myfairluna-blog · 9 years
fashion to a-dress (Alice & Luna)
There were few things in life that Luna enjoyed more than showing off an array of beautiful clothes. The last time she’d gone through the choices of dresses that Alice had on hand, well - it was clear she did need some more dresses, right? Who didn’t. She’d offered to bring some in the next morning she came by, especially since Alice had been so busy lately. Maybe just enough to convince her to stop by the shop later for more, right?
It was hard to not be a little excited to bring in the work of her own sister’s hands, anyways - a chance to show off! A chance to beam proudly at any response to the loving stitches her sister would put into every dress, to preen herself for any praise of a design she had any part in. A chance to bring in more business was always good, and especially someone she respected as much as Alice herself.
A small pile of dresses lay over her arm as Luna was let into the mansion by a maid, head held high as well as said dresses to make up for her short stature as she tapped her heels into the house. After being pointed in the direction of where their boss was, she knocked at the closed door and shifted the weight of said dresses to her other arm to do so. She waited a moment, trying desperately to not lose her balance in the meantime as she called in:
“Hello, Miss Alice? It’s Luna!♪ I brought in some dresses for you to peruse - mind if I come in?♪”
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hibizcuitz · 9 years
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Fated Camellias | Toy & Alice
»— Even if he bought himself a fresh set of clothes, Toy barely looked different at all. He wore a simply light blue collared shirt, kept it open to reveal a plain white shirt underneath, and paired off with khaki shorts and a pair of white shoes. His signature backwards cap was with him too, of course! He looked rather simple, but clean. A big difference compared to the normally hard at work farm boy. He made sure he kept himself dirt-free when he met his blind date. After that, however, was uncertain. 
        With him, he brought along his rucksack full of sweets he bought from a bunch of different places. Just in case he ran into some of his friends too, he planned on giving them their thanksgiving gifts. As far as he knows, a bunch of his old friends signed up for the blinds. It was a shame he couldn’t really bring along the gag-bike since he came to the Plaza on a horse... but oh well!
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        He left his horse just outside the venue to avoid trouble and after a few carrots were given, he was all set to go. Upon entering the Plaza, he was given a light pink camellia. He hoped not much people were given pink flowers too since it’d be a bit hard to find, but he had a nice set of eyes that wouldn’t miss it once it passes his way! Just in case though, he tucked the pink flower’s steam behind his right ear, making it a very obvious target to spot. 
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