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Transgender Awareness Week: spreading gender awareness in the Arduino community
Transgender Awareness Week, which culminates today with the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), aims at raising the visibility of the transgender and gender non-conforming people, and address the issues their community faces.
At Arduino, we believe that technology should improve the lives of everybody, regardless of their gender, sexuality, race, age, ability, nationality, and body. Being inclusive is at the core of our mission: making technology easy to use, we want to empower everybody to be free to innovate.
We have decided to join the Transgender Awareness Week and the TDOR because we feel a duty to our community, and to all its members, including the GNC and trans community. Our goal today is not only to celebrate all the diversities of our community — in particular the trans and GCN community — but also to start a conversation with our users about inclusivity in general. Finally, our celebration wants to empower our community members to spread awareness by being everyday their authentic self.
At Arduino, we believe role models are important to inspire people, to show the way, to reveal what’s possible so we’re going to talk more and more about the people who helped build the technologies who make what we do possible.
Today, we celebrate two transwomen that, even indirectly, have contributed to the Arduino Project. Sophie Wilson and Lynn Conway not only represent a fundamental inspiration for us, but are also a beacon of hope for the next generation of trans and GNC scientists in our community.
Sophie Wilson studied computer science at the University of Cambridge; in 1978, she designed the Acorn Micro-Computer, System 1, an early 8-bit microcomputer for hobbyists and, later, co-designed with Steve Furber the prototype of what became the BBC Microcomputer. In 1983, Wilson started to design the instructions set for the “Acorn RISC Machine” processor that became popular as Arm. The Arm became one of the most successful microprocessor architecture in history and is now used in billions of different products, from mobile phones to laptops, from digital TV to video games and our beloved Arduino boards. (All of our latest boards are based on Arm.) Wilson was listed in 2011 in Maximum PC as number 8 in an article titled “The 15 Most Important Women in Tech History.”
Lynn Conway studied at the M.I.T. and Columbia University and was then recruited by IBM Research to co-design the architecture of the Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) project. With the invention of the multiple out-of-order dynamic instruction scheduling, used by most computers to improve their performance, she made foundational contributions to computer architecture. In 1969 she underwent gender transition and was fired. This didn’t stop here and the work she did with Carver Mead led to the so-called “Mead & Conway revolution.” Their book “Introduction to VLSI Systems” was the first VLSI chip design textbook usable by non-physicists and resulted in a worldwide restructuring of academic materials in computer science and electrical engineering education, and was paramount for the development of industries based on the application of microelectronics. She was also recognized by Time Magazine in 2014 as one of the most influential LGBTQ figures in American Culture. Lynn is a gender activist and has always worked to protect and expand the rights of transgender people.
As Arduino users, we have to thank Lynn for “democratizing” the design of complex silicon chips, which paved the way for people like Sophie who we must thank for designing the Arm processor architecture that is central to all of the work we do now. Without them, we wouldn’t be where we are today in technology!
So, Lynn and Sophie, thank you from the bottom of our open source hearts here at Arduino.
The celebration of the Transgender Awareness Week and the TDOR is only the beginning of an important journey that will mark Arduino’s commitment to inclusivity. Stay tuned for more!
(NOTE: The biographies are edited from Wikipedia articles used under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.)
Transgender Awareness Week: spreading gender awareness in the Arduino community was originally published on PlanetArduino
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Fiat Currencies supported (AUD) Australian Dollar, (BGN) Bulgarian Lev, (BRL) Brazilian Real, (CAD) Canadian Dollar, (CHF) Swiss Franc, (CNY) Chinese Yuan, (CZK) Czech Koruna, (DKK) Danish Krone, (GBP) Pound Sterling, (HKD) Hong Kong Dollar, (HRK) Croatian Kuna, (HUF) Hungarian Forint, (IDR) Indonesian Rupiah, (ILS) New Israeli Shekel, (INR) Indian Rupee, (JPY) Japanese Yen, (KRW) Korean Won, (MXN) Mexican Peso, (MYR) Malaysian Ringgit, (NOK) Norwegian Krone, (NZD) New Zealand Dollar, (PHP) Philippine Peso, (PLN) Polish Zloty, (RON) Romanian Leu, (RUB) Russian Ruble, (SEK) Swedish Krona, (SGD) Singapore Dollar, (THB) Thai Baht, (TRY) Turkish Lira, (ZAR) South African Rand, (EUR) Euro, (USD) US Dollar Cryptocurrencies supported (BTC) Bitcoin, (ETH) Ethereum, (XRP) Ripple, (LTC) Litecoin, (DASH) Dash, (ETC) Ethereum Classic, (XEM) NEM, (XMR) Monero, (REP) Augur, (MAID) MaidSafeCoin, (GNT) Golem, (ZEC) Zcash, (DCR) Decred, (PIVX) PIVX, (USDT) Tether, (FCT) Factom, (GAME) GameCredits, 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(RADS) Radium, (BLOCK) Blocknet, (LBC) LBRY Credits, (B@) Bankcoin, (ZCL) ZClassic, (GRC) GridCoin, (MUE) MonetaryUnit, (BELA) BelaCoin, (XBC) Bitcoin Plus, (VIA) Viacoin, (SLR) SolarCoin, (BURST) Burst, (VASH) VPNCoin, (OMNI) Omni, (SIB) SIBCoin, (XPM) Primecoin, (CLAM) Clams, (GCR) Global Currency Reserve, (GOLOS) Golos, (ARC) ArcticCoin, (VTC) Vertcoin, (NAUT) NautilusCoin, (SDC) ShadowCash, (UNITY) SuperNET, (HEAT) HEAT, (PEPECASH) Pepe Cash, (NEOS) NeosCoin, (AEON) Aeon, (LMC) LoMoCoin, (DAR) Darcrus, (VRS) Veros, (PASC) Pascal Coin, (GLD) GoldCoin, (ENRG) Energycoin, (FAIR) FairCoin, (MOON) Mooncoin, (FTC) Feathercoin, (VRC) VeriCoin, (JINN) Jinn, (SLS) SaluS, (SPR) SpreadCoin, (CLOAK) CloakCoin, (ZENI) Zennies, (BSD) BitSend, (RDD) ReddCoin, (FLO) FlorinCoin, (SHIFT) Shift, (EMC2) Einsteinium, (CCRB) CryptoCarbon, (PINK) PinkCoin, (FRST) FirstCoin, (GAM) Gambit, (EAC) EarthCoin, (XAS) Asch, (UNO) Unobtanium, (OK) OKCash, (GRS) Groestlcoin, (AUR) Auroracoin, (BTM) Bitmark, (XVC) Vcash, (BTA) Bata, (SBD) Steem Dollars, (YOC) Yocoin, (FLDC) FoldingCoin, (NOTE) DNotes, (SAFEX) Safe Exchange Coin, (XBB) Boolberry, (DMD) Diamond, (CURE) CureCoin, (CNT) Centurion, (TX) TransferCoin, (MEC) Megacoin, (BLOCKPAY) BlockPay, (CHC) ChainCoin, (XDN) DigitalNote, (ATMS) Atmos, (XVG) Verge, (WBB) Wild Beast Block, (BOST) BoostCoin, (VISIO) Visio, (RIC) Riecoin, (OBITS) OBITS, (WDC) WorldCoin, (XSPEC) Spectrecoin, (SPHR) Sphere, (HKG) Hacker Gold, (PDC) Project Decorum, (VTR) vTorrent, (EMV) Ethereum Movie Venture, (TRIG) Triggers, (MER) Mercury, (INSANE) InsaneCoin, (QRK) Quark, (ADCN) Asiadigicoin, (JNS) Janus, (SEQ) Sequence, (TIPS) FedoraCoin, (BPC) Bitpark Coin, (ADC) AudioCoin, (ZCC) ZcCoin, (VLT) Veltor, (MUSIC) Musicoin, (BITB) BitBean, (XHI) HiCoin, (RISE) Rise, (BRX) Breakout Stake, (HUC) HunterCoin, (XRB) RaiBlocks, (DYN) Dynamic, (ZEIT) Zeitcoin, (EXCL) ExclusiveCoin, (J) Joincoin, (IFC) Infinitecoin, (DGC) Digitalcoin, (BITCNY) bitCNY, (ADZ) Adzcoin, (XCN) Cryptonite, (FCN) Fantomcoin, (PUT) PutinCoin, (MILO) MiloCoin, (BRK) Breakout, (BASH) LuckChain, (ERC) EuropeCoin, (QWARK) Qwark, (ICASH) iCash, (QORA) Qora, (TRUMP) TrumpCoin, (XMY) Myriad, (EFL) e-Gulden, (IXC) Ixcoin, (FC2) FuelCoin, (XBY) XtraBYtes, (ZET) Zetacoin, (EL) Elcoin, (TKS) Tokes, (COVAL) Circuits of Value, (HPC) Happycoin, (XTO) Tao, (CADASTRAL) Bitland, (BLITZ) Blitzcash, (RNS) Renos, (TAG) TagCoin, (MSCN) Master Swiscoin, (ATOM) Atomic Coin, (GEO) GeoCoin, (SWIFT) Bitswift, (TIT) Titcoin, (SRC) SecureCoin, (PSB) Pesobit, (CANN) CannabisCoin, (VOX) Voxels, (2GIVE) 2GIVE, (INPAY) Inpay, (ESP) Espers, (SNRG) Synergy, (ABY) ArtByte, (TES) TeslaCoin, (START) Startcoin, (XMG) Magi, (QTL) Quatloo, (VRM) VeriumReserve, (CSC) CasinoCoin, (EGC) EvergreenCoin, (MEME) Pepe, (TOR) Torcoin, (JWL) Jewels, (XST) Stealthcoin, (SYNX) Syndicate, (TRC) Terracoin, (KOBO) Kobocoin, (XWC) WhiteCoin, (MOIN) Moin, (MZC) MazaCoin, (XVP) Virtacoinplus, (XTC) TileCoin, (MED) MediterraneanCoin, (ORB) Orbitcoin, (THC) HempCoin, (TRUST) TrustPlus, (DOPE) DopeCoin, (YASH) YashCoin, (POST) PostCoin, (CPC) Capricoin, (NSR) NuShares, (KORE) KoreCoin, (I0C) I0Coin, (RBT) Rimbit, (CARBON) Carboncoin, (MOJO) MojoCoin, (PRC) PRCoin, (BLRY) BillaryCoin, (PKB) ParkByte, (8BIT) 8Bit, (SMC) SmartCoin, (RBIES) Rubies, (NOBL) NobleCoin, (DEM) Deutsche eMark, (XCT) C-Bit, (UIS) Unitus, (GCC) TheGCCcoin, (BTB) BitBar, (LANA) LanaCoin, (FRC) Freicoin, (CJ) Cryptojacks, (LTB) LiteBar, (ZDASH) Zdash, (TRK) Truckcoin, (BUCKS) SwagBucks, (USNBT) NuBits, (BYC) Bytecent, (PIP) PipCoin, (ZOI) Zoin, (CCN) Cannacoin, (VIDZ) PureVidz, (KURT) Kurrent, (ZER) Zero, (MTM) MTMGaming, (DRACO) DT Token, (DOT) Dotcoin, (SXC) Sexcoin, (KRB) Karbowanec, (INFX) Influxcoin, (BITS) Bitstar, (BITUSD) bitUSD, (CNO) Coin(O), (GB) GoldBlocks, (SLG) Sterlingcoin, (BRIT) BritCoin, (TRI) Triangles, (UNB) UnbreakableCoin, (ATX) Artex Coin, (SWING) Swing, (HONEY) Honey, (ALL) Allion, (PASL) Pascal Lite, (MAC) Machinecoin, (GP) GoldPieces, (ERY) Eryllium, (HZ) Horizon, (GAIA) GAIA, (HXX) Hexx, (WEX) Wexcoin, (CBX) Crypto Bullion, (BITBTC) bitBTC, (CREVA) CrevaCoin, (FRN) Francs, (IMS) Independent Money System, (BITEUR) bitEUR, (IMX) Impact, (BLC) Blakecoin, (XRA) Ratecoin, (42) 42-coin, (C2) Coin2.1, (BTCR) Bitcurrency, (BERN) BERNcash, (ENT) Eternity, (MI) Xiaomicoin, (EMD) Emerald Crypto, (ICOB) ICOBID, (XCI) Cannabis Industry Coin, (HBN) HoboNickels, (GAP) Gapcoin, (PHS) Philosopher Stones, (QBK) Qibuck, (CHESS) ChessCoin, (BSTY) GlobalBoost-Y, (UNI) Universe, (NEVA) NevaCoin, (ARCO) AquariusCoin, (BIC) Bikercoin, (XLR) Solaris, (EVO) Evotion, (BVC) BeaverCoin, (LUNA) Luna Coin, (SFC) Solarflarecoin, (ELS) Elysium, (ACOIN) Acoin, (CON) PayCon, (XBTS) Beatcoin, (420G) GanjaCoin, (MAR) Marijuanacoin, (XNG) Enigma, (DGCS) Digital Credits, (ASAFE) AllSafe, (WGC) World Gold Coin, (CALC) CaliphCoin, (SOAR) Soarcoin, (ARC) Arcade Token, (WCT) Waves Community Token, (DEX) InstantDEX, (MUSE) MUSE, (DBIC) DubaiCoin, (LOG) Woodcoin, (MINT) Mintcoin, (RC) RussiaCoin, (AC) AsiaCoin, (PANGEA) Pangea Poker, (ICOO) ICO OpenLedger, (CASINO) Casino, (USC) Ultimate Secure Cash, (UNIBURST) UniBURST, (SCOT) Scotcoin, (PND) Pandacoin, (PTC) Pesetacoin, (FUND) Cryptofund, (DSH) Dashcoin, (TIX) Tickets, (MNM) Mineum, (DRS) Digital Rupees, (CDN) Canada eCoin, (GEMZ) GetGems, (VLTC) Vault Coin, (LTBC) LTBcoin, (MAX) MaxCoin, (GLC) GlobalCoin, (CV2) Colossuscoin V2, (ECC) E-Currency Coin , (BLU) BlueCoin, (808) 808Coin, (TSTR) Tristar Coin, (REE) ReeCoin, (TALK) BTCtalkcoin, (FUNK) The Cypherfunks, (HTC) HitCoin, (BTSR) BTSR, (AMS) AmsterdamCoin, (SHORTY) Shorty, (BITZ) Bitz, (TSE) Tattoocoin (Standard Edition), (CAGE) CageCoin, (NET) NetCoin, (UNITS) GameUnits, (VC) VirtualCoin, (FLY) Flycoin, (RAREPEPEPRTY) Rare Pepe Party, (LOT) LottoCoin, (HODL) HOdlcoin, (TROLL) Trollcoin, (SMLY) SmileyCoin, (PIGGY) Piggycoin, (NKA) IncaKoin, (XPY) PayCoin, (NEU) NeuCoin, (LDOGE) LiteDoge, (TEK) TEKcoin, (1337) 1337, (MXT) MarteXcoin, (PAK) Pakcoin, (CAP) Bottlecaps, (FLT) FlutterCoin, (NLC2) NoLimitCoin, (RED) RedCoin, (FST) Fastcoin, (METAL) MetalCoin, (ELE) Elementrem, (DLC) Dollarcoin, (QCN) QuazarCoin, (XPD) PetroDollar, (DRAGON) BTCDragon, (KTN) KarmaToken, (BITSILVER) bitSilver, (SLING) Sling, (NTRN) Neutron, (NETKO) Netko, (CORG) CorgiCoin, (GRN) Granite, (WAY) WayGuide, (KUSH) KushCoin, (XRE) RevolverCoin, (ANC) Anoncoin, (KLC) KiloCoin, (ARG) Argentum, (UFO) UFO Coin, (AMBER) AmberCoin, (GCN) GCoin, (GREV2) Greencoin, (BIP) BipCoin, (SPEX) SproutsExtreme, (YAC) Yacoin, (TTC) TittieCoin, (JIN) Jin Coin, (XPTX) PlatinumBAR, (COXST) CoExistCoin, (SPRTS) Sprouts, (CCM100) CCMiner, (HYP) HyperStake, (DBTC) Debitcoin, (STS) Stress, (ZYD) Zayedcoin, (GUN) Guncoin, (NYAN) Nyancoin, (PXI) Prime-XI, (BIGUP) BigUp, (MAD) SatoshiMadness, (PX) PX, (FJC) FujiCoin, (EBT) Ebittree Coin, (LEX) Lex4All, (AU) AurumCoin, (UNIT) Universal Currency, (HTML5) HTMLCOIN, (XCO) X-Coin, (CWXT) CryptoWorldX Token, (FRK) Franko, (NEWB) Newbium, (MGM) Magnum, (XBTC21) Bitcoin 21, (DRM) Dreamcoin, (SPACE) SpaceCoin, (U) UCoin, (BTD) Bitcloud, (FLVR) FlavorCoin, (DP) DigitalPrice, (PR) Prototanium, (CRX) Chronos, (WMC) WMCoin, (GRT) Grantcoin, (LVPS) LevoPlus, (FDC) Future Digital Currency, (BITGOLD) bitGold, (HMP) HempCoin, (ANTI) AntiBitcoin, (UNIC) UniCoin, (PONZI) PonziCoin, (STV) Sativacoin, (CUBE) DigiCube, (XJO) Joulecoin, (CYP) Cypher, (BIOS) BiosCrypto, (GBT) GameBet Coin, (MST) MustangCoin, (888) OctoCoin, (ISL) IslaCoin, (ZUR) Zurcoin, (URO) Uro, (CESC) CryptoEscudo, (POP) PopularCoin, (611) SixEleven, (FIRE) Firecoin, (EVIL) Evil Coin, (TAJ) TajCoin, (SCRT) SecretCoin, (ARB) ARbit, (DES) Destiny, (ACP) AnarchistsPrime, (SONG) SongCoin, (B3) B3Coin, (BUMBA) BumbaCoin, (BOLI) Bolivarcoin, (AGLC) AgrolifeCoin, (SOON) SoonCoin, (WARP) WARP, (ARI) Aricoin, (GCC) GuccioneCoin, (BOB) Dobbscoin, (RPC) RonPaulCoin, (PLNC) PLNcoin, (ORLY) Orlycoin, (SPT) Spots, (XCRE) Creatio, (TGC) Tigercoin, (CTO) Crypto, (ZNY) Bitzeny, (VPRC) VapersCoin, (VIP) VIP Tokens, (GPU) GPU Coin, (RIDE) Ride My Car, (PIE) PIECoin, (EUC) Eurocoin, (PULSE) Pulse, (URC) Unrealcoin, (BUN) BunnyCoin, (ABN) Abncoin, (LIR) LetItRide, (CAB) Cabbage, (BTQ) BitQuark, (BLZ) BlazeCoin, (STEPS) Steps, (DLISK) DAPPSTER, (SCORE) Scorecoin, (LTCR) Litecred, (MND) MindCoin, (HMC) Hommalicoin, (DUO) ParallelCoin, (WORM) HealthyWormCoin, (OCEAN) BurstOcean, (AUM) Alexium, (OS76) OsmiumCoin, (FUZZ) FuzzBalls, (ICON) Iconic, (LEA) LeaCoin, (VEC2) Vector, (CMT) Comet, (FLAX) Flaxscript, (HVCO) High Voltage, (BIOB) BioBar, (JOBS) JobsCoin, (CONX) Concoin, (EGO) EGO, (BSTAR) Blackstar, (DPAY) DPAY, (G3N) G3N, (BXT) BitTokens, (IBANK) iBank, (JIO) JIO Token, (BSC) BowsCoin, ($$$) Money, (MTLMC3) Metal Music Coin, (CXT) Coinonat, (SH) Shilling, (PEX) PosEx, (HIRO) Hirocoin, (PRX) Printerium, (XRC) Rawcoin, (MEOW) Kittehcoin, (BENJI) BenjiRolls, (XOC) Xonecoin, (TAGR) TAGRcoin, (CF) Californium, (GUA) Guarany, (SDP) SydPak, (REV) Revenu, (IMPS) ImpulseCoin, (ZNE) Zonecoin, (PHO) Photon, (ALTC) Antilitecoin, (NYC) NewYorkCoin, (GEERT) GeertCoin, (IMPCH) Impeachcoin, (SANDG) Save and Gain, (CASH) Cashcoin, (SLFI) Selfiecoin, (NODC) NodeCoin, (1CR) 1CRedit, (P7C) P7Coin, (ARGUS) Argus, (HAM) HamRadioCoin, (DOLLAR) Dollar Online, (XEN) Xenixcoin, (PWR) Powercoin, (ZHS) Zcashshare, (MBIT) Mbitbooks, (BOAT) Doubloon, (TOKEN) SwapToken, (CRT) CRTCoin, (PIZZA) PizzaCoin, (CSH) Cashout, (MUG) MikeTheMug, (DIX) Dix Asset, (CHAO) 23 Skidoo, (SATOSHICARD) SATOSHICARD, (XOT) Internet of Things, (BTU) Bitcoin Unlimited (Futures), (AMIS) AMIS, (ACCI) NxttyACCI, (FRGC) Fargocoin, (ALT) Altcoin, (ECN) E-coin, (IOP) Internet of People, (DBIX) DubaiCoin, (XDE2) XDE II, (PLU) Pluton, (XFC) Forevercoin, (ZBC) Zilbercoin, (YOG) Yogold, (TESLA) TeslaCoilCoin, (PIO) Pioneershares, (BTG) Bitgem, (FAZZ) Fazzcoin, (TAAS) TaaS (Pre-Launch), (THS) TechShares, (DMC) DynamicCoin, (LEO) LEOcoin, (DIBC) DIBCOIN, (DTB) Databits, (DCT) Decent (Pre-Launch), (CLUB) ClubCoin, (EB3) EB3 Coin, (WGO) WavesGo, (GAY) GAYcoin, (DEUS) DeusCoin, (GUP) Guppy (Pre-Launch), (APC) AlpaCoin, (WINGS) Wings (Pre-Launch), (TROPTIONS) TROPTIONS, (GBG) Golos Gold, (PCS) Pabyosi Coin (Special), (WEC) Wowecoin, (WA) WA Space, (AXF) AxFunds, (DWC) DeepWebCash, (IVZ) InvisibleCoin, (WYV) Wyvern, (BUK) CryptoBuck, (OMC) Omicron, (UTA) UtaCoin, (DTF) Digitalfund, (ACN) Avoncoin, (EDRC) EDRCoin, (ZSE) ZSEcoin, (LDCN) LandCoin, (XID) International Diamond, (ELC) Elacoin, (GARY) President Johnson, (RHFC) RHFCoin, (TLE) Tattoocoin (Limited Edition), (MG) Mind Gene, (LEC) LeCoin, (GBC) GBCGoldCoin, (DASHS) Dashs, (DCRE) DeltaCredits, (HLB) Lepaoquan, (TP1) KolschCoin, (BIT) First Bitcoin, (OPAL) Opal, (HNC) Helleniccoin, (SHELL) ShellPay, (RBX) Ripto Bux, (KED) Darsek, (RYCN) RoyalCoin 2, (BTCS) Bitcoin Scrypt, (HAL) Halcyon, (SAK) Sharkcoin, (EGG) EggCoin, (BGC) BagCoin, (PSY) Psilocybin, (GMF) Grumfork, (PRES) President Trump, (TERA) TeraCoin, (NTCC) Neptune Classic, (UTC) UltraCoin, (XAU) Xaucoin, (BURN) President Sanders, (MAVRO) Mavro, (RICHX) RichCoin, (NBIT) netBit, (AV) AvatarCoin, (BLAZR) BlazerCoin, (AIB) Advanced Internet Blocks, (XGR) GoldReserve, (TRICK) TrickyCoin, (KASHH) KashhCoin, (XQN) Quotient, (BCF) BitcoinFast, (CNC) CHNCoin, (UR) UR, (CLINT) Clinton, (GML) GameLeagueCoin, (BXC) Bitcedi, (ROYAL) RoyalCoin, (BEST) BestChain, (FUN) Alphabet Coin Fund, (MOTO) Motocoin, (XVS) Vsync, (FRWC) FrankyWillCoin, (OCOW) OCOW, (ADT) The Aladin, (WSX) WeAreSatoshi, (OPES) Opescoin, (TCOIN) T-coin, (MMXVI) MMXVI, (PXC) Phoenixcoin, (TODAY) TodayCoin, (TIC) True Investment Coin, (SKC) Skeincoin, (LFC) BigLifeCoin, (XVE) The Vegan Initiative, (DBG) Digital Bullion Gold, (ASC) AsicCoin, (DUB) Dubstep, (MONETA) Moneta, (RUBIT) RubleBit, (BRAIN) Braincoin, (GMB) Gambleo, (QBC) Quebecoin, (LAZ) Lazaruscoin, (MARX) MarxCoin, (SPORT) SportsCoin, (MCRN) MACRON, (BAC) BitAlphaCoin, (CBD) CBD Crystals, (SKR) Sakuracoin, (QBT) Cubits, (DISK) DarkLisk, (GAIN) UGAIN, (OP) Operand, (PRM) PrismChain, (HCC) Happy Creator Coin, (CYC) Cycling Coin, (LEPEN) LePen, (GMX) GoldMaxCoin, (LTH) LAthaan, (GBRC) Global Business Revolution, (TCR) TheCreed, (LKC) LinkedCoin, (MBL) MobileCash, (FEDS) FedoraShare, (POKE) PokeCoin, (TEAM) TeamUp, (VGC) VegasCoin, (UNC) UNCoin, (CC) CyberCoin, (PAYP) PayPeer, (TELL) Tellurion, (MONEY) MoneyCoin, (XSTC) Safe Trade Coin, (PDG) PinkDog, (WOW) Wowcoin, (IFLT) InflationCoin, (ACES) Aces, (YES) Yescoin, (FFC) FireFlyCoin, (CME) Cashme, (STRB) SuperTurboStake, (SOUL) SoulCoin, (HILL) President Clinton, (RCN) Rcoin, (PBC) PabyosiCoin, (X2) X2, (CHOOF) ChoofCoin, (VTY) Victoriouscoin, (VAL) Valorbit, (DIME) Dimecoin, (VTA) Virtacoin, (DVC) Devcoin, (XP) XP, (NBE) BitCentavo, (PAC) Paccoin Server Requirements PHP 5+ allow_url_fopen Enabled
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GCN Brindavan | 2 & 3 BHK No-Common-Wall Apartment, Whitefield
Freedom is a state of being; the way you live your life. No other place on earth allows you to have more freedom than the place you call your home. Small wonder, everyone wants a home to call their own. However, when it comes to an apartment home, not all apartment communities give you the measure of freedom you desire and deserve. As conventional condominiums are made of adjacent apartments attached to one another, you hardly enjoy freedom from noise emerging from the next door. Besides, you hardly get to enjoy free air circulation or natural light in the living space of conventional apartments.
Welcome to Brindavan; your apartment home without a common wall that attaches your apartment with that of your neighbour’s. It allows you have a home all for yourself, without any assaults on your personal space from around.
1. TOTAL PRIVACY TO PAMPER YOURSELF WITH As Apartments at Brindavan do not come in the typical format where one apartment is joined to the neighbouring ones with a common wall in between them, they allow you enjoy your privacy and personal space without any disturbance from neighbours.
2. FREE AIR AND NATURAL LIGHT FLOW INTO YOUR LIVING SPACE As each apartment stands as an independent unit, there is open space on all three sides of your apartment, allowing for free flow of fresh air and natural light into your home from all three sides. No stuffy rooms and no suffocation inside your rooms.
3. SPARING YOU OF UNWANTED NOISE FROM NEIGHBOUR APARTMENT A shared common wall between adjoining apartments typically separates the two from each other. As a result, unwelcome noise that originates from your neighbour’s apartment makes way into that of yours and vice versa. Brindavan spares you of this annoyance. As there is sufficient space between apartments, each apartment comes with its own exclusive walls around them. No barrage of thrashing noise from next door.
4. READY WITH OCCUPANCY CERTIFICATE Brindavan apartments come to you with all required approvals and clear title. It is ready for your take with Occupancy Certificate (OC) as a proof of plan sanction compliance. Only those houses that have obtained the whole list of other preliminary approvals secure OC. Free of all legal hurdles and worries.
5. LOCATED IN WHITEFIELD; BANGALORE’S IT HUB From a laid-back Bangalore suburb, Whitefield has grown to one of the most-sought-after residential neighbourhoods in the last few years. Today part of BBMP, Whitefield is a thriving cosmopolitan locale with steadily developing physical and social infrastructure. Brindavan Apartments places you aright in Whitefield. Conveniences and comforts combine to enrich your life.
BDA Approved & Clear Title
Lifestyle apartment
2&3 BHK No-Common Wall Apartments
Pollution free environment
Lush green
Excellent ventilation
Intercom facility
Community hall
Premium quality constructions
Vaastu compliant
Covered car parking
Round the clock security
Excellent landscaping
Generator backup
World-Class Amenities
STRUCTURE: R.C.C. Framed Structure
WALLS: Exterior Walls with 6” solid concrete blocks and interior walls with 4” solid concrete blocks.
PLASTERING: Double coat sponge finish for exterior walls and neeru finish for interior walls
DOORS: Teak wood frame Main Door, Sal wood frame interior doors with Designer Moulded Skin shutters
WINDOWS: UPVC windows with mesh & safety grills.
SIT OUT: 12” x 12” Anti skid ceramic tiles for flooring
UTILITY: Aluminium French windows 7/7 with mesh 24” x 24” Kajaria or equivalent polished vitrified tiles with 4” skirting all Around Marbles or Granite flooring in common area
KITCHEN: Kitchen with 20 mm granite counter top, stainless steel sink with “Jaguar” long body tap, glazed ceramic tile dado up to 2’ height above kitchen counter top.
BATHROOMS: Jaguar or equivalent bath fittings in each bathroom. Hindware or equivalent sanitary fittings, 12” x 12” matt finished “anti- skid” ceramic tiles for flooring and ceramic tile dado with edge profiles upto 7’ feet height.
ELECTRICAL: Finolex or Anchor concealed copper wiring. Siemens or equivalent modular switches and sockets. : Cable TV point in Living & Master Bedroom, Telephone point in Living and bedrooms. : Provision of AC point in master bedroom. : 24/7 power back up for TV and lighting. : 24/7 power back up for lift and common areas
PAINTING: Asian paint or equivalent premium emulsion over two coats of cement base wall putty for all interior walls. : Apex Ultima for external walls texture finish for selective places. : Enamel paint for all interior doors, polish for main door.
WATER: Adequate water supply through bore well
LIFT: 8 passengers automatic lift: KONE or equivalent.
LOCATED IN WHITEFIELD; BANGALORE’S IT HUB From a laid-back Bangalore suburb, Whitefield has grown to one of the most-sought-after residential neighbourhoods in the last few years. Today part of BBMP, Whitefield is a thriving cosmopolitan locale with steadily developing physical and social infrastructure. Brindavan Apartments places you aright in Whitefield.
RAIL CONNECTION Metro 6 km KR Puram Railway Station 4.5 km
SCHOOLS Lake Montfort, Cambridge, SJES, SEA Education Trust, Garden City, Amarajyothi, Venkatweshwara, Divya Montessori
BANKS ICICI, HDFC, ING Vysya, Citi Union, Inidan Bank, SBI, SBM
HOPSITAL Sathya Sai super speciality, KR Puram Super speciality Hopsital, Sriram Nursing Home
SHOPPING Malls within 6 km
Master Plan & Unit Plans
Master Plan
2 BHK units (1042, 1049, 1055, 1070, 1095, 1100, 1120, 1135, 1150 sft): Rs. 36.47 L onwards
3 BHK units (1225, 1255, 1260, 1265, 1285 sft): Rs. 42.87 L onwards
Sounds interesting? Just drop in your details in the form below. I will get back to you ASAP! :-)
[contact-form] GCN Brindavan | 2 & 3 BHK Apartment, Whitefield | Rs. 36 L onwards GCN Brindavan | 2 & 3 BHK No-Common-Wall Apartment, Whitefield Freedom is a state of being; the way you live your life.
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