him on the bed.
That’s it. No scolding came. She just sat and looked at him, neutral faced. He squirmed at the nothing. She lifted up the coffee mug in her hands and took a slow sip, not breaking eye contact with him. Jim began to sweat. He tried to avoid her gaze by looking down at the floor, but he could still feel her eyes upon him. Sighing, he had to admit defeat.
“Okay, so I do feel bad about what I said to Douxie today.” He looked back up to meet Y/n’s eyes. She raised a brow. “It was wrong of me to jump to conclusions like that, I’m sorry.”
Y/n appeared to be satisfied by that. A smile spread across her face and she nodded to him. She stood up, and ruffled his hair on her way out. Still refusing to break her silence, she motioned for him to follow her downstairs.
Y/n set her coffee cup down on the table. She pulled another mug out of the cabinet for Jim. Grabbing the coffee pot from its nest under the coffeemaker, she filled Jim’s mug and topped off her own. Sliding the mug across the table to Jim, she sat down. Jim could smell the aromas of the several colorful dishes baking that he could see through the screen of the oven door. Strange, it was already half past nine. There was cinnamon in the air, so at least one of those dishes contained dessert. Jim’s stomach growled at the thought.
“You know I’m not the one you should have to apologize to, Jimbo.”
“I know, I know,” He looked at the ground, “I’ll go talk to him tomorrow after school.”
Silence filled the kitchen again. Y/n took a sip of coffee. This conversation was going to be hard. She wasn’t particularly looking forward to it. She opened her mouth to speak, but stopped. She took yet another long sip of coffee to figure out a good enough way to word this. She took a breath.
“So, uh- listen Jimbo. I- I know it’s tough, ya know, with it just being us. And our family’s tight because of it. But you can’t get so protective that new people can’t join it. Or even try.”
Jim took a breath, “I know it’s just, I-, what happens when we, when you, get so attached to him, and he decides that he doesn’t care for you anymore. When he turns out to be bad. When he just disappears. Like- like they do.”
“Oh, Jim,” She reached across the table for his hand. “That’s my risk to take, Jim. I fully recognize that what I’m doing is hazardous and I could get hurt really bad. But I still chose to do it. I choose it every day. We all do, when we fall in love.”
Jim took a sip and lingered, staring into his cup. “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” He chuckled, “I know I’d be devastated if Claire ever wizened up and left me.”
“Look, you gotta trust me okay? Douxie isn’t dad or Strickler. I promise. He’s kind. I trust him. After you apologize, I think you really should start to make an effort to get to know him. If not for me, for Claire dude. And I think you’ll really like him. Promise you’ll give him a chance?”
Jim sighed in defeat. “Alright. I promise.”
She stood up and stretched out her back, making those stretching noises that people do. She checked the food in the oven. The buns were ready, but the quiche still needed a few minutes. She took out the pans and put them on the cooling rack. After fanning them for a few seconds, she turned to Jim, “So you want a spinach bun or a cinnamon bun?”
“How is that a question?” Jim laughed.
“Spinach bun it is then,” She teased as she tossed him the cinnamon one.
“What’s all this for anyway?” He gestured to the oven and the buns.
“Oh, uh, its actually for a date tonight?” She looked warry of how he’d react.
“Okay,” He guessed now would be as good a time as ever to start letting this go, “You crazy kids have fun.” Y/n laughed, relived.
Douxie had just finished up the sweeping and was ready to close up. As he headed to towards the front doors, he took one last look around the place to make sure he didn’t miss anything. All clean and tidy. Whoever opened tomorrow would appreciate it. He flipped the neon sign from open to nope and started locking up. Which is when his girlfriend pounced on him and almost gave him a heart attack. She just appeared out of thin air to tackle him into a hug. Scared the living daylights out of him. Y/n apologized profusely when she noticed him freak out but was still snickering between sorries so she probably didn’t mean it. He asked her just what the hell she was doing here and she picked up a picnic basket that was on the ground to show him.
“I just knew a certain wizard hadn’t eaten yet tonight.”
Y/n felt the ground beneath her back through the picnic blanket. The new spring growth had made them a cushion of sorts. Her head rested in the crook of Douxie’s shoulder as his arm was wrapped around her. It was nice here. Comfy. She could smell his hair and feel his chest move as he breathed. Their heartbeats made a nice rhythm to accompany the cricket song and the noise of the trees swaying. The stars were so lovely tonight. Stellar.
Douxie broke the quiet. “So I brushed up on my astrology.”
“Oh yeah?” Y/n quirked her brow. Astrology was one of her biggest interests. She’d loved it since her grandmother had given her a book about it when she was small. It was a well-worn, well-loved book. Her grandmother had handwritten things in the margins too. She’d been talking Douxie’s ears off about it during work earlier that week. Something was just so fascinating about how there were gorgeous balls of light in the sky that could tell you the future. There really was magic embedded in the fabric of the universe. It was sweet that he would care enough to learn about her interests. Very sweet indeed. The fact that he went out of his way just so he could talk to her about something she loved? Tooth-rotting. She wasn’t sure if her heart sped up because she was excited to talk about astrology or because of the sugar rush he just gave her.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve needed to look at constellations, we do have GPS now, but I think I remember enough,” He pointed to the sky, “That’s Pisces, right?”
“Yes!” Y/n couldn’t stop herself from smiling so wide her cheeks hurt.
“And that’s Aries, which marks the beginning of spring,” He looked back at Y/n who nodded to him, “oh, and look! We can see Venus tonight.”
“Hey Douxie, I love you. And You’re really making me want to kiss you right now.”
He chuckled and wiggled his eyes brows teasingly, “Ah, yes, I am aware of the effect I have.” She rolled her eyes and put her hand on his face to push him away. If he saw the blush creeping up on her, he’d just get flirtier. She wasn’t sure she could handle that. Something caught her eye and instantly stole her attention.
“Look! A shooting star! Make a wish Doux.” She pointed to the streak of light that flashed.
“I don’t need wishes when I’m here with you, Love.” If her face was pink before it was bright red now.
Y/n hid her face in her hands, “No! You were supposed to say something silly,” She came back up to look him in the eyes, “not something that makes me want to kiss you even more.”
He leaned his head in closer, “Well, what’s stopping you, Y/n”
Well, that was obviously a dare. She couldn’t not kiss him now. So she did. They melted into it instantly. At first it was sweet and slow, but they got a bit hungrier, and the kiss got a bit sloppier. Douxie smelled like the bookstore, Y/n loved the smell of the bookstore. It was everything safe in her life. He was everything safe in her life. Her best friend. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek. He loved how her lips just fit together with his perfectly. Y/n Lake was everything he’d been waiting for all these years. Soft and kind, with such a beautiful heart. Not to mention, a badass. Yet, even with all his ancient baggage, she still cared for him. Made him feel like new again. Out of all the wizards of Arcadia Oaks, she chose him. He still couldn’t believe it. They pulled apart way sooner than either of them wanted, but they did have to breathe, so it had to be done. Locked in Douxie’s gaze, Y/n broke the intensity to giggle.
“But really, I was setting you up for a joke. You know what you could have done with that, Doux?” She teased.
“I’ll remember that for next time, Love.”
“Ah, they’re super rare. This is the first time I’ve ever seen one in all my stargazing years.”
“Well, we’ve got plenty of time to see the next one. And the next one. All the shooting stars you want. Only seeing them every few decades could make them a special little thing for us.” He said so nonchalantly, as if he hadn’t just implied that he expected their love to last for countless decades. As if it were a given. Suddenly it hit her. She could live thousands of years by his side. She would live thousands of years by his side. This was it. She wasn’t even sure humans could turn this vivid a shade of red. Y/n’s heart was gonna pop if it beat any harder.
“Stars, are you just hellbent on making me combust tonight? It too hot out here for this.” Douxie just laughed, a twinkle in his eye. She focused on her beloved stars to calm her down. She sighed, “The stars really are beautiful tonight.”
“You know what else is beautiful?”
“You- aww, you’ve heard that one.”
Y/n’s snort rung in the air. So, he does just have a bank of pick-up lines he’s pulling from. Interesting. Guess it must be tough having to be Arcadia’s most charming waiter. They stilled again. The comfortable silence embraced them. And they could have basked in it all night, if Douxie had not a burning question he had been waiting to ask his beloved.
“So- uh,” She looked to him expectedly, “Do you think there’s life out there?”
Y/n tried not to laugh too hard with Douxie’s very serious tone, “Yeah, yeah I do.”
Now it was Douxie’s turn to smile so wide his cheeks hurt. “Really?”
“Yeah,” She said, “I think it’d be kinda arrogant to assume that with all that vastness up there that we’re the only ones who exist.”
“That’s a really good point.” Douxie said excitedly. He pulled her tighter into his embrace and snuggled. “I think I’m going to use that on Zoe next time she tries to tell me that I’m crazy and aliens aren’t real.”
“Yeah Babe! Win that argument!” Y/n encouraged.
She peppered his face with kisses. That big smile stayed on his face as he closed his eyes in delight. He repaid her with a nose kiss. And she repaid that by starting another snogging session.
Little did they know that shoot star was really aliens akiriddion spaceship crash 3below wait shit the akiriddions landed in like season two and ive set this in one ugh just pretend like this makes sense hfhadhiufs
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barrysjumpsuit · 4 years
the dark side - jj maybank x shoupe’s daughter, ch. 1
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w/c: 1.9k
summary:  catherine shoupe has the perfect life. when she gets hired by heyward to run groceries, she has a new coworker - jj maybank. as the deputy’s daughter, she can’t help but hate him. but when jj decides to bring her to the dark side and woo her over, cat not only has to hide her activities from her father, but also hide who she really is.
warnings: none for this chapter
a/n: i’m super excited for this! making it up as i go.... posting may be slightly delayed/irregular since i’m busy with working and moving but who knows i’ll probably waste my time and work on this more than i should
Cat’s feet and back ached, and the sun felt good on her cool skin as she stepped out of the overly air-conditioned grocery store she had been in since they opened that morning. She sat down on a bench in a shaded area between the store and a coffee shop, resting and enjoying her fifteen minute break.
The same thing. Every day, five days a week. Cat would be the opener for the grocery store, getting there at four in the morning and working until ten. It was smaller, a hippie fresh market type of place with fresh produce and organic products. Very Kook-y. It drew tourists and locals alike, as well as a bunch of people her age, working for grocery delivery services.
Morning shifts in the summer were nice because they drew more of the local crowd. The working class, like her, though still kooks. Moms grabbing their groceries after dropping their kids off at school, working professionals stopping by for premade sandwiches or donuts for their coworkers. That particular morning, her dad had stopped by for his own lunch and spent entirely too long chatting with her.
Cat enjoyed seeing people, asking them about plans for their days. She often suggested the best surfing spots and restaurants to the non-locals, while striking up easy conversations with the regulars that frequented the market in the mornings. After work she often took her brother out to the beach. It was her mission this summer to teach him how to surf. In the evenings, if her dad wasn’t working, she would help her mom cook dinner and they would have a big family meal. It was repetitive, but perfect and full of things and people she loved.
After her fifteen minute break was up, she went back inside, but her manager pulled her aside before she returned to her checking lane.
“Hey, Catherine, come see me in my office?” Mrs. Lee’s voice rang out. 
There was a brief nervousness that made Cat’s stomach roll over, but it quickly vanished once she saw the smile on the store owner’s face. “So you know Heyward, right?”
“Of course,” she answered, smiling at the thought. She knew the man and his son well - they were always in and out, buying groceries for their customers. “He’s awesome. What about him?”
“He and I are partners now,” she continued, obviously excited about the development. “He’s looking to hire some new people to deliver groceries. I know you love being out on the water and talking to people, so I figured I’d ask to see if you were interested. It’ll come with a bump in your pay, too.”
“Yes!” she said, perhaps a little too eagerly. “I’m definitely interested. Does he want an interview?”
Mrs. Lee laughed. “He said if you were interested, you’re on board automatically. He knows you’re a good worker. I’ll call him and let him know and get back at you, okay?”
“Sounds good! Thanks, Mrs. Lee,” Cat said, smiling back at her before leaving her office.
Going back to her checking lane was almost bittersweet, knowing that lane three had been hers for almost two years. As soon as she flipped her light back on, a local came through, eagerly starting up a conversation and letting Cat know how his son was doing in the summer little league baseball series.
After she got off, she cranked the AC on in her car and began the drive home. The place was flooded with tourists, the summer season officially in full swing. She lived right off the main strip, which was fun and convenient, but could get annoying when anyone and everyone was there. 
“Hey Cat!” her brother greeted her as she got home. He was sitting on the couch, watching TV.
“Hey Tyler! Want to go out for ice cream later?” she asked, and he nodded excitedly. “I’ll make us some lunch then we can go after that.”
“Okay!” she heard him respond as she jogged up the carpeted steps. She walked past her parent’s bedroom and then into hers, kicking off her shoes and changing into flowy shorts and a basic tee before going back downstairs to make lunch.
The rest of the day was pleasant and uneventful. After they ate lunch, she took Tyler to the ice cream place two blocks away. He got birthday cake while she got peppermint, enjoying the cool sensation on the hot day. They walked on the beach, her brother talking nonstop about the video game he was playing, while Cat smiled and faked listening.
She was really listening to the sound of the waves lapping at the store, and the voices of those who lounged on the beach. Some were playing in the ocean, some were playing games in the soft sand. 
Her father was off work at six, so once they returned home, it wasn’t long until her mother got off work and they started prepping dinner. Cat’s mom was laid back, always smiling, which she loved. She left her work at the office, unlike her father.
Being the daughter of a sheriff’s deputy was odd. Cat didn’t mind it. There were rules in place, of course, but she hadn’t any urge to break them. There were people from her school out doing drugs and drinking most nights of the week, but Cat had never touched any of that. She had a curfew, but she didn’t really mind it.
Her dad got home right before dinner was ready. He pulled Cat towards him, kissing the top of her head before kissing her mom on the lips. “How are my ladies this evening?” he asked, grinning. A patch on his uniform read Shoupe in bold letters, and he was still fully clad in his uniform.
“Pretty good,” Cat answered, stirring the sauce that was simmering on the stove. 
They made light conversation until her dad went to change out of his work clothes while Cat and her mom set the table and plated up dinner.
“How was work, Cat?” her dad asked when they were sat down and eating.
“It was good. The usual. But, I got a new job!”
“Oh?” her mom asked, taking a sip of wine and raising her eyebrows. 
“Heyward and Mrs. Lee are working together now, and Heyward needs runners. So he wants me. I get a pay bump too.”
Cat was smiling, but it dropped when she saw her dad’s face. Her mom noticed too, casting him a glare, and he spoke. “That’s great, honey. But be careful, okay?”
She couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Her father hated her going near the Cut. Not that she had much reason or urge to, but she knew it could be rough down there. He often worked down there, on the south side of the island, and constantly told stories about shoplifting Pogues and underage drinking. “Dad, it’s Heyward’s. It’s basically Figure Eight.”
“I know, I’m just saying,” he said, raising his hands in surrender.
“Can you take me on the delivery boat sometime?” Tyler asked, luckily rerouting the conversation.
The issue was luckily dropped, but Cat still felt bad. She didn’t know why - she was seizing the opportunity, something her parents had always encouraged. Cat had been working ever since she was old enough. Her father always told her, a good work ethic is the most important thing you can have. They were urging her to save up for college, and now she was essentially being promoted.
Mrs. Lee had texted her during dinner. Heyward wants you to start tomorrow! Meet him at 9, wear whatever you want.
She responded to the text before settling down in bed with a book. At ten, before she went to bed, her father stepped into her room after knocking softly on her door.
“Hey, dad,” she said, and he walked over to sit on her bed. Cat pulled her feet up to give him some room and put her book down on her nightstand.
“I’m happy for you, Cat,” he said, smiling at her. “Just be careful, okay? With all the boat traffic now and going everywhere… Heyward’s a good guy. I trust him.”
“I will, dad. You know me. I grew up on the water.”
He smiled again. “Yeah, you did. Have fun tomorrow, okay? Good night.”
“G’night, dad,” she said as her father stood and left the room.
Cat woke up early, not used to getting to sleep in since she usually was at the grocery store before dawn. Her parents had already left for work, leaving Tyler in front of the TV as normal. She made a smoothie before changing into shorts and a t-shirt. 
“Bye, Ty!” she called as she left the house at 8:30, closing the back door behind her before heading to her car.
It was about a 20 minute drive to Heyward’s from her house. When she got there, she quickly located him on the dock, filling a gas can. As she stepped onto the dock, he gave her a wave, and quickly hurried over.
Heyward gave her an impromptu ‘training’. How to read the orders, how to use the boat’s navigation. It was simple, and she knew most of the people who had put in orders for that day. “Right now I have two people who shop and two of you who run and deliver together, each day,” he was explaining. “Here’s your work shirt, I don’t give a damn what pants you wear as long as your ass isn’t hangin’ out.”
He thrust three t-shirts of different colors towards her, each with the Heyward’s logo printed on it before taking her into the office to discuss her pay and scheduling. Since she was already in the system, it went by quickly, and she ran her printed schedule to her car and slipped into her new work shirt before returning to the dock. 
“There’s those sons of bitches getting back now,” he said, waving at two people who stood on a white boat pulling up to dock. “Catherine, go ahead and start carrying over the groceries in the cooler over there, time for your first run.”
She went inside the small building and started pulling bags out of the ice, full of produce and goods from her store. She noticed Heyward’s son, Pope, standing on the boat, and he held out his hands to take the bags from her to load.
“You working here now?” he asked, and she nodded. Cat had always liked Pope; they went to the same school until high school. He was quiet and witty, which she appreciated, and they had even sat together at lunch one year.
As soon as she finished handing Pope the groceries, she took his outstretched hand and climbed onto the boat.
“Hey Catherine!” she heard Heyward call. She turned to see him, grinning at her. “These are your new coworkers. Have fun.”
Pope grinned at her, but Heyward said coworkers. Plural.
A blond boy came into her line of sight, smirking. Cat’s heart sank as she recognized who it was, and she considered getting off the boat, but couldn’t bring herself to move or speak. It was someone she hadn’t seen in quite a while, and she was okay with that.
JJ was the first to speak up, his voice smooth and cocky. “Hey, kitty Cat, long time, no see.”
taglist:  @letsgofullkook @stargazingstarkey @sortagaysortahigh @jjsmentalpolaroids @ims0golden @jjmaybcnks​ @shawnssongs​ @queenk00k @broken-jj​
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viralhottopics · 8 years
These 27 jobs have the toughest interview questions, according to Glassdoor
Where will all of them be in the next five years?
Image: Shutterstock / BlueSkyImage
Jobs interviews are always hard, but some come with trickier questions than others. Where do you see yourself in five years? How many ping pong balls fit in a school bus?
Glassdoor, the jobs- and career-focused site, compiled 27 of the toughest interview questions job seekers face in any field. The information came from job seekers and Glassdoor users who shared their interview experiences on the site. The website looked through questions that users marked as difficult to find the toughest ones across industries.
Along with individual questions, Glassdoor found that hospitals have the most challenging interview process, followed by nonprofits. The number of screenings, company size, public or private status of employer and job seekers’ education and age all affected how difficult interviews were.
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But it’s not all bad news. Tougher job interviews correlated with better employee satisfaction after candidates actually get the job, Glassdoor found.
“By preparing for and acing that tough interview, you are more likely to love your job in the long run,” Glassdoor wrote in a blog post.
Here are 27 of the toughest interview questions:
1. “How do you explain a vending machine to someone who hasn’t seen or used one before?” – Global Data Analyst, Bloomberg L.P.
2. How many fire hydrants are there in Los Angeles County? – Software Engineer, Disney Interactive Studios
3. If your current employer had an anniversary party for you, what five words would be written on the cake to describe you? – District Manager, Express
4. Who in history would you want to go to dinner with and why? – Flight Attendant, PSA Airlines
5. Prove that hoop stress is twice the longitudinal stress in a cylindrical pressure vessel. – Test Operations Engineer, SpaceX
6. Whats the capital of Canada? – Team Leader, OpticsPlanet
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7. Name a brand that represents you as a person. – Brand Strategist, Twitter
8. Estimate how many employees in the next building – Data Scientist, Risk Management Solutions
9. How many happy birthday posts do you think Facebook gets in one day? – Sales Operations, Facebook
10. If you could take anyone on a road trip with you, who would you take and why? – Educator, lululemon
11. What is the first thing you’d print with a 3D printer if you had one? – Linux Systems Administrator I, Rackspace
12. If you had to take only one item to a deserted island, what would that be? – Customer Service Specialist, Squarespace
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13. Please describe an instance where you had to make a decision without all of the necessary information. – Analytics, athenahealth
14. How do you reverse a text string on the Unix command line? – Developer, Capital One
15. If you are in a boat with a boulder and you drop that boulder into the lake, how does the water level before and after you drop the boulder in the lake compare? – Mechanical Design Engineer, Apple
16. You have been asked to lead a multi-million dollar, multi-year grant that will be supported across several companies and universities. How do you start? – Research Scientist, Ford Motor Company
17. Sell me on one idea, and then sell me on the opposite of that idea. – Solarwinds Administrator, Blizzard Entertainment
18. How would you go about to find the top five Java Developers in a certain area. – Technical Recruiter, Google
19. What is the probability of an integer from 1 to 60,000 not having the digit 6? – Quantitative Developer, AKUNA CAPITAL
20. If you were a Muppet, which character would you be? – Donor Family Advocate, LifeNet Health
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21. Give me 48 cents using six coins. Tell me quantity and value of the six coins. – Human Resource Manager, Wintec
22. Write an equation to optimize the marketing spend between Facebook and Twitter campaigns. – Analyst (Data Science), Uber
23. What is the angle at 3:15? – Implementation Consultant, Fast Enterprises
24. What part of the newspaper do you read first? What does this say about you? – Audit, BDO USA
25. If a coworker had an annoying habit, and it hindered your quality of work, how would you resolve it? – Production Technician, Procter & Gamble
26. Throw your resume aside and tell me what makes you you. – Sales Executive, Zillow
27. How would you find the square root of 1.2? – Hardware Engineer, Jump Trading
BONUS: A bike helmet with turn signal lights will make rides a whole lot safer
Read more: http://ift.tt/2kQqW8I
from These 27 jobs have the toughest interview questions, according to Glassdoor
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