#accendie redsteele
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accendieredsteele · 2 years ago
More for soldiers than mercs but the feeling goes along with Accendie especially after her long time abroad.
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goldleaf-gilt · 7 years ago
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Ama redid his basement pub/bar to have windows and a piano and naturally in good nature and humor Nhad’s got up on the piano to see if the make over was up to snuff. We need more housing slots at this rate.  Song Inspiration: Eyes on Me
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drunkdungeoneers-ffxiv · 7 years ago
Hanging on one of the dojo walls, a ranking board detailing the win-loss ratio of every company employee that has sparred in the room, ordered alphabetically by first name. The board is updated after each spar. The employee with the best win rating holds the title of Company Champion; the title means nothing except bragging rights.
Dojo Rankings (Season I)
Everschade Bracket (41 matches or more)
• Champion: Kyojin Borlaaq
Kyojin Borlaaq: 48-40 (0.54)
Sapling Bracket (40 to 6 matches)
• Champion: Robin Belmont
Anhe Dulain: 8-2 (0.80) Aurina Hayle: 4-2 (0.66) Charging Thunder: 10-5 (0.66) Dalanoth Ithiel: 6-11 (0.35) Fiona Delaine: 6-4 (0.60) Fumio Aogane: 6-2 (0.75) Kairi Autumnlight: 1-5 (0.16) Kersch Schwarzer: 2-4 (0.33) Kundek Qerel: 13-19 (0.40) L’alor Nunh: 15-16 (0.48) L’eyline Talyn: 19-12 (0.61) Maho Datura: 3-3 (0.50) Nuellea Solainteau: 7-6 (0.53) Robin Belmont: 9-2 (0.82) Syn’thiel Lyrin: 11-8 (0.57) Zihji’li Nhikna: 4-7 (0.36)
Sprout Bracket (5 matches or less)
• No champions among Saplings
A’rihnn Worldstrider: 1-0 (1.00) Accendie Redsteele: 3-2 (0.60) Adlai Mishra: 1-4 (0.20) Anri Molkoh: 0-3 (0.00) Bragi Odinson: 0-1 (0.00) Cicielle Cielle: 1-1 (0.50) Cirina Malaguld: 0-1 (0.00) Constantine Rhade: 3-2 (0.60) Connor Kinnison: 0-1 (0.00) Defiant Bride: 0-1 (0.00) Deitrala de Verglace: 1-0 (1.00) Drith Buduga: 1-0 (1.00) Erah’sae Zhwan: 0-3 (0.00) Ethalrin Dawnblade: 2-1 (0.66) Ibakha Qalli: 1-1 (0.50) Ingkko Nalgi: 0-1 (0.00) Junvyr: 1-3 (0.25) Kattyne Aeris: 1-3 (0.25) Khora Velaceras: 0-1 (0.00) Khulgana Borlaaq: 0-1 (0.00) Krie Arda: 1-1 (0.50) L’kahlee Rahm: 2-3 (0.40) Laplace Daemon: 1-0 (1.00) Lyuri Felnica: 2-2 (0.50) Meziene Zujier: 1-0 (1.00) Nelani Nunne: 0-1 (0.00) Orin Kai: 0-2 (0.00) Orion Llewelyn: 0-1 (0.00) Paradyme Capellago: 2-3 (0.4) Qarabolor Kagon: 2-1 (0.66) Qaranai Dotharl: 1-0 (1.00) Quiet Gale: 0-3 (0.00) Ryuka Yumitori: 1-1 (0.50) Teixilea Kagon: 0-1 (0.00) Theodora Zural: 3-0 (1.00) Theon: 1-1 (0.50) Tristan Wyke: 1-1 (0.50) Tsukiko Tanshi: 1-0 (1.00) Wyra Sibimet: 0-2 (0.00) Zhuzhuli Zhuli: 3-2 (0.60) Zihji’a Nhikna: 1-4 (0.20) Zihji’to Nhikna: 0-1 (0.00) Zorah Shapa: 0-1 (0.00)
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
For the most part yes, though unless she's 'playing catch' she would be more likely to dodge or knock the object out of the air.
Anything going to her left side can give her issues. She's trained extensively to hone her other senses (hearing, touch, etc) to compensate the loss of sight however.
Is your character able to catch things that are thrown to them?
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
((Throwing these up for now. Tag yourself and your friends! Will edit a few and post them at a later date.)) @crescent-ffxiv @erahsae-ffxiv @goldleaf-gilt @o-hteco @erahsae-ffxiv @orinkai
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
New job
{Monday, June 18}
Accendie glanced around the opulent lobby and sighed, This is going to take some getting used to.
L’alor had given her the grand tour and she was now an official employed Contractor for the Drunk Dungeoneers. She’d seen the ‘now hiring’ flyer posted in the mail room of Crescent House and decided to look into it. The adventuring gig that Nhadala had told her about was a bit more risk than she’d like on a regular basis, not to mention the sheer distances involved. Granted hunting down things and retrieving them wasn’t normally what she did, it couldn’t be too much different from guarding merchandise on a caravan. Not to mention it didn’t seem like she would be alone on these jobs so someone could teach her the ropes.
Accendie nodded at the receptionist Lashma before heading out the door. The Thanalan sun was blazing bright and clear as she headed over to the chocobo stable. Relief from the heat was instantaneous and welcome. Skuld was there, patiently chowing down some greens. Accendie headed to the saddlebags and pulled out the grooming brushes. They’d just come from the road, trying to drum up some business between Camp Drybone and Horizon. With more and more adventurers out there these days it had been harder and harder to find contracts. Larger more established merc companies were snapping up all the bigger jobs for cheaper than she was willing to go for. Each person deserved their fair share for their work 
Stroke after stroke of the grooming brush brought each of these thoughts. These times with Skuld helped Accendie sort her thoughts and bring them all in order.
That’s what made Accendie seek out the Dungeoneers. Working for Crescent was great, but that was only once or twice a month. That wasn’t enough to keep up with taking care of Skuld. She had considered just heading out into the wilds and becoming an adventure herself, but that.. aimlessness didn’t suit her. Accendie didn’t want a life of ‘unbridled freedom’ that so many claimed to love about the lifestyle. 
Swish, swish, swish. Accendie nodded absently as the brush continued down Skuld’s belly where the saddle straps usually held tight. No.. she needed something to do. She needed a job. She needed.. purpose. The brush stopped for a moment as she rolled this thought over. Purpose. Crescent was something to do, but did being a Dungeoneer give her purpose?  Skuld looked up from her greens and turned her large red head to her owner and let out a rather deep yet soft, “Kweh.” Accendie let out a snort at the bird before the brush continued.
Whither or not she could find purpose here only time would tell. For now, she would finish grooming Skuld then head back to her apartment and train. Tomorrow night was their sparring night and when she’d meet the other Dungeoneers. First impressions were always important.
[So Accendie has officially joined the Drunk Dungeoneers FC! Looking forward to the RPz!]
@drunkdungeoneers-ffxiv @goldleaf-gilt
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Five Gifs to describe Accendie Redsteele
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tagged by: @sylastair
tagging: @goldleaf-gilt @o-hteco @kersch-schwarzer @nancysaxffxiv @duskwight-rhade @poisonedviper and anyone else who reads this!
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Time for a Talk
((This happens after Club Crescent on June 23, 2018, at the FC house of the @drunkdungeoneers-ffxiv))
It had been a long day for Accendie. She'd worked security at Crescent's Club Macabre most of the evening. Nothing hard, but a lot of standing around with loud music and tons of people shouting over it to be heard by one another. Towards the end of the night even she had to retreat to the 'Star Rooms' on a security sweep a couple of times just to get a break from the noise. After going off duty she'd tried out a few of the "Void Queen" mixed drinks. She normally wasn't one for fruity drinks but the raspberry had worked well with the vodka and rum.  It was also stronger than it seemed at first. Half way back to The Plundered Tavern the alcohol had started to hit pretty hard. Not enough to wish she had brought Skuld with her, but enough to make her feel relaxed by the time she pushed the door open. 
Rather than immediately finding a place to crash she’d gone down to the bar for a bite to eat and maybe a stout or two to wash it all down. She’d had a hard time enjoying the food because her eye had continually been drawn to where that infernal aesthetic contraption had been. That’s why she had ended up down here in the bowels of the Estate looking for where L’alore had imprisoned that insane Time Mage. She had to be sure he was still locked up tight. Probably not the best idea to do this while tired and more than a little tipsy, but there was no way in hell she was going to be able to sleep until she was sure.
It hadn’t been hard to find the cell. From what she could see the entire trap had been moved into the room and possibly modified to not need constant monitoring. Magics like this were way beyond her knowledge on a good day. Tonight it just hurt to even contemplate. So she shook her head and grabbed the requisite rickety chair that was somehow always outside cell doors. Accendie dragged it in front of the door so she could look in on the prisoner. 
He was still there, thank the twelve.  Looking sullen and unkempt. “Well, well. If it isn’t ole one eye. Finally decide to come out of hiding? Here to kill me behind the other’s backs?”
Accendie ignored his words. They were more like the annoying buzzing of a birdmite rather than actual words. She tilted her head as she puzzled over exactly how she felt about this whole situation. He really was like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum. When he realized she had no intention of responding to anything he said he huffed and went to sit against the back wall of the cell. “Spoiled children who had their knee scrapped and blaimed their parent for not keeping them safe,” Accendie shook her head, not quite realizing she’d spoken aloud until the man spoke up.
“What was that? Spoiled children? What are you talking about, one-eye.” The sneer in his voice made it evident he continued to try and use the term as some sort of insult. He had no clue she wore it like a badge of honor. 
It was probably all the booze but Accendie didn’t stop herself from answering, “You. You and your fellows are acting like a bunch of spoiled children. Blaming Athyuk for not preventing the Calamity. How can you be so sure he didn’t? Have any of you stopped to consider that by letting it happen something far worse was averted?” She shook her head, barreling on before he could interrupt, “Only a short sighted, spoiled child assumes they know all the possibilities and outcomes. It’s possible that by letting Dalamund fall then stopped something  further down the road from happening that could destroy all of Hydaelyn. Or maybe he did intervene and that’s why so many survived. Perhaps all of Eorza would have died but he exerted himself to protect all he could.” She reached up a hand to rub at her temple, “Thal’s Balls! The possibilities are too much to think about. And you all with your fanatical ideas are too short sighted to stop and think. You’d rather cast the blame on the gods rather than consider that might have been the best outcome for us all. People died, but they die all the time. Everyone dies. Life is painful and hard. Throwing a fit because you scrapped your knee isn’t going to make things better. You stand back up, brush yourself off and move on with your life. Sure you might have a scar or two, but you earned that lesson and had better be stronger and wiser because of it.”
Her brow scrunched up as she glanced in the cell, how could these people be so stupid, “Seems to me like maybe someone would use the lot of you to weaken His power so they could do something far worse in the future.” That thought struck her so hard she leaned back in her chair to eye the pathetic mage in the cell. Yes, a bunch of pathetic fanatical patsies easy for someone to manipulate. Like giving a child one of those bloody garlean bombs. Could this be the case here? She'd need to tell the others and see what they thought.  But that would require.. standing up... 
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Dear (whoever you wish to write to),
Dear Wooing Moogle in the Golden Saucer,
Please, just take her home, cross poms and get it over with. I’m done buying wine for the two of you.
Feel free to Ask me more!
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Cut the hair shorter and This is really close to Accendie.
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
🍺: What are some traditions that you have? What do they mean to you?
“Traditions?” She pauses in thought for a few moments, “The closest thing I could think of is the pattern to patrolling around the campsite when the caravan is camped out for the night. My parents taught it to me, mostly through sheer repetition while I was growing up. Walking the perimeter, checking the lookouts, making sure each wagon is secure, checking that the chocobos are being taken care of, those sorts of things. It’s a good habit and I guess in some ways it’s a small part of them that continues on after they have gone.”
🍣: Do you live a simple or fancy lifestyle? What is the underlying reason? Do you wish to change that?
“I’m quite simple. Part is simply how I’ve always been. Forever on the road, you learn not to need frivolous things. Some people seem to have a home only for collecting things from all over. I simply don’t see the need. Don’t really see any reason to change that, though I do have my collection of swords I’ve acquired from all over.”
🍜: Do you like heat or cold more? What is something you find unappealing about the other one?
“Honestly I’m not sure. Both can kill you outright if you’re not careful. Some say cold is easier because you can always add layers but in the heat you can only take off so much. However that’s not always an option. In the heat you can work yourself into exhaustion and sweaty hands can’t hold a sword well. The cold your figners can get so numb and stiff it’s hard to hold anything.” She tilts her head back to look up at the sky, “I guess I’d go with heat. There are ways to escape it if you know how, and I’ve learned how to for sure. Cold..” There is a flash in her eye and a slight frown crosses her lips before she reaches up to adjust her eyepatch, “No I don’t care much for the cold at all.”
🍞: How do you view your current life? Do you find it to be a fortunate or unfortunate situation? Is it plain, or does it have flavor?
“My current life?” Her brow furrows, “It is what it is. Fortune has nothing to do with it. Sure some of the mercenary work I am used to has been harder to come by but I’ve found two places of steady employment to counter it. Rather than bemoaning the obvious I just changed as I needed to.” She chuckles, “As to flavor, I think right now it has a mixed ball of chaos taste to it. The Dungeoneers are quite the bunch to fall in with, I’ll tell you that.”
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
🍍: Which do you find more appealing, beaches or mountains? What are your reasons behind your opinion?
Accendie doesn’t hesitate with her answer, “Mountains. There’s a sense of accomplishment when you scale a mountain. It’s a challenge both physically and mentally. Not to mention there is a sense of peace you get on the mountains. Beaches tend to have too many people for my taste. 
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Dear former best friend,
Dear Rüdiger,
It has been too many years since I last saw you. Every day I practice my thrusts and blocks just like you taught me when I was a child. Your words of advice, once waved off as an old man’s useless ramblings, have proven true time and again. Saved my life more than once too. Thank you. Thank you for helping me become the woman I am today. Thank you for taking the time to beat some sense into me all those years ago. 
I wish.. I wish I could tell that to your face. Take you down to one of the many new taverns that have opened up in the Goblet and sit down and tell you about all the contracts I’ve successfully completed. Of swapping road stories, of hearing your tales of my parents when they were younger. 
I miss you old man.
Rest well in the halls of Thal.
Feel free to Ask me more!
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Dear (Someone you want dead)
Dear *name scribbled so hard it’s illegible*,
You broke your word, you broke our sacred trust. You tarnished all we built, all we wanted to build in the future. You threw everything away for a few gil.
Void take you
Twelve forsake you
~No longer your Cendie
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
Ixal: Is your character unable to do something now that they used to enjoy/love?
Ooo good one.
There’s some easy ones, but Accendie used to love to sing those ‘traveling songs’ while on the road, around the campfire and whatnot. Now she doesn’t for many reasons.
Feel free to Ask me more!
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accendieredsteele · 7 years ago
S.1. are they street-smart?
Very good question. Accendie was born and raised on the open road to Mercenary parents so the ‘streets’ she knows the best are the ones outside the cities. She’s not ignorant of urban street skills, but she was from a different world in some ways, yet in others they were the same. How to spot the troublemakers and bullies, how to handle them, take care of herself, those sorts of things. But she never resorted to theft or dishonest means of surviving. She was lucky that the life she led afforded her the opportunity to work for her survival. It’s hard for her to wrap around her mindset that there are those who simply can’t find work and have to resort to such dishonest measures. Notice I didn’t say -illegal-.. but dishonest.
Feel free to ask me more!
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