#accept this slightly feverish rant of something I’ve been wanting to talk about for awhile
All those pre-Surak fics and none about the violently emotional poets I know existed 🔫 anger isn’t the only emotion that Vulcans feel strongly, how come there isn’t more pre-Surak/no-Surak fics that acknowledges that and actually delves into the destructive emotions that Vulcans feel that caused an entire species to take up regulating their emotions to be as visually emotionless as possible
Also I wanna read more about Vulcans who follow their traditions not because they’re just honoring them but because they’re still the type of people who created those traditions
Also most (if not all) of the fics I’ve read of pre/no-Surak show Vulcans as individualistic, but from what we can kinda see off-screen, it looks like they should be more into having huge clans and wanting/needing others around them, also not even just their own clans, we get some kind of mention as to how others view clans in comparison to their own clans (like Spock’s family) so there does seem to be a sense of community
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