accopara · 2 months
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accopara · 3 months
Scout oneshot that i would probably find really cringe later.
this shit has been rough. a week of unstoppable battles sucked the hell out of everyone included. this whole thing was born doomed, but there is nothing we can do about that. it sells, it's worthy and gives a sheltering from the government, that, by the way is already a huge bonus isn't it? this was the only thoughts keeping scout up on his legs even when it hurts, but a blessing came in a really unexpected way. the BLU had to shut down for a while cause of some conditions, but Jeremy knew for sure, that the only condition leading them to cover and run - was their own fear. those motherfuckers will never learn not to mess with RED, but maybe later they will.
scout was coming down the stairs, tiredly rubbing his eyes, while the ring in his ears raised. everything was slightly blurry, head hurts and things. with every step he heard voices in his head rise, and it wasn't a good start for the night. a few meters in a hallway led him right to the medical office. Jeremy's heart rate raised immediately with a thought of having to tell medic about another thing bothering his body right now, and he wouldn't do this if it wasn't so bad. a soft knock on the door and Jeremy peeked out of it, searching for Ludwig with a quick glance. medic was there the whole time, but just busy doing something with his fridge right now.
– Hey, yo, doc, great uh... night, yeah?
scout said, making his grip a bit tighter, mentally preparing not to tell too much. it would be weird would it?
– Oh! herr scout, how unexpected.
Ludwig gave his teammate a wide bare smile, with a little sparkle in his eyes. it wasn't a common thing to accept patients at the time like this, but medic never minded doing this, after all, it was just a better timing to go a tiny bit wilder on his experiments, especially, with a person like this. no matter how much scout would doubt this, but Dr. Ludwig was the only one receiving some more information and secrets. alway sucks to admit this, but he was just a good guy to brag about something, he would just listen for hours, but today wasn't any standard situation, so it just needs to be handled differently. doctor noticed a raw silence as an answer, so decided to speak up first. nobody comes here just to chit-chat after all, right?
– So vat brings you here? muscle pain or just came for a small talk?
– Good guess, but nah. it's the thing uh, with my- with my sleep. i mean i slept bad
– Interesting.
at this point Jeremy just allowed himself in, trying to walk straight and appear as chill as possible. he settled down on a couch and smiled, scratching his head.
– Well yeah, my head kinda hurts, but- but it's not the issue, just feelin pretty active now. ya'know, needin some shit to knock me off to sleep, nothing too wild tho, I need to be up early tomorrow!
– Uh-huh, I see, I see. vell, i can look for somesing to help, but from ze ozer side i could just study up your brains a little to fix zis issue forever mein fruend... but of course, consentually...
he rambled about this more to himself, than to scout, grabbing his freshly sharpen saw, and turned to the patient, touching a point with gloved finger. his smile started to look more like a grin, but it was met with Jeremy quickly shaking his head
– Uh- no! thanks, but no. that's a sick plan, but i want my brains being whole, alright? can you just give me like a pill or something and we all good?
he tried to smile back, just not to be too disrespectful, but couldn't do more than some kind of a crooked smileish expression of a dying inside man. voices in his head were still bothering him, but scout just tried to ignore the whispers. it felt like much of annoying thing, rather than worrying, at least, he thought so.
– Hm, vell vell, you can alvays change your mind, just keep zis idea ja?
Ludwig received an active nodding, making him satisfied and finally getting to his glass cabinet.
" could it be a poison? "
someone spoke in Jeremy's head, making his leg to start twitching. it wasn't his thoughts, at least it felt like someone else's words, and even more, it was just making him confused. these weird things started not so long ago, and at first it was pretty harmless. some thoughts just wasn't consistent with his own, but that never bothered scout before, just made him feel not in the right place. he thought, that this wouldn't be for long, that this is just tiredness finally kicking in, but later it became an issue. a week of pure insomnia made him look like a vampire, but non the less - he started seeing spiders.
really strange thing, considering that spiders couldn't just live in this wasteland, it's not that spiders in New Mexico wasn't a thing, but speaking about such a specific place like this? no, a big no. even waters here are toxic, so the question is - how's so much spiders could've live in a place like that? the answer is - that's impossible, in any condition it was an impossible thing, considering that nobody on the base was complaining about finding any spiders.
but he did. he lied every night in his bed, staring at the ceiling hole, almost hypnotising it. he remembered this hole very clearly. it was born accidently by himself, and always served as a reminder of how cheap their terms of conditions were. he always was joking about the cartboard walls and ceilings, decorating this hole with some silly stuff and always tried to find a way to plug it with something, so he wouldn't be soaking wet at the rainy days. but since then he looked at that hole different every night this whole week. one day a large spider came inside of it and disappeared, but the other - a massive colony of little spider were crawling out, spreading on the white ceiling. they looked really small, like they just hatched from the eggs. he watched them silently to come out and be gone.
he saw them everywhere, and it means literally everywhere on the base. not to be too flashing with this, scout asked multiple people carefully "have you seen any spiders around lately?" and was caught up with surprise receiving "no" as an answer.
the spiders. they were everywhere, they were in the cups, in the shoes, in the cabinets, in his bed, in his mind. a huge amount of spiders were living in every corner of the base, but nobody saw even one.
it seemed like spiders were only his problem, and should stay a secret.
one day the voices in his head told him, that the spiders were crawling under his foreskin. they were screaming violently, crying to the sick stage
and he had to.
– Herr scout?
he snapped back to reality, hearing medic's voice. obviously, it looked awkward from the outside, but it doesn't seem to bother Ludwig at all. he was holding a jar of valium in his hand, trying to give it to his patient
– What's that?
Jeremy said, hardly looking directly at the person in front of him.
– Valium, notsing too wild, as you asked. although, i could've give you a much better sedative, but since you asked. tsk.
– Oh, well thanks then!
scout nervously grabbed a small container of white pills. he shook it a bit, smiling at the sound and got up.
– You're the best, as always, doc. owe you one.
he escaped the office pretty quickly, banging the door behind as he tried to just close it. Jeremy leaned against the wall, slowly getting down on the floor. his heart was racing so hard it ached. he couldn't get this out of the head. a whole colony of small black spiders, making their way in and out of the all holes in Ludwig's cold pale face. they ate a part of it, exposing his skull on the left side, with some of the bitten flesh starting to rot. he covered his mouth with both hands, but quickly began to cough. a spider with some bloody scraps fell out of his mouth.
fucking spiders.
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