acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Han Jinwoo. We hope Year 9 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
Han Jinwoo grew up a rather high class Pureblood family, but not one that spewed hate and a loathing for Muggles and Muggleborns. Instead, his parents were kind people with good hearts, quick to help no matter who you were and were always preaching the importance of unity. They would be the last people to support the Dark Arts. His mother was a Healer and his father worked as a Beast Manager for the Ministry.
The younger part of his childhood was nothing really special, he was homeschooled by his mother, and Jinwoo poured himself into his work if only to make her proud. He was a smart kid, and while he sometimes wished to go to a public school to mix with other kids his age, he was happy enough at home. He loved his parents more than anything else, so he was quick to pick up that something was wrong when he was ten years old.
His father started acting strange. One day he just never returned from work and his mother lied about it, refusing to tell him what was happening. And when his father did eventually come home again, he was a different man, scarred and quick to anger. He was no longer than man that Jinwoo knew, though his parents never explained what the situation was and why his father was acting like this. So, the smart boy he was, Jinwoo started researching himself, trying to find out the truth behind his father. Though nothing could have prepared him for what he discovered when going through his father’s magical texts.
A werewolf. His father had been attacked by a werewolf and was no one of the beings himself. It all made sense. The disappearances around the full moon, the mood swings, the scars he so desperately tried to hide whenever Jinwoo was around. But Jinwoo never confronted his father about what he had found, maybe if he had things would have turned out differently for him. Instead, he wanted to see for himself, see if his research was right. The next night of the full moon, Jinwoo sneaked out from his bedroom and followed his father as he left the house and heading deep into the forest behind their large estate.
That night, he saw his father transform from man into wolf.
But Jinwoo had made a fatal miscalculation. He forgot that werewolves have heightened senses, he forgot to be quiet enough when he was trying to back away to the safety of his home. The next thing Jinwoo knew, he was being chased through the forest by his transformed father. But a ten year old child cannot outrun a werewolf, it was not took long before his father was on top of him, mind too gone to recognize he was attacking his only child. If it wasn’t for Jinwoo’s screaming and the fact his mother had noticed he was missing from his bed when she went to check on him, he would have probably died that night.
His mother saved him at the last moment, wand brandished and shooting spells at her husband, just enough to stun him so she could grab Jinwoo by the arm and apparate them to safety. But Jinwoo was hurt, chest and belly cut by large claws, scratches down his face, but he was still breathing, his mother using all her knowledge to stop the bleeding and save his life. And when she was finished, Jinwoo was weak, but alive. Though he had been attacked by a werewolf and she knew what that meant. Jinwoo did as well.
When his father returned the next morning, no memory of what had happened, but found Jinwoo had been attacked, his father couldn’t live with it. He packed a bag and left home that morning, saying nothing more than he was a danger to everyone around him and he couldn’t bare to see the son he had almost killed. After that day, Jinwoo never saw his father again, his mother becoming his sole carer. And Jinwoo completely blames himself about what happened and has never gotten over the regret.
When it came to the next full moon, his mother pulled Jinwoo from his bed and locked him in the basement despite his wailing that he didn’t want to turn into a monster. That whole night he spent locked in the dark, hugging his knees to his chest and waiting for the worst to happen. But the night came and went and nothing had happened, he never transformed. It turned out his father had never gotten the chance to bite him before his mother arrived. He wasn’t a werewolf and had been saved from that curse. But his wounds were still cursed, they never healed properly and Jinwoo himself devolved a love for raw meat and was a lot grumpier and tended to snap around the full moon, but that was the worst of it. He never transformed.
Though the whole event affected him. While he used to be a happy and smiling child, he got a lot moodier, more reserved and wanted to be left alone most of the time, stuffing his nose into a book and not looking up. When his Hogwarts letter finally arrived on his eleventh birthday, his mother had her reservations about sending him off. She wanted to keep an eye on him, keep his safe, but she knew he couldn’t keep him locked up forever, so she agreed to let him go.
To no ones real surprise, Jinwoo was sorted into Ravenclaw and was rather quick to pick up the typical Ravenclaw traits. Most of his time was spent in the library with his nose shoved into a book and his grades in the classroom were always quite stellar. And while he never really had many friends, Jinwoo was perfectly alright with that. He never told anyone about his condition, lying about his scars and refraining from mentioning how he got them. His parents were also a touchy subject and he only mentioned his mother in small detail, his father was never even brought up.
When he found Quidditch in his fourth year it did help to break him out of his shell a little, it was a team sport after all and if he wanted to do well he needed to participate. And while he found himself speaking up more in public, he never really changed that much. Even now at seventeen he is the bookish Ravenclaw who is most likely found in some quite corner in the castle with a book in his hands. But that is a role he’s quite happily adopted and has no plans to change that about himself.
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Choi Minjoon We hope Year 13 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
Choi Minjoon came from an affluent pureblood family. The Chois were one of the richest and most affluent pureblooded families in South Korea, yet somehow managed to live a relatively peaceful life during the Wizarding War, owing to the fact that they had stayed off the grid during that time. After all, the Chois were not known to be Death Eater sympathisers; they were merely lucky in the gene pool. But besides being affluent, they were also known to be one of the most intelligent families and it manifested in Minjoon.
But that wasn’t the only manifestation in the young man.
In his fifth year, he had started seeing things that he was sure hasn’t happened yet. The young Choi predicted events that would happen and he was afraid. He was afraid of the power he may have actually wielded. For Minjoon, he didn’t want the additional responsibility of quite literally holding the future in his hands. And yet he couldn’t keep it a secret any longer from his parents.
It was then that he found out a rare genetic makeup from his own family: Choi Minjoon was a Seer.
No one in their immediate family had been a Seer. He was told that the last Seer their family had was his great-great grandmother. In a time when she had been used by whoever was in power for their personal gain, she had not wished upon the gift of being a Seer on her family. Yet somehow, somewhere along the way, it made its way to the young Choi heir. Already pressuring himself to maintain that intelligence that the Chois were known for, Minjoon now had to figure out how to balance that out and figure out a way to make sure that his Seer abilities were kept a secret and prevent himself from being used by someone who held too much power.
Choi Minjoon needed to make sure that it stops with him.
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Kim Xavier We hope Year 10 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
tw: parental death
glancing down at his journal, he wonders for the nth time if what he was doing was in any way appropriate. it was one thing for an individual to keep a journal, it was something else entirely to be addressing each entry to ‘dear matthew…’, identifiably his father. his deceased father. for as long as he can remember, he has been writing to his father ever since he had passed. truly it wasn’t until he came across one of his earlier journals did it illustrate just how long ago it was.
reading through it, xavier couldn’t help but feel a little bit melancholy.
he rants about how unfair it was that he wasn’t allowed to read a book during supper or afternoon tea. further, he vents on the topic of why people have allotted time for afternoon tea and why they couldn’t simply drink it whenever they please. these were a few things that made the dreary country of england exceptional different sunny santorini.
begrudgingly, father, - xavier scowls at his dramatic, little nine years old self as the date indicates so - the new addition to our family are… different too. in an odd way. a good one. - at this he chuckles - see, i have an older brother now. quite fascinating really, most would get a younger sibling but i guess that’s one of the factors that make the new additions odd. his very friendly, kind and welcoming but also wants to play all the time. absolutely obsessed with quidditch, which is great because… he can teach me how to ride a broom. - he paused for a moment, a silent second on the reminder that his biological father had not been around to teach him such an important part of any wizarding child.
as he continues to read on, there were a bit more details about the kind of games theo has roped him in when they had first united together. a few more lines about how horrible the weather was like and how bland the food tasted, then finally something reflecting on his thoughts regarding his new father - he isn’t as tall as you, nor does he look anything like you, father. he has a deep voice and smiles a lot, much like theo really. there are plenty of stories about evil step-parents, like the one with that muggle ‘cinder girl’ that you used to read to me before bed. although, I don’t think he is one, especially not when he sneaks me some delicious chocolate cakes when momma refuses to allow me one more slice. perhaps things would change over time, however, I hope for the best. I don’t think momma can handle another lost… I know i can’t.
he shuts the journal abruptly, cursing his untamed emotions that’s currently bubbling up the surface. xavier takes a few deep breathes trying to reign in his wayward feelings, before running a hand through his hair, he then deeps his quill into the onyx liquid and continued to write a new entry in his current journal;  'dearest matthew,…’
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Kravitz Micah. We hope Year 12 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
Micah had no idea who his biological parents are and honestly did not care to find out. He was adopted during infancy by a childless couple who treated him like their very own son. Of course, as he grew up people would look at him and his parents and do a double take. At first he didn’t know why, but soon he realised that they looked different. Their eye shape, their skin colour, the colour of their hair…
“Mama, why don’t I look like you or Papa?” “Oh, my dear… come sit by Mama and she will tell you a story.”
After he found out that he was adopted he didn’t think much of it. It was always other people who made a big deal of it which honestly irritated him immensely. So what if they shared no blood? They were still his parents and loved him very much—which was more than he could say for some kids in his school.
Throughout his elementary school career he’d get into numerous scraps with the other kids who would pick on him for being different. The names they called him were hurtful and nothing seemed to be done. Yet strange things always seemed to happen to those who hurt him: school bags suddenly ripping at the seams, water bottles leaking all over their things, and them tripping over nothing. Again and again Micah just kept getting landed in trouble but his mother took it all in her stride. She taught him take the experiences and mould them into his armour, to use them as fuel to rise above and beyond, to show them that they were all wrong.
Getting his Hogwarts letter was the best thing to ever happen to him. Surprised at first—who wouldn’t be—his parents were a bit apprehensive about sending him to something that just seemed so… fantastical, but they eventually came around and supported him in getting ready, even going to Diagon Alley as a family. There they gifted him a majestic barn owl Micah named Cyrus who would be his constant companion throughout his years.
At Hogwarts most of his time is spent studying and proving—to himself and others—that he deserved his place at the school. Micah had a thirst for knowledge and a drive for success, leaving little time for any interaction with people who didn’t share one or both of his interests. Ravenclaw quickly became his home, the environment of like minded people stimulating his mind. But there were times when his accomplishments were reduced to ‘oh, but you’re good for a Muggleborn’, making him seethe with rage.
His accomplishments had nothing to do with the blood in his veins. He earned them through hard work and sweat, just like everyone else.
One day they would see truly how great he could be.
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Homhuan Alderic. We hope Year 12 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well.
alderic’s first memory of magic was when one of his older cousins, theo, made his birthday cake explode since it was larger than his own. it was his seventh birthday and theo was yet to attend hogwarts and learn how to control his magic. it was brushed off as a mere tantrum, his aunt diane promising him that once theo attends hogwarts there will be none of this. aaren simply nodded, licking icing off of his finger. there wasn’t much else he could do about it.
alderic and his mother moved in at his aunt’s mansion ever since his father left him and his mother. he did not say why. something with the ministry, his mother suspected. alderic was far too young to know why adults leave without saying goodbye. his father’s sister, his aunt delia, wed a pureblood auror named maximoff griffin who was known for his wealth rather than his skill. and through their marriage theo was born who became the first male grandchild of both families. because of this, he was doted upon and spoiled filthy. as his magic came to surface, there was also hope that he would later become a talented wizard like their grandfather.
the young alderic was paid attention to because of his beauty. he resembled his aunt delia more so than his own mother who, at that time, worked countless hours in her studio producing art. she once was blessed with the skill of divination but after his father’s appearance, she turned to her art as a coping mechanism. some were sold off at art galleries, family acquaintances making it easy for her to form connections and break out in the art world.
he did not have it in his heart to demand love and attention from his mother and so he sought for it someplace else.
“you do it like this,” his aunt delia had whispered one day. they hid themselves at the basement and there he was taught magic.
of course, he could not perform them well but she showed him what to do. around this time, theo had started to attend hogwarts. he learned magic from his professors and when he would visit home for the holidays or school break, he would spend it with his father or his grandparents. alderic witnessed how his aunt delia was cast aside and perhaps the loneliness he saw in her eyes reflected his own. that was how they grew close.
“why do you let them treat you that way, auntie?” alderic had asked. he was lying down on her lap, her fingers running through his silky dark locks.
she could only laugh, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “magic is power, my dear. they can cast me aside and take my son from me but they know i am the most powerful witch in the family. and that is why they keep me around.”
“but why?”
“darkness is always present, my child,” she whispers, kissing the top of his head.
alderic’s greed for knowledge only grew once theo started bragging of his achievements and all the new spells he mastered. he was sorted in slytherin, a house revered by their family. alderic yearned to be sorted in the house not because he agreed with its ideals and shared some of their characteristics but only to best his cousin. so he trained, memorized, read every book he could find in the family library and begged his aunt to teach him. once he stepped on the same school grounds as him, they would be equals.
sitting with the sorting hat on him, he grinned. today was the day. in front of these students, he could only look at the eyes of theo. today was the day that he would find a place he belonged.
“hm… a lot of ambition here. but ah… more than that a thirst for knowledge. creative as well…”
slytherin. please.
“slytherin? oh no child, you best be in…ravenclaw!”
utter disappointment. he could barely eat his dinner that day.
alderic became the subject of ridicule by his cousin and his slytherin friends. news of him “leeching off” of theo’s family ran rampant around the school and soon, he was isolated. reputation meant everything for a pureblood, he remembered aunt delia telling him. it was why she couldn’t leave her family’s side despite how she was being treated. and it was the same reason alderic couldn’t leave his own.
soon, however, children had grown tired. his thirst for knowledge became even greater and despite his occasional clumsiness, he did his best. theo concerned himself more with his friends and less with his studies around the time they reached their teens. love, too, was a common topic in the hallways or their rooms. for some reason, alderic couldn’t really find himself interested in anything of the sort. after all, he didn’t really know what love was when the only love he received was from his aunt.
that was until he started talking to an equally lonely boy who spent as much time in the library as alderic did. he didn’t look like much and he stumbled on his words. their gazes barely met but he spoke with such a softness that alderic was tempted to lean closer and listen. but that was as far as his love could bring him to go. he spent his time listening to him, reading books beside him and stealing glances as the other laughed. after all, a love like this wasn’t the same kind of love he was taught. he couldn’t have too many weaknesses for fear that his cousin will use it against him.
to this day, alderic carries with him this love. even after the boy grew into a man and eventually left.
“you’re in love, son,” his mother whispered. he was brushing his hair for christmas dinner, braiding her silky hair. perhaps this was the only thing that he inherited from her.
his grip on a lock of her hair tightened, but he schooled his features into blankness. “i’m almost done with your hair, mother. would you like pearls or these ruby butterflies?”
“your father left because he was in love with another. a muggle, just like your sweet bookworm boy. they couldn’t be together. your grandfather wouldn’t have allowed it,” she says, pointing at a stack of pearls inside a small black velvet box.
alderic picked up the box, placing each pearl strategically on her hair. “…are you saying we can’t be together?”
she shook her head, reaching for his hand to hold. her gaze, usually out of focus as if she’s seeing something he couldn’t see, met his directly. “i’m saying that you shouldn’t make the same mistake as your father did.”
“it’s too late, mother,” alderic said, hands slightly shaking. “i don’t know where or how–”
“magic is power, love,” she whispered.
he studied and perfected every spell he could. trial and error, hours of lost sleep, and countless of unsent letters to his beloved. soon, he would be acknowledged as one of star students of his house. his reason had changed. not only did he want to best his cousin but everyone so that if they dared tell him who and who not to love, they would know he was not to be messed with.
then the war happened. and with it, came many deaths.
some of his classmates. family. friends. people who he passed by in the halls of hogwarts. his beloved bookworm. even his aunt delia wasn’t left unscathed. the castle was in ruins but in the end, good overcame evil. everything should be normal now that voldemort had been defeated. but fear still blooms in every witch and wizard’s heart. alderic’s included.
and so another year begins with the aftermath still heavy in the air.
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Park Heon. We hope Year 12 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
“But dad…”, his voice is hoarse, eyes teary, he’s feeling a kind of scared he has never felt before. Dad tells him to run, but… but how can he do that? How can he leave his dad to be eaten by these creatures? “The acromantula is highly intelligent, I am not expecting to survive through so many, however… at least you… can’t you do that thing uncle taught you?” his father says, clearly you can hear the nervousness in his voice, and Heon understands why he’s so nervous, there are five giant spiders coming their way, or as dad calls them; acromantulas. Heon would like to help, however he knows he can’t, he doesn’t know how to use magic, not yet, uncle has only taught him very little, and he hasn’t entered Hogwarts yet… “Imagine uncle Kyung’s house, please Heon, get away, I know it is difficult, but you’ve done it before” dad continues. Heon closes his eyes tightly, he imagines the place, every single detail and then the darkness covers over him.
“Blood… We have joined Hogwarts. And I already want to do something stupid”, he drives a hand over Blood’s fur, turns his head to look at the forest. Dad would most likely never have wanted Heon to enter that place, but Heon is curious, and he likes to do what he gets told not to do, rules are made to be broken, aren’t they? Heon doesn’t fully know why he’s here at Hogwarts, ‘to learn magic’ why can’t his uncle just do that? Heon stands up, slightly pushes Blood with his foot “you should go inside Blood, I’ll be going into the dark forest by myself”. Blood does as he tells him to and then Heon starts walking, the night is dark, he snuck out on his first day, quite impressive he would say himself.
He sees something in between the bushes, a shadow, a figure of something “t-that’s a thestral!” he mumbles. He straightens his back, looks the animal directly in the eyes, slowly he walks over to the creature, and when he is close enough he touches it. “Only people who have witnessed death can see you…”
He turns his head, a loud noise, another figure stands right behind him, the thestral is long gone, it left at the loud noice. “Heon…” the voice says.
Oh no, he got caught…
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acciokrp-blog · 5 years
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We are pleased to see you coming back to Hogwarts, Mr. Park Claude. We hope Year 12 is a pleasant one and Ravenclaw treats you well. 
there were two types of people in claude’s family: the ones that were curious about what’s outside their wizarding world, and the ones that mind their own business. claude and his family were kind of in the middle; his father liked checking in on muggle news from time to time. his mother was too busy in general, as she was a full-time auror. since claude is an only child, his family didn’t really think about the what-ifs until he received a letter one afternoon— a charming invitation to become a student of hogwarts. 
as he grew up, claude would have a handful of moments where he’d be the talk of the town— or rather the castle, the tower, the grand hall, etc. some pieces of made-up information he would find pretty amusing, while others seemed to be a reach. luckily the odds were in his favor, for this didn’t keep claude from making friends. in fact he’s made plenty. maybe it was because he’s so laid back and open to new things– or maybe it’s because some people were curious enough to befriend him so they could find anything about him to confirm for themselves.
either way, he didn’t mind; it never really affected his grades (that, along with how consistently well he was at art were the only reasons why his parents stopped wondering why he got sorted into ravenclaw within five seconds). every other ravenclaw student wonders how he does it when he’s barely in the library and seems to like sleeping more than have a good banter about the best riddle in the last month.
 claude figured that he’ll always bring in the occasional element of surprise, especially since he started his twelfth year in hogwarts with blond hair and managed to get a chaser spot on ravenclaw’s quidditch team. if anyone asks, he just really wanted to fly. 
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